June 1912 to 13 July 1913

In 1912, Fanny Rosina is 36, living with her parents Henry Atyeo & Mary Ann (Ma), in Charlton Ville, Wards Belt, South Australia. This is Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt. Also at home are Albert Joseph (Bert, aged 27), Amy Florence (aged 25) & Wilfred George (Wilfie, aged 19). According to Google Maps, the house was at the back of the property, far from Woods Road, there is a number 879 on the gate. 

Henry Atyeo (Dad) owns two properties, the family home, purchased by his father, on Woods Road, & another larger block on the corner of Parker & Leak Roads in Wards Belt. The boys sometimes stay at this other farm (Bragglesome Farm)

Eldest brother Charles William Henry (Charlie, aged 30) lives at Bragglesome farm nearby with his wife Eva (nee McLeod). Fanny's other sisters Ada (36), Frances (34), and Celia (32) have married & left home. Frances lives with her family in Moonta. Ada with her family in the Gawler area. Celia  lives at Evanston.

Significant events in 1911-12: A few holiday trips to Adelaide and to Murray Bridge, a birthday party for wealthy cousin Jessie Paterson; in May there is a very quiet wedding for Amy and George Edmund Hobart, who then set up house in Gawler River; photographs are taken in June.

Fanny Rosina Atyeo               Charltonville               age 21 years               house maid

[obviously this is an old book that Fanny is using, because she is no longer 21!]

Only a girls love, a danish bethrothal verse
“Come Joy or woe, Come pain or pleasure,
Come poverty or richest treasure
I Cling to thee, Love, heart unto heart,
Till Death us sever, we will not part.”

Bless the Lord                June 1st 1912                 At all Times
Another year has passed away as regards my diary & with what feelings of mingled joy & sorrow are the items in my last recorded, my pen trembles as I commence this one for God alone knows what I am to write on its pages or if I may ever fill in the blank sheets before me now.

June 1st I had a very bad hip so Amy1 kindly got up at 5/25 & prepared porrige & gave boys & Dad2 their breakfast I did not get up for an hour after, I had breakfst then lit the stove & swept both kitchen & dining room & no Amy did the sweeping & I the dusting & washed pictures etc Amy baked scones & pie & tart they were lovely & did all lamps scrubbing Amy got off to Gawler calling for Eva & Coral3 I helped Ma4 washup & she did all cutlery etc I baked more biscuits & Madiera cake cleaned all boots milked Sep & fed calf boys had early tea & went to the City Amy came & we had ours it is raining steadily but light I bathed Clem5 others reading

1 Amy Florence Atyeo, youngest sister.
2 The boys are Albert Joseph Atyeo and Wilfred George Heath Atyeo, Fanny's brothers. Dad is Henry Atyeo
3 Eva Alice Atyeo (nee McLeod), wife of brother Charles William Henry Atyeo, and her daughter Coral Eva Atyeo.
4 Ma is Mary Ann Atyeo (nee Heath)
5 Fanny's nephew, Ada’s second son, Clem (Clement Garfield) aged 9.

June 2nd Sunday is the sabbath of the Lord Thy God We got dressed at usual hour for Sunday I hurried & fried sausages for breakfast as Bert & Wilfred were going with Clarence Standley6 for a drive tandem in his new sulky with Wilfs Larry as leader Cecil Goldney & Stan P.7 also went horseback We cooked hot dinner baked Mutton cauliflour & potatoes & apple pie. Got all cleared away & tidied ourselves then Alf Nottle Mrs & Miss Wake & Miss Sandercock8 came we looked at photos & had music & singing got tea & they left at 7/30 for home. Amy & I had a talk I mixed bread & feeling weary & depressed I retired early (dry day

6 Clarence Reginald Standley, neighbour, aged 20.
7 Cecil Percy Goldney and August William Stanley Preiss, a neighbour.
8 Alfred Henry Nottle, a neighbour, Mrs William Wake (Sarah Stringer) & Miss Wake (could be any one of 4 daughters).  Miss Sandercock could be anyone.

June 3rd Did not intend to wash so I did usual work & baked bread, & tarts for dinner also pie both have our ordinary duties to do every day. In the afternoon Eva & Coral came & she cut out & fitted a blouse ) black silk for Ma I altered the German print one I made, Coral is a great pet amongst us all weather very dry indeed

June 4. Earlier up & as Dad killed a pig there was Liver & Onions to fry this morning I did hurry as it takes time to fry Ma & Dad salted all meat & put it away I took Boys lunch they are working home Flat now. In the afternoon I cut out & made a G.P. Skirt for Ada9 Amy helped me & I got it finished bedtime still wanting rain badly water getting short again in the tank for drinking. I got a bad hip so has Ma

9 Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo), Fan's sister.

In all thy ways acknowlege God & he shall direct thy paths

June 5/ We had to wash so I got breakfast & lit the copper & started at tubs Amy has all outdoor work & then joined me we had a big wash both white quilts we got on very well & Ada & Cousin Eva drove out at 11 o’ck Alb & Murray also Ethel10 stayed at Auntie Eva’s to play with Coral. We did all scrubbing & came in at 4 o’ck got afternoon tea then they went & I made a good fire Amy pressed Ada’s skirt & the new blouse I made she also had so is set up, Jim11 got thrown out of his dray last Sat & shook up a bit Ma & I mended stockings after tea & Amy did most of the ironing

10  Cousin Eva Emily May Heath (She is often called "cousin Eva", while Eva Heath nee McLeod is sometimes called "Auntie Eva"). Albert Bruce Parham, Murray Charles Parham, Ethel Gwendoline Heath Parham, Ada's children.
11 Jim Parham, Ada's husband.

June 6th / I get up at about 5/30 & boys as well get their breakfast & did housework then cut off a pattern of my creme blouse & cut out another German Print for myself Amy was so busy roasted meat & cabbage & pots also pies & biscuits she was so busy Eva & Coral came for the afternoon to fit Ma blouse & she helped me a lot & I nearly finished mine Coral is such a love & can talk too Charl & them stayed to tea and had music and singing Dad, Bert & Charl went loading stone Charl carts to Willaston. Dry & cold Uncle Charlie12 came out for afternoon had lunch with us

12 Charles Heath, Ma's brother. Used to live very close by, but after his son and grandson died, he moved, with his daughter (Eva Emily May Heath) to Evanston.

June 7.  Uncle William Atyeo’s 70th birthday today I called the boys at 5/30 dressed & got breakfast over then blackleaded stove done our room swept both kitchen & dining room & washed floor with milk lit stove baked scones & pastry & apples & cooked potatoes got dinner & Amy did her rooms as usual, after dinner I washed up Amy helping me then finished my other G.P. blouse & Amy worked Buttonholes for me we washed up again tonight & I mixed bread Wesley13 came home today to help chaff cut & tonight he is singing & reciting very nicely

13 Nephew, Ada’s eldest, Wesley (Henry Wesley Parham), aged 10.

June 8th As our work is much the same each Saturday I had will not report minutely I had to bake bread, cake, meat, do lamps knives fork Boots Amy did dining room Ma has a bad hip & I have also, Amy & Dad went to Gawler she did shopping & went to Celia’s14 it is very different to go to Gawler after the happy old times at Bridge St15 Dad brought dear little Coral home for two hours or more had dinner with us she is a love & so good. Charl is stone carting Bert & Wilfie seeding Wilf drilling to do, nearly finished Wesley home so I bathed him & had one myself milked etc washed my new G.P. blouse & ironed it extremely cold & dry

14 Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo), one of Fanny's sisters.
15 Bridge St is where the Hobart's live, and Fanny and Amy used to visit Mrs Hobart and George Hobart there often whenever they went to Gawler.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God & his righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you 

Sunday June 9th / We did not get up till late I swept dining room & fried sausages got breakfast & then cleared all flowers shells & grasses out of the sitting room fireplace & made a nice fire the first for 1912 I cooked cauliflower Potatoes made melted butter got dinner & then Jim Ada & children drove home in the rain which we were pleased to see We had dinner & I washed up Amy helping me at four oclock Jim & his boys went home & Bert drove Ada, Ethel, Murray & Amy in the sulky Amy goes to Evanston to stay with Celia for a time now

June 10th  / I had to get breakfast over & then lit copper & started the washing at 8 o’clock & at 10 o’ck I had to leave off & milk the three cows as they got away & Dad went to look for them then I came in had lunch & then I finished after dinner at about 3 oclock & scrubbed all & folded & made bed Ma hip is very bad mine is also painful & I felt awfully tired Ma cooked dinner Bert is at Bragglesome days comes home nights it still keeps dry though cold & calm today

June 11/ I always get up between 5 & 6 lit fire & fried eggs & bacon had our breakfast & then I did all housework Ma so very unwell had to lie down her hip is bad & colic & it was such a cold day I started ironing & cooked vegetables which Ma had prepared & I finished ironing at 3oclock then I put wire round the Bridal creeper & got a cup of Cocoa & did mending & went for cows & milked & Sep & mixed bread after tea men same in work I feel awfully lonely by myself I miss Amy so much

June 12th/ Up earlier as I had to bake bread so lit the fire & got the bread out in tins also lit stove & got breakfast fried then baked & made all beds did sweeping & dusting & some sewing Mr. Roberts15 Agent Singer Co. came to put my machine to rights but had not a spring to fit it we had dinner & then I put Toff in the sulky & drove to see Pollie she was ironing & so delighted to see me, we talked & she got a cup of tea I mended stockings for her the children had a ride up to the gate with me I got home at six Dad had milked & Sep I got in wood & had tea & cleared away & mended. We had nice showers this morning but light

16 Mr Roberts, Singer sewing machine agent
17 Pollie is Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), a cousin, daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath, a widow. Her children are Albert Leslie Preiss (aged 8) and Dorothy (Dorrie) May Preiss (aged 9).

Jun 13th/ Up at about the same time got breakfast over & did housework as I have no help now I also cleaned both back rooms to help me tomorrow afterward I drove for the men chaffcutting for the first time then came in & made Pancakes I we had dinner I washed my head it was very windy & nice showers fell. Dad went for a cask of water & then it started to rain steadily & both boys got wet at Bragglesome Dad & Wilf home here love has a calf today I got in large log could only just carry it made huge fire Dad milked I got in wood for morning very cold all are glad to see the rain but want it heavier yet the first blades of grass are peeping above the ground. I put a new hem on Amys S.S. skirt my limbs pain me a good deal Rhumatics

Choose ye this day whom ye will serve

June 14. I called the boys but as it was a damp morning they did not get up till 6/30 I dressed before & got the bacon fried got breakfast over swept the dining room & kitchen both front room I did properly did not wash the floors too wet nice rain all the night & showers today Bert went to the other place & Wilfie went with a load of chaff also Ma churned & I looked after the dinner, I also had to do all housework I made a pinafore for Murray out of my apron Ma made a new flannel petticoat for herself we have large fires now in dining room had a currant roll pudding today

June 15/ I got up at 5/25 & dressed & expected to find bread ready for tins but it was not so I lit fire & swept dining room & then got breakfast & lit stove made beds & then baked Dora’s & cake & then put out bread to rise filled & cleaned lamps etc Percy18 came out for wood & called here had dinner I baked bread & swept rooms & dusted & scrubbed all requiring same cleaned boots & got afternoon tea then went for cows up the road way & had to walk right round the paddock to Burdetts corner & get them Paddy saved me a good walk I brought then home down the line of fence as my hip hurt me too much to go back the other way I milked sep fed pig Ma the calf it drinks so well a lovely day Dad went to Gawler by himself boys are gone tonight

18 Percy Thomas Dawe, Celia's husband.

June 16th/ Sunday I was asleep when Dad called me at 8 oclock as I had a very restless night my hips were very bad & I was nervous & could not sleep however I hurried & lit fire & swept dining room & fried sausages boys were very late up Bert has a return of his old complaint & is not well at all after breakfast I had all bed to make & tidy round Ma & I always wash up together usually I dry dishes for her then she prepared vegetables I made apple pie & tart. Charl & Eva & Coral came home we had roast leg mutton cauliflower & potatoes. Eva helped me washup & then she & I with Dad & Ma drove out to Twelftrees & back round Goodgers19 had tea & sang hymns Wilf is away today Charl & Bert also went for a long drive cold & fine

19 Henry Joseph (Joe) Twelftree and Goodgers are neighbours.

June 17th I dressed in good time & got breakfast over then I lit copper & washed I also did Ma room curtains & other staring I kept well as it but did not get on atall quickly & did not finish all till 3 o’clock it was nine when I started Ma cooked dinner & did housework but she is very unwell a violent cold & …. & her cough is awful. I wish Amy was home as she could then rest. I did not get only ½ dozen handkerchiefs & tablecloth dry so I ironed them my limbs are terrible my hip pains me dreadful I did my room milked etc & always bring in a hugh log & get in wood Men sowing their last for the year finished altogether today it has been drizzling rain & overcast all day & cold but no heavy rains have yet fallen

The eternal God is our refuge & underneath are the everlasting arms

June 18/ We awoke to see a severe frost & bitterly cold I got breakfast over & gave Ma hers in bed & washed up all spr things & dishes cut 4 lunches & put up tea Ma got up at 10 o’clock & prepared vegetables while I ground meat for a pie we just were busy I made beds & did all housework. Eva & Coral came in afternoon & she made my flannelette blouse & had to unrip it all I was ironing as I did not get things dry yesterday A lovely day but cold tonight Boys cleaned sulky harness last night very tired so busy

June 19th I had to bake bread & yeast cake so I got up & got the breakfast & put out bread & made cake & afterwards I cut the lunches & put up tea washed up all things & baked also did all housework Ma is far from well, so we just work together & help each other her cough is terrible & her hip is bad as well Dad went to Gawler & the boys went up to Mr Mitchells20 for two loads of straw I went for cows & as usual went the wrong way & had a long walk for nothing came home milked sep & fed calves Queen has a calf at Bragglesome tonight Dad late home & had to water the horses & feed young stock & cows I wrote to Frances21 tonight

20 Mr Mitchell, a neighbour.
21 Fanny's sister: Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo) who lives in Moonta.

June 20/ We were late up got breakfast over & did some housework & then dressed for Gawler calling for Eva & Coral an extremely cold day I shivered & never felt colder driving we did shopping on arrival first called at Ada’s went to Celia’s to dinner & then walked back to street & went & did more shopping & called round to Bridge Street were out I received a very hearty welcome & got some flowers for selling got back to the street met Amy & Eva & we came home but Amy stayed at Celia’s where she has been a fortnight now Uncle Charley & Eva & Albert spent afternoon & evening at Charltonville Eva helped Ma Men chaff cutting but it went wrong & hindered them.

June 21st  A very busy day before me & I had a very bad nights rest & felt very weary however I got our meal over & made beds & thoroughly cleaned all rooms washed both floors & made nice fire hung clean curtains Ma a little better & cooked dinner cleaned dairy churned butter & made it I cleaned Best Boots went for cows & got in wood milked sep & fed calves Wilfred is breaking in a colt for Mr Mitchell he & Bert been for a long drive & he rode it on fallow land it goes well name Midnight the men been chaffcutting again & Charl took home a load & Dad brought Majorie home tonight from there Coral fell off the bed Eva was busy preparing for company & made two home made eider downs & ceiled the back bedroom between then. Mrs H. Woling
22 has a son born June 13th 1912

22 Eliot Melville Wohling, son of Mrs Frederick Carl Hermann Wohling (Helena Matilda Warnken).

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. While the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.

Jun 22nd I got up in good time & got fire made porrige & fried veg. got our meal over made beds swept dining room lit the stove & baked Dora Biscuits & currant cake then put bread to rise & did general work in between cleaned fireplace Dad went to Gawler then we had dinner & I baked bread & yeast cake did lamps scrubbed safe etc brought in Hugh log made fire in front room washed pictures Ma cutlery, windows we were both very busy, boys carting manure from foals house I got a cup of tea & hot yeast cake got a P.C. from Frances she has had 3 teeth draw & not well Boys gone to Gawler. Very cold

Jun 23rd We were very late up after 8 ock I got the usual cup of tea & fried sausages we all had breakfast & I did housework & Dad & Ma drove up in the top paddock to get Majorie & her calf Ma drove the dogcart Dad walked & drove the cow. We had cold dinner Bert & Wilfred put Midnight in the spring Dray & went for a long drive he goes well put Wilf off once (he is Mr. Mitchels colt) I had Hector in the sulky & drove to K.F. Chapel Elsie Leak23 played the organ & I lead singing it was so nice to be at Chapel once more. Came home got tea Dad milked all six cows himself Charl & Eva Mr. McLeod & Emma Lockyer24 came for evening & had supper Eva played & we sang hymns all evening. Ma not well

23 Kangaroo Flat chapel. Elsie May Leak; she is around Fanny's age.
24 Daniel McLeod (Eva's father) and Lucy Emma Lockyer, who is a good friend of Eva's.

Jun 24.  We awoke to see a glorious rain falling so no thoughts of washing I got meal over & boys went oiling harness I made beds etc then I set to & made a new white flannelette nightdress had a bit of bother Ma had the camp oven on in dining room & baked beef & potatoes & boiled cauliflower & swedes Percy came out at 11 oclock with good news that Celia had a daughter (Amy Marion)25 born yesterday at 8 p.m. Percy stayed at dinner & then it was still raining till 3’oclock then held up & I finished the garment so glad to see the rain as it was a very serious thing for cattle & horses

25 Amy Marion Dawe, born June 23.

Jun 25/ I got up ¼ past six got a cup of & T & brkfs had to make yeast & do different things so it was nine before I started washing & I was getting on well & down came the rain it poured till 2 o’clock & after dinner I thought I would stop & I help washup & got a german apron to make but as it cleared I started again & did not finish till 5’oclock Altogether I felt terrible crook in my limbs my hips terrible Dad & I milked etc Bert & Charl went to Liberal Lecture on effective voting at Buchsfelde Eva & Coral stayed with us & all stayed all night Wilf went to Adelaide about the horse came home cold Bert & C got wet through.

Come unto me all ye that labour & are heavy laden & I will give you rest. Take my yoke up on you & learn of me, for I am meek & lowly in he heart & ye shall find rest unto your soul.

Jun 26th Not as early I got usual T & breakfast Eva got up & dressed Coral took her in to Ma’s room where she had tea & biscuit Charl went straight home Eva after breakfast I have done all ironing it has just kept me running from the line indoors as it has been showery all day Bert & Dad went to Twelftrees & sowed some over again Wilf been working home & then he & I put the colt in the buggy with Hector & he went to Gawler & brought Amy home she is playing new music which Wilf brought from town Ma darning I don’t feel well at all & my hip is very bad.

Jun 27th As we are not busy in the field the men do not get up early I dress at 6 to 6/30 & get breakfast. Amy & Dad milked & did all outdoor work Ma never got up till late as her cough is so bad. I had Rhumatics very bad as after helping with ordinary work I sat down to sew made a German print apron & other apron for rough work had to mend the belt of machine Amy helped with dinner & then did fancywork I made hugh fire & also a cosy one in the sitting room Ma boiled apricot jam over again Dad & Bert went to Humphrys26 to work. Wilf is busy looking after Cannon as he intends selling him in a fortnight Amy & I milked & did evening work Bert & Wilf went to B of Hope27

26 Humphrys, local landowners
27 Band of Hope, temperance society.

June 28/ Earlier & did usual work all of us then I blackleaded stove & cleaned our room Amy boys room I did both front rooms Amy helping men chaff cut they cut a barn full today I opened new kerosene & cleaned & filled lamps & all our best boots I was busy & did up a wing for a hat I was very busy just mixed bread Amy fancy work I must go patching The boys are at Mrs. Standleys28 arranging a Dance for tomorrow Charl came home for chaff today it was a lovely day

28 Ida Standley (nee Woodcock), local schoolmistress.

Jun 29th Sat a busy morning I dress & lit a fire in the stove as we wanted to sweep our dining room chimney I got breakfast & put out bread which was ready when I first came out then I did our room & dining room & baked bread Amy cooked for a Basket social at Buchsfelde schoolroom. A madeira cake Albert scones, sponge & polony sandwiches I did housework scrubbing etc an extremely cold day Dad went to Gawler early after we had finished sweeping the chimney I had all the soot to clean up & fireplaces to blacklead Bert went to Gawler this evening I Amy & Wilf dressed for the party I started at seven Amy looked very nice in my creme dress & helitrope belt (figured) Dad went to see Celia both her & baby are doing well it looks like rain Bert been drilling some seed where it perished.

Jesus said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God

June 30th  Sunday I felt so unwell but got dressed & got the usual breakfast fried & did a portion of housework then I made lovely fires in both sitting & dining room Ma & Amy cooked dinner roast fowl & pork (crackled) cauliflower & potatoes etc I layed down & rested Will Ratcliff29 came to tea & evening Amy & boys went to Buchsfelde I milked all six cows Dad fed animals Will turned the separator Charl Eva & Coral came & I was unwell I had to retire before 8 o’clock, my limbs are very bad with Rhumatics a cold day

29 William Ratcliff, a neighbour.

July 1st  I intended washing so got up about ½ past five & got the usual cup of tea & breakfast lit copper before sun rise Amy helped me was almost done dinner time then finished & scrubbed up had lunch & ironed I did all plain ironing before going to bed Amy trimmed her hat after she had blacked it & did my white one also & Amy & I milked boys & Dad are working in at Humphrys. It rained all the morning a drizzling one the a wind blew up & dried all clothes but pants

July 2nd rather late & hurried & got breakfast over & did all washing up & housework Dad & Amy did all outdoor work we had lunch & Dad & Amy went to Gawler I had nice fire as always have to boil oats then I finished all ironing Ma very unwell her cough very bad so she did not get dressed till after midday then mended & I starched & ironed all fashion shirts (3) & colars & other rough ironing then helped cook tea & stewed prunes & cocoanut. Ma boiled leg mutton potatoes swedes white sauce I did all milking separating fed 3 calves & washed up all Amy & Dad had a wet cold ride both boys got wet is raining now

July 3/ Ma very unwell & both of us girls have all ordinary work & pack dinner for Bert who work in Humphrys Wilfie is busy getting Enfield up for the sale in Adelaide next week we made ½ dozen yds calico into pillow cases & I altered Amys purple dress the sleeves & collar Amy blacked my white hat as I am not getting one for winter it was a rainy day.

July 4th A misty morning but it cleared up nicely after dinner I got breakfast & put out bread & made cake (yeast) I did housework & baked bread Amy cooked dinner pork swedes & apple pies & tart. Dinner over I drove to Ada’s found her with a bad throat so took her to the Dr then went to see Celia & Baby & took baby a dress had afternoon tea & a chat with Mrs McEwen30 & Celia Ada walked over & rode back with me did a little shopping & saw G.E.H.31 and spoke I went to P.O. & got a card from Ivy32 I called for Clem & brought him home to help chaffcut tomorrow as Amy & I are so busy & Ma not well to do her usual share.

30 Mrs McEwin; not sure who she is, but she must live in Gawler.
31 George Edmund Hobart, lives at Bridge St.
32 Probably cousin Ivy Elizabeth Easton.

Therefore thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the way & ask & seek for the old paths & walk therein, & ye shall find rest unto your souls

July 5) I did not rest well so dressed earlier & lit fire & got a cup of tea for parents then breakfast & blackleaded stove the thoroughly cleaned front rooms & washed floors also swept & dusted dining room & kitchen & both back bedrooms Amy picked a dress, stuffed, roasted a fowl plain pudding potatoes for dinner cooked it lovely Ma churned her butter & made it up Men chaffcutting. Mrs Ratcliff33 came for afternoon also Uncle & Eva & Mr Wise Tea Agent34 he played piano & we all had afternoon tea cold windy

33 Jane Ratcliff nee Donald, mother of Will Ratcliff
34 Mr Wise is a tea agent who comes once a year - this year he comes twice!.

July 6th / A busy day so I got breakfast over & put out the bread to rise which I afterwards baked & also a yeast cakes & Amy did the dining room I hurried & did all other work scrubbing, lamp, fountain etc. I was busy all day Dad & Amy went to Gawler where Amy stops I cleaned all boots & Clem was home he got cows I milked all six myself & fed calves sep had tea I bathed Clem & cleaned his boots very cold

July 7th / I have Rhumatics very bad so I did not dress till 7/30 got a cup of tea fried sausages & cleared away made beds & did housework. I had a rest & read a book as I felt ill Ma got the vegetables ready & I fried bacon we had dinner it was a very cold wintry day Dad & Bert & Clem drove to Bragglesome with Midnight in the sulky as Charl & Eva & Coral drove to Adelaide yesterday in the buggy with feed for Cannon Wilf goes tomorrow neither of boy went to church today it poured with rain in evening

July 8th I could not wash as we were busy getting Wilfred off & breakfast over Bert went to work in Humphrys as usual I drove Clem part way to school then came back hurried & did all housework & set to work & made 2 shirts for Clem Dad had to go to Bragglesome with chaff & from there to Gawler to get a truck to send a cow away to Adelaide I went for cows & got in wood & milked all 7 cows myself as I also did last night & fed 3 calves & pig Amy came home with Dad she has not had a very  happy time in Gawler this time so different to 1 year ago when GEH was ill Amy went to see Mrs Hobart35 Monday & she went to see Celia Tuesday also Mrs Ted Arbon Baby got a lot of presents. It has been a nice day. I have reported wrong it was Tuesday Amy came home & Monday & Tuesday I milked 7 cows myself as Dad was in Gawler both days Charl Eva & Coral come from town so cold came Angle Vale road

35 Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett), wife of Dale William Hobart, mother of George Edmund Hobart.
36 Mrs Ted Arbon and baby. I am very puzzled about this. There are a few women married to an Edward Arbon who have had babies in 1912, but mostly after July...

