27 October 1914 - 12 October 1915

In 1914, Fanny Rosina is 39, living with her parents Henry Atyeo (aged 64) & Mary Ann (Ma, aged 62), in Charlton Ville, Wards Belt, South Australia. Her parents have been married for 38 years, both living in Gawler River at the time of their marriage. They live at Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt. According to Google Maps, the house was at the back of the property, far from Woods Road, there is a number 879 on the gate. Also at home are Albert Joseph (Bert, aged 29) & Wilfred George (Wilfie, aged 21), and Fanny's sister Amy Florence (aged 27)  and her daughter Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (almost 1) while her husband George Edmund Hobart (G.E.H.) is in Western Australia I think - he has disappeared sometime between the last volume and now. Ada’s second son, Clem (Clement Garfield) Parham aged 11 also lives at Charltonville for much of this volume.  

Henry Atyeo (Dad) owns two properties, the family home, purchased by his father, on Woods Road, & another larger block on the corner of Parker & Leak Roads in Wards Belt. The boys sometimes stay at this other farm (Bragglesome Farm)

Eldest brother Charles William Henry (Charlie, aged 32) lives nearby with his wife Eva (nee McLeod). Fanny's other sisters Ada (38), Frances (36), Celia (34) and have married & left home. Frances lives with her family in Moonta. Ada with her family in the Gawler area. Celia lives at Evanston.

Significant events in 1914/15:  Rebuilding the house in January - April 1915; then Fanny goes to look after Frances family for some weeks (this part is missing), returning to the new house in May. The new stove doesn't work, and then a large storm in June takes the roof off the back part of the house and all gets drenched. They have no floors until after the winter. The first National Australia Day is celebrated on July 30. Wilfred marries on August 11. The floors go in in October! 

[the cover, and perhaps first pages, are missing from this book]

My Son this is the way, walk ye in it Proverbs 3 Chapter [?]
"Understandest thou what thou readest" 

Oct 27 As hot weather promised I was more than glad that I had washed so after rising early I took the boys breakfast over in the paddock fried Eggs & bacon at six o'clock came back & got breakfast for the others & did housework & baking spong & cake & I did all the ironing in the afternoon very hot & changeable & late in the evening it blew awfully dust & broke down trees stripped sheds at Charls1 & he lost 5 Hen a fox killed them as they blew off the roost.

1 Charles William Henry Atyeo, Fanny's eldest brother who lives nearby.

Oct 28 A record sight of dust everywhere & on the floor by shovels full I cleaned dining room & Kitchen & after lunch I went down to Eva's2 for the day & she covered a Hat for Amy3 (Chocalate) I scrubbed her safe & washed Coral & did her hair & did mending for myself & nursed Gwennnie4 came home with Bert from work Amy & Clem went to Willaston to take Wesley home Ada was whitwashing5 Wilfred's load of Hay slipped & Bert had to go to Gawler & help him6 I was up at 5 ock & took over their breakfast again this morning hot & dusty again.

2 Eva Alice Atyeo (nee McLeod), Charl's wife; often referred to as Auntie Eva.
3 Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo), the youngest sister.
4 Gwendoline Ettie Atyeo (infant), and Coral Eva Atyeo (aged 3), daughters of Eva and Charl.
5 Fanny's nephew, Ada’s second son, Clem (Clement Garfield) aged 11, and his brother Ada’s eldest, Wesley (Henry Wesley Parham), aged 12; Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo) is their mother.
6 Wilfred George Heath Atyeo and Albert Joseph Atyeo, Fanny's other brothers.

Oct 29 Dad7 boys & I up at five & had their breakfast & loaded a load of Hay but not to Gawler today. I thoroughly cleaned the dairy Dad Olive8 & Amy drove to Smithfield & bought Miss Mary Smiths9 Sulky & Harness Ma10 & I had a cup of Tea & then I cleaned all the beer bottles & sorted others & was at odd work all the afternoon sun hot did boys room

7 Dad, Henry Atyeo.
8 Olive Fanny Heath Hobart, Amy's daughter, almost 1 year old.
9 Miss Mary Smith - there are lots of Mary Smiths!
10 Ma, Mary Ann Heath (Atyeo).

Oct 30th Friday & work everywhere Amy thoroughly cleaned both front rooms & did our room & Dad went to Gawler Amy & dear little Olive went with him as far as Celia's11 I cooked a Shepherds pie for Tea & Rice Puddings & I also milked "Maisie" Mother did all other work Separating &c I did some Enham washing & pressing boys both went to Gawler French12 came home with Dad & Amy

11 Celia May Atyeo (Dawe), Fanny's sister.
12 Charles French Folland, nephew - son of sister Frances.

Oct 31 As it was a lovely cool Change & raining very steadily when I got up at 5.15 I lit fire in Dining room & thoroughly cleaned Stove & all other things breakfast over usual duties & housework Amy did dining room I helped her & did lamps &c I did all the baking Date cake & Elford Cake Sponge & Scones & boys went to Gawler Wilfred went to Smithfield for Sulky & got it but it does not suit him. Mr Ratcliff13 is very ill worse again.

13 Mr William Ratcliff (senior) a neighbour.

In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me

Nov 1st I intended spending the day at Ada's so I got dressed at 7, got breakfast swept rooms made beds & after the meal I made BlancMange Amy assisted & bathed baby & at 11/30 we started for Ada's on arrival found Jim14 out for the Day so Ada prepared stuffed Rabbit for dinner we chatted & I went to Uncle's15 to Tea Mr Ratcliff was worse again Aunt H Paterson Jessie & Will & Vic's baby16 spent the day at Mothers.

14 James Parham, Ada's husband.
15 Uncle Charles Heath (Ma's brother).
16 Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), her daughters Jessie Violet Paterson and Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson), her husband Henry Ross, and baby Peter Norman Ross.

Nov 2nd I thought it best to wash so as I get up very early now to get boys breakfast & cut dinners & lunch I was not well & Amy has had a restless night so I did not get up so early I had a dirty wash & Amy helped me with first way but is very uncertain I scrubbed everything requiring & my knee is dreadful to bear but work is everywhere & I lack energy I folded & made bed & was thoroughly done up.

Nov 3rd I get up at 4/30 & Dad has the fire made so I set table & cut dinner & lunches & fry breakf for boys & then for the second breakfast & Amy & baby & I went to Gawler dreadful hot so got a parasol from Celia came back there for an hour & had dinner home at 10 to 3 & got told we were late but I got Oilcloth to cover poor old Alf's table17 & several things we got out at Celia's at 20 to 1 her baby18 not well & she was washing very hot day.

17  Cousin Alfred Heath, who died in 1911 (see 1911&12).
18 Mary Ann Bernice Dawe, born in August.

Nov 4 Usual work same early hour as Wilfred is Haycarting to Gawler so it is very long hours I decided to make a clothes box so that took me a long time & I also covered the little old table & put it in the dairy & cleaned the dairy up & did odd work Poor old Amy used the wrong stuff for painting my box & spoilt it I feel so very sorry it was Harness Dressing she used so I'm no further on now Mother busy mending & work

Nov 5 I got up at about 1/2 past 4 & dressed but boys were waiting so I just hurried as fast as possible usual work & Mother Amy & Olive are at Eva's & Cora for afternoon Charl & Harry Lewis20 started stacking Hay home here this afternoon a cold change Clem is at school Bert Harvesting

20 Harry Lewis.

Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe

Nov 6th FRiday usual early hour & work Dad went to the city & Amy & little Olive went also as far as Ada's I felt awfully unwell but worked very persistantly at scrubbing boxes & papering & then I turned out corner I did too much & collapsed in the evening & worry so much & grieve too Dad came ome Amy stayed in there Mr Hoare21 of Moonta is dead she was a great friend of Frances. Wilf goes to Gawler every night so I have to hurry & get his tea Mother & Dad always milks & separates.

21 Mr Hoare of Moonta. It definitely says Mr. There is no Mr Hoare listed as dying in 1914.

Nov 7th Sat I lit the fire in the Dining room & gave my stove a real good cleaning also fire place & cut Berts dinner housework swept & washed floor lamps &c early dinner. French Ma & I home & we sent all the others dinners then I lit up stove & baked Sponge roll Madeira cake & Currant also Dora Biscuits & roasted Beef Mother dusted dining room & did cutlery also I got both boys early tea & bathed boys & washed out their clothes very hot sun Jim drove Amy home tonight i have felt rather shaky but kept up.

Nov 8th Sunday Ma & Dad were up & had their cup of Tea & Ma churned Butter I dressed & made a large pudding had our meal & did housework afterwards took Olive for a walk & wrote a letter I then helped with dinner Harry Frances & Children22 came over & I took Lorna, Phyllis, French & Clem to Chapel & saw Bernice christened a good lot there Amy would not go she is so depressed.

22 Harry Gilbert Folland, Frances Mary Ann Folland (nee Atyeo). Their children, in addition to French (note 12) are: George Henry Clifton (Clif, aged 10), Lorna Frances (aged 7), Phyllis May (aged 5), Gwenda Evelyn (aged 1).

Nov 9 I had some sewing to do so I did not wash today Dad went to Gawler we were up at 4 & Wilfred went in with Hay from Humphrys23 I felt rather unwell a sore throuat but have to hurry & get breakfast cut lunches & dinners so early then ordinary work & Eva Gwennie & Coral came for afternoon rode home with Dad & Charl drove her home from work they are stacking down here now Dad reaping on Joe's24 I made soft Soap & soaked in the clothes for tomorrows wash Mrs Edwin Leaks infant a week or so old died today25 Mrs Hoare of Moonta Died Oct 28 of Phemonia she was a great friend of Frances & she fell it very much indeed a rather nice day.

23 Humphrys are neighbours.
24 Henry Joseph Twelftree, neighbour.
25 Marion Leak was only 11 days old and the first child of Lydia Christie (Mrs Edwin Leak) .
26 Still haven't worked out the deal with Mrs Hoare of Moonta. There is no record of her death, that I can find.

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Nov 10th Same early hour Dad lit fire & then I got up & did same work & started at six at my Tubs my Knee very bad & so unwell really could hurry & it was near 3 oclock before I got done Amy helped my with some & scrubbed up me helping Amy terribly depressed & grieving Olive teasy we folded all had afternoon tea & Wilf went to Gawler & lost Fairy someone must have played a joke on him so he had to borrow one to come home.  

Nov 11th I really felt that weary I could hardly drag about but same home duties awaited me & I persevered with them I ironed a large basket & could hardly stand to do it but Amy was so awfully down I had to also I had Fashion Shirts I would give anything for rest just now & I have a very bad Influenza cold sneezing all the time & head & limbs terrible Fairy came home to Charls this morning so that is a good thing rather warm.

Nov 12 Same work then I baked two large Cakes & made Mt Lofty pudding for Dinner besides housework & washed both floors is kept down the dust hotter today Bert finished Harvesting Dad is reaping with the reaper now & I had to take his rake down to him so put Toff in the Sulky & Amy Olive & I drove in to Celia for two hours she was at Mrs Hutchins27 so we drove down there & back to her place.

27 Mary Nora Dwyer (Mrs Hutchins), wife of Frederick Richards Hutchins. 

Nov 13 Boys got up at a little afer 3 oclock & I also was up & dressed at 1/2 to four & got usual fry & dinner  cut & lunches then rested for an hour & 1/2 longer got up & the parents were milking I did our room Amy boys I made Mt Lo pudding Charl Harry Lewis & Bert are Topping the Home Flat Dad & Clem are in Gawler Amy sewing.

Be kindly affectioned one to another in brotherly love.

Nov 14 Not quite as early as Wilf could not go to Gawler it being Saturday so I got breakfast & cut his lunch & roasted meat & made a meat pie fruit & custard also sept & washed floor scrubbed safe &c & lamps & made Sponge roll Ginger cake besides getting cups Tea &c Amy did dining room & dusted Ma's & sitting room Dad & Eva & Gwennie went to Gawler got Amy a letter from G.E.H. W.A.28 I bathed French & had one myself Amy also had a bath Clem & Bert went to Military drill.  

28 Amy's husband George Edmund Hobart is in Western Australia.

Nov 15 I was up soon after seven lit stove & blackleaded it then I swept dining room & got breakfast & Clem French & I drove to Stone Hill Church29 & home to dinner We are having extremely hot weather for time of year today is very stifling cannot scarcely breathe & are dressed in our thinnest & we camped outside till late & Bert slept out all night I don't think I felt a hotter night last years.

29 Stone Hill Methodist Church, now Stonehill Uniting Church.

Nov 16 As it was a nice cool morning I decided to wash I was up at an exception hour just after four & got boys breakfast & cut lunches & dinners for them. It was six before I could get a start & I had a dirty wash Amy very despondent but lent me acceptable help I cleared up but it was dusty I got all dry & folded I emptied the tank & left the tap turned & it rained all night so lost all the water I was so vexed at myself.

Nov 17 We did not get up as early on account of the rain fried breakfast it was a nice cool change ordinary work the men could not work as it was raining steadily all the morning. In the afternoon I starched Fashion Shirts & ironed Amy helped a little but she was so unlike herself & fretting men went to work in the afternoon I in tended going to Gawler but it was too wet I baked bread today very fair.

Nov 18 After morning duties Dad & I went to Gawler taking Amy as far as Celia's to stay she was very sad & crying but Celia was washing & she helped her & got better I was shopping & went & saw Mr Ratcliff he was easier but is sinking now we called at Celia's & Lorna came home with us till Friday she was glad I got a summer rug today & shawl rug for W.G.H.

The true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world

Nov 19 My knee is so stiff & painful Mother & I did all usual work after I had cut Bert French Wilf lunches & dinners to go out in Twelftrees Dad was reaping. Mother not at all well & rested after dinner I wrote to Sydney30 & made some new sheets fairly warm again now. Bert has som cucumbers up.

30 Fanny's Aunt Celia Phelps nee Atyeo (Dad's sister) lives in Sydney with her family.

Nov 20 Gawler Day today & I did what I could before Dad & I started we went to Eva's Humphrys & Celias I did not have much shopping to do so I walked out to Ada's had a cup of Tea & Dad called for me at 5 then called at Celia's & Amy & Olive both came home & Lorna stayed at home with Ma & went in with Bert at night & stayed at Ada's all night very hot today I wore a new plain Hat with Black velvet band 

Nov 21st I lit fire in dining room & got boys breakfast then thoroughly cleaned stove & after our meal I baked shoulder mutton sponge meat pie tart & cake Amy did dining room & in afternoon I washed floors & scrubbed safe &c Mother rested Amy cleaned all cutlery pictures Ma window boys off to Gawler at night & Wilf also tonight Hugh Ratcliff31 spent evening.

30 Hugh Ratcliff, neighbour. Son of Mr Ratcliff.

Nov 22 Amy & I both dressed at 7 & I lit fire & got a cup of tea & fried Ham & Eggs for meal made my bed & Clem & I went to Church Stone Hill came home to Dinner & it was so hot all the morning then it blew up a cold change & rained nearly all the afternoon very steadily dear little Olive has a terrible cole & Amy bathed her & took her out for a drive to Ada's very foolish I wish she was safe at home the Darling baby Bert is in Gawler I helped milk & put separator together.
Mrs Alexander31 died last Tuesday Nov 17 & Mrs Limb32 on Wednesday Nov 18 the latter of Cancer Mr Ratcliff still very ill indeed.

31 Margaret Alexander (nee Graham), wife of John Alexander, died in Gawler, aged 74.
32 Mary Ann Limb (nee Allan), wife of John Limb, aged 67.

By faith are we saved & not by works.

Nov 23 I did not intend washing so I did all ordinary work a very hot day indeed I cleaned our room out & removed old oilcloth & washed floor then I emptied the boys mattress washed it & Dad got some nice clean Chaff & we filled it I also made a Hession Mattress for Sofa & filled it & the other chaff mattress on the Kitchen Sofa Cousin Eva & Ethel32 called here going home from the Light Mrs Hill33 is very ill with Cancer in Adelaide. I sorted & soaked in clothes.

32 Cousin Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath). Not sure which Ethel this is.
33 Mrs Hill is Kit (Christiana) Heath (nee Hill)'s mother, Emily Montgomery Hill (nee Simpson).

Nov 24th I got up at 1/4 past five lit fire & gave parents tea started at Tubs at six & kept on till five in the afternoon i Had a very big day new Sheets five pairs or trousers all bed linen, Mole Waistcoats, I trembled with the intence heat it was awful muggy & sun like fire with Thunder drops Mother helped me hang coloured & rinsed Shirts & towels &c I scrubbed all afterwards & also had a cup of Tea it rained Sunday night & I got rain water the earth is steamy this awful bad boys stacking Hay home here Dad at Gawler, Coral home for Day felt real done at evening but could not sleep well.

Nov 25 It rained a lot last night & water lying around this morning I lit fire & got breakfast & made beds swept & dusted rooms & folded clothes & ironed this afternoon also did some sewing it is so lovely & cool today & has rained too French is at Uncle Charls tonight & Clif is here for a while Dad tells me dear little Olive is very unwell indeed I feel so worried I could not sleep last night thinking Wilf breaking in Yelta the filly.

Nov 26 I was dressed before five & swept & Dusted the room as I expected Frances out for the day I hurried round & got all done up I sorted flowers & Ma & I had a mending Day as we thought but dinner time, Percy34 drove out with a letter to say Phyllis was so ill so both Ma & I drove in to see Frances who is at Celia's they were both so done up as they had no rest last night they had the Doctor out they thought sure she was gone poor little child but a little better this afternoon I went to Ada's to see Amy & little Olive who is so unwell she has a terrible cold & cough & teeth, George is also very unwell. We drove home at six & when we got home Dad would not kill the pig as he had intended & Mother wished she had stayed longer she helped Dad milked I got Tea & Bert worked in Garden.

34  Percy Thomas Dawe, Celia's husband.

For he sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world

Nov 27th I was up very early & swept dining room got brkf & then put out bread to rise & got stove ready for baking & baked it done both front room & made beds & did the usual work I also put new sleeves in a nightdress for Ma I did mending helped milk Dad down at other place reaping & he & Percy killed a pig he was helping boys with Hay stacking today Phyllis is much better

Nov 28th Saturday & I was so ill I did not know what to do however as Ma had no one to help her & I tried to do all I could I blackleaded stove &lit fire in the dining room fried Ham & Eggs also Liver & Onions for breakfast ready & cleaned all the childrens boots Clem, Clif & French also Dads & helped they are to get ready for Gawler also they went with Grandpa to the Procession in Aid of Belgian Relief Fund34. Bert had to March in the Mounted Military they came home tonight quite pleased with the Days outing Dad & Clif & Amy & dear little Olive who is so unwell.

34 Sounds like it was quite a Procession!

Nov 29 Sunday I could not go to Church myself I was very unwell but I helped with all work & Harry & Lorna drove over from his home brought some Beets Onions & Potatoes Dad went to Gawler for Frances & Phyllis & Gwenda we they were at Celia's Frances & all but French stayed with us & Harry & French went back to Mr Follands35 Boys to Gawler.

35 John George Folland, Harry's father.

Nov 30th I did not intend washing so I got the breakfast over & did housework then Frances & I drove to Gawler we did some shopping & went & saw Mr Ratcliff he is very ill we called at Mrs Brodie's36 & had a cup of Tea & also at Ada's Celia's & Charls Bert was at Bragglesome & rode home with us Harry started work at Wihinnien Bros today in Gawler.

36Mrs Emma Brodie nee Pointon is a family friend of Ma's generation.

