1916a (March 14 - June 22)

Fanny, now 41 is living with her father (Dad, Henry Atyeo, aged 68), Ma (Ma, Mary Ann Heath, aged 64) and her brother Bert (Albert Joseph Atyeo, aged 32). Her sister Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo, aged 28) and Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (Amy’s daughter, aged 2) also live there. Amy’s husband George Edmund Hobart has just returned from Western Australia (but will soon leave for the war); in between they stay with George’s parents.

Events: George enlists for the war (April 10th) and there is a farewell party for him at Charltonville on May 6th. Dad buys another farm, on the corner of Hatchers Road and Whitemans Road for brother Wilf and his wife Myrtle to live in; the house needs a lot of work (but it's still standing!).

March 14th This is my old book but I have no other so I will fill in backwards for a while my limbs are terrible but got to get up & get a cup of Tea then breakfast I hurried round & got all the housework done & thought of going to Gawler but Eva1 was going with Dad2 so I stayed home & ironed in the afternoon but my legs & arms ached & pained terribly.

1 Eva Alice McLeod, wife of Fanny's brother Charl. They live nearby at "Bragglesome" farm.
2 Henry Atyeo, Fanny's father.

March 15 Morning duties as usual & baked bread Biscuits pies & tart did housework & bedrooms the weather is just perfect in every way & a sea breeze every night so lovely & refreshing Mrs Ratcliff3 came for afternoon I was sewing & making Gwenda4 a doll had afternoon Tea & a chat she brought me flowers to plant Ma5 walked part way home with her.

3 Jane Ratcliff nee Donald, mother of William Ratcliff and Eva’s future mother-in-law.
4 Gwenda Evelyn Folland (aged 3), daughter of Fanny's sister Frances.

March 16 As I expected company I hurried & did morning duties & then swept & washed dining room & spare room dusted all & had all nice we had Dinner & Nellie & Auntie6 drove up got Dinner for them I made myself a dark blue apron for working in ideal weather.

March 17 Auntie stayed all night Nellie went to Charls7 & remained all night I got breakfast over & did bedrooms & tidied front rooms Ma & Dad always milk & Separate & feed the animals I had to cook Veg & Sago pudding Mother & Aunt looking at Photos & Auntie stayed till 4 ock she had a lay down also Nellie Dad & Ma I wrote to Sydney Nellie also wrote some letters I gave Auntie a red Colius & a pink & green I watered all the trees & garden & my plants tonight am tired.

7Charles William Henry Atyeo, Fanny’s brother.

March 18 I was up in good time & blackleaded stove lit it & put bread out to rise after getting a cup of tea then breakfast baked bread Edgeth8 got up here at 1/4 past 9 I baked a cake tarts & pie (Apple) tideid rooms & made beds after dinner I washed up & then cleaned all Cutlery lids knobs &c Nellie & I went up to Mrs Ratcliffs & took good sthat Dad got for her I cleaned boots & shoes I don't feel too good.

8 Edgeth William George Dunn (Nellie's husband).

March 19 I awake with a nasty headache but got sausages fried & bedroom done Kichen swept & meal over Nellie & I drove to Anniversary at Stone Hill very nice service then we came home had Dinner & Nellie & Edgeth & Ray10 drove home to Prospect I rested Bert11 & Wesley12 picked a lovely Water Melon I got tea & Mother & I went to Church very hot indeed I nearly fainted Bert went to Gawler he brought some grapes from Wilsmores13

9 Stone Hill Methodist church, now Gawler River Uniting Church.
10 Raymond Edgeth Dunn, Nellie's son, about 3 years old.
11 Albert Joseph Atyeo, another brother of Fanny's; he still lives at home too.
12 Henry Wesley Parham, aged 15, sister Ada's son.
13 Family of Charlie Wilsmore, who is a friend of Bert's.

March 20 Very unwell indeed a regular bad head& bilious only did necessary work & layed down & just dragged about all day mended & washed Sox & Stockings & aprons Mother not well lying down & wants to go for her holiday on Wensday all well I cooked hot veg for tea.

March 21 Bert is working at Bragglesome Wilfred14 out in Twelftrees15 I am no better & could hardly crwal about but Ma is not well so I help then lie down & get up all day mended my Blouse & got tea can't sleep well my nerves are very bad Mother & Father indtend going for a holiday to Dad has been busy with is usual work he feeds animals & any light work he can do but has Rhumatics very bad in hands &c.

14 Wilfred George Heath Atyeo, Fan's brother, married. Lives nearby.
15 Henry Joseph Twelftree, a neighbouring farm that the family often works at.

March 22 I did not feel at all well but Ma & Dad were going away so I did not want to hinder them & got breakfast over & lit Copper & started the washing  finished all by Dinner time & Mother picked a fowl & we packed & Strapped basket all drady they had dinner & then drove away I folded clothes & made beds & ground meat for rissoles & marrow bpotatoes bread & butter pudding for Tea G.E.H.16 came home here Wilfred has been home since Sunday Myrtle17 in Adelaide & Amy18 & darling little Olive19 drove home tonight drove back the buggy Dad took away.

16 George Edmund Hobart, sister Amy’s husband.
17 Myrtle Hilda Atyeo (nee Cork), wife of Wilfred Atyeo
18 Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo), Fanny's youngest sister.
19 Olive Fanny Heath Hobart, Fanny’s niece, daughter of Amy Florence Atyeo and George Edmund Hobart, aged 2.

March 23rd I awoke very early & dressed at 5/25 lit fire & got Georges breakfast then our won & helped milk & Spr Amy helped me with work she made apple pies & scones & pasties Amy always cuts Geo. & Wilf dinner as he is home this week in the afternoon we ironed Amy did most of it I feel so ill I can hardly keep up atall I mixed a large batch bread.

March 24 I gto up just after five o'clock this morning & got breakfast for George & the rest put out brd & milked then Amy cut dinners & then helped me milk I baked 9 loaves & we tidied & had dinner & went to Gawler I went to Dr but could not see him Dr Connel20 was called to an accident Amy drove him out to Willaston I did shopping & saw Dr we were late home George was home & milking so Amy helped Sepr I fried tea & we read papers a litttle while.

