August 1909 to June 1910 - an ordinary year, plus a trip to Moonta, and the Adelaide Exhibition

Fanny R Atyeo

Ward’s Belt August 1909 – June 1910

It’s 1909, Fanny Rosina is 34, living with her parents Henry Atyeo (age 62) & Mary Ann (Ma, age 67), at “Charltonville” Woods Road, Wards Belt, South Australia (Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt). Also at home are Celia (often called Cel, who is often helping out at the houses of other families, typically with sister Frances in Moonta) (29), Charl (27), Bert (24), Amy (21) & Wilf (16). Fanny’s other sisters Ada (33) and Frances (31) have married and left home. Frances and family are living in Moonta where her husband Harry is running a shop. Ada and family live in the Gawler area. Henry (Dad) owns two properties: the family home, purchased by his father, on Woods Road, & another larger block on the corner of Parker & Leak Roads in Wards Belt. In 1910, the boys sometimes stay at this other farmhouse, and I think this is the place Fanny calls “Bragglesome Farm”.:  

Significant events in 1909/10: Visit from Auntie Charlotte and cousin Dick from Port Broughton, Celia goes to work at McLean’s, then helps out in Moonta when Phyllis is born (Frances’ daughter). Kit has a baby (Aubrey). It’s a great harvest this year: Barley, Oats and Wheat. Fanny has a holiday in Moonta with Frances and family; while she is away Dad has his toe severed in an accident with a water tank. Lots of guests from Lower Light (Patersons) and a visit to the Exhibition in Town.

[Book stamped with “J. Fletcher Rogers, Bookseller, Stationer, Newsagent Etc., Murray St, Gawler”]

Sunday Aug 1st We were up early for Sunday as Dad & Wilfie had get up & drench the horse, so I got up & lit fire & swept up & made a pudding the others had their breakfast after doing dairy work. It was a rough morning so windy & bleak & heavy showers we wanted to go to Chapel, but it looked very unpromising & at about 2 o’clock it poured Percy1 was here before dinner Alf2 directly after 7 both stayed till the usual time none of went out all day Charlie & Bert went out to Glens3 to see the young horses in A.M.

1 Percy Thomas Dawe, Celia’s beau, aged 32.
2 Alfred Nottle, Amy’s beau, or Alfred Heath, a cousin who lives nearby. Both are referred to often, but usually Alfred Nottle is referred to as Alf N.
3 Property owned by Mr Glens

Aug 2nd Another wet day so we did not wash rough & windy between showers I had to bake bread & Jam Tarts & it keeps one at the fire & cooking Celia made a quilted rug Uncle Charlie4 came down Chaff cutting our men are grubbing ready for the plough I nearly finished baby sock. Topsy has a foal.

4 Charles Heath, elder brother of Mary Ann Atyeo (nee Heath), Fanny’s mother. Also lives at Wards Belt.

Aug 3rd Up in good time & I lit fire & then I went to the Copper & started washing surrounded by mud but the sun came out lovely & Celia & I finished dinner time & during the afternoon got all dry but Moles & Amy & Celia ironed till 4 o’clock then I took it & she went in to Ada’s to stay Dad went in with a Calf & sent it to market came home & so cold with letters for Charlie & I Jim5 is down to Two Wells.

5 James Parham, husband of Ada.

Aug 4th Another better day & it is drying up a bit I lit fire & stove & put out bread & made a cake helped Celia milk then baked Dora Biscuits bread cake Celia made pies & I baked them I felt rather crook after dinner Celia went up to Eva’s6 Dad had to go to Gawler with the plough (Beaut) in spring dray I helped washup & made fires in both rooms had to lie down I felt to giddy & my head is terrible. I been mending.

6 Emily May Heath, cousin, daughter of Charles Heath, aged 35.

Aug 5) We were expecting Auntie from Pt. Broughton7 so we each did our usual morning work, Dad went to Gawler & waited for Auntie & Dick8 to come by five train I thoroughly cleaned our room & in the afternoon I quilted the old rug I was very bad all day did not know how to keep up The folk got home Teatime it was very cold but fine weather & such is now acceptable.

7 Auntie Charlotte Humphrys (nee Heath), sister of Fanny’s mother.
8 Tilson Richard James Humphrys, cousin, son of Emily Humphrys, aged 16.

Aug 6) I lit fire & Celia lay the table for me breakfast over I blackleaded Stove &c Auntie was up early & helped milk & washup & prepare vegetables I did our room & assisted Celia with front rooms Dinner over w went to Mrs Standleys9 also I called at Mrs Parhams10 she was not home so I had a talk to Lily11 & Mavis12 & then I came back to Mrs Standley had tea & a look through the school & house it has been thoroughly renovated & looks so nice & clean.

9 Mrs George Standley, Ida Woodcock.
10 Mrs Samuel James Parham, Mary Elizabeth Riggs
11 Lillie Melior Parham, daughter of Samuel James Parham & Mary Elizabeth Riggs, aged 14.
12 Mavis

Aug 7th Sat & as I did not feel tiptop I was late up & the bread had run over. I hurried ot get the stove hot & baked rolls for breakfast & Celia lit dining room fire & got breakfast then she & Dad milked & separated &c then Celia done boys room & Ma’s room I our room & kitchen C. Dining I baked two lots bread & made Clem13 a Birthday cake & a sultana cake Dad & C & Dick went to Gawler after dinner & I scrubbed safe & other articles & Auntie cleaned all cutlery I the Tinware & brushed Stove & cleaned fountain & got a cup of Tea then I went for cows they got away & I nearly got bogged going across the field for them they were up at the old Top Dam it was 6/20 when I got home nearly knocked out hurrying.

13 Clement Garfield Parham, nephew, son of Ada, aged 6.

Aug 8th Sunday I hurried & fried Sausages for breakfast as Auntie was going with Uncle Charley to the Light14 Celia did house work & I baked Mutton & Dried apple Pies for dinner then cleared away & helped wash up & Celia got Clem ready for Chapel Dad Celia & Clem & I went to K. F. Chapel15 & from there up to the College16 or near there Mr Glens paddock to see the young colts the water is lying in Sheets everywhere I never remember seeing so much out that way it was a nice afternoon & I felt better for the drive Mr McLean & Walter17 came out for the afternoon. Bert went to Buchsfelde18 at night it rained heavily.

14 Lower Light, a town nearby.
15 Kangaroo Flat Chapel, now disused.
16 Roseworthy College.
17 James Sparshott McLean & his son Walter James McLean, aged 14.
18 Buchsfelde, originally a German Lutheran church, but now used by many denominations.

Aug 9th As it rained so heavily during last night I did not get up early & it was nine oclock before I started to wash tempted by a beautiful morning that was fully realized as the day wore on it being perfect day for washing C & I finished dinner time & in the afternoon I scrubbed such a lot of things & ironed some Eva helped me & she remained all night Uncle C & Aunt Charlotte went home sundown I finished all ironing after Tea Girls at Fancy work Ma not well Amy gave us Music19 I had to mix bread. Arthur Dellow20 & boys card playing G. Argent wife & family21 gone back to Victoria & Ernest & wife & 2 children22 are over. George been to the West. Raining again.

19 Amy plays piano and sings.
20 Arthur Dellow
21 G. Argent wife & family. Probably George Spencer Argent? He is the son of William Argent (the uncle of Will Argent who is mentioned often in the diaries. I think it is just his wife and family who go back, because G Argent is mentioned again in a few weeks.
22 Ernest & wife & 2 children

August 10th) Eva & I got up just after six she went home & I lit stove & attended to bread which was running over Amy got breakfast. Celia & Dad dairy work then I baked two lots bread & Jam tarts & cake & also made our beds &c. Celia cooked Dinner Amy housework Ma did not get up till Just lunch time Me chaff cutting & grubbing bushes & fallowing I been putting pockets in Berts tweed pants Amy had to go for cows & they were put in the barley also the Ponies C & A milked &c I evening work showery today. Dutch has a foal.

August 11) Last night the boys were High Kicking & down came the cage & killed the little canary poor little thing Mrs I J Fatchen has a Son23 a fortnight old yesterday. I lit fire & had to fry for breakfast & afterwards Ma Auntie Dick Clem & Celia went into Mrs D Humphrys28 & Ma & Celia went to Ada’s Amy & I did all housework & cooked Veg & fried bacon for our dinner Dad & boys were fencing & fallowing. After we had cleared away Mr Hallam25 came then Amy & I got in a good supply of wood it came on a thunderstorm not much rain here but heavy in places we each did some mending Ma & the others were not home till 6.30.

23 Rosina Sophia Radwell Fatchen (nee Argent), daughter of John Argent and Fanny Laxton, wife of Isaac John Fatchen, had a son Samuel Maynard Kenneth Fatchen.
24 Annie Alice Humphrys (nee Lodge).
25 Mr Hallam

August 12) Early up & I lit fire in dining room & stove put out bread & baked rolls & one batch then dressed for Gawler Auntie & Dick went by Midday train to Adelaide & Amy went to Dr about her eyes & we had to wait to get Toff shoed & also we called on Mrs McLean26 & had a Cup of Tea we did not get home till Just before a very heavy shower it just poured with rain. We left Gawler about 3 o’clock the roads are simply awful I never saw worse Hugh27 is here for evening Mr & Mrs Ratcliff28 are better from their illness so cold today.

26 Mrs McLean, wife of James Sparshoot McLean. Joyce Ethel Bright.
27 Hugh Ratcliffe
28 Mr & Mrs Ratcliff; William Ratcliffe and Jane Donald.

August 13) Usual duties Celia blackleaded stove for me as my arms were so bad Dad & Wesley29 went fencing the boys are fallowing & fencing & odd work after dinner Ma Celia Amy & Wesley went up to W.B. Church to get Celia’s Chair & table which she bought I cut out & made a pr of pants for Wesley finished them before I went to bed weather fine.

29 Henry Wesley James Parham, nephew, son of Ada, aged 7

August 14) Saturday but I did not have to mix bread last night so as soon as I had finished morning work I lit stove & baked scones & Dora Biscuits & two Cakes & cleaned lamps Amy had to help Chaff cut Uncle Charley was here with hay to be cut too. Celia washed out a few towels & apron &c also each did housework P.T.D. got here at dinner time & stayed the afternoon he weeded & hoed Garden I finished Sat work Ma scrubbed safe, I the Cutlery & we had afternoon tea Dad & I milked & I got in wood they got home from Gawler before tea letters from Eliza30 & Franc31 and Eva.

30 Eliza Quirk (nee Tancock), Cousin in Port Pirie.
31 Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), the eldest of Fanny’s sisters. Married to Harry Folland and living in Moonta (Hamley Hill) with her family.

August 15) Sunday up at 7/25 lit fire & Celia fried breakfast & I & Amy milked afterwards I did out room & housework Celia baked meat Ma prepared Vegetables & cook them Dad & Uncle Charlie went to see the Colts at Glens Amy & I Toff in dogcart drove to K.F. Mr Neild32 preached came home had tea & Amy & Dick & boys drove to B.F. Church33. I had to mix bread & had a bother with Kerosene got spilt. Dad & Ma retired early fine day.

32 Rev John Henry Nield, Wesleyan Minister 
33 Buchsfeld.

August 16) Monday & a lovely day but I was not well & could not wash had to get fire & put out bread, up at six Wilf at a littler after five gave him his breakfast & we had ours Wilf started off with (Cannon) Celia was busy getting all together & she & Dad & Dick went off to Gawler at 11 o’clock she is at McLeans again Dad and Auntie & Dick got home at five & Dick helped my milk I wrote a letter to J.C.H.34 for Auntie she came from Pollies35 by midday Dick gone to Parhams to post letter.

34 Joseph Charles Humphrys, Charlotte’s son. Can Aunt Charlotte not write?
35 Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), Charlotte's daughter.

Aug 17th I was up in good time & after lighting fire in dining room I went round & lit Copper & started washing I could see that I would have to race the rain so Amy joined me after breakfast Dairying &c was over & both hurried & got all white clothes dry by dinner time & down came the rain very heavily we kept on & made a finish at 2 o’clock I scrubbed up in Sep house for it was pouring rain. Wilf came home wet & ready for dinner at 3 o’clock it kept on till after 4 ock & then broke Charlie got a bad arm gone to Dr

Aug 18th A windy morning so got all clothes dry by 11 oclock & then it came down again rained all the afternoon Eva came down at evening to camp in the pouring rain Amy been ironing & I find plenty of work in various ways now got in a good stock of wood & have to keep the fires going which is no easy task Aunt was teaching Bert to play Crib. I was at needlework poor Charl has a terrible arm swollen dreadfully Bert & Dad are clearing Sandhill.

Aug 19) I get up earlier now & after lighting fire & getting breakfast over Auntie & Eva went home to Uncle Charlie’s Wilf drove them in dray raining just about all day too wet for Charl & Amy to go to Dr I made a plum pudding & also baked scones & cakes on slide after dinner I seated a pair of pants for Bert & hemmed them up after Tea I mixed bread Amys eyes are bad & Charlie’s Arm is so painful we have to put Carbolic lotion on every few hour Dad & both boys got wet through.

Aug 20) A brighter morning & Wilf went off riding to Gawler River. Charlie & Amy went to Gawelr I was so busy baking bread & pies &c Also cleaned Boys room & after dinner I did our room & both front rooms Amy & Charlie came home both had had a painful experience Charl had his arm lanced & poor old Amy had to go in to the Hospital & have her eyes operated on & the groths removed they are so dreadfully painful she does not know what to do it makes it very hard on me & Ma as we have our Saturday work all before us & both have to go in to their Dr again tomorrow.

Aug 21st up in fair time & got breakfast & attended to patients & helped milk then I blackleaded stove & fireplace filled & cleaned lamps & baked scones & Cake scrubbed all articles & general work & Cutlery Ma got dinner & did her work Amy did housework & Amy Charl & Dick went to Gawler in Buggy Dad in Dray Wilf with (Cannon) so we were very busy I went for cows & Dad & I milked.

Aug 22) A rather rough day but fine I lit fire & milked (Dad & I) then fried eggs & bacon afterwards lit stove & made a round out of ribs of Beef & roasted it for Dinner & then I made melon pie Amy’s Eye a little better also Charl’s arm, In the afternoon I cleared dinner & washed up & wrote Franc got Tea milked & Sepr & got in word & mixed bread at night Dad Ma & Auntie went to Ratcliff & Preiss’s37 Dick Bert & Wilf to College & to Buchfelde at night to Chapel I wrote to Louie & Frances Uncle & Eva spent evening here & sent Clif36 a P.C.

36 George Henry Clifton Folland, Nephew, son of Frances and Harry.
37 Preiss’s. Father is Henry August Frederick and mother is Ellen Preiss (nee Baker), though they are not mentioned by name.

Aug 23rd) Soon after six & lit fire & took in Tea & lit stove & put out bread & had breakfast & then baked it I did up Aunties parcels & Labeled hem & generally assisted made melon pie & roasted beef had a talk to Auntie after dinner I drove Auntie & Dick to Gawler or rather Dick drove for me Poor old Eva got a poisoned hand been to Dr & rode home with me calling at Ada’s she finished washing good wind for drying today but very cold driving saw Celia she has tooth ache the roads are simply dreadful to drive through H.R. is here tonight.

Aug 24th Washing day so I hurried & lit fire also Copper & took in Tea Amy got breafkfast & I kept at tubs she was a good while before she joined me & as it was a beautiful day I washed the best white Quilt & we had five Moles & such a large wash we finished at 2 oclcodk & Amy did indoor work & I scrubbed up it kept lovely & bright all day & one could work well I have to help with work outside milke &c & Charlie’s arm to dress Amys Eye is getting better Amy & Ma folded all clothes Amy was playing piano at night Mrs Noble (nee Beattie Proctor has a baby born38 last Friday week Aug 13th.

38 Beatrice Proctor, the daughter of Joseph Proctor and Mary Wake, married William Edward Norval in 1909, had a baby girl, Clarice Jane Norval.

Aug 25) Same work as usual I swept up & tidied then made a fire & went on ironing as we had a lot to do & Uncle Charlie came Chaff cutting after Dinner & our people also cut some Amy bag sewed I was very busy altering Ma’s black bodice & other work Amy also baked biscuits & pie we are very busy now as Celia is away Amy went home with Eva as she has a poisoned hand so she can’t milk or do her work she is on the lodge39.

39 “on the lodge”, meaning she’s insured by the Foresters’ Lodge, a friendly society that her father is part of?

Aug 26th I was on my own so got breakfast (hot fry) Ethel40 & Wesley are home & of course they have to be dressed & looked after then I did housework & Baked Scones & pies & pasties & after dinner I finished putting cuffs on Ma’s bodice t& then had to do evening work Amy came home but went back & remained for the night. I had to get tea & then Bert Wilf & I went to Band of Hope41 the Half Yearly so Classical I did not enjoy it Eva went in to Dr again today her hand is no better Charlie’ is very painful we got home late had supper & retired looks like rain tonight.

40 Ethel Gwendolynne Parham, niece, daughter of Ada, aged 5.
41 A temperance society.

Aug 27) I called Wilfie at about 5/40 & soon after dressed myself & hurried to fry eggs & bacon & also dressed Ethel then I helped milk &c & blackleaded Stove & thoroughly done our room & made up fires swept dining room I miss Amy as Friday is cleaning up day but as it started raining this morning & has not ceased all day not really Amy did not come home till tonight I put a seat in Wilfs pants poor little Ethel broke her doll they had a Tea party she cried very much also wants to go home Alf N is here raining again.

Aug 28th) Saturday & I hurried & dressed at 6/30 but not soon enough to stop the bread from running over, however I lit stove & baked rolls for breakfast & then two batches, Amy made fire & got breakfast & dressed children, I am just kept going making up fires the wood does not keep the heat well I cleaned lamps after I had finished the baking pie & Cake we had dinner & Dad & Charlie Wesley & Ethel went off to their place & left the children & proceeded to City Ma dusted dining room I scrubbed safe form &c & cleaned tins Cutlery Amy boots & other work had a cup of Tea & A & I milked & Spr Charl & Dad got home teatime with letters Frances children have croup poor little dears. Mrs Filsel42 was buried today, fine day.

42 Sarah Catherine Filsell, wife of Oliver Filsell (surviving). He is listed as Oliver Filsell in the BMD transcription, but as Owen in the newspaper death notices. She was to be buried at St George’s Cemetery Gawler, but is not listed on a headstone.

Aug 29th) Sunday so I did not rise till 7/30 h & got fire & cup of Tea & fried breakfast Amy swept room made bed &c breakfast over I got all my work done & cooked Veg for dinner & got it at twelve Ma got all clothes out for Chapel & got partly read just started dinner & a heavy thunderstorm came on & lasted till about 4 oclock it rained very fast & made it very wet again so all had to stay home I got early tea & done my hair ready for Chapel but it looked like rain so Alf & Bert went & I Charl & Amy went for a long walk round the crop very wet walking & we had to change our clothes they are all reading now it has cleared off.

Aug 30) We did not wash today so I cut out & partly made Ada a skirt I was busy at it all day & thought I had done well but it is not a good fit I trid Amy did all housework that remained it was a good day for those who washed & looks like rain. Smiler has a fine filly foal last night Mrs Jim Churches43 is at Mrs Buggs44 she has a son about a fortnight old. The lads said there was a small congregation at Church last night we were disappointed at not being able to go Smiler has a foal.

43 Emily Frances Churches (nee Holloway) and her son, John Archibald Churches.
44 Mrs Alice Bugg (nee McHugh) runs a nursing home in Gawler where everyone goes to have their babies.

Aug 31st) I got up early & was rather disheartened at seeing such a cloudy & rainy morning however being busy I stared washing after having lit fire Amy had to do dairy work so did not join me till late we kept at it & got most done by dinner time. Then Bert cut his thumb & I ran in to attend to it dinner over Charl & I went to Gawler I had a lot of shopping to do & called at McLeans to see Celia had a Cup of Tea & I drove Charl to Roediger’s Corner then I went to Ada’s & he went to the Tea meeting at Buchsfielde. I was benighted & Clem came home with me Bert & Wilf went to the public meeting45 just as I got home so cold but Amy finished washing & scrubbed up & got all dry &c.

45 Public meeting - wonder what that was about? 

Sept 1st A finer morning so after usual morning duties were done I set to to alter Ada’s skirt & never had such a bother & not it sets ugly I am fairly discouraged with it too I kept at it all day & in the afternoon Dad & boys killed a big pig had a terrible bother scalding it & Amy had to keep running with the Tea Kettle to them at six oclock I commenced ironing & Amy help me after Tea & we finished at 8/30 then I done up little Alberts46 hood Amy was so tired & we were late to bed raining again never saw the like.

46 Albert Bruce Parham, nephew.

Sep 2nd Up in very good time & fried Liver & onions breakfast over I made beds & swept & dusted dining room &t then started sewing & washed silk & pressed it for doing up my hat also other sewing I kept busy got a cup of Tea & Ma salted her meat Dad cut it up & assisted Ma with putting it away Amy also helped & melted down the Lard & after Dinner she went in to Ada’s & I trimmed my hat up it looks so nice now. Wild went off again he stays at G Argents tonight it has rained heavily this afternoon & Charl had to stop with & come home I just mixed bread Bert is over to Hugh’s Camp Will is busy building putting up door frames today Eva’s hand is better she went to Gawler today.

Sep 3rd I had to bake bread so lit fire & Amy got breakfast & I blackleaded Stove &c & got bread out to rise & did a portion of housework then I trimmed Ada’s Hat & in the afternoon done Amys, Amy was busy cleaning front room & I did ours Carmen has a calf this morning so more cows now Charl is out in Twelftrees47 & Bert busy home Wilf came home from Smithfield today a finer day too.

47 Henry Joseph Twelftree, a neighbour.

Sep 4th Queen has a calf this morning. Up soon after six & got fire made & then I put out bread & lit stove Amy got breakfast & helped dairywork as is her custom I baked slide & pattypan cakes & bread & coffee cake made our bed &c dinner over Wilf Charl & I went ot Gawler I had a lot of shopping to do Wilf got a Straw hat & also I got 2 more & a Crème Shirt for Wilfie. Charl went to Adelaide I & Wilf got home a little after seven very frosty tonight Amy did all work.

