January 1917 to February 1918

Fan’s Diary 1917

Fanny is 41, and living with her father (Dad, Henry Atyeo, aged 68), her mother (Ma, Mary Ann Heath, aged 64) and her brother Bert (Albert Joseph Atyeo, aged 31). Her sister Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo), aged 28) and Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (Amy’s daughter, a toddler) also live there while Amy’s husband George Edmund Hobart is away at World War I. 

Major events: The dairy burns down, George returns from the war

January 1st I cannot report correctly as four weeks in the new year have passed & I have never written a line the year opens with much sadness everywhere as I result of the cruel war, but in our home our dear Mother is lying very ill indeed & we can only hope & pray for her recovery, our usual duties over and that includes sick dishes & all farm work too & Amy & I are very tired & weary Celia1 & Cousin Eva2 came out & spent the afternoon I prepared soup & borax & soaked in clothes Auntie Eva & children3 called in her way home from Myrtles4 & stayed a while I felt so done up

1 Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo), a sister of Fanny’s.
2 Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath), Fanny’s cousin.
3 Eva Alice McLeod wife of brother Charlie and their daughters Coral Eva Atyeo aged 5, and her little sister Gwendoline Ettie Atyeo, aged 2.
4 Myrtle Hilda Atyeo (nee Cork), married to Fanny's youngest brother Wilf, living nearby.

Jan 2) Mrs A M Dawkins of a son5 today I got an early start at tubs but there was other work to see too & Mothers breakfast to get Dad & Amy milked & separated then I had another start & was doing well at 11’oclock when I stepped on a sharp piece of glass & ran it through my shoe & in my foot which bled very much, but as Amy had to go to Gawler I had to get on with work as best I could. Amy got in good time Mrs W Goodger6 came to see Mother who had to keep her bed today I had to hop around on one foot

5 Maynard Boyd Dawkins, son of Mary Dawkins (nee Yeoman) and Albert Maynard Dawkins
6 Susan Adams Goodger (nee Pederick)

Jan 3) Dad had to go to Gawler today so Amy & I did all our work & I was going to iron when Dr Tobin8 came and pronounced our Mother better, what good news. Then Mrs S Parham & Mavis9 came Celia came home with Dad Frances Harry & all Family10 came & Uncle Charlie11, all of the family stayed to tea & I was so worried Percy12 came for Celia also to tea

8 Dr Tobin
9 Mary Elizabeth Parham (nee Riggs) and her daughter Beryl Mavis Parham (aged 16)
10 Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), her husband Harry Gilbert Folland and family. Fanny’s sister. Her family at this stage are George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland (aged 12), Charles French (French) Folland (aged 10), Lorna Frances (aged 9), Phyllis May (aged 8), Gwenda Evelyn Folland (aged 2).
11 Uncle Charles Heath, brother of Ma. He lives nearby.
12 Percy Thomas Dawe, husband of Celia.

Jan 4) Our duties are much the same each day Mother a little brighter Mary & Jane13 came out for afternoon. Our men are out in Twelftrees14 so I have to cut Berts dinner & put up tea for them each morning Ada & Jim16 drove out at night to tea cannot state work as it all rush & work from 5 till 10 or afternoon

13 Mary and Jane? No idea who they are. Could be anyone. This might be the same Mary who later this year is often with Frances. Are they Follands?
14 Henry Joseph Twelftree, a neighbouring farm that the family often works at.
15Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo), sister of Fanny, and her husband James Parham.

Jan 5) After all morning work I was busy at making apricot pie & who should come but Clara & Rob Anderson & Allan17 from Port Elliot so we had dinner Bert & Charl18 were home to dinner they stayed till 4 o’clock then went to Uncle Charlies Dad & Rob19 went to see a Reaper thresher work at Mr Whites19 we were busy all day Amy in the rooms with Clara & Mother & I in my kitchen working all the time

17 Clara Pearl Anderson (nee Easton), a cousin, & her husband Robert (Rob) Albert Anderson and their 2nd son Allan Easton Anderson (aged 1)
18 Charles William Henry Atyeo, the eldest brother.
19 Mr White.

Jan 6) Saturday Dad went to Gawler & I know I had a very busy day indeed so much cooking & other work as there was nothing done to rooms yesterday. So Amy had all them to do but I cannot think out all or report correctly only it was all rush

Jan 7) Sunday I got up early & cleaned all the cutlery & got breakfast it was a hot day & we were thankful of a rest & no company at all till evening then Wilfred20 & Myrtle drove over for a while I soaked in washing in the evening & retired to rest

20 Wilfred George Heath Atyeo, Fanny's youngest brother, married to Myrtle. They live close by.

Jan 8) Up very early & got all bed linen dry before breakfast then the hot wind blew I had to shift indoors to finish much the same work in every way & I cannot remember where the boys were working nor can I remember the weather we had at that time with certainty to report.

Jan 9th) I remember Dad went to Gawler on that Tuesday & saw Mr Bert Dawkins22 & he told him he had lovely apricots for sale so in the afternoon Dad French & Olive23 went down to his garden & got a case for us & Celia to be divided between us I was ironing

22 Albert Maynard Dawkins, probably.
23 Charles French (French) Folland (aged 10) and Olive Fanny Heath Hobart

Jan 10) Such a busy morning Amy help milk & then she & Olive went to Auntie Eva’s for the stew pan I did all the washing up while she was away & Aunt & Uncle Atyeo25 came for the day & I got them a cup of tea & prepared dinner & put on the jam 20 lbs & also a little plum jam as well & boiled over the peach jam I did not go in with Auntie at all as I could not leave my jam They went home at 6 o’clock after tea.

25 William Atyeo, Henry’s older brother who came to South Australia in 1868 (aged 22!) & who sold Henry the farm. Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock), his wife. They live at Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens).

Jan 11) We were so busy all our men home today & Amy sealed down all the jam for me & put it in the dairy & I had a rest & came out & carried some fire to blacksmiths shop & the wind blew some sparks on the dairy. I was just changing my dress when they called fire & both of us girls ran with water & all men Will & Hugh Ratcliff26 worked hard but could not save it or our goods in it, cream, eggs, butter, lard, & bread cake, besides a nice lunch prepared for Mother was all spoilt & our safe & meat safe & churn & all our jams were smoked & such a terrible mess you cannot imagine but we were thankful no one got injured in it Harry France Dorrie Preiss27 & children drove out it was near 10 ock when we got a bit of tea & then it was not nice at all & I felt almost knocked up after all the work we had & all the muddle & confusion of things

26 Will Ratcliffe, husband of cousin Eva, and Hugh Ratcliff, his brother
27 Dorothy May Preiss, daughter of cousin Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), aged 14. The children referred to must be Frances' children!

Jan 12) Unfortunately for me Amy & Dad both had to go to Gawler so after I had done all ordinary duties I put on the boiler with Trick Soap & boiled the dirty clothes that were about & that cleaned the boiler too then I scoured & scrubbed the cream cans the bread tins Jars & melted down all dripping & odd butter & Myrtle & Amy went to Gawler not Dad & at night Amy & I sealed down all jams & pickles over 40 pots it was 12 oclock when we retired

Jan 13) Saturday again I scrubbed out my sideboard & put all jams in there from the mice then I had all the cooking to do & Saturday work lamps & other work Mother is able to do a few light trifling things now & have meals with us too so that is much better for us in every way I had a terrible lot to clean today for fire

Jan 14) Celia & Percy home to dinner today I have not been to church for 4 weeks now I cleaned my stove today & got breakfast I cooked potatoes & we had plum pie & leg mutton Charl & Eva came for evening a nice day

Jan 15) I got up very early lit copper & put in clothes with Trick Soap also white quilt from Mothers room & last week I did Berts red quilt I got on very well but toward dinner time I got so done up Amy not too good & Ada not help atall I felt so ill I had to lie down then got up & had mine boys home to early dinner & I had to rest again then scrubbed up all but was awfully crook all day

Jan 16) Ada & Jim came out last night to say goodbye before she went to Hospital on (Tuesday) We are thinking of our dear old sister today as they leave by 9 o’clock train Dad & Uncle Charley Heath went to Mallala today at 10 o’clock Eva stayed with us & helped us iron Aunt Emily & Thelma Webb28 came from Adelaide Mr Brook29 drove them out to dinner I cooked potatoes & pies for dinner leg mutton etc it is getting very hot indeed & so hot at the stove Uncle & Eva stayed to tea Auntie & Thelma too & also for the night I felt so crook & the weather is so trying & cannot find any time to sew

28 Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), sister of Ma, and Thelma Blanche Webb (aged 13), her grand-daughter (daughter of Emilie Florence Webb (nee Easton), known as Flo).
29 Mr Brook. Not sure which one.

Jan 17) Dad & Amy milked & I cut dinners & got eggs boiled for breakfast also had to cook dinner & then Auntie & Thelma went to Gawler with Dad I forgot to say I had to get up between 4&5 this morning & get Dad & French their breakfast as they were going to Mallala for sheep & it turned out a very hot day something terrible the sheep were almost done when they got them home I scoured the flour bin & Amy pointed it for me it was very hard work indeed but looks nice

Jan 18) Bert & Charl finished harvesting with the harvester today for the year & are not sorry I always have to send two dinners over to them while Wilfred takes another team over to them the weather is awful hot & Amy is almost prostrate with the heat & Olive Mother feels it too very much indeed & French is pretty flat I helped Amy milk Dad Mother & Olive drove up to see the sheep but I can’t remember what date it was

Jan 19) My birthday Anniversary once more. They did not go to Gawler today Amy did some of her rooms today & I was busy all the morning & in the afternoon though terribly hot I mended Olives doll was very busy

Jan 20) Dad went to Gawler & heard that poor old Ada had been under an operation very serious had come out alright but weak Saturday is always the same I baked an Alford cake & dinner & did my usual work

Jan 21) We were expecting Aunt Paterson30 up so I roasted a leg mutton cooked cabbage potatoes apple pie & Jam Tarts so busy all the morning & never go to Chapel now I cannot seem to get away there is so much to do & see to no one came & I wrote letters all the afternoon & never rested at all all day. Aunt Atyeo broke her leg today.

30 Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), sister of Ma; lives at Tineburee, Lower Light.

Jan 22) As Amy & I intended going to Gawler Myrtle & Effie31 came & stayed with Mother so after doing our work we had dinner & took little Olive & we went to Gawler we saw Auntie Celia & her children also Auntie Eva we did a little shopping I bought a washboard & black lead brush & myself a print dress Mother a hat Amy got some things too a Hat for herself we got home & I soaked in for washing & did not finish till after tea

31 Effie Verina Atyeo, aged 2, daughter of Myrtle and Wilf

Jan 23) I got up at ¼ to five correct time & started at tub a most glorious change Sunday night thunder & lightning Sunday night & then rain & a lovely change & this morning was real cold I felt so ill I could hardly stand at tubs Colic & did not finish till 2 o’clock then scrubbed & washed my head

Jan 24) Our morning work all the same only this morning I worked up all the butter & pounded it while they milked Amy picked a fowl & I stuffed it & baked it. It was a beauty. In the afternoon Amy ironed Mr Richmond32 came to see us & had a cup of tea Dad took out boys lunch its such a rush to get breakfast over then prepare lunch its all go

32 Mr Richmond

Jan 25) Amy & Myrtle went to Gawler early I washed up & all separator cooked potatoes & apple pies Mother wiped dishes for me & I cut out a sleeve & put put in my every day dress then they came home I got Olive to sleep we had salmon for dinner & potatoes & apple pie & all down here stacking hay home here the weather is lovely now so cool

Jan 26) Dad intended going to Gawler he had to go up for Myrtle so he helped milk fed pigs & cows then started Amy did all housework I did cooking & kitchen work Amy picked a fowl for me I boiled it for dinner & potatoes & marrow my have reported wrong I roasted leg mutton & potatoes & stewed pears & Blanc mange today it was Tuesday I had boiled fowl one day last week roast fowl I recollect

Jan 27) I got up early & made fire in fireplace as I wanted to take off flues & clean my stove out & blacklead it which I did gave Bert cold breakfast & Amy churned butter & milked I got our meal & then made cakes & plum & apricot pies & boiled corn beef made a billy of coffee for lunch & also made tea & prepared afternoon lunch filled lamps & cleaned all cutlery help dust sideboard & helped Amy milk while Mother Olive & Dad went to see & water sheep at Argents33 it was lovely & cool all day got tea cleared away & had a bath & retired my foot very bad rhumatics & hip Mother is improving & helps light duties & is always sewing by hand

33 The Argent family (probably John George Argent's family), who live nearby.

Jan 28) I intended going to Church but mistook the time & was too late to go I made a nice brown stew for dinner breakfast Amy & Dad milked & I stewed pears made custard boiled potato for dinner & this afternoon wrote a months news Uncle Charley came out & spent afternoon I help milk & sep Amy help get tea & washup she is not well today she made fire & I got in some wood for tomorrow its lovely & cold

Jan 29) Monday I got up at ¼ to five & lit copper & then the stove & started washing as all men were home to dinner & lunches Amy stayed indoor & baked custard & apples picked & dressed & boiled a fowl & veges & melted butter also sent out all lunches I finished washing at 11 o’clock & scrub all & then made scones & helped with dinner apricot pies as well dinner over I folded & ironed everything by tea Amy made Olive a pinafore & Mother mended sox

Jan 30) I had intended going to Gawler but I never went Myrtle never went with Dad either Frances is not well she had a fall & hurt her side last week I cooked potatoes & plum pies & tart & we had salmon Amy was sewing made Olive another pinafore I went up to Myrtles & helped with all her washing & milked Smut & watered fowls & Myrtle & Effie came home with me to tea also Wilfred stayed to tea I wrote to Ada till midnight so tired lovely day

Feb 1st) I got up & got breakfast then I did a few odd jobs & got ready at about 11/30 we started for Gawler I went as far a Frances & had my dinner & a chat then walked to Gawler & did some shopping & went up to see Aunt Atyeo in Hutchinson Hospital Uncle was there so I rode down with him to the street & finished my shopping I bought some fancy plates for the little nieces I called on Celia & had a short chat then home into work Amy making Olive stays.

Jan 31) I reported wrong date so must put down here a very busy day I did all the ordinary work then I made a large apple pudding & meat pie roasted a shoulder mutton cooked turnips & potatoes & a large Alford cake & washed up all got lunches washed out a few thing Amy & Olive went to Ada’s place to cook some food for Jim & children & did not get home till 10 o’clock & brought Murray34  home with her it lightning at night I helped milk & as all other work we are having lovely weather

34 nephew, Ada's son, Murray Charles Parham (aged 6)

Feb 2nd) I did morning duties &then gave children their breakfast & cut out & made a tweed coat for Murray & made beds Amy got dinner It took me a good while to finish the coat Amy was at housework in the afternoon as she wants it for Sunday to go to town evening work as usual quite cold at night

Feb 3rd) Saturday with its work Mother was busy getting Dad off to Gawler I gave my stove a good clean put up tea for Bert gave him his breakfast while Amy cut lunch & dinner for him the men are down at Bragglesome now stacking hay I baked 2 apple pies & pasties & plum pie for dinner & then I baked a large currant cake & made a brown stew I cleaned my lamps & kitchen all cutlery etc Amy went down to Brays35 to go to Town with Jim tomorrow morning Ethel & George36 went to Celia’s I help milk & separate bathed Murray & had wash myself & went to bed at 10.30

35 Likely the family of Mr Henry Bray
36 Jim and Ada's daughter Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham (aged 12) and one of their sons Wilfred George (aged 4).

Feb 4) As I rise early other mornings I did not get up till after seven by correct time I could not go to Church as Amy was away Clem37 came out to breakfast dinner & tea Wesley38 today I washed up & did the Sep fried mutton & onions for breakfast so late 11oclock when finished cold dinner Mr & Mrs George Argent39 came for the afternoon I got tea milked & watered flowers

37 Clement Garfield Parham, one of Ada's sons, now aged 13. He lived at the farm quite a bit when younger.
38 Henry Wesley James Parham, another of Ada and Jim's sons, aged 14. He also has spent a lot of time living on the farm.
39  Mr & Mrs George Argent. I am starting to think that George Argent is John George Argent (since his father is John Argent), but I just don't know.

Feb 5) I did not intend washing at first so did not get up early as is my custom however after breakfast they thought of different plans for week & I had a late start & did not finish till late Amy Amy lent me a hand at towels & print aprons I had a good lot of dark things Amy & Murray went to Gawler & got home as I was getting wood in after milking & folding clothes

Feb 6) I do not get up till 6/30 now ordinary days got breakfast ready & Amy did housework as we expected Mrs Williams from Moonta40 & Frances after I had washed up dinner dishes Ma Amy & I had a rest & they came while we were lying down a most unusual thing for us to do I got up & did all the ironing & Amy got tea I had a fire & boiled kettle Mother chatting they went home & then Harry & Mrs Williams went to Kangaroo Flat to Mr J.G. Follands41

40 Elizabeth Jane Williams (nee Kitto), who was someone that Fanny visited when she stayed with Frances in Moonta in 1910.
41 Frances mother-in-law, Mrs Jane Rowse Folland (nee Wright).

Feb 7) Same work in morning & Dad & Murray went to Twelftrees & found (Daisy) with a calf (Roma) Men home to lunches & dinner we had salmon & I made an apple pudding (steamed) Amy made a petticoat for Olive & I partly made a separator cover I milked. Daisy was a bit of bother & Bert milked her same evening work lovely weather cool at evening. Boys carting home hay from Twelftrees & stacking in hay yard Mother is not too well at all Amy got headache

Feb 8) As Amy & Olive were going to Ada’s place to meet Celia & do a days wash we got up I at ¼ to six Amy not till later we both helped milk & they drove off I cooked a boiled fowl with rice & onions potatoes carrots turnips melted butter & apple pie all home to dinner & Percy also he brought home Amys chest of drawers so I shifted round bedroom & also washed floor & shifted back the chest draw my self got mens lunch & ours too (Coffee) helped milk Mother set tea & we were at our meal when Amy & Olive got home with fruit

Feb 9) All ordinary work done I set too & prepared peaches for jam & also egg plums Amy & Dad had midday lunch & went to Gawler Olive stayed home with us Dear little girl is the sunshine of this dreary routine of life to me I had fair success with jam & bottle it all off & had a huge washup & cleared away all then hastily prepared potatoes & onions for our tea at 6 oclock Bert went to Gawler & I just went to milk & home came Dad & Amy at 8 o’clock so she helped finish & I did Heifer.