Dec 1st Amy had melted the soap & Borax so I soaked in last night & this morning I got a cup of Tea & lit Copper & went on at Tubs then I had a helper Frances did her washing with me & we got done by dinner time & folded after dinner Frances was very done up Mother & Amy did all indoor work & I made our beds & did odd work & had a talk to Frances Men stacking Hay & reaping as well Dad & Bert.

There is therefore no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus

Dec 2nd After all morning duties I started ironing Frances also ironed some & we looked at dressers &c & she & Amy did some sewing we did not do any special work as Frances was here & she is so hard of hearing we spent some time talking & then there is so much cooking to do as well  dinners & lunches to prepare & pack for other place Clif went with Grandpa

Dec 3rd I mixed bread & it was ready for the oven do I put it in Tins & also baked it & did housework Frances sewing & Mother mending as well & Amy help & Frances sew Harry came over to Tea from Gawler & took Frances & all children over to Mr J.G. Follands to stay for good.

Dec 4 I had to Hurry & get breakfast so I did not do the stove before I lit it I cleaned boys room our room both front rooms Ma assisted in her bedroom I washed Floors & then in the afternoon I blackleaded stove & finished work also helped Ma milk Amy & dear little Olive went with Dad as far as Celia's & stayed till he came back in the evening my Knee is very bad I can hardly bear it at times.

Dec 5th  I was glad I had my stove done this morning as I had to cook breakfast & make Apricot Jam which I had prepared last evening & put sugar on so I got it made early also cooked Shoulder Mutton & did usual work in  the afternoon I baked scones sponge sandwich & large Cake done lamps Amy did dusting & various cleaning & scrubbing it was one of her best days Wilf went to Gawler Bert & French water the Garden I bathed boys & had one myself Amy also & dear little Olive & retired.

Dec 6 Sunday I felt so unwell on waking & did not dress as early as I may have 7/30 & got breafk & did housework put in clean bed linen & made bed then baked tarts & pies (apricots) Celia Percy & Family36 & Wesley were home to dinner & afterwards Mary & hers36 came also Tom Waters37 & Charl & Eva & Family till after nine o'clock then I got Supper & feeling so tired retired. Mrs Hill of Lower Light (& formerly Williamstown)38 died on Thursday buried at Dublin on Friday a.m. they were going to her funeral & May39 was taken very ill & they had to take her home & send for the Dr she was in Fits all he afternoon & was so ill had to stay in bed & is still very ill indeed.

36 Celia and Percy's family are Amy Marion Dawe (known as Marion) and the baby Mary Ann Bernice Dawe.
36Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), a cousin and widow, daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath. Her children are Albert Leslie Preiss (aged 11) and Dorothy (Dorrie) May Preiss (aged 9) and Clarice Louisa Ellen Preiss (aged 6).
37Thomas Henry Waters, husband of Mary Ann Preiss' sister (from Port Broughton).
38 Mrs Hill is Kit (Christiana) Heath (nee Hill)'s mother, Emily Montgomery Hill (nee Simpson), mentioned as having cancer a few weeks ago. Fanny stayed with them in Williamstown in 1911.
39Ellen May Hill (one of Mrs Hill's daughters, aged 22)

All have sinned and come short of the glory of God

Dec 7 As it was a nice cool morning I decided on washing so got a cup of Tea then lit copper & started I have a new stand for the Copper used it first time today I had a big wash & Amy could only help a little it was four when I finished & she helped scrub I cleared away all other things & folded Bert is always busy in his Garden all the evening till 8 or after.

Dec 8 I felt so done up but dressed just after five & my bread was not quite ready so I got breakfast first & then I put it out to rise backed that & a yeast Cake & did all the ironing three fashion shirts colar &c Amy ironed some but was so awfully depressed I felt so unwell & done up I could hardly stand but work must be done Dad finished reaping & boys hay stacking nice weather now seasonable cool mornings

Dec 9th I generally get up about same time get the meal & sweep dining room & Kitchen then do housework & made pie &c I cut out & made a sirt for myself S.P. Amy worse again Mother worried & not well I sometimes help milk now Dad & French went to Gawler & back to Ragless38 for Apricots so Ma & Amy me stoned apricots & Amy weighed & put sugar on I bathed & undressed Olive & got Tea nice breeze.

38 Ragless are a family who has a lot of fruit trees.

Dec 10th I rose at five work in every direction I got fire & cup of Tea put out bread had breakfast baked it & then made two Stew pans of Jam & bottle it off & roasted a Shoulder Mutton had dinner & a rest then i made little Olive a pin spot navy bonnet & Eva & Uncle came to tea & sealed down Jam & stored it away so late retiring 10 o'clock.

Dec 11 I did not dress till 20 past five got cup of Tea after thoroughly blackleading stove &c got brft & washed up & then I scrubbed Collacs Safe Amy & dear little Olive went to Gawler with Dad at 11/30 & I bathed the darling & dressed her she looked so pretty I cleaned front rooms Wilf has the afternoon off & is gone to Gawler . Bert went to Gawler at night.

Putting on the breast plate of love & faith & for an Helmet the hope of Salvation

Dec 12 As it was a hot morning I got breakfast & then I baked Dora Biscuits Sponge Roll & Alford Cake also a shoulder of mutton & melted out dripping besides ordinary St work Amy did the dining room washed all pictures & I scrubbed safe & other articles & washed out clothes for children & bathed them at night had a bath myself Also Amy she was very down all day mother had a good rest then she cleaned all cutlery &c Dad & Ma usually milk & Sep both morn & even.

Dec 13 I hurried & got the cup that cheers & breakfast Amy also got up & tidied rooms I made beds & then with Clem & French dressed for Stone Hill Church came home & set table & the boys let French & Clem & Amy ride the ponies they got out of their control & galloped with them & it nearly scared me to death In the afternoon Amy & I cleared dinner & I bathed & got Olive ready & we went to Celia's for afternoon her little Marion was so dreadfully teasy & she was not well Frances Haryy & Children spent day at Charls & called Home & left Clif with us also so we have  4 children & 6 adults now to do for are busy all the time.

Dec 14 As it was a cool change last night I decided to wash & never did I see a more changable day one home terrific wind then calm & then poured with rain I took all the bed linen off the line 4 time which I never did before I put all away as it rained & blew so terribly then it stilled a bit & although mud & water was everywhere I persevered & got all done by 5 oclcok I felt terribly knocked out my knee is awful especially after standing a long time had a cup of Tea. Have to mix bread tonight. Monday

Dec 15 Raining steadily so I did not dress early & bread was ready so mother set breakfast I baked rolls & then bread Dad & French went to Gawler. Our dear old Friend Mr Ratcliff39 died at 2 o'clock yesterday was buried today Mother & Dad went after dinner I did all white ironing & made a large Mutton Pudding for Tea Amy did housework & made two grey petticoats for Olive one yesterday one today. I milked all 5 cows & Sepr I myself got all done & hot tea for parents who went to Brodies40 after the funeral boys all home to tea such a family now to do for.

39 Mr William Ratcliff was 81 years old leaving a widow, four sons, three daughters, and thirteen grandchildren.
40 Mr James George Brodie and Mrs Brodie (Emma Pointon)

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you 

Dec 16 I dressed at 1/2 past six as the boy have finished the Harvest I mended Berts Moles while Ma got breakfast ready I then made beds & did some washing also swept dining room & kitchen Ma roasted Shoulder Mutton & plain pudding boys chaffcutting & unloading wheat in the Church41 I have been mending all the afternoon Shirts &c Ma & Amy also Mr Brodie gave Ma two cucumbers so have got them for our tea. Bert busy in Garden as is his way.

Dec 17th As I had a rest morning yesterday I had to dress before five as my bread was all up top of pan & I at once put it out to rise then baked rolls & the bread also made a large yeast cake I was too ill to keep up & had to lie down repeatedly between work all day Ma busy she & Amy brewed Beer & in the evening I help put it away.

Dec 18 Busy day & Market Day ordinary work I felt rather weak & my limbs were bad too so I had to ease off at work Dad & Amy with Dear little Olive went to Gawler & I thoroughly cleaned front rooms & wash all pictures & Glass & furniture & after dinner I cleaned stove & all other blackleading & tidied our room &c.

Dec 19 Our darling little Olive's Birthday she is a great pet & can talk nicely I gave her a picture book I decided to bake early Sponge Alford & also made & Amy Iced a Cake for Olive's Birthday Amy helped with housework Dad usually takes her for a ride in her Pram I am very busy all day & at night I have the three boys to bath& get clean cloths for & always some clothes to wash but I get so tired.

Dec 20th I decided to take Clif & Clem to Church so got up & found a lovely cool change but Dust every where so I cleaned the Kitchen & scrubbed table & made currant pies Apricot & Jam Tart got all done at nine then breakfast & took in tea to parents Clif Clem & I went to Church. Harry Frances & children were here to dinner & Celia Percy & all family to tea & evening it rained several times & quite fast at night so they went home about 8 oclock & I very tired with cool change retired early Xmas Service at Stone Hill today.

But ye brethren be not weary in well doing

Dec 21 I could not wash today I  mixed bread last night & had to bake this morning & swept room got breakfast I usually bake rolls for children we have Clem Clif & French here dear little Olive not well but the children took her for a ride in her Pram Mother & Amy made Xmas pudding & Cakes today i altered suits for boys & soaked in the washing & did some first way filled Copper was very tired the day was rather boisterous & showers.

Dec 22nd I got up at five & went to Tubs & washed till six came in lit fire the others got breakfast for all I got all whites washed at 7 o'clock & first boil in Copper I persevered afterwards Amy came round but baby was worse & she was so worried herself so I finished at 1 o'ck then did a lot of scrubbing & opened a new Kerosene Tin & made a boiler out of it Amy folded clothes I ironed some

Dec 23rd Dad brought home apricots from Celia's today or last night & I made jam today of it Mother stuffed & roasted a hare it was lovely last night for Tea Bert shot it French Clif & Clem caught a rabbit last Saturday a full grown so Ma made a pie Monday & I roasted one that is two lately Amy had to take dear little Olive to Gawler for advice Dad went & French & Clem I had to do all the ironing & a terrible lot I had I did not know how to stand but no one else to do it. Ma mending.

Dec 24 Dear little Olive worse I got up Just after 4/30 lit STove & baked rolls & 7 large loaves made Raspberry jam got all cook at nine oclock I did hurry then I baked a Alford Cake & Madeira Sponge roll cleaned all Cutlery Wilf & Bert cleaned all Harness & they wen to Gawler dear Baby so ill poor little darling I pray God to spare here she takes no notice whatever of us Amy has iced all cakes & did dusting & room I bathed all 3 boys. Clem has a bad cough & I did not put him in the Tub I put up a Xmas bough & the children put the outside all round the house. How different to the Happy Xmas Days gone by & so many we knew & loved gone from us it seemed so strange not to go to Gawler but our dear little Olive's illness makes us feel so sad.

41 This is the old Wards Belt Chapel.
Lo the star which they saw in the east went before them till it came & stood over where the young child was

Dec 25 Christmas Day once more but it seems as if a dark cloud hides all the sunshine of Xmas our darling is worse & Measles are all out thick also Celia's & Ada's children have them I cleaned front rooms & our room first thing blackleaded stove & fireplace & swept dining room Kitchen we had cold dinner roast fowl & Ham pickles hot pudding & sauce Uncle Charlie drove out after. Bert has gone for the Doctor. The Dr has been & dear little Olive has Bronchitis on both lungs & also Pneumonia. It is terrible to see her breathe Uncle Charley to Tea Harry Frances & children all gone home but Clif who stays Clem has measles.

Dec 26th We did not have usual Saturday work & as Baby is so ill Amy & Dad drove to Gawler I did a lot of washing as dear little Olive was so ill & helped give her medicine & stimulant rest did necessary work & mended in the afternoon a lovely cold change now Clem is in bed also today he got a very bad cough & so has Ethel42 & Ada got all four with Measles & Wesley made 1/2 case of plum jam himself he is a good boy to work.

42 Ethel Gwendoline Heath Parham, Ada's daughter.

Dec 27 As we have to take turns sitting up with little Olive I got up at one oclock & styaed till 4 ock & up again at 6/30 got a cup of Tea & did babys washing we had breakfast & then I stwed plums & rested a while & got up & made fire & boiled potatoes, had Dinner went to Gawler to Dr & called at Ada's & Celia's all improving there except Bernice & she has not got them yet home had Tea cleared away & stayed up till 9.30 went to bed & got up 12 30 & remained up Ma went to bed got up for three hours Wilf came home from beach at 1/2 past two he been away since Xmas morning it is near five Monday morning & I have been up since 12/30. May Bright & Stan Beadnall were married Xmas evening42. Grace Vickery & Horace Folland43 were married Dec 26th 1914.

42 Nellie May Bright & Stanley Norman Beadnall, married Dec 28th.
43 Grace Vickery & Horace Howard Folland (Frances' brother-in-law)

Dec 28 I rested from five till 6/30 then dressed & got breakfast & drove into the Dr at nine oclock & got him to come out as Darling little Olive was so ill, he came out & found her much better she had taken a turn but is still very ill indeed I did ordinary work & cousin Eva came down for a while after She had done her washing at Ratcliffs I soaked in my clothes ready for tomorrow we are tired & weary.

Dec 29 I dressed before five & went to my copper & then came in lit fire & got a cup of Tea back to Tub my copper boiled over & I felt to sorry I got all done by one o'clock & I scrubbed up & we had late dinner Dad went to Gawler Frances went to Adelaide about her ears drove in from Mr Follands & took train to city I did some ironing Olive is still very ill Amy is poulticing her poor little darling does suffer & is so patient with it.

Dec 30th I felt awfully tired & did not rise till 10 to six I had to bake bread so lit stove & put it out to rise & after breakfast I baked it & folded & ironed all the other clothes & did a portion of housework I ironed boys fashion shirts too & washed & ironed Amys Silk blouse & did mending Frances French & Gwenda drove over & she left French here & we had a cup of Tea both Harry & Frances start for Moonta on New Years Day to sell their home up there & are to live in Willaston

Dec 31 I got up & hurrie dround & made all beds got the usual meals & swept both dining room & Kitchen then Dad & I & Clif went to Gawler I did shopping & went to Dr for Baby also to Bridge St44 & had a short talk on her illness we called at Celia's for Portmanteau for Bert Stan Lucas45 came out & he & Bert drove in the Spring dray to the Beach where they camp till Sunday or Monday next I got a cup of Tea I had a dreadful headache & dear little Olive does not improve very well at all.

44 Bridge St is where George Edmund Hobart's parents live.
45 Oswald Stanley Lucas, a friend of Bert's.

Jesus Only      Jan 1st 1915   God is Love

New Years Day once more & with trembling heart I once more start to record the happenings yet my pen falters on the page But along the sands of time I can recall amongst the Deepest Grief hours of happiness & with a prayer to God to take my hand & lead me Father I must proceed We did not keep the holiday did all ordinary work & sewing in the afternoon Mother very unwell indeed I roasted a shoulder Mutton & Potatoes for dinner Dad Clem & Clif went to Modra's46 for Veges Wilf & French to Bragglesome for to look afte rcharls things He & Eva are in Prospect47 for the Holiday.

46 Modra family, neighbours.
47 Eva's parents live in Prospect.

Jan 2nd Mother very bad not able to be out of bed all day I got up before six & put out bread to rise also I got usual cup of Tea then I baked bread & cake & washed up all things & Separated as well Cold dinner Dad not well I swept & washed both floors Amy did dusting filled lamp & looked after baby who is much better but fretful & very weak Celia Percy & family & Gwendoline Warnken48 came out for evening had tea with us Dad went to bed early.

48 Gwendoline Ethel Lucy Warnken, Percy's niece.

Jan 3rd As I gave all the three boys a bath & Amy & I also had one I had all that to clear away got a cup of Tea & breakfast Bread & milk then washed up & made Shepherds pie & boiled rice Mother up but very unwell Dad milked & Separated & then layed down all day we could not go to Church this morning & I felt too tired this afternoon so all stayed home & I read some Xmas tales in the paper. Wilf went to Gawler last night & goes again tonight.

Jan 4th I could not wash today as Ma was so unwell & she got up after breakfast & picked & dressed a fowl & was so bad she undressed & went back to bed again I had all washing up to do the Sepr included & a lot of dishes as is the way when sickness is about I got Amy to put on the fowl to boil & then I did housework my knee is very bad indeed but I am obliged to keep up & not think of self as usual. I fried some of the breast for mothers dinner I sorted & soaked in clothes for tomorrow also helped milk cows & cooked potatoes for boys tea & fried Brown Onions & fowl I felt awfully tired & the boys were so late home it was ten o'clock before I could get to rest as there were a lot of dished to clear & dear little Olive is so teasy & not strong.

Jan 5  I got up soon after 4/30 & started at once to light copper at 5 oclock & washed first boil & got them in then made a cup of Tea for parents & self I worked very hard & got all three first boils on line at 8 oclock then soaked in fourth & had breakfast & finished all washing by 11 ock then I made another start at 3 coloured Quilts & large Bush Rug Dad went to Gawler & I washed all his clothes un pants Tweed pant Flannel & shirt & sox did all scrubbing cleaned bottles folded all the clothes made beds got a cup of Tea Oh I was tired but it was a beautiful day so cool & pleasant.

Jan 6 Work in every direction I made fire & got breakfast ready then had to wash up all the dishes & Separator things Mother in bed all day I made Knuckle Broth for Ma & roasted Shoulder Mutton also made other Broth & boiled beef bones for Soup & made Braund I was ironing all the afternoon but could not finish I mixed bread after tea I felt done & My Knee is so painful.

Jan 7th I got up early & got bread in Tins & made fire & got the usual Cup of Tea & breakfast Amy set table & churned Butter then I baked bread Amy baked cake & Scones last evening I helped with all housework I made a Meat Pie for dinner Celia & Children out for the Day I finished all ironing & Mother got up today I had a lot of washing up to do so much cooking Bert Paterson49 came up to tea & he & Bert & Wilf went to Gawler to a Circus at night we are having lovely weather. Cleaned stove as well.

49 Albert George Paterson, cousin.

Jan 8 Usual in every way then I thoroughly cleaned Dairy while Ma packed Eggs for Gawler as Dad & French went to Market today. Harry is very ill & little Gwenda with Measles also cousin Eva has Measles very bad & Elsie & Howard Richter also50 I cut out a blouse for myself but could not get on well had to get Tea as boys were off to Gawler Amy did both bedrooms & then went in to Celia's with Dad & back at night.

50 Elsie May Richter, (aged 17) and her brother Howard William Richter, aged 18.

Glory to God in the highest & on earth peace goodwill toward men

Jan 9 Lit fire & hurried to put out bread & bake it & do all ordinary work I baked Roll & Cake & Shoulder Mut Rice pudding cleaned lamps & scrubbed Safe &c Amy washed floors & dusted rooms I also made a Meat pie for tea & bathed both boys went to Gawler at night the rest of work we Did between us Ma washing up all.

Jan 10 Sunday I lit fire & got tea swept rooms & got cold breakfast & Clif & I went to Church I had an accident Hector fell & broke both Knees & also broke both nickle plates on the front board & smashed it also & when we got home Bert was very vexed with me also Dad I feel very sorry it happened indeed, but I could not avoid it. Dinner over Dad & Ma went to Charls I rode up to Ratcliffs & saw Mrs Ratcliff51 & also Mrs Wilson52 & Viley carried baby home it was an outing for baby Ada Jim home to tea also Ma & Dad as well. 

51 Jane Ratcliff nee Donald, mother of Will Ratcliff
52 Mrs Wilson, likely Mrs Harry Wilson (nee Harriet Hill), sister of Kit. Viley could be Vida Adelaide Wilson, her daughter (aged 15).

