July 1st 1907 - December 1st 1907

Fanny R Atyeo Charltonville 
Ward’s Belt 1907 
It’s 1907, Fanny Rosina is 32, living with her parents Henry Atyeo (age 59) & Mary Ann (Ma, age 55), at “Charltonville” Woods Road, Wards Belt, South Australia (Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt). Also at home are Celia (often called Cel) (27), Charl (25), Bert (22), Amy (19) & Wilf (14). Fanny’s other sisters Ada (31) and Frances (29) have married and left home. Frances lives at Thomas Terrace, Gawler. Ada is also nearby. This is the earliest full diary we have.

[Wednesday] July 31st) Celia Amy & I got up at same time Celia walked for cows I lit fire &c put the Separator together & other usual duties Amy set table & got breakfast cooked after we had breakfast Celia & Amy got ready for Gawler called at Ada’s for her & the children who were all vaccinated 1 today also Clifton2. Amy stayed at Frances while the others were in the street. Ma was not well so had to take a rest & lay down for a nap. I was sewing & singing & woke her up she & Dad milked at Sprtd3 I got in wood & made up fire layed table for tea & since have mixed bread Celia & Amy are busy at a table Centre. They are fond of fancy. Wilf & Bert have carted stone & sand for building. Got a P.C. from Sydney today & letter from Kingscote very warm today but cold tonight. Jim4 is here yarning to the others.

1Probably smallpox vaccine, which was available at the time.
2George Henry Clifton Folland, aged 3, a nephew (son of Frances)
3Fanny spends a lot of time separating the cream from the milk. She always abbreviates it.
4 James Parham, brother in law (husband of Ada Emily Atyeo)

[Thursday] August 1st I got up about the same time but none of the rest got up till very late. It was a very rough morning & so very windy from the East very cloudy & showery till dinner time & nearly all the afternoon it has rained the lads could not work Bert started building but had to knock off. I did usual work & baked bread & pastry finished Wilfs shirt Amy at fancy work also Celia Ma mending Hugh5 & Alf N6 are spending evening here it is cold & stormy I had a new pair of H.L.Boots on Sat last they hurt me so Celia is stretching them for me. We got a post card from Auntie Celia in Sydney7 also a letter from Tom at Kingscote8. Death of Mrs Drury9 Willaston aged 79 years.

5 Hugh Ratcliffe, a neighbour.
6 =Alfred= Henry Nottle, a neigbour, aged 27
7 Celia Atyeo, sister of Dad (Henry Atyeo) married to George Phelps. They immigrated in 1882 to Sydney.
8Could be cousin Tom Easton? Kingscote is on Kangaroo Island.
9 Mrs Frances Drury, widow of Thomas Drury of Willaston, aged 77

[Friday] Aug 2nd I rose in fair time & after making the fire & taking in then I prepared breakfast Celia cleaned Stove Amy helped milk After breakfast I cleaned out rooms & both front rooms after dinner I washed up & cleaned lamps & scrubbed safe it was a very boisterous & rainy day. Eva10 came down Bert was on building Celia assisting Dad went up to Mrs Youngs11 & got bags for Chaff for Lameroo12. Mrs Young is very ill in Gawler Clem13 home for a few days I made pillow slips for the boys Ma was sewing then I mixed bread Celia & Amy did fancy work.

10 Eva Emily May Heath (aged 33), Fanny’s cousin (daughter of Uncle Charl, and Alf’s sister).
11 Youngs (William and Annie nee Wicks) lived in Wards Belt, their home was called “Glenfield”. Their 15 year old son Clifford died in May of 1907.
12 Henry Atyeo (Dad) owns property in Lameroo (but he didn't purchase it until 1907, so perhaps he is renting?).
13 Clement Garfield Parham, eldest son of Ada. Fanny’s nephew, aged 4.

Aug 3rd Saturday so I hurried up to get fire lit & took in tea lit stove put bread out & fried my breakfast after which I baked bread & Cake made beds & tidied our room swept dining room & kitchen & fried pancakes for dinner & afterwards I blackleaded dining room fireplace &c scrubbed bread boards form &c cleaned knives forks spoons &c boots & milked & Sprtd Celia Amy & Dad been to Gawler got a letter from Eva14

14 Probably Eva Tancock, a cousin.

Sunday Aug 4th I got up in fair time for Sunday & after doing my usual work & Celia & Amy did dairy work we had breakfast & I did housework Amy did boys room Ma washed up & prepared Veg for dinner Celia lit stove & baked mutton & pie. In the afternoon Charl Cel Amy & I went to Kangaroo Flat Celia & I to Chapel. Char & Amy went for a long drive & met us as we came out. On arriving home Ma & Dad had just finished the dairy work so we got tea. Alf N came down & stayed the evening. Charl & Wilf went to S. Hill Chapel15 Cel & I read fairly cold & change threatens Emily got her hair cut close to her head she & her Mother & May16 were at Chapel.

15 Stone Hill Chapel, now Gawler River Uniting Church.
16 Emily Rose Goodger, her mother Susanna Adams Goodger (nee Pederick) and her sister Olivia May Goodger.

[Monday] Aug 5th As I did not intend to wash I did not rise extra early I fried hot breakfast Celia helped dairy work after breakfast I started white washing but really it turned out a terrible cold rainy day but I finished dinner time Kit17 spent the afternoon with us she & Alf & Eva18 drove to Jeffries19 yesterday I put up all new shelving on cupboards & mantel. It is very cold & muddy Hugh R here tonight.

17Christiana (Kit) Heath (nee Hill) wife of Alfred Samuel Heath (Fan’s cousin) 18Alfred Samuel Heath and Eva Emily Heath, Fan’s cousins and neighbours.
19 Johnson Jeffries, neighbour and distant relation.

[Tuesday] Aug 6th I lit fire & got tea for parents as usual then got clothes sorted & things ready for washing. Celia did all cows herself. Dad helped separate then we had our meal & Celia & I started to wash but I really don’t know when we had a worse day it rained heavily most afternoon & all day it has been terrifically windy cut the clothes got white Quilt curtains from front rooms & bed top dry also others white clothes dry but have a lot on the line wet it is still raining. Dad & I milked & Alf is here. Very dark & cold. Got letter from Cookes Pens tonight & a letter from Tom.

[Wednesday] Aug 7th I got up & lit fire & made tea & put out the bread to rise in stove prepared porridge for breakfast Celia helped with dairy work Ma got up & helped separate after our meal I baked bread & 2 lots Biscuits It has been a very cold day & raining heavily at intervals but worse than all is the wind as it has cut the clothes has kept me running to & fro from the line all day. I’m tired of it makes so much work. After dinner Celia, Amy & Dad drove to Gawler & to Mrs Buggs20 saw Frances21 Cliff’s arm is bad so is Clem’s & Ethel & Wesley22  are not so bad but he has a very bad cough & is not at all well. I milked all cows myself tonight & Ma & I separated. I ironed some more after tea. Did not finish.

20 Mrs Bugg’s Nursing Home, run by Alice Bugg (nee McHugh), Gawler.
21Frances Folland, Fan’s sister. Henry Clifton is her son. Arm probably bad from the vaccination?
22 Clem (Clement Garfield Parham, aged 4), Ethel (Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham, aged 2) & Wesley (Henry Wesley James Parham, aged 5) are the children of Ada

Aug 8th Celia & I got up a while I did my same regular work Celia walked for cows over the other side of hill. She enjoys a country stroll but is so wet & boggy water everywhere even with my new boots I get my feet wet right up the door there is mud & water. I swept all front rooms Celia the back rooms & I got men lunch & did other useful things after dinner which consisted of roast fowl bread & pudding. Celia got the men to shift the piano over the other side & also shifted all other things in sitting room. I ironed & hung curtains in rooms & finished all other clothes. Celia Amy & boys are at Ada’s tonight. Amy been there all day. Clem came home been home since last Friday.

Aug 9th I rose at usual time & after usual duties I fried hot breakfast Celia & Dad did dairy work after breakfast I did front rooms & our room. Celia cleaned a fowl & she & Ma cooked dinner roast fowl turnips Pota’s & plum pudding Clem’s birthday & he was home with us for it Amy gave him a mug. In the afternoon Celia Amy & Clem drove in dogcart to Ada’s & got Ethel & went for a drive. Eva came here also. Mrs Parham & Stella23 spent afternoon so cold & windy I cleaned all windows in back rooms & lamps got as much work done as I could milked & Sepd after tea & mixed bread we girls washed our heads us as Celia & Amy are going away tomorrow.

23 Mary Elizabeth Parham (nee Riggs), the wife of Ada’s husband’s cousin Samuel James Parham and her daughter Nivia Stella Parham who would have been 17 years old.

Aug 10th Up in fair time Dad & Celia milked & Septd we hurried over breakfast then dad & Bert Cel & Amy started for Town24 by Express I been so busy done safe & dining room & tidied our room cleaned are knives &c put shelving on kitchen Mantel as I put new on dining room Thursday & it looks nice. I milked all cows tonight & fed pigs Sprd made a hugh [sic] fire as it is a most bitter cold night & has rained heavily nearly all day at intervals & windy N.W. they arrived homes safely & dry brought their opal back framed from town & both got new cloaks I feel tired tonight & glad it is Sunday tomorrow I got a letter from Ivy25 tonight.

24 Adelaide, South Australia.  
25 Ivy Elizabeth Easton, her cousin on the Heath side.

Aug 11) Sunday so I did not get up very early & Amy got up & helped milk & Sept I got breakfast Ma also assisted after our meal I did housework Amy helped with the various duties Ma cooked veg & pastry Charlie drove in to Frances’ & Harry26 & he drove to J. G. Folland’s 27 to dinner & afternoon back to Gawler for Tea. Celia is at Frances’ now it was a very cold wet day today Alf walked over & just got here before a heavy downpour Wilf stayed with Ada last night so came home this morn & brought Wesley with him Jim came home to tea & took him back poor Ada has all children very unwell. I helped milk & Sprt tonight I have a dreadful headache.

26 Harry Gilbert Folland, husband of Frances
27 John George Folland, Frances’ Father-in-law

Aug 12) As I did not intent to wash I did not rise early and after doing usual work & breakfast over & Dad & Amy had also finished their Dairy work I baked meat & bread before dinner & cleaned best boots this afternoon Amy & I went for a Gawler River drive & came back to Eva’s to afternoon tea. Kit & Alf got home at 5 o’clock from Williamstown where they went yesterday & took Mrs Wilson& Norman28 home they came from town Saturday May29 sent Amy a lovely box of Flowers & 30 sent a Rose Tree & Kit also brought a root of Thyme for me I did mending tonight & Amy is playing a little music. Hugh is here it has been windy & rough today roads are terrible wet & muddy want to wash tomorrow if possible. 

28 Norman Victor Wilson and his mother Harriett Wilson (nee Hill), sister of Kit.
29 Myrtle May Wilson, daughter of Harriett.
30Probably George Archibald Hill, unmarried brother of Harriett.

Aug 13th) A very rainy & windy morning greeting me on rising this morning & I felt puzzled to know weather to wash or not, however after I had helped milk &c & breakfast over I started & Ma helped me as I felt rather shaky my head is so bad. We persevered & finished at 2/30 o’clock then I scrubbed up & Amy folded clothes it has been dreadful windy all the morning & mud everywhere I was afraid the clothes would blow down but all got dry but moles so I feel fortunate. Alf N came down after tea & Amy played & the boys sang I wrote to Eva & Ivy & did some mending.

Aug 14) Up in good time & did usual work helped milk Amy got breakfast prepared after which Dad & Amy started for Gawler & Ma & I did all usual work. Ma swept & dusted front rooms & boys room I did our room & cooked Pastry for dinner. After dinner Ma & Bert churned & I got ready for ironing I ironed white shirt & other clothes but did not finish all clothes looks like more rain has not been a bad day bit windy. Celia came home tonight & brought Clifton with her.

Aug 15) Late up this morning Celia helped milk & Seprt I put out bread & lit stove & did usual duties after breakfast I made our beds & took down curtains from window & washed them it blew terrifically it seem as if it would tear the iron off the roof of the house & I was bread-baking too & the wind fair in north & oh dear the stove smoked terribly in we opened the middle door a fair quill. Charlie & Bert were busy making their safe for Lameroo & it was that windy they did not know where to go to get out of the dust although we’ve had so much rain in the afternoon. Kit & Eva came & Mr Hallam31 called about Tea, Dad & Boys killed a pig & Celia helped them also Kit & Eva were out with them I was ironing Uncle Charlie32 Alf & Kit & Eva came & spent Evening Amy played & they had Jokes & Different conundrums stayed till 11/30.

31 Mr Hallam. No idea who this is.
32 Charles Heath, Ma’s brother, who also lived at Ward’s Belt, aged 60.

Aug 16th) Earlier today & fried Liver for breakfast Celia & Dad did Dairy work Amy laid table & after breakfast Amy did boys room & practiced for a while & I did two front rooms thoroughly got all clean curtains up After which we had Dinner Ma salted pig down & Dad cut all meat up Celia took Ada up some pork & a birthday Photo & Frame from Parents Ethel is very unwell Wesley is rather better Celia Amy & Clif went for a drive & called at Kit’s & spent remainder of afternoon Such a lovely day & quite chilly tonight my head is awful so can’t report correctly tonight.