Sept 5) Sunday. Dad was up first lit fire & took in tea then called us I had to do usual work & make a pudding Amy & Dad milked & Separated fed animals Ma set table our meal over Bert drove in for Ada & Children Ma prepared Vegetables for dinner Amy & I did housework & I got dinner ready & in the afternoon Bert drove Ada Amy Clem Albert & I to the Anniversary at K.F. Mr Pope48 preached good congregation We came home to Tea & Amy & Milked our & cows & hurried & dressed & Bert & we two went to evening service very cold frosty fine day.

48  Mr Pope

Sept 6th) I got up at six but could not wash as Charl was coming from Adelaide & Alfs clothes were not here so Amy & Dad did their dairy work & then we had breakfast & Amy drove in to the Crossing for Charl I did housework & got dinner Ma had to salk & look after her meat Dinner over I made myself a new while Apron. Charl is at work in Twelftrees Bert fallowing home Dad went up to Mr Davis’ to help him with some hay he bought from him. It has been a lovely day. Mr R. May50 has a baby.

49 Alexander Joel Davis
50 Rupert May and Effie Badcock’s baby Muriel Ellen? But it hasn't been born yet. Could also be referring to Rupert Charles May of Port Adelaide, whose wife Loretta Mary Duthie had a baby on August 29. Seems more likely. Must have read it in the paper?

Sep 7 I awoke at a few minutes after 6 ock & hurried & dressed & lit fire & also Copper for washing Amy got breakfast & I started at the The Tubs & got two boils ready my joined me & both worked hard I took down four pairs Curtains & washed & starched them we were very late before we finished 3 o’clock then scrubbed up & had a cup of Tea folded all clothes & milked & Spr got Tea we have Lettice salads now for Tea we had a lovey day got all but pants dry Dad went to Gawler with Calves for market is not home yet & it is 9 oclock Beaut had a filly foal yesterday morning H.R. is here now I am very tired & sleepy so will retire I think. Bert & Charl same work Wilf & Dad putting up shed.

Sep 8) Same time & hurried & did all usual work & house work & started ironing curtains I had several to iron & it took me till Dinner time Amy was also ironing other clothes I made a pair curtains for Kitchen & put them up also all the others Starched Shirts & Amy ironed them splendidly we find plenty to now with & cows to milk &c it came on to rain & the lads had to come in from the field.

Sep 9. After all morning work was done I baked scones Queen cakes & bread dinner over I was hanging curtains & P.F. came so I had afternoon off. Amy was weeding her Garden & it looks very nice I think We went for a long walk & came home I got Tea & the others milked & Separated it has been a lovely day Dad & boys are putting up a foals shed Uncle Charlie came.

Sept 10) Later & got fire & fried E & B. for breakfast Amy & Dad milked & separated after I did customary duties & extras the men went out in Twelftrees for a load of Boughs to bush in the stable & foals house Ma made a birthday cake for Celia’s birthday they turned out lovely too we have had a sun shiney day & wind drys all water up & it is better too Amy did all her front rooms & I did our room & scrubbed safe & did all Lamps &c got in wood but am disheartened because Yeast did not rise & I can’t bake bread tomorrow as I intended to so we are going to buy bread in Gawler for Sunday. I blackleaded stove etc.

Sep 11) Sat I got breakfast & then lit stove & did our room then I started baking scones Madeira & Amy sponge sandwich I also did odd work various things that do not count Amy & Dad went to Gawler after & I felt so ill I had to rest for an hour Ma cleaned all cutlery & washed up I dusted the dining room & cleaned fireplace then I iced Celia’s cake all my cooking turned out lovely also the birthday Cake was perfection Ma & I milked & separated had tea & Amy & I finished writing on Celia’s cake & had a really good talk to her so late before we got to sleep a lovely day.

Sunday Sep 12) I was up early & dressed at 6/30 after wards I lit fire & swept dining room & made the pudding, we had hot breakfast Amy cooked it & Ma helped Sepr We each did the necessary work & tidied ourselves for dinner Percy & P.F.50 came to dinner & in the afternoon we looked at Photos & went for a stroll came home & P.F. & I went to S.H. Chapel the boys & Amy to Buchsfeld rest got home before it rained so we spent an enjoyable time.

50 P.F. Male, but I don't know who is this. Is he a suitor? There is no Folland brother starting with a P...

Sep 13th Did not wash as Percy drove Celia home & P.F. stayed til after Lunch we did housework & put away clothes &c. I soaked in for washing in the evening Eva came to stay the night & finished Ma’s spectacle case & cleaned all best boots Mrs Rupert May51 has a daughter Sep 8, Muriel Ellen.

51 Effie Badcock’s baby Muriel Ellen May

Sep 14) I got up in real good time & after getting the fire I went straight to the tubs Eva stayed last night with us Amy joined me as soon as the dairy work &c was over we did have a very heavy wash so finished at dinner time also white Quilt from our room then scrubbed up & cleaned ourselves had afternoon tea & folded clothes expected P.F. but he never came so I was disappointed & after mending socks & mixed bread all the rest had returned & I attended to my ears & retired at ten o’clock.

Sep 15) My bread was not rose so I fried hot breakfast Eva was here & made a most terrible disturbance with us quite upset us all none could eat their breakfast Dad & Amy milked & separated & I baked bread & got lunch Amy ironed I cut out Ada’s bodice ready for tomorrow as I intend to go in there tomorrow Eva came down again. I did a little sewing then retired as I had a headache I am only taking notes now as I am short of time.

Sep 16) I got up early & got fire & swept & dusted dining room a& had breakfast & Amy & Eva drove up to Eva’s & from there to Ada’s where I stopped & set to work to do Ada’s Jacket got very well but slowly Ada bakes scones & Biscuits she & I were alone at night as Jim is with Mr Matts52 building at Boweys.

52 Property owned by Mr Bowey? Mr Matts

Sep 17) Late nearly seven I dressed the children Ada milked & got breakfast I fried eggs &c then perverted with my sewing & Ada with work Jim came home at night & then went in to Willaston to get bread & we had oranges for Supper Poor old Mrs Wake53 died on Tuesday Sept 14th at Bowden in her 85 year of her age Mrs Nottle Will & Tom53 went down to her funeral on Wednesday Sep 15th.

53 Ann Wake nee Blant, widow of James Wake, “a colonist of 61 years”. Death notice in the paper lists her death as September 13 in Brompton. Mother of Mrs Richard Nottle (Martha Wake) and grandmother of Thomas Leonard Nottle (age 23) and William Nottle (age 33).

Sep 18 Same time & same work Jim helped with mending of Windmill then went to Gawler with his pig to sale yard I finished all Machine work of Blouse & lined her hat with Chiffon Amy & dad took Charl into Gawler & he went on to City to the show they came for me at five we came home Ma was milking & I had more sewing to do after Celia’s blouse for her Alf Nottle is here Dad bought a case of oranges today they are having supper so I’ll stop.

Sep 19) Sunday usual time & duties the breakfast & I made & baked D.A. pies & then dinner over & I had a bath & went to see Mrs Standley Marion54 is down from Pirie Carmen55 was in bed Miss Hoar & Middleton were also there I stayed to Tea with them & then went to Chapel on my own Wilf met me there & Mr Reed56 preached it was Angle Vale anniversary & a most terrible windy day & oh so cold Kit57 & Eva spent the afternoon with Ma & Amy Alf N was here I wrote to Frances & got Supper & late retiring Bert is not well Charl is in Town today.

54 Marion Bethia Pointon (nee Standley), Mrs Stanley's elder daughter, aged 20, in Port Pirie.
55 Carmen Myrtle Standley, aged 14
56 Mr Reed
57 Christiana Heath (nee Hill), wife of Eva’s brother Alfred Heath.

Sep 20) A very unfavorable morning greeted me on rising but as time was precious I lit the fire & also the Copper & started washing the wind was terrific & tore the sheet however by running to & fro I got all dry (Whites) but colored clothes had to stay out all night We finished at about 2 o’clock & I & Amy scrubbed up & she folded clothes & ironed all she could I am busy as I have sewing to do.

Sep 21) A nicer day & all clothes go dry & Amy ironed them & baked bread scones &c & I set to work to finish up sewing in the afternoon Amy & Eva went gathering Wild flowers for the show but it was a wet drizzling afternoon & the flowers were not their best I was getting my wood in when Cousin Bert58 came up & stayed the night ready for another start tomorrow Aunt & Lillias59 went to Uncle Charlie’s Amy late home.

58 Albert Paterson, son of Aunt Harriet, lives in Lower Light
59 Auntie Harriet Paterson (nee Heath) and her daughter Lillias May Porter (nee Paterson), sister of Albert. Cousin.

Sep 22) I awoke before 4 o’clock & hurried in to call Wilf he got up & also Charl followed & I got a good hot breakfast & Dad & Amy went in dray I went for cows & found them all in a fluster as Bert P horse got away & he caught down in the reserve however they all got away before seven & Ma & I milked & done all the housework then we got ready & went in to the show I went upon the stand to see the Jumping Bert & Will got 1st prize for section fours. Eva B60 was up & H.S. Aunt & Uncle Atyeo61 were also there & a crowd of people were there. We did not get any prize for anything Amy & Eva for flowers but Eva got done out of her second prize for cat Dad Ma Clem & I came home in trap I led Beaut off at the back of trap till we got out at the line then she came herself Wilf with Enfield Charlie & Eva Amy & Alf Celia & Percy went to Bruces pictures62 & enjoyed themselves very much. Dad & Ma milked & Separated I got the fire & got Tea also put Clem to bed I had a bad head Wilf & I had a good old yarn. The day has been perfect lovely sunshine & beautiful breeze a record crowd estimated 8000 people £2 taken at the gate.

60 Eva Matilda Badcock, H.S. (who is that?)
61 William Atyeo and Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock); Dad’s elder brother.
62 Bruces pictures, a travelling picture show that was going through the mid-North during this era. 

23 Sep) We did not get up early as all were tired & I have a severe cold also Charlie & Bert is worse We had our usual housework to do & I washed out two fashion Shirts & starched them Amy did them up so nicely better than I could Eva cut out & made my Blouse for Gawler River Anniversary looks so nice finished all machine work I retired at 9 o’clock as I felt done up & mended my coat & dress & several stitches in others a very unpleasant day gusty wind & dust.

Sep 24) Early up & lit fire & stove & baked rolls for breakfast & bread afterwards Biscuits & Cake Amy did front rooms & Boys I cleaned our room other housework I emptied Kerosene Tins & filled & trimmed lamps Eva & Charlie went to look for cows in dogcart did not get home till 3 o’clock Amy cleaned all best boots We each did our share of evening work.

Sep 25) Up before six & lit fire & stove I had to blacklead & made beds & tidied out room Amy the dining room, We that is Dad Bert Eva & I drove to Gawler I had my Photo taken did the shopping & had a yarn to Celia had a P.C. from Lorna63 for Ethel we had to call at Ada’s for croup medicine Clem has Croup poor boy we got home at seven Charl & Eva are at Heaths It has been a lovely day so nice after the cold winter time.

63 Lorna Frances Folland, infant niece.

Sep 26) Sunday late up all got the old Influenza Bert is a little better. Poor old Wilf Amy & myself & Charl are all coughing & sneezing one against the other after breakfast Eva Charl Bert & Wil went for a dive out to Glen’s I had to roast leg mutton & tarts & do house work Amy was not well enough to go with the others so she & I stopped home all day Wilf wen to Buchsfelde also Eva & Charlie went out in the afternoon driving & at night to Buchsfelde I felt so lonely all day read a book but did not feel interested at all & my head ached I wrote to Eliza in the afternoon Ma & Dad Amy & Clem went for a walk.

Sep 27) Amy was worse so I could not wash but I washed Berts clothes for him to go for a trip to Moonta tomorrow also Eva goes back to Town She has been making ma a new Skirt today I ironed the clothes & assisted in packing his clothes Amy is writing to Franc Eva & boys at Piano a beautiful day today I soaked in clothes ready for washing tomorrow.

Sep 28) I intended to wash if possible so I hurried & got fires & put out bread to rise Amy filled & I lit Copper & started washing I had previously soaked in as soon as morning duties were over Amy helped me but she was very unwell. We finished by one & had dinner & cleaned up I felt so shaky myself & my cold was so bad. Dad drove Bert & Eva to Gawler to catch the train for City & Moonta he brought me a letter from J.F.64 it was a good drying wind so got all in.

64  J.F. Don't know who this is either. 

Sep 29th Ma was so ill not able to get out of bed so I had to do all morning duties indoors Amy looked after the ducks & chicks & helped milk & Sepr Charl went out to Twelftrees I felt worse but kept going & ironed all clothes & Kit came down in the afternoon had a cup of tea with us Amy & I had to do dairy work & get Tea a nice day.

September 30 I was a bit better so after getting the breakfast over & other work I lit stove & baked scones currant Buns tarts Amy got Veg for dinner & Bacon I mended my navy coat & thoroughly cleaned our room & shifted round Amy milked & Sep &c Ma got up dinner time & she was mending Clem & Dad went out to Glens to see the colts it was a cold change with showers Amy & I milked & separated &c.

Oct 1st) Friday poor Amy had no sleep on account of her tooth aching so after breakfast she decided to go to Gawler & have it drawn it was a bitter cold day & raining Mr McLean drew it for her I was very busy after she went & besides ordinary work I swept & dusted both front room & fried Pancakes for dinner Amy did not get home till five & it just poured with rain after she arrived Dad & milked & at night I mixed bread Amy was done up.

Oct 2) Sat I hurried & lit fire & took in Tea & swept dining room & lit stove & baked bread 7 madeira cake & Raisin After dinner Dad went to Gawler cleaned Lamps & did all scrubbing & cleaned all Cutlery & Amy done dining room & fireplace & Boots & we had a cup of Tea & she & I milked & Sep. Dad got home at Teatime. We girls did our hair up ready for tomorrows Anniversary Mrs N. Parham has a son65 born Sep 1; Ada saw her at the Show got a letter from Frances saying Bert arrived safe & he & Harry went to Moonta Show and to Bruces Pictures at night. Frances been Whitwashing her cellar & kitchen she told us cold tonight.

65 Charles James Parham, Son of Nicholas Parham (brother of James) and Rosetta Parham (nee Plester).

Oct 3rd) Sunday & as it was a nasty windy morning & I felt very unwell so rose late & fried Sausages for breakfast my head was terrible I helped with necessary work Ma cooked Veg for dinner I made up a good fire it was cold showery & a most terrificly windy day after dinner was cleared I tidied myself & Wilf & I went for a walk through the crop I was completely done up & had to lie down when I got home then I got up made fire set Tea Uncle Charley came down for Tea & spent evening also Alf N I retired at 7 o’clock but read till nine my head was dreadful Wilf went to Gawler River Anniversary at night Charl to Ada’s.

Oct 4) A beautiful morning so I dressed before six & lit fire & took in Tea then lit copper & helped Milk & separate had breakfast I started washing Amy joined me at Tubs we were nearly done at 12 ock & Ada & Children walked home Baby in the Pram so we had a little more washing for Alf then he sent it by Ada. We finished & scoured Copper & scrubbed up & folded clothes Amy came in & did housework as Ma was very unwell & had to lie down. I felt done up & After Tea Ada & Children remained for night I mixed bread & retired so tired & my limbs ache.

Oct 5) I lit fire & also Stove put out bread & baked hot Rolls & helped milk had breakfast & Dad drove Ada home & I swept the dining room & Kitchen washed dairy utensils & various duties then I starched white shirt & colar had dinner & then I ironed starch clothes Amy ironed all plain clothes in the morning after doing her housework bedrooms &c we had a afternoon Tea & Charl came home from Twelftrees & the men went Chaffcutting then Wilf dress up & went to the Tea meeting at S.H. it has been a most unpleasant day Gales blowing & dust & change threatens.

Oct 6th) Wensday. We have started to get up at 5/30 & after morning duties I dressed for Gawler taking Clem got the dogcart mended & did shopping took dinner with Celia & called at Ada’s coming home, Also got home at 3/30 & cut out Amys Bonnet had a cup of Tea wrote to Moonta after tea it was a lovely day the men are busy at the Angaston Railway been very busy for a month it looks so different now as part of King St is broken up. Cecil Footer is very ill indeed seriously64.

64 Cecil James Footer, husband of Laura May Pope

Oct 7) Amys 22nd Birthday & a beautiful day for Two Wells Show I lit fire & swept dining room got Breakfast over while Amy & Dad milked & Sep Amy got the cows also. After our meal was over I swept our room & Kitchen & lit stove baked scones & Bread & Butter pudding for dinner Ma cooked Vegetables Amy & Dad had lunch & went to the Show at 11/30 Kit came down to dinner & remained till they got home from TW I have been very unwell today my head aches something awful I washed my head to ease it & made Amys bonnet.

Oct 8th) I had to bake bread so hurried & did all morning duties & also baked currant Custards for dinner ma cooked the large ham I thoroughly cleaned our room & after dinner I scrubbed safe & polished the front room fire place then washed all glad & ornaments Amy swept all rooms & washed floors & cleaned front rooms & washed pictures & windows did a lot of our work today nice day

Oct 9. Saturday & I intended going to Gawler so polished my stove & utensils & lit fire & baked patty cakes & currant cake cleaned all lamps after dinner Charlie & I drove to Gawler & he went to Adelaide I did shopping & had my Photograph taken. Met Percy & he & I got all things ready for home & Celia came down & did some shopping then Percy drove us home & remained the night

Oct 10) We found on waking we had had a nice showers during the early hours of morning so lovely & fresh & everything looks its best & all out in ear. As Celia was home none of us went to Chapel all day. We each did a portion of housework & had a yarn to Celia Alf Heath was here to dinner & after tea Amy & I milked & Percy helped separate. Violet65 was very bad so Wilf went for Mr McLean he got here at 10 o’clock & the foal died & Violet is very bad indeed C & A did not come to bed till twelve o’clock the men remained up for hours.

65 Violet, a horse. Not cousin Violet!

Oct 11) Such a lovely morning so I got the fire Mr Mc Celia & Percy were here to brfast & drove home in his trap afterwards I lit Copper & went on washing Amy & Ma dairy work Dad to Gawler for Medicine also to go on the Lodge himself Eczema66 We finished & scrubbed all at about 3/30 had a cup of Tea & folded are tired a big wash white dresses got to go & mix bread now.

66 Dad suffers from debilitating eczema until his death in 1927.

Oct 12) Charl & I rise early now as it is summer again once more I had to bake bread & both had our usual work to do then Amy did the plain ironing Dad has eczema very bad Charl went to Gawler I fried bacon & Ham cooked vegetables for dinner & Rice pudding afterwards I ironed my best White Dress & petticoat Amy ironed Celia’s & we finish at 4 o’clock had cup of Tea & mended &c fairly hot weather but cool nights & mornings boys fallowing.

Oct 13) I was up very good time five oclock & hurried & swept rooms & also got breakfast & finished all housework & did some mending & then Dad & I went to Gawler & I stayed at Ada’s & made her a new skirt & other sewing I felt very downhearted Ada & I had a cup of Tea I cut out her skirt she was ironing Jim came home from Gawler & at night we retired early as he had to prepare for an early start tomorrow morning.

Oct 14) I did not get up till 6/15 & dressed Ethel & we had breakfast I went on sewing Ada fried bacon & cooked vegetables for dinner I finished her Skirt & faced up her other lining today Albert is not well his teeth teasing him I think very hot sun today Jim went off this morning early.

Oct 15) Same time & dressed Albert & went down to bottom of paddock to get Flora & milked her had our meal & thoroughly cleaned bedroom & dining room washed floor & all Glassware Ada baked cakes & custard & currant Tarts & same for dinner as yesterday after dinner I cleaned our boots & wen with Ethel & Wesley to Mrs Humphrys & back as they were washing walls so I put new yoke & sleeves in Alberts crème dress had Tea & Jim Ada & children drove me home lovely going home the cool breeze. When we got here we found Bert home from Moonta came yesterday afternoon.

Oct 16) Up early & had to bake bread Amy baked Sponge & we each did our usual morning duties & I did all the scrubbing Dad Bert & I went to Gawler Bert rode Bike I had to drive in then I got my Photographs I don’t like them I had a good talk to Celia & had Tea there Also as I had to wait for Hector to be shod it was a wet drizzling rain rained all the way in & most of the time in Gawler Jim Wainwright is seriously ill Pleurisy inflammation lungs & Rhumatic Fever & the Mare Violet died during Saturday night it is a big loss as she was a valuable beast

67 James Wainwright, local boy, aged 22. James was born on Goose Island, off the York Peninsula!

Sunday Oc 17) We did not get up till late & each did morning duties the men had to go & bury (Violet) Mr Richter68 came down brought Amy a piece of Colias & Bygonia69 I did not feel too grand & in the afternoon Amy & Clem & I went to K.F. Church Mr Reed preached & coming home we got some big shiver grass Uncle Ch Heath was here both to dinner & Tea boys went to Buchsfelde & Jim Ada & Children were there been a nice day lovely cool change & fresh after rain.

68 Mr Richter
69 Coleus and Begonia plants

Oct 18th Monday I got up & got breakfast Amy got washing all ready & copper lit & both started in 8 & did not finish till 3 ock Amy scrubbed I went with Ma & Dad pea picking came home & folded all the clothes both of us were tired & I downhearted too quite cold tonight Ma & Amy dairywork I got the Tea mixed bread & retired to rest at 9/30.

Oct 19) Got breakfast over & swept dining room & baked bread done our room & other work then Amy & I ironed had such a lot Amy is off for a holiday & had her starchery to do up Charl & Dad went to Gawler did not get home till afternoon We finished ironing & mended Stockings Charl & Wilf went out for Snapper & Clyde yesterday brought them home & reined them up & have been riding them Bert came off once. Wilf is his element now I have a sore throat & am miserable as well.

