1908 - a trip to Port Broughton for a wedding - Jan 1st - June 25th

Fanny R Atyeo

Ward’s Belt 1908 

It’s 1908, Fanny Rosina is 33, living with her parents Henry Atyeo (age 60) & Mary Ann (Ma, age 56), at “Charltonville” Woods Road, Wards Belt, South Australia (Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt). Also at home are Celia (often called Cel) (28), Charl (26), Bert (23), Amy (20) & Wilf (15). Fanny’s
other sisters Ada (33) and Frances (30) have married and left home. Frances
lives at Thomas Terrace, Gawler, but will move to Kensington in this volume. Ada is also nearby. This is the earliest full diary we have.

This year, the marriage of Fanny’s cousin Louie in Port Broughton is a major event. Fanny is bridesmaid and goes to the area for a month; she stays with a number of people including Aunt Charlotte Humphrys nee Heath (Louie’s mother) and her family, the newlyweds Louie & Tom, the Barr family who live in Bews, a settlement 12 miles South from Port Broughton, and cousin Eliza Tancock in Port Pirie. This included a visit to the Crystal Brook Sunday School Picnic (1600 children!), and visit to the smelting works in Port Pirie.

The New Years Record 1908

Jan 1st We arrived here at the beach1 safely at 12 oclock last night saw the old year out just as reached the seaside & having camped & attended to the horses we spread the canvas & all laid down to rest, but it was so cold by the sea I could not sleep but the rest seemed to sleep soundly Cousin Alf2 & I woke at 4 o’clock & I got up & had a look round. It all looked so very beautiful the tiny sails of the boats in the distance & father away a Steamer could be seen plainly through the Glasses which Alf kindly let us look through Alf got the fire & boiled the Billy can & each of us assisted in getting breakfast we all thoroughly enjoyed then we packed all away & the lads went down to the Creek for a dip. Jim & Ada & family3, Alf N4 & Amy5 drove down at 8 oclock. It was simply delicious the cool fresh breeze from off the sea. We fixed up our canvas tent & went for a stroll & had a rest & early dinner & afterward there were sports of various kinds. Jim, Bert & Wilf tried for a prize but were unfortunate. Auntie, Maria6 & all the others were there & many others we knew. We tried to get a Row in boat but were not able to get one. We had tea & all of the rest went for a stroll it was nice out on the beach were very late starting & did not get home till 12 o’clock. Kit & I were very sleepy after leaving Pt Gawler district. Tried hard to keep awake but nodded frequently.

1 Middle Beach. This is where the family went for New Year every year.
2 Alfred Heath, cousin, 5 years younger than Fanny, married last year to Kit (Christiana) Hill.
3 James Parham and Ada Parham (nee Atyeo) and their three children (Wesley, Clem and Gwen)
4 Alfred Nottle, who I think was courting Amy by this stage.
5 Amy Florence Atyeo, Fanny’s youngest sister, and my great grandmother.
6 Cousin Maria Paterson and her mother Harriett Paterson (nee Heath), sister of Fanny’s mother.

Jan 2nd I felt rather tired but had to hurry & fry for breakfast as Harry7 had to catch a train Frances got baby & herself ready for Gawler. They drove in the Van left Clif & French with us, as she had to scrub all rooms & clean windows as they are selling their place & removing to Kensington8. It has been very Hot today Amy made Ginger beer. I did usual work & also the others I was sewing all the afternoon Charl9 went to Gawler with Wheat & had lunch with Franc. Dad & Bert Wilf finished cleaning up the floors so harvest is over for this year.

7 Harry Folland, husband of Fanny’s sister Frances, who currently has 3 children, Clif, French and baby Lorna.
8 The family moves to Kensington so that Harry can help out at his brother’s Drapery shop.

Jan 3rd Up at 5/30 Celia went to her washing a large wash at that. I cleaned & blackleaded stove &c lit fire Amy gave the lads their breakfast Dad & Ma did all dairy work I lent Celia a hand with the rinsing but I really could not stand in the wash house the heat is something terrific. Charlie in again with wheat. It has gone up in price & so is hay. Celia persevered with washing till 11/30 Amy cleaned both front rooms after dinner both helped to fold clothes & between them ironed most of clothes I been mending a petticoat & putting on a new band. Frank wrote to Harry the little ones had a sleep on the floor the others are outside. It is a scorching hot day Wilfie been breaking down stubble this afternoon.

Jan 4th Saturday & I hurried to get at work up at 5 o’clock got the fire & baked bread for breakfast & got the other on early for really it is fearful hot I done our room & assisted with dining room & cleaned lamps & general work Celia busy with starch ironing Frances & children are with us for a holiday baby is such a darling so good the boys are happy & contented after dinner Dad Frances & Celia & Lorna went to Gawler Amy was busy Ma cleaned Cutlery I made & put in a new pair of sleeves in Wilfred’s shirt Amy mended baby’s nightdress & bathed both boys & washed some clothes I milked all cows & Separated Ma helped me. Amy & I bathed Gawler folk came home had tea Franc had to lie down we retired late. Nearly 12 o’clock I got a letter from Louie11 & the others P.C. so awful hot.

9Louisa Arbon, Fanny’s cousin. The eldest daughter of Charlotte Heath, sister of George Heath. She lives in Port Broughton.

Jan 5th Sunday I awoke at 6/30 & had a talk with Franc then dressed & did general work Celia & Dad dairy work I watered pot plants & put “Joey” in the shade we haven’t any canaries now had breakfast Ma bathed Lorna Celia & Amy made Blancmange & prepared Beetroots & stewed plums, we had Potatoes & fish for dinner too hot to cook hot dinner. After dinner they all laid down on rugs on floor I been writing all afternoon & we refreshed ourselves with cool drinks. We got tea & Wilf, Charl Franc & Celia & children & Bert went to Uncle Charlie’s & also for a drive another most terrible day I had to mix bread we Amy & I & Wilf & Bert slept outside took our beds out for it is too hot indoors.

10 Uncle Charles Heath, Ma's brother, who lives close by. 

Jan 6 Up before five & did customary duties had to bake bread & fry breakfast afterwards Dad & Frances had to go to Gawler in the intense heat she left Baby & boys home with us & they did not get home till after 1 o’clock poor little Lorna did cry as she got thirsty although we gave her biscuit & milk I helped housework but was so ill I had to lie down the heat is nearly killing us tried to sew but could not Poor Celia has washed & Ironed for Mrs Young11 all through this heat we had our tea camp fashion all spread on a canvas & also carried mattress out & all but Dad slept outside it was lovely & cool for sleeping there. Too hot to cook & we have fish & preserved fruit & the dog caught 2 hares & Bert shot 2 hares.

11 A neighbor, Annie Kate Young (nee Wicks), wife of William Lawrence Young, with two small children. She was sick for most of 1907. Their 15 year old son Clifford died in May of 1907

Jan 7 I got up at ¼ to five & got a cup of tea & walked to Mrs Rowleys12 to wash she very kindly lent me a hand & I finished early & had a rest & got home for 1 o’clock dinner Oh it was hot but after dinner a cool west breeze sprung up & seems to put new life in one. Celia & Franc been sewing Mr Ratcliff13 called to see us & An American Doctor greatly taken up with Frances children. Amy made Ginger beer last evening. It is good weather for those drinks Frances & Amy made Sugar beer. Saturday so that’s not too bad with preserved fruit &c for summer I mixed bread & we girls & boys spread the canvas for tea & also slept outside lovely & cool there.

12 A neigbour, Annie Amelia Rowley (nee Bungey), with three children: Cyril Archibald (aged 11), Lois May (aged 7), Mabel Beatrice (aged 5),
13 The father of Will R, William Ratcliffe, who is 73. A major landowner in Mudla Wirra. Incidentally, his sister is Jane Ratcliff, who is George Edmund Hobart’s maternal Grandmother! 

Jan 8 Up very early at ¼ to five Celia started to washing I had to hurry & light fire & put out bread get a cup of Tea bake bread had breakfast & I went out to help wash we had to shift round to the west side for shade as it was very hot indeed we finished just before eleven & then the dust came & a cool change very windy all day we had seasoned hare veg & apricot pie for dinner we have got 4 hares lately I folded all clothes & in the afternoon I ironed we had our Tea out on Canvas & made our beds for the night but had to shift in as it sprinkled with rain & so windy too We slept with wide open doors & window for air after the intense heat.

Jan 9th I made up my mind to have a rest this morning as it has been too hot to rest properly so I did not get up till after 6 oclock did all usual work fried hot breakfast the others did dairy work Frances always bathes & dresses Lorna then we breakfast & I helped in kitchen & did housework & our room Celia starched white shirts we had stuffed hare Veg & dried apri pie. In the afternoon Kit & Eva14 came Eva brought little Gwennie with her. Celia ironed I wrote to Lou we had afternoon tea Poor little Clifton is so unwell he has measles & poor old Franc has not much pleasure for her holiday but dear Baby is so good she is such a treasure French is better now it is cool. I mixed bread C & A washed up it is simply delicious a lovely breeze from West one feels like a new creature now.

14 Christiana Hill and Eva Emily May Heath, cousin, and sister of Alfred Heath.

Jan 10th I got up at 5/30 & just went my hardest to get my fire lit & stove hot for I had to bake for breakfast & two more ovens after & fry hot Eggs & bacon the others did same work as they usually do after breakfast I scrubbed safe we are so troubled with ants at present I swept & dusted dining room Celia cleaned front rooms & Frances our room Celia put up the Cot last night for Clifton dinner over Celia spent afternoon with Eva brought home a letter from England tonight a lovely day & cool night.

Jan 11th Sat busy day so I got up at 5 o’clock lit fire in dining room & go ta cup of Tea as is my custom then I blackleaded stove & utensils & the others did their dairy work had breakfast Amy cooked scones biscuits & Currant cake & tarts I swept & washed dining room floor Celia had a shift with Glass Cupboard & she washed things & put up different I washed Mantel piece & crockery cupboard articles we finished & had dinner which Ma usually prepares that is meat & vegetables. Frances has her little ones to attend to as poor little Clif is so teasy the measles irritate him so French is as happy as a lark with the boys. After dinner Dad Frances & Amy went to Gawler & after Celia & I had finished work she bathed French he enjoys the water Ma & I milked & Bert separated. I got a post Card tonight.

Jan 12 Sunday but I had a busy morning so I got up before six & lit stove & got a cup of Tea & had my breakfast & I had to bake bread as the weather is too hot to bake any quantity & also baked Pies & tart & boiled beans & Potatoes cold meat We each did a share of housework & at dinner time Uncle & Auntie Atyeo15 came we dined & then having washed up I rested a wee time & We had some music & singing which Auntie enjoys so much we had early tea & all of us young folk went to Stone Hill church16 Alf N went with us drove Trixy & Hector it was cool driving home Uncle & Eva were at home with our people.

15 Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock) & William Atyeo; William is Dad’s brother.
16 Stonehill Methodist Church, Gawler River; now Gawler River Uniting Church, Gawler River Road

Jan 13 Up at 5/10 & hurried to get a cup of Tea for parents & myself then walked to Mr Rowleys17 to wash I worked hard to get finished before the sun got too hot Mrs Rowley started ironing & after I had finished washing I took the iron & ironed all as there were no starch clothes this week we had dinner & I came over here to Katies18 where I spent an enjoyable quiet time only Kit & I home so we had a rest & a good yarn & afternoon Tea I made myself a Motor Veil this afternoon Kit doing fancy work Mr & Mrs Rowley called to spend evening but as Measles were about they declined to stay on Saturday last.

17 Mr Archibald Rowley, neighbor
18 Fanny sometimes calls Kit Katie.

Jan 14 Up early & fried hot breakfast the others at dairy work another cow very bad “Beauty” so Dad is giving her medicine it is such a pity after breakfast it being a very hot day we hurried to get all housework done Ma got up early & churned her butter Charlie went to Gawler with wood Bert with Cultivator & Dad in Spring Dray broke an article belonging to Separator so had to send to Town for it. Dad waited till evening train but it did not come. Celia & Frances Clif & Baby went to Auntie H Atyeo’s in the Buggy they spent an enjoyable time & got home at nine o’clock but had a terrible hot day.

Jan 15 I awoke at 4 oclock & soon after dressed & called Celia & she & Amy went on at once with the washing I having previously soaked in the clothes last night. I hastened to get stove hot for bread baking put the bread on just after six got breakfast the girls got all first boil on line before breakfast & afterwards I helped wash all three of us & Frances helped hang out finished everything at 10 oclock it was terrifically hot such scorching hot winds the Stone Hill people were to have their picnic on Beach today so had a hot time I had to rest for an hour & half after folding clothes this afternoon the boys C & A are at a Circus tonight in Gawler Alf N is here. We will camp out again tonight for it is dreadful hot indoors Dad been to Gawler.

Jan 16 I got up at 5/10 & lit stove & swept dining room & dusted Frances did her room & dad & Celia dairy work Amy boys room so we had all housework done before breakfast & afterwards Celia & I stared the ironing such a great Basket Amy took my iron & I went on with my skirt Franc was mending & looking after children Lorna is a good baby & such a darling Ma go dinner Stew & Pies so dreadful hot for cooking the weather is awful such a long time without a spell of cold between I finished my skirt Dad Amy & French went to Gawler River Franc & Charl to Ada’s she stopped there for a while Amy went to Mrs Standleys19 for evening Clarence is on the Tram car. Carmen19 at Cherraville for holiday Viv19 in Adelaide. We all camped out. Mr Ezekiel Johns20 died January 17 08.

19 Mrs George Standley (Ida Woodcock), and her daughters Carmen Myrtle (14) and Vivian Rose (12).
20 Mr Ezekiel Johns, was born at Redruth, Cornwall, England, in 1835, came to South Australia at the age of 13 (1848-ish), and went to Gawler River under engagement to work. He became a landowner in Angle Vale; He married Mary Jane Carter (in 1868, she died in 1882). Their children: Francis Henry (born 1869), Samuel James (born 1871), Walter Hurdle (born 1873), Loveday Rosina (born 1875, died 1895), Grace Anne (born 1878, married Theodore Wilton Francis Gregory 1904). The death notice says he is survived by his wife, so he must have remarried. He was very involved in setting up the Carclew Methodist Church, and is buried at the Carclew Angle Vale Cemetery, but his wife is not buried there. After retiring from farm work, he lived at Hughes Street, Mile End, and his three sons ran the farm.