Feb 10) As I baked scones & cake tart yesterday while at my jam I did not have any to do today but I had to get the fire & blacklead stove & articles requiring same breakfast over I stewed pears & custard roasted a leg mutton & potatoes washed kitchen floor cleaned lamps dinner over I washed up & scrubbed tables cleaned all cutlery & knobs Olive helping then I got afternoon tea cleaned vases & sorted flowers & did a lot of odd work Amy at housework

Feb 11) How the anniversary of this day lives in my memory as a reminder of many a heartache in the future, Amy called me soon after six & I got dressed by ¼ to seven & started work got tea & swept kitchen made beds our room was going to Chapel but was not well we had breakfast I washed Separator & then dishes peeled potatoes set dinner & carved it all out Celia & family all out for day Laurel42 not well. Cool day

42 Celia Laurel Ivy Dawe, Celia's infant daughter. 

Feb 12) A very windy & dusty morning & I did not intend washing as I was so unwell Amy & Dad did heavy work & then she went to Gawler taking both Murray & Olive I had to hurry & cook a shepard pie & pudding (cabinet) & vegetables men chaffcutting & did not come in till one o’clock I got all cleared away & did some sewing got lunch & helped milk

Feb 13) Mother’s birthday & we were all so pleased to see her about I got up early & went over & lit copper & started at my tubs had previously soaked in clothes, but it was such a wet windy thundery day I could not proceed so came in & made scones & Amy cooked dinner I did not attempt again as it rained all day at intervals so I felt very disheartened at a partly wasted day it is still very unsettled & thunder & lightening heavily

Feb 14) I awoke early & dressed & got at my washing had a fair day & got all dry Amy was busy indoors & only just helped at the finish & hung out some for me I then set to & gave the old cedar safe a thorough cleaning tore off all old wire & made it look nice & clean I felt regular done & my poor arms pained awfully Amy did the ironing we had a cup of tea

Feb 15) Dad & Charlie went to Ralph Popes43 Sale same duties & then I tried to alter a silk dress for Olive but got too worried to do it properly I never had more trouble to do any sewing it has been a lovely day after the change so cool Mother is very unwell at times & others better

43  Ralph Vivian Pope; a clearing sale of horses and cattle

Feb 16) I got up at 4 o’clock by correct time & by time now & got breakfast & Dad & I went to Adelaide by 9 to 11 train & to see Ada who is still in hospital & can’t even sit up poor girl we came home by 10 to 5 & went Myrtles & Toms’44 then we went to Frances to tea I saw Carmen Standley45 & had a chat for a while in Town also Oliver Easton46 It was a beautiful day but my head was so bad & my eyes pained me terribly we got home at tea time about ¼ to nine tired too.

44 Tom Easton (cousin) and Myrtle Easton (nee Badenoch), living in Medindie I believe.
45 Carmen Myrtle Standley, daughter of Ida Standley (nee Woodcock) and George Standley.
46 Oliver Charles Heath Easton, a cousin.

Feb 17) I felt so thoroughly knocked out as I am not used to going out, but Saturday with its numerous duties awaited me I had usual work to do baked pies tart & cake & meat & hot dinner cleaned all table cutlery knobs lids etc & washed several things Amy finished her housework early & bathed the two children & had a bath herself by five then afternoon I got & had a bath myself they milk Bert went to Gawler him & Percy are doing up the dairy now Wilf in Argents cultivating

Feb 18) Bert thought of going to Adelaide with Jim so Amy dressed at 5/30 then me & Bert got his breakfast & then we milked had brkf I made all beds & Bert came home as Jim had gone without him so Amy & I with the two children drove to Stone Hill Church such a lovely morning & so early now only 9/30 Mr Richmond preached & we got home at 12 Aunt Harriet & Will had brought Martha & Iris47 up to see us for the day so I had to fly round & set table & carve out all & Amy got Olive dressed We also had early tea for them & then I fried fish which they brought Uncle Charley was here & enjoyed them

47 William Walter Allan Paterson, son of Aunt Harriet. I am not sure who Martha & Iris are.

Feb 19) Amy & Olive & Murray went to Gawler today & last week she went herself I did not wash but did all indoor work & soaked in at evening time Myrtle was here all day nice pleasant day Aunt Atyeo still in Hospital at Gawler doing well Frances is very unwell Phyllis48 has been poorly all week. The boys home to dinner

48  Phyllis May Folland (see above), niece.

Feb 20) I got up early & lit copper & washed till breakfast time got on very well Amy helped with dark clothes & I scrubbed up & Amy had a sleep she was not well I folded clothes my limbs felt so bad I could not iron today good drying day but weather changing & lightning tonight & cool sea breeze

Feb 21) I always get up in good time get a cup of tea then breakfast Bert & Percy at dairy putting on a new roof I made a steamed apple pudding & I think the others had salmon & vegetables Amy started ironing I washed up pots & all my baking things made a cake & then starched & ironed both of Berts fashion shirts & collars & my blouse & petticoat & I only got done at six then got ready for Bragglesome Charl came for horses & Murray & I went with him & camped for night when I got there I bathed Alb & washed Murray cleaned their boots & Eva cut sandwiches

Feb 22) started at about 7 & caught up at Stone Hill the two trollies & the two buggies the children rode with us there was Charl Eva & I their two girls Alb & Murray we arrived at the Beach at Port Gawler at 9/30 & they prepared early dinner my head was awful to bear I had a cup of tea & then it got a little better but ached & pained terribly again so I went in for a delicious bathe & felt better had tea at 4/30 & started for home at six there was a large number of children there & all spent an enjoyable time mostly in the water It rained yesterday & we did not think we could go the roads were very heavy at Bethanda we got home at 8 o’ck

Feb 23/ I got dressed at six old time & got a cup of tea but my poor arms were that bad I could hardly bear to move them at all however I did all necessary work fried liver & onions for breakfast & kidney & meat for dinner as Bert took his to Twelftrees & Dad & Amy went to Gawler Ma cleaned both front rooms & altered her Tussor silk dust coat

Feb 24) Earlier up & got Bert early breakfast to go by train to Angaston Show then I blackleaded stove etc & got our meal after which I cooked a leg mutton trombone & potatoes & apple pies for dinner Jam tart & cake washed up & cleaned my table all cutlery etc also filled & cleaned lamps Mother cleaned all windows then had to rest as done up Amy helped milk & sepr & fed calf & bathed both children had a bath herself Bert went to Gawler I had a wash & read paper also did some sewing to Olives dress.

Feb 25) Up at 7 proper time got a cup of tea & made porrige & did Berts bed & mine washed up cooked Trom & Pots for dinner Amy & Olive are gone to Myrtles for afternoon I cannot go out today as Mother is so very unwell did not get up till dinner time Bert & Amy are going to Gawler tonight so I must write to Ada now its cold today

Feb 26) I did not wash as Amy & I intended to go to Gawler & see Frances who is very ill I hurried & both of us did ordinary work & I cooked an early dinner 11ock proper then we got ready Amy helped wash up while I dressed Olive then we drove to Frances & then did my shopping we called at Hobarts49 & also at Celias & & I had cup of tea

49  The family of George Edmund Hobart, including Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett).

Feb 27) As Myrtle went away last night Wilfred was home & brought his cow making us 7 to milk Dad & Ma milked last evening this morning I got up early I got copper lit & shifted my washing over here as it was so windy then I got the stove ready for lighting Amy got dressed & I went on washing Amy did necessary work indoors & then helped with all towels & coloured clothes I washed our white quilt I did ordinary scrub & Amy did cream cans etc I folded & got afternoon tea for all it was fair hot & Amy & Mother got a pair of fowls ready Beth50 went to Williamstown tonight

50 Beth

Feb 28) Very busy & Dad & Mother went to Gawler I just had to fly round & Amy lent a hand I baked pies, pasties & roasted a pair stuffed fowls marrow potatoes & had 1 o’cock proper dinner Percy is here they are doing the dairy Wilfred up in Argents so I have his dinner to cut in the morning Amy ironed I pressed some & starched & ironed others & finished Olives silk dress Dad & Ma got home at five & I got afternoon tea Wilfred has a son born this morning51 doing well.

51 Henry Thorold Atyeo, Wilfred's new son

Mar 1st) As Amy was going to Adelaide with Celia I got up at ¼ past 4 proper time & got Amy her breakfast also cups of tea for all then cut Ada some fowl & ham & Amy started at 6 proper time we had cold fowl & ham dinner & I cooked from & pots washed separator & did other indoor work Mrs Ratcliff52 came for afternoon I was sewing Mother got a cup of tea for all I had Birdie53 with me so got both her & Olive to sleep & put them in my room Dad & I milked & did evening work quite a hot day we were at tea I bathed Olive & Ma washed Murray Amy came home tired

52 Jane Ratcliffe nee Donald
53 Mary Ann Bernice Dawe, niece (aged 3), daughter of Celia and Jim.

Mar 2nd) As I felt very stiff in my limbs I did not get up till ¼ to six correct time & got the fire & a cup of tea & breakfast for boys Amy got up to help milk etc Dad also Mother not so well so did not get up I had to churn 3 ½ butter & was afraid I would not get it but it came & put it in new dairy till I had breakfast then made it up in lbs & made sago puddings & two of vegetables & afterwards baked buttermilk cake & an Alford cake for Frances & Amy did housework & set table for me I cut both our boys dinner & Percy was home today Dad went to Gawler I baked two apple pies & a tart & a cake & was cleaning cutlery when Dad came so Amy did spoons & dusted cupboards & mantel I cleaned lamps & stuffed & roasted a bullocks heart & boiled a round cornbeef I just went my hardest all day out of one thing into another till my ankles pained me terribly I cleaned stove this morning as it was Saturday March 3rd forgot to put date on top Amy bathed Olive this evening I bathed Murray & washed sox for 3 cleared tubs away & Amy & I had a bath I read a little of paper very late had a water melon & a sweet melon today

Mar 4) I felt so tired & aching so did not get up till near 7 proper & that was 8 by this lit fire & made tea for all skimmed fat off saucepan gathered up dirty clothes & did bedroom work help set table & dressed Olive Amy help Dad milk & fed calf & gave the folks their breakfast I had to hurry Amy dressed Murray for me then we got there prayer time had a chat to the folk & drove home set dinner & Amy Bert & children are gone to Gawler I must go & get tea & milk & water the flowers its a very hot day the sun is so scorching more breeze now 5 o’ck Charl & family spent evening here & I attended to flowers & planted some more

Mar 5) I did not intend washing today I wanted to go to Gawler but could not go so did usual work & changed all beds & then I made fig jam which takes up a good bit of time & Mother & Amy were sewing Amy been making Olive underclothes & I have done a good bit for Murray we are having cool weather I soaked in all clothes ready for tubs

Mar 6) I had a sleepless night the mice were so bad I could not rest so I dressed at 4/30 & got to my washing before I started I lit stove & copper & could not see to wash I got all done up to colored & then as soon as Amy had finished indoors she helped & we got almost done by dinner then I finished & Amy hung out & both helped scrub etc I ironed a lot of clothes too and Amy did bedrooms & any other work also plucked a fowl cleaned it I folded the other clothes

Mar 7) As Dad intended going to Gawler today he started by 1 o’ock I did hurry had to bake pies & roast fowl for dinner & vegetables served all out Mother so unwell & only just got up to dinner I cleared all away & washed up all then spent all time at ironing shirt collars & ordinary work felt so tired & pains in my limbs Frances is a little easier today.

Mar 8) All morning duties same as usual & I did all cooking & Amy housework & help all dairy work then today I made bed & then baked apple pie tarts & pasties Uncle & Eva & Ada’s little George came for afternoon I felt so very unwell but kept going Amy had a sewing day after she done morning work I got afternoon tea for all Wilfred had his tea & went to Gawler & I did some mending Amy made Olive new kindergarten underwear & did a lot of mending as well Mother worked all button holes & hand work.

Mar 9th) I always rise early & get a cup of tea & the boys breakfast Dad & Amy always milk & sep etc had their meal then Amy made her bed & she & Dad got ready for Gawler I did kitchen work & then Mother had front room ready for me to wash so I took up mats in front bedroom & wash both rooms & passage & we had lunch & I cleaned it away & cut out & partly made Murray a pair of pants & got Berts tea he went to Gawler

Mar 10) Saturday & with it work of all kinds I lit a fire then blackleaded stove & all other & Amy set table then to milking etc I got ordinary work over & roasted leg of mutton & boiled trombone & potatoes also an Alford cake & pies washed up everything scrubbed table & cleaned all cutlery knobs etc & finished Murrays pants & had tea Amy bathed children & we both had a bath Amy cleaned dining room & ours & boys room today

Mar11) As I could not have the sulky & Amy & Olive not have time both go, we stayed home & after all morning duties over I boiled potatoes & trom Celia & Percy & Family came home for day we had dinner & washed up & then I took all children for a stroll on the sand but it rained & spoilt their play when we got home Charl & Eva & children were here but went home to milk I helped Dad milk but could not finish as my hands were so bad Amy came & helped me & I set old Constance on a Sunday too

Mar 12) I wanted to go to Gawler so did not light copper first thing I got breakfast & swept kitchen & then it was after nine & Amy thought it best to get washing done so after her usual work she helped me & we got done in good time & I ironed everything & pressed a pair of trousers for Wilf it was a windy day but cool & cloudy

Mar 13) As Dad went out to Mr Richters for peaches I had jams to make I picked all the figs that were ripe & made 12 lbs into jam & we had dinner men home so I had to cook dinner & Percy was out also Mr. T. P. Parker & wife54 came & spent afternoon here I then made some peach jam had afternoon tea & did usual work.

54 Likely Thomas Philip Parker and his wife Esther Parker (nee Whitbread), an elderly Gawler couple.

Mar 14) I did all morning work & then I prepared more peaches for jam & made it before dinner & in the afternoon I altered my old dark blouse for winter. Helped milk I cant get at my garden I seen to have so time to spare for that work at all

Mar 15) Each morning our duties are the same I first get a fire & make tea for parents then breakfast & cut dinners for boys if required Wilf has been home a fortnight as Myrtle has been in Gawler so we have him to wash & c for yesterday was quite a wet day & Celia & Perc & family went to Adelaide with Laurel for her face She went to Dr Harrold55  Specialist

55  Dr Harrold.

Mar 16) I always get up at about 5/30 or ¼ to 6 same duties always & this morning Wilfred had to go to Gawler & I altered my work I lit a fire in the fireplace & got breakfast fried for men Dad went to Gawler on Wensday he did not go today Amy drove to Ada’s place & going down the bolts came out & she had to come back & get it all fixed up dinner over & cleared away we did sewing I made Murray a flannel & finished my mending of blouse Mother also sewing I got to help milk when Amy is away she got home tea time Celia has also been down cleaning up for Ada

Mar 17) After they had milked & separated & had breakfast Dad got ready for Gawler & I swept kitchen & started cooking apple pies cake & also cleaned window & fried pots & onions for dinner Bert & Wilf straw carting Mr Percy White56 carting our hay away today after dinner was cleared I cleaned all cutlery & silver Dad came home & I roasted a leg mutton. Auntie Eva came for afternoon from Richters57 where she went for fruit had afternoon tea I helped milk & got in wood Mr E Kopp58 came & fixed up the engine & Bert went to Gawler at night

56 Percy White. Could the the son of the Mr White mentioned on January 5.
57 Probably Wilhelm Friedrich Johannias Richter, a neighbour.
58 Mr E Kopp. No other details yet.

Mar 18) We both got up at six proper time & hurried to get ready for church we girls had to milk as Dad was not up but he separated & fed animals I done our room & we got breakfast & got ready but it rained so heavily we could not go till 10/30 but got in early time & went to Mr R. J. Pederick’s59 to dinner & Amy went to Mr Will Dawkins60 to dinner & came to afternoon service & then drove home as it has been a very rainy day it rained quite fast after dinner we came home & got tea & Dad & I milked & Amy cleared tea like rain

59 Probably Robert Adams Pederick, a Gawler River resident of Fanny's Dad's generation.
60 William Joseph Dawkins, another Gawler River resident

Mar 19) Jim came for Amy last night so this morning I got up & lit copper & prepared wash lit stove got a cup of tea & dressed Olive & helped Dad milk then had breakfast & it was after nine I started at tubs I felt very unwell so could not hurry as I wished to but I got finished & ironed some by milking time but could not finish all ironing I felt to done up Ma got dinner a stew fruit & we had cold pie not much wind but cool.

Mar 20) I was terribly unwell but as Maria & Jessie61 were coming I had to roast a leg mutton boil trombone & potatoes stewed pears & Blanc mange & assist in usual household duties Ma going as fast as possible we waited late dinner & I had finished all up & at 3 3/30 up they drove so I fried veg for them & after they finished it was afternoon tea time both boys in to lunch I felt so far from well so just did work & milked had tea & knitted my bed sox Maria was also mending sox & knitting

61 Maria Anna Paterson and Jessie Violet May (nee Paterson), cousins, daughters of Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath).

Mar 21) I really did not feel able to work but Mother cannot do all herself so I persevered & did ordinary work then lit up stove & baked pie & tart cooked veg Maria & Jessie went home via Reeves Plains Picnic at 3/30 & I thoroughly cleaned out Boy room nailed down boxes from mice & white washed floor I had a dirty lot to do as I felt so crook too

Mar 22) I ironed last night & this morning was so ill I could hardly get about but did morning duties but after that I had to keep lying down & then do a little then lie down again I helped milk & fed calf then down again had a cup of tea & cleared things away

Mar 23) I felt a bit better in morning so hurried & did morning work Dad went to Gawler also Eva, Coral61 & Gwen went to Adelaide & Wilf Myrtle & children went to Gawler midday left Effie home with us I swept our bedroom & dining room & washed floors & passage Mother did front rooms I came over so bad again dinner time but kept going sorted Mantle piece in Kitchen cleaned lamps then Dad & Uncle came I had to get a bed ready for him in front room & milk & get in wood & all odd work

Mar 24) Saturday Oh I did feel ill but got a cup of tea & helped milk fried sausages then did bedroom & kitchen put on leg mutton to roast & some for soup then had a lie down & Mother got dinner ready I had some soup & then made Alford Cake apple pie & a slide sausage roll & cleaned all cutlery & Uncle & Dad went over to Blocks & back to afternoon tea & boys took their dinner & they came in for tea too I helped milk fed calf & animals got in wood watered flowers

Mar 25) Our soldier boys birthday62  today G & H I did not dress till after clock struck seven then got a fire & help find poisoned mice Ma set breakfast & helped milk & washed separator fed calf had a cup of tea made bed etc fried up Vegetables for dinner Wesley came after clearing dinner Wilf & Myrtle & children came on way to Gawler to Uncles Ch was resting & Mr & Mrs Brodie Lizzy & Mr Morrell63 came for afternoon & tea Wesley went down in the stable & went to sleep & we were looking for him for a long time & Dad went to feed calf & heard him at 8 ock he had tea & went home it did frighten us so

62 It is George Edmund Hobart's birthday.
63 James George Brodie and Emma Brodie (nee Pointon). Charles William Morrell, is Emma Pointon's Brother in-law. Lizzy could be either Emma Pointon's sister-in-law (Elizabeth Pointon nee Gash), but given the informality of calling her Lizzy, I think it is more likely she is Elizabeth Esther Tape, Emma's Pointon's brother's step-daughter who is the same age as Auntie Fan. 

Mar 26) I did not intend washing as I wished to make Tomato Sauce. So milking & ordinary duties over I cut up & prepared the sauce & did housework & mending between as sauce takes a lot of time Mother helped to milk at night while I bottled it off Uncle & Dad drove to Gawler with cream went to see Auntie She wants to come home now we had a cup of tea & I always feed animals Rabbit, calf, pup & water my flowers mostly at evening time.

Mar 27) I felt so tired & not well so I decided to wash tomorrow & I set to & did all morning duties first got a cup of tea for us all then Berts breakfast & help milk & Mother often has porrige made for us & we have ours. The Mice are something abominable. I had to empty Berts bed all out & thoroughly clean his room it does make feel ill to clean after the pests I did nothing but that all the afternoon mornings I always either do all dinner myself or Mother when well enough lends me a hand in light ways weather is lovely now.