Oct 20) Up at a little after five I dressed & lit stove & cooked breakfast Amy & a dairy work Dad has eczema something awful I baked scones Biscuits & leg of Mutton Ma cooked Green peas & Potatoes & I made plum pudding this afternoon after help washup I sorted Grass for Vases & cut out a Bonnet for Ada Ma & Amy Dad & Clem are picking peas must go & get Tea & the others are to milk &c Clem was highly pleased with Mr Dahlitz70 foal he came here today.

70 Mr Dahlitz

Oct 21st About the same time & ordinary duties I feel very unwell such a pain in my left side all work seems burdensome to me I had to bake bread & in the afternoon I made Ada’s bonnet. Dads eczema is very bad indeed not better.

Oct 22 Friday I lit fire in dining room & After breakfast Blackleaded stove &c cleaned our room & helped with front rooms Amy polished her Piano candlesticks also scrubbed safe & other things beside all household duties mixed bread at night. Am tired.

Oct 23) Had to bake bread & Amy was going to City by first train so I got up at a little before five & called Amy & Wilf got them breakfast & took in Tea to Parents Dad dressed for Gawler & he & Wilf drove in & sent Amy off then went to the Dr but had to wait till till twelve & were not home till late in the afternoon I baked bread Cake & leg Mutton cleaned cutlery Ma dusting after Tea & I Clem had a bath also the lads & then I did writing I feel so downhearted everything has to be done with an effort.

Oct 24th Have not reported for days as Charl & I went to the Light. We had delightful showers during Saturday night Sunday morning I lit stove & got breakfast swept dining room made my bed then got ready left here at 11 ock & reached there at one had dinner. Lily Verner56 was also there Maria57 & Jessie58 finished their work then them tidied themselves & went in the drawing room Minnie Quigley59 came over they were playing piano at night Maria Jessie Bert Will Charle & I went to Chapel Lily V also Ch Maria & I walked partly home had Supper & retired talked till near morning hour.

56Lily Verner. Probably Lilly Pearl May Verner, daughter of John Verner and Sapphira Bussenschutte.
57Maria Paterson, cousin who lives at Lower Light (eldest sister in the family)
58 Jessie Paterson, cousin who lives at Lower Light
59 Minnie Quigley

Oct 25) Did not rise till after six had Breakfast Uncle Charlie started for Ninnis Silver in Sulkey Charl Helped Milk & I made beds helped wash up &c Maria got lunch & Dinner Auntie60 & Jessie went on washing such a lovely day Charl helped Bert fix up Binder we left at 3 o’clock or ½ past nice driving home got home 5/30 Ma milked I got fire & planted flowers & watered the others as they feel the warm weather. Both Clyde & Snapper go fine now I had a ride in Trap with Clyde Saturday last Charl & Bert were driving him.

60 Auntie Harriett Paterson (nee Heath)

Oct 26) I was up rather later as I felt tired & have a sore throat too got ham & eggs fried Dad & Ma milked then after Sepr was done they went to Gawler & I made all beds washed Sepr & Dishes swept rooms baked Custard tars & currant. Veg green peas the boys were out in Joe’s60 came home at one so had dinner & cleared away & Dad & Ma came so I had to get their refreshments & melted down Honey as it (Candied) & prepared my borax & soap sorted soaked in clothes for tomorrow.

60  Joe. Not sure who this is. Clearly it's a farming neighbour. Twelftree?

Oct 27) A very windy morning greeted me on waking but I expected it would calm down after sunrise so after making fire in stove I lit Copper & got in first boil but it was just terrible so at 9.30 Dad helped me carry all indoors I put Copper on dining room drist & washed in Kitchen but it was so sultry & hot that at 11 I shifted outside as the wind dropped & shifted to the North however before dinner it came on a thundershower & I had to get back in the Kitchen till I finished at 3 o’clock scrubbed & put away all tubs wringer &c Ma went on folding clothes I got a cup of Tea & they did the Dairy work & I as usual got in wood & got Tea I was thoroughly done up & my throat was so bad & my side & what with lifting Tubs & running to & fro I was glad to retire. Charlie wen to Gawler with all the pigs to market.

Oct 28) Up same time 5/15 got fire lit & boys breakfast over Ma & Dad do all dairy work then I have the housework to do & in the afternoon all the ironing Ma did some mending It came up so cold & rainy looking in the evening the lads & I went to the Band of Hope last meeting for the year as we go into recess till February next Edwin Pederick61 gave us a nice temperance address he is a promising young minister now at Murray Bridge & Cookes Plains Aunt Emily62 family often go to hear him preach. When we came out of the church it was raining & continued all way home. Had to bake bread it was very nice.

61 Edwin Pederick, brother of Ada and Elsie. Local lad.
62 Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath)

Oct 29) Same time & got breakfast over & then blackleaded stove & made beds cleaned both front rooms & boys rooms thoroughly then scrubbed Safe & cleaned all best boots & shows tidied dining room & had a shift on dresser & mantle piece was very busy all day & also had to cook dinner Ma & Dad went & finished picking peas the boys started binding but it was goo green to keep at it & so cold & damp they have to put a lot of time in on the fallow this year as it grows so had to mix bread the boys went for a drive with the young horse in the Buggy. Got a new Trolly Tuesday boys went chaff cutting

Oct 30) Saturday & a showery morning & cold boys working on the land. Wilf was over on the blocks all day I had to make beds bake bread & cakes so much to do now dusted dining room Ma Dad & Bert & Clem cleaned up all doorway Bert cut down all the grass & Marsh Mellow also done garden weeded it round fence made all tidy & clean I leaned all cutlery, fireplace & utensils, lamps, boots & duties too numerous to mention I was very unwell with a bilious attack all day & had to lie down Teatime & also retired early Ma milked &c they only milk four now let Pansey, Chris, Primrose off. Jim & Wesley went to Gawler in the evening. Wes has started day school went two days this week.

Oct 31st) I awoke early & dressed at seven got the Fire made & took in Tea fried Ham & Eggs Dad went for cows then they had breakfast & milked &c Boys & I also had ours then I made beds & tidied & swept dining room & Clem & I went picking Shivery Grass Ma prepared veg & cooked them I made Blanc Mange. Had dinner & Bert put Snapper & Hector in Buggy & Clem & I went to Ada’s with him & brought her & children all back with us for afternoon Jim came this evening Bert & Wilf are at Buchsfelde Church tonight it is Block anniversary today (cold night).

Nov 1st. Early at toil got breakfast over & swept all of the rooms washed floors with milk made all beds dusted & got everything in good order Ma wrote to Frances after dinner Bert put Clyde in the trap with Hector & he & Dad went to Gawler & washed up & odd work then sorted & soaked in all linen for tomorrow we were surprised to see Eva & Kit come down I was busy in the washhouse till time to get afternoon Tea & cleared away & Chopped wood till Dad & Bert got home Celia came home for a week so Ma & I milked & got Tea & Celia was telling us some news lovely day.

Nov 2nd) I got up at ¼ to 5 oclock I lit stove & put out bread to rise also lit copper & got in a boil had our meal then I washed Ma’s white Quilt & curtains & also Dads Grey Fitch Suit Coat & Vest Wilfs serge pants, Celia helped me we finished all general wash at 12 o’clock & I did the extra & scrubbed up & folded Celia ironed her clothes & colored clothes also did odd work Ma not well, Dads Eczema a trifle better I felt very tired mended stockings & were talking & Ma retired early the rest were shelling peas with Ma C & I mending (nice day)

Nov 3rd) Later & fried Eggs & bacon for all got the breakfast over swept rooms & made beds in our room Celia the other two, then dusting finished I commenced ironing & pressing also had to iron shirt colar & my cambric dress nearly finished at dinner time Ma cooked dinner pies &c I been mending this afternoon & at Sundown Uncle Charlie P & Auntie63 came up & got fire & Tea then Percy came & Ma I washed up my side is pretty bad tonight & I don’t feel very light hearted & life is dreary to me but I must persevere for ever / beautiful day

63 Uncle Charles Paterson and Aunt Harriett Paterson.

Nov 4) I get up early now as it is busy time get the lads their breakfast & usual morning duties Celia sorted her box & packed her traveling basket & set to altering her clothes I was busy mending Dads tweed coat they intended going to Gawler but it was a hot windy day not at all good for Dad’s Eczema Mr Morrison64 came down from (Davis’s) to help the boys stook Hay over the other side of the hill (come back variety) so he was here to dinner The heat plays up with the flowers I carried waster from the Dam for the pot plants, Uncle Charlie & Auntie came up last night & stayed with us.

64 Mr Morrison

Nov 5) I lit fire in the dining room as I wanted to clean stove &c which I did after breakfast & clean our room thoroughly & sifted round as I had to put Celia’s box back & Celia swept the two front rooms & started dusting I finished it & she made a box & packed the presents away as we had too many out & not enough room for them I sorted Grass for vases & scrubbed Safe Ma baked scones & I have to take out lunch twice a day in the hills to the boys I baked cake yesterday takes a lot for lunch my throat is bad again & my side also Celia is lively.

Nov 6th) I got up at twenty minutes to five bread was all up over pan ready for the oven so I hurried & lit stove & got it on as soon as possible took in Tea & got breakfast then baked bread Celia baked Sponge & then Rice puddings & then I baked Date cake had dinner & Dad & Celia went to Gawler we Ma & I washed up & I cleaned cutlery & the rest of blackleading got lunch & took it up in the paddock & they partook of same (under the Pine) Ma cleaned Tins & then had a bath & we had our lunch & milked the cows & Sepr & got Tea Amy came from Town by 6 o’clock train & has been relating her experience to us others. Mr Jack McLeod65 is very ill. Amy has had a pleasant holiday met friends she knew in Town an exceptionally hot today for early season but what we must expect the poor old boys feel it terrible stooking they had a dip tonight in Ratcliffs dam.

65 Jack (John) McLeod

Sunday Nov 7) I awoke early but did not dress till late got the fire & fried breakfast then made Blanc Mange & did ordinary work. It promised to be a very hot day which as the day wore on was something awful the wind was like the breath of a furnace we cooked hot dinner & afterwards washed up P.T.D. came so all rested & had cool drinks, sing song, read &c I tried to read but could not give my attention to subject. After Tea Amy & Charl went for a drive Clyde in the dogcart Celia & Percy in the Sulky which Alf lent them I sorted & soaked in clothes for washing & retired early to bed Wilf & Bert went to Chapel. We heard tonight of the death of Mrs Leak of Glenburn63 poor lady she was in her 68th year my sympathy is with the family Wilf went to Stone Hill Church Mr Bayley64 preached Celia brought Ma home a Canary he whistles so beautifully to Got him in Gawler from Mr Tompson65.

63 Maria Susannah Leak nee Mills, wife of Daniel Leak of Glenburn, a farm near Delamere
64 Probably Mr W J Bailey, later to become an assistant in the Kooringa Methodist circuit 
65 Mr Tompson

Nov 8) I got dressed at 4/30 & hurried to light Copper & start washing Amy prepared & waited on the Lads breakfast Celia helped wash & we finished all before eleven & scrubbed all & cleaned the Sep house before dinner. Ma was so ill had to go to bed it has been a cold change today & Amy cooked dinner. She & I cleared away & ironed I finished at six o’clock Celia made herself a blouse nearly finished it we had 7 pairs trousers today. I am very tired.

Nov 9th We have had a rough night & thorough change in weather thunder lightning & rained at intervals all night & all today has been really cold & showery one has to dress in warmer clothes this afternoon beside all housework & have baked Dora Biscuits Raisin cakes & washed up I do not feel well Celia done her Blouse & ironed all her starchery Dad &Charl went to Gawler got letter from Franc it is a cold windy rainy night Got to mix bread.

Nov 10th Up at ¼ to five & fried breakfast swept both dining room & kitchen After breakfast Celia started doing Xmas cleaning Amy & her cleared front room & she mixed the Superba (Blue) but do her best she could not get good results, so went up to Eva’s & got a packet of Caralto pink, & did the sitting room walls I baked bread & a shoulder mutton potatoes & cabbages got dinner & lunches did all washing up milked cows & Separated C & A finished their room washed all pictures ornaments &c got everything very nice & quite a change had Tea I mended such delightful weather. I wrote to Frances Leak66 tonight (Nov 9th).

66Frances Mary Leak  

Nov 11th) Same time & called Celia who went on clearing the dining room. I got the cup of Tea also the breakfast & afterwards I attend to cream, meat & different articles odds & ends that do not count Amy & I washed up & I prepared a stew made Blanc Mange & stewed Rhubarb got morning lunch & washed up made Yeast I was very busy indeed & Celia & Amy finished all before dinner & we were able to have our midday meal in our clean dining room looks nice Pale Blue Dinner over I made our beds Ma got up today to dinner she has been knocked up since Sunday in bed every day The boys are Hay making again today Binding. Celia went to Gawler in the dogcart I trimmed her Hat Amy took up boys lunch Ma & Dad went for a drive all round the Crop & now she feels tired Got to mix bread tonight. Celia heard of Mr Sweeney’s67 senior death today in Gawler.

67 Daniel Sweeney, aged 82.

Nov 12th) Usual hour & found bread ready for putting in tins so hurried to get the stove hot & baked rolls for breakfast had them cooked before seven then cooked the other. Celia cleared our room & went on whitwashing after our meal. I got breakfast over & washed up all got ready a rabbit & bacon pie made lemon Tarts also & pots & Cabb took Charl’s out in field to him he is binding in Uncle Will Flat such a lovely crop both Oats & wheat over the horses back’s Wesley came home with Celia last night he is delighted to see the binder work he is so fond of machinery. Celia also did boys room we girls helped clear & clean all furniture & doors windows &c we each worked our hardest & are very tired Ma is so very unwell she got up at about 10 o’clock & mended clothes. Alf N is here, Amy at the Piano we are just having recreation Dad & I milked & I washed the Sepr & tea things & Celia helped now raining.

Nov 13th) Saturday a rainy morning our tank running over I got up early & blackleaded stove & fountains Kettle fire irons lit fire got breakfast Celia & Amy were not well the weather is so changeable then I baked Raisin & coffee Cake slide buns & scones cleaned all lamps Dad & Bert went to Gawler Charlie to Adelaide Celia packed her traveling basket for Moonta then she had to go & lie down had a sleep Amy helped with all work I did all cutlery & tinware got afternoon tea & retire before the others as my side is so bad & I don’t feel too gay hard to live worry down.

Sunday Nov 14th Late up as all were tired I got brkfst & afterwards as Celia & Amy had finished housework they went in to Ada’s for the day I cooked leg mutton roast Potatoes stew Rhubarb & Blanc Mange I was busy all the morning Percy came out he & Wilf went for a ride horseback all the afternoon & Bert went to Alf all day Uncle & them Herb Jeffries68 went round crop. Grace69 stayed home with Eva Ern69 & Kit Bert & Wilf went to Buchsfelde at night Amy wrote letter & got a Photo ready for England Ma wrote to England I have not been to Chapel for weeks I feel so miserable.

68 Herbert Horace Jeffries, son of Johnson Jeffries and Priscilla Laxton. A neighbor, aged 30.
69 Grace
70 Ernest Allan Easton, cousin. Son of Aunt Emily.

Kings Birthday Nov 15) Percy remained the night with us so at ¼ to 5 he got up & lit fire I also dressed & fried Ham & Eggs for breakfast & Celia dressed ready for her journey taking Clif a box of Flowers Percy drove Celia to Station & met Charlie who came home in the dogcart from City. Amy & I did all our usual work & in the afternoon I soaked in clothes ready for washing also did a little mending it has been showery Picnic in Alf Glens71 Presperterian Gawler Races Jessie & Maria & Gent went into Gawler Will R72. saw them pass. Boys fencing.

71 Alf Glens, neighbour
72 William Ratcliff, neighbour

Nov 16) Up at ¼ to 5 & went straight to wash tubs Amy got breakfast & afterwards joined me but as my side is weak I could not hurry did not get finished till after dinner scrubbed up & got finished at 3 o’clock folded & got lunch & put up our bed Top clean made bed &c Dad & Amy went to Gawler Boys went Haymaking Charl on binder & B & W Stooking Great Joke with a (Bobby Lizard)73 a lovely day Amy is at Piano Ma reading paper feel tired so will stop.

73 Sleepy Lizard / Bob-tailed lizard, Stumpy-tailed lizard, Blue tongue.

Nov 17th) I did not get up so early this morning Mr Richter came down & called the boys so I dressed & fried breakfast Amy & Dad & Ma milked & attend to chicks fowls &c Then I lit fire in dining room a lovely cool morning but windy & now since five o’clock it has been drizzling rain & looks like more Ma made Lemon Jam & bottled pork chop stewed Rhubarb B. Mange I did our room Amy all housework then I started ironing & did not finish all till about 3 or 4 o’clock Amy had her starchery to do as well got to mix bread now they are clearing tea Charl finishes binding Pansy has a calf today today also stooking.

Nov 18th) Up earlier & baked bread & made yeast Buns & each of did a portion of housework & I made pancakes for dinner Cabbage & potatoes. Ma is not well. In the afternoon I made a Cotton basket of my old willow basket Amy was sewing finished her crazy work cushion Ma was also mending a cold rainy day boys carted down some wood & cleared the wood heap Dad & Wilf started Sep house so showery water leping about & tank run over.

Nov 19. Same time & did all my stove polishing & utensils lit fire & Amy got up & gave oys their breakfast then I swept & dusted our room & shifted round things & baked custard & Lemon Tarts & got dinner dusted boys room & all housework Amy whitwashed dairy &c Ma done two front rooms swept & dusted them I washed the oilcloth scrubbed safe cleaned all best & other boots Charl went to Gawler for machine but is was not done he got a P.C. from Celia letters from Nellie & Eliza Celia arrived safe Had a boy from Bridgewater going up so had a good time Harry & Boys69 met her at the station. I had been a very windy showery day Ma had to go to bed Primrose has a calf (today) Wilf wen to Uncle Wills yesterday his cold is very bad had J.S. McLean out to it. Dad & Wilf finished Sep House today.

69 Harry Folland, husband of Frances, and the two sons Henry Clifton and Charles French.

Nov 20) Saturday up at half past five & lit fire & got breakfast then did our room & swept both dining room & kitchen Amy had to help with all dairy work & made herself & Ma toast had their breakfast then she washed floors with milk & did the boys room I washed all dairy utensils &c then put out bread to rise & made & baked Ginger cake. Then a currant cake & baked them Amy & Bert & Dad went to Gawler bought four little pigs we had our dinner & cleared away cleaned all cutlery lamps put new wick in Lantern scrubbed all necessary articles &c then I washed my head & had a bath got the Kettle Boiled had a cup of tea did some washing & the foal Fairy tore our window blind down & carried a good way in the paddock & nibbled my apron Ma & I milked & she fed calves (three) I washed Sepr they came from Gawler.

Nov 21st) Late up & found a very windy dusty morn & every appearance of rain & it has turned out a very rainy cold day Charlie & Wilfie are at Chapel Bert is at Ada’s Amy at the Piano so I’ll join her I was going to Church only the unfavourable weather I had to cook hot dinner Amy housework Ma is reading I tried to read but can’t get interested in anything.

Nov 22nd) A lovely morning after yesterdays storm so I got up early & lit fire & got a cup of Tea then went round & lit Copper & sorted clothes Amy gave the others their breakfast I had mine & Amy & both washed we finished at 11 o’clock & We scrubbed up & had dinner. Poor old Amy was taken so bad dreadful headache & sick had to lie down I starched shirt & did all ironing I felt quite knocked up doing so much Ma did not feel too well retired early Alf N spent the evening with the others giving riddles &c We heard of the death of Mrs Malion (nee Annie Driesener)70 on Nov 4th.

70 Anna Driesener, wife of William Mallyon, aged 33.

Nov 23rd Another nice day did our customary duties & I baked scones & slide cakes & BlancMange. The boys started Haycarting but it is really too wet after dinner Dad & I went to Gawler he had to go to Dr & got off Lodge Eczema is better though not well yet. We called at Ada’s they are not well, Wesley is doing well at school now. Came home & made our Blind for window Amy so unwell had to go to bed I help washup & mixed bread so tired a very cold night fire in dining room record for Nov.

Nov 24th Charl got up at five & called me I lit fire & got breakfast also lit stove & put out bread baked rolls. Did housework watered all pot plants & baked bread Ma roasted leg mutton & potatoes Cabbage & banana Custard Wilf had his dinner at Dahlitz today as custom. Dinner over we washed up & put Hector in dogcart & Ma drove to spend the afternoon at uncle Charlie’s Alf & Walter Hill71 came from Light this afternoon Uncle not well Amy has made a pincushion I finished the cotton Basket Dad & boys loaded a load of Hay for Gawler & also carted in to the stack nice night.

71 Walter Hill, brother of Kit.

Nov 25th) Up at five & got boys breakfast I had such pains in my limbs a windy day Charl & Wilfie drove to Gawler with Hay with the new Trolly. In the afternoon although very unpleasant day I went to see Mrs Parham & Standley found Stella & her mother72 busy dressmaking I had a chat & cup of Tea then on to the School & had another with my old Friend it looked very much like a storm so I came home at Six & just as I reached home a dust storm & cool change came so windy was glad I started in time. Mr Reed73 came visiting today.

72 Nivia Stella Parham, and her mother Mary Elizabeth Parham (nee Riggs).
73 Mr Reed, local preacher. 

Nov 26) Same time & lit fire in the dining room & got breakfast & then washed up also Sep while Ma & other have their meal then I cleaned Stove & fire irons &c Amy did Boys & front rooms I the dining room & other housework & cut out a skirt for Ma which I finished at six o’clock a German Print for everyday After Tea I washed up & mixed Bread Dad is Harvesting boys stacking & loading Hay for Gawler lunches to take out & cooking takes up a lot of time. Keeps us going.

Nov 27) Earlier & lit stove put Bread in Tins made a German Cake & baked it for lunch Wilf & Charl in with Hay Bert & Dad tried to reap but Horses stuck up so they had a Tableux, I baked bread down my safe Ma made & baked & Bread & Butter Pudding. Amy had her dinner& went to Gawler taking little Ethel I felt so very unwell & I had to bake so I made a large Coffee Cake & another large Currant Cake Ma did Cutlery I the lamps & scrubbing & helped washup nice day.