20 Dr Connel. Not the usual family doctor.

March 25 Same work in morning then I baked shoulder Mutton & Alford Cake Amy sponge (failed) I cleaned lamps & cutlery Amy tidied dining room & washed floors I did front rooms & we always cook hot Tea made two Apple Pies Tarts &c a very hot day indeed very hot indeed I felt so ill could hardly keep up but don't like to leave all to Amy I do love them home their company is so nice to have & feel better in nerves now.

Sunday March 26 As George & Amy & little Olive were home & it was a windy nasty morning & I did not feel well I decided not to go to Church so after morning Duties were over i rested then we had dinner & it rained all the afternoon I rested we had tea George & Amy milked I cleared away & Amy played piano for a while then we retired.

March 27  I got up early & got Copper lit & a start at work Amy & I milked & then we washed a very big one too Charl & the other boys were chaffcutting so Amy & Ethel21 had to prepare & cook Vegetables & cold pie we had to wash indoors as it was so windy, cleared the room for Dinner & washed outside did not finish till 4 Amy folded clothes & we cooked hot vegetable for George & made bes &c I felt very unwell my back bad.

March 28 Same hour soon after five & got Geo his breakfast then Bert his & we seemed busy all teh morning had dinner Wilfred was home to breakfast & then he went to Twelftrees & Amy, Ethel, Olive, & I drove to Stone Hill to see Len Parham & Elsie Pederick married22 it was a pretty wedding & the Church never looked nicer it was beautiful the bride looked very nice & brides maids in helitrope & Embroidered voile & tiny maid in pink silk & parasol.

22 Elsie Ellen Pederick, neighbour, aged 30, and Mervyn Leonard Andrew Parham, aged 27.

March 29 As we were out yesterday there was best clothes everywhere & Amy & I after doing all our morning duties just went our hardest & did all rooms both bedrooms we thoroughly cleaned & washed floors & got ready to meet midday train & we did hurry too met it & Dad & Ma did not come by it also met the five & they were not in it so came by the six & late home Geo & Bert milked &c.

March 30th As Mother brought home some clothes to wash I lit copper & started & at dinner time could hardly stand but helped iron also fashion shirt &c went to bed & could hardly move so I decided not to go to Piccadilly on Saturday next.

March 31st I could scarcely turn so I decided to stay in bed till nine & then I dressed & wrote letters & Dad was going to Gawler he posted them for me then I went to bed again & stopped there altogether my back & hip very bad indeed Lumbago & sciatica.

April 1st I felt very crook so did not dress till 7 dressed Olive & done all lamps & Lantern filled & cleaned them & cleaned all Knives forks & spoons & Knobs &c & mended Berts Shirt & at five o'ck I retired to bed very much tired Geo & Bert went to Gawler nice weather.

April 2nd I was advised to remain in bed so did not dress all day & only got out & made my bed Frances & her family23 came home to dinner & Celia Percy & family24 afterwards Charl & Harry25 came from Adelaide where they drove Eva & children on her holiday to Piccadilly I felt better for a rest in bed all day.

23 Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), Fanny’s sister, and her children (not sure which ones, I will list them when they are named - there are a lot!).  
24 Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo), another sister of Fanny’s, her husband Percy Thomas Dawe, and their daughters Amy Marion - known as Marion (4), and Mary Ann Bernice - known as Bernice and sometimes as Birdie (2).
25 Frances' husband, Henry Gilbert (Harry) Folland.

April 3rd I dressed before breakfast Amy always gets up & gives George his breakfast & cuts his Dinner Mother cut Berts & I made all beds & did writing but am not myself Amy & Dad caught a young fowl which she plucked & Mother stuffed & baked for tea Dad & Ma did dairy work & I been mending today & made some sheets I also did writing & Amy put pictures in the new frames Mother bought the weather is beautiful nice rain last night which has refreshed the earth.

April 4th I did not feel well enough to wash & Amy said she did not intend doing so so I assisted in housework as I usually do I tied up chrysanthems & repotted some others & I mended a coat for Wilfred put new pockets in & sidepiece it took me al day with the exception of light duty.

April 5 I was first of the lot up & called G.E.H. & he called Amy I lit fire & also copper & got all ready in the Kitchen for washing & got all done up to Towels Amy washed them & german prints I did flannelettes trosers & finished all of them off Frances & Celia & Gwenda Marion Bernice all came out to dinner & brought pies for Mother I folded all & did some gardening put in Seeds but it hurts me terribly to do hard work.

April 6 Amy was up & had Geo breakfast ready I got up & dressed Olive had breakfast & then made all beds & ironed all also made a German print Skirt & cut out blouse as well Mother made scones Biscuits pies & Fig Jam & red Tomato Relish as well cooked meat round Beef potatoes & Trombone nice rain.

April 7th Amy got up first or rather her & George I then dressed & dressed Olive also put out bread & baked Rolls then bread & apple pie & tart then we Amy & I set too & cleaned the house right thro the 4 rooms & passage Amy swept washed & dusted our bedroom I swept & dusted dining room & dusted front room with Amy she washed floors right through the house 6 rooms & passage & cleaned front windows I cleaned ours & Kitchen boys room & mended my stockings always cook potatoes Marrow for tea then I washed up all by myself Amy undressed Olive French26 came home with Dad from Gawler.

26 Charles French (French) Folland (aged 11), second son of Frances.

April 8 Amy & George were up & he was at breakfast when I came out she cut dinner for him & fried sausages & made beds & done boys room cleaned Cutlery & boots I baked Sausage Rolls Apple pie Alford cake Tart & Shoulder Mutton cleaned lamps Lanterns washed up Dinner things scrubbed Table blackleaded Stove &c & all door steps tidied myself & Olive & Dad went for a drive with Mr Albert Oates27 who came to buy Hay Celia Percy & children are gone to Hills28 Lower Light Harry & Frances & girls are gone to Aunties at Lower Light29 it is quite cold I just had to part with darling Olive & Amy also George they are gone to Celias again.