Mar 28) I intended being up very early but as its so dark I did not dress till 5/30 lit fire & copper & started work I took in tea helped milk got in firsts then I had breakfast & kept on all day till 4.30p.m. I washed Berts bed mattress blankets & quilt Uncle Wills coat he has been with us nearly a week & seems fine I scrubbed up & folded all.

Mar 29) I felt so awfully tired & limbs ache terrible but same duties as usual awaited me & I had to do Uncles coat mend it & hem up sleeves & press it then cook dinner I cleaned Mothers room & wash floor were looking for mice I also shifted out my Sideboard & cleaned round I did all ironing but was so tired Mother assisted in sweeping & dusting she is far from well & there is so much to do now Amy is away

Mar 30) All duties the same in morning & I had to roast leg mutton & cook trom & potatoes & rice puddings & I had to clean my room & I found mice had got in my chest of drawers so I set to & hammered out a large tin & put a bottom in myself but my arms ached so much lifting & exertion but by perseverance I succeeded on finishing by milking time & was thoroughly knocked out but swept & dusted my room after tea & set traps for mice the Poison is so awfully bad in the house to use makes such odours

March 31) Dad & I milked & same round of duties Mother got butter ready for market & Dad & Uncle went to Gawler I washed Separator swept Kitchen & cooked dinner made a large cake Mother helped washed up & got all ready for Dad I had numerous duties to perform in every direction Effie stayed with us yesterday afternoon while they went to Gawler Ma cleaned lamps me cutlery Mr Alex Stewart64 came out & shod horses Bert put straw in Sofas for mattress I helped milk fed animals Charl took his pup home he is working home now I cleaned stove & other things this morning I had a bath last evening & put on warm clothes

64Alex Stewart, could be anyone.

April 1st) One of the lovliest Sundays we could wish for but Mother is not able to get up so I had to get a cup of tea then milk etc then fry sausages for breakfast & made a stew for dinner & washed up & did the separator swept up made beds got Bert a cup of tea at 12 & he went to Warrens Resavoir Wilf brought Effie over for a while & in the afternoon all of them went to Gawler & home to tea also Ada & I & Amy & Olive drove home so I went & milk & Amy & Mother got tea Ma got up at 2 ock & dressed I felt so downhearted because I could not go out

April 2) I did not intend washing as I had other work to do I did ordinary work & washed Separator then Ma helped me to pick grapes off for jam. Black Prince, I had a roast Mutton & cook potatoes & trombone then I put on jam & made a peach pie I got afternoon tea & put up jam in jar & bottle Mother cut up some more vegetables for pickles & I washed up & cleaned stewpan & then I went to milk Dad & Uncle went to Gawler & Auntie comes out next week nice day showers

April 3rd I woke at 4/30 but could not see to wash so I did not dress till near six I lit fire & the copper & got the cup of tea then Dad & I milked & we had breakfast I did the washing by dinner time then did extras till 2/30 cleared it away & folded & did usual housework & ironed some helped all evening work & ironed some more after tea I trapped nearly 30 mice after 5 oclock the weather is simply delightful Dad drove Uncle William to his home today.

April 4) Bert went to Gawler with sheep & brought home word Frances has a daughter born at seven April 3rd I did all ordinary work & prepared Melon for pie but it bitter so I had to make apple pie then I thoroughly cleaned Berts room from mice & finished my ironing I had a terrible lot to do in Berts room & got fairly sick then we milked & got in wood fed calf & Rabbit the calf got loose & we had a bother

April 5) As one day is very like another as far as morning duties go it is only necessary to say same duties & cooked dinner Dad went to Gawler as its Good Friday tomorrow. I washed up & then cut out & made a Flannelette underskirt just got done by evening time & went & milked the cows & Dad came home with Clif for his Easter Holidays it was a lovely day Wilf & Myrtle went to Gawler & took both Effie & Baby

April 6) Good Friday but no Buns today as I do not bake bread now ordinary work over ma & I prepared Peaches for jam for Myrtle Then I had to roast a round of Beef & boil Trombone & Potato & cabinet Pudding. Thoroughly cleaned top room & wash floors cleaned all windows round house & my hand ached I could hardly milk, but work must be done

April 7) Dads 70th birthday & I lit fire cleaned my stove & helped with milking Sepr & fed animals then roasted a shoulder Mutton & usual Vegetables Boys all home chaffcutting I took them down hot Coffee & Dad went to Gawler again today I made a cake & apple pie, Tarts etc & cleaned our bedroom & dining room Mother dusted dining room Amy came home with Dad she spent Good Friday with Celia & was dusting our room after tea I cleaned all knives forks spoons lids Cover well up till after 10 oclock & I was busy & had bath & retired Amy bathed Olive & Cliffie65 yesterday was very cold & showery all day

65 George Henry Clifton Folland (nephew) who is 9 years old and staying for the holidays.

April 8) As we intended going to Buchsfelde Anniversary I did not go to Stone Hill got breakfast porrige etc helped with any work Amy & Dad milked I prepared & cooked Veg for dinner Uncle Charley came for day Amy Olive & I went to the Anniversary also Charl & Eva, we were asked to tea at Joyce Preiss66 but did not go Eva & children went but it was so stormy & cold we came home & did not go to the evening service Uncle went home after tea

66 Muriel Joyce Preiss, a neighbour.

April 9) Easter Monday but we were not going out so I got breakfast & started the washing & Amy joined me after she had done her work we washed in Kitchen & I go all done & cleared away by dinner time Eva Coral & Gwen came for the Dad Charl down here at work all home to dinner then in afternoon Eva Ratcliff & Celia came for afternoon so we had company alright I did ironing & then milked etc & after tea all starched clothes & others did a real good days work. Percy has a very bad knee & Laurels face is also bad at times I feel my limbs very bad.

April 10th/ Amy & I intended going to Gawler so we both did a portion of housework & at 11 oclock got ready for Gawler & had a real shopping day I got so tired my knee pained dreadfully I bought a hat & Amy bought one too also coconut matting for between doors saw Frances baby a fine little girl67. Ada was here for Amy & it was 8/30 before they went home I felt awfully done & pain in leg terrible Clem is to stay with us

67 Frances new baby is Ada Lillian Folland (known as Lillian). 

April 11) I did not dress till after six got a cup of tea as is my custom & then made porrige for the boys & helped with milking etc had a awful trial with stove I made a Melon pie & Sheperd pie & vegetables & I also made a Cake & it spoils in baking never did any sewing Mother mending clothes the weather has been very frosty this week

April 12) I thought I would try & better my stove so I set to after morning work & took off the lids & chimney & gave it a good clean as I wanted to bake I helped washup & Sepr as well then I help stuff a fowl which I roasted & made Melon pies & Jam Tarts & After dinner Bert killed a sheep & I washed the things up for him & put away the meat, mended an apron & got cups of tea helped milk & fed Rabbit got in wood helped get tea. Cold

Apr 13) I felt unwell but must get up so I dressed at six lit fire & stove & fried liver & onions for our breakfast we milked etc & I thoroughly cleaned our room & Dining room & washed floors did a bit of washing & baked a leg mutton & cooked Veg. It started raining & rained all the afternoon boys could not work Bert went to Bragglesome for drill. I finished dusting & cleaned lamps & filled them

April 14) I got up as usual & cleaned stove lit it & got Breakfast Dad & Clif went to Gawler & I cleaned dining room fireplace & tidied round & finished housework then I baked a nice Alford Cake & two Pear Pies leg Mutton cleaned knives & forks mother cleaned spoons Amy & Olive went to Gawler from Ada’s & came home with Dad. I did any other work there was to do milked etc & got in wood & fed animals had a look at Paper received sad news of Cousin Sam Hand’s death in Victoria at the age of 24 years he died from Septic Poison after an operation68.

68 Cousin Samuel Hand, died in Warracknabeal.

April 15) A lovely morning crisp & frosty I hurried & got breakfast & cleaned up fireplace swept & dusted round & got ready for Church I drove alone & enjoyed the service very much Mr A. M. Dawkins baby was Baptised69 such a large congregation there Mr Yoeman70 officiated In the afternoon Jim came & Wilfred brought Ethel over & Clem & her went home at night with Jim at night I went for a walk & took Olive also had a read & retired at 9/30

69 Maynard Boyd Dawkins, son of Mary Dawkins (nee Yeoman)
70 Richard Carlyon Yeoman, Mary's father.

April 16) As we expected Company I decided to wash so lit copper & after Amy had done morning Cuties she helped me & we got almost done dinner time I finished after wards while she did housework & then I ironed Uncle Charley Heath brought Louie & her boys71 out to spend a few days we Dad & I milked & then had tea a chat & mended stockings etc & retired

71 Cousin Louisa Emily Waters (nee Arbon), daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath and her sons Arundel Charles Waters (aged 9) and Leslie William Waters (aged 5).

April 17) Up late 6/15 & got usual cup of tea & breakfast did housework & made Quince pies & a large Cake & we had Dinner & Olive Dad & I went to Gawler for afternoon saw Celia her babys’ face is bad again Did not get home till tea time, Charl took a calf in & Eva & children went with him A nice day

April 18 We had an exciting night Louie got nervous at a noise & Amy Olive & I could not sleep so it was 6/30 when I started work same round of duties & roasted Beef for dinner trom & potatoes quince pie & custard Mr Wise came71 & Dad Ma Amy Olive & Louie & two boys drove to Ada’s & Charleys I did any other odd work after clearing dinner & then went up to Mrs Ratcliffs to get my sox fixed up am knitting I came home milked fed fowls got eggs & sep then Ma & Dad came home

71 Mr Wise, tea agent, he comes every year!

April 19) As Olive came home with Dad & Mother I had to dress her & get a cup of tea & breakfast fried sausages helped Dad milk & Sep fed Rabbit & calf I had rhumatism very badly but did all household duties cooked trom & potatoes Ma & Dad went to Uncle Williams Block & Olive & I stayed home I washed up after dinner & scrubbed my safe & did all evening work

April 20) Amy came home last night so this morn she helped in dairy work & I usual indoor work then she got ready for Gawler went up & got Myrtle & Baby & Effie stayed with us while they were away I thoroughly cleaned our room & did ordinary duties, but I did not do the front rooms

Apr 21) Not very early about 6/15 lit fire & cleaned stove etc got breakfast over baked shoulder mutton & Veg made an apple pie & cake helped with dining room & washed kitchen floor cleaned all cutlery & opened kerosene & filled lamps did not feel too well. Mrs Frank Baker Gawler has twins boy & girl 72 . Wesley home for weekend French home from Friday both helping Bert burn on land

72  Annie Elizabeth Baker (nee Riggs), wife of Frank Lewis Baker has twins: Sydney Gordon Baker and Joyce Riggs Baker.

April 22) I felt awfully unwell but got up & got a cup of tea for all helped milk done our room & layed down all day ill with Influenza Celia Percy & children home for afternoon Percys birthday Myrtle & Wilfred went to Dublin last even leaving Effie with us for today so Amy & Mother are minding her

April 23) I have stayed in bed today & not dressed atall only threw on a coat & made bed & did a bit of writing Amy is gone to Gawler Mother is at work she made fig jam today

April 24) As I am so unwell Amy got up & got breakfast I dressed at 6/30 & assisted with the many light duties there are to do beside ordinary work for Amy Mother cut up a case of Quinces ready for jam, but as all men are home she could not get it on till after dinner then had a bother to get it to boil so it was after tea when I dished it up for her but I am so weak I cant eat anything & got indigestion & Influenza

April 25) Amy does my usual morning duties she was going to wash so got breakfast & lit the copper helped milk then did all the washing herself I pasted down & packed away all quince jam & fig & assisted in various ways Amy had a big day & did not finish till 4/30 then its milking time at five or soon after now she mended stockings & started another sox to knit. I do not feel any better & got no appetite Mother cooked dinner I folded down all the clothes ready for ironing

April 26) Just helped in any way I could I always do our room Amy & Mother busy in Kitchen boys all home now to dinner & today I set too & altered a navy serge waistcoat for Bert & sewed ondifferent Buttons Amy did ironing in the afternoon & always have to help cook hot dinner the weather is dry & frosty cold evenings & mornings warm midday

April 27) Amy did her usual morning work & then drove to Gawler Charl came down chaffcutting so Hettie McLeod from W. A.73 came down with him I was making pies for dinner Mr McLean74 came out & performed an operation on our mare “Bell” too out splintered bone from the shoulder left from a severe kick poor animal was down just on two hours I cleaned our bedroom & milked all cows my self & helped get tea it has been a nice day

73 Henrietta (Hettie) McLeod, sister of Eva.
74 James Sparshott McLean, veterinarian.

April 28) Saturday Amy I got up & she cleaned the stove I got breakfast & washed Separator Amy did front rooms & boys room I swept the dining room she washed floors Wilf & Myrtle went to Gawler & left Effie here I made pies & tarts cleaned lamps & all cutlery etc the men of our neighbourhood had a fox hunting party 18 of them got 6 foxes our men chaffcutting I made currant & Madeira Cake but felt that bad I could hardly move

April 29, Was Sunday I dressed & lit fire got a cup of & helped milk then I had breakfast & made our bed Olive & I went to Stone Hill Church large congregation. Amy took Olive to Sunday School at Buchsfelde & stayed to church Charl & family spent afternoon here

April 30) We decided on washing so I lit fire & she lit copper I helped with all indoor work & made apple pie for dinner washed unbleached clothes & towels & shirts & under flannels Amy did all the rest & got done before dinner I did all the ironing in the afternoon Amy helped milk & cut out aprons & tacked things ready

May 1st I got up at 5/30 & dressed lit both fire got Berts breakfast fried & Amys she & Olive drove to Ada’s to wash so I made Melon pies & help cook a fowl Mother plucked it & dressed it stuffed it all home to dinner I made two linen dark aprons for work Dad helped me milk we been catching fowls for Gawler

May 2nd We were all up & busy this morning as we intended going out so I got the fire & a cup of tea Amy dressed Olive we had breakfast & then I made bed & swept & tidied round & we all got ready Olive & stayed at Celia’s Mother went to Frances Amy & Dad to Gawler Doris Trott75 was helping Celia so I could not have a good talk we came home at six & I went to milk Amy came & helped me finish Cousin Eva came out & to see us & no one was home Mr. John Hill76 was buried today he died Monday I feel sorry for Kit George & Kit & May are all staying on at L Light

75 Doris Pretoria Trott, aged 15, daughter of Edward Trott and Mary Ann Foster (I think).
76 Mr John Hill, Kit's father.

May 3rd Being out yesterday more to do today same duties & made melon pies for dinner in afternoon after washing up I set to & made a vest for myself Cousin Eva & Uncle came for afternoon he went to Mr Hills funeral yesterday Hettie McLeod came home last evening & went with Amy & I to the Band of Hope it was a most beautiful day & evening & a good Programme Ada was there & Ethel

May 4) We intended going out tomorrow so I was bury baking today in the morn I always do same help milk If Dad is not able to as well & Amy Dad went to Gawler so there was a lot to get ready & made melon & apple pie Tart cake etc could not sew at all Mother cleaned front room I milked cows had to go & get them tonight very cold & like rain

May 5) Such a wet cold day & I had a bad cold so decided to stay home with Mother who is not at all well I blackleaded stove & got breakfast help milk as Dad is not able to work now. early dinner & then Bert & Dad drove to vote & Amy drove to the Red Cross Fair at Buchsfelde but it was both cold & wet stormy weather so no one else went from here. I altered my work as I did baking yesterday I sewed today & Hugh Ratcliff came over & gave me a scare he was drunk. The Fair realised 15.0.0 I cleaned my cutlery & lamps & had to milk & Sepr

76  Federal election on May 6. Why did only the men go vote?

May 7) Did not wash it was too wet & Harry Clif & French & Gwenda came out & Harry made us a new Separator House I cooked beef vegetables & pudding Melon pie jam tart also got afternoon coffee & scones very cold Gwenda cryed to go home so she went then Amy made Olive a new blue pinafore I cut out a blouse

May 8) Another wet morning or cold & stormy but fine enough to go to Gawler Amy got ready after doing morning duties she & I milked & same all round wk then we drove up for Myrtle & little Harry we had Effie home with us all day Olive & I walked home from the corner I carried Effie we had Beef soup for dinner turnip potatoes Melon pie I had a lot of odd work to do & it soon comes five o’clock milking time they did not get home till about six Amy drove Myrtle & children home & I got in wood & finished evening work

May 9) Dull & cloudy but I thought it best to get our morning duties over & light copper & do our washing in the kitchen it was very slow drying till 4 oclock then we got nearly everything dry we had such a lot of new blue aprons & Berts new overall coat I ironed every thing before bedtime 10/30 Amy mending etc then I left off to milk at five & felt so tired & Rhumatic

May 10) We hardly knew which way to work I today got up & got a cup of tea & breakfast over milked & went out & dug some ground for plants Dad showed me the way & then at 10 o’clock Amy asked me if I would go to Ada’s so I got ready & she put Toff in & went & found Ada at tubs so I joined her & we got done at four I made boys bed & helped wash up & it was late before I got home I was so scared coming through the scrub Amy & Dad went to Mr Jeffreys Sale77 at Kangaroo Flat Mother got boys their dinner Olive stayed home with her very cold drying wind

77 Johnson Jeffries, neighbour and distant relation.

May 6) I missed out last Sunday well it was a very cold wet morning & we could not go to the congregational Anniversary Gawler as we intended we had to do all morning work Mother very unwell so she stayed in bed & I had to bake Scones Tarts & coffee cake boil trombone & potatoes Charley & Clem came then Eva who went to Adelaide & missed train yesterday & went to Frances & Harry drove her home so I had a large family Wesley was home also could not go out all day

May 11) Friday & so cold again & heavy showers Amy went to Gawler calling for Celia I only did top rooms & cooked vegetables & a melon pudding or sea pie my stove was awful it took 4 ½ hours to roast a small piece pork Amy late home I was Sepr Wilf went home without his things

May 12 ) I got new books today Heavier rain but we got up & milked & Amy fed animals I cleaned out the flues of stove & blackleaded it It drew fine I got breakfast fried sausage then I baked a pair of lovely fowls & pork Mother helped me all the morning she stuffed the fowls & basted then & prepared veges I had to get in plenty of wood it simply poured with rain boys came home wet Charley came down yesterday chaffcutting but he is seeding home at Bragglesome & Wilfred & Bert her Lorna came home last night & Amy & her did housework I bake scone Coffee & Alford Cake apple pies Tarts cleaned cutlery & milked cows so wet in yard

May 13) Wesleys fifteenth Birthday but a wet cold day Frances & family were due home but weather prevented them I could not go to church so I did milking & made bed cleaned up fireplace & lit fires in all rooms Amy Lorna & Olive went to Buchsfelde Church & S.S. after dinner we had a cold dinner mashed potatoes hot roast fowl & pork & apple pie I washed up & made up the cheerful fire & read awhile & then I milked & we had tea & looked at P.C. wrote to George both of us it was fairly late when at last we retired

May 14) We did not intend washing as it was so wet & windy & cold we did usual early work milked the cows & separated then Amy & Wilf took the spring Dray & went to Gawler for Amy’s cot & other heavy things Lorna went home too it continued wet all day at intervals I cooked dinner & washed up then Wilfred came & I helped unload & got lunch & milked again very cold & stormy looking tonight

May 15) Another wet morning so did not wash either & I always have a cooking day Tuesday Amy painted cot & we turned round the bedroom I helped her put the cot up & did various other things to numerous to mention Then we milked Sepr & did other work

May 16) The morning was not very promising but we had to wash so I got everything ready & we washed in the Kitchen we milked & Sep first washed two white quilts sheets etc had a heavy wash & Amy had to go up to the Church to help as Dad can’t drive or lend a hand to lift I washed my milking coat & other dark articles then we milked our heifer is quieter she calved May 15 I had rhumatics so very bad I did not know what ever to do & folded after tea & went to bed.