Nov 28) Sunday but Charl was up at about five as he was going to drive to Prospect Ma & Dad at six as they had to salt down a sheep as Dad killed it last night I got up at seven & fried onions & liver for breakfast Ma Dad milked & Spr Amy did all housework I cooked leg mutton Ma the vegetables I made Blanc Mange Stewed Cherries Bert went in for Ada & Children Dad & Ma just drove her home Bert & Wilf are at Chapel Percy spent day with us he & Amy are yarning tonight. I have not been to Chapel today.

Nov 29) Up before five & lit fire & the Copper & before sunrise started toil got second boil in before breakfast Amy gave the men their meal I had mine & Amy had to milk feed cows pigs & Calves then at 8 o’clock she joined me at nine I had the sheets & all bed linen dry it was a very hot trifing ? day & we had such a lot to do I hurried & we finished & got everything including moles & colored all dry & in before dinner at 1 o’clock then we tidied ourselves & after dinner & clearing away I folded Amy did all bedrooms & I felt quite knocked up did not know what to do I took out lunches & mended table cloth Mr Richter & Howard74 came down & I have him a Colias so hot tonight.

74 Probably Howard Richter, son of Wilhelm Fredrich Johannias RICHTER and Emma VERNER, aged 14. Colias is most likely Coleus plant.

Nov 30th) Dad got up at 4/30 & boys at 10 to five I could not rest all night & was so tired I did not hear the boys so Dad got to us for not being up Amy layed table I made fire & fried for breakfast then they milked &c I washed up then Ma & Amy had theirs I roasted a leg mutton baked bread & generally assisted made out bed Amy & I ironed finished before dinner & this afternoon I been lining a straw hat for Dad & I had to have a rest Ma & Amy also sewing & Oh it is such a cold change. I am dressed in my thick Tweed & cold at that I just put a good fire in dining room Ma is so cold Amy playing Charl & Wilf been in with Hay & Wilf had to get horses Shod so was late home & C came on with Trolly. Dad been Harvesting but too wet so had to stop it is raining & blowing a hurricane such a pity. Mrs W Bonney75 of Wasleys very ill her baby died last week. I’m cold.

75 Mrs W Bonney, Florence Edith Pratt, wife of John Walter Bonney, unnamed baby died at birth November 27, 1909. She recovered from the illness, and had another baby (Gilbert Walter) in 1911 (Yay!).

Dec 1st) Same time & our usual duties Amy did all bedrooms & then tidied herself & took lunch up to boys & Dad who were loading Hay in Glenfield came home & went to spend the day with Ada I was busy baking Scones Biscuits Tarts &c Ma cooked dinner I did any other old work in the afternoon after washing up we both sewing mending & took out lunch Dad Harvesting Bert bag sewing Charl & Wilf in with Hay such a lot carting now.

Dec 2nd Same time Dad lit fire & at 5/30 had our breakfast Ma & Amy do all milking & dairy work feed animals before they have theirs I had to bake bread & two slides Yst Buns & each do our share of housework Had dinner & Amy & I drove to Gawler over to the Station & to the Gas works for Tar back to Street & had a look about & did shopping bought a looking Glass for our rom came home Amy went to dairy work me to getting in wood & got Tea. We were loaded coming home P.T.D. send a nice Box down & with all our purchases we were rather heavy on & Amy was laughing at the Bumps we got cold evening.

Dec 3rd Early up & Dad had fire so I did usual toil then blackleaded stove & thoroughly cleaned our room then got all ready for taring tarring? but I could not get on well at all so Amy took the brush & did all the Taring sic both Kitchen & dining room did it splendidly it looks so nice I did Front rooms & we had extra work as we had so much to move then we had the lunch to get A terrible windy dusty day Amy also Tared the copper stand put up Fly catcher in front room & sorted different things a cold evening had Tea nearly nine boys late home from Gawler

Dec 4th) Saturday & a wet morning I got up at 5/15 & lit stove got breakfast & put out bread to rise had my meal Ma & Amy also baked Rolls for breakfast then did our room & baked bread & then Madeira & Raisin cakes pie had dinner Amy went to Gawler Charl Bending talen Straw Wilfie Stooking Dad Harvesting Bert bag sewing & I had to do all scrubbing safe lamps & take lunch to both fields Ma all Cutlery Windows Tinware fed her poultry we milked & Amy came home from Gawler took Wesley with her today as she was alone & glad of company. Amy is at Piano very cold fancy jackets on today to go out with lunch.

Dec 5th) I felt awfully tired but got up in good Sunday time & lit stove &c then I made a pudding Ma & Amy milking & all others outside work Breakfast over I madeour bed then dressed for Church & dove down alone Hector in the dogcart met Mrs Standley & she came home with me had dinner & Amy & I cleared away & wash up then we looked at Photos & chatted all afternoon had Tea & Alf N came Bert & Wilf went to the Mission Buchsfelde the others were singing & playing Piano Dad drove Mrs Standley home it was a windy day but lovely & cool Amy & Dad milked I all wash up.

Dec 6th) Up at five lit stove then the Copper & started washing Amy gave boys their breakfast & then helped milk & all outside work fed cows pigs & calves then joined me at the Tubs & we got all done & scrubbed up before Dinner & this afternoon I did all the ironing Amy made Ethel a pinafore out of her Lawn Pinafore she used to wear to school. Ma prepared her Gooseberries for jam Dad been in Gawler all day getting Harvester mended. He went to see Kitty she has a son this morning76 Eva is so delighted Dad brought the news home to others We each wrote a letter to Moonta finished them tonight boys been Haycarting today a beautiful day so cool & pleasant windy this afternoon Amy at the Piano I am tired & both of us got bad side tonight.

76 Aubrey George Heath, son of Alfred Heath and Christina (Kit) Heath (nee Hill).

Dec 7th) We rise very early now Charlie & Wilfie went in with Hay & there is their dinner to put up & breakfast to get Amy & I were both busy I had to cook dinner Ma & Amy caught fowls & ducks & in the afternoon she & I drove to Gawler & sold them went & seen Kit & Baby also did shopping & called at Ada’s going in to take her meat as Dad killed last night & she had half we were rather late home Ma had milked & was Separ I had to make fire & get Tea mix bread a cold day today.

Dec 8th) Same hour & Bert had to go to Gawler with Harvester & Dad broke it yesterday & Charl lost the Knave of the Trolly & had to stay in Gawler to get it mended so he was not home to do any work & Bert has been in there all day today does hinder so a terrible windy day the men could not do scarcely any work I had to bake bread & yeast buns as lunches take so much more foorsic keeps one at stove & we are always busy as can be all day long they were Haycarting & trying to winnow but too windy. Our little pig died in the afternoon.

Dec 9th) Usual hour & same morning work In the afternoon after I had cooked a hot dinner Ma & I went to see Ada & spent the afternoon with her Clem came home with us a very pleasant day driving Wilf & Charl in with Hay again such a lot carting & they could not get unloaded & did not get home till six I got fire & Tea Amy milked & Ma helped her Sep after tea I mixed bread & been mending Ethel’s dress & my Jacket Ma mended the stocking for Ada & we had tea. Frances has a daughter77 born Dec 8th A letter from Celia.

77 Phyllis May Folland, born at Hamley Hill, near Moonta.

Dec 10th) Dad & Boys went up to Glenfield at 4 o’clock & Amy & I got up a ¼ to 5 & I fried Eggs & bacon & Amy packed the mens breakfast & took up to them with Hector in the dogcart I blackleaded stove & put out bread baked cakes & bread rice pudding & leg of Mutton cleaned our room Amy two front rooms & I assisted a bit & odd work after Dinner May had to go to Gawler with a part of Harvester to get it mended & got all groceries took in cream & went & seen baby & Kit & also Ada she was going in today but could not as we did not go to Gawler to day Charl & went with Hay Dad harvested the home flat & they turned all the cattle in there tonight the boys got home at 3/30 & had late dinner then carted in the wheat oats and barley a nice reaping day Dad used the Stripper yesterday Friday I have mixed up two days together.

Dec 11) I was up at 10 minutes past four dressed & came out & Dad had Kettle boiling & I immediately got their breakfast & cut the boys lunch for Gawler & put up Tea for them Alf H came for bags at 10 to 5 & he had a cup of Tea then I washed up everything & got on the bread Amy baked coffee & currant cakes & sponge sandwich pie & leg of Mutton. I dusted the dining room l& cleaned window & front room swept filled & cleaned all lamps & cutlery Amy washed all floors cleaned boots & helped dairy work I chopped wood & carried water & watered plants bathed Clem & had one myself also Amy then go Tea ready.

Dec 12) Charlie started for Adelaide at 6/30 I dressed at 7/15 fired breakfast & Amy did housework Ma & Dad milked & Separated our meal over I made BlancMange stewed Cherries Ma & I washed up & I cooked Cabs Pots & leg mutton made hot also after dinner I washed up Ma helped Dad & I went to K F Chapel saw W Haydon78 & wife there came home & helped get Tea & then as P.T.D. was here he and Bert Amy drove to Gawler to see Bruces Pictures called for Wilf & Elsie Parham79 who also went with them. I cleared Tea & went for a walk with Clem, Alf N came for evening I wrote to Celia. A very nice pleasant day.

78 Walter William Charles Haydon, born Kangaroo Flat in 1883, and married to Rosina Darling Turner three months ago. Twin brother of Esther Haydon.
79 Elsie Lydia Ruth Parham, aged 20, distant relation of Ada's husband.

Dec 13th I got up at 4/30 & lit stove & then the copper & started at Tubs but was hindered as I had several articles to hem up from Sunday boys starch Shirts I kept on till seven then Charl came home & gave him his breakfast he got thrown off Toff coming home & hurt his Knee & tore his pants he also came across another poor fellow on the road with is leg broken. Charl went to Winzors for help for him Oh dear it was a terrible windy dust in clouds however we persevered & got all dry the white clothes all in at 8/30 or so & everything in before dinner. It was terrible hot I had to just put on a old silk slip & after helping clear dinner & as well as the others had a rest & then got up & tidied myself & folded clothes did not iron wrote to Louie80 & got Tea & mixed bread & went to bed my side is bad too.

80 Cousin Louisa Waters (nee Arbon), daughter of Aunt Charlotte Humphrys (nee Heath). Lives in Wokurna.

Dec 14) Up before five & just went our hardest to pack & send their dinner & breakfast out in Glenfield at 5/40 then baked bread washed up made biscuits & baked them. Amy all housework & started ironing all the boys fasion sic shirts Ma cooked dinner We always get lunch for men at nine I helped Amy iron this afternoon finished at 4 ock & I cut out & partly made Kits baby a dress (creme) Charl & Wilf came home Bert had to go to get Harvester mended too damp & cold to reap a thorough cool change today.

Dec 15) Up early & hurried & fried hot breakfast & Amy drove up to Fairfield with it & I tidied the kitchen & cooked second breakfast it is nothing but rush from early morn till bedtime I often feel quite knocked out but got to persevere Amy’s side is better than last week but mine pains continually we each did ordinary work & I got the means lunch & baked farmers Biscuits Ma roasted a pair of Fowls & veg for dinner Amy & Clem drove Charlie to the Station & he went to a grand Wedding with Eva kept up in a Hall at Bowden. I opened new bag Flour & mixed bread while the others washed up lovely weather only for the wind it is so annoying & the men were stacking too.

Dec 16. Dad lit fire at five & called me I fried breakfast & then put out my bread & made Buns Amy & Ma did all dairy work & fed animals I tried to get rid of some of the Flies by using Insectabane but it makes a terrible lot of work I was kept busy till dinner time Amy & Ma were mending also this afternoon I had to rest on account of my side the lads Wilf & Charlie came home at four Charl met Wilf in Gawler & helped with the Hay another lovely day Dad Harvesting Amy brought home the new fittings yesterday Dad killed a ship at 7/30 just come in to Tea at nine so I must go & have my meal as well for tired I am.

Dec 17) I was up very early Dad & Boys were going up at Fairfield & I lit fire in the dining room & fried Liver & Onions & gave them their breakfast & off they went to load then I fried ours & Ma & Amy came from milking & we had our meal & Clem then I cleaned stove & fire irons & Amy swept rooms I dusted them & she did our room as my side is very bad indeed I have mustard plaster on at night In the afternoon Amy had to go to Ada’s with her meat so after usual work I scrubbed safe & other work had to get lunch too also baked Ginger Cake for lunch.

Dec 18) I got up at ¼ to five & called Boys & hurried to put out bread & Amy gave them their breakfast I baked rolls for breakfast & then did our room & baked bread & coffee & currant cake had dinner & did lamps & all Cutlery & scrubbing Ma washed up & then she rested I made fire & Clem & I took lunch over to Bert. Charl & Wilf went to bring home the Mares to their foals & the lads stopped in & unloaded did not get home till 7/30 Amy & Dad went in the trap at 9/30 & she did not get home till 5 o’clock Kit & Baby came home with her. Then I had a bath and gave Clem one Cleaned our boots & finishe dup any work had Tea & cleared away & retired Clem had toothache. Hotter today.

Sunday Dec 19) I was up in good time for Sunday lit fire & got cup of Tea 7 then breakfast & made Blanc Mange & stewed Cherries made our bed & Amy & Ma did the other work we were seated at the Table & who should drive up but Willie81 Jessie & Maria so we gave them theirs & I washed up Jessie helped I tidied myself & been talking & looking at Photographs &c Autographs &c Bert & Wilf went to Chapel Ma Maria & Jessie went up to see Kits baby & they are now at supper & then home. A very hot day today & windy.

81 William Walter Allen Paterson, brother of Jessie and Maria, aged 20. They live at Lower Light (Tineburee).

Dec 20th The men got up just after 3 o’clock & started off to load Hay in Fairfield Amy & I got up & I cooked breakfast & Amy did the packing of dinners & breakfast Ma also got up & helped then Amy drove up with it & I helped Ma milk & Separate Oh dear we have to just fly round then I helped with housework & changed the beds & started washing all the bedclothes I got through 5 blankets & two coloured Quilts also did the moles stocking & singlets Flannels I did not finish till after dinner then soaked in the weekly wash it was then near 5 o’clock. Amy & Ma were very busy indeed made the Xmas puddings & brewed beer & bottled it beside the dinner Wilf & Charl went in to Gawler Dad & Bert Harvest over in the Belt It came a cool change this morning wind.

Dec 21st Up same hour & had to send the breakfast out as before then put out bread to rise & carried up some water Ma started milking & then Amy came back from Farifield I went on washing but my side is so bad I can scarcely breathe at times so Amy did all hard rubbing I rinsed & hung out finish dinner time then both helped to scrub & clear away Ma was busy indoors Amy went on ironing I folded & iron the spair sic Curtains & my blouse &c Amy & Ma dairy work & got the Tea I made our bed & helped wash up & got boys lunch when they got home. Lovely & cool but awful windy again.

Dec 22nd Had to take the dinner out in the field so was up at the same hour no I am recording wrong date they were home to breakfast & as my side was so bad I decided to consult Dr Dawes so we both hurried & did all housework & Amy went for ponies & put them in the Trap I corked down all the Sugar beer & at dinner time we went to Gawler I have Rhumatism sic of the muscles of my left side We had some shopping to do called at Ada’s Wesley’s vacation from school started today had a Break up & Xmas Cake he is doing well at school. The men loaded for Gawler today is was very cold coming home from the City I shivered Amy went to milk & got Tea after I got home also baked Biscuits. Bert shot (Ralph) the Cat.

Dec 23rd up early again & got breakfast over & boys started for Gawler with Trolly Amy & Ma usual work & I had to bake bread & also made pies & baked them dinner over Ma & Started Xmas Cake Sultana Madeira & Currant had misfortune oven too hot Amy did all the rooms thoroughly windows &c I washed pictures for her but baking kept me busy the boys were home early in the afternoon & all four went up to load again in Fairfield late tea & we were very tired.

Dec 24th Bread to bake again on account of Xmas I made fire Amy gave them their breakfast & put the bread to rise & afterwards baked it & did all washing up got Dad & Berts lunch Ma was dressing Poultry Amy cooked Queen Buns Sponge S. & I a Sultana cake had dinner I had previously burnt sulphur to kill flys & used Insectabane so Amy swept & washed floors I washed all the Glass ware & scrubbed safe &c Amy worked very hard Well we all did the men finished Hay carting home & Bert been Harvesting & this evening Amy Wilf & Bert are in Gawler for Xmas Eve I been Icing Cakes Bathing Clem Hanging Curtains &c am tired so will retire got such a bother with limbs Len81 came selling peaches we bought a case.

82 Could be Leonard George Huxtable, who is living in Gawler South.

Dec 25) Xmas Day I awoke at our usual early hour but rested till near six then dressed & polished stove & all other fire irons & Amy dressed & we got breakfast over & dairywork done put on the pudding & Ma & I got the poultry & Beans & potatoes done & on for dinner at about 12 oclock Uncle & Auntie came from the blocks we had late dinner & a good one Bert got the Ring Clem & I 3’ each Dad the button Amy the thimble quite the joke at the table they had to go home early at 4 ock then Jim & Ada & Children came & stayed till 10/30 I did not feel well atall Bert Wilf & Clem drove to Mr Dahlitz & got a German Collie Pup in the morning the sun was hot all day but a nice breeze.

Sunday Dec 26th A good rest day as we worked plenty Amy stewed some peaches that is the only thing cooked today I got up at seven & rubbed both our sides as Amy feels Pleurisy & my side is still weak I did all beds Amy all sweeping I lit fire as usual &c Ma is reading very hot sun today I wanted to go to Chapel but no one would go with me so I stayed home. P.T.D. came out & we all went to Buchsfelde at night so excessively hot in Church better coming home but warm wind.

Dec 27) A very hot day promised I was up before 5 o’ck & lit fire & carried a turn of water & got breakfast & Amy & Ma all dairy work then each of us as usual breakfasted Amy drove in to meet Charl & I cut all the peaches & made peach Jam Ma was mending I also cooked Cab & Pts after dinner I mended my old blue blouse & Charl’s shirt & Dad’s Hat & in the evening sorted & soaked in t clothes for washing it has been very oppressively hot today I could scarcely breathe the men reaping & bag sewing all sitting out at night in the cool.

Dec 28) The men got up at 3/30 about & went to Fairfield to load Hay I got up & dressed at ½ past 4 & went to tubs Amy got up & drove up with breakfast to men Ma also helped pack dinners with her & Amy did not get back till late & joined me at washing just in time to second skirts & colours being so hot we shifted round to West End & wash there had to hurry as the sun get round at 11 ock we finished at 10/40 & Amy scrubbed & I cleaned Sep house & blocks & folded most clothes by dinner Bert & Dad mending Harvester the other two in with Hay a lovely west breeze Hot sun my side bad again Amy made beds hot indoors.

Dec 29th The men got up same time & went up to Fairfield & I & Amy were dressed at 4/30 fried Eggs & bacon & sent Amy off Toff in cart. Harry came to see us Yesterday with his two young horses which he is taking to Moonta stayed the night & this morning after breakfast he went to Adelaide I carried over some water from Ratcliffs Dam ours is just empty & the other large one the Ducks take possession of after sweeping rooms & doing all housework Amy & I ironed she did the shirts & did them splendidly too Dad & Bert same work Charl & Wilf in with Hay It is delightfully cool today west breeze & mild sun.

Dec 30th Same work for all & up at same early hour as they are anxious to finish up tomorrow Amy did front rooms I baked & did our room Ma & Amy caught a pair fowls & picked them & roasted them in the afternoon Amy went to Gawler & met Eva McLeod83 & Harry I scrubbed safe &c & blackleaded stove & did lamps my ears & head are dreadful bad Ma has been mending hotter today Mrs McLeod83 arrived safely in Sydney on a holiday trip for a month.

83 Eva Alice McLeod, daughter of Daniel McLeod and Elizabeth McLeod (nee Webber). She comes to stay for couple of weeks, spending time mostly with Amy, but a bit with Charl as well.
83 Eva’s mother, Elizabeth McLeod (nee Webber)

Dec 31st Same time & work for us all but poor old Wilf he was not able to go loading his head was so bad I had to mix bread in the morning & bake in the evening Amy & Ma did another pair of fowls I made Maderia & Sultana Cake & Coffee & Apricot pies & tart also trimmed a hat for the beach Eva made Bert a pair running pants in the evening P.T.D. came & put new blocks on the buggy I packed all I could for the beach & it was late when we went to bed been so hot today Harry helped load a load of Hay this morning Charl went to city on his own.

Jan 1st The New Years Record 1910
“Spent at The Middle Beach”

I awoke very early but as we did not intend starting early I did not dress until ¼ to five got a cup of Tea & packed food & we left here at ¼ to 7 ock & the sun was very hot going down we filled our Can at Two Wells with drinking water reached the beach at about Ten or so several there & the sun was so excessively hot that the boys fixed up a tent at once then had a dip & we rested Leslie F & Archie Shep84 came in our camp & had a yarn. & we prepared an early dinner & all helped to clear away then the Sports started Bert went in for High Jump & tied with others Archie got a Medal & £1 the first prize for racing at about 12 o’clock a breeze blew up & it was very much better Aunt Paterson & family. Vic & Harry Lillias & Mabel85 were there & there was hundreds on the beach the beach was lined with Tents I went to see the Sports with Maria & Vic & then we got Tea & cleared away & all the Young people went for a stroll up the beach I read as long as I could see then I rested till we started for home at nearly 12 o’clock nice & cool then driving but we were so very sleepy.

84 Leslie Wright Folland, younger brother of Harry Folland (husband of Frances Folland nee Atyeo). Archie Shep? I can't find an Archibald Shepherdson, so I don't know who this is.
85 Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson, a cousin) and Henry Ross, married last year. Mabel Beatrice Porter, 11 year old daughter of cousin Laurina Town Porter (nee Paterson) who died young in 1902. Her father is the brother of cousin Lillias May Porter (nee Paterson)’s husband Brice Porter.

