1916b (August 1 to December 31st)

Fanny, now 40 is living with her father (Dad, Henry Atyeo, aged 67), mother (Ma, Mary Ann Heath, aged 63) and her brother Bert (Albert Joseph Atyeo, aged 31). Her sister Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo, aged 27) and Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (Amy’s daughter, a toddler) also live there while Amy’s husband George Edmund Hobart is at the war. Myrtle Atyeo (nee Cork), wife of Fanny's brother Wilfred Atyeo and her daughter Effie Verina Atyeo are also often staying at the house, while their home (on the corner of Hatcher Road and Whitemans Road, is being fixed.

Fanny is now in the habit of listing a bible verse at the top of each page. 

Call upon me in the Day of trouble & I will deliver thee

Aug 1st Yes once more I have started a new book & I tremble as I write for whatever awaits me in the future I do not know. God give me faith to trust him where I cannot see

I had to wash as I did not get home soon enough yesterday I dressed & started work at six first I made fires in both rooms & got a cup of tea for parents then breakfast ready & lit copper but I felt awfully ill my limbs were terrible but force puts no choice I kept up till four at the tubs & my poor arms & legs seemed to loose all power so I left off & had a cup of tea & ironed some clothes Mother1 is so unwell & I had to wash all the Separator things in afternoon

Aug 2nd. I could hardly move in bed but had to get to work as usual fried eggs & bacon for breakfast & swept the kitchen & did washing up & Sep then I lit copper again & finished after dinner my word I did have a lot this week I folded clothes & ironed some more at night so tired little Effie2 stayed home with Mum & I while M was away

2 Effie Verina Atyeo, infant daughter of Fanny's brother Wilfred, and his wife Myrtle Atyeo (nee Cork), (M).

Aug 3rd. The same work swept Kitchen after getting fires & breakfast ready Myrtle went up to the house left Effie home Mother was so unwell I made Apple pies & Cake & cooked Dinner & Wilf3 & Myrtle went to Gawler I finished ironing shirt Collars etc & have to always get in wood I dont feel well.

3 Wilfred George Heath Atyeo, Fanny's youngest brother.

Aug 4) I just dressed & went my hardest lit fire & took in tea then I took off the flues & cleaned them & blackleaded stove & made porrige Myrtle set table I did work swept Kitchen & all then Myrtle & Wilfred went up to do their house so very cold & Showery Mum kept Effie home & I swept Dining room & she dusted it & did her room I cooked Dinner it was Friday they went to Gawler. Mrs Alexander Senr. Died4 Frances got French Lorna & Phyllis5 ill this week & Amy is in there with dear little Olive6 She had a terrible cough Bronchitus & Influenz croup all Bronchitus

4 Mrs Jane Alexander (nee Wallace), widow of Thomas Alexander, aged 92 of Mount Barker, died on July 5.
5 Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), Fanny’s sister and her children: Charles French (French) Folland (aged 9), Lorna Frances (aged 8), Phyllis May (aged 7). 

“Sufficient unto the Day is the evil thereof.”

Aug 5) Saturday same work in the morning & Dad milked Sptr & fed animals then he went to Gawler I baked scones Coffee Cake & currants apple pies, & Mutton, besides cleaning the dining room blackleading fireplace Doorsteps etc & cleaning the Kitchen I felt regular done up Mother tried to help & felt so faint cleaning the cutlery & lamps I had a bath at 8 o’clock & retired to rest I felt depressed

Aug 6) Sunday & a fine but very cold day I hurried & got the cup that cheers, then breakfast & swept Kitchen & put Toff in the Sulky & Drove to Chapel could not wait for breakfast I was in nice time & enjoyed the singing & drove home & help get Dinner & washed up everything W & M. went to Hilliers7 I took Effie for a walk got tea Charl & Eva & children4 came for evening

7Hilliers are neighbours.
8 Charles William Henry Atyeo, Fanny’s eldest brother, and Eva Alice McLeod. Their daughters are Coral Eva (4) and Gwendoline Ettie (2).

Aug 7) I did not wash as Mother was so unwell so I got all work done same as is custom cooked Dinner. In the afternoon I started to make a garden I planted over 100 Chrysam it was very hard work indeed also we Bert & I planted a Cloth Gold Rose tree I milk at night & got in wood & gathered Eggs too Effie so unwell she is having milk & it dont agree with her poor little Dear at all

Aug 8) As Bert Wilf & Myrtle were going to get their things I did not wash poor little Effie is so bad & Mum can’t do a thing with her. I did some more gardening this afternoon Bert digging ready to put in Orange trees & Lemon Wilfred & Myrtle up at the House

Be ye therefore perfect, even a your Father which is in Heaven is perfect

Aug 9) Clements Birthday how we think of him9 I dressed at six & lit fires & copper took in tea & got Eggs ready to boil Myrtle set table for boys I started washing & finished at 2 oclock at about 11 o’clock it simply poured Wilfred Myrtle & Effie went to Gawler I just had a line of clothes out & had to wring them over all again but it came out lovely afterwards & a nice wind & I got all dry & ironed tonight & scrubbed up blocks etc

9 Clement Garfield Parham, one of Ada's sons, now aged 13. He lived at the farm quite a bit when younger.

Aug 10th) Same work in the morning & it seemed so different as Wilfred & Myrtle are up at their new home I got breakfast over & then assisted in general work & set too & gave our bedroom a thorough cleaning my limbs were terrible in the afternoon I worked very hard at gardening & got all flowers remove from old garden Bert went to a Dance at Gawler at night I felt so tired & my limbs were awful

Aug 11th) Friday always a very busy day so I got Berts & Dads breakfast & cleaned Stove & Dining room fireplace Doorstep etc then I thoroughly cleaned the dining room washed floor & beat the cocoa Matting Mother helped dust it & I had all lovely Myrtle & Effie Also Dad went to Gawler & Amy & Olive both came home with him at night Mother milked the first time for weeks It was a perfect Day

Aug 12th) Such a wet morning & scarcely any wood I had a treat to get the fires chopped a lot of wood & roasted Meat for Dinner Mother did the Vegetables it kept raining all day I cleaned lamps & cutlery baked cakes & a pudding for tomorrow swept & dusted Amy cleaned front rooms we all had a bath Bert stayed home tonight & had a bath too Mother rested & mended Mrs Harry McDonnel10 died last Sunday Mr. is ill Amy not too well still cold & rainy.

10 Bridgett Power (McConnell), wife of Henry McConnell, of Kangaroo Flat, died August 5, aged 82.

Prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths Straight

Aug 13th) Bernies Birthday11 & they intended coming home Olive woke up early six oclock & neither Amy or I got any more rest so I dressed & got a cup of Tea & breakfast It was a lovely morning but Bert wanted his Sulky so I had to stay home & wash up made our bed & tidied washhouse Celia Percy & family came to Dinner & Tea a lovely Day so bright Bert went to Gawler at night & we chatted & read

11 Mary Ann Bernice Dawe, niece (aged 2), sometimes called Birdie, daughter of Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo) & Percy Thomas Dawe. Their other child is Amy Marion (known as Marion), aged 4.

Aug 14) I could not wash it was raining heavily all day well it broke somewhat I had very little wood in & I had a terrible time getting fires in all rooms so I did all Kitchen work & cooked dinner made two apple pies In the afternoon I unripped blouses & did odd work also gathered eggs & fed fowls & milked & separated etc mended doll for Olive at night till late

Aug 15) I dressed before six & lit fires & took in Tea & then I lit Copper & got ready for washing it poured with rain so I had to do Kitchen & housework & help in all ways Mother mending Amy making white nightdresses for Olive I mended all the afternoon & did all evening work got in wood & milked as Dad went to Gawler also Myrtle Effie stayed here

Aug 16) I intended washing today so I lit fire in Dining room Stove & Copper took in Tea & then got breakfast over & went to the Tubs Amy helped indoors for a while then helped me with all other clothes it was a cold still day & no drying wind at all, so I could not do much ironing Ma & Dad went to Bragglesome & got her blouse fitted Amy & I washed up & did all evening work & made bed

Aug 17) As I intended going to Gawler I hurried & got fires & breakfast over then I did housework made all beds etc & we went to the City called at Mrs Hobarts12 & got a telegram saying George was coming to Adelaide to Embark from the outer harbour13 So Amy was very undecided as to what she should do got a letter also & we hurried home & Amy took Olive & rode back to Celia’s with Percy to go from there to Adelaide tomorrow morning

12 The mother of George Edmund Hobart, Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett).
13 George enlisted in the AIF on April 10, 1916. He has presumably been in training, and will embark on August 16 to England (arrived Plymouth October 1916, then to the Parkhouse training facility; Number 3 training camp).