Jan 17th I did not wake till Ma called at 5/30 so hurried to get my bread baked & do usual work & clean dining room & after breakfast I baked Biscuits & Pie custard potatoes & onions for dinner I cut down my grass to get seed the Flowers are nearly all scorched up & I am afraid the Fuchia’s are dead Oh it is terrible & we all feel knocked up & have to rest a little after dinner the men are covering sheds with Straw. Eva called this morning as she went home from Kit’s. Ern21 was out shooting when the gun bursted & hurt his hand & eyes very badly a week ago. Amy made Ginger beer French is home with us & is so good too No sign of change it is fearful hot winds every day One cannot half work & there’s so much to do at sewing. I hear it was 111 in shade yesterday.

21 Ernest Allan Easton, a cousin on the Heath side, aged 12 (!).

Jan 18th Up early & blackleaded stove & utensils then lit fire & got the Cup of Tea & breakfast & the others did dairy work & as we always camp out there is a lot to do carrying in bedding & tidy bed rooms. I started baking biscuits currant cake sponge pie & by then dinner was ready Charlie Amy & Wilf went to Gawler. Wilf got best boots (Tan) It has been an extremely hot day something terrible & we really could work & so we laid down & tried to rest but its so fearful hot we have to wrap wet muslin & put little Lorna in & round our own heads Amy & boys spent evening at Rowley’s Bert & Jim went to Gawler & Harry came up late train.

Jan 19th My birthday & the hottest I ever remember so excessively hot that I feel I never can endure another day I have felt faint & ill ever since early morn. I got up at 5/30 but rested a while before dressing got a cup of Tea & breakf made blancmange’s & Celia cooked beet root & stewed plums The sun seemed to strike down & there was a haze on the earth after dinner we had wet muslin on our heads & tried to get a little rest but every thing seemed to scorch one. The wind like fire from a furnace burning up all plants. We got early tea & Frances & Harry & children went to Follands22 Celia & Bert drove them. Charlie went to Chapel but I felt to knocked out to do anything but lie down out on Canvas but hot winds still I tried to write outside by lantern light but could not Kit & Alf Jim & family & Alf N spent evening here I could not sleep well at all. Mrs E Johns died last week in Adelaide23.

22 Harry’s parents: John George Folland and Jane Rowse Folland (nee Wright)
23 I think Aunty Fan is mistaken here. The only Mrs Johns who died in 1908 is Anastasia Johns, widow of William Henry Johns.

Jan 20 I got up at ¼ to five & hastened to get a little refreshment & walked to Rowleys to wash a very dirty wash & I did not finish till dinner time call on Kate to see New Machine & think it very nice then came home & found both Ma & Amy are asleep Bert & Charl chopping Mill wood. Celia at Mr Young’s washing &c. We were blessed this morning with a glorious cool change & wind from South & West It seems to give one new life. Mrs George Smith24 died on Saturday. Mrs Hogben died yesterday through the Heat25.

24 Mary, wife of George Smith (deceased), died in Smithfield.
25 Jane Ann Hogben nee White—On the 19th January, of heat and senile decay, Jane Ann, for 59 years the beloved wife of R. Hogben, Kangaroo Flat, aged 82 years, leaving a widower, 8 children, 40 grand-children, 30 great-grandchildren. Arrived in the State December 7, 1848, in the Duke of Bedford.

Jan 21st I got up at ¼ to five as I wished to get an early start at washing Celia & I had a very hard dirty wash after the heat quite cool this morning & we had to turn to the washouse finished & sat at dinner at 1 o’clock after which I ironed & Celia cleaned Srpt house & scrubbed all the things. Amy helped iron & Celia did the starch dresses Blouses &c finished by Tea & Horace26 drove Frances home, he & Dollie. Poor little French bad. Lovely cool weather Ma made some Butter it was a very long time coming Wesley & Clem were home to dinner Dad took in the Calf for Town. Boys carting Straw. Bert got a bad eye went to the Dr & had it pierced very painful.

26 Horace Howard Folland, one of Frances’ many brothers-in-law; not sure who Dollie is.

Jan 22 Up early as I had to bake bread. I got the usual cup of Tea then breakfast and afterwards baked and did general work & cut out a white blouse. I had such a trouble with it as I had no proper pattern however, I did what I could the others were at odd work & housework & helping with the children. Little French has measles very bad poor little chap & hooping cough Frances has a trying time but it is lovely & cool now & we enjoy the change.

Jan 23 Up as the clock struck five & made the fire & had my breakfast & hurried Wilf up to drive up to Rowleys for meat but they did not kill so when we got there & hurried & took down Curtains from doors & windows & bed ticks & quilts suit & many heavy & dirty things from 7 oclock till 1 o’clock washing & then ironing till five & came home to Tea & mixed bread & went to bed thoroughly tired out & aching limbs.

Jan 24 I did not get up so early & Amy put out bread for me & fried breakfast & baked hot Rolls for same assisted in general kitchen work & baked bread roast lamb Ma made pudding & Veg for dinner & afterwards I washed up all & tidied & wet up to Eva & Ada’s spent pleasant time with them had to bring home Pram for Lorna from Ada’s It is getting hot again now.

Jan 25 Sat up at 5 o’clock & hastened to get stove & other articles blackleaded lit same & made Tea Ma & Dad milked & Sprted & Celia also. Celia swept dining room & set breakfast I also had to bake bread afterwards & biscuits & Cake Sponge Roll but I felt disheartened as none turned out as good as one could wish Dad & Frances wet to Gawler early to take sundries to the Sale Yard Charl Celia Clif & Bert went in afternoon French stayed with us he was very unwell his old cough is dreadful but he was not so bad Amy hurried & finished her work & looked after him I cleaned passage Hooks & swept & washed both floors & scrubbed we had a bath & they came home had tea the others looked at paper I went to bed tired.

Sunday Jan 26 Up at 6/30 Ma & I Celia milked Dad helped Sep & fed animals I swept dining room & did all usual work we had breakfast Celia bathed Lorna they often bath her for Franc she is such a darling baby French is far from well. Charlie Amy & Stella27 drove to the Light this morning in his newly painted dogcart It has been a terrible hot day again Harry came out from Gawler & is to stay the night Wilf & Bert went to Chapel tonight. Jim Ada & family called here on their way home from a drive also Ern & Eva came for evening nice outside cool sea breeze & we are going to camp out tonight so hot indoors I have not been out to chapel today.

27 Nivia Stella Parham; Ada’s husband’s cousin’s daughter.

Mon Jan 27 Up at 5 o’clock & hastened to get a little refreshment before starting for Rowleys where I had to walk & found a hard morning’s work awaiting me. I persevered & finished at dinner time & folded clothes had dinner & came home Auntie & Uncle28 Eva, Vera & Linda were here so I cleared table & had a chat & looked at Photographs had afternoon tea & they went home Ma & Dad milked &c I got tea mixed bread & being very tired I retired so windy & dusty but a cool change now.

28 Probably Auntie Harriet Paterson (nee Heath) and her husband, Charles Alexander Paterson, and daughter Vera (Elvera). Not sure who Linda and Eva are in this instance.

Tues Jan 28 Up at 5.30 & had to bake so after doing usual work same as every morning I started cleaning Fish Dad & Amy helped with some & I never finished till 12 o’clock such a lot as I never cleaned before or want to again too many at once They caught them at Light Beach home at Auntie’s got last night at 10 o’clock had supper & came on home arrived at 2 o’clock this morning had an enjoyable time too. Very cool this morning but hot midday.

Weds Jan 29 5 o’clock &L I had to bake bread again this morning then Amy & I started washing white Quilt &c too I had previously soaked in last night we worked hard but could not finish by dinner time finished at 3 o’clock Ma folded I scrubbed up & Amy mending. I feel tired after lunch I fried such a number of fish I got sick of it. Dad went to Town by Express & back by 5 o’clock went to see the Follands & Pollie29 lovely & cool but rather thundry today. Kit & Alf went Williamstown Sat back Monday.

29 Mary Ann (Pollie) Preiss (nee Arbon), cousin and daughter of Aunt Charlotte, lives in Kensington. 

Thurs Jan 30 I did not get up till six as my work was not important after I got fire & etc I mixed some more bread as the weather is so thundery & I’ve had bad luck with my bread lately. The others did cows &c we had breakfast & we each did housework & other odd work & then both ironed till dinner time had dinner Dad went to Gawler Charl & Wilf cleaning out stable yards & carting out it Bert went to help Rowley’s shift. I starched shirts & Collars & ironed it Amy had a lot of starch clothes so she persevered with them. Ada & her children came for afternoon & Amy went back for evening nice & cool rains threatens I got Tea, washed up & retire.

Fri Jan 31st I woke up & found a steady rain falling it started about midnight & continued till 8 o’clock a quiet steady downpour. So I did not rise till 6 again made fire &put the Kettle on in dining room blackleaded stove &c Amy got breakfast which we partook of then. I did housework cleaned our room took out the cot & put Celia stretcher back Amy cleaned front rooms. Wesley got home sick & had only been home one night so Bert was going up with dray & took him home & brought Clem back. I finished blouse at least. Ma made Plum Jam yesterday. Pansy has a calf yesterday cool weather at present. Mixed bread tonight Amy wrote to Celia Ma mending boys manure carting now

Sat Feb 1st Up early at 5/20 & hurried to get bread in Tins & light stove & swept kitchen & Amy swept dining room had to fry for breakfast Eggs & bacon afterwards I baked bread Cake & pies & tart. Amy washed floors made beds I was in kitchen till we had dinner & washed up scrubbed safe & all utensils requiring same dusted all fancy articles & washed them in dining Ma assisted dusting & had a rest Dad, Charl, Bert, Amy & Clem went to Gawler It is ten o’clock & Charl & Amy are not home yet It is quite cold tonight I & Amy have an invitation to Port Elliot but cannot go as I intend going to Pt Broughton. Ma & I milked Wilf Sepr & cleaned knives I cleaned other things. Pansy’s calf died tonight.

Feb 2nd Sunday I mistook the clock for 6/30 & it was an hour later so that was late up for us I did usual work Ma & Dad dairy work. Ma prepared Veg & we roasted Beef I made pies yesterday Amy & I did housework & had dinner at 1 o’clock Uncle Will & Aunt came over Amy Clem & I went to Flat Chapel Wesley J preached we called at Mrs Nottles30 to see how Mrs Wake31 was who has been ill & also at Mr Youngs Mrs Y is very ill indeed. Came home & had tea Charlie Wilf Amy went to Chapel. I washed up all dishes & Sprt Ma & Pa did milking then Ma retired as she was not well. I put Clem to bed read my bible & then a book Bert spent day at Kate’s & Alf’s. We got letter from Celia yesterday.

30 Mrs Richard Nottle (Martha Ann Wake)
31 Probably Mrs Nottle’s mother (Ann Wake (nee Blant), widow of James Wake)

Mon Feb 3rd I got up at 5 o’clock & lit fire & took in Tea had refreshment myself & then went to Mr Young’s to wash but as I had never used a washing machine before I fared very badly & had a large wash too so did finish till 1 o’clock cleared up & washed floor helped fold sheets & table clothes went to see Mrs Young the day was something awful very hot winds & clouds of dust, but got all dry. Went to Ada’s & her & children & Eva came hoe with me also Kit was here had afternoon tea & I swept Kitchen after the dust & a glorious sea breeze so lovely now. I must now mix bread Amy is playing Charl been cleaning harness Wilf breaking stubble he & Bert.

Tues Feb 4 Up at 5/10 as I had to bake bread & Charlie was going to cart hay for Uncle Will he & Bert Amy got the breakfast & I did usual kitchen work Ma & Dad dairy work cows &c Dad bought 6 little pigs on Sat to take the milk after breakfast Wilf went up to Mr Youngs for meat & then Amy went up to Ada for a babys dress to make Lorna one she has made it so nice & looks so pretty too she will be clever with her needle I think if she keep to sewing I soaked in clothes for washing & helped milk Wilf is not well at all After tea I wrote to Celia a P.C. It look so like rain & it lovely & cool tonight Amy is very Jolly & full of fun but “my friend” is rather downhearted.

Wed Feb 5 Up at 5 o’clock & lit stove 7 hurried to get Copper out & lit for washing Amy also got up & we both started in earnest to get done early we finished at about 12 oclock general but I did a lot of extras & we had dinner I scrubbed up & cleaned Sepr house Amy folded & started ironing I tidied myself & starched & ironed white shirts & my blouses Amy did all the other ironing & I helped milk & we as is our custom had afternoon Tea before doing that. I had to mix bread & retired very tired indeed been cool & cloudy but the sun was hot at times.

Thurs Feb 6th I woke at same time but rested a while dressed at 5/30 & lit stove & attended to bread. Took in Tea & got breakfast & afterwards I did the baking & made our bed & hemmed my print skirt & mended it also covered our box with Critton we had lunch & Mrs W. J. D. F. & J. G. Argents32 came & Mrs Parsons they had lunch & Amy & I went to see Mrs Young poor lady she is very ill & is so pleased to see us & we took her a surprise a new loaf of bread I baked on purpose for her. It is a change & when I looked at her I think how we ought to value our health & strength God choicest gift to us Eva brought letters from Post Celia & Frances are well. Mr Youngs Sale a large crowd there a nice day all the men I knew for miles round were there. Alice Selleck33 has been ill in hospital but is a little better Dan34 told me today at Sale Mr & Mrs Willie Argent35 are spending evening here.

32 Mary Ann Chivell (Mrs John George Argent), Margaret Adare (Mrs William James Argent), and Margaret's Daughter-in-law, Annie Jane Verner (Mrs David Francis Argent), and Mrs Parsons.
33 Alice Mabela Selleck, aged 25.
34 Daniel Selleck, older brother of Alice Mabella. The sale is to sell off everything from the farm?
35 William Edward Argent married Elsie Grace Andrews in November 1907. Newlyweds!

