13 October 1915 - 13 March 1916

In 1915, Fanny Rosina is 40, living with her parents Henry Atyeo & Mary Ann Atyeo (nee Heath), in Charlton Ville, Wards Belt, South Australia They live at Charltonville, Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt.
Also at home is her brother Albert Joseph (Bert), and Fanny's sister Amy Florence and her daughter Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (one year old) while her husband George Edmund Hobart is in Western Australia - he has been gone for more than a year and will not return until January 1916.

Eldest brother Charles William Henry (Charl) lives nearby with his wife Eva (nee McLeod). Fanny's other sisters Ada, Frances and Celia all live with their families in the area. Youngest brother Wilfred George lives nearby with his new wife Myrtle (nee Cork).

Significant events in 1915/16: Everyone is very sick. Later in the year, Wilfred and his wife Myrtle and daughter Effie Verena are also stay in the house until their new home is ready. George (Amy's husband) returns from Western Australia, but has diphtheria. 

Present address
Fanny R Atyeo
Gawler P.O.
Book bought at "Cantaberrie" Cooke's Plains Oct 25 1912
Started this Diary Oct 13 1915

In all thy ways acknowledge God & he shall direct thy path
May he direct ours is my earnest prayer

Oct 13th Mother1 better & able to assist as usual Amy2 cough is bad at night & so is Olives3 I rub Amy well with liniment. My ordinary duties over I ironed all clothes boys busy Binding but they get hindered so often we pick a lot of peas Will R4 gave us all of theirs.

1 Mother, Mary Ann Heath (Atyeo).
2 Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo), the youngest sister.
3 Olive Fanny Heath Hobart, Amy's daughter, almost 2 years old.
4William Ratcliff is a neighbour.

Oct 14 Just finished morning duties & Celia & children5 also Myrtle6 came for the day I baked Scones currant pies, cake & helped all general work washed up & in the afternoon Celia, Myrtle & I went picking Pea's Gwen was bad & Mother & Father7 went down there & Dad went on to Gawler I helped Milk & gathered eggs fed fowls cold day.

5 Celia May Atyeo (Dawe), Fanny's sister, & her daughters Amy Marion Dawe (known as Marion) (aged 3) and the toddler Mary Ann Bernice Dawe
6Myrtle Hilda Cork, wife of Fanny's youngest brother Wilf. 
7 Father, Henry Atyeo.

Oct 15 We are having very cold mornings & nights quite frosty at times & has cut Berts8 young tomato plants Amy & Celia planted yesterday I blackleaded Stove fireplace & Fountain & done all front rooms & dining room so very cold & heavy showers, Dad went to Gawler all alone I got Amy to help me hang pictures all the afternoon. Mother sewing coughs very bad Bert not well but went to Gawler at night & we read papers for a while but I got Rhumatics.

8Albert Joseph Atyeo, Fanny's brother who still lives at home.

Oct 16 Such a nice day after yesterday & I had to bake bread so lit Stove & put it to rise & also got breakfast over fried sausages & baked it & roasted shoulder Mutton & pea's & Potatoes & made a Cake & cleaned & filled lamps & other work & Amy & I went picking pea's & came home & cooked some for Tea & had a wash & read a bit then retired.

Oct 17 Up so early for Sunday soon after Six swept Kitchen lit fires got breakfast over & got ready for a day off to Gawler Congregational Church9 back to Celia's to dinner & that over we took her & children to the Presbyterian Church S.S. Anniversary10 it was beautifully decorated & the children sang very nice back to Frances11 for 1/2 hour home to Celias to Tea washed up & came home here.

9 Gawler Congregational Church
10 Gawler Presbyterian Church (this is the first time this church has been mentioned in the diaries!)
11 Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), Fanny's sister, lives in Gawler with her family.

Oct 18th I decided to wash to lit the fire & went over to wash house lit Copper & got on very well as my arms were better today Amy did the housework & came in & helped me for a little while done dark clothes one way hung some on the line. I finished by dinner time & afterwards I scrubbed a lot of forms stools &c & cleaned wash house Flo Webb & Gwen12 came home with Amy & Dad from Gawler Dad was at Mr Geo Longs13

12 Cousin Emilie Florence May Heath Webb (nee Easton) and her daughter Gwenda Florence Webb, aged 3.
13 George Long, aged 71.

Oct 19th Florrie & her little girl stayed the night so Mother the clock strike & thinking it seven got up & called me at six I lit fire & made usual Tea & put out bread & baked it fried Eggs & bacon Celia & children came out for day Eva & children14 for afternoon I did usual work made pudding for dinner & this afternoon ironed Amy helped mother milk Flo, Celia & Amy & children went picking peas' & got home late & went home.

14 Eva Alice Atyeo (nee McLeod), Charl's wife; often referred to as Auntie Eva and her daughters Gwendoline Ettie Atyeo (toddler), and Coral Eva Atyeo (aged 4).

Oct 20 I got up early & got breakfast others milk & Amy has a trouble with Maisie the cow, she had symptoms of Milk Fever & both of the other cow's Beauty & Mona) have had the same trouble & one cow died (Mag) We went & picked peas & did houseowrk & I cooked dinner while Mother finished picking peas. In the afternoon Amy Olive & I went to Gawler to see about my Prunella dress as it was faded & we never noticed it I got trimming for same got mothers carpet piece called at Mrs Hobart's15 & Cousin Eva's16 saw Franc & Celia & children.

15 Amy's mother-in-law, Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett), wife of Dale William Hobart, mother of George Edmund Hobart.
16Cousin Eva Emily May Heath, daughter of Uncle Charlie.

Oct 21st Usual hour & got breakfast & cup of Tea & swept Kitchen I had to go up the road & catch Toff & put him in the Sulky & drove to Eva's (Bragglesome)17 & she cut out & partly made my skirt & fitted bodice, it started to rain dinner time & rained all the afternoon I mended stockings I got wet & Wilf18 & Bert also heaviest for a long time it has been quite hot lately very seasonal.

17Bragglesome was owned by Henry Atyeo (Dad) and was on the corner of Parker & Leak Roads in Wards Belt. Eva and Charl (Fanny's eldest brother) live there.
18Wilfred George Heath Atyeo, Fanny's youngest brother.

Exalt the Lord, God & worship at his footstool.

 Oct 22nd Market Day Dad & Amy were going so Amy did our room shifted it round after they went we shelled Pea's & I cooked potatos & made a Rice Pudding & fried Ham & Olive went to sleep & I done the front rooms swep dining room & made Berts bed helped pick pea's Amy & Dad got home good time & A helped milk &c I repotted flowers but got Rhumatics very bad so cold & rainy.

Oct 23rd Saturday with its numerous duties I had to fry two breakfasts as usual (sausages) I made cocoanut biscuits cake & Sponge & Sausage Rolls & roasted Shoulder Mutton cleaned lamps & helped in general work Amy housework Mother always washes up & sees to Cream, Butter, & looks after chickens & gathers Eggs &c Mr Herman Roediger19 was buried yesterday at Buchsfelde.

19 Johannes Gottfried Hermann Roediger, aged 71.

Oct 24 Wilfred & wife stayed all night as Bert went to Pt Gawler Beach with Clarrie & Stan Lucas Len Gorman & Charley Wilsmore21 & remained all night & Wilf has to look after the Horses. I did my work & went to Stone Hill home & had dinner & Mother & I went to Buchsfelde drove round Mitchels way home Amy, Myrtle, & Olive went gathering everlastings Ma & I milked & we had tea. I did hurry round too  I call this a Sabbath well spent.

20 Clarence James Lucas (aged 23), his cousin Oswald Stanley Lucas (also 23), Leonard James Gorman (aged 22), Charlie James Wilsmore (aged 21).

Oct 25 Washing day I dressed at 1/4 to six & lit stove also Copper got the usual Cup of Tea. I started washing at seven & got the third boil in at nine then rinsed them & Amy hung them on the line for me & helped me with dark clothes I get so done up but finished all at 3/30 & Amy ironed some & I mended my dress & finished ironing & mixed bread after Tea.