Jan 11th I do not wash on Monday now as I am not strong so soak in ready for Tuesday morning duties same as usual over housework Dad Amy Olive & Clif went to gawler (well Dad & Clif did Amy to Celia's. I finishe dmy blouse German Print soaked in clothes I emptied my wash Tank & had to use some drinking water & other Tap We have Tomatos now. but the worms are very bad in them so they pick them early I felt so tired & Mother is not well either nice weather.

Jan 12 I got up at five lit copper & stove & got in Two boils of White clothes kept on till 8 ock & got two boils on line had breakfast & finished washing by Midday cousin Bert & Brice53 drove up at 12 o'clcok & made all necessary plans for renovating this house I tidied my self & folded & ironed some clothes Ma got them a cup of Tea & they went home at about five I had to mix bread tonight & I am not well sore throat & aching limbs so must rest.

53 William Brice Porter, husband of cousin Lillias Paterson (Bert's sister).

Jan 13  I felt real ill on waking so I did not feel equal to work I got bread in Tins & also between ups & down s & managed to bake it Also a currant cake I was so awfully sick that I had to lie down between pain as I had Colic as well I put in a bad time altogether & could not take any nourishment however I did plain ironing & helped milk Dad came home from Gawler brought Amy & dear little Olive so I was more than thankful.

Come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you

Jan 14 Charl came down & brought Eva & children to spend the afternoon they went to Jones54 & got Grapes & pears  6/- a case very dear Amy did Baby white starched ironing & my blouse & petticoat Olive rather teasy & so was Gwennie Coral just recovering from Measles I packed a lot of Glassware & ornaments during the evening Amy also packed hers away the weather is much warmer now beginning to get hot at night boys been fixing up a shed for use during renovating.  

54 Jones family.

Jan 15 Friday but no work is regular now so I just got the cup of Tea & breakfast & paced a lot more Glass also swept & dusted Ma's room the boys put up a tent & took the roof off the boys room so we had all that to shift & make their beds in the tent there are a great many things to think of in sorting & shifting boys to Gawler at night Dad did not go today

Jan 16 I had to bake bread & cake & sponge roll rabbit pie & Shepherd pie & Dad went to Gawler & got a round of Beef Ma roasted it I got Amy to help me sort & dust all the Enlargements & I packed them all I felt done up too as Mother hates a muddle so much & I have to do best I can boys to Gawler at night Bert to a Dance a farewell social had a good time we had stripped all the front room & dining room of ornaments I gave boys a bath & washed out sox & shirt

Jan 17th We got a letter from Frances to say Harry is now on the road to recovery after the Dr had given him up he has been ill since the 3rd of January poor girl its a great trial on her strength we are so thankful to God for his spared life being Sunday I just did necessary work & some washing that was needful as we got no where to put things properly Celia Percy came out to tea & evening & we have had two record days just like a breath from a furnace & some nearly done with heat a little cooler this evening.

Jan 18 Monday with heaps of work been packing & removing furniture & cocery[sic] etc Amy cleaned the Dairy & I shifted the Deal Safe down there with the food in it Uncle Charlie & Clem drove out for the afternoon the boys pulled the roof off the dining room & partly knockded down the wall all the Ceiling is down & all their wall & shifted all the furniture up to the Church & shifted tanks & they sprang one a leak a nice cool change so acceptable after the intense heat baby so good but wants Dad to nurse her & take her out in the pram.

Whatsoever ye have done unto the least of these my bretheren ye did unto me

Jan 19  My birthday & awoke to find rain & wind the boys partly knocked down the old Chimney in the dining room also the walls I could not wash and had to pack & remove all things ready Amy helps splendidly French went home with Charl for night Clif had to sleep indoor it rained in the tent & wet the bed &c It is an awful muddle we are up to our eyes in work & dirt too.

Jan 20th Dad lit a fire & got a cup of Tea I fried Eggs for breakfast then I lit the copper & washed both white Quilts & all covers also our washing a nice early morn then a terrible wind & dust they pulled off the Kitchen roof & down all walls only Mas room our room & sitting room standing & all will be done tomorrow I expect we got a place fixed up as a Kitchen & are shifting the stove tomorrow It is bitterly cold there now & raining steadily tonight.

Jan 21st Percy & Marion were out yesterday all afternoon & helped the boys where I could they took out the Stove & pulled down the walls of Kitchen we felt worried as Ma had a bad turn blood spitting & had to stay in bed it was a cold rough day raining too I boiled a leg mutton potatoes & tried Stove in the Kitchen baked rock cakes & rice pudding Ma got up & did some mending.

Jan 22nd We prepared the sitting room for shifting I did ironing Bert Fashion Shirt &c after dinner they pulled down the Ceiling & also Knocked down part of Walls we had our last meal in our old house & we got all our dining Hall fixed over in the Shed not too bad & the Kitchen next to the Blacksmiths shop I have done some baking & its not too bad either there.

Jan 23rd no special work I got a cup of Tea & breakfast & baked Scones rock Cakes, & sponge & cake roasted shoulder mutton & cleaned all the cutlery lamp glass &c hot in Kitchen I made a fresh meat Stew potatoes apple pie Ma not too well We heard Mrs Broster of Penfield55 is very ill in Adel not expected to live been ill 7 weeks I did some washing & all had a bath & I washed out clothes the weather is very hot again. We expect Frances & Harry down to Gawler next week I will be glad the boys wen to Gawler last night Dad in the Dray Wilf off again tonight.

55 Mrs Broster of Penfield is Ellen Rosina Argent
I was glad when they said let us go up unto the house of the lord

Jan 24 Sunday Mother got up at 5 oclock & churned Butter Dad got up & they milked & came in & I was in bed called me at 7 oclock we had breakfast Mother & Dad had fried Chops Amy bathed baby & dressed her & we straight up the house I made Apple pies & Tart & had potatoes Eva walked over from Ratcliffs & spent the day with us I baked scones & Ada Jim & Family Percy & Celia & Family Charl Eva & their children all came for evening Ada & them to Tea we had water melon Celia lost her Ring.

Jan 25 It did not seem a bad morning so after all usual work & breakfast I lit the Copper & started to wash in the Shed next to our Shanty. They the wind blew terribly & like fire from a furnace Oh it was dreadful Amy helped me for a while I put a Short line in the Shed & the clothes soon dried dust every where after dinner Dad drove Amy & dear little Olive into Celia's to stay as the weather is not fit for baby who has been so ill & its so rough out here I did not get done till five folded clothes.

Jan 26 Up in fair time expected Brice & Bert but they never came Cup of Tea first then breakfast & ordinary work I baked Bread & Butter custard & Sago puddings Ma prepared Potatoes & Onions to fry our meal over Bert went to the Stable & Dad called him he ran up & picked up Celias Ring just as if he did it purposely she will be glad I know. Alice Warnken56 is ill Rhumatic Fever Percy is rising stone for Dad now he has no work in Gawler everything is so dear Bread is 4 1/2 a loaf meat also gone up in price I ironed today.

56 Alice Ethelinda Warnken (nee Dawe), a neighbour, and Percy's sister.

Jan 27 As there is not order to our work will just say I got breakfast & put out bread in tins to rise & also baked it a sago & Bread & Butter Puddings for dinner at 12 o'clcok we were at our meal & Brice & Bert drove up & after dinner Dad & I went to Gawler & did some shopping & was talking to Mrs Hobart Arthur went down to offer himself for War this morning57 we called at Celia's & saw Amy & dear little Olive she did cry to come with us in the Buggy & she is getting stronger now & can crawl about with her dolls. The weather is hot & muggy so oppressive.

57 Amy's mother-in-law, Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett), wife of Dale William Hobart, mother of George Edmund Hobart and her youngest son is Arthur Samuel Hobart, who will be 19 next month.

I will bless the Lord at all times

Jan 28 I had to hurry around as I had sausages to fry breakfast over I made bed &c & tidied our Shanty I roasted a Shoulder Mutton also a Meat pie & apple pie We had fish & Currant pies yesterday Currant pie & Tart to day they started Building today cooler & quite cold at night Our boys went to a Continnential in Gawler last night. We had beans also Celia had some.

Jan 29th No special work & same ordinary work Dad went off to Market I cooked apple pie & pots cold meat also lunch to get for men my stove is terrible Harry & Frances are down Harrys arm is very bad he can't lift it scarcely they are to live near Waltham in a different house now (Hornsbys)58 they got the furniture in.

57 Hornsby family. Don't know anything about them.   

Jan 30 We did not get up till six I got breakfast this morn Brice built a row of bricks in round the stove & I could not cook breakfast out there so I cooked it in the old fire place of our sitting room fried sausages afterwards Ma made a beef stew & we had cold apple pie Bert & Brice went home after dinner at one o'clock Wilf & Bert shifted their tent into the shed & Charl carted sand all the afternoon Wilf wen tin the Gawler at even.

Jan 31st I got up early 6/30 & blackleaded my stove &c & got a cup of Tea also breakfast & swept & dusted all rooms & damped down floors in Shanty & Kitchen We had soup for dinner & custard & pineapple. Harry & Frances & girls came for afternoon brought fish I cooked them they were lovely we all had tea & a talk & now they are just gone home hot day.

Feb 1st I was up early & we were all busy the boys carting down sand & stones I cooked dinner plain pudding Cold meat & French beans potatoes I did not wash as it was a terrible hot windy dusty day the heat was awful I did not know how to breathe as the wind was in the East Brice & Bert arrived dinner time & Wilf & Brice worked in their flannels it got no cool scarcely all night & I had but little rest the heat was 96 degrees all night but it was blowing right in my door so I managed to get through it French was awfully restless & he had a rash which iched very badly Mother not well at all it is so dreadfully dull without our little Sunbeam & poor old Amy she used to assist me so much.

He that hath the Son hath life

Feb 2 The same heat on waking & until about  oclock when the wind got round to the sea & the breeze was lovely but no cool change came so after a while the sun & wind were both hot again I made apple pie & I always tidy round rooms & help cook Eva & children spent the afternoon here Charl went in for lime Mr & Mr Brodie came out & brought some Grapes Ma not well I soaked in clothes reay for tomorrow the wind was cool.

Feb 3 Another hot wind from the East & I got brk & fried Eggs & then washed Mother cooked boiled Mutton veg & rice puddings & I never finished till 3 or 4 ockclock & folded down I felt dreadfully nasty & depressed all the time & my nerves are so bad too, the masons are getting on now have door frames up

Feb 4th We get up early now & I fried Ham & Eggs & Tomatoes & Dad went to Gawler & was home dinner time with leg chops to fry I had apple pies made & Ma cooked beans & Potatoes or we both prepared them at 10 o'clock they have lunch so it keeps us going dinner over I roasted part of a forequarter mutton & as the weather was so bad I fried liver & heart also for breakfast tomorrow & made gravy & washed up such a lot of things also did my ironing Wilf went to Gawler again very hot & east wind

Feb 5 Very hot sun but wind changed & it was cooler as we live in our Shanty much the same day by day I have no fresh news I cleaned my room wash the floor baked shoulder mutton beans & potatoes & then rock buns & apple pies Dad did not go to Gawler today we are kept very busy cooking & lunches to get I mixed bread.

Feb 6th I get breakfast first then I baked Jam Tarts & bread & large cake & made a lovely brown Stew for dinner Dad went to Gawler Clif went home from Charls & I swept room & finished Ma's blouse no regular Sat work I am Kept busy Wilf to Gawler at night Clem & I had a bath I washed my blue dress &c Brice & Bert went home dinner time lovely cool change Quite cold at night

Enter into the gates with thanksgiving

Feb 7th I got dressed first & got the Stove blackleaded as its no use cleaning it Saturday now then I got a cup of Tea & as I made Jam Tarts yesterday & cooked & stuffed fowl I decided to go to Church Clem & I so I fried chops for breakfast & we had Toff in the sulky on arrival found it was Harvest Thanks service Mr Haslam58 preached came home had dinner & Celia & Percy & Amy & the children came out to tea it was a lovely day Mr Edley Stewart has a daughter born Feb 4th at Jacob St Gawler 191559.

58 Rev George Keysell Haslam, preacher.
59 Elva Eugenie Stewart, daughter of Edgar Stewart and Annie Morris.

Feb 8 I could not wash today I had baking to do pies &c & usual work all round boys carting stones & sand & preparing for arrival of Masons but they did not get here till one oclock I cut up Peaches & Ma helped me & I made Jam in the afternoon got mens lunch & I did up the Jam & wahsed things up such lovely cold weather & Westerly breeze & usually windy in the afternoon.

Feb 9 A very busy morning I got the men the meal & put out bread baked Biscuits & then bread & applie pies & a large Cake (Alford) Clarrie Lucas60 came out to see about the roof &c door & windows of house & Dad let him the Contract after dinner Dad & I drove to Eva's & she & Gwennie went with us to Gawler & Coral stayed at Celia's I did some shopping & then we came home just called at Cels but did not stay.

60 Clarrie (Clarence James) Lucas; local lad, aged about 23.

Feb 10th As Jack Porter61 came up last night for Hay I had to get up at five & get his breakfast also fry sausages for Brice Bert & our boys Bert & Bert went down & helped Jack load the Hay at Charls I helped Ma wash up & baked pies & leg Mutton we looked at Curtains & they are too short so I'll have to change them Aunt Harriet Maria & Victoria62 two children came up & had dinner & spent afternoon had a chat Maria leaves for Victoria on the 18 inst for a four month stay.

61John Charles Porter (Brice's brother).
62Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), Ma's sister; two of her daughters, Maria Anna Paterson and Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson) and Victoria's two sons Charles David Ross and Peter Norman Ross.

Feb 11 Thursday but as I had not washed I had to turn to today but first of all I got 6/30 breakfast & put out bread to rise & also baked it Mother got dinner cabinet pudding & a Stew. I did not finish till three & then I altered a pair of pants for Bert (Denhams) made finger stalls & put a bib on my apron I have Rhumatics very bad & am always on my feet too I am so very tired & lonely Ma was resting then there are always two lunches to prepare & take out to men & after clearing away it is always bedtime I have neglected to report.

 And into his courts with praise
Feb 12 Friday but no regular work I cleaned out my room Dad did go to Gawler & I did ironing today & always have to help with all dinners & lunches the weather is warmer now I mixed bread tonight am not too well we had Mutton trombone, potatoes & Ginger pudding & custard

Feb 13 Ma's birthday Dad usually lights fire & then I put out bread to rise & fried Sausages for breakfast & had it ready by 6/30 then I had to tidy rooms & bake bread cake, 2 apple pies & got 12 oclock dinner as the men leave at 12/30 then we had our dinner then roasted pork for tomorrow cleaned all cutlery & had a bath & rode as far as Celia's with Wilfred & remain for the night with them.

Feb 14 I stayed at Celia last night & slept with Amy & dear little Olive she has a bad cold we did not dress till 8 oclock & I made the bed & helped wash breakfast dishes then Eva Kit & Hazel63 came over to milk & I rode back with them to Ada's Ethel & I went to Frances' to dinner & had a chat & look at their new home came back to Ada's to tea & she drove me home here Amy & Olive & Murray63 & Ethel Kit & Uncle were here. Charl & Eva & family wen to K.F. Harvest Thanks it was a very hot day indeed & I felt it walking 

63 Hazel Jean Heath, Kit's daughter.
63 Murray Charles Parham, one of Ada's children.

Feb 15th I got up soon after five & got a cup of tea & drove into Frances took my weeks washing with me & did it in there Oh it was a fearful hot day & we had to use tins to boil in & wash in a tin Verandah I felt so faint I did not know how ever to keep up I finished at five Frances had Hector in the Sulky & went down the street & took old Mrs Hand63 to meet the tramcar I drove home was talking to Cel made our bed using the clean linen & retired very done up.  

64 Old Mrs Hand. Probably the mother of Aunt Amelia's husband Edmund. 

Feb 16 A hot night & I did not get much rest got up & got breakfast & put new bags down for a carpet Ma boiled pork & we had stew peached & Sago I did some sewing in the afternoon & put tapes on Clems Saddle cloth Percy always comes out grubbing every day now. I have bad legs my knees so stiff the Rhumatism Darling little Olive can walk alone I had a letter from W.A. last week the weather is very hot & hot winds.

Wait on Lord & he shall strengthen thy heart wait I say upon the Lord. 

Feb 17 I awoke after a nice sleep as it was a lovely cool night I had a cup of tea & fried Veg & got breakfast over & cleaned up the room made beds & also made a Mount Lofty pudding for dinner mashed pots & Salmon also I forgot to say I baked bread & yest cake before dinner this afternoon I ironed clothes & Berts fashion shirt & started my dress (to alter it) Bert cousin Bert & Wilf are gone to a play it is cooler but sultry

Feb 18 Another very hot day same morning work & I set to & mended up the floor with more bags then I made apple pies & assisted generally I altered my frock in the afternoon it was terribly hot all time & there are lunches ot prepare & tea to boil for Men.

Feb 19th I intended going to Gawler with Dad but he never went so I baked bread & 6 cups rock buns apple pie corn mutton Beans potatoes I altered the Kitchen worked very hard at it nailed bags on the Floor & mended stockings very hot indeed 8 men to get lunch for the nights have been terrible hot.

Feb 20 Bread all up before 6 o'clock & I at once put it in Tin & baked it got breakfast fried Eggs & Fluffs then Mother having finished making butter picked & dressed a fowl & cut it up & boiled it & I made a pie with it & some ham & onions Bert rode into Gawler with Dad at 11/30 to the Races Brice & our boys had dinner & game of cards & he went home at 2 o'clock I cleaned Ma room My room Dairy thoroughly & washed our German print dresses had a bath & gave Clem one washed his blouse &c mending at night.

Feb 21st I got up early & hurried & thoroughly cleaned my stove & fountain & Kettle boiled a cup of Tea fried two lots sausages got breakfast & made beds & hurried & got ready for church & Mr T Burford64 preached came home & had dinner & Celia & Amy & family came out I wrote a letter to Tom & Myrtle65 such a beautiful cool change I well remember one year ago today dear little Olive was Christened.

64 Mr T Burford, preacher.
65 Cousin Tom (Thomas Henry) Easton,
his wife Myrtle Easton (nee Badenoch), living in Murray Bridge

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith. Be strong.

Feb 23rd A nasty windy dusty morning I lit fire & got a c up of tea & fried breakfast (Eggs) lit my Copper & did the washing it was terribly dusty till 10 oclock then calmed down I finished at 2 oclock then I scrubbed from stool knife box & board (Bread) & other thing I made beds & then showed Ma the Curtains & folded & got lunch & then Tea mixed bread lovely cool now. Wilf gone to Gawler.

Feb 24th A dull, cool, cloudy morning but at dinner time the sun shone out. I was very busy as usual had to bake bread & two lots yeast Buns roast leg Mutton & potatoes & Trom & Melon pies & apple pasty yesterday & today stewed pears & pastry dinner over I helped with dishes then dressed for Alice Pedericks & Stan Wordens wedding66 Eva & Coral & Gwennie drove down & Coral stayed with Mother while Eva & I went to it The Church was tastefully decorated with asparagus Fern & white & silver Bells it looked very pretty the words Love & Joy also Good luck were entwined the Bride wore a dress of White Embroidered Voile bridesmaids white Emb muslin & dark red bouquets & streamers it was a pretty wedding & a large number of people were there they motored away.