May 17) I did not feel as if I could get up but had to & get Berts breakfast & cut his dinner & Amy & I both chopped wood & I could not go to Ada’s as I felt to stiff & limbs so painful so I did the work & Amy & Mother did sewing Amy cut out & made Bloomer same evening work the weather is showery & cold raining at intervals all day long yard dreadful

May 18) All duties same then I blackleaded stove Mother packed ready for Gawler & Amy left early Dad went too & Olive went as far as Celia’s Mother did front rooms I made beds & cleaned Kitchen thoroughly Amy brought Phyllis home with her tonight so I had to get tea & milk & evening work Myrtle did not go to Gawler Amy brought her things & Wilfred took them home tonight Bert & Wilfred are helping put in land at Bragglesome very cold & stormy tonight our yard is awful for milking late to bed tonight

May 19) Saturday with its numerous duties I got breakfast & we milked in all the wain it was so wet Phyllis could not go outside the wind was bitterly cold breakfast over I baked roast Beef & a Stuffed fowl Melon pies & two kinds Cake & hot farmers Biscuits for lunch boys chaffcutting & Amy cleaned rooms. Mother helped me in the kitchen in the morning & she did lamps & safe Amy cleaned cutlery Phyllis & Olive helped her & at night Amy bathed both of the children & she & I had a wash & we did our cows

May 20) Sunday we could not go to church it was so stormy but did our milking & I washed Separator & Mother peeled Vegetables & I cooked them & set dinner Amy helped set it & made beds Harry Frances & Family all came home to Dinner & we got early tea & Harry & children except Baby & Gwen stayed with us as Frances also stayed it was too cold to go

May 21) We could not wash it was too wet so just did all morning duties I prepared Veg & Melon Pudding for Dinner & afterwards Amy drove Frances & I home here to Waltham78 & we both did a portion of housework & I did some sewing at night.

78 Waltham and Waltham Abbey, are new unincorporated towns within Willaston.

May 22) As I did not have to get up early Harry was gone to work before I got breakfast with the children who went to school & then I cut out petticoats for Baby & Gwen I was sewing all day & late at night too.

May 23) All is the same to me here & I decided to help Frances with the washing so we hurried & I made all beds & the we went on at tubs & I had to keep running to & fro so wet & I left all coloured clothes out all night. Frances ironed some clothes & I cut out dresses for baby

May 24 I helped the children get ready for school & then did our room & was sewing all day at babys dresses & nightdresses. Frances ironed at night Mrs Ben Homann (nee Emily Riggs)79 was buried today the weather is just cold & stormy all the time

79 Emily Homann (nee Riggs), wife of Hermann Christel Benjamin Homann, aged 28.

May 25) Another of the same weather & I did a little work & cut out & made pinafores Amy & Myrtle & babies were in Gawler & sent word I could stay till Monday

May 26) Much the same rather longer time between showers I cut out & some bloomers for Lorna & Phyllis & made two pairs I helped wash up made beds Frances is so busy cooking & forgot to use any fat in her pastry so had to make more & a cake as well & roasted some pork they bought made me a pasty for my dinner also

May 27) I was dressed at ¼ to 5 & we had breakfast while Harry & French went straight to Mrs Follands for the day Clarice called for us & Lorna & Phyllis & I went with her to the congregation Church & home to dinner & rested while all three girls went to Sunday school & then Lorna & went to Mrs Brodie’s to tea & to Willaston to Church Mr. Kessel80 preached & I enjoyed it very much indeed came home Frances not well Harry & boys home so mild must retire now am so tired & supper is ready

80 Clarice Jane Alexander (nee Folland), Harry's sister takes them to the Congregational Church in Gawler. Rev Stephen Kessell ministered in Gawler at the time in both the Methodist and Congregational Churches.

May 28) Same hour & helped in various small ways then I went on sewing Frances was busy getting ready for Mary who came at 12 o ‘clock to wash for her I had dinner & rode down the street with Harry & met Amy & Dad & came on to Cel & her & all the children came home with us till next Friday on arrival had tea & cleared away & retired

80 Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), cousin who lives close by.

May 29) I decided on washing but Amy could not get up her face is terrible with effects of having teeth drawn & dear little Olive is so unwell however I helped milk & then lit copper got breakfast & did all my usual morning work it was 10 o’clock before I could get at tubs so we did not get done till after dinner & I did all ironing at night

May 30) Our work is much the same Celia & her girls & baby had to sleep in the dining room then I did ordinary work & made a Mt Lofty Pudding. Dad Celia & Chas helped to kill the pig in the morning I made the copper boil & they got all done by 12 ock Celia, Bernice & Laurel & I went to visit Myrtle & spent afternoon there Amy & Dad milked

May 31) Dad calls Bert & I at five & we at once get up & I get his meal he feeds horses then Dad Mother & Celia cut up & salt the pig while I cooked dinner & then melted the lard Celia & Amy Marion & Baby81 went to the Band of Hope & I stayed home & washed Olive & Bernice & gave them their tea & put them to bed washed up etc

81Amy Marion Dawe, niece, aged 5.

June 1st) We have been blessed with fine weather this week & this morning all was hurry Dad went up for Myrtle & Effie stayed with us & Celia & all her children went home with Amy & her to Gawler we had cold lunch & I took Effie for a long walk & got her to sleep & then I swept & dusted boys room & Kitchen & did some sewing & made Melon pies & cooked hot tea Myrtle & Amy late home & they stayed to tea Charl ran the Hay fork through Berts hand & its very bad indeed

June 2nd) Same time & got Berts breakfast & always take in tea to parents then I cleaned & lit stove & mum put in sparib of pork then I blackleaded stove & grate & made cakes currant & coffee dinner over washed up & Dad Olive & I went to Buchsfelde to vote82 & to Ada’s to get Clem we got home & Amy had all evening work done so I ironed clothes & mended them & very unwell Rhumatism so retired at nine have been ill all the week

82 A state by-election owing to the death of the incumbent (Ephraim Henry Coombe, who had worked hard against persecution of the German community in the Barossa). The seat changed hands from Labour to Liberal with the election of Henry Burgess Crosby.

June 3 We did all usual work & housework & I just started to wash my head before getting dinner but we got a surprise visit from Private George Hand & Edgeth & Ray Dunn83 so we hurried & got dinner over & Amy Olive & I went to Buchsfelde Olive to Sunday School Amy etc to Ada’s till it was time for Church Charl Eva & Hettie & children were there, we drove home & got tea over Bert & the others went to Gawler to Toms84 place & I did some writing & made Clems bed.

83 George Hand, son of Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath), sister of Ma, and his sister Nellie (Ellen Ann)'s husband Edgeth William Dunn & son Raymond Edgeth Dunn.
84 Tom - could be anyone.

Jun 4) A wet day or heavy showers at intervals we could not wash so did ordinary work. Our visitors went to Uncle Charlies to Dinner & from there to Adelaide I made my navy skirt wider & put a new band on Amy started a coat & skirt for Olive (red) were kept busy all day then did evening work & it was a little finer at night

June 6) Amy & Dad usually do all outdoor morning work this morning I dressed at 5 o’clock & got Berts meal & lit stove swept Kitchen scoured the copper filled & lit it Amy did not get up till seven she did not wake before & I was that stiff I could hardly move & when I did I suffered great pain Amy & I both washed & finished about 2o’clock then she chopped wood & I cleared up all I could & in evening did the ironing but I could not turn properly

June 5 I forgot to report Tuesday so must do so now Amy & Dad did all their morning work & then they both went to Gawler I did wash up & swept rooms Mum dusted them then I went out in garden & worked as hard as I possibly could till 4 o’clock cut down all the chrysanthemums over 100 & weeded out all the side garden it was overgrown & such hard work so done but made good fire & had a cup of Cocoa & cooked hot tea. I was in tortures of pain all the time

Wensday reported back on last page by error

June 7) Amy got up & got Berts breakfast & I rested till ¼ to 7 also Olive then I got dressed with difficulty & helped as all I could but was awfully stiff I made a large cake currant & coffee we expected Mary  but she never came Amy did some more to Olives dress I mended & ironed some more articles very cold.

June 8) Amy got up again & I got up & got our breakfast while Amy & Dad milked & did outdoor work then Amy cleaned all the rooms I filled lamps Mum cleaned them. Charl & all his family were down chaffcutting last night also Wilfred & Myrtle & babies Amy got supper for them I mended Berts pants Dad & I clean all the chimney & stove & I gave it a good clean & got Dinner & dusted our rooms & cooked Cauliflour & potatoes for tea at night

June 9th) I got up soon after Amy & we had breakfast all together & took in Mothers to her Amy & Dad went to Gawler at 10 I baked cakes & did all washing up cleaned cutlery swept kitchen made good fires cooked hot tea roasted meat at night cleaned boots very cold Olive & I had a bath in the tub

June 10) As I could not go to Stone Hill I did not dress early got a cup of tea & then swept dining room & kitchen washed up & made porrige & got breakfast & cleared it away Amy made our bed & washed sepr We went to Buchsfelde & to Ada’s for a while then we went to church a cold drizzling rain fell all the time Mr Kessell preached & we got home safely Amy milked & Dad helped her I got tea & washed up Mother unwell all this last week my limbs are aching

June 11) It was a cold drying wind & as rain threatened Amy & I thought it best to wash so after the usual morning duties I swept kitchen & got all ready to begin Amy & Dad milked & sepr & fed animals then both went on at tubs & finished by 12 & had dinner & they got ready for Gawler & I washed Dad’s coat & vest & it started to rain & it simply poured for hours I just put clothes on line & left them there. I ironed all that was dry by 10 o’clock so tired but wanted to finish them Amy & Dad came home wet they had a very wet journey

June 12 A very wet day indeed but it fined off & I got all the trousers coat vest etc dry & pressed by teatime beside cooking dinner & doing other usual duties & Amy finished Olives bonnet & coat & skirt very nice the weather today is exceptionally cold like ice the coldest we have had for nine years I heard

June 13) I got up & got the fires & took in tea & gave Bert his meal did some housework & then I set to & new backed & put new linings in it It took me all day Amy finished Olives turnout very cold again I cut out & partly made Lorna a pinafore tonight Mother stuffed a fowl & I cooked it also vegetables & Ma made a plain suet pudding boys all home to dinner today cold day & we have rain every day & I dry Berts clothes by a nice fire in the kitchen it burns alright when windy

June 14) Same hour & work & then morning duties over I set to & done Dads waistcoat not Wensday as I reported it took all day till I went to milk at night Amy mending cold dinner except a Cabinet pudding I made & boiled

Jun15) I always get a cup of tea for parents then Berts breakfast while I cut dinner for him & put up his tea then Dad & Amy get up & go & milk & feed animals & I get second breakfast Dad & Amy went to Gawler by herself as it was too wet for Myrtle to go out with babies I did not do any Saturday work I made Lorna a pinafore last night & today after all my work was done I mended Amys skirt & milked & got in wood & did other things

June 16) Work everywhere my ordinary work done I baked a leg of mutton & a coffee cake & cooked veg Dad went for a walk up to the top stack Mr Alb Oates86 is carting away the hay he took them a billy of tea very cold but finer dinner over I made sausages rolls & melon pie hot for tea cleaned cutlery Olive the spoons Amy swept & dusted rooms & washed floors I washed out towels apron Amy washed her creme blouse & I pressed it for her & ironed my apron had tea & did not feel well

86 Mr Albert Oates, son of John Oates and Ann Oates (nee Gauge), aged 46.

June 17) Mother so unwell so did not get up atall & as it was fine I decided on going to see cousin Eva so I hurried & got breakfast ready & swept all needful rooms Amy milked & Sep & washed it I washed up & at 11 o’clock we got ready for our visit on arrival we had dinner & then a chat & at five had tea & drove to Celias & got home here at 8 oclock washed up & retired very cold indeed we did not go to Church Marion went to S.S. with Coral & Gwen Auntie Eva took them Olive cried to go also but as we were not going she could not go

June 18) As Dad & Amy & Olive were going to Adelaide & it looked like rain coming I decided to wash but my limbs were so very bad I could with difficulty get through it it was five before I finished then Mother swept kitchen etc for me. I washed & coloured dining room Curtains they look nice now but they took me an hour to get them done & I washed Amys sweater & I had a good big wash very cold & windy I did all work

Jun 19) A dreadful cold morning I got Bert his meal & cut dinner & put up tea milked & fed cows pigs & calf Separated milk & got in a lot of wood watered flowers swept rooms & cleaned windows & pressed curtains & hung them & had a cup of tea & ironed & at night we I milked cows & just got in & it poured Dad & Amy just home in time

June 20) I got up & got a cup of tea & breakfast had a bother to get fire to burn but made porrige for them & cut up melon for pies & made a large Shepherd pie. Oates out again for Hay boys clearing old hay & chaffcutting Amy went to Gawler for Effies chair & fender so cold but not a cold as yesterday but wet under foot. Mother so unwell & short in breath.

June 21) Was up at six & got Berts breakfast & usual cup of tea & fried sausages for ours Mother got up today as we expected Mary & Kitty & Hazel87 so at ¼ to 11 out they drove I was that busy I roasted leg mutton & pork cauliflower & Potatoes also made two Melon Pies I just went as fast as I could Amy had just finished her milking & then did housework I got a cup of tea at 11/30 & by one I had the dinner then we washed up & at 4/30 got afternoon tea I cut out a blouse pattern for Kit it was a very white frost & sunny day

87 Christiana (Kit) Heath (nee Hill), widow of cousin Alfred Heath, and Hazel Jean Heath, daughter of Christiana and Alfred, aged 6. 

June 22) Same work Mother in bed & Amy busy getting ready for market it was cold wind & Amy had to go up for Myrtle & I had to was separator & fry Bacon & cook vegetables for dinner boys home to dinner I swept dining room & Kitchen & got in wood milked & Sep fed calf Kit & Hazel went as far as Uncles where they stay now Amy & Myrtle did not get home till near seven & I was worried. Mrs Beeton Hillier88 had a stroke in Sheards Shop yesterday & was taken to Gawler Hospital very ill indeed Wilf & Myrtle stayed to tea

88 Ada Jeanette Hillier (nee Beckwith), of Buchsfelde. Sheard's Shop was a drapery and clothing store.

June 23) Not as early & could not clean my stove lit fires & put on leg mutton got breakfast fried made Melon pies & two large cakes Currant & Coffee cleaned cutlery besides the many small but necessary jobs in kitchen we had tea & I washed up blacklead stove & articles boots etc had a bath & retired at 11 ock

Jun 24) I had made up my mind to go to G.R. Church but did not feel well so I stayed home & got our cup of tea & then fried sausages & we had our meal & Charley Humphrys & Clarissa family89 came then Celia & Family & Frances & Family & after dinner Ada & Clem Ethel Murray, & George Wilfred & Myrtle there were 34 persons here babies included Oh what a rush it was I cooked trombone & potatoes & served all out Celia & Amy waited at dining room table & I at kitchen my word it was terrible Ada & family stayed till near nine others went home at six Charley at 2.30 nice day

89  G.R. is Gawler River Church. Cousin Charlie (Joseph Charles Humphrys, son of Aunt Charlotte in Port Broughton) and his wife Clarissa Eleanor Humphrys (nee Barr). I do not have a record of any children. 

June 25) I did not hear Dad call & did not know the time so it was 6.30 when I dressed got fires filled copper & lit it swept kitchen & got in stand & I washed while Amy cooked Vegetable & pudd & sent out to men in paddock they are in Top paddock now Dad Phyllis & Olive went up to them several times I never got the clothes dry none of them

June 26) Wilfreds Birthday and as we were going to Gawler I hurried & got breakfast over & then Amy & Dad had finished all their milking & Separating & she picked & dressed a fowl while I made a stew & did housework I then got ready & partly dressed Olive we did not get in the Street till 2 oclock then I did shopping & Amy went to the Dr about her throat it rained quite fast so we went to Mrs Hobarts90 for ¼ of an hour got out to Willaston & forgot her medicine had to go back so did not get home till 6/30 so dark & cold & Mother was worrying too

90 Amy's mother-in-law, Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett).

June 27) Same work in morning & then we being away I had to stuff & roast a fowl & cook cauliflower & potatoes & Melon pies I felt awfully unwell my head ached & I felt so sick & limbs painful I did have to hurry as fast as possible Amy her usual then housework I was washing pots & Auntie Eva Hettie & the children came for afternoon I starched & ironed Berts shirt & collar Amy did plain ironing we got all done & afternoon tea & even work

Jun 28) I did not have such a big dinner today fried Bacon Trom & Pots Amy altered Olives Brown Velvet dress I mended stays Mother made my flannel I milked the cows & got in the wood the weather is finer but cold & frosty with keen wind the season right through is very cold indeed

Jun 29) Wilfred came for Amy last night as Effie was very poorly her throat was so sore & ulcers on her tongue I had to hurry around Dad milked I washed separator & cooked marrow Potatoes fried bacon Amy came home & her & Dad went to Gawler Wilfred & Myrtle with babies later on took her to Tobin Dinner over I just flew round scoured copper then I cleaned our room & swept & washed floor in dining room got in a lot of wood. Looks like rain I nearly done myself working so.

June 30) I was dressed at ¼ to 6 & got a cup of tea & fried sausages lit stove & fried the second lot then I put on a leg of mutton to roast Trom & pots & made two melon pies opened a new tin Kerosene filled lamps we had dinner I cut Berts & then dinner over I made sausage rolls & cakes & Ma cleaned cutlery all Best ones too she also cleaned glass Amy cleaned all windows round house I did all housework I cleaned kitchen & we had tea etc

July 1st We dressed in fair time & I got a cup of tea & then I got breakfast over & did housework Ma got up & dressed for Uncle’s her & Dad went I got dinner ready & Bert drove us to Buchsfelde Olive to Sunday School & Bert to Ada’s Amy & I went to Church then back to Ada’s & from there home Hettie McLeod came home with us to stay we were late home & I lit the fire before I even changed my dress Amy milked etc I hurried & got tea ready Ma & Dad got home soon after us I was very poorly

July 2nd) We decided to wash it was a nice day & I got everything dry by evening I did have to hurry has I had to cut dinners put up tea & water clean the Billy can for them & get all ready for washing Amy assisted filled & lit copper we got most done by dinner time. Then I scrubbed a lot & put on boiler for the last it was so windy for copper I did all ironing by nine it rained at night & so cold all the rest were in the dining room I ironed in Kitchen

July 3rd) I felt so unwell but had to rise in fair time & get my morning duties over Amy Dad Ethel & Olive went to Gawler Olive to Celia’s Ethel & Clem are home for the week holiday Hettie made a dark bodice for Mother yesterday & finished it today & went to Eva’s with them when they went to Gawler I cook hot tea shepherd pie & Mr Lofty pud

July 4) All astir for it was pig killing this morning & hurried & got breakfast Bert lit copper & I helped boil it then Amy Charl & Bert scraped the pig & got all done by dinner time then went chaffcutting Gladys Higgins91 came collecting & when turning the corner she with two others got thrown from the Sulky & Wilfred & Clem were passing & helped to fix the horse up for her I started a pair of stays for Olive & cooked dinner

91 Gladys Mary Higgins, aged about 20, daughter of George Herbert James Higgins and Annie Jane Addis. I cannot find her birth record.

