5 May - 31 December 1919

Fanny is 43, and living with her father (Dad, Henry Atyeo, aged 70), her mother (Ma, Mary Ann Heath, aged 65) and her brother Bert (Albert Joseph Atyeo, aged 33), and her nephew
Clement Garfield Parham, aged 17 at Charltonville, Wards Belt, South Australia. 

Major events: Spanish Influenza strikes in September / October, and quite a few people suffer, including Fanny.

May 5th 1919
The past is written, close the book on [torn] Within the future do not look but live today [torn] It is always a task over which I tremble to start I have written but others cannot read between the lines one must live it to realise the full heart break it caused me

May 5th As Celia & her girlies1 were home for the night I did not intend washing so I dressed & got breakfast Celia got up in good time too & helped milk I had a lot of housework & clearing away beds etc Celia was with Mother2 mostly & they were chatting & Ma cooked dinner In afternoon we did some sewing & had a cup of Tea then she drove home Dad3 was in Gawler today nice day

1 Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo), a sister of Fanny’s, and her daughters Amy Marion Dawe (Maisie), (aged 7), Mary Ann Bernice Dawe (Birdie), (aged 6), Celia Laurel Ivy Dawe (aged 3) and Vivienne Bartlett Joy Dawe, born in December last year.
2 Mary Ann Heath, Fanny's mother.
3 Henry Atyeo, Fanny's father.

May 6th The anniversary of a very notable day to me4 I always get up at a few minutes after five. Dad mostly lights the fire now then I prepare porrige & get breakfast put up lunches & help milk then I wash separator while Ma has her breakfast. I got all clothes ready for washing & did some sewing

4 This is the anniversary of Fanny's sister Amy's wedding.  

May 7 / I quite forgot that I made a case Quinces into Jam yesterday & it blew up a storm & I had it out in the big copper & Wilf5 carried it in across for me it poured with rain boys got wet & it was so dark This morning I got up very early & got breakfast over & cleaned Copper such hard work for me Miss Haensch6 came at 8/30 & did washing by 3 ock I did all housework & made Quince pie & tart washed the Sepr Ma cooked hot meat swedes pots cauliflower fried sausages it was a cold damp day & could not get clothes dry & it tore some too a dreadful wind & cold got worried over the things & such a lot of running after the clothes in & out [torn] morning duties are always most like [torn] -ning I had all the clothes to hang out & Myrtle brought the children7 down for her milk then she went back to wash today & I did all my ironing but I was very unwell

5 Fanny's youngest brother Wilfred George Heath Atyeo. He lives with his wife on a third property owned by the family, on the corner of Hatcher Road and Whiteman Road.
6 Miss Haensch, a neighbour. Could be either Ella Dorothea, or Alvine Bertha, daughters of Benjamin Gustav Haensch. 
7 Wilf's wife Myrtle Hilda Atyeo (nee Cork), and their children, Effie Verina Atyeo, aged 3,  and Henry (Harry) Thorold Atyeo, 2, and Mavis Hilda Atyeo, infant.  

May 9 / I was very unwell & made my work as light as I could. All morning duties the same & I swept dining room & Mother did her room & passage & I did boys8 room & I partly made a navy bodice for myself out of my coat & did usual duties it has been a cold rainy day Dad did not go to city

8 Albert Joseph Atyeo, Fanny's middle brother, who also lives at Charltonville and Clement Garfield Parham, a nephew, one of Ada's sons, aged 17, who lives at the farm.

May 10. Saturday & our dear Uncle Theophilus Atyeo9 died in Sydney today after an illness of 6 month in Hospital but he died home thank God. Dad went to Gawler & Mother & I did our usual work I baked pie Tart & Sultana Cake & cleaned cutlery Dad came home & I put on meat to roast but it was contrary & it never got done till near nine ock at night & Mum & I had supper & I had a bath

9 Dad's younger brother, Theophilus, buried at Rookwood in Sydney, lived in Waterloo.

May 11 / Wesley spent the night here10 I did not intend going to Church as Dad & Mum were going to Uncle Charleys11 so I had to hurry around & I cleaned the stove & dining room fireplace even if it was Sunday & I cooked potatoes for dinner Harry Clif & French12 came out & Bert & them went out in the back Clem went to Charls for young calves & took them out in the paddock I felt so ill I did not know how to keep up but they were back again to Tea & then I got the eggs & wood & Mum & Dad came home & I went to bed so sick could not keep up Charl & Family13 were here also to supper

10 Henry Wesley James Parham, aged 15, Ada's eldest son.
11 Uncle Charles Heath, brother of Ma. He lives nearby. 
12 Eldest sister Frances' husband Harry Gilbert Folland, and their children George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland (aged 14), Charles French (French) Folland (aged 12).
13 Charles William Henry Atyeo, the eldest brother. His wife is Eva Alice McLeod. Their children are Coral Eva Atyeo aged 7, and Gwendoline (Gwen) Ettie Atyeo, aged 9. They live nearby at Bragglesome farm; it is on the corner of Parker & Leak Roads in Wards Belt.

May 12 / I was quite unable to w- [torn] up after Dad had lit fire got breakfast [torn] washed sepr & did housework & it was a [torn] we don’t keep it I covered a quilter down for v- [torn] was busy all day & helped milk & got in wood

May 13th / As I intended going to Gawler with Dad I did all usual work & then I made beds & we got ready for Gawler called at Amys14 I did a lot of shopping got new Sheets, Tick & Dad got a new Hat we were busy & home & helped milk & evening work very cold day

14 Fanny's youngest sister Amy Florence Hobart nee Atyeo

May 14 / As Dad Amy & Olive15 were going to Angaston I got up very early & got breakf & cleaned Dads Boots & washed him & Mum got him ready I helped milk & filled & lit Copper & took down the Curtains 5 pairs & I also did other washing besides I felt thoroughly done & the pain in hands & ankles was unbearable however I ironed two pair at night & hung then

15 Amy's eldest daughter Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (aged 5). 

May 15/ I got up & lit fire called boys at five got breakfast Bert went to a meeting at Loos about the new Bridge16 last night after milking & ordinary work I ironed for several hours Fashion Shirt Collar Curtains & after dinner I hung them Mother churned & also lent a hand but I could hardly move about Dad came home Teatime & I soon went to bed I could not sleep well because I had such pains in my limbs & so awfully cold we had frosts every day this week almost & the wind like ice only warm midday

16 Loos, formerly known as Buchsfelde (and now known as Buchfelde), renamed during the 1st World War. 

May 16 / [torn] fairly done this morning could [torn] thread a needle but did my usual duties & [torn] & made a big apron for rough work & covered [torn] couch & several other bits of work on the machine I also made Melon pie for dinner Mother churned butter & packed Eggs & let her box slip & broke 2 dozen Eggs & they are a good price 1/6 doz now & so cold & dry

May 17 / As Dad had to go to Gawler it was all rush first Dad lit the fire & I got breakfast of porrige & then Mum got him off to City I had to thoroughly clean both dining room & my room wash floors & Mum did lamps I made Alford Cake & baked Meat cleaned all Cutlery & did any other Saturday work. Little Fernie Easton16 died today Clem had a bath tong Bert always has to go to Military Drill every Sat

16 Fernie May Easton, daughter of cousin Thomas Henry Easton and Myrtle Easton (nee Badenoch), aged 1.

May 18 / I got up in good time lit stove & got Tea for all then swept Kitchen & fried Sausages for breakfast also cleaned Dads Boots made beds & had my breakfast & gave him his & had the joy of his company to Church this morning such a real pleasure to me & I thank God for it too home & had dinner wrote in book Wilf & Family down to Tea I milked 4 cows Bert 2 & then I got in wood

May 19th / I was not able to wash myself so Miss Haensch was coming & I did hurry Dad lit fire then at 5/30 I prepared breakfast & lit copper & got the Kitchen ready for her also sorted all the clothes & swept the room then I mostly help milk now both morning & night then I did the separator & buckets & cream Can. came in & washed up had lunch made beds & baked apple pies & Tart etc & meat Ma prepared Vegetables then I washed up & helped her wash all blueys & Trousers & she went home & I did ironing & milked got in wood & got Tea a nice day

May 20 / Always get up at 5 o’clock sometimes Dad [torn] fire then I get boys breakfast & the boys took their [torn] Twelftrees17 yesterday evening & then I have to cut dinners [torn] put up bottles of Tea for them I did all housework & [torn] ironing bed curtains & hung them before dinner also ironed [torn] Shirts 7 collar & only Mum & I home Dad was in Gawler with Wilf in spring dray took the calf to Market & got bran for cows etc Mum & I did all milking & Separating just as boys & Dad got home Bert finished Sepr & fed calves & pigs late to Tea

17 Henry Joseph Twelftree, a neighbouring farm that the family often works at.  

May 21st / Same duties all round in morning Charl came down & killed a pig at nine o’clock & I got lunch ready I was very unwell I indeed I tried to do sewing I made a frilled pillow case for couch (Cretonne) went up to Myrtle’s & came home but could not eat my dinner so rested a while then had a cup cocoa & finished & helped milk got in wood very cold indeed bitter cold weather & so very dry too.

May 22 / It was six when Dad got up & I had depended on him calling me I awoke early but had no timepiece & so I had to hurry & fry breakfast of Liver & onions but it was previously cooked so did not take long then I cooked sausages for the boys dinner & packed dinner & lunches for them they milked & I washed up & washed the Separator Mr Jones & Mr Freeman18 came to put a floor in the Verandah & Bert cut down the pig Dad & Mum salted it I melted down the lard & fryed dinner went up to Myrtles & did a little sewing milked Dad Sepr & I got in wood made fires etc

18 Harold Freeman, husband of Myrtle's sister, and proably George Jones.

May 23rd / Friday but Dad could not go to Gawler on account of Mr G. Jones doing our Verandah he put floor in yesterday & this morning I got breakfast fried meat & then I swept Kitchen & washed Separator & got Mum breakfast also self & lunch for boys Dad & Clem went to Alf Nottles19 for sand early & I help milk & packed dinners & lunches for men in Twelftrees then Mr J. pulled out the stove & rebuilt it in other side & he partly put floor in Kitchen I had to cook Dinner in the dining room so awfully small the Flies are abominable I finished a bodice for self for everyday out my coat we milk nights as boys are so busy & late home Dad turns Separator fed calves & pigs cold & dry

19 Alfred Henry Nottle, a neighbour.

May 24 / [torn] usual all round duties Mother washed Sepr [torn] did dishes & made a pudding then as we could not use Kitchen so got lunch in dining room [torn] made a nice fire in a Trift outside by Tank [torn] boiled Trombone, Potatoes, fried pork & boiled the fountain I had to get through the boys window as both floor & verandah were wet such a bother both G. Jones & H. F. were here to dinner they finished at Two & Dad & H. Freeman went to other place to look at Grubbing & G. J. went home I took up cocoa Matting washed floors & passage blackleaded step & fireplace went up in Top for cows Bert been in Gawler all day at Military Drill & did shopping too Dad went in afternoon to Amy’s & got the Buggy & things Pansy has a heifer calf

May 25 / I could not go to Church today as everything was disorderly I got up & got breakfast over then I lit up stove & cooked pork & Ma prepared Veg cabbage Pots Uncle Charlie came to dinner Mother not well & Mary & Mrs Milton20 came for afternoon Mary & Bert went for a drive I got Tea & helped milk & then I got in wood quite showery & so cold Wilf & Family went to Ada21 & I gave them a lot of flowers to plant as they have their place fenced ready

20 Probably cousin Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon); not sure who Mrs Milton is. Could be Maggie Isobel Wylie, but I am guessing.
21 Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo), eldest sister of Fanny.