July 9th I got up early & hurried with a cup of tea & breakfast helped Dad, milked 3 cows lit copper & started washing & had a lot as I washed 3 new shirts & pillowcases & all usual I got on very well Ma did indoor work & cooked veg for dinner Dad went to Charls with chaff & to Gawler for Amy & to hire a truck for Trixie I got all done at 3/30 & then hurried & scrubbed & cleared up went for cows & milked & all outdoor work it has been very cold & dull but a drying wind sprang up & got most dry so tired too

July 10. I dressed at 10 past 5 & got breakfast for Dad who drove to Gawler to catch the train for Town he & Uncle Charlie went to the Sale together Amy & I milked & Amy fed cows we both fed calves & pig then Bert starts off leading Trixie to station sent her to Mrs Lockyer37 I swept rooms & dusted Amy & Ma washed up & Amy cooked dinner I ironed Eva heath came to spend afternoon & stays tonight It has been an extremely cold day & it started to rain about four & has rained nearly all the time since it is pouring now I went for cows & gathered eggs milked & fed animals Amy helped it was raining all the time I chopped stumps & got two lovely fires going Amy is at the Piano Eva & Bert & Ma are talking & enjoying themselves a bitter cold day with wind I been mending & mix bread tonight

37 Mrs Lockyer; probably Alice Maud Mary Lockyer (nee Williams), mother of Lucy Emma Lockyer.

July 11th As Amy & I have all to do I got Bert his breakfast but the poor boy had toothache so bad Amy & I milked & Eva looked on. We each did our own work & I dressed & went with Eva as far as Charls & took my hat which Eva trimmed I ironed for her & did housework I came home with Bert as he was in Humphrys working so we came home in dogcart with Nugget in we were having tea & Wilf came from Adelaide with Cannon he did not sell him & he was so lame when he got home after 7 hours travelling Dad stayed in Town to deliver (Trixie) to Lockyers had a bother too he called at Nellies & Mrs McLeods38 & came as far as Celias tonight

38 Ellen Ann Dunn nee Hand (Nellie), cousin, daughter of Aunt Amelia Heath, and Eva's mother Elizabeth McLeod (nee Webber). They both live in Prospect.

July 12 / Friday & its work a cold day after we had finished our outdoor work I did the stove & our room Amy front rooms & I cooked dinner Ma churned butter Dad got home dinner time I filled & cleaned all lamps Amy cleaned best boots I helped milk Clem came home from school here I cleared table & mixed bread as one day is so like another I cannot report anything startling Bert finished Humphrys Charl Eva & Coral came for the evening had supper

Text / What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world & lose his own soul. Pray without ceasing. In prayer & supplication making your requests known to God.

Be ye faithful unto death & I will give you a crown of life

July 13th I got breakfast & put out bread & made a cake off the dough as usual lit the stove & baked same Amy did the dining room I had to fry bacon & cook vegs Ma not well Amy went to Gawler calling for Eva & Coral Bert has a swelling under his arm & he went in early to see the Dr got home good time & has to have it poultice I made a madeira Cake & currants cleaned dining room fireplace & utensils & boots & all other work then milked & did outdoor work Amy came home teatime I bathed Clem & washed up & had one myself.

July 14/ Late up being Sunday fried sausages got the usual tea breakfast over each did housework I lit stove made flaked rice pudding & Ma prepare vegetables & Charl & Eva & Coral came to dinner & Eva & I went Chapel at kangaroo Flat & when we got home Mr Brodie & Mrs also Mrs Wickson38 they stayed to tea the others stayed for evening Amy & Wilf went to Ada’s & Uncles Wilf also to Gawler were late home I had to poultice Berts arm it has been a very cold day indeed rain threatens too.

38 James George Brodie and Emma Brodie (nee Pointon), old friends of Ma and Dad. Mrs Wickson - not sure who she is, and there is no-one in the BDM records with this surname in SA.

July 15/ Dad & I got up same time I got fire & lit copper & after breakfast started washing but it was a most unpromising day it looked so like rain but it blew over & a drying wind but extremely cold kept up all day & I got everything dry Amy helped indoor with all washing up etc so did not come on at tubs till late helped till dinner time we finished I scrubbed up & then I ironed all plain clothes Amy & Bert went to Gawler she drove Midnight the young one with Hector first time for a lady to drive him She got home to tea & then Amy ironed & I washed up & mixed bread Wilf is in Gawler tonight

July 16th/ Do not rise till after six & then the bread was not ready to bake so I lit fire got breakfast & helped with work the pup got up on the pot flowers & broke several down so Amy & I arrange them on the stand I baked bread & a yeast cake Amy bound her purple skirt Charl & Eva & Coral came for evening & Wilfie & I went to Gawler & he went to a Dance & I went to Celias she & I had a chat & a cup of cocoa & retired

July 17/ I got up at seven & dressed so did Celia Percy had milked & we had breakfast then I started washing & Celia bathed baby & Percy drove to the Dentist & she had a tooth drawn which caused her much pain. Baby was home with me she was so good then Percy went out to Bragglesome to work & I finished washing had dinner & scrubbed up made beds folded clothes milked Queenie & nursed Baby & ironed after tea & washed up we never went to bed till ten ironed babys gowns very cold.

Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed on us That we may be called the sons of God

July 18/ As Percy went away early I did not wake till 7/30 I dressed & went & fed & milked Queenie Celia got our breakfast & then I ironed all the rest of the clothes & aired them done front bedroom, cleaned myself ready for the street, Celia cooked dinner Percy & I drove down the street & I did shopping was talking to Mrs Hobart she was just going to Mrs Gerlicks38 to see the baby Amy & Bert drove to the Dr & I met them & we bought a new Lepoard skin rug I came home with them today they killed a pig yesterday so were busy salting meat etc

38 Mrs Gerlick is probably Maria Lydia Louisa Gerlach (nee Lange) and Elsa Dorothea Gerlach, born in Sandleton (Angaston area).

July 19 / Nearly 7 ock I dressed quickly & got breakfast Dad & Amy outdoor work then I blackleaded stove etc & did both front rooms thoroughly cleaned all windows pictures washed floors did our bedroom Amy did the boys & cooked sparerib vegetables tarts flaked rice pudding I hemmed 3 new sheets & washed them Uncle & Eva came for afternoon Men been chaffcutting very cold this morning a frost & warm sun today. I cut off pattern of navy voile dress for Amy Clem came home from school they all got sweaters for winter I mixed bread & helped wash up very cold tonight.

July 20 / Saturday & its usual work the bread was not ready so I got breakfast & did usual odd work then lit the stove & baked Dora biscuits Madeira & Raisin cake then bread & yeast cake & sparib & crackled pork besides cleaning & filling lamps scrubbing etc Amy stayed home Dad went to Gawler drove Bert to the Dr Eva & Coral also went Amy did the rest of work Ma cutlery churning & feeding fowls & ordinary evening work Amy & I milked & separated cleaned boots & I bathed Clem then Wilf had a bath & went to Gawler Bert stayed at Uncle Charlies all night Amy & I bathed also letter from Glenelg39.

39 Probably from Eva May Tancock (Gosden), a cousin living in Glenelg who is a very dear friend. 

July 21st I got up at 7/30 made fire & got a cup of tea then made a plum pudding & fried sausages & fresh pork we each did housework Ma did veg Celia Percy & Marion came home at 12 ock & Jim Ada Bert & children at 4 ock we had musical evening & hymns the children sing beautifully Wes stayed home Clem went home with them Wilf to church very cold

July 22nd Watch stopped & I did not get up till after 6/30 got sausages fried then started washing Amy helped after outdoor work was done & we almost finished dinner to me it was a very unpromising day but the wind kept up & we got all dry no trousers this week & we had 3 new U.B. sheets after scrubbing we ironed & then Amy & Ma milked Ma has not helped for 2 months till once last week & tonight I ironed after tea fashion shirt as well got all done & most aired & beds all made I feel so tired Amy Wesley Bert & Wilf are at piano Ma reading cold & rainy looking

Cast thy bread upon the waters for thou shall find it after many days

July 23rd As Wesley stayed home last night he had go to school from here & Bert had to go to the Dr Amy of course had to drive him so after she milked she got ready & they drove Wesley to school & from there to Gawler I did all usual work & aired & put away the clothes which I ironed last evening. Amy is away so often that all housework falls to me. It rained heavily in Gawler so they did not get back to Uncle’s till dinner time they had dinner with Eva & Uncle Will Ratcliff ceiled Eva’s bedroom today Mr Ratcliff40 came over to see us had a cup tea Bert & Amy got home at 4ock I was altering Wilfs pants so awfully cold now

40 William Ratcliff, father of Will.

July 24/ My baking day so I got breakfast put out bread & made a yeast cake before breakfast Amy outdoor work with Dad then she & Bert went to Bragglesome she to help Eva with whit washing Amy did that part herself Bert is on the lodge I was very busy baked bread & jam & acid tarts cake etc after dinner it being lovely & sunny I felt like a walk so after clearing all away I walked up to Mrs Ratcliffs & spent an hour & half she gave me a root of thyme I came home helped milk etc & then we had tea & went to Buchsfelde to the children’s concert it was very nice Amy Bert & I drove in the sulky Wilf horseback it was bitterly cold & when we came out all the young ones played in a ring & shivered waiting & felt so out of place & wished I was home so different from last time I went to Buchsfeld I had not been out any night since Xmas eve felt miserable.

July 25/ As Bert intended going to Lower Light with Amy driving him they soon started on their journey I got brkf & hurried with housework brushed all my best clothes & put away I was busy all morning & in afternoon I helped Dad put new screws in my box (or Bert rather) then I sorted them boxes it took me till near 4 o/ck I then swept both back bedrooms & cleaned stove got afternoon tea helped milk etc got in wood & made fires as is my custom. Wilf went to the band of Hope Charl, Eva & Coral came for evening & to get the stewpan flour it was a cold frosty evening I wished I could go to the B of H

July 26 I awake so early so I went to sleep again & Dad called me about 6/35 I got the fire & made a cup of tea & Dad & I milked & he separated & fed calves we have Carmens calf home & Trickeys we sold the others or Dad took them to market Tuesday we truck them to Adelaide I did front rooms cleaned fireplace helped cook dinner & set table besides making all beds & dusting bask rooms & after dinner I made good fires then melted fat & washed floor in dining room & kitchen dusted cupboards etc milked with Dad & Clem & I went & got a lot of small pine brush in the road. Men been chaff cutting Charl home Clem helping also I had to make lunches been busy & am tired tonight just mixed bread

Jesus said This is my commandment that ye love one another as I have loved you

July 27/ Being Saturday there’s always plenty to do & Amy away so I got breakfast put out bread lit stove & baked it also Madeira & currant cake & Dora bis besides making beds & sweeping & dusting Dad went to Gawler early Bert & Amy got home dinner time I scrubbed safe & other articles Ma did all cutlery Amy & Bert had their dinner & then went to Gawler I felt very unwell but kept going milked & sep Clem milked Mona after tea I cleaned all boots Amy bathed Clem it rained nearly all afternoon & so cold too

July 28 / Late up & I fried sausages got breakfast over Amy helped outdoors did all housework & we had cold dinner & then Dad Ma Clem & I drove to Bragglesome also Amy & Bert Wilf stayed home alone. Bert had a tooth drawn & his face is terrible & so painful also his arm it was Corals Birthday we went to Celebrate also Celia & Percy & Marion then Uncle & Eva & last Ada & Jim Wes & Ethel came with V. & C. Amy & Eva A. set table I made fire & got fountain & kettle boil first the elders had their then children & lastly the Evas myself Amy & Bert in the evening Wes & Ethel sang their school pieces & we each took our turn Ada & I recited. G.E.H and Amy spent another Sunday evening together they met at Mallala Thursday Bert Amy & the cousins drove to a dance there had a good time Ma Dad & I came home just after eight & I milked four cows Dad two & he fed them & the calves did separating

July 29th / Late up & I intended to wash so as soon as I got breakfast over I lit copper & Amy & I washed we finished by late dinner & scrubbed up afterwards & I did nearly all ironing except starched curtains etc bedtop also it was such a nice day so sunny Dad & Wilf at Bragglesome rolling or rather in Humphry Amy is not well at all sore throat & cold also Bert & Wilf has cold’s & poor Berts arm is so painful & large lump under arm

July 30/ We got up earlier & both did our usual work & housework. I starched curtains for dining room & kitchen & washed amys pink underskirt some more things Amy baked lovely scones apple pie she is far from well & my side aches & Berts arm seems worse Dad & Wilf same work Eva Coral & Gladys Webber41 came for afternoon & Eva partly made Amys navy skirt up differently I got afternoon tea went for cows & milked five Ma one Wilf is at the dance Amy very unwell at fancy work

41 Gladys Eileen Emily Webber, 3 year old daughter of Millicent Webber (nee Jacobs); probably a relation of Charl's wife Eva Atyeo's (since her mother was a Webber).

Now the God of Hope fill you with all joy & peace in believing that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the holy Ghost

July 31st/ As I had to bake bread I got up before six & li fire & got a cup of tea then put out bread to rise & made a yeast cake then got breakfast it was a wet cold morning & Bert could not go to the Dr Amy is so unwell also Wilf a very bad cold Bert went to the dance last night at St Josephs hall Gawler I did housework & baked all Ma got dinner & made pie then I covered couch with new cretonne looks so nice then I have to milk & sepr & feed calves & get in wood & make large fires very cold.

Aug 1st/ Late up as it was raining steadily Amy very unwell so did not get up till 10 o’ck Bert also had a lie in being so bad his arm is painful, I had all housework to do. Dad & Wilfred busy about home Wilf manure carting. Then I started to make a cushion for chair. Bert & Dad went to Gawler this afternoon but he could not see the Dr. It poured with rain all the time I was milking last cow of six & then I sep & feed calves & it rained all the time they got home from Gawler in it Ma is reading Amy & boys talking am tired so will retire & got a letter from Milicent today Amy one from Eva

Aug 2nd Our busy day but I felt awfully unwell but as poor old Amy was so ill I had to keep going & after the usual work I cleaned stove & did front rooms & back bedrooms was working all day Ma churned & did dinner cleaned all best boots & went for cows & milked all six & I fed calves etc got in wood there is such a lot to do Charlie & Gladys & Coral drove down in the evening & took Hector home for Eva to drive to Gawler to meet her Auntie Nell42 from Adelaide tomorrow It has been a cold showery week today finer Eva washed & ironed rather late

42 Eva's Auntie Nell, Ellen Sophia Webber (nee Webber).

Aug 3rd/ I do not get up very early about 20 past six & lit fire & put out bread got breakfast over went up with cows felt so unwell my left side & head ached baked bread & Ma baked pastry then I made beds Amy & Bert went to the Dr & got home dinner time, we were at our meal men chaffcut today then dinner over I baked Dora’s & slide buns cleaned lamps help milk Amy managed to clean cutlery I blackleaded fireplace & did all Sat work as usual another cold day Wilf to city tonight

Aug 4th  Sunday 8 oclock started work did all usual work & fried breakfast (saus) did all housework it poured with rain Dad all milking both times I sep fed calves I wrote to Frances none of us went out atall as it rained all day at intervals George came out again at 6 oclock & he & Amy are in dining room talking we in Parlour bitter cold outside & Amy so unwell did not get up till dinner time

Jesus said And I will pray the father & he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever

Aug 5 / It was a rainy morning & Amy so far from well, as to be unable to get up till very late also Bert. His arm is very bad, Wilf called me at ½ past 6 I dressed & got fire fried sausages for our meal then washed sepr & cream tin, tidied fireplaces & swept dining room & back bedrooms & usual work Ma got dinner rubbed all the meat (pork) churned & I cut calico garments for Ma & with Amys help I finished both before tea been writing a letter to Queensland for Bert very cold & raining heavily tonight today Amy made a nice hemstitched handkerchief for me

Aug 6th I got up in fair time & got breakfast then lit copper & started washing it was very cold & unpromising but I hurried all I could & got on very well had all bed linen of the line before 11’ock & as it blew a good wind I got sheets & night dresses dry & aired Uncle Charley came to spend the day. I went on at tubs as soon as dinner was over got everything washed & all scrubbing done by four, Amy was better & able to do housework I have to milk six cows & sep fed calves & other animals myself at night Dad does them in the morning Bert is just the same his arm is painful & the lump large & hard. Amy ironed all I got dry I got in wood & did other odd work

Aug 7th Not quite as early as yesterday I got fire & Wilfie’s breakfast put out bread & made yeast cake lit the stove & baked bread apple pie, tarts,& cake besides putting a patch on our mattress & made beds & odd work Amy & Bert do not have breakfast till 10ock or so then she helped light work & is busy making a table centre (hemstitch) dinner over I made lovely fires in both rooms then was much surprised to see Percy & Celia drive out & brought us word that Frances & children may leave Moonta on account of Diptheria outbreak. I partly made a blouse for myself Green F.L. Celia & Percy went home at 5 oclock I had all outdoor work to do milk fed calves pigs & gather eggs sepr & get in wood it has been cold & showery day so cold for Celia & Marion to be out but she is growing fine, Celia brought out the news that Jim Nottle has lost his little daughter of 2 years by drowning or shock following. She fell face down in a pool of water also. Mr Swars their uncle is dead at Burra Alf N 43 told Celia he went to see her on a visit Bert & Dad went to Gawler but could not see the doctor again Bert very unwell

43 Richard James Nottle, eldest son of Richard James Nottle and Martha Wake, married Amy Burrows in 1909 in Western Australia (York district). Their daughter who died is Violet Ann Nottle. His Uncle Mr Swars could be a Shwartz or could be Sivars, Sevars?

Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you, not as the world givith give I unto you. Let not your hearts be troubled either let them be afraid.

Aug 8th The same work each morning Dad does the cows sep & outdoor work as Amy is now well enough I get Wilf his breakfast then do housework then I finished my green blouse & Amy did all the buttonholes. It has been so wet & showery all this week & one has to keep large fires going. Wilfie is up in the top paddock ploughing Dad raking straw & turning stubble Clem came from Gawler today with Dad & Bert

Aug 9. Clems Birthday & busy day we had to do all rooms I did front rooms cleaned windows washed floors etc Amy back rooms & Ma cooked dinner & churned Charl came down chaffcutting & Eva & Coral came for afternoon, she was altering Amys navy dress I made a rough apron Amy was busy at a Table Centre & got it finished looks very nice indeed a finer day Dad & Wilf same work in afternoon Berts arm very bad I had to mix bread tonight

Aug 10th I got up in good time & lit fire & also one in the stove put out bread & got breakfast over then cleaned lamps & did scrubbing baked bread & cake blackleaded fireplace Amy made beds & did housework then we went to Gawler after dinner had a talk to friends did shopping met G. E. H. called on Mrs Hobart also called at Ada’s poor little Ethel & Albert both ill Bronchitus Dr Covernton44 out to Ethel very ill all the week. Wesley went down the street rode home with us we were late home 8.30 Wilf in for evening

44 Dr Hugh Selby Covernton.

Aug 11/ Sunday up in good time lit fire & got a cup of tea & swept dining room fried sausages got breakfast we all felt so down hearted poor Bert has to go to the Hospital today & we could not sleep last night after breakfast I did our room Ma her Amy the boys Ma did vegetables for dinner. After which we cleared away all & made good fires Dr Jones45 took dear Bert away & we cried bitterly for one never knows where operations end. I milked sep & fed animals Amy & I walked up with them, met George so I came in & wrote letter

45 Dr Jones.

Aug 12th As Mother was in at Uncles & Dad was going in as soon as breakfast was over I helped milk etc then having finished all usual duties I lit copper Amy did all indoor work then helped me we washed 3 blue blankets & serge & tweed pants Ma’s dark dress a beautiful day had to roast beef & cook cab.pot. Bert went under operation at 8 ock & came safely through Ma & Celia Dad & Percy went to see him French & Lorna46 came from Moonta today F came home & Lorna stayed with Celia.

46 Charles French Folland, Lorna Frances Folland, two of Frances' children.

Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage & he shall strengthen thine heart: Wait, I say, on the Lord. God is love   

Aug 13th I dressed in fair time & as Dad had to go to the other place Amy & I milked Clem rode with Dad & then went to school French went up with Wilfie half a day I did housework & Amy & I ironed before dinner & then I made a Cosy in the afternoon & Amy partly made a U.B. night dress Ma churned butter. It was a lovely day so sunny I milked & did outdoor work at night & mixed bread. Wilf went to St Joseph & lost his overcoat tonight. cold tonight

Aug 14th I had to bake bread so Amy made a fire in stove & put on melon jam for Celia I got breakfast in the dining room baked bread sago pudding & meat & potato pie for dinner Amy & French went to Gawler for the day calling at Ada’s & Eva’s after I had cleared dinner away I went out & hoed garden such hard work made my side ache Eva& Coral came for afternoon, Charl came home with waggon Coral has a bad cough Thelma Weaver47 was burnt to death on Monday last by her clothes catching fire while sitting by the Kiln

47 Thelma Mavis Beatrice Weaver, an 8 year old girl. The story was published in the paper.

Aug 15 / I did ordinary work & got breakfast over & Amy & I milked & sepr etc then I went to the garden & stayed till dinner time I replanted Morning Glory Amy planted Geranium & in the afternoon I made lovely fires & Eva & Vida Wilson came Vida helped the men chaffcut Mr & Mrs Mitchell48 came to see if V would go & work there we had afternoon tea & I put flower in my fur hat & milked & sep Ma helped me milk a very cold day Amy finished her U.Br. gown Wilf ploughing in top field

48 Vida Adelaide Wilson (distant relation) and Mr & Mrs Mitchell.

Aug 16 As it was Friday & a busy day I called Wilf at 5/15 he got up at ½ past 5 & called me I felt so tired got brfst & blackleaded stove & sitting room fireplace thoroughly cleaned front rooms swept dining room & then washed the floors Amy did back rooms Wilf same work Dad fencing French up with Wilfie he’s a trick Amy altered her green dress I milked & separated did evening work & washed up & set tea afterwards mixed bread Amy finished her dress Ma churned butter cleaned dairy & finished her flannel Amy cleaned all best boots & did other work. A cold day

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength.

Aug 17th Got up early & lit fire in the dining room & stove & put out bread called Amy who gave Wilfred his breakfast then I baked bread cake, yeast cake cleaned lamps Amy did dining room Dad & her went to Gawler & Ma whitwashed around the kitchen table I washed floor scrubbed safe & all requiring. bathed & gave French one also helped milk & all other work made lovely fires both rooms. Lorna came home from Celia’s to night France did not come down today

Aug 18th Sunday French been so sick & ill all night & I was not well either dressed at 8 o’clock made fir & fried breakfast (sausages) Then I had to wash bed linen as poor Frenchie was so ill. Ma washed up cooked veg Amy bedrooms. After dinner I went & cleared away dinner things Amy Lorna & I went & cleared away dinner things Amy Lorna & I went to Kangaroo Flat Church & to Mrs Mitchell to tea spent an enjoyable time & met George at corner of Davis’49 came home had a chat put children to bed. I wrote very cold indeed. Gwen Plullis50 has a daughter today

49 Alexander Davis is head of another local family.
50 Gwen Plullis and daughter. Very hard to read as it overlaps other writing.

Aug 19th I did not get up as early as I intended so hurried to fry breakfast lit copper & started washing Amy joined me after doing outdoor work & giving French & Lorna their meal we almost finished before dinner & at 3/30 I did all scrubbing & Amy dressed for Evanston as Frances & Bert Clif Phyllis51 were coming I was so very busy I had to make beds & get in wood. fold clothes go for cows & milk & Sep Ma helped they did not get home till late as Frances went to Mrs Hobarts to write a letter to Harry52 Clif came home with Dad who went to Gawler to get Cannon shod etc a cold night.

51 Phyllis May Folland, another daughter of Frances, and George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland (Frances' eldest son, aged 8).
52 Harry Gilbert Folland, Frances' husband.

Aug 20/ Got the usual cup of tea & then breakfast helped housework & did some more washing & then I started ironing & Amy finished it & I mended Dads old coat all afternoon Bert washed sulky a drying wind & warm sun Dad & Wilfred out in Twelftrees rolling two teams - Frances mending also Ma Clif gardening Lorna trying to do Huckaback same evening work. George met with an accident on Sunday last going home from here He horse fell & rolled over him bruising his arm & hip badly could not go to work this week.

In God is my salvation & my glory: The rock of my strength and any refuge is in God. Trust in him at all times.