Aug 17. Sat & plenty to do so I got up & did all ordinary work finished Diner time Celia Dad & Amy went to Gawler & took Clifton home I put on pot & washed all the boys clothes ready for them to take to Lameroo. I had quite a large wash & did not finish till 5 o’clock had just cleared up & Jessie33 came up on horse back & just as we were getting they all came home from Gawler Charl & Bert also with Toff in dogcart. Lillias & Brice34 were in Gawler today with Baby at Mrs Buggs. It has been a most perfect day but I am awfully tired.

33 Jessie Violet Paterson, a cousin.
34 Lillias Porter (nee Paterson), a cousin, her husband William Brice Porter, and their baby Nita Porter

Sunday Aug 18. We woke to find a lovely day & sunshine so I hurried & did my work made a lovely plum pudding for dinner & afterwards Jessie & Amy went to Kits & stayed to dinner then they came home & Auntie & Uncle W. Atyeo35 came to dinner. We girls dressed & went to K.F. Anniversary36 . Mr Reed37 preached. Amy & I went to tea with Alf Mrs Nottle38 was not home Mrs Proctor & Mildred39 are spending a week there & Mrs Nottle is at Victor Harbor Emily Goodger40 Miss Kippin41were also there to Tea. Amy stayed there while we went to evening service then we called for her coming home. Jessie went home at 5/30 A. H. James42took evening service. Mr & Mrs Fairlie43& family were at church they live in Carrolls44 place now been there about a month. I had to mix bread so Celia got supper which we all partook of & retired Ada & family came home to Dinner her dear little ones are all very unwell Wesley was so ill that they had to take him home in the trap he has been ill 3 weeks since vaccination.

35William Atyeo, Harry Atyeo’s older brother, and his wife, Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock)  
36Kangaroo Flat Methodist Church
Mr William Reed, a local preacher in the Methodist circuit
38Mother of Alfred Nottle, Mrs Martha Ann Nottle (nee Wake) wife of Richard.
39Mrs Mary Proctor (nee Wake), younger sister of Mrs Nottle (Martha Wake), and her 11 year old daughter Mildred Ann Proctor. 40Emily Goodger, neighbour daughter of Susan Pederick and William Goodger.
41Probably Elsie Kippin, who will marry William Nottle in 1908.
42A. H. James
43 Mr & Mrs Fairlie
44 The Carrolls Family

Aug 19th Monday but as I was not washing today but had to bake I did not get up so early got fire going in Dining room & stove after breakfast. I baked bread & Rice pudding then Celia baked scones ginger nuts Cake Sponge for our dear brothers to take away. Ma & I been busy packing up clothes &c such a lot ot think of. It has been windy & now a colder change & rain threatens Ada & Jim had to take dear little Wesley to Dr McArthur45 got back at 7 o’clock they have to be very careful with him. Cel stayed with Clem & Ethel while they were gone. Alf is here & is going with our boys to Lameroo.

45 Dr McArthur, physician in Gawler.

Aug 20th) The boys were up first Alf went for the cows Charl & Bert got all their traps together. I fried hot Eggs & Bacon for breakfast Celia & Dad did dairy work after our meal Ma & Celia & I packed & got ready all food &c & at 9:30 Bert with the loaded Waggon started with Lass & Venice following them Charl & Dad rode in dogcart Celia Amy & Alf in Buggy went as far as Gawler where they did some shopping & started on their journey they forgot something & Dad drove after them & found them camped at Sandy Creek having dinner Ma & I did housework & had lunch & mended in the afternoon done dairy work & they came home from Gawler. We had tea & soon retired mending after tea & fancy work.

Aug 21) I got up earlier & so did Wilf & Dad Celia & I got Breakfast & got kitchen ready for washing put on pot & after breakfast Celia & I washed finished at 1/30 all ordinary wash did some extra & scrubbed up & tidied myself & went up to Ada’s dear little Wesley is very ill & Clem is bad Baby is better. Kit was here for Ada today & then went up to Eva’s to make some pickles & stayed till about 7 oclock & caught dad & had a ride in dray home quite cold tonight Celia is cutting out a garment Amy at fancy work I have to mix bread now.

Aug 22) I have decided to rise earlier now as Wilf has to do a good deal of work before breakfast Celia & Amy milk now mornings, I get breakfast & this morning I put the bread out lit stove after breakfast I baked bred & pie Custard & Jam tart cooked dinner Celia made her garments Ma made Wilfie & flannel Amy ironed After dinner Amy Ma & I drove up to Ada’s where Ma spent the afternoon Amy & I drove on & spent our time with Mrs Proctor & Mrs Wake46. Will Nottle47 has had his teeth drawn so he was home too Mrs Nottle is at Victor Harbour for a holiday, on our way home we called at Mrs Goodgers48 & also at Ada’s Celia & Dad did diary work in evening Hugh came We were sewing & Amy played Piano retired at 10 o’clock.

46Sarah Wake (nee Stringer), neighbour
47William Nottle, son of Richard Nottle and Martha Wake 
48Susan Goodger (nee Pederick), neighbour

Aug 23rd) Usual duties before breakfast & afterwards I made our beds & thoroughly cleaned both front rooms Celia & Ma churned our cream & Ada’s & Ma made up the Butter Amy helped Dad & Wilf chaff cut & after dinner I scrubbed safe & did lamps & Amy helped me do the dining room. Dad & Celia finished hanging the door in new building & pulled down the old one. I milked cows myself & separated after tea I mixed bread & washed up wired Celia’s white Hat Amy & Celia were at fancywork.

Aug 24th) Sat morning I did ordinary work put out bread & lit stove Celia & Amy did milking &c we had breakfast & Amy made Sponge Sandwich & I baked bread & Madeira Cake done dining room & our room Amy Celia & Dad went to Gawler at about 11/30 We had lunch & I did some washing & scrubbed all articles as usual Cleaned spoons Ma the Knives & forks then we had a cup of tea & I had a bath & milked & Separated fed pigs Ma set Tea I cleaned boots & They came home from Gawler & Celia bought a new Sauspan candlestick & Dish Dad bought 2 pigs. Clif is home again his birthday tomorrow. They saw Arnold & Myrtle & May & Walter Hill48in Gawler today they have been to Williamstown for a weeks holiday Sad Death of Harry Perry49  from taking poison during photography practice. Lovely days now Charl & Bert reached Tailem Bend P.C.s tonight from them.

48  Arnold Henry Harris, Guinderlin Myrtle Hill (niece of Kit), Ellen May Hill (Kit's sister), Walter Hill (Kit's brother).
49  Harry Perry, who unfortunately picked up the wrong glass and drank potassium cyanide while developing photographs with his sister Winifred (story in The Bunyip)

Aug 25th Clif’s birthday We did not get up early as we did not think of going out today Celia & Amy did all dairy work Dad & Clif went up to Uncle Charlie’s for the pigs which they left their last night I tidied dining room & kitchen fried breakfast of which we partook after doing the beds &c Celia & Amy tidied themselves & went up & spent the day with Eva Ada & Children came home to dinner & stayed till 5 o’clock poor boys they look so ill after Tea Kit & Alf came down for evening C & A got home at 8/30 Wilfie went to chapel at Stone Hill last night.

Aug 26) Dad & I got up at 5’oclock I got breakfast & early Wilf & Dad went up to Mr Youngs to load Chaff which they trucked to Lameroo. I started washing & after C done her dairy work she joined me & we finished at 11 oclock & after lunch I ironed finished at 4 oclock Wilf & Dad got home at about 7/30. I received a letter from W.A. I mended & Celia cooked sponge ginger nuts & Madeira Cake & Cocoanut Biscuits. I am tired & sleepy.

Aug 27th) Up at 6 o’clock & fried hot Eggs & Bacon C & A did dairy work Dad & Wilfie have stable work to do since the lads went away, after breakfast I had to alter Dad’s pants & waistcoat which took me till dinnertime Celia had to do some baking so cooked the dinner after which dad & Ma C & A & Clifton drove to Gawler where Dad took train to Adelaide where he stops to-night & tomorrow morning he proceeds to Cotton. He is taking some more Luxuries up for the lad’s. Wilf & I stopped home I had to give both dining room & Kitchen a good sweep & dusting as everything was out of order & made Ma’s bed & did all milking Wilf turned the separator for me I fed pigs & gathered the eggs & got tea the folks got back home & Celia is sorting boxes Ma mending lovely days now & all barley & wild oats are heading. Celia got Cruet bottles today.

Aug 28) We got in nice time I made the fire & put the Separator together then Celia & I milked & Celia fed the pigs we had breakfast & did our housework & cooked dinner I made some new Curtain’s for our room & boys room had dinner & Amy & I dressed for an outing we drove to Mrs S.J. Parhams50  & spent an enjoyable afternoon. Effie & Rhu51  are to be married on the 11th September All’s well we are going to see the ceremony in Stone Hill Church Effie was presented with a bible last night by her S.S. Class held a social at J Pederick52  for her it has been windy & cold this evening Celia helped Ada wash a lot to do children getting better.

50Mary Elizabeth Parham (nee Riggs)
51 Rupert Algernon May and Effie Jane Badcock. The wedding will be on September 11 (scroll down).
52 John Pederick

Aug 29) I was late up I put the watch on too slow Wilf was up first & went for horses & fed them Celia & Amy did dairy work I put out bread to rise got breakfast afterward I baked & did our room & swept dining room & Kitchen & other usual duties Ma as is her usual custom cooked Veg &c for dinner & after we had finished Ma C & A & Wilf drove to Mrs Parker’s52 they had an enjoyable time Lydia Lucas53lives with her now been a lovely day Wilf been rolling in Flat I washed up & tidied & shifted the machine out in Kitchen & did some sewing Wilf & I separated had a bother as I did not screw down the bowl late milking cows did not come down till late. 

52 Likely to be Esther Parker (nee Whitbread), older woman, wife of Thomas Whitbread Parker.
53 Lydia Lucas, daughter of Frederick LUCAS and Louisa Fredericka ROEDIGER, aged 22.

Aug 30) I did not wake till sunrise so being late I had to hurry & lit fire & put Sepr in order & Celia & I milked & C Ma & Amy got breakfast & afterward I cleaned the Oil Glass of Sepr & did the front rooms & our room Alf arrived from Lameroo & told us to expect our lads from the same spot next week as the roads are almost impassable. We had dinner & C & A & Wilf weeded & hoed the garden Ada & family came down I made a garment for myself & Jim is here tonight. Wesley is staying home tonight as Ada goes to the city with girls tomorrow. Windy Cloudy like a change coming.

Aug 31st. I got up at 6/30 lit fire & put out bread to rise cooked breakfast & Celia & Ma did dairy work (I) we had our meal & afterwards I did my baking bread & Cake Cleaned dining room had dinner Ma cooked the dinner pies & Jam tart Veg & fried bacon then I scrubbed safe & all other things that require it & then I blackleaded fireplace &c & when I had finished my work I bashed both Wes & Clif cleaned boots then Celia & Amy came home from Gawler Ma & I milked & Sprt tonight the little ones are in bed so I will retire Ma is reading bunyip54. Cold tonight Wilf & Celia are looking after Dutch55.

54Local newspaper
Duchess – a horse

Sept 1st Sunday but not being able to sleep I got up at 6 oclock lit fire & took Ma her tea & then milked at Sprt then we had breakfast & as it was a most delightful morning Ma wished me to go to chapel at S.H.56 but I wanted to go to Kangaroo Flat but was defeated Wilf went to school Ada & children came home after dinner Ma cooked roast lamb Cabbage Pot & dried apple pie. Alf N also came down to tea I felt disappointed & it was so dull without Charl & Bert & dad dad has been away a week so we are on our own. Let Crum off to once a day.

56Stone Hill Church

Sept 2nd up between 5 & 6 & hurried round (Surprised early this morning when I broke news to Wilf that Duchess had a little Foal. I helped with all dairy work had breakfast then Celia & I started whitewashing all back rooms Amy Wilf & Clif drove to Alf & Kates & Eva & Ern57 & Alf N met them & all of them went out to the boundry line & camped in Martins58 the Men with Mr J Hill59 from Adelaide went shooting the Ladies & children gathered wild flowers they were late home as the lads did not get back till five from hunting. They had an enjoyable time. Celia Ma & I were very busy it is hard work for the arms reaching & lifting we were tired Ma milked all cows & Celia helped Spr & fed pigs &c I made a new Sofa Mattress & scrubbed all necessary articles Ma polished Tinware I whitwashed bedrooms & C. the kitchen quite a cold evening Celia picked pigeons Wilf cleaned Rabbit.