27 Mr Albert Oates, son of John Oates (died 1915&16-), aged 45.
28 The family of Christiana Heath (nee Hill) widow of Fanny's cousin Alfred Heath who used live nearby.
29 The Aunt who lives at Lower Light is Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), sister of Ma.

April 9 Sunday I got up in good time & got the usual Cup of Tea & breakfast made beds &c & dressed in my white Embroidery dress & drove to Chapel the congregation was large as they expected & hear Mr J Neild30 but owing to bereavement of his Aunt he could not come so A.J. Bray31 preached I drove home had dinner & washed up & read a book got Tea Charl & Clif32 came & French & them stayed all night Harry & Franc called at one oclock p.m. with fish.

30 Rev John Henry Nield, Methodist preacher.
31 A J Bray, probably Albert, but I'm not sure.
32 George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland (aged 12, eldest son of Frances).

April 10 Fish to clean on going to Kitchen I lit fire & cleaned all & fried them for breakfast was up early intending to wash but being hindered so much I did not start till nine all home to dinner but Wilfred chaffcutting Celia Percy & Family came & had dinner & brought more fish so I cleared up & cleaned & fried them & did my ironing before Tea nice wind for clothes I washed a red Quilt & dust rug. Tom Burford & a Mr Rice were married to Gertie & Florrie Hillier33 Sam Hilliers daughters at Tod St on March 11th 1916. Chrissie Stewart married Mr Lawes Sandy Creek34.

34 Christina Elizabeth Stewart and William Horace Lawes married at the Methodist Church in Gawler, actually.

April 11 Not as early I had to bake bread &c & did the ordinary housework & Dad & I had early dinner & drove to Gawler. Percy's arms are very bad & Frances Shoulder strained Muscle It rained pretty well all the afternoon at intervals so we drove home at 1/4 to 4 & met Chris Pope35 & Dad went back to Charls & I walked from the Ostrich Farm36 to Mrs Ratcliffs & had a chat & cup of Cocoa & we got home at six it did rain.

36 The Ostrich Farm was in Kangaroo Flat and had been there since the 1880s.

April 12 As George has decided to go to War & goes in Camp on Monday37 he & Amy & Olive came out to dinner I was so busy tidied all rooms & baked pies Melon & Apple fried Saus we had the men home Chaffcutting & I did a bit of sewing George put up netting for me on Front verandah for the Creeper & as he came to say Good bye it was sad Mr Wise38 also came in afternoon.

37 George Edmund Hobart enlisted on April 10th. He will embark in August 1916.
38 Mr Wise is a tea agent who comes once a year. 

April 13 Eva returned from her holiday on Tuesday last. This morning I did all usual work & baked pies & after dinner I sewed all the afternoon made & German Print Dress for myself or rather finished it to day all machine work got tea & we both sewed all eveining Ma done Buttonholes & I have to water all my flowers as well.

April 14 Got Berts breakfast blackleaded had meal. Cleaned all 4 rooms swept Kitchen cleaned lamps & done all finishing hooks & eyes on dress Mother done dairy & boys room Dad went to Gawler & Bert is gone to night it is quite chilly tonight I helped milk & mixed bread & read.

April 15 I have usual work to do each eay then I baked bread & Cantaberrie cake Shoulder mutton apple pie Jam tart Ma did her work & cleaned Cutlery for me I cleaned boots Bert did not go to Gawler tonight. Geo & Amy & Olive went to the pictures tonight from Hobarts39.

39 George's parents lived on Bridge St in Gawler.

April 16 I dressed in good time fried breakfast & made beds & got ready for Church at Stone Hill I enjoyed the beautiful drive & singing was so good came home & we had dinner & Ma & I drove to Buchsfelde Anniversary our new Minister Mr Richmond40 preached. We were invited to Tea but had to get back with Berts Sulky & he went to Gawler Charl & Eva also went to Buchsfelde.

40 Rev J.C. Richmond, new Methodist minister in the Gawler circuit.

April 17 A nice day so I decided on washing & hurry as quick as I could & got the first boil in had breakfast & went on again Eva & children came down before Dinner all men home but Wilf chaffcutting had such a bother with engine & could not get it to go till near five & folded & after tea & ironed all colored clothes I washed my new dark blue dress & Berts Blue shirt tne thing.

April 18 I have to get up at 4 or 1/4 to 4 & get Berts breakfast cut his lunch & put up tea then I usually take a cup of tea to parents then go back to bed for an hour ro so & then dress & get breakfast for parents & after ordinary duties Dad & I went to Gawler or I went as far as Frances & Dad on to Adelaide Frances was busy getting on dinner & cake so I washe dup swept & tidied & set dinner boys home to dinner then we did some sewing & I came home with Dad at nine o'clock had tea as Frances. George went into Camp on Monday & Amy has a room at Celia's at present & her own Furniture Poor old George it seem hard for him to go to the War & I miss them all so very much but mostly dear little Olive & Amy as their life has been spent with me.

April 19th I got up at 1/4 to four & got Bert his breakfast & then rested till 6/30 & got parents did housework & varnished pictures we got Bridal Photos from Sydney40 & then we had dinner I made pies. I ironed in the afternoon.

40 I believe this is the marriage of Fanny's cousin Millicent F M Phelps to Thomas Lane in Redfern, Sydney.

April 20 Just the same morning duties & then I swept all front rooms (4) & passage & washed them & Ma dusted her's & helped me dust dining room it takes a long time to do I also cleaned Kitchen & washed floor with Milk Ma boys room Dad went to Gawler Ma & I milked.

April 21 Good Friday I made buns yesterday afternoon so this morning I put them out to rise got the Cup of tea & fried Sausages for breakfast baked a round of Beef & 2 slides of Hot X buns housework done I dressed for a drive Dad Ma & I went to Celia's to dinner she had a Goose Cabbage Swedes & potatoes & Apple pie but I could not enjoy it I had a talk to George & we saw his clothes Amy washed all his clothes ready for him to wear dear little Olive & Marion & Bernice were delighted we had tea & came home & had another & milked.