Oct 26 I did not feel too well but dressed at six & got a cup of Tea & fried Eggs & bacon for breakfast helped with housework & made Jam Tarts & helped shell pea's Dad Amy & Olive went to Gawler Olive stayed with Frances while Amy did shopping. I got dinner then baked brd & Cantabury cake & made a Shepherd Pie I was busy very cold & stormy rainy.

Oct 27th Usual duties first get a cup of Tea then the breakfast Amy helps milk & feeds animals as Dad got Eczema so bad. I was not well atall Celia, Eva & their children came home after dinner & stayed all the afternoon she fitted my dress a prunella Myrtle is making Amy a grey but she was not well so could not come out today I got afternoon tea & helped with evening work I had to get in wood & water Flowers & get Tea the weather is cool & changeable.

Oct 28 Same work we were up earlier Amy always helps with dairy work & I get breakfast Amy & Olive drove out to Twelftrees21 & got horses & Myrtle came down & made Amys Skirt I help with dinner usually in afternoon I was sewing altering my skirt Amy went to Charls22 with Myrtle for the horse was so restive I had to go to bed I was so ill.

21 Henry Joseph Twelftree, a neighbour.
22 Charles William Henry Atyeo, the eldest Atyeo brother.

Oct 29th Friday Amy lit stove she was up at 5 o'clock I was dressed at 1/4 to 6 & I got breakfast over the others same work Amy went to Gawelr Celia & her little Ones went with her Dad's face was too bad I cleaned front rooms & passage washed floors Ma & Dad & little Olive went picking peas I cleaned stove & swept rooms got Tea milked some of cows.

Oct 30 I lit both fires & put out bread got brk fried Eggs & Bacon then I baked bread Cakes & roll shoulder Mutton I also opened Kerosene & filled camps & did some washing & other work & helped milk & was so bad & went to bed at seven so Amy had all housework & windows & bathed French22 & Olive & had one herself very cold & raining at intervals Men home to dinner.

22 Charles French Folland, nephew - son of sister Frances, aged 9.

Oct 31st Sunday Amy & I were up early & after the usual cup of Tea we milked & Amy Sepr & fed animals 3 calves & pigs. Ma not well Dad Eczema very bad I did not feel well so stayed home from Church & washed up I was so crook but went for a drive with Amy Olive & French out to Twelftrees & round Kopps home Mother had peas & pot & cold meat & preserved Apricots & Custard Just as we were about to start our meal Harry Folland came out with the bad news of dear sister Ada who went to the Hospital last night & is very ill indeed Cel has Murray & Albert Cousin Eva George & Ethel23 Amy & Dad went to see her after dinner.

23 Harry Gilbert Folland, Frances' husband, bringing the news of Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo)'s illness. Her younger children are staying with their Aunts: Murray Charles Parham (aged 4), Albert (Alb) Bruce Parham (aged 7) with sister Celia, and Wilfred George (aged 2) and Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham (aged 10) with cousin Eva.

Nov 1st As things were so uncertain I decided to wash but as I helped milk &c first it was nine before I started I kept on & got all but rough dark clothes done by dinner Dad took Mother to Dr Amy all indoor work & then got a hot dinner & cleared it away & gave me a hand till finished Dad & Ma got home just as we finished milking & I had folded clothes, she was so ill & went to bed directly Bronchitis & Lung trouble so not we have nursing besides our many other duties Ada is very ill indeed poor girl & we are all so upset about it & pray for her speedy recovery for the sake of her dear little ones.

Nov 2nd Work in every direction usual work in early morn I help with milking & I washed up & Amy did Spr I shelled peas & made a nice meat pudding & cook peas & potatoes swept Kitchen made beef Tea mutton broth & a Bread & butter Custard Amy waited on Mother & Dr Henry Dawes24 came out. Mother very bad I cleared dinner & washed up then went to Gawler to see Ada she was very ill in such pain I came home helped milk &c.

24 Dr Alfred Henry Coombs Dawes, founder of Hutchinson Hospital.

Nov 3 Bert up first & in before I had breakfast ready I helped milk & came in & got breakfast for us & did all washing up Sep & other cooked Meat cauliflower peas & potatoes Amy churned & does all indoor work Frances Clem & Phyllis Gwen25 came to dinner Dr Henry came out again I did all my ironing got meals for Mother & rubbed her side Amy & I had a great run for Ma's canary Amy let it out we got it alright I milked cows Amy got the Eggs.

25 Ada’s second son, Clem (Clement Garfield) Parham aged 12, and two of Frances' children, Phyllis May Folland (aged 6), Gwenda Evelyn Folland (aged 2).

Nov 4th I was up at five & lit fire & got a cup of Tea & Berts breakfast then we milked & I got ours & washed up everything & cooked peas potatoes, fried bacon Cabinet pudding swept &c Amy went to Gawler & also down with Celia to Ada's place to get childrens clothes & do up the place I kept dear little Olive home with me I was so tired & so busy.

Nov 5 So much work Amy packed everything for Gawler & cleaned Dairy up I washed up everything Sep &c & made Jam Tarts for dinner cooked Corn Mutton & Bacon peas cauliflower potatoes made Beef Tea & milk food for Mother Dad went to Gawler Amy did front rooms. It keeps us so busy & I am so unwell Rhumatics & self I baked Biscuits & scones & have lunch to send out to men & always help milk I  us so ill Teatime could scarcely bear myself and also at night sick & bad could not rest I had to bake bread as well today.

Nov 6 Our duties are too numerous to record & morning usual work I baked shoulder mutton & meat pie & same three vegetable bread & butter pudding Amy did all rooms & nurses Mother I prepare her food & we assist each other generally I filled & cleaned lamps baked 3 kinds cake & did all washing up & Kitchen Amy all Cutlery & we milked & Amy feeds animals French came home with Dad.

Nov 7 We felt so very tired that we did not get up till 7/30 I got cup of T, fried breakfast of Sausages & bacon & washed up all & shelled peas Aunt Harriet Will & Maria26 came up Eva drove down Mr & Mrs Brodie & Lizzie27 came Celia Percy28 & children so its nothing but work no rest whatever & I'm so tired & Amy is also could not got to church.

26 Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), and two of her adult children son William Walter Allen Paterson, and daughter Maria Anna Paterson
27 Mr James George Brodie and Mrs Emma Brodie nee Pointon, old family friends of Ma's generation. Not sure who Lizzie is.
28 Percy Thomas Dawe, Celia's husband.

Nov 8 I was not well enough to wash so did the usual work Amy is nurse she always looks after mother. Men all home to dinner I fried Ham, pea's, cauliflower, potatoes & rice puddings & did all washing up cleared Dinner table & washed up I feel terribly shaky & weary.

Nov 9th I decided on washing so got up at 1/4 to 4 quite dark I lit copper & got whites out before 7 ock the time we started milking. I always help with that now then I got over breakfast & I washed the Sepr & later on the breakfast things also helped with dinner I did not finish till 3 oclock I folded clothes & helped milk & got tea & made mother her milk food Dad went to Gawler with pigs for market Uncle Charlie Heath29 was here to dinner & for afternoon I felt so awfully stiff Rhumats.

29 Uncle Charles Heath (Ma's brother).

Nov 10th One day is much like the other I had to put out bread to rise & bake it besides my usual duties & I cooked corn mutton potatoes Cauliflower pea & Jam Tarts besides washing up & other work I have to see to Amy always looks after mothers room & does all sweeping & dusting in other rooms Mrs Ratcliff30 came for afternoon Our Dear Ada had very bad turns today & passed the crisis of the Fever but they thought she was gone at times.

30 Jane Ratcliff nee Donald, mother of Will Ratcliff.

Nov 11 I baked biscuits & Alford Cake this morning for lunch I always get up early between 4/30 and 5 ock get a cup of Tea & Berts breakfast & go down & milk then get our meal. The boys are home to Dinner & I put yesterdays dinner & it was today & the other on. Ham & same Veg & currant pie Dad & Clem went to Gawler & brought home bad news Marion seriously ill, in Hospital was ill this morning & took very much worse & Dr came out & ordered her to Hospital poor Celia so worried over her it is poisoned Stomach & an abscess in the bowels. 

Nov 12 Dad did not go to Gawler dear little Olive so sick I had all bedclothes to wash & that with washing up & frying dinner & cooking vegetables took all morning & I washed the floor with milk int he Kitchen & then cut out & made Murray a pair pants & help milked & got tea mixed bread so tired & limbs ache & pain. 