57 Ernest Allan Easton, a cousin on the Heath side. 
58  Martins, neighbours?
59  Mr John Hill, brother of Kit, or perhaps her father

Sept 3rd Up same time & got fire & took in Tea & sorted clothes & got a boil in before breakfast Celia milked & Ma & her Sept &c we had breakfast & Celia joined me at Tubs we finished at dinnertime & had roast stuffed pigeons Veg good hot dinner then I scrubbed wood box & Separator Stand & blocks Celia scrubbed all doors & did fancy Cake baking Wilf helped Uncle cut chaff &  came back & helped Wilf cut some for our horses they both stayed to Tea Ma & Amy folded clothes & did housework I made our bed & other work milked the 3 cows & Sprt been a lovely day & cool dewy evening got to mix bread & I feel awful tired Kit & Eva have arrived for evening.

Sept 4th Usual time six but I did not feel well so I did not get dressed till twenty past & I have been jolly queer all day after helping in dairy work & put out bread after breakfast I did housework & started ironing & we had lunch Eva spent afternoon & I finished ironing at 5 o’clock then brought the cattle in to drink & milked & Ma & I separated & I fed pigs Amy & Clifton spent day at Ada’s letter from F.F.60  been quite sultry & sun hot today Celia been repairing skirt she got toothache.

60Likely Frances Folland (her sister)

5th Sept Up early & did usual work & Celia & I milked & Sep then I came in & cooked Wilf his breakfast & I had mine then the others had their’s. After that I started sewing & unripped Celia’s Green Skirt turned the material & made it without lining stitched 7 rows of stitching on hem. Celia & Ma & Amy quilted the big rug we were sewing all day had dinner & lunch between Wilf went out in Twelftrees61  working & most dreadful windy day & dust enough to blind one. Celia & Amy did dairy work tonight. Hugh & Alf spent evening with us got letter & postcard from Tom & Ivy62.

61Henry Joseph Twelftree owned land in Gawler Plain and Munno Para; they are buried at Uley Cemetery; their farm is next to Rowley’s – see map.
62Cousins Ivy Elizabeth and Thomas Henry Easton

Sept 6th Up earlier still & lit stove & put out two lots of bread to rise helped milk fried hot breakfast & afterwards I baked bread & Celia baked her birthday cake I cleaned both front rooms Amy assisted had dinner Celia did our bedroom Ma got dinner & this afternoon I did not do dining room as it was so dusty & windy so I made pillow ticks & cut out nightdress & milked & separated fed pigs got tea at 6 o’clock Bert got back home with Toff in dogcart & at 7/30 Dad & Charlie arrived with wagon. Poor old Charlie has been ill coming home on wagon had to lie there he seems better but all got colds. Bert called at Frances’ & found she had a daughter Sept 5th63. Celia Amy & Clif been up to Ada’s today.

63Lorna Frances Folland.

Sep 7th Sat) Same time & did all usual duties had to fry for breakfast & also cooked sausages for Mr Walker64 he has a bad cold & he slept in Wilf bed last night & Mr Winton65 & the other chap slept in their wagon camped at the back of our stable they traveled from Lameroo with our men & are now proceeding to Snowtown their home a very sad illness overtook their brother Stan66 who is now in Adelaide. They left here at about 9/30 this morning. I started to blacklead stove & kitchen utensils & dining room fireplace swept dining room &c had dinner & Dad Cel & Amy went to Gawler. Charl & Bert not well so did not work today except unload thing & in afternoon all three boys cut chaff and Ma & I finished all work very busy Ma did Knives & forks spoons I milked & Spr Charl milked Pansy Bert shot a Rabbit Celia & others got home 7/30 Celia got hurt she got caught in wheel.

64 Mr Walker
65 Mr Winton
66 Stan

Sunday Sep 8th Up at 7 oclock made fire & took in Tea then Celia & I milked & I fried breakfast afterwards I did housework (do not separate nights from today) & necessary duties Celia is much bruised & shaken & so stiff Charlie also met with an accident this morning he mounted Royal to go for horses & he ran him into barb wire hurt his leg & cut his thumb so we have a sick house I gathered some flowers for Vase the grass is coming out in ear & oats & the country looks lovely with wild flowers after dinner I took a stroll up to Eva’s & only her & I were home all the afternoon & to Tea then we came home & Uncle, Ern were here It has been a most terrible windy day & tonight is raining Alf came down this afternoon & stayed also Ada & Children we sang & Amy played then we had supper Alf H took home some violets

Sep 9
Did not intend to wash but got up at 6 ock got breakfast milk all four cows myself & put out bread then lit stove & had breakfast baked & did usual work washed Dad’s tweed pants & altered & mended them did odd work today Bert sold my boots & she Charl Bert & Wilf went out to Twelftrees all their colds are bad Celia & Amy are at Fancy work Ma writing. May Worden was married to Mr Stevens67last Monday Sep 2nd a cold day today so very windy & raining too.

67Mabel Worden of Angle Vale married Bernard Emerson Stevens of Medindie, at her father's house in Angle Vale.

Sep 10th  Up at 6 o’clock & lit fire & took in tea & swept the kitchen & sorted the clothes & put on the pot ready for washing started & then had breakfast & Celia & I started in good earnest & finished at 3 o’clock such a dirty wash all the boys clothes from Lameroo Ma & Amy cooked dinner & did housework this afternoon Kit came down & spent the time with us had afternoon tea, Ma not at all well. Kit & I got cows we were both frightened of (Spencer) smiles then I milked Celia & Clif gathered eggs I got in wood C got Tea & She & I washed up & I gathered up patches & put in a Tin mixed bread A & C are at their fancy work Charl telling adventures & scenes from Lameroo rather windy & cloudy.

Sept 11. I rose at an early hour & put out bread to rise & got breakfast & milked Celia & Dad seprt afterwards I baked bread Celia & Amy went to Gawler Charlie started & got up by the Chapel & his load capsized so all the men had to go & load it on to Uncle’s wagon got back to dinner at one o’clock I baked biscuits did housework & dressed & walked down to Stone Hill to see Effie & Rhu married Ern & Eva & Kit went too a large number were there. The bride looked very nice in Crème Silk long train & Vail orange blossom & tiny knots of Ribbon on Vail in true lovers Knots brides maids in pink & pale green Silk touches at waists & on bodices & crooks & lovely flowers. Elsie Hayman68 played the Wedding march. Then I rode part of way home with Eva & Kit they stayed while here & Amy & I ironed Celia brought French69home today so we have both of the children home. Alf N came down after Tea & stayed the evening a lovely afternoon after a cloudy & misty Morn. Len Huxtable & Dolly Broster were married today at Zoar70.

68 Elsie Jane Hayman, aged 14.
69Charles French Folland, Frances' eldest son (aged 1).
70Leonard George Huxtable & Rosetta May Broster; Leonard is a cousin of Mabel Worden (married 2 days ago!). Zoar Bible Christian Church was in Penfield.

Sept 12th I did not get up till 6/30 so had to hurry lit fire & Celia took in Tea I fried breakfast then Dad & Charl went to Gawler. Bert & Wilf to Twelftree’s Celia did some washing Amy swept & dusted dining room & Kitchen I washed Sprtd & all other things & put away the clean clothes had lunch & washed up & starched & ironed all white shirts & other things ready for the Show Ma is laid aside with Influenza & Dad got it too Ma did not dress today stayed in bed Wilf & I brought up a Keg of water from Dam Celia cooked Veg for Tea & I cut & fried bacon then she put the children to bed after Tea & are now at a musical evening themselves. A nice day.

Sept 13th Busy day up earlier & did all usual work Ma is very bad so after breakfast I washed up every thing which is a lot to do then blackleaded stove scalded church & churned 14lb of Butter & made it up Scrubbed all utensils & put them away Celia Amy & Children drove to Mrs Standley71 & I did the Safe got Ma toast & tea then I hurried & swept both rooms & washed the floors with milk cooked hot Supper milked fed poultry & animals got tea then they got home I mixed bread washed up & retired.

71Mrs George Standley (nee Ida Woodcock), aged 38.

Sat Sep 14. Up at 4 ½ oclock got breakfast & put bread out lit stove Dad Bert Celia Amy Mrs & Marion Standley72 that was also went to Adelaide. Wilf went up in dogcart to get them & all started to catch first train which they fortunately caught for City Adelaide Show. I had all to do Ma is so very unwell but got up & made beds in her room & boys & cleaned dining room window but could not keep up so had to lie down again I milked & Sep myself baked bread & Cake cleaned our room dusted & swept dining room & kitchen polished Knives forks spoons &c & did lamps & all Saturday work milked bashed Clif got Tea Charl drove to Gawler & got the goods got home at tea time after driving Marion home then the others came & I gave them their Tea scrubbed form & all other necessary articles so very tired & I scalded my right shin badly so had to hobble as best I could. A very nice day I’m so tired.

72 Marion Bethia Standley, who married Lewis Charles POINTON at age 15, now aged 18.

Sun Sep 15) Up at 7/30 got tea for Ma Dad milked & he & I separated had breakfast Amy did the housework I cooked hot dinner roast mutton Cauliflower apple pie had dinner Alf N came I washed up Alf helped me then he and Amy drove to Gawler to see Frances & Celia is bad & coming home Bert & Wilf been up at Eva’s Jim Ada & children were home to Tea. I put Clif to bed washed up got in wood & attended to milk & cream been a hot day cold now.

Sep 16th) Up early lit fire & took in Tea got breakfast & put Seprt together got cream ready & helped with Sepr After breakfast I did all washing up & putting away same did all necessary work cooked dinner & after I had finished I commenced washing & did up to the towels I hurried as fast as possible then I had to mix bread & wash up I felt utterly done up Jim & Mr Young came over for evening I retired Celia & Ma are very bad with Influenza. Warm. 

Sept 17 Up at same time got the bread out to rise lit stove got crème ready & done usual duties Started washing & finished at twelve very busy Ma managed to cook dinner Celia helped with housework Amy helped Chaff cut Charl goes to Gawler every day with Hay. Cool change this afternoon. I ironed collar &c Amy ironed all the clothes & then I made my Belt Amy & Ma washed up & Celia mended clothes for Clif Dad Bert Wilf & Clif went fencing as horses got in wheat Amy is at her fancy work I am tired.

Sep 18th Show day I got up & lit fire & took in Tea set breakfast got cream ready & separator after breakfast. I did all washing up & got ready for show got lunch & Dad Wilf Amy Clif & I drove in Buggy Charl & Bert in Dogcart left here at about 11/30 drove to Frances & saw the baby then down to the Show I did not consider the inside of building so good as family but Horses seem very much more plentiful than they use to be Kit & I were together most of time as I could not find Ada & Eva. It was a most lovely afternoon the sun quite hot but a delightful breeze Alex & Will Vic & Jess73 were up & Alex stayed here the night Uncle Charlie’s lot & our two boys stayed at Institute to a play (Her Sailor Boy) Alex went to the Foresters Dance74 . They were very late home A nice sea breeze tonight.

73William Walter Paterson, Charles Alexander Paterson, Victoria Jane Paterson and Jessie Violet Paterson, cousins of Fanny’s, children of Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), all in their early 20s.  74Ancient Order of Foresters, A friendly society.

Sep 19)
Up at 6/30 & did usual morning work cooked hot breakfast & baked pastry & cooked hot dinner. Alex stayed till 6 pm had afternoon Tea before he went Kit & Eva spent afternoon with us a very hot windy day indeed men home all day. I have a bad headache & my limbs pain me so.

Sep 20) I got up before 6 & being hot I lit the stove & put out bread to rise skimmed & got milk ready for Separator as we have only used it mornings for a fortnight as we only had two cows in milk but today Queenie came in We had breakfast & I got churn ready for Dad he churned & I adjourned to Dairy & made it up together then I thoroughly cleaned up dairy & washed the things Celia cleaned Churn &c & our room Amy the Sitting room Ma her room We were all doing what we could then I cooked dinner & Dad went to Gawler for Flour &c Charl & Bert to Twelftrees Wilf has the Influenza & Ma’s cough is very bad she is not strong Celia a little better Amy got Influenza too makes it so bad. It has been a terrible windy dusty day & hot.

Sep 21) Up early lit fire & took in Tea cleaned out stove got breakfast skimmed in afterwards I blackleaded all utensils stove &c done our room Celia & Dad & Clif went to Gawler I started baking Queen buns Amy made Sponge We had lunch, I swept & washed Amy dusted the dining room After I had scrubbed all wooden articles I milked & Dad & Celia got home we had Tea Clif stayed in Gawler as Frances has no one to help her & he is handy her baby is doing fine Mrs W Alexander75 has a son.

75William Colin Alexander, son of William Alexander and Ellen Johnston.

Sep 22. Sunday I was up early & did usual duties & Celia & Amy assisted in housework I prepared Veg & cooked them & a milk pudding for dinner at 12 o’clock there Charlie Celia Amy & I drove to Buchfielde75 Anniversary Mr Perry was the preacher the Church was nicely decorated & a nice lot there. We came home & Ada & Family were here had Tea & Eva & Ern came & he put Sov in with Toff & Charl & I & Eva & Ern went to Angle Vale evening service which was well attended as it has been a lovely day Uncle & Alf & Kit went to Preiss76 to Tea & stayed at Buchfielde at night. It was lovely driving home but I cannot hear well enough to enjoy the sermon It looks like rain tonight.