July 5) such a busy Day I had to fry Liver & Onions for breakfast it takes a long time to cook then they cut down the pig & Amy Dad & Mother did all cutting up salting & putting away then in the afternoon I melted down the Lard & Mother was taken so very unwell had to rest Dad took Ethel & Olive with him to the other place & to Myrtles came home & we hurried to get to the Band of Hope Eva & Hettie went with us & it was a splendid meeting altogether Charl & children stayed here & gave graphaphone selections to Clem Ma & Dad. Frosty night

July 6 The first thing to greet us was another Heifer in milk Clem went up & drove her & calf down & it was a terrible windy cold morning Amy went to Gawler by herself the day increased in a hurrican & Dad had to try & put ropes on the sheds to keep the straw on I swept Ma’s room & cooked hot tea got in wood Dad & I got in the heifer & I milked her & my own it rain like anything & French and Amy got home just in time it blew terrible & rained could hardly stand

July 7) Mother ill in bed & Amy & I had to work very hard Amy salted the pork over & rubbed Bacon Ham I did cooking meat pies tarts cakes & vegetables all cutlery & kitchen & boys rooms & waited on Ma had bath all of us girls & French so cold & frost

July 8) Sunday we do not rise early now as we don’t go to Gawler river church & Buchsfelds is in the afternoon the morning duties keep us hurrying till dinner I cooked veg & steamed a pudding then Amy Olive & I went to S.S took Olive then stayed with Ada while the others went to Church. Came home had tea French had to stay here as Bert did not go to Gawler

July 9) Such a very busy day & I had rhumatics so bad I did not know Amy & Dad had to go to Gawler so I hurried & lit a fire in Kitchen & put on the boiler as it was too windy to light the copper outside I had to cut dinner for Bert & it was so late when I started & I could hardly keep going my hands were dreadful to bear however by using the power of endurance I got through it by four & cleaned up & cooked hot tea they took French home & went to Gawler Mr Argent G. ill in Hospital & old Mrs Ratcliff is in there also so windy today.

July 10) All morning duties are the same so then I cut up Melon for pies & cooked pork & roasted Mutton & vegetables & made carraway seed & Coffee Cake I did hurry Amy housework Olive & I went to Bragglesome & got Eva Hettie & children for afternoon & Hettie to stay the week & sew

July 11) All the same work in the morning Dad & Amy milk if he is able & if not Bert lends a hand as the Heifers have bad teats & are a trouble Dinner over I drove to Mrs S.J. Parhams & spent afternoon home at 5/30 a lovely day I took Olive with me Our men are home seeding in home Flat finish today sowing. We are invited to a Welcome Home Social at Kangaroo Flat tonight to the Hockings Jack & Bruce both returned soldiers91, but we did not go as Bert went to a Dance at night & we did not care to drive alone Hettie is making a dress for Amy. Malange. I made Olive a pair of stays this week.

91 Bruce William Lancelot Hocking and John (Jack) Richard Hocking, children of John Richard Hocking and Clara Brickwood.

July 12) I dressed & lit fire got the usual cup of tea then lit stove & made Melon pies & Soup & Vegetables for dinner & jam Tarts & Cakes & went up & looked at Melons came home & thoroughly cleaned our room & various duties boys finished all I been looking for Hook today Hettie nearly done the dress I got in wood looks like rain today frosty

July 13) Dad & Amy & Olive went to Gawler at half past 10 after they had finished milking etc I washed up & washed Separator then I thoroughly cleaned dining room washed floor but my poor hands are very painful indeed I filled lamp & got in wood & blackleaded fireplaces & grate Hettie also went to Gawler & poor little Laurel was so bad with eczema Celia went with Dad to Gawler for advice they had a good time late home Bert & I milked & sept we had tea & read I sewed

July 14) I got up earlier & lit fire & then I Blackleaded stove lit it & made porrige & fried breakfast then I made Melon pies Tarts Cakes swept kitchen Amy front rooms Hettie making slip bodys I cooked cabbage potatoes I was so busy & my hands were so very bad I did not know what to do
Aunt Paterson came up at 3 o’clock & she had dinner Mother cleaned lamp glasses I cleaned cutlery & dusted mantle piece & any other work to be done Amy & Bert milked very cold & raining too

July 15) I did not get up till 7/15 then lit fire & got a cup of tea & then breakfast fried eggs & bacon it was 10 o’clock & then I prepared a brown stew swedes potatoes & melon pie Amy & Bert went to Gawler I got Olive ready Amy & her stay at Hobarts Senr. for a rest I could not go out today & feel depressed Mr. Kessell preached & I was so disappointed I could not go & dear little Olive cried to go to S.S. so cold & wet

July 16) I could not wash my hands was so bad Rhumatic & I expected Amy home Tuesday I lit fire got Bert his breakfast & as Amy was away I had to help Dad but only milked Mab the heifer she is very difficult to milk & it took me ½ an hour I did all washing up & housework & cooked some potatoes & got dinner Arthur McLean92 came out in a car to do the engine & got stuck in Black Flat Bert took old Darky & pulled him out he had dinner & they gone done at 4/30 & started chaffcutting Dad & I milked & did evening work in good time. Rough day

92 Arthur McLean. Not sure who this is yet.

July 17) It was so wet & windy but Dad had to go to Gawler but as it was so wet Amy did not come home Olive had a cough. No I’m making a mistake it rained most of the day & Dad never went to Gawler Bert & I set to & put a new wire on my cedar safe & I did all duties in house & cooked swedes potatoes & soup Bert went to Gawler at night to help Len Forman92

92 Len Forman. Not sure if it is Forman or Foreman, but I cannot find this person yet.

July 18) We were up in good time & I got a cup of tea & helped milk& I washed separator then thought it best to wash but never have washed a colder or windier day I only half dried them & at night I ironed all & put to air the wind raveled out some seams & mother had more mending in consequence Oh it was dreadful rain wind like ice too same evening work & so wet to milk at night

July 19) We have had a fearful night rain hail thunder, it broke down our tree & in Gawler it took off verandah & the Two Rivers are in flood & many people washed out of home & cow pigs, poultry, horses washed down stream Wilf heard about it in Gawler where he has been twice this week with hay & Charl Tuesday with wood to Dick Humphrys93 the weather is so cold

Beauty calved morning

93 Probably Aunt Charlotte's brother in law Richard Humphrys, who lives in Gawler.

July 20/ Up & Bert helped Dad milk & I stayed in & got a cup of tea & fried eggs & bacon swept & shook cocoa matting in dining room got all so clean Mother very unwell but breakfast over she swept hers & Berts room & dusted them I prepared vegetables & Mother cut up Melon for pies which made a jam tart Charl & Wilfred home chaffcutting Wilf went home to his dinner Charl here to dinner I made coffee for lunch I have been mending all my spare time & knitted some time & started to alter Olives coat Dad did not go to Gawler on account of rain & so cold its raining heavily now & cold Flora has a calf

July 21/ Dad & I milked & I got breakfast over then he got an early start for Gawler Mr F. Bray came out & pruned tree’s & Vines etc so very cold & stormy Bert helped. Mother did housework I baked cakes etc & cleaned dining room blackleaded stove & fireplace Bert & Ma & I had dinner & then he got ready for the fox hunt Lindsay Cork & Harold Freeman & Wife94 came home from Gawler with Wilf & Harry Folland they all went Mrs Freeman stayed with Myrtle Hettie & Eva went to Mrs Rice’s95 to a Red Cross dinner & then to the Fox Hunt & back here to afternoon tea & Harry to 6 o’clock tea & Bert drove him home to Gawler Amy & Olive came home with Dad at five ock I did work hard to get all done cutlery & all

94 Linday Gordon Launcelot Cork is the brother of Myrtle (Fanny's sister-in-law), Harold Freeman is his brother-in-law, and Mrs Freeman is his sister Verena Florence Daisy Cork.
95 Amy Edith Caroline Rice (nee Crouch)

Trixie has a calf Sunday 22/7/17 Gawler Rivers both overflowed last Wensday & at 3 o’clock at night & dark & raining so the people were only partly dressed to escape Mrs Charlie Hobart & child & Charl96 were the worst & lost nearly everything food, clothes & all bills & letters of importance Mr & Mrs Sam Parham97 were all washed out but saved the furniture at Clare 2 dear children were drowned in River98 

96 Nellie Magdalene Hobart (nee Roche), her child Lawrence Arthur Hobart, and husband Charles Elliott Hobart. He is George's brother. It was reported in the Bunyip
97 Samuel James Parham and his wife Mary Elizabeth Parham (nee Riggs).
98 The very sad story of the two children drowned was reported in the local papers. They had gone to fetch medicine for their sick mother. How awful!

July 22) Trixie has a calf today Sunday & not too bad a day Amy & I milked our heifer cut her teat right throu with barb wire terribly. I cooked Vegetables Celia & Family were home to dinner & I drove to S.School with Marion & Olive & stayed to Church home & milked Charl & Eva Hettie & children here to tea had a sing song & Oranges & Eva’s Birthday Tea

July 23) As I had not had a big wash for two week I decided on one today quilt & sheets so very windy & though we both worked hard it was five before we got cleared away then had a cup of tea & milked my hand’s so bad I ironed some clothes at night but could not finish too tired & got in plenty wood like rain again

July 24) I always help milk as one heifer has such sore teats & takes a long time to milk her they did not go to Gawler I cooked Melon pies & Veg I was so busy all the morning & in the afternoon ironed & also finished after tea & help milked in evening a nicer day but glad I got all done & am tired

July 25) Our morning duties are always the same but now I light both fires & Amy sets breakfast for her & Dad & Bert then we milk after as its so late such a beautiful day & we expected Ada home so I baked scones pies & Tarts & cooked dinner I am making Olive a coat by turning the old one & making on other side Mother is making Amy new flannels

July 26) I had to fry Liver & Onions as Bert helped Charl kill a pig yesterday July 25
Same duties every where a very nice day Wilf home ploughing I had to bake pies & cakes & cook dinner Myrtle & children stayed with us at night while Wilf & Len went to Gawler to get chest of drawers & chairs for Myrtle I mended stockings I cooked all today

July 27) Such a wet day & it is Australia Day99 in Adelaide Eva & Gwen went down first train Hettie & Coral went yesterday we only did a portion of housework no floors washed I was busy cooked dinner cold meat I finished & pressed Olives coat today & helped milk Dad & Amy sawed a lot of wood they did not go to Gawler it was too wet Amy swept our room Mother her front room

99 Australia Day in Adelaide on July 27. Not a national holiday. Not on January 26th.

July 28/ We milked & I did my ordinary work at 9/30 Amy & Dad went to Gawler & I washed Separator & all other dishes & pots thoroughly swept dining room floor & beat cocoanut matting washed floor took lunch up to Wilf Olive & I we had dinner & I made Seed & Currant Cake filled & cleaned lamps Mother dusted Dining room they came home from Gawler we had afternoon tea & milked then I cleaned all cutlery & knobs & my stove at night

July 29/ Both of us girls dressed at seven & I did hurry to get to Church I swept both dining room & Kitchen made both fires & fried some mutton chops for breakfast but it was Ten ock & horse out in paddock I felt disappointed I made beds & cleaned boots & got cold lunch we were early to S.S. so us girls went to Ada’s Celia & Family were there Maisie & Birdie100 at S.S. I went to church Amy never Charl & Family were there & are gone to Frances to tea Hettie stays there to sew for Frances. We came home & milked cows & had late tea etc

100 Is Maisie a pet name for Marion? Birdie is Mary Ann Bernice Dawe, niece (aged 3), daughter of Celia.

July 30) Up early & Bert & Amy milked cows & I hurried & started washing Amy help me & I washed white quilt it was rather windy had both mens trousers big was ironed some at night Amy scrubbed dresser & we milked

July 31) I always get up first & light both fires & take in tea to parents & we usually have one but some mornings we breakfast first Dad has not been able to help lately I was hurrying with dinner & Ma & Amy were out in the garden when Bert was riding after Bully & was thrown from Darby & turned a Somersault & fell heavily to the ground badly spraining his right hand & cutting it too I did what I could for him & at night he and Amy & Celia went to Gawler & he to the Dr they to the Congregational Scholar Concert 101 & they enjoyed themselves very much indeed Olive stayed with Percy & Bernie till they come home it was a nice night we milked before Amy went away they had a bother as Bert let all ponies out but Darby & so he had to let her go with him & they had to squeeze in

101 Congregational Scholar Concert is detailed in the Bunyip the following day.

Aug 1st) Maisie has a heifer calf Dad Bert & Olive went up in sulky for her Mother cut up Oranges for marmalade which I made for her today & I was also busy cooking dinner I expected Ada home but she did not come I bottled off all the marmalade have had a busy day & cut up Melon for jam at night Ma helped me it rained very heavily at night & so I chopped a big box of wood & got in & we milked all our cows & Amy & Bert feed calves & they have to syring & put stuff on Dollys teat its milked & I chop box of wood big one

Aug 4) Same duties performed Amy & Dad & Olive went to Gawler & that meant Ma had to pack eggs ready & get butter & milk for girls I made up fires & then washed separator & buckets such a awful [???]

Aug 2/ I hurried & we milked & had breakfast I swept kitchen & prepared vegetables & had Jam nearly cooked Melon stewed for pie Ma made a crust for same & dished up Jam & Wilf & Dads dinner he is ploughing the home Flat. They Amy Bert Olive & I went to Gawler we did shopping & I got a coat & skirt & someone else took it for theirs so may as well stay home. Came home & milked immediately
Aug 2 Cousin Eva has a baby girl102 born at 12 o’clock today both are doing well.

102 Cousin Eva's baby girl is Beriel Jean Heath Ratcliff.

Aug 3rd Dad & Amy did not intend going to Gawler it was a lovely day. Same work in morning & then Amy & Ma cleaned rooms I always do all the cooking & have to hurry very much at times which does not improve my painful hands they are very bad after I had washed up everything I set too & nailed on linoleum on table it took a good while & Amy swept & washed dining room then lot & so dirty from our old yard of mud I prepared Veg & Ma assisted I fried Ham Lindsay was here to dinner I thoroughly swept kitchen Ma dusted dining room & we had our meal then I made Biscuits & Madiera & coffee & seed Cakes filled & cleaned all lamps they came home at about four I put on Meat to cook & iced my cake got a cup of tea & we went to milk I cleaned cutlery after tea & dusted kitchen Olive had a bath & I washed my head & had a bath also Mother reading papers nice sunny day

Aug 5) So cold but fine up at seven made fire & we milked I fried mutton chops we had breakfast made beds & did house work (cold lunch) went to S.S. & Church & Jim Ada & family home to tea & evening Amy & I had a cup of tea & went & milked & outdoor work Wesley & Alb stayed home cold night

Aug 6 A beautiful day & I dressed at 20 to 6 lit all fires & then Amy & milked all our cows & I had breakfast & got all ready for washing day then I got Amy to lend a hand to get our wring stand in the sep house where we washed & got done dinner time & then Amy went to Gawler took Olive I scrubbed all & milked 5 cows Dad & Bert did calves Mona come in today & we have 7 calves to feed Amy late home I was worried Eva went with her I did all ironing & felt so thoroughly done up late to bed it is windy & makes limbs so bad

Aug 7 Tuesday is always busy cooking dinner we kept Effie home while Myrtle went to Gawler I helped with dinner Ma stuffed fowl & I got the stove hot & chopped wood & prepared Veg & had just taken Wilfreds lunch up & had to hurry up with dinner & also made a cake were washing up & Auntie Eva came so the children had a good time Myrtle & Lindsay came to afternoon tea Eva bought Mother some material for a coat & skirt so brought it down same work always after 5 o’clock when we start milking not such a nice day colder

Aug 8) We cut up a large melon for jam last night so I cleaned Kitchen & made all fires & put jam on chopped a lot of wood & cooked pies & two slides of scones Veg & cold meat Amy took lunch to Wilfred & Will Ratcliff I made him a pie & scones as he was out of bread. I did not take jam up till 4 o’clock bottled it off & Ma pasted it down

Aug 9) I did not rest too well & slept till 6/30 so hurried in all usual work put on a lot of jam got wood & did all milking Mary & Frances came to dinner Mr Albert Oates bought Tinker Men all home chaffcutting such a rush to get dinner cooked I took out lunch to all men then peeled potatoes Mother Turnip Tops & parsnip swede I made 2 Melon pies Tart Amy fried Ham & they set dinner I served it out got growled for getting late too Jam just done at one o’clock I felt fit to drop with hurrying & the vast ingratitude of others

Aug 10) Always busy Friday morning as usually Amy & Dad go to Gawler so Mother got all ready for them Eggs packed etc I washed the Separator & Buckets for Amy to get a good start she never took Olive left her with us got dinner cooked & did housework Lindsay Cork here to dinner I cannot find time to sew they were home in time to help with cows & brought me a letter from Sydney saying Uncle Alf104 was expected to arrive in Adelaide today Mother read papers at night cold

104 Uncle Alf is from Sydney. I think this may be Theophilus Atyeo, Dad's younger brother, who lives in Sydney. This is a bit confusing because his death notice in the newspaper shows he is known as Tom Atyeo.

Aug 11) Australia Day at Gawler105 very misty morn Lin Cork came this way for Amy & Olive they went & during the day saw uncle so Charls took him home to tea then home here I did all usual Saturday work Mother assisting roasted meat made Cake & pies Mother milked 2 cows the first for 8 or 9 months we separated & fed calves also the Day was showery

105 Australia Day in Gawler is different to Australia Day in Adelaide! Not a national holiday. Not on January 26.

Aug 12) I dressed at 7 Uncle also got up we had breakfast & it was late Hettie & Coral came down & Olive & I went to spend Sunday at Charls went to S.S. & church Showery & very cold Charls drove me home Ada & Family Celia & her lot were home for the day & they helped milk at night. Uncle Charlie Heath also came out Mrs Ratcliff is out of Hospital where she been with her leg. Mrs Len Pederick has a daughter106 born Aug 9th at Mrs Buggs nursing home Amy home today

106  Mrs Leonard James Pederick is Dorothy Patterson. Her daughter is Margaret Eliza Pederick; Mrs Buggs is Alice Bugg (nee McHugh).

Aug 13) Could not wash as Amy had to drive Uncle & Dad over to Uncle Wills the Blocks Wilfred was harnessing some fresh horses & 2 of them Galloped away & him after them he was gone 2 hours & Mother was very anxious Olive & I went up the road to see after him but he had to go to Gawler after them Oh we were worried I tidied rooms shook coconut matting nice sunny day Uncle came home again.