Fear not therefore: Ye are of more value than many sparrows

Aug 18) Work everywhere & I was so awfully unwell & Mother is far from well however I am the only one at home & must keep going Rhumatics or not I did usual work & blackleaded stove cleaned front room Berts room & Mother churned Dad went to Gawler French came home with him I got in wood milked Maisie we let the others off & expect 4 more in shortly very cold indeed Myrtle & little Effie went to Frances & Myrtle to Street & baby there

Aug 19) Percy has been out with us for three Day working & yesterday morning he took Amy to the train at Gawler & met her at night Dear little Olive stayed home with Celia I helped with Dinner got Stove hot & baked Coffee & Currant Cake made an Apple pudding cleaned lamps Cutlery & done my room & dining room Ma swept dining room I done floor Knobs & helped get in a lot of wood & was quite done last night

Aug 20) As we expected Harry Frances & Family14 home to Dinner I got dressed by 7/30 lit fire took in Tea to all & tidied dining room blackleaded fireplace swept kitchen milked Maisie fried Eggs & bacon then made bed helped washup got in wood & baked a pie & they were here to Dinner & Tea French went home Harry, Bert, Clif & French went to other place for a Drive & we chatted & looked at different things they went home at six I washed up & got in wood

14Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), Fanny’s sister, her husband Henry (Harry) Folland. Their  family at this stage are George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland (aged 11), Charles French (French) Folland (aged 9), Lorna Frances (aged 8), Phyllis May (aged 7), Gwenda Evelyn Folland (aged 2).

Aug 21st) My right hand was very bad but I felt better in myself & decided on washing as I knew Amy was ill & would not be able to help even if I left it so after the usual morning duties I lit copper & washed all quilts & the weeks was I did not finish by Dinner time & afterwards I set too & thoroughly scoured both cream tins & finished all ironing including Fashion Shirts & collar Dad went to Gawler & Amy came home very unwell indeed & after Tea went to bed & put poultice Linseed Meal Darky was very bad & I went with Bert to give him Medicine. Mr. Luke Day was buried last Saturday11 Mrs W. Basset was buried last Thursday. Mrs Boss Sumes13 also last week

11 Luke Day, died Semaphore, aged 68
12 Emilie, relict of William Bassett, aged 84. Her full name was Johanne Louise Emilie Klaucke
13 No idea about Mrs Boss Sumes. Check spelling? Symes? Sims? Both surnames have death records, but not Sumes.

Aug 22nd) I felt so ill on waking my head was also most distracted I could not think or bear to scarcely move I did not know whatever to do but Amy was ill in bed so I put poultice on her & attended to her best I could cooked an apple pudding & Veg fried Sausages made beds & put Stretcher in my room Myrtle went to Gawler & left Effie here so I made her food & gave her her bottle Ma mending the weather is so cold

Aug 23) Bert called me at 6/30 & I dressed & got fried Eggs & Bacon for breakfast & helped Sep skimmed milk etc & gave the Dining room a good clean made beds & assisted in various ways my Knee & back is very bad Amy still in bed Olive so restless her cough very bad too Amy so weary & slept a good deal today

Aug 24) I hurried & got breakfast over & then I tidied Dining room & other rooms Amy got up & dressed & at 12o’clock Eva Ratcliff14 & Celia & Bernice came out for afternoon we had Dinner & then I did some gardening & the others looked at thing they had purchased & had afternoon Tea & went home. Old Mrs Ratcliff is very unwell she came home for a few days from her daughters. I had to get in wood such a lovely day quite a treat to us all

14 Eva Ratcliff is Eva Emily May Heath, Fanny's cousin, recently married. Old Mrs Ratcliff is likely her mother-in-law, Jane Donald.  

Aug 25th Our fine weather has vanished its very cold Amy & Dad went to Gawler & Amy brought a gold Bangle for Olive from her Daddy I blackleaded stove grate etc cleaned front rooms Dining rooms & other Friday work. They got home in fair time I milked & Sep all work done. Mrs Harry McConnell died early this Month15 also poor Clarrie McLaren16 died of wounds in France on July 23rd Billy Wade severely wounded also.

15 Bridget McConnell (nee Power), wife of Henry McConnell (deceased), of Kangaroo Flat, died August 5.
16 Clarence Roy McLaren, from Hackney, died in Pozieres, France; son of Duncan McLaren and Elizabeth Ann Adams. William Wade is a pretty common name.

Aug 26) Sat Amy able to assist lightly little Olive very unwell a wet drizzling rain & so very cold my usual work & baked cakes, pies etc cleaned knives & forks etc got Rhumatics awfully bad can hardly get through my work Bert went to Foresters hall tonight to Dance

Aug 27) I dressed early for Sunday & hoped to go to Church but no pony to go so I had to stay home & did housework & got breakfast over Dad went & milked Charls cows as he & Eva went to Adelaide yesterday I took Olive for a walk & got flowers & Amy & I went to Bragglesome & got home tea time. Mr & Mrs W. Parham & Daisy17 & child come to see Ma

17 William Parham, Caroline Parham (nee Clarke), their daughter Daisy Victorious Geraldine Dowling (nee Parham). Her child is a 6 year old daughter Dorothy Caroline Emily Dowling.

Aug 28) A cold wet day I forgot report a terrible thunderstorm on Saturday night it struck Mr Herman Lucas18 house & broke two windows it was dreadful. I could not was so I cut out a skirt for Ada19 & went down to see her a dreadful cold day & I left at five for home & got caught in a terrible Hailstorm got damp & got a cold could hardly take out my pony Trixy has a calf born yesterday. Amy sewing

18 There are two men called Hermann Lucas born around the same time in South Australia. Not quite sure which one this is.
19 Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo), Fanny's sister.

Aug 29) A better Day but showery & wet under foot I got the usual Tea & meals & then I lit copper & started & Amy helped me & we finished Dinner Time & by running to & for I got most dry & some ironed by bedtime very cold & I retired in fair time Olive is a little better I had do some scrubbing up Amy helped washup & she made a new white Flannelette night Dress for Gwenda & other sewing

Aug 30) I got up at five & hurried to get poached Egg & Toast for Berts breakfast & a cup of Tea for parents swept Kitchen & put away clothes & Mother Amy & I Drove to Gawler Also Olive Ma stayed with Celia we went Street & I spent two hours with Mrs Brodie20 & got some flowers to plant got home at Six & I just flew round & chopped wood got a good fire & boiling water Ma helped set Tea Dad & Amy milked

20 Emma Brodie (nee Pointon).

Aug 31st both Beauty & Mona have calves today I did not dress till near six got usual Tea & breakfast over & Amy went to wash for Eva & Coral & Gwen Eva has a gathered finger Dad & Bert took the Spring Dray & went up for calves took Olive with them I did bedrooms & dining room Kitchen & planted flowers all the afternoon so very unwell could hardly breathe all day but had to plant my flowers so sunny & Olive came out with me in the sunshine

Sep 1 Friday Dad & Amy & Olive went to Gawler I cleaned front rooms & did all usual work & swept & dusted boys room French came home with them at 7 o’clock nice Day Olive got a dogdog

Sep 2nd Same time got fires & fried Eggs & Bacon & took in Tea to parents then I started usual work & afterward I baked Currant, Lemon, Madeira etc Cakes & Sponge & Scones & fried Bacon for Dinner & made a Sago pudding & iced cakes then I cleaned lamps & swept Kitchen & cleaned Knives & forks Amy thoroughly cleaned Dining & our room & Mother & her cleaned all the windows thoroughly & I drove to a Farewell Social to Pte Reg Higgins21 & Bugler Jim Overland22 at Buchsfelde Charl Eva & children Jim Ethel & Wesley23 were there we all had supper & drove home at 11 o’clock nice fine mild night & spent an enjoyable evening

21 Reginald Oswald Higgins, son of George Herbert James Higgins and Annie Jane Addis, aged 18.
22 James Morrow Overland, son of William Charles Overland, aged 18.
23 James Parham, husband of Ada, and their two eldest children, Henry Wesley James Parham, aged 14, and Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham (aged 11).

Sunday Sept 3) Amy dressed first at seven then I dressed Amy lit stove & got tea I made fire in dining room & bathed Olive & made porrige got breakfast Wilf & Myrtle came on road to Dr with Effie she has a bad face & Dr said they must see a Specialist so they are gone to Town in the Buggy with Spot & Dolly in left here after dinner Uncle Charley24 out for the day Ma ill again I could not go to church all day so sorry

24 Uncle Charles Heath, Ma's brother, and neighbour.

Sep 4th. As mother was so ill she decided on going to Dr & Amy & Dad did all dairy work & had breakfast & at 10/30 got ready for Gawler & Celia & children rode out from her place with Wilfred as he did not go to Town he went to Dr Henry Dawes25. So she spent the day with me Dad & boys home to dinner & as I had everything to do myself I could not get it till late they were chaff cutting & Wilf Drove Celia home I did have to hurry round Ma has pleurisy & old cough

25 Dr Henry Dawes

Sep 5) As we expected Ada & her children26 out I did not wash & Ma being ill I made her groats for breakfast & fried for ours then did housework & cooked swedes potatoes Cauliflower fried Bacon Melon pie I did a little sewing & Ada left at 5 for home Ma very unwell

26 Ada's children, in addition to Wesley, Gwenda and Clement (all mentioned above), Albert Bruce (aged 8), Murray Charles (aged 5) and Wilfred George (aged 3). 