66 Alice Matilda Pederick & Howard Stanley Worden, at Gawler River Methodist church (Stone Hill?)

Feb 25 We had cold breakfast & usual work I baked Biscuites & Apple & Melon Pies took out lunch & tidied room in the afternoon I starched & ironed fashion Shirts & washed it out this mornin gas he went to a Dance at St Joseph last both boys I mended stockings Dad went to Gawler & brought home corn Beef Ma cooked it for tea I have bad limbs it is cold evenings & mornings.

Feb 26  Dad got up & I was dressed when he called soon after five oclock I expected my bread to be ready but it was not so I got breakfast & put on Melon Jam to boil then I helped mother with a Beef Steak pudding & baked Melon Tarts & put on bread & forgot it for over 2 hours but the fire was steady so was fair I bottled off the jam sealed it & labeled it Ma prepared Veg for dinner they are building the Chimney today it is lovely but early this morning it was so bitter cold we shivered & Clem wore his sweater to school Dad went to Gawler at 12 oclock I was mending Shirts all the afternoon Mother also mending we do not get much time for sewing now as it is so much running about the weaterh is lovely at present all the 4 men went to Gawler tonight.

Work out your own salvation with fear & trembling.

Feb 27th Dad had to go to Gawler again today as Charlie had to bring out Timber windows &c we were busy as usual I had to fry sausages for brkf & bake bread Cake, Shoulder mutton & meat pie for din Bert & Brice went home at one o'clock Bert was going to Paddys Bridge to play Tennis on his way home Frances Harry & children came out for tea & evening French came home last night with Dad & home today I thoughtly cleaned my bedroom & had a chat to Franc.

Feb 28th Sunday I awoke so early & dressed at 6/30 & got a cup of Tea & breakfast made beds & got pears stewed then Clem & I went to Stone Hill Church & Mrs Bray67 Mr Haslam & I had a chat & I decided to transfer my name as a member to their church also partook of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper Mr Haslam preached the day is extremely dusty & windy it broke my door off the hinges its awful & has smothered everything with dust.

67 Most likely Mrs Ellen Bray (nee Goss). I suppose Fanny's church membership was at Buchsfelde earlier, or perhaps still Wards Belt, from when the church there was operating?

March 1st An awful dusty day with wind blowing in Gales quite a record wind & dust just like waves everything covered men had to knock off work Clarrie Lucas started the carpentering in put in window frames Brice & Bert laying bricks for floors Mother & I busy in all the muddle I made Meln pies. cooked corn Beef carrots potatoes besides ordinary work in the afternoon we mended moles & Stockings got early tea 6 oclock. I am not well.

March 2nd I got up & partly dressed during the night as it was so moonlight then found it was too early to dress so rested till six then got breakfast & cut up pears for jam & put than on to cook boiled beef Tromb & pots & made apple pie baked 6 large loaves bread made two slides Yeast buns & baked them & took up Jam & bottled it off Uncle Tom & Uncle Charley drove out for the day so had a chat such a lot to do for 7 men to Dinner & lunch also Clarrie had some it is another cold windy day blowing all the time my limbs are very bad & there's so much running to & fro lunches &c Clem at school.

He was made sin for us who know no sin that he might bring sinners to Jesus

Mar 3rd It was a lovely day after three terrificly windy & dusty ones I decided to wash after i had done the morning work so lit copper & filled Tubs I got on very well all but dark Trousers  sox stockings &c which I had to leave Ma picked cleaned & boiled a fowl veg apple pies then I dressed for Gawler Dad & I went we did shopping & called at Frances Mary was there had a cup of Tea then went to Ada & Celia's & got Beans for Ma to make pickles I had dear little Olive up in the trap she can talk so pretty now.

Mar 4th I had to get Sausages fried for breakfast & then did necessary housework & finished wshing  ironed som ebefore dinner & Ma made a Stew & boiled rice I finished all ironing after dinner fashion Shirt &c did mending Perc Arbon68 came out to see about painting the house it is now progressing wondow frames & door frames in & tomorrow doing roof another lovely day Brice & Bert went to do some building at Bragglesome Wilf & our Bert loaded Hay for Gawler & Wilf went in with it & brought back Timber int he evening I have to get Tea alwasy & mix brd.

68 Percy Richard Thomas Arbon, distant relation.

Mar 5 Dad got up at four oclock & called me & the boys I had been awake a long time & was so tired but I cut Wilfs dinner & gave both their breakfst put out bread & baked some & sent down to Eva by Bert & B I baked the rest afterwards I was so very unwell my hip is terrible painful & self not at all well I lengthened my frock German print & put new sleeves in nightdress must go & mix bread Dad been to Gawler the rest at Charls

Mar 6th I felt so very unwell but dressed & put bread to rise then got sausages fried & baked bread & then I had to lie down I really could not keep up however I got up again at 11 oclock & done beans for dinner & Mother roasted a flour gr mutton potatoes & I made two apple pies Ma made a Alford Cake & I had to rest again in the evening I swept & dusted my room & bathed Clem had tea 7 retired Clarrie & Mr Paget69 put up the rafters of the roof Brice & Bert went home to dinner early Amy & darling little Olive are still at Celia's & I am so lonely without her Celia has eczema on her arm so Amy is helping her with the work.

Jesus Chirst the same yesterday, today, & for ever.

Mar 7 As I was so far from well I decided to stay home but wished i had gone afterwards I did housework & got dinner Mother helping & did washing up very cold & raining at intervals After dinner I wrote to Ivy70 & Celia Amy & families came home stayed to Tea then they went home Amy & dear little Olive stayed with us can talk & walk alone & is so interesting & bright.

69 Mr Paget. No more information yet.
70 Probably cousin Ivy Elizabeth Easton.

March 8 Monday I got breakfast over & then I lit Copper & started washing but it was most awful windy dusty day & I could not put them out  & some I did & had to wash the second time I mended Denhams in the afternoon Amy baked scones Biscuits & pies it lasted all day & nothing was done to the home.

Mar 9 Such a lovely morning & I got up real early & after breakfast went to my Tubs & did not get doe till 5 o'clock Clarrie came out to work & the others went to Charlies till after dinner Celia & children rode out with Percy & remained the day she & Amy helped Mother with houseowrk & dinner I felt so awfully tired Amy stayed home till tomorrow.

March 10 Another lovely day & I was up very early had bread out & one lot in the oven & Sausages fried by six oclock for Wilfie he went to Gawler for Manure he brought home a load Monday Clem drove Amy & baby home early this morning & Celia was washing Wilf had lunch there as he came home Cousin Eva came for afternoon had afternoon Tea & looked at Trinkets Dad & Uncle Charley went to Lodge at 7/30.

Mar 11 I was later up today but did not have to bake bread got breakfast Len Gorman71 & Stan Lucas came out & fixed the Spouting all round the house Brice & Bert ar building the Kitchen now Clarrie doing woodwork of roof I baked two apple & pear pies & assisted generally int he afternoon I  cut out
& made a creme shirt for Clem out of Wilfs old one Clem is at school another nice day sun very hot thought Mother not well atall mine & Dads limbs very bad & my nerves none to strong either Flora has a male calf this morning

71 Leonard James Gorman, local lad, aged 21.

And you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses & sin

Mar 12 I did not have to bake bread but I had to bake rock buns I always have to get mens breakfast & today Ihad to get up at a very early hour & get Wilfred his breakfast as he was going in the Gawler for Bricks Bert & Brice are building a Kitchen fireplace & chimney Clarrie is ptting on the iron started it today I cleaned the dairy up. Len & Stan were out this morning & finished the spouting & also the Tank went home dinner time I made Jam Tarts for dinner & we had corn mutton beans 

Mar 13 My bread was over the pan so I hurried & got early breakfast for Cousin bert as he went to Adelaide to the Races & I just went my level hardest to get all 4 their breakfast our Bert went down to Charls to put a roof on his new room. I baked bread & two slides of Yeast Buns Alford cake Mother picked & cook a fowl boiled it & melted Butter Dad went to Gawler I was so busy all the morning & in afternoon I tidied my room & rested & read paper nice weather

Mar 14th I did not dress till 7/30 then fried sauasages & emptied Tubs of rain water set table had breakfast & made beds & got ready for Stone Hill Church Clem & I Mrs John Pederick72 is very ill indeed Drs given her up & Mr Oliver Pederick72 is also very seriously injured by an accident in Victoria it is very sad Mrs P has been ill 3 weeks. In the afternoon after helping clear dinner which I got after I came home all cold dinner I read then Ada Jim & Family Charl Eva & Family came over remained till nine a lovely day.  

71 Mary Pederick (nee Wheaton), the matriarch of the Pederick family 
72 Robert Oliver Pederick, one of her sons.

Mar 15 I lit fire in Stove got breakfast & thoroughly scoured my Copper as bright as a penny filled & lit it & started at nine to wash it been a simply beautiful day I washed all bed linen & Ma nephra dress Dads Gawler Trousers Clem school pants & Berts Denhams finished 3/30 washed all bread & Cake Tins & boiled scrubbed Knife box Brd Board had a cup of Tea & ironed all rough things & made my bed I'm very tired got Rhumatics Clem home today chaffcutting B & Bert got up here to dinner & started plastering the rooms.

Mar 16  I have to have breakfast at 6/30 so I got that ready & during the morning I thoroughly cleaned our dining Shanty & put some old oilcloth down in it & more bas got it tidy also swept dairy & both bedrooms & Kitchen Mother cooked corn mutton marrow potatoes & I cooked two apple pies & we made Melon Jam Ma bottled it after dinner Dad & I went to Gawler a hurried drive called on Frances & Celia saw Amy & baby at Frances I did some shopping & came home & got to & mix.

Mar 17 Another nice day but more wind I had a lot to do I got breakfast over & then put out bread to rise & made the beds & swept all rooms over & baked two lots bread 7 loves & shoulder mutton & mother made soup marrow & Pots & I baked Biscuits & had a complete failure & also a nice big cake I felt so unwell all day but did the ironing &c got Tea & lunches all four men went to St Joseph Hall dance.

Mar 18 When Dad called me after he had lit fire & given Wilf his cup of Tea & breakfast & I had to cut his dinner & put his Tea up I could scarcely move with Rhumatics in terrible pain but persevered & swept & made beds cut up pears for pies & baked them for dinner I washed the dinner things while Mother made Brawn & then I drove to Celia's for the afternoon spent a nice old time yarning & looking at different things I drove home soon after six such a hot dusty day & close dull muggy, evening a large fire showing in the distance.

Mar 19th Usual hour & got breakfast over Dad went to Gawler there is always a lot to get ready & I had to bake pies & I did all houseowrk made beds &c after dinner I mended Wilfreds best pants he tore them at St Pathrick [St Patrick] Social Wensday I then pressed them & had to get early Tea as all four went to Gawler at night.

Mar 20 I had to get up so early as I had to fry sausages & bake bread for children (Clif & Clem) give men their meal & swept & tidy all round & Mother made a Stew & pear & Custard after dinner I put on the boiler & washed a lot of clothes Brice & Bert went home at midday Clarrie at 5 oclock we are all so tired of this terrible mess of disorder & inconvenience & wish all was done & we could remove from here.

Mar 21st I got up early & blackleaded stove &c swept up & got breakfast made beds & finished all at 9/30 but as I intended going out at night I did not go to Church I had a rest & read then dinner & dressed & Clem & I went with Wilfred to Gawler I stayed at Ada's to Tea & she & I went to the Pictures on (Creation) at Institute73 Uncle & Eva also went Wilfred called for us we had supper at Ada's got home at 12 o'clock very tired.

73 Gawler Institute on Murray Street, it was a picture show from the International Bible Scholars.

Mar 22 As I was so far from well I really could not wash or only Clems school clothes i oculd hardly move with rhumatism I had to walk with a stick I did not know how to keep up I did mending Denhams & got Tea mixed bread & then I retired as I was ill. We had corn beef & veg Tromb & Pots & Maryann pudding.

Mar 23rd I got up & had a cup of Tea for parents at sunrise & brekfast & put out bread by seven then baked it & pies tidied rooms & been mending brothers Denhams & Shirts & got early Tea & all went to Gawler to the Pictures Dad Frances & Celia went to Mrs Ames Senr Sale74 & bought some Glass ware & Salad bowls & tray nice day cool & clear.

74 Probably Sarah Ames (nee Bartlett), wife of William James Ames (who died in 1913&14).

Mar 24 It was a beautiful morning & I hurried & fried the breakfast (sausages) then put on my boiler to wash as I had not been well enough before. I got all washed by dinner time but a few things & a pair of blue blankets I felt rather done & rested then got afternoon lunch & all the usual work done also mother has to milk herself so I milked 2 cows fo her & she fe animals.

March 25 I have to get up early some mornings at 4 oclock Dad lights the stove & calls me to cut Wilfs dinner as he carts stone to Gawler I baked bread Yeast Buns tart & pie (Melon) roast beef marrow potatotes the men are white plastering dining room & Girls room today Clarrie doing the windows & door frames Skirtings &c Cousin Bert took Clem to a play at Gawler Institute Mabel Hardings Sons of the Sea75 Wilfred & Lady also went. Brice & Bert & Mother Father & I looked at Photo's it is very cold weather mornings & nights now. Mrs John Pederick is very ill no hopes of recovery.  

75 Mabel Hardinge Dramatic Company performed since 1910 at the Tivoli in the Tivoli Follies, and travelled to various theatres in South Australia to perform "Sons of the Sea" - a thrilling nautical drama, among other amusements. Google searching tells me she had performed in London before coming to Adelaide.

My God shall supply all thy need. Ask & ye shall receive

March 26 I hurried & go tWilfred early breakfast & fried Eggs for the others got meal over & swept both bedrooms thoroughlyBert & Brice finished up at lunchtime & went home I walked up to the corner with Wilfs dinner as he loaded Stone in Twelftrees came home finished rooms & then got dinner Dad went to Gawler Bert Len Gorman & Stan Lucas went to a Dance at the Dublin Institute stayed at Hotel tonight Wilf to Gawler French home with Dad Charl & family for evening I mixed bread.

March 27 I had to hurry as it was 1/4 to 6 I blackleaded stove &c took & made Tea for parents baked sausage rolls fried sausages for breakfast made Cake & put bread out & baked it also Yeast Cake & meat done my room & Kitchen Dad Ma & I drove to Vote76 at Buchsfelde I had a bath gave Clem his & French & I bathed the little dog we had tea & then retired to rest.

76 State Election at which the United Labor Party claimed 10 seats from the Liberal Party.

March 28 I have been very unwell all night Colic got up & Dad lit fire & I swept Kitchen & dining shanty thoroughly & made my bed & dressed for church Clem & I a new minister preached we came home school road & had a look round Perc Celia & Amy drove home to dinner I changed my dress & lit up fire set table mother prepared Beans potatoes & stewed pears I must go & get tea not very cold again Boys went to City Uncle Charlie & Wes spent evening here.

March 29 I decided ot wash as I intended going out tomorrow Dad & Clem went for a tank of rain water from Mr Whites77 I got breakfast & helped milk when Dad got home I filled the Copper & added Soap & boiled it but I never remember such hard water it was dreadful I had to empty my copper refill with Tap water it was nearly dinner till when I took up the first clothes I did not feel atall well & did not finish till late did a lot of cleanin gup & swept the old kitchen & set tea out there as it was so very cold we are having very cold forsty like weather & it is very rough out in these old shantys Clarrie could not come out till dinner time as he went to Town he is putting up doors Wilf has started harrowing the fallow and I mixed bread tonight.

77 Mr White, neighbour.

Blessed are they which do hunger & thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled

Mar 30 Breakfast is always the first work after the fire is lit Dad generally get out first but I was first this morning then having put out bread to rise I tidied round & baked it & Dad Ma & I drove to gawler & went to a Sale in the Forester Hall bought Curtain poles & tiny round table w were there all the afternoon & called at Frances' & had a cup of Tea late home Bert had milked so we had tea & a look round he & Clarrie started the Ceilings today a nice day but dusty.

Mar 31st I have a terrible hoarse cold today usual morning work I did not feel atall well but did all ordinary work & folded clothes & in the afternoon I ironed such a cold day I starched fashion Shirts & I ironed them Mother roasted a shoulder mutton Veg & stewed pears for dinner.

April 1st Our boys are all on the go at fooling to day I had to bake Biscuits for lunch I swept & dusted Ma room & made bed before 8 o'clock then I had to put on meat for a pie & make a pear pie & tart pack Celia's goods as Dad went to Gawler I was so busy but so unwell Clem so very bilious I baked pies then Bread was ready & I made dough into Buns got dinner for boys & had previously fooled them at lunch they were chaffcutting so I baked bread & buns by 5/30 had a large washup mended Shirt & helped milk put sepr together washed Buckets got boys tea who went to Gawler Cousin Eva & Ma went to see Mrs F Broster78 who is very ill indeed at Penfiled, Eva stops tonight here.

78 Mrs Broster has been ill since January!

April 2nd I was very crook this morning Dad lit fire & I swept & cleaned both shanty rooms but had to lie down twice before dinner men chaffcutting George McLeod79 here from Prospect this mornin gmother washed up Eva wiped & stayed till 10/30 am. Ma cooked a piece of corn mutton Trom pots cold pie such a lovely day sun bright & warm In the afternoon I cleaned out my room & packed all ready for shifting on Monday next Dad & Ma did the dairy work.

79 George Kimberly McLeod, Eva's brother. 

April 3rd Dad & I both up early bread ready for tins so I put it out & then I got breakfast & baked it also Dora Biscuits & peeled Potatoes swept rooms. Ma picked & dressed a pair fowls I made Alford Cake & had to lie down I was so ill Ma went to take it out fo the oven & broke it. Dad & Clem went to Gawler I rested a while after dinner & then cleaned spoons & Tinware & lantern & assisted generally cleaned stove &c & swept Kitchen had tea Bert went ot City I bathed Clem & made his bed & mine so unwell.

Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted

April 4 As Wilfred was going to Adelaide he called me at a little after five & Dad got up I fried their breakfast by sunrise swept room & made Ma's bed also the dining shanty then fried Clems & got him ready Charl & Family & Clem drove in our Yellow Buggy to Prospect George McLeod rode his bike I got ready & drove myself to Church Rev C. H. Neild80 preached also sacreament [sic]. Frances Harry & Family came out for the day Easter Sunday. French fell & cut his head & gave Frances a scare I bathed it they ar gone home Bert is home tonight.  

80 Reverend Charles Henry Nield.  

April 5 Easter Monday but I decided on washing as I hoped to have the house finished this week or rather the back rooms started I had hard water & could not get on well atall Clarrie came out & helped Bert & he put up dining room ceiling. Wilf never came home yesterday & Charlie & Eva & children & Clem came home from Town Tonight had a cup of tea & drove home it looks like rain so I put out Tubs to catch water I feel very tired & have not mixed bread.

April 6 My bread was all oer the pan so I hurried & this was Wensday not Tuesday Ap 7
Tuesday after breakfast I had orders to clear both old bedrooms for the men to knock down the walls so I hurried & with boys ehlp got the little one empty Hugh Ratcliff helped the boys & afterward I had to clear mothers & that meant work Cousin Eva came & I asked her to help me an hour they had to pull down part of the wall before they could get either wardrobe or piano out of the room & then Clarrie helped shift it I was just fit to drop. Dinner over Dad went to Gawler & Ma & I set to & washed the bedsteads & ptu them up & sorted the rooms a bit We heard of the sad death of Mrs John Pederick died yesterday buried today at Stone Hill.  