Nov I lit stove & fried Berts breakfast then help milk & baked rolls & bread & Sultana Cake & Sponge I filled & cleaned lamps & lanterns cleaned all cutlery fried Ham & cooked cauliflower potatoes for dinner I was quite busy Amy had her rooms to do & both worked hard all day & Dad got another man so I had to clean the old Kitchen out for him to sleep in Amy bathed Murray & Olive & we had a bathe too.

Nov 13 I dressed at 1/4 to 7 & got a cup of tea & then I cleaned out the chimney of the Stove & fried Sausages got breakfast over & roasted a round Beef cauliflower pea's & potatoes Custard & pine apple such a lot to do & over an hours wash up Amy rooms Ma not able to get up till after dinner Eva & Coral came down Amy & Bert & little Olive gone to Gawler am so tired & retired & Amy & Bert got home at 11 ock a wet night & cold.

Nov 14 I could not wash as I had bread to bake & so milked all cows myself the usual work & cooked vegetables & Jam Tarts & baked bread such a lot of washing up Mr Jaffrey our labourer was home to dinner & Mother was up in the sitting room I washed up after dinner & various other work & soaked in clothes ready for tomorrow & milked & got Tea ready.

Nov 15 I dressed at five & lit fire & then went over & lit Copper & started washing came in & got breakfast for us all then went to Tubs & kept at it working very hard 2 white Quilts & I was just done & trembling with work & head as it was very hot over in the old Kitchen where I wash Amy cleared table & washed up & brought over Dads Suit for me to wash she helped me & scrubbed up too for me I was so thankful too.

Nov 16 I folded clothes last night & also helped milk this morning I felt very stiff & Rhumatics dreadful in hip & Knee & it was a dreadful hot windy Day I got breakfast & milked with Dad Charl & Wilf came home with binders to afternoon lunch & Bert is Harvesting down at Bragglesome the Day was awful I cooked shepherd pie & cabbage & boiled rice Amy ironed in afternoon I did a little & pressed Dads Suit while Amy & Dad milked.

Nov 17 I cleaned out stove Amy lit fire I got Eggs & bacon fried for all breakfasts & helped milk & swept dining room & cooked Cauliflower pots, rice puddings fried Bacon the man & our boys were home to dinner, I cut out a Tunic for little George & Amy has made it up I had to get lunch & send out to men Celia is seriously ill & dear little Marion not well yet Percy came out for Amy but I really feel I can't let her go.

Nov 18 Amy had to churn butter I got breakfast & cooked dinner pastry & slide Buns & Cake Amy did front rooms & our room & went to see Celia in the afternoon I done boys room & Kitchen got lunches helped milk got Tea washed Olive & Murray Amy late home to Tea Celia very bad dysentry I boiled leg mutton & cauliflower & potatoes cabbage & white sauce.

Nov 19 I always get up at 1/4 to 5 or before Amy lit fire I put out bread & we milked I got breakfast & then I baked bread cake & Shoulder Mutton & we had leg mutton for dinner cleaned all cutlery & baked Yeast Buns did lamps Kitchen &c wash out some clothes Amy has housework & cleaned windows were both very busy mother is up but not able to work the weather is cool & showery.

Nov 20 Up in good time & got a cup of Tea & fried Sau Dad & Amy milked I washed up & did all morning duties Amy went in to Celia's to stay for a while I made Custard & scalded my wrist with milk Jim Ethel & George came to dinner I was so unwell I had to do all carving & serving Ethel helped me wash up I rested all I could between work all day I miss Amy & our darling baby so much. Ada is improving.

32 James Parham (Ada's husband)

Nov 21 I could not wash I got breakfast cut lunch Boys chaffcutting had to get lunch for them I had to wash up cook Cabbage pots suet pudding clear dinner away & mended my dress Cows got away & we could not milk till seven o'clock its been terribly windy & dusty Bert Harvesting Wilf & Sam33 loading Hay for Gawler tomorrow Murray is lost without Olive I have chicks to feed & gather eggs sometimes.

33 Sam? No idea who this is. Could be Mr Jaffrey?

Nov 22 I dressed at 4/30 but as I got Rhumatism so bad it takes me a good while to dress I got breakfast boiled Eggs &c helped milk & put on Tin to wash as mother is so unwell & I had to wash up mother dried them for me at night not other times it was a nice morning but terrible gales blew in afternoon & almost blew the Sepr roof off I ran out & put planks on Top to keep it down I had Rhumatics very bad & did not finis till 3 oclock then I made a Shepherd pie & melted out fat I had to mix bread at night milk &c was very tired Dad went to Gawler. 

Nov 23rd I dress at 5 to 5 lit fire & fried Sausages & put out bread to rise helped milk I milk 3 twice a day Dad 2 cows I washed up everything mother very unwell indeed I cooked corn mutton yesterday afternoon & today boiled Marrow Cauliflower potatoes made Jam & custard Tarts swept Kitchen made my bed & did all other Kitchen work Cousin Eva & little George came for afternoon I got lunch & ironed all Wilf in with new Wheat today Hay yesterday lovely day Amy is still with Celia & I do miss her & dear little Olive so does Murray. Both Amy & Olive are very unwell & same complaint as Celia, Diahrea I am anxious about the darling child as she was so well when she left home. 

Nov 25th I have 1/4 to five for my rising hour & sometimes if clock is fast its 1/2 past 4. I fried Eggs & Bacone took in Tea helped milk cut Berts & Clems dinner they are in Humphrys33 harvesting Wilfred Mr Jaffrey & Percy are stacking home here I washed up made a Meat pudding & brd & Butter Custard & Veg got men lunch then cleared table & got afternoon lunch & also for ourselves cut out & made Olive a pinafore helped Dad milk got Tea Ma helped me clear away pleasant weather but so windy.

33 Humphrys are neighbours.

Nov 26 Same hour & work also cut Berts & Clems dinner & helped milk made Rice Puddings fried Ham both breakfast & Dinner cabbage & potatoes swept Kit & dairy & shifted things about emptied a new bag of Flour in bin Dad & Eva Coral & Gwen are in Gawler Amy & Celia both went to Dr & Amy took Olive she is so ill.

Nov 27 Same hour & put out bread I then got brk & milked & baked bread Percy came out with Dads Pigs he bought yesterday Olive is worse & Amy very ill Jim took her to Frances this afternoon. I baked Alford cake & Dora's roasted Mutton cleaned lamps Cutlery & other work & cooked milk puddings washed out a few things milked & bathed Murray had one myself the cows got away & did not find them till 8 ock last night.

Nov 28th I got up at 6/30 & dressed & lit fire took in tea & cleaned stove thoroughly & got breakfast tidied rooms peeled potatoes & Jim & Wesley came & brought word both Amy & Olive were worse to I got ready & drove to Celia's & on to Frances & found them very ill Dr just ordered them to the Hutchinson Hospital Mr Folland34 came to Franc in Motor so he Motored us up Oh how my heart ached to take them & how I prayed for strength to bear it I came back to Frances & she & Uncle Charlie took little George to Dr I stayed home & gave the children their Tea Eva Heath went home & milked cows & Uncle & I drove home later on & then I came on home calling at Celia's & Charlie's Eva not well. Dad & Mr Jaffrey had milked so I wrote letters & had a cup of tea & retire.

33 John George Folland, Frances' father-in-law takes them to the relatively new Hutchinson Hospital

Nov 29th Not an hours sleep did I have I was so weary & my head was dreadful I did all usual work made a meat pie & Sago puddings. Did washing up & put a pair sleeves in a night-dress for Amy Dad went to Gawler George in Hospital with Ada too  I soaked in clothes for washing. 

Nov 30 I got up very early 4/30 & got a cup of Tea & breakfast Mr Jaffrey helped milk & I went on at Tubs & got 2 boils done & out then I helped washup & did Separator then helped with Dinner & finished everything at one oclock then I scrubbed up & did a bit of ironing made Shepherds pie for Tea Amy & Olive very ill Dad wen to see them.