Aug 21st As I had to bake I hurried & lit fire in dining room & also stove put all bread in tins & baked rolls for breakfast & then bread Frances drove Bert to Dr & Amy & I did all ordinary work & after dinner she rode horseback to Bragglesome. I chopped wood & got in a lot as it looked like rain Elsie Richter53 rode down for a paper Bert was to bring in for Mr R. Both Lorn & Phyllis were so good Clif & French went with Dad & Wilf rolling in Twelftrees. home at five Eva & Uncle Charlie came for the evening & remained all night as it rained pretty smart at 11’ock

53 Elsie May Richter, neighbour, aged 16.

Aug 22nd This is a sad day to recall poor Alf has been dead a year. I dressed at seven & got fire & a cup of tea Amy prepared eggs & porrige bread & milk for the meal & waited at table while I made all beds swept dining room then made a pretty wreath of blue Hyacinth & single white Jonquils etc for the grave Franc & Lorna & I went up & put it on & called at Mrs Ratcliffs had cocoa & looked at Photos came home had dinner Eva & Coral came this morning She is making Amy a dress & Charl is home chaff cutting today. I got afternoon tea & cleared it away Amy outdoor & evening work & mended hot night

Aug 23rd I did not get up till 6/30 & got fire cup of tea & porrige & fried eggs for breakfast. then Amy & Bert & Phyllis went to Gawler & I thoroughly cleaned front rooms & dining room Frances did back rooms I also washed floors & cleaned stove Ma fried bacon & cooked cab & pots. Clif & Lorna were both riding on the roller with Wilf Dad fencing & put a Stick on Lovely. Amy & Bert went to Celia’s her head has been dreadful a little better today but her neck is very stiff & I cleaned all lamps & got a cup tea & milked & sep etc all myself F made a salad Topsy has a foal tonight & Clif & French are both delighted with it will retire yeast did not rise

Aug 24th As my yeast failed me I could not make bread so I got breakfast over Amy lit stove  & baked scones for breakfast then I did the lamps & Frances did the baking for me Seed, Raisin, Madeira, Biscuits, Sponge Sandwiches, I did dining room Amy blackleaded fireplace etc after dinner Dad Amy Frances Lorna & Phyllis went to Gawler. Amy bathed the children I got L, ready & she Phy. Then Ma & I cleared away dinner & I scrubbed safe etc We did all work Ma cleaned cutlery etc & we milked I did all boots 8 pair they got home teatime & F bathed boys Wilf went to Gawler at night I have a bad head so as Amy cold showery weather

Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near. Today if you will near his voice harden not your hearts

Aug 25/ Clifs birthday my usual work in every way Amy helps with the children a lot Celia Percy & Baby came home to dinner I helped cook leg mutton cabbage potatoes apple pies & cream. Ada Jim & family all but Wes came to tea Charl Eva & Coral also were hear 24 in all had a fancy tea iced cakes etc apples, lollies the children sang & they sang Hymns till late then Amy wrote to Emma my head was bad Celia been ill her head & stiff neck no one went to church today it was cold & fine G.McLeod54 was also hear he stays with Charl while Eva is in Prospect next week

54 George Kimberly McLeod, Eva's brother.

Aug 26. I got up in fair time & got fire & cup of tea & lit copper & sorted clothes & started washing & Frances helped me Amy indoor work then she Clif & Bert went to Gawler Berts arm is still very bad the wound is deep. Franc & I had a lot as 5 make a difference then she ironed hers & childrens clothes I did some also & I had all scrubbing today. Amy & Bert late home in the afternoon as they paid several calls in Gawler a cold showery day but nearly all dry & ironed as well

Aug 27th Not as early & did usual work we all work together Ma cooks dinner I helped Amy with her navy dress & she made Phyllis a brown dress Frances made brawn for Ma & we were sewing till late Mr Ratcliff came over & had a talk I had a little ironing to do & there is six cows to milk. Dad & French went to station with ours & Charleys calf Clif stayed with George McLeod & Charl at Bragglesome We had a long talk at night & late to bed at that

Aug 28th Same hour 6/30 & lit fire & got the cup of tea & breakfast did some housework etc washed pinafores Amy outdoor work & gardening the children helping her & at 11 oclock we drove to Mr Follands55 to take Frances & children to stay there. On arrival we had dinner & then we went & had a look in the new drawing room & the other improvements also looked at views & Photo’s & the garden at 4 Bert & I came home Twelftrees way Oh how childhoods memories crowd back to the brain as we pass old haunts no longer ours but strangers one thinks of loved ones gone home, we got caught in a smart shower. Came in & changed then planted the flowers Mrs Folland55 gave me cold. Amy milked sep she is at piano my head aches so will retire (mixed brd

54 Frances' father-in-law, John George Folland.
55 Frances' mother-in-law, Jane Rowse Folland (nee Wright).

The Lord hath done wonderful things for us whereof we are glad

Aug 29 / We have the same work to do so I got a cup of tea & breakfast then we each did a portion of housework & I finished Amys blue dress Charlie & George McLeod came down chaffcutting & Wilf Bert & Amy went to Gawler to Dr Amy has a sore throat & Ma’s cough & lung are painful I have a severe headache & things worry me I just found that Ive had the misfortune to loose my gold brooch (F.R.A.)

Aug 30 / A dreadful cold morning so after the usual cup of tea & breakfast I helped milk & separate same Amy did all blackleading I did our room turned out everything but could not find my brooch then Amy & I did front room’s & all other work I made myself a little black stitched belt Amy made Phyllis a dress last Tuesday. Amy also sewing Wilfred went to work at Bragglesome. Dad busy home mending fences etc I could not mix bread as my yeast did not rise I felt vexed I feel so miserably downhearted & Amy has a bad throat

Aug 31st A wet morning I did not intend going to Town but all the others wanted me to go so after doing the dining room & assisting in others ways I got ready & had dinner Charlie & G McLeod came & at 2/30 we started for Adelaide went the main Gawler Road a very nice drive but cold, we arrived at Prospect at 5/30 had tea at Mrs McLeods & then Harold went as far as Nellies with me they were just about to retire so I read for a while & then went to sleep early. Mr & Mrs Jack McLeod56 were there also at McLeods I mean

56 Jack (John William) McLeod is Eva's brother, and his wife is Ella Grace McLeod (nee Driscoll).

Sep 1st Sunday & a lovely day I was up early & did the room I slept in. then they got up & we had breakfast & Edgeth57 went to Church I went round to Mrs McLeods Eva & I had a Sing Song & I was chatting to them, I went home Charl went round with me & I went straight to bed it was a cold wind & rainy I forgot to state Charl Eva & I went to Exhibition Building Dr Scovilles Mission58 was on, but it was a thanks giving service he did not speak & we were thoroughly disappointed I wanted to go at night but no one would go with me.

57 Edgeth William George Dunn (Nellie's husband)
58 Charles Reign Scoville was an American evangelist on a speaking tour.  Newspaper article.

Sep 2nd Text. Behold a sower went forth to sow. Seed sown in weakness it is raised in power. He that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting.

I dressed at 7/15 had my breakfast & then tidied the bedroom & walked into the City got there at 10 to10 & did shopping till one oclock & then took Car for home at Nellies had a cup of tea at Mrs McLeod & came home Charlie Eva & Coral & I did some shopping in Gawler it was so cold & rained coming home from Gawler. I drove Clyde & Larry home from Charlies myself & all the others with cousin Ivy are gone to a social evening at Priess’ to Miss Emily Goodger as she is to be married on Wednesday next to Murray Good59. I feel tired & dull

58 Preiss are a local family. Norman Murray Good and Emily Rose Goodger have been seen together since 1908, and will be married in two days.

Sep 3rd I was very tired indeed so did not wash I lit fire got a cup of tea & breakfast lit stove put out bread etc & baked it I also brushed my clothes & looked at my purchases from Town Ivy & Amy went to Gawler in the afternoon & I did mending & then sorted clothes & soaked in ready for tomorrow Ma helped me milk & sep They went to Celia’s she is far from well

Sep 4th I awoke very early I could not sleep well & dressed at six got a cup of tea then went to the washing lit copper & got in a boil had breakfast & Amy helped me we finished everything at dinner time & had our meal then went to Stone Hill Church & Eva & Coral went also Amy drove them Ivy & I in sulky we saw Emily Goodger & Murray Good Married at 3 o’clock Emily was dressed in white Radianta trimmed silk fringe & allover lace Stella was first bridesmaid & Annie Davis second & May Mr Clode of Loxton Best man & Clifford & Elliot G59. Church was tastefully decorated with fern & flowers & Bell arch & initials & Motto Love & Joy it passed off quietly. Ivy & I went to Mrs Parhams to afternoon tea & Lily played piano & we each wrote an autograph in the album came home Ma gathering eggs Amy milking. Mrs Ratcliff of Snowtown60 come to see Ma had a cup of tea & a yarn Ma very unwell also Amy who have retired & I will soon follow I have a depressed feeling as I always do after a marriage ceremony. God only knows what might have been. It has been a terrible windy day       the Bridal parties motored

59 Bridesmaids are probably Nivia Stella Parham and Annie Davis (neighbour, daughter of Alexander Joel Davis, aged 20). Not sure who May is (could be anyone!) Mr Clode of Loxton, Elliot Goodger is Emily's brother.
60 Mrs Ratcliff of Snowtown would be Mary Arbon, wife of Thomas Ratcliff.

Who giveth us richly all things to enjoy. All good gifts are from above & come down from the Father of light in whom there is no variablness neither is there a shadow of turning

Sep 5 / Florrie Webb has a daughter born yesterday at 10 a.m61. A cold windy morning I did not dress early as it was raining fast & the boys were very late getting up I got breakfast over & each did usual work I went on ironing did shirts also Amy did a little also Ivy. Mr Tom Ratcliff 62 came over from his uncles & spent the day it simply poured with rain & hair & very vivid lightning & heavy claps of thunder I was mending also the others & at night I unripped skirt

61 Emilie Florence May Heath Webb (nee Easton)'s daughter is Gwenda Florence Webb.
62 Thomas Ratcliff's Uncle is William Ratcliff.

Sep 6 / I did not dress till 6/30 got fire breakfast swept up morning duties over I baked scones & tarts Ivy crocheting Ma churning Amy front rooms & bedrooms dinner over Ivy & Dad went to Bragglesome for afternoon & spent evening in at piano I have altered my plum color dress today Amy busy at work all day Dad mending a chair Wesley came home tonight for chaffcutting tomorrow it has rained heavily today at times & bitterly cold hail also I just mixed bread Ma writing letters I am tired & weary

Sep 7. A wet cold & windy morning I had to get the usual cup of tea & breakfast, light the stove & bake bread pies etc scrubbed safe etc Amy & Ivy went to Gawler after dinner calling at Eva’s for her & Coral. Then I had to bake sponge & cakes & do the lamps & all remaining Saturday work Lorna & French came home with Amy Frances is still at Follands also Clif & Phyllis Am very tired Amy not well or Ma either

Sep 8. Late up as at was Sunday got breakfast & swept the dining room & Amy & Dad did the cows & outdoor work. Amy also cooked dinner roast mutton & veg I made apple pie. Charl & Coral came & we kept her & Lorna went home with Charlie dinner over Ma & Dad took Coral home & spent the day. Eva & Ivy came out brought Olive Antwis63 to live at Mitchels & then they came here to tea Amy & I were both washing our heads. I had to do all the outdoor work Bert spent the afternoon at Adas Wilf stayed home all day with us girls Sunday is very different now to the happy ones of only a year ago & Amy is not well Cousin Florrie Webb has a daughter born Wensday Sept 4th she is at Mrs Buggs64. Florrie Badcock & Roy Hatcher65 were married at Todd St church on Sep 4th 1912 & I hear Beatrice Hocking66 was married on Sep 6th 1912. Very cold weather at present so windy / smiler has today.

63 Olive Antwis, Eva's niece.
64 Mrs Bugg (Alice Bugg nee McHugh) looks after everyone when they have their babies - in Gawler
65 Florence Myrtle Badcock and Gilbert Roy Christopher Hatcher.
66 Emily Beatrice Hocking married Walter John Spafford at the registry office.

What will you do with Jesus which is called Christ

Sep 9th I got up early as I had a lot to do got a cup of tea & the lighted copper & started washing Will R. came over for a cask of milk as we have no pigs now & no use for so much milk Amy did outdoor work then joined me & we finished dinner time all but few to hang on line then I ironed most of them I washed my crème dress & G. P. one too Amy had all housework & to put away the boys best clothes I felt so very tired, Coral toddles all over the place now cold.

Sep 10/ Our morning duties over I dressed myself & Lorna & French & I went to Gawler roads bad & I could no go fast but got there safely & went to Cels found her ironing so I took it from her while she got a cup of tea little Marion is so good we had a chat then I drove home, did some shopping went & seen Flo & baby also to Ada’s she was cooking hot 6 ock dinner Uncle Charley went down street & Ivy & Eva went to see Pollie it was so cold & dark coming home & a most terrible windy gusty cold day Bert & Wilf just off to St Josephs to a Eucre Tournament & Dance Ma not well.

Sep 11/ Up in good time & did usual work had to bake bread which make more to do I set to work & make Marion a dress did not do too well & I also put cuffs on my crème dress Amy trimmed Celia hat Eva & Coral drove down, or rather Ma & Lorna went down there & met Eva on her way here George Hill67 & Kit & Hazel went up to Uncles today they met them & got hot water from our Eva’s for Hazel’s bottle after Eva got there she trimmed Amys best white hat & helped fix Celia up

67 Kit (Christiana (Kit) Heath (nee Hill) is the widow of Uncle Charley's son Alfred Hill (died a year ago) and her infant daughter Hazel Jean Heath. George Archibald Hill is Kit's brother.

Sep 12/ Same hour just on six Charley came down just as I came out of my room before any of the rest were stirring I got their breakfast & then assisted housework & finished Marions dress Amy stitched it for me & also stitched little Corals silk Eva was up sewing at 5/30 a.m. when Charl left home Bert & Dad fencing Wilf ploughing & working the land, an extremely cold showery day it has been I helped Amy milk etc & also made myself a belt busy all day & I had been intending to go back with Ivy but too many obstacles in the way So Uncle Charley is going Ivy is to spent tonight with Celia & she & Uncle go right through to Cookes68 tomorrow Smiler has a colt foal last Sunday Sep 8 very windy indeed again today with showers & cold

68 Cookes Plains

They which receive abundance of Grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by … Jesus Christ

Sep 13 / As Friday is always a very busy morning I hurried with the first morning duties & Amy & I did milking Dad & boys went down to Bragglesome for hay & chaffcut I did the three front rooms & Amy the back ones & the stove & baked scones Ma churning & her own work in the afternoon. Amy cleaned all boots & altered Ma’s silk blouse. It has been terrificily windy gales blowing all day chiefly north west & westerly every day except Wensday

Sep 14 / I had to bake so lit both fires & put out bread & fried Fluffs for breakfast bacon & eggs then baked bread cake & sponge apple pie Amy did dining room, housework Dad & her went to Gawler very windy & rainy I had to do scrubbing Ma cutlery, Lorna spoons, then I bathed both of the little ones Fr & Lorna & washed several articles of their clothes I also had to milk & Ma help Sep I took cows back to paddock & met the folk from Gawler had tea & we each had a bath although it was so cold late retiring very tired & Amy has such a cold & is not well herself either

Sep 15th Sunday I was up about ¼ to 8 & fried sausage for breakfast then did housework Wilfred went out to Mr Follands for Frances Clif & Phyllis she brought me home some nice flowers we had dinner corn beef & veg then Bert Lorna & I went to the anniversary at Buchsfelde frightfully windy. We went to Pollie’s to tea Lizzie69 was there she is down from Pt Broughton for the good of her health also Elsie Humphrys70 was there to tea. We had our tea & I helped clear away & we started for church a most terrific hurricane blew up with dust & rain we could scarcely stand for the wind Just got to Mrs Standleys & took shelter there from the storm G.E. H. was there Frances Amy & Wilf drove down in the buggy so I rode home with F & W & Lorna while Bert who was at Priess came home late with Amy

69 Elizabeth Matilda Ann Humphrys, cousin. Daughter of Aunt Charlotte and Benjamin Humphrys. She lives at Pt Broughton.
70 Elsie Jane Humphrys

Sep 16th another windy morning I hurried with the tea & breakfast also lit copper & started washing Frances helped Ma & Amy me but it was almost more than I could to do to keep them on the line. I did not put any out till dinner & then it tore some however I persevered & got everything dry & Frances started ironing then we had a cup of tea & Amy finished all by tea time I scrubbed form & other things & put all in their places & milked 4 cows & Dad two & got tea they sep. Frances washed children we had tea & I did writing & must go & mix bread the wind has gone down since 5 oclock boys been down working at Bragglesome Dad odd work at home showers & cold wind all day.

Thou Lord hast been a shelter for me … I will trust in the covert of thy wings. In the shadow of his wings is rest.

Sep17/ I got up early & lit fire & swept dining room & got breakfast over it was a dreadful windy, cold, & heavy showers fell I had to do all housework first as the bread did not rise till midday I made a black belt for Frances & Amy made a pair of navy serge pants for French. Eva & her Aunt Mrs. Clonan came down in the afternoon & it simply poured with rain & all the children & us indoors kept things in an uproar Dad & Clif went to station with Charls calf & Clif stayed with Celia. We were late retiring

Sep 18/ Gawler Show Day & an even more blusterous day met our gaze I it was pouring we did not get up till nearly 8 oclock I was first at 20 minutes to 8. Ma did not get up at all I finished Frs belt & they got ready show by 8 oclock or so it was awful cold rainey & gales French & I stayed home with Ma Bert & Wilf did not go till after dinner I had all the dishes to wash & separator & usual things I also had to sweep all & dust I was kept busy all day & then milked 6 cows Sepr & took them to the paddock got wood & set tea Maria71 came home with Dad & Lorna & Bert & Wilf Amy & George went to St Joseph & Bert lost his hat

71 Maria Anna Paterson, cousin (daughter of Aunt Harriet Heath).

Sep 19th I was up in good time swept up & lit fire & got tea for parents & fried eggs & bacon for breakfast Maria went to Gawler with Dad to go by Express to Adelaide. I put a fire in copper & did a big wash of bed linen & all the rest of dirty clothes did not finish till four Amy washed her silk skirt & ironed it & I did some ironing & folded the starch clothes I was took with stiff arms & could hardly move Eva & Coral came down for afternoon A much calmer & sunny day & lovely day for washing got all dry but Amy’s working dress

Sep 20th Friday is always a busy day the first duties are the same as usual & then I cleaned the stove & swept dining room & both as usual & then I cleaned the stove & swept dining room & both front rooms & washed the floors also Amy dusted rooms for me & cleaned windows & did back rooms thoroughly & got dinner Ma churning Another lovely day so sunny I finished starched ironing & shirts in the afternoon. Smiler got in wheat & both of us had a chase after her Amy & I milked & Lorna & I took up the cows & went to Mrs Ratcliffs to get the dipper which Will had ordered for me & Mrs gave me mint roots came home Amy bathed both children & herself Wilf & her have dreadful coughs Ma not atall well. I myself feel so sick & bad today & rhumatics Wilf at Bragglesome men at Twelftrees We have new neighbors in Uncle Charleys Mr. & Mrs Edwin Leak (nee Lydia Christie) were married72 his month Sept   Beaut had a colt foal on Sep 17th it would not drink at first but is doing splendidly now.

72 Edwin John Leak and Lydia Christie married.

Give us help from trouble, for rain is the help of man Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, even, Jesus only

Sep 21st Saturday I dressed & lit fire in both stove & fireplace got breakfast & put out bread to rise & made a cake (yeast) & baked all & a sponge by dinnertime Amy did dining room I scrubbed safe & all other articles requiring same did lamps etc & baked two more cakes helped washup & cleaned all boots Amy, the children L. & F. Dad went to Gawler. Lorn came back tonight with them Ma helped me milk & sepr Bert brought the young bull home today that Dad bought Ada & her family are far from well coughs etc fine day.

Sep 22 / Amy has been coughing all night poor girl it is very bad indeed. She cannot sleep atall I got up early & Dad was up already I lit fire & then helped milk came in & fried sausages. I felt awfully unwell, Amy did housework I put on the leg mutton & Ma did vegetables. Celia & Percy & Marion came home to dinner Charl & Eva & Coral this afternoon all gone home now & Bert & Wilfred are gone to Chapel we are lonely so will retire & hope to get more rest if Amys cough is any easier

Sep 23rd / I did not intend washing as I was too unwell my limbs ache terribly & am so stiff. I lit fire got breakfast ready & helped milk as Amy has had very little rest with her cough we did housework & I made rough aprons Amy made two new bodys for Lorna’s petticoat. It has turned out a wet day & so windy Wilfred got wet through Dad & Bert were making new swings so they were home. We had word to say that Ada is ill inflamation lungs Ethel & Murray are also ill Frances is in there with her Dad & I milked & fed calves is was raining & I had to change my clothes & retired early

Sep 24th I was up before six & got a cup of tea & fried breakfast helped milk & sepr & feed animals lit my copper & was in the kitchen, too wet in sepr house Amy helped me & we finished early except the colored clothes we washed every day dresses for Lorna & I tweed cape & cap & Peter pan. We cleared up & did all our ironing had a cup of tea & Amy & I milked & sepr Mr Ratcliff gave me a calf & it is almost dead I cannot make out the cause of it as it fed well this morning. We had out tea & Bert & Wilf dressed & went to Buchsfelde tea meeting Amys cough is too bad to go I have just mixed bread. It has been a very peculiar day wind & dust then calm & now thunder & lightning We got everything dry Lorna and Amy just came in and said the calf is dead Amy is now playing the piano.

We are all journeying to the place of which the Lord has said I will give it you.

Sept 25/ I had to bake so lit fire in both dining room & stove & put out bread to rise & made a yeast cake & did all ordinary work. Amy very unwell her cough is very bad so I always help milk it is cold & showery today Dad skinned the calf & made a white slip bodice but it does not suit me well atall Dad & boys are at Bragglesome Amy & I cut out and made new bodices for Lorna’s petticoats

Sep 26th About the same time & fried hot breakfast Did housework Amy helped outdoor & then went to spend the day with Ada Dad went to Gawler & to the Horse Sale Uncles Tom & Charley were there Frances & children came out to Eva’s & Charls today. Lorna & I went up to the sandhill & got flowers dragged the calf away as I thought it unhealthy so near the house the wild flowers are lovely now in scrub every variety I finished my bodice put a pocket in Ma’s coat & altered & hemmed up her figured skirt Amy stayed at Ada’s all night I mixed bread & put children to bed. Had to get up with Lorna as she coughed so much also Wilf

Sep 27/ I was up before six & lit fire & put out bread & lit stove & fried breakfast eggs & bacon. Ma got up helped milk as Amy was away I was very busy I thoroughly swept both dining room & kitchen & washed floors with milk then I baked bread & cake & swept front rooms & washed oilcloth had got dinner Ma & Amy in back rooms, Eva drove Amy home she did back bedrooms & cleaned all best boots this afternoon she washed sulky & cleaned lamps for Wilfred to go to Freeling to a Masquerade Ball & Amy & Bert are at a Dance at Winckels73 place Frances & Phyllis French & Lorna are here tonight Clif at Ada’s till tomorrow a lovely day & this evening so bright

73 Winckel family

Sep 28th / I was up in fair time about six got breakfast & then cleaned stove etc fireplace. Amy did the dining room & Frances & all her children were here she made the bed’s & as she had a bad hand she went to Mr. Rowe Chemist74 it was poisoned by an insect bite we kept all the children home, Amy stayed home & she bathed the two little girls after her work was done. I was baking cakes & tarts so busy then I bathed French helped Amy milk & Sep then Dad Frances & Celia & Marion came home with Clif so I bathed him washed up also did any odd work & made up beds in sitting room for Amy & L it was rather windy & cold calmer at night. Wilf did not go out as he did not reach home till four in the morning from Freeling I felt awfully tired There’s so much work & worry

Mrs Ratcliff is very unwell again they have Jim & wife75 coming down from Hamley tomorrow 

74 Mr Rowe, Chemist.
75 James Ratcliff (eldest son of Mr & Mrs Ratcliff) and his wife Edith Lillian Ratcliff (nee Osborne) from Hamley Bridge.

 Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friend’s

Sep 29th I got up early before seven oclock & got a cup of tea & the breakfast swept & dusted dining room & cleared up beds as there was extra work it looked rather unpromising weather I roasted beef & Ma & the others prepared vegetables for dinner which when over. Frances & Amy Celia & baby Lorna Phyllis & Clif got ready for Kangaroo Flat to get Marion baptised I stayed home with Ma we washed up & read to French who was home with us Wilf went to Gawler, it came on a Thunder Storm & they got the coats & wraps very wet rained all the way home. Mr Mugford76 was preaching they enjoyed themselves Dad & I milked etc Bert went to Gawler I think we all stayed home

76 Rev S.C. Mugford.

Sep 30 / I intended washing so got up in good time got the breakfast & then lit the copper gave boys their meal had mine Frances helped me wash we kept at it & did not finish till 4 o’ck & then I had to scrub all buckets & stands & blocks such a lot I feel so tired it has been very windy Mr Grigg77 was here to dinner Celia helped all morning & Dad Lorna Clif drove her home this afternoon. Frances did some ironing I have to go & mix bread. Wilf been working at Bragglesome the horses bolted was did not hurt anyone also bolted last week

77 Mr Grigg.

Oct 1st I had to bake bread so I got an early start & did all usual work Dad Ma & Frances Phyllis went to visit Uncle Will & Auntie78 Gawler Blocks started early I did all washing up & Amy did all other duties. I also made a meat pie & vegetables for dinner then I starched & ironed fashion shirts & helped Amy with the other ironing Eva Kit & little Hazel came to see us had afternoon tea & we went to feed the fowls & old Sandy took one of the chicks he previously eaten 5 but we did not know it was him. We milked sep got tea & then they came home. A lovely day but Ma had to go to bed at once when she got home Dutch has a foal today

78 Dad's brother William Atyeo, Henry’s older brother who came to South Australia in 1868 (aged 22!) & who sold Henry the farm. He now lives at Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens) with his wife Auntie Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock).