April 7 Wensday It was this morning I had to hurry & get bread in Tins & then fry sausages & give boys their meal do housework & baked two large slides of yeast Buns they were lovely Uncle Charley came out as it was Dad's birthday he stayed to dinner Ma cooked corn beef pots Trom & stewed pears Hugh was here they have knowcked down all walls & carted stone & lime stuff away ready for the builder I had to iron & help clear dinner away had cup of Tea & then I went up to Mrs Ratcliffs for a while she is failing fast but gets about still & works I came home & wrote a letter to Maria & got Wilfreds Tea he went to Gawler Mr Annells died81 also Mr John Kreig82 & Mr Modra83  of near Quindoo Park a sad Easter for those who are left.  

81 Mr Charles Henry Annells, of Gawler, aged 62.
82 Mr Johannes Eduard Krieg, aged 67.
83 Mr Martin Modra, aged 72, of near Quindoo Park, a homestead south of Roseworthy.   

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God

April 8 Nothing special go tbreakfast over & as it was raining I helped Dad shift the Tank & Bert helped fix it in place got a nice lot of water now it has rained at intervals all day Dad went to Gawler & got wet both boys got wet & Charl went in with stone & got drenched to the skin I was mending clothes in the afternoon also Mother was too Brice got up here bedtime & I had to get his Supper the River is down & they have had splended rains in different places.

April 9th Dat got up & lit fire & made a cup of Tea & I dressed got breakfast over & then I made beds & did any ordinary stewed Quinces & made two lovely pies for dinner same kind meat & Vegs it has been so wet all day that they have only just made a start at near three o'clock pm it is Harrys Birthday I must go & mend Cousin Mary arranged a children's Picnic yesterday & as it was so wet Celia hd them all up at her place & had Tea in the front Verandah children were diappointed Brice is building a boys room Bathroom & Kitchen has only just started

April 10 I dressed at five & the clock was fast so it was only 1/4 to five Bread was up to the top of the pan & I hurry & lit fire & put it in Tins & got my cake ready by lamplight made a cup of Tea & got breakfast over then got porrige made for us & bread on at seven o'clock then I put out blankets from the tent to air in the beautiful sunshine itw as lovely I thoroughly cleaned our dining shanty & put old oilcloth down & made a Alford Cake Ma made a shepherd pie & I helped her with brkf dishes & she has the Sepr also to wash Brice only pottered round till eleven oclock & is still here at half past one Clarrie is ornamenting the Gable Dad in Gawler. P.T.D is working here now.

April 11 I was busy all yesterday afternoon gave the stove &c a thorough cleaning did lamps & any other work got lunch & at five oclock I put on water to have a bath also washed my head it was most bitterly cold I shivered & put on warm clothes but could not get warm all night this mornin g I did not get up till 7/30 usual work & fried sausages done my room had breakfast in the Kitchen as it was so very cold Clem & I hurried ot get ready for Church I only had 20 minutes to do my hair & dress & hurried for all I was worth & got there early Mr Yoeman peached84, Mr J Pederick & family85 were there & looked so very sad I could not keep the tears of sincere sympathy from falling there was a good congregation on arrival home had news none of the girls would home so spent a very dull & disappointed Sunday as I fully expected Amy & Celia Frances has her children bad with ulcerated throats Clem came home yesterday from Ada's. 

84 Richard Carlyon Yeoman was stationed at Gawler Methodist circuit during this period.
85 John Pederick, recently widowered; his children would be in Fanny's generation, but not sure which members would have been at church this Sunday. 

As thy days so shall thy strength be

April 12th Berts birthday & a lovely morning after a most glorious rain on Friday & Saturday & also Thursday it poured in Gawler & at Barossa River down so it means seedtime now. Our boys started today on the ploughing I mean. Brice did a little building Clarrie never came out atall I washed did not get a start till nine although I was up at five & had to look around for the clothes to wash I had a big dirty wash & did not finish till five then scrubbed all things requiring same my knee is dreadfully painful. Mother not was I did not know how to mix bread with rhumatics.

April 13 Six months since we came home today. I was up early but took the timewrong & got back in bed till Wilf called me six oclock but clock is 1/4 of an hour fast I was so worrieda s the bread was all up ready for the oven & boys had to have their breakfast at 6/30 then I put bread to rise & made Buns had my work going with a swing Dad made fire I swept the old rooms we live in & baked bread & 2 slides buns had dinner Mother cooks thta roast Beef Pumpkin potatotes stewed Quinces I thn baked pies &c & Mother made pickles I did the bedrooms & ironing helped milk & got Tea folded away clean clothes been raining again Dad been to Gawler again today as its a bother with Timber.

April 14 I expected to go to Gawler but had word from Celia to say they could not go so after I had tidied round & got break over I prepared 23 lbs Quinces for Jam & brightened the copper for it as stewpan would not hold it I did them by Uncle Teds86 receipt Ma helped me pulp them I stood over the jam almost all the time did not even leave it for my dinner dad & Wilf were in Gawler so had late dinenr with them cold shoulder mutton Veg marrow & Pots Quince pie I felt awfully done & my knee was so bad Jam turned out well I did some mending at evening time.

86 Uncle Ted is Edmund Hand, husband of Ma's sister Amelia.

April 15 All stir & bustle in the mornings now I hurried & got boys breakfast & ours Ma & Dad do cows & sep & feed calves & pigs I made beds & several otehr odd jobs help wash up & at 9/30 started to get ready I arrived at Celia's at 1/4 to 11 & he was baking bread so we did not leave for an hour or so Amy drove to City & we did shopping I bought new blue blankets Flannel for Amy & Flannellette (grey) Gloves for boys & sox also myself a Tin Trunk we had to wait for fitting for drill so went to Frances & had a chat & cup of Tea back to Gawler then to Celia's who was angry because I asked Amy to come home for night & dear little Olive. Marion was a good girl in Gawler & so was dear little Bernice such a dusty day & so close & overcast funny weather altogether.

Call upon me in the day of trouble & I will deliver thee. 

April 16 I had bread to mix last night & washup & make Clems bed And this mrning it was rose ready stove hot & baked it made beds &c Dad went to Gawler & Amy rode home with him to Celia's another wretchedly dusty day all overcast & the air full of dust could not see far I did some mending & ironed Wilfs Fashion Shirt was at work all day & felt so done Bert & Wilf both went to a Dance Brice went into Gawler so I had boys clothes to get out & sort them Mother is very unwell indeed Dad got the grate

April 17 I lit stove & got tea made for Mother & Dad gave boys breakfast porrige &c I also made Yeast Buns & a Flora Cake & roasted Beef Mother made Soup & we had Melon pie I swept both Shantys & dusted the bedrooms after sweeping them Brice has loitered away most of the Day Clarrie worked like a troquen [Trojan] both went home early Brice went home at 2 o'clock others later our men cleaning seed wheat & chaffcut also Charls came down Dad & Charls Eva went to Gawler got new cups & saucers.

April 18th Sunday but as Ma was so very unwell I decided not to go to Church so got dressed at 7 ock & swept Kitchen Dad made fire & I made a cup of Tea & then I helped milk got & did beds & prepared Veg Turnips & potatoes I made 2 Melon Pies swept dining room & Celia & Amy came home to dinner children not well atall nor Amy either we had late Dinner & I washed up everything made Yeast & then I came over here & we were going through the house & Mary Mrs Smith &  children87 came out for afternoon I got tea helped milk Celia Marion & Bernice went home with Wilf Amy & Olive with Bert i feel so tired & not like Sunday a ratehr windy day & dusty. 

87 Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), a cousin, daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath, and a widow. Mrs Smith could really be anyone, but she is clearly a friend of Mary's as she has visited with her before in the previous volume.

April 19 I intended washing so I was up early my hour now is 5 o'ck & as the time is fast I am often out at 1/4 to 5 I got boys their meal then hunted round in rooms for the clothes I did not get a start very early as I have porrige for parents to make & I lit copper but it was very cold & showerty till about 10/30 I got one boil out & got lunch for men I finished most by dinner time then there was Wilfs Moles so I washed them & Dad Waistcoat by Delaine Blouse & pale green dress I got all dry & ironed besides doing some sweeping &c & I helped milk also I mneded Clems pants mixed a large batch of Bread the afternoon was lovely after lovely showers Clarrie finished Girls room & is putting Mantel in dining room. 

He restoreth my soul & leadeth me in the path of righteousness

April 20th Harry Folland has diphtheria & Toncilitus very ill A very busy day I got upat five lit stove & at once prepared parents Tea & took it in then as the bread was ready I put it out in Tins & mixed buns all by lamp light got breakfast for Wilf & Brice made porrige for our breakfast baked bread & Buns pies, & roasted a fowl which Mother picked & got ready for oven Clem went down to Bragglesome & came back & dug the ground for plants & they platned htem Perc Arbon came out on motor bike & started painting Brice built front room fire place & partition wall in kitchen also Clarrie done the Mantel in dining room & skirting in same. 

April 21st I alwasy get up very early & this morning was no exception Mother was going into Frances so I had dinner to cook & everything to do myself & in the afternoon I trimmed a hat & did mending Mother late home there was a lot to do all day long so many to different things for one to do.

April 22 Same time & help in everything & after dinner I cut off about 3 dozen bottles & filled some Dad went to Gawler & brought home the sad news that Frances as well as Harry was down with Diphtheria & no one to look after the children & house so I hastily got dressed & Percy Dawe drove me in to her house of sad confusion & sickness I was so very unwell myself

[April 23 to May 14 missing, the following from loose sheets]

May 14 /
As Nurse had gone I decided to wash everything so I made a fire & porrige & got breakfast over & then I [torn] & swept dining room it was 11 o’clock when I started & I had boils out at 1 oclock 7 sheets 7 towels It came on to rain Dad ca [torn] I got 6 sheets dry in & the other I left out the children were res [torn] Clif got Frights & Frances told me it was raining & blowing I got up the line post was broken sheet down in the dirt & lines all [torn]

On Saturday May 15
I did all ordinary work & by running in I got them all dry I fixed up myself well no it was Sunday I remember I got all dry & Sat I cleaned all Silver prongs spoons Clif the Knives & me the lamps & dusted cupboard & Mantel & safe Frances has to wait on Harry all the time & I made a stew with crust on Sea Pie very wet & blowing all the time terribly the Gales were tremendous in the Gulf & much damage was done Jettys washed away

Sunday May 16
. I did all necessary work & fried mutton chop for my dinner & Frances had curried fowl After Clif & I washed up Frances had been baking Sponge for Harry we Cl & I walked to Ada’s a fearful cold blustrous day & the wind nearly took us off our feet so wet too & ground so soft Aunt Charlotte87 & Eva were there home & Bert was here had tea Bert fixed up line & we had a chat. He went back to Camp very cold & Stormy
87 Aunt Charlotte Humphrys (nee Heath).

May 17.
I would not wash it was so awfully wet & stormy so did my usual work it did rain I cleaned my Copper & filled it did housework could not wash so I was busy sewing I made Gwen two pinnys Lorn one Gwen 2 petticoats 3 pants altered Gwens dresses have done what I could to help Frans Frances up early & got meat from the butcher herself as the other was not nice I was sewing & assisting generally
88 Lorna Frances Folland is Frances' eldest daughter.

May 18
/ Frances expected Dr so she dressed at 7 B & I had breakfast ready & I lit copper & commenced washing I felt awfully crook & had to lie down for an hour I bathed Lorna & she went with Mr Lucas & Doll89 who came from Adelaide to Kangaroo Flat for a holiday on Friday last I had a rest & took Medicine & then I got up & finished washing & did all plain ironing that was dry
89 Probably Mr Friedrich Wilhelm Lucas, who lives at Kangaroo Flat; Dolly is likely to be one of his daughters, or could be a grand-daughter.

May 19 /
Same work & lit stove Frances baked Sponge Scones cake. Mr & Mrs Folland went to Town Eric drove in for a while I starched & ironed all best starch clothes Sheets etc Dad came in expected Bert to be here & he wasn’t so he went back to the street me meet him as he is out of Camp very cold & showery I mended at night children very cross at night
90 Frances' in-laws, John George Folland and Jane Rowse Folland (nee Wright).

May 20 / Usual work & then I swept & dusted & asst … Phy a pinny & Franc cooked potatoes cabbage … over Phy & I went down the street & to the Bank .. saw Mrs Hobart & Mary Hall91 had a ride with .. home & then visited Mrs Brodie & got Flowers for sick room she is so broken up about her sister showery again today got all aired & put away

90 Mary Hall. Not sure who this is.

May 21 / usual work in the morning first thing then I cleaned the childrens room washed floor & removed one bedstead & fixed it up in Kitchen on wire as they don’t use it Clarice came & Frances was chatting to her then got dinner ready & Mr & Mrs Dolly came & that took up time Franc bathed Phyllis & she went home with them Lorna came home here I did a little sewing nice fine day but cold

May 22.
I fried sausages for breakfast I do not get up till after six I lit Stove & baked beef potatoes Cabb & Melon pie Lorna & Frances did cutlery I washed up & did housework cleaned lamps & made a pinny for Gwen at night Dad & Auntie Eva came Coral & Gwennie they had dinner & George Cheesman91 rode out to Masters with them 

May 23
/ Sunday I intended going to Anniversary with Eva & Lorn but was so very unwell I had to lie down I got up & got a cup of Tea for Frances & Harry then I got saus fried swept dining room & then Eva came & I was lying down Frances made stew for dinner I washed up & then read Marion & Mr Whinmen92 came & several called to hear how Harry was extremely cold all day
92 Marion & Mr Whinmen. There is no-one of that surname in the South Australian records (or Whinman, Winman, Winmen). Not sure if the Marion is Fanny's niece Amy Marion Dawe, or a relative of Mr Whinmen.

May 24th I did not get up till 6/30 dressed & mad a cup tea lit copper & swept dining room made porrige started washing & got all done by 4 & scrubbed up then tidied & ironed just finished 10 oclock Knee very bad so wet & cold but I was fortunate in getting most dry & ironed today children start school tomorrow
[back to main book]

May 24 I have been absent from home for weeks & have reported on another book as I was at Frances ot day I decided on doing the washgin although it was a rather unfavorable day however I lit fire & swept dining room & got breakfast ready lit Copper & started washing i got on very well & got finished & cleared up & ironed all by 10/30 at night I was so unwell but wanted everything done up nicely

May 25  I do not have to get up early here I get the breakfast over & the children who have been home for 5 weeks went to school I aired & put away clothes & put a new pair sleeves in Clifs Shirt & altered petticoat for Gwenda & ironed dark clothes Mr Folland & Phyllis & Dollie88 came in & she is to stay here I made 2 cakes for Frances & walked over to see Ada who has a very bad foot Dad came to Gawel & called for me & I came home here everything seems so strange & I feel lost in this new home I got my Tea & Dad & I partook of same we retired I was tired.  

88 Dollie Folland? This may be one of Harry's two sisters, as Dollie has appeared before with Harry's brother.  

Surely goodness & mercy shall follow me all the days of my life

May 26 As Amy has been working so hard i thought I would stay home & help her wash she lit fire & got kitchen swept & I made porrige I lit copper & got in 1st boil Amy came & helped then I did not get all dry so ironed what I did at night I have Rhumatics very bad

May 27 Same work in morning & I measure the windows & made Blinds & hung some but cant do all I cleaned the windows thoroughly ready for the curtains & blinds Amy Clem & Olive went to Gawler to see Miss Cork89 & also called on the girls I did what I could but it was hard work indeed.  

89 Miss Cork is likely Myrtle Hilda Cork, who will marry Wilf.  

May 28 We both rest till 6/30 about & I lit fire got porrige made & breakfast ready Clarrie caame out we assisted him in putting up Blinds for front rooms Dining room & boys room he made a roller for Towels & put up brackets for Curtains in Front rooms & many little odds & ends for us he went home Midday & Dad went to Gawler.  

May 29 A cold blusterous day I did the usual work & then I went over & unscrewed the old Harmonium90 which I hope to have made into a side board next week Clarrie has promised me he will do it  I came in made a Meat pie two Tarts & Alford Cake & Sponge roll Amy was very busy in otehr rooms & I helped her hang Curtains & after tea I cleaned all Cutlery & Amy bathed Olive & Clem & had one herself & I also had one myself.

90 Suspect this may be the Harmonium (reed organ) from the old Wards Belt Chapel.  I wonder what happened to the sideboard?

May 30th I had inteded going to Stone Hill but as there was a fowl to roast for dinner & Mt Lofty pudding to make I decided to stay home & have heard since it was the Anniversary I feel real diappointed too as I had plenty of time if I had known to go Celia & Percy came out for day I helped in house Amy did most of it & I swept dairy & help cook dinner made pudding & then I washed up filled Kettle & put wood on tidied myself got tea & cleared away all things Bert cut Clems Hair & dear little Olives as well Charl & Family are here for evening having Supper now. 

For God so loved the wolrd that he gave his only Son...

May 31st I coul dnot wash today so I helped in all our various duties first thing I got fire lit & porrige made ready for breakfast I cannot report correctly they are far too numerous to mention I pasted all pictures at the backs & Amy & Clem went up to church where our furniture has been stored & brought home Sofa chairs Spring Mattress &c we both sorted what we could dear little Olive not well & cryed for her Mama

June 1st Up at five & got breakfast over & lit copper & did the washign Amy asissted Mother indoors most all day I washed the Art Muslin Curtains & it was so windy & dusty for time of year va H & Ada Murray & George went up to do up the graves & came here to dinenr & styaed all the afernoon she scalded her foot very badly poor girl has had a terrible time with it but no help whatever & all her Family hadve had Tonsilitus very bad I ironed the plain clothes at night & layed Oilcloth in the front room Wilf assisting us both our limbs are very bad indeed & so much work

June 2nd Such an unpleasant morning i got Wilfs breakfast & then made porrige for the rest Olive so unwell & so sick cant' eat her teeth I shifted the old Family bed in the boys room & put theirs in my room & had dinner & went to Gawler Celia & children went with me & by some means our rug go t lost or stolen I am so sorry too. I got the wire for hanging pictures & lace & Insertion for blinds I called at Frances & left Celia & children at her home & came home by myself at 1/4 to 7 quite dark & I cannot see well at night to drive.

June 3rd I got up & got breakfast Eggs for Wilf & then I did the ironing or part of it I hung th sitting room Curtains. Eva & FAmily came down in the afternoon & she helped me make the Blinds sewed on lace & insertion but I had to take it off & put it on a different way & had a terrible job with it Clarrie is still at a side board working but is so indolent the weather is very fine & dry

June 4th Same work Dad calls us at five & I first get boys meal then the second Amy dressed Olive but this morning she complained of pains in limbs & did not get up till 8 oclock I starched Wilfs shirt & did the ironign Dad went to Gawler I put clean covers on our table & Chest drawers dear baby is so bad with her teeth Amy had a washing day yesterday in the afternoon Mohter & I cleaned the side board & piano & we did weveral little bit of work Amy cannot get dear little Olive down much & tonight she screamed terribly quite frighteneed me & mother tried to comfort her but no. I have had a bad head & my poor knee is terible I had a long cry as I do my best & only get misjudged & its so hard to bear. 

That whosoever believeth on him should not perish but should have everlasting life

June 5 Same in every way Dad had to go to Gawler for Timber so he took Amy & our dear little Sunbeam away to Celia's Oh how I miss them her loving ways tiny prattle the darling. After they went I set too & shted al in the Kitchen & put down bags differently Mother made a Stew & light pudding & the men were late & down it sank so we were done for it. I also made Curtains & hung in Kitchen & blind & mother put Glass out on side board & the mantel & I cleaned all cutlery after tea & had a bath washed my head too Mohter got dining room straight I put Curtains in our bedroom Clem been rolling land today.