75Nearby church. Originally German-speaking Lutheran, now used by a number of congregations.
76 Preiss family. Father is Henry August Frederick and mother is Ellen Preiss (nee Baker), though they are not mentioned by name. Neighbours.

Sep 23 Up at 5/40 & after doing all usual work had breakfast & started washing Oh such a bother with boilers Washed in Seprt house & had boilers in tank but it blew a hurricane & I had to shift dining in dining room again I was so worried but have got all dry & Ma & Amy folded & did housework & brushed best clothes Charl been to Gawler with Hay Bert & Dad to Twelftrees. Wilf is on sick list & the others are slowly improving but Ma’s cough is bad I did not record that Mr B Hillier & A Beckwith77 were married Sept 2nd also Tom Stone & Amy Ackland78 were married Sept 9th & are living on Greave’s Hill I saw them at the Show last Wensday. It is now thunder storm & raining lightning very much.

77Beeton Frank Fletcher Hillier and Ada Jeanette Beckwith, at St. George's Church, Gawler
78George Thomas Stone and Amy Alice Ackland, district of Adelaide

Sep 24) Same time & put out bread to rise & baked hot rolls for breakfast & fried Eggs & bacon very busy Celia & Dad usually milk & Sprt Spot has a Calf this morning (Mona) so we have four in milk again after doing my baking I ironed all the mens clothes & mine & some household ironing Amy did most of the other we had such a lot of Starch clothes preparing for Summer Celia did her Silk Blouse up then I sorted boxes & cut up flocks helped Celia with dairy work Jim & Mr Young spent the evening here Amy played Piano I wrote to Louie79 we had a splendid rain during the last night & cold.

79Louisa Arbon, a favourite cousin on the Heath side in Port Broughton.

Sep 25) I got dressed same time prepared same for breakfast & Dad & Celia did dairy work got two calves to feed Dad took in a pig to market last evening I done different things & baked Cakes then had midday lunch Celia & Amy & Wilf had a most enjoyable day at Kangaroo Flat Picnic where they drove & took Ada & Wesley & Ethel Clem stayed with Eva & Kit as Kit was bad & Eva kept her company I have been ironing white shirts & milked & Sprtd Celia & Wilf came home & Amy stayed at Ada’s & all of them are gone back there to have a party Ma cooked 6 oclock dinner so had a large washup & now got to knead bread Ma is mending. Very chilly.

Sep 26th) Rose at same & did all usual duties before brkft put out bread & lit stove after breakfast & baked & helped washup made our beds & then cooked pastry for dinner & fried ham & cooked Veg Celia set to & made white pinafores we had dinner & I went up & spent the afternoon with Kit she has been ill but was a little better today we had a pleasant though quiet afternoon Eva & Wesley spent the time here they came in as I went out Charl went to Gawler with hay Bert & Dad went to Stone Hill to sink little Winnie Higgins’80 grave who passed away on the 24th Sept a large funeral for a (baby) or child rather a nice day.

80Winifred Fanny Higgins, aged 5, listed as Winnie on the gravestone. Twin daughter of William Higgins and Lily Burt. 

Sep 27) As I did not have to do any particular work I did not get up till 6/30 & fried breakfast & did all ordinary work after breakfast I blackleaded stove &c & sitting room fireplace helped churn swept dining room got dinner Dad & Celia went to Gawler as the poor girl did not know how to bear the Toothache so Mr McLean drew it for her. Amy spent afternoon with Eva & came home tonight with them I scrubbed all dining room articles & Safe cleaned all lamps &c got afternoon Tea Ma was very unwell so rested on Sofa I went for Cows & got (Spencer) frightened milked & separated Ma & I fed pigs Bert the calves he & Wilf been working in Twelftrees bitter cold & rained this afternoon. They called on Franc she is better C&A are sewing. I have to mix bread now.

Sep 28) Sat up early 5/40 cooked breakfast the others did dairy work after breakfast I lit stove & put out bread as it did not rise early blackleaded dining room fireplace &c & cooked mutton & vegetables & cleaned all windows outside & in, & did other work got dinner over Amy Celia & Dad went to Gawler I baked Cake & Sponge cleaned tins & tidied kitchen & did all other work till all was finished & then I had a bathe Ma & Charl milked & separated as I got pains in my shoulder Dad &Amy brought home Clif Celia stopped at Eva’s Mrs Parr of Angle Vale81was buried today & we hear Mr Andrew82died on the 20th in Sh A nice day. Frosty Night.

81Ann Parr, widow of John Parr, aged 86.
82William Andrew, died suddenly 21st September in West Hindmarsh, aged 78.

Sep 29) Sunday up & as we expected Frances & family home I made a plum pudding before breakfast Ma & Dad milked & separated Celia stayed at Eva’s the night, Franc & Harry got home in good time Beattie came out with them Ada & Children came home. I did not feel well so after I finished work had a wee rest. They had tea & went home Charl went to Chapel Alf came down but Amy being so ill we could not have any music. Kit & Alf went to Williamstown & Kit was not well so stayed home at her Mothers she got a cold washing at Rowleys83 last week.

83Archibald Rowley owns land in Ward’s Belt. He is married to Annie Amelia Bungey. Their children so far: Cyril Archibald (aged 11), Lois May (aged 7), Mabel Beatrice (aged 5),

Sept 30 Up & had breakfast & went & dressed for Adelaide Dad & I took Amy to Dr then came back in Street & did shopping got Amy’s bromide84 & frames for Franc & I met Sarah & Charlie & children from Monarta & also saw Mr Webb85 from England where he has been for a pleasure trip & looks well after it we came home by Express & had a cup of tea at Frances & home a terrible windy dusty hot day but cooler at night.

84 The bromide is probably my favourite photo of Amy (I will scan and insert it sometime!).

85 Sarah Hill (nee McLean), her husband Charles Hill, and their two children Eva Elvera May Hill (aged 4) and Sidney Charles Hill (aged 2) (thanks Darryel McLean for identifying them!) Mr Webb has not yet been identified.

Oct 1st I got up & lit fire &c got clothes sorted & pots on for washing but owing to Amy’s illness I shifted them in dining room & washed in Kitchen. Ma & Dad & Clif went picking peas We had Frances’ washing to do as well & did not finish till 6 o’clock Celia & Dad did dairy work & scrubbed up & it was tea time I done our room mixed bread the others folded clothes Amy pasted back of her Bromide & Frances frame

Oct 2nd I got up before 6 & did usual work & put out bread to rise had breakfast baked bread & pastry & custard for dinner did our room & other work Celia baked cocoanut biscuits began ironing I ironed all the afternoon Bert & Wilf milked Charl & Dad took Clif home & Dad was also in this morning cold & raining a lovely rain last night & today.

Oct 3rd Two Wells Show but none of us went I got up in good time & did usual work, after breakfast Dad & Uncle Charlie went to Gawler & Dad went to Town by Express I did usual work & picked some peas for dinner Charl & Wilf fencing Bert Cultivating in Flat Mr Carr’s86 came out to dinner & had a look at work & measured Spouting & Charl went into Gawler & brought it home & Dad came home with him. Will R87 & Norman88 came out they have had influenza Now Hugh is in bed with Same. A very nice day Amy Wilf & Eva went to the show.

86 Mr Carr, who is doing some work on the property
87William Ratcliff, a neighbor. 88 Probably Norman Wilson.

Oct 4) Same time lit fire & took in tea swept dining room & kitchen got breakfast Celia & Dad did dairy work I cleaned stove & our room Mr Carr’s put up the spouting Dad helped Amy did front rooms Celia cooked Veg & Custard for dinner & we helped Ma churn & it was very hard work then Ma made the Butter after dinner Celia & Amy went to Ada’s I baked the Birthday Cake’s & scrubbed Safe &c Ma & I milked & Sep.

Oct 5 ) As I did not have bread to bake I did not get up till 6-o’clock lit fire & took in tea to Amy & usual “patrons” fried Eggs & bacon for breakfast after which I swept dining & baked Cakes on Slide & Sponge Celia Wilf Clem & Amy went to Gawler & got Spring Mattress new Teapot &c postcards from Charlie & Chris89 after dinner I blackleaded fireplace &c washed floors cleaned boots help milk &c Sep took men lunch & finished work. Dad & Charl finished Stone Hill work.

89 Charlie & Chris. No idea. 

Oct 6) Sunday usual time I lit fire & took refreshment to the folk fried Sausages for breakfast & after I made Rhubarb pie & custard Ma & the rest shelled peas for dinner It was a terrible rough morning thunder & lightning & nice rain & hail the Lightning very vivid Anniversary at Stone Hill. Charl & Celia fixed up our spring mattress We had dinner & Wilf & I drove in dogcart to chapel I went to Mrs Standley’s to Tea Marion & Louis90are there at present the children were not well. I had a good chat & we walked back to evening service crowded congregation Charl Bert Celia Wilf came at night & Eva & Ern spent the evening here & Uncle & Alf N. I had to mix bread & we had supper.

90Lewis Pointon, husband of Marion Standley. They have a 2 year old (Standley Lewis) and an infant (Clarice Ida).

Oct 7) Amy’s birthday I got up & lit fire put bread to rise got breakfast Celia & Dad at their usual work We washed but had a dreadful windy day & 10 sheets too however we got them dry & Ma folded I kept at tub Celia assisted with dinner at table Mr Hennesey91 came & stayed to dinner I scrubbed all necessary articles All but Ma & I went pea picking & Ada & children came over for some they were picking 2 hours & shelled them tonight after tea I mended Amy is at piano & the rest are with her Wesley home Esther Haydon is married to a Mr Jarman92am very tired so will retire.

91 Mr Hennesey 
92Esther Selina Haydon married Matthew Jarmyn.

Oct 8th) Same time & did usual work & so did Celia It was a rainy & windy day and I was glad washing was done. Mr Carr’s came out & fixed up the large tank at front of house I ironed Celia did some & after I finished I cut off Ma’s skirt & stitched in round. Bert was Cultivating Dad helping Mr Carr Charl & Wilf odd jobs. Tea & I mixed bread mended stockings.

Oct 9th. The Jubilee of Gawler Institute93so after we did the ordinary household work all of us family dressed up & drove to Gawler. Charl, Bert, Uncle, Alf, & Alf Nottle marched in Foresters Order & did all the Friendy Society’s in Regalia & schools just as we did at our late Queens Jubilee the procession marched in front of Exhibition building & were addressed by the Governor & Councilors then they had their dinner & all kinds of Sports & Club swinging & Pole drill & the young Recruits march & drill was well worth seeing a large number of people were in the park we got home in good time the big boys are not home yet. It has been a fair day after a cloudy morning. Charl & Bert went to the Frances & spent Eva Alf Kate went to a play in Institute.

93Gawler Institute. According to newspaper reports, this was a huge event, with a parade, and a large children's choir, and a lot of entertainment. 

Oct 10th. Same time & did usual work & took in Tea to patients or rather Ma & Dad. I did not have to bake so I did housework & got dinner and afterwards I mended all the afternoon, Celia & Ma were also sewing when they could but Amy was very unwell indeed there was clothes to put away after our outing yesterday.

Oct 11. Dad & Celia and Amy went to Adelaide by express so I had to hurry & fry breakfast Dad helped Celia with cows & Sprtd. I cleaned both back rooms & helped churn got lunch & after lunch I blackleaded my stove & cleaned both front rooms thoroughly & scrubbed safe & cleaned all windows & Charlie helped me milk & Seprt. Ma helped me she been busy butter making & mending & doing her usual work lightning & a change cooler & looks like rain tonight they arrived home safe.

Oct 12) Sat Up early & I baked bread for breakfast & fried eggs & bacon Celia & Dad their usual work & Ma got up & set table for me after breakfast. I baked bread & did our room Amy made Sponge Sandwich & scones Celia the Madeira Cake Amy did dusting and bathed Wesley I cleaned all boots & finished all work we had dinner then Dad Celia Amy Wesley went to Gawler I did scrubbing & some washing & had a bathe & Charl & I milked Sep Ern called in dog cart I got Earoscope94from Sydney. Wind in West & cold light shower nice weather.

94 The Earoscope was a tool for improving hearing and relieving tinnitis marketed by a Pitt St Company. It looks a bit scary. Aunty Fan was hard of hearing already at age 32!

Oct 13) Sunday got up in nice time had cold breakfast & earlier than usual Dad & Celia did their usual work & I cooked leg mutton Peas & Potatoes & Rhubarb pies & tart & other household duties as did Amy Celia filled Vases Auntie & Elvera95 got here at midday also Ada & children Amy & Wilf went for them Toff in Dogcart Charl & Amy went for a drive in morning all the lads had bath & haircut after dinner. Celia & I went to Chapel. Hector in dogcart. I thoroughly enjoyed the drive & I could here Sermon fairly well to counted it a Sunday well spent arrived home had tea Jim & Alf N came Auntie & Elvie went home a delightful day & cool night with dew.

95Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), and her youngest daughter Evera (Elvie) Maud (aged 10)

Oct 14) Up before 6 o’clock & got breakfast put bread out to rise had breakfast & lit fire in fireplace & put on Pots for washing Celia finished milking & Spr then she sorted clothes & we started finished at 1/30p.m. & had lunch I washed all tubs &c up & Celia & Amy & Wesley cleaned all the paper off Cupboard & they scrubbed it & Celia done her boxes I did some plain ironing & I milked Queenie & Celia the others & got a fright by old Spencer Seprated & had tea Wesley is home for holiday been here a week he is at the Piano & Bert All men been at Twelftrees working. We were rather disappointed not able to go to opening of block church yesterday.

Oct 15) We each did our share in housework & had Lunch then Ma Celia Amy Wesley & I drove to Frances where Ma & Amy spent the afternoon & C & I went down street & got new hats & did a little shopping Celia went to the Station & Wesley & I walked to Frances had Lunch & Ma & the others drove home I stayed there & helped her a while Harry96 got home at 8/15 o’clock had tea & I nursed Lorna97 & we cleared the table & washed up & went to bed at 10/30.

96Harry Folland (brother-in-law).

Oct 16) It was a lovely day I did back bedroom &c, then I started preparing to sew but the Singer would not go & I had to use the New Wertheim97 I managed to get a start after dinner & made Clif 2 pairs of pants beside minding Lorna & assisting. Harry came to Ward’s Belt for orders on Cart with Willie Hillier98. French has been so ill so Frances took him to Dr McArthur he has bronchitis & I am afraid hooping cough It is terrible to see him coughing I looked after Baby & Clif while she was gone to the Dr. Harry got home first we had tea & I did some sewing Franc ironed. Late to bed.

97Sewing machines
98William Hillier, a neighbour.

Oct 18) Same work done I went on sewing Harry came out to Wards Belt in a green pagnell I could not come home as he was loaded he got home early & went on gardening Frances cleaned both front rooms & looked after French he is very bad I tried to finish all the sewing off tonight but could not I sewed till bedtime then had a cup of cocoa & biscuit & Frances had her gruel I retired poor old girl does not get much rest.

Oct 19) Harry arranged to start early so at 5.30 o’ock I dressed & tidied back bedroom we had breakfast & Harry & I started on the Gawler River round a very cold drive indeed & foolish like I did not bring my coat & could scarcely move so cold was I when I got out to walk the rest of my journey. It was better walking found the others at breakfast home I blackleaded & swept Dining room & kitchen & washed floor had dinner scrubbed & cleaned Knives forks spoons &c milked & Sprt bathed Wesley cleaned boots & finished other work Celia Amy Dad went to Gawler today a nice day.

Oct 20) A most unpleasant Wind so strong & the dust flying We had intended to go to Smithfield to an Anniversary but really it was no day for it so we stayed home Ada & family came over & we all went picking Shiver Grass99 but Oh the wind nearly blew the children over Charl is gone out today with Toff in the dogcart. Wilf been to S School & he & Bert went to Chapel tonight it is now raining & I hope it continues for it is wanted. Cooler now. Cold tonight.

99  Shiver grass, grows all over the place, and when the seed pods dry they rattle a bit. Fanny used them in flower arrangements. 

Oct 21) Up at 5/15 & lit fire & took in tea sorted clothes & put on boiler got breakfast and after partaking of same Celia having finished her usual duties we commenced washing have such a quantity of it now finished at 2/30 it was rather windy in morning but turned out a lovely day & we got all clothes dry & folded I cleared up tubs & C did indoor work Dad & boys have been clearing hill in Twelftrees so when the are away we have dinner at 6 pm Ma & Celia did dairy work & after tea I mixed bread & cut out a garment Amy stitched Lorna’s dress it looks very nice.

Oct 22) A perfect day rainbows beautiful in the first rays of the rising sun Celia had to go to Mrs Youngs washing she finish at midday I baked bread rolls for breakfast & fried bacon & Eggs. I had to hurry too Ma & Dad did diary work after Breakfast I baked bread & Pastry custard & for dinner done housework & bedrooms had dinner & Amy Wesley & I went to Eva’s. Kate had just finished washing so we had afternoon Tea & Called at Ada’s then we came home & I started ironing have just finished & Amy is at Piano Cel sewing. Len Huxtable and Dolly Broster were married on Sept 11th at Zoar church by Rev Grewar100I read it in the Chronicle.

100  See note 70. Leonard George Huxtable & Rosetta May Broster; Zoar Bible Christian Church was in Penfield. By Rev Grewar

Oct 23) Up early & lit stove fried hot breakfast & took in Tea C & Dad die their ordinary work & we had breakfast & I did our room & dining room & other work then I made Clif another pair pants Amy made Cake Celia assisted with household duties the Men all at Twelftrees. So we had lunch & Celia ironed all shirts & collars I was sewing Ma was resting & Mrs S J Parham, Stella & Lily101 came & as we were at afternoon tea Eva & Kit came & they with Alf & Wattie came last night & spent evening I was very busy cooking hot dinner at 6 o’clock. Mrs P and girls went home at 6.30. Lily has a very bad finger under the Dr with it. I mixed bread & at 10:30 retired others later lovely night.

101 Mary Riggs, wife of Samuel James Parham, and her daughters Nivia Stella (aged 17) and Lillie Melior Parham (aged 12).

Oct 24) Early & hurried & put out bread fried breakfast Dad & C usual work then I had to bake seven loaves 7 did dining room & then I cut out blouse. Cel started making a hat Amy trimming one Ma cooked a fowl Veg & Cabinet pudding for dinner only Bert away Charl Binding Wesley & Clif following Wilf stoking Dad not well Wesley hads been home just on 3 weeks Clif came home last Sat Amy Wilf & lads went for a drive to Twelftree & also for Tap water it has been hot today but it delicious now all gone to Heaths for an evening & Alf N here. I’m tired Wes is sleepy.

Oct 25) Busy time so always rise early after usual duties I got breakfast over & cleaned stove & swept kitchen &c then I went on with my blouse but I had such a bother with it Celia finished her hat with Amy’s help it is quite “Toffie”. Celia & Ma went to milk & Wilfie had to go over & get Primrose & Calf I have made a mistake as it was Saturday Prim came in & I am entering Friday. Al the lad’s & Lassies went to Alf’s to spend the evening they said they had an enjoyable time playing games &c Wattie102 was also there & Alf N. I had to mix a large batch of bread & put sleeves in my blouse &c. Warm day.

102Wattie. No idea who this might be. 

Oct 26) Sat up at 5.15 & hurried to light stove & put out bread fry breakfast Dad & Celia milk usually in Mornings & always take a cup of Tea in to Dad & Ma & Ma generally dresses & helps Sep though often she helps milk as well, Amy baked currant cake & sponge sandw turned out lovely Celia & I did Saturday work between us mostly before a late dinner Binder went wrong Dad Celia Amy went to Gawler Wesley went home. I then washed up cleaned Cutlery &c Boys came home Charl & us had afternoon Tea & he milked Prim who came in today. I milked Queen Ma Spot & Pansy & Spr Charl went to City with Jim all lads had a bath I bathed Clif and put him to bed they came home had Tea. A terrible smash at Gawler Station Engine run in to another train103
. Serious injuries to several.

103Notes from newspapers – a collision of a passenger train and an engine. The drivers were both injured, but passengers OK. Drs Dawes, Fookes, and McArthur with Nurse Greenslade attended.

Oct 27) Beauty has a calf this morning. Bert first up very early ad he went to Lower Light with Jim & Ada & family & also to the Beach & got a lot of crabs after doing necessary work we had cold Luncheon with Blancmange & stew & fruit Dad Ma Celia Amy Clif went to Uncles on the blocks I drove to Kangaroo Flat accompanied by Eva I had Charl’s cart & Bently Such an enjoyable drive a perfect Day so nice to got to Chapel. I got home at 10 to 5 & had to hurry up as Charl & Wilf went to Chapel after milking the cows & Spr. I washed all utensils & was watering Flower & Alf came then the others got home spent a quiet even & had supper Bert came in then so it was late when we got to bed 11 o’clock a beautiful night so cool.

Oct 28) I did not intend to wash as Celia went to Mrs Youngs. I fried breakfast the others milked at Srp then Celia started away she very unfortunately burnt her hand badly just as she had lit copper but she persevered & finished the washing Amy brushed all best clothes Ma cooked roast beef Cauliflower Pots Rhubarb pie for dinner I tried to finish my blouse Amy went to Ada’s came home with Celia Clif went to sleep I soaked in washing  Ma & Dad diary work I must go & mix bread I feel tired sun very hot today but a nice breeze got Mr Freeman104to put binder to rights this morning busy now.

104  Mr Freeman, fixes machinery

Oct 29) Up before five & lit stove & put out bread took in Tea lit fire outside & put on boilers started washing had breakfast & Celia & I washed in Separator house & would have finished dinner time but it turned out a most dreadful morning strong Nt wind & clouds of dust Oh it was terrible but soon the wind changed to the west & it now beautifully cool but was very hot this morning so I had to don a thin old blouse but was glad to turn to my thick one this evening. Another Cow to milk Daisy making six in all. Amy & Wilf Clif went to Rowleys early to get meat & she also went to Eva’s to morning lunch & Ma Dad & her & Clif went to look at the record crop Charl binding Dad & Amy took in two calves to send to town this evening so she has had plenty of outings today.

Oct 30) A wet morning so I did not get up till 6/30 It has rained heavily during the night our tank full again & it is so cold tonight. After getting breakfast over I did some odd work cleaned lamps baked Biscuits & pie for dinner Celia ironed starch clothes Mr Hennesey came & stayed to dinner Charl & Bert busy painting Implements. Celia Amy & Clif went to Mrs Parham’s this afternoon. I did not finish ironing till 6 o’clock then Dad & I milked Spr had Tea I wrote to Auntie & George to decline invitation to his wedding105so sorry to do so as it would be a lovely change to go to Wallaroo where it is to be held.

105Auntie Charlotte Humphrys (nee Heath), aged 47. This is the marriage of her son Benjamin George Humphrys to Olive Mabel Brown.

Oct 31) Up at 5/40 & lit stove & took in Tea to Patrons put out bread to rise fried Eggs & Bacon set table & we had breakfast then I baked & swept dining room floor & washed both Kitchen & dining room floors with milk as they were dancing & wore it up last night I did a few buttonholes in my blouse had roast leg mutton Cabbage Pots bread & butter custard Ma cooked dinner Celia is making Amy’s grey blouse I went to visit Kit but she was not home so I went to Ada’s & I ironed starch clothes for her & did mending Jim came home with me & Alf N is here a lovely cool dewy night after a sunshiny day Clem is home tonight Amy made Lorna a petticoat stitched with silk. 

Nov 1st) Usual time & lit fire & took in tea dressed Clem got breakfast Celia & Dad did their dairy work after Brkft I swept Kitchen & cleaned stove baked Biscuits & got dinner a plum pudding & Veg & cold mutton. Dad & Ma churned & Ma made over 30 lb butter had dinner & washed up cleaned lamps & scrubbed safe got afternoon Ta & helped dairy work Celia & Amy busy at blouse & finished before they went tot bed as I got Tea & washed up & mixed bread a hot day Charl binding others stooking a big crop.

Nov 2nd Sat Dad & Celia & Amy were going to Town So I got up at 5/15 & lit stove & put out bread took in Tea fried breakfast & hurried round I had a very bad headache & limbs too. It was a nice morning but windy which increased to a most terrific gale all day & hot sun till about 5 o’clock with clouds of dust & dreadful day it changed to South West & a cold wind & at 9 o’clock it started to rain & just poured till about 1/30 tis morning (Sunday) Dad & Amy missed the train & had to come to Gawler by 11/15 train & did not reach home till 3 o’clock & we were so anxious & did not get any rest. We had to do our work through all the dust & wind I felt just about done up & so thankful when they got safely home.

Nov 3rd Very wet & bitter cold water laying everwhere late up & got breakfast did housework & had dinner this afternoon I washed up & made a good fire in dining room had a rest & Charlie was suffering from an abbess so drove to Dr & had it lanced had both Drs it hurt him very much indeed. Mrs H. S. Covernton has a son106. Ada Jim & children Uncle, Eva, Ern & A.H.N.107are here for the evening. I have a headache. A dreary Sabbath no-one has been to Chapel today & it does not seem like Sunday & reminds one of lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.

106 Mrs Hugh Selby Covernton (Beatrice Alice Poole), birth of her firstborn, John Selby Covernton.
107Alfred Henry Nottle.

Nov 4) Such a wet morning so washing was out of the question but I rose early & did usual work & swept dining room & kitchen & dusted them we had breakfast Celia & Dad did dairy work I did some sewing made a nightdress Amy & Celia did rest of housework & Cel cooked dinner. Ma & Dad churned & made up butter & after dinner C & Dad went to Gawler also Bert. It rained heavily most of the day water everywhere & tank running over very cold when they got home Charl & I milked & Separated had tea & I mixed bread had a very bad head.