May 26 / As I intended going with Dad to Gawler I did all morning duties cut & packed dinners gave them their breakfast helped milk we got to city about 1 o’clock I got some new plates & a basin for Mum we only just called at all three of the girls. I had a cup of Tea at Celia’s I bought new black gloves

May 29 / Up at early hour 5 o’ck Dad usually lits fire then I put on boiler in Kitchen & washed in the Sep house I washed pillows for sofa & ironed some clothes at night I sewed pillow covers & made a cosy for Teapot I did not go to bed till ten but I was very tired & hands awfully painful did not no what to do with them

May 28 // Oh how we did work I got [torn] packed dinners lunches helped milk washed [torn] swept Kitchen lit up stove baked cake & Dora biscuits [torn] I made a nice plum pudding swept dining room [torn] clean fireplace Amy Frances22 , Gwen23, Olive Lilian24 [torn] dinner time Mother had made Brawn for dinner & Veg showery & cold I altered a blouse for Amy & lent a hand to Frances Mum got afternoon Tea & we milked cows they went home at 5/30 afternoons are so short now

22 Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), one of Fanny's sisters
23 Frances' third daughter Gwenda Evelyn Folland (aged 2)
24 Frances' baby Ada Lilian Folland.

May 27 / Same hour & work Dad had fire lit I made porrige & packed dinner I reported wrong on May 27 I did morning work & set to & made Quince Jam it took me best part of the day as I made it in the copper & could not leave it a minute so had my dinner out there beside it evening work the same then the 28 I washed & the 29 the girls came so thats right

May 30 / Friday Olive stayed home last night & I was about to cut dinners when she came out to be dressed I then dressed her & did all morning duties & Dad & I took Olive home she went down the street with me but was very tired after doing all the shopping I walked out to Amys & had a cup of Tea Olive was done up Dad come at four & we came home hurried & milked Dad went for cows in the Buggy & I got a cup Tea

May 31 / I got up same early hour made porrige tried oilcloth on table but it was too short I took up carpet & cleaned grate swept & washed dining room cleaned fireplace & steps swept Kitchen made beds made apple pies & then I dusted rooms Mum cleaned lamps I finished altering a red blouse for Amy helped milk cleaned all cutlery & knobs we had tea Bert was away at Military drill we finished our work & sewed on Buttons & clickers for Amy I had a good bath so did Clem it was 11o’clock when I retired to sleep

June 1st /  [torn] got up in good time got our cup of Tea set table [torn] breakfast & made beds got ready for church & came out [torn] & Dad wanted the sulky & pony to go to Uncle Charls so I changed my clothes & washed Separator Tidied indoor & we had dinner George25 Amy & Olive came out to Tea & then I milked 5 cows & Dad other two then he went to Haenschs I did a little writing & retired to read I felt disappointed today because I could not go to Church

25 George Edmund Hobart, Amy's husband,

June 2nd / I intended going to Gawler so I got up in good time Dad had a fire I made Tea & porrige & the men had their meal I helped milk & then I washed the Separator he did not got today Miss Hench came I sorted all clothes cleaned Copper filled it & lit it she started washing at nine I helped with Flannels & new pant for Clem (Tweed’s) then she went home & I ironed all the clothes & aired sheets & nightdress’s made beds I felt awfully done up & tired.

June 3rd / I did all my usual work in every way & then I cut out & partly made a gown for Amy I worked hard at it but I can’t do all before I fit her I also helped milk & made pies for Ma I had to unrip a gown of Frances for pattern & I always cut mens dinners & lunches while out in back

June 4th / My word Dad & I did bustle round & he got ready for Gawler at nine I also & rode to Amy & fitted the wrapper Dad called for me & we went to Celia’s & then on to Ada’s where I spent the afternoon & in the evening Wesley Ethel & Albert25 drove me home Ada was very busy at Tubs till five oclock I tried her Machine an almost new Singer & got it to go well Jim26 gave me a lovely bunch Flowers & two chrysanthemums to plant Ada’s baby & Murry25 not well colds

25 Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham, Ada's daughter, aged 14, and her brother Albert Bruce Parham.
26 Ada's husband James Parham.
27 Murray Charles Parham, a nephew, son of sister Ada, aged 9.

June 5 / I did hurry usual work & I thoroughly cleaned my bedroom as Gertie was coming [torn] dining room. After Dinner Eva Drove Gertie28 down [torn] talk got afternoon tea & did some sewing helped milk got in wood cold but dry weather Dad went to Henches again tonight & I was busy all evening

28 Gertie, I'm not sure who she is, but she seems to be a relative of Eva McLeod, as she appeared with her in 1916 also.

June 6th / Gertie late up so we had had breakfast & milked & seprated & washed the separator. Then Mum & Gertie had their breakfast I cleaned Mothers room washed floors & passage & drove to Eva’s & Dad went to Henches for Melons I went on sewing & helped him when he came home & all usual Evening work as usual dry days

June 7 / Saturday so Mum got Dad ready for Gawler I did usual work then took up Matting & swept & washed round floor blackleaded fireplace step also I baked scones, Dora’s, & Cake, Pies, and Meat cleaned all cutlery & helped milk cleaned out Tin Cover so busy all day till 9 p.m.

June 8 / I fully intended going to church so I got dressed early for Sunday took in Tea did all morning duties fried sausages got ready & Dad went to Gospel Meeting at Punkes29 I went to S. Hill30 Rev BroadBent31 preached home & Celia was here & her children so we had dinner & she helped me wash up & then we had a chat Harry Franc & Gwenda & Lilian came all had Tea we boys & I milked then they went home & I wrote to Glenelg32 & retired

29 Probably Herman Heinrich Punke and his wife Anna Paulina Bertha Punke (nee Matz).
30 Stone Hill Methodist Church.
31 Rev Roland Broadbent, Methodist minister.
32 Probably writing to Eva Baker, nee Tancock, niece of Uncle Will Atyeo.

June 9 I felt terribly unwell I really did not know what to do Dad lit fire & I got boys breakfast & cut lunches it was an awful windy day, I helped milk washed Sep got 2nd breakfast did housework & was sewing as well as I could but I felt to ill to settle to work properly but dragged about all day helped milk at night got in wood boys are seeding in Uncle Wills33 paddock very dry no rain at all & sand is drifting badly over the seed will have to sow again we fear

33 William Atyeo, Henry’s older brother who came to South Australia in 1868 (aged 22!) & who sold Henry the farm. He lives at Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens). She must be referring to the paddock that was Uncle Wills. 

June 10 [torn] Not feeling better Olive came home last [torn] till Wensday so I had to dress her & Dad gave boys their meal I felt too unwell to rise early then I washed Sepr & did housework made Dessert Melon pie & helped all I could all day made a bed tick for Mother & cut off a coat for Dad helped milk & got in wood Olive helped got Tea & soon retired my head was dreadful & aching limbs

June 11 // Dad got their meal I dress earlier & went out to milk & Olive awoke & went in to Mother to be dressed I did all morning duties & then we carried out the bed to air & I thoroughly cleaned dining room yesterday so Dad went to Gawler today & I set on my tin to wash a few things we needed had dinner & went on to Tubs a very nice day for drying but hot for crops Hettie34 came home with Dad & helped Mum sew up bed & sort flock same evening work & felt done up wash up & retired

34 Henrietta (Hettie) McLeod, sister of Eva.

June 12 / Up early & fried Liver & Onions for all set table & helped milk & wash sepr & cream Can tidied rooms made pastry & after dinner I ironed Fashion Shirts Collar & all others Hettie worked Button holes in wrapper for me & sewed on Buttons & Studs then she & Dad drove to Bragglesome & got her clothes for Band of Hope all evening work done Bert drove us & Mr Frank Lade35 lectured on Prohibition till 10 ock we were disappointed & late home as we drove Hettie home first Dad went to Haensches Service36
35 Band of Hope is a temperance society. Rev Frank Lade M.A. was a regular speaker in the 1920s.
36 Haensch's have been having Gospel Meetings at their home since April.

June 13 // Up early & Dad called me to get up I fried B & Vegetables & did all morning work wrote a not to Amy who has a gathered finger & packed a parcel for her then I made beds & cleaned dining room made pies for dinner & washed round floor dusted & washed glasses blackleaded fireplace & stove & Kettle Fountain etc very hard work & my hands & ankles are dreadfully painful made nice fires & got in wood milked watered flowers Coral was here all day with us a real good girl too Eva went to Gawler Dad went to Gawler

June 14 // Saturday with its work I got breakfast & help milk & all morning duties made pies & carraway seed cake & Madiera Dora Biscuits & Meat. The boys finished seed but will have to sow over again if it does not rain Bert went to Military Drill at 11 o’clock I done boys room & Kitchen we had dinner & I washed up & cleaned cutlery & boots & lengthened a Flannel for Olive Clem & I both bathed

June 15 / Up early & did all as I ever to Sunday & dressed for Chapel but I was awfully unwell I could hardly keep up home to dinner a most windy cold blusterous day Dad went to a Meeting at Gawler Uncle & Eva & Beryl, Daphne came to dinner Will after37 & also Lizzie Churches38 who stayed to Tea then Uncle Eva and children went to Wills & camped for night Bert took Lizzie home to Mr Whites39 at nine after supper

37 Uncle Charlie, with his daughter Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath), Fanny’s cousin. Her daughters are Beriel Jean Heath Ratcliff and Daphne Lillian Louisa Ratcliff, and her husband William Ratcliff.
38 Lizzie Churches is probably Elizabeth May Wylie (who married Albert Edward Churches, and I think is widowed by now). 
39 Mr White. A neighbour 

June 16 / Very windy indeed I got up real early Dad lit one fire me other Dad the Copper & filled it I swept Kitchen got breakfast over & sorted all the clothes out washed Separator, Buckets, etc & then I came in Mother so very unwell so I hurry up baked scones pie & Vegetables for dinner made beds I did work & was so unwell myself I washed all sox & stockings & shirt for Dad Towels mended & milked got in wood

June 17 / Colder & rainy Clem went for Miss Hench as she did not come yesterday but she did not come Dad went to Gawler I did all housework & always wash Sepr Buckets a lot to do then we cooked dinner Boys Drilling over the sewn land nice showers but not half enough rain for the crops I started to mend Dads Coat but did not finish it I made Mother a nice bag apron she mended sox stockings I felt so unwell all the time but always help milk & get in wood & then we have tea & I either sew or knit sox

June 18) all same get breakfast over then I help milk & get second meal fill up fountain& Kettle & put up lunch if required Miss Haensch came at 8/10 so I lit up copper & she washed I did Sepr made beds & baked pies Rice Pudding George, Amy, & Olive came to dinner so all was hurry & hustle Also stayed to afternoon Tea. Miss H. finished washing & went home it was a dreadful sleety windy day tore sheet & I had all brought in & put away & only the coloured ones left out I did a lot ironing & all evening work very cold indeed all the time

June 19 / Same hour & work helped milk & did sepr then as it fined up a bit I put out all clothes Dad went to Adelaide by midday & home by 5 ock Train. I ironed everything as they were so damp & I was kept running to & fro all day long I aired all as I went & put some away I was Knitting at night very cold

June 20 / Dad was not going to the Town today so I did not do my Dining room but after all the cows & washing up was done I swept & done Mums room passage my room baked pastry cakes stewed Melon Mum did Vegetables I was very poorly I was sewing in afternoon & then went up to Myrtles for ½ hour or so home helped milk

June 21st / Saturday all morning duties same as ever Mum got Dad ready for Gawler I swept dining room boys room & tried to hurry but I was so ill I really could not keep up I made Cake & then lay down for ½ hour & got up & finished usual work Dad came home & said Mrs Fred Symes40 & Mrs Badcock41 both died today Mrs B of heart Failure

40 Elizabeth Symes nee Carmody, aged 60.
41 Mrs Badcock. Odd. Mr Richard Badcock died today in Gawler West. Must be a mix-up here.