June 6 I decided on going to Church so called Clem & I got a cup of Tea for all & swept Kitchen cleaned up fire places & lit stove made my bed & had a hunt for Clems collar & could not eat much as it was late & I have a bad mouth (ulcers) a good congregation there & new Minister I love going ot Church myself & earnestly pray for the others who neglect the means of Grace (how nice if all would go to Gods house bu I am sorry to say they the younger ones are lovers of pleasure more than lover of God & his Sanctuary they are both gone to Gawler Mother very unwell & writing my limbs are bad now at night

June 7 Dad called at five o'clock & I got breakfast over & as the morning did not seem too bad I lit copper & started washign got on well till 10 o'clock then I put them on the line & it blew gales of wind & I had to bring them in & put them away in the earthen crock then I had to leave off altogether as it simply poured with rain I went in & made a pie & helped Motehr dinner over I made two blue aprons & at night a course one I put the Sheets out again but it was far too windy so put all away for night Bert hung a lot of Photos after tea extremely cold & blusterous all night limbs bad

June 8 I was up later same work then lit up & finished all washign but I had a bad day so twirling for clothes & kept me running all the time to & fro I finished dinner time all but Hosery & dark dress I scrubbed all charis & I then I made a Cake & a nice brown stew I was so very tired & my poor legs were terrible, but as there was a nice fire I ironed after Tea Dad has been to Gawler Amy is at Celia's bad with her throat & Olive is also very poorly its very cold indeed I shivered out in the wash house the rain is just what we need boys are putting in home Flat

Call upon me in the day of trouble & I will deliver thee

June 9th I alwasy get boys breakfast first& I got parents in the dining room I did housework & finished ironing & sorted some things & did various work I also did some mending & at evening I mxied dough ready for Buns I mended Stockings & Spencer mother also mending Bert hung more pictures weather very cold but fine now.  

June 10 Clem was home from school yesterday so he went today my work is always same morningI light a fire then the stove & then the dining room my dough di not rise so after a portion houseowrk I scrubbed & scrpaed th Quinces such small ones like marblesa lmost I got it boilded ready to scrape tinnder time the Stove was just awful & I had to make a fire down in fireplace to cook dinner the wood we put in would last anyone for days if stove went well I made the Jam & the bread rose teatime so with much work I baked two loves by 10 o'clock 2 hours & 1/2 in the oven & I had it crammed full of coals Oh it was a treat I was so terribly tired pasted back of Photo for mother she is very unwell & went to bed early.

June 11 Not as early breakfast over & other one prepared I did my bedroom boys rom & Kitchen made a nice plum pudding & help at fire all the time Coral came down with Charl & stayed all day & was a good girl dinner over I helped with dishes & dusted my room & swept dining rom & unripped an old prune dress Amy & Olive came home tonight with Dad she is not well Bert not well too cold weather again. 

June 12th I had to hurry as it was late when Dad called us I mistook 6 ock for 5 I lit both fires & then I fried sausages & we had breakfast the stove would not burn properly we baked meat & made a Stew & plain pudding after Dinner I tried a Sponge & it failed me then a large Cake but neither of it cooked well I fixed up a Cupboard & did general work I being very tired I went to bed in good time boys are finishing seeding Clem Harrowing Charl & Wilf carting home good from hop Sandhill Eva ot well her head weather very cold looks like rain. Ada's foot is very bad, Hary not doing well atall. Mother has not been well Bert has a very heavy cold I have Rhumatism & the new house is both damp & cold especially the back room. We had a letter from Victoria & one from Picadilly.

I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me
June 13th Sunday but I was up before seven thoroughly swept Kitchen I cleaned the Stove & belonging got breakfast & Clem & I went ot Church Dolly in the Sulky a good congregation home had dinner Dad & Mother went to Gawelr Amy & Wilfred for a long drive Clem & Bert also & Bert went on to gawler I got Tea milked all the cows & Separated & fed calf made nice fire in dining room & Amy & I sorted drawers & a box Topsy has a colt foal today Wilfred went to Gawler as well.

June 14 Not a very nice day but I intended washing & got up early & prepared breakfast lit copper & althougth I worked away I did not finish till after dinner washed all white dresses &c & put them asdie for Summer Amy ironed some but we did not get many dry it was so dull & cold all day Bert gardening Wilf down other place rolling Clem & Dad went to Gawler he has a cold the weather looks like rain Celia Wensday 16th washed for Ada

June 15 Up & got breakfast over & went out in the cold air & my limbs pained me terribly Bert was gardeining & advised me to see to my flowers but I set to & cut out some Grey Garments & started them Amy ironed the rest of the plain clothes I was sewing till after 10 o'clock but I find I have not enough material to finish them.

June 16 Up early & I got breakfast for boys first & then Dad & Ma who always milk first & then have theirs I went out in the garden & dug & hoed it & planted flowers It was awfully cold & I felt very stiff & limbs painful but I kept on all the morning Mother did housework or rather cooking & washing up & made lovely scones also Amy made some & after dinner we Amy & I Had Warick in the dray & went ot the Chapel for the rest of things & brought home the Couch & she cleaned it I washed her navy coat &c Dad & Charl killed a pig.

June 17 A very busy morning I got up very early & cooked & lot of Liver & Onions for their breakfasts & also sent some in to Celia later on. I did usual work & cooked Turnip Greens potatoes & Sparrib Dad Amy & Olive went to Gawler & I went up to Mrs Ratcliffs for bread from the Baker came home Mother salted down all meat & Melted Lard also there is a lot of housework to do now & we have no floor in the Kitchen so the rest get dirty from there & the Stove is a failure.

June 18 I was so awfully unwell but dressed at six & got the meal it was raining & the boys would not get up I made my bed & did what I could before breakfast I was so ill I had to lie down Mother made Faggots I laid oilcloth in passage & cleaned all Brass Hooks & put them up in my room & Dad put up 3 I was so ill I could not scarcely stnad my limbs pained dreadfully all the time.

Except ye repent & become as little children ye shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of God

June 19 Saturday & Dad was going to Gawler so I got breakfast & Mother packed boxes for Gawler & washed up I helped her in various ways she salted all her meta again today & I had an awful trouble with the Stove & had to bake all about twice as long as usual Amy & Olive came home with Dad I am glad as mother is not well & I want Amy to varnish several things this week & I must sew as well.

June 20 I got up before seven & did a good bit of cleaning as I was so unwell yesterday I did the Stove &c & swept the Kitchen got breakfast Amy assisting I wen tot church alone Mr Haslam preached to large congregation, it was so cold & stormy raining in my face, but I did not get wet it was cold & rough all day so Celia & Family did not come home Charl & Eva & children came down & had tea & a sing Amy at Piano she is very downhearted again & tries to bear it all herself instead of trusting in Him who has promised to help us in every time of need.

June 21st I have a terrible bad head & cold today, well I have not been well for days & now a heavy cold has prevented me washing so I got breakfast over & did all housework at 11 o'clcok Brice & Lillias & baby91 drove up for the day I finished all my garmets, Clarrie finished sideboard & started Cupboard men chaffcutting Clem home from school Percy out here grubbing again Brice & Lillias started for home at five after afternoon Tea we were sewing at night.

91Cousin Lillias May Porter (nee Paterson), wife of William Brice Porter, and their baby is Madge Mercia Porter.

June 22nd I have been awake since before four & dressed at five & got boys breakfast & cut dinner for Wilf it is very cold & rainy he is going to Gawler with Hay again I did not wash as it was so stormy & fearfully cold finished sorting a cupboard brought over all tinware from the old Kitchen & sorted ingredients & put up shelving & mantel drape it kept me busy all day Dad went to Gawler very cold & wet & so windy.

June 23rd It was not too bad this morning I washed all stockings & a few towels but Dad & I intended going ot Gawler we called & took Ada to the Dr with her foot it is bad now I did al ot of shopping Dad bought anohter Leopard skin rug for Bert & I got a new unbrella, a Hat coat & skirt for myself we were late home Frances & French rode home from Gawler to Willaston with us Harry is improving now. I Forgot to report the sad death of Mrs Edwin Gartrell of Willaston92 on Sunday June 14th she went to Church at night where she lived & she did directly of heart failure leaving 5 in family all married 2 sons 3 daughters. 

92 Mrs Edwin Gartrell, Mary Jane Skewes, aged 68, widow. 

And the rain descended & the floods came & beat upon that house but it fell not for it was founded upon a rock

June 24th This has been a day ever to be remembered by us a very rough stormy morning but I had to start to wash as it was Thursday I got all white clothes done & on line but it was so terribly windy. Dad & Ma went down to Charls to help salt a pig they killed yesterday. Amy cooked a Mt Lofty pudding & veg did all Housework started to have her dinner with Bert & Olive & a dreadful Gale blew & gorrestns of rain it was just like a cyclone & it took the roof bodily off both back rooms & carried some sheets of iron righ tover the Top of the big house & down near the horse trough Amy & Olive were drenched coming over to the old Kitchen & it gave us all a dreadful shock & the beds & bedding clothes & all were soaked the rain still kept on Oh it was awfl like a flood in both rooms but in all the cold & rain Bert started to pull of f the iron & Timber so as it would not damage the house Amy & I were in sore straits to know where to put the wet clothes I left off washgin & did everything I could to help.   

June 25 As it was Friday I had to wash the remainder of clothes & I had a big wash too did not finish tub three Amy was busy indoors trying to get things dry I ironed & was airing all I could by fires & also the boys clothes it was a very rainy cold & windy day I did not put the sheets out at all it was too rough it is a dreadful disorder from the rain yesterday & wet beds & clothes & so damp & cold we have lovely fires in te rooms Clarrie & Bert are putting on the roof Charl mixing mortar Wilf assisting as well.

June 26 We are having a rest now morning I do not start toil till seven while its so wet & cold the boys went in with hay last week but cannot go now it has rained nearly every day for a fortnight & so windy Dad went ot Gawler for goods so wet raining nearly all the time, well it was fine early & I dryed the sheets but at dinner time it poured again & I got the boys double bed mattress in by the fire & was out in the Kitchen washign up & a stick fell out & burnt a yard of it never caught any clothes which was a great blessing as I had several charis full round the fire I can't be too thankful over it though sorry

Jesus Christ the same yeterday, today & for ever

June 27 Still rought & cold I did not intend going to church as Mother told me it was too wet so I stayed home & after morning duties I helped milk & took Olive for a ride in ther pram & got some Wattle I did housework & got in a lot of wood wrote a litter to Piccadilly Mother to Pt Broughton in the evening both boys went to Gawler I read a while then Amy played a while very cold & pouring with rain.

June 28 I did not think of washign so did housework changed Ma bed & then it seem nice & clear &I decided to get to it at 10 o'clock I hurrried & got all white done by 1 o'cl then dinner & finished 3/30 I ironed all I got dry it simply poured with rain & it came down everywhere in boys room Amy assisting in house & cooking lies to Mother Veg & p cain pudding [?] I been writing toinght Amy sewing boys playing with Olive on the Mats on the floor.

June 29 Same morning duties & afterwards have to clear away all boys bed as they sleep in the dining rom general work & keep nice fires in both rooms In the afternoon Mrs McLeod93 & Eva & Children came Amy had baked scones Biscuits & Cake Amy was ironing I generally do some sewing & as it was so wet I helped Dad milk the yard is in a terrible state so much rain.

93 Eva's mother Elizabeth Grace McLeod (nee Webber).

June 30th I do not rise till 6/30 or so unless busy so I got the usual cups of Tea & made porrige & had brkf assisted in general housework & in the afernoon I made a new Canvas rug & quited it on the Leopard skin I worked hard to get it done & Amy made Olive a Coat very ward astracan94 it rains every day & although it is dry in the Sunshine & wind daytime it gets wet at night.

94 Probably Astrakhan fabric?

July 1st Just the same work in every way Clarrie came & finished the Cupboard I ironed boys fashion Shirts & did the mending Amy assists in Kitchen We see by the paper that Arthur Gartrell is married April 1st95,96 and the death of Miss Rosy Kippin last Wensday June 29. She was afflicted97. I could not go to the Band of Hope last Thursday so wet & cold & we were in such as muddle our roof been off.

95Arthur Gartrell married Harriet Lillian Clark, this before his mother died.
96Alfred Henry Nottle, a neighbour who used to spend a lot of time with Amy in the earlier diaries, married Jessie Marie Chenoweth at Woolsheds.
97Miss Rosy Kippin (Alf Nottle's sister-in-law's sister). What was she afflicted with?

Blessed is the man that endureth Temptation

July 2nd Clarrie came out to do my sideboard & the Spring Dray he had Dinner here I was very busy I did all front rooms & passage thoroughly & washed floors & in the afternon I unpacked the china & glass ware & ornamented the cupboards & sideboards it took me all day & I mended at night & also mixed bread I did not feel too well.

July 3 I got up early & lit fire & stove put out bread to rise made a cake (yeast) baked same & made an Alford Cake Amy & Olive went into Ada's with Dad he went to gawler I swept dining room & Kitchen & then I cleaned lamps Lorna was with us since last Thursday so she helped mother clean cutlery &c Marion came to spen the day Amy bathed Lorna at night & I had a wash also Amy still very cold & I got a bad throat & cold

July 4 I have not been able to sleep all night well for shivers & my throat felt very unwell but got up got breakfast over & Lorna Olive & I went to Church I felt so ill I did not know how to sit in the Sulky & it was dreadfully windy & when I got home I took out Toff & came in & had a little refreshment & went to bed Lorna wnet home with Bert & Jim Ada & Children came out to Tea very cold.

July 5 I had another restless night & my throat is very bad today Celia & Children are out here spending the day I can't enjoy a chat as I feel so ill my limbs & my throat I made beds & the yeast but don't feel like work I feel so tired & have had to lie down I can't keep up my head & throat are too bad so I went to bed at six & had a better nights rest but throat very painful.

July 6 I dressed earlier & bathed little Olive before breakfast & made a nice fire in dining room to bath her by I have painted throat all day & took Homeopathie besides several littel helpful things I did. We are having very cold steamy weather with a lot of rain Dad went to Gawler & Bert went in the afternoon to get his sulky mended which got broken the dreadful windy weather Mr Reg Bosisto98 & others came in a Motor Car & bought Royal & another young horse (Warrick) on July 7. Dad has sold a number of horses this year. Feed & crops are growing very fast now I have mixed bread tonight.

98 Probably Reginald Simeon Bosisto, brother of two Bosisto sisters who were married in 1910 and 1911, and son of Glyn de Villiers Bosisto, a horse dealer in Gawler.

For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted He is able to succour those who are tempted

July 7 My throat felt much better on waking so I got dressed & made fires & put out bread & afterwards I baked it & besides different small ways of help I cut out & made a pair of White Flanellettes for Mother Amy made Olive a grey petticoat still very wet indeed just dry for a few hours & then rain

July 8th I lit fire & cleared up beds &c Amy also helping me & thought I would cut out a nightdress for Mother of White Flanellette so I had to hunt for the Pattern for hours & cut it out & made it by bedtimre Amy worked Button holes & put on Buttons Clem is home this week he was at Ada's last week for the holiday Wesley was working yeserday out here planting onions & hoeing peas &c Clem home chaffcutting today could not wash so wet for me to go to the line.

July 9th I felt pretty right so dressed & made fires& got a cup of Tea & then lit copper & started wash Amy got their breakfast & at 10 o'clock joined me at Tubs & I had my breakfast & we both washed till 3/30 & then Amy finished it & I ironed also Amy ironed after tea while I mixed bread & aired clothes & made up fires I feel so tired tonight & knee bad

July 10 The bread was not ready to bake so I got breakfast over & put it out to rise & swept the dining room did general work & Dad & Amy went to Gawler Olive & Clem also they had to take dear little Olive to the Dr she was so ill I baked bread & Alford cake & cleaned lamps mother did front rooms & dusting & I swept Kitchen & Mother & I milked Dad & then came home & after tea the boys went to Gawler & I ironed till ten o'clock & felt so tired the weather is showery & so cold.

July 11 A more perfect day it would be hard to see just lovely & I was too late to go to Church I had to do some work & clenaed our bedroom thoroughly washed the floor & helped generally I also took baby for a walk & Ethel was out for Day & went with me Amy & Ethel & Clem & baby were out for a long time after dinner it was simply beautiful such warm bright sunshine Charl & all his family wne to K.F. Church & called here going home we read at night I had a cold & Olive is not well but better than yesterday.

Cast thy burden upon the Lord & he will sustain thee

July 12 Dad & Wilf went to Rosenthal today & saw a horse. I did not wash as I was so very unwell I got the usual cup of Tea & breakfast & assited generally then I got all mattresses out in the beautiful sunshine in the Verandah & blankets on the line but I felt any thing but strong & after then I cut out & made a dozen pillow cases Amy washed them out & put them on the grass to bleach so frosty for that

July 13 It was not nearly sucha nice day but I had to persevere & I felt awfully crook I did not know how to keep to keep [sic] at Tubs Amy & Mohter did indoor work Olive not well Dad went to Gawler & Cousin Eva came out to dinner for some wheat I ironed some & Amy the rest ironed all that was dry

July 14 Usual work & I had to bake bread & made a cake Bert & Wilfred went to Rosenthal to see a horse they wanted to buy & brought it home I had to do housework & went for a long walk to see if the cow was alright Ada's heifer that is home saw Percy grubbing pines & came home washed Olives Overall &c & Amy & I washe dour heads I ironed the other clothes & mother & I milked so forsty & extremely cold morn & even

July 15 Amy & I intended going to Gawelr & also to Celia's so I hurried & did what I could & then we got ready & went to Gawler did shopping & also went to Mrs Hobarts just called she came out & was talking to us we got to Celia's at 2 o'clock had dinner & a look & talk a cup of Tea & came home & had tea & mixed bread & did mending mostly evenings I spend mending it is so very cold.

July 16 Friday I did hurry & had to get the cup of Tea make fires in Kitchen & dining room put out bread & Bert & Wilf went up to Rosenthal to get the Filly such a bitter cold day last Wensday had dinner at Chris Harder99 Dad & Bert went to Adelaide today a grand day called the Belgium Button Day100 but they went & bought a new Horse (Hector Dillon) by name they went to Frances at even & had T.

99 Probably Johann Nikolaus Christian Harder.
100 Button Day was held to raise funds for the reconstruction of Belgium.

July 17 Dad had to go to Gawler today & it has rained almost all day long but we have done all our work just the same Amy did baking Dora biscuits Drop cakes & an Alford Cake but stove was contrary & she had bad luck yesterday was a perfect day & I thoroughly cleaned the dresser Oh it was dirty Dad bought it at Sale in Gawler Amy helped me hose it today I had to sort different things for Mother & I cleaned Stove & Grate lamps boots bathed Clem, myself, & all done retired.

For God will not allow us to be tempted above what we are able to bear.

July 18th I did not fell very well & poor old Clem was so bad with a billious attack so I did not dress early & the horeses were all out so I could not go to Church but I fried Bacon & Sausages & we got ready by 12 o'clcok & drove to cousin Eva's via Celia's where Amy stayed & Olive I just got there in time for dinner May Hill101 was there also I had a chat & then went to Ada's & had a cup of Tea & then drove to Celia's called for Amy & Olive Bert was waiting & rather cross but time soon goes & the days are short the day was fairly fine but cloudy tongiht.  

101 Ellen May Hill (Kit's sister, aged 22) 

July 19 I decided to wash as I want to sew this week I did not start till after nine & had to wash 1 dozen Pillowcases (new ones) Amy helped me with dark clothes but it came up so cold & windy & rain at about 2/30 she went in & got in plenty of wood I never remember washing in a colder wind I had to put a coat on to go out to the line I got most dry & Amy ironed all I made lovely fires & got all airing up in front room tonight it is raining very hard. So wet & cold.  