Nov 5. Wet again & I got up early to put out bread & do all usual work Celia & Dad did their work & after meal Celia went up to wash for Mrs Young & the day turned out fine. I baked bread & did our room &c. Ma cooked dinner Pies (Rhu) & Curried stew. I put a false hem on Ma’s skirt & mended my own in the afternoon. I sorted & soaked in all clothes Ada & Children came back with Celia Dad & boys carting in hay Clif is still here as happy as a bird. Amy has been making garments for little Ethel.

Nov 6. Up at 5 o’clock & hurried to light fire in stove & take in tea lit fire & put on Pots outside & washed in Sepr House got in a boil before breakfast Celia helped afterwards & we finished at 1o’clock had a big wash & I am so very tired & arms are painful this afternoon Celia Amy & Clif went to the light108 Hector in the dogcart. We feel so very disappointed at not being able to go to George’s wedding as wished so much to do.

108Lower Light

Nov 7th I got & lit stove took in Tea & fried breakfast & the boys & I had ours while Ma & Dad milked & Separated & fed calves & pig. I was just starting work & I was taken so ill & could not do a single thing to help Ma I never witness such a time before nor do I wish to again, I tried in the afternoon to help iron but I had to keep lying down. I really could not stand however I did what I could & Ma helped so finished Dad came home & helped milk & Sep I milked two but felt faint & after helping wash the tea things I went to bed a hot day Wilf has been ploughing for Mr Rowley109 for four days Bert & Charl busy haymaking in Clinker110.

109Mr Rowley is a neighbour.
110Clinker seems to be the name of another field. 

Nov 8th Our busy day & felt so weak & ill but managed to do all usual morning work & Ma & Dad the dairy work had breakfast & Dad churned & Ma made butter one churning was so soft she had to leave it till night. I did the back bedrooms & stove & dining room fireplace swept dining room & kitchen before dinner & afterwards I cleaned both front rooms thoroughly scrubbed Safe Cleaned Lamps Ma & I milked & Separated had Tea & mixed bread & washed up Ma made up her butter 48 lbs in all. Hot day.

Nov 9th Saturday I got up & lit stove & put out bread to rise got breakfast & baked it done all bedrooms & dining washed floors Celia Amy & Clif got home at about 11 o’clock & they baked cake & sponge I went for a drive & saw a lovely crop of wheat in Clinker Charl is Binding same really it is magnificent Dad & I took up Charlie’s dinner the sun was very hot but a gentle breeze sprung up in afternoon. Dad & Cel went to City & got a new Copper brought news of Fred & Elsie’s111 wedding on the 6th Nov Cel took some crabs in to Mrs McLean112 Amy bathed Clif & cleaned spoons &c I finished all the remaining work had a bath & Milk & Sepr Ma helped me. Late to bed.

111  Fred and Elsie's Wedding. Have not worked out who they are.
112  Joyce Ethel McLean (nee Bright), wife of Alexander Sparshott McLean, a cousin (Sarah Ann Heath's step-son). 

Sunday Nov 10th Up at 6/30 Ma & Dad did all dairy work I lit fire & got breakfast & afterwards I did bedrooms & other odd work. Celia cooked pastry & Pots for dinner. We just cleared all away & Harry & Frances & family came home. I read all spare time. No-one went to Chapel. I was not well, but would have gone if I had an opportunity. I feel rather dull.

Nov 11th We got up at 5.15 & I got stove lit & fried breakfast & mixed bread before breakfast Ma & Dad did dairy work Celia swept Dining room & kitchen & set table Frances washed & dressed Baby had breakfast & Amy went up & got Ada & family & Harry & family Celia Amy all drove in Van to Angle Vale Bridgewhere they spent an enjoyable day & arrived back here at 6 o’clock & Harry went to Gawler all alone. I mended & baked bread & soaked all in for washing this afternoon got Tea been a roasting hot day but evening brought a lovely cool breeze from West. Dad & Boys are busy with Hay Alf & Kit called tonight.

Nov 12. I was not up as early as I intended to be 5.25 about then I had to light stove & gives the boys their breakfast Ma Celia & Dad did all dairy work Frances got French & Baby dressed & we had breakfast I started washing & Celia cleaned the New Copper & both she & I went on in good earnest & finished about 3 o’clock it was lovely & cool in morning but it got showery dinnertime & it was a bother to get clothes dry got most of them folded we had a very large wash Celia cleaned Spr House & I got the tubs & scrubbing done. Frances paid us little visits to chat then they did the cows &c. I was tired so after washing up &c I & Frances retired to our room. Clif had a bad cough all night in his cot.

Nov 13 Up same time & did usual duties fried breakfast Ma churned Celia & Dad milked & all other work Frances &boys got up we had breakfast I did housework & cooked roast Mutton Cab [cabbage] Pots [potatoes] & Ru [rhubarb] Pie they finished Binding & stoking yesterday very heavy work Celia went to Mr Youngs to wash got back at 2/30. We both went on ironing & I never finished at 6 or 7 o’clock. Celia Amy went to Gawler to take Cliffie & Frances &c home. Harry called here on his round & rode home with his family after they went away. I just worked as hard as I could go & swept both kitchen & dining room & just got all tidy when Eva brought Pollie & her two children113 down for a holiday Dad & Ma did dairy work & we had Tea & Celia & Amy came home I mixed bread & retired.

113  Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), a cousin (daughter of Aunt Charlotte). Her children are Dorothy May Preiss and Albert Leslie Preiss.

Nov 14 Up before 5 oclock & put out bread gave boys their breakfast & Dad went to Gawler to get Mr Summerton115 to fix up the Harvester I baked bread made a plum pudding the Singer Agent came & put a new spring in Machine for me. Mr Summerton was here to dinner & Bert drove him to Gawler after Ma Pollie & little ones went for a drive to see the Harvester work we girls were mending. Kit and Alf went to Will Argents116wedding at Smithfield at 3/30 it was a lovely day but hot they got home at 12 oclock they told us. Wild & Charl are carting Hay Bert & Dad with the Harvester. We are all busy now.

115Mr Summerton
116William Edward Argent married Elsie Grace Andrews

Nov 15) Very early & blackleaded stove & lit it & fried breakfast the lads & I had ours then I cooked a second lot for Ma & the girls Pollie & children. Cleaned & filed lamp & emptied the drum Celia & Amy went for water Eva came in Cart for Pollie & children to take them to Gawler. I cleaned our room. Ma & Dad churned & Ma made up 48lbs butter this week & only got 7’ per lb. Celia & Amy did both front rooms & Amy boys room had dinner & I scrubbed safe & did various duties then Amy & I went to Ada’s and Eva for the rest of afternoon Alf was telling us the wedding was very slow but a lovely spread & the bridal pair got a nice lot of presents some costly & some useful. The boys been at same work finished stack & put up a small one. Hot all day but cooler in evening nice breeze tonight. Mixed bread & am ready to retire. I got a letter from Louie today & an invite to Broughton117.

117 Port Broughton, where cousin Louisa Arbon lives.

Nov 16th Up same time lit fire & got the usual cup that cheers fro parents as is always my custom. Put out bread to rise & Celia & Ma did all dairy work had breakfast & baked bread & cake Amy sponge sandwich Celia done house work assisted by Amy. Ma has various duties to attend to viz Fowls to fed & water Chicks to look after Meat to salt butter to pack & eggs for Gawler Celia Amy & Dad went to Gawler after dinner & I finished work scrubbed form cleaned all cutlery & Kitchen utensils Ma swept Sep House & doorways & we had a cup of Tea & milked & Sep fed calves & pigs dogs & cats & chicks & fowls it poured with rain & boys got wet through & had a bath & changed all clothes.

Nov 17th A cold windy morning for this time of year I did not get up till 7 o’clock but was awake at 5 my usual hour. I made fire & got breakfast swept dining room & kitchen Celia & Ma milked &c as Dad had the misfortune to get is hand caught in the harvester & badly hurt went to the Dr yesterday with it one has to be so careful as blood poison118 so easily sets in Celia made Sago puddings & did Ma’s room Amy the boys & I ours then they both dressed up and went to Ada’s and Eva’s Amy Eva & Ern went to Heaths just for a while. I got dinner & washed up & had a rest Kit Alf Ada & children came down to Tea Ma Bert & I milked & Sepr Charl is gone to Angle Vale chapel tonight Alf N. just came too. I have not been able to go to Chapel again today I feel so sorry too and I have a lonely feeling.

118blood poison simply means an infection after a cut. But back then, there were no antibiotics, so an infection was a serious problem. 

Nov 18 I did not intend to wash but was up before 5 ock & got fire & made the tea for folks Celia & Ma milked & Sprt & fed animals we had breakfast & She went to Mr Youngs It was an exquisitive day Ada washed too. I swept both rooms & did our room baked pies & cooked Veg for dinner Amy tried to clean her white felt hat she got it completely spoilt in rain coming from town last time. I made my blue apron & Amy made hers I did some mending & soaked in clothes for washing. Celia got home at three Mrs Beckwith119 is still at Mr Youngs I did some sewing & helped Ma with Dairy work.

119Clarissa Beckwith (nee Crace), a neighbour, mother of Ada and Emma (May) as Mrs Young has been very sick.

Nov 19 Up at ¼ to five & had to hurry & fry for breakfast it all hinders one. Celia got up lit Copper & helped all dairy work after breakfast we both went to our wash house & Amy drove to Mr Rowleys for Meat Mrs120 is ill in bed & Ada Pederick121 is with her. Celia & I had a big wash as usual finished most before dinner & after washed extras blouses &c C cleaned Copper & scrubbed all necessary things Ma & Amy folded all I got afternoon Coffee & now that Wilf is in the field I always get in wood and chop some stove wood. We had a very nice day & got all dry & Amy did all household ironing. I put a folded band round her hat, we each did our evening work & it is late now nearly nine when we have tea and ten when we retire.

120Mrs Rowley (Annie Amelia Bungey)
121Ada Annie Pederick, unmarried neighbour, aged 37.

Nov 20th Up at 5ock & lit stove & prepared tea Ma & Dad & Celia did dairy work I got breakfast & the lads & I had ours always two sittings her at breakfast afterwards C & Amy drove to Gawler took little Ethel. Celia did our room before we went then Ma washed up & things & cooked leg mutton Pots & Cabb & pies I did other bedrooms & dining room had diner & sent Dads out in field for him I washed up all did mending the girls did not get home till four Eva Amy & I went to Kits she was at Mrs Rowley’s A nice day. Got to mix now.

Nov 21 Some time & lit stove & put out bread to rise & got the cups of tea ready &  at about 6 o’clock Ma & Dad got up & had the customary biscuits & tea & then went & milked & did all dairy work & Celia starched shirts I got breakfast of which we partook Amy helped milk &c afterwards I baked bread & made a yeast cake & baked it done our room & cleaned the dining room which Amy & I Insectabaned122got dinner & Ma packed Dads & sent it out in field Amy rode Toff up to the Gap & also took bags up to Dad in spring dray The lads are stacking Hay a big stack a chain long Dad on the Harvester all day they killed two snakes today Celia ironed shirts collars & starched blouses &c all afternoon. I altered Frances grey skirt Amy finished trimming her hat they all three milked &c & I swept rooms & got tea & got in wood & watered flowers.  

122“Insectabane” was an insect repellent like Mortein (powdered back then).

Nov 22 Up at same time & did all usual work a cool change took place during the night Celia had to get up & shut all doors & windows so this morning was so lovely & cool but a thunder storm came on at dinner time Amy & Celia drove in to Gawler with cream & although they were out in some of the storm, the worse took place just as they got home it thunder & lightning & just poured in torrents we could not see across the paddock for rain it rained nearly all the rest of the day & very heavily at intervals We had to move beds & different articles as it poured in everywhere & flooded kitchen & our room in water. It was so bitterly cold after the heat. I had to soak it up. I never saw the like before & I had just cleaned our room & two front rooms & then where I had tidied I had to do work over again then I did stove & lamps & after afternoon tea the others did all dairy work &c I got tea & finished any other work & mixed bread & at ten we all were in bed tired too.

Nov 23 Up at 5/15 & put out bread lit stove & got the Tea ready for the parents got breakfast & after I had had mine I baked bread Amy a Sandwich but she burnt it & Celia made another & I made currant cake also Amy & I washed all Glasses & fancyware in dining room. Celia scrubbed safe &c. We were at our dinner & Jessie & Gwenda123 drove up so after dinner Bert drove them to Gawler & Dad Charl Celia Amy went in our trap Celia remained at Frances as Harry was taking a load of chaps to the beach so the others got home at 8/30 this afternoon. I have been busy baking Queen buns & Ma cleaned all cutlery then Ma & I milked & did all other work we have to work hard to do all things properly. Wilf was home with us he went for barley in dog cart, so very windy & so cold had to get into warm clothes.