June 22 / I dressed in good time & got a cup of Tea & took in to parents & to Bert & he told me of the awful Railway accident at Commons Crossing Motor C train dashed into one another killing Roy Aling & Mrs Eugenie Armstrong42 crushed her to pieces beyond recognition it cast a gloom over Willaston as both resided there I went to Church home & had dinner & washed up then went to Celia’s Bert to Gawler I stayed all night with Cel & Percy43 went home at night

42 A really dreadful accident, killing Roy Alaric Ayling and Eugenie Armstrong on their way to a football match at Roseworthy.
43 Celia's husband Percy Thomas Dawe.

June 23rd As I was at Celia’s I did not rise early she got up & milked her cows & did outdoor work I dressed children & washed them for breakfast made beds Cel bathed Vivienne we drove to Charltonville & Leslie was spending his holiday here I at once set to work made Pies Tarts Mum had Veg cooking Cel lent a hand at dinner I was sewing in afternoon Celia went home at five I help milk & get in wood

June 24 / Such a White Frost I was up in good time help milk got breakfast I intended going to Gawler I get up first again now Dad has his Tea in bed now I did housework & we got to Gawler at 12 o’ck & I was very busy till 3/30 so then left for home not stopping for a chat or cup of Tea such a lovely day sunny & frosty

June 25 / As I had to wash I did morning duties helped milk washed Sepr & then put on boiler to start I finished by dinner time ironed in afternoon very cold today so unlike yesterday I got all dry sox & all it was rough & windy & showers

June 26 / All morning duties same as ever & I made pies for dinner & started to renovate a Coat for Dad & also cut out White Flette garments for Mother Dads Coat is out of repair badly so I have not finished it yet got afternoon Tea & always help milk get in wood & help set tea did some knitting & am always mending

June 27 / Dad was going to Gawler so after he had done his usual work fed pigs, Calves, fowls etc Mum got him ready Clem went with him as he had Flirt in they took in Fowls also & Wilfred & family also went & took fowls Harry stayed home with us I washed my rm Mums & passage Mum did her room

June 28. I felt so awfully unwell but did all I could after all housework was done I made a plum pudding & a cake Mum roasted Shoulder Mutton pots. Cleaned lamps I did all Cutlery Knobs, blackleaded fireplace

June 29 / I could not go to Church as George Amy & Olive were coming Tom Easton Myrtle & Family so I did all morning duties Bert washed Sepr for me as boys were late up it was a rush dinner time but they never stayed to Tea G. A. & Olive stayed bitter cold day freezing wind so they left in good time & we milked & did evening work it seems so different to be home Sunday

43 Cousin Thomas Henry Easton and his wife Myrtle Easton (nee Badenoch), and children.

June 30 / As it was such a bitter cold day yesterday & showery I scarcely knew weather to prepare for washing but it seemed cleared so I filled & lit copper cleared Kitchen sorted clothes Miss Haensch came & I washed Sepr & made beds & then it came up so awfully windy & rained & wet all clothes we had Dinner & I brought in all & wrung through wringer towel & put out again & by running in & out I got all dry enough to iron but dark ones & I ironed all sheets & white Quilt got dry also I felt tired so did some Knitting at night & left dark clothes out on the line I am so very unwell lately again

July 1st / After all my usual work was done I got ready for Gawler & Dad & I went to Frances & Amys then on to the City where I did a lot shopping got new Sofa cover & Dark Stuff for Skirts George was away so I stayed with Amy & Olive I cut out two white Flette Nights & partly made them Amy mending I had a quietly happy time with them & played with Olive in evening late to bed as we were sewing

July 2 / We did not get up till seven Amy lit fire & milked Sepr I did bedroom & cleaned our boots but I was so ill so went down the street & I to Dr Tobin44 & I rode out to Frances with Uncle Charley had dinner & came out with France’s boys who were out for wood home changed got afternoon Tea & help milk & do my work

44 Dr Tobin

July 3 / All morning duties over & helped milk then I sorted the appro’s I bought made beds washed Sepr etc In the afternoon I was sewing & Dulcie Churches45 came over Dad & Mother had a very busy day or morning cutting up & salting a pig they killed yesterday & I cleaned oven & made a nice fire for melting lard also fried liver & meat & generally assisted in other ways

45 Dolsie Jane Churches, daughter of Lizzie, aged 15.

July 4 // Dad was not going to Gawler Wilf & Myrtle went in afternoon & got our papers I did my room dining room & Mum her room I washed passage & others & also Sepr & Buckets & they are no small order to do now I was very poorly indeed & could hardly keep going Mum had to Churn butter too I also did some sewing

July 5 / All morning work helped milk generally Mum got Dad ready for Gawler & I got milk up for Frances & done boys room lit up Stove baked meat & cakes had Dinner & washed up & at 4 o’clock I had a bath washed my head Dad came home & I finished other work & help milk after having cup of Tea

July 6th / Sad death of Mr Chris Kalm at Kangaroo Flat he fell from a horse he was riding & broke his neck he was dead when found on road 46 A very cold morning I dressed & was going to Church but it came on to rain & was a most bitter cold day & one that looks like torrents of rain it was Peace Thanksgiving Services on Gawler Oval but none of us went Bert & I went to Ada’s at 4 o’clock & stayed till 10 o’clock very cold Ada & Jim were on their way home & we met them

46 John Herman Christian Kalms, aged 37.  Report.

July 7 / Monday & we intended going to Gawler so did all morning duties first help milk Clem had milked when I came out as they got up at 4 o’ck then I washed Sepr & did housework & Dad & Clem cut chaff till we had dinner & got in there about 3 hurried & got overcoat for Clem & settled for other 5 things & we got home at five had cup Tea & milk & other work I could not have a talk to Amy

July 8 / I did all morning work & put on Tin to wash which I finished dinner time I felt so unfit but persevered & scrubbed table & other articles & ironed all in afternoon& finished Olives sox at night not a very sunny day cold cloudy

July 9 / Boys up at 4 o’clock & I at 5/30 made up fire filled Kettles & went out to Clem who had a lantern on milking I milked 5 cows came in swept Kitchen got Dad & me breakfast put Clem up dinner took up matting & thoroughly swept dining room blackleaded stove & brushed fireplace made the beds at 11 oclock I started to sew made 2 pair of Flette under wear for Mother Mrs Argent & Bert47 came Bert went to Urlwin Days48 to buy Hay & stayed here Mum got Tea I was mending Dads coat then I help milk & got in wood as usual cold but very dry & I am not atall well

47 Likely Herbert (Bert) George Argent & Annie Lenora Argent (nee Andrews).
48 Urlwin Henry Day.

July 10/ Same morning duties & helped milk & the boys go to Humphrys49 to load Hay early then Clem & I do the cows then got breakfast washed Sepr & did housework & in the afternoon I was sewing then evening work always & the same milk & get in wood. Dad Spr & feeds calves & pigs.

49 Humphrys, a local family.

July 11 / All ordinary work over Dad was going to Gawler so Mother helped him to get ready & I washed Sepr & came in made beds also baked scones & pastry & after dinner I felt so very poorly I could hardly keep up & Mother started to wash all Glass & china & clean all pictures so I washed all & Mother dry some & cleaned my side board I had a bad turn & fell too got a cup of Tea & helped milk & did evening work.

July 12 / Most days are alike in morning work where there is cows & the Sepr & buckets & cans to wash I cleaned my room & boys baked Cake & Farmers Biscuits cleaned all cutlery & spoons & knobs but I am not atall strong Mother put on spareribs to cook & then I cleaned the meat cover very busy

July 13 / Up & made an effort to get to Church but as Celia, Percy, & Family were coming I did all morning duties & then made a plum pudding & did all necessary work & they came at 12 o’ck we had dinner & a talk then they went home after we had a cup of Tea I never went out atall all day too much to do & I can’t hurry as I did.

July 14 / Miss Haensch’s Day so I was up very early with boys & got copper filled & lit Kitchen swept & Mother sorted clothes while I got all ready she came & started but the day was cold, showery & very windy buy running to & fro I got most all whites dry & ironed by milking time. then I helped milk & got in wood & got all clothes in that was dry Miss Haensch went home after we had a cup of Tea cold weather indeed

July 15 / As yesterday was such a stormy day I did not get all dry so I got up usual time & got a cup of Tea then helped milk & had breakfast before that I ironed all after morning work& got them aired such a lovely day but Mother did not go to Frances after all Bert went to Gawler with a load of Calves & took cream in so Dad did not go either today

July 16th / We have had one of the coldest days on record of 1919 Oh it has been awfully cold the wind was so keen & piercing Clem & I milked very early as boys had gone to load Hay at Humphrys & Mother could not go to F. F. R. to day as she intended on account of the keen weather so after doing all housework we were mending the clothes & odd work

July 17 // Up early & got cup Tea & breakfast over & helped milk then I went & made beds & thoroughly cleaned & washed Mothers room & my room Dusted the front room cleaned door step & Grate & did my work ready to go to Gawler tomorrow. Mother got dinner & then churned & did all her ordinary duties a beautiful day

July 18 / all morning duties over Mother washed Sepr for me & I made beds & tidied fireplace then got ready for Gawler with Dad I did all my shopping on street & came back to Amys had a Cup Tea Dad called for me & we got home at 4/30 & we had a cup Tea & milked & got in wood as is my custom always

July 19th / Very busy Although so unwell I drag along I washed dining room floor Mother cleaned all windows in front rooms & Dining room & I cleaned mine then I cleaned fireplace & brushed up the stove lit up fire & baked Cakes very nice too Mum Cooked pork & Mutton roast potatoes & caulif I cleaned all Cutlery Knobs’ Spoons, & other articles filled lamps & Lanterns Mum cleaned Glasses of them I had a bath in afternoon & help milk & evening work
19/7/19 Mona has heifer Calf July 24 1919 Dad weeding Garden today Mrs Chris Pope had a baby boy

50 Henry William Pope, son of Christopher Temby Pope and Elsie Jane Pope (nee Hayman).

July 20 / Sunday & I intended going to church Rev Broadbent preached & had Communion Service. I got a cup of Tea for all & then tidied dining room & made beds Mother got up & I got ingredience ready for her & she mixed a pudding then I went off to Church Amy George & Olive Jim Ada & 3 of her youngest were here on arrival home so we all had a chat while getting dinner I waited till others had finished & Mum Amy & I washed up & chatted together Mother started to get early Tea I had Kettle on & then I help milk & Wilfred & family came to Tea G. A. & Olive went home Jim & Ada later Wilfred & Myrtle last then I retired as I had bad head

July 21 / It was peace holiday for children so we were going into Frances Mother to stay for day & I went to street & did shopping then came to Amys for afternoon had a cup of Tea & chat to her & Olive Also I cut out Pinafore for Olive & we came home & I made nice fire Mum set table men & I milked no I never milked tonight as they were nearly finished.