July 20th I had to bake bread so I lit fire got hte usual cup of Tea & put it out to rise & then I did ordinary work & baked it & also a cake in the afernoon I ironed the rest of clothes it was such a cold wet day & I was glad I washed & had all put away I have a bad cold too again.

July 21st The weaterh is still very cold & stormy I was busy all the morning the fires take me all the time as the wood is so damp & I swept dining room I unpacked all our glassware & crockery today & wahsed all & put it up in the cupboards & shifted the rest down in the dresser in the Kitchen but as we have not floors it is not so nice as when we can get all settled.

July 22 I have my usual work always mornings & often dress Olive & give parents tea then Amy usually helps give boys breakfast I hae been overlooking oddments & sorting them & Clem & I went to Band of Hope the Half Yearly & it was a very nice meeting indeed We got home at 10 o'clock & Amy had mixed bread for me.

July 23 Bread ready & I lit fire & also Stove & put our bread & Bert went to Charl's & Wilf the otherside of hill ploughing Dad Amy & little Olive to Gawler I cleaned the old washhouse & fixed things up a bit better & did some washing & ironing swept our room dining room & scrubbed safe & stool bread board & C then Dad & Amy came home teatime also Frances Clif Lorna & Gwenda for a holiday we talked till late & it was so cold.

Fret not thyself because of evildoers

July 24 I lit fires & fried sausages for breakfast after taking in Tea to all we had our meal & did ordinary work & I baked Farmers Biscuits, Alford Cake, Dora's Biscuits & Amy a Sponge & I a Shoulder Mutton Mother cooked Veg & Irish Stew I dusted dining room & other work. Frances taken ill with severe billious attack so bad poor girl

July 25 Sunday I was not well I could not sleep well & I dressed at 6/30 lit fire & got a cup of Tea for us all then breakfast & wehn finished I got ready with Clem & Lorna & went to Gawler River Church Mr Arthur preached102 & it is a perfect day but bad news has once more come home Frances is ery unwell indeed so very sick & her head.

102 Mr G T Arthur, Methodist minister.

July 26 We expected Celia home but Percy brought home word that she would not come until tomorrow so it being very fine I decided after getting breakfast to wash lit Cooper & started soon after nine Amy helped for couple of hours & then we had dinner & I finished trousers & C & then Dad got ready & drove Frances & children home Amy also went & took our darling little Olive & now it is so awful dull & dreary for me for she is always after me.

July 27. I got up & got a cup of Tea & breakfast fried eggs & Bacon did housework Celia & children came out & after helping Mohter prepare dinner she helped me make & drape curtains on Mothers bed it took us a long time to do it & hang curtains I also cleaned rod & nobs with Brasso & it looks very nice indeed we had a cup of Tea & then she has to get ready for home I did most of ironing last evening & the Fashion shirts so tonight I finished them all I feel so sad & lonely, but mst persevere we are having lovely weather now.

July 28th I got up at I thought at 1/4 to six & it was seven so I hurried 7 got the breakfast fired & then swept all room necessary & altered Mothers G.P. Skirt & wahsed her figured Black & altered it. for her also Berts overcoat I had to pay part of new lining in it Eva Coral & Gwen Charl & Bert & Wes came home the men to pig kill & Eva helped me mend the coat I finished it tonight I also weeded my flower bed the Daffadil is out.

July 29 A wet drizzling morning & I got up at six & frie dLiver & onions & then I did housework & Dad Bert & Ma cut down the pig & salted it & she also rendered all lard, It kept her busy all day long & I cooked spare rib & cauliflower & Potatoes besides washing up & housework I miss dear little Olive & Amy so much. She is still with Frances & is busy making a brown Velvet Tunic for baby & one for Gwen.

God bless our Native Land Australia Day July 30103

103 This is the first National Australia Day, held to raise funds for wounded Australian Soldiers and to promote patriotism.

July 30th Friday & Market Day & bread baking day I hurried & lit fires & put bread to rise also I fried meat for breakfast & afterwards baked nine big loaves & did boys room our room & washed floors passage also cleaned dining room thoroughly such a lot of dusting to do & then I cut off Berts sleeves & buttonhole stitched them I felt tired & also worried.

July 31 Today was observed as Australia Day104 Dad was too ill to go & Mother was not well so I got breakfast & swept rooms made beds & at 30 past 10 got ready with Clem & drove to Gawler via Frances I drove Clem to the Street & then I came back to Frances for her & Amy who rode down with me Celia & Family also met us & the procession was very attractive Comical & many very nice Vehicles were in the line, but most impressive are the boys of the Mounted Rifles it was also well representative of school children & was 2 miles long we went to the Grounds & there were various sports & auctions on in Aid of Wounded Soldiers also afternoon Tea I felt too worried to enjoy myself.

104 Details of the day are here in an article from the Bunyip about it.

Aug 1st I hurried & dressed at seven lit fires & swept rooms made beds & cleaned mine & Alberts105 boots for Church Clem drove us & we had a new Minister who gave a very earnest & impressive sermon I did enjoy it but it cut me to the heart we came home the school way uncle charley ws here to dinner & for afternoon Jim is also here & Wilfred is home tonight, it poured & Uncle did not leave till seven oclock for home Alb went also with him.

105 Albert (Alb) Bruce Parham, nephew, son of Frances, aged 7.

Aug 2nd I could not wash as Dad & I were going to Gawler, so I did usual work & got breakfast over & assisted till I got ready & got to Gawler at 1/4 to 12 ock I did shopping & then rode with Dad to Willaston & walked to Ada's & spent 2 hours with her had dinner there & helped wash up & Dad called for me & we alled on Celia came on home had tea & mixed bread very cold & so wet heavy rain.

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. He restoreth my soul & leadeth me in the paths of right for ever.

Aug 3rd I got up early & lit fires got usual meal & put bread to rise & made a lot of Yeast Buns Oh I was busy sweeping & dusting & baking bread Buns pies (Melon) also stewed Melon & was at work Baking & housework all day Wilfred & his lady105 went to Adelaide to buy furniture as he intends marrying next week a very cold & stormy day with very heavy rains all tanks over flowing.

105 This is Myrtle Hilda Cork. She was first mentioned in May. I find it strange that we have not heard much of her, until now, and this wedding seems a little rushed, the sudden wedding was likely prompted by the baby that will be born in February of next year... 

Aug 4th Not atall a promising day but I had to get to my tubs I had Rhumatics very bad in my hands & shoulders I could scarcely bear to rub clothes & did not finish till 3 o'clock for it kept me running to & fro from the line till I ws sick & tired of it I did not get any dry till afternoon when the rain held up for a while & weith a good wind I got most dry & ironed after Tea I thoroughly clenaed my wringer & stand today also Separator blocks fearfully cold I could not keep warm at the Tubs.

Aug 5 The same routine in morning & made a pie for dinner & ironed the remainder of clothes mother is busy making Melon Jam today & cooking vegetables, Wilfred has taken Mr Beet Hilliers cottage so he went to Frances where Amy is & got her to go with him to do up the rooms also this lady intended Cousin Eva & Murray came out & we had a cup of Tea I was mending very cool & stormy & so very windy.

106 Beeton Frank Fletcher Hillier a neighbour.

Aug 6 A very wet day I lit both fires & then got the Cup of Tea & breakfast & blackleaded both stove & stitting room grate lit fire there Mother is busy making Marmalade today I sept & dusted sitting & Mothers room passage & dining room & it takes a long time to dust all as I have a lot of ornaments out now I get so tired of it all but with a heavy heart I persevere believing it to be my duty words cannot express my sorry at the way in which I am misjudged by all & I miss darling Olive so much it nearly breaks my heart to see her Toys &c.

Aug 7th Dad got ready for Market after breakfast I had to bake bread Biscuits & Alford Cake clean lamps & bedroom sweep dining room & tidy safe & clean Kitchen also sorted some clothes in boxes French came home with Dad cold & showery & feed in abundant the cows will not dry off give a lot of milk Mother not well she cleaned cutlery & is reading.

Our fathers trusted in thee, they trusted & thou didst deliver them

Aug 8th Sunday I awakened early & dressed at seven & swept Kitchen & dining room made my bed & lit all three fires & fried Bacon & sausages & had mine & dressed for church drove alone Mr Haslam preached it was a bitter cold day I came home & got dinner Mother assisting me & CElia & Percy & children all came out also Harry came home last night & is here today & Amy Frances & children also came it did rain heavily & water is lying every where.

Aug 9th Monday I awoke very early but was very very weary & rested till nearly 6 o'ck lit fires & also Copper & as I had put off white Quilts for 2 weeks I washed them today & ust as I took them out of the Copper it came up very windy & stormy & jsut poured with rain I could not hang a thing out so windy & wet I persevered with the washing however & got most done by dinner time then I had dinner & finished & came in did housework & sewing.

Aug 10th I intended going ot Gawler wiht Wilfred so did all usual morning duties & we got in there at 11/30 after calling at Frances I got Wilf a new Fashion Shirt Braces &c he went & fitted on his new Suit at Hamilton & Virgins & he also went to Gawler South we came out to Willaston & had to go back as W.  forgot the pollard very rainy dry wind & I was glad to find on returning home my clothes Quilts &c were all dry so I had refreschments & then ironed all clothes & aired sheets & all other things we came back Gawler River road & Wilf took me through his home.

Aug 11th Very busy from early morn Wilf up & busy had breakfast & he & Bert loaded wood & other things Mother & I were busling to get all clothes ready & packed for Wilf also some food & different needful things I finished all ordinary work & made the Quilted rug for the bed in girls room at 5/30 Bert asked me to go with him to the Wedding our clock stopped & we were late Bert did not even see them married I did Frances & Harry & Family were there Amy & Baby & Celia Percy & children. It was held at Mr Jones & a very nice Wedding breakfast we laid & there was singing & we stayed till 12 o'clock then drove home. Wilfred & Myrtle got some very nice presents. She & her sister Daisy were dressed in White silk & Myrtle had a nice Veil & orange blossoms the House was tastefully decorated with white flowers.  

106 Mr George Jones, according to the marriage record. 
107 Verena Florence Daisy Cork.

Rejice thy servant For unto thee Oh Lord to I lift up my soul

Aug 12 I had rhumatics very bad but rose at 7 & got breakfast over & swept & tidied rooms & thoroughly cleaned front rooms & passage washed floors &c it was a lovely day we intended going to Eva's but Wilfred & Myrtle had Toff & Hector was lame so we had to stay home I finished the Quilts & Coral came home with Bert & Charl & Eva came for evening Wilfred & Myrtle had Photo's taken called here on their way home & took their horse home in the Sulky, nice night

Aug 13th Same time 6 ock & got breakfast over cleaned stove & Grate I thoroughly cleaed my room & dining room washed flor turned chest drawers roudn & did all dusting in both rooms & made a new chair cushion besides general work to do Bert went to a long night at St Georges Gawler108 tonight & washed up & mixed bread & looked at Bunyip.

107 St George's Anglican Church in Gawler.

Aug 14 Same hour & lit fires took in Tea put bread out to rise & made Buns & Alford Cake fried sausages for breakfast then I did lamps & dusted & swept dining room there are many odd jobs & ordinary work baked leg mtu Bert gone to Gawler Drill Wilfred & Charl both working home or Charl in Twelftrees & W. the other side of hill cold & windy & looks like rain. Celia's ceiling fell down & Dad went to Gawler today & they with Clarrie Lucas were putting up Hessian ceilings children got colds.

Aug 15 I got up & made fires & fried Bacon & sausages tideied dining room swept Kitchen & intended going to S.H. Church but Hector was lame & Bert was going to use Toff so I could not go so I did my room & then got ready & went with Bert & Clem to Bragglesome & we had dinner & Eva, Coral & I went to K.F. church & home Charlie & Gwen stayed home then Eva got Tea Charl milked Eva Separated & Charl went to Buchsfelde I stayed with Eva & children.

Aug 16th As I stayed here all night I had to dress & go home with Charl before starting I dressed & sahed children Charl milked Eva Sepr had breakfast & drove home on arrival I got my clothes changed & got all ready for washing I washed both red Quilts & Blanket & all ordinary wash it ws 10 when I got a start & I kept on all the afternoon till 4 then scrubbed & got all done, scrubbed pattern box came in & had a cup of Tea & after tea I ironed clotehs that got dry it was a lovelry day but it is still damp.

Therefore seeing we are compassed about with so many witnesses. Let us hold fast our profession. 

Aug 17 I hurried round & got breakfast fried & thoroughly cleaned dining room & did housework & got ready & drove with Dad to Eva's & on to Gawler I dressed Gwennie Coral came down with her Dad & stayed with Grandma we drove to Gawler called at Frances & Phyllis has been very ill with Croup & Franc was alone as Harry is in Adelaide & Amy was at Celia's for week end it gave Franc a terrible scare poor child she does suffer with Croup Eva & I bought Mother a new Toque & I did some shopping & we had a cup of Tea late home.

Aug 18 I had a restless night & got Rhumatics badly I lit fires & took in Parents Tea fried Breakfast & put Bread in Tins baked Biscuits & bread made a brown Stew cleaned dining room & Kitchen & made beds & did other ordinary duties dinner over Dad & Ma drove to Bragglesome I ironed clothes Doyles [sic] bedroom mats &c I also made a cup of Tea & milked & got Tea Ma & Dad Sepr & feed animals. Charl & Wilf are in Twelftrees fallowing Bert is rolling Mrs Grant108 is ill so Clem is Home little Olive has Bronchitis.

108 Mrs Grant is the teacher at Buchsfelde school.

Aug 19th I lit fires & took in the Cup that cheers to our parents also fried Eggs & Bacon & Wilfred brought Myrtle out for the Day I did all housework & Myrtle helped Ma washup dinner over I showed her the Photographs & different things & did some mending & got early Tea at which all partook as they came from work Percy Charl Wilf Clem & I drove to Band of Hope & Ada, Ethel & Cousin Eva were there also Hugh Ratcliff his mother109 & Miss Beatrice Langdon110 & had to take a top seat it was a splended meeting & Jean Parham & Cons Roediger111 sang for the Belgiums & the pennies thrown came to 11/- then there was a collection as well. Home at 10

109 Jane Ratcliff nee Donald, mother of Hugh and Will Ratcliff.
110 Beatrice Harriet Langdon.
111 Dorothy Jean Parham, aged 14 and Constance Doreen Roediger, aged 12.

Aug 20 I did same work & afer our meal I cleaned front rooms dining room my room Mother boys room & her usual washup. I did some mending & made a corase apron for washing days Bert & boy friends are gone to Lyndoch Long night drove in our Buggy it is lovely weatehr so sunny I just mixed bread Mother writing letter.

Aug 21st Saturday so I lit fire & also stove & put out bread & got breakfast over & baked bread Dora Biscuits Alford cake & Jam Tarts Percy brought little Marion out as Celia went to gawler with Dad & Clem & I swept & dusted dining room scrubbed safe &c cleaned lamps & Mother all her usual work a nice day so clear & sunny but like rain I have Rhumatics very bad Mother cleaned all cutlery & brass nobs Marion so good.

Aug 22nd I did not get up early as I was ot going to Church so dressed at 7/30 got Sausages fried & brft ready tidied all rooms Mother & Father went to Celias after breakfast & I washed up & did any necessary work. Clem & Bert went to Twelftrees after dinner & I worte to Alice Springs112 I milked gathered Eggs & Separated & got tea Dad & Ma came home to tea It was very windy cloudy & showevery & cold.

112 This would be a letter to Mrs Ida Standley (nee Woodcock), a former teacher at Buchsfelde school who moved to Alice Springs to opened the first school there. Ida Standley Pre-School in Alice Springs is named after her, and the European name for Angkerle Atwatye (Standley Chasm) is also in her honour.

Aug 23 Such a windy rainy looking morning & I could not wash too wet it has rained heavily today Charl & Wilf are in Twelftrees on the fallow Bert rolling when fine & in the old Blacksmith Shop when wet I did my usual duties & unpicked Mothers best black skirt & altered it but did not finished it my eyes ache terribly. Mother cooked hot dinner & has been mending.

Aug 24th I was up in fair time & got cup of Tea & fried Eggs & Bacon then lit Copper & after our meal I commenced washing & as a nice day promised I washed a pair of white Blankets & both bed Ticks (Single) I had Rhumatics in my hands very bad but persevered & finished got all dry & ironed afer Tea so was glad to know I had done a good days work.

Aug 25 I did not get up till 6/20 same morning duties & put out Blankets to thoroughly air them also bed Ticks which I also filled & mended last evening I put them out to air in the sun & it was much windier today I then I finished pressing & hemming up Mothers Skirt It was a lot of trouble today but much nicer now & lighter I hear Clif was chased by boys older than himself & put in a hole in the River with the threat that they would bury him alive poor boy on his eleventh birthday he came home drench & Frances was very much upset about & so was Harry & wrote to the Master about it but I think they got off very lightly indeed dear little Olive is so ill at Frances.

Aug 26th I did my usual work also put out bread & lit stove & baked it also some drop cakes & as we had a letter from Celia telling us how very ill our darling was very ill & I hurried & did my work swept & dusted rooms & got all tidy did not wash floors as my hands are so bad. I intend going to Gawler tomorrow with Dad to see Olive.

Aug 27th Morning duties same very morning then I gave both Kitchen & dining room a good clean hurried & got ready for Gawler called at Celias & Frances where I was very grieved to see my darling niece Olive so ill poor little dear how my heart aches with fond sympathy for her, she put her tiny little arms round my neck & love me & kissed me & it was all I could do to keep calm. I went down the street & did my shopping & heart of the sad death of Mr Willm Cawrse112 of near Wasleys he met it by his own hand hung himself to a tree I saw his Aunt Mrs Fred Parham from Town & had a talk to her they are so cut up about it it is a terrible trial for Mr Cawrse & family.

112 William Cawrse, aged 36. His aunt, Mrs Frederick Parham is Matilda Worden. His father is William Cawrse (married to Ann Worden).

Aug 28th Sat morning & as I was out yesterday I felt tired but dressed at 6 or soon after & did my round of duties lit fire in stove but my bread was not rose so I baked shoulder of mutton first & some bread & then a cake it was so late but I baked a sponge roll & scrubbed all chairs mother did dusting, dinner, & cutlery, & cows & spr I finished had a cup of Tea & a nice bath bathed French. We had a Surpsie visit from Jim he came for Clem who has misbehaved & took him home, we are all very much upset about it too.

Aug 29th Sunday a most beuatiful day promised & has been fulfilled I got up in good time & intended going ot Church but Bert had the Sulky away & I had no one to go with so I did all necessary work & sorted flowers in vases we had dinner & Mother & I went for a walk to look at Ratcliff lovely Pea's then I had a talk to Mrs Ratcliff at the house we expected Celia home but she never came so I was real disappointed & had I known I would have walked to Church & gone out for day Wilfred has a bad hand Horse kicked him he went to Dr & then home & fed horses & he & Myrtle spent evening here also Charl & Eva & children had a Sing Song & Supper till 10/00.

Aug 30 It looked like rain so after I had given all a cup of Tea & fried breakfast I lit copper & started the washing & then kept on & almost finished at one o'ck Dinner over I finsihed & scrubbe dseveral stools & Boxes & folded clothes & starched & ironed shirts & got Tea & afterwards finished all & was so tired & Rhumatics.