Sep 6) Washing Day & not too good a one however I got breakfast for all after the usual cup of Tea & lit Copper Amy did all her dairy work & housework Then she helped & got done Dinner time then cooked Vegetables & we had our Dinner Ma in bed all day poor soul so bad & better resting

Sep 7) All usual work & took Olive & went & got Turnips & cooked them & potatoes & sago pud – Amy started a Bonnet for Olive & I hemmed up her tunic ready for Sunday Buchsfelde Anniversary Amy & I drove to Band of Hope at night fair meeting cold night had supper & retired at 11o’clock

Sep 8) it was a bitter cold day & windy so Ma did not go to Gawler Dad & Amy do all dairy work usually I help sometimes at night & I was so busy as I had to do some cooking then do front rooms & our room & boys room swept Kitchen & various Duties & was so tired Mother managed to help dust they got home at six I was cooking hot Tea but I help milk & water the garden every night.

Sep 9th) Amy had a misfortune with her military money some mistake so she had to go to Gawler again & I was left with work everywhere as they only did milking & fed calves. I washed up everything Sept etc then I picked & dressed a fowl got a cup cocoa swept dining room made ours & Berts bed Lorna cleaned cutlery & did hurry till I felt like dropping Amy & Ma got home at 3.15 I cut up Melon & boiled it down stuffed & baked fowl & Amy did dusting in Dining room etc & at night we finished sewing

Sep 10) Up early & got morning jobs done & made 2 Pies cooked Vegetables for dinner Then Bert Drove Ma Amy Lorna Olive & I to Buchsfelde got late as we went for 3 o’clock. I went to Mrs H Brays27 to tea & got a nice bunch of Flowers to Church twice Bert & Amy came at night Harry & family Jim & family Charl & his Percy & Marion were there Uncle & Eva & a crowded house & very lovely day Eva has a bad finger Gwen has a sore mouth. Jack Hillier28 is very ill.

27 Mrs H Bray could be Alice Preiss, but could also be Mary Morrow. There are a few Henry Brays.... 
28 John Hillier, father of Beeton Frank Fletcher Hillier. 

Sep 11) I decided on washing & Amy assist Ma for a while I fried Eggs & bacon for our meal lit copper & got whites done Amy & I did not quite finish Dinner time but soon after then I scrubbed till 4 o’clock Amy so unwell but made all beds etc Percy & two little girls out & they stayed for the day Percy went back & then came for them I got Birdie to sleep dinner time

Sep 12) Amy so crook but helped with all her work such a windy day & my limbs ache I cooked cauliflower & turnips Cabbage & made Melon Jam baked scones & Cake & did all the ironing that was left last night F shirt too watered gardening

Sep 13) Mother & Amy decided to go to the Doctor as Dad & the boys were going chaff cutting Olive stayed home with me Mr. Twelftree29 came out & they all had lunch at 11 o’clock. Then I had to make a Melon pie & cook turnips & tops potatoes & fry Ham & bacon wash up the things & do housework & after late dinner I washed up everything & thouroughly swept & washed floor in Kitchen with milk & dusted it & helped milk & did my usual duties

29 Henry Joseph Twelftree. Large landholder nearby.

Sept14) I generally help them milk & then get Bert his breakfast & fry eggs & bacon for all of others went up to garden & got Turnips etc & came home & cooked them for Dinner & boiled ham made a bread & butter pudding & then I helped Bert lay pipe in garden & went up to Church to get wheat & flowers Olive & I went to see Eva & Will30 they were up in Wills house came home helped milk watered garden Amy fed calves etc

30 Will Ratcliffe, husband of cousin Eva.  

Sept 15) Friday market day so Dad & Amy milked & sep I milked two then got breakfast They went to Gawler & I swept Kitchen & shook up Ma’s bed she swept floors I washed them & cleaned our room & cooked swedes & potatoes & fried for Dinner I did a little sewing & was just going to milk when Dad & Amy got home so we all three went then & did others too

Sep 16) I scarcely know how to write down all I did morning duties over I blackleaded Stove & fireplace & Doorsteps Then I lit the Stove & cooked cauliflower & potatoes & fried Saus made a Alford Cake & swept Kitchen Ma & Olive went down to Eva’s Charl took in fowls for us I washed out clothes for Bert & Aprons Amy did Dining room scrubbed Safe & washed floor & picked fowl I stuffed it & baked it & cut up melon filled vessels & got in wood helped milk & cleaned Knives & forks & ironed clothes & bathed Olive & washed up I felt very tired indeed.

Sep 17) Sunday Up before seven & lit stove & got a cup tea helped milk & made porrige had our meal & swept Kitchen & made two Melon pies & made our bed had 12 o’clock dinner Amy & Bert went to Gawler I went for a walk & had a read & we Dad & I milked & I got in wood & got tea watered garden feel so tired

Sep 18) I felt so unwell I could not wash so I went & got vegetables & cooked Dinner Mother got up today she kept her bed yesterday all day Bert & Myrtle went to Gawler today as he had to go to the Dr about his cough etc.

Sept 19) I got up early & Amy also & Bert was to go into Camp at Cheltenham but was so very unwell he went to Dr yesterday I lit copper & started washing Amy joined me later on & we got most of usual wash done by Dinner time then we washed 3 overcoats 3 pairs Serge Trousers & other things I scrubbed up & then I folded & helped milk did not iron as I was too tired tonight

Sep 20) I felt so very unwell but as Mother is not able to work & Amy has churning & housework to do I always have to go & get vegetables & prepare & cook them & I ironed in the afternoon & felt so bad I helped milk & always get in wood had to rest & then I finished ironing but could hardly stand my head so bad & so sick & indigestion

Sep 21st) Amy had to go to Gawler to drive Bert to the Station & he then went to camp at Cheltenham. I was busy all day long as Mother can’t work now does mending Wilf has to come down & feed horses & the usual work. It rained nearly all day off & on & so awfully cold & Bert was not well at all & Ma was worried

Sep 22) Friday but it was so rainy in the early morn & it rained almost continuously all day long I had a bother with the fire today Amy & I always do the milking & Amy feeds calves & Dad the pigs. Amy did all housework today I made Currant pies & cooked vegetables & fried bacon & in the afternoon I thoroughly cleaned my bread Tins & at evening after milking I made Scones for Tea

Sep 23) Amy & Dad had to go to Gawler today & After we had done dairy work Amy & I She washed Separator & then got ready so I had all ordinary work & baked two cakes & cleaned Cutlery I did lamps yesterday I also had all my black leading to do today & had a cup of Tea & milked Eva & Wilf spent the evening to 11 o’clock with us.

Sep 24) I felt very tired so rested till 7/30 & then I got the fire & a cup of Tea Dad has a dreadful face with Eczema & Rhumatism so he never got up & I washed up & Amy did Separator I cooked potatoes Uncle Charley came to Dinner & spent afternoon Amy Olive & I went to Kangaroo Flat Anniversary the Jubilee of the church a very large congregation & decorated very nice very cold & stormy so did not go at night wrote

Sep 25) I did not wash as it was cold & stormy & Amy & I milked & then Wilfred came & wanted Amy to go to Adelaide with Myrtle & Effie as her little face was very bad so they went to Dr Harrold31 & he thinks he can cure it they went by midday home by 6 o’clock & Amy & I drove them home I was working all day long & so tired

31 Dr Harrold

Sep 26) I felt so weary I did not know what to do so I got a cup of T & Wilfreds breakfast then we milked & I did a portion of housework swept Kitchen prepared Vegetables & then dressed for a visit to Celia went with Dad he went to Gawler & came back at 3/30 & I saw Mr Johnstone32 he gave me some flowers & I came home with Dad & planted them & helped milk & gathered Eggs

32 Mr Johnstone. I don't know anything about him. 

Sep 27) Washing Day we are late this week so I got a cup of Tea & then I helped milk then got our breakfast Amy lit the Copper for me the first time I think for years while I was home I started & after she had finished her usual duties she joined me & helped splendidly till finish then she went to Gawler & I scrubbed up a lot the Kitchen Table etc Ma folded I had to go & milk Dad helped but his hands so bad & has eczema my arms & Knee were very bad & it is exceptionally cold the wind has been in the south for about a week & I never felt Sept colder Also frosts & most days there are showers good growing weather.