July 22nd / I am very unwell but do my best to help I got up very early at 6/15 & lit fires called boys & they got up we had breakfast & milked & Mother got up & her & Dad had their meal I washed Sepr & then made a new Flannel petticoat for Mum & cut out tacked a skirt for her helped milk also Mum milked four herself I got in wood & got tea & Knitted a boot for Vivienne turned heel & did gusset , a lovely day again

July 23 / We intended going to Celia’s so I hurried as quickly as possible did all morning work washed Sepr & then made beds & washed Stockings & sox Mum did all her work & cut dinners for Dad & Clem who went out in back fencing & we got to Celia’s at 11/30 & thought she was not home but she was & we had dinner in Percy was home to dinner & we had a chat & I nursed Baby & made her boot finished it altogether we came home I lit fire & Mum cooked Cauliflower & potatoes I helped milk (5 cows) cam in got in wood & we were finished at ¼ to 6 then washed up after Tea & we each helped prepare Melon for Jam Bert cut the Melon & Mum cut in tiny squares & cut up Lemons cold ngh

July 24 / All morning duties same as every day Men milked Wilf laid up bad throat cant work atall. I cleaned Stewpan ready for Melon Jam fried eggs & bacon cleaned fireplace up got on the Jam & attended to it washed up I made Seed & Currant Cake I I washed the clothes we needed & ironed them Mum cut up Melon & I dished up one lot & assisted with the other. I was up till after 10 ock as it was nine when I took off the Orang & Melon & got pots ready to put it in

July 25th / it was 6/20 when I woke dressed & got a cup Tea & breakfast cleaned Stewpan & put it away made beds cleaned fireplace & swept & dusted dining room & boys room Mother got Dad ready for Gawler Wilf went too & Mum wash sepr & Buckets cooked Veg & fried bacon Bert picking up stones Clem to Gawler for Bran in Spring Dray had lot odd work today & help seal down Jams Mum done her room & I watered flowers & repotted Dad was late home I milked 5 Clem 5 Bert & me got in wood & helped with Tea letter from Sydney.

July 26th / Same morning duties & then washed Sepr Cream Can & Buckets it takes a long time as Bert made new ones eight in all I made bed’s & Mother roasted Mutton & potatoes & Vegetables I made a large Alford Cake & a pudding ready for tomorrow cleaned all Cutlery etc & at evening helped milk got in wood & other work Clem had a bath but not I had a cold & not well.

July 27 / I got dressed & lit fires took in Tea to all & then swept Kitchen made a nice fire in dining room & swept & tidied room made beds in all rooms I could not eat any breakfast as I hurried too much & felt knocked out very cold though sunny day Charl was home to dinner as Eva & Girls were at Mrs McLeod51 Burwood Avenue Prospect We had no others to tea men milked I got in wood Clem went home for the day I was not well & retired early to bed

51 Elizabeth Grace McLeod (nee Webber), Eva's mother, who lives in Prospect.

Monday July 28 // Miss Haensch’s day for washing so I hurried & got the usual Tea & breakfast & lit copper sorted all clothes & at ¼ to 9 she came I washed Sepr & made all beds & general housework then I set to & mended my blouse. Mother got dinner cold roast Beef potatoes Cauliflower steamed pudding she was not too good so I set to & helped with the hard trousers shirts etc then starched shirts & collar & did ironing & helped milk Mother ironed some for me Oh dear I did feel done up & stiff as possible.

July 29 // As I intended going to Gawler I hurried & did morning Duties & then made my bed & I washed Sepr etc we got to Gawler about midday or at least one o’clock I did a good bit of shopping & we drove to Amys for ½ hour had cup of Tea home & milked & did all evening work I got some odd plates to day & shirts for Clem both Cricketing & dark & a new cocoanut matting for floors in dining room too

July 30 / Same morning duties & then breakfast over I washed Spr Cream Cans etc came in & finished usual housework then I got some stuff & bound cocoanut matting & ironed it & pressed Mothers skirt & bound the bottom or face it up rather busy all day & not well either & never am now but persevere

July 31/ Dressed & got a cup of Tea swept Kitchen & got brkf made beds tidied fireplace & put on logs very cold indeed I took the cows up to paddock & called in spent an hour at Wilfs came home fried bacon had dinner then did some hand work to skirt & other sewing got afternoon Tea as is our custom & always help milk & get in wood am busy nights knitting Vivienne a pair of socks to wear

July 1st // Dad was off to Gawler I did same work as other mornings Mum got Dad ready for Gawler &I felt so ill but swept &washed dining room passage & done Mum’s room & in afternoon Mum & I shifted pictures in dining & dusted all so busy all day blackleaded fireplace fender door sills everything look so nice & clean & I felt done up

Aug 2// I got up & hurried as quickly as possible lit fire in dining room & got cup Tea for all then blackleaded stove & all other necessary Kitchen utensils got breakfast & washed Sepr Cream Cans Buckets etc Did housework cleaned the boys room made Cakes Mother roasted leg Mutton potatoes & caulfl after dinner washed up all cleaned cutlery Mum did lamps Bert started to get ready for Gawler I hastily put some clothes & got ready at 4 o’clock for Amys on arrival at 5/30 found Amy not strong we had tea I knitted sox & played with Olive & we all had a talk till 10 o’ck

Aug 3 / As I had a very poor nights rest I did not dress till near 8 o’ck had breakfast & made beds then went to Waltham & lent Frances a hand & we had a talk & dinner then I went back to Amys again I did not feel well enough to attend Church so we had a Sunday at home & George went to work in the afternoon at the yards Mr Hobart came & Amy gave him some Lillies for the cemetery & I some other

52 Dale William Hobart, Amy's father-in-law, whose wife died late last year.

Aug 4 / Up early 6 o’ck George milked & Separated & Amy was so poorly but got breakfast & then I made beds & we washed up & I got ready with Olive for the street & did shopping Dad came & then Olive & I walked back & had a cup of Tea & we came home helped milk Got in wood Sun hot & dry day

Aug 5 / such a hot day for August dry wind I washed sox Stockings & apron then I did all the ordinary work as usual & in Afternoon Mr Hobart & Frank Ratcliff53 drove out for the afternoon Wilfred went to Market with pigs Bert went to Charls he is Mason Laborer for Mr C Jones54 who is building a Chaff house Dad got trouble with Calves they will not drink the milk Clem & Bert went home to night little George is very ill indeed for the last week Dr Tobin been out to him Bronchitis & weak nerves poor little fellow does suffer

53 Frank Edward Ratcliff, a cousin once removed of Mr Hobart's wife.
54 Mr C Jones

August 6 / As boys were away last evening Mother & I cut up & prepared Melons for Jam Melon weighed over 36 lbs so this morning I lit both fires & got on Jam & did all morning duties Washed Sepr made beds & attended Jam made Melon pie & Biscuits Cakes washed all things up turned out my old patterns mice eat them all the boys went out back for Straw they are making a shed up at Wilfs we had a lovely rain last night to been fairly fine but cold & a bit windy I help milk tonight & got wood

Aug 7) Same hour & work Mum cut up melon & Lemons for more Jam with white sugar yesterday I had dark sugar so I hurried & did all morning work put on Jam washed the Separator & they Dad told me I could go for Amy & Olive so I hastily got ready & help put Toff in Sulky & on arrival hurried them up we got home at 12h.15m I fried bacon & the pots & Cauliflower was done so had our meal & then Amy finished a Electric Blue pinafore dress for Olive I altered another for her. We boys & I milked had Tea Bert drove her home & Olive

Aug 8 / all work same But Dad was not well so he did not go to Gawler I got our cup of Tea & breakfast & then I swept & put Matting down in boys room & done my dining room I had Rheumatism awfully bad I did some sewing & then I helped milk & got in wood Mother had to churn today & cook dinner & did her room passage

Aug 9. I was so very unwell so did all morning work & tidied rooms made beds & assisted generally I also did some washing cleaned cutlery spoons Knobs lamps I Afternoon as Dad was in Gawler I had a bath washed my head & then did some more clothes washing

Aug 10 ) Up early for Sunday & did all morning work fried sausages for breakfast had mine & got ready for Church very windy coming home, we had dinner & Dad & Bert went to Blocks55 to see Uncle Will went through Angle Vale home Gawler way had Darby & Flirt in I did not feel well such a bad head so I rested Celia & Girls came & had Tea & a chat went home Mum Me & Wilf milked & Sepr Dad & Bert came home

55 Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens); this is where Dad's brother William lives.

Aug 11 / It was late when I got dressed & I hurried & lit both fires & also the copper Dad filled it I got breakfast & Miss Haensch came & started washing terribly windy but hot so all done dried well I made beds made a Sheet & also a lot of running to & fro to line for clothes Mum roasted leg Mutton potatoes Cabbage Rice pudding I ironed dark clothes & help milk & evening work

Aug 12 / Such a beautiful wet morning so I fried bref & we all had a cup Tea first then I made bed washed Sepr got ready for Gawler & arrived there at 12 & left again at Two called at Amy as I got her a cream wool Shawl & Clem some pants & some Coco Matting I gave to Mother home called at Cousin Eva’s for a while & home at five & help milk & got in wood & cleared away tea washed up

Aug 13 // Quite a wet morning & contued at intervals all day Just what we wanted too usual work all morning & I damped clothes ironed in afternoon & helped with evening work & then I cut up Melon & Mum cut up Lemons for Amys Jam I had a job to get through it as my hands were so bad however by 10/30 all was done & put away & I retired to bed ankles bad mended Clems Coat today

Aug 14 / Up dressed & lit fire took in Tea lit stove fried breakfast & then got the Jam on & it turned out lovely I also did my usual housework & in the evening was very bad with a Colic attack so I rested a while then got up pasted down Jam but I felt so ill I could hardly finish my task

Aug 15 / Same duties early & then I cleaned front rooms & washed floors cleaned steps & the dining room fireplace boys room Wilf & family went to Gawler Harry stayed here I was real done up with work & not strong

Aug 16 / Dad was going to Gawler & I had to go to Bank so I did usual morning duties washed Sepr Buckets etc & then got ready took in Fowls to Sale yards we did our shopping & came back to Amys had cup Tea & on to Celias & saw the Calf without a Tail looks comical too: Then home & got a cup Tea Bert was away in Gawler so I started milking & the boys did not come home till dark I got through seven but felt just like to collapse & could scarcely get in laid down fairly done up & thoroughly disheartened

Aug 17 / I dressed in good time & hurried & fast as I could & got a cup Tea fried sausages made bes swept & tidied got ready for church Mr Broadbent preached I came home & found Lorna, Gwen, & 2 boys were here so we got dinner ready & then Uncle came & Eva & children & Will & Charlie Eva & girls to spend evening & Hettie we got supper & late we retired

56 Frances' children, the two boys are Clif and French, and Lorna Frances Folland (aged 12).

Aug 18 // Dad called me at 5/15 & I dressed & hurried & took in Tea lovely day so I did all housework & Mum got cream ready we had breakfast over I washed Sepr Buckets etc everything done at 10 o’ck we got ready & went to Gawler Mum stayed with Amy. She was packing up to shift I went down street did shopping & walked to Amy & then to Frances & could hardly get there had to lie down my ankles were dreadful to bear the pain we got home early had cup Tea & milked & Sepr & even work

Aug 19th / Frances has a daughter born this morning57 same work for me all round & washed up all cream cans, Sepr Buckets a lot to do Mother roasted leg Mutton & Vegetables I baked Biscuits & in afternoon I mended Dads Coat & altered Mums skirt put a pocket her Black one very busy up till milking time Dad & Bert went to Ward’s Belt Church58 & fixed the gate & strained up the fence colder today & like rain coldest day for 6 years

57 Frances' new daughter is Hazel Jean Folland.
58 Ward's Belt Primitive Methodist Church was in disuse by this point, but the family looks after the property.