Oct 2nd About the usual hour & same work for us both but Frances helped Dad milk then went down to Charls to wash Eva’s blankets etc for while she made a skirt for her dear little Coral is far from well her teeth & a violent cold. Mary & Lizzie Dorrie Winnie Arbon & Clarice79 came out at 11’oclock & spent the day I fried bacon & cooked cauliflower potatoes for dinner then we all sewed all the afternoon had afternoon tea. Dad took Ma to the Dr early this morning but did not get home till milking time Amy & Clayton went for cows Lorna French went with Frances to Charls another lovely day. Bert & Wilf went to St Josephs Dance last night & Bert stayed in & goes on to Kapunda Show today with G.E.H. & a lovely show day it for it He comes home tomorrow & it is Two Wells Show then the others go there

79 Winifred Mary Matilda Arbon, aged (nearly) 11, daughter of Edward Arbon and Mary Humphrys & Clarice Louisa Ellan Preiss (daughter of Mary Ann Preiss nee Arbon).

If we confess our sins he is faithful & just to forgive us our sins & to cleanse us from all unrighteousness

Oct 3rd In the morning it seemed as if it would be a nice day so Frances Amy Phyllis Clem & French decided to go to the Show Amy did usual work & then baked scones cakes & biscuits & sponge Frances did our bedroom I did all washing up & swept dining room Uncle Tom80 came at 11 o’clock as all the others went to the Show Our lot were late starting 1/30 I had to wash up their lunch things & cook corn beef cabbage & potatoes for our dinner at 2/30 the cleared all away & swept both rooms milked sep fed calf got eggs Dad helped he has eczema terribly bad they got home 15 past 7 oclock just had tea Bert is home

80 Uncle Thomas Easton, husband of Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath).

Oct 4th They came home from the show yesterday in the pouring rain Clem & French had a good time & the others liked the Show very well but the weather was so dusty & then rain. This morning I have been very busy Amy & I did all the work as Ma is still in bed & I am far from well Frances assisted us & then Clif Lorna & her went for a day at Marys calling at Eva’s Coral is so bad her teeth & severe cough & cold after dinner Amy baked sultana cake madeira & buns & scones for a supper at Winchels & Dance her Bert & Wilf went I felt so bad but had to keep on at work

Oct 5 / Frances intended going to Town so she did our beds & boys cleaned boots & then got ready Dad went to Gawler took her to the station Amy could not go as I was so unwell I did not have to bake so I cleaned stove & utensils lamps cutlery & assisted in all work milking etc included & scrubbing Ma got up in the afternoon. Both boys went to Gawler & Kit & Hazel came home with Dad to stay Clif went home with Clem Lorna to Adelaide Phyllis & French home with us Amy bathed them she has a cold as well. Mr Will Healy81 died last week leaving two small children & wife died of paralisis of the brain after a week illness

81 William James Healy, aged 44, husband of Mary Jane Callaghan; their children were William James Healy (almost 3 years old) and Elizabeth Una Healy (aged 6 months).

Oct 6. I did not dress till 7/30 & Dad had got a cup of tea then he & I milked sepr & I fried sausages Amy dressed children & swept dining room & kitchen it has been a nice day & Gawler River Anniversary but no one went from here Wilf & Bert are just gone to Gawler I feel too ill to go out so Amy is home also my heart aches for her poor girl she & Dad are doing the cows now. I have just cleared tea away Amy cooked hot dinner I dished it all up & she curled Phyllis hair. Kit & Ma looking at Photographs Amy played piano & sang with the children so different to the happy days that are past must retire so tired

Yet the Lord will command his loving kindness in the daytime & in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.

Oct 7 I was up in good time but could not wash as Frances & Lorna were in town & very glad I was that I did not start as it has been a dreadful windy dusty day Dad had to tie down the separator house Kit & Baby were with us. I felt awfully unwell but helped with cows & did my usual work brushed boys best clothes & made little Marion a pinafore. Dad took Kit home to Uncle’s & brought Frances from Celia’s. I had to mix bread we were so busy

Oct 8. It was another windy & showery day so we did not wash. I lit fire & got a cup of tea then helped milk & Amy gave the others their breakfast as she does now for me then followed our usual work & dinner over I drove Frances & Phyllis to Mrs Nottles82 & Mitchells we had afternoon tea at Nottles Mrs Mitchel gave us lovely flowers & vegetables it was very cold & rained pretty sharp from the Tap home Amy made Clif a shirt while we were away & did the cows & evening work

82 The Nottles were landowners in Ward’s Belt; they lived on Nottle Road; Mrs Nottle is Mrs Richard Nottle (Martha Ann Wake), aged 57.

Oct 9th Both Amy & I were up before six & I lit the fire in both the dining room & copper had a cup of T. & milked etc then started the wash Frances & Amy kept on till dinner time & then I helped till the finish & Frances went indoors as Celia & Percy & baby were out to dinner I baked rock buns & made a plain pudding Celia help fold clothes dear little Coral was so ill last week better this week the boys are at work at Bragglesome mostly Dad has Eczema awfully Ma not at all well. I am better in health now still have a bad cold Frances busy ironing I mixed bread very cold weather & showers but got all dry

Oct 10th A little later & usual work then lit stove & baked rolls & bread & did all washing up & swept dining room & kitchen & cooked cauliflower potatoes bread & butter pudding for dinner fried bacon Ma mending Amy did housework then she & Franc ironed till dinner, then I cleared away & starched & ironed shirts tablecloth etc finished got afternoon tea Amy drove Frances & girls to Mrs J.G. Follands Eva & Charl & dear little Coral is here now & the others are home Wilf in Gawler, it has been something awful dusty & galesy wind till three then shower settled the dust but cold & windy

Oct 12th Saturday I had to bake bread so I lit fire in both dining room & stove got breakfast & helped milk then baked Amy had to get things ready for Gawler as Ma is ill in bed we went our hardest all day Dad & boys chafcutting & he went to Gawler Amy bathe Clem & Alb I ironed some things & washed & also colar for Clem then we both had a bath we were very busy all scrubbing lamps & thoroughly cleaned our bedroom put all out to air Amy washed floors & did cutlery Ma was not able to get up at all I felt awfully tired & aching

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet & a light unto my path

Sunday Oct 13/ I dressed at 7/30 got a cup of tea & milked & separated Dad assisting then I came in & boiled eggs for breakfast then all washing up & roasted a shoulder mutton with pots cauliflower Celia & Percy home to dinner then they with Amy & Clem went to K. F. Anniversary also Kit & Eva had Hazel christened & came back to tea Jim Ada & family were also home I milked all cows myself Bert sept for me I gathered eggs & had all dinner to clear & was hup after they went to church Bert cut Albs hair & made a nice fire in dining room cold weather after so much sultry quite cold tonight

Oct 14th I intended washing so got the fire & a cup of tea then lit the copper & started washing Amy indoors as Mother was ill in bed & Amy had to do housework & cook dinner then assisted me I washed both thewhite quilts it was rather a contrary wind but we got all dry & Amy ironed all I helped all outdoor work as usual Ma got up Elliot Goodger brought Lizzie Humphrys over to spend a week with us as she has to go home next week & can’t stay at Goodgers she was sorry to part with Lizzie Dads Ecczema is dreadful to see

Oct 15th I awoke early & called the boys at 15 to six got the breakfast & did all washing up & dairy utensils after the outdoor work was done. Lizzie had a washing day & I did my German print dress & grey underskirt I made a potato pie cabbage & cauliflower & Amy made scones biscuits custard I swept kitchen Amy dining room. Dinner over I scrubbed the cream tin & other things & emptied the cream vessels. Eva & Coral drove down for the afternoon I did some ironing & Lizzie did hers then I got afternoon tea & fed fowls & got eggs Dad went in to the Dr & got on the lodge The boys & Amy are gone to the Final Dance at St. Josephs tonight nice day

Oct 16th I had to bake bread so I lit a fire in both dining room & stove then gave boys their meal & Amy & I milked etc sep Lizzie was not up when we came in Dad cannot help he is nearly blind with Eczema then I baked & Amy got the dinner corn beef, cauliflower, swedes potatoes peas, rice pudding I mended stockings & rested for I was not well at all & then I got afternoon tea & Lizzie
& I dressed for Charlies where we put Clyde in with Hector & Charl drove us to Blocks Bazaar I never saw such a crowd at any country outing or concert before Amy & Bert came later on in the sulky Wilf stayed home Uncle Tom came home from L Light & is to stay with us a while I got some paper flowers & so did Eva Coral was very teasy we got at 10/30 nice night

Read opposite & between two dates on other page

Oct 11th  I forgot to report Friday up early & usual work then I blackleaded stove & did all washing up both table & dairy & I cooked dinner Saturday but the others today after doing a portion of housework I baked Dora biscuits sponge & currant buns & cake for Frances who was busy packing for her journey in to Celia’s via Moonta tomorrow Amy drove her to the station & then she stayed at Celias all night.  I thoroughly cleaned both front rooms & washed floors after they went I was so busy helped milk etc Ma so unwell went to bed Clem & Alb came home with Amy

Hitherto ye have asked nothing in my name Ask & ye shall receive that your joy might be full

Oct 17th I always get up at about 5/30 & get a cup of tea & then breakfast & we went to milk Lizzie waited on the boys & Uncle & had her breakfast we did all outdoor work then housework Amy & Lizzie went to Ratcliffs for vegetables for dinner & after dinner Amy drove her to cousin Eva’s she went to Gawler also I mended then gathered eggs & milked all myself & sep Eva, Charl & Coral were here & stayed for evening Amy playing piano. Another lovely day Ma is better now

Oct 18th Same hour lit fire & did all usual morning work Amy & I milked & did outdoor work I cleaned the stove & did front rooms Amy back rooms & helped with the dinner corned mutton caul, pots, & sago. I felt so ill had to lie down for a while I made up a blue apron Lizzie gave me all torn. Uncle Tom & Dad went for a long drive to Twelftrees etc Wilfred & others from Gawler are gone to Salisbury to a dance tonight Bert & Amy to Winchels Dance a nice fine day with chilly morning & evening I just cleared tea away & washed up also mixed bread for Saturday

For there is no respect of persons with God

Oct 19th Our busy Saturday bread to bake so I lit fire in the stove & got our cup of tea & as Wilfred had been to Salisbury to a long night dance he arrived home at five & called me Amy & Bert had been to Winchels & Amy was very tired however she got up & did all the usual work she & I have to milk & sep as Dads Eczema is so bad I baked bread yeast cake madeira & currant. Wilfred went to Bragglesome I was late home as night with hay their load slipped Dad & Uncle Tom went to Gawler Bert went at night Ma so very unwell her cough is terrible I wanted to go Gawler but could not go so retired at 9/30

Oct 20/ Amy & I had all the dairy work to do but did not get up till 8 o’ck usual duties cold breakfast & housework done we cooked veg for dinner & fried sausages. Ma dressed after dinner I went for a walk in afternoon got big shiver grass then home Charl & Eva & Coral to tea Amy & I went to Buchsfelde Bert & Wilf were riding Harrigan this afternoon it has been a most beautiful day indeed. C,D, & Coral went home at 9.30

Oct 21st Work in every direction I got a cup of tea then I lit copper & started at the tubs Amy & Dad milked etc then she had to roast shoulder mutton veg. & milk pudding I nearly finished washing then after dinner Amy helped me with coloured clothes & scrubbing & at 3. oclock we got ready for Gawler did shopping & then we had tea at Celia’s & came back in the street the band was playing & the moving pictures were on but we did not go called at Ada’s & Cousin Evas & then drove home lovely night Celia sent Ma home a jelly & I took it in to her for supper.

Oct 22nd I had to rise in fair time & get breakfast & do housework & Amy cooked dinner such a hot day I planted palms & dinner over I starched & ironed fashion shirts Amy other ironing Uncles Charley & Tom drove out to see us & Eva helped Amy milk I got my clothes out to pack & did some sewing they stayed till late Ma so unwell & Dads Eczema is terrible Amy not well Neuralgia I did not know what to do about my holiday but they wanted me to go for a good rest.

Oct 19th As I could not get this diary I had to write on the following leaves as they are different. While I was away for my holiday on Oct 25. Aunt Harriet & Elvera83 came & stayed till the following Sunday. Ma was took worse & poor Amy had a time of it she & Elvera went to Gawler on Saturday & saw George he leaves for Edithburgh next Sat Nov 2nd Uncle Charlie & Eva came out Sunday Oct 27th Percy Marion & Celia on Friday Nov 1st & stayed the night Clem home at Charltonville bad Amy took him home Nov 3rd Eva & Ethel came back & on Monday Nov 4th Uncle Charlie Ada & the other children came out for the day & went back at night with Jim Ada is in very poor health & Cousin Eva helped wash four weeks running she has a severe cold & run down & Rhumatics

83Auntie Harriet Paterson (nee Heath) and her daughter Elvera Maud Paterson (cousin, daughter of Aunt Harriet), aged 15.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil

Oct 23rd I got the fire in the stove & usual cup of tea then Amy got breakfast & I helped milk & separate had our meal & then hurriedly packed my basket for my holiday. Uncle Tom Dad & I went to Gawler Uncle Charlie drove us to the station & we were the only passengers in the carriage to
Adelaide I called on Mrs McLeod had dinner the went to Nellie’s saw baby84, took a car & did some shopping met Uncle at 3 o’clock We had a cup of tea at Bishops85 & then got in our train at 4 ’clock had  pleasant journey got out at Murray Bridge & had a look around Auntie86 met us at the station. I have a cold & sore throat retired early 9/30

84 Raymond Edgeth Dunn, Nellie's baby, born on September 10.
85 Bishops - could be tea rooms in Adelaide?
86 One of Ma’s younger sisters, Emily Easton (nee Heath).

Oct 24 / I got up at about 7 ock had breakfast & went pea picking with Auntie Uncle & Ern87 I did our room & assisted generally felt so tired & it was very hot so all had a good rest after dinner I had a sleep as well then a cup of tea & did some mending very quiet here but rather a nice place Mallee & Pines & Auntie has a nice little garden & comfortable house

87 Uncle Thomas Easton, husband of Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), and one of their younger sons Ernest Allan Easton (cousin).

Oct 25 / Up at 6/30 & had breakfast & did our room swept kitchen washed up got morning lunch & peeled pots for dinner went with Ivy to Cookes in the afternoon & spent afternoon with Clara had tea there & came home & had another & retired 9 ock

Oct 26 / Same hour Ivy cleaned her stove & put out her bread had breakfast & I went to see the cows with Ern & watched them separate & did room Ivy cleaned cutlery & baked bread Auntie did cake yesterday Uncle the boys88 & Ivy went to cricket match at Cookes after dinner Auntie & I home on our own Auntie is washing her floor with milk & then we are going for the cows

88 The boys are Ern (above) and his younger brother Oliver Charles Heath Easton (Ollie).

Oct 27 / Sunday we were up early & breakfast over I assisted Ivy in washing up then I swept the floor & Ivy & Mr Sandercock89 went to Clara’s for the day or rather till after Church then they came home with us Uncle Auntie Ern & I went in the dray & Ollie horseback Mr Hill90 preached. Mr Manuel & Mr Portis91 came for evening we were singing & talking I read a book it was a nice day & on the whole I spent a quietly pleasant day

89 Mr Sandercock is likely William John Sandercock (cousin Ivy Easton's beau).
90 Mr Hill, Preacher at Murray Bridge.
91 Mr Manuel & Mr Portis.

Fear not little flock for it is your fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Oct 28th They alway get up at six & I dress at 6.30 we had breakfast & I helped Auntie wash then swept back rooms & peeled potatoes made our bed. Ivy helped finish I hung clothes on line dinner over I helped washup & folded all clothes Ivy brushed best clothes & Auntie made scones I will do a little ironing now I think. Ern is at Cooke’s plains to send cream to Adelaide it is a cool change & a little light rain

Oct 29th I did not sleep well last night so did not dress till seven had breakfast & made our bed swept the dining room & assisted Ivy she baked her bread then ironed Auntie made a beef pudding & dinner over I had a good rest & a read then made myself a new apron had tea & read again wrote a letter to Celia the weather is hot & windy with dust cool nights Ivy mending clothes

Oct 30th I did not dress till near 20 to 7 & had breakfast & then I washed up swept back rooms Ivy front rooms & Auntie milked Ern helping washed up & then made a beef pie we had dinner & wrote to Sydney & had a read & rest as did the others as well they can’t strike good water all salt Uncle not well Tom & Myrtle & Valerie92 came up at night Auntie & I had just returned from the Henders where we looked at fancy work & had afternoon tea Napoleon cake & also looked at flowers Then we came home & Tom & Myrtle went home on the Trike to 81 Mile cottage it was rather cold but we reached home safely    

92 Cousin Tom (Thomas Henry) Easton, his wife Myrtle Easton (nee Badenoch), living in Murray Bridge, and their infant daughter Valerie Hazel Easton.

Oct 31st Myrtle & I got up & had our breakfast & I washed up & Myrtle did the bedroom & bathed Vallerie & we talked & she cooked dinner. I nursed baby There is not much to do or to see very quiet place Tom was home midday dinner I chatted away I enjoyed their company & Vallerie is a dear little child can crawl all over the place & can stand by chairs

Nov 1st I assisted Myrtle in all the household work Myrtle swept the front rooms & I dusted all for her all her fancy wedding presents & we had dinner & I cleared all away & Myrtle did her cake baking cakes, sponge, coconut cockles & I had a bath & cleaned myself & did a little washing & mended my stockings wrote in my book & then I read & we had a Sing Song

 Nov 2 / Same hour & had our breakfast To had gone to work at 7 oclock it was a lovely cool morning & it was raining steadily & continued nearly all day it will greatly refresh things as crops are very backward up here Myrtle blackleaded her stove & scrubbed safe I washed up & scrubbed bread board & dusted all room. Myrtle did some sewing I read a good deal & Tom went for a load of wood with Mr Dolman93 it still kept raining Ollie & Ern went to cricket but not Tom

93 Mr Dolman.

Nov 3 / We were up at 20 past 7 & had toast & T & M. had eggs as well I read a book & washed up shelled peas & nursed Vallerie after dinner all cleared away Tom Myrtle & I & V went to Cookes Plain church & from there to Aunties Bob & Clara were home so she had a houseful of her own Will Sandercock was also there I got my basket partly packed for our journey tomorrow I am to go with Ivy & Will now

No/ 4/ Monday up at about 6/30 Auntie & the others were at breakfast so I had mine & we started washing I helped Auntie till 10/30 then we had cocoa lunch & I ironed & folded all clothes Ivy baked bread & Will Sandercock chopped wood & kept fires going at 12 oclock we had dinner & then we dressed for our journey I helped Auntie wash up. Will Ivy & I went to Clara’s & spent an hour or so then got our train. I had a pleasant journey it was raining coming in to the Cooke’s Plains station They two W & I got out at Mt Lofty then I had only a gentleman & his little boy to Adelaide I got a car & went to Fitzroy Terrace & walked to Nellie’s she got up & got me supper & I read a while they went to sleep. The scenery through the Hills was beautiful Ferns & Flowers & the garden are lovely with roses etc.

Nov 5th Being at Nellie’s I did not have to get up early I was awake early but did not dress till after seven Nellie was up busy in her garden which looks so pretty, I had breakfast & she bathed her Baby I washed up & did spare room then went into Adelaide & hurried to do my shopping & got in the midday train arrived at Celia’s at 2/30 had a cup of tea & fried sausages little Marion was not well bad eye I nursed her Celia just finished washing when I got there Percy drove me to Ada’s then I spent the evening there till eleven & then I slept at Eva’s I had tea there.

Nov 6 As both clocks had stopped I dressed at 5/30 & Eva as well got breakfast then went to Ada’s & Jim I came home got there at 8 o’clock I assisted in various work but most of my day was taken up with unpacking & brushing clothes & talking I did mending & Dad took Ma for a long drive for her health as the Dr ordered her out for a drive Amy & I did cows & evening work the boys do not get in till about nine ock to tea

Nov 7th I got up at five & lit fire got breakfast then Amy came out & put up dinners & tea for men I helped in all work & in the afternoon Dad & I went to Gawler Mrs Ratcliff came over also Lily Panter94. I walked to see Celia but when I got there she was at a baby show at the Congregational Church so I missed her & was so tired I could hardly walk but I did a little shopping & we came home

94 Lillian Margaret Panter, a grand-daughter of Mrs Ratcliff, aged 15.
Nov 8/ My usual morning duties lit fire & got breakfast then blackleaded stove & did the front rooms thoroughly Amy did back rooms we also churned butter & Ma potted it but she is not atall well or strong we did all our Friday’s work such a lot of cleaning to do Amy did the boots I cleaned down our wardrobe Mr Wise Tea agent came it is lovely weather boys both Charley & Bert are binding Wilf is working the fallow & Jim is stooking so there’s plenty to do here I mixed bread tonight

Nov 9th Same time & lit stove Amy got breakfast while I put the bread in tins & made a Yeast Cake had breakfast & I cleaned lamps & made bed baked bread sponge & cake also jam & acid tarts & boiled cabbage & made a shepherds pie I was so unwell all day Amy went to Gawler after dinner Ma did all the cutlery & windows & I baked another raisin cake & then scrubbed safe & I had a sleep I felt so bad boys both gone to Gawler Amy so late home went to Celia’s to tea

Nov 10th Sunday we did not dress early & went got a cup of tea & Polony for breakfast so had not got to fry Ma is better than she was but still ill so Amy & I have plenty to do we each do a share & manage well together after doing housework Amy & Bert cleaned sulky harness & Wilfred washed the sulky I cooked leg mutton roast potatoes & peas. In the afternoon Percy & Charl drove down Celia stayed at Eva’s with Marion as it was windy & dusty but cold the boys went to Gawler at night Amy & I had a talk & then sang hymns Hugh spent the evening with Dad yarning. News from Moonta Phyllis very ill

Nov 11th I lit fire & Amy helped with the breakfast & put up dinners Wilf is cultivating Charl & Bert binding in Uncles Wills & Jim is working for us stooking hay. I lit the copper & Amy helped indoors for a while & at 3rd boil she helped till the finish I could not seem to hurry but got everything done & started ironing before 3 ock Dad & Ma went to Twelftrees for a drive I took up lunch to Charl & Bert came back then Amy & I milked & separated. Ratcliffs gave us a calf so we have two now both of us girls got stiff limbs & Ma is far from well Dads face very bad indeed & such a lot of work with Hay making.

Nov 12 / five o’clock sees us astir I light fire then get breakfast Amy puts up dinners then we two milk & sep & feed calves & pigs then housework I had to bake bread & pies after dinner Amy Eva & Coral went to Gawler Dad went in the morning to get off the lodge his face is still very bad. Amy got a invitation card for us to Jessies birthday party95 so she got a new pink dress for it Wilf went to St Josephs Dance Bert stayed at Charls tonight Dad came home Amy & I late to bed 10 ock

95  Cousin Jessie Violet Paterson.

Nov 13 / Dad got up at four o’clock went up for water at the Gap & came back at five & called me I hurried & got the breakfast Amy & I milked etc & between us did housework & I made & baked apple pie pasties & Shepherds pie got all cooked Ma & Amy & I all worked together & at ¼ to twelve Amy drove to Bragglesome with it & stays for afternoon to do her dress Ma is resting I must go & sew I have done all housework & brushed Wilfreds clothes it is a hotter day little Albert been out here all day with Jim & on Tuesday

Nov 14 / As I have been very unwell all night Amy very kindly got up & got breakfast Bert is at Charlies now nights. We had a treat this morning our cows all got away so Amy & Ma went for them Larry in the sulky were gone and have found them down by Kreigs95 Buchsfelde road I did housework Amy & I milked fed animals & then she went to Bragglesome to get her dress made I baked slide buns Dora biscuits tarts & this afternoon I finished Amys blue print blouse. We heard Ern Driesond & E. Smalley96 were married last night. Mrs Smith senr. of Gawler South has a son born Nov he is nearly 80 years old & this is his second Family97. We have had nice refreshing showers today. Bert is at Charls Amy is not well Eva had a terrible bother with Amys blouse & could not get it right so altered it

95 Kriegs, neighbours
96 Ernest Gottlieb Driesener & Emily Smalley married in Gawler.
97 Mrs Smith Senior is Ellen Duck, who married John Robert Smith last year when she was 29 and he was 68. So, no, he's not nearly 80. Their son is John Howard Smith, born November 2nd.

Nov 15 / Friday is always a busy day same time & I lit the fire in dining room got breakfast & then did my stove & cleaned the sitting room fireplace put a new tin bottom in the fireplace as well then I did our room Amy did both other front rooms & between us we got all done & Eva & Coral came down in afternoon to fit Amys new evening dress I mended stockings Amy cleaned best boots & we milked sep & etc Bert is at Charls at night as they are all down there at work either Bragglesome or Humphrys

Nov 16th Sat I rose early as I had to put out bread in tins & get breakfast Amy assisting then I helped her milk & outdoor work & baked bread cakes sponge I also did some baking yesterday Amy went to Gawler after dinner calling for Eva & Coral. She did the dining room before she went Ma & I washed up & she cleaned all cutlery spoons etc I did lamps & washed my dress scrubbed all the articles as usual & got a cup of tea then Ma helped me milk & I took the cows up & met Cousin Will & rode home with him, then as I knew the top panels were down I went up they had gone up the rode to Mr Davis’s98 I got them back as far as the corner & they ran away down past the ‘Pines” & I after them until I was quite done up & got them home met Dad & boys with binders & rode home in the spring dray

98 Alexander Joel Davis, a neighbour.

Nov 17 / Sunday fair time & got a cup of tea & then swept both rooms & got breakfast over the boys were very late up & then followed a terrible Tableux I felt so sorry Celia Percy & Marion came home to dinner Amy & I did all work I cooked cabb potatoes roasted leg of mutton & we also prepared Rhubarb & Birds Custard in the afternoon it rained we talked all the time none of us went out to church all day Will stayed the night. C & P & Wesley who was with them went home it was raining I had indigestion so went to bed I felt awfully unwell & so miserable Sunday is not like it once was to me. So cold like winter weather.