Jan 2nd We arrived home at 3 o’clock this morning & retired I did not dress till 8 o’clock got a cup of Tea & breakfast & made beds pasted down Jam Dad made Apricot jam yesterday it is extremely hot today Eva & Amy & boys are singing Hymns I left off writing & got dinner in the afternoon we all rested till I got Tea Eva & Charl also Wilfie went to Buchsfielde Amy & Bert went to Ada’s horseback did not get home till late I retired Ma & Dad did milking &c very hot Thundery weather.

Jan 3rd No cooler I was up early & got breakfast fried & did housework & generally assisted after dinner Amy & Eva went to Uncle Wills horseback they spent a pleasant time Eva trimmed Aunties bonnet for her they did not get home till ¼ to 9 the cows got out I walked to find them but could not see them so Wilf went & got them on Snapper. I soaked in all washing late Tea & I laid outside then slept in dining room as our room is too hot only Eva slept there all boys & Amy camped out dreadful weather & can’t get any meat don’t know what to cook no sight of a change atall.

Jan 4th I did not rest much & dressed at 4 oclock & went straight to the tubs & got all ready in for boil except coloreds Amy helped me after breakfast & we finished 10/30 before the sun got on West side I did hurry had so much extra from the beach dressed shirts &c work everywhere Eva helped Ma with all indoor work & we both did the scrubbing & Sep blocks got everything put away had dinner & Eva & Amy went to Gawler I baked scones & finished Aubrey dress & other necessary work, terrible hot.

Jan 5) I awoke at 4/30 & dressed at ¼ to 5 also Charl & Bert Wilfie is far from well & laid up can’t stand the hot sun Charl went in with wheat again same as yesterday also Dad went to Gawler Eva & Amy did most of the ironing I did my skirt & starched colars & shirt Amy very kindly ironed them I tis extremely hot we just had dinner I been baking bread all the others are resting Hot winds are blowing one can hardly breathe we have been camping out since Sunday.

Jan 6) Usual hour & duties. Then I bakes scones & Cakes Custard It was a dreadful hot day yesterday was 110 in Shade Gawler & today seems more oppressive & thunder threatened all day at about 4 o’clock it blew a hurricane & dust storm worse than I ever remember the wind has broken off several large tress we thought our room would go off Ma was so frightened the lightning was very vivid all the afternoon & at night we had to sleep in side & although it was a cool change it was not a cold one the rain in places fell in torrents the sky was as black as ink.

Jan 7 Our cool change has turned off to heat I mixed bread this morning & Amy made scones & blanc Mange as we do not know what to eat I did front rooms washed the oilcloth Amy washed the other room floors & cleaned back rooms I have such a trouble with Ants so cut off tins & filled with water & stood safe in the evening of yesterday Charl & Eva went down to Mrs Parhams to get letter posted Amy finished stitching baby dress the men are stacking hay for Uncle in Thompsons so Eva McLeod drove up with their dinners Mona Davis came down with a hind quarter of Mutton so Ma roasted it for dinner. So hot over the fire all day. Eva came home quite knocked up could not eat so lied down. I mixed bread tonight.

86Agnes Mona Davis, daughter of Alexander Davis, neighbour, aged 11.

Jan 8th Up at 4/30 & put out bread & lit fire & Ma got up to do her butter had such a treat & had to have two tries to get it Eva is so unwell the Men are to do same work Wilf is far from well poor old boy Amy hurried & did housework I baked bread & cakes we were both very busy & at about eleven we had a bath & dressed for Gawler took over cream Sun was very hot but a cool breeze came & it was not too bad we did our shopping & came home Kangaroo Flat road & really in places it is flooded water for chains & it was up up to the horse fences in level road & the Gawler River was as high as when the flood occurred 21 years ago Up in Whitfords Garden & in place near Roseworthy people had to be taken out of their homes 4 inches in places never the like known before about here railways washed away it was terrible.

Jan 9th Up at six but as I felt tired I rested till ¼ to 7 Amy lit fire I got a cup of Tea & the breakfast Amy & Ma dairy work & after our meal I made blanc Mange & stewed Apricots Amy housework I our room In the afternoon I wrote to Port Pirie & also rested a while & read. Bert & Wilfie went to Chapel at Buchsfielde & Uncle Charlie Heath came down Kit & Baby & Eva went to see Ada Charl & Eva came home late at night sleeping indoors.

Jan 10. Up at usual hour quite cool & fresh after the heat got breakfast over I helped Amy ilk while Ma churned butter she did housework Amy took Eva to meet Midday train then came back to Ada’s & brought Wesley for his holidays with us I cut out & partly made my print skirt sorted & soaked in clothes ready for the morrow. Men are winnowing nice weather for their work Amy got a terrible cold & cough also W & Bert.

Jan 11th Up at 5 o’clock & straight to the tubs & washed up to Towels had our breakfast it was a really sharp cold morning my hands ached in the cold water Amy was busy with her cows & other work joined me at washing & we had a hard lot of dirty clothes finished & scrubbed before dinner & after I finished my skirt & Amy did most of folding clothes we had to rest for a half hour but Amy went to sleep for an hour Ma got a very bad head. I got Tea Amy & Ma dairy work.

Jan 12th Not so early up put out bread to rise lit fire got ham & Eggs fired for breakfast & after our meal I got ready for Gawler Via Ada’s where I got Clem to go with me for company as it was early closing I had to hurry very much to get my shopping done came back to Ada’s & had a cup of Tea then did a bit of mending Ada was ironing as also was Amy when I got home I took the iron & starched & ironed shirt & collars a very pleasant day We heard poor Joe Mold87 is not expected to live he is at Broken Hill. Ma is not at all well.

87 Joseph William Mold. There is no record of his death in NSW, or in SA.

Jan 13th Ma is worse not able to get up today her head is something dreadful & she can’t move it either way makes her cry out with pain. Amy & I are busy so much to do Amy cooked dinner Dad went to Gawler & to the Dr to get Medicine for Ma he says it is heatstroke I am so anxious as Ma is so ill I cut out Calico wear & made them Amy busy mending such a lot of it this week I saw Uncle Charlie Heath yesterday carting his wheat from the Light to Gawler. B Rebbeck88 is home from U.S.A.

88 B Rebbeck
Jan 14th I got up at 5/30 & just went my hardest to get stove &c blackleaded before breakfast Amy set table then she & Dad milked & Separated I washe dup & baked scones Cakes & tarts & Veg for dinner Amy cleaned all rooms & did all house work she did work she got a very bad cough & Bert got a terrible swelling along his Jaw Wilf is better Charl is been to Gawler with Wheat I did all scrubbing this afternoon & we cleared up & I mixed bread been so busy I am tired Dad & boys finished all carting in for this Yr.

Jan 15) Saturday Amy & I got up at five she went away to the dairy & churned her butter I hurried & lit fire put out my bread to rise got hot breakfast & Ma was a little better & going in to the Dr so I washed up & baked bread Cake pies &c Amy did all housework & after dinner Dad Ma & Amy went to Gawler I washed up then Charlie came home from City where he took wheat & I got his dinner then baked Meat & cleaned all cutlery Tins &c windows Charl & Bert & Wesley went up in the paddock so I was all alone & had to fly around but sang & work Wilfie was scarifiring Charl & I milked & Sept then they came home from Gawler letter from Tailem Bend

Jan 16th Sunday so we had a good rest till 8 oclock then lit fire & got breakfast Amy Dad Milked &c then I baked Meat made Blanc Mange stewed Plums cooked Pots we had dinner Bert & Wilfie went out the Twelftree for a ride this afternoon just as we had done clearing away dinner Kit & Ollie Antwis89 came & little Aubrey he is growing nicely Uncle came for them & Dad went home with them a horse kicked one of the other horse so he has gone to look at it.

89 Olive Lydia Antwis, Kit’s niece (her sister Isabel’s daughter), aged 13.

Jan 17. Toil again & I was far from feeling well I do not get up as early now excepting busy days we each did our ordinary work Dad & the lads went up to Uncle Charlie’s & put up a Hay stack for him I cut out my blouse which Amy made for me & I sorted & soaked in clothes ready for tomorrow a lovely cool day Ma a little better she was mending lovely cool now.

Jan 18. I awoke early & at 5 o’clock dressed & went on washing Amy got a cup of Tea 7 breakfast helped all dairy work then joined me at the Tubs we finished & scrubbed up & had early 12 o’ck dinner then I dressed for Gawler Hector in the dogcart all on my own did my shopping & called at Ada’s who is not atall well had a cup of Tea with her I got new Shoes for myself House shoes & Tan bar shoes new hat gloves &c as I leave on the 20 inst for my holiday the sun was hot & it was very sultry & at 5 o’clock a cool change came.

Jan 19) My Birthday & I awoke & dressed by ¼ to six fried hot breakfast & Amy her work churned Butter & did all dairy work Dad helped her I swept dining room then I trimmed my hat & finished off my blouse have been busy packing & getting all ready for Moonta90 tomorrow it is quite cold today & light fine showers Ma & Amy cooked a fowl & vegetables & Amy did the ironing she is tired tonight & I am sleepy.

90 Frances is going to visit her sister Frances and her family. Frances’ husband Harry Folland is working at his brother (John French)’s Drapery shop in Moonta (a different brother to the one who owned the drapery in Kensington where they lived in 1908/9.

Jan 20. I awoke at 5 o’clock & dressed & lit fire & got a cup of Tea had my breakfast & strapped my basket & got all ready for my journey to Moonta I made our bed & then cut my lunch & Dad got ready & he drove me to the station where I got very early at 9/10 and had to wait till 20 to 10. Had a very nice fellow passenger as far as Balaclava Then she had to leave me & I scarcely spoke to the others all the rest of the way up it was simply lovely in the Train so cool & pleasant I arrived safely at Moonta at 3/30 Frances Celia & Lorna & Phyllis were at the station to meet me, we went & had afternoon Tea ta a Refreshment room & then to the shop where we did some shopping & to see an old lady Mrs Franklin91 Harry came home with us & we had tea & Celia went to spend an evening with friends I stayed home & helped Frances wash up &c late to bed my head was dizzy & aching.

91 Mrs Franklin

Jan 21st Late up & dressed Lorna had breakfast & assisted with duties about the house Celia washed & dressed Phyllis & Frances made Pasties for dinner in the afternoon Celia & I both wrote home & did sewing & Harry was out with the Van. In the evening Celia & I went to Mrs Hoskings92 & stayed to supper came home & helped Harry & Frances pick over Plums for Jam we were so busy & did not finish till late after 12 o’clock when we went to sleep & I was tired too the children are so good
92 Mrs Hosking
Jan 22nd) Up earlier Harry got on making Jam I got up at 6/30 & dressed Lorna & had breakfast & then I washed up scrubbed safe & helped Franc with the Jam. Celia milked &c & then went on sewing I washed some things for baby & made myself a belt & starched & ironed our colars we were quite full up with work all day & after Tea C & I dressed for the street where we made several purchases it was a lovely evening we did not get home till 11 oclcock & Franc was busy had bathed all children & was sewing my side was bad & my limbs so I retied.

Jan 23rd Up at 8/30 had breakfast & washed up it was a beautiful morning sunshiny & calm & the sea looks so blue in the distance & the waves all crested with foam. We had dinner & Celia packed her clothes & Lorna’s. In the evening Celia & I went to the Mines Church & from there to the Salvation Army It was a beautiful night then we called to see poor Mrs Williams93 she is so ill.

93 I am pretty sure this is Elizabeth Jane Williams (nee Kitto).

Jan 24) Holiday so we got up & the girls were busy getting ready for the beach I washed up & Celia & Harry cut sandwiches & packed food for the day Harry got a Spring Dray & we all started to Sims’ Cove94 on reaching there Mr & Mrs French Folland95 & Doris & Edna Clemo & Violet Hammer96 were there & had a tent fixed up so all had a rest & some of us a read & then dinner & a look round & the best of it a Motor trip in the boat round Moonta Bay Jetty Pt Hughes & out a long way the water was calm & smooth as glass we came in & had tea & then Celia & I went to the Rock & had a bathe & all the dear little ones enjoyed themselves very much Harry made them sailing boats & they played all day very happy.

94 Simms Cove is just South of Moonta Bay, about halfway to Point Hughes.
95 Harry’s eldest brother John French Folland and his wife Rose Ellen Folland (nee Stratton)
96 Doris Clemo, Edna Clemo, Violet Stratton Hammer (10 years old) is a niece of Mrs French Folland, her mother is Ada Emma Stratton.

Jan 25) Up very early before five we were all stirring round Celia getting her lunch ready & Frances getting Lorna Had breakfast & Harry wheeled the Pram with dress basket & Lorna in C & I carried box arrived in good time at the Station where Edna & her cousins where going as well on to Adelaide Lorna went off so happy with Celia I brought home the empty Pram & Harry went to Arthurton arrived back & found Frances had finished her outside work we had a cup of Tea & Swept all rooms had dinner & as it is very hot we rested & did housework.

Jan 26th) Frances & I are alone with the children & as I had previously soaked in the clothes I started washing straight away at 5/30 Frances milked & fed the animals & churned & cooked a stew for dinner then she came & helped me with the last colored clothes got all done & cleared away scrubbed up & had dinner & washed up & I rested & then folded clothes & there is always baby to look after & I always go & get our water to drink from a neighbor. Yesterday & today been hot & windy.

Jan 27th) We did not get up till after six & Franc did same work I lit fire & got breakfast & then altered Frances gown I had intended to go to Moonta but really it has been glowing gales & dust flying all ways so I just helped in various ways Frances went & mangled her clothes at Mrs Williams I stayed home to look after baby & she did cry too much cooler today.

Jan 28) Six o’clock & same work for both & after breakfast I finished ironing & swept the kitchen & assisted generally washed up. Dinner over I took Clif with me to Moonta did shopping went to Mrs Hoskins & came home tired been down for water twice & also Tomatoes cool breeze now.

Jan 29) Sat I lit fire in the washouse & blackleaded stove then I finished babies Pinafores. Dear little Phyllis is so unwell so I nursed her a good deal we were just having a late dinner & Harry came home from Arthurton. It has been such terrible weather all the week & so hot & close indoors but windy to excess outside & dust something awful I think it is the heat that has made baby ill after tea we all had a bath & Harry came home late & we had supper & retired at 12 o’clock I take the spare room now not quite so hot in the evening.

Jan 30th Late up after eight I got breakfast Frances made bread & milk we each did necessary work & had dinner. Cold dinner Fritz & Trombone97 Potatoes & apple pie then I read to the boys & in the evening I went to Church & mistook my way & went a long way further than I should have & got home safely however & spent an hour with Mrs Hoskings & brought home some water.
97 Fritz & Trombone; if you're not from South Australia, you might not know that Fritz is a pressed meat, and trombone is a type of pumpkin.

Jan 31st Baby been ill all night so we did not get up till seven & I made porridge & set table & we had our breakfast then I did all Baby’s wash & Frances bathed baby & washed up I swept the Kitchen & did the spare room & Harry went to the shop. Baby is so very unwell we cannot get her out of our arms. In the afternoon I soaked in clothes ready for tomorrow.

Feb 1st I intended to rise early but it was six when I came out & lit the fire & copper & went on washing got some on the line before breakfast & then I kept on & finished by dinner & got all in dry Frances had all her housework & Baby to look after. She is still far from well the dear little pet in the afternoon I nursed her for an hour & folded Harry is at the Shop this week he & I carried a tub of water from Mrs Hosking for rinsing today we brought it last night.

Feb 2nd I was late up Franc & Harry & boys were dressed before I was up after breakfast I decided to put frills on baby’s pinny & made her two nightdresses besides assisting in nursing baby, she is so teasy & not well. Franc did babys washing & her housework I took baby down to Mrs Hoskings & had a cup of tea with them, Frances roasted a fowl marrow & Potatoes had a hot six o’clock dinner yesterday I mean today Harry went to a sale & bought a Sofa & sundries so hot again only a breeze at evening.

Moonta February 3rd [from a gap in the book between Dec 31st and Jan 1st of 1910]
As I have space here I must report a piece I saw in the paper of a record load of Hay weighting sixteen 16 tons & drawn by 10) ten horses belonging to Mr Irish Mallala passed through Two Wells.

Also on or about Jan 29 I saw a team of eleven horses pass here Hamley Hill of the road from Maitland to Moonta 203 bags bushels the horses had hard work I watched them go by Birchip Vic. Boulder City W.A.

May Tancock98 & Mr J.G. Gosden were married March 23rd 1910 at Mundoora M Church.

98 Eva May Tancock, a distant cousin via Aunt Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock) and James Gordon Gosden.

Feb 3rd As I have not my usual work to do I have very little to report I always assist with baby & help Frances in ordinary duties this morning I started writing letter’s & finished Phyllis nightdress always go to Mrs Hoskings for water we are having much nicer weather cooler I took baby down & had a cup of tea with them nothing important to relate.

Feb 4) We hurried round I swept & dusted spare room & generally assisted then I cut out & made a best pinafore for Phyllis that Aunt Ada sent her I also went to Mrs Hoskings to address my envelopes as we had no ink Franc cleaned her front rooms lovely & cool yesterday morning I went to three of the neighbours to get eggs &c quite a run Frances made a set of lb cakes & coffee cake she is always busy in the her house cleaning & tidying.

Feb 5) We intended to go into Moonta so had to hurry around & I cleaned all windows & lamps cutlery beside helping with baby washing her clothes & c I scrubbed safe & Bread board & Franc did her baking coffee cake pie Tart & roasted Beef potatoes Trombone in the evening after bathing the boys & dressing ourselves up we went into Moonta called at Mrs Hughes99 & at the shop got Clif & French new black boots.
99 Mrs Hughes

Feb 6th) Sunday so we did not get up till late at 8 o’clock I dressed & lit fire & made porridge we had breakfast & while Frances was doing the housework I took little Phyllis to see Mrs William & stayed a good while Frances had dinner almost ready so after dinner was cleared away Harry having previously been for a ride to the beach at 6 o’ck we went to Moonta to Mrs French Folland to Tea & Clif & I went to the Harvest Thanks services at Moonta Methodist Church it was very nice & I came back & had a sing to the Piano & home at 10.

We saw by paper On Feb 3rd Dad met with a painful accident on this date he was helping to take an iron tank out of the dray with Charlie when the lid slipped on to his foot severing his second toe then Wilf took him to Dr & he went under an operation & had to stay in Gawler for a week or two at Buggs.

100  There are articles about this in the newspapers at the time!

Feb 7 Monday but we did not intend to wash so I lit fire & we had breakfast & Harry went to Pt Victoria Frances purchased goods from him some embroidery for a pinafore I started it but did some mending & other work In the afternoon we went to the Cemetry sic & also to Moonta & called at Mrs Elliots101 & saw Mrs Reynolds102 also to the shop & got a letter from home saying Dad was slowly recovering he is at Mrs Buggs at present. Frances & I hurried round & did our evening work. I went down for 2 Buckets of water they are cleaning out the Tank it is lovely cool weather.

101 Mrs Elliot
102 Mrs Reynolds

Feb 8th I dressed at 6/30 & lit fire & set breakfast & Frances milked & I washed up & soaked in the clothes for washing tomorrow we had early dinner & went to Moonta & took a car to the Bay & spent a little time on the beach & then called at Mrs Chambers103 had a cup of Tea & caught the 5 oclock to Moonta again I wrote a P.C. home & then called at the shop for Frances & we walked home I carried dear little Phyllis home then lit fire & put on the chops to fry & went down for water & got baby to sleep had our tea & Frances is writing to Harry.

103 Susan Annie Chambers (nee MacKenny), wife of John Chambers. Daughter, Thelma, infant.

Feb 9th Up before six & went on washing but I had a bother with the copper fittings & that hindered me however I got all the white clothes out & Frances did all the work & cooked dinner & helped me finish the dark clothes we had late dinner & scrubbed up & finished our work folded clothes.

Feb 10. We had planned to go to Moonta today so we hurried & did our work & I started ironing we had our dinner & Frances took the iron I felt so ill I had to go & lie on the couch till 4 o’clock so we did not go anywhere Mrs Hosking came down & Doris & Carrie104 out for a while Frances took the mangling to Mrs Williams’s & mangled the clothes we retired late.

104 Doris & Carrie, Doris Clemo? 

Feb 11) I did not feel well so did not rise till 7 oclock Frances lit fire & outside work I got the porridge made & breakfast ready & afterwards I wrote to Ma after dinner was over Frances dusted her front rooms & at 3 clock we got ready for Moonta & visited Mrs Hughes had Tea with them & Franc went in the Street. We called at Mrs Follands & also at poor Mrs Williams she is very ill again since Wensday.

Feb 12th) Up in good time dressed at 6/30 & blackleaded stove lit fire & got breakfast Frances outside work I went down for water then I washed up done the spare room & washed all front room floors cleaned the lamp, windows & all Cutlery & silver Frances baked cocoanut biscuits Currant & Seed cake & sponge & pastry & roasted beef & washed Kitchen floor & fried Sausages for 6 o’clock Tea & then Harry went to the Shop & took Clif & French Frances & I followed later & came home at ¼ to Eleven Harry got home at about 3 o’clock from his round at Pt Victoria had a successful trip a native wedding is to take place next week so Harry supplied with Trousseau for same & also has to get 2 dresses made.

Feb 13) I was first up at 8 o’clock lit fire & got breakfast & have been for water & done spare room swept Kitchen Franc bathed Phyllis & prepared Potatoes for dinner after dinner Frances Baby & I went to H.F. at the Mines Church childrens service held in the school room 335 children singing we had intended going to Tea but were disappointed so came back to Mrs Williams & stayed for a while & I stayed to Tea with them & from there I went to Church & straight home went to Mrs Hoskings Sen for a while & home.