Aug 31st A lovely rain fell last night & this morning it is very rainy, Dad & I intended going to Gawler so I done all I could Percy & Celia & Family came out & she stayed with Mother while we went to Gawelr I did shopping & then walked to Frances & saw dear little Olive who is so very ill & would not even let me nurse her much the darling is so good with it all Amy thought it best to stay will she was better & stronger.

Sept 1st As I intednded going to Myrtle's this afternoon I hurried & did all my morning duties & it rained heavily then I cleared away & I set too & thoroughly scrubbe dthe large dining room  it was hard work & took me two hours to do it. the wind blew up nicely & it loked very nice we had dinner & I cleaned up myself & drove to Myrtle's & I was caught in a very heavy shower it just poured I never remember being out when it was raining more I wrapped myself in the rug & it kept me dry, when I arrived from here it poured but the sun came out & I dryed my rug & gloves & we chatted away & had a cup of Tea & I retunred & got tea & mixed bread a rainy blow now.

Sep 2nd I had my usual work to do & bread to bake so I gave parents their tea & (Celia & Children came out with Percy & stay the day I have reported Tuesday again) So will start again I swept & washed our bedroom floor & did necessary work got in plenty of wood Dad went to teh City to a Sale & Amy & dear little Olive came home this evening with him but she is very weak & ill & can't take nourishment I was overjoyed to see her although so weak & ill & can't talk to me now I put stretcher in our room.

Sep 3rd Friday Dad did not intend going to gawler so I did not have to bake so blackleaded stove &c & took Olive for a nice lond walk in teh sunshine, but the wind was cold I got her some flowers & then I did front rooms washed all the floors & passage & also washed some clothes for dear Olive she cryed for Amy to nurse her so I try to help her Mother churched & did boys room & all her necessary work Amy helped dust but dear baby crys & is so weak & get so weary & tired the darling.

Sep 4th Quite a rainy blusterous morning I did usual work put out bread & baked it also Dora's Sponge & Alford Cake cleaned lamps & swept dining room Amy dusted it & cleaned out Cupboards Dad was going to Gawler but it was too wet & he heas Rhumatics so bad. Little Olvie is so very teasy poor child she does cry bitterly I think she feels weak & can't play as she used to Bert went to Gawler at night very cold.

Sep 5 I wanted to go to Stone Hill but Hector was not in & Charl got Toff as he hurt his mare, he was cantering & stepped in a crab hole & threw Charl yards away & fell she with her neck under her & hurt her badly so I took Baby for a walk & did some of housework & baked Tarts for dinner they were very nice indeed & then Mother & I wen to Buchsfelde Church also Charl & Eva & children & Mary & a nice lot of people droe home by Ostrich Farm & Amy had a nicely prepared Tea for all.

Sep 6 I decided to was so got the fire made & the Copper lit the weatehr was very windy & it kept one running to the line but by persevering got all dry as no one went to Gawler Saturday we had to go today Dad & Amy went left little Olive home with us she was as good as gold but is so weak on her feet I did not iron did some sewing mended Berts Denham Coat & other things

Sep 7th Amy got up & assisted me in general housework & she made beds &c I drove to Bragglesome for Eva & the children home from her place for the afternoo I took little Olive with me & when I got home I ironed al teh clothes & we had afternoon Tea & I gave Eva my Golf Blouse to cut out very cold afternoon & I have Rhumatism very bad indeed & such bad headaches as well.

Sep 8th I had bread to bake this morning so lit all fires & had our usual cup of Tea & breakfast we usually fry bacon & eggs. I put bread on to bake & mixed buns & then all horses were out in paddock & I had to get Amy & Dad to catch Darby & put him in the Sulky & drove with Amy & Olive to get Eva to fit my blouse she had to cut it out & then fit it on we drove home to dinenr & I baked & glazed my buns & did sewing all the afternoon cutting out Creme sleeves for my Creme Bodice.

Sep 9th We expected Louie113 out for a holiday so both of us got up & did housework between us & I nearly always take dear littel Olive for a ride in her pram every morning & get flowers for her this morning a mare got jammed in a large peppermint tree up on the Sandhill (Countess0 Bert had to go up & get Will Ratcliff & they had to saw several limbs through before they got her out I took Olive & went up & lent them a hand In the afternoon & cart out & partly made a Creme blouse for Amy to wear with her coat Lou did not come.

113 Cousin Louisa Emily Waters nee Arbon who lives in Port Broughton. William Ratcliff is a neighbour.

Sep 10 Amy & I dressed at a bout six & she lit dining room fire & I the kichent & got breakfast over & I blackleaded the Stove Amy thoroughly cleaned our room yseterday I did the three front rooms Amy made a Mt Lofty Pudding all boys home a very rainy day & Dad & Amy got ready for Gawler I also got little Olive ready but it simply poured with rain & they had to say home & we finished off our blouses all but colars very cold indeed & wet.

Sept 11th I dress at about six light fires & take in tea to parents & I put out bread to rise & the wind was terrible I could not get on  well as my stove would not get hoe I had a shift in the dining room the safe I put behind the door I baked bread cake & Sponge had a failure opening the door fo Stove it sank so I made another one Dad Amy & little Olive went to Gawler I wokred up to near six oclock & then Myrtle came out for Wilfred. & we had a chat Bert is gone to Gawler tonight it is very cold & rough but been fine today.

Sep 12 Such a lovely day one we seldom see how & expected Lou out so I got up & lit fire & got morning tea & fried Sausages I wanted to go to Church but as Clem is away I have no one to get the horse in for me. So I went to work instead I made a pudding & we roasted Mutton & cooked cabbage & Potatoes & no one came all day Amy Dad & Olive went to Bragglesome to do Charls things for him as they are in Town. After dinner we Amy & I & baby went down to Charls & Amy milke & I got the Eggs & we drove home & Bert went to Gawler I read for a while & then I retired quite disappointed as we could have gone to Toms & Myrtles had we konwn it looks like rain & it rains almost every day.

Sep 13 I intended washing as its Show week but it was a very windy morning Amy went down to feed animals & milk cows at Charls I lit Copper & got on very well Lou came out with Wilf & her two boys114 just as I started 8/30 I washed till nine then had my breakfast & finished most by dinner time Amy did indoor work & Ma & her got dinner then she went to Gawler to meet Charl & Eva & children who came from Adelaide she was late home & as she had Charley Waters with her we were anxious got all clothes dry but pants (Moles) & down came rain Oh it simply teemed down Amy got so wet & Bert got wet through taking out the horses for her as it poured.

114 Finally cousin Louisa Emily Waters nee Arbon arrives, with her sons Arundel Charles (Charley) Waters and (almost 7 years old) and Leslie William Waters (aged 3).

Sep 14 It rained heavily all night & Amy & Clif are showing Wild Flowers so our usual work done in early morning she gathered some & in the afternoon although it rained they went & got some flowers & at night sorted them so bitterly cold the weather is this season & rain almost every day Louie had a good chat all day & went home tonight with Wilfred I had to milk as Mother has bad boots & Dad can't milk his hands are terrible.

Sep 15 Show Day & very unpromising at that Amy drove Clif down to Charls to go with him to Gawler & I got breakfast & milked Smut she is a terror & runs away Bert milked Flora we did housework & then had Lunch & Amy & I dear little Olive drove to Show where we met Celia Frances & Vicie Ross Lou Mary & Eva & Will cousin Bert & Will & many others, but I never saw the ground so wet & muddy had to have planks to walk on round the building. We got back home at 6/30 & it was after 2 when we left home for the Show so we were not long gone, only one shower & that not heavy so we got home dry & ready for a cup of Tea which we soon got htne i mixed bread & wrote in diary.

Sep 16 I always perpare a cup of tea first, then I light the stove & put out bread & breakfast over I baked it & then as it was such a lovely day I did all washing that was dirty & I ironed in the afternoon & in the evening I drove home wiht Percy & remained the night Celia & I stayed up till after eleven & had a nice chat & look at flowers.

Sep 17th Percy & I were up first I dressed first & Perc made the fire & we had breakfast & drove home & did housework & cleaned front rooms washed floors my knee is very bad indeed it looks like rain Dad Amy & dear little Olive went to Gawler I got work done blackleaded Fireplace Wilfred & Myrtle came & I got afternoon Tea & did some sewing Wilf working home

Sep 18 I had to bake bread so usual work & baked bread sponge, Alford, Ginger Cakes & meat. Cleaned lamps & got in a lot of wood it has been a dreadful windy cold day & raining at intervals Amy did dining room & all windows Mother not well she did her ordinary work Cutlery &c Bert could not go to Gawler it rained so heavily & so rough the boys say they never witnessed rougher weather & powerful winds it blew several tree up by root.

Sep 19 Kangaroo Flat Anniversary & it could not be a more unpromising day so rough & raining heavy showers Mother in bed all day bad back Amy & I did work between us & cooked dinner potatoes cabbage Turnips & Mt Lofty pudding it cleared away a while in afternoon & Amy & I with dear little Olive drove to Ada's & had tea then I drove home & she stayed there Ethel came home with me. I got the Tea & made Toast for Ma & washed up & read a while.

Sep 20 I coudl not wash as Amy was not home & I had to do all ordinary work & cook dinner as Mother was not well she got up & helped all day Percy is still grubbing for us up in Uncle Wills Sandhill. I hear a Miss Worden & Roy Rasley were married the beginning of Sep115 & Bertha Morris & Spencer Worden116 were married the middle of September both this month 1915. Spencer & Bertie live at Siddlesham Park.

115 Neva Jane Worden & Robert Roy Rashleigh married in August 1915 in Angle Vale. 
116 Margaret Albertha Morris & Spencer Worden (brother of Neva Jane) married on September 2nd in Angle Vale.

Sep 21st I decided on Washing today Amy & Dear little Olive came home last night with Dad her & Ada had been to Gawler & rode back with Dad & the others came on here I did all usual work & lit Copper & Amy did not help this week I folded & got a cup of Tea & drove with Percy to Willaston stay with Celia tonight we been talking for hours it is 11 ock.

Sep 22nd Percy lit fire & I dressed also Celia & children had breakfast & I cut out a Creme box blouse flowered for Celia like I made Amy last week I sat at it all day Effie Hutchens117 came in the afternoon it was a perfect day as far as weather was concerned & had it been the Show today instead of last Wensday it would have been far more enjoyable for us all the Sun to day is lovely & seems too good to be indoors but as I was sewing I had to stay in.

117 Mary Effie Hutchins, aged 16, daughter of Mary Hutchins (nee Dwyer).

Sept 23rd I was going home with Percy but as Myrtle was coming to see Celia I waited & roade with her home calling at Eva & had a chat & afternoon tea also I forgot to say we had dinner at Celia & came home to Charltonville Mrs Goodger & Emily Good (nee Goodger) & her two children were here for afternoon (Eva Sister I mean) & I drove to Band of Hope & it had been sultry & close all day & at 7 ock a Thunder Storm blew up & I never was so afraid in my life of lightning I tremble from head to foot it poured with rain & the rain beat in the West windows & people had to shift on one side the meeting was very good but the weather spoilt our enjoyment & I was nervous coming home. Charl was there with the children & they went home

117 Mrs Goodger is Susannah Adams Goodger (nee Pederick) & her daughter Emily Rose Good (nee Goodger), and Emily's children Phyllis May Good (aged 2) and Lorna Marjory Good (infant).

Sept 24th Same work as other morning then cleaned Stove &c Dad went to Gawler & left little Olive and Amy stayed home we did household work I did front rooms & passage it was cold & damp so I did not wash floors Amy did our room & washed floors I took Olive for a walk I have Rhumatism so has Amy & also a severe cold & so has Bert Influenza is very bad nnow I mixed bread & retired I have not been sewing nights lately.

Sept 25 Same work & put out bread & had a treat with stove however I got it hot & baked bread sponge roll Sausage rolls & Alford cake & shoulder Mutton & filled & cleaned lamps Amy did dinign room & the other work I helped in every way I was very late & wahsed out some pinafores aprons &c wet & cold in evening & bathed myself.

Sunday Sept 26 Buchsfelde Anniversary Olive awoke early & would not let us rest so I dressed at 6/30 & got our cup of Tea & dressed Olive & thoroughly swept Kitchen & dining I also tidied made beds a very windy day & all like rain then it broek & Mother & I drove to Anniversary & I went to Marys to tea also cousin Eva. Charl & Eva & children went to Wilfs & Myrtles I went for a walk round garden with Mary a lovely fruit garden I went to Evening Service & back & had supper & remained night.

Sept 27 A bitter cold morning such a biting wind I dressed at 6/30 & had a cup of Tea & chat with Mary she was washing I walked up to Wilfreds & he & Myrtle were coming home so I rode with them & I was shivering with cold lit Copper on arrival & wash all whites bed linen then Amy helped me finish & it rained & blew awfully & I could not get any dry till after 3 o'clock & then I ironed it kept me running to & fro to line dreadful wind & finished after tea Wilfred & Myrtle to tea & evening so cold.

Sept 28 Rhumatics very bad but had to get up & do usual duties Dad & Amy went to Gawler & to Broadstocks Sale & bought furniture chairs tables &c We had an awful bother with our Stove so after I had done my work Bert & I took off the flues & they were chocked full of Smut we cleaned them & I lit up stove Mother baked Scones I a coconut cake dear little Olive stayed home with me & I wahsed her & dressed her & got ready & Ma Dad & I drove to Celia's Party she & Charl gave an evening & had a lovely spread & beautiful flowers there was about 40 altogether & speent an enjoyable time & got home this at 4 oclock very tired Clif came out for holiday.

Sept 29 I awoke at 1/2 past 6 & dressed & got tea & breakfast & I was so unwell had to lie down then got up & swept rooms & had to lie down again & have been ill all day so trembly & bilious mohter had a nasty turn of blood spitting all the rest are in bed it is 8/30 so I think I'll retire also but I do miss Amy & Olive the dears Dear little Olive is such company & so loving.

Sep 30 Usual hour & work & fried breakfast then did the houseowrk & made a currant roll pudding & general work Mary & children came out in the afternoon I scrubbed the Wicker chair & all the othrs I cleaned & scrubbed Wire Mattress we had afternoon Tea & I got in wood Clif has been helping the boys make a Mortor bed of Lime ash ready for the floors in back rooms & Verandah tomorrow.

Oct 1st I felt awfully unwell in fact ral ill but Bert wanted to get all cleared out of rooms ready for floors I had to do my best & was also baking bread & a large cake I had to lie down & then get up then down again Mother was busy getting dinner & she has her chicks to look after & often has to help Dad he is nearly crippled Rhumatics & Eczema so cant use his hand.

Oct 2nd I still felt crook but Mother cant do all I took in tea & got breakfast over baked Biscuits cake & Tarts & help shift things they put in Kitchen floor today & the boys room yesterday I had to do my work Mother did her butter & front rooms & I did bedroom & sorted beds from boys room Dad went to Gawler & Amy Lorna & Olive came home.

Oct 3 Stone Hill Anniversary usual work & Lorna & I got ready for & took dear little Olive with us also Auntie Eva but as it was so full I got nervous & took her out went to Mr Parhams118 & he gave her a drink of Milk Uncle & Eva came home with us to dinner & Eva went to Ratcliffs in afternoon & Charlie & I went to Church at night Mr Lionel B Fletcher119 is conducting a mission for this week.

118 I am not sure which Mr Parham this is. Could be James Parham's father, but I do not know if he was still alive in 1915.
119 Rev Lionel B Fletcher was a congregational minister from Maitland, who led evangelistic ministers all over the world. Newspaper reportWikipedia.

Oct 4 I could not wash so have done odd work & cooked a stew & Mt Lofty pudding mad a fire in stove boys rammed floor &put in Veran Oak & did a lot shifting &c of things & took baby for a wlk & got her to sleep & I looked after here while Amy was at Gawler with Dad this afternoon Diptheria is very bad in Gawler & Willaston. Mother is reading.

Oct 5 I rose at six & did morning work lit copper & started washing & kept at it till five o'clock & was very tired indeed & my knee very bad I folded at night Amy ironed a few Mother & Dad were going to the Mission but Mother was very bad indeed so could not go Mrs Ratcliff & Eva went Amy got afternoon Tea & took out a cup to Mrs White120 Eva came in to hers & took a puppy home wiht her.

120 Mrs White. Do not know more about this family.

Oct 6 Mother not well enough to do her work so she did not get up i made her some Groats for breakfast fried for all of us & had to cook dinner cabbage Pos & Jam Tarts then our meal over Amy was busy at calcimining121 Kitchen & boys room she was very busy I could not get anyone to go with me to Mission ironed at night.

121 Calcimo is lime.

Oct 7 Amy's birthday & a more perfect day there could not be it is also Two Wells Show day, but not one of us went I should very much like to have gone. Amy did some more Calcimo & cleaned & put back all things it looks nice I did all ironing Fasion shirt curtains &c & I hung curtains & mixed bread this morning I baked scones, cake & rice putting & fried bacon cabbage Pot Bert gone to a dance Marion very ill Bronchitis.

Oct 8 Friday but everything is so Different this week having the rooms done Amy is not too well & dear Baby is so ill again Bronchitis & severe cold I cleaned the Stove & did usual work & after dinner Amy & Dad got ready for Gawler but the cow (Mona) was very bad so Amy drove to Myrtle & she went with her I had to nurse Baby as she was so ill. Eva & children came for afternoon I dusted dining room also Sideboard & shelves I got Olive to sleep Mona has a calf Beauty had one 10 days ago & then milk Fever set in & Wilfred rode about 1/2 a day to get a Veterinary Surgeon but at last Mr White came & through him & the other efforst all is well & she gives a lot of milk are milking four & I help a good bit now with them.

Oct 9 Olive been very bad all night & Amy not well I got to rub her chest & back. Amy has a lot of washing to do today & lit fire & baked currant cake & Madeira Sponge & helped with dinner also I have cooked dinner mostly this week & have done no sewing whatever Amy calcimined both the roooms Wensday & Thursday it looks so nice & we are using it today Lorna has been here a week for a holiday helped Mother clean the cutlery & spoons Olive is with Dad nearly all the time Bert can't get his Binder to work they tried to Bind some home here.

Oct 10th Amy has been so ill all night coughing terribly I did what I could for her but she has been so weary with coughing & I told her to stay in bed & I made the usual cup of Tea & got breakfast over & made bread & Butter Custard for dinner & Green peas & potatoes & did ordinary work. Franc Harry & Family came home in morning & helped mother shell peas we had dinner in the Kitchen & also Tea Percy Celia & children Charl Eva & theirs came to Tea I wahse dup with help & then wheeled Olive to sleep got Tea Mother helped me & Eva & I washe dup & Dad & I milked it has been a nice day but I stayed home.

Oct 11th I did not feel able to wash & we were in a muddle Mother very unwell I did udual work in every way & cooked dinner the Binder will not work properly such a nuisance & washed a few of Olives Clothes Amys coug is very bad cousin Eva & Will went to Lower Light to see Kit & Hazel.

Oct 12 A very large wash awaited me & I was so unwell with Rhumatics I could not move my arms without pain & my knee very bad. I never started till nine oclock & did not finish till four such a lot of dark clothes Amy's tweed dress my brown Berts Moles I really felt done out but had to help milk & the pain was terrible in my legs & arms I felt as if I must give in but persevered Mother ill not able to move with Colic Amy put fried salt on her & she went to bed I did not fold any clothes I put too tired. Tomorrow is Anzac Day in Adelaide122 & we don't keep it in Gawler. Maria is in Town for a fortnight at Andersons.

122 This was the first ANZAC Day - held on Eight Hour Day to raise funds for Wounded Soldiers. Adelaide was the first place to celebrate ANZAC Day. Newspaper report.

[end of book but I think there are pages missing at the end]


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