Aug 14) Washing day so I dressed early & then got a cup of tea breakfast etc helped milk Amy did all housework & then she helped me we did not finish till near five went & milked then Uncle & Dad went to Ada’s then drove up paddock for cows I could not iron so very tired & so unwell too had Uncles clothes & rather a big wash

Aug 15) Always same work first get a cup of tea then milk etc I then get breakfast & washed all separ then Mother & I drove to Uncle Charleys to see Eva’s baby stayed till near five Amy had French to see her Uncle Tom Easton107 came out so I hurried & got tea Amy got 7 calves to feed finished milking when we got home so I got tea for all

107 Uncle Thomas Easton, husband of Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), sister of Ma.

Aug 16) I got up in fair time 6/10 got a cup of tea & then fried Eggs & bacon for all 5 men it was late when we got milking done both Uncles went to Gawler with Dad Tom goes to Dublin tomorrow to see Flo108. I baked Alford, Madeira, Seed cakes swept dining room shook ‘cocoanut’ matting well Amy did our room & I planted white bush & we milked Dad came home alone cold tonight but dry

108 Emilie Florence Webb (nee Easton), Aunt Emily and Uncle Tom Easton's daughter, in Dublin, South Australia.

Aug 17) A very unpleasant morning same duties all round & I cooked dinner Amy did front rooms Mr Driesner came out to prune trees but they were done did not go to Gawler today Uncle & Dad sawed up some wood we have some real jolly times together & he usually helps Amy separate & then milk she has calves to feed 7 of them & we have 8 cows in milk so there is plenty of work to do & the day has been so dreadfully trying hot winds drying up things

108 Probably Carl Johann Gottlieb Driesener, a neighbour of Fanny's father's generation.

Aug 18) All hurry bustle today to get all ready for the three Atyeo’s Senr109 were to have their Photo’s taken so I made button holes for all & Amy went to sort them. I washed Sept & Buckets etc & Ma assisted me at work Clem lives with us now we had all done & Ma helped me milk cows

109 A photo of William, Alf and Henry Atyeo? Does anyone have this?

Aug 19) We none of us went out today I did not feel too well same work fried brkf & help milk etc very late at meal did not go to S.S. a rather stormy & cold day so was yesterday Uncle & Amy Clem & Bert went gardening all the afternoon. I read a little like rain tonight.

Aug 20) Very wet & cold & Uncle did not go to City as we intended he & Dad went to Gawler we could not wash too wet & windy altogether cooked hot dinner & I cut out petticoats for us & we each did our evening work Amy & I always milk & I get in wood & wash Olive & do her hair & help with tea Amy & Uncle generally separate & then she has 7 calves to feed & the pigs Dad is so stiff.

Aug 21 A very wet morning pouring at 5 ock so I did not dress till six & then got brf & Amy & I milked & I made beds then it seemed to break a little so I got ready to go to Town with Uncle we drove to Gawler & it simply poured & I was colder than I ever was before my hands were so painful I could have cryed with pain. We caught the midday Train to Adelaide & Uncle bought me a ring Amy a goat skin bag Olive a Teddy Bear. I did shopping & then we got the Express at 5 ock & came home it rained again but we did not get wet. Got home at 7 ock had tea & retired very tired now.

Aug 22) I felt awfully tired but had to get up & get fires in fireplace stove & copper as we had to wash My legs were awful to bear & my hands I could scarcely bear them & as Mother has been in bed she could not assist at all to speak of Amy helped me also but had to help at dinner also however I ironed some dark clothes & then I did plain ironing & left starch clothes as I did not want them Uncle & Amy are always barricking in the evening also Clem & Olive play

Aug 23) Amy & Uncle had to go to Gawler so after all usual work in morning they went & he stayed in there at Frances. Poor little Phyllis went under an operation on Aug 20. had Tonsils taken out & a growth as well is very bad but improving I had a busy Day baked pies Cakes & did all other work Clem & Wilfred works in Twelftrees Berts wrist still bad Wilfred under treatment for mice plague on his hands Myrtle for bad cough Lindsey Cork stays out with them for last two months he is so unwell though

Aug 24) Amy home today so she & I gave all rooms a thorough clean besides doing all general work & milking etc we cant get time to sew & Mother is not well Dad so stiff Uncle Alf stayed with Celia Friday (tonight) the weather has fined up now a bit we milk in the stack yard as its so wet in our old yd Myrtle & Lin went to Gawler left Effie here with us
Mrs Len Parham has a daughter born Aug 24110

110 Delcie Mary Parham, daughter of Elsie Ellen Parham (nee Pederick), wife of Mervyn Leonard Andrew Parham. 

Aug 25 Clifs Birthday today Dad went to Gawler by himself to get Uncle Alf & we did morning work I did baking Melon pies Cakes meat & boiled pork too & cooked dinner did sweeping dusting blackleading going all day had afternoon tea & milked

Aug 26) I awoke early & dressed in good time made fires took in tea made porrige & did our room & swept & dusted both other rooms & drove to Chapel at Stone Hill myself came home Uncle Charley & Frances Family came to dinner we had cold lunch & then Amy took all the little girls to S.S. Clem drove them they went to Ada’s & then Charl & Eva & Family Hettie & Uncle Alf came for afternoon he spent night at Charles then Wilfred & Family & Lin came to tea I helped get tea then I went to milk Charl helped also Bert nice day

Aug 27) I did all usual work & then I lit copper up & we washed a lot to do Trousers for 3 of them I did some ironing at night but was so tired & stiff I scrubbed up white Amy made beds then we milked etc my legs & hands so bad again

Aug 28) Same work & Amy & Uncle went off to Adelaide by midday & he went on to Melbourne & then to Sydney as all Boats are on strike111 & he had to go by rail so crowded Amy said she did not get home till dark. Wilf & Family went to Gawler today Bert out to help Clem with ploughing I did all work & baked cakes very busy day indeed Mother also helping they left Effie here & she was so tiresome Mother quite knocked out minding her

111 "The great strike" of 1917, was pretty massive. >39,000 men on strike! More here.

Aug 29) Amy & Dad had to go to Gawler today again Bert & Wilfred killed a pig for Wilf so I was left with plenty to do I made Soap suds hot & washed buckets also got clear water & did Separator as well Phyllis went home today She been out since Sunday with us so wet & cold I got in wood in evening Mother churned Butter very cold & stormy but Amy got home dry

Aug 30) such a wet day raining so much that the men could not work on the land so after milking & breakfast over they cut up & salted the pig I had to fry Liver brf & Onions & roast meat for dinner & melt our lard Mother had to go to bed after dinner Amy ironed starch clothes & got a cup of tea we milked & separated it was the Band of Hope but so wet we could not go & Ma ill too

Aug 31) Mother not able to get up so we were busy Bert helped milk & I cut Clems dinner & did all usual work then Amy washed Separator & when went to Gawler by herself I thoroughly cleaned dining room & got our dinner then did all necessary work & Bert & I milked then Amy came home & fed calves & did her usual evening work I got in wood & made a nice brown stew for tea Amy got a letter for me from Sydney. The Strike there is awful

Sept 1st It is impossible to give correct account of the many duties awaiting us Saturday I got a cup of Coffee for parents as Mother was ill then Cleaned out the flues of Stove swept kitchen got breakfast cut Clems dinner roasted leg mutton cabbage potatoes for dinner made Cakes & washed up filled lamps & cut a basket sandwich for a Fair at Mr Whites112 in aid of French comfort for 8 Machine Guns Sect Olive & I went / cold day

112Mr White's Fair in aid of French Comfort for 8 Machine Guns section. Can't find any information about this.

September 2nd
I am about to start a new record of events & I feel as if I dare not look as the future but pray that strength may be given to go forward. One cannot help feeling sad at the cloud that hangs ov’r our land caused by this cruel war. I could not go to church as Mother was ill in bed so I did usual duties I hurried as fast as I can & swept both room & dusted them made bed got breakfast over & we had cold dinner I cleaned my cutlery & fireplaces & lamps as I went out yesterday. Will Ratcliff wife & baby113 spent afternoon had tea then we milked & I got in wood Amy fed calves.

113This is of course, cousin Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath), her daughter Beriel Jean Ratcliff and William Ratcliffe.

Sep 3rd Such a cold rainy blow on waking Amy had to go to Gawler with cream so after the milking was done I cut Clems dinner & he went to Humphrys to work & Amy started I had to wash Separator & dishes cook bread & butter custard & cauliflower potatoes & do a portion of housework. Dad & I went to Mr. Haydon’s funeral at K. Flat114. There were between 40 & 50 traps there & the road was so bad We met the funeral at K F post Office. Amy got home before us & had a cup of tea ready then we milked & did out evening work & after tea we were sewing my head was so very bad too.

114Walter Winton Haydon, a neighbour - aged 68.

Sep 4th Such a dreadful cold windy day wet day so each did usual work & with so many duties its keeps us more than busy & at times I feel real knocked out & Rhumatism nearly cripples me also Amys knees are very bad. I cooked dinner & afterwords Amy washed up & I cut out bloomer & was sewing till 10 o’clock I nearly finished one pr. Amy & I had a terrible trouble with her machine needle.

Sep 5 Another windy day but I had to wash so got my boiler on indoors as I did not have many sheets weather too wet however I hurried Amy & Bert milked & I did all white clothes. Then Amy having finished all other dairy work came on & I left off & made pancakes for dinner & then I washed my skirt & extras got all done & dry scrubbed up as fast as possible then it poured. Dad & Amy sawed wood. Bert & A milked & I did all ironing Bert went to Dance took Hettie.

Sept 6 Amy had to go to Gawler Military pay day so she only did her ordinary work & I cooked cabb & turnips & fried bacon also plum pie & cakes I did have to work then I made a petticoat in afternoon for myself & did not go to bed till 11 o’clock last night it rained heaviest ever known at Virginia & very heavy here too.

Sep 7th Friday but none of us were going to Gawler another very wet cold day we did all ususal work & after our breakfast I made beds & thoroughly swept dining room and washed both floors as it was a bit finer then it came on terrible wet again so both of us & Ma went on at sewing till milking time.

Sep 8 Amy & Bert milked & I blacklead my stove & fireplace & swep kitchen & got breakfast over she washed up Sep & then went to Gawler Dads Eczema very bad so he did not go I got up oven & Mother made stuffing & stuffed fowls & cooked them I attended fire cooked same as thursday dinner but no dessert made my bed Ma dusted dining room & boys room Dinner over I fired up & baked Dora biscuits & rolls & seed & currants cakes cleaned cutlery & kitchen. Mother did lamps & Bert Amy & I milked cows I washed my head. Amy, Phyllis, Olive had bath.

Sep 9 Amy & I dressed before 7 & she lit dining room & me kitchen fire. I fried eggs & bacon & pots for dinner cold roast fowls & Ham & I made a lovely plum pudding. Celia & Percy & family spent the day Ada is ill this week in bed poor girl since Wensday home all day.

Sep 10 I was up in fair time usually between 5.30 & 6 got both fires made & copper lit Amy helped me lift tubs & stand in then Bert & her went to milk I gave parents tea got breakfast over & set to work at washing kept on till towels then Amy joined me & we had a big wash Did not finish till 3 o’clock Amy Bert Clem went to Ada’s at night. I felt too tired & rhumatics very bad so retire 9.15 very tired

Sep 11th Clem had to go to Charls so I did ordinary work & got hings ready for Ellie who came to sew for me & I started her on white work Slip Bodices I had to cook dinner & do housework as Amy & Dad had to go to Gawler very windy indeed like rain again. I ironed in afternoon but my ankles were dreadful

Sep 12th Hettie is to sew for Olive today a silk dress I tidied the dining room for her & got breakfast it rained heavily last night & this morning so Amy could not go to wash for Ada who is ill. I was so busy all day I ironed shirts collar & Eva Charl & girls spent afternoon here Eva cut out Mothers coat & shirt which she is making Amy got afternoon tea Then we milked I help at night & Bert also does now if he is home. Bert went to Dance at night I made Olive a new red check petticoat. Stan May killed in action July 21st 1917115

115Stanley Garnet May, killed in Belgium July 31, 1917 according to Austrlian Infantry records; he served with the 43rd Australian Infantry Battalion. He is buried at Ypres, Flanders. Son of Alfred May. His widow was Nellie Jean May (nee Osborn).

Sep 13th Amy was going to Ada’s so I helped milk got breakfast tidied & swept dining room washed Sepr. Hettie making Halithrope dress for me I was so busy & had to keep fitting on dress my ankles & hands are awful to bear Dad & I milked & Bert he went to Foresters Hall their Lodge Social Amy was late home 7o’ck but had a hard day work I wash Olive at night & help in all work generally

Sep 14th Amy & Olive went to Gawler after milking so I had cooking & housework too Hettie made blue twill dress for me & very fair day Mrs Hobart senr. is ill in bed Amy got word to say George is coming home on troop ship116 Bert went to Adelaide first train to see about roads a number of Ward Belt rate payers waited on the Commissioner. I was so busy all day & felt knocked up Clem is ploughing in Humphrys

116 On August 28th, according to George's medical records, he left the War on the New Zealand ship "Pakeha" because of cardiac insufficiency.

Sep 15 Sat I cleaned dining room Amy blackleaded stove I done fireplace & cooked breakfast as usual I had to cook swedes pot meat pie Jam Tart two Cakes Dust Mantel & cupboards clean kitchen & cutlery so busy & tired Hettie made Olive princess petticoat & finished sewing & rode to Charl's with Bert who went to Gawler very cold & stormy & I have a dreadful bad head & ankles

Sep 16 I felt so tired & my limbs were so painful I scarcely knew how to move but as we have cows & work to do I dressed in fair time got a cup of tea & Bert got up & he helped Amy milk while I did housework & got breakfast, then I drove to Stone Hill & heard Rev Nickolson & native convert116 preach I enjoyed it & the singing very much. Amy & Clem drove to the Foreign Mission at Buchsfelde I heard same she took Olive also I started milking Bert helped Wilf & Myrtle & children cane over but did not stay to tea it rained heavily

116  Rev Reginald Chapman Nicholson and Daniel Bula, the "first Christian convert" from Vella Lavella, Solomon Islands, were doing a speaking tour to raise funds for the Methodist Foreign Mission.

Sep 17 Could not wash as it was Cream Day & Wilf & Myrtle stayed in Gawler & came home this morning then he took it in so Amy & I did some sewing after all usual work done & we had to milk our 8 cows Amy made Olive a red plaid petticoat also herself & mine I made a new bloomers The day has been wet cold & windy

Sep 18 I dressed 5/30 lit both fires & the copper Amy helped me shift things ready for washing I got breakfast & started while A & Bert milked Sepr & fed calves pigs etc Amy washed up Sepr then joined we had a pair new sheets for Ada & I washed the big trap rug & helped milk & ironed at night some. The day was cold but a drying wind in afternoon & wet at night. Frances & Mary went to see Ada today.

Sep 19th Amy & I dressed in good time & she had a cup of tea & drove to Ada’s & I had to help milk etc Ma cooked veg for dinner & I set to thoroughly cleaned dining room & I washed floor blackleaded fireplace & made two cakes & baked them in afternoon I ironed till finished and Bert helped me milk etc Cold but drier

Sep 20 such a wet looking morning & we got all dairy work done & I the housework & cooked eggs & bacon made beds washed up & then Amy Albert Parham117 & Olive drove to Gawler Show a poor show in many respects but we enjoyed the talk to relatives etc It was so showery & poured when we were going in & coming home we have about an hours work looking for Ada’s children before we could come home & did not get home till six then milked & had tea & very tired went to bed Rhumatism very bad.

117 Albert Bruce Parham, nephew (son of Ada, aged 9).

Sep 21 I have Rheumatism something awful & its terrible to move round at my work Amy went to Gawler so I had Separator to wash after all morning duties it was not so bad today & Myrtle & children went with Amy I had previously done dining room Ma did front rooms & I did our room & usual work then we milked our cows & Sepr looks like rain again

Sep 22 Rainy blow same work Amy cleaned stove for & I got breakfast while Bert & her did all dairy work brk over I stuffed a pair of fowls & roasted them made soup for dinner & milk puddings. Noel Parham118 came out for their calf that was in our paddock he has been to Pt Pirie but is now home. My head is almost maddening with pain at times I baked cake etc & helped milk at night

118 Oswald Noel Parham, brother in-law of Ada

Sep 23 Kangaroo Flat Anniversary so we got up in fair time & did all usual work & we had cold lunch & Amy Olive & I went to the Anniversary such a lot there full house. We came home Bragglesome same way had to milk 9 cows & do evening work so it was 8 oclock when we got done cows broke the fence & Bert had to mend it

Sep 24 We could not wash well it was not too good in morning we intended going to Gawler so I hurried & got a cup of tea & then breakfast & made beds & at 11/30we went to City Amy Olive & I Ada was in there I got material for my coat & Amy got new best boots on appro we called at Frances had a cup of tea but could not stop roads so bad as we had very heavy rain last night. Franc & Cel were both washing we did not start milking till late & 8ock again for tea time.

Sept 25 up early & got the usual tea etc & then lit stove & copper & Bert & Amy got in the stand & I went on at tubs Amy & Bert milked etc & washed the Sepr & then we both went on at tubs, my ankles were terrible but I scrubbed up & we milked did some ironing but could not stand to do much

Sept 26 Hettie was coming so I hurried & took up coco matting & cleaned dining room & she came drove herself & started my coat Amy went to Ada's to wash Ma helped me with dinner & afterwards I could scarcely move with Rheumatism so had to sit & iron but it blistered my finger Olive went with Amy

Sep 27 Work very much the same in every way Amy made pie & tart while I got my dress fitted & I cooked veg & fried bacon. The weather is lovely this week Hettie finished my dress & went to a party at night. Bert went also in Humphrys Barn Amy Olive & I went to the Band of Hope

Sep 28 All duties same Amy milked & Sepr I washed up & I cooked dinner she went to Gawler & I gave the rooms a thorough clean washed floors & dusted I just felt as if I could not stand to finish & then I had to milk Bert milked some such a perfect day & so was the K.F. Picnic Amy Wensday Franc & Mary went

Sep 29 Saturday is always busy day & in morning the duties are all the same only I have to blacklead fireplace & stove & get breakfast fried & boiled & roasted meat & made dried apricot pies & a cake or two & tarts Dinner over I washed everything up cleaned cutlery etc

Sep 30 We hurried & had a cup of tea & then milked & I did not go to Stone Hill Church closed on account of renovating church so I got dinner early& Amy Olive & I went to Buchsfelde & went to Adas for tea & for a stroll gound garden. Wilfred & Myrtle family were at the Anniversary also Celia & family. Lorna come & rode home with us at night good congregation at all services & singing lovely

Oct 1st As we expected to go out this week we decided on washing I lit all fires filled copper & started to wash in kitchen but it was so sultry that I went outside by window & got on fairly & Amy has all washing up to do & only lend a hand for a very short time & had dinner & Lorna Olive & her went to Gawler & I persevered & had two pairs dark trousers for Bert & Dad & Amys sweater & a real big lot of colored clothes & I felt so done my hands & legs were dreadful but I milked five cows Amy rather late home & a thorough cold change with rain

Oct 2nd A beautiful day after the rain cool & clear I hurried & did most of housework while Amy & Bert milked then I was washing up & Amy poured some hot water on my hand & it hurt me very much she did not mean to do so however I did it up at once & then I managed to iron Amy made a pie etc dinner over Lorna Amy & Olive went to Buchsfelde tea & I finished ironing got in wood milked 6 cows Wilfred two then we went to concert Supper. All passed off well & we drove home at 10/30 tired

Oct 3rd All morning duties same & it was rainy & windy I cooked vegetables potatoes got bacon ready for Amy to fry & I made cakes & baked them & altered Amys Grey skirt took all afternoon & at night we all washed ready for the show cleaned all best boots & I helped milk got in wood.