105 Mrs Hosking Senior

Feb 14th) I did not get up till 6/30 Frances got breakfast I went on churning butter such a long time coming Harry went to work I did not feel too well Indigestion we got our housework done & at 11 o/clock Mrs Chambers & Thelma106 came & spent the day Frances cooked a chicken for dinner & Veg & sago after dinner She washed up & I took baby & Mrs Chambers & I had a long chat about olden times at Wards Belt had afternoon Tea & I walked into Moonta with her & she took Coach to the Bay I walked home tired enough & so hot for the weather is very hot again now Franc had fish fried for tea which Annie brought.

106 Thelma Chambers, aged 2. Annie is Susan Annie Chambers (nee MacKenny)

Feb 15. I did not get up till six Frances lit the Copper & fir & I went straight on at the Tubs & kept on till all the whites & bed linen was washed & hung out then Frances helped with others & I finished Rug &c & F. did the bedrooms had dinner & I folded & nursed baby cleaned myself & went for water Franc bathed her boys I washed my head we were at Tea & who should walk in but George Humphrys94 & Mr Mahony had Tea & fed their pony & then drove back to Wallaroo & we retired late to bed is very hot weather now though we get a sea breeze.

107 Benjamin George Humphrys, cousin; son of Auntie Charlotte. Mr Mahony

Feb 16th) Up late as I was tired Harry got up at 5 oclock & fixed up a Spring dray he bought before he went to work we had breakfast & then I cleared the table & went on ironing just finished at dinner time Frances bathed Phyllis in the Tub & cooked fowl Veg & apple pies for dinner Harry had to go back to the shop afterwards & I went on ironing she mangling clothes as poor Mrs Williams is so ill we did not go to mangle at 3 o’clock Harry Clif French & I drove to Pt Hughes & also came back to Sims Cove & through to Moonta a lovely drive but hot & sultry we all had a real good dip in the Briney got seaweed & shells.

Feb 17th) I felt so tired so did not get up till near seven I helped Frances with household work & as our duties are mostly of the same daily order I will not report minutely I set to work to make baby a pretty pinafore & as I could not get on very well it took me till near evening I got a letter from home saying I could stay another week. The weather is extremely hot with easterly winds.

Feb 18th. I got up & started to churn some butter but although I spent a best part of two hours it would not come so I swept & dusted the spare room & had baby a good bit of the ime helped washup & get dinner then at once I got ready for my drive in the Van with Harry to Moonta Bay to visit Mrs Chambers the view from there is simply magnificent the broad sparkling ocean, but I could not get a sea breeze as it was off the land. I stayed till near seven then came home & I walked all the way & got home at 8 oclock. Doris was here for a while & then friends came for her I felt tired so retired at 10 ock Franc fried her two fish for her & Harry Supper & she said it was about 12 ock before she retired.

Feb 19) A terrible Hot day threatened so after breakfast I went down for water had a cup of Tea with them & then I came back & made beds helped wash up & nursed baby & done her washing Franc was busy baking a set cakes Sponge sandwich & pastry & Veg & fowl for dinner the day was awfully hot in the afternoon I scrubbed Safe & dear little Phyllis was almost done with the heat she only wore her little singlet all day in the evening she laid outside in her pram till nearly ten Frances cleaned Cutlery swept & dusted I filled lamp Franc bathed boys I mended a shirt & had a bath & retired at 10 o’clcok. Very hot indoors.

Feb 20) Up & dressed at ¼ past seven Frances was up & milked & lit fire & tidied round & we had breakfast & she bathed Phyllis & French & washed her head I made the beds. After dinner we rested a while & then I dressed for a visit to Mrs Hoskings Sn I stayed there to Tea & looked at Photos & views was asked to play but could not so had to decline, came home & went to Sims Cove all of us in the Dray had a lovely bathe & got home at ¼ to 11. A dreadful hot day & land breeze

Feb 21st We were up very early & Harry went to his work off to Arthurton we had breakfast & then I went to the Station & also Shopping I was very tired as it was so awfully hot we have had such hot winds & my load was heavy & Parasol up so my arms ached got home at 11 ock & then had a rest & dinner & cut out & made Clif a Shirt & always help with Baby so terribly hot & in the even I went round to Mrs William had grapes & a talk with them came home & Franc & I retired last put up the cot in the other room. A terrible hot night.

Feb 22) We did not get up till after five I went on washing Franc lit Copper & fire & milked & I got all whites in boil & had breakfast & then finished all F assisted got everything done by dinner time & scrubbing as well. Franc cooked corned beef & veg for dinner & then folded all clothes & I made another Shirt. A cool change with thunder & lightning came last evening I spent evening with Mrs Hosking talking & joking Frances did her ironing. We appreciate the lovely change & could sleep tonight.

Feb 23rd We were tired & did not get up till ¼ to 7 (six, happily our clock was ¾ fast) & I lit fire & nursed Phyllis while Franc milked & I set table & had our breakfast a lovely morning then I took Baby for a walk down Maitland Rd & to see Mrs Williams Frances brought her mangling round & spent a hour or two with her as she was able to talk to us I got some Autographs in my Album Came home & had lunch & in the evening Frances cooked hot dinner & Dorrie95 came out & stayed the night I packed & strapped my basket & got all ready for home.

108 Probably Doris Clemo?

Feb 24) Up at five & dressed had breakfast & Mr Hosking109 came to drive me in to the Station. The morning was all one could desire for a journey so cool & breezy. I was in good time & had some pleasant companions in the carriage we got to Gawler at about 25 past 12: Celia Lorna & Clem met me & after Shopping & calling at Ada’s we came home tired by thankful to be home Lorna & Clem have good times together the weather here is dreadful hot.

109  Mr Hosking

Feb 25) I rested a while & dressed Lorna & myself at a little after six had breakfast & swept Kitchen & afterwards cleaned our room & put my boxes a bit straight had dinner & this afternoon I tried to make a belt but could not get on atall well at the job cleared away lunch set Tea table Amy cleaned front rooms Ma was cooking all morning the men are busy contracting110 a nice cool day today & much better for all am tired so will retire.

110 According to council records Harry Atyeo gets a lot of contracts to do road work in the Mudla Wirra South district at this time.

Feb 26. Up in good time Amy put out bread to rise & we had breakfast then I put up Tea for men & baked bread & yeast cake & also made a Sham Sultana Cake & baked it & got a cup coffee for the Gawler folks Dad Celia Amy & Lorna went then we had dinner & Ma baked meat & I scrubbed articles & swept & washed floors & cleaned cutlery Ma the Tinware & spoons & lamps also I did extra work & Ma & I milked & Separated they came home Tea & retired.

Feb 26th 1910 Leslie Folland & Mr Wait rode in a Challenge Bike Race such a crowd of spectators but Les lot after all great excitement over it they said in Gawler111.

111 E. Waite put a notice in The Advertiser on January 5th, challenging Leslie Folland to a 2 mile race for 10 pounds a side. The race was won by Mr Wait.

Feb 27th Up in fair time Celia lit fire & bathed both Clem & Lorna Amy & I milked & Sepr had our breakfast & I baked apples & made Blanc Mange & other duties P.T.D. came before dinner then we had our meal & I washed up Amy assisting wrote to Franc. W.C. came & we had Tea Wilf went to Church Ada & Family came home to dinner Charl & Lorna went for her in the Trap so the children had a good time.

Feb 28th I awoke at 3’ock but rested till five then dressed & went on washing Wilf went to the Chapel & got rain water Celia & I finish by dinner time & after C & A cleared & washed up I folded clothes & mended my frock Celia put a new pair of cleeves in her blouse Amy ws busy baking Ma general work I sorted my box & put away my things Ma & Celia milked Amy busy sewing sun hot but cool breeze Bert is not home yet from the Light. George112 & the others are contracting.

112 George? It could be George Edmund Hobart, who appears by full name a few days later.
March 1st I had to bake for breakfast so hurried & lit fire & baked rolls the others did milking & separating as usual breakfast over I baked two ovens of bread & generally assisted then filled irons & went on ironing till dinner time then I & Amy ironed all the rest Cel sewing Uncle Charley went to Gawler & brought out Tom & Louie & little Charlie113 we chatted & had afternoon Tea & was doing some mending to my every day dress. Celia also baked cakes & Pastry there is such a lot of cooking now so many men they are busy contracting at S.R.

113 Thomas Waters, Louisa Emily Waters (nee Arbon – cousin), and their son Arundel Charles, born December 1908.

March 2nd Cel & I dressed at sime time she lit fire & I swept both rooms & set table had our breakfast & also washed up & set second meal for visitors & Ma Celia & Ma cooked pies pasties & Veg for dinner Tom went down Gawler River with Charl a nice cool change I made my strawberry colored Belt & Mended my boot little Charlie amuses Lorna she & Cel are up at Eva’s Louie & Tom & boys are card playing I am not A.P. & will soon retire have washed up & mixed bread.

March 3rd Our usual hour & I had to bake bread for breakfast & afterwards cleared breakfast & got the second one & baked bread pies &c roasted meat the boys came home to dinner & Ma, Tom & Louie went over to see Aunt & Uncle on the Gawler Blocks Amy was making Charley a dress I had to do a little washing & ironing & Amy & I milked Celia & Lorna is at Eva’s & just come home as we finished milking & she helped Sepr I washed all dairy utensils & they got Tea. Ma & Dad & Tom & Louie came home just as we started Tea. Cool now.

March 4) I dressed & lit stove & put out bread and got boys & my own breakfast & washed all Sep & other baked bread two lots & pie &c & then after dinner I trimmed Charleys Hat & Louie did all her ironing I had to fix up the spout as it has rained steadily all day a complete change Dad Charl & George went for a load of wood as they could not contract Celia & Amy milked & Sepr & Eva came down for Lou & Tom & they went up there for the night . It is lovely & cool. Celia is mending & Ma also Mrs Holmes of Williamstown113 died a fortnight ago, also Esther Buckley’s baby114. Alice Dawe was married115 on Jan 19th & Myrtle Good is married to Mr Turner of Gawler116. Alice has a daughter born March 1st 1910117. Mrs Wallie Roediger has a son born Feb 21st 2910118.

113 Mrs Wilmot Holmes (nee Smith), daughter of Josiah Smith, wife of Arthur Holmes, aged 55. Wilmot is a woman's name! Who knew? I didn't.
114 Cannot find any marriage record for an Esther Buckley, nor any birth record where she is mother; there is a single woman called Esther Buckley who died in Wallaroo, aged 88 in 1970.
115 Alice Ethelinda Dawe, Percy’s younger sister, married Gerhard Bernard William Warnken.
116 Myrtle Good (daughter of Ezekiel Good) and Helmore Arthur Raymond Turner, married at the home of Mr Seaman, Gawler.
117 Irene Thelma Warnken, daughter of Gerard Bernard Warnken and Alice Ethelinda Dawe, born Gawler South, just 3 months after the wedding of her parents; this is really common at the time.
118 Ethel Laura Bennett, married to Albert Walther Roediger, her son Conrad Julius, born in Hamley Bridge.

March 5th Sat morning & a very wet day it promised to be which as the day wore on was well fulfilled. It is a record indeed for the breaking up of summer. Tom & Louie & Baby were at Eva’s so Dad went off to Gawler & Charlie went to Adelaide & George rode too with them taking his Bike with him in the trap. Tom & Louie came home with him in the pouring rain. I baked scones & Biscuit& three cakes & meat. Amy housework & cutlery Celia & Ma were sewing I had a sore throat. Celia fried Sausages for tea a bright fire going in the dining room all the time.

Mar 6th A very wet morning & so windy none of us stirred till 8 oclock I dressed & got the fie in dining room & made a plum pudding Celia cooked Sausages after a late breakfast Bert went to spend a day at Ada’s Dad & Tom went for a drive till dinner time I swept & dusted dining room & after dinner I read after helping clear away & washup my throat very bad could not sleep for it last night the wind is blowing in Gales are afraid the roof will go off it is just terrible & raining in torrents we girls have been writing letters to Frances & others.

Mar 7th Still raining so I did not get up till near seven made fire & porridge & got breakfast over & got in some wood & at 11 oclock I got lunch & Dad & Celia drove Tom a& Lou home to Gawler & from there they start tomorrow for Broughton I been sewing all the afternoon Celia & Dad got home early & C & A milked & are now at fancy work dear little Lorna slept 3 ½ hours she is a pet with all, we washed up & mixed bread. Charl came from town by 9 train.

Mar 8th) I got up at ¼ past 6 & lit fire in the fire in dining room & then put out bread to rise & lit stove & we had breakfast & I swept & dusted dining room Amy did all the others & I the Kitchen the boys packed up all the things they wanted for the other place & Celia Amy & Lorna went down also & cooked dinner for them & cleaned up the house Dad put panes in the windows & Wilfred went out to Hubles Days on Totty I made pies for us & boys for tomorrow after dinner I mended the lamp with Alaim & help washup & cleaned all best boots & other work then I soaked in washing & helped milk got in wood finer today light showers & cold mixed bread again tonight.

Mar 9th Washing day so I lit stove 7 Copper & went on at the tubs Amy got breakfast & Celia joined me breakfast over we persevered & finished dinner time Ma baked the bread after I had put it on Dad Lorna & Amy went to Gawler Ma cooked dinner & just as we had finished our mean Amy & Lorna came home with the sad news of a burning accident to Mabel Panter she used Methylated Spirit in a mistake for Kerosene & it exploded & burned her dreadfully then Dad came home from Gawler with the Tank & told us of her death this afternoon poor girl our sympathy is with her dear mother & family in their sad trouble119. A nice day.

119 Mabel Panter, aged 16, daughter of Eliza Jane Ratcliff and Richard James Panter. Very sad for her mother because her husband only died in 1908 (see Fanny's diary for 1908!). This is Will Ratcliff’s niece.

March 10th. Late up got breakfast & the girls milked the boys are at the other place & just as we finished breakfast George Hobart120 came & after Dad & George & Wilfie & (Bert who came from the other place) went chaffcutting & were home to dinner then all went back there & Celia went to Lime Kiln121 & got lime I cut out & partly made a black skirt for Amy she was very busy baking Cakes & Biscuits pies &c & the weather is delightfully pleasant cold morn & even only Wilfie home at night & he went to a Social at Gawler River last night tonight I mixed bread & usual work.

120 This is the first time George Edmund Hobart (future husband of Amy) is mentioned, but perhaps he is the George who has been contracting with the boys for the past few days. He is aged 16.
121 There were lime kilns in Willaston, both on High Street and on Redbanks Road.

March 11th I had to hurry & get the fie & put out bread Amy got breakfast & afterwards they did the milking &c then Lorna & Celia went down to the other place & whitwashed all the back rooms & Ada came over to see her Clem came home with them tonight I finished Amy’s skirt Amy has been going her hardest cleaned all rooms thoroughly for Sunday I had to bake bread this morning & tidy the dining room such a beautiful day & so fine.

March 12) I decided to get up earlier & dressed at ¼ to 6. It is now quite dark in the morning early I blackleaded stove & put out my bread to rise made yeast cake & then had breakfast & washed up Sep & other articles filled & cleaned lamp & made Madeira & Sultana Cake & baked Bread & all Cakes had dinner & Celia Lorna & I went to Gawler calling at Bragglesome Farm122 for Dad we did our shopping & went to Mrs McLeans & were late home cold coming home like winter now so damp a lovely day Amy stayed home & did work bathed Clem & had one herself got tea & we came just in time.

122 Bragglesome Farm, seems to be the other property in Wards Belt owned by Henry Atyeo. Corner of Leak Road and Parkers Road. 

March 13) Sunday so I lit fire & got breakfast C & A milked &c our meal over I swept dining room & done our room. Amy the other housework Celia & Ma prepared dinner & Celia & I went for a ride on horseback Celia on Richters (Totty) & I on Snapper. It was a beautiful morning & we very much enjoyed our ride Amy was on the Bicycle then they went up to the Tap & I came in & had a bathe so did Celia P.T.D. came & we had dinner & I read for a while then made fire & got Tea Ma & Dad Amy Wilfie & Lorna & Clem went for a drive Charl wrote a letter Celia & Percy went off on their own. In the evening the lads & Amy went to Chapel Buchsfelde & Dad Ma Lorna Clem went for a walk up to see the melons & the rise.

March 14th Up at ¼ to 6 & lit fire & Copper & got in a boil then had breakfast & Celia helped me we did not finish before dinner & afterwards, Celia took the children for a walk & I washed extra dresses & other things did not finish till 3/30 scrubbed up while the other girls did the ironing finished all up & Alf N came for evening the boys & George are at Bragglesome Farm. Dad & Wilfie came home tonight from there it has been an ideal day for washing Lorna is not atall well.
Mrs Jim Alexander has a son today123.

123 Douglas Graham Alexander, son of James Douglas Alexander (born in One Tree Hill!) and Charlotte Ann Day.

March 15) Same hour & ordinary duties I baked bread & generally helped with work & cut out & partly made a Skirt for Celia she starched & ironed all the Shirts & Amy had another washing day as Alf was too late for yesterday in the afternoon Amy went into Ada’s to see if she was going to Moonta but as Jim expects to go to Mr Olivers124 she is afraid she will not & Flora is in milk the men have started contracting again & there is dinner to pack & tea to make so much extra to do Lorna is not well.

124 Mr Oliver

March 16th We are dressed at same time & Amy lit fire I got breakfast but did not feel well however I fixed up a box with crettome & several other things but I was so ill I had to lie down I really could not keep up Celia & both children went to Gawler with poultry were away nearly all day I tried to do a little sewing but could not do much. I swept & tidied both dining room & kitchen.

March 17th We were up at six well I was later as I was not well. Amy lit fire & got breakfast porridge &c I put out bread & baked it also slide Buns & Ma baked meat & cooked dinner. Celia got our room ready for company & Amy cleaned all front rooms. I done dairy & hung curtains I also made new Curtains Tuesday for our bedroom we had our dinner & up drove Auntie125 & Hugh & Martha had their dinner & I set too & finished Celia’s skirt Celia & Amy intertained sic in the sitting room had Music &c then she Lorna & Martha & Hugh went down to the other place for a drive & took food to the boys, saw Eva She has eczema very bad.

125 Probably Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), who in 1910 is also associated with Martha. I don't know who Martha is.

March 18th I got up early & got Wilfie his breakfast before he started away & I hurried & blackleaded by stove & got all nicely done took Auntie & Ma their tea & had my breakfast & hurried with usual work & when finished I finished Celia’s skirt & also altered Amy’s got both done altogether Auntie stayed for morning lunch talking Dad & Hugh went down to Gawler River & came back for lunch then on to Mr Mortimers126 Sale at Kangaroo Flat Hugh brought home some grapes Amy & Martha went to see Eva & Kit in the afternoon & in the evening after making bread I went in & had a sing song evening a lively time as all the boys & George came home we were late retiring. Sun was hot today.

126 Mr Mortimer, neighbour

March 19th I was astir early got out a hugh sic batch of bread & lit stove &c Amy got breakfast & Celia always goes to help milk & Sepr. There is so much extra to do company makes all the difference I baked two batches bread & a large yeast Cake & Mutton Dad Celia & Lorna took Hugh & Martha to Gawler to see her Grandma after they had gone I hurried & had lunch & Bert also had his dinner & we got all their clothes ready for the boys to go to Gawler at night & packed food also then I scrubbed safe form & all other articles as usual Ma cleaned all cutlery & had a rest while I swept both rooms & washed the floors then I set too & made a Silk bonnet for Lorna to wear to the Anniversary we had a cup of Tea & Ma milked & we Separated & who should come with them but Ted & Myrtle127.

127Ted & Myrtle. I can't find any Myrtles married to Edwards within the families I have, or brother and sister called Edward and Myrtle. Not sure who they are. 

Sunday March 20th I was busy as I intended to go to Stone Hill Dad & Amy milked &c I lit fire & got a cup of tea Celia set table I cleared Wilfs bed away as were are pushed for room now then Dad Ma & I went to Chapel & I was so unwell I could not go to Mrs Standleys though she begged me to go I made Ma’s bed before I went Celia & Amy did all the work & cooked dinner & Cake & pastry had all ready when we got home so had dinner & I washed up Amy helping & then I rested & read a little Celia made fire & she & I got Tea then P.T.D. Celia Lorna Amy & boys went I washed up Myrtle & Ted helped me then I put away clothes & tidied room & got Charl his clothes it was quite hot today Alf & Kit & Aubrey came for evening also A.N.128 came in after Chapel with Bert.

128 Likely Alf Nottle.

March 21st I was up just after five & got Wilfie his breakfast early as he was off to Gawler others usual work I lite copper & Amy & I washed Celia housework Ma cooking pasties &c for men Dad & Ted went to Gawler & as their was a mistake made in a business transaction Dad had to go back after dinner Lorna & Celia went too & called at the other place & done up the work there I had a pain in my side so Amy & I never got the washing done till 3 o’clock such a lot to do Amy ironed the dark clothes & Myrtle did her ironing I got a cup of Tea & fetched up some water for plants as the day was so hot I helped milk & Separate.

March 22nd I was first up & got breakfast hot rolls & put out bread then I baked it & washed a few things to iron cleaned our room & Made beds Celia & Amy ironed their white dresses & Lorna’s ironing also. Then I took iron & did not finish till 3/30 am so tired & my side is bad Ma cooked dinner poor old Wilfie went to Gawler & had a tooth drawn Celia Lorna & Amy went to Mrs Follands129 for the Day Myrtle doing fancy work Ma sewing Ted is not well such a bad head Celia & Amy were late home we had finished Tea Ma & I did milking &c Ted & Myrtle went for a stroll very hot day & evening.

129 Probably Frances mother-in-law, Mrs Jane Rowse Folland (nee Wright).

March 23rd The wedding of Clem Dawkins & Myrtle Hillier today. Dad got up at six & called me I got breakfast the others dairy work then usual duties for all Ma & Amy went on cooking pasties & Biscuits & diner Dad came home from road & had early dinner & He & Ted went to Harry Youngs130 Sale bought a wash stand set table & Curtain Poles very hot again Wilfie went to horse in Action Show at Gawler Myrtle & Celia Lorna & Ted went for Chairs &c & Dad & Ted went back & got table. Wilf did not get home till nine o’clock tonight.