Sept 28) Our duties do not vary in the morning we always get up & I make fire & get a cup of Tea & sometimes Amy makes another in Stove then we milk & she Sep & feeds the calves & I go & fry breakfast. Dad feeds his pigs & its always 8/30 or more by then. Amy ironed this afternoon & I cut out & partly made a blouse for her then I usually gather Eggs & both us milk etc

Sep 29th) They intended going to Gawler so Amy helped in all usual ways & washed up her things from Dairy then she got ready for Gawler Dad did not go his face was too bad he rested Myrtle went & left Effie with us she was so good too her little face is very bad I got her bottle ready twice for her & swept front rooms & passage & in the afternoon I unripped Amys cuffs as they were too short got a cup of Tea & milked Amy home to Sep & feed calves I planted Colias

Sep 30) Same work in every way fried sausages breakfast & then I swept Dining room & our room while Amy washed up all things & she washed floors while I made Apple pie & Cake we had Dinner Amy dusted Dining room & I washed up Dinner dishes she cleaned lamps Ma Cutlery me Knobs Amy blackleaded Stove & fireplace I cleaned boots & bathed Olive & dusted Kitchen cleaned our window Amy dining room & Kitchen I help milk Amy usual & water Garden

Oct 1st) As Amy promised to go to Anniversary with me we got up just after six & then did all milking & made beds & fried brk & Amy French Olive & I went & when we got home Harry Frances & children had brought Bert home Just to Dinner & then that meal over Amy French & Olive Drove them back to Gawler Harry went out to Mr Follands33 its very cold & cloudy Fr & Amy & I went to S.H.34 at night Dad helped me milk very cold.

33 John George Folland, father of Harry. 
34 Stone Hill Methodist Church.

Oct 2nd. I decided to wash so did all usual work & had breakfast fried Eggs & Bacon it was 9 30 then I lit copper & started Amy assisted indoors then joined me Dad & Ma went to Gawler took Myrtle & Effie to Town she had to go to Dr Harrold again poor little dear I got a cold lunch & then we finished I scrubbed Blks & in washhouse Amy did some extra scrubbing & folded clothes I washed up & starched curtains & did all evening work lovely day but cold

Oct 3rd I was up before six & always light fire & stove & get a cup of Tea & fill fountain then we milk & made porrige & fried Wilf breakfast eggs & Bacon I cooked Cauliflower potatoes fried Bacon & made an Apple pie & Rice custard & also two Cakes Did not get dinner till after one & they complained about it Ma & Amy washed up & I made a Sponge & the oven failed me I ironed Berts shirt & collars Amy made herself a hat I milked Dad helped then I started to weed garden

Oct 4) milder weather I did not dress till six 10 & then did all ordinary work helped Amy milk & got breakfast swept kitchen & also washed up Ma helped & at 10/30 I started Dinner I made a Steamed Ginger pudding & white Sauce boiled Cauliflower potatoes & fried Bacon & got & served 12/30 Dinner. Dad & French went to Gawler Charl & Wilf home to dinner & he told us Celia had a baby girl born yesterday35 I finished Amys blouse & did sewing to a apron enough work sewed on buttons too

35 Celia Laurel Ivy Dawe, born in Willaston.https://thediariesoffannyrosinaatyeo.blogspot.com/p/places.html

Oct 5 Morning duties as usual a more beautiful day could not be than today has been for Two Wells Show French went with Uncle Charlie & Lorna with Eva & Will none of us went I cooked cabbage potatoes a Currant Custard for Dinner I thoroughly swept both front rooms & washed floors cleaned windows & Grate Mother dusted them I dusted Skirting & wiped over doors etc Amy did our room & Berts & I cleaned Window of them my arms very painful

Oct 6) Gawler Day I got both fires & a cup of Tea & fried breakfast (E & B) Bert came home from Camp yesterday Dinner time Amy & I milked & she washed the separator & they made beds I prepared Swedes & Cabbage & potatoes also made a nice plum Cake & got it on by Dinner time Amy & Ma had theirs & went to Gawler Olive & French & Dad & I stayed home I washed up everything & dusted dining room filled lamp swept dusted Kitchen & baked Scones milked Dad helped but his arms & hands are dreadful with Eczema & Rhumatism Celia has named Baby Celia Laurel Ivy Mother & Amy went to see her.

Oct 7) Gawler Show so Amy & I hurried with milking & I fried Breakfast E & B & vegetables I made beds & we got ready at 11 o’clock we started & called for Marion & took her to the Show with us Jim & Ethel were there Harry Frances & Family so children had a good time All our brothers & familys too Elvie & Norman Koster36 Bert & Rose Collins37 Harry & Vic & Peter38 & Will were there. The building inside was very nice indeed the Flowers were a Show in itself & needle work there were many soldiers there some returned but the many young men who have gone were missed & it filled my heart with sadness to look & think of what the next year may be to us all one cannot enjoy it

36 Elvera (Elvie) Maud Paterson, cousin and Norman Charles Koster.
37 Albert Collins, and Rose Collins. I am not sure if this is a married couple, or brother and sister.
38 Henry Ross and Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson), cousin, and their son Peter Norman Ross, aged 2

Oct 8) As I intended going to Church I dressed soon after six & made fire in Stove& got a cup of Tea then went & milked 3 cows Amy two & when then she helps Dad Separate & feeds calves & pigs while I clear round & set breakfast & fry Eggs & Bacon I dressed for Chapel I had cleaned out the Dining room fireplace Mr Arthur preached there was a nice congregation & singing lovely & so nice Driving we had cold lunch & custard. Amy made a Pine Apple then I washed up Amy tidied herself & Olive & French & her went to see Eva & Will such a heavy shower this afternoon now finer but heavy clouds like rain. Cousin George Hand39 has inlisted & goes into Camp Oct 18th I was just going to milk & Amy & the children came home Bert did not go out tonight he is very worried over the national outlook We milked etc had Tea & retired at 8/30 not all well

39 George Hand, son of Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath), sister of Ma.

Oct 9) A letter from George Hobart. I felt so unwell so Amy lit fires & got parents Tea & swept Kitchen Bert helped her milk etc I got up at ¼ to 7 & lit Copper & sorted out clothes we breakfasted then we I went on at Tubs Amy washed up Dairy things & then she joined me & we had a big wash but got done most before dinner then finished & I scrubbed & washed up all Amy went indoors I ironed all but starched clothes & was quite done & my limbs were very painful Amy folded starch clothes showery Day we had all Berts Military clothes40 he went to Gawler

40 There is no record of Bert doing military service. I’m not sure why he has military clothes.

Oct 10) The Anniversary this day brings makes my heart ache & makes me very sad indeed. Same work I got up got fires thoroughly cleaned Stove Elbow breakfast & helped milk milk then done our room & kitchen Amy dining room & then attended to Effie as Myrtle brought her home while she went to Gawler I altered my Serge Dress did all starch ironing helped milk

Oct 11) After all morning duties were done & I had done a portion of indoor work & fried the breakfast etc I went to make Mother a Skirt & could not find the pattern so cut off another got on well with it & finished it except Hooks Wilfred is working the Fallow Bert goes to Gawler every day about Military affairs he is very preoccupied in his mind no energy

Oct 12) Usual work in every way Mother very unwell Dad nearly Blind with Eczema & crippled up with Rhumatism he went with Bert to Gawler & Bert thought he was going into Camp but as he made some another agreement he came home again I altered Amys Sicilian Skirt after work was done Amy & Wilfred went carting wood this afternoon

Oct 13) Did all morning work lit fire & took in Tea fried breakfast Eggs & Bacon then I prepared Vegetables for Dinner & made a Stew Swept Kitchen, Myrtle came & left Effie here & I went with her to Gawler did some Shopping & then we drove to Celia’s to afternoon Tea & Home at about 4 oclock Amy had worked very hard & cleaned rooms washed floors & dusted all so nicely we milked etc it was very cold indeed today & frosty

Oct 14) All duties as ever George Hand & Amy drove to Gawler in the morning & remained all day took Olive also I cooked dinner & swept washed Kitchen floor baked currants & Madeira Cake Prune pie Mother very bad & rested for hours cleared & washed up & cleaned all Cutlery & Knobs & brass ware Dad & Amy brought George Hand home for weekend. No George came from Lower Light last evening & brought me some violets & he & Amy went to Gawler Dad stayed home

Oct 15) Amy got up at six & I at 6/30 & Olive we milked & I boiled Eggs for breakfast & then made bed & Amy Olive George H. & I went to Gawler River Church a lovely morning but on a change dinner over I washed up & rested till I made fire for tea & got it ready Clem spent day home & Ada & children Charl & family all spent evening had supper & went home at a little before 11 o’clock it was then dark & rainy & cold quite heavy showers Wilf & Myrtle home to tea.