Aug 20th // To Mr & Mrs Clarence Argent of Smithfield a Son59
My work in every way the same & after doing the Sepr etc I put on Boiler & Trick Soap & washed till dinner time got all dry Mum lent me a hand in various ways but it just done me up & I had meal & then as Dad had come from Haensch with Melon I took it down to Ada & spent a couple hours it rained very lightly all the afternoon bitterly cold I shivered all the time

59 Clarence Leonard Argent, son of Sydney Clarence Argent and Doris Lillian Maslen.

Aug 21st I did all my ironing last night & this morning I had to put clothes away light fires fry breakfast or make porrige then washed Sepr & lit up stove again & baked Scones Biscuits & Cake & in the afternoon Clif came & I was making Lilian a pinny & done evening work help milk always 4 or 5

Aug 22 / It is said that Tuesday August 19 was by far the coldest day for 6 years & the whitest frost I have seen for a very long time everything was frozen white Dad & I were going to Gawler Clem at Bragglesome rolling Bert also there fixing up new chaff house Mr Jones finished it & is in Adelaide to welcome home his son Harry from Wa60. I called to see Frances & baby & we went to Amys to dinner in her new home she was not too well the worry of shifting Olive was well we did shopping & came home 4/30 & had cup Tea & we each did our evening work cold day
60 It's almost impossible to work out who the son of Mr Jones might be!

Aug 23 / I feel so sad as its one year today our darling was taken from us to Hospital61 & my heart aches so I had to clean dining room my room thoroughly swept Kitchen I could not wash floors too crook I cleaned all cutlery Mum cooked dinner cleaned lamps & tidied boys room I made beds & washed Sepr Bucket cream cans Dad went to Gawler to get pigs but was not successful Wilf & Myrt went yesterday Harry stayed home with Mum till we got home

61 She is referring to Olive being admitted to hospital with Scarletina in 1918.

Aug 24 / Sunday & Bert said he wanted Sulky so I did not go to church but I don’t like staying home atall I have finished my usual work washed Sepr etc & made beds & am writing to Ada Clem going home Bert to Celia’s Mum made Tapioca Pudding & I baked it Dinner now 4 o’clock we had dinner & I cleared it away & read helped had Tea no visitors

Aug 25th // As it was stormy yesterday we did not know if Miss Haensch would come however I got Tea for all & cleared Kitchen lit stove & sorted clothes & at 8/30 she came I lit copper Dad filled it I got the Sep & all washed & housework done then I mended clothes it came up so cold & showery kept me all time running to & fro to line & I dried a lot by fire & in the Verandah I ironed all I got dry

Aug 26 // As it was so windy & damp Mum would not go to Gawler so after all morning duties were over & things washed up also Sepr etc I got ready Dad & I drove to Amys & I stayed there 20 minutes then I walked down street & got Clem waistcoat & myself a drill skirt then we were late home nearly six & we had dinner before we went to Frances & saw Hazel

Aug 27 / Such a beautiful morning & it turned out a perfect day I did usual work & cut out a skirt & partly made it also towels For fan I felt like going out but I measured off Linoleum for Ada & after Clem & I had milked & had Tea we went to Ada’s for evening very cold drive indeed Mother always cooked Vegetables & meat for dinner & sometimes milk pudding or Suet & sees to cream

Aug 28 / A colder day all duties the same & I help in all household duties after dinner I went up to see Myrtle who was making Jam & pickles came home finished my skirt was sewing all afternoon felt so unwell at evening do did some knitting & then retired I am so unwell I can’t work & it makes me so miserable after such an active life

Aug 29 / I did feel ill & almost decided to go to the Dr but persevered & did everything as is my custom each day then I mixed some Carbolic with water & washed all floors as the old Pneumonia Influenza is near us Hugh Ratcliff62 was taken by Motor Adelaide on Tuesday last to Exhibition Building poor fellow very seriously ill Effie & Harry stayed with mum & I while Wilf & Myrtle went to Gawler & Dad went by himself but could not get any pigs too dear I had to walk after cows over to second sand Hill they got out I felt done I finished dusting & other work

62 Hugh Ratcliff, brother of Will. He must have had Spanish Influenza, as the Jubilee Exhbition Building, which used to stand on North Terrace in Adelaide was used as an isolation hospital at the time.

Aug 30 / George’s sixth birthday63 same work in early morning then fry Eggs & bacon wash Spr & all cream cans buckets etc cleaned boys room lit up stove Mum baked shoulder Mutton cauliflower pots & suet pudding I made Alford Cake & on Thursday last I made Dora & Farmers Biscuits I had dinner & made plum pudding but was so ill I had to lie down then cleaned all cutlery help milk Mum milked 6 I think got in wood & ironed Berts Fashion Shirt & I washed up & retired

63 Wilfred George Parham, one of Ada's sons.

Aug 31st I dressed at seven lit fire & made Tea for all then cleaned my stove Dad fed calves Bert got cows which Clem Wilf & I milked then I got breakfast ready for Dad & Bert who drove to Lower Light for the day so once more I got to stay home from church & its Foreign Mission today must go now & get dinner one oclock only Clem Mum & I home to dinner Jim Ada Murray Geo & Eric63 came to tea then Charl Eva & girls came for evening Eva scalded her foot Dad & Bert got home from Lower Light at 10 o'clock & Mother & them had Supper it rained all the way home Old Mrs Moyse of Gawler Sth was buried today aged 99 years64 also Mrs Henry Ayling65 died today of cancer

63 Eric Clarence Parham, younges son of Ada.
64 Mrs Mirian Moyse, widow of Ebenezer Moyse, aged 98, actually.
65 Mrs Emma Margaret Ayling (nee Causby), aged 59.

Sep 1st The lovely spring month dawned & I pray it may bring us happiness & not sorrow as in last year We were going to Gawler so I did all usual work & washed Sepr & did housework got ready Mother & Dad also drove to Myrtles & stopped for order to Charlies & Celia’s for Cream to Frances where Ma stayed & I went to Amys to dinner & then at 2 o’ck Dad called for me & went to Drs Did shopping & got home at to oclock I helped milk & got in wood

Sept 2nd // I did not intend to try to wash I just did all early morning work always take in Tea to parents & to boys who milk then fry breakfast wash Sepr & make beds & Mum cooks vegetables for dinner & boiled Ham milk pud in afternoon I cut out & made a dark print apron for self Mother mending I mended Dads Gloves also help milk got in wood I washed out a few things soxs etc

Sep 3rd // All same duties & then Mum dressed & I had tidied kitchen & got breakfast ready washed Spr & tidy it made beds swept dining room & washed Towels & at 11/30 Aunt & Uncle Paterson drove up Mum roasted Mutt potatoes cauliflower rice pudding I washed up everything Mum dried dishes I made fire in dining rm & we had tea at 6.30 & they drove home I went up to Eva to get Bread which Will brought from Gawler & mine Berts boots also that Mr. Hetzel66 repaired home & got in wood & had Tea Lettuce salad for tea & bed

66 Mr Hetzel. There are quite a few by that name, and I don't know who was a boot repairer.

Sepr 4th / Same duties in every way each morning & I felt better in myself today so I set too & washed Sepr & Buckets & then I put on Tin for washing I did quite a fair wash & after dinner I ironed all the clothes at evening I generally do some knitting after Tea & as I am not strong & retire early about 9.30 as a rule

Sept 5 / Morning work over Dad went to Gawler also Wilf & Myrt Harry & Effie stayed here the cows got out & I had to go over the SandHill for them I also made Cake & Biscuits & cleaned the rooms blackleaded fireplace nasty wind it was last week the children stayed here not today

Sept 6th / Same work Dad went to Gawler to get pigs but never got any I hurried to get all done as I intended going to Loo’s Pet show Dad came home soon after dinner bringing Olive who was that cold she could scarcely move Today has eclipsed all others for cold it is the coldest for many years & Snow has fallen in all hilly districts & such Hail Storms as well we did not go out for it was so cold & stormy fearful cold milking we shivered Roma has a heifer calf today

Sep 7 / Such a wet cold day something awful they say the coldest for 16 years Mother never left the fireside & I never felt colder milking we did not cook hot dinner Clem went home I washed Sepr Buckets etc Charl & Gwen came down I have not been to Church for a month now

Sep 8 / Another wet cold day no finer so Miss Haensch never came & we never went to Gawler either cooked a good hot dinner Meat Veg & pudding I felt so very unwell as usual I did a bit of mending in the afternoon also Olive

Sept 9 / A much finer day & after my morning work I got Olive & self ready for Gawler & Dad went also called at Frances & saw baby then to Amys & had dinner she was washing then I went Street & Olive stayed with her Mum I came back & lent Amy a hand help wash up & brought in clothes then Dad came & we had to come home help milk & get in wood we had lovely rains everywhere Best for season I got Ring for Bert today for Mother whose present it is to him & Oil Baize for table

Sept 10// I felt so very unwell & did not know how to rise but Miss Haensch was coming to wash so I dressed & made fires & got cup Tea for all & breakfast the filled & lit copper & she came I sorted clothes & washed Sepr did some housework Mother cooked rice pudding Cauliflower & mutton I was so awfully crippled in ankles that I could scarcely bear the pain & could not iron help milk

Sep 11 // All duties same filled iron & ironed some before dinner Mother was churning Butter I then made some pancakes for dinner & in early morning I did my usual work I always make Tea for us all boys as well & take out to Cow Yard then make beds & get Eggs & Bacon fried for breakfast & they Seprate & feed calves & pigs as we have 13 cows in milk now

Sep12 / Dad was going to Gawler I did all usual work as is my custom in early morn it was very cold windy day I did not clean dining room only boys room & Ma did her passage I baked a lot of Farmers Biscuits & Cake Tarts & assisted generally in housework & help milk got in wood made lovely fires I felt so ill my side is very bad

Sep 13 / Dad off to Gawler for pigs terrible cold & rainy I lit fires got cup Tea & breakfast over Wilf brought Effie & Harry here for Day I cleaned dining room & blackleaded fireplace made nice fire Mum scrubbed Safe I cleaned all Cutlery Dad bot home to dinner with two pigs it rained all the afternoon Bert got ready for Gawler but her never went it was awful cold Wilf & Myrtle did not get home till five & it was so wet. All of Mr E. Whites family & their maid & man67 are ill in bed Influenza & Hugh Ratcliff is home from Isolation came out last Wensday & out to Ward’s Belt Friday & stayed at Ann’s68 & Eliza’s69 the first two nights. Miss D. Lodge70 came out today at 12 & could not get a train till 7/30 arrive 9 ock at Gawler

67 Mr E White, family, maid and man. This could be the same Mr White mentioned earlier in this volume, and all other diaries.
68 Ann Wilson (nee Ratcliff), Hugh and Will's eldest sister.
69 Eliza Jane Panter (nee Ratcliffe), Hugh and Will's second eldest sister! 
70 Probably Doris May Lodge, daughter of Sidney Lodge and Cecilia Ann Burrows, aged 18.