April 22 I awoke at four & rested till six then dressed & got a cup of Tea & breakfast put out bread & baked it & Military Cake Alford Cake & Mother plucked a fowl & we roasted it Wilf went to Gawler with Hay which they loaded yesterday Charl & Coral41 home for the day Men chaffcutting engine would not go well I cleaned cutlery & lamps & lanterns got in wood & we had lunches Bert gone to ULP41 dance tonight bathed French had one myself.

41Coral Eva Atyeo (aged 4) daughter of Fanny's brother Charlie.
41 Probably United Labor Party.

April 23rd We intended going to Gawler Blocks but as Bert told us Clarrie Lucas was coming out to say Good Bye42 we decided on staying home however I was up in good time & got a cup of Tea Dad & Ma milked &c & got all work done. I dressed for Chapel our new Minister preached Mr Richmond I like him very much Clarrie got out after dinner & bid us good bye he was like us full up. Ada & children came home & Ethel stayed with us I had not met Ada home for 4 months43.

42Clarence James Lucas, aged 23 service number 12634, Carpenter (helped build the house at Charltonville) enlisted in January, and embarked on the HMAT Suevic A29 with the 11 Field Ambulance. 
43 Fanny and her sister  Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo) had a serious disagreement in Dec 1916 (1915&1916).

April 24 Up before six got our breakfast & pack our hamper for a holiday at Barossa Ethe & I went to Charles then put Dolly in with Toff & drove to Uncle Charleys44 & it poured with rain Will & Eva45 & George Maggs46 Percy & Celia also children all stayed there till eleven oclock it cleared & we drove to Sandy Creek School & had to stop it started raining again & fortunately there was an old empty house we camped & it rained for 3 hr we boiled our billys & had dinner & drove home it rained till we got to Gawler then fine so we got home at Charles & 1/4 to 4 had a cup of Tea & home here.

44 Uncle Charles Heath, brother of Ma. He lives nearby.
45 Eva Emily May Heath, daughter of Uncle Charley, Fanny’s cousin, and William Ratcliff (they married last year).
46 George Arthur Maggs, William Ratcliff's nephew (aged 12).

April 25 I did not dress early but got Tea & breakfast over did housework parents always do all dairy work we got our Quinces so we had Jam to do Mohter not feeling ablt it fell on me so I boiled them & Ethel & French helped me scrape them ready for Jam I boiled 2 lots so did not get to it till after dinner & finished at 5/30 Dad went to Gawelr Mother milked all herself I bottled it off & its very nice its been a very cold day & heavy sleety showers at intervals Frances & Harry drove to Adelaide Saturday for holidays also George & Amy went by train for her Easter holidays they are still there. Oh how I long for my little darling neice thats gone.

April 26 Wensday but I hadnot washed so got up lit fire & Copper & got usual duties over & started at Tubs I did not feel very well Rhumatics but got on fairly well the day was cold stormy, & windy I took the sheets in 3 times & then they cut out at ends i got all done by 1 o'clock then had dinner & scrubbed blocks &c hurried & folded clothes & had started a pinafore for Ethel when Mrs Parham Stella & Lily47 came so I put it away & ironed a white pinafore for Ethel & we got a cup of Tea then they had to go as there was a Social Welcome to new Minister Mr Richmond very cold.

47 Mary Elizabeth Parham (nee Riggs), and her daughters Nivia Stella Parham (aged 26) and Lillie Melior Parham (aged 20).

April 27 Bert went to a Dance in Aid of Motor Ambulance in Foresters Hall so he took Ethel home as he went I miss her I Had to bake bread & Fry Sausages for breakfast so I did have to hurry & then I made buns & did usual work baked bread & buns made Ethel & Gwendas pinafores altered Berts shirt & did other odd work showery.

April 28 I did not dress till 6/30 & had to hurry & get Bert his breakfast then blackleaded stove &c & had our meal cut Berts lunch & put up Tea for him then cleaned all rooms & passage & Verandah could not wash them as my limbs were too bad I been mending all the afternoon George Maggs been over with boys cold now.

April 29 I did not have to bake bread so got Bert his dinner cut & breakfast over & our meal also then I helped French get ready for Gawler Dad went early Celia went with him from her place I baked Alford Cake & Military Cake & Apple pies & Mother made Soup for dinner & cleaned Cuterley & I did Knobs & I cleaned lamps & did usual work Dad got home to milk I was busy all day but can't hurray as I once could my limbs & nerves are so bad.

April 30 I intended going with Dad & Mother to Blocks so I got up & got a cup of Tea & then breakfast Len Gorman48 came out for the night & stayed home with Bert & Clem49 we got over to Uncle's50 at about 11/30 & help get dinner & clear it away then they chatted & I read & got the Kettle boiled & got Tea Frances Harry & George & Amy & Phyllis51 Gwen & Olive drove over to Tea when we got home Wilfred & Myrtle & Baby52 were here till 10/30 to Supper.

48 Leonard James Gorman, friend of Bert's
49 Ada’s second son, Clem (Clement Garfield) Parham aged 13.
50 Dad's brother William Atyeo, who lives at Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens).
51 Phyllis May Folland, daughter of Frances, aged 8.
52 Effie Verina Atyeo, Wilf and Myrtle's baby.

May 1st I intended washing so as I get up early I got Bert off to work & then lit Copper & washed did not finish till 2 oclock & then folded & ironed plain clothes my knee & hip arms were terrible so I could not mend my stockings but I had to mix bread.

May 2nd Every duty performed as custom I baked bread & washed Kitchen Floor with milk & Dad & I went to Gawler & called at Celia's & Frances & then on to the street I finished my shopping at 30/30 Amy & Celia came in & then it was 1/4 to seven when we got home Mother made Quince Jelly & Pickles home all day alone & was so nervous Dad & her & Amy milked.