Oct 4 Such a thundery morning with showers I got a cup of tea, breakfast & swept rooms Shook Cocoa matting made beds & we had breakfast & was going to Two Wells Show but the weather was so unsettled it thundered & rained so we stayed home Lorna was disappointed & Olive but we had a tea party home & Amy gave them things to amuse them I was so sorry I could not go but was no avail. Ada and Jim went

Oct 5 Very unsettled day with showers same morning duties & cook dinner Amy washed up all Sep I thoroughly beat the matting in dining room & got breakfast Amy & Lorna went to Gawler & Eva & Gwen & George McLeod119 came here for afternoon I washed up pots etc & dusted mantel & did boys room very thoroughly & shifted boxes out. I felt awfully unwell so had to rest an hour then milked. Bert help & Sep fed calves I washed buckets got wood in

119 George Kimberly McLeod, Eva's 17 year old brother.

Oct 6 Lorna stayed with Celia last night Same duties only Amy lit fire & blackleaded stove me fireplace & I fried sausages got vegs & I cooked a leg Mutton potatos cabbage Jam Tart Sago for dinner wash all up made Madiera & Seed Cake cleaned cutlery. The Agent came & brought our new Separator & Jim & Alf came out & he helped lay pipes for Wilfred’s house to be built. I hurried & did all other work & altered straps on my poplin coat. Milked 5 cows we had tea Amy & Olive went to Laurels party at one o’clock today & came home 8/30 Ethel with them Ada Frances Eva & Families were there. Uncle Charley Eva & Beryl119 our Charl went to Adelaide today

119  Beryl would be Eva's 7 month old baby Beriel Jean Heath Ratcliff.

Oct 7 Amys Birthday & I dressed early at 6/30 lit fires & got eggs bacon Vegetables fried had breakfast Mother & I dressed for Church the unveiling of roll of Honor Mr Kessell was the preacher & it was very sad indeed to those who have relatives at the War120. Came home & Amy had dinner ready so we had our meal & I carved meat & served custard & pineapple & poured tea We Amy Olive & I went to afternoon Service come home & milked 9 Amy 3 & Bert 2 separated etc Celia & Percy were home for afternoon tea

120  I find this very interesting that the Roll of Honour was installed while the war was still occuring.

Oct 8 Amy awoke so very unwell & could not work so I decided on putting off washing I helped milk & did all of dairy work cooked dinner as usual. Wilfred is working home Mr Jones121 is building his cottage & he is carting material for same such a nice day Dad & Clem went to Gawler with cream & Amy has Influenza & run down I have to help milk always

121 Mr Jones - could be George Jones from 1916, but not sure.

Oct 9 I hurried & got our cup of tea & breakfast fried milked lit copper & did all the washing myself & my hands were dreadful & legs also however to get through I did not know & milking at night was torture I ironed some after tea but not all. Amy tried to help but failed to keep up though she helped in house & made beds etc.

Oct 10) A lovely Day 8 hours Day been all work here I cooked dinner fried ham & made Tarts & Melon Pies also a large cake. Were just about to start dinner & Mary, Les122 & Clarice came for afternoon also later on Mr & Mrs Brodie & a little girl “Sweetie”123 who lost her mother came & had afternoon tea. I mended & milked 5 cows as usual finished ironing late at night 11 o’clock was thoroughly done up & hand so bad.

122 Mary Arbon (Preiss) comes with her son Albert Leslie Preiss, and daughter Clarice Louisa Ellen Preiss.  
123 James George Brodie and Emma Brodie (nee Pointon) (mentioned earlier this year). Not sure who Sweetie is; it seems to be a pretty common diminutive name for girls back then. 

Oct 11th Hettie went home last evening she been down 2 days sewing for Amy we have both got our coats & skirts (straw or biscuit shade). Dinner to cook Bert went to Gawler Amy so unwell but drags about. I had a bad head & my limbs were terrible I made some pillow slips mended also

Oct 12) Quite a thundery & rainy day at intervals I had to do all usual work then cook cauliflower potatoes Melon pie Wilfred went to Gawler for doors & windows & then he came home & had dinner went home for Myrtle & children to go in the Sulky but as it looked stormy they stayed with us Wilf came back to tea I been so busy I thoroughly swept boys room dining room beat cocoa matting washed floors & Amy did front rooms Ma dusted dining room cleaned window

Oct 13) Same round of duties & I blackleaded stove milked cooked breakfast Amy gave Clem his & boiled eggs for others I made bed & then dressed for Gawler took Olive Dad & I did some shopping & then called at Mrs Hobarts & she was in bed Influenza & I had a chat to her George may be home any time now we drove to Celias had dinner & came home & milked roasted meat Amy made a lovely sponge sandwich

Oct 14) I dressed at 6.15 & lit fire & stove & went to milk came in made plum pudding & we had breakfast Amy did housework I cooked potatoes Auntie & Maria drove up for day we chatted & knitted all afternoon got tea & milked & went up to see Wilfs house. So cold no one went to church or Sunday School today

Oct 15/ I intended washing as Amy could not help me so lit fire & copper for washing etc & then I milked with Bert & started but felt awfully unfit Lizzie Humphrys & Leslie Preiss124 spent a full day with us today she hung out some for me. Amy & Olive went to Gawler with cream also Dad I think. I had to persevere with washing till 4 ock & then I helped milk with difficulty & could not iron only folded clothes after tea & retired

124 Elizabeth Matilda Ann Humphrys, cousin. Daughter of Aunt Charlotte and Benjamin Humphrys, and Albert Leslie Preiss (aged 16).

Oct 16) Well I decided to visit Ada for the day so lit fire helped milk swept kitchen & then I lit stove we had breakfast & I made two cakes etc & got ready & took Olive with me. Just getting dinner when I got there roast duck Ada & I washed up I swept kitchen we knitted sox & got home good time got in wood set tea

Oct 17) I felt terribly crook but did usual work Bert & I milked I light all fires & take in tea Amy gives Clem his breakfast we have our & I always cook hot dinner Charl home to dinner Mt Lofty pudding cauliflour potatoes ham & bacon I did some knitting & I cut out a skirt for Amy out of her coat & made it a lot of trouble but nice & tidy now

Oct 18) A thundery morning I dress at ½ past 5 now light fire & take in tea then go & milk Bert & I in & Mother is up & sometimes sets table or helps Separate Then house duties & cooked dinner made a Mt Lofty pudding. Just as we sat down to dinner it thundered awfully & the lightning was terrific in afternoon I finished Amys skirt & same work each evening milking Amy is not well & I am very far from well too can hardly bear to lift anything it hurts so

Oct 19) Amy intended going to Gawler & Myrtle & children with her so she just did a little work she made our bed & left here at 11. Just as they got to Celia’s it came on a storm so Myrtle stayed there & Amy got back at 5/30 & another dreadful storm came on so they did not get home till nine & then they all stayed here I was so ill I went to bed at 10 o’clock

Oct 20) Amy had word George was coming home today so although so ill I dressed at 5 o’clock & got breakfast for her & she left to catch first train Mr. Hobart Senr & Daisy125 went too I just dragged through work & baked Cakes & cleaned all cutlery besides helping milk & getting in wood I bathed dear little Olive & had one myself & got one ready for Clem & Bert he put on water so I retired early feeling very bad & more fit to be in bed than get up

125 George disembarked on this day in Adelaide. Dale William Hobart, father of George goes to meet him with Amy and Daisy, who is probably George's sister-in-law Edith Daisy Hobart (nee Templer).

Sunday Oct 21st / Up early & milked & got breakfast tidied round peeled potatoes & Ma shelled peas at 11 or so Harry Franc & family drove out for day we had fry bacon & Ham for dinner & George and Amy come home safe from the dreadful War without a scratch & God be thanked for his many benefits toward us his children

Oct 22) I felt so ill I decided on seeing a Doctor so after usual all round work was done I drove with Dad to Gawler & had a thorough examination & could hardly walk about Ada was in also so we shopped together & got home in time for me to help Amy milk

Oct 23) Up very early again as G & A & Olive were going to Adelaide & I got their breakfast & did everything I could after they went. I thoroughly cleaned dining room & just did what I could helped with all work & cooking Amy so unwell they took Olive this time & got home by 6 train

Oct 24) Amy looked so ill & I was so very unwell myself & we had such a big wash & neither could rub so washed all whites Trick Soap style & we had such a big dirty wash for George & our own boys trousers & all flannels we did all we could & finished & I clear up & folded all clothes but I felt so ill could hardly keep up

Oct 25 I got up at 5/30 & got a cup of tea & went with Bert to milk George came down & lent a hand Mother cooked Veg I fried Bacon & George & Amy went to Gawler to Dr Amy is so unwell so I started ironing but felt so unwell

Oct 26) None of us intended going to Gawler so I did ordinary work starting at 5/30 & then all housework done thought I would finish ironing Ma cooked Vegetables fried Bacon. In afternoon I put fastening on Amys navy skirt George helped me milk & Bert also I retired early to bed

Oct 27/ Up at same hour lit fire cleaned stove & milked. Amy got breakfast I thoroughly cleaned dining room Amy our room me the lamps & Amy sponge me two cakes & Loin Mutton made plum pudding & milked washed Olive & self had tea washed up & read paper & wrote here

Oct 28) I dressed in fair time & got a cup of tea swept kitchen G & A also got up & helped milk then I got on my pudding which I made yesterday & cooked peas potatoes & made sauce for pudding & after dinner I drove little Olive to S.S. & I went to Ada’s then I went to Church & Olive went to Ada’s I called for her so very cold & showery so I did not stay to tea the others had milked & fed all animals

Oct 29) Off to the Dr again after doing all morning duties George went to his home & stayed we both went to Dr Tobin & did some shopping got Clem best suit complete & boots Hat shirt collar Braces etc this week. Called at Celia & home 5/30 a lovely day Celia washing Amy & Olive came home again tonight with me.

Oct 30) up in good time though I feel so very ill at times I really don’t know how to keep going. The men are busy binding now. Washing Day I lit copper & we did all heavy linen with Trick Soap Amy is so unwell & myself feel far from well too we finished most by dinner then I folded all Amy made beds & then I swept & washed front room & passage & milked

Oct 31) Same hour & work in every way but Mother cooks the dinner with our help in many ways Amy is in Kitchen & I been making a mattress for stretcher No I altered Clems best suit today Ma Dad & Olive went to Auntie Eva’s Amy did ironing she was both down hearted & unwell we milked & then they got home

November 1st ) All morning duties same & Dad & Amy went to Gawler & on arrival found that George was very bad & gone to Adelaide so she followed him thither & Olive is with us the darling I made mattress today & helped generally but feel so ill & not strong I bathed Olive tonight

Nov 2nd / I got up swept kitchen got our cup of tea & then milked with Bert had brkf I cleaned dining room washed floor tidied our room I felt so ill I put on broth & leg mutton to roast Dad picked peas I mended Ma made bread pudding

[A gap here - George was discharged from the AIF on November 3rd, and returns to work with Dad]

[torn page found]

Nov 28 Same work in morning I light the fire get a cup of Tea sweep Kitchen then I help Bert milk & we have breakfast G.E.H. in Stooking hay for us he comes to work every day I put all clothes away I felt so unwell I made Rhubarb pie & Quince Tart Ma cooked Veg

Nov 29 I rise at 5 or soon after & usual work then make beds & help Mother with Dessert & she does Vegetables & one of us fry I generally [torn] had Ham or Bacon [torn]  I ground meat for [torn] pie I trimmed bmy Tagel Hat yesterday Horses got in Barley & Dad & I had a chase [torn] could do our best as we were not well [torn]  made myself a pink Silk Hat & I went [torn] a couple of Hours & she helped me with crown

Nov 30 My busy day same morning work Clem & Dad went to Gawler & I did all rooms washed floors as I thought of going away cleaned windows in my room & dining room there is so much dusting to do Mother got dinner cooked Bert is on Harvesting yesterday nice weather cool Coral has Whooping Cough so has Gwen & almost all children on River. Brays, Hillier, Stan Preiss, Roediger's & Carl has Typhoid Fever John Walter127 bronchitis both at Dr Dawkins Hospital on Lodge

127 Local families: Bray, Hillier, Roedigers, August William Stanley Preiss, Carl could be Carl Johann Gottlieb Driesener, John Walter. Dr Dawkins.

Dec 1st Same work but first I cleaned all the flues in the Stove & thoroughly cleaned it then lit fire took in Tea & milked & lit stove after breakfast I baked Coconut Biscuits & burnt them black one side of them then I made Sponge & a Alford cake & I did all the washing us I expected to go away Tues Had a bath & washed my clothes Clem had one Bert went to Gawler to go tomorrow to piano

Dec 2nd I felt so unwell & got up in time & did all morning duties & house [torn] & washed clothes (Clems) but I could [torn] up my mind to go away I went [torn]a while had afternoon tea & a [torn]

Dec 3 I had my washing done [torn]all ordinary work & then [torn]width in my old skirt & had [torn]I baked Scones & Mother cooked Tapioca pudding & Vegetables Wilfred not well but he & Charl both home to dinner also Cleam & Bert such a cool change we did not go to Gawler was like a thunder storm.

Dec 4. I did usual work & was doing bedroom when George came out to finish stooking Amy & darling Olive came also but poor dear old girl so bad again Dad & I went to Gawler & home just before they went home & our poor little girl did not want to go. 

Dec 5/ I felt awfully worried but work has to be done & Mother is busy I have a bad hip & back today I ironed a few clothes & did all ordinary daily work & I have to rest a while every day to get strength I unripped a fashion shirt & partly made a blouse Dad & Mother went for a long drive round crop

Dec 6/ All morning duties I am so unwell & upset I heard they went to town yesterday taking Amy to Dr I always assist Mother & then I done my blouse we are having hotter weather now Wilfred is stripping Bert harvesting Coral & Gwen both got Whooping Cough very bad & dear little Lillian is so ill with it & bronchitis & her teeth dreadful to see her

Dec 7/ Dad was not going to Gawler today so after my usual work I cleaned all four front rooms put new grass in vases washed round floor Ma cooked dinner I was kept busy all day as there is so much dusting & the lamps to fill & clean & then milk & evening work

Dec 8/ Very busy Mother packed all ready for Gawler I got a cup of tea milked got breakfast Mother cut dinners for men I made beds & washed up & Ma washed Separator etc I was washing kitchen floor & Eva & Beryl came for Amy so Ma cooked potatoes & bacon & got stove hot & after dinner baked madiera cake, coconut biscuits & cake & all other

Dec 9/ I did usual work & got ready for church but on account of Vermin in the Church they held service at Mr S.L. Dawkins house127 so I had a long drive & then home to dinner & Ada & children came to tea she helped me milk & we chatted till late & then I retired to bed could not sleep. I wore my new high button boots today

127 Mr Samuel Letts Dawkins, patriarch of the Dawkins family.

Dec 10/ usual work in every way & then Dad & I went to Gawler Ada was in there also we did some shopping called at Frances’ & had a cup of tea home & milked cows thundery Our dear Amy is so worried & we as miss her & our dear Olive

Dec 11/ A very unpromising morning but I thought I had better wash Trick Soap way so did all morning work at copper & got all 5 sheets & bed linen & fine clothes on line then at 10/30 it poured & I shifted in Separator house & finished at three it did rain I got so wet then changed my clothes & folded clothes milk the cows & sepr

Dec 12) A windy day & I hurried & got a cup of tea Bert & I milked & then had breakfast fried eggs & bacon & I made beds & then did all ironing by dinner time & went to Ada’s she was washing quite a cold day & I altered Ethels white dress & cut our pinafore dress home & Bert & mother were milking so I made her an apron & got tea it is late now

Dec 13/ Same work & then I got breakfast washed up & Mother did Sepr I baked some Acid Tarts Ma made Blanc Mange & I stewed pears & Rhu fried bacon Celia Amy & children drove out & I fried some eggs & bacon we had dinner & I did some sewing & we had a cup of tea poor Amy so downhearted & ill & would not talk or take any interest in anything whatever & I feel it so128

128 Amy has been quite unwell since George returned unwell from the war.

Dec 14) Morning duties & housework & at 10/30 went with Dad to Gawler got my eyes tested for new glasses & we did not get home till seven & milk I went to Myrtles to dinner Tom was not home.