Dec 1 Dad intended going to Gawler I got up early & put out bread & made buns also got breakfast & lunch washed Sepr cooked pastry Veg & meat ironed after I had washed up & Dad brought Ada & her baby home from Hospital she is fine got afternoon lunch & various duties washed clothes from Hospital.

Dec 2nd I got up just after 4 got the men their breakfast then helped milk got morning lunches & roasted leg Mutton cabbage & Potatoes Sago pud Dad & Mother went to Gawler & Ada & stayed home she was mending I did a lot of washing & Mr J & I milked & I ironed clothes Amy & Olive very ill indeed a craving for food which they cannot have I felt very weary & after clearing Tea away I retired Ada came later on poor Amy & Olive how i miss them lovely weather.

Dec 3 Dad was not going to Gawler today I was up at same early hour as Wilfred was going in with team load of Hay Bert Mr J & he loaded I got their lunch & I milked Dad milked Smut washed up Sepr made Biscuits Scones & pastry & cooked potatoes & gave our room a good clean wash up all dinner dishes Mother did front rooms I did some washing & ironing & usual.

Dec 4 I got up 1/4 past 4 lit fire put out bread & made Buns got breakfast baked bread Cake & two lots Buns & 4 qu Mutton Dad brought dear little Olive home in a terribly weak state & she can't have food only a biscuit soaked & Milk & water I had done lamps & swept & just going to do Cutlery but all had to go for her Ada bathed all her children & I washed Olive.

Dec 5 I had to get up early & wash & dress little Olive I felt so awfully done as I could not sleep all night Harry Franc & children came home Jim & Ethel also I bathed little Olive & put her to bed & I soon retired after putting away things & doing her washing.

Dec 6th Olive was too ill for me to do the weekly wash & mother took on work but I had to get up soon after 4 o'ck & get the mens breakfast sponge & dress dear little Olive she wakes so early as I can't give her food I can't take her into the kitchen it makes my heart ached to hear her pleading for food I just helped do what I could made beds while she sat beside me on couch I felt awfully weary with carrying baby.

Dec 7 I dressed at 1/4 past 4 dear little Olive was very restless last night & coughed a lot I lit fire & then bathed her & dressed her & wheeled her over to light Copper & commenced washing feeling anything but equal to my task Dad & Ada went to Gawler & I persevered with it till dinner time & then got her to sleep & collapsed myself I feel quite done up Mother did all indoor work dinner &c I rested an hour & then had dinner & washed some more.

Dec 8 As I did not finish my washing yesterday I did my usual work & had another go at Tubs Ada helping me got all done & Ada & us sat down to afternoon Tea but she spoke to me so cruelly I felt so hurt I did not know what to do about poor little innocent Olive but I must bear it bravely.

Dec 9 I did my usual morning & washed & dressed Olive & started doing rooms & gave both bedrooms a thorough clean & wash Ada full of ingratitude & unkindness to me she went away with Dad to Celia's & Mother & I did work Ma cleaned all windows & I did all housework she does Dinners.

Dec 10 I got up & got the usual Cup of Tea Olive woke & I had to wash & dress her then mixed buns got breakf baked buns & pastry & did morning work & cleaned dining room & blackleaded fireplace Olive had a sleep & woke just as I was blackleading & I had to take her same evening work Myrtle went to see Amy poor little Coral is in Hospital since Wensday morn.

Dec 11 Same work & Dad & Clem went away Clem to his home & Dad to Gawler Mother & I did all household work & I looked after Olive after dinner I baked sponge & Cake & Meat Mother cutlery I lamps the weather is hotter now Men busy stacking Hay & Harvesting Olive is improving only for her teeth. Mr Skurrays little girl Joyce Winifred34 died in Hospital same ward as Amy very sad indeed.

Dec 12 I had to get up fairly early to attend to Olive so dressed myself & her & got Cup of tea & fried a piece of Mutton for Olive & Sausages for ourselves made a Custard stewed Cherries & after dinner I took Olive & drove to Eva & Charls she went with me to the hospital & saw Amy & Coral home to tea & watered flowers & nursed Olive & took her in her Pram.

Dec 13 Did not intend washing a nasty windy dusty day & I did all morning duties other Eva Cousin came to dinner it looked like a thunder storm but it passed off she had afternoon tea Dad went to Gawler Ma helped me milk & I soaked in clothes ready for Tubs tomorrow it is a cool change.

Dec 14 I got up same early hour soon after four & lit fire & did some washing at 5/30 I lit Copper & got in whites Dad & Ma milked I kept on at Tubs & also looked after Olive it was a most awfully windy dusty day & also showers I had to bring in all clothes as it tore Ma sheet right across I did not finis till 4 o'clock then I made beds Dad took Calf to Gawler & on to market quite cool Alf went with Dad.

Dec 15 I did usual work & helped milk & I also attended to Olive then swept & dusted the rooms & assisted generally & in the afternoon after clearing dinner I ironed all clothes & was so tired Olive is so restless at night & not well.

Dec 16 Same work then helped milk &L clean dining room & made beds Myrtle came out to sew for us I help cook dinner Dad went in for Amy she is far from strong & looks so pale I have our bedroom a thorough clean Myrtle busy sewing nightdress nice weather.

Dec 17 All morning duties & Olive won't let her mother do a thing for her I swept & dusted from rooms passage & did a good bit mending Amy so weak & Olive bad with teeth.

Dec 18 We had a very early visitor Eva & Coral with Raspberries so all ordinary work over I made Jam & bottled it off done my lamps & various items Dad went to Gawler & got in Xmas stock Olive not well Bert & Mr Jaffery are both working in other place (Humphrys) stacking Hay with the rest of the men so I have dinner sot cut & Tea to make

Dec 19 It is little Olives birthday two years today & she is always awake so early soon after four I coaxed her to go to sleep again & dress both her & myself at six & got a cup of tea Mother got up to Churn I got breakfast Ma & Dad milked & then our meal over Ma did not feel well so she went to bed & I fried Salt & put on her I had to wash up & also the Spr & Amy peeled pots & we had dinner Celia & Percy came out & spent the rest of the day I got Tea & milked Dad & Mr J Sepr.

Dec 20 I could not wash so after all usual duties & put on boiler for Beer & helped Mother with Xmas Cakes had bad luck & burnt them had to clean a lot of Bottles & do house work Dad to Gawler I bottled off all Beer & washed up a lot of things Amy so unwell & Olive is bad with teeth poor child.

Dec 21st I got up at 4/15 & Olive awoke at 4/30 & I had to dress her & then lit stove & went out & found Mr Jaffrey had Copper lit & filled for me I started but as Dad went to Gawler I had to help milk then started again Did not quite finish by dinner time. Afterwards I scrubbed up & folded clothes Amy helped me fold them & I generally put Olive to sleep as she would rather me than anyone else I feel so tired

Dec 22nd I always get up early & Olive also I lit fire & dressed her took in Tea gave men breakfast & cut lunches & dinner for them. Did ordinary work & baked Tarts & Alford Cake also Mother & Dad went to Uncle Williams35 & Amy & I layed Oilcloth in dining room & tied down all Beer I scrubbed Safe & we did a lot of sorting in rooms I milked & they came home & Separated then had tea & I mixed Bread & put Olive to bed we are having hot Summer weather now & Amy is not well.

35 Dad's brother William Atyeo, who came to South Australia in 1868 and now live sat Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens).

Dec 23rd The same hour & work cut dinner & lunches & Bert & Mr Jaffrey went ot work in Humphrys Amy is far from well & so weak she & I washed all the dozens of Glass & China in Dining room & cleaned Mirror & sideboard also Amy swept all front rooms & I washed floors & Mother help dust them & she & Amy made Xmas pudding & Cake I also did all ironing we were every busy indeed all day long but got everything very nice.

Dec 24 Usual work & caught fowls which Ma plucked & dressed Dad Amy & Olive went to Gawler I did an hours washing & we had dinner I baked Cocoanut Biscuits & Sponge Roll & looked in vain for a pair Curtains Mother & I were very busy I thoroughly cleaned all Cutlery & tines, lids, nobs &c Mother not well so fed & watered poultry & rested & had a bath they came home & Bert had a bath & went to Gawler & Mr Jaffrey also for Xmas Eve I stayed home aws not well Amy Olive & I had a bath.