May 3 I got up at 5/30 & got Berts meal & Olive & Amy also got up & she helped then Amy washed her clothes & I did my work & folded clothes & baked Farmers Bis ironed after dinner & made a new Sofa Mattress. Mrs Tom Bright is very ill53 & Walter McLean & Merna Ayers were married on April 22nd & they have a Son54 born April 25th are home at McLean's the weather is dry & cold some light showers but not down pour yet.

53 Mrs Tom Bright is Ellen Summers.
54 Walter James McLean & Merna Eyers and their son, Crawford Eric McLean.

May 4 Ordinary work & Amy went to Gawler I kept little Olive home & did housework tidied rooms & in the afternoon Eva & Myrtle & children came so got a cup of tea & helped milk then Amy came & we had tea I mixed bread & feeling tired I went to bed after putting Olive to sleep it is so nice to have here home again.

May 5 Amy had to got to Gawler again so I did my usual work & baked bread & two cakes & then did housework Amy & Celia came home & they at once started baking cocoanut Biscuits bun's Albert, Madeira Lemon filling, Date and others I cut Sandwiches & helped take all the usual duties done rooms Celia went home with Percy who is at Rices55
55 William Rice is a neighbour. 

May 6 All astir early I got the fire blackleaded stove & last evening I cleaned all Knobs & piano Candle Stick to day Amy & I took all boys beds apart & cleared the room for the Supper room swept & then I with Cousin Eva's help & Celia & Amy got the tables set I took up the oilcloth in the dining room & at five Auntie & Uncle came & George drove out I got tea then Edgeth & Nellie drove Gertie56 up & after tea I dressed for the evening my navy Skirt & creme Blouse Ada black Frances creme Celia white silk. Amy pink. Cousin Eva pale blue touches black velvet then the Bus came with the others Mr & Mrs Hobart Senr57 Mr & Mrs Jim Hobart58 Mrs Buggs & Zoe59. Mr & Mrs McLean & Annie60, Mrs Pope & Norman61 Miss Richards62 there were 46 present children included Jim Wes & Albert63 stayed home all the rest of the family were here we had Dancing & Songs till 12 o'clock then Supper & speeches & we presented George with a wristlet watch & I gave him a pocket Testament - all enjoyed themselves but I felt sad;

56 Distant cousin Gertrude Elizabeth Maud Hand. The Aunt and Uncle are probably Uncle William Atyeo, and Aunt Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock).
57 George's parents Dale William Hobart and Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett).
58 George's brother James Thomas Hobart and Edith Daisy Hobart (nee Templer).
59 Alice Bugg (nee McHugh), who runs the local birthing hospital and Zoe Alice Bugg, aged 21, her daughter.
60 James Sparshott McLean, veterinarian, and his wife Joyce Ethel Bright. Annie Joyce McLean, their daughter, aged 22.
61 Emma Matilda Pope (nee Glenn) and her son Norman Henry Pope, aged 21.
62 Likely to be Dorothy Vera Richards; who will marry Norman Henry Pope in 1919.
63 James Parham (Ada's husband), Wesley, and Albert (Alb) Bruce Parham (aged 8).

May 7 We felt dreadfully tired but Amy & I got up at seven & dressed & work started us in the face everywhere, first Amy lit fire & I got a cup of Tea for parents & Uncle & Auntie George Amy & I then I made porrige & had breakfast & I made Ma's bed & clear the front room washed the floor & also passage Amy & I washed & wiped all Glass & china & Geo & her carried in all beds & clothes & sorted Berts room & she & I did all the other rooms & George & Amy layed Oilcloth in dining room & Mother Did her cows & Sep & washed the breakfast dishes we never had dinner till late Auntie & Uncle went home at 11 o'ck Geo & Amy & Olive at 4 oclock.

May 8 Monday & I decided on washing & got usual duties over & lit Copper & did most of it with Trick Soap as I was far from well I really did not know how to keep up atall I got most done dinner time but could not eat any dinner so I scrubbed up & then had a piece of pie & a cup of Tea but I felt crook folded clothes & help get Tea then had a bad turn & fell but had a cup of Tea & retired early to bed still feeling giddy & queer.

May 9 I felt so unwell but got up & got Berts brkf & done all housework & usual duties Dad & Ma went ot Eva's & Dad went on to Gawler Ma stayed with Mrs McLeod Eva went with Dad Gertie did some ironing for me & helped me milk & get Tea I was so weary but thought I would do my other ironing starch clothes so got almost all done then had to go to bed as I was so ill Ma gave me medicine.

May 10 I got up & got Berts breakfast & done the bedrooms & dining room it turned out to be a terribly dusty day the men all home chaffcutting & have finished seeding down at Charl's & are now home working Myrtle & little Effie came out for the day I kept about but felt awfully unwell I sayed up till eleven oclock as Amy & Geo came home tonight Gertie assisted Mother & that give sme a rest but I generally retire early to bed

May 11 I mixed bread last evening so I got up early & got breakfast & put out bread I took in Tea to parents & also to Amy & George I feel it very hard to think I may never see him again after being so much & doing so much for him & her my heart aches so & my nerves are strained o their utmost to bear all they went home at 11 oclock or rather to H.J. Dawkins64 & from there to Gawler calling at Ada's & Celia's & on to Queen St North Gawler.

64 Probably John Howard Dawkins (J.H. not H.J.). He is known as Howard Dawkins

May 12 I did hurry & got Berts meal & blackleaded stove &c made bed & Gertie swept the front bedroom & passage I washed floors & did a lot of different odd work but I was so ill I had to rest & did not get up till dinenr time then helped & I finished two aprons for myself (Dowlas) Mother worked buttonholes for me Gertie & Bert went to Gawler tonight.