Fri February 7 Up at usual hour & did customary work Dad went to Gawler It was a most terrible day so dusty & hot winds something awful a fire some way off made it a trying day. Amy did front room & got stretcher in for Wilfie as he has Measles I cleaned our room and scrubbed safe mended to boys rode to see were the fire was It gave me such a fright I was sewing & fainted at about 6 oclock a lovely sea breeze blew up with clouds of dust & at evening it thundered & Lightninged & rained nearly all night caught some more rain water & it was so cool & fresh.

Sat Feb 8 Awoke to see a rainy morning so I did not go to Town till we drove in Midday & I missed that as it goes Twenty minutes earlier had to wait till five & then Celia came up by the Express & I felt very disappointed at not having a companion to go about with I went out to Frances & stayed the night. Louise called in the evening & we had a chat such a cold change. Frances & Harry & I sat up late talking the children played puzzles & Vera & Alma35 spent evening there.

35 Alma

Sun Feb 9 Sunday I got up at seven & then Frances & I dressed French Franc bathed Lorna had late breakfast. I tidied bedroom we had cold dinner & I went to the Bay at 3 o’clock. Mrs Joe Stringer was there & Baby & Eva & Perl36 we sat in the Garden & talked for some time then had Tea & cleared up & went out on beach & Eva Stringer & I went out on Jetty. It was cold but I thoroughly enjoyed it so refreshing the lovely sea air & such a lot of drift seaweed & a high tide went back at 8 o’clock & had Supper & retired.

36 Mrs Joseph Stringer (Harriet Tancock). She is a sister of Eliza Grace Tancock who was raised by Auntie and Uncle William Atyeo. Her children Harriet Pearl (Pearl) and Ruth Eva (Eva) Elizabeth, aged 5 and 14, respectively. She has two babies at this point, so the baby could be either Rosina Valentine or Reatta Christina May.

Mon Feb 10 I was up & dressed before 6 o’clock & after breakfast & a look Garden I went up to Town by Express & got there at ¼ to 9 did some shopping & had cup of Tea met Louie37 at 10 ock & we were shopping till after 1 o’clock then I went to Kensington37 & had dinner & had a talk & came in by 4 o’clock & came home by Express & Mrs Seaman also very nice day but I lost my new Silk Motor Veil & felt very discouraged indeed could not find it anywhere Dad met me & we drove home calling at Mr Youngs and Ada’s. Very tired.

37 Louisa Arbon, cousin.
38 Frances’ family’s new home is in Kensington. This is Fanny’s first visit there.
39 Mrs Seaman

Tues Feb 11 Amy got up & got fire lit & set breakfast I put out bread to rise & after breakfast I baked it helped wash up & swept dining room & tried on my new turnout & settled all things from Town I was so very tired having such heavy loads to carry as Eva gave me a box of fruit & I also brought a box for Miss Ring40. I stayed at Frances St night she has a nice place and the shop is near so that is convenient for her the dear children are all so glad to see us this evening I soaked in for washing Jim & Mr Young came over in evening.

40 Miss Ring
40 William Lawrence Young (a neighbour)

Weds Feb 12 I got up at 10 to 5 & lit stove & prepared a cup of Tea Celia & I carried round Copper & she filled & lit it then both washed & finished at 12 & had early dinner. Charlie is out in Twelftrees41 working the others carting straw. Wilfie started work again he looks so thin Mr Causbys41 boys came out for Spencer today We ironed in afternoon. Celia draped boys bed at night Bert & us three girls drove to K. F. to a Magic Lantern very poor indeed but the fruit & Cake social was alright afterwards, so lovely & cool driving home Kit Alf & Mrs Hill from Port Adelaide were there & Eva rode home with us & we went to see her Photo very nice I think but some don’t like it at all (Amy wore her new watch).

41 Henry Joseph Twelftree owns a lot of land nearby.
41 Edricke Stephen Warner Causby's two sons Alec James Causby (aged 8) and Edricke Phillips (infant). Not sure who Spencer is. Could be Spencer Folland Day, but not sure why he is mentioned here.
42 Mrs Hill from Port Adelaide; Could be Emily Montgomery Simpson, Kit's mother (but she lives in Williamstown, so that's a bit confusing.

Thus Feb 13 Ma birthday I did not get up as early this morning as I did not have to bake I did usual work swept kitchen Amy the dining room & Celia & Dad dairy work & Ma churned after breakfast & washing done I & Amy thoroughly cleaned front rooms Ma baking Celia ironing Starch clothes Dinner over We hurried to get cleaned as we expected company Eva came down for afternoon we were all sewing & I helped milk & Charl & Bert went to Stone Hill Band of Hope43 I had to mix bread & other duties It has been very hot today but cool tonight, & cloudy.

43 A temperance society.

Fri Feb 14 Up at 5/25 as I had to bake bread & it was hot weather rose early Celia helped milk Amy & I stayed in I cleaned kitchen fried hot breakfast & after breakfast I scrubbed safe cleaned cruet &c dusted our room & got cash box ready for to be mended as I have to go to Adelaide on business tomorrow. Amy is trying new music Jim & Mr Young are spending the evening here Mrs Young is very ill Ada & Jim got notice to leave44.

44 Presumably to leave the house they are renting in Gawler

Sat Sat Feb 15 Up & blackleaded stove &c Amy & I did as much work as we could as I was going to Town midday Dad & boy are contracting so as they broke their shovel we had to hurry to get away to have it mended Amy & I never got ready quicker in our lives I was in good time for train they drove me over to station & I took at tiny white Kitten down with me it annoyed the other passengers with its mew. I arrived safely at Adelaide & took a Car to Frances & found her just finished clearing dinner & I had mine & Cleaned all cutlery for her & looked after Lorna at 6 o’clock Harry came home to Tea after which we went down Norwood Parade & had a look through Shop & went home at nine.

Sunday Feb 16 I felt so tired I did not get up till late Frances then followed at 8 o’clock & I got breakfast set & Frances bathed Lorna after which I dressed for church & called for Louie & off we went together to East Parade45 Mr Jackson Preached. I went back to Frances to dinner & to Pollie’s to Tea we looked at Photos & Post Card &c had a sociable chat went home at nine. They had been for a walk & up to Town Hall to hear the Band Clif and French love to here music it was so cold & fresh near the Hills Harry is preparing to make a Garden they are both busy on a fresh house & Garden.

45 East Parade Methodist Church (Beulah Park), Mr Jackson

Monday Feb 17 Up in good time & set the Table & we had breakfast Frances soaked in Clothes & we hurried round I made beds swept Dining room & Kitchen & then we got ready for Car at 10 o’clock & met Dad at the Station by Express went up to Town & were Shopping till after 1 o’clock had refreshment & I saw her off in the Car & did some more shopping myself & came home by express Dad came by same train. In evening we had Mr George & Alex Hill46 who gave us fifty nice selections on the Graphaphone. Very enjoyable. Supper & retired at 12/30 very tired indeed.

46 Mr George Archibald Hill & Alexander Hill, Kit's brothers.

Tues Feb 18 Up late as we were very tired indeed & my arms ached carrying baby & French & got breakfast & went to show my goods to Cel & Ma & found Amy’s Costume was lost, so got ready & went to town again Met Mrs Kreig47 from Alford she went down in same carriage as me, but on inquiring I could not find my parcel so very disheartened I returned by Express with Louie & Dad met us at the Station Amy did not come home & I felt so disappointed Celia Louie & boys sent to an evening at Kits & Alf I stopped home & sorted things & washed up tea things.

47 Mrs Kreig from Alford

Weds Feb 19 I could not sleep for worry & I was asleep early morn & did not wake till six I & Celia both dressed & Celia went on washing I got breakfast & Ma helped milk &c Celia very kindly took all heavy rubbing on her own hands I took up & Rinsed & did what I could but felt so thoroughly knocked I really could hardly stand we finished at Midday & had dinner we folded clothes & I am writing now for to give me a rest, as I feel so downhearted. Nice day.

Thurs Feb 20. Usual time & did customary work & fried hot breakfast E & Bacon then put bread to rise Louie got up she has a very bad cold. We have heard of the sad death of Mrs Young yesterday morning at 1 o’clock a happy release for her but a trial for Mr Young48. I have been busy dressmaking my blue print Mother baked most of bread the men are contracting & rising stone Amy & Celia have both been ironing a lot starch clothes this week Louie has been writing letters we girls talked & laugh so much she said it puzzled her to write. Amy came home with Dad yesterday evening so beautifully cool & fresh nights & morn.

48 Annie Young was the wife of William Lawrence Young (sometimes referred to as Sir W.L. Young!). They lived at Glenfield, and Annie was 38 years old when she died (The Advertiser, 20 February 1908) and was buried at Willaston (The Advertiser, 20 February 1908). Glenfield was their home in Wards Belt, and may now be located in Angle Vale, as there’s a “Glenfield Circuit” near Gawler River in Angle Vale, which is not far from Charltonville. She had been unwell since at least July of 1907 according to Fan’s 1907 diary and Celia has been doing the washing there since then. According to her headstone, Annie’s 15 year old son, Clifford Bruce, died May 9 1907. He was her only child, according to a touching tribute in the “Australian Christian Commonwealth”. He was sick some two years, during which she cared for him. Annie was the daughter of William J and Annie Wicks, and was born at Second Valley, “Finniss Vale”.

Fri Feb 21st good time & lit fire in dining room & blackleaded stove Amy swept dining room & got breakfast then I went on with my sewing & tonight I finished the sewing by machine Just to to finish off hooks & buttons Lou spent last night with Eva & came home with Ada & children for dinner & she & Celia went to Mrs Youngs funeral with Dad, quite hot at midday today me at same work I mixed bread & shall retire.

Sat Feb 22 Up in good time & put the bread to rise & lit fire & made the Tea we had breakfast & each did a share of housework Celia baked scones biscuit Cake &c had good luck I did baking bread & all scrubbing lamps &c & dinner over Amy & I went to Gawler I had a lot of Shopping to do so I hurried to get it done & on our way home I with Amy & Louie called at Mrs D Humphrys48 & saw her son a month old he is called Ralph David we got home Teatime & it was quite chilly although so hot at midday.

48 Annie Alice Lodge, wife of David Henry Humphrys, who is the brother of Louie’s stepfather (Benjamin Humphreys).

Sunday Feb 23 Not very early up Louie went up to Kit’s after breakfast as she promised Alf she would go up to dinner on Sunday Ma & Celia cooked a pair of stuffed fowls &c for dinner in the afternoon I sorted my box &c to get things ready for my holiday Percy Dawe49 was down for afternoon Alf & Wes drove down with Trixy in the buggy Eva & Ern & Uncle also Charlie Bert & Alf went for a drive in afternoon & came back to Tea Charl Wilf Loui & I Alf & Kit went to Chapel at Stone Hill not too hot Celia has a bad cold.

49 Percy Thomas Dawe. He is going to marry Celia!

Mon Feb 24 Up at 4 o’clock & started washing at 6 ¼ Louie helped with whites & after breakfast Amy joined me & we finished all up at 12 oclock a big wash too rugs &c folded & Amy started ironing & Kit came down & helped her iron I was busy sewing & the others did all housework & cooking Celia was at Mr Youngs to finish up all the washing after which he has shut up house & boards with relations very sad.

Tues Feb 25 Up early & I had sewing to do so hurried to bake bread & start it & iron my costume Celia was very unwell but she & Amy were so busy cooking for the farewell party to Louie they had real good luck made Victoria sandwich Madeira Sultana Queen buns & fish sandwiches. We all got done up early & dressed for the party at 6/30 Mrs Standley & girls50 arrived then P.T. Dawe & Joyce51 was in Floral Delaine & black ribbon velvet Siss & Bertie51, Horace, Will R. Leonard, Stella, Eva, Kit & Alf Louie wore pink, Celia black skirt & silk blouse. Amy pure White & green sash. I wore my heliotrope muslin blouse Carmen Crème, Vivian White inlet insertion frock. Siss White costume. Eva navy skirt & Floral Pink & White blouse. Emily same & Celia. They danced mostly I only had two also forfeits & other amusements & Carmen recited Mrs Standley was Pianist for evening. Louie & Charl drove them home at 3 o’clock after a happy time.

50 Mrs George Standley (Ida Woodcock), and her daughters Carmen Myrtle (14) and Vivian Rose (12).
51 Siss Andrews (Probably Helsey Grace Andrews), Muriel Joyce Preiss, and Margaret Albertha (Bertie) Morris.

Feb 26. So very tired this morning & the others were up before me we all assisted in the work. The boys & Dad were contracting on Gawler River road. In afternoon Louie & Celia had a sleep Amy & I were sewing & talking I getting ready to start on our Journey We did not retire early as we were busy been very hot indeed today.

Feb 27 Up early & hurried to have breakfast & got ready for our Journey left home at 7.30 & were afraid we would miss train but arrived in good time & came on to Hamley Bridge & waited for ½ an hour for our train It was intensely hot & the wind was like fire till we got to Wakefield which has improved very much since I was last there 17 years ago. It was lovely while we stopped at that station & had diner then came on passed some pretty views round South Hummocks the sea in back ground & Hills made a pretty sketch were I an artist. I should like to have taken it off on paper we arrived at Wallaroo at 3 oclock & took dinner with Mr Waters52 Sister & had a look round the town rather pretty but the smoke from smelting works was none too pleasant we left there at 5/20 & arrived at Pt Broughton about nine the ponies travelled well as they went there & back in one day had our tea & retired so very hot.

52 Mr Arundel Waters is the father of Louie’s fiancé, Thomas Henry Waters - do not know the name of his sister though! 

Feb 28 Up & had an early breakfast & Mr Waters drove us home here to Aunties53 had lunch & Louie unpacked things & sorted we went to see George & Ollie54 & I took tea with them & wrote a letter home. George & I had a talk about old days & came home & retired. I like the place very much & it is so near the sea & get some lovely breezes a change came this afternoon after such a hot day very refreshing.