Dec 19 Dear little Olive is two years old today (turn back)

Xmas Day once more I dressed soon after five also dressed Olive & got a cup of Tea for all Mr J & I milked & we had breakfast & Mother & I stuffed fowls & roatsed them & cooked beans & potatoes & boiled pudding again cleared dinner & rested till Tea time Wilfred & Myrtle called also Charl came for Buggy & Toff to fetch Mr Mrs & George McLeod36 from Gawler Station.

36 Daniel McLeod (Eva's father), Eva's mother Elizabeth Grace McLeod (nee Webber), and George Kimberly McLeod, Eva's brother.

Dec 26 I dressed at 6/30 & dressed Olive got Tea & breakfast made Ma's bed dressed fro church & enjoyed the lovely singing very much so solemn & ones thoughts fly back to one year ago came home had dinner it is very hot weather but our home is beautiful & cool & Father & Mother enjoy it very much.

Dec 27 I did not intend washing as Tuesday is my day now get ready Monday usual duties & cut dinners for Bert & Mr Jaffrey went to Humphrys Mother cooked corn Beef & potatoes I did some mending & also in afternoon I altered a grey print dress & soaked in clothes ready for tomorrow it is very hot indeed & the rooms are beautifully cool but close & I can't stay long in them Miss Potter of Gawler37 died Xmas Day of Typhoid Fever.

37 Selina Hine Potter, aged 45, daughter of Charles Potter and Maria Stiltsone Hine.

Dec 28 Another hot day but a cool breeze in the morning hours I got up at 4/20 & also little Olive I dressed her it was a fearful hot night Amy dressed at five & got breakfast & cut dinners & attended to men Mother milked Dad only one his hands are bad I started washing & finished at 11/30 & scrubbed up had dinner & a rest for 1/2 an hour it is hotter in the afternoon must fold & iron now.

Dec 29th The weather is very hot so I am always up very early & I baked bread this morning too I did most of my ironing yesterday afternoon so to day I did usual morning duties & then Dad Olive & I went to Gawler I had a good bit of shopping to do & dear littl eOlive was so good we only called at Frances for a minute but had a chat & glass of Sugar Beer & Cake at Celia's on arrival home Ivy & Will Sandercock38 were here & cousin Eva.

Dec 30th Same early hour & dressed little Oliv & got fire & fried Eggs & Bacon then we did all usual work I made pies & roasted Mutton & Cabbage & potatoes Beans Ma mending & talking Dad & Will went to "Bragglesom" Ivy stayed with us. Mr Frank Bray's little boy Arthur39 died at Hutchinson Hospital on Dec 27th he was 2 years & 9 months old / poisoned Stomach.

39 Arthur Frackleton Bray, son of Frank Harold Bray and Janie Morrow (Mrs Frank Bray), birth recorded in 1912&13.

Dec 31st Same hour & work also baked bread & brewed Beer, weather hot I cleaned rooms Amy went to gawler with Myrtle Dad took Ivy & Will to Gawler where they proceed to Piccadilly tomorrow I was so busy also Mother too Olive stayed home with me. I bottled off Beer & helped milk it was so hot & late before I got all done.

January 1st 1916
I found my chapter at an early hour (Cor XI) I dressed Olive & we now start another year with its unknown joys & sorrows & the heavy cloud that hangs over the world this cruel war. I feel that I need much strength to go forward & pray to be lead by a kindlier hand than ours Celia wrote me a note asking me to go to the beach tomorrow so I got Bert to say he will drive us & I been preparing cooking ham patty cakes Alford, apricot pies & I tied down beer bathed Olive & Amy & had one & Percy drove Celia & children home at nine & we could not get the children to go to sleep at last we retired after getting things ready to start very tired but so awfully hot.

Jan 2nd I got up at 5 to 4 & Celia soon dressed as well & we packed everything & Celia took in tea & we had a cup ourselves Bert got the buggy ready & we left at 6/30 & had a pleasant journey & arrived at 9/30 down at our old familiar spot Doudys Beach40 Frances & family Charlie Eva & Gwennie. Will & Eva41 were there & a lot of people on the Beach we got breakfast first & then had a talk to all the sun was dreadfully hot & at Gawler the shade temperature was 109 in shade it was terrible to bear till later on then I was glad to feel a breeze we bathed all the children had a stroll up the beach & tea & reached home safely unpacked things & retired Mother was ill all day

40 Usually the family goes to Middle Beach. Doudy's Beach must be a part of that area.
41 This is the first time Eva Emily May Heath, Fanny’s cousin and William Ratcliff are out together - they will marry later this year.

Jan 3rd Mother ill in bed so nothing but work was before me I did morning duties Celia put hot flannels on Mother & Amy did housework I stoned a case of apricots nearly all myself & then made two lots of jam I felt thoroughly done & my head was awful I had to put a wet towel on it to bear the heat from stove however by persevering I got all done by 7 o’clock & bottled off. I had to clean bottles & that was very tiring Amy not at all strong Dad took Celia & children to meet Percy for home

January 4) Same hour generally 4/30 or 4/45 I got breakfast & Amy cut dinners I baked bread this morning Amy pasted down jam & labelled Jam Mother is up today I started soaking in clothes & washed two boils before going to bed it is frightfully hot one can hardly sleep Amy got tea & washed up so I kept on at Tubs
Mr & Mrs B Hilliers little girl42 died today from poisoned stomach & heart failure my deepest sympathy is with the sorrowing ones

42 Amy Rosa Claire Hillier, 4 year old daughter of Beeton Frank Fletcher Hillier and Ada Jeanette Hillier (nee Beckwith), of Buchsfelde.

Jan 5) I got up at ½ past 4 & went on at tubs lit stove & copper & finished all usual wash at 10/30 but it came up a storm & I had to leave off & Bert came home with pants for me to wash & I had some qi bags etc Eva & Gwennie came for afternoon & it came on a fearful storm a regular hurrican blew roof off the outhouse & carried it up in Mr Rice’s paddock unroofed sheds & blew down trees I & Amy folded clothes & I mended Berts pants

Jan 6) Ordinary work all the morning & then I had all ironing which took me all the afternoon & I am so awfully unwell I dont know what to do as its such hot muggy weather so sultry Amy very dull & worried Mr Jeffrey very bad not able to work so the men are stacking up in top paddock them selves he could not do anything

42 Although he was called Mr Jaffrey earlier, the spelling has suddenly changed. Probably just a mistake

Jan 7. I got up & thoroughly blackened my stove & also emptied copper & cleaned it then I had breakfast Dad took Mr Jaffrey to Gawler & he goes to Adelaide by train I did front rooms & washed floors gave the doorstep a black lead got all so nice & clean Myrtle out for the day I was mending had to lie down so bad myself Amy went up with dinner to the stack very hot indeed I helped milk sometimes

Jan 8. I got up very early 4/30 & called Bert who helped me put on stove chimney & put out bread & baked it also Yeast Buns & Cake as Amy was home we did housework between us I cleaned lamps & helped with cutlery & any other work a glorious cool change came up Olive has bad eyes & went to sleep on the floor

Jan 9) I had made up my mind to go to church but I felt too ill so got breakfast over & did any work that had to be done French is with us so Franc Harry & children all spent afternoon & evening with us & took French home & left Lorna42 I helped get Tea & also helped milk we chatted away & the cool change is lovely Bert not well & Olive such a cough Amy get so worried now

42  Lorna Frances Folland, eldest daughter of Frances (aged 9).

Jan 10) As it was a nice cool change I decided on washing so got up early & lit fire & also my copper & got all white washed then Amy who got breakfast over etc helped me we finished all except a few extra rough thing by dinner then I cleaned all Jam bottles & ironed also before Tea

Jan 11) Dad intended going to Gawler I did usual all round duties & set too & made two blue print Aprons & a pinny for Olive Amy baked scones & helped Mother who does dairy work butter & helps milk & looks after poultry & also enjoys her paper Uncle & Eva came for afternoon & evening they had a good time I was not well have not been for a fortnight. I got to mix bread after tea & always put baby to bed

Jan 12) I feel as if today has been wasted we both did all housework & I baked rolls & bread & then we drove to Brays garden to get plums but were not successful we got some apples had dinner with Mary called at Myrtle’s & Eva’s & came home to afternoon tea I have a bad cold & dear little Olive such a cough the weather is very hot again

43 Probably Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), a cousin and widow, daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath.