Nov 18th I was up early & swept & got a cup of tea then I helped outdoor work & Amy fried eggs & bacon & gave the boys their meal after doing housework I cut out a white Com garment for Amy & been mending & helped Ma make a beef steak pudding for tea 8 oclock the boys had to do fallowing today as its raining nearly all day. I pulled up the beans tonight & Dad the peas Mrs Wilson is very ill99 

99 Mrs Wilson. Not sure who this is - too many possibilities.

Bear ye one anothers burdens & then fulfil the law of Christ

Nov 19 / We awoke to hear the rain falling quite heavily & it kept on at intervals all day our 1000 gallon tank is full running over, & the weather is bitterly cold we have a nice fire in the dining room even a log on & cooked dinner there. I did all usual work so did Amy & then I cut out a slip bodice which I helped Amy make she had bad luck with it all through but finished it at night I also cut out a pink stripe dress for Ethel & milked all six cows & did all out door work myself Dad was making feed boxes boys working the land today so wet

Nov 20 / We are late this week with our washing I got up at five oclock & dressed lit a fire in dining room & kitchen baked hot rolls for breakfast & put out the other to rise & baked that also afterwards. I lit copper & started washing Amy helped all outdoor work & then joined me at tubs we finished about 1o’clock then did all scrubbing & had dinner made bed & ironed finished all up boys were binding again after two wet days & could not do any thing to hay am so tired Ma better

Nov 21st I did not dress as early but hurried & got the breakfast & Amy cut dinners I put up tea & we each did our usual work Amy went to Gawler it was a hot windy day Ma very bad again had a bad night Eva & Coral drove down in the afternoon & Mr Ratcliff came in for a talk a change came up at sundown Charl & Eva & Coral were here to tea Amy got Jessie’s present a hand painted biscuit barrel very pretty late up tonight

Nov 22nd I had to bake both bread & buns this morning & cleaned back rooms same work for us both in the early morning & later on I cleaned front rooms beside baking the above I cleaned stove yesterday & roasted mutton for tea Amy has a bad throat so she did ordinary work men all out in Twelftrees we had to put several finishes to our dresses & hair band etc ready for Jessie’s party the boys came home at five had a bath & got ready we left here soon after seven & on arrival found over 100 guests there the dancing was kept up in the drawing room which was prettily decorated & a marque on the lawn for those who did not dance in play games in & the cooling drinks were also there supper was laid in the dining room the tables looked very nice indeed & the flowers were beautiful in vases & jardineres everwhere. Jessie was dressed in pale pink Crepe de Chene very elaborately trimmed with spangles all over pink draped back & front Elvie in pink too Maria white & their Mother in Tussore silk coat & skirt the presents were numerous & costly & all kinds several oak picture frames & photo F. silver candle stick vases & electro plate mirrors brush/silver spoons & tongs in case gold broockes & neck chain vases table centres writing desks & sugar & crème bowls & many others

Set your affections on things above not on things of the earth

Nov23 / We left Lower Light at 25 minutes past four & arrived home at 6/25 Eva & Charl were at their breakfast as they stayed here last night. We just took off our best clothes & put on our everyday & started work put up dinners & tea we were very tired but never gave in I baked scones & cake scrubbed safe etc cleaned lamps & at 11 oclock I rested for an hour then got dinner & washed up Amy & Eva & Coral went to Gawler & I cleaned all cutlery Ma churned I milked all cows (6) & fed calf pigs took up cows & got in wood men into tea at nine washed up & retired to rest at 10 o’ck I felt so utterly done up for sleep

Nov 24th Sunday I was first up & it was 20 to 9 when I came out the others followed I swept up & got breakfast Dad & Amy all outdoor work Ma ill in bed Will Ratcliff came over for Bert to cut his hair I baked shoulder mutton potatoes & cabbage Amy did bedrooms I got & cleared away dinner & then I did Amys hair in puffs & her & Bert went into Ada’s I must go & put the sepr together & milk & get tea now cold & pleasant today showers in the night Wilf went to Gawler I wrote letters & Ma did the same a quiet Sunday

Nov 25th I was up early before five & lit fire & also copper Amy then followed she & Ma milked, as Ma was a little better. Amy has to cut the mens dinners & lunches & I put up the tea I went on washing Amy helped indoors then came & helped me. me almost finished by dinner time then scrubbed a lot of things & washed all the bottles ready for brewing Amy then went to Eva’s with her parcel I folded all clothes & milked fed animals & took up cows & got morning wood a nice day cool & pleasant

Nov 36th Same time & I a very busy morning & in the afternoon Amy & I ironed shirts & all Ma went to Eva’s at Bragglesome & I had also to make a meat pie & rhubarb tarts & cook cabbage & Amy washed her silk blouse & pressed it or a part of blouse Ma was very unwell in the morning & rested while we did housework I cooked hot meat & potatoes for our dinner the men are all down to Humphrys Cecil Goldney is helping

Nov 27/ Same time & work then I put out bread to rise & baked same did housework & I Insectibaned the dining room & cleaned it all up had a cup of tea & then Amy & I went to Gawler did shopping saw G.E.H & was talking to him then went to creamery & to Celia’s who got ready & went back to Todd St Church to see the Rebback Limb100 wedding at 3 o’clock (Jack & Nellie) she was dressed in white silk brides maids cream looked very nice

100 John Harold Rebbeck and Nellie Limb married. Jack (John Harold) is the son of the Mayor.

Praise the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth for ever

Nov 27 Continued we came from Todd St to Gawler West Summer Fair & purchased a few things then went to Celia’s to tea & got home safely after calling at Ada about 8 ock Mrs Roediger & Linda101 went with us Uncle Charlie & Eva came out here also Eva & Coral were here with Ma Cousin Eva helped milk etc I took up cows & got wood Amy the tea

101 Mrs Roediger & Linda. Probably Neva Linda Roediger, aged 15, and her mother Emma Sophia Roediger (nee Dennis).

Nov 28 / I was not well & Amy got up before five & lit stove swept both rooms got breakfast I dressed at 20 to six & after the meal I assisted in housework I helped Ma mend pants for Wilfred Eva came & trimmed my grey hat it looks very nice Coral is very interesting can talk & walk everywhere Ma not well Amy throat is bad she has to paint it Dads face is a little better again.

Nov 29 / Friday I was up at 3 o’clock & got breakfast for Dad & cut breakfast & dinner for Wilfred they went & loaded a load of hay for Gawler & got stuck got out of one place & then got pulled up going from panel to Gap & did not get out till evening all men Jim Charl Bert Wilf & Dad were trying & no work done home a nuisance I blackleaded stove& did our room & front rooms & cleaned windows washed floors Amy baked scones sponge roll & brewed beer

Nov 30 / Saturday It was this morning I rose at 3 o’ck & yesterday at ¼ to five Dad & Wilf started for city at 4 or 5 ock got in at 8 oclock & got their horses shod & back home & both boy went in for the evening Amy & Eva Coral went in the afternoon had to get Hector shod & did not get home till 8/20. As our work is always the same will not report minutely Amy did dining room washed pictures I baked bread early up before five also baked cake & yeast buns Ma cutlery I helped with tinware had a bath & washed my G.P. dress apron etc Bert had a bath Clem is home for the night Murray not well

Dec 1st Sunday Dad dressed at seven then I & Amy & got a cup of tea & swept rooms got breakfast Amy & Dad out door work then Dad & Ma drove to Evanston for day I cooked leg mutton parsnips carrots potatoes after dinner we both rested & read books Lily Panter came over at six & Amy & Bert & her drove to Buchfelde I milked all 5 cows Clem milked Majorie I fed calf pigs etc washed up & wrote to P.B. & Clara I did not finish till after 8 ock Mr & Mrs Goodger102 came to see me about going to help her wash Tuesday Ma & Dad home at nine & the others from Chapel had a sing at piano Will R. came for Lily Wilf went to Gawler on Larry lovely day.

102 William Goodger & Susannah Adams Goodger (nee Pederick).

The earth is the Lords, & the fullness thereof. Enter into his gates with thanks giving & into his courts with praise.

Monday Dec 2nd As we are very busy now I got the fire & a cup of tea & Amy attended to mens breakfast she always takes Wilfred & Bert out breakfast in the field as they get up at four & go straight to load. I lit copper & did almost all the washing myself as Amy had lunches & dinner to cook Ma helps but is not strong I was taken so sick dinner time & could not eat anything so Amy did all clearing up & scrubbing for me & I folded but was not well it was very hot & a change at evening

Dec 3rd We have had a terrible night of lightning & wind & rain the lightning was most extraordinary bright & flashing everywhere woke us all up terrible storm all over the colony. It cleared & the morn was fine Elliot Goodger drove for Amy who went & washed & ironed for her away till after tea at night I was so busy & there is so much cooking bread & Yeast cake pies & I was so ill weak & so sickly but I persevered & did all the ironing & outdoor work

Dec 4 / Early up boys at 4 oclock & then us girls & Amy got their breakfast & took it out in the field to them they Bert & Wilf were loading a load hay for Gawler Amy & I milked separated etc & Amy had to go in with cream so started at 10 and did not get home till five Eva & Coral came home with her I did all housework & assisted with dinner then cut out & made a pink muslin dress for little Marion Amy helped me with outdoor work in evening nice day

Dec 5 / Same early hour & got breakfast did all outdoor work & then Amy put on boiler & brewed sugar beer I did housework & after dinner baked cake for mens lunch Amy made herself a new sun bonnet & there is always lunch to get twice a day the men are stacking hay in the stable yard and have started a big one in the stack yard Bert harvesting hot today with a change threatening. Mrs Frank Bray has a son born in November103 Mrs Hutchins has twins sons born Nov 28104. Fanny Summerton & Mr Smalley were married at Baptist Church Nov 20105 & also Miss Nichols on the same day at Todd St to a man of Broken Hill106 Dads face is much better but Ma is not well atall Amy wrote to Celia to say she will go with her to Adelaide next Saturday Jim is going to drive over with it tonight it simply poured with rain tonight Wilf & Bert got wet that is twice for our today me & this week I wash again

103 Arthur Frackleton Bray, son of Frank Harold Bray and Janie Morrow (Mrs Frank Bray).
104 Percy Clare Hutchins and Hector Hugh Hutchins, sons of Frederick Richards Hutchins and Mary Nora Dwyer (Mrs Hutchins).
105 Fanny Elizabeth Summerton & George Nicholas Smalley, married at the Baptist Church in Gawler.
106 Ellen Nicholls married Thomas Christopher Francis, at the Methodist Church.

Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful creator

Dec 6th It was a damp morning so did not dress as early as usual same work in house & outdoor before breakfast then I blackleaded stove & made a fire baked rice pudding & dried apple pie & cleaned our room Amy did boys & front room & washed all the pictures then cleaned 11 pairs boots she did work as she was going away tonight with Jim she drove little Toby the pony down as far as Charls where the men are working I had to walk up in the paddock for the cows no dog home baked bread & cake this morning also dessert which I wrote for yesterday it was rice for then

Dec 7 / I awoke early but did not dress till 15 to six got breakfast then helped Dad milk & feed animals it was raining heavily so am afraid the girls are doomed for disappointment. I washed sepr etc baked Dora, sponge,& cake cleaned all lamps scrubbed safe ornaments pictures cleaned fountain & kettle Ma cutlery tinw then Dad came home Charl was home to dinner & helped boys put barley in barn they carted it today Wesley came home yesterday & stayed till Sunday it has rained all day at intervals tank running over this morning very heavy showers today, quite cold tonight the girls did not go to the city Adelaide

Dec 8 / I dressed in fair time lit fire & took in tea & we Dad & I milked then I fried ham & eggs for breakfast swept rooms & made beds then I got ready for Gawler blocks Wilfred drove me in the sulky & we went over Wingates Crossing107 the water had washed great holes out we thought we would have capsized but got over safely Auntie & Uncle were pleased to see us we had dinner & a long talk & drove to Celia’s to tea they were at Gawler West Anniversary I went to it at night with Amy but felt so very unwell could not enjoy had supper & reached home just at midnight so awfully cold & water lying all along the roads Uncle never saw it rain so heavily since he lived on the Blocks their U.G. tank is running over

107 Wingate's Crossing was a crossing over the Gawler River on the property of William Wingate.

Dec 9th We did not get up till 20 to six as it was too wet to harvest so Dad & boy Jim & Charl unloaded the loads of hay home here & went to Bragglesome for two more & home to dinner at 3 o’clock. I roasted leg mutton pots & French beans dried apple pie Ada, Albert & Murray came home with Jim before 9 o’ck & stayed till six I baked scones Ada mended her socks & stockings Murray very cross it is very cold Amy & Celia think of going to Adelaide today Oh how I miss her. Then men gone for more hay at six oclock 

For our light affliction, which is but a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding & eternal weight of glory

Dec 19 / Hotter than yesterday same work I have to milk now Amy worse after morning duties I made & hung new cupboard curtains also sofa cover had a cup of coffee & I went to Gawler Toff in sulky got tires cut & bolted took in cream for Eva did shopping & went to Celia’s & met Auntie who came from Adelaide Ma stayed home milked all cows & separated got hot tea for boys & Dad my head awfully bad Amy so ill

Dec 20th Another awfully hot morning I did all my wrk & milked & separated baked bread, Amy got up & swept both front rooms & dusted & washed pictures. I washed floors & finished them she had to lie down again Auntie also lying down I did our room Ma boys room & always cook hot tea I carried out the stretcher & Amy layed down in the cool Ma made beer

Dec 21st Hotter still I got breakfast & milked fed pigs & all outdoor work Ma always cuts boys & Dads dinners Amy worse again not able to be up atall lying down no appetite so weak I cleaned all lamps & thoroughly scrubbed safe did cutlery I washed floors yesterday with milk kitchen & dining room. Maria came up about 10/30 & Dad came home to dinner it was scorching hot 110 in shade I heard the wind was like one from a furnace We went to Gawler about five Amy & I in sulky I took Amy to the Dr it is heatstroke & she has to stay in at Celia’s I feel it hard to be without her Maria & Dad came in the other trap she & I were together all evening also spent some time at Churches Dad insisted on driving Amy over to Celia’s G.E.H. & I were talking for a time

Dec 22nd / Sunday I felt too worried to rest & got up before six dressed & gave the folks a cup of tea swept rooms & did all housework & we roasted beef & cooked beans pots & made Birds Custard & stewed apricots Auntie & Maria went home at 3/30 I did all washing up & rested boys are in Gawler tonight & Charl & Eva Coral are here it is a lovely cool change has been a very windy dusty day but quite cold tonight I have not been out atall

Dec 23 / Up at a little after five & ground up meat & made resols for breakfast & did other things Ma also up & helping cutting lunches dinners I lit copper & only got first boil in at nine & I felt awfully unwell all day did not finish till five scrubbed a lot of boxes & thing Ma cleaned all rooms made bed brushed clothes & folded for me we worked hard & got all done & I mixed bread & did any other work milked & sept I very nice day but windy cool

For God who commended the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in ours to give the light of Knowledge of the Glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ  (hearts)

Dec 24. Work in every direction Bert so terriby ill with Colic & sickness Dad also much the same. I got breakfast & put out bread & afterwards baked my head very bad Clem home for the day he helped catch the fowls & Ma picked & dressed them & roasted them cooked Ham I baked Madeira sultana & sponges Ma cleaned the cutlery I got boys tea & we went in for Xmas Eve in the sulky only 20 minutes from here to Willaston I did shopping & went all alone to Celia’s walked over Celia very bad like Bert & Amy looking terribly ill G.E.H. walked back with me to the street. I met the boys & came home also a very swift drive & passed S. Davis I felt awfully nervous a beautiful evening had an enjoyable time

Dec 25/ Xmas Day once more 1912. I did not get up very early about 5/30 & got our cup of tea & breakfast over got pudding on after blackleading the stove did housework & Uncle Will & Auntie Celia, Percy, Amy, & Marion came to dinner cold roast fowls ham, beef & pudding hot. those who like had sugar beer lollies cherries cakes ginger nuts between meals Eva & Ollie Antwis Jim, Ada & family got here at 5/30 had tea & sang songs, had some dancing children singing & reciting & they went home at 10 o’clock. Uncle Will & Auntie stayed here & Amy too a lovely cool Xmas Day Amy could not eat any dinner or cakes, Bert very little & Celia also not well.

Dec 26th I got up & took in tea to parents & Aunt also got breakfast at 6/40 & Uncle & Aunt & Amy drove in to Gawler & I started toil again at 9 got all housework done washed out sox etc after lunch I starched shirt & ironed Amys best white dress & also other starches clothes & pressed boys coats Dad was home so he & Ma milked Eva came down & said Charlie was bad ulcerated throat & cold he was ill all day yesterday they were at home Prospect but he could not eat or enjoy himself. Her brother George came home by midday to day with them. Wilfred very sick & not well today Clem is home at Charltonville & drove to Twelftrees with the boys dinners to day Duchess in the spring dray very delightful weather so cool & breeze & warm sun I did back bedrooms today

The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Dec 27th I was up in fair time 5/15 and brushed up stove & got parents tea & boys breakfast over made all beds & swept & dusted both front rooms & swept dining room & kitchen & washed floors with milk & dusted round. Ma packed boys dinners & sent Clem off also he had to go to Bragglesome Duchess in the sulky for twine which he afterward drove to Mr Richters108 with he was driving about all the morning George McLeod came down with Hector in the spring dray had lunch & went back as they got to go to Gawler for bread today Dad is at Bragglesome boys & Jim in Twelftrees

108 Wilhelm Friedrich Johannias Richter, a neighbour. 

Dec 28 /  Sat a busy morning I lit stove & got a cup of tea put out bread in tins & baked rolls for our breakfast Ma packed lunches & we washed up together then Ma packed eggs & Dad went off at 10 ‘ock to Gawler I baked bread & a sponge sandwich scrubbed safe etc we had lunch Clem had to take their dinner to Twelftrees I washed everything in glassware china ornaments Ma wiped them I cleaned pictures etc & all cutlery & boots then had a bath & gave Clem one & washed all his clothes both shirts, pants, stockings. Boys gone to Gawler Dad home at 7. Amy not so well Charl very bad Dr afraid its Quinsy109 in his throat Mr Jack Helps hung himself last evening at Red Banks leaving a wife & four children its very sad110 we have lovely weather now

109 Quinsy is a throat infection
110 John Thomas Helps, aged 55, at Reeves Plains. His wife was Mary Isobel Fisher; their five children: Thomas Murray James Helps (born in Walkerville, aged 11), Mildred Ysult Helps (born in Walkerville, aged 10), Ivan Archolt Athol Helps (born in Gawler, aged 5), James Robert George Helps (born in Gawler, aged 4), and Evelyn Mary Isobel (born in Gawler, aged 1).

Dec 29/ Sunday so I did not dress early had a rest then got a cup of tea & breakfast, that over I roasted been & we had beans & Potatoes Birds custard & stewed apricots I also did housework made beds etc In the afternoon Dad & Ma went to see Charlie & found him very ill Quinsey. I got boys tea & they went to Gawler Clem & I stayed home I soaked in clothes as it is too much for me to do alone in one day. Mr Mrs & May Goodger111 came to see Amy but the Dr said she could not come home yesterday I wrote a long letter to Frances & one to Louie112 I felt tired but was busy all the time milked all six cows & sep fed pigs. Clem got in wood with Paddy on wheel & the sorted tickets for me It was a lovely day but I had no one to go to Church with in the afternoon I & could not go at even

111 Olivia May Goodger, aged 9.
112 Cousin Louisa Emily Waters nee Arbon in Port Broughton.

His merciful kindness is great towards us & his truth endureth unto all generations.

Dec 30th I awoke at 4/30 & soon dressed & went to my tubs I washed firsts then lit stove for breakfast & hurried & finished all by twelve & hang the last pants on the line then I scrubbed up & we had a cup of tea I ironed fashion shirts as well did not get done till ¼ to 8. The cooked potatoes & got tea ready but thoroughly tired but had to mix bread Ma milked a very nice day so cool winds from the south Clem has to take dinners to boys

Dec 31st Up early & hurried to get the bread in tins lit stove & got breakfast Ma cut & packed dinner & lunches I baked & then made beds & Eva drove down to get Dad to take Charlie in to the Dr as he was worse & had had a dreadful bad throat all night could not speak or drink even a teaspoonful of water so off they went back & Clem & I followed in the sulky & then Clem had to go to Twelftrees with harness & dinner .they got home from Gawler a little after twelve & I had to put hot formentations on his throat & he had to gargle it Eva ironed & I waited on Charlie all the time till ten then we went to bed he was much easier & could drink a drop of chicken broth Coral was very teasy her teeth!

January 1st 1913 I retired as I said at ten & went to sleep but awoke at three & did not go to sleep till after six then Eva came & called me & said G.E.H. was outside & I went out & spoke then came in & got ready for home I drove with George & at our Gap we met Percy & Celia & Amy & Clem & Marion ready for our old spot Dowdys Beach113 as Percy & Celia & Clem were in their little dray they had no room for me & George & Amy were in a small hooded trap so I had to stay home I came home from the Gap & Dad & Ma were milking I came in got breakfast & swept & dusted all rooms I was busy till dinner time boiled our N.Y. pudding & had cold fowl & Ham potatoes cleared away & at four oclock Ma & I drove to Bragglesome & Charlie much better we had tea there & a talk & look round Dad stayed home & milked & separated fed pigs etc P&C. & Clem got home at 11/30 about & then I got up & had a talk Amy & George were a bit later & the boys who went with four others two Mr. Punkes114 & two Mr. Weise115 they never got home till nearly two I  think I did not go to sleep for hours. They say they had a most enjoyable day & saw Auntie Family it has been hot winds home & sultry at night very windy on the beach they said I was awfully disappointed but they were no doubt Happy without me.

113 Dowdy's Beach (Doudy's?) is probably at Middle Beach, but I can't find reference to it.
114 Mr Punkes
115 Mr Herman Wiese and Mr Will Wiese (mentioned later in the year by first name). Don't know who they are.

Who trusteth in the Lord,  happy is he. Prov 16 .. 20

Jan 2nd 1913 // Celia & Percy stayed home all night so this morning was all bustle to get breakfast & they went home Ma very bad could not get up at all Colic & sickness & Amy cannot do any work whatever so I was at my wits end all the washing up to do & sweeping dusting & getting different dishes for patient & medicine I was dead beat & then had all six cows to milk & boil pots cabbage & fry ham got tea & mixed bread & washed up just at 11 o’clock so glad to rest. finished in Joe’s today

Jan 3rd I hurried as my bread was ready & no one to help so I got a cup of tea & breakfast attended to bread & made a cake Ma got up & cut boys & Dads dinner lunches. I baked & then had all rooms to do thoroughly wash floors etc Amy very weak & lying down not able to assist in anything she has no appetite I was busy all day long & then evening work to do & cleaned all best boots lovely & cool but windy & dust

Jan 4th As I did not have to bake bread I lit fire in the dining room & blackleaded stove etc baked a cake & sponge. Amy & I went to Gawler after dinner & saw a lot of people in their Amy went to dentist about her tooth but she was not strong enough to have it out we drove home in the evening Ma had been working very hard so we had tea & I made the Raspberry Jam I did not finish it till 12/30 the  boys came home from Gawler & I made them a cup of tea & bottle all jam away I was tired

Jan 5 / I felt awfully tired & Ma was up so I got up & got a cup of tea Ma pasted down all jams as she made apricot also yesterday I did all housework & baked a leg mutton & French beans potatoes custard & stewed apricots were just going to have dinner & Maria & Jessie drove up & stayed till 9/30 p.m. Maria went to church with Charl Eva & I they called here to tea & we all went in the Buggy also Wilfred’s friend Len Gorman116 was here to tea so there was no quiet rest or reading for Sunday

116 Leonard James Gorman, local lad, aged 19.

Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us  ( 1 John 4.10

Jan 6th I did not intend washing as I cannot do it myself unless I soak in the clothes the night before I had to bake bread & yeast cake & Raspberry Jam tarts besides housework sweeping & dusting & changing bedclothes. Got all ready & soaked in at 6 o’clock Eva Uncle & Ellie Antwis117 came for afternoon & evening it was a lovely day All men at Bragglesome working at Haystack Eva & Coral went to Adelaide this morning first train

117 Ellen Antwis, neice of Kit (widow of cousin Alfred Heath), aged 12.

Jan 7 / I awoke early at 4 o’ck but felt so unwell I rested till 1/4 to 5 then dressed & went & lit copper & got in first boil came round & got the fire in stove & had some breakfast & back to tubs I kept on & did not finish till about 3 o’ck then scrubbed & I was so tired as I had a big wash & it was so windy early but cleared off nicely Celia Percy & baby came at 5. I folded all the clothes Ma got a cup of tea Celia milked a cow for me I did the rest Amy & Clem went to Gawler & did not get home till late Celia & them stayed till ten a beautiful night

Jan 8 / I awoke with Rhumatics in my legs so bad I did not know what to do, but did all the usual housework & baked scones Ma pastry I had a lot of ironing & I felt so leg weary but I kept on & got all done fashion shirts as well Amy tried to do a little fancy work but it tires her too much Dad & boys finished hay started wheat cleaning & carting Cousin Clara Anderson has a son Laurence Robert born Dec 26th 1912118 .. also Mrs Bertie S. Freak a daughter119 & her sister Mrs Norman120

118 Cousin Clara Anderson (nee Easton)'s son Laurence Robert Anderson.
119 Noel Adelaine Freak, daughter of Emma Parham (Mrs Bertie S Freak), born on Christmas Day. 
120 George William Norman, son of Sarah Ann Parham (Mrs Jesse Norman).