Oct 16) I did not wash as Dad & Amy went to Adelaide Specialist with his face I cooked cauliflower & potatoes & Custard Ma & I sat two hens & one broke 9 of the Eggs I milked all on my own Bert Sep & fed animals an extremely cold day for October Amy & Dad are home tonight rainy now

Oct 17) I got up at 5.30 & got parents Tea & lit copper & Amy & Dad & Bert were up so Amy & Bert had their breakfast I went on at tubs then got breakfast & Olive & us had our meal Amy helped indoors then joined me at Tubs & we washed sofa cover & my blue Dress etc got done at 12/30 & I scrubbed & then ironed & mended my dress & Amy ironed some we milked & then we I finished after tea

Oct 18) As I intended going to Celia’s41 I got up in fair time & got breakfast for Bert Poached Eggs & Toast took in Tea to the others & then did our room & got Kitchen swept & my things ready Dad drove me in here to Greaves House Celia was getting Dinner so I made a Mt Lofty pudding & we cooked Dinner Percy home to Dinner Dad & Olive had a cup of Cocoa & drove home I assisted Celia mended socks & nursed baby as well

41 Fanny goes and stays with Celia and Percy and family for about a week to help since Celia has a new baby.

Oct 19) Percy got up early & went to help G. Warnken75 load Hay up at Davis at Roseworthy I fried breakfast for us & made a Melon pie cooked cauliflower Cabb & potatoes & I did some washing for baby & girls I was almost crippled with rhumatism my hands were dreadful I never had them worse I could hardly move for pain & my Knees & back were terrible painful

42 Gerhard Bernard Warnken, married to Percy’s sister Alice Ethelinda.

Oct 20) I got up & lit fire & gave Celia a cup of Tea & have reported wrong it was yesterday Alice Warnken43 & Majorie Lords came for afternoon & it was today Percy went & helped load Hay Eva Ratcliff came to morning lunch same vegetables & pie Jam Tart I have got this mixed it was Wensday Allie came & yesterday Eva came today Amy & Myrtle came today & gave Effie her bottle had a cup of Tea Dad & them went to Gawler Charl & Eva also in their Trap & I did some washing & boiling today the weather is stormy & on a change I know Bert got another letter from Military office Olive stayed home with Mother today.

42 Alice Ethelinda Warnken (nee Dawe), Percy’s sister, and Marjorie Lords (I don't know anything about Marjorie yet)

Oct 21) I got our breakfast & then milked the cow Celia got up & separated very windy Percy went out loading & then to Gawler I helped Celia cook Dinner got some wood for her prepared Vegetables swept & tidied bedrooms & swept dining room & Kitchen did baby washing & we did some mending & other Duties I blackleaded Stove & fireplace & Kettles

Oct 22) I could not sleep so dressed at ¼ to 7 made fire & got our cups of Tea & cleaned all cutlery & swept both rooms & dusted some we cooked potatoes & green peas & had cold prune pie helped with baby its a cold & rainy day it rained all last night & today is very stormy Harry Franc & the children are gone out home today to Dads

Oct 23rd) I intended washing so after a cup of Tea & breakfast I lit the Copper & swept round Celia did indoor work I did Percy’s room peeled Potatoes we had cauliflower Cab & peas & Jam Tart I got on very well & finished at 3 o’clock scrubbing included then I ironed & Bert and I had a talk about conscription on Saturday.

Oct 24) I did not dress till after six Percy at five & I swept the Dining room thoroughly had a cup of tea then I milked Fortune Celia Separated & we had breakfast I prepared Vegetables & Melon & lit stove did babys washing set table & we had ours Percy went to Gawler I helped Celia at bedrooms shifted then Celia washed up I ironed some Dad went to Town & Dr Harrold advised a shave so he looks different I am staying on for a day or two lovely day Celia & I had a talk & I milked & we got Tea & did some mending Baby is so good at night they are good children & play so happily together.
Mrs. Cox of Gawler has a daughter born 29 Oct 1916 named Margaret Hewitt77

43 Margaret Hewitt Cox, born in Gawler, daughter of William Henry Cox and Anne Grant Cox (nee McConnell).

Oct 25) I milked & Separated Percy generally has his breakfast & goes away to work then we have ours & Celia dressed Baby I assist with other children & did bedrooms then I made a garment for Celia & mended babys clothes & in the afternoon we went to visit the Hutchen’s had a cup of Tea there & got home early I milked etc had tea & we mended & talked till bedtime

Oct 26) I always milk & Separate now & then help dress children & get breakfast over & I went on sewing Celia made a meat pie & Rice custard in after Dinner we dressed & went to Mrs. Humphrys44 they showed us their Flowers & had afternoon Tea home & milked cow etc Perc went to Gawler to try & sell Topsy but brought her home again she has started kicking & is not safe to drive with children

44 Probably Annie Alice Humphrys (nee Lodge)

Oct 27) As I intended going home I got up in good time fried Percys breakfast & milked etc then we had ours & I thoroughly swept both front rooms washed floors dusted bedroom & Celia dusted the front room we had cold dinner & Percy went to Gawler I washed up everything including Celias Gown & ironed all then I cleaned myself & we had a Cup of Tea Myrtle & Amy came for me they have been to Gawler.

Oct 28) Great national Voting Day45 I helped milk fried breakfast cleared the Dining room then started cooking Currant & Military Cake, Dora’s, leg Mutton cleaned lamps & planted flowers & bathed Olive & got her ready for our Drive to vote at Buchsfelde home & I cleaned boots & we Amy & I milked & I watered flowers had tea & looked at papers & retired to rest Mary Driess46 is going to live in Willaston in Miltons House. Eva Ratcliff is out here at present

45 Conscription Plebiscite – Australia’s first non-binding plebiscite. It was rejected.
46 Probably Mary Preiss?

Oct 29) Sunday & we intended going to Church then we did not have much time as we milked Amy fed calves Dad pigs I fried Bacon & Eggs & swept Kitchen & made bed & shelled peas & peeled potatoes then cooked them & got Dinner over Amy & I washed up & dressed for Buchsfelde I went to church Amy to Ada’s & then I went to Marys to Tea Mrs Grant & her girls47 were there so I could not have a good talk to her.

47 Probably visiting Mary Preiss. Mrs Grant is the school teacher at Buchsfelde. Her daughters and about 10 and 12 years old (she came in 1914 to the school).

Oct 30) As we intended going to Celia’s one day I got a cup of Tea then breakfast & lit the copper & started at Tubs Amy had a lot of Dairy work to do Myrtle went to Gawler & took Cream Amy joined me at Tubs & we finished by Dinner time & I scrubbed up the blocks etc then I did ironing Amy & Dad did milking Olive not well so croupy tonight

Oct 31) As Olive has been so ill all night Amy did not care to leave her so I got ready & rode to Celia’s with Dad who goes to Town to Specialist I did washing Celia cooked dinner meat & Melon pies & Peas Cauliflower potatoes then she helped me Cousin Eva come for afternoon I started ironing Eva finished as Dad come for me at four

Nov 1st) I felt so tired Amy & I do not get up till about six She feeds chickens while I get Bert his breakfast then we both milk & she feeds calves etc while I get our meal I went to see Mrs Sam Parham48 in afternoon Mrs Len Parham49 was there & Mrs Clem Dawkins50 to afternoon Tea we went over & saw Irene Pedericks51 garden & I got a lovely bunch of Flowers & came home to milk at six Bert went to a Dance Gawler

48 Mary Elizabeth Parham (nee Riggs), wife of Samuel James Parham.
49 Elsie Ellen Parham (nee Pederick), wife of Len Parham (Mervyn Leonard Andrew Parham).
50 Myrtle Mildred Dawkins, nee Hillier.
51 Mildred Irene Pederick, sister of Elsie Ellen, aged 22.

Nov 2) Up at usual hour little Olive is so very unwell so croupy & hoarse. I fried Eggs & Bacon for Breakfast milked & then I cooked Cauliflower Potatoes & Peas bread & butter custard yesterday today Jam Tarts & same etc I looked for patterns could not find them so could not do my sewing Amy making a pinafore for Olive I got a cup of T milked etc

Nov 3) Gawler Day same work as usual then Dad put ponies in buggy & Amy & Myrtle went to Gawler took Effie with them I kept Olive home I thoroughly cleaned front room & Berts room & the windows etc besides I made a Melon Pie & help with Dinner washed up everything Mother sitting a hen Ma helped me milk the first time for a very long time a cool change after a hot day

Nov 4) Sat & a cold wet drizzling rain Amy & I milked I cleaned stove fireplace etc got our (Bert) meal swept kitchen chopped wood & cleaned all lamps made two Cakes roasted leg Mutton for Dinner Peas Caul Pota Melon pie I also washed up & made a Dried Apple Pie swept up again and helped in dining room Cleaned Knives forks spoons etc milked so dreadfully cold & raining we were nearly shivering we got in wood were at Tea & then Cousin Bert52 came from Mitchells53. Mrs Best (nee Grace Hocking) has a son Sydney Harold John54 it is raining now & bitterly cold.

52 Albert George Paterson, son of Aunt Harriet.
53 Mitchells, mentioned tomorrow too.
54 Grace Margurite Brickwood Best (nee Hocking) has a son Sydney Harold John Best.