130Clement Allan Dawkins and Myrtle Mildred Hillier married at Myrtle's family home.   Harry Young. This is not the former neighbour, who was Mr William Young.

March 24th: I was up in good time & got the stove lit & put out bread & got breakfast over. Then afterwards Tea & Dad went up to Mr Youngs for the Sideboard came home & we girls cleared all ready for it in the sitting room & shifted the other one out in the dining room & the Cedar Safe we took down in the dairy gave all a good cleaning put the new table in the Kitchen & out old one in the dairy got all straight boys all came home & at night Amy & them went to the Band of Hope Also George Charlie stayed home with us we are having very hot weather again so hot at night I commenced a pinafore for Lona P.T.D came down at night.

March 25) I made Buns last night & got up at five to bake them but they were not ready so rested a little so we all did ordinary work all boys home today so Dad they rebuilt the Shed as it had fell down Ted helped Percy came out in a covered tray also Aunt & Uncle from Blocks131 so we had 7 men to dinner 6 women & Lorna we had to be very brisk in waiting at table In afternoon Percy & Celia went for an afternoons outing & called on Ollie. Amy & Auntie had Music & singing I was sewing finished Lorna’s pinafore got a cup of tea & we got all done nicely & I wrote letters at night. I baked two lots of buns.

131 Uncle William and Aunt Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock).

March 26th Cooler air this morning I was up just after five & Amy got breakfast I cleaned stove & utensils got bread baked & cleaned lamps windows Dad and Amy drove to Gawler took Ted & Myrtle to Uncle Charlie’s Celia Did dining room I scrubbed forms &c & did some washing had a bathe Charlie came home & had late dinner & dressed for Town where he spends the holidays Celia washed floors & I did all cakes & baked them & had a lot of odd work for boys quite a cool wind Amy & Dad late home had Tea & washed up. Ma cleaned all Cutlery & tins today.
Martha & Dick are married132.

132Probably Martha Lillian Dean and Richard Humphrys, who were married at Holy Trinity Church on March 22. Richard Humphrys is a brother-in-law of Aunt Charlotte Humphrys.

March 27th Sunay but we girls were up early & started work at seven I fried the sausages & breakfast over each did a portion of housework George came out & said Good by to us as he leaves us for Jones I cooked vegetables & made pies & pasties Wallie133 came out at eleven dinner over & I washed up & had a rest & read Wallie & Amy went for a stroll Celia & Lorna had a sleep Amy & Celia got Lornas basket packed for Moonta. C & I. L. & boys went to chapel Chapel service in aid of Mrs Panter134 at Buchsfelde.

133 Probably Walter Dawe, older brother of Percy.
134 Eliza Panter (nee Ratcliffe), the mother of poor Mabel. 

March 28th I awoke very early & dressed in good time & got breakfast ready Wallie stayed all night as the bike broke he was riding & ours was not home, so he had to push his as far as Davis’s & there get it fixed up Celia drove Amy & Lorna to station & I hurried & Ma & I milked & separated had a cup of Tea & Alf came for the rake so he had one also with us. I brushed all boys clothes & Ma & I had late dinner & Celia & Percy came home he altered the screws in the box & made it lock Celia did fancywork I mended stockings Ted & Myrtle went to Willaston Picnic with Alf & Kit & Alf Nottle came down & stayed a while with us yarning Ted & Myrtle came back last night to Tea also Alf drove them home I mixed bread & as my side was bad I retired.

March 29th Up at ¼ to six & dressed & got fire & Celia got breakfast & I put out bread & baked some afterwards I got pot on to Whit wash as Dad took Ted & Myrtle down to the Light so Celia burnt Sulphur & we cleared everything & white washed our room I papered wardrobe & we fixed all up & I sorted & soaked in washing ready for tomorrow I feel tired tonight it has been Ideal weather for holidays but I have not kept any Charl returned from Town this morning rode his bike home, George came out for his blankets tonight warm tonight.

March 30th Up just after four & dressed & called Celia & we both went on at the Tubs after I had lit the Copper & she the stove it was so dark I had to have the Lantern to wash by we worked very hard, striped our room of everything bed ticks pillows Blanket 2 white Quilts & bed Top toilet covers mats etc we both kept at it till 9 o’clock then Celia scrubbed up & I started folding & we had a cup of Tea & filled all pillows Ticks & sewed them up & Celia & Ma milked & we had Tea I mixed bread Celia cleared the table & washed up & we retired.

March 31st Were tired so did not get up till six & Celia hurried & got breakfast ready & I lit fire & put out bread had breakfast & baked & did housework & got a cup of Coffee both went on ironing & I fixed up the bed tops & curtain on wardrobe we did not finish till about 4 oclock Alf drove Pollie & 3 children135 down so they are with us now the boys are all gone to Buchsfelde to a social supper Celia & Pollie & Ma talking. May Beckwith136 was married last Monday March 28th in Gawler.

136 Emma Beckwith married Albert William Bush, St. George Church.
135 Pollie's children are Dorothy May Preiss, Albert Leslie Preiss and Clarice Louisa Ellen Preiss

April 1st I awoke early & called Charl & dressed & got breakfast over & blackleaded my stove &c & got lunch for men who were Chaffcutting Pollie & children were up at 6/30 & all of the boys & Celia were having such fun fooling each other Ma prepared a fowl for dinner & Celia did front rooms I dining room had dinner & Celia & Pollie & children went to Ada’s the Tea agent came I washed up all dinner dished & pots &c a lovely day.

April 2nd Voting day137 so I hurried & got breakfast over Pollie & children were all up Celia & Dad milked & Sep & at nine oclock having put up tea & dinners Bert &I drove down to Buchsfelde & gave our vote & I drove home at eleven Dad & Celia took Pollie & children to the station Ma & I had a cup of Tea & I finished the dining room & scrubbing & washed floors & baked meat & Cake Did some washing & Ma cleaned all the Cutlery we milked & Sepr & got tea & they came home from Gaw.

137 South Australian State Election. They voted at the church hall at Buchsfelde?

April 3rd Early up & got sausages fried for breakfast Ma is ill in bed with Influenza also all the boys are the same Celia got dinner & I did bedrooms & housework Bert went to Nottles & Wilf to Church at night neither of us others went out all day I felt jolly crook in the evening & wrote with Celia to Amy Charl wrote to Eva I read a good deal had Supper & retired nice pleasant weather now but very dry.

April 4th I had a very restless night could not get my breath & my throat was so sore I could not sleep & felt so loathe to rise but I lit the fire & got breakfast Celia milked &c Dad assisting we are all pretty crook Charl & Dad went to Gawler for Manure Charl with the trolley & Dad with the Buggy Bert went cultivating Wilf knock about hand went down to Bragglesome I had to lie down & bake bread between rests also made a pie but felt dreadfully ill all day I really did not feel able to milk but had to help Celia also separate.

April 5th I was not able to wash so I got along as best I could with other work did housework Celia made a new back for Alf’s waistcoat & did washing up stewed Quinces for dinner & fried mutton & I baked some after dinner I washed up & cleaned out the kitchen cupboard as two mice died in their so I whitwashed it & sorted tins I felt so far from well but persevered & at five oclock sorted & soaked in clothes for the washing Celia finished her sewing & then went to milk I went down also but only milked one separated & we had our tea Da & Ma were so very unwell that both went to bed before tea tonight.

April 6; Up at six & went to the tubs also lit the Copper & got in a boil Celia got breakfast ready & I waited on the boys & had my own then I hurried as fast as I could but had such pains in my limbs could hardly rub I got all done up to German prints & pants then as Celia washed all them & stocking & I finished after dinner & scrubbed up & also scrubbed the old cupboards & all belonging & sorted it back in its place Celia did Sep house & blocks & came in to make the Tomato relish & finish indoors. She & I milked & separated & washed up she is at fancy work.

April 7. Dad’s birthday & we were all bad Ma is very unwell indeed & my limbs are so painful we both did the usual work Celia cooked dinner & I went ion with the ironing but could not hurry in the afternoon Celia ironed the Skirts & I finished the rest felt nearly done up Ma managed to do some mending & made Charlie Waters138 little Flannels Charlie & Dad went to Gawler & Got Manure Monday Bert is cultivating Wilfie various work hot sun in daytime & cold in the morning & at night with light showers today.

138 Arundel Charles Waters, first-born son of cousin Louie.

April 8; I got up in good time this morning at 5/30 & got my bread out to rise lit stove & baked rolls for breakfast Celia always milks & Dad feeds the cows I get boys meal. Then I baked bread & made coffee for lunch as the men were chaffcutting & Celia had to help them. Ma managed to churn butter & clean dairy & I washed up all articles & cleaned our room & turpentine the bed as our room has a chemical smell I felt so ill I could not move without pain in both legs & arms I did not know how to keep going. Celia did front rooms & boys & in the afternoon went to Eva’s & Dad & Charl went to the road & from there to Gawler & Wilf went to Gawler to get dray repaired We cut up Melon for Jam tonight. We got a lovely line of Melons.

Saturday April 9th. I felt better this morning & blackleaded stove & got breakfast then I lit up & baked scones Cake & pie meat & Celia got Veg ready & dusted dining room & done boys room & Ma’s she is so very unwell but packed eggs & assisted Dad & Celia went to Gawler, then I had to go my hardest & washed up such a lot of dishes & pots washed both floors scrub safe form & C & cleaned dining room fireplace & fountain got a cup of Tea helped milk & outdoor work they came home teatime letters from Moonta. Mr Koch of the Flagstaff Hill139 was buried today at Buchsfelde & Mrs Tom Robinson140 was buried at Willaston today.

139 Hermann Friedrich Koch, at She-oak Log (according to his death record), aged 70. There must have been multiple Flagstaff Hills in Adelaide at the time, as this is nowhere near the current suburb of Flagstaff Hill in Adelaide.
140 Clarice Myrtle Robinson (nee Hood), died aged 17. Probably childbirth related, as she had a son (Claud James) 5 weeks ago; she only married Thomas Oliver Robinson in December. Very sad.

Sunday April 10th Celia & I dressed & I got the breakfast over (Sausages) Celia milked &c Ma was very unwell so after breakfast she & Dad went for a walk but she had to rest several times I had just finished sweeping & was making rolls when Bert said he was going to Ada’s so I went with him & stayed till four. Ada had all the children bathed & ready to drive home but as we went in they stayed home Wilf went to Uncle Wills & Bert & Alf N. went to church in the Sulky Celia & Percy were home when we got back so we got Tea & I & Dad milked. All the talk is of Vine’s141 wedding.

141 Melvina Hand (Melonia on her birth record), daughter of Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath)

April 11, Did not intend to wash so we did all ordinary work & Dad & Ma went for drive to the other place I baked a pie & pasties Celia got the dinner & both did a share of housework & this afternoon all been mending & putting away best clothes &c I washed up Ma helped & I got all the washing ready & soaked in helped milk & Separate Mr Richter & Howard came down in the dray very dry weather & quite hot in the daytime Charlie got home soon after 8 o’clock this morning from Adelaide.

April 12th Berts Birthday I awoke at five but it was so dark I could not see to wash so I got back in bed & stayed till 5/30 dressed & started toil at 6 o’ck got in the second boil then had breakfast & gave boys their s Celia & Dad milked and after she had finished her usual work she joined me at the Tubs we finished at 11/30 and had a cup of Tea then scrubbed at lot o extra box & after cleaning everything I started ironing & did all before Tea A nice pleasant day cold morn & even. Bert & Dad & Charl went down & finished road making Wilf on the land cultivating.

April 13th I got up at 6 o’clock & had to hurry as my bread was over, so after making the fire & put it out to rise Celia set table & they had usual Tea then I & boys had our breakfast & I washed up everything Celia helped & did boys room I was so busy & baked bread got lunch prepared & baked pie &c meat got dinner cooked Celia had to help men at chaffcutting Bert went out to Vote142 & brought home their different tools from road.

142 Constitutional referendum (State debts). Why didn’t Fan vote? It was generally a pretty poor turnout (maybe 60%) so good on Bert for voting.

April 14th Same time & usual work there are so many odd jobs to do which do not count all the men went out to Twelftrees so there were dinner to pack & Tea to put in jars we are having lovely weather Herbert Argent & Annie Andrews143 were married this afternoon Alf went to the wedding but Kit did not go as Aubrey was not well. I was mending today after I finished work then at four o’clock I lit up stove & baked Biscuits & leg mutton Veg for Tea helped Celia milk & Separate & sewed after Tea.

143 Herbert George Argent & Annie Lenora Andrews; Herbert's brother William married Annie's sister in 1907.

April 15th I had to bake bread so had to hurry & light stove put bread out to rise Celia set table & I gave boys their breakfast & baked & thoroughly cleaned our room then I baked Dora Biscuits & Cake had dinner & cleaned Tins on mantle shelf I went up to Kits & spent an hour or two home & help milk & Sep Celia cleaned front rooms & boys room picked & dressed a fowl & cleaned out cupboards I am learning to do fancy work a bit so did some of Celia’s another nice day but my limbs are stiff & painful Ma is so very unwell.

April 16th I am always up & at work at six in morning & then it is quite dark indoor the sun does not rise till late now I baked bread after cleaning my stove C & Dad milked & then Sep Celia does herself & feeds her pigs after the bread was done I baked mutton & cooked Veg Marrow & Potatoes for dinner Celia dusted & washed fancy things in the dining room then she had to help chaffcut I got a lunch ready Coffee & Cake filled & cleaned lamps windows &c after dinner C & Dad went to Gawler I swept & washed both dining room & Kitchen floor scrubbed safe form, & all others requiring same blackleaded dining room fireplace fountain & Kettle & done other work got afternoon Tea milked all seven cows Separated & fed pigs Dogs & cat, wind round to west. Colder now.

April 17th I was up early as I intended to go to Church but I really could not get away. I lit stove & got parents Tea then swept dining room & made a Plum Pudding & got it on then fried Ham & Eggs for breakfast Celia milked & pigs &c set table Ma was so unwell so Wilf & her drove into Ada & she & her children came home for the day we had Veg Marrow Potatoes Cold Mutton in the afternoon Mrs Bugg & Doo ? came. Ada & I went for a walk up to the Cemetry & the children went too & also to see the Melons had tea & boys went to Church Percy got here dinner time Charl & him went for a drive & also Percy & Celia took Ada home at night fine day. We heard Tommy144 is to be married on the 21st.

144 Tom Nottle, see April 23rd for details!

April 18 I awoke at five but as it was so dark I did not dress till 5/30 & lit Copper & went on with washing Celia made the boys breakfast & I gave them their meal then got in a boil & Celia had to wash up all after she finished milking & separating as Ma was so unwell her cough was dreadful she made a pie & did some work & it knocked her up completely we had several extra’s & did not finish till 3/30 then scrubbed up & I folded while Celia did beds then Celia & I had to milk & separate Ma & I mend stockings at night Men are all out in Twelftrees.

April 19th Same hour & usual work for us both & Celia swept all rooms & Ma dusted front room I did our room & cooked dinner roast Mutton Apple pie for 6 o’clock as the boys were away in Twelftrees Dad & Celia went to Gawler at 11 o’clock he had some business to transact so Celia did her shopping & bought Vine a pair of vases & Amy came home from Moonta & Celia went to Ada’s & Amy & Dad went to Mrs Parkers’145 & she went through the new house got home at 5/30 & Celia & Amy milked & separated I washed up the Sepr & got tea then we had a talk to Amy I did all the ironing except white shirts & aired all & put them away we are having lovely weather.

145 Mrs Parker is likely to be Esther Parker (nee Whitbread) an older woman who lives in Willaston.

April 20. Started work at six I did hurry too had to light fire in stove & put out bread to rise & make porridge & get & give boys their breakfast & a lot of odds that do not count cut Wilfie his dinner & put up tea for him done our room & baked bread pie roasted let mutton veg marrow & Potatoes I was very busy after dinner it was all Vines wedding. I made a new Insertion Colar for Celia’s dress & packed their basket & labeled & strapped also packed present & labeled that Amy assisted Ma in every way & we helped them away Dad & Ma Charl & Celia all off in style then I straightened round fed fowls & looked up the Eggs & milked & Sep got tea & Amy is with the boys. Cool.

April 21st I had such pains in my limbs could scarcely turn but got up & lit fire Amy gave boys their breakfast & I went down & milked & Separated then I had my meal & cut dinner & put up tea washed up everything & Amy did all the housework & helped me cut up all the Quinces for Jam which I made & it turned out well Kit & Eva & Aubrey came down just as I finished taking it up brought down some honeycomb then I just rushed through all evening work milked & Separated Amy got Tea & we cleaned ourselves & went to the Band of Hope had a pleasant time & lovely drive home a crowded house but have been to better meetings.

April 22nd Have been ill all night with bilious attack but got up & lit fire & started churning butter for 1 ½ hours put it a one side & milked & separated & washed up then churned for another hour & half got dinner & blackleaded stove Amy had to go to the station to meet Dad & Charl & I had another go at my butter & got it after nearly 4 hours stirring then gathered eggs & milked & separated boys finished out at Twelftrees & have been down at the Farm today a fox took our fine duck & we have to shut up the others both Amy & I were very tired as it was late last night.

April 23rd I was awake nearly every hour & looked at the watch got up at 5/15 & frie breakfast & set table for boys Amy made the gravy & waited on the lads while I milked & separated & washed up all Wilfie & Bert went to the Exhibition with George Hobart Alf Nottle I have been cooking all day & Amy has done all the work housework, cutlery, scrubbing & windows she is a treasure to work with I swept dairy & done washing up got dinner for us & Dad went to Gawler & met Celia & Ma they have had a good look round town & enjoyed themselves. Tom Nottle was married on the 21st instant146 Both Charlie147 & Vine were married on the 20th to Clarissa Barr & Harold Dunn148 respectively. Delightful weather.

146 Thomas Leonard Nottle, brother of Will, married Martha Emma Ottilie Sholz, at the Sholz home in Willaston. They then go to Port Lincoln (see April 26).
147 Cousin Charlie (Joseph Charles Humphrys, son of Aunt Charlotte in Port Broughton), married Clarissa Eleanor Barr, in Bews, Yorke Peninsula. Fanny stayed with the Barrs for a few days last year (see above!).
148 Melvina (Melonia) Hand (cousin, daughter of Aunt Amelia in Prospect) married Harold Thomas Headland Dunn at Prospect Church of Christ.

April 24th Sunday I was dressed at seven & lit fire & got Sausages fried for breakfast C & A milked & Sep &c the boys were tired as Bert & Wilfie did not get home till small hours of morning so we were late getting our meal over & all the Topic was Exhibition149 & Vine’s wedding Parents gave me a Tumbler inscribed with name & place Bert gave me a pepper box & Wilfie gave Amy a Brooch & Ma gave her a Jug. & to Ada & Celia a Wine Glass & Celia a hand bag. We each did odd work & I got dinner & that over Celia & I spent the afternoon & evening at Mrs Standleys we enjoyed ourselves very much as we always do Vivian is at Mrs Clem Dawkins150 to assist with work Amy & boys went to Buchsfelde to Church at night Celia & I got home at about ten a nice drive home.

149 The Adelaide Exhibition at the Jubilee Exhibition Building, that used to grace North Terrace, but was demolished in 1962 to make way for the ugly ugly Napier Building.
150 Vivian Rose Standley, daughter of Mrs Standley, aged 14. Mrs Clem Dawkins is Myrtle Mildred Dawkins (nee Hillier); they were married in March.

April 25 We did not intend washing so after our usual morning duties were done Celia & Wilfie went up to the Chapel for water & he unfortunately drove too near the Tank & bursted it so Dad had to take it into Gawler to get mended I made Amy & myself a German Print apron each & put sleeves in Alfs Shirt & mended sofa cover it has been an exceptionally windy dusty day blowing things everywhere buckets & pans &c the boys have been carting out Manure & a treat they have had too Dad was late home & dusty as could be.

April 26th As I had to bake bread this morn & Celia & Amy had their holiday clothes to wash they two did all washing I baked bread & Pastry & generally assisted in kitchen also swept all the 4 room & dusted them made all the beds Oh the dust made such a lot of extra work. Ma had to clean her dairy and both front rooms after dinner we washed up & I went on folding Amy helped finish it with me & we mended stockings at night. Celia has finished her fancy work & is making a night dress Alf N. spent last evening with us they had a merry time all the young folk together T.L. Nottle & wife & her brother Herman151 sailed for Pt. Lincoln last Saturday where they make their home now. Alf is to manage the farm at Kangaroo Flat for his Mother. The weather is very dry rain threatens but so far none has fell a cool change last night & lovely day today & such a big wash they had.

151 Thomas Leonard Nottle & his new wife (see April 23rd) & her brother Herman Sholz

April 27th I was not up very early half past six I started work lit fire & swept dining room & dusted it made porridge & gave boys their breakfast & then the rest came in to their meal. Dad & boys went down to the Farm & Ma & I cooked dinner I made & baked pies I felt very ill all day but had to assist I fixed up our bed & Celia & Amy went on ironing & finished dinner time mostly then C took hot dinner down to Ma & I had to lie down my knees seem to give out then I starched & ironed white & fashion shirts & helped Amy milk & I sep & Amy fed animals I wahsed Sep & Ma & Amy washed Tea things up Celia sewing looks like a change with rain. The mice are rather plentiful.

April 28th Usual duties performed by each & directly after breakfast Dad & I went to Gawler to get the dogcart splashboards raised we went to the Station first then back & I did shopping it was the most dusty day I was ever in Gawler & I got sick of the street so went down to Mrs Hobarts152 for a while. Poor Georgie hurt his foot while loading a trolly a sack truck felon his instep he would scarcely put his foot to the ground & was up at the Doctors I had a cup of tea then Dad & I drove home. It was like rain but only very light showers fell, but it was very cold at night.

152 Georgie Hobart’s mother; Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett), daughter of Benjamin Barnett (who died of a head injury sometime after catching his pick in the clothesline and bringing it down on his own head!).