53 Auntie Charlotte Humphrys (nee Heath), sister of Ma, and mother of Louie. She was married to James Arbon (Louie’s father) who died when Louie was very young. She is now married to Benjamin Humphrys.
54 Likely Benjamin George Humphrys and his wife Olive Mabel Jane Brown. George is Louie’s step-brother, the son of Benjamin Humphrys.

Feb 29 I did not get up till after seven & had breakfast & assisted in washing the Glassware &c & have been writing for a long time it rained last night & it cool today Louie & Auntie are busy the girls are gone to Township so Louie & I tidied our selves & Mr Waters came & we drove with him to his mothers where we had lunch & I hemmed Curtain drapings & Blinds & we sorted all Louie’s drawers & mantel pieces with ornaments. Mr F Waters & Arnold55 called & took dinner & Mr & Mrs J Waters56 & baby came to Tea then I omitted to say we unpacked all the Hamper from Adelaide only the glass on Loui’s opal was broken & one Vase in other box. I was so cold as we drove into Port & I had to play gooseberry home walked & got a little warmer retired.

55 Frederick Waters, a brother of Tom’s, age 26, and probably Arundel (misheard?), another brother.
56 Mrs & Mrs J Waters and baby. It is not John Thomas Waters, nor John James Waters. It could be James Gilbert Waters, who had a child in 1906. 

March 1st Sunday Did not get dressed till nine had breakfast & went up to George to dinner I enjoy his company very much Dick57 came home this morning & George Arbon58 is here so there is plenty of company & I like the View. The house is on a Hill & it is a good deal above the sea level. I can stand at the back door & look right over the sea Tom59 Louie & I walked to Church & I rode home with George & Ollie & had supper with them. Cool.

57 Tilson Richard James Humphrys, a cousin, son of Auntie Charlotte & Benjamin Humphrys.
58 George Francis Arbon, Louie’s first cousin on her father’s side.
59 Thomas Henry Waters, Louie’s fiancé. Son of Arundel Waters and Elizabeth Oatey.

Monday March 2nd Up early as Louie & I intended to go a distance of six miles to Mrs J Waters place to cook. We called at her future home & had lunch then on to our destination & found Mrs Waters washing however we started cooking Queen Buns, Sultana Current Albert Sponge Madeira Ribbon Sponge Roll We stayed all night & next morning I & Louie got up & she lit fire & at 7/30 started cooking again & we had cup of Tea between after finishing cooking Lou scrubbed the large room about 18x18 & forms tables &c cleared up we came home & I was so ill all night & Louie fainted & I rushed in for Auntie I was ill. Such funny weather Sultry Thundershowers & hot sun between. I washed all Glassware & chinaware.

Wesday March 4 Louie & Tom drove down to lay Tables &c finish doing odds & ends I pressed out her Wedding dress & starched & ironed d’oyles Louie came home & Auntie & I had a good many Sandwiches cut after a cup of Tea we started to get ready for the wedding Louie & Clarissa60 Tom Charlie Got read at Ollies I dressed here George had to take we two bridesmaids then drive back for the bride puncially at 4 o’clock the bride arrived & was not nervous none of were too bad. The ceremony over Charlie Clarissa & I drove in dogcart Louie & Tom in Covered trap & about 40 guests sat down to breakfast & then after that dancing was freely indulged in till 12 then supper & broke up I remained at Mrs J Waters the night it looked like a change we looked at presents.

60 Clarissa Eleanor Barr, who will marry Louie’s half brother, Joseph Humphrys.

March 5 I awoke early & as the other people did not intend getting up early I got a Book & read till 7/30 then I dressed & lit fire in stove & put on the kettle for breakfast & we partook of same & I assisted in housework there was so much to do Louie & Tom got down lunch time & I washed up all china & Glassware & it just was a lot to do. Mr Fred Waters came to dinner & in the afternoon Louie packed all presents away & sorted the things to take back to owners. We started to come home a distance six miles & it just poured all the way & we got drenched to the skin but had to laugh it continued till late in evening. Lou went home.

March 6 I have been so ill all night & did not dress till nine o’clock then felt so weak & shaky I wrote three letters & helped Auntie & in the evening I went to Georges to tea & then in to the Port with Ollie & all three walked home together also we went through the Cremery & Butter factory the air is very hot in middle of the day.

March 7 I was up early & dressed Auntie was away over in the paddock milking her cows we had breakfast & I cleaned the back bedroom & ironed George’s shirt & sorted my boxes & assisted Auntie. Cousin George left for Kadina. He was not well such a cold. Dick is gone away with sheep poor old boy his first trip & so far. It is terrible hot & after the rain the earth is like steam Am going to Port tonight with Ollie & George am expecting Lou now home.

March 8th Sunday so I did not get up till 8 oclock had brkft & helped wash up & read for a while then Dick who came home last night with his Masher dray & horse & dog after have had to go 3 miles the other side of Kadina He got some nice watermelons so we sat down and had a fruit social to ourselves after dinner I read again then Dick & I had a long yarn & gave a ~ Man a Surprise ~ then Auntie came in and layed down on the bed & was talking I toffed myself & went up to Georges to Tea & to Church with Ollie George had Kettle on & we had Supper & he came home with me last night Ollie Louie & I waked to the Port & met Tom & Louie & I with him went out to the end of Jetty I felt Nervous as there is no railing Ollie George & I walked home & had supper & Ollie came home with me so I felt tired going in three days following.

Monday March 9th I was not up till seven & after breakfast Dick started off again poor old boy the girls went to school George A went away on his round till tomorrow leaving Auntie & I on our own. I started washing & did not finish till dinner time such a lot I had & now must Iron. I have almost finished my ironing besides assisting in various ways in the house it is quite cold & need to dress warmly. Letters from home today so glad to receive them.

March 10th) I got & dressed by ¼ to seven the air was lovely & fresh after breakfast. I ironed my costume & other starch clothes & did a little to help Auntie then I made clothes for Lizzie’s51 doll & the Machine would not go well so I was hindered but I nearly finished & then Lizzie sewed on lace & was bad & went & laid down. George came home & rousted me up but I went to bed. Ollie went to Wallaroo early this morning so cold Letters from home & Port Pirie today.

61 Elizabeth Matilda Ann Humphrys, cousin. Daughter of Aunt Charlotte and Benjamin Humphrys. I don’t understand why Benjamin Humphrys, who would be Aunty Fan’s Uncle is not mentioned during this visit.

March 11th) Same as yesterday but ¼ hour earlier Auntie started washing I cleared table & cleaned all the knives & forks spoons & helped her rinse & hung all out & also washed second way stewed some plums Charlie sent some Apples up to Auntie we had late dinner & finished all before. Louie is home this afternoon she walked over she & I folded all clothes George is putting a Cupboard in Kitchen & Dresser for Auntie I am not well at all today.

March 12) Up at 6/30 & after breakfast I swept the rooms & tidied round. Auntie did kitchen work I then started ironing till dinner time & after we had washed up & Auntie had to unload a dray of Manure to garden then she & I paid a visit to an aged couple Mr & Mrs McDonald62 her Granddaughter lives with them & she shewed us her Photos & Post Cards we spent a pleasant time together & came home at 5 o’clock & had had tea & Auntie milked her cows & did her work cool weather now.

62 Mr & Mrs McDonald

March 13th) Same time & after breakfast I starched two shirts & ½ dozen collars & done my bed &c & Ironed all the things such a dose too finished dinner time, Ollie washed her clothes this morning did not finish till afternoon her sister went to see Louie but I did not feel like going & leaving all the work to Auntie. I made Eva’s doll a bonnet & Lizzie’s a pair of shoes & put buckles on the toes. In the evening Auntie, Ollie, her sister and myself walked in to the Port to a Concert by school children In the Institute it was very nice the children did their parts well a dance was held afterwards but having no companions I came home with Ollie & Pearl. It keeps lovely cool weather so windy in the afternoon. It was nearly 12 o’clock when we got to bed. Dick was at the concert.

March 14th) Saturday & I was not dressed till 7/40 & Oh how different to our busy household Auntie always milks & gives the men their breakfast & we have ours then I just did mending till dinner time as Auntie takes in washing. George Arbon comes home to dinner at 12 this afternoon, I cleaned the bedroom & did a little sewing A nice Sea breeze so fresh from off the water & at night in the distance the Moonlit Sea looks lovely. The Provision Steamer is stuck out at sea she is overdue in Port.

March 15) Sunday I dressed in good time & helped Auntie Charlie came home last night & gave orders for me to go & stay with Mrs Barr62 & family so we started at 12/30 & had a drive of 12 miles & arrived here about 2 oclock & at 3 oclock we went to Church it is held here at “Bews” I thoroughly enjoyed the service & Cousin Charlie63 took part I like the Barrs very much indeed we also went to a Gospel meeting at the same Church at night Church of Christ Mr Warren64 preached he seem a very nice man we looked at P.C. last evening & was singing. When we came out of Church it was so cold & raining so after supper Mr Warren & Charlie decided to stop all night & started for Kadina this morning Monday at 4 o’clck I consider I spent a happy day & profitable one.

62 Mr Robert Barr and Mrs Barr (Catherine Eleanor Gilbert)
63 Joseph Charles Humphrys, a cousin, who will marry Clarissa.
64 Mr Warren

March 16) I dressed & of course like a lady I did my hear & washed in bedroom came out in time for late breakfast & today have been with Clarissa in work room sewed on a few hooks & read a good deal but have not done any work whatever quite a novelty this afternoon I had a sleep & looked at fancy work & Photo’s very cold.

March 17) St. Patrick’s Day & how well I remember ten years ago today we were in Adelaide. This morning I was just ready for breakfast when the bell rang so hurried out after the morning meal I did the room Clarissa & I occupy & she went to the wash-house & washed till lunch then went on dressmaking I have been listening to Phonograph selections & looking at hundreds of views of the world which Mr Barr brought back from his visit to Scotland Switzerland Italy France America &c wonderful views & a book of Flowers from the holy land It is just grand to be here & they are so kind they have a large house & lots of melons pie, water & sweet & plenty of fruit last evening we had a Musical evening Mr Barr sang several Scotch selections I thoroughly enjoy it all it is warmer today.

March 18) Up late & Clarissa & I had to have our breakfast alone as the teacher who always boards here went off on horse back & I finished dressing & consequently we two missed lunch for as we finished breakfast at 8/30 & at 9/30 it was lunch so we had some grapes & I have been looking at views ever since wiped the dishes for Mrs Barr, George had such a load in Mail from Kadina & I was glad I did not have to go back with him. Several young people played Bilattelle64 here last evening & Selections.

64 Billatelle was a small table-top parlor game that used a ball & cue. I don’t know anything else about it.

March 19) I arrived here safely last night Charl & Clarissa drove me up we had such a good time on arrival we had tea & then adjourned to Parlour & sang hymns & looked at wedding gifts & at nine they went home & I retired but could not sleep as I was thinking this morning I did not dress till 7.40 so late Louie was up & busy I did sewing all the morning & this afternoon Louie & I went to the Port & spent the time with Mrs Byrth65 had afternoon tea there & drove to call on Auntie then home & Dick got to look for another situation as his boss has no more work for him We are having delightful weather & here close to the sea it is lovely & fresh & the setting sun on the waters looks so pretty we drove along the beach this afternoon. I did enjoy it all. My eyes ache with reading so much.

65 Mrs Byrth

March 20) I got up in good time this morning & was out before Louie Tom had the fire made & Louie got up & we had breakfast the old Lady always has her cup of tea in bed then she dressed & mixed bread I sat at the machine & made Louie a pink bonnet my eyes are so bad I have strained them I know & really I don’t know how it is I cannot sleep at night I am awake hours not enough work I expect in the afternoon Lou & I sent for a walk down the beach it was lovely had tea & all of use went to spend the evening with poor old Mr & Mrs Laxton66 she is blind he is very deaf got home at 9.30, then supper & bed.

66 Catherine Matilda Laxton nee Whiting & Joseph Laxton, who are buried at Port Broughton cemetery. She will live for another 14 years, and he for another 20!

March 21) Well I was late up as I did not get much sleep last night. I wanted to post my P.C. to Amy & I had to catch the mail at 2/30am. I could not sleep so dressed at 2 o’clock & Louie at ½ past we went out & had to wait till nearly 3 o’clock then came in to bed again & did not get to sleep till day light so did not wake till 8 o’clock. Had breakfast 7 then I washed all my clothes till dinner time folded & then Ironed all & packed them ready for my journey. It is 3/30 & I must go & label the wedding cake for Lou & then go to the Port & home to Auntie’s. It is a lovely day I met Dick in Port tonight & went home with him & I missed Auntie as we went round the road & Ollie & Auntie walked over the Park it was so very cold.

Sunday March 22nd) I forgot to report last night Tom & Lou & Mrs Waters Senior drove into the Port I met Dick & he & I took a stroll on the Jetty I fairly shivered my teeth were chattering. So as I said I did not stop in the Port when we got home the two girls & their dad were home we measured our height Dick is 5’11 ½ inches & not 16 years old. We went up to Ollie’s & George’s to Supper & I said Goodbye to them. This morning I got up at 6/30 & Auntie milked & she & Dick & I had breakfast. Lou & Tom did not get there till 9/30 then we started for Pirie & had lunch at Wandeurah67 West & came on again we did not have any pretty scenery only at the River which was rather a nice spot for picnics We got to Mrs H Burgess at 3 o’clock had a cup of Tea & came over here58 at 5 o’clock then in the evening went back for my luggage & after supper we retired & I was very tired for it was beautiful in the morning & when we got to Pirie it was so hot & I had a bad headache.

67 Wandearah
68 Fanny is now staying with Eliza Grace Sara Quick (nee Tancock), who was raised by Uncle William Atyeo after her parents, who are probably related to Auntie Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock) died. Eliza is married to James Quirk, and has 3 children, Dorothy (Dorrie), aged 7, Violet aged 5 and Willie (2).

March 23) Did not get up till nearly eight had brf & made our bed & Lou & Tom got here at 10. Eliza & us went down the Street & Tom & Lou had their Photos taken I bought some presents for Auntie & the Children & a Teapot for Lou came home & had dinner & went & saw them off to Broughton & tonight we been down to the Post & for a long walk It has been something terrible hot today a fair stinger & I am none too well.