Sep 14 / Sunday & Mother very bad with heart trouble & I wanted to attend church but I felt I must put self aside & as is my custom work for others I got cup Tea & breakfast then I washed Sepr etc & I also made a plum pudding & Sauce & we had dinner & washed up & I took Olive for a walk as we could not go to S. S. Clem let the pony out & it was very cold & rainy a very heavy shower fell & Olive & I had to take shelter under a pine Charl & girls came for a while in afternoon we milked & had tea & retired

Sep 15 / Gawler Day all morning duties over I swept the dining room washed Sepr Olive cleared breakfast & help me dust we had dinner & drove to city did shopping & then Dad drove us to Bridge & we Olive & I walked to Amys Frances Lilian & Hazel were there we had afternoon Tea & Dad did not come till 6 ock Ada & Murray also called at Amy & we came on home Mother worried because we were late 7.15 we got home

Sep 16 / Tuesday but I was awfully unwell I could scarcely dress felt I must lie down again but got a cup Tea fried breakfast washed Sepr & Buck & cream cans did housework in every way & a bit of knitting brushed clothes & altered hooks on dress went up to Myrtles for ½ an hour home got afternoon tea milked 6 cows Wilf & Flora was bad Duchess also not as cold now & Dryer also

Sep 17 / All duties over & washing up done I hastily got boiler on in fireplace & started but felt so very unfit & could hardly stand Oh my ankles & Knees were in Torture & I cleared all up & felt so faint I almost collapsed & really could not milk I layed down & then dragged up & washed up & retired to be regular done up & in pain

Sept 18 / We heard yesterday that our own dear Amy has a baby girl on Tuesday 16 Sept at nine oclock71 p.m. at Navarina Dad went with Wilf to Humphrys for a load Straw & met Celia who told him Olive was so excited to know of her arrival. I got up at 6 as is my custom now & lit fire & got cup Tea & breakfast for Clem cut his dinner he is at work in Humphrys I did all usual work & found a piece G.P. & cut out a skirt for Mother & part made it. I had forgotten I had it so its alright

71 Celia Florence Hobart.

Sept 19th / Same work in every way & Dad went to Gawler & as I intended going to Gawler Show

Sep 20 I had all my baking to do Biscuits Cocoanut Buns & Alford Cake & I also cleaned dining room washed floor blackleaded the fireplace cleaned my room & other ordinary work help milk & get in wood always Olive helps me

Sep 20 / I got up & did my round of morning duties & had several stitches to put in clothes ready for Olive to go to Show cleaned our Boots tidied rooms Clem got his new suit on it would not fit him so had to fix it up by wearing Berts Brown Suit. We went to see Amy & her darling baby (Celia Florence) then to Show where I met my sister Frances & her dear Baby (Hazel) & Celia & her girlies it was a beautiful day & crowds were there when we got home Mum had milked nine & Dad 4 cows so I made fire & got Tea & we chatted away till 10 pm

Sep 21st / As I had not been to Church for so long I decided on taking Olive with me & she was so good we drove home & I changed our clothes & got our dinner Mother very bad with Diareh we had our meal & Celia & her children came home & stayed to Tea & I went to help milk & the Horse played up & hurt Celia’s leg & gave all a fright Olive & I looked at the Photographs all the evening its been a very nice day today The unveiling of Memorial to Mr E. H. Coombe72 at Willaston Cemetry today Franc & Mary went to see Amy as well.

72 Mr Ephraim Henry Coombe, a prominent local-born businessman and politician who died in 1917.

Sept 22 / A nice day & I got up & hurried as fast as I could to get everything ready for Miss Hench who comes to wash Mum so awfully crook but got dinner & then washed up & knocked up all together I did all the ironing by Teatime & also got Tea & made milk food for Mother & washed Olive I felt very unwell myself indeed

Sept 23 / I did not know how to bear myself but as Mother was in bed someone has to work but I was really ill & dragged about & cooked breakfast made Mother Cornflour & lunch & got her nice dishes roasted Mutton over again with Pots & cauliflower Rhubarb pie & also made Biscuits I could scarcely stand & I had to wash up all Cream Cans Separator & a host of other things I had to rest 20 minutes Olive had a long sleep

Sep 24 / Such a nasty hot windy day & thundery same morning duties in every way gave Ma her breakfast& she got up to Dinner I was so unwell but kept going & did some sewing in the afternoon & help milk & get in wood etc I had to get Clems Suit ready to take back tomorrow when I go to the City Ma was mending sox Olive had a long sleep

Sept 25 // Mother got up about nine oclock I had breakfast over & Sept washed then made bed & washed dishes got Olive & self ready for Gawler Dad went too & he lost his walking stick a nice one too went to see Amy & Celia & did shopping & called on Celia also my head was very bad indeed I bought some fish & came home & fried it for Mother she enjoyed it very much I could scarcely keep up so cleared table & then washed up & retired to bed

Sept 26 / same work in every way in morning & I washed Sepr & Cans & buckets such a lot & my poor hand’s & ankles ache & pain fearfully then I swept the front rooms & my poor hands & ankles ache & pain fearfully then I swept the front rooms & my room & thoroughly & washed floors also had dinner I cleared it away then Ma & I cleaned all the windows round & fanlight over the door but oh dear I felt strained to pieces by to much work for me we also washed two of the doors & did usual even work.

Sept 27 / all work done in morning Dad went to Gawler after I had finished Sept etc I swept & washed dining room & new blackleaded fireplace had dinner & then I lit up stove & baked Farmers Biscuits Alford cake such a lot to wash up I made a large plum pudding also Bert went to Prospect for the weekend at L. Gormans so I helped milk & get in wood came in bathed Olive had tea washed up been so busy & am done up

73 Leonard James Gorman.

Sep 28 / I dressed at 6.20 & got a cup tea for us all & then Clem got up at 7 ock & noticed our mare was bad called Wilf & sent for Will Ratcliff & Charlie came & Percy but the poor animal was so awfully bad they had to shoot her Harry Frances & family came to dinner & Tea Mother & I did all milking this morning me 8 Mother 5 & then I was done but washed Sepr put on a pudding & gave men their dinner we had tea & then I helped milk again.

Sep 29 / All same I was up 5-1/4 this morning help milk Dad went to Gawler & took Olive to Celia’s to go to Picnic & then to her home Amy is home now I lengthened Olive’s Blue Linen Dress sleeves & put pocket in Ma’s dress & cut out a dress for baby & partly made it Bert came home midday Wilf went to Town with 4 horses to a Sale he stays tonight at the Cross Keys74 & on to Adelaide tomorrow

74 Cross Keys Hotel. It's still there!

Sep 30 / Same work all round & then I finished babys dress help milk the cows each time with Bert & Clem it was very stormy Dad & Albert sent to Lower Light Wilf came by 5 train sold all Horses

Oct 1st / Cousin Mabel Porters 21st Birthday 191975
Wilf home to breakfast I was up at six then boys got cup Tea & after our meal I washed Sepr & Buckets put on Tin & washed quite a lot of clothes but felt so done up rested then ironed Dad & Alf got home before milking time Albert help milk cows they brought home a sow from Lower Light cold

75 Mabel Beatrice Porter, cousin once-removed. Daughter of Cousin Laurina Town Porter (deceased). 

Oct 2nd Up early & did all my work & was making beds & Harry & Frances called with Cousin Louie76 who stayed with Mother while I went with Bert to Two Wells Show it was a splendid Show I saw a lot of Cousins & friends there that I knew the day was fine but cold & dust was plentiful there We got home Tea time I was fairly done & felt so unwell I overdone myself walking about so much

76 Louie is Cousin Louisa Emily Waters (nee Arbon), daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath; she lives near Port Broughton.

Oct 3. Louie Leslie77, & our Albert were here so I got Breakfast over washed Sepr & felt so ill I swept dining room Louie washed floor for me Wilf rode the Horse Spot up from the Stable & it fell dead just close to the fence so they skinned it & buried it Louie went to Gawler with Wilf in afternoon I dusted all the dining room cleaned fireplace & boys room Kitchen Mantel & other work so very crook

77 Leslie William Waters (aged 5), Louie's son.

Oct 4 / After all morning Duties Dad & I went to Gawler where I got Clem a Suit & Saw Eva Baker from Glenelg78 & Uncle Will called at Amy & her baby is so fretful home & cleaned all cutlery & got in wood had a bath after Tea weather is changeable I went to Cousin Eva’s last Tuesday Mr Simon Aunger79 is very ill Influenza Pneumonia also Olive Aunger80 both in Dr Dawes Hospital81 Mrs Harry Pope82 is not expected to recover from her illness heart trouble

78 Eva Susanna Baker (nee Tancock), a cousin.
79 Simon Aunger; there are a few possibilities of who this might be.
80 Probably Blance Olive Marjorie Aunger.
81 Now Hutchinson Hospital. Dr Dawes is Adolf Henry Coombs Dawes,
82 Mrs Harry Pope; is Emma Matilda Pope (nee Glenn). Indeed, she does not recover. 

Oct 5. Stone Hill Anniversary so I got all my duties over bed made & got ready Eva & Daphne came to go with me home to dinner Uncle Charlie Heath was here Eva & Will & children to Tea & Hettie McL & Eva who went with me to evening service at Stone Hill & Bert & Hettie went for a drive to the Back paddocks rather a stormy day & cold

Oct 6 / Miss Haensch could not come to wash so I just did all morning duties & made all beds then cut out a Petticoat for Olive & made it Mrs Tom Ratcliff83 came for a while I felt so ill & went to bed early I am far from well & there is so much wants doing washed all sox & we mended them

83 Mary Arbon, wife of Thomas Ratcliff.

Oct 7 / Our dear Amys Birthday same round of duties & I wash out Towels but feel so ill I do not know what to do I made a slide of nice Farmers Biscuits & then cut out & partly made another Petticoat for (Celia) & Olive Mr R. came over again I milked 4 cows & got in wood Wilf went to Gawler & got a Tie pin from Sydney for Bert & a letter from Aunt Celia Phelps

Oct 8 / Although I feel very unwell I try to do all I possibly can to help I got up before six & got cup Tea made fire in Stove made beds & then boys had finished the cows & Separating & I washed all cream cans & separator Buckets etc I been sewing Mother cooked dinner & I made pastry Tarts etc Phyllis & girl friends came over from Picnic which is in Mr Price’s Paddock all Frances family were there I could not go a very cold windy stormy day We saw a pretty sky like an aurora in the East at 3 o’clock today

84 Phyllis May Folland (aged 11), picnicking at Mr Price's Paddock. 
Oct 9. A very showery day & Mother did some washing & I cleared up & in afternoon Mum helped me pick feathers for a Pillow I made & I all beds & washed Sepr but am not well got Tea & did some knitting but unfortunately I had to undo it all again the weather is very showery & cold & so very windy

Oct 10 / Friday & a most beautiful day Gawler River Picnic but I was not able to go I feel awfully ill I do not know how to keep up it is with a great effort cleaned dining room & my room after all duties were over I just feel as if I must give in & go to bed Harry stayed with us while they went to Gawler.

Oct 11 / Mrs Harry Pope of Nth Gawler died yesterday
I was unable to get up today Dad & Clem went to Gawler & Mother had to manage on her own Bert went to Gawler at night Fooyball closed today I find out that my complaint is Influenza very windy day

Oct 12 / Sunday & I did so long to go to church to hear Mr Henderson but that was out of question I got up at 7/30 & made all beds Mother finished help & she washed Sepr & all cream cans Charl & Coral & Gwen came & brought their Photo for Mum.