Jan 9 / I did not wake this morning being so tired & Dad called at 25/past5/ I dressed & lit stove but my bread was running over & I am afraid its sour I hurried & baked rolls & also the other & a cake did usual housework & wrote to aunt Charls & Amy looking at Photo’s I also wrote in this book as I can’t get time to report correctly Clem & Wilfred are gone to Gawler with wheat on the Trolly today it is ideal weather Ma is resting I must go & make Ada’s Crème blouse Eva & Kit & Hazel came to afternoon tea she stays with Eva till Saturday Ellie is at the Light

The Lord is my strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed. Teach me thy ways of Lord /Ps 28th

Jan 10th I was so tired on waking at 5.30 but dressed & got fire in dining room & blackleaded stove & C & got boys breakfast George McLeod stayed the night with us then I did back bedrooms & then front rooms washed floors & did back bedrooms & then front rooms washed floors & did some sewing & crocheted round  Ethel dollys petticoat Ma resting Amy a little better & busy dressing a doll for Ethel very warm & sultry weather like a change working up men were chaffcutting this morning & this afternoon are at Bragglesome Percy just called he brought a letter for Eva & Charl to go to town to see Ettie121 as she is going to West Australia

121 Ettie May Ratcliffe, a distant relation.

Jan 11th/ I got up early as I had to bake but the bread was not ready so I got breakfast & put brd to rise also made sponge & biscuits thoroughly cleaned dining room & kitchen washed floors with milk did lamps & also scrubbing & other work Ma cutlery & her usual daily work Amy so sick worse again she wrote letters & then dressed for Gawler with Dad. Wilf in with wheat the Dr ordered Amy to stay in Gawler at Celia’s Wilf went in at night as Dad forgot the groceries Joe Twelftree came out Bert shaved & bathed as he goes to Lower Light tomorrow I had a bath also Wilf & Dad I washed out a few things so trying to Amy

Jan 12th Bert got up early & had his breakfast & left here at 6/30 Ma was up & Dad went to other place to look after Charls things as they are in Town I got breakfast & put on leg mutton to roast then we did beans &  potatoes and apricot pie I made beds & swept rooms & dished up dinner & after we cleared away I had a read & the others a sleep & rest got tea & Dad & milked Clem & I went up to see the melons Wilf gone to Gawler I wanted to go but couldn’t It has been very hot winds today I am afraid it will knock Amy up poor girl is so weak & ill

Jan 13th I did not intend to wash as I like to soak in clothes mow so I had been very unwell all night & lit the fire & got a cup of tea then I layed down again & Ma gave the boys their breakfast then I did all housework swept & dusted rooms Men at Bragglesome they went to Willaston for a new cultivator on Saturday last Wilfred was in with load of wheat Thursday & Saturday I mended stockings & socks as I washed them all also Berts shirt pants etc this morn then I soaked in clothes & washed them through White clothes ready for tomorrow. Wilf is cultivating now the others go to Twelftrees to winnow the wheat a nice change so cool.

If I take the wings of the morning & dwell in the uttermost parts of the earth, even there shall thy hand lead me & thy right hand shall hold me.

January 14th I awoke just after five dressed & went straight to my copper & started washing lit fire in both the copper & stove Ma gave the boys their breakfast I washed till 7/30 & then I hung out the first boil & had my breakfast I finished all at 11/30 scrubbed necessary articles had dinner & dressed for Gawler I  took Coral & Eva with me & went to Celia’s Amy is so very unwell. George is gone to Lameroo he went today from Adelaide. Also Willie Paterson122 went. Bert our brother brought him as far as Gawler Station last night to go to town

122 Cousin William Walter Allen Paterson, brother of Jessie and Maria, aged 22. 

Jan 15th I brought Wesley home with me last night so had him & Clem extra to our own family I was late up Bert called me then breakfast over I did house work & washed Wilfs denham pants I then mended sheets & ironed all the afternoon & baked scones & sponge & went for cows but they took fright & ran back to the Gap & Wesley met them there & brought them back both he & Clem been out with Dad & Bert to Twelftrees & Wilf at Bragglesome cultivating lovely days now

Jan 16th/ Ma & I intended going to Gawler so we did all ordinary work & set dinner for the men who were out in Twelftrees carting the wheat & putting it in the chapel I put Hector & Toff in the buggy but Hector was lame & I had to get Larry he was very flash & Ma was afraid all the time we went to Celias & spent the afternoon she is very unwell & Amy does not improve we had to do a little shopping & call at Ada’s so were late home Ma milked sepr & I got the fire & washed up the dinner dishes Eva Kit & Ellie Antwis & Hazel came for evening & helped me wash up tea things rather hot today in the sun

Jan 17th/ Friday so I lit the fire in the dining room & blackleaded stove fountain kettle etc it was a very dusty day I cleaned back rooms & did all ordinary work and at five oclock I cleaned front rooms & milked I also did some mending Men same work Wesley & Clem out with them. Celia very unwell & Amy was taken very ill about six p.m. had to have the Dr. & he sent her back to bed she was in agonies of pain. Colic in bowels poor dear girl has had a terrible lot time of sickness Celia had to sent for Mrs Roediger to stay a while with her while Percy went to the Dr. for medicine Celia told me later on when I saw her on Saturday.

The fruit of the spirit is love joy, peace, long suffering, faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no law

Sat Jan 18 / I did my usual work did not bake as I baked bread yesterday afternoon Mrs Levick123 gave me some yeast as mine failed me I got our meal over & the swept & washed floors with milk Clem was home Wesley at Charls did safe & other work had dinner & put Hector in the sulky & drove to Gawler did shopping & went to Evanston found Amy very ill in bed but easier than last night so I hurried home & went in again with the boys & remained all together helped in everyway I could Charl & Eva came over & we were talking till 10/30

123 Mrs Sarah Levick nee Johnson, an older lady in Gawler. 

Jan 19th / Sunday my birthday we got up in fair time & had our meal then I tidied front bedroom & made bed Amy would dress but lied down again Celia & I did all work & had marrow potatoes & roast beef for our dinner & custard Percy went out to Bragglesome & stayed till evening I went to Mrs Roedigers but did not see her so came back to Eva & Uncle Charlie came to Celias for evening & supper I wrote to Clara & read a little but felt none too well

Jan 20 / I got about six & had breakfast Celia was up also I started washing did not finish till one o’clock had a good lot I folded Amy helped & I mangled Dad walked over to Celia’s & I got ready & came back with him did shopping & came home called at Ada’s Ethel started school today at Buchsfelde Ma had all work done & was milking I set tea & mixed bread & helped wash up tea things it has been a lovely day for washing

Jan 21st / I felt terribly ill for hours before dressing got the fire & made tea then went & layed down again I also got up & made beds & baked bread but was so terribly sick & Colic with severe headache have done no work or eaten anything whatever today I feel weak & very unwell the cows are in the top paddock & I can’t go for them Ma has been working all day & writing to Frances this afternoon. As the men were all away I did go for cows but felt very shaky I milked 3 Ma the others & did Sep I went indoor & tried to drink a cup of cocoa then went to bed I felt awfully heavy all the time could not keep awake only when I was in severe pain.

With good will doing service, as to the Lord not unto men put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand the fiery darts of the wicked one

Jan 22/ I got up & did my usual work but felt rather weak did the sweeping & dusting & in the afternoon Eva her brother & Coral came down we had a cup of tea & I sorted & soaked in all the washing ready for tomorrow I tried to make as light a wash as I could Charl came home with a load of straw & they all had sugar beer & cake.

Jan 23rd / I awoke at five & dressed & lit copper & started at tubs then I got a cup of tea for us lit the stove & filled the vessels with water I got 2 boils on line before breakfast & afterwards I kept on at washing & finished general wash at 10/30 then did some extra’s dark clothes. Had all cleared &  had dinner & dressed for Bragglesome where I called for Eva & Coral we did shopping then drove to Celia’s found Amy rather better also Celia & Baby had a cup of tea & both girls were very unkind in speaking to me & I feel awfully hurt & dull

Jan 24th I got up same early hour bread ready for baking got the fire & put out bread & had our breakfast. Then baked bread did both back rooms & dining room & swept & washed floors in both front rooms & dusted the sitting room Ma cooked apple pie & tarts shoulder mutton potatoes then men & George McLeod are chaffcutting, so all in to dinner except Wilfred who is cultivating at Bragglesome I finished rooms & did all ironing also starched Sun Hat & ironed & trimmed it for the beach it is lovely cool weather nice breeze at even

Jan 25/ Sat & as we intended going to the beach I got up at a few minutes after five & cleaned my stove before I lit it got a cup of tea for Ma as she was churning then had breakfast & I made beds & baked Dora Biscuits sponge, cakes cleaned lamps & various other work Ma got dinner as George McLeod & Charl were here I then cut out a pair of sox for my shoes & packed my box for beach Celia & Percy drove home first Amy came home with Dad & brought Coral & we drove in the dog cart also Wesley Jim & all family & Will R. & Eva & Clem in their cart arrive on Port Gawler Beach at fix a tent & made our beds had supper

God is love Godliness with contentment is great gain, 11 Tim 6.6

Jan 26. Sunday we were all astire early Mr. McLeod & Will made a nice fire & boiled the fountain I got the children dressed & washed their faces for our meal which all enjoy on the beach we went down on the sands the men went out crabbing & at 12 o’clock we got dinner had a rest & read & then walked to the creek Celia Eva Amy myself & Eva & Coral then gave both babies a bathe & we had a bonny bathe came back & got tea & went down on the seaweed to rest. but very early in the morning Amy, Charley were both very ill Colic & sickness then Eva & myself & Ada we felt terrible but Charley was much worse than us & poor Amy could not stand it being weak so we had a hurried breakfast I have reported two days in one so this from the line above is Monday Jan 27 we left the beach at 5 to 9 & arrived here at ¼ to 12 we had an intensely hot dusty windy drive home the sun & wind both were fearful hot Eva was bad all the way home. Amy & Charl in pain could hardly sit up straight Charl never eat a mouthful all day he drove Mr. & George to the station at 5 Wilfred Len Gorman Stan Lucas124 went to Creek shooting & fishing they had an enjoyable time home at 10.

124 Oswald Stanley Lucas, neighbour.

Jan 28/ I did not start work till 6/30 got breakfast over & usual duties gave our room a thorough clean put out mattress to air swept all back rooms & dining room washed out sox for boys as Bert goes away tomorrow for Mallala sports & Dance it is a cool sea breeze today Charl came down he is better also Amy & Eva Dad & boys are chaffcart. Amy & Ma resting at present 4 oclock I must go & get washing ready & a cup of tea I feel tired limbs ache Mrs G. F. Loller of Paskaville of a son125 Jan 24th Mrs Fred Tucker has a daughter126 born Jan 22nd Mrs Alex Huchens127 has a baby a few weeks old

125  Mervin Barnett Loller, son of Florence Emma Hobart (Mrs G. F. Loller).
126  Eva Mary Tucker, daughter of Eva Matilda Ann Tape (Mrs Fred Tucker).
127 baby of Mrs Alex Huchens. Cannot work this one out yet.

Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart wait I say on the Lord.

Jan 29th I was up & at work at 5/30 I first lit the stove & got a cup of tea then lit the copper & started washing got out first boil Ma’s white quilt included it was a dreadful windy morning & cut the fringe all round the edges of quilt spoilt the look of it I was so sorry & vexed & came in & put out bread then back to tubs I had to bake as Ma was not well Colic & sick I persevered against a terrible day got all dry had 3 pair pants (Denhams) so hard to wash I finished all at 3 oclock & did colored extras Ma homespun dress & light blouse also my green print & Amys pink cashmere blouse I then lit fire & my boiled kettle ironed all helped milk got in wood made bed am tired Amy helped indoors

Jan 30th I did not dress as early as I did not have to bake got the cup that cheers then breakfast folded clothes & put them away & did general work & after dinner Amy & I drove to Gawler did shopping new sheet & towels sox for boys & underpants Amy gave me a Frame for my birthday called at Ada’s she is very unwell &  could not wash or do her work Colic & sickness Ma made peach jam today I mended clothes Ma was separating when I got home I made the kettle boil & got tea for all Charl Eva & Coral came for the evening a nice day

Jan 31/ I felt awfully unwell on waking & so downhearted. I got breakfast & blackleaded stove etc it was such a windy nasty morning I did all general duties till 11 o’ck & then I hurried & swept both dining room & kitchen & both front rooms & washed the floors we had a roast shoulder mutton & potas for dinner custard stewed peaches Uncle Charlie H. was here to dinner I then dusted rooms Amy assisting & I put Millicents Photo’s128 in my Frame & altered another one

127 Probably cousin Millicent Phelps, in Sydney.

Feb 1st I did not wake till ¼ to 6. & the bread was ready to bake so I hastily prepared same & baked that & a sponge apple pie, tart, Brd & Butter pudding Amy was busy in dining room washing glassware & ornaments she & Dad went to Gawler I put on pot for Beer & got wood cleaned tins for my safe legs to prevent ants washed sofa & chairs door & did scrubbing form knife box safe etc Ma did all cutlery & tins & we milked & got boys tea as they were to Gawler we both bottled Beer & carried it down in the dairy Dad did not get home till after nine Clem came home & brought Ma a canary Amy stayed at Eva’s

I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me – for to me to live is Christ & to die is gain Philp 11 1-21

Feb 2nd Sunday so I did not get up early I got a cup of tea & then breakfast swept & dusted rooms had our meal I made beds & roasted a shoulder mutton & cabbage & pota’s dinner over I helped wash up then had a rest till near five Eva Uncle & Amy drove out & asked me to go to Chapel at Buchsfelde & as it was late I got ready while Ma & Amy got tea. Will Ratcliff spent the morning here & also evening it was a very nice pleasant day indeed

Feb 3rd I did not intend washing so I got breakfast & did ordinary all the men at Bragglesome Charlie is carting stone to Willaston. Amy was doing a little sewing. I was mending or altering Wilfs pants & at five I lit a fire & got soap & borax ready also lit copper & started washing I got all whites & sheets out on the line at 8 oclock & soaked the others in the tub

Feb 4th I awoke at 2/30 but it was too early to get up so I went to sleep & did not wake till ¼ past five & hurried to get the copper lit & the new towels & sheet washed it was alright but at 8 o’clock it blew gales of wind & dust dreadful it blew the log off the sepr house & I had to leave of & go into the house. I helped Amy make a blouse for Ma she did it very nicely Navy pin spot Dad went to Gawler to get a man to come out & fix the Gap at Bragglesome Oh it was something awful the dust & heat. I started at 4/30 to wash again got all dryed by 8ock & it did rain for a while Mr & Mrs Brodie & Mrs McConnell128 came out for a while & it was nice & cool then they did not stay long

128 Mrs McConnell. Lots of options!

Feb 5 / I felt terribly tired & stiff my limbs were so painful so I rested till ¼ to six got a cup of tea  & breakfast & did some sweeping & the dust was everywhere Ma gave the dairy a thorough clean & scrubbed the safe I started ironing but left off to make some drop cakes had dinner & cleared away then I drove to Marys129 for the afternoon also went to Jones for fruit their garden is lovely. Mary was busy ironing I put buttons on Leslies shirt & buttonholes for her I got pears, apples, & peaches Uncle Eva & Albert were here when I got home Alb stayed with us Uncle & Eva went to Ratcliffs for the evening it is a most beautiful change in the weather a few light showers & so cool & refreshing after the heat & dust Mrs H Dawkins130 has a daughter at Norwood

129  Mary, probably cousin Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon) - sometimes called Pollie. Leslie is her son. See note 17. Jones family always have fruit.
130 Margaret Ina Dawkins, daughter of Francis Hannah Close (Mrs John Howard Dawkins).

But my god shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Jesus Christ

Feb 6th As I did bread baking yesterday I did not have to today I dressed just before six my usual duties & swept rooms breakfast over finished housework & cut out a skirt for Ada had dinner Amy made a pretty embroidery pinafore for Coral & her & Ma drove down there & Amy went to Gawler saw Celia & little Marion I washed up & made Ada’s skirt & took out lunch to men who were chaffcutting Albert went to sleep under the hay stack & Dad brought him in he had 3 hours sleep cows were away tonight & Bert had to go for them at 8 o’clock a real bother pleasant day now Dad & boys covered the haystacks today Joe came for wheat

Feb 7th As it was a beautiful morning cool change I lit fire in the dining room & got breakfast then cleaned the stove etc I did our room & Amy boys Albert has been home since Wensday & he was so sick last night I had to wash the sheets & blanket pillows cases then as I had nice water I washed both Amys & my coat & my G.P. dress & Ma also I did washing till dinner time Amy swept both front rooms & I washed the floors for her & put down mats & finished with dusting & put Millicent photo in a frame Amy gave me for my birthday I starched fashion shirts & did ironing & helped Amy alter her petticoat (crème) mixed bread after tea. They caught their pigeons to sell

Feb 8. Sat I do not usually rise till 5/30 then get fire & bread out to rise also got usual cup of tea & breakfast fried after which I made beds & baked bread & sponge apple pies & cake Amy & Alb went to Gawler or he stayed home at Ada’s & she went took pigeons & fowls & did shopping also Ethel & Eva went with her to City. Ma & I were busy I scrubbed safe & all other requiring same cleaned lamps swept floors & washed them with milk I washed pictures etc Ma all tins & cutlery & help dust I had to go for cows who ran away from Paddy right over to second sandhill I was so tired too & both got headache I came back & got a cup of tea & then had a bath boys came & they had one & I got their tea Ma milked & separated Dad went for a cask of water & they had tea Celia Marion & Amy did not get home till nine retired at 11 o’ck Celia went to see Flo Loller Thursday she has a son at her Mothers named Mervyn Barnet born Jan 24

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ sake hath forgiven you (Ep IV vs 2

Feb 9th Sunday I have Rhumatism very badly so I did not dress till 8 o’ck got the cup that cheers & then breakfast Made beds Dear old Amy is much better & able to help did all washing up Cel drying & she bathed her Baby she is a darling can crawl anywhere & say words & even stand alone & is only 7 months Cel & Baby & I went to see Melons had dinner & I washed up Ma helping Cel & Amy are gone to Marys for afternoon Jim Ada & family came to tea & stayed for evening C & A did not get home till they were leaving here I had to hurry with getting tea Ma helped & Dad & Ma milked & separated it was quite chilly in the evening boys home tonight

Feb 10th I did not intend washing as Celia was home & we had jam to make I did all usual work & Amy is able to help now thank God, breakfast over Amy went for a ride horseback to meet Percy who came out in Kriegs for straw but he had gone home before she got over there. Celia bathed Baby & put her to sleep then went up to Mrs. Ratcliffs for sugar as I had to make ½ case egg plum jam Amy & Celia helped me cut off the bottles & in the evening Celia & Dad went to Jones garden for pears I got washing all ready & white all out on line before tea I then mixed bread & felt so awfully tired they had T & went home

Feb 11th I awoke before 5 o’clock & in a few minutes I dressed & lit stove & copper & then the bread being ready I put it in the tins & went & got a boil ready for copper before breakfast had our meal & went to the tubs Amy helped Ma bake bread & do indoor work I worked away & the wind blew terribly & finished at 10 o’clock & then tidied myself & ironed all & Amy was not well so rested & then she & I put Harrigan & Toff in the Buggy & went to Gawler got there at ¼ to 5 did shopping & went to Ada’s she gave us a nice Cornish Pasty Ma & Dad did work tonight

Feb 12th I did not have to bake so I rested till six got the usual cup of tea & breakfast then helped Amy pick up chaff in the buggy & put Harrigan & Hector in Buggy & she went home to Charls with the chaff met Jim & Ada & children & took them with her the others came home here I did housework Ma baking meat pastry & got dinner I cut out a blouse for Ada & between Amy & I got it nearly done tonight Eva & Coral came for afternoon with Darby in the dray for Ada very windy, hot, dusty & terribly windy yesterday & I had a bad head but felt so very depressed as it is the anniversary of the never to be forgotten day I spent one year ago. But I pray for strength as I recall those days Amy very unwell her head is bad the hot sultry weather does not agree with her poor old girl I have a nasty headache & my side is not strong Wesley is bad

Providing for honest things not only in the sight of God or the Lord but in the sight of men Cor 8/21

Feb 13th Thursday & as we girls intended to do some dressmaking we each did a portion of the housework & I went on making a blouse for Ada & Amy cut out & partly made a pink dress for Coral Ma did her usual duties cooked vegetables for dinner & then we went on sewing again & it came up a storm & simply poured with rain it ran in the kitchen & Ma & I did all we could to keep it out I got soaking wet going out to fix spouts. At about five oclock Ma was taken ill suddenly & although we did all we could she got worse until one oclock & Dad came & called us up & sent Bert for the Dr he brought him out at 3’ oclock & as soon as he came he ordered her to the High street Hospital Oh how it worried us all we did not know what to do.

Feb. 14 As we had all been up since one oclock or so & Wilf went we Lower Light at four o’clock it rained at intervals & water is lying everywhere the North Para131 is in flood about five chains wide. We got everything done very early & I washed Ma ready for her journey at 7.30 Charl & Eva & Coral came then Bert brought Celia & Marion home Uncle Charlie Eva & Ada drove out it poured with rain just as they had all ready to start. So Charl went up to Mr Davis & got his Covered Trap & we made a bed & poor Ma had to lie on it, it was terribly hard & brought back poor Frances illness to mind Celia & Amy went in with Dad & remained till after the operation was performed Celia went in first & she asked after us all, it was so hard to leave her in the hospital Dad & Amy got home just as I was down milking the cows Amy also saw Ma but she was very ill I felt dreadful after they went & could only work to keep myself up I did both front room & Eva & Coral stayed with me & she helped me dust all dining room & cleaned stove lamps etc & safe also

131 North Para River, runs from the Barossa Ranges to Gawler River.

Feb 15th\  We have spent a very restless night & scarcely know what to do. I did usual work & churned butter washed up baked cake & after dinner Amy & I drove to Gawler & went to see Ma, it seemed so hard to see her suffering & we could only stay a few minutes. we came home & both boys went in & Will Ratcliff came & stayed with us we were at tea then I cleaned all knives forks & spoons etc Ma work & it seemed almost too much to come home & not see her in her usual place Bert milked lovely cool weather Mr Ted Crisp132 died last week  operation

132 Mr Ted Crisp. I can find no record of this death in the SA records.

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable Gift Cor 9 v 15

Sunday Feb 16. I felt so stiff & so worried I did not start work till eight o’clock usual housework & I stuffed part of leg of mutton & roasted it with potatoes & trombones. Custard & stewed pears Charl & Coral came home & Coral stayed with us Charl & Eva went to Chapel & back here to tea also Cousin Eva & Uncle & Dad drove home to tea then Dad & Uncle went home & Eva stays here Wilfred is very unwell bad cold both boys home tonight I got washing ready. I have stiff limbs rhumatics

Feb 17th I awoke at 4/30 dressed & came out but could not see to wash so I lit the fire the rested for ½ an hour then had a cup of T & went around & lit copper & started washing Eva (Heath) stayed with us last night so she & Amy got breakfast milked & I kept on washing & at dinner time had finished altogether then I scrubbed all my boxes & washed all Griffiths Tins & Amy did all indoor work cooked dinner apple pies etc Uncle Charlie drove out for 3 of our horses as he is going to plough the land at his home. having finished Amy & I ironed all the clothes & did all evening work Bert went in to see Ma & we did our work Amy & Wilf yarning.

Feb 18th Amy & I got up early & she helped me do all the Damsons for jam & I baked bread & did usual work Made jam but I think I boiled it too long & I took all the stones out did not finish till 12 oclock took it off & got dinner over & in the afternoon Amy & I both mended I with machine & her with hand then there is the fowls to feed eggs to gather etc cows to milk Wilfred went to Gawler to see Ma who is improving Dad came home tonight with Wilfred, lovely weather now I am glad for Ma’s sake.