Jan 13) Same duties & hour 5/30 now odd days Amy puts up lunches & I got breakfast & we each do a portion housework I made Apple pies & tart & Dad & Mother & Amy strung the onions I did some sewing in the afternoon cut out dress for Olive I altered my belt & finished my best dress collar busy boys finished stacking hay today all the boys wheat cleaning. Clif43 home this week.

43 George Henry Clifton Folland, nephew, son of Frances.

Jan 14) I got the usual cup of Tea & then breakfast & I did front rooms passage & our room Amy swept dining room I washed floors she did boys room & Kitchen Dad went to Gawler & Amy went to Celias’ for a while & back with Dad Olive stays home with us I got her to sleep & then made her dress & they came home & milked & Sep had tea I mixed bread

Jan 15) got up earlier & dressed put out bread & made buns & got the cup tea & breakfast etc over Baked bread meat & a Alford Cake buns & Sponge Sandwich cleaned Cutlery, lamps, made beds & dusted dining room mother assisting Clarrie came out & hung sieve doors & a window for dining room I watered all pot plants & they milked

Jan 16) I felt awfully unwell so could not go anywhere I wanted to go to Church & Evas’ but I had to lie down after doing my morning duties help washup I have been so bad all day. Mother reading mostly Amy dull dear little Olives Cough very bad in the early morning – My hen Constance has 10 chicks Ma’s has 8

Jan 17) I could not possibly wash I was so awfully unwell so I got up lit fire & got a cup of Tea Amy got up then & we had breakfast after various duties I cut out & made a dark print blouse for myself Cousin Eva came for a while in the afternoon she was out washing for Ratcliff

Jan 19th) My birthday once more I did usual work then lit copper & got all the whites done & bed linen I soaked in with Trick Soap last evening Amy came on after breakfast & we finished at 10/30
I then scrub up things & dinner over Amy Olive & I went to Gawler & to Frances to Tea & home at 9/30 now cool

Jan 20) I do not get up early not till about ¼ to six only busy mornings earlier usual work over I cut out & made a German Print skirt in the morning I prepared plums & made ½ case Jam Amy bottled it & labelled it for me

Jan 21st) Dad has Rhumatics very bad so he is not going to Gawler morning duties over I baked bread & the boys & I caught a fowl Amy picked it & Mother stuffed it & baked it I did front rooms & our room Amy boys room & Kitchen after dinner I got Olive to sleep & helped Amy put sleeves in babys Tussore dress & did some sewing the weather is very hot now

Jan 22nd) I got up at ¼ past five & blackl stove etc Mother tried to get butter but could not I made a sponge & it was a failure did not bake Cake Dad went to Gawler I swept dining room washed floor & dusted it cleaned lamps & swept & washed Kitchen floor cleaned Knives & forks such a hot day all boys home to dinner this week

Jan 23rd) I got up at seven & did Ma’s room got the fire & breakfast ready got ready & went to Church Mr Haslam44 preached I enjoyed the service & its beautifully cool this morning have just got the dinner cleared & washed up got Olive to sleep then Uncle Charley & Harry drove here from Pt Parham with some nice Garfish I at once set to work with Ma & cleaned all & fried them & we had an enjoyable Tea Bert took some to Myrtle & Ada & then on to city

 44 Rev George Keysell Haslam who was a Methodist minister in Gawler West at the time.

Jan 24) I did not intend washing so got the usual cup of Tea & Breakfast & was cleaning rooms when Edwin Oates came & told us Mr Oates45 was dead died yesterday 23 instant so I altered a Belt for Grey print dress & we had dinner Bert & Wilfred both home, Dad, Olive & I went to the Funeral Mother stayed with Eva Gwennie has poison Stomach

45 John Oates of Kangaroo Flat, aged 89. Edwin Thomas Oates is his 14 year old grandson. They lived at Kangaroo Flat.

Jan 25) As I was going to Gawler I got break over & did housework & Dad Olive & I went called at Frances we had a nice time in the Street Eva & Charl took dear little Gwen to Dr again she is so ill we drove home & I set to & soaked in clothes I did hurry Olive was so good old Mrs Daley died Jan 1546 & Mr Jenkins47 Jan 22 all old colonists Mr O was 89 Mrs D. Jenk 94

46 Mary Daly of Nuriootpa, aged 80, widow of John Daly (died in 1908)
47 Edward Jenkins, of Lewiston, aged 93.

Jan 26) I got up at ¼ to 5 & lit copper & stove & started washing got breakfast Mother very bad with bowel complaint so I had to put on some broth & clear dishes wash Sepr then I had to mince meat for dinner with potato I started washing again after dinner & finished at five Dad took dear little Olive & went in for Amy after Tea George48 came home from W.A. he looks well I was just putting little Olive to sleep.

48 George Edmund Hobart, Amy’s husband. He has been in W.A. for more than a year. 

Jan 27) As George stayed here I got up & dressed dear little Olive & got breakfast of fried eggs & bacon then I did housework Amy made an apple pie & cooked Veg I assisted in all ways Amy ironed as I was busy George stays till tomorrow he put up Bamboo blind for my window & mended Olives train

Jan 28. I got up & got same for breakfast & George went home on his bike49 I was busy all the morning Amy tidied front room & went with Dad to Gawler where she stayed till Bert went in at night for her I cleaned our & did some sewing

49 George goes to his parents' home in Gawler.

Jan 29) Amy did not get up till so late I dressed darling little Olive & made fire & all morning duties baked biscuits, Cake, & Apple pies & Meat cleaned Cutlery Mother spoons, dear little Olive helped me & I had to make plum Jam also clean lamps etc & milk

Jan 30) As I had promised to go to Evas’ for so long I got up & got breakfast & swept kitchen dressed & went with Bert to Celias’ & from there to Evas’ also called to see little Gwen she has been dangerously ill for a week the darling so very ill I also went to see Frances & stayed till eleven oclock Uncle Eva & Will went to Band concert & called for me & I stayed all night at Uncles

Jan 31st Eva had to go to Mrs Ratcliff to wash so after she got breakfast she & I drove home she stayed & washed & I came home to our desolate home for George has taken both Amy & our precious little darling to his peoples home & I am quite broken hearted I feel as if I do not wish to live. Oh how everything reminds us of dear baby & no one now to love & care for it is too hard

Feb 1st Mother & I visited Myrtle yesterday afternoon & also Eva & this morning I felt so tired I wrote our Invitation Cards last night for Eva & she stayed the night & I soaked in clothes & this morning washed & this afternoon I ironed all but feel so crushed

Feb 2nd I do not need to dress till six oclock as I have no bread to bake now I got breakfast & prepared & made peach jam but it is not a good colour I scrubbed safe doors table sep blocks & did any & all kinds work, but my heart is broken I cannot bear to sit still. I did some mending and try hard to as my duty but am wary & sad without our little sunbeam Dad is also & he is not well

Feb 3) Same duties in the morning & then I thoroughly cleaned our room & shifted things round but am so awfully depressed & find work hard to do but really can’t sew after dinner ( the boys were all home to dinner I drove to Eva’s place to lend her a hand as Gwennie is so ill I help fold clothes tied down beer & swept dairy mended sox milked cow & drove home at night

Feb 4) I always get a cup of tea then breakfast & made beds & thoroughly cleaned front rooms & washed floors also the dining room & washed all glass & china from side board & cupboard & mantel cleaned all windows Mother got dinner & cleaned dining room window I was more than busy all day Dad is very unwell bowel complaint he looks ill

Feb 5) I got up & blackleaded stove etc & got break over & did housework in other rooms & then I baked some rock cakes & a large cake got dinner & cleaned all cutlery & everything requiring same Charl Bert & Wilf all home to dinner Dad & Ma went to Gawler at 10/30 & I had a miserable long day to my self as all the boys went burning out at Twelftrees so I was quite alone no little Darling to help me or to talk to the extreme quiet is so oppressive to me Will Ratcliff came over for a while to see the boys but they were not home

Feb 6) Sunday & as Lorna was out with me I decided to go to Church so got up & got a cup of & breakfast made beds & did necessary duties then dressed for church we had a young minister & I enjoyed the service as I could hear very well. We drove home had dinner & Harry Frances & children also Letty Atwell50 came out we got tea & then had a chat & some went to the parlour & had Music Charl Eva & children came also

50 Idalette Fanny Roach Atwell, aged 21, from Moonta (which is where Harry and Frances and family used to live).

Feb 7) Letty stayed with us to make my brides maid dress Wilfred went to Gawler & stayed all night & came home with the news of his little daughter51 last night I did not wash as I had to get several things ready for dressmaker I soaked in at even time ready for the morrow Mrs Dunhugh (M Greaves)52 has a daughter also both at Mrs Buggs53 & both babies same age Letty has started a creme blouse for Ma

51 Effie Verina Atyeo, a new niece!
52 Myrtle Olive Dunchue (nee Greaves) had a daughter, Jean Tye Dunchue on February 7 in Gawler. Father is Hugh Tye Dunchue
53 Mrs Buggs Nursing Home, Gawler, run by Alice Bugg (nee McHugh), who is a midwife?