Dec 15) My cow Daisy has a calf (yesterday). Same duties then I got all gooseberries weighed & put on jam & made it by dinner time & baked leg mutton, cabbage potatoes & rice Ma always Veg & helps in kitchen I swept dining room kitchen made beds & cleaned knives & forks Mother spoons made lunch for boys bag sewing Wilfred & Clem Bert harvesting at Bragglesome Charles on land Wilfred went in with a load barley yesterday

Dec 16) I dressed at six lit fire swept kitchen had a cup of tea & then milked 7 cows all myself Bert Sepr Mother washed Sepr etc I washed breakfast things did not go to church so hot intended going in afternoon & Bert went & cleaned all harness so I rested Frances’ little Gwen is seriously ill bronchitus phemonia Hooping cough the Dr ordered her to sleep outside Lilian also very ill

Dec 17 / It was a cloudy morning sultry thundery but I decided to wash so got the usual cup of tea & breakfast helped milk & then lit copper & got most done by dinner time it came on a shower I scrubbed a lot & then I ironed blueys & other dark things & mended Mums skirt put pocket in milked etc & watered flowers

Dec 18 / I had to do all usual work make beds then I starched & ironed Berts collars & fashion shirts & Dad & I went to Gawler I had my eyes tested once more for new glasses did some shopping came. I reported wrong as Clem & Dad went to Gawler & I folded clothes help cook dinner & other work busy all day too I made a pinafore

Dec 19 I did all usual work a very hot day I thoroughy cleaned & scrubbed the large dresser it took me hours to clean. All men all home but Bert he is harvesting in Bragglesome Clem is on the fallow it was a dreadful day Amy Geo & Olive drove out at even her 4th birthday I ironed doiles & table covers

Dec 20 / The Great Conscription Referandum129 taken by vote I did usual morning work a scorching hot day hot winds so at about 10/30 Dad & I drove & voted then called at Ada’s I ironed Ethels dress & we got some fruit & drove home to dinner poor mother had potatoes & onions fried it was dreadful coming home after dinner I cleaned all sideboard cupboard put up new shelving was so busy & nearly done up

129 The second plebiscite on conscription for the War.

Dec 21) Friday another roasting hot day & I had to go to Gawler so I hurried milked & did usual work then I turned Oilcloth in the dining room & scrubbed floor & ours Ethel helped me dust & we had dinner & started for Gawler Ethel rode with auntie Eva from her place I had a lot of shopping to do & had to rush round got plums etc tomatos for the weather is so hot today home & milked & stayed up till o’clock cooking meat

Dec 22 / Such a fearful day Mother can hardly breathe I did all ordinary work & then I had a big baking day I baked 2 large Alford cakes 2 sponge sandwiches 2 very large Xmas cakes plum pie etc had beans & potatoes & meat stew plum & custard then I washed front room Mums room passage & kitchen floors besides many other different things milked Uncle Charlie came out

Dec 23 / Such a beautiful gentle cool breeze Mother got up at 5 & walked about to get a breath of cool air I dressed at 6 lit fire had a cup of tea & milked Bert milked 2 & Separated fed pigs & calf I washed separator etc we did not cook dinner I sorted & packed my clothes ready for Wensday lovely cool breeze hot sun but beautiful out doors Bert helped me milk Celia & four little girls came out & stayed till nearly nine o’clock I soaked in clothes ready for an early start tomorrow morning

Dec 24) I rose at ¼ past 4 lit copper & stove got a cup of tea & started at tubs helped milk & then had breakfast & hung out more kept at tubs till 10 then had to go to Gawler with Dad to get my eyes seen to I did some shopping & then I got a ride to Frances had a cup of tea back to street & home with Dad milk & did some washing blue trousers & stockings very tired

Dec 25 / Xmas Day but how different to what it once was I felt awfully depressed but I got up at five & then I helped milk & got breakfast Mother helped me & then I washed my silk blouse & dress & we got ready for our drive to Celias’ Dad & I in buggy Mother & Bert in sulky Had Duck Fowl Ham beans potatoes for dinner had a talk to girls Uncle Charlie came to tea & then we drove home & did the rest of my packing & milked & then finished up ours

Dec 26 / Up at five & at work got usual cup of tea & then I ironed some helped milk & then packed Ethels clothes with mine & at 10/30 after assisting all I could I got ready Dad & Clif drove us to the station & we got to Adelaide safely but could not find Mrs McLeods130 so we inquired till we did & hot & thirsty we reached there Ettie131 was sewing but gave us music in evening & we retired early but I could not rest well

130 Eva's mother, Mrs McLeod (Elizabeth Grace Webber).
131 Ettie is Hettie McLeod (Eva's sister).

Dec 27/ Up at five & strapped my basket & Hettie come to the car with us & we got our train & Clara met us it was lovely so cool & pleasant companions We had dinner on arrival & I rested & wrote home & then I read a book & we had tea & went on the Beach Rob had a bathe & children went to Green Bay & came home home had tea & went on the beach Rob had a bathe & children a paddle132.

132 Must be staying with Clara & Rob Anderson and their children (Laurie is one) at the beach.

Dec 28 / I dressed at 7 had breakfast & then made bed & tidied round then I helped wash up & am writing Clarie & I went with the children went to Green Bay & came home had tea & went on the beach again Rob had a batyhe & the children swing & See Saw Clara & I read book & came in & retired at nine Have Rheumatism awfully

Dec 29/ I dress at 7 & then have breakfast make bed Clara baked some cake & biscuits Ethel & I went down street got some apples & Clara made a pie & I got some tomatoes & bathers It started to rain & rained all the afternoon so we could not go on beach

Dec 30) Such a wet day well in the morning only showers fell & Ethel & I went to church home to dinner & in the afternoon we took books & went to the beach & Clara Ethel & I had a bathe & then we read & it started to rain & although we only had 10 minutes walk we all got wet & had to change our clothes Bob has a cold

Dec 31st) We could not wash as it looked like rain & I did our room help wash up & swept dining room then Ethel & I went for a bathe it was very cold & I wore my big coat & then I shivered I started a sock & we went to Green Bay & round the rocks for a stroll

Jan 1st New Years Day 1918 letter today

How very different in every way to years ago when we used to be at the beach. I dressed at 6/30 & had breakfast then Clara & I washed & folded before dinner & ironed ours after dinner then we had tea I wrote in diary Ethel & I went for a bathe very cold I had a read but my eyes are bad now the weather is better Lindsey Cork133 died today at his sisters Gawler

133 Lindsay Cork death; not sure which sister he was staying with.

Jan 2nd Our duties are much the same I always do the room we occupy & then help Clara & I wrote letters till dinner time Ethel went & posted them she usually goes for the mail Or does shopping for Clara we had a few hours on the beach Clara went too & Ethel & I went for a bathe had tea & went down again. Bob so unwell so I helped Clara get a mustard plaster ready for him

Jan 3rd / I did not dress till seven & shook up bed had brk & swept & washed out our room made bed washed Ethels clothes then we went for a bathe I got letter from home had dinner & cleared away I cut out a blouse then had tea & took Laurie & Ethel & went on the beach & we had another bathe & came in at 8/30

Jan 4th I dressed at 6 /30 & set table made my bed & Ethel helped get breakfast & when over I helped clear away & do dishes then I made the blouse finished almost dinner time & then clear away & washed up & went for a bathe very rough & we then walked to Green Bay & came home to tea I felt unwell so did not go out tonight cut out pattern for Clara

Jan 5 / Rob still very unwell consulted a doctor he has influenza & laid up can’t work at all I did our room & cleaned knives for Clara & Ethel helped her do all the silver & spoons & prongs I washed Ethels dress etc & we had a bathe Clara did baking I helped her prepare vegetables Ethel usually goes for mail we went down on beach & Green Bay cold wind I do not do much reading eyes too bad cant see clearly

Jan6 / Sunday we dressed at 8 & bathed till nine had breakfast & did our room then dressed for church & Clara cooked dinner then our meal over I wrote letters & then we all went on the beach & had a read then Ethel & I had a bathe I came home read & retired Special prayer soldiers in Commonwealth

Jan7 / It was 7 when I came out & Clara filled copper & lit it & went on washing & did mine & Ethels & Ethel did indoor work then we got ready for Victor Harbour & returned at 2. I went down the street then had a bathe & Clara folded clothes Bob went to work today he is better.

Jan 8 / Up at 7 & had breakfast & swept & tidied our room went down street & also help wash up & ironed till dinner time then we had lunch & cleared away & I ironed all the rest & Clara children & Ethel & I went to beach & had photos taken came home had tea & I packed basket letters from Celia & Amy today Celia has been ill & Amy is so ill again nerves134

134 Is Amy suffering depression?

Jan 9th / As this was the day I intended going to Adelaide I dress same hour & then I did our room & some washing went down the street & then I came in & had a cup of cocoa & Ethel & I went to Green Bay & round the beach had dinner & cleared away & got ready for 2/30 train had pleasant companions all the way & the journey was very enjoyable Oliver met us at the station & we came out her to Unley my cold terrible

Jan 10th ) We do not rise early here 8 o’clock had breakfast & help clear away them we took a car into Adelaide & train from there to Glenelg found Eva135 ironing then Charlie came home & we had dinner & Eva finished ironing we were chatting all the time then had afternoon tea & then Vera came home had tea & retired after looking at photographs I had cramp in my toe

135 Probably Eva Baker, nee Tancock, niece of Uncle Will Atyeo; her husband Charles Baker and daughter Vera Irene (aged 16). Their other children are not mentioned.

Jan 11 / I awoke at ¼ to 5 & coughed till 7 then dressed & had breakfast made bed & had a chat got ready & went out on the jetty for ¾ of an hour for a breeze came into town did shopping & had such a nuisance to find our way here Nellie136 met us & came home got afternoon tea & we rested & had a good wash & tidied ourselves Mr & Mrs Lyne137 came in Oliver goes on duty at 1 o’clock so we will retire

136 Nellie Mabel Easton (nee Lyne), wife of cousin Oliver Charles Heath Easton.
137 Mr & Mrs Lyne Nellie's parents: Hannibal Lyne and Rosa Jane Lyne (nee Cole).

Jan 12 ) We did not dress till 8 o’clock I felt so unwell shivery & hot & so hoarse but we came to town 2 o’ck & did some shopping caught the 1/25 train to Gawler & rode over from there with Mary met Wilf in the street & got some things & then he went to the Dr & we came on through Waltham saw F & family called at Celia’s then home & I helped milk & had tea unpacked baskets mended singlet & had a bath felt awfully tired & such a cold

Jan 13 / As I did not intend going to Church & I felt so unwell I dressed got a cup of tea & helped milk & then I layed down & Ethel helped wash up I assisted & put my clothes away George Amy & Olive came for the evening I was down with boys milking so we had a talk but our dear Amy is not happy like last time138 I went to Town its a nice cool change today & very welcome after the heat of yesterday

138Amy is still not well.

Jan 14 ) I did feel very crook but as I had been away I thought it best to start washing so I got up at five lit fire & helped milk then I filled & lit the copper it was windy & blusterous raining at intervals I had a fair treat & could hardly stand to do my work after all I put up my things twice & left off but it got a bit clearer & put all out & dried them but could not wash the trousers so put them to soak & helped milk had tea & retired

Jan 15 ) My limbs are dreadful & so unwell in myself could hardly move but got through morning duties & cut Clems dinner Ma cut Berts & I then washed 4 pairs trousers 2 for Ber 2 for Dad etc & I also ironed some clothes not starch clothes I made 2 plum pies & a large Alford cake & all men home yesterday stacking hay & today

Jan 16 ) This morning was cut dinners & same morning duties & swept kitchen etc & made beds then finished ironing fashion sh & collar etc roasted Round beef & Veg cooked cabb pots Bert home late he loaded Mr Oates with Hay others wheat cleaning at Bragglesome

Jan 17/ I was so sleepy & tired & Rheumatic could hardly move but got the cup of tea & then fried eggs & bacon for breakfast & thoroughly cleaned copper & also all flues off stove washed my blouse & stockings & we had dinner & I been mending blue denhams for Bert with machine Mother has a terrible cold & is tired out with work Bert went to a dance last might Wilfred in to Gawler with wheat today. Mrs Harold Freeman has a son139 born 3rd she goes home today

139 Mrs Harold Freeman is Myrtle's sister Verena (see July 21 1917). Her son is William Martin Freeman.

Jan 18 / I felt very unwell but expected to fill my place so I dressed & took in tea & Mum wanted medicine so I gave her some & she remained in bed all day I did usual duties & made a plum pie & shepherd pie then I got our dinner took in several light dishes to Mum I cleaned our bedroom & washed floor had a rest I had a job to put the Sep together & milked 5 cows Dad 3 cows

Jan 19 / My birthday Ma got up at seven as she had to pack eggs & butter for Gawler I got breakfast & washed up Dad & Bert the floors also the dining room kitchen & washed up Dad & Bert went to Gawler & got some pigs I swept boys room dining room kitchen & washed the floors also the passage Ma’s room I lit up stove & baked biscuits Madiera, sponge roll, I iced a cake Thursday for my birthday it was a terrible hot day Wilfred went to Gawler yesterday with wheat Dad & Bert came home & I had to get them dinner I cleaned cutlery & knobs & put on leg mutton to roast & also made knuckle broth for Mother & Dad Aunt Paterson & Kathleen Porter140 came up for week end but K cried to go home

140 Kathleen Laurina Porter, one of Aunt Harriet Paterson's grand-daughters, aged 9.

Jan 20) I got the usual cup of tea & fried ham & eggs for breakfast Wilf helps milk mornings & we milk all 8 at night I did not go to Church I did all duties Auntie stayed till five we had custard & stewed apricots cold meat & pickles Celia & Percy & Bird & Laurel came for evening till eleven o’clock the others went to Adas

Jan 21) Such a dreadful hot day like a furnace same work in mornings I do not always milk as Wilfreds cow been down here so he mostly helps with the others while I sweep kitchen & get a cup of tea then breakfast Mother is almost prostrate with heat boys stacking hay & at night is awful for sleeping Bert sleeps out

Jan 22) I dressed at a few minutes to four & lit copper & got at tubs then made a cup of tea & the other got up I had all whites done at nine & on the line 3 boils but I cant work fast so got all done by dinner & folded & ironed colored clothes in evening then milked a nicer day more breeze but still very hot I felt tired I watered plants

Jan 23/ Another nasty hot day terrible hot I did same morning work. Men home to dinner & we had camp pie & veg apple pie at 11o’clock I started ironing a lot starch cloths my white dress Fashion shirt blouse toilet covers it was dreadful & always have lunch to get I felt so done up as I am not well but keep going as well as I can this terrible heat

Jan 24) I did my ordinary work & Ma picked & cleaned a fowl I helped to grind bread for seasoning & assisted baking it Ma made a Suet pudding & custard & fruit Dad & Clem went to Gawler I cut out & made a floral muslin blouse for Amy Dear little sunbeam came home with Dad so I had her for company & I bathed her & she slept with me Oh how lovely to feel those clinging arms & to hear her merry prattle

Jan 25 / I had only just got the fire & a cup of tea when Olive woke so I dressed her & gave her a cup also biscuits with Gpa & Gma. I did usual work Mother did her room passage etc I made large cake & got dinner Mother so done up got lunch for boys & a late dinner so I cut our & made a pair Stays for Olive she is such good company & so interesting to us

Jan 26 / All bustle as Dad & Clem were going to Gawler taking Olive home to her Mother all them and Charlie & Family Jim Ada & family are going to Pt Gawler Beach. Harry Frances & Family & Arthur Follands141 go to Middle Beach. I felt so unwell but had to work I swept & washed dining room & my room & then I made a sponge sandwich plum pie & Blanc Mange Mum made & I stewed plums the men chaffcutting Charl went home to dinner I swept & washed kitchen cleaned cutlery

141 Arthur Harvey Folland is Frances' brother-in-law. I guess Port Gawler Beach (where Charlie and Ada's family are going) is a bit south of Middle Beach (where Frances' and her brother-in-law's family are going).

Jan 27 / I dressed soon after six & did usual work there are a lot of things to take in off the tank & I milked most of cows we had breakfast & I tidied round & had a rest so hot Bert & Wilf went to Charlies to milk & water the horses for them we had a rest Mother has to lie down most of the time we had dinner I went to Buchsfelde & home to Marys to tea & to Eva’s for evening & called at Ratcliff & home at nine & retired

Jan 28 / I dressed before five & lit copper & fire in stove took in tea started at tubs but left off & went to milk & they Sepr & we were at breakfast & Wilf came down so late. I did not get done till 3 o’clock as it was a cool change last evening & showers this morning so I had to shift indoors Celia & Family came this way home from beach & had lunch & stayed till 11/30 I ironed all before tea

Jan 29 / As I intended going to Gawler I dressed & did all usual work then I made two lot of Rockcakes & put on apple’s for pie we left here at 11o’clock & did not get home till five as Dad & Bert both went on business & they did not got to Geo Mortimers141 Sale too late I was with Eva & Beryl in the street & called at Mrs Wilsons142 for a rest & were talking to Celia & Amy Olive cried so to come home

141 George Augustus Mortimer, a neighbour
142 Mrs Wilson, likely Mrs Harry Wilson (nee Harriet Hill), sister of Kit.

Jan 30 / I dressed before sunrise & lit fire & got our cup of tea boys milked I had cold breakfast & Mother stewed plum & custard & mashed potatoes I cooked roast beef last evening & I also milked 7 cows myself last evening Mother has Bronchitus & is so very unwell again cooler

Jan 31 / Usual hour & got our cup of tea swept kitchen & made beds got breakfast Mother ill so I boiled milk for her at 8/30 & she had her breakfast I washed Sepr & then thoroughly scoured my copper & washed Clems clothes from the beach Mum peeled potatoes I got dinner & in afternoon I mended Clems Blueys Ma rested all day just do a bit between her cough is awful & breathing so tight

Feb 1st. Gawler Day Mum got up & churned I did all ordinary work & washed Sepr Ma had to pack eggs for Gawler Dad went & called for Amy it is fearful hot weather again I swept our room & dining room & washed floors after beating the carpets & matting Mum swept her room & passage & front room & I washed floors she dusted & I got dinner & in afternoon I did some sewing I baked cakes I got dinner & in afternoon I did some sewing I baked cakes and a pie yesterday

Feb 2nd / As Dad got the plums yesterday Mum & I had to wipe them & put sugar on them over night & this mornI sent Clem down the stew pan & got it on early also a leg mutton to roast & I made Dora Biscuits & Cake & plum pie Mum emptied away the milk & I had to milk up at Wilfs dinner time to make my cake I felt so ill all day I could hardly stand to work but no one to fall back on now the boys were chaffcutting in morning & then went up to Argents stacking hay I cleaned Kn. Mum spoons etc Gwendoline stayed with us all day

Feb 3rd ) I sealed down Jam last night by 11 o’clock I got up late ¼ past 7 lit fire Mum came out & we had cup tea Bert & Wilf also & Effie came down with Wilf I made bed & Mum made hers also I expected G & A & Olive so I cooked leg mutton over again & trombone potatoes & custard & cold plum pie Mr Cork to dinner!142 They came to tea also Auntie Eva & Hettie & Uncle Charlie Heath hot close day like a change a cooler breeze & light sprinkle in evening

142 Mr Martin Cork, Myrtle's widowed father.

Feb 4 / I did not intend washing as Dad & I were going to Gawler with cream so I did not dress early as I had nothing more than usual to do we had early dinner & got in Gawler at 1 ’ock I had a good bit of shopping to do & we got back to Frances at 4 o’ck & stayed an hour & ½ had a cup of tea & came home milked etc

Feb 5 / The morning was cool & windy but it turned off to heat & the wind dropped & did not finish till 3 o’clock I did extras this week sofa cover etc last week boys colored quilt I ironed Berts fashion shirt & collar & some more things & folded the rest I felt so done up its hard work

Feb 6 / Another hot day & I always have same work to do in morning Mother churned butter early ¼ to 6 I was busy all the morning at cooking cakes, pies, & Hugh Ratcliff brought us some fish which Wilf & Eva brought from L L & I cleaned them & fried them it was dreadful hot but I ironed all the afternoon got a cup of tea & milked etc

Feb 7 / Morning duties over I put up tea for men Ma cut dinners & then I did house work & started to cover a large rag doll for Gwenda & also mended Joe it took me all day till afternoon tea time to do it

Feb 8. Dad off to market & usual work over I went right through the house & swept & washed floors Ma cleaned boy’s room & helped dust & did front room & her room dusting I did mine & both helped dining room I washed pictures Ma cooked hot tea I milked all 7 cows. We had roast leg mutton Cab & Pots.

Potted Beef
1lb rump steak 3 oz butter small teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper 1 Teaspoon nutmeg, 1Teaspoon Anchovy Sauce, Cut steak in small pieces & put into a jar with the butter & the seasoning Stand jar in plenty of boiling water & let boil fast for 3 hrs Put meat through the mincing machine twice add gravy & sauce mix well then pack in jars & cover with oiled butter paper

Saturday Feb 9 18 I was late up it was 6/30 when I cleaned stove lit it & then got breakfast Ma did while I tidied round I baked Rock Buns & Madiera & Currant Cake washed kitchen floor with milk made beds etc I went to Ada’s in the afternoon & got apples & she was washing so I helped her & Ethel & I went down in the garden had a cup of tea home & milked Ma did cutlery & scrubbed table

[end of book]


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