Feb 19th Amy & I intended to go to Gawler so hurried breakfast & then did housework & started about 10/30 arrived there Amy went to Butter Factory & I did shopping got a pair new H. B. Sheets for boys we went to Celias to midday lunch & back to the Hospital to see Ma who was pleased to see us we stayed till 20 to 5 & than called at Ada’s Charles & spoke to Mrs Ratcliff for a while came home milked sep & got tea over & I mixed bread Aunt Harriet came home with us & stays the remainder of week I wrote a long letter to Frances Amy got a bad throat & cold so has boys

God is love

Feb 20 / I got up & lit stove & put out bread & made a yeast cake had our breakfast & then we each did a portion of housework & I baked bread & cake & pies apple & meat Trombone potatoes Auntie did vegetables for me & Amy mended Ma’s flannel I was so busy dinner over I finished writing to Frances Dad & Aunt went to Gawler Eva & Coral Uncle Will & Aunt Harriet went to see Ma today Cousin Eva also I have been joining my skirt & blouse together & hemmed new sheet Amy mended

Feb 21 / Lit fire & got the cream to churn I was about an hour at it Amy got a cup of tea & breakfast. I only had to cook veg for dinner Amy did front room I washed floors for her & swept our room made beds I washed a few things I blackleaded all requiring same & the chimneys fell so I had to get Wilfred to help me fix it up also Amy then she mended & I did a little mending & cleaned dining room fireplace & put fresh boughs in milked sepr etc & mixed brd

Feb 22nd I dressed early but bread was not ready to bake so I swept up & got breakfast Dad always feeds the cows & he & Amy milks Aunt Harriet not well did not get up till after nine then had her breakfast I did housework Amy thoroughly did the dining room pictures windows safe etc I baked apple pie & boiled mutton & trombone & potatoes baked bread & sponge Maria came to dinner & then they went to Gawler I washed up Aunt helped then she rested till five I cleaned all cutlery had to do all work that dear old Ma does when here then I cleaned boys Amys & my own boots & had a bath then a cup of tea & milked sep & they came home 7/30

Feb 23 / I awoke at about five & darkened our windows but Amy was so restless with a tooth trouble & throat that I could not rest or sleep she dressed at six as she went out I dressed Maria & Auntie were up & had breakfast & started for home. I made beds & watered plants put on kettle & Amy & Dad milked had our meal but I felt so ill I could not eat much then I put on a shoulder mutton trombone potatoes Amy sweeping dusting & boys room & made a Custard I cooked for 12 oclock dinner then Amy & I washed up & her & Dad went to Smithfield to see the Military Camp133 I think they call for Charl, Eva, Coral, Celia, & Marion it is a very hot day Bert has also gone to Smithfield & Wilf gone for a ride I been letter writing milked etc Wilf had to go & look for the blk animal as he got out of field

133 The military camp at Smithfield was 1000 men of the Light Horse Brigade.

Feb 24 / As I had previously soaked in clothes I got up very early lit fire & copper & started washing as soon as it was light it was terribly hot in washouse but I kept on Amy had a lot of indoor work cooking the dinner etc & dinner time the abscess was so bad on her gum the she decided to go to Gawler where Dr Covernton lanced it. it was very painful indeed Ma is improving nicely & how very thankful we should be for that I felt awfully stiff but persevered & finished & washed up folded all clothes milked fed pigs got tea so tired

Feb 25 / Not quite as early 20 to 6 got breakfast over & Amy did all washing up I baked bread as well I did housework & then started ironing & made  a little fig jam off our tree Amy stewed pears custard & veg dinner time Dad got ready for Cummins Sale & Bert came home with the Bull & we went down to help keep him is the yard but he jumped every fence & for two or three hours Bert did nothing but ride after him in different directions it stopped Dad as it got too late & we all bothered him it hindered us so after Amy & I had finished the work we went to Ragless134 for grapes & figs for jam I was not well we helped pick them & came home got tea Dad milked & Amy help sepr

134 Ragless, fruiterers.

Feb 26th We were both up in good time & hurried & I picked off grapes for jam Amy all house work & cooked dinner I had hot work over the fire taking out seed then Amy & I cut up the apples for apple jam & I got all done also boiled apricot over again & we cut off a dozen bottles & filed them it kept us busy working Amy sealed all down for me & packed them away. I felt so done up but cut up figs & put the sugar on after tea

Feb 27  We both dressed early I was first as is my custom Amy churned butter & I put on bread & the fig jam got it done dinner time also our housework & then we both drove to Gawler & saw Ma did shopping went to Celia’s & Ada’s & Charl’s Dad & Bert were at Bragglesome Wilf top paddock cultivating & Dad came home & did milking & sep Ma is much brighter today & doing well Uncle Charlie & Eva were at Celia’s we are having very muggy weather so sultry & sun very hot indeed it was cooler in the evening but hot indoors I got a letter from Aunt Amelia Charlotte135 & P.C. from Glenelg All friends think of Mother in her illness

135 Aunt Charlotte Humphrys (nee Heath).

Feb 28. I hurried to get my stove blackleaded etc got breakfast over & thoroughly cleaned our room & Amy swept the front rooms & I got Dad & Bert to help shift the sideboard & I helped Amy finish them & in the afternoon I altered my German print dress & made it cooler by taking out the lining & Amy did mending I mixed bread after tea Amy usually cooks dinner.

March 1st Sat so I had to put out bread & light fire & get breakfast & Amy made butter, we were both busy I did all dining room work & Amy made cake & sponge & got veg cooked for dinner & pies. She & Dad went to Gawler I cleaned & filled lamps & all cutlery & silverware scrubbing etc Wilf had a bath. Then Bert I had to get tea for him & milk Sep feed pigs & get our tea it was nearly nine when they came home Clem home for weekend so he was with me I bathed him & washed out his clothes & was more than busy then I cooked the shoulder mutton & boiled neck for soup tomorrow morning I was so unwell but could not give in.

March 2nd I felt so bad on waking Amy got up & lit fire we each did our portion housework & got breakfast over & at about 10/30 I cleaned all best boots & we dressed & had a cup of tea & drove to Gawler to see Ma on our arrival it simply poured with rain & we did not get to Celias till very late had our lunch which we took with us & then drove to Smithfield & saw the Soldiers Camp a grand sight & witnessed by thousands of people we went to Mrs Twelftrees136 to tea & spent evening & Amy drove home as Dad could no see very well They are nice homely people & have a splendid view from their place called at Charls coming home the boys went horseback & coming homing got in quick sand & Larry got frightened & plunged in the barb wire & cut his legs badly Bert had to walk in water in the River up to his knees & had a job to get out so beautiful & cool as we drove home. Jim took Wesley Alb & Ethel in the morning to see the Camp Uncle Charlie & Will Ratcliff went also the Light people

136 Mrs Twelftree, nee Elizabeth Coulter

March 3rd I did not intend washing so I got breakfast while Dad & Amy milked & did all outdoor work Bert to Bragglesome Wilf same work I stripped all beds & put in clean sheets & mended Dads shirt swept rooms Amy made custard stewed fruit & did vegetables brushed & pressed boys suits I washed up everything & dusted round Cousin Eva is spending day here Uncle at Sanders137 Sale very hot & thundery sorted & soaked in clothes & washed my crème dress & underskirt Amys white & all white underclothing fashion shirts Dad went to Gawler & took Ma over to Celia’s & brought little Coral home here to tea then Charl & Eva came down the weather changed & it thunderd & lightninged something awful I was really afraid for them to go home in it, but they went & it simply poured with rain I had to go out & put bags up to window & got very wet doing so. It was lightning all round & one could see everything at times

137 Sanders, local family. 

March 4. A most unpromising morning it was cool but lightning very much and one of the heaviest claps of thunder I have heard for a long time I started at my tubs but really did not know what to do as the storm was very bad however it got calmer & I persevered & finished most by dinner time as I did the fine clothes last night I worked very hard & almost knocked up myself did extras & a big wash besides & scrubbed a lot after got everything beautifully clean Amy was busy indoors baking pies & cooking dinner & housework & in the afternoon she folded clothes we had a cup of tea & then milked & sep I got tea I felt so terribly done & stiff

March 5 / Amy had to go to Gawler so she helped outdoor then ironed her white dress & underskirt I did all housework & got dinner for the men Bert went to Charls I felt as if I could not stand to iron but God gave me the needed strength & although so tired & my side pained me I persevered & did fashion shirts as well Dad started for Uncle Wills with wheat but found out when near Greaves Hill that it was seed wheat & had to come back Amy had to go to Celia’s & Ada’s so did get home till 5 o’clock we had a cup of tea & did all evening work we all had our meal Bert at Bragglesome last night I had to help wash up & mix bread Amy mended stockings very cool & pleasant this evening I did not feel well & Amy hurt my feelings & quite broke me up I felt so done up

March 6th We both got up in good time & I put out bread got breakfast fried Amy & Dad outdoor work then I washed up Amy & I Eva (Cousin) arrived at 9 ock & we all cleared everything out of Ma room & Amy did the walls whitewash Eva & I cleaned all & helped shift round I also cooked potatoes for dinner & we had stewed pears & custard I got a cup of tea at 6 o’clock & Eva went home then evening work & got tea but it is always late to bed

March 7th We had planned a busy day after breakfast we cleared our room & Amy whitewashed it then I baked a pie & cooked veg & we each worked like Britons & cleared boys room & did that put out all mattress & cleaned all furniture I also had to washup all separator & other thing Amy did work I was afraid she would over do her strength however she kept on & I milked & sep mixed bread & everything was so sweet & clean I put oilcloth down in our room & did all I could to help as we expected Ma home soon

March 8. We really did not know which to do first there was so much to do our breakfast over I washed up & then I lit up stove put out bread & baked a sponge roll & bread & cakes I took lunch down to men who were chaffcutting Clem was home Amy whitewashed part of Kitchen & dining room I cleaned lamps cutlery Amy thoroughly did front room cleaned all furniture & I did usual work washed floors with milk Dad went to Gawler one oclock & got home at six bringing our dear mother home once more much improved in health but weak & frail boys went to Gawler & I mended & both of us had a bath

March 9th We did not get up till neat eight & I got a cup of tea & fried sausages for our breakfast Amy & Dad outdoor then our meal over I washed & helped Ma dress & roasted leg mutton & pot & trom got dinner swept dining room & kitchen & cleared washed dinner things & had a read & rest also Amy did too Eva & Coral & Charl came to tea from Kangaroo Flat Church Amy & I got tea I made fire in dining room as Ma feels the cold Amy & Dad milked & G.E.H came who is home from Lameroo came home Friday. The weather is quite cold & wintry I feel so tired so will retire G & A are out together tonight like olden times

Mar 10th / I got up in good time & lit fire & then my copper & started washing it was one of the best days I had for a very long time & I got on well Amy had all indoor work & Ma to look after I finished all washing got in last boil by dinner time then I had to rinse all & after a lot of scrubbing to do then folded clothes did not iron mixed bread at night & washed up May mended socks

March 11th I got up in fair time & got breakfast ready Bert is at Bragglesome now altogether for a while till Saturday I think. I baked bread & then at nine oclock  terrible wind blew up with tremendous dust storm which lasted all day I never saw a worse day for red dust everything is smothered & we had all beautiful & clean on Saturday & now feel disheartened over our work to do over again I made Muscatel Grape & Black prince Amy was very busy always mending & looking after the house she could not start ironing till five o’clock on account of dust I swept both rooms & was washing all dirty things after dust & all jam things & pasted down jam & finished ironing Amy wrote to Franc cool now.

March 12th Wilf has to go to Bragglesome so he got up at about 25 past 5 I also & got breakfast ready for him it seemed a very nice morning but it came up dusty & a fearful wind blew a hurricane I & Amy both did a portion of housework & then I made a brown stew & veg for dinner Dad went to Gawler with cream we had dinner then washed up & who should come but Nellie Dunn & Baby also Myrtle & Mildred from Victoria137 Cousin Eva drove them out & our Eva & Coral came also starched & ironed shirts for the dance tonight at 3/30 Amy got afternoon tea & they went to Gawler to catch the 5 oclock train then Amy packed Berts best clothes for the Dance & tonight she & Wilfred drove there calling for Bert on their way it is blowing something awful & pouring with rain I don’t know how they will get on coming home. It is raining in our windows I cant sleep out there tonight. Mrs Gawler Parham has a son born138. Mrs Fred Loller is leaving for Port Lincoln her husband has bought a farm over there. Charlie went to Mr Sen Jones & they gave him as many grapes as he cared to take they are very plentiful also pears

137 Mildred from Victoria. Not sure who this is.
138 Alva Edward Parham, son of Ellen Jane Preiss (Mrs Edward John Gawler Parham).

March 13th It was raining heavily when we woke so we did not get up till after six. I got sausages breakf Amy was greatly distressed as she lost her gold brooch last night she could not sleep a wink although they were home at 3/30 & retired we expected a nice day as yesterday was so bad but after a while the wind blew so terribly & the dust was awful I cut out & made a German Print skirt & the others were mending I had to cook dinner & Amy got ready to go to Gawler & she & Dad went to get up in the sulky & there on the ground was her lost brooch she was delighted & stayed home but something took & killed Ma’s dear little canary out of the cage pulled it out of the bars I felt so sorry I had to mix bread & help wash up very windy & rough all day & also tonight. Fire in dining room.

March 14. Another windy day with dust Amy did front rooms & cleaned windows I did our rooms & all housework also baked bread & cooked dinner & baked biscuits I was so busy & then I made a navy belt for Amys navy dress & she sewed hooks on my skirt Ma is able to walk about a little with a walking stick & sit & mend clothes which is a great help to us for we are always so busy the wind is very strong & cold from North

March 15th  Not quite as bad but still I had to keep the kitchen door shut as it was too cold & draughty for Ma the usual morning work I had to blacklead stove & then lit dining room fire & put out bread & washed up all things baked bread sponge roll & cake & apple pie besides general work & cooked veg Amy took lunch to men chaffcutting. & dinner over she & Dad went to Gawler she had previously done the dining room & scrubbed safe I washed up & filled lamps & cleaned all glasses then all cutlery spoons tins etc & any work not done scrubbed other articles made cosy fire in dining room got afternoon tea Ma & I partook then boys came home & had their tea & went to Gawler I went & got cows & milked & separated got in the wood Dad came home Amy stayed at Celia’s the night very cold indeed I got letter from Tom & Myrtle Ma got one from Moonta & Nellie It is Stone Hill Church Anniversary (Sunday School) tomorrow Mr. William Goodger is having their house enlarged & roof carried up high instead of skillion roof I got tea for Dad & after washing up I retired very tired to bed

March 16 / I got up early 6/30 & dressed lit fire & got a cup of tea then salted a leg mutton swept both rooms & dusted lit stove & put on meat fried sausages & had breakfast chopper wood for stove washed up everything prepared veg Ma helped peel trombone then I made Ma’s & boys bed Celia & Percy & Amy did not get home till one oclock I got up dinner made gravy & had roast beef late dinner then washed up everything Amy wiping & made our bed. Went for walk to see melons C,A. & myself Percy & Bert Uncle & Eva & Alf came also Charles & Eva & G.E.H. got tea & Amy & George went for cows & she helped me milk & he turned the sepr then I washed up & they Charl & Eva spent evening Uncle & Eva went home at 7/30 Celia & Percy at 8/30

March 17 / I awoke before five but it was too dark to see to wash so I rested till ¼ to six it was so windy but cleared at 10 I washed white quilt & got up to [uncleache] clothes then Amy helped me after 3 months absence from the tubs I was very glad as I got a bad hip we did not finish till late as I washed extras 4 coats (everydays) I folded Amy our boys bed I shooks up & made Ma’s she spread clothes on I got a cup of tea the day was lovely for drying & I got all in now Boys in Humphrys working so had to cook hot tee Dad & Charl loaded stones like rain tonight.

March 18th Same time & lit fire & got breakfast Then I swept the dairy & tidied myself & went to see Mrs Ratcliff & return her flour I had an hours talk to her she was ironing she is 80 years of age & does her own work also washing & ironing for her two grown up boys & themselves. Amy did outdoor work & the breakfast dishes & I the sepr she had started ironing when I got home so I got midday lunch & then I starched & ironed fashion shirts & the rest of ironing & pressed a coat to mend Amy finished Corals pink dress that I gave her I made a Shepherds pie & vegs for tea stewed plums & custard I was so busy Amy milked & fed pigs etc nice day

March 19th I awoke very early but did not feel atall well Rhumatics & I did not dress till ¼ to 6 had to hurry as the bread was ready to bake I hurried & got stove hot & baked same made beds & helped in housework took Ma her breakfast then I got a cup of tea Eva H. came at 11 o’ck after lunch I started to mend Berts every day coat & tonight made a melon pie & cooked trombone & potatoes very busy been such a hot day Eva & Amy went to Jones for pears & Grapes & Amy went for cows & milked etc Dad is road making Bert & Wilfred on the land

March 20 / the usual work every day Amy helps Dad with outdoor work while I get breakfast & if it is baking day I bake or rather get it ready for stove before brkf Amy & Dad went to Gawler & I did housework & got dinner I finished mending Berts coat & cooked vegetables for 8 o’clock dinner p.m. I milked & then they came home & I Sepr & after tea I made hot Cross buns & Amy washed up & mixed bread for me she is not well atall & the weather is very trying sultry

March 21st I awoke very early & went out to see if my buns were ready for the oven & a little after five I dressed & put out bread & baked it got breakfast over & then I put out buns Amy washed up then she picked & dressed a rooster I made seasoning & stuffed it & baked it also trom & pots. stewed pears & custard. Amy cleaned all rooms I dusted ours washed floors baked buns & got dinner. Clem & Bert & Wilf were at Bragglesome Charlie home to dinner he brought Coral home for the day or the waggon she was a good child Dad & Ma took her home in the evening & Celia & Percy & Marion came out to bid us good bye as she goes to Moonta Satday so we had a lot of tea & they also went to Jones for Grapes & pears they have tons going to waste Celia bought a neat black skirt from Harri’s. The weather is very hot & sultry & so trying Amy is so knocked out can’t sleep & feels the heat terribly but works away. George is away on a holiday at PortPirie.

March 22 Same hour found me busy I lit fire I dining room & then cleaned my stove & other fire utensils Amy got breakfast then usual morning work & I got pears ready for stewing & baked apples also made sponge roll & cake fried potatoes & onions it was a very hot day & Amy so very unwell After dinner Amy went to dress for Gawler & was so ill she had to lie down I pressed her silk blouse & she went to sleep seemed thouroughly done so after one more effort to get ready she gave it up & stayed home & cleaned cutlery for me I filled & Ma cleaned lamps I did safe washed floors & all other Saturday work milked Amy helping then had tea boys to City Amy had a bath & I bathed Clem made him a singlet & washed his clothes got Ma’s supper & then I then went to bed Dad home at 10 o’ck boys later on & Ernie with them

March 23rd A busy day even if it was Sunday I had to fry sausages for breakfast swept rooms Amy did vegetables I roasted beef & Amy made custard & pears & we did housework then I washed up after dinner & Amy helped & she packed all food for the boys to go to Middle Beach our two & Ern Stan Lucas Len Gorman Herman & Will Wiese in a waggonette & Bert & Ern in our spring dray then Uncle Charley drove Aunt Emily & Edgeth out to spend the afternoon & evening & Auntie remained here Charl & Eva Mrs McLeod & Coral also spent the evening G.E.H. & Amy on their own for a stroll I washed up & mixed bread & Eva & Aunt Emily got supper very sultry & like a change none of ever go to Chapel now.

March 24th It was Easter Monday but I decided to wash as I intended going to Lower Light with Auntie & also bake tomorrow I lit fire also copper & started got in first then Auntie brought in her clothes & washed with me Amy outdoor work & washed up Sep & all other things as we only Sep mornings now for a while we had finished whites then Auntie went in & Amy came round & helped finished washing dinner time then I scrubbed up & Amy made beds & housework Auntie helped fold & iron as well & did her own ironing. it came up very cold & rained in the afternoon Jim drove Ada home all the children. It did pour the children were out in a shower & got quite wet the boys came home from the beach drenched to the skin Jim came after tea for Ada they would get home dry I think but cold & wind very wet tonight.

March 25. I got dressed & found a cold morning with showers got breakfast did housework & fried potas & onions for dinner apple pie we also showed Auntie our new dress bargains After dinner Dad Auntie & I dressed for L.L. it was very cold after leaving Two Wells we got there about 4/30 had a cup of tea & talk Maria made scones & fried sausages for tea Jessie Ernie Easton Jim Ripley & Maggie McMillian139 went to Mallala Literary Social very cold & wet I helped Maria washup & we retired at 10. o’clock

139 Fanny is visiting the Paterson cousins in Lower Light. James John Ripley, Maggie McMillan must be friends of her cousins.

March 26/ Another cold showery morning I had a good look round the garden & talk to each of the girls Elvie is in bed with bad throat Dad & I left at 11/30 it rained all the time till we got to the L.L. Bridge so awfully cold got home just as they finished dinner had a cup of tea & did sewing mixed bread so cold & I am tired

March 27/ lit fire in dining room then the stove swept rooms & made jam tarts & baked them then did a lot of washing & the boys got soaked so had all their clothes 2 Navy pants Dad went to Gawler & brought home word the Mrs & Mr Brodie Mrs & Mr Parham from Pirie came for afternoon also Mrs Ratcliff I ironed Amy & I got afternoon tea & after they went away I fried sausages for tea cold & looks like rain Ma’s cough is very bad Dad got bag flour today.

March 28th Same morning work & then I blackleaded stove I also pressed boys navy serge pants as I washed them yesterday then I did front rooms Amy swept ours & I washed floor & between us we got all done & Amy roasted mutton trom & pots for dinner boys were home to dinner Amy was in terrible pain with her teeth & I washed up & we drove to Gawler the Dentist drew one & the other one he had quite ½ a dozen tries to get the pieces out as it was all decayed in the gum it was awful nasty & she had a very bad mouth after all that night it was so painful I had to get tea & mix brd we called at Ada’s Amy looks so ill & weak

Sat March 29 / I got fire & put out bread & made buns got breakfast over & then we did ordinary work I baked bread cake & buns & filled lamps Ma cleaned glasses I scrubbed safe & Dad went to Gawler Amy not well enough to go so she cleaned all cutlery I swept & washed floors we finished in good time I got afternoon tea & Wilfred went to City Bert went to Rifle practise midday I milked & tidied wood heap had a bath also Amy had one Alb was home for day Clem went home with Wilf Alb with Dad today.

March 30 / Sunday but I got in fair time Dad milked Amy helping I fried breakfast sausages swept rooms Ma & Dad prepared beans & potatoes I roasted beef & cooked dinner & layed table then we partook of same & Amy & I washed up & dressed for Kangaroo Flat Church then we drove there & Eva & Kit & Hazel Charl Eva & Coral & a fair congregation were there A.M. Dawkins140 preached we went to Uncle Charlies to tea & I went down & saw Ada helped her washup & we all spent the evening there & came home mixed bread a most delightful day & nice drive

140 Mr Albert Maynard Dawkins, probably.

March 31st I got up early lit stove & put out bread & fried sausages for breakfast then Percy Rice141 drove down for me. I went up to wash for her as she has no girl now Baby Lillian was not well & cried a good deal I did a big wash then folded & ironed all shirts blouses & nightdress, wrapper Melville drove me home at six I had a washing machine there & that helps a lot Aunt Harriet brought Aunt Emily up & Ern & he was not well atall Amy had a shepherds pie for tea veg & stewed pears Auntie brought up the sad news of Miss Philis’s death last Thursday142 from Pneumonia poor girl did not have Doctors advice until she was passed human aid & she died soon after he saw her the brothers are terribly cut up as she was their housekeeper She was buried Saturday Cousin Bert was bearer.

141 Percy Mayo Rice, 15 year old son of neighbour William Rice; the "she" being spoken of is Alice Mary Scott (Mrs Rice, the second wife after William became a widower). Thomas Melville Rice, is her other son, who drives Fanny home again after the washign is done.
142 Miss Philis in Lower Light, I presume. I'm quite sure this surname is incorrect. [Philis] Cousin Bert is Albert George Paterson, son of Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath).

April 1st I felt pretty well on waking so I thought I would wash & Aunt Emily did hers with me Amy cooked corned beef carrots & potatoes apple pie Auntie hung out a lot I finished at 12/30 & had an hour for dinner then scrubbed up all & Auntie ironed her clothes & Amy is ironing I am writing this & resting Dad is at Mr Harold Stevens143 sale so I must go & work again now 3 p.m. Uncle Charlie came home from sale & Aunt Emily & Ern went home with him to be near the station tomorrow. Charl bought a covered trap & pony at the sale I had to mix bread tonight Amy not well

143 Harold Stevens.

April 2nd I have not slept well as my limbs are awful bad standing two days running at work I got up about 5/30 & lit fire put out bread & made buns helped with housework & baked & then unripped Amys silk dress washed & pressed it Eva & Coral came down & she cut out a tweed dress for Amy I have Rhumatism very badly I could not finish Amys dress as I must put new sleeves in & I have not enough silk to cut them.

April 3rd Usual morning work then Amy went with Dad as far as Eva’s where she did work for her while Eva did her skirt & also some work on the bodice I did housework & then boiled quince for jam had lunch & then Ma  & I quickly pared quinces & I made the jam Kit, Hazel & Eva came down for afternoon I got a cup of tea & washed up jam things bottled off jam & had to cook a fowl carrots potatoes for tea went for cows & milked the dished up tea & made melted butter Amy Dad & boys came home Charl is carting stone Bert picking up stone Wilf working land away to dinner

April 4th Bert & Wilf got up first as our watch stopped called me I got chops fried for breakfast & then I thoroughly cleaned stove & made brown stew for dinner Dad & Ma went to Jones for quinces & pears to send to Moonta Amy cleaned front rooms & bedrooms dinner over I baked 5 large jam tarts & biscuits & sponge P.T.D. came out & took fruit to send away I gave him some tarts & biscuits Eva came & finished with Amys help her dress trimmed her green Hat up fresh Amy not too well I feel tired but got to go & mix Clem is home as usual for the week end

April 5 / Saturday & as I had bread to bake I made haste to get fire & the bread out in tines to rise I always get a cup of tea for parents first then Amy give boys their breakfast this morning she had to churn the butter after baking bread I baked a madeira cake cleaned lamps Amy did dining room washed floors we each did ordinary work dinner over Dad & Amy went to Gawler very hot & she could not wear her new turnout so wore white silk muslin I cleaned all tins & cutlery & finished work & washed out some clothes had a bath milked & they did not get home till late from Gawler so we retired after clearing supper at 11 oclock.