May 13 Wesley's birthday Saturday with its usual work I was better than yesterday though not strong I did usual morning work & then I did some house work & made an Alford Cake & Applie Pies & did Kitchen work dinenr over I cleaned Cutlery Gertie the Spoons & I the Knobs I also baked a Shoulder of Mutton it was a very cold stormy day Dad wen tto Gawler & Mr Alex Stewart65 came home to shoe horses & he stayed till after Tea Bert drove him home & we read papers.

65 Alexander Stewart, could be any one really - lots of people called Alexander Stewart!

May 14 Up & hurried & done bedrooms & got sausages fried & breakfast ready dining room tidied. Gertie & I went to Chapel at Stone Hill & home had dinner & cleared away & drove to Buchsfelde & to Marys66 to Tea home & we had a long Sing Song Gertie played Wilfred & Myrtle were home for Tea & evening a cold night It was Clif & Elliots67 Social at Kangaroo Flat last night Charl & Eva went 100 Guests.

66 Probably Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), a cousin and widow, daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath.
67 Nephew Henry Clifton Folland (aged 16) and probably Elliot Goodger, aged 19.

Monday May 15 Up & decided to wash so called Gertie & she waited on breakfast I did not finish till 3 oclock Gertie ironed her silk blouse & I did some & after Tea I ironed till ten o'clock very cold Bert & Gertie played Cards in the parlour Mother reading & mending stocking & Sox.

May 16 I am not baking bread this week so one morning is much the same as another as regards work after I had finished housework cleaning vases &c sorted flowers then I swept dining room we had dinner & Gertie & Dad drove to Gawler where she stays the week I starched & ironed Berts Shirts & Collars & the rest of ironing as well.

May 17 I intended going to Wilfreds so I hurried & got breakfast over & Wilfred dorve out with Dolly in Sulky so I droe her back & at once prepared Quinces for Jelly then got Apples ready for Jam it was an awful cold windy Stormy day & I could not make it in the Kitchen so Myrtle got a fire in the other oom we had a cup of Tea & I got all done at five & drove home had tea & did some sewing altered my print dress.

May 18 I intended making Quince Jam for Myrtle but Frances sent word that her and Gertie Atwell68 were coming to see us so I cleaned all rooms instead after I got breakfast over they got late for dinner I did a bit of gardening & then I was shewing Gertie round & got afternoon tea & she & I drove to Band of Hope it was a good programme & a full house Franc drove herself home her & Gwen, Eva Ratcliff is very ill Dr attending her & Amy & her dear little girl are with Uncle Charlie for an indefinite period. Cousin Gertie Hand is spending this week in Willaston among the girls & at Uncles the weather is cold & showery but no heavy rain at all.

68 Gertrude Muriel Atwell, aged 18 from Moonta (where Frances used to live).

May 19 I got up at six & Dad also lit fire & got Poached Eggs & Toast for Dad & Gertie Atwell who drove to Gawler where Dad met Wilfred & they went to Adelaide & bought another Farm (Willie Argents)69 I set too & made Quince Jam a success & with other odd work & helped Milk & Separate both times chopped wood & stumps made fire in dining room & got Tea Dad came home must go now & work.

69 A new farm! This is held by Wilfred, Bert and Henry (not Charl). It is on the corner of Hatcher and Whitemans Roads in Wards Belt.

May 20 I lit fire in the fireplace as I wanted to blacklead stove & dining room fireplace & doorsteps got usual Tea (cup) & breakfast also then I did some baking for a supper at Mr Rice's I baked Albert, Madeira, Military & Sponge sand got on well did usual Saturday work & then I cleaned lamps got tea & Dad Ma Bert & I went to Miss Flo Barnets Lecture at Mr Rice's such a large nubmer there & it was 12 o'clcok before we got to bed they all enjoyed themselves very much Gertie came home with Bert.

70 Florence Barnet. I don't know who she was. I wonder what she was lecturing about?

May 21 We intended going to Lower Light but the horses got away & we were late starting but got there for dinner Victoria & Harry Ross71 were there & a lot of others. I helped wash up & we talked & looked at Photographs none of them went to Chapel they were singing in the parlour very windy day indeed but no rain fell atall Bert & I stayed all night.

71 Lower Light is where Ma's sister Harriet lives. Her daughter Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson), her husband Henry Ross.

May 22 I dressed at seven & expected to go home but Bert did not go till 2/30 Maria & Elvie washed Aunt & Uncle72 boned fish ready for dinner Maria fried them, we looked at different articles from Egypt & Photo's & chatted all round the girls finished washing dinner time Wilfred & Myrtle stayed home with mother till Tuesday.

72 Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), her husband, Charles Alexander Paterson, and daughters Maria Anna Paterson and Elvera Maud Paterson. Has someone been to Egypt?

May 23rd I dressed at five o'clock & got breakfast for Wilfred & Bert Myrtle got up at seven & got Effie her bottle & washed & dressed her, Dad & Motehr went to Gawelr & Ma stayed at Uncle Charles as Eva is ill I got dinner & made an apple pie I had to lie down in the afternoon & at night I gathered Eggs milked cows & mother helped Sp as they just got home. Myrtle & Effie went home at 4 o'ck cold day.

May 24 As I've been away from home I had to wash today but feeling very unwell I washed Trick Soap way folded in the afternoon & started ironing but I was so ill I had to go to bed at 6/30 & mother had to give Bert his tea & also give me Medicine I could not sleep for pain Indigestion & nerves are very bad.

May 25 Dad lit fire & Bert was at his breakfast I did usual housework & finished my ironing & did some sewing Mother was busy getting dinner & mending in the afternoon I filled & cleaned all lamps & other work.

May 26 Our busy day usual work & then I swept & dusted room & washed all floors it takes me a long time as there is so much dusting to do & I get so tired of it I cut out & made Maisie73 & Birdie a pinafore each cleaned candle sticks & carpets & mats mirrors Mrs Tom Broster died on May 22 aged 6674 years also Mrs Tom Bright died yesterday May 25th74 buried today Dad brought us word home Eva went to Gawler also Coral & Gwen. Ethel is out ot Eva's for a holiday as she has been bad.