123 Jessie Paterson & unknown Gwenda

Nov 24 Sunday so did not get up till after clock struck seven Dad & Ma did all the milking & work connected with same I fried saus for breakfast & got it ready & various other duties Gwenda & Jessie came out about nine  & after the meal I did all housework Amy boys room then all young folks went in sitting room & stopped till dinner time. Ma cooked French beans & Potatoes I baked Cherry Plum pies & after dinner I dressed for Chapel Called & took Ada for company & baby she was so good. We enjoyed the drive & Mr Moyse124 preached. I like him he shows a promising future I think, he is young yet. Ada & children rode home with me & this evening Jim drove home such a beautiful clear cool night quite fresh.

124  Mr Moyse, preacher. 

Nov 25 I did not intend washing so did not get up till 5/15 Amy & Dad were going to Adelaide so I called Amy a little after 6 oclock I got breakfast Dad & Ma did all dairy work &c had our meal & then they got ready & left home for via Gawler by Express to Adelaide a very rough dusty morning but change to a cool sea breeze later on in the day I did all housework & brushed best clothes as they all went out yesterday all things seemed in disorder & I had a bad hip & burnt my finger yesterday however I persevered & after dinner helped cleared away & I washed up all things & did some mending & sorted clothes & soaked in ready for tomorrow, it took a good while as I washed some & put ready for last water we had a cup of Tea & did all our work in the dairying line & chopped wood & got it in as it looked like more rain had Tea & Charl went to Alf to spend evening Dad came home with news that Frances was very ill yesterday morning & Celia had to have doctor into her a little better today both C & Amy stay at Frances this week Celia is sewing & Amy is having a holiday with her.

Nov 26th Got up lit stove & made a cup of tea then lit copper & washed fine clothes had breakfast & put up lunch & Tea for men, Dad & Ma did their customary work & had brfst I went round to the washing & did not finish till 3 o’clock Ma was in the kitchen all the morning cooking dinner & salting meat as Tuesday is our day for butcher. We always get our meat from Mr Rowley. Eva came down just as I was finishing washing & amused us about her visitors tableaux with her “Photos” &c she had afternoon tea & Wilf took out lunch to men they are stacking in old stack yard now finished the large stack but the heavy storm of Friday damaged it a lot Eva helped Ma & I fold clothes & make beds she is a good old girl to assist It came on a shower & was so cold so as Eva had a thin blouse I lent her Cel’s jacket. Ma & I milked & Sprt & I fed pigs Ma fed calves & did her other work & I also got in wood & got tea mixed bread & washed up.

Nov 27 I did not get up til six & the boys growled & wanted breakfast directly I lit stove so Ma laid table for me & had her Cup of Tea & then her & Dad went on with their usual work I had to put out bread to rise & wait on boys & put up lunch & Tea I was not A1 so had a piece of Toast & then I baked bread & did housework & anything there was to do till dinner Ma washed up all things cooked dinner & had to send Dad’s & Charl’s out in field as Charl is on with the damp weather Stripper & Dad the Harvester Bert & Wilf sewing bags the barley was growing in bottom of some bags owing to the wet weather I ironed in afternoon Ma mended all sox & stockings & after we had finished evening work I went to Ada’s to get the note from Gawler. A most delightful day. So cool.

Nov 28 Up at five & called boys & lit stove & fried Ham & Eggs for breakfast gave parents their refreshments & they done all their work I had breakfast with boys & afterwards I had to turn out cows & Ma & I had a terrible bother with the old hen who would not sit Men at same work. Ma cooked roast mutton Cab Pots & pie I been cleaning after Insectibane & watering pot plants the double fuchsia is nearly out & mine is out in bloom rather windy & so cool & pleasant & hot sun nice weather for Harvest. I been mending Ma & I wrote to Louie Eliza & Nellie125 this afternoon & done our cows.

125Louisa Arbon, Elizabeth Matilda Ann Humphrys, and Ellen Ann Hand, all cousins.

Nov 29 Up before five lit stove & made a cup of Tea got breakfast for boys & myself put up lunch & tea for the lads in the field. Ma & Dad did their work & came in to their breakfast afterwards Wilfie took in Cream to Crystal Factory126& I cleaned both back rooms & generally assisted in many ways swept & dusted dining room flies are awful & Insectibane makes a lot of work The men are in Clinker busy taking off wheat crop Ma cooked dinner & at midday Wilf & Celia & Amy came home from Frances it is always a bustle dinner time putting up hot meals for the two who remain in the field & having our own meal I cleaned lamps & scrubbed safe made two slips to keep the lamps clean C & A helped in all dairy work I have to chop wood & get in for morning set tea & various duties a nice cool breeze from Sea tonight I mixed bread got bad eyes.

126  “Crystal” was a butter and ice factory in Gawler.

Nov 30. I got up earlier still today & lit a fire in dining room to boil water or breakfast & then put bread in tins to rise blackleaded stove & Amy gave boys their breakfast I put up their Tea & Lunch Amy fired her breakfast & shared it with us. I mixed a dough cake & baked bread & cake Ma busy cooking dinner. Amy drove up to men in dogcart with Sciph they take up water & feed the team midday Nice cool day. So very funny not to go to Gawler today got all goods yesterday. We girls all had a bath & did work between us. Celia very unwell indeed. Look like a thunderstorm raining now.

Sunday Dec 1st Up at 7 o’clock & all did our usual work & after breakfast Ma washed all dairy utensils &c & prepared vegetables for dinner. We girls all did a part of necessary duties had fruit & “Frizz up” refreshment had dinner & dad Celia Amy & I drove to K.F. Chapel & Celia called in at the school for a drink. She & Amy had a chat with the Teacher Mr Reed127 preached. We drove to Uncle Charlie where Charlie & Ma had driven in dogcart Dad stayed at Eva’s also to Tea on arriving at home we found Ada & children who came after dinner & Bert was there to dinner Ada & Celia milked cows I got Tea. Alf N. Came to tea & as my eye was so bad I could not read so at 9/30 Celia retired & I followed. Ma & the others got home at ten. Pleasant day.

127William Reed

Dec 2nd Up in good time & Celia got up too & after helping with dairy work she went to Mrs Young. We had our breakf & Amy & I did the housework between us Ma the dinner they are all at same work in Clinker Bert not well. Today it is busy time Ma always has to send out dinners to two of the men. Dinner over I drove up to Ada’s for Celia & little Gwen from there we went to Gawler & the Crystal Factory. Wesley came home with us at night. We called at Frances & had some Sugar Beer very pleasant weather now little Gwen was so good & got a mug & shoes for her birthday.

Dec 3rd Up before five & lit stove & got cup Tea & I had my breakfast then I went with Amy & Wesley to Mr Rowleys I took on washing Amy & Wesley came home with meat. Ma had to bake bread which I put in tins to rise. Mrs Rowley & I chatted away I finished dinner time & folded clothes so windy I had lunch & dinner there & got home at 3 o’clock Ma Cel & Amy were feather picking made 2 new pillows. Charl not well I put collar on my blouse & helped milk I milked 4 cows & Celia 2 heifers then I soaked in clothes for washing & we had Tea & I washed up & retired at ten cold tonight.

Dec 4th Up at same time & hurried to start washing Celia & Ma to the Dairy work had breakfast & Celia joined me we finished at 7 o’clock had a very nice dinner which ma had prepared & Amy also they did housework then I made a new kerosene bucket scrubbed up Celia cleaned copper at 3 o’clock we tidied ourselves Celia & Amy went to spend afternoon at Eva’s Charl is really ill today & Ma is also ill. None of us are too grand it is nice cool day. Dad Wilf & Bert are busy at stripping & sewing bags Charl can’t work it is five o’clock I must go & start work.

5th Up at same time & lit stove got breakfast Celia & Dad milked & Separated Amy also got up & helped we had breakfast & I made our beds & tidied myself & Wesley & I went up to Ada’s Wesley wanted to go home. Well since I wrote at 5 o’clock yesterday Ma was taken so ill & Charlie was so bad so I got in the cows & milked all six myself could not separate till 8/30 & then Dad helped me Wilf came home from field bad & he went to bed. Just started tea Celia & Amy came home & today Ma is better Charlie & Amy went to Gawler to the Dr I cut out a skirt for Ada then had lunch & sewed till dinner time I finished making her skirt & got home before tea mixed bread &c Celia & Amy washed up & we retired.

Dec 6th I have been ill all night so at 5 oclock I lit fire & had a cup cocoa made several attempts to put out bread but really couldn’t Ma had to do all cooking bread rice puddings Cake meat pie I managed to make our beds but had to lie down my head was dreadful Celia & Amy cleaned both front rooms & Amy made Lorna a pinafore Celia took the men lunch & also she had to lie down really we are a sick lot & cannot eat. Celia & Amy & Dad did all dairy work Ma has to attend to chicks it is a cool change so the men are chaffcutting.

Dec 7th I did not get up till six Celia made fire in dinig room & put on kettle then blackleaded stove & utensils Amy & Dad dairy work I set breakfast & made toast for the sick & tea for parents had breakfast made our beds& dried dishes done old lamps scrubbed safe Celia busy baking Amy housework Ma cleaning dairy & packing eggs. In the afternoon C & A drove to Gawler with Hector in the dogcart we washed up & I cleaned all cutlery & windows I laid down as I feel very unwell Charl went to Gawler with wheat got home at ¼ to 5 I got up lit fire boiled Kettle Ma & he had a cup of Tea & lunch then we milked I milked 3 Charl Beauty Ma 2. Charl & Ma Seprt I watered flowers & transplanted some. The girls brought home bad news. Will Nottle has Typhoid & is sent on to Adelaide Hospital today.

Dec 8th Sunday I woke before six & could not got to sleep so I dressed at ¼ to seven & Celia lit fire & took in tea Celia & Amy milked & Ma went round & helped Serpt I swept dining room & cleaned up fireplace as Wes & Clem came home last night & Ada stopped with Frances Harry at the beach so it will be nice for Ada & her to have a chat. Celia fried breakfast but I could not eat any I feel so seedy. I made ours & Ma’s bed tidied & dusted rooms Celia & Amy are preparing dinner. Ma & I did the beans Windy again.

Sunday continued We received some nicely got up Wedding Cake from NSW a Mr & Mrs Bishop also Will & Elsie Argent sent us some cake yesterday. After dinner Alf N came & he & Charlie went to Woolsheds128 in Charl’s dogcart Celia & Wesley & Clem went to Kit’s Amy & Wilfie for a ride horseback Cert to Uncle Charlie’s. I felt so very ill I laid down & rested Ma also was ill & went to bed. None of our family went to Chapel although it was a nice day.

128Woolsheds is a geographical location just north of Reeves Plains.

Dec 9 Well I felt terribly seedy but got up soon after the clock struck five lit fire & did usual duties Celia & Dad did all dairy work had breakfast & Wesley & C. went off she to wash for Mrs Young & he to stay home. I simply dragged through my work Amy helped & made a bread & butter custard I prepared beans & potatoes the men came home to dinner Ma had to stop in bed. Celia got home & Mrs Rowley & her two girls came over & stayed till five. I mended. Very fresh & cold in A.M. but lovely stripping weather in day time.

Dec 10th I got up same time & lit fire & had a little tea & bread & butter & drove with Wilfie to Mrs Rowley & set to & washed for her quite a large wash but an easy way of doing it so finished & folded & got home at 1 o’clock done a bit mending Celia making Raspberry Jam Amy making Lorna a best pinafore Ma is up & a bit better Bert gone to Market with pigs & Calves & cream I am off to soak in clothes Amy & C did dairy work I got tea & wood in a lovely evening so cool & fresh.

Dec 11 up at five lit stove & got usual Tea & Celia got copper lit & went on washing Amy & Dad  did dairy work as Ma is laid up I gave boys their breakfast & Celia & the rest came & had theirs then we both sent to the wash house but I was so seedy I could not half work Celia has washed & ironed Ma’s bed draping & also washed all the lot those included by dinner 12/30. Amy cooked biscuits Cakes roasted leg mutton Cabb Pots stewed Cherries Custard for dinner Ma managed to wash up all things but then had to lie down. Charlie goes to Gawler every day with wheat Dad Harvesting with 8 horses in hop Sand Hill Wilf assisting Bert bag sewing hot sun today but nice breeze. Bert saw France yesterday. They are well. Such cool pleasant weather for December.

Dec 12 I got up at same time & did all usual duties fried bacon & Eggs Amy set table & waited on it I put out bread & baked same & made beds in our room I felt so ill have had to do a little & then lie down. It is so disheartening to have no heart to work well & such a lot to do. Amy did housework & cooked pastry I prepared & cooked Vegetables Ma is very unwell Celia went to Gawler with Ada to the Dr poor old Ada is ill Gwennie not well. Clem is still home here. Dad finished stripping with Harvester tonight 8 horses on Wilf helping Charl twice in with wheat to Gawler today Frances busy cleaning up for Xmas day.