Oct 13 / We expected cousin Louie so I got dressed at 7 & Mum got breakfast cut Clems dinner I got all clothes sorted & Dad filled copper Lou & Leslie got here at 8 ock She had a big wash but not fancy articles bed linen trousers etc such a calm cold day but wine blew up in afternoon I ironed some She helped me & went home to Marys or called for her at F. Brays84 & went to Willaston I felt so unwell but kept going

84 Frank Harold Bray, who lives in Gawler River and Gawler at the time. 

Oct 14 / I feel so unable to get up so Dad lit fire & Mum got breakfast I washed Sepr & Buckets & put out clothes to air very cold so I made lines in Front Verandah I also ironed some & yesterday I mad a pinafore for Laurel Mum & I mended a lot of clothes under pants etc I helped milk the cows got in wood but do not feel well by any means yet Influenza makes one weak

Oct 15 / I dressed & had a cup Tea & went & washed Sepr made all beds Ma got breakfast & cut Clem his dinner & baked scones & Tarts corn mutton & Vegetables I felt dreadfully unwell but starched shirts & collars & was just ironing them & Aunt Harriet drove up with Aunt Emily85 so Mum got them a cup of Tea & dinner they stayed till 5 o’clock then went back to Lower Light.

85 Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), lives at Tineburee, Lower Light and Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), both sisters of Ma.

Oct 16 / As it was cream day I did all morning duties & made all beds & Dad & I got ready for Gawler I got new shoes in exchange for others I took back 18/6 pair Dad drove me to Treloars & I went to Amys Baby is growing & Olive is so fond of her Mrs Daly87 was washing & ironing I nursed baby Dad called for me at 4 ock & we came home I got cup Tea helped milk got in wood hot winds dust

86 Treloars; local family.
87 Mrs Daly.

Oct 17 / I got up & washed Sepr came in feeling ill made a Beef steak pudding & Jam Tart & pasty then I felt quite unable to keep up could not take out Cocoanut Mats so shifted them & washed all round & passage I felt that ill I could hardly bear myself I had to keep lying down & in afternoon rested over an hour cleaned boys room & milked 6 cows & had to lie down

Oct 18 / Wilf & Myrtle went to Gawler yesterday left Effie here. I called Bert at 4 o’ck & he got up & Bonnie the mare was bad he called Clem & she had a colt foal they gave her Bran Mash & they had Cup Tea I dressed at 6 ock & got brkf cut dinn washed Sepr baked leg mutton Potatoes Cake & dried apple pies washed up all things Mum had to lie down Wilf went to Gawler came home & tied up at his place & they got undone & bolted home & frightened Ma dreadfully Bert is gone to Gawler

Oct 19 / As it was Loo’s Anniversary I decided not to go to Gawler River I dressed in good time lit fire & took in Tea made beds boys so late milking then had their breakfast & I washed Sepr & Cream Can Buckets Mother went to Church with me & we went to Ada’s also George Amy Olive & Baby Celia & Family as Will & Eva & children were there Charl & his family we got home before our lot had Tea Harry Frances & all the Family were here but Lorna was at Charls

Oct 20 / How different to the Mondays of the past I cant wash now & could not get Miss Haensch so I washed Sox & Towels apron I was busy all day sorting boxes & cutting Flocks & in afternoon Mother was so unwell I cut up all Melon for Jam Ma cut Lemons for me I help milk

Oct 21 / All the usual rounds I was up early & lit stove swept Kitchen & then put on Jam & had it off at 10 o’clock made beds & washed Sepr & made scones Mum baked Tart pastry & meat onions I was mending trousers & other aprons etc in the afternoon & I also help paste down Jam for Amy

Oct 22 / I been ill all night Colic Indigestion so Dad lit fire I made tea swept Kitchen made beds washed Sepr & wrote a letter to Cookes Plns then we all got ready Gawler & Mother she stayed at Amys & I got Dad to drive me to Frances at 12/30 then I had a talk till 4ock & went to Amy & Dad came at five for us we also saw Mrs Brodie88 who gave us some Roses
Mrs Sid Pederick has a daughter born Oct 1st 1919 Gwenneth Merle89
Mrs Herb Argent has a baby Oct 2nd90

88 Emma Brodie (nee Pointon), a good friend of Mum and Dad, who lives in Willaston.
89 Gweneth Merle Pederick, daughter of Ivy Lucilla Pederick nee Worden.
90 Leslie Rex Argent, son of Annie Lenora Argent, nee Andrews.

Oct 23rd / I was very unwell but always do what I can if I can possibly move I always fry breakfast wash the Sepr Buckets etc & make the beds but often I have to rest between my work I was trying to make a babys jacket for little Hazel so in afternoon I went up to Myrtles to ask her about it & I had a cup of Tea with her came home helped milk

Oct 24 / I got up Dad had fire lit in stove so I made cup Tea & fried breakfast & Dad was going to Gawler but Toff got kicked & hurt badly so he could not go Wilf Myrtle & Family went Harry stayed with us I was so ill could not wash floors I only tidied my room Mum did hers & passage in the morning I helped Mother Trick Soap some clothes but both were unable to work at it got done dinner time & Mum scrubbed Form box etc I made Sauce for dinner with boiled Mutton, Cabbage. Potatoes. Mum ironed in afternoon I cleaned the stove thoroughly

Oct 25 // Dad lit stove I got cup Tea & breakfast & had to take out cocoanut matting & sweep the dining room as best I could Blackleaded fireplace & doorstep it was today Wilf & Family went to Gawler as he was away at Bragglesome yesterday Harry stayed with us again today I baked Scones Dried apple pies & Mutton had to keep resting after dinner was cleared away I washed my head & had a bath also then dusted dining room cleaned cutlery help milk got Tea & rode to Celia’s with Bert

Oct 26 / Celia & I got up at 7 & I help dress children Celia bathed Vivienne I bathed Bernice last night & bathed Laurel this morning done all the girls Hair cleaned Birdie’s boots Maisie cleaned hers & Laurels Percy his & Celias & he milked Seprated Cel made Rhubarb pie & Cake we had dinner & she drove me home & Ada Ethel George & Eric were here all stayed to Tea then Dulcie Churches came for evening we milked warm day

Oct 27 / all the same duties I lit fire Dad took in Tea I swept Kitchen fried Ham & Eggs also washed Sepr & housework got ready for Gaw but Dad was not going till after dinner so I mended Shirt Myrtle took Effie to Dr but we could not see him & after I had done shopping I came home with Dad & Myrtle & Effie & Mavis stayed at Jones Wilf & Clem & little Harry went to their place & slept Effie had eruption on her face

Oct 28 / I felt as if I could not get up so they had their Tea before I came out then I fried Eggs & Bacon made beds washed Sepr Cream Cans & Buckets came in rested a while & then made a Cake Myrtle came home Effie very bad indeed & I had to rest 2 hours & then got cup Tea cleaned boots & mended sox stockings so unwell help milk

Oct 29th / As Eva was coming to wash I dress in good time & after an hour or two I felt a bit better so I got copper filled & lit put in Trick soap Mother had to go to Wilfreds as Effie is so unwell so I got all ready & two boils done & 3r in when Eva & Gwen came so she rinses all & hung out & did the no boil clothes I made beds & did housework Ma got dinner cooked I ironed in afternoon & help milk

Oct 30 / All morning duties same & in the afternoon I cut out & made a pretty Green pinafore for Olive finished by milking & Tea time so hot dreadful windy

Oct 31 / A nicer day Dad went to Gawler & I did all duties in morning as usual then I took up matting & swept &washed round floor & did my room Mother front rooms I baked Biscuits I felt awfully done up & see so much I want to do Mr Joe Andrew90 came home with Dad for night

90 Joseph Andrew, an old friend of Dad's. 

Nov 1st: Up at 6 & Mother & Dad were up before me & had churned Butter I did usual work & washed Spr as is my custom Dad & Mr Joe Andrew went to Uncle Wills on (Blocks) Joe is so ill he stayed in Gawler & Dad came home I baked Coffee & Currant Cake Done boys room & other work cleaned cutlery busy all day.

Nov 2nd / Up at 7 & got our cup Tea for all Bert was at Gawler to big dance & won the waltzing competition I had a chat to Bert then hurried & got all work done & they milked cows & Sepr George & Amy Olive & baby were home at 10 o‘ck so had breakfast with the rest while I washed Sepr they went home at 6 o’ck & Charlie & Family came for evening lovely day.

Nov 3 / Same round of duties I was up & dressed before six then boys & Dad & Mum I washed Sepr & Buckets then put on boiler Mum helping & we did our wash & then I washed the Mole & tweed trousers I worked hard & folded did not iron too done out help milk (5 cows Clem, Mum, & I & they Sepr I got in wood & set Tea beautiful day so cool & pleasant boys Binding

Nov 4 / A lovely morning Dad & Mum up before me I felt as if I could not get up so weary I did all my morning work & then a bit of washing as I had a bath & changed last night also washed Mums Grey Skirt Percy is stooking Hay I did all my ironing such a lot of starch clothes & I blistered my fingers too I helped milk got in wood & put clothes away boys in Twelftrees now.

Nov 5 / As we were going to Gawler I did all usual work then made beds & mended a skirt no a Vest I mean we went St first I to Dr then did shopping got new Engineer Tweed Trousers for Bert Dad got new ones to. I stayed at Amys Wesley Harry Frances & family spent evening with us Bon fires every where about Willaston

Nov / 6 / George & Amy were up before me & then I got up dressed Olive had breakfast G. went to work I help in housework very hot indeed I cleaned all windows Celia came & spent afternoon with us in afternoon I pressed Amys Coat (Navy Serge) then in evening I went to Frances but was so very unwell I could hardly move about

Nov 7/ Hotter still I got up good time & helped As what I could nursed Hazel wrote letters had dinner cleared away & washed up then I went to Amys & it was awful hot so I rested & nursed Baby I went to see Mrs Brodie & got Flowers we had a chat all the evening Geo was busy at Books making accounts

Nov 8/ Dad came at 11 oclock for me to go to the street I had helped Amy & was cleaning lamps I saw Kit91 in the Street. I cleaned my cutlery after I got home & helped milk Bert went to Gawler. Terry Lodge & Eric Vowels92 came out stooking in all the heat terrible hot

91 Christiana (Kit) Heath (nee Hill), widow of cousin Alfred Heath.
92 Terrence Bruce Lodge, aged 15, brother of Doris, and Eric Addington Vowles, aged 13.

Nov 9th / As I had not been to Church so long I decided on Going this morning so I did usual housework & got ready was so early so went to Mrs S. J. Parhams93 & had a look at her nice new rooms very tasty then Lily94 went to Church with me & I came home had dinner & a rest Ethel & Murray came out with Clems clothes I help milk & retired early to bed Mrs Beeton Hillier has a daughter95 born Oct 28.. 1919 at Nursing Home King St Gawler

93 Mary Elizabeth Parham (nee Riggs), lives next door to Stone Hill Church.
94 Lillie Melior Parham, daughter of the above.
95 Barbara Joan Hillier; her mother Ada Jeanette Hillier nee Beckwith.