Nov 5) Such a dreadful cold stormy night rained very heavily & water is lying everywhere I did not dress till 7/30 got a cup of Tea & then Amy & I milked in all the rain & cold & water in the yard & no shelter atall I fried E & B for meal then made bed & swept & cooked peas & potatoes cold dried Apple Pie it has rained & the wind has been so boisterous Cousin Bert came last night & stayed till 3 o’clock today also Miss Collins is at Mrs Mitchells55 today goes home with Bert

55 Miss Collins (is this Rose Collins?), Mrs Mitchells (mentioned yesterday)

Nov 6) I could not wash as it was far too wet & cold same work in the morning & fry breaky & after morning duties I cut out & made a dark blue print Skirt for Mother & Amy did serving also it was stormy & bitterly Snow fell in Adelaide yesterday I do not think I felt it so cold all the winter

Nov 7) Another cold stormy so we had our cup of Tea & milked & it was 10 o’clock before I started washing It was a very cold day but drying & I got all Dry but I kept running to & fro & the wind was twirling Amy helped me after she had washed Separator etc Ma made a stew& cold pie for Dinner Cousin Will Paterson56 came up from Lower Light he went to Town yesterday & had to come up from there to Gawler on account of Military papers so came on here & stayed the night & today went to Gawler Auntie Eva57 came down pea picking this afternoon Amy helped her all had afternoon Tea & then Will went home Wilfred is cultivating Bert & Charl can’t get on Binding atall & when its fine the Binder wont work properly such a nuisance I did some ironing & Amy did some & I folded the rest My limbs are Dreadful & don’t know how to keep at work at times. The crops are terribly damaged.

56 William Walter Allan Paterson, son of Aunt Harriet.
57 There is no Auntie Eva. Perhaps she’s referring to Olive’s Aunty Eva, who would be Charl’s wife Eva?

Nov 8th) Dad intended going to Adelaide so I just got a cup of Tea then breakfast fried I got my patterns together & rode along with him as far as Celias & on arrival Celia was bathing Laurel she is growing so well & is such a Dear I cut out & run up her Skirt & fitted it then Celia did all her work she had Soup & potatoes Mutton & pancakes for dinner Dad came back had a cup of Tea & we came home & Amy & I milked the boys could not get the Binder to work all day & now it is so green & down the crop

Nov 9th) I did not dress till after six & both Amy & I did all our morning duties Mother was very busy preparing for her Sister Auntie Paterson58 Ma did Dining room prepared Vegetables I roasted Beef & boiled Peas potatoes & made two lovely Melon pies we had not cleared all away & washing up & they came so had to get them Dinner I washed up & then I sat at the Skirt all the rest of afternoon & got it done by 10/30 at night Wilfred & Myrtle came home last evening or rather at 11 o’clock Wilfred got a terrible nasty shock a man apparently out of his mind came near their house & acted awfully so Wilfred Myrtle & Effie have been home two nights following

57  Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath)

Nov 10) I got a cup of Tea then breakfast & Wilf & Myrtle went home & she did her work & then came back, for Amy & her went to Gawler in the buggy I cleaned both front rooms Ma cooked vegetables & I fried Bacon for Dinner in the afternoon we washed up & I was very busy mending till milking time we had all done when Amy & Myrtle got home then Wilfred & her drove home we had tea Mother read paper cold again Boys tried to Bind but cant get on

Nov 11) Such a wet morning promised but broke & Wilf went out Cultivating then it simply poured & he came home wet Bert mending the Canvas the crops are almost flat on the ground in places I cooked leg of Mutton Ma cooked cabbage & potatoes I blackleaded Stove & fireplace done lamps & safe Afternoon I baked Lemon Cake & Alford & caroline & scones cleaned Cutlery & did Kitchen work Ma & Amy dining room Amy our room my limbs are awful so bad

Nov 12) Pouring with rain & windy Wesley came home yesterday from work at 12/30 & is home for today I could not go to church so wet Celia & Family were due home but it was too wet to go for them I swept Kitchen lit fires took in tea to all Wesley & Amy milked I swept dining room peeled potatoes & I made a plum pudding yesterday so boiled it today again Dad & Ma Wes & Amy shelled peas it is raining now & water is lying everywhere like winter & mud Wesley went home at 6 o’clock Did not go out anywhere all day

Nov 13) As it was very stormy & I thought it best not to wash so got up & got our Tea then breakfast & I swept rooms Amy & Bert milked as it was so wet I steamed pudding left from yesterday made white sauce had cabbage & potatoes fried bacon peas Charl & Wilfred Bert home to Dinner Then they went up in Argents cutting wood it cleared off & was a good drying wind I wished I had washed Amy finished Olives white Pinafore in morning & in the afternoon she drove to Gawler but Gertie58 did not come Amy waited till five train & was late home

58 Gertie comes by express train tomorrow. I don't know who she is.  

Nov 14) A much wetter & colder day & the boys did not do much Amy called me at 5/30 & soon both of us dressed & swept rooms & got breakfast porrige & poached Eggs & Toast for Bert he is not well but Dinner over he took our pig & Wilfs calf to Gawler I rode as far as Charls he & Wilf were cutting wood both been home here to Dinner Eva & I altered Amys Flannelette Blouse & had a cup of Tea Gertie & Bert came home from Gawler she came up Express today so I had to come home so bitterly cold like June & rain & wind we had tea & I made her Blouse

Nov 15) A thoroughly wet Day simply poured almost all day I put cuffs on fashion Shirt & ironed it & Mother cooked Veg Gertie made pie crust I made stove hot Amy made two U.B. Garments for Ma & a dark Blue apron for herself I been working like a Trogean all afternoon cutting back pot plants & repotting extremely cold but I was in the verandah I milked & fed calves it poured I had to change clothes.

Nov 16, Another wet morning so did not dress as early ¼ to six got a cup of Tea & breakfast over helped milk usual work in every way The weather broke a heavy shower fell at intervals so cold Dad & Gertie went up to Cemetry & to Cousin Eva’s & Wills to lunch Ma & Amy sewing Amy has been making U.B. Calico up for Ma & pillow case this weather is like June & all so fresh and green everywhere

Nov 17) Friday & both Amy & I got up early I was up & had a Cup of tea & put on the boiler in the Kitchen also got in Stand & we washed there as the water is all over the old wash house we had such a lot of Flannels Singlets & dark clothes & I never washed on a Friday before but we got all dry & I ironed everything Amy Olive & Gertie went to visit Ada & Mary did not get home till very late or we were at Tea Dad helped me milk & feed calves very cold indeed

Nov 18) Finer but cold usual work in every way & at 10 o’clock Dad Amy Olive & Gertie went to Gawler & she went on to Town Ma & I had all work to do I hurried & swept front rooms cleaned fireplace & Grate Stove swept our room dining room washed Ma & passage & Dining room I did all my baking before dinner 3 large cakes & Dora Biscuits swept Kitchen they got home at 4/30 Ma did cutlery me lamps etc & I help milk & got in wood so busy & am tired

Nov 19th) An ideal morning & got up in fair time so did Amy & we milked & tidied Dining room & swept Kitchen fried Sausages & hastily dressed for Church the Service was a most solemn one as we sang all Hymns suitable to a Soldier Farewell sermon as Joe Pederick59 is leaving for the Seat of War next Saturday he will be sadly missed from Church & Choir Celias Family Ada & Family all home for Day till 9 o’clock Ada stayed Franc & family at Charlies

59 Irvin Joseph Pederick, son of Eliza Wingate and Robert Adams Pederick, aged 27.

Nov 20th Amy & I got up at five o’clock & were rather surprised to see it very black & soon it thundered pretty heavily our dog Siss was so frightened that she jumped right through the seive Door & broke one panel also woodwork We had a cup of Tea & milked had breakfast then the weather fined off & we went to Gawler instead of at the Tubs Amy Olive & I we spent the afternoon at Mrs Hobarts she set my Knitting for me while Amy got Horses shoes seen to Dad & Ma had finished milking when we got home I planted some flowers had tea

November 21st Same early hour & I got a cup of lit Copper & started washing got a boil in had breakfast the others milked I got all best & bed linen done before Amy came on as she has to do so much Dairy work however she hurried & washed towels shirts blue print stocking sox & Olive’s Coat finished by dinner time Mother cooked leg Mutton peas, Caul, Pots & apple pies Amy ironed in afternoon I scrubbed up Myrtle went to Gawler & brought home some Polony & I cut sandwiches for a Farewell Social to Pt Joe Pederick at Stone Hill Church Amy & I milked & hurried & got ready it was a very nice evening all sacred singing from Hymn books (Chapel) & patriotic songs interspersed by members a presentation of pocket Testament from Sunday School wristlet watch from Church Friends & members a large number present

Nov 22) Well I had a hard Day in Garden & am Knocked out I did all my morning duties then cut back all chrysanthemums & other work Amy unpacked her presents as the water has been all over the Dairy floor & in her box I came in & helped her pack them in a dry clean box & also packed mine away Rose Preiss & Daisy Starling came collecting for foreign Missions & we were in a terrible muddle packing away the men are out in Twelftrees the crop has gone down badly & it hinders them so it is almost flat on ground in places the early cut crops have grown up quite green like a second crop it looks like rain

Nov 23) I felt awfully unwell Indigestion & bilious I dressed at six & called Bert & Amy I got a cup of tea & also Berts breakfast fried Ham & Eggs I had little bread & milk Ma & the rest porrige Amy same as Bert I did lamps & washed Vases & a little housework then had to lie Down had a cup of coffee made beds mended Sheet made a nice fire in Stove & roasted leg Mutton Ma cooked cabbage potatoes & boiled Sago Uncle Charlie came out he & Charl & Bert home to Dinner him & Dad went for a drive to Twelftrees Eva not well Mary washing for her today Dad Amy & Olive went to Gawler home & she helped evening work I cut out & partly made a blouse

Nov 24) As they went to Gawler yesterday they wait until tomorrow for market day I am very unwell indeed Amy & I usual work same as every morning then Amy cleaned front rooms & I swept dining room Amy washed floor & dusted it Also lent a hand in Kitchen Amy washed both Kitchen & boys room floor yesterday it looked like a storm & at 10 or 11 o’clock started thundering & lightning & it rained very sharp Myrtle & Clara Pollard came here on their way to Gawler quite wet they thought it had cleared but it turned & came down in torrents it poured at intervals till 5 o’clock Myrtle & Clara60 with Effie came home in the heaviest Lightning very severe & thunder very loud all around is under water the contractors who have been camped in a Galvanised House near our Dam forming a road were trying to finish in the pouring rain but had to give in & its a fair pug Driving by there now I hope they do it well.