73 Amy Marion Dawe (Maisy) daughter of Percy and Celia, aged 4.
74 Mrs Tom Broster is Ellen Rosina Argent, died in Penfield.
75 Mrs Tom Bright is Ellen Bright (nee Summers), wife of Thomas William Bright, aged 52.

May 27 Saturday I did not have to bake bread I baked an Alford Cake & 2 pies (Melon) I fried Sausages for Berts breakfast & scrub my safe & did lamps & then I put a seat in Berts pants & it took me a long while to do our boys are working in Twelftrees & Clem came home & brought home two cows Dad bout at the Sale Gawler he stays the night with us I cleaned our old Kitchen out worked hard too.

May 28 Sunday I intended going to Church so I got up & did usual work first lit fire & got the cup that cheers but not inebriates tidied Dining room & fried sausages made beds. Celia arried for the day at 9/30 her Marion & Bernice I got ready & started for church all alone came home & change my coat & skirt & had dinner & cleared away Ada & Children came at 4 ock Celia Birdie & Clem & Dad went for a drive I got tea Ma & I & they all went home together. 

May 29th I was not too good but thought it best to wash & I got finished dinner time then the boys filled the Copper for pig Killing I was just about to fold clothes when Mr & Mrs Brodie76 & Alice Parham77 came for afternoon. Mother had to attend to her work so I intertained in parlor & got afternoon Tea & looked at Photos like rain I did not iron I went to bed as I was tired.

76 Mr James George Brodie and Mrs Emma Brodie nee Pointon, old family friends of Ma's generation.
77 Alice Mary Parham (Mrs Brodie's niece, aged 22).

May 30 Work everywhere I got up & fried Liver & Onions at five & Dad cut down the pig & he & Mother cut all up & she salted it I roasted some & got wood cleaned oven & all odd work Ma melted down lard & all other work I ironed all clothes it started to rain last night & its rather mucky for our work.

May 31 Dad went to Gawler yesterday Dear little Olive has such a dreadful ulcerated mouth Dad went for Myrtle today & I did rooms & Ma cooked dinner then they went up to Argents old house & Wilf is to live there we kept baby home with us & I cannot seem to get time to do a stitch of sewing & so much wants doing.

June 1 I always get up at five & get their breakfast & do all ordinary work chopped wood & stump Dad Bert & Wilfred went to Adelaide at 8 o'clock they drove Spot & Dolly Frances came out at 11 ock Myrtle & I went up to the House cleaned windows & swept floors then I had a look round its very shaky & damp I feel sorry for them Eva Coral & Gwen78 took Charls dinner to Twelftrees & called here for afternoon tea & they Myrtle & Eva drove to W Argents old place to water the cows &c.

78 Eva and Charl's other daughter Gwendoline Ettie (2).

June 2 Five & got boys breakfast cut their lunch & dinners & put up tea a very rainy cold wind I had to bake Scones Ma a Soda loaf & I an apple pie Dad & Myrtle went up to white the ceilings & Kalcimine House we kept Effie home it has rained all day could not get Naps dray it is still raining Boys all got wet through Dad got wet also.

June 3rd Up same hour & got Bert & Wilfreds breakfast 7 put out my bread to rise & had a real job to get the stove hot after Dad had finished his work out side he & Myrtle drove to Gawler Via Hilliers took Effie I hurried & did my baking Alford & two other Cakes lamps dining & our room Mother did front rooms I did some washing for baby Mother did cutlery & I did the Knobs & between us all other work & I baked Pork seasoned Amy & dear little Olive came home with Dad & Myrtle & they had tea & went up to do the house but Wilfred does not think it safe to go up there Amy busy unpacking things I slept on the stretcher Amy & Myrtle in my bed so awful cold.

June 4 A very cold stormy day & plenty of work everywhere I did not go to Church I helped with all work & made a mount Lofty Pudding Wilfred & Myrtle went home in the afternoon I retired early to bed as my head was so bad Amy was playing the piano Charl & Eva took Coral to S.S. & they went to church very cold and raining.

June 5 I decided on washing so I got the meal over & then I lit Copper over at the other Kitchen & Amy helped me wash & we did not get finished till after dinner then folded & ironed some & I had to go to bed early I could not keep up & had to leave a lovely fire too, so cold.

June 6 Amy & Dad intended going to Gawler so I did all work as usual in early morning they left Olive home with Mother & she was so good all day plays by herself & is such a comfort to have her home again I finished ironing all & put clothes to air very cold & stormy & I have to rise at 5 o'clock & get Berts breakfast & cut his lunch & often Wilfred as well their dinners.

June 7 Same work I lit fire in dining room & boil Kettle then shift is out in Kitchen & get our meal Amy & I went to Gawler Celia's little Marion is ill she is staying at Frances so we called there & Amy went to Dr for her poor child has Bronchitis Pleurisy & Bernice is not well I got some boots but they wont fit me we got home safely rather late & cold

June 8 Amy took little Olive & drove to Frances & also to Drs she stayed in all day & Lorna79 came home with her & they all got thrown out the sulky.

79 Frances daughter Lorna Frances Folland (aged 8).

June 8 coming home it bruised Olives head & face but the others only got a shock to system & stiff joints I cut out & partly made two White night dresses for Mother Eva Coral & Gwen came for afternoon so I got the cup of Tea ready Amy & Lorna were late & told us of the accident its a mercy they were not killed or seriously hurt

June 9th Dad & I were going to Gawler this morning so I got up & got breakfast 7 I cut boys lunch & dinner & blackleaded stove & other articles we left early taking Lorna with us in time for afternoon School I got a new pair of Boots for every day then I went to Tom's80 to lunch & stayed an hour then up to the Doctors for linament for Maisie & we left at 3/30 to come home so got here early & milked & did odd work.

80 Cousin Thomas Henry Easton, has now moved with his wife and family to Gawler from Murray Bridge.

June 10th I did not have to bake bread today so I did all morning work fried Sausages &c for Bert I baked Currant & Military cake cleaned lamps Amy did housework I also baked pies & leg Mutton cleaned knobs was busy all day Uncle Charlie & Aunt Harriet came up for a few days we are having very cold weather.