Nov 10 / All of us up Dad lights fire & Mum got the breakfast I made beds & did what I could to help cleaned Boots & got ready for Gawler went shopping then I rode with Mrs C. Atyeo to Willaston & got a scare horses bolted with Trolly but fortunately was pulled up no one hurt I went to Amys she was at Frances so I went there & walked back with Amy & Olive to Street Dad met me came home I went to Dr & he advises an operation & I feel so upset

Nov 11 / I got up before six & lit Copper and got washing ready with Trick Soap I persevered & did quite a big wash & ironed all in the afternoon Mum felt done up so had a rest a beautiful cold change set in Monday & is colder today so lovely for work & I am better so worked all day long & retired early to bed

Nov 12 / I was dressed at 6 & got Clem his meal put up lunch washed Sepr & then lit up stove baked Dora’s & a large Cake we had dinner Dad went to Gawler I made Olive a nice new white Petticoat & altered a black & white dress for Mum Bert & Clem are gone to Parramatta Gardens tonight

Nov 13 / I do not get up early this season as I am trying to rest cure so I dressed & had a cup Tea then washed sepr & Buckets made beds & tidied round Celia & Bernie & Laurel & Vivienne came for Day in afternoon Celia washed a pair Trousers for Bert & the floor passage I was sewing & very worried about my health I feel so unwell

Nov 14 / I did not go to Gawler today Dad & Myrt went Harry stayed with us I cleaned Copper & did usual work swept dining room & boys & my own Mother the front rooms & I did any work as usual Mrs A. F. Stewart had a daughter at Mrs Greens Home King St Gawler Nov 1919 they have been married about 15 or 16 years96

96 Amy Harris Stewart (nee James) finally has a daughter, Winifred Merle Stewart; indeed, they were married in 1905. 

Nov 15 / Dad lights the fire Mum cuts boys dinners I fry breakfast then wash Sepr etc make beds & I baked cake & Pies & labelled a lot of Tins & mended my attache case cleaned all cutlery had a bath milked 5 cows

Nov 16 / A very hot day & I never went to Church I wrote letters & did all my usual work Uncle Charlie Heath came to Tea Frances never came her baby was so unwell It looks like a change Aunt Atyeo97 in Hospital

97 This would be Uncle Will Atyeo's wife Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock).

Nov 17 / Up very early after a restless night five oclock I dressed Dad was lighting fire & we had breakfast & was in Gawler at 10 to 7 we caught first train to City & could not see Dr Gilbert98 till 11 oclock so Dad & I went down street & did business then came back & saw Dr & home by Midday train & to Amys to afternoon Tea & to see Frances & Celia Eva & Myrt

98 Dr Gilbert (not sure why they have gone to see a Dr in the City.

Nov 18 / I felt so weary & unwell but dressed at 7 & did all my usual work & cut out a Blouse for Mother & did several other stitches I layed down & went to sleep for an hour or more I was so tired out Dad & Celia went to Gawler today with cream & to see Auntie who is about the same

Nov 19 / Up at six & fried breakfast & put on Boiler to wash then I washed Separator etc Mum had to cook so I kept on till dinner time & finished had a rest & then I did all the ironing made fire for afternoon Tea as well I felt so tired & legs painful at night

Nov 20 ) Just the same duties all round & then I planted my angel wings in another Tin which I had cut open & preparp also I glued down some pretty paper on it & then I made Mother s check Blouse all but hooks & Buttons

Nov 21 / Same work in early morn fry brkf & the wash Sepr etc then I took out cocoanut matting & swept & washed round the room then I washed all the glass & china & done my room & the boys Dad went to Gawler I sewed on Hooks & worked eyelets in blouse nice weather

Nov 22 / I was not up till 6/30 came out & fried breakfast & thoroughly washed Sepr cream Cans made beds then I made large Cake & apricot (dried pies Mum cooked Ham & roasted shoulder Mutton swedes Potatoes Cows got out & I had to go for them they were in the Hay field doing well I came home Dad came from Gawler with pigs & a puppy I cleaned all cutlery Knobs cover & etc very cool must go & help milk cows now

Nov 23 / A lovely morning & I thought of going to church but Mother was not well & we expected company so I stayed home & did the usual washup & as I could not get Denhams I washed out Berts pants for next week we had dinner & then Harry, Frances, & Family drove out & stayed till fairly late Harry French & Lorna helped us milk Bert was at Barossa & to Amys to Tea also Arthur & his Bride were there

99 Arthur Samuel Hobart, George's youngest brother, and his new wife Emeline Florence Ratcliff; they were married in September.

Nov 24th / All same morning Duties & I was sewing all the rest of morning till late & at ¼ to 3 Dad & I went to Gawler & back at five so I had no spare time in there I got a new check for Blouse for self Amy was not strong & they have nothing but Tap water to drink so Olive goes to Mrs Brodie’s for a tiny can to drink herself she had been so unwell with summer complaint

Nov 25th / I dressed before six & got the copper lit & all ready with Trick Soap all sheets white Quilt & all other night Linen a very hot wind & I got them out before 7 & dry by nine then did all the rest by rubbing & finished dinner time & scrubbed Table & other stand & stove I ironed in afternoon & cut out a blouse for self fashion

Nov 26 ) A hot day & in morning same work Dad often has fire lit when I come out at six & they have cup of T After morning work I made my Blouse & got cup tea & help milk at evening time Clem is reaping home here his first year to keep at the job constantly boys away stacking Hay at Bragglesome & Harvesting down there

Nov 27 / As it was a Beautiful cool morning & I was a bit better I took up all cocoanut matting & mats & thoroughly hosed old matting & scrubbed my floor & dining rooms got all so nice dusted down shelves etc & finished blouse & other sewing till milking time.

Nov 28 / Friday & we intended going to Gawler but Adas foot was too bad so Wilf & family went Harry stayed here I did other work & baked cakes, scones, I was quite done up hurrying Mother did front rooms

Nov 29th All morning work over & a very hot day Dad & I went to Gawler I had a bit shopping to do got trousers for Bert and at 12 o’clock came out & I stayed at Frances to dinner & for the afternoon All the boys & girls went to the swimming at Barrage there were lots of people there I went to Amys at night & she was not home George came from Adelaide & Amy from Ada’s & Celia’s where she spent the night Ethel also came in with Amy for week end very hot indoors at night

Nov 30 / As both Ethel & I stayed here last evening I was up in good time George milked I lit fire Amy got breakfast & I made beds Ethel helped Amy very hot day Olive went to Sunday school & we had tea & they drove me home I helped milk & Wilf & Family were here also for evening I watered my flowers felt very crook

Dec 1st I felt so ill but assisted as well as I was able I cut out a blouse & made two of two Tone check I was sewing up till milking time at night Mother cuts & packs lunches & dinners for men

Dec 2nd As I was no better I thought I would go to Dr Tomorrow so had to wash today but it was an awful day I ironed all but starch & got all things marked & ready to start to Dr

Dec 3 / Up early & did not have any food but went & washed the Sepr then I had a cup Tea etc we left early & I went to Dr before 11 ock & had to wait till near one before I could see him so he postponed the operation & I did shopping & we drove to Amys where George was ill in bed he strained his heart100 & cannot work Amy looks ill & tired out poor girl came home fairly hot

100  George was sent home from the War with a weak heart.

Dec 4th Up before six Dad mostly lights the stove & I get up & generally the boys have finished the milking & then I wash all things & Separator cream Cans etc & I cut out & made an Embroidery Grey blouse for Amy besides help milk & do housework & help cook pies & puddings or Biscuits & cakes

Dec 5 / So very ill again so I dragged through my work as best I could & did not wash floors cleaned Kitchen window & dining room I did some sewing in afternoon Clem is out back reaping boys at Bragglesome stacking hay no boys were here & Dad went early to Gawler & home by dinner time all 5 men to dinner & lunch they are stacking Hay home there

Dec 6 / All my usual work then I baked a large Alford Cake & apricot pies & Meat cleaned all cutlery lamps Mother did her dairy work & cooked dinner for Men Bert went to city Saw at even I had a bath & washed Berts trousers & a few more articles I also did a bit of sewing & milking

Dec 7 / I did not intend going to Church as I was not atall well I lit fire & got out Tea & swept Kitchen got breakfast but boys were so late up then I washed Sepr Buckets etc & cleaned boots Celia & girlies came home & spent day & she was Just about to leave & Harry Franc & all came for evening been a hot day cooler now

Dec 8 / All Morning Duties over I felt so ill but battled away then did some sewing & had dinner & Dad & I went to Gawler did shopping & left the things at Frenches went to Amy & had cup Tea left at 6 for home so hot all day came home helped milk & water flowers

Dec 9 / A very hot Day & I did my Sepr before I had my breakfast then all housework it was so hot so I did not go to Gawler till 4 ock I called at Amys & took Olive with me down Street & I came back had tea very hot indeed but cooler coming home I did a good bit of shopping for Amy & self this evening

Dec 10 / A very hot morning & the heat increased to 113 in shade I heard at college & heat it was dreadful I dressed at five & got copper lit & all things ready for trick I persevered till noon & the heat was awful then we had dinner & I folded clothes & did sewing Wilfred was in Gawler with Hay & the boys out in field I hear both my sisters Babies felt the heat dreadful also Olive Mother was prostrate with it & laid out on stretcher I got tea over

Dec 11 / A beautiful sea breeze blew up last evening & its cooler today I did usual morning work then ironed all clothes in the afternoon as I had to help in morning with cooking George Amy & children came for afternoon & evening baby not too good & cried very much Tea time I was so unwell I never no a days good health now & limbs are bad

Dec 12 ) All morning duties over then I cleaned boys room my room dining room I was busy baking scones & cakes & peas boys home to dinner & lunch Percy also & Charl Mum done her room passage We opened a New Chest of Tea yesterday Dec 11 1919

Dec 13 / Saturday I got up had cup of Tea & then I made beds boys had their breakfast & I washed Sepr etc came in made pie & Blanc Mange stewed apricots large Cake roast leg mutton cleaned all cutlery & lamps I washed my head had a bath, washed some clothes help milk Bert came home had a bath & I also washed his clothes we had out tea Clem had a bath

Dec 14 / Sunday & as Mr Clarkson101 was preaching I decided on going so I dressed in good time had a cup of tea ready for parents & Bert & I made beds & swept the Kitchen got ready & went to Ada’s to dinner & till 5 then I drove home helped Bert milk all cows Dad & Mum went out Back for a drive had tea a lovely day driving retired to rest

101 Probably Mr A. E. Clarkson, who is mentioned a lot in the newspapers at the time in association with the Methodist church.

Dec 15 // Same duties all round & then Dad & I went to Gawler did shopping & went to Amy had cup of Tea we forgot our Groceries I went to see Florence Webb who has a Daughter (Joyce Heath)102 born Saturday last Dec 13th / 1919 they had finished milking when we got home at 7/30
16th Dec. As it is now 3 weeks since I last wrote a report I cannot think to write from day but remember I did the washing on Tuesday 16th & also the ironing & left a lot of starch clothes for Wensdy

102  Cousin Emilie Florence May Heath Webb (nee Easton), and her daughter Joyce Heath Webb.

I have come to the last page of my old years book & from the 16 cant remember all

on the 18 Dec I made a new pillow case for Frances babys pushcar & altered a print dress for Lorna

on Friday Dec 19 Wilfred & Myrtle went to Gawler & Effie stayed home with us & cried for her Mum Harry had a bad throat & they took him to Rowe Saturday was very hot & Uncle Charley Heath come out & told us that little Lilian was poisoned & very ill Sunday Dad & Mum went in & Bert & I milked & looked after the home Monday I washed but felt so ill Tuesday Dad & I went to Gawler the dear child no better.

Wensday we were very busy did all usual then I made Apricot Jam & Xmas pudding Mother picked & dressed a Duck yesterday & cooked it to day also Mutton we were very busy all day Bert went in for Xmas Eve.

Xmas day up early & cleaned Stove & made fig Jam we had dinner & then Mum & I went o Celia’s George & Amy came & told us dear little Lillian was worse so I went back with them & did all I could to to try & help them also a trained Nurse came Saturday the darling suffered something dreadful & died at 4/15 on Dec 29th 1919. I then set too & did all washing & stayed the night here but could not sleep Mrs Seaman came next day & helped did baking & I was ironing & sewing.

Dec 31st She was buried at 2.30 at Willaston Amy stayed a few hours with us I felt so nervous but slept at Frances Poor Dear girl she does feel her Dear little Lilians Death so very much but like a wise mother works for the rest now

[end of book]


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