60 Clara Pollard. I don't know anything else about her yet.

Nov 25) Same work then I blackleaded Stove took off Flues & cleaned them cleaned Dining room fireplace & doorstep then I baked a Cake cleaned lamps spoons Tinware Mother Cutlery I had to sweep dining room as it got so dirty I made beds & did any other Saturday work Olive went in to Celia’s for day Dad & Amy also called there coming home & were not very early home baked loin Mutton after they came home & both Amy & I had a bath at night Olive asleep

Nov 26) As Bert was going to the Blue Rocks I could not have his Sulky so I dressed & Amy lit fire & gave Bert his meal I ironed his Colar as I had forgotten it. We milked & did our necessary work & cooked Loin Mutton Cauliflower & potatoes pineapple & custard Dinner over Amy & washed up & dressed for a visit to Uncle & Eva & Will. Willaston we stayed till 8 o’clock Amy played Hymns & we looked at different things Ma & Dad milked etc Wilfred very bad in bed all day yesterday & not well today Lindsey Cork & Mrs G Jones61 out here for afternoon

61 Linday Gordon Launcelot Cork is the brother of Myrtle and Mrs G Jones is likely the wife of George Jones mentioned in 1916, but there are a lot of George Jones, so I know no more than that.

Nov 27) I felt so unwell & did not think I’d wash. However it promised to be clear & I decided to light Copper & start Amy joined me for Towels & Coloured clothes finished dinner time & her & Dad went to Gawler I was so ill I could not iron but did folding & scrubbed cream tin & burnt up such a lot of rubbish Olive seems very unwell I went to milk & she laid her head on me & would not play or talk I just feel as if I got no strength atall I washed my dark print dress (everyday dress) it was a good wind quite cold but fine weather I do not get time for much knitting

Nov 28) I got up in fair time & got breakfast & helped milk made beds cleaned dining room then Amy thought it would be nice to Calcimo the two back rooms I thouroughly scrubbed a cupboard belonging to Library at Ward’s Belt Ma the sofa me the mantlepiece Amy did both rooms I did all I could but had to lie down an hour as I could hardly bear myself I was so ill I helped all day long Dad went to Gawler we did not finish till late had tea & a wash

Nov 29) I got dressed early & got breakfast then helped milk & started ironing such a dose of starch clothes & two Fashion shirts & colars I only just finished dinner time & was terribly unwell in the afternoon I hung pictures in Kitchen & helped generally poor Amy ran a large splinter under thumb nail & nearly fainted & after an hour she got it out but it was so sore I helped scrub doors Amy scrubbed dresser first before she hurt her finger

Nov 30) Our usual work in every way I got up at 20 past five got a cup of tea & breakfast then we milked had breakfast. I washed up Ma doing other odds & painting Dads face every few hrs Myrtle came down for pattern I made a plum pudding & steamed it for dinner in the afternoon I cut out a pattern of a coat for Olive & also cut out a dress for myself Amy took over lunch to me other side of the Hill. Very warm. G & Bert binding W stooking. Mrs Frank Andrews has a daughter born Friday Nov 24th 191662 Cousin Victoria Ross has a son born Monday Nov 27th Bruce Frederick 63 Silvia Evelyn the girl

62 Mary Ann Andrews (nee Argent), daughter Sylvia Evelyne Andrews, born Gawler South.
63 Bruce Frederick Ross, born in Adelaide (Vic and Harry are residing in Parkside).

Dec 1) Usual work first light fire & get a cup of tea then Berts breakfast & milk then our own meal Wilfred had a hen forsake her nest so Olive & I went up & got the Eggs & brought them home & put them under Ma’s hen Amy & Myrtle & their baby’s went to Gawler I gave the dining room a good clean Ma the front rooms & we had dinner for all the boys as they are working home Hugh Ratcliff92 & Wilf stooks Bert & Charlie Bind a heavy thunderstorm came up & Sess the dog jumped the second time through through the seive door & broke it. They were so late home 8 o’clock & I was worried

92 Hugh Ratcliff, brother of Will Ratcliff

Dec 2nd We had a good drop of rain with storm I dressed early lit a fire & blackleaded stove swept kitchen baked Maderia Cake Alfred Cake Dora Biscuits cleaned lamps Amy indoor both of us did our ordinary work I cleaned knives & forks Amy spoons & tinware me boots besides all the other Sat work Bert went to Gawler at night French & Olive had a bath

Dec 3rd I hurried & tried to get to Church but Toff got out Frances Harry & all children home to dinner & tea I made a lovely pudding & Blanc Mange & Custard they all had a good time home I got in wood helped milk they went home at 7 o’ck I read a while a nice day none of us went out

Monday Dec 4) Ethels birthday We were up in good time I lit fire got a cup of tea then Amy came out & they milked while I lit copper & got in a boil of clothes I finished all whites & bed linen then I hung out & Amy did towels & blue & trousers & I came in & helped we finished & I scrubbed up before dinner all men home Binding & Hugh also93 Stooking Hay Amy ironed & I partly made a Skirt for myself chopped wood cleaned out copper in evening nice day

93 Hugh Ratcliffe probably 

Dec 5) Our work is always the same in morning I usually light the fire & get a cup of tea & Berts breakfast I mended Berts trousers & Amy feeds fowls & chicks I help her to milk Amy Olive & Myrtle & Effie went to Gawler Dad went yesterday I did housework & cooked dinner all home after washing up & scrubbing table I partly made a blouse for myself & milked it was quite warm a lovely day

Dec 6) Same work in every way all home to dinner etc Rhurbarb pies & vegetables we did all work in house after dinner Mother went to Bragglesome I baked a cake for lunch & altered a blouse for A & I was busy all day another nice day for men Dad took out lunch Amy I milked I finished her blouse did not do any of mine today

Dec 7) Same in every way such a thick dust storm lasted all morning could hardly see across the room, nice afternoon all men home I finished my dress & went for afternoon with old Mrs Ratcliff94 up here

94 Jane Ratcliff (nee Donald), she is over 80.

Dec 8 Phyllis’ Birthday such a thundry day all like a storm morning duties over at 9/30 Aunt Harriet & Elvie & Peter drove up on their way to Adelaide we had lunch Myrtle & Effie came over it look as if it would pour so Amy & Myrtle did not start till 12 o’clock for Gawler I kept Effie home cleaned all rooms & washed floor’s & got Effie’s bottle & she went to sleep also got Olive to sleep Ma cleaned dairy Boys room it was so cold & showery Aunt & Elvie home to Tea we did not retire till midnight had a talk

Dec 9) up in good time & fried sausages for breakfast Dad Ma Auntie & Elvie & Peter went to Gawler at 9/30 I baked cake leg mutton Amy boiled beans potatoes I made custard & stewed cherries Amy & I did all housework & I cleaned cutlery & knobs they got home to afternoon Tea & then at 5 went to Lower Light I went gardening

Dec 10) Amy got up at 6 or so & lit fire I got up 6/30 we had a cup of Tea & milked I made all beds & Ma set table Amy Olive & I drove to Stone Hill such a lovely day beautiful breeze Kingsley Parham95 & Joe Pederick both in uniform Bert Amy & Olive went to Celias / B to Gawler
Martha Dean has another son96

95 Kingsley Bernard Parham, son of Samuel James Parham, aged 23.
96 Martha Lillian Humphrys (nee Dean)'s new son is Henry Dean Humphrys 

Dec 11th ) I did not intend washing as Amy & Olive were at Celia’s & the morning was very wet indeed it poured with rain but broke at 10 o‘clock & Amy washed for Celia Dad went to Gawler at 1 o’clock & brought Amy & Olive home I made a tea cosy etc