Dec 13 Same time & did usual duties fried hot breakfast & the others did their ordinary work after breakfast I blackleaded stove & thoroughly cleaned our room & generally assisted as far as I could I felt so queer did not know what to do or how to work Ma so very unwell Amy went up & washed for Ada & proud to be able to wash again. Celia did boys & front rooms we both did some sewing & I helped milk & chopped wood & did any other work Will & Hugh have been winnowing wheat by the Dam he found the (Calves) troublesome too, lovely weather. Celia made Charl’s birthday cake today.

Dec 14 Up at 5 o’clock lit stove & put out bread & fried Eggs & Bacon Celia & Dad dairy work after breakfast I baked two Ovens of bread then Ma cooked dinner Celia Amy & Clem & Dad went to Gawler at 11 o’clock so I had far more to do as we usually do most before we go to Gawler, however I did my best swept dining room & cleaned all lamps had our dinner boys were Winnowing so they were homes afterwards I baked Cake & sponge Ma was so bad but did dining room washed floor I did Kitchen & cleaned all Cutlery & other utensils I was so busy till 6/30 Dad & Celia got home & I milked 4 cows Dad Queenie Sep I came in & made new Curtains for Wardrobe in our room we had Tea & I hung them & went to be tired out. Mrs Frank Riggs129died last Monday Dec 8th leaving two children. It is very sad indeed. A thunder shower & thunder this afternoon.

129Mrs Frank Riggs, Priscilla Jane Gill, only 25 years old with two children, Melior Gwendoline born 1902 and Donald Murray, born 1904

Dec 15 Sunday So Celia & I got up at 7/30 being tired & not well at all I did not get up so early as I do generally. I got Sausages fried for breakfast for Dad did dairy work Amy stayed in at Frances last night after breakfast I did housework Celia cooked Apricot Pies & Beans Pots for dinner Harry & family got home at 11/30 Alf & Jim our boys went up in Clinker to dig out the Foxes hole but lost the big one he ran away all excitement and after dinner Mr J G & Arthur Folland130 drove over 7 then they joined all the others & had a gay time came home tea time with two young foxes Harry skinned one & is going to preserve the skin Alf had the other Alf N was here Charl’s Birthday Celia made a cake very nice w had nineteen to tea  altogether here Charl Celia Amy Alf N went to S H Chapel & to Mrs Parham’s to supper Eva & Ern spent Evening here very enjoyable weather so cold for Dec.

130 John George Folland & Arthur Harvey Folland, Frances’ father-in-law and her brother-in-law

Dec 16 Up at five Celia got out Copper & went on washing & I fried Breakfast & after partaking joined C at Tubs & we had a big wash white Quilt & all white Curtains we finished at 1 o’clock & I mended my belt & Amy did housework Ma so bad but helping Amy cook dinner &c I started to Clear the wood heap back Celia came helped we had milked & Spr so it was late but although very hard work it looks tidy now Charl in Gawler every day Dad Bert Wilf winnowing such lovely weather so cool fairly windy today.

Dec 17 Up at 5/30 & hurried to get fire & had a cup of Tea & Wilf & I drove to Mrs Rowleys & I commenced my washing at once & had a big wash finished at 1 o’clock had my dinner & walked to Kit’s & she got ready at once 7 came home with me on arrival we found Celia & Ma just ready to start for Gawler, as Ma had to see the Dr Amy ironed & Kit very kindly helped her. I was so thoroughly knocked up that I could not stand to iron only the bed top so I mended stockings & got afternoon Tea or Coffee rather & gathered the Eggs & milked with Amy & Seprd got Tea & Ma & C came home had Tea then I mixed bread. Such beautiful weather so cold morning & night.

Dec 18th Up earlier & lit stove & put out bread to rise made the usual beverage, got breakfast Celia & Dad did their work had our meal & Celia hurried & got ready the Copper for Apricot Jam Ma helped her stone them & Celia made the Jam for Frances turned out lovely then she made Sugar Beer130 I did all sorts of work housework & baked two lots of bread & Biscuits & helped cook dinner after dinner Celia started Frances’ Blouse & got on well I mended & got afternoon Tea May went to Ada’s for the day just got home in time to help me milk & dad helped separate I chopped wood & Ma set tea Celia was busy at her sewing Amy watered Flowers I had such dreadful pains in my limbs lovely cool night & mornings.

130Sugar beer is made for Christmas

Dec 19th I got up usual time called Celia who went straight to milk I lit fire & proceeded as at others times fried Eggs & bacon & had breakfast afterwards I made beds & did housework & made pies for dinner cooked Cab Pots roast leg mutton dinner over I helped wash up & then cleaned Ma’s bedroom Celia the sitting room oiled furniture & put up new curtain pole Celia did that & shifted things round in sitting room & we washed all pictures window & hung Curtains Amy helped me milk Dad helped separate had tea Celia finished the blouse it looks very nice indeed. I mixed bread the others washed up.

Dec 20th Did not wake till 5/30 so Celia kindly set table for me & I put out bread to rise gave boys their breakfast & had mine baked two ovens of bread cleaned our room made a new Kerosene bucket Eva came for Sugar & had lunch Amy cleaned boys room & Buggy lamps bed knobs &c I cleaned dessert spoons & prongs Celia helped milk & Sep fed pigs & Calf washed up & baked Ginger breads we had dinner & Dad Ma & I went to Gawler Ma had to got to the Dr we bought our Apricots for Jam went to Frances & they had a cup of Tea & Sultana cake She gave me some pot plants I enjoyed the drive home so cool Celia & Amy were so busy made Christmas Cake Whitewashed Kitchen milked & sep just as we got home & had tea ready they really did work hard to get all done. We got Xmas P.C. from Auntie & Eliza130 weather very hot in middle of day.

130 Elizabeth Matilda Ann Humphrys, cousin in Port Broughton, and Auntie Charlotte Humphrys (nee Heath).

Dec 21 Sat but none of us are going to Gawler today rose at 5 o’clock & called Celia she went on blackleading kitchen mantel & stove I lit fire in dining room & got Eggs & bacon fried for breakfast Amy cleaned all tins in kitchen Celia & dad & Amy done dairy work breakfast over we got to our work I done our room Amy boys room & I scrubbed safe but I had such a dreadful headache I really did not know how to move I swept & washed floor in dining room & got dinner then I washed everything pictures Glass & ornaments Amy scrubbed form & other articles Celia baked Raisin & plain cake so nice she & Amy had a long sleep I t was dreadfully hot a record for this summer they boys & Dad also had a sleep started work stacking Hay at 4 o’clock & we were very busy & Percy from Wasleys131came & spent the afternoon & evening with us & gave us pretty P. C’s we had a bath & Amy went for a ride horseback to Rowley’s.

131Percy Thomas Dawe, who will marry sister Celia. He is from a nearby town, Wasleys.

Dec 22 Sunday & we had a rest till 7 oclock then we each of us did our usual work & I made Blancmange & stewed apricots for dinner & done our room the lads & dad had baths Amy did front rooms Celia washed all milk utensils & Bf dishes Ma assisted & then read we got all ready for washing after dinner I washed & Amy wiped dishes then laid down had a rest read a book. Alf N came & brought our mail P.C. & letter from Glenelg Henley beach & Maria132 It has been Hot. Celia & Charl are at Chapel Ada & family gone home. Alf & Amy gone to Nottle’s T. L. N.133 over from W.A.

132Maria Paterson, a cousin, aged 34. 133Thomas Leonard Nottle, a neighbour, but living in Western Australia, aged 22.

Dec 23 I got up at 4/40 oclock & called Celia who dressed & went on with the washing I lit stove & got a cup of Tea & then I joined Celia & got two boils on line before brf & at 7/15 Celia had Breakfast & went to Mrs Young’s Amy helped me & we finished everything at about 11/30 o’clock & I had a thorough scrubbing of articles & had dinner afterwards I cleaned Copper & Ma made Apricot Jam but is not satisfied Celia came home & started a blouse for herself but got it mixed & I had to lend a hand Amy & I ironed all the clothes & I am very tiered & my limbs were terrible C & A did milking &c I made our beds & we had tea. Amy & Celia washed up lovely cool night.

Dec 24th Up at 5 o’clock lit fire & made the Tea for the folks Celia fried breakfast I had mine with lads made my bed & Amy Clem & I drove to Mrs Rowleys where there was a good deal of washing to do I hurried all I could & finished at 11/30 then I walked home to Gap & Wilf & Clem were there so had a ride with them home awful hot & I got new shoes first day I kept them on Celia was so hard at work & Amy also cooking Cakes poultry Lamb & Veg for our dinner after which I cleaned furniture in dining room & washed up Celia made a sponge Roll Raisin & Coffee Cake bus Dad & Ma went to Gawler got home at 3 o’clock after wok was done. We young folk went in for Xmas Eve in dogcart & Buggy with Trixie & Toff Alf went with us had a good time & a nice ride home cool & pleasant.

Dec 25 I got up at 6 o’clock & did usual work also Celia & Dad to their dairy work Ma got her pudding on again after breakfast I did our room & made a pair sleeves for Clems shirt & made sauce for dinner Uncle Charlie Heath came & took dinner cold roast Fowls Ham Lamb Beans Pots Xmas Pudding cleared table & I & C laid down I read the lads all had a rest It was scorching hot day & how to bear it we did not know & Alf came with Accordean We got Tea Ada Jim &c came home had Tea Ada & I washed up Celia & Dad dairy work We had two Xmas cakes Sponge Roll Queen Buns Coffee Madeira Cake Ginger Nuts Alf & Kit & May Eva & Ern came & spent evening till 12 had dancing singing games & Supper Sugar Beer Ginger Beer & all kinds of Cake Lollies & Fruit spent an enjoyable and Jolly day altho it was so hot.

Dec 26 So very tired as I got scarcely any sleep last night. A very hot windy night & I got bad limbs It was hotter than any night last Summer I think. So I got up at 5/30 & got the Tea & breakfast done our room and been altering my skirt Celia blouse making Ma Apricot Jam making Amy housework & sewing the men Winnowing a thorough cold change with showers this afternoon so lovely after heat I am tired & so is Celia they are milking so must get Tea for us all now.

Dec 27 Up in good time as I had bread to put to rise & usual morning duties many things that do not count the others to their same work a cold showery morning so sudden after X mas heat breakfast over I baked bread & done our room Celia & Amy the two front rooms. The men went cleaning in the afternoon. Kate & May came. I had to finish my skirt & spent an enjoyable time Amy played & sang & I did also they were doing fancy work Kit milked Daisy Celia her two & I beauty & Prim then they went home so cold at evening time we were all in bed at nine but the boys & Jim came for stewpan. A record for all the year.

Dec 28 Sat I woke at 4/30 & called Celia but as it had rained heavily during night & was cold we did not dress till 5 then she went straight on with the washing as she has to go to Youngs Monday & then NY coming but it is a fresh record for our home. I did usual work Amy helped with dairy work. Breakfast Amy helped Celia I did our room baked Cake & sponge sept dining room & scrubbed form &c did some dusting & general kitchen work had dinner & Celia & I went to Gawler in dogcart Celia finished washing & folding before we went Amy ironed all such a lot too Ma finished work & cleaned KF & spoons dairy work we got home at 8 o’clock so very cold my hands ached with cold. I gave Amy a painting for Xmas.

Dec 29 Sunday I woke at six & could not sleep any more I got up at 7/25 lit fire & made the cup of Tea fried hot breakfast Dad & Celia did dairy work afterwards Celia did front rooms Amy dining & boys room I kitchen our room & made yeast got chips wood & generally assisted after we had dinner I went to Ada’s but as she was coming home I came back with her & got Tea Dad & Ma milked & Separated I washed & wiped dishes Ma washed Sp articles Amy Celia are at Kit’s & Alf’s Charlie Wilfie at Stone Hill Ada & Children are going home with Jim in trap it is so cold tonight got to have overcoat.

Dec 30 I did not get up till 6/10 & the consequence was I had to hurry as I had to bake a large batch Amy got breakfast for me & Celia & Dad did their usual work afterwards Celia went to Mrs Youngs to wash I baked bread but did not have such good luck as one could wish then Amy drove to Gawler with cream Kit went with her I had to make all beds & do housework & brush the clothes which kept me busy till dinner time Amy got home & we had dinner then I washed & ironed all that was dirty & Celia made Cake & Ma N Y Pudding & now C is altering her blouse It has been a perfect day. I have to got & wash tomorrow. Come home & layed on the floor.

Dec 31 Rose at 20 to 6 & got the fire made & kettle boiling had my breakfast Wilf drove to Rowleys & I went too as I had to wash a very heavy one & my arms were not too strong but I worked as hard as I could go & finished at 12 oclock & then had dinner & gave Mrs R a hand as she was not well. Our people were at dinner when I got home I had to sit under a tree as I felt faint & dizzy the sun was hot too Celia & Amy did all cooking & made Ginger Beer for the N Y Day I mended & washed my black skirt trimmed hat washed up after dinner helped milk & we all had early tea Franc & Harry &c came & the lads packed in provisions & we started for the beach a little after eight & arrived there at 12 oclock Amy went to sleep at Ada’s, a pleasant journey.
[end of book]


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