June 11 As we were busy I decided on staying home this morning I got a cup of Tea for all then fried sausages & Uncle had Eggs we did the ordinary work between us & had dinenr & Amy, Olive, & I drove to Buchsfelde & only just got there & it simply poured it rained all the way home but we had umbrella & coats, rugs, so never got wet we were invited to Tea but it rained so

June 12 Monday Uncle & Auntie were here so I got up & got Berts meal& we cleared the dining room as we slept there then dressed Olive & lit the copper & was about to start washing & Wilfred came & asked Amy to take Myrtle & baby to Dr so she went also Uncle & Auntie too I washed myself & got quite done up but had to keep going I did not finish till 4 o'clock folded & Amy ironed most of them at night she never went to bed till 12 o'clock I retired a little earlier.

June 13 Amy was going to Celia's to assist her so she helped in the morning & Dad took them in I was nearly silly with my head it was awful. I partly made two Flannelette nightdresses & Mother cooked for boys they are all home now to dinner Eva & her tow little girls spent the Day with us yesterday Ma made the Button holes.

June 14 Morning brings the same work in every way & As Amy is away I had to sweep & dust dining room & make beds & I made another Garment for Ma Flannelette & also a green Blouse for Ada I was quite busy too & Mother is also cooking & dressing a fowl & I always get up soon after five oclock.

June 15 I got Berts breakfast & put up dinner & lunch & Charlie came down with the sad news of Corporal Reg Rice81 he died in the Red Sea of Meningitis & was buried at Sea I felt quite broken up I did housework & drove to Ada's I went to Celias & brought Amy home & we with Olive went to the Band of Hope such a splendid meeting & good lot there very cold.

81 Reginald Arnold Rice, 20 year old son of neighbour William Rice and his first wife. He enlisted in February. 

June 16 I lit fire in dining room & then I blackleaded stove & other articles got good fires made Melon pies cleaned front rooms & was kept busy & made a cushion for Olives High chair Amy went with Dad to Gawler we keep Olive home now as it is cold.

June 17th I had to fry for Berts breakfast so I lit the fire in the dining room & stove & put out bread to rise got our meal then baked bread Cakes &c Amy did our room & Dining room turned the Oilcloth round after dinner & washed up everything Dad & Ma went to see Mr & Mrs Rice82 to express their Sympathy with them in their sad loss & Amy & I did all the work.

June 18 Sunday I dressed & Amy a little later I got all a cup of Tea then swept dining room & Kitchen & made bed & Amy & I got ready for Church & had to put the horses in ourselves & were a bit late. Olive chattered so Amy had to take her out so went to Mrs Parhams  & I called for her we came home & had dinner then Mother dressed for a visit to Eva & Amy, Charl, Olive & I went to Buchsfelde called for Ma on our way home had tea & I retired.

June 19 As the weather is very uncertain in the winter I decided on washing so after I had got the breakfast over I lit the Copper & I did all the white clothes & bed linen at 11/30 Amy joined me & did the remainder of Towels blues & Sox while I did Flannelettes & Flannels & new night dress Shirt & Sheets Towels, late when we finished Amy tidied herself & then ironed nearly all before tea I finished the others Colar &c after tea been very windy & cold & is like rain.

June 20 Amy & Dad went to Gawler I did not feel at all well we kept Olive home it was one of the coldest days I ever knew all the boys were in the flat ploughing Bert drilling the cows got away & I had to go for them & I took a hot cup of Coffee to the boys in the afternoon & milked the cows & got Olive to sleep Dad & Amy got home just as I finished separating so cold.

June 21st As it s been such a dreadful cold & stormy night poured with rain I did not dress till 6/30 got breakfast of fried sausage & its simply poured almost all day long I had to do all the washing up Sep & all then cook dinner it was so cold the wind was awful & I proped the Seive door open & put bags to keep the rain out & the wind broke it all out we got in plenty of wood & put it in stove to dry.

June 22 I forgot to report Wilfred & Myrtle had to come home at 5 oclock yesterday as the water came in their house so much quite washed them out so damp & cold for Effie as she has a poisoned face I did not dress till 1/4 to seven got all a cup of tea then I frie dEggs & Bacon breakfast over I washed Sepr & Ma the breakfast things & made a Suet pudding & Dad lit a large fire in fireplace I cooked a roudn Beef potatoes Turnips Green Marrow baked Scones, Dinner over I made fires & put Naps to air washed Dads pants & did a little sewing Amy did housework & was sewing all the afternoon I got in wood & milked 3 cows the yard is awful wet right over boot Tops & so cold I sepr Dad & Chrl killed Charl's pig boys chaffcutting

Continued from last leaf

After the service at the Congregational Church we walked to the Institute to a public Memorial Service to Earl Kitchener82  the Hall was nicely filled & the band was lovely & very impressive all the ministers took part. Rev Farr Rev Best church of England Rev Vigis Baptist Rev Arthur Methodist & Chaplin Chaptain Morris Military the Singing was lovely we got home late had supper & retired at 12 o'clock Myrtle Easton & Nellie Lyne were at the Institute & walked home with us as far as their place I cm run out of paper.

82 This service in memory of the British Army Officer Field Marshal Horatio Herbert (Earl) Kitchener, who died at sea when his ship hit a German mine and sank on June 5th, was held on June 30. Suspect some pages are missing here.
83 Rev L W Farr, Congrational Minister
84 Rev Sydney Thomas Charles Best, Church of England Priest of St. George's Church in Gawler.
85 Rev Thomas Vigis Baptist Minister*
86 Rev G T Arthur, Methodist minister who has been in Gawler since at least 1909.
87 Captain Chaplain Hugh Morris
88 Cousin Tom Easton's wife Myrtle Easton (nee Badenoch).
89 Nellie Mabel Lyne, who must be staying with Myrtle & Tom.

[end of book]


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