Feb 8) I got up early before five & lit copper got some in then I lit fire & Mother got up we had cup tea & breakfast it was so awfully windy I finished dinner time Berts Denhams & all Uncle Charlie came out & I ironed some & folded others down they had tea & milked Wilfred helps sometimes as Dad is so bad with bowel complaint it was terribly hot & thundery

Feb 9) We have had a rough night thunder & lightning all night & some rain the morning so refreshing same duties & ironed some & made Tarts for dinner got ready & went to Gawler & heard George was ill at his Mothers (his throat) Amy & dear little Olive are at Celia’s Dad & I took Letty to Frances today I took so bad bowel complaint I could scarcely do my shopping & we came out to Celia’s & had a talk to her baby cried to come home.

Feb 10) I have been terribly ill & could not get up till 7o’ck Ma got a cup of tea & I did what I could helped milk & after breakfast I washed table cloth & starched shirts colars & ironed & pressed blouse also scoured my copper & helped milk sewed buttons on my blouse

Feb 11) I felt better than I did yesterday & Bert who was so bad is able to work today I had to clean all front rooms Dad did not go to Gawler today I cannot report correctly as its over a week since I wrote & I have forgotten. I finished mothers blouse

Feb12) I went to Gawler with Wilfred last night & saw baby (Effie Verina) they are going well I got a gift for Eva’s wedding which is the 15 I saw George he is getting on splendid now. I had to clean my stove etc Mother & Father went to Gawler Coral spent the morning with me I cleaned the dairy & all dishes swept & washed floor in kitchen & then got lunch the boys went after straw so I hurried & washed all the bed linen & white Quilts I quite knocked up but hurried all the afternoon boys were home to dinner it was very windy so I got all in made beds washed up & folded clothes cleaned lamps Cutlery & when Ma & Pa got home I felt done they brought my darling little Olive home for the night so dear to me

Feb 13) As baby was so restless I did not sleep very much & dressed at six got fire & dressed Olive & bathed her then got breakfast swept the kitchen made beds etc & then went to church at Stone Hill H.F.54 Mr Haslam preached the Church was very bountifully decorated with fruit came home had dinner & then a play & love with Olive Uncle Charley Aunt Charlotte33 & Kit & Hazel34 came to tea Celia Amy & family for evening & took little Olive home I retired lonely & sad to rest at 10pm

54 Harvest Festival.
55 Charlotte Humphrys (nee Heath), sister of Ma,
56 Christiana (Kit) Heath (nee Hill), widow of cousin Alfred Heath, and Hazel Jean Heath, daughter of Christiana and Alfred, aged 5.

Feb 14. I dressed & lit fire copper but boys were going to Gawler so I was late & did not finish till 2 pm & was regularly done so awfully hot I ironed most of clothes & run ribbon in Camosole & several other stitches that was wanted

Feb 15) I got up early as I had to bake bread cake & pie & finish ironing besides other work all boys are home everyday working & at dinner. Early in the afternoon I dressed for the occasion as I was bridesmaid Wilf drove me & I went to Frances to Tea & waited with Lorna & Ethel for the Cab puncially at 7 oclock we walked through the church gate. The little Bridesmaids walked first the Uncle & Eva & then Olive Antwis57 & myself the ceremony was short then we went to the Vestry & signed & home & sat down to a very nice Wedding breakfast then had music singing & Grapaphone Selections & we got home at 3 o’clock The Bride58 was dressed in Embroidered Crepe & Veil & Orange blossom & carried a shower bouquet of pure white & fern White stremers Ollie & I Helitrope flowers & fern Helitrope Stremers Ethel & Lorna pink streamers & Hair ribbons all of our dresses were white Embroidery & we wore the bridegrooms gift of a gold Australia & the little ones pearls it was a pretty wedding

57 Olive Antwis, niece of Christiana Heath (nee Hill).
58 Fanny doesn’t actually say who’s getting married! It’s Eva Emily May Heath (her cousin, daughter of Charles Heath, aged 35) and William Ratcliff (aged 46). They were married at Gawler Congregational Church. Junior bridesmaids are Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham (niece) and Lorna Frances Folland.

Feb 16) I got up at six & got a cup of tea Aunt Harriet & Uncle Paterson59 were here then I dressed for Gawler to get our Photos taken it was awful hot 106 in shade I did shopping & then I had dinner at Frances & back to Uncle’s had a cup of tea & did a little work & Uncle Tom60 went back to Gawler for Aunt Emily61 Came back to Uncle Charlies & Aunt Emily & I drove home here took Ethel as far as Ada’s road Will Ratcliff brought Uncle Tom out here where they stay till Saturday the weather is awful

59 Aunt Harriet's husband, Charles Alexander Paterson.
60 Thomas Easton, husband of Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), sister of Ma.
61 Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), sister of Ma.

Feb 17) We were all tired so I just did the housework & made a apple pie & in the afternoon it was hotter & still Uncle Tom Dad Charl & Bert went to Clem Dawkins62 Sale the shade reading was 108 degrees Aunt & Mother were both tired & flat so rested all the afternoon I did a bit of sewing to Wilf flannel & then when they came home I got tea for all & Auntie & I went to see Eva & Charl

62 Clement Allen Dawkins, neighbour.

Feb 18) Last night was the hottest I felt since living here this morning there is a cool change I gave all rooms & passage a good clean covers on chests etc I worked all day till 5 oclock at them Ma & Auntie picked a pair of fowls & cooked dinner & Auntie & I did some washing in the afternoon

Feb 19 Nice & cool I got up at 5/15 & cleaned stove etc got sausages fried for breakfast then washed up & at 10/30 got lunch & took to stack for boys, Aunt, Uncle, Dad & Ma all went to Gawler I swept & washed floor cooked potatoes & bread & butter pudding then cleaned lamps cutlery & made a cake & other work

Feb 20) I got up at 7/15 Mother churning so I got cup of tea then made beds & got breakfast & dressed for church after feeding Hector I drove all alone sun hot but beautiful breeze T Burford63 preached a good congregation home & helped get dinner Mr Geo Jones42  & Wilf drove over from Gawler Wilf took Myrtle & little Effie over to her sisters43 last night dinner over I wrote in diary & then got tea & washed up & Bert & I went to visit Eva & Will & had supper & brought our palms & things home from Eva’s met Jim & family Harry & family Charl & family going home from the beach they went down last night

63 T Burford, preacher.
64 George Jones.
65 Myrtle has 3 sisters, could be any of them!

Feb 21st As I had a big wash I decided on doing it today but felt very unwell I had to get breakfast as Dad & Bert were going to Salisbury to buy an Engine & chaffcutter then I lit copper & it was nearly 10 oclock before I got a start I worked hard at it all day finished at about 4 ock & folded all I felt so stiff & aching so retired at 9/15

Feb 22nd I got up & got the usual cup of tea & breakfast then did housework & started ironing & stood for 7 hours as starched clothes & strained the muscles of my wrist & hand & its awful to bear I ironed both boys fashion shirts & collars my best dress underskirts blouses & usual ironing tablecloths etc never has my hand pained more