March 24) I came out at ¼ to 8 & Eliza had her first boil in & the others ready I rinsed them for her & cleared the table washed up & swept dining room & done front bedroom & I folded as soon as they were dry. Eliza finished at 10/30 & I had all folded so we had early lunch & I wrote home & she did all her ironing & we went for a walk but as it was excessively hot & sultry we call at Mr & Mrs Sweetland’s69 & spent the evening had music on Piano so nice as it is the only one I have heard since I left home. I felt tired when I got home but we had supper & talked till eleven oclock then retired.

69 Mr & Mrs Sweetland

March 25) I did not get out so early Eliza did not come out till ¼ to 8 I felt so cross but as a I do not sleep at night & awake so early & go to sleep till so late. We went down the street & came home had dinner & went out to Mrs Will Tancock’s70 & stayed till late Eva sent up some grapes & so Eliza had to pack them in the Pram with Willie71 I retired early last night. Will has a nice house & a rather nice being a cool change.

70 Elizabeth Matters, who married William Tancock in 1900; Will Tancock is Eliza’s brother.
71 Eliza’s son, William James Atyeo Quirk, born as a twin in 1905. The other twin died.  

March 26) Eliza lent me her watch but it stopped & I woke & it seemed dark & I crossed the passage & when I looked at the clock in sitting room it was 20 min past 7 & Eliza had only just got up & lit fire however I assisted a little & after dinner we visited Mrs W. Parham & stayed till after they had their 6 o’clock dinner & looked at Photographs & P.C. Albums Came home & had supper & a yarn & retired We watched a vessel go out to sea it looked so nice & at night The Electric lights at Smelting works looks lovely it rained & was quite cold. They are nice people.

March 27) This morning was very cloudy & looked like a wet day I was pleased to be up at ¼ to seven & went to the post to send off my letters at 7/30 was there at shop before it was opened. I was out first & unlocked the door late for home at that but the earliest since I came to Pirie. Last night I could not sleep I seemed in such trouble with dreams I went down the street again & got some binding & set to work & bound my skirt had previously done my room after dinner I helped as I always do & Mrs Parham came & we walked out to the Cemetery which is very nicely kept but I never care for looking at Tombstones some are very beautiful monuments came home had tea & went to a friend of Eliza’s Mrs Messenger’s72 for evening. It has been very fine this afternoon sun quite hot & cold tonight.

72 Mrs Messenger.

March 28) I felt ill when I awoke at 5 o’clock but I got up same time about & I fed the birds & cleaned the amp but was in such pain I had to lie down again & could not drink even a cup of Tea Eliza gave me some medicine but I got worse & Jim73 very kindly rode his bike down the street & got some brandy which did me good. After dinner Eliza & children & I went down the street& down the warfe sic to see the Vessels & pleasure boats It is very nice & we had a good look up & down the streets came home & had tea & went back again looked at the Hurdie Gurdie & listened to the Army band I bought Eliza a present & Dorrie & Maisie74 a hair ribbon. I got so tired I could hardly walk home glad to retire lovely day.

73 James Quirk, husband of Eliza
74 Eliza and James’s daughters – Dorothy Amanda and Violet May.

March 29th) Sunday so we did not get up till 8 tidied the house & made beds & both Eliza & I dressed in white & went to the Baptist Church heard Mr Bungey75 preach & I like his preaching very well. We had a few thunder drops, coming hoe & it looked like rain but was not cold came home & had dinner & a rest & read then Mrs Will Tancock came over with her two children76 had Tea & all went to Methodist church but Willie would not be good Jim is working at 4 oclock till 12 midnight. One sees men in dirty clothes all hours going to & fro from the Works it was close in Church & we all dressed in black as we thought it may rain.

75 It’s possible that Mr Bungey is related to the Rowleys
76 These two children are Cleveland Tancock, born 1900, and Everland Tancock, born 1902. 

March 30th) I woke at 5 & at 6 I got up & Eliza just had the Copper lit so both of us set to & washed till 8/30 got two boils out & others in had breakfast & finished at 10/30 then I folded all & Eliza got the dinner on & swept up & I made bed in front bedroom where May & I sleep. Dorrie has just come home to dinner & we are going out this afternoon to Marion’s We paid our visit & saw Carmen as well she is staying with Lewis & Marion77 for two months got us a cup of Tea & we went in the parlour & had a chat then called at Mrs Messengers where the children spent their afternoon they were at Tea so we had another cup of Tea saw Mrs Sweetland & have arranged to meet at Picnic on April 1st at Crystal Brook it is a lovely day but no rain as yet.

77 Lewis Pointon and Marion Bethia Pointon (nee Standley), who were married in October 1907. Marion is from Wards Belt; Carmen is her sister.

March 31st) I hurried & dressed & wrote to P.C. & went down & posted them at the P.O. came back & Jim & I went all over the Smelting works & on board a steamer It is very wonderful to see so much machinery & so many processes the ore has to pass through & the hundreds of Men working there I could not go through the cabins as it was too early in the day we came home the street way & saw poor old Tom & Lou’s Photo’s very good I think it rained in the morning & this afternoon it is very fine I got a P.C. from Lou & a letter from Amy I was so glad too.

April 1st) Up about 5/30 & hurried round & made our bed & came out & done Dorrie’s hair & assisted Eliza last & she cut the sandwiches I ironed lace & tacked on Dorrie’s & May’s dresses & this morning after breakfast we started to catch the 8 o’clock train for Crystal Brook Picnic was held on the recreation Park I like the place very much indeed there were 1600 school children & it is estimated that there were 3,000 people. I never saw such a sea of faces especially school children. There is a large river which I should judge used to be full of water as the trees are lovely big Gums. It was a most enjoyable outing & I came back by an early train & spent an hour or so with Mrs McDonald & her Mother then I came home & had tea & read paper & retired after another nasty attack of trembling & faintness. Saw Ted77 & had a yarn to him last night.

77 Ted

April 2nd) I did not get up till nearly seven as I felt tired Jim & Eliza were at breakfast so I had mine & done May’s hair swept front bedroom dining room passage & back Verandah helped washup wrote in my diary Eliza is cooking dinner after dinner I mended my lunch bag & I always assist in household duties & Eliza & I went to spend the evening at her brothers place as I had not met Will to have a chat He is as lively as ever had supper & came home & was tired so went to bed.

April 3rd) I got up before seven & after breakfast I thoroughly swept both front rooms & dining rooms & Passage Eliza washed floors & I dusted & helped washup & other work It keeps so hot & dry after lunch we visited Mrs Hart78 & Mrs Burgess79 & went to a Sale of household effects I got sick of it & May & I went down the street & bought trinkets & I packed all things for home & God willing I start tomorrow morning on my long Journey very hot today.

78 Mrs Hart
79 Mrs Burgess

April 4th) I got up early & after breakfast Eliza & I went down to the Station as I had a very heavy luggage we had a long while to wait so had a chat & Eliza went to the Paper Office & got a Recorder80. I had a hot Journey & was so ill all the way home & very glad to reach Gawler I think Crystal Brook, Gladstone, Yacka81 & other places very pretty places but could not take the interest I would have had I been well. Dad met me at the Station & I stayed at Ada’s all night had a bathe & Wesley was telling all the news then retired.

80 Newspaper
81 Yacka is a really small town between Crystal Brook and Clare. Seems a very circuitous route to have gone through both Crystal Brook and Gladstone.

April 5th) Sunday I woke up early little Gwennie was chattering to me & Wesley Ada & I got up at 6.30 & dressed & I made beds Ada got breakfast & after clearing away we tidied up house & got ready for home. Nancy in the dogcart on Arrival we found Brice & Frank Porter here & Lillias82 & Nita who have spent a holiday here & at Ada’s there was a large number to dinner & we had a lot to talk about y holiday & events which I thoroughly enjoyed & had a very happy time.

82 Lillias Paterson, cousin, aged 23, daughter of Harriet Paterson, nee Heath. She is married to Brice Porter, and lives in Dublin, South Australia. Frank is Brice’s brother.

April 6th) Celia & Boys got up at 5 oclock & Amy also followed & they very kindly let me rest till seven then Celia called me as She intended to wash She & I washed till Dinner both Quilts & Curtains & bed top a lot of starch clothes. Amy helped in the afternoon & I washed up & folded & got afternoon Tea made Apple Jam got the fire made up & set Tea It has been very hot indeed today so sultry.

April 7th) Amy got up at 5 oclock & at 5/20 had breakfast & Ma & Celia went to the Dr as Celia is so bad her throat & chest & Ma had to get her dress altered Amy cooked the dinner & did all housework Amy washed all dishes & Separator I wiped them had our dinner & I cleared away & washed up & Amy went on ironing we had such a large wash & so much ironing both all the afternoon at it Ma & Celia went to Humphrys such a lot of starch clothes.

April 8th) Celia lit fire this morning & after breakfast We both started clearing Ma’s bedroom for whitewashing Celia Started in good time & I cleaned furniture & generally helped in all ways after she had finished that room Amy had the boys room ready & also ours, got all done by dinner time & then we had all to clean & put in places Ma did the dinner & all washing up she was not well & my hip was so bad too.

April 9th) Up at five & as we have porridge I usually make it while the others milk & Separate & we cleared the dining room for the same purpose as the other rooms. Celia did it & also the Kitchen we others were busy cleaning & hanging up new pictures &c & sorting & I was packing away my ornaments for we have not room for so many out. Charlie finished the Hay carting today It is excessively hot for the time of year & rain is much needed

April 10th) Well we all felt tired after working so hard The boys all went to the Band of Hope last night a good meeting but we really could not go & C & A hung the Curtains after Tea this morning after our meal. I mixed all bread & Celia Tared both dining room & kitchen fireplaces & hung Curtains in the Sitting room & thoroughly cleaned it shifted pictures &c after dinner I baked bread & Celia blackleaded stove we were busy till milking time & tonight we have all had a good bath & are very tired & ready for bed. Charlie is carting hay home from Topfield.

April 11th) All up in good time just after five Celia lit fire cooked the porridge & Amy laid table & gave boys their breakfast then Ma & Celia came from milking & we had ours & after washing up &c I baked bread & scrubbed safe Amy scrubbed all other things Table form &c We seemed to find plenty for willing hands to do & after dinner C & A went to Gawler & bought a new table cloth for dining room. I helped wash up & cleaned all boots & Shoes windows lamps & Ma & I washed our heads & then milked Sepr. Very Dry. I got a letter from Clarissa & Celia one from Cookes Plains. Bert a P.C. from Pirie. Flora’s Calf died dinnertime today.

April 12th) We each did our usual morning work & Celia cooked roast Beef Cab Pots Apple pie for dinner Jessie & Elvie83 came up & after dinner Ma & Dad had their hooded trap & drove to Anniversary & we others drove in Buggy to Kangaroo Flat there was a full Audience & the Minister distributed the rewards to the scholars & all came home to tea & went back at night & came home with Charlie in the dogcart & we went to Eva’s to supper & had a talk & Eva gave me her Photo it is very good of her. Jessie & Elvera stayed the night. It was a nice day.

83 Jessie Violet Paterson and Elvera Maud Paterson, cousins, aged 17 and 11, respectively. Daughters of Harriet Paterson (nee Heath)

April 13) We all got up in good time & Celia helped with the milking & I went on washing Jessie & Elvie went home early & Celia & I kept on till dinner time & then Amy helped her finish such a hard wash too. Ma & Amy drove down to get Melons from Parhams & I folded the clothes. Eva came down & she & Celia went to Katie’s for afternoon they milked & Sep & I got Tea & mixed bread & soon after retired very tired indeed as I always am.

April 14th) Up in good time & got breakfast & put my bread out in tins for to rise & got the porridge ready for breakfast Celia & Amy milked afterwards I baked & generally assisted. Cerlia made Ma’s new bed draping looks very nice indeed & also a new cupboard curtain for kitchen & I put new Curtains in our room & the others in kitchen. In the afternoon Ma & I drove to Mrs Parham’s & spent a pleasant time & called at Mrs Standleys Marion has a little girl April the 6th84, Amy stayed home & ironed & Cel mended her clothes to go to Aunties I wrote to Eliza at night it look like rain today C & A sewing.

84 This is Marion and Lewis’ third child, Marion Thelma Pointon.

April 15) I was first up & made fire & got breakfast the others milked & Spr Ma churned butter after we finished our work we all mended & did sewing Dad drove Celia to Uncles & Kit came & spent afternoon with us I cleaned Knives & got af Tea cleared away & Amy & I milked & Dad came home & Sepr I got Tea & we washed up & now I must mix bread All disappointed on account of the rain & can’t go to KF Tea meeting.

April 16) Up in fair time I had to bake bread & Amy had to go to Gawler & Kit Norman & Eva went with her I did all the housework the boys went up to Glenfield to work. In the afternoon I sorted my sewing ready for winter fancy work & useful work as well If I’ve time Ma was mending then she & I milked & Sepr Amy was late home A Mr Daly85 from Williamstown was killed in Willaston on Tuesday he fell from his wagon & was run over by wheels. It is very sad, the weather is colder but no more rain.

85 Mr Daly

April 17) Up at 4/30 & got breakfast made hot cross buns last night but they were not rose enough to bake for breakfast86 so I helped Amy milk & had breakfast & cleaned our room. Amy the front room & Ma cleaned & cooked a fowl for dinner & sent up to the boys at Glenfield & we had ours & I baked the buns & had a terrible bother trying to put plush round Alf & Kits Photo Ma helped milk I cleared up & got Tea & after mixed bread & put Flounce on my dress, so cold got a fire in dining room tonight.

86 It’s Good Friday!

April 18) Up at 4/30 & I cooked porridge & got boys their breakfast & Ma got up at a little after seven & helped finish milking & separating I put up lunch & Tea for boys & got my own breakfast & Ma & I then I blackleaded my stove & lit it done our room & Amy baked sponge Sandwich I got lunch & Ma & Dad went to Gawler to meet Auntie I scrubbed safe cleaned window & lamps Cutlery Amy scrubbed all ordinary articles I cleaned fountain kettle Amy swept & dusted dining room & I cleaned shoes fed fowls & gathered eggs got a cup of Tea Wilf came home & looked for cows but could not find them. It is very cold Ada & children are home for night Auntie came up so they had a load they are looking at P.C. Had to cook hot veg & fry sausages for tea tonight.