Dec 12) I got up at 5 o’ock & lit fire & put on kettle then the copper & got one boil out & 2 quilts in before breakfast I did all Xmas washing Toilet cover Amy helped me after she had washed up & done sep milking etc we got finished at 1 o’clock I scrubbed up after & Amy made fire for ironing I came up & Amy helped me I finished all starched ironing after tea very tired indeed Ma very unwell had to lie down & Amy had to cook Veg for dinner

Dec 13) Mother ill in bed Bronchitus, I did not dress till after six as it was a wet cold morning all the men with overcoats on, fancy, such weather in December the Dams are all over flowing & green grass & thistles everywhere I cannot realise its Xmas month I made brown Stew Mt Lofty pudding in the afternoon I covered the little couch with new Crettonne Amy mending we got lunch for men & milked & sep & got in wood it broke up & Bert tried the harvester so cold

Dec 14) Same hour & Bert was up first I poached eggs & toast for him Ma got up but only did a little mending came out in Kitchen but had to go & lie down again I cooked Cabbage potatoes & Sago pudding Amy & I put out all curtain to blow the dust out & swept walls washed doors floor windows & help dust & hung Curtains & went up with lunch Bert Harvesting Charles also assisting Wilfred binding Straw nice Day we milked Ma set Tea

Dec 15) Charls Birthday I got up at five & lit both fires fried eggs & bacon Amy churned butter we milked Amy cleaned our room Dad Myrtle Amy & baby went to Gawler I cooked marrow potatoes fried ham Jam Tarts got all washed up made Mothers bed & painted her side she is ill in bed Clem came out for Amy to go & help her but Ma is ill & Amy not well herself so she declined but was so sorry I was milking when they got home so Amy came help finished

Dec 16) Work in every direction I got up ¼ to five Mother in bed ill made fire cleaned Stove got breakfast & then made Gooseberry & Cherry Jam stewed plums & Custard roasted leg Mutton & Cabbage & beans & Potatoes so busy all day I also made Alford Cake Sponge & birthday Cake for Olive Amy iced it I cleaned Cutlery etc Mr John Cawrse killed by train today at Smithfield midday (Dad went to Gawler today)97

97 According to the inquest John Cawrse was not feeling very well, and alighted the train at Smithfield. A witness saw him walk of the end of the platform. Apparently he then fell under the train and was run over.

Dec 17) both of us rose early I dressed ate & as the flies are so bad we milked & I got breakfast did not have Sausages as they were bad yesterday morning Amy kindly let me go to Chapel & she stayed home washed up all made Custard Stewed Plums Uncle Charlie out for afternoon I rested & read Ma got up but had to lie down so ill lung trouble & heart

Dec 18) Amy & Dad milked I got Berts Breakfast then lit Copper & did my big wash all my self as Amy was so busy indoors & cooked hot Dinner all three men home she made plum pies roast Mutton Onions & Cabbage. Ma dressed & was too ill to stay up I scrubbed & ironed some clothes Amy & I are nearly run off our legs now so much cooking & lunches & dinners they are home Harvesting barley & Charl & Wilf winnowing its very hot winds yesterday & cooler breeze today sun very hot & I'm tired

Dec 19) Our Darling Olives Birthday 3 today same early hour & I got Berts meal & Amy & I milked Dad & Myrtle went to Gawler I kept Effie home Ma so bad got up but can’t stop up such a hot day 105 in shade cooler at 4 o’clock I cooked hot Dinner beans pots Shepherd pie fruit & blancmange Did not have time to iron I cut out a dress for Amy but have no time to make it for her & so hot today

Dec 20) A nicer Day Same early hour & same work in early morn then Dad & Mother went to Doctor Tobin 98 Amy & I so busy Amy did plain ironing I did starched all men to dinner no Bert out in Twelftrees so I had to cut his & Wilfreds Dinner I made soup & roasted beef & cooked Cab & pots & made plum pie & Eva Coral & Gwennie came for afternoon Charl spoke unkind to me & upset our afternoon Ma & Dad home at 7 o’clock

98 Doctor Tobin 

Dec 21st I always dress at 4/30 or ¼ to five or five oclock I made fire & Amy & I milked then I got our breakfast & cut Berts dinner & put up Sally Tea for men Bert went out early & Charl & Wilfred went later to Twelftrees we are kept very busy as Mother to keep her bed & is very ill indeed & we are kept making different dishes for her I do all I can Mr Wise99 came & I had just started baking Xmas Cakes we brewed yesterday morning I got on well baking them but got Rhumatics terrible

99 Mr Wise is the agent for Griffiths, a tea salesman.

Dec 22nd Same work Amy churned at five ock & I got Berts breakfast & our & sometimes Dad & Amy milk mornings the how I did hurry also Amy her & Myrtle & Dad went to Gawler I cooked dinner for Ma fried fowl I did dining room & other work & keep going up to Ma every few minutes made lemon … broth… & help milk she cant eat in

Dec 23rd I forgot to say I made Xmas pudding yesterday I lit stove directly I was up & got Berts meal & cut his dinner Amy & I caught a fowl which she plucked & dressed I stuffed it & roasted it also boiled ham & in afternoon made plum Jam I was so ill I could hardly bear myself Rhumatics the pain was awful it keeps me washing up & I braised fowl dinner for Ma & made Fowl Soup for Dad & us stewed Apricot & custard I cleaned lamps bottled off jam Bert went in Xmas Eve also Wilf & wife Charl & Eva I was thoroughly done & could hardly wash up Amy cleaned all rooms & cutlery & other work

Dec 24) I dressed at ¼ to 6 & it being Sunday I could not go to Church Mother so ill so I cleaned my stove & fried leg chops for breakfast made chicken broth for Mother we had our meal & I washed up for nearly an hour Amy the Separator I made beds Amy did Ma’s room I boiled pudding & got dinner Dad took Ma to Dr Tobin she is so ill can hardly sit up in sulky Charl & Mr McLeod & George100 came & Coral then at 4 o’clock Mary Clarice & Leslie100 came for Tea went home at 7 & then we milked & Will & Eva came for evening its most beautiful weather
Mr J F Martin of Gawler died last week in W.A. 101 Cousin Ivy Sandercock has a Son102 born Dec 17th

100 Daniel McLeod, the father of Eva and George Kimberly McLeod, her 16 year old brother. 
100 Probably Clarice Jane Alexander (nee Folland), Leslie Wright Folland, and an unknown Mary. 
101 Mr Jeoffre F Martin of Gawler died in Boulder, W.A., aged 52.
102 Ross William Sandercock, born in Stirling West, son of Ivy Sandercock (nee Easton) and William Sandercock. 

A sad Day Dec 25 1916: Xmas Day with an aching heart I got up to work at an early hour Amy also we each did our morning work & then I washed Mother did her hair poor old Bert & I were with her & she told us she was going to leave us Ah what sorrow I prep a roast fowl & Ham & pudding but none of did justice to our meal Mother was at table but cannot eat I am kept so busy making nourishment for her can hardly stand with Rhumatics Jim Ada & family Percy Celia & Family were here & Uncle Charlie Harvey103 & French

103 Could be Kelvin Harvey Folland?

Dec 26 As I felt very tired I decided not to wash it is a fairly hot day & work in every direction I tried to do a bit of sewing but its hard so I made an Apricot pie for dinner I soaked in clothes ready for washing Mr Arthur104 called see Mother boys are stripping in Twelftrees harvesting so I always cut Berts dinner put up

104 Mr Arthur? Not sure who this is. He was mentioned in 1909.

Dec 27 A very windy hot dusty day the shade reading 105 We got up at 4 o’clcock started at tubs & had a big wash too I got all sheets dry by 8 & other whites by nine I had to shift indoors & put boiler on & it so hot Dad went to Gawler & brought home meat & I had to cook it & make beef Tea Mother not page torn weak we help her up & Amy page torn

Dec 28 1916 page torn Always get up before the Sun & start work today I have been very busy indeed Uncle Charlie Dorrie Priess 105 came out Amy did all ironing I am kept waiting on Ma Amy does all housework & is such a comfort our work is much the same each day

105 Dorothy May Preiss, daughter of cousin Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon)?

Dec 29) Friday Amy lit fire & churned I got a cup of Tea myself & breakfast for us all & Dad & Amy did cows etc Dad & Myrtle went to Gawler Amy cleaning rooms & in afternoon put Dolly in sulky & she would not go Amy was going to Gawler but had to came back Mother brighter but no better she darned some socks I mended my dress Amy also sewing

Dec 30) I blackleaded stove & got breakfast & roasted leg mutton & made two cakes cleaned lamps Amy went to Gawler brought Tom out for night I cleaned my Knives at 8 o’clock at night & got Tea I was fairly done up but must go

Dec 31) Tom & us girls up in good time Ma so ill Uncle Mrs Ratcliff over to see Mother Celia & Percy last night Uncle Charlie & Aunt Paterson up for Day I cooked potatos Steamed pud…stewed apricots tomatoes beans (page torn)

Jan 2nd 1917 I stepped on a sharp piece of glass coming in from line & cut through my shoe & ran in my foot & it is very painful

Eva Ratcliff & Celia out for yesterday N Y day

[end book]


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