Feb 23rd I intended going to Gawler so after getting breakfast over I baked bread & done housework & then got ready also Wilfred went to the doctor he has a bad cold & tonsilitus Bert is also bad same way I called at Celia’s for Amy & dear little Olive I had a cup of tea & help get her ready we did shopping & she went to Mrs Hobarts where George is convalescent from Diptheria my darling Olive was so good with me & I left her asleep & Aunt Charlotte came home with me

Feb 24) Wilfred brought Myrtle & dear baby home till Sunday so this morning I got up early & got a light breakfast for Myrtle in bed Baby cried very much all night & I dressed early & after usual work I made two different sorts of Grape Jam my hand is very painful & my legs to I only did odd work & hemmed tablecloth

Feb 25) Dad took Aunt Charlotte away yesterday to Uncle Charleys I got up at ¼ to 5 & baked bread for breakfast & also 5 other loaves I felt rather tired but it was over the pan at that I made peach jam today but did not feel pleased with the color my limbs are terrible Charlie is bad now as well Myrtle & Dad went to Gawler & left little Effie home with us Mother did housework today

Feb 26) Mother was not going to the doctor today I got breakfast over & helped prepare a stew & also roasted a shoulder of mutton & made apple pie & Alford Cake dinner over I helped wash up & cleaned lamps & Myrtle helped me with cutlery & I did dining room & any other work my limbs still very painful & I never had a bath Dad & Ma do the cows

Feb 27) A nice morning I always make the fire & take Myrtle in a cup of tea & light breakfast also parents tea & then swept kitchen & did ordinary work & drove to Stone Hill Church I enjoy that more than anything a rest from the cares of life it was Sacrament today Mr Yoeman66 & good singing home & had dinner Myrtle & Wilf & baby went home Eva & children came for afternoon but Celia did not come home

66 Richard C Yeoman was stationed at Gawler Methodist circuit during this period.

Feb 28) I got up & lit fire & copper & got an early start but was so unwell I could hardly finish & it was just four before I got all done then I folded & rested a wee then mixed bread & very tired went to bed

Feb 29) I got up ¼ past 5 bread ready so baked & got breakfast the Expert came to fix up new engine & chaffcutter he stays till Sat Dad & I went to Gawler & to Celia’s for a while & had a cup of tea nice weather

March 1st I was up in good time & fried sausages for breakfast & then did housework I made pastry yesterday so stewed fruit & custard & roasted a leg of mutton Trombone & potatoes this afternoon I ironed Dads white shirt & Berts Fashion shirt collar & other ironing my legs are bad & I am very much upset by what I hear lately

March 2nd I did usual morning duties expecting company so I washed the Kitchen floor with milk etc & then the dining room George Amy & darling Sunbeam came then Frances & Uncle Charles & Gwen also came all here for dinner & also Mr Stuart67 the expert who is fixing the engine for Bert Wilfred is out in Twelftrees Charl is home but today all are home to dinner Ma went to Eva’s in the afternoon Frances & I had a chat & did some sewing as well Ma is having her dress made

67 Mr Stuart, machinery expert.

March 3rd} Dad went to Gawler today I did usual work cleaned front rooms washed floors took out lunch & dusted rooms & in the afternoon I did some altering to dress etc I was busy I had to get Bert his Tea & then watered flowers & got our tea & helped clear it away had a bath myself cool change. John Glen died today of Cancer68

68 John Glen, aged 62, in Gawler.

March 4) Jessie’s Wedding69 & dressed in good time fried sausages & put on leg mutton to bake got our meal over cleaned all our boots & shoes & at once got lunch & then dressed myself in Prunetta voile with a Black & white Tagel hat Uncle Cha came & Dad & him Ma & I went in the Buggy Bert in the sulky he caught us at Two Wells near J Bakers70 & Mother rode home with him from Wedding. We arrived at the Church at 20 to one & then waited talking to different ones the bride was dressed in Creme Oriental Satin & a beautiful wreath & carried a lovely bouquet of white flowers white streamers, bridesmaids in creme Silk crepe de chene deep ruby bouquet & streamers we drove to “Tineburee” where a most stylish & beautifully prepared high tea was prepared I should think there were over 100 guests & the presents were very costly & lovely mostly Silver & some nice white work too her travelling dress was drab relieved by pink chiffon hat to match. They were motored to Adelaide thence to Port Elliot & then they take up their abode at Lameroo Alex was down from Lameroo he was best man71

69 Jessie Violet Paterson, cousin at Lower Light, daughter of Harriett Paterson (nee Heath), married Herbert Arthur May. Wedding was held at the Lower Light Methodist Church. Tineburee is the name of the Paterson’s farm. They breed horses.
70 Two Wells near J Baker's.
71 Probably Charles Alexander Paterson, Jessie’s brother – he’s known as Alex.

Sunday March 5) Bert & I arrived home at 12/30 last evening (or this morning) & retired till 6. I got up & got a cup of tea then Wilf helped me milk & we had breakfast I did Ma room Myrtle my room which Wilf & her occupied I bathed little Effie & cooked potatoes etc for Dinner cleared it away & tidied myself & rested for an hour Harry, France & children came out for a drive & went to Eva & Charl’s to Tea they went to Church at K. Flat [Kangaroo Flat]

March 6) Mother & Dad & Uncle got home at 7 p.m. Sunday. They visited Mrs W. Argent72 & spent the day there I did not wash today as we had to brush & put away all clothes etc it started to rain breakfast time & rained all day steadily Uncle did not go home till five he then rode with Wilf to Celia’s & Eva met him there

72 Elsie Grace Argent (nee Andrews)

March 7) I always get up in good time & do the same work every morning brkf over I baked bread, Cake & did housework we had a cup of tea and Dad & I went to Gawler calling at Cels Frances & did shopping got new curtains for my room & bedside mats Eva Coral & Gwen went to Celias & rode home with Dad & I dear little Olive crys terribly after us she looks so well the darling & I had our photos taken73 & got them today

73 See photo at right.

March 8) I awoke at five rested a while & then dressed lit fire in copper & stove & fried sausages for our meal started washing & done most by dinner time the washed some coats & scrubbed blocks & all necessary things folded clothes & rested ½ an hour such ideal weather I feel tired so will retire now

March 9) I have Rhumatics very bad I can scarcely move on waking I got the fire & breakfast fried sausages then I tidied round Charl & Eva & children came down & remained for the day & she washed the dining room floor & dusted for me I scrubbed safe dinner over I did ironing & had tea & mixed bread the weather is just perfect every day

March 10th) Friday but none of us intended going to Gawler so I baked bread & pie sponge, cake, etc & done front rooms cleaned window & put new curtains up in dining room nice white ones I seem to be always busy & feel so lonely & sad my heart pines & I long for the ones who made life so happy I mended stockings Mother made her butter & packed all ready for Gawler I watered my flowers but I cant garden as I have Rhumatic so bad.

Saturday March 11) As Dad had to go to the city Mother got all ready I got up early & I took off all piping & thoroughly cleaned it & Bert put it on for me I blackleaded it & got brk I baked tart pie etc & did all Saturday work put new curtains up in spare room cleaned cutlery Celia came home for night

Sunday March 12) Celia & I dressed & got a cup of tea then fried ham & eggs for breakfast then drove myself to church & enjoyed the time home to dinner cold fowl stuffed & crackled bacon apple pie George Amy & darling Olive also Percy & Marion drove out & had tea & a chat & drove home I felt so down so I read a little

March 13) As I expected Auntie & Nellie74 up I decided on washing & hurried & got breakfast over lit copper & kept on & finished dinner time tidied myself & folded clothes Ma washed her head Frances & Doris Folland75 came out for afternoon & had afternoon tea with us I was sewing the weather is just lovely they only brought Gwen. The War is still raging fearfully & I get quite nervous am tired so must retire to rest & a prayer for God to help to be content

74 Probably Ellen Dunn (nee Hand) and Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath)
75 Doris Rose Folland, niece of Frances Folland, aged 22.
[book ends]

George Hobart, having recovered from diphtheria, enlisted on April 10, 1916 into 2nd Depot Battalion A.I.F.


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