April 19) Sunday we were in up in good time for Sunday. Dad got early & went to look for cows which got out last night he found them & came home & lit fire I got breakfast Ada got children dressed & Auntie got up & assisted Ma cooked dinner & between us we did all necessary work & in the afternoon Dad Ma Auntie & I drove to K.F. Church called for Eva & on arrival I got an unexpected surprise. A Friend I had not met for 4 years was there. We came home to Tea & all of us young folk went to Stone Hill. Alf N also with Trixy & Hector Alf was also to dinner. Eva & Ern came down in the morning with him but they went home again. Charl spent afternoon with Alf at Youngs. Eva & Ern went to Stone Hill & all came here to Supper. Quite a nice Easter Sunday. Auntie at Eva’s for Tea & Stay till Wednesday.

April 20 We did not intend to wash so we had to get up to get boys their breakfast I got it & Amy laid in a while then Dad got up & Ma & all others Amy & I milked as Dad had to go up to Glenfield, We each did our work Ada assisting. It is so nice to have her home then I gave Gwennie a little Crème dress & Ada altered it I made German Apron for myself &c it was drizzling rain in morning but came out fine for the Picnic. Auntie & Eva went to Willaston Picnic & had an enjoyable day, have to either send hot dinner up to boys or cut their dinner & lunch each morning every day up at 4 ½ & get so tired at night dry winds again not a good downpour of rain I soaked clothes in ready for tomorrow.

April 21) Same time & it was a very busy morning Washing & baking & pig salting I hurried but could not start very early at the Tubs however we got finished before a late dinner & Amy baked biscuits & I scrubbed & cleaned Sep house. Amy folded clothes Eva Badcock86 came collecting for Hospital. Ada helped Dad & Bert chaff cut & after lunch Dad drove her home & he went to Gawler got Bert a Jumper for Drilling quite a dull day but no rain we retired early as we were tired & I had a bad hip for the last month all three boys are seeding in Glenfield now. Wesley is staying with us for his holidays they are all such dear children. Got letter from F. F. K.

86 Eva Matilda Badcock, sister of Effie Badcock, aged 13. Who is F.F.K.? I don't know.

April 22) Same time & I got up & gave boys their breakfast & had mine cut lunch & Ma cut dinners for them Ma & I milked & Separated then I started raking & sweeping doorway Amy cane & took it on & most thoroughly cleared everywhere near house & burnt rubbish up Wesley helped & got tired Auntie came here from Kits Ma baked little cakes I done dining room & our room & boiled Berts Jumper & washed it & starched clothes after dinner Mrs Parker & Lily Andrew87 came I made a pie & baked it & ironed not finished yet we had afternoon tea & Eva came down with Auntie’s luggage tonight. Hot & dry weather. We were all invited to a Party Charlie is gone alone.

87 Mrs Parker is likely to be Esther Parker (nee Whitbread) an older woman who lives in Willaston. I am not sure who Lily Andrew is.

April 23rd) Same time & Amy & I both got up as there was bread to put to rise & I got the breakfast we have porridge now, & dinner to pack for the boys. After breakfast & dairywork finished I baked & got lunch for Auntie & Dad & Ma then they drove to Lower Light & Amy & I had to set to & do all the work I finished ironing & Amy prepared Veg for 6 o’clock tea, as we have our dinner at that time now. We milked & Seprated & Amy & Wesley took the Cows up in top field & cooked the food & washed the Separator & utensils set table & we had our tea Eva came to stay the night & Alf N came for evening. We had a musical evening & dancing & spent an enjoyable time I did some mending Amy was playing over a new song & they were singing.

April 24) We did not get up till six the results of late hours last night consequently there was a rush to get breakfast & then the boys were late as it was but got the ploughing done for Mr Young as they intended. Eva went home to breakfast Amy & I milked & separated & Amy & Wesley fed the animals I washed up & blackleaded stove scrubbed safe & Amy & I cleaned both front rooms & Ay made a Melon Pie roast Pork & Veg I milked all six cows myself & also Separated & fed calf & took cows up to Tap & in Top paddock It is very cold & frosty & dry weather.

April 25) I woke at a bit before 4 o’clock & called boys at 4/15 Amy & I then dressed I got breakfast Amy cut dinner & rode up for cows & both of us milked & Sepr by the 7/15 whistle then Amy Charl & Wilfie went Chaff cutting I baked bread washed Sep & all breakfast dishes then made a birthday Cake & ice it for Bert & Dads birthday month Amy & Wes took the cows to drink & put them in the paddock came home & cleaned dining room I cleaned dining room window & all the others, cutlery spoons &c scrubbed from &c & finished up all the work & went up to Clinker for Cows & milked & Sepr Ma helped, fed calf & pigs &c. I fried fish for Tea Dad and Amy came home got a card from Dick & on Thursday a letter from Charl saying poor little Leslie88 got shot in the leg through accident, cold again.

88Probably Leslie Wright Folland, Frances' brother-in-lawy.

April 26) Sunday but I awoked early & dressed at 7 oclock Dad had just got the fire so I made our usual cup that cheers then he & I milked & I came in & got breakfast afterwards I made two apple pies for dinner & Ma prepared the Veg & washed up I did our room Amy sorted the Vases with her flowers Jessie sent her, & did her usual duties & played some Hymns & sang with the boys. Charl went to Eva’s to dinner & he & Uncle drove back here to spend the afternoon & evening Alf N came down and shaved his top lip had some barrick as well he & Charl went to Angle Vale & back to Eva’s to Tea Amy was there also Horace F. I went up there but came home to Tea & We went to Chapel “Stone Hill” Alf N also went & W. Hill89 all came here to Supper Kit & Alf as well. She stayed with M while we were at Chapel.

89 Walter Hill, younger brother of Kit.

April 27. Was not up so early as we ought to be Amy lit Copper & sorted clothes. I got breakfast & put up lunch then both of us washed till 2/30 So we are tired tonight P.T. Dawe was to see us yesterday. After finishing wash I scrubbed up Amy folded Dad & Ma milked & Separated I cooked Tea or Veg which Ma had prepared had Tea & helped wash up mixed bread Amy is making Wesley pants Wilf reading Ma writing boys are still working at Glenfield. It is very cold weather. Last Monday a dreadful Railway accident happened at Braybrook near Melbourne 222 persons injured 44 killed & others not expected to recover the most awful Calamity Australia has witnessed90.

90 The Sunshine rail disaster occurred on 20 April 1908 at the junction at Sunshine railway station when a Melbourne-bound train from Bendigo collided with the rear of a train from Ballarat. The disaster is Victoria's worst railway accident in terms of deaths, and is Australia's second-worst after the 1977 Granville rail disaster.

April 28) Up at 4/30 & I at 15 to 5 got the boys their breakfast & did usual morning Amy, Bert, Dad & Wilf went to Chaffcut but the cog broke & they could not finish so I made some Coffee & they came in & had lunch & Bert & Wilfie went to Glenfield I baked cake & pies & bread & we had dinner & Amy & I did the ironing & at evening time there is always the cows to get & milk Sept to do Dad took two Pigs to station & sent on to Adelaide called at Ada’s & brought Clem home it was so awfully cold.

April 29) Same as yesterday morning but up half hour later have to Cut their dinners & lunch & get them off to work then Ma washes up all dishes & Sep articles I did our room thoroughly swept Kitchen & various duties Starched all 4 shirts & collars & ironed two & Uncle drove Cel home ill had dinner & I finished ironing & dressed to pay a visit to Mrs Standley I got there & spent an enjoyable time stayed all night & had a good yarn. Mrs S was not well so we did not go to the Literary meeting it is very dry cold weather. Viv’s birthday.

April 30) As I was at Mrs Standley I did not get up till seven Vivian went for bread &c we had breakfast & Mrs go the children in School & I came home & been trimming & repairing hats & burning all no good Am so tired tonight put new Flowers in Ma’s bonnet. Cel is no better.

May 1st) I awoke at half past four & went & called the boys & dressed myself got breakfast & partook of same Amy did not come out till about 6/30 I put out bread but ti was over rose & not half so nice as usual I lit stove & baked as soon as possible thoroughly cleaned our room Amy baked Biscuits and unfortunately burnt them I did two front rooms Amy boys room dining room had lunch Dad & Celia went to Gawler to Dr she has influenza and a relapse of Cattarh in throat been so bad for 3 months. Dad went over to Uncle Wills yesterday & brought Clyde home for Charlie Uncle & Aunt are both bad Aunt Harriet & Elvera Aunt Emily & Ivy91 drove up this afternoon so Amy & I had to sleep in dining room Cel in sitting room I am so nervous at night & can’t sleep well it is very dry weather.

91 Emily Easton (nee Heath) & Ivy Elizabeth Easton (cousin)

May 2nd) Same time & made fire in dining room & got our breakfast Amy cut & packed the lads dinner for Glenfield then blackleaded stove &c cleaned lamps cooked meat & did other things Ma washed up * got lunch for the folk to go to Gawler Amy went with them we had ours & I baked Madeira Cake & did a lot of scrubbing & cleaned forks Ma spoons & Knives we were both very busy & I got a cup of tea & had to walk all over the field for cows brought them home & milked & sep & fed the lab Mr Young gave it to her last week then I made Celia’s bed in Sitting room & got her to bed she is so ill poor girl. All the folks came home Aunt E stayed with Ada Elv with Eva so after I cleaned our shoes I made my bed & retired.

May 3rd Up at seven & fried Sausages for brkfast swept our room Kitchen & put all things away tidy Ma got up & all others at a bout ½ past 8 or nine & late sat down to our meal. Uncle Charley brought Elvera down I had to cook pies & leg of Mutton Ma did washing up & prepared Pot & Cab. I had such pains in my limbs I scarcely knew what to do but after dinner I wanted to go to K.F. so Charlie Ivy Amy & I & Clem drove out Mr Reed preached & nice congregation Frances is up now & played also Edwin91 was there Ivy stayed at Evas to tea & tonight Kit & Alf & Aunt Emily gone to Williamstown till tomorrow looks like rain but keeps dry still.

91 Mr Reed, Edwin Pederick

May 4th) Up early as usual & got breakfast & ptu bread to rise & after our meal I baked & generally assisted in all work poor Amy has Influenza Dad & boys broked the chaffcutter so had to go up to Mr H Youngs to cut chaff or rather to see about same it has been a wet drizzling day & cold Aunt Emily & Ivy came home here tonight Auntie Just returned from Williamstown where she spent a happy time I feel so unwell myself.

May 5) I got & got the boys breakfast but felt so ill I swept dining room & Ivy kitchen I finished housework Ivy went home with Eva who came down for her this morning to accompany her to Gawler very rough & cold a most terrific gale blowing all day & tonight I retire very early tonight. Celia has been obliged to keep her bed so ill & Amy & I are both ill with Influenza Charl & Wilf have very bad colds it has been rainy today but not heavy I finished a warm blouse for Clem today & made a towel, Kettle Holders try to do a little Auntie is helping milk today & I Spr both times got in wood & I have to look after Amys lamb & the birds Uncle Charl been down here trying to fix a pole in Cultivator he drove into fence & broke it last evening while we were milking. I am trying to sew but can’t get on very well.

May 6th I did not get up so early but made porridge & tried ot eat but cannot get on at that I wanted to try & wash but Parents forbid so I made Ma bed & lit stove & feeling giddy I laid down & went to sleep Aunt Emily got a letter from Dublin92 with illness stated so this afternoon Wilf & Ivy drove her to Two Wells & she will take Coach from there to Flo’s93 it is windy & cold Mr S. J. Parham79 & Lily are spending afternoon here.

92 This would be Dublin, South Australia.
93 Emilie Florence Webb (nee Easton), Aunt Emily’s eldest surviving daughter.
94 Elizabeth Riggs, the wife of Ada’s husband’s cousin Samuel James Parham, and her daughter Lillie Melior Parham, aged 13.

May 7) I got up to see to the bread but as it was not rose properly I kneaded it up & left it to rise lit stove & gave boys their breakfast then I laid down & Celia told me to go to bed so I went & stayed in all day Amy is making little Lorna a fancy petticoat stitching with crème silk Ivy is gone with boys to B of H95 meeting it is very cold & light showers are falling each day we’ve had a lot of wind.

95 Band of Hope, a temperance organization.

May 8th) I got up this morning as Celia & Amy were going to wash it being Friday and almost everything dirty Dad got ready & drove Ivy to Station to catch Express & at 4/30 this afternoon she goes by Melbourne Express to Cookes Plains I hope she has a safe Journey I cleaned our room & put stretcher back & done lamps made boys beds & fire in sitting room & assisted Amy ironed all clothes they worked very hard. The boys are in home Flat working finished at Glenfield.

May 9th) I did get up early & felt so very unwell when I did that to do any work was an effort I dusted dining room did lamps cleaned all Cutlery & little house hold duties Celia & Amy went to Gawler in afternoon at 4 oclock P.T. Dawe came down. Wilf ill today lying down Charl is also ill but working it is terrible no life for anything got Letters from Lou & Auntie & Dublin Bert Webb96 is better Frances’ children all “Croup”.

96 Albert John Webb, Emilie Florence’s husband.

May 10) Percy stayed all night Celia fried Breakfast the others milked & Sept I fed lamb after Breakfast I did our room & rested & read Eva came down for a while. George & Tom Nottle97 spent evening with us & we sang Amy played Piano it is five years since we saw George he is thin & older looking he is over for 6 months now & then intends to go back to the West once more. Bert went to church at S. Hill.

97 Thomas Leonard Nottle, and probably George Hawke Nottle, who may be a cousin of his.

May 11) I feel awful nasty headache & that tired feeling Celia got mens breakfast & milked & Sep I fed Lamb & got our breakfast done our room chopped wood & other necessary work it is very cold & dreadful windy with showers Dad & Charl been into G for new Chaff Cutter & bag flour, called at Ada’s they are well no washing for us today Eva & Kit are washing I must go & washup & other odd work.