April 29th Up very early just after five & got breakfast prepared & called Amy who set talbe & waited on same Celia did milking &c The Lads & Dad loaded a trolly with Hay & Charl & Wilfie took it to Gawler, Dad & Bert fixed up the wagon as the trolly had to be left in there We did a lot of our work today as Amy & I were to go to City tomorrow to the Exhibition I cleaned all lamps & Celia washed all curtains in front rooms & the bed draping & fixed up Curtain Poles & hung all the curtains Dad & Bert carted down Melons & Amy swept all rooms & dusted walls & washed pictures in front rooms & back bedrooms I helped in general work cooking & housework.
We saw in the paper the sad death of Edward Henry Benger Wasleys found drown in an underground tank of April 23rd. 153

153 According to the newspaper, Edward Henry Benger was aged 30, son of Mr Edward Benger, a retired farmer, and fell into the tank which was near a house “in which he was in the habit of sleeping”. I guess it’s an abandoned house? It's pretty sad because his 21 year old sister died last year (1909a) when her clothes caught fire.

April 30th Saturday. We intended going to Adelaide by Express but I was so unwell I got up at ¼ to 5 & got the kettle boiled for boys breakfast & porridge made then I went back to bed & had a sleep till 7/30 got up & had breakfast then Amy felt so ill so we both decided to stay home Amy done the dining room I cleaned all cutlery tins & scrubbed all articles as usual & helped Celia who did all the cooking pastry, biscuits, cake, meat. Dad Ma & Amy went to Gawler & Amy spent her spare time at Mrs Hobarts George’s foot is getting better. Aunt Amelia154 came home with them I had finished the milking & Celia had also finished her work & we cleaned ourselves & got tea had a chat to Auntie. Still dry weather.

154 Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath), sister of Ma. Lives in Prospect.

May 1st I felt so ill & did not get up till nine oclock Celia cooked Sausagegs or breakfast & Amy tidied round then Dad Ma & Auntie went to Chapel at Stone Hill I swept the dining room dusted it & front room & made beds in our room Celia & Amy got Vegetables cooked for dinner & the Chapel folks got home Percy came out last night & stayed he & Celia are out at Eva’s to tea now Amy reading & I don’t know what ot do to pass awyt the time a windy day after tea Bert & Wilf Amy & I went to Buchsfelde Chapel I wore my new Hat first time Alf N came home to supper with us a cold evening.
Charl is at Prospect today.

May 2nd I flet awfully unwell but I got up & lit copper & got washing ready while Celia got the boys breakfast It was terribly windy But we persevered & Aunt Amelia hung clothes on the line for us & Amy & Ma did house work & dinner. Celia & I finished washing & scrubbed up before dinner then I mended socks & C & Amy ironed all we had a light wash this week as C. did all curtains Friday.

May 3rd Charlie & Wilfie are busy Haycarting so Celia got fire made & they got breakfast over & I set to work to get all ready in our room for Charlie & Clarissa155 Celia & Amy were in the other rooms I baked bread & meat Ma roasted for dinner with Vegetables in the morning the men & Celia & Amy were chaffcutting late dinner & then home from Gawler. I baked Queen buns & pastry swept floor & tidied up got a fire in the dining room & cleaned myself Ma set table & she & Auntie milked &c a very cold evening. After Tea we had a musical evening & looked at Photographs & had a coffee Supper & retired late 11 o’clock. Men are to start drilling tomorrow.

155 Cousin Charlie Humphrys and his new wife Clarrisa Barr (see April 23)

May 4th I called boys at five but they did not dress till 5/30 then Amy & I dressed & I got fire & boys breadkfast Amy cleared away the beds & helped generally then we milked & Separated & Charlie & wife got up & had late breakfast. I went on with Housework & Amy & Charl & Clarissa went to Gawler Auntie went to Eva’s Ma got dinner I stewed quinces & finished making beds & housework this afternoon. Ma drove to Eva’s & I did some washing & repaired the oilskin Rug Amy mending we two milked & I washed the tines had tea & they cleared it away & I got to mix brad Celia is still at Ada’s Ma & Auntie are due there tomorrow.

May 5th I hurried & got breakfast over & baked bread & both Amy & I did housework between us Ma & Aunt Amelia went to Ada’s to dinner I made a plum pudding & roasted potatoes & onions & meat for dinner & in the afternoon I mended & so did Amy after we finished our work our men have made a start drilling in the seed but it is very dry indeed although it looks like rain, Celia & Clem came home with them from Ada’s Ada has not water to wash at all & we are short of tank water.

May 6th I was up at about ½ past five got porridge made & we had breakfast & I did our room Amy front room & boys Celia picked & dressed a pair of fowls Ma churned butter & of course each did a portion of housework this afternoon I scrubbed safe & this morning & cleaned my stove Celia busy sewing & also Ma & Auntie Amy helped Chaff cut with Dad & boys Charl finished Haycart yesterday & Dad & Bert has carted down all the melons Ma & I wrote to Frances Ern is out at Uncles this week he looks very ill indeed Uncle & Alf at the Light.

May 7th Up at 5 o’clock now every morning as we are so busy men are seeding I lit fire & also stove & put out bread & afterwards baked it & a cake & did all lamps Celia did dining room & Amy housework & between us we got all finished all up & after dinner went to Gawler did shopping & went over in the Car & Percy & Wallie met us & went with us to the Exhibition156. We all got out at Ovingham157 & Wallie Amy & I went to Mrs McLeod’s & took tea Percy & Celia to Harold & Vine’s  then Eva went with us to City we all walked to Caledonian Hotel & caught a Car to North Terrace & from there we walked to Exhibition where we spend an enjoyable time.
We saw many interesting sights I especially liked the show of Chateau Tanunda & the Blind Institution I thought very wonderful I was greatly taken up with the pottery & I also thougth the miniature Niagara falls & most of the Exhibits were very nice indeed & I spent a pleasant time & we went to the Station to see Wallie Percy & Celia off & then caught a Car to Terminus & walked the rest of the way Amy & I stayed the night at Mrs McLeods Jack met us going home.

156 The party of Amy, Fanny, Celia, Percy Dawe and Walter Dawe go to the Adelaide Exhibition in the Jubilee Building that used to be on North Terrace.
157 Ovingham is an inner North train station on the Gawler line. Mrs Daniel McLeod (Elizabeth Grace Webber) must live in Ovingham, or perhaps Prospect. Her daughter Eva McLeod goes with them to the Exhbition. Harold and Vine's marriage is discussed on April 23. The Caledonian Hotel is still in North Adelaide, corner of O’Connell St and Barton Terrace.The car they catch is probably a tram. North Adelaide had a tram route, horsedrawn until 1909 when it became electric. Jack McLeod is John William McLeod, Eva's brother.

May 8th) We were very tired & did not get up till late had breakfast & then looked at different things also garden & had music & singing & went to Vine’s to dinner she & Harold had just returned from Church after dinner I helped Vine clear table & washup & we all wen tto the drawing room & had a talk & Harold played the cornet. Amy & I caught the 15 past five train to Glenelg Charlie & Eva were at Tea so were so surprised to see us but pleased had our Tea & looked at Photos then Eva went to see a friend who was ill we stayed with Charlie & children157 had supper & retired late the three children are growing away I had not been down for over 2 yr.

158 Eva Baker (nee Tancock) (a cousin) and her husband Charles Baker. Their three children (at this stage) are Vera Irene (aged 9), Eva Linda May (5) and Charles Andrew (2)

May 9th Up at 6/30 & Charlie went to work at ¼ to 7. Then we had our breakfast & I did Vera’s hair for school & we had a good look at Garden & had a taste of Currants from the Vine I helped Eva washup Amy made the bed & then we had lunch & went into North Terrace by train at 11 o’clock had a good look in Martin’s Cave & bought presents for each & Bert a gold Australia for watch chain then went to Arcade & got some music & caught a car to Prospect & called at Vine’s had lunch & a talk then on to Mrs McLeod & went to station came to Gawler by 5 o’clock train. Celia & Wesley met us & we drove to Ada’s then home & had tea & I helped washup & was very tired too. 

May 10th Up just by the standard time lit fire & Celia got breakfast & I was running round looking for my working clothes we had our meal & I brushed our clothes & did housework Celia cooked dinner rost meat potatoes & Trombone Melon Pie, this afternoon we mended & Amy at fancy work & Celia finishing a Garment for the Tub as I have oaked in ready to wash. Ma Dad & Aunt is gone to L. Light went this morning dry weather still & cold.

May 11th We had a busy day before us & Celia so unwell I lit fire & in the dining room & got the stove also lit & copper put out bread to rise & then having had breakfast I started washing & the girls did all dairy work & fed cows & pigs &c Amy & I did the washing & Celia managed to cook veg & get dinner & do housework we did not finish till the afternoon as we had extra being away for holidays then we scrubbed all articles & folded clothes & had afternoon Tea & they went to milk & Dad Ma & Auntie came home & I made them a cup of Tea & in the evening they sang Hymns.

May 12th Up at our usual time five & got breakfast & soon after went to Gawler myself Toff in dogcart & took Auntie to Mrs Hands son158 Willaston we did some every day shopping I got a new pair high lace boots for winter I called at Ada’s & had a cup of Tea. Sad death of Norman Veal159 he is to be buried this afternoon Auntie & the old lady are going also Miss Emily Berriman160 is also buried today & Mr Spencer161 of Gawler River was buried yesterday & he leaves a wife & three tiny children it is very sad indeed, I got caught in a shower of rain coming home from Ada’s but it did not rain heavily or continue long very dry indeed.

158 Mrs Hand's son; I imagine this is the brother-in-law of Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath), but quite who that is is impossible to tell.
159 Norman Douglas Veale, aged 30.
160 Emily Bertha Berriman, aged 17.
161 John James Spencer, aged 38, husband of Edith Adelaide Dunn. Their children Ivy Thamsin, aged 7, Fred Elizabeth aged 5, Edith Hazel, infant.

May 13. Amy got up & got the early breakfast & Celia & I got up at six had ours & I washed up & put up the lunch & Tea C & A milked & separated & I washed the Separator things then Celia did both back bedrooms Amy went to the other place to feed the young horses I helped dad put up some rails for a stall in stable & done dining room & cleaned all boots for us all Best & second Ma made a Beefsteak pudding for dinner. Kit & Aubrey came to see us this afternoon had Tea & I took lunch to men who were Chaffcutting Amy sewing bags I been mending also Ma has been stewing & Celia doing up her garden. Very dry no rain.

May 14th I got up at usual hour & got fires in dining room & Kitchen then I called Celia & she prepared breakfast while I fried Fluff & baked rolls & fired Vegetables & put out bread to rise & afterwards baked bread & Celia the cakes Madeira & Currant & buns I cleaned & filled lamps scrubbed safe &c Amy cleaned dining room & other work after dinner. Amy & Celia & Charlie went to Gawler & he went to Adelaide. After they went I washed up & Ma churned Butter I cleaned cutlery Ma the spoons & I did the Kettle fountain & fireplace Ma milked but as Queen is bad we do not Sepr I got out boys clothes for them to go to Gawler & we had a cup of Tea. Dad planted the Garden seed & it has rained nice showers today. A cool damp showery morning.

May 15) Sunday we did not get up early as it was rest day I swept the dining room & we got our morning work over & had breakfast & Celia & I drove to Gawler River Church Mr Moyse162 preached it was a cold rainy looking morning but it did not rain till evening then we had a nice drop We came home & had dinner Ma & Amy got dinner & Amy did housework P.T.D. came & he & Celia went for a stroll also Clem Amy & Bert & Wilfie went too. A & W went to Ada’s & Bert went for a drive I wrote to Tailem Bend & In the evening A & W came back to Buchsfelde Church I read a book to Dad & wrote to Cantaberrie, a cold wet evening but they got home dry shod

162 Mr Moyse

May 16) Celia & I got up together as I expected the bread to be ready to bake but it had not risen sufficiently so we had our breakfast & the girls milked & separated I put up mens lunch & then Celia said she was going to wash so lit the copper & she & Amy did all the washing as I had a very painful thumb I baked bread pastry & meat & made beds & swept floors & generally assisted in all duties C & A ironed in the afternoon & got done at 4/30 I made Celia an apron H.R.163 spend evening. Bert had teeth drawn today. Charl came from Town Ma & Clem met him at the Line.

163 Probably Hugh Ratcliff

May 17) Celia got up & got breakfast fried Mutton Fritters. I did not get up till after six. Poor old Bert is so unwell he had toothache & had two drawn & is so ill his head bad & limbs so stiff. After breakfast I swept back rooms & dining room & starched shirt & collars, I did other work Celia went on Gardening planting seeds & also lent a hand to Wilfie moving stinkwort & I helped Dad burn some Amy took lunch out & ironed clothes this afternoon Amy went down to the other Farm to drive for sowing as they were putting in Green feed & also got both home paddocks in & barley today & yesterday 3 teams on Dad with double & Wilfie single & Charl big plough Amy also went to Ada’s all are well.

May 18th I got up at 5 & lit fire & made porridge & gave boys their breakfast they cut up Melon & Lemon for Jam last night so made that & Ma churned Butter & we all did our own usual work I cleaned out Cupboards such a lot of boxes to sort Celia made hugh sic fires in the dining room & boiled two boilers of water for pig killing she helped all the time & had a cup of tea & at night trimmed hats & both wrote to Frances who has been ill nice weather.

May 19. I got up soon after 4/30 & also Celia as I had two large batches of bread to bake & it was up over at the early hour mentioned. Celia had a terrible disappointment she got all ready to fry liver & went out to get it from the meat hook & the dogs had gone off with it before she got there so had to make porridge & give them their breakfast I baked bread Celia & Clem got ready to take Ada & children to Gawler but when she got there Flora was so bad that they were late in Gawler met Eva Mc163 at Station. I helped in every way in all work but cleaning rooms Amy did all that both front & back rooms my thum is very painful I got a splinter in it & I also got ulcers in my mouth cannot eat anything in comfort. We all went to Band of Hope a crowded House & good meeting lovely night too got home at ten but as I had a painful thumb & mouth I could not rest well.

163  This would be Eva McLeod.

May 20. Amy got up & got breakfast Celia cut the lunches I had my meal & opened the gathering on my hand & put bread poultice’s on all the morn so could not do my stove Celia did it for me & I swept both dining room & kitchen & this afternoon I been busy papering boxes for hats &c Eva been making a blouse for Celia & this afternoon Eva & Amy spent with Kit & Eva it is dry weather again now I scrubbed safe & got tea both afternoon & evening Ma making a flannel for Wesley Celia altering her navy skirt & sewing Boys are out in Twelftree’s Dad pickling wheat & taking out.

May 21st Saturday & I had to bake so after lighting fire in the dining room & stove & making porridge &c I called Celia who attended to table while I put out bread afterwards I baked bread cakes & meat rice pudding besides generally assisting after early dinner Dad Ma Amy & Eva drove to Gawler Boys out in Twelftrees Celia & I home I swept & washed floors Celia cleaned cutlery I the lamp Charl drove in at evening time for girls & Wallie came out here & had to ride back to Gawler as Amy was in there. Percy & another chap collided & threw both of their bicycles hurt Percy a bit but not serious C & I had a read of papers & retired the rest were late home & Tom164 came with them he has his holidays & has been in Adelaide a week & has another fortnight. Mrs Ben Chivel164 died at Ridleyton on Sunday May 15 of Cancer very sad as she has been ill a long time. A lovely day so sunshiney & pleasant. C.M.A. got her new hat a green & trimmed with watered velvet.

163 Not sure who this is. Probably Thomas Easton (cousin).
164 Georgina Chivell, wife of Benjamin Sydney Clarke Chivell, of Smithfield, aged 54. Her maiden name was also Chivell (she's the daughter of William Chivell, while her husband was the son of Joseph Chivell)

Sunday May 22nd We had a rest this morning then I got up & lit stove & made tea fried sausages & Celia milked & after breakfast I wanted to go to church but was defeated so baked pies did different work had dinner & in the afternoon Eva & Kit came down & Aubrey stayed till nine P. & C. went for their usual stroll Charlie & Eva to Ada’s & Wilfie out to Mr Hubert Days to see Colin Michell165 Tom & Amy & I went home with Eva & the rest & stayed till 10/30 they Tom & I came home Amy remained.

165 Mr Hubert Day's farm, where he met Colin Michell

May 23rd) I was so unwell I called Celia to get breakfast which she very kindly did also cut & packed dinners & I did not get up till 78/30 & then was unable to do work so have just done a little odd work swept Kitchen & cleaned out stove & set dinner table Eva finished Celia’s blouse & made a pair pillowcases Ma very unwell & Dad went to Gawler to get a hoe of drill mended & got home tea time. We have had a wet day boys got wet such a glorious rain just what we wanted. Wilf & Bert had to change their clothes Eva & Amy are on the Piano.

May 24) I got up & got breakfast & lit stove & put out brad to rise in tins Celia lit Copper & sorted clothes & she & I went on washing Amy milked &c & Ma cooked bread & dinner. Amy did all housework we did not finish till after dinner & at 3 o’clock I scrubbed all usual articles & Celia & Eva went up to Mrs Standleys & stayed till evening got home just as we finished tea Tom went up to Uncle Charleys for the day & remained the night also I folded clothes & Amy ironed some Ma milked boys out in Twelftrees Dad pickles & cleans the seed & takes it out to boys Ma cut up Melon ready for jam.

May 25) I got up & got breakfast & Celia cut the boys dinner & each of us did our usual work Eva made me a blouse today & Amy one yesterday at 10 o’clock Amy & Eva got their horses saddled for a ride & Tom & Celia got ready for a trip to Lower Light had lunch & down came the rain in a steady pour all day long without a break so very much disappointed Tom had to remain at Charlton Ville Eva was sewing & in between having a tune on the piano & all the boy came home wet so wet clothes are everywhere Celia did all ironing I mended Charlie’s coat this rain is very seasonable In the evening we had a dance all on our own & some fine old jokes retired late. I set bread.

May 26) I got up at six to see a steady downpour It had been raining all night & the boys did not get up till nearly 8/30 I made fires in both dining room & Kitchen put out bread swept & dusted dining room & got breakfast & had my bread on baking before breakfast none of the lads attempted to go out to work & it rained without ceasing till 4 o’clock & then held u till I got in morning wood & C milked Mr Davis came to see Dad, Tom & boys & Eva been card playing singing & playing the piano & going to & fro to see if the weather was clearing but again Tom had to remain with us another night such company he is & all have good fun.

May 27th) I did not rise till 6/30 got fire in the dining room & blackleaded stove Celia milked Amy gave boys their breakfast I lit stove & baked bread Ma made relish (Tomato) then as Amy cleaned both back bedrooms & I had cleaned dining room I swept Ma room & dusted it Amy did sitting room Eva helped chaff cut they cut two lots & had 1 o’clock dinner I took them down lunch rain has stopped & a cold wind is blowing Celia & Tom left for their Journey at 9/30 with Hector in the dogcart & Eva & Amy went for their ride this afternoon I baked cakes & mended table cloth & milked besides ordinary work. The girls did not get home till tea time cold night.

May 28th Up at usual early hour & got breakfast & then called Amy who had her meal with us it was a finer morning I started baking afterwards meat first & melon pies as bread was not ready till dinner time I scrubbed safe &c & Eva helped Amy wash & wipe all Glass & China & Amy also washed pictures windows Tom came home from L. Light at 12 ock had dinner & Eva Amy Tom & Dad went to Gawler it simply poured after they left but they took shelter under a Pine & kept dry & went on their way both visitors to Adelaide Dad & Amy were late home we were at tea the boys came from Joe’s as it was too wet to work on fallow, Ma did the cutlery I all other work.

May 29th We were up early at seven Amy lit fire & fried sausages I lit stove & made plum pudding Dad milked after breakfast I got almost ready for church but was doomed to disappointment as it looked like rain & showers fell but Bert got ready & went in to Gawler River for Elsie Parham166 who has spent day here & all but Dad Ma & I are at Church tonight I had a rest this afternoon Will Nottle came for Celia but she is at Lower Light. I have milked & got in wood & am all alone now.

166 Elsie Lydia Ruth Parham (likely).

May 30th As company was expected at the end of the week we decide dto wash today as only Amy & I are home up at ¼ to 5 & lit fire got breakfast over & I lite copper & started the washing Amy had a lot of other work to do the boys & Dad packed up for the other farm Dad went to Gawler Amy & I finished washing at 2/30 & then had late dinner & she went to the farm to clean up the house for boys to camp & fixed up their bed so late home to tea Bert also came home as he has to take the drill down tomorrow I folded clothes Ma milked we are letting Carmen off I got in wood & mixed bread after tea a slow drying day & we had two white Quilts & 4 pair trousers a lot altogether bedroom mats &c Charl is not well I sent a letter to Eliza & Amy a P.C. to Celia.

May 31) Up at 4/30 & called me I dressed & got breakfast Bert & Dad had to clean & pickle wheat then they went to the Farm I baked Biscuits bread pies Ma cooked Veg & we got all ready at ¼ to twelve Amy started for there & gave them hot dinner & then went to gawler went to see George Hobart he has Rheumatics been in bed a week now & about I ironed but did not finish had to get in wood & milk Amy finished ironing after tea & I washed up all dishes & cut out an underskirt for Amy showers today & cold.

June 1st Dad called me at 5/30 & I fried beefsteak & onion as Mr Rice killed a beast & we had a quarter Ma & Dad cut it up & salted it last night after tea after breakfast Dad went off in the Buggy to the Farm & met Charl who is ill so he came home & Ma & he went to Ada’s & Charl went to Gawler to the Dr he has to go to Mrs Buggs Hospital tomorrow to undergo an operation Amy had to ride Horseback after them as they forgot something & I waited an hour busy at work & then started to go & look for her but met her happily riding home I cut down the Chyrsanthumum sic today & Insectabane the dining room as the flies are terrible Amy swept both rooms I got our dinner & this afternoon I made Amys Underskirt & milked she got in wood & cooked rast beef & cabbage & Potatoes & all & Bert Wilfie came home & are going out in Twelftrees tomorrow it has been a lovely sunny day, today, Aubrey got two teeth through.

end of book


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