May 12th) I got up & got mens breakfast & had mine got the Copper going & started washing Celia so bad again to day & Amy got a relapse Influenca I did not feel equal to my task but needful strength came & I finished at 3/30 Amy went to Eva’s for afternoon & Cel finished her black skirt & other mending she is getting ready for Bright St98 but is still on the lodge Ma folded clothes & she & I milked we only Sep in morning now Dad & Ch & Albert & Mr Young been fixing Chaff Cutter Wilf working on land a dry frosty night fine day.

98 Bright Street Willaston?

May 13th) Up at five & got the men their breakfast & it started to rain & continued all day almost without a break I baked bread & Ma made pies the day before so I only had to warm them & a stew & Veg for dinner Celia started a new blouse for Amy & Amy did all ironing & just did odd work all day looked after the lamb & got in wood dad attended to the cows. Hugh spent evening so very we t everywhere & so cold.

May 14th) It has poured with rain during the night so we did not get up early Dad milked & Celia tidied front rooms & picked a fowl & dressed it & roasted it in Camp oven Amy helped cook dinner I helped Sep & Ma did all washing up I altered a vest for Wilfred. After dinner Eva came plodding down in all the cold & rain it broke for a while & Dad & Charl & Wilf commenced making a roadway round the Chaff Cutter with stone & sand. Eva brought us letter for Celia from Frances saying her children are a litetl better & Lorna has two teeth. I heped trim Amy’s blouse & finishe dit last night. Cel mixed bread for me.

May 15) Broke fine & I got pants & sox dry & other rough clothes such a bother with them dabbing in wet I baked bread & Ma baked potatoe & a Melon pie for dinner Bert been very bad & kept indoors since Tuesday he & Celia went to Gawler today but neither could see Dr he was in Country Celia stayed with Eva the afternoon & tonight I altered a pair brown Malange Pants for Wilf & helped milk with Ma Dad & boys been trying New Chaff Cutter Amy done the two front rooms & boys room for Sunday I did our room We had showers at intervals & it looks like rain tonight I must go & mix bread I & Amy have washing up to do & I have a bit of sewing to do. Very cold and damp now.

May 16) Saturday up & got breakfast & partook of same & blackleaded my stove & utensils baked bread & yeast cake cleaned lamps & various duties Amy cleaned the dining & boys room Celia came home from Eva’s & assisted Amy as is her rule done all washing up & cooked stew for dinner then we three girls went to Gawler saw several friends It has been fairly fine today we went to Ada’s where Celia stopped & we brought Gwennie home with us after we got home had Tea & I cleaned all cutrlery Amy bathed Gwen & Clem & cleaned the boots I read Bunyip went to bed Clem got Croup.

Sun May 17th Had to fry sausages for breakfast Amy dressed children she has been coughing all night so I rubbed her & Berts chest It is terrible & Clem is so croupy at night. We had to cook leg mutton Cab & Pots for Dinner & at one o’clock Flo & Bert & Auntie & children98 drove up Flo & Aunt are staying with us Charl gone to Chapel Wilf been to school I been working all day & not able to go to chapel as Charl went horseback I feel awful disappointed It has been a lovely day & I really did want to go to K Flat Church. Gwennie is so good with us. Alf & Kit are spending evening here. Amy been playing & singing a Miss Hartley99 came with Bert & is to keep House & mind the children.

98 Reginald Albert (age 4) and Thelma Blanche (aged 3).
99 Miss Hartley

May 18) I got up early & hurried to get the mens meal & pack their dinner & lunch & pot of Tea Ma did the dinners I thought of going to Gawler but changed my mind & got the Copper lit & started washing Untie & Flo Ma & Clem & Amy had their breakfast & I just went my hardest & got two boils out had lunch Amy had to drive relations to Eva’s took Clem & Gwen with her returned & helped me wash finished at about 3 o’clock her cough is very bad & so is Clem’s I scrubbed & cleared up Amy folded Ma & I milked Ma baked Scones & roasted a fowl for dinner at 6 o’clock.

May 19) Up same time as usual put out bread to rise & got breakfast over & others milked & Sep & Amy & I got ready for Gawler took Gwen home & Auntie to Station where she proceeds to Cooks Plains tomorrow I had to get some Kerosene & other things Ma a piece of stuff for skirt &c We heard sad death of Mr R J Panther100 died at 1 o’clock this morning & Mr Higgins101 yesterday. It is a lovely day so was yesterday.

100 Mr R J Panter, distant relation, aged only 38.
101 Mr Thomas Higgins, aged 68, at Gawler River, his son is Mr Warden. I can't work out how he fits with the other Higgins yet.

May 20) I woke at about 4/15 & at five called boys & we had our meal I did usual duties & swept dining room & cut out skirt for Ma & partly made it. After dinner I went up to Kit’s & enjoyed a chat with her Amy went to Eva’s to send a parcel to Celia very like rain & so cold All men in Twelftrees & help Sep this morn. Must go & mix bread so tired.

May 21st I woke very early & at 4:45 called the lads & got up myself & got breakfast & put out bread & done dining room & our room & various duties the lads were out in Twelftrees Dad killed a pig Amy helped all the time in scraping &c It was a bitter cold wind all day. In afternoon it came out sunny & Amy & Clem went to Mrs Parham for Ma’s Wool Garments she had crocheted for her I was making the skirt took wrong measure and had a terrible trouble with it. I went for cows & we milked & had tea the men went pickling wheat.

May 22) Same time & did same work & finished Ma’s skirt Dad & Clem & Amy went to Gawler I sat at sewing after doing our room Ma was very busy salting in her pig &c I had to feed the lamb & go for cows get in wood help milk I finished Ma’s skirt she wrote to Frances a finer day.

May 23rd Up before five & called boys & had our brf & I done our room & kitchen Dad milked & fed cows & other work Amy the boys room & at 10 o’clock Dad & Amy went to Gawler & got home at 1 o’clock had dinner & I dusted dining room cleaned all lamps & Cutlery scrubbing baked bread & Cake & cleaned all Kitchen (Silver) helped milk with Amy & fed lambs been sewing on buttons for Wilf another fine cold day I am sleepy can’t think correctly Amy is boot cleaning.

May 24) Sunday & I did not have to get up early & glad to rest as we all have to get up early the boys at about 4/30 & I at a quarter to five & sometimes earlier We had breakfast & I did dining room & our room & other odd work Amy was sweeping I sorted flowers Ma got vegetables ready had dinner Charl & Wilf & Clem went to Priess102 in dog cart. Jim came out & took dinner with us In afternoon Dad Clem Amy & I went to K.F. Church Mr Neild102 preached we came home & I hurried & got Tea Amy helped Milk & fed her lambs as she has two got one yesterday left by a flock on the road. We all us young folk & Alf N went to Stone Hill at night an Adelaide man Mr Nichols103 preached a very nice sermon for young people. A very nice day so sunshiney a perfect day.

102 Preiss is the correct spelling, neighbours. Father is Henry August Frederick and mother is Ellen Preiss (nee Baker), though they are not mentioned by name. Also Rev Charles Henry Nield (incorrect spelling again!)
103 Probaby Rev Jonathan Job Nicholls

May 25) Early as is the custom & prepared for washing Amy came round and helped then they did the milking & I washed a lot of extras & did not finish all till 4 o’clock scrubbed all the utensils & I milked all six myself Amy did all work for evening fed all animals Kit came & spent the afternoon had a cup of Tea & went home I washed our Quilt bed Top &c not much breeze for drying till afternoon got all but colored things dry & Ma & I washed up Amy folded I helped & mixed bread Hugh came over for yarn with boys they have to pickle wheat & sift manure nearly every night The chaff cutted this morning.

May 26) Same time well ¼ later I got breakfast & Amy fed her lambs then Ma & I milked & Sprd I lit stove & got bread in tins to rise & baked two slides of (buns Sugar) then the bread Amy did all sweeping & I made our bed Amy went on ironing I ironed tablecloths & mended one Amy & Ma milked I got Tea & tidied expecting to go to Literary at K. F. but was disappointed Alf called for Amy but she did not go I washed up Amy is sewing so is Ma Dad & Boys are pickling wheat it has been cloudy shot very today.

May 27) Our usual hour & after having had our breakfast I milked all cows while the others had their as Dad was going to Twelftrees & wanted to feed cows before he went. Amy & I hurried round & did all housework & it being a lovely day after an early dinner. We dressed for visiting Ma Amy & Clem went to Eva’s & I walked out to Mrs Copes103 they had just finished washing & folded their clothes & showed me their fancy work & Photos had a cup of Tea & they went with me over the Hill to where our men were at work on the new land They had cleared at five I with the boys started for home in Waggon Dad with Dray load of wood & roots. We are had a good time & enjoyed ourselves the wind was very cold coming home Clems cough is bad again.

103  Mrs Copes

May 28) I got up & went in to call the boys dressed & got our breakfast over milk & Sep then I assisted with housework baked bread Ma pie & at night we always have to cook hot dinner. We had early lunch & Amy went out with message to boys called at Kit’s & had her lunch Eva came down & spent the afternoon with us Amy has made Lorna a new best petticoat, I milked Amy has Animals to feed Ma mending I put band on Ma’s new underskirt & mended table clothes &c cold keel wind.

May 29) At a little after 4/30 I called boys & dressed & lit fire & got our meal over. I then milked four cow & Amy had to go to get the other two & she milked them & helped Ma Separate I blackleaded stove & Sitting room fireplace cleaned our room had lunch & cut out a pink petticoat for Amy She was cleaning front room Ma scrubbed her Cedar safe & Bert came home to dinner & after that I made the Garments finished it tonight & Amy very kindly mixed bread Ma is writing letter to Ada & Celia Clem’s cough is bad Amy is playing the piano sounds so nice to hear music. We have had frosts this week Our men started in Mr Hooper104  field to day as he is ill & they are going to put in the crop for him Amy has made Lorna with silk stitching Mrs Parham Shewed her different stitch looks to nice too. Getting late so will retire

104 Mr Hooper, landowner.

May 30th Saturday & as Dad & the boys were very busy at Mr Hooper’s seeding Amy & I had to go to Gawler so we both hurried to get as much work done as we could I baked to lots of bread done my safe bedroom & my usual work Amy did dining room, blackleaded fireplace &c & we started at one oclock called at Ada’s & took Wesley over to the creamery with us & Celia brought Gwen down with her we went to Mrs Buggs to see Flo105. Mr Joe Mold106 was playing the Piano so beautifully there was such a lot of people in Gawler we did not get home till 6 o’clock & Ma was home with Clem she roasted fowl & Pork & made pies milked & fed animals A nice day I got Earoscope87 back from Sydney letter from Eliza & Franc.

105 Mrs Buggs is a birthing centre, run by Alice Bugg (nee McHugh), Gawler. I think this may be Emilie Florence Easton, who will have a son next month, but seems very early.
106 Probably Joseph William Mold (aged 22).
107 Fan purchased an Earoscope in October of last year. The Earoscope was a tool for improving hearing marketed by a Pitt St Company.

May 31st Sunday so did not get out till 7/30 I did all milking & Amy fried sausages & Dad & I separated I fed calf Dad the pigs cows &c we had our meal & I did all washing up for table & dairy Amy cooked Veg for dinner & made melted Butter Ern stopped with us to dinner then he & Bert went for drive & Charl & I went to Aunties tried to cross ford but it was all washed in so had to go round Angle Vale bridge & did not have long to stop at Aunties had Tea & we drove back to Stone Hill at night had a nice service & I had a talk to E. J. Leak108. It was such a keen air I fairly shivered. Wilf went to both School & Chapel Ma so unwell.

108 Edwin John Leak, born in Yankallila in 1880, aged 28.

June 1st We got up at our usual early hour & I got our customary meal. Dad & Amy also had their breakfast & took Ma’s in to her. Amy & I milked & I hurried to sort out the washing A lit Copper & helped Sep then she had to go & help chaff cut I got two boils out & we had lunch & Amy came on with me & we finished at 3 oclock & she scrubbed all articles I cleaned Copper & folded all clothes but color they were not dry I went for cows & milked Ma helped we were at Tea when Bert who had been in Gawler at Eys drilling & at Aylings on Sat last drilling he came home & brought the good news that Ada had a Son109 today. After Tea the men pickled wheat &c & I washed up Amy kindly mixed bread for me. So cold tonight. We cut up melon for jam tonight.

109 Albert Bruce Parham.

June 2) Being late to bed last night I did not wake so Dad called us at 5/30 & both of us got up & Just went our hardest I lit fire Amy got the meal I put out the bread out to rise Amy cut & packed dinners I milked all fed the lamb helped Sep then baked bread & made our bed done dining room & Amy did the other work Ma helping then botho f us washed our heads & I cooked steak & onions & set dinner Amy rode up to water with horses to drink we had our meal & I made a new German linin Apron & milked Amy did all ironing. Ma cooked hot Tea for all also made Melon Jam today.

June 3rd Being later when we got up Yesterday I decided to get up in good time this morning woke at 4/25 & shortly after called the boys & after breakfast I did all milking Amy fed pigs & did work in house then we Separated fed calf & lamb & I swept all back rooms dining room & all of us hurried as we intended to go to see Ada so got a start at 12 oclock Ma Amy & Clem & I we took Gwen down the street with us & then went to the Dr for Celia’s medicine came back and saw the new nephew he is a fine little baby we had a talk & cup of Tea 7 arrived back home at 5 o’clock I milked Amy fed pigs & got in word ma got Tea like a change.

June 4) Boys same time I did not hear them so was not up till 5/30 got their breakfast & milked & sep. Amy had two to dress as Gwen came home with us till Saturday I had to bake bread Amy did all housework I felt so bad all day a very bad cold on chest. The men finished in Hooopers today at 3 o’clcok It has been terrible cold & very windy from North It rained a lot but not heavy none of went to Bena of Hope tonight as it is wet & cold & all have colds Amy is busy finishging Calico work made two Garments & pillowcase Ma is mending. Celia had Percy to see her last Sunday & they went up to Cemetery for a walk she told us. Walter Dawe110 is home from Queensland. I saw him Saturday it is very cold tonight.

110 Percy’s older brother Walter Daniel Dawe

June 5) We did not get up early this morning as the lads were tired I was dressed & out in dining room at 6/30 the rest later on after the usual meal I milked on my own as Mas has rhumatics in her finger & Dad is busy Amy fed all pigs & cows I the lamb & calf & separated milk & blackleaded stove & front room fireplace thoroughly cleaned our room dusted walls & wardrobe Amy did same for front rooms & I cleaned all windows right through & the pictures & scrubbed safe Ma all washing up & cooked dinner Eva came down in afternoon we had cup of tea Ma & I milked Amy did all evening work got in wood H.R.111 spent evening.

111 Probably Hugh Ratcliffe, a neighbor, aged 34

June 6) Up & dressed at 5 o’clock lit fire & got breakfast & put out bread to rise milked all cows It was a terrible frost everything white & bitterly cold I shivered all time I was milking & my chilblains are painful Amy same as yesterday morning & I came in & Separated & baked bread cleaned lamps & lanterns made our bed Amy all the others & swept dining room & blackleaded all other articles I shined dining room for her as she had to go to Gawler with Dad I got Gwen ready Ma got them a cup of Tea I finished dusting & we others had our dinner washed up & I did all scrubbing cleaned cutlery & kitchen ware washed pictures in dining room milked cleaned out boots Ma got Tea Dad & Amy did not get home till 7/15 & our company went on to Follands after all Ma so disappointed as they drove to Station to meet them. It is very cold tonight got a letter from Lill Porter Dublin So frosty too.

Sad death of Mrs Bert Busbridge112 June 5 leaving her husband ill in Adelaide hospital & a family of very small children & I hear are now ill Fever.

112 It is very sad, Louie Busbridge was only 28; she had 6 children, one only 6 months old. They, and her husband all survived.

June 7) We were all glad of a good rest this morning & none of us rose till 8 o’clock then Amy & I got up she fried Sausages for breakfast I milked all six cows Dad & Ma Separated the boys have their horses stables to attend to I fed lamb who is growing a fine fellow & can feed on the green barley now. The meal over I went on with housework Ma roasted leg mutton cauliflower Pots & melon Pie I am not at all well & had to lie down Uncle Charl came to dinner & Jim then I tidied round Amy & Ma washed up & Mr & Mrs Humphrys came & spent afternoon with us. Eva & Ern came for church & put Sov in with Hector & we six drove to Stone Hill Alf was here to Tea & spent evening with Amy.

June 8) I got up at 5/30 & lit fire &c Amy got breakfast I did not know weather to wash or not as it was so much like rain however I started & had a bother with the blue sticking in clothes Dad boys chaffcutting & Alf came & helped them then Bert & Alf with Trixy in Dray & Charl & Ern in dogcart Alf & John Hill went shooting they only shot 9 rabbits did not have good luck Wilf & Dad carted down chaff for cows & other work It has been a very keen wind today so bitterly cold that I shivered at wash Tub we finished at 3 o’clock & Amy washed her black & also her grey dresses & we got all dry so that shows it was a very drying wind & rain threaten I just mixed bread they are cleaning rabbits Jim had Beauty to take home some wood today Public holiday to day.

June 9) We awoke to hear rain steadily coming down so I did not dress till 6/15 the lads much later they were tired after their walking expedition yesterday I lit fire & took in tea, put bread out in tins to rise Amy made Porrige & got breakfast of which we partook Dad milked & he & Ma separated I tidied our room & swept kitchen baked one lot of bread & got other in then started ironing in sitting room Amy cooked stuffed Rabbit Turnips Pots plain Pudding & Melon Pies for dinner then men could work Charl cleaned his harness I finished ironing at a bout 2 o’clock It has rained all day & is awfully cold I milked 7 fed lamb & been mending Ma is looking for a receipt all afternoon.

June 10) Late up as they have finished seeding I had to hurry as time soon flies & Dad had to Adelaide by Express It was a lovely morning g after yesterdays rain & everything seemed in disorder. I blackleaded both fireplaces & Amy & I swept all rooms & dusted them Ma cooked a rabbit &c for dinner It was corset repairing all afternoon till milking time then I milked & measured all milked & we decided to let Queen Beauty & Daisy off to once a day In evening dad came home by express from Town he sold Lameroo Land113. We had a musical evening I mended We expected Frances home but she did not come. Celia got off lodge today & Eva Baker has a son114 we heard. We intend to plant Pea’s tomorrow.

113. Henry Atyeo briefly owned a block of Land in Lameroo; in 1907, according to Fan’s diaries they drove chaff up to Lameroo, but according to the land titles office, he did not buy land in Lameroo until 1909, which he sold immediately to Patrick and Norman Reginald McArdle. The land is at 448 Smithville East Road, Lameroo.
114Charles Andrew Baker, son of Charles Baker and Eva Susanna Baker (nee Tancock). Eva is a second cousin.

June 11) Same time & had to hurry & ptu out bread & get breakfast over & bake & do usual house work & cut out garments for Amy to make Ma had to roast beef in Camp oven with Potatoes dinner over Dad & I drove to Gawler I went to see Flo & Also to see Ada & Celia Ada was up in sitting room her baby is growing a dear pretty child. Gwen has a bad cold & so has Wesley Eva & Kit were in Gawler today it was very cold & a sharp shower fell while we were at Ada’s also rained coming home but we kept dry. Alf. N. spent a sociable evening with us tonight. Got letters from Cookes Plain West today.

June 12) We had a cold wet night & awoke to hear rain steadily pouring down so did not hurry to dress I got breakfast Amy milked I tidied our room & dining room. Mr Folland drove France home Dad & lads busy chaffcutting for Gawler Amy helping ha dinner I had to do both front rooms & safe It is very cold & muddy I feel tired & sleepy Franc & boys are yarning baby has grown cold night. I blackleaded stove this morning Yeast has not rose to knead Death of Mrs Pastor Roediger of Buchfielde115 died rather suddenly broke a blood vessel is to be buried tomorrow. Frank is talking away telling different newsy notes.

115 Buchsfeld was a Lutheran church, at which Roediger was the pastor. It was used by many different denominations. Her name was Marie Henrietta, and her husband the pastor was Carl August Julius, and he died in 1897. They are both buried at the Buchsfeld / Loos / Roediger cemetery. His gravestone lists his name as Julius.

June 13) Saturday but as I did not have to bake bread I did not have to rise early & as there was such a lot of us Franc & Amy dressed all the children between them & I milked after breakfast I cleaned dining room Frances bathed Lorna & Amy did bedrooms & she & Franc & Dad dressed for Gawler, she left both boys home with us Ma & I were busy she baking Beverly Buns & did all cleaning cutlery &c scrubbing milked & Tea time they got home from the City all the children were at Tea eating their Rice & milk we went to be late. Yarning.

June 14. Late up but all rose at once I mixed Pudding & got fires in dining room & Kitchen Amy fryed Sausages after meal I did housework lit stove as we had to cook leg mutton Veg. had dinner & washed up I set to & wrote to “Bews” got Tea & Franc & Lorna Wilf & myself went to Stone Hill came home & Eva & Ern were here I mixed bread Amy played Piano & had singing. Cold.

June 15) Up at 5/30also Amy & she hurried & got copper lit & sorted clothes & started washing in Kitchen as it was so cold & looked like rain we had a very big wash as we did all Frances children’s clothes with ours We hurried as fast as possible & finished dinnertime all but (Moles) In afternoon I started ironing & finished at 10/30 tonight Kit Alf & Alf N. are here for evening they are having a sing song. While I iron. I baked today & got all dry stockings & brought in but moles. Our latest is Murray Goode & Emily Goodger115 are running dead strong he sat which her at church last night & he has a Sulky to drive about in too. Lorna will not got to bed Alf N is nursing her looks so much like rain & a good wind is blowing.

115 Norman Murray Good and Emily Rose Goodger do end up getting married in 1912. At the moment she is 19.

June 16) late up & I fried Liver for breakfast Amy set table & swept & tidied rooms Dad milked & he & Ma Sep Ma had a brood of five chicks come out (Leghorns) Dad & Ma were so busy he cutting up & Ma salting it down the meat. They killed a big pig yesterday after I cooked dinner & we partook same. They got horse in to take Franc home by five o’clock train Amy is also with her for change.

June 17) I did not get up early altho I was awake the boys all lay in now. I fried breakfast Dad milked Ma helped him Sepr After meal was over I made boys beds & mine tidied our rooms & swept Kitchen & scrubbed the Table done dining room we had dinner & washed up & both Ma & I mended stockings I milked got in wood fed lamb. Tea over I washed up & wrote to Pt Broughton The boys are carting out stable manure Wilf rolling land looks like rain but keeps off. Mr W. L. Young of Glenfield is gone to Melbourne for a change for a month Clement is still home nearly eight weeks stay for him.

June 18) I was up & out before six & I hurried & baked hot rolls for breakfast in camp oven made porridge & took in cups of Tea to Parents dressed Clem& lit stove had breakfast & baked bread & done same in bedrooms as yesterday Ma cooked roast pork cauliflower Pot Melon Pie. Dinner over I washed up such a lot blackleaded stove & front room fireplace put a pair pockets in Charl Pants Ma milked Charl started fallowing today otherside of Hill Wilf rolling other work Dad went to Gawler & Wesley came back with him Ma been churning & is mending ow rained this afternoon. Cold.

June 19th As the boys & Dad intended to Chaff cut I rose early dressed just after 5/30 hurried & got breakfast dressed Wesley & Clem after breakfast & milking & Separating was over Ma & She & I Spr. Ma milks in morning now, I hurried to get biscuits cooked for lunch helped wash up & also baked a large currant Cake & various small duties I swept & detested dining room had dinner & I thoroughly cleaned our room & both front rooms washed flor & made a nice fire in sitting room got in morning wood fed lamb Ma milked had tea & washed up & mixed bread did a little mending & retired Ma was mending.

June 20th My watch stopped at 3 o’clock & that baffled me & I got out in dining room it was 15 to 7. This made it all rush as there was bread to bake too I gave boys their breakfast Dad milked & he & Ma Separated &c I lit stove & baked bread & Ma baked meat I done the dining room & Charl went to Gawler with a load of Chaff to Mr Ey116 Dad & Wesley went in the Buggy & he stayed home he got so homesick but Clem is happy here after dinner I cleaned our lamps & all Cutlery scrubbed safe & all other articles requiring it. Ma made beds in hers & boys rooms Wilf chopped a nice lot of wood Bert went on ploughing. Dad brought us home word Florrie has a son born this morning117 Ada & her family are well. Had a letter from England to Uncle Will P.C. from Amy to say she will be home Monday it is extremely cold & raining tonight.

116  Mr Ey.
117 Emilie Florence May Webb (nee Easton) cousin (daugher of Aunt Emily). Her son is Hurtle Allan Webb.  Has she been at Mrs Buggs since May 30th?

June 21st Sunday Charl & Bert & Wilf got tired of bed & got up at 7 oclock dressed & rousted me out I lit fire & got Ma her Tea & fried sausages but they were in before I had it ready I hope the new rule will last That’s all. I swept dining room kitchen & our room dusted & tidied all & Ma cooked cauliflower Potatoes cold meat & did all washing up the lad all went to Eva’s C & A stayed to dinner Wilf came home & went to Sunday School Oh it has been a real wet Sunday & I could not go out so read a story & got Tea they are all reading & writing. Mas has wrote two letters.

June 22) A wet morning so could not wash got up at 6/15 & did usual work Dad milked 7 Ma & he Sepr then it just poured & he had to got & feed pigs & cows it keep on till after 10/30 then broke for an hour or so Dad took Mr Young’s scales back Dinner over Mr Miller118 came for chaff & heped them cut chaff Charl went to meet Amy but she did not come I had to tidy all rooms fill lamps & general work mended Berts coat have mixed bread & washed up wrote a P.C. to AGA.

118 Henry William Turner Miller

June 23) I got up a little after five & called Wilfie as he was going to Gawler to send a P.C. to Amy but altho he did his very best to get it sent by first train she did not come & Dad went in to meet her too. I cannot report accurately as have not written for four days time has been precious. I had to sweep & tidy all rooms clean all best boots Ma washed up & cooked dinner Celia & Dad got home about 3/30 or so & after I finished all work I milked &c had Tea & all got ready for Eva’s birthday Party arrived there at 7/30. Walter Hill was there Alf N. Mr Preiss & family E & C Goodger119  L & S Parham120 & all of us who were home Alf Kit & Ern. Mr Priess was Musician we danced & played Games had songs recitations &c till twelve had Supper viz Sandwiches, Madeira Cake Spice Sultana & Currant bath coconut biscuits Tea or Coffee & good Supper & altogether a most enjoyable evening was spent breakup at 3 oclock in the morning & when we went to get up in our trap the ice was very thick on our cushions Oh it was a bitter cold night Eva got some nice presents. The big room looked nice.

119  Brother and sister – Emily and Clifford Roy Goodger.
120  Nivia Stella and Lillie Melior Parham.

June 24) Late up got breakfast & Dad drove Celia home to Ada’s poor old girl is not well at all I swept all rooms & made beds & done housework brushed the clothes & could not fold them as they were damp with presperation from exertions at dancing in afternoon I went to see how Eva was faring She & Kit were so busy clearing up & putting straight after party Clem rode up with Dad in morning & stopped with Eva till he came home I came home at five & got washing things ready had tea & soaked in clothes very late for washing this week it has been a very cold day but fine.

June 25) I got up before six & hurried & got breakfast but it was 8/30 by time I stared washing. I had such a big wash & I went my hardest & finished all at four o’colck Ma was so busy cooked roast beef Cabb Pots & melon pie for dinner & hung clothes on line for me. It rained last night & this morning & it has been a very dull cold day no drying weather I got two boils dry & ironed them tonight Uncle Charley & Aunt came here for the night been to Gawler we were not in bed till eleven oclock I feel tired & so does Ma for we have bad a very busy day indeed for both of us! Cold again Dad brought home Galvanised iron for a chaff shed they are busy making Wilf is other side Hill this last two days.


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