April 6 / Sunday rose in fair time & fried sausage got a cup of tea for all bathed Clem & cleaned his boots had breakfast & as we were expecting visitors so I roasted round beef & cabbage & potatoes apple pie did all ordinary work & then at 12 ock Vic & Mrs Hagel144 drove up & Charlie & her little girl Ethel to dinner Amy & I dished up & carved out all dinner & set all out on table afterwards I washed up all Amy helped me then she tidied & played piano and at a little before four o’clock I got a cup of tea & the visitors left for Mallala we had our tea & drove to Bragglesome for Coral & Eva & from there to Buchsfelde back to supper Alf Nottle was there also to tea

144 Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson), cousin and Florence May Strongman (Mrs William Charles Hagel). Her daughter is Ethel Viola Hagel (who is married at age 19 in 1924, which means she'd be 8, but I cannot find her birth record).

April 7th As I did not have to go to Mrs Rices I got up lit fire & copper & started our own wash then got all but colored clothes done then Amy came & washed 3 pairs Denhams & seconded others I had new Moles for Wilf after dinner we finished & I scrubbed up all Amy copper & blocks & then I folded Amy did indoor work cooked dinner Ma helped her then she brushed clothes & dressed for a visit to Mrs Goodgers where she spent a pleasant time they were down at Gawler River yesterday & poor Mrs Will Higgins is very ill “Diabates” her sister Edie is with her from the Penincular145. Mr. White came down for me to go to wash tomorrow so I only ironed my dress & the boys pants Moles I mended my stockings & retired Amy making a bead & sea foam d’oylie Ma also mending socks & stockings we had an ideal day today but hotter weather promises

144 Lily Burt (Mrs Will Higgins) and her sister Edith Esther Louisa Burt.
145 Mr White, a neighbour.

April 8/ Bert & Wilfred got up at 5/20 & called me but I was awake so dressed & got breakfast & got ready for Mrs Whites I assisted Amy a little before Mr. drove down for me in the sulky on arrival found copper lit & Miss White146 gave me a start with the machine but it is very heavy & I felt awfully knocked out I was afraid I would have to give in but she helped me rinse & I got on better then but it was a terrible heavy wash & I was trembling when I had finished I helped fold & then I went to Mrs Rices & had a cup of tea with her Miss Wallin was ironing & called on Mrs Ratcliff & had a chat then home & helped with tea & mixed br.

146 Mrs White, wife of Mr White (Ha ha!), and their daughter Miss White. Miss Wallin has helped out at Rice's regularly.

April 9th I got a cup of tea & breakfast Amy churned & I put out bread & baked it made bed & swept both rooms & assisted housework then got a cup tea for boys. Dad & myself & cut out & made Amy a pair silk sleeves for silk dress she caught killed & plucked a fowl & cooked it stuffed for dinner potatoes trom boys home to meal Dad at work on the road Amy made new G.P. apron also other white dolies Will Ratcliff spending evening I gathered eggs found new nest of a dozen & milked & must go now & sew.

April 10 / The same routine of morning duties each one helping after all housework was done I put Hector in the sulky & after having a cup of tea I drove to Marys she was busy making fig jam I mended stockings for her we had dinner & as I expected Ma to be home by herself I came home at 4 o’ck & Amy went to Gawler at 2’ oclock with Coral & Eva in their new trap Bert & Wilf went out with Stone & carted manure in the afternoon I cooked veg for tea & milked Rose Preiss is at Henley beach for a month with Mrs P. C, Dawkins Joyce is going down for week end hot day

146 Rose Preiss and Mrs Percy Campbell Dawkins (Evelyn Grace Wake). Muriel Joyce Preiss is a neighbour. 

April 11th I had to rise early as I had to bake bread & it is always ready to put in tins early then I got other work done & baked bread buns pastry cleaned our room Amy other rooms & windows pictures In the afternoon she thoroughly cleaned all Buggy harness & after tea she helped Bert with Sulky harness did not finish all till 11’ock p.m. I had bad legs & was so busy only rested by sewing Amys cuff on the blouse & had to mix bread again tonight. Very hot & nasty weather.

April 12th / I had to bake again this morning so lit fire & put it out to rise then I got usual cup of tea & breakfast Amy churned butter. Our meal over I baked bread & cake & filled lamps scrubbed safe & various duties I was frying Onions & Potatoes for dinner & Jessie & Elvie drove up to go to Gawler so that delayed dinner Amy had a bath & got dressed in Pink & at about 3 o’ck Dad & the girls started Bert went in the morn to Rifle practice I was awfully busy I washed up swept & washed both floors dusted dining Ma helped cleaned all pictures got a cup of tea milked Ma got Wilf off to Gawler I bathed Clem had one myself got in wood & washed some clothes & then had to make extra beds I did not finish till 9 ock & then being very tired & aching limbs I was off to bed & Dad came home I then lit fire & got tea & took Ma in some supper also had mine with Dad very hot indeed late to bed

April 13th/ Being Sunday it was about seven when I dressed & got a cup of tea for us all then fried Sausages Elvie helped Amy milk I had to roast beef & cook beans & potatoes stewed fruit & custard. Len Gorman came out midday to see Wilf & spent the day Amy & cleared table & washed up I went up & turned cows in on Melon Vines Wilf & Clem brought melons home yesterday. I got early tea they left at 5/30 we had tea Amy & I finished work & then she feed her lamb Jess found it coming up. Amy & I started to go to Mr. Mitchells & met Jim & Ada so Ethel came with us they were so glad to see us gave us flowers they are lovely Ada & them stayed late

April 14 / I intended washing so rose at 5 ‘oclock Ethel was awake & helped us nicely I lit fire & copper & by 10/30 I had all whites out on line Amy lent me a hand for a short time got almost done before dinner Amy & Ethel went to Gawler I did all scrubbing & swept washhouse & folded all clothes mangled several things I was very busy milked & did any evening work Amy was late home & Ma was anxious as she had Larry & he is so flash Wesley came home with her & helped me wash up Amy has a pet lamb Jess brought it Sunday found it on the road the weather is hot & dry I wanted to iron but am afraid to do too much I had to make bed & tidy round I miss Amy at this.

April 15, I did all usual work Amy assisted out door work & churned butter then I started to cut Quinces up for jam but Ma came & finished while I did other work then I made the jam & Amy ironed but was not well atall so I assisted her but I did not finish the jam till late milked etc Ma & Dad are not well Bert & Wilfred went to Liberal Social at Buchsfelde.

April 16th I had bread to bake so I woke at 4/30 & looked at it & it was ready to put in tins so I then dressed & chopped a heap of wood & lit fire & got tea & breakfast baked bread made buns then cut up more Quinces & made jam bake both bread & buns Amy killed & dressed a fowl which we had for tea roasted & vegetables I was quite tired I starched & ironed shirt & blouse Amy so unwell & she retired early to bed so languid

April 17. I had only just got the fire when Percy Rice came down for me so I had a cup of tea & went home with him to breakfast then started washing a good lot & did finish till 3 ‘oclock the folded mangled & ironed till half past six when Melville drove me home I felt completely knocked out two big days on top of each other I washed up & retired very tired. There were three weddings in Gawler yesterday. Cecil Footer & Miss Thomas at Mission Church147. Charlie Hobart & Miss Roach at Gawler West148. Arthur Deans & Miss Viney at Blocks Church149 they had a lovely day as it is a nice cool change now quite cold at night

146 Cecil James Footer, widower of Laura May Pope, with two small children, married Ellen Margaret Thomas at Church of the Transfiguration, Gawler South.
147 Charles Elliott Hobart (George's brother) & Nellie Magdalene Roche, at Gawler West Methodist Church.
148 Arthur Edward Dean & Idelee Iris Muriel Viney were actually married at Parkside Methodist Church. 

April 18th I did not rise till 6/20 & dressed & got fire in dining room & breakfast blackleaded stove & then I cleaned both front rooms & made beds poor dear old Amy is so ill she cried with pain I hurried round & after dinner put Hector in Sulky & drove to Gawler & saw Dr Henry Dawes149 so Amy had to remain at Celia’s I saw G.E.H. & was talking to him he has finished at Tanunda Celia has a cold & Marion has been so bad she got her first tooth through & looks so well such a lovely day the two Eva’s stayed with Ma also Kit & baby

149 Dr Henry Dawes.

April 19th / Work In every direction & Amy away & Ma very unwell her head was so giddy & it has lasted all day I had to bake bread & cakes & yeast buns scrubbed safe etc swept rooms cleaned window & pictures Dad went to Gawler I had Clem home so he cleaned knives forks & spoons & fed the lamb I was very busy Ma cleaned lamp glasses I filled them all & milked Boys went to Gawler I cleaned our boots & baked Clem had a bath myself nice Amy boys have been repairing stable at Bragglesome today

April 20 / Dad came home from Gawler with the sad news of poor little Mona Davis aged thirteen years she did all her work Friday & had a good tea & went to bed but was taken ill & called her father & told him she was dying & expired so this morning150 I did all housework duties & made beds then roasted beef & cabbage & potatoes cold apple pie Celia & Percy & Amy & Marion came to dinner & the Celia Dad & I went to Kingsford Mr Davis residence to pay our last tribute of respect to the dear little girl there were 41 vehicles followed beside horseback & those at the cemetery Kit rode home as far as Uncle’s with us. Baby had been good she had tea & then they went home showery weather

150 Mona Davis, a neighbour, daughter of Alexander Davis.

April 21st I was up in good time & had my breakfast & prepared the boys then Percy Rice came for me I washed folded mangled & ironed some had a nice talk & look round the new rooms they are very nice indeed. Baby was not as good today I came home at five & cooked trombone & potatoes for tea milked Ma was better but Amy not well at all she was sewing I made her a cup of tea when I got home it has been a lovely day I had to mix

April 22nd/ I awoke at 10 to 5 & dressed lit stove & put out bread as it was ready & I baked it & made all beds changing sheets & pillow cases & did general work soaked in clothes & Amy & I went to Gawler leaving Ma at Charlies & Eva’s I got new shoes Amy could not see the Dr so stayed in at Ada to night & is to see him at seven o’ck Clem came home with me been a nice day but I did not enjoy myself I saw Mrs Hobart & George I could not get the clothes I wanted I feel tired

April 23rd I got up before five & let fire & then the copper & started by lamplight to wash as it is dark at six I hurried & got first boil out & second in then milked for the lamb & fed it & did various duties had a cup of tea & took one to parents, Jim & Amy came as far as Charls then Amy drove Dolly home in the dogcart & Dad took it back I got all whites on the line 9/30 then I persevered with the others & finished dinner time except hang a few out on line Amy folded but was very unwell could not help me atall today & I do miss her at tubs at last I mangled a few & ironed some mixed bread & retired

April 25/ I got breakfast & then blackleaded stove & cleaned our room washed floors in other room Amy very dull & ill but helping with front rooms & all dusting & sweeping & cleaned all best boots & made a nice new shirt for Clem Made it so nice & after tea was very ill & collapsed we were so anxious about her as she is the light of our home & hearts

April 26th As I did not bake bread I did all the usual work & cleaned lamps & baked scones cake Amy did all dining room work & dusting sweeping I churned & made butter & helped wash up all Dad Amy & I went to Gawler but we were too sad to enjoy ourselves I had a chat to Mrs Hobart & Burgess Celia was down the street rode over with Dad very cold & nice showers fell today I wore my new shoes & Amy her new dress today but had to keep on coats Walter Hill is married last week I heard151.

151 Walter Hill, Kit's brother, will marry Euphemia Ellen Nicholson at the Salvation Army Home in Adelaide on May 1. Mrs Burgess.

April 27th Very late up as I had scarcely any rest with Amy I got a cup of tea & fried breakfast did housework between us & had cold dinner & after washing up Amy & I went to Black Flat for a walk Uncle Charlie & Eva & Albert came out & then we came home to tea I shall never forget it my dear sister & I have always been such friends or rather dearer I should say Eva & Coral & Charl came for evening & stayed with us till after midnight as Amy was so ill Ma is knocked out nearly

In all thy ways acknolidge God & he shall direct thy path  
Walter Hill was married last week.

April 28 / After a very poor nights rest I dressed at 6/30 made a cup of tea & porrige for breakfast Uncle Charl came for a team of horses he is putting in his crop at Willaston Celia & little Marion drove out breakfast time & stayed till five Amy was unconscious for 4 hours which worried us I soaked in this afternoon & we cooked hot dinner Wilf went to Gawler River & G.E.H. came home with him & Amy is rather better tonight it is very cold weather

April 29th Washing day but I had to get the fire & make porrige for breakfast then I lit the copper & did the weeks wash finished all by dinner Ma & Amy did all indoor work I scrubbed up & then I ironed milked & baked scones & help make a frilled pillow case The days are cold & dry Wilf stays at Bragglesome now Bert goes backwards & forwards also Dad Charl keeps on stone carting & the others are seeding I did not go to wash any where but home

April 30 / Bert got up at a little after five & called me I had been awake a long time. Just got to sleep. I got his breakfast & the put out bread made light cake off dough & an apple pie baked bread to send to me at Bragglesome then after assisting in all other duties I made another pillowcase. Ada, Alb, Murray & Eva drove out also Eva & Coral for afternoon they had tea & went home I milked we had tea I washed up Amy is working buttonholes for me

May 1st Usual work I have to get up early now & get breakfast for Bert as Wilfred stays at Bragglesome then Amy helped with housework & had lunch then I let down hems of both Amys skirts & she was busy with her needle also but far from well & I milked & she mixed feed for Queen & Love & chopped a heap of wood & I tidied the big wood heap then dear old girl collapses again for 4 hours we had a cup of cocoa & retired to get a little rest.

May 2nd I rose at 10 min past 5 & got breakfast then swept us & got beds made Celia & little Marion came out at about nine & had a cup of tea & Celia made garments for baby Amy did front rooms I ours & she boys I mended my dress & baked scones & my Ma cleaned stuffed & we roasted a fowl for din trom & potatoes & pie & pasties at five Celia went home & we did same work got tea & cleared it & then I mix bread Amy so unwell & I am worried too myself

May 3rd Wilf home last night & I got his breakfast & put out bread & made buns did lamps boots scrubbed safe Amy did dining room Dad & Amy went to Gawler well she stayed at Ada’s till tonight she goes to Celias I keep looking at the clock & wondering what news we will next hear Ma cleaned cutlery & tins I finished early my baking bread, cake, & Buns had cup tea milked & fed cows. boys both home tonight I see Mr. S.J. Batten & Dr Allwork152 deaths in the paper. Amy is staying at Ada’s

152 Rev Stephen John Batten, Methodist minister of Freeling, aged 43, and Dr Frank Allwork of Tasmania.

May 4th/ Sunday Ma has a dreadful cold on her chest & her cough is very bad I lit fire & prepared tea swept & dusted both rooms fried saus & got the breakfast over roasted a shoulder mutton Ma prepared vegetables for dinner I did all housework & after dinner dressed for Chapel & called for Eva & Coral. Charlie came home. Mary & children & Mrs Tom Ratcliffe were here to tea, Charl, Eva & Coral & for evening I read a book & looked at my photos very cold & dry Coral has a bad cold too.

May 5th I have had a restless night & did not dress till 5/30 then got breakfast & lit copper & did washing the men & Clem were chaffcutting also Uncle Charlie also came out to help & had dinner. Jim & our dear old girl came out & she stayed till Dad went in to Gawler at four. I finished washing dinner time then scrubbed up & did all ironing went for cows milked & fed them also have to give the lamb its bottle & it all takes time it is very cold tonight & I am worried as I do not know how things are going on with A & G.

May 6th Dad did not get home till eleven o’clock last night & we were all so worried as he had Larry in the trap but he brought home good news so this morning I did work & baked biscuits in camp oven & Ma cooked dinner. Then I drove to Gawler called at Ada’s then went to Celia’s George was there we had a cup of tea & he went home then Amy had a bath & I changed my dress put on my crème & helped Amy dress she wore Crème silk & I put the veil on her & orange blossom she made a pretty bride but so frail looking & sad as she has been so ill. Rev T Piper officiated & I was bridesmaid. Jim Parham (Ada’s husband) was best man Celia & Percy & little Marion went & Mr. Hobart & his son Jim they were in the Methodist Manse Todd Street153. We drove home & had a quiet breakfast to ourselves then retired & I also remained at Celia’s all night, we had a long talk together my prayer are for dear Amy & George that they may long be spared to one another in health & happiness & that sunshine of God’s love may rest on both.

153 Amy Florence Atyeo and George Edmund Heath were married quietly - their first child Olive Fanny Heath Hobart will be born in 6 months; this may explain why Amy has been even more unwell lately. Rev T Piper officiated. George's father Mr Dale William Hobart, and his brother James Thomas Hobart also attended. Amy & George then stay with Celia & Percy for a while, while they are trying to find a house. It's not easy...

Trust in the Lord & lean not unto thine own understanding

May 7th / Percy got up at 4/30 Celia next then George & Amy & me, we had our breakfast just as the men went to work & Celia Amy & I had a chat then I drove to Ada’s & took the children to school had a talk to my friend Mrs Standley Vivian is in the Hospital City with Typhoid & is gradually improving I got home at ¼ to 10. Did housework had dinner & made Kettle Holders but have such a dreadful cold & felt so unwell that I did not know how to keep up

154 Vivian Rose Standley.   

May 8 / I had to bake bread so got up but found it had not risen so got breakfast over & then did housework & baked bread dinner time Dad went to Gawler & Amy came home with him it seemed so nice to see her dear face in its old place at the table I helped her cut out a nightdress after tea I felt so tired & Amy look so weary her nerves are over strained & her side is very painful.

May 9th I got up & prepared breakfast Porrige I then did a little housework & blackleaded stove & Amy got up & took over all the usual Fridays work & I set to & made a pretty white nightdress Amy also milked & fed cows it took me all day & I never finished Amy put sleeves in after tea I mix bread my eyes were dreadfully painful & I could not see to sew any longer I rubbed Amys chest & throat for her she like the rest of us has a very bad cold indeed The men are home today Wilf is going to work in the Gap they expect to be home a week or so then go back again Walter Hill was married last Thursday in Adelaide May 1st

May 10 / I dressed at ¼ past five called Wilf poor old Bert has a poisoned hand very bad indeed he went to the Dr today got to go tomorrow & have it opened poor boy I got breakfast then made fire in stove & put out brd & baked it also a usual cake it is very nice Amy did lamps I scrubbed safe & other things swept & dusted Ma helped Amy & Dad went to Gawler Amy goes to Celia’s where she is boarding at present & George will be home at Celia’s tonight Celia & Baby were in the street Wilf in the Top paddock working Clem with him, Bert had his thumb lanced very bad indeed I got to put hot fomentations on it. Ma & I did all usual work I milked & fed the cows & lamb there is a lot of little things to do I just bathed Clem & put him to bed & dressed Berts hand the weather is very cold I had to wear a jacket on top of my dress very dry

He shall feed his flock like a shepherd & gather the Lambs in his arms

May 11th Sunday I got up in good time for Sunday & got sausages fried for breakfast swept both rooms fed lamb then our meal over I did the bedrooms & any work there was we had a cold dinner & I had several little bits of odd work to do then dressed for tea we expected Emma & her boy also Charl & Eva but they never came till after tea we then sang Hymns & I got set supper & read a little they left for home Em’s boy Mr. Millar is very homely & sociable. Wilf went to Gawler

154 Lucy Emma Lockyer and her beau George Miller.

May 12 / We get up now before five & I could not wash as Bert in on the sick list & I had to drive him to Gawler I got brkf over & then I got Clem ready for school & I have lunches to put up &  tea. I drove to Celia’s while Bert went to the Dr & Amy & her were washing I helped rinse & hang out clothes we had a cup of tea & came home my eyes are bad & I got my classes broken a fortnight ago I mended in afternoon & mixed bread etc at night I had cows to milk & feed & there is the lamb to look after

May 13 / A very busy morning I got breakfast & took in tea lit stove & put out bread feed lamb milked & fed cows & separated then I dressed for Gawler Bert drove Clem to school I wrote yesterdays work wrong as I had to get him ready for his drive to school today & they went chaffcutting yesterday Ems boy George Millar came down to help them & Mr McLeod155 & them went back to Adelaide last night I drove into Gawler by myself in Charls covered trap I met Celia & Amy in the street I did shopping & we got sheets towels etc for Amy she & I came home & I had to milk & Amy helped me & feed cow George came out & said they cannot get the schoolhouse at Gawler river It is cold & days

154 Daniel McLeod, Eva's father.

May 14/ Late washing day as it was Wensday I had to rise at five & get the usual cup of tea & fry sausages for breakfast & milk & feed cows then lit copper & at 8 ock started at tubs & almost finished at dinner time Amy helped me an hour or so before dinner afterwards I scrubbed all & Amy
folded clothes. I did all ironing tonight while George was here talking to Amy & Ma. Well I did some ironing before I went to milk & feed cows the men are home this week up in top paddock Dad cultivating Wilf drilling Charl is carting stone on the road. Weather dry & very cold indeed Kit has taken a situation at Mrs Goodgers has Hazel too with her. Mrs Sam Worden has a son ill in Gawler Hospital he is 14 years old appenditus155. & Mrs Norman Alexanders boy Jack is ill also in there156. We got Hector shod yesterday I open new Kerosene May 9th last Thursday

155 Annie Louisa Riggs (Mrs Sam Worden)'s son Lionel Alwin Worden.
156 Clarice Jane Folland (Mrs Charles Norman Alexander)'s boy Jack (John Norman Alexander).

May 15 / Same time & got breakfast & milked & Ma Sep I fed lamb & hurried swept dining room made bed & then cut out dark undergarments for Amy & she is very busy Celia & little Marion came home at ½ past nine & stayed the day  she drove Lady in the dray Amy is very busy & doing all work today and same at night Berts finger is getting better Wilf jambed his finger badly

May 16 / I got up early always about five or before go breakfast milked & fed cows, made beds & then I have to bandage fingers for men as the manure is so poisonous. I got ready for Gawler Bert & I had to go to Dr I went & had my eyes tested for new glasses was there over two hours & my head & eyes ached badly, went to Celia’s to lunch & then I had final test did shopping & came home had a cup of coffee milked & fed cows had to mix bread & Amy busy sewing very cold weather

May 17 / I got up early awoke at 10 past 4 but did not dress till near five got breakfast took in tea & hurried for all I was worth I blackleaded stove put out bread to rise made a cake & baked all & also biscuits Amy & Dad went to Gawler I scrubbed safe etc cleaned lamps swept rooms & Ma did the cutlery & dusted dining room we did any other work had a cup of tea & Wilf drove to Williamstown via Gawler where Stan Lucas & Len Gorman meet him Clem been harrowing Berts thumb is getting better now Amy is in at Celia’s

May 18th Sunday & I never get up early on Sunday in the winter time we had cold breakfast  (polony) & then I did housework Berts poisoned hand is improving Wilf got a very sore finger through jambing it Ma washed up & got the veg ready & fried sausages then dressed for a drive into Adas where I met Celia Percy & Marion & Amy had a chat then Amy & I went to Gawler River to see a house which George thought may suit but it wants renovating & it is a dull place. We went up to the stables & met G.E.H. who fed the horses & then came home with us to tea & we sang a number of hymns & Amy played piano then Amy took a bad turn George stayed all night Boys went to Gawler none of went to Church Charl Coral & Eva went to the Cantata at the Congret Church157

157 The Cantata is part of the Sunday School Anniversary celebrations

May 19th I had thought of washing but as the morning was rather drizzling & cold I decided not to, I got up at 4/30 & called George & lit fire & got a cup of tea as he had a long walk home to Dawkins, Amy was rather unwell so had a long rest I have so many things to see to in the morning that do not count there the lunch to pack & tea to put up the lamb to feed cows to milk & feed & the separating to do sometimes Ma does the sepr Amy made a white undergarment & I put new collars on her bodice black & green Flett blouse) Mr Ratcliff spent an hour or two with us all busy seeding in top Bert got off sick list & starts work again

May 20. As I had a big wash I hurried & got breakfast & then cut lunches milked & lit copper & started Amy joining me after lunch we had new sheets Pillow-cases shirts etc & although we worked hard we did not finish till 5’oclock then scrubbed & folded after tea & I had cows to milk & feed but Amy did them tonight & I chopped wood & mixed bread after tea Charl & Eva Coral came I had sore hands with new clothes the lime, Amy very tired but playing her music a while

May 21st Our same hour about ¼ to 5 as a rule at times earlier same work & then I put bread to rise made yeast buns & lit stove did outdoor work & then baked & did a portion of housework then ironed till dinner time Amy picked & dressed a fowl & Ma & her cooked it cabb & pots melon pie dinner over Amy ironed & I cooked buns swept kitchen washed some things & also washed my head then took iron & finished Amy mending & fed calf got in wood I milked & fed cows & lamb & we mended Bert Aunger is seriously ill for over a week158 meningitis

158 Albert John Aunger, aged 13.

May 22 / Usual hour & work there’s breakfast to get lunches to put up & tea cows to milk & feed & the Sepr to do every morn then Amy & I did housework & drove to Gawler where we did shopping & then as I had to wait for my glasses & my boots to be mended we went to Celias & had lunch & drove back as four did more shopping but could not get my glasses. We went to Mrs Whites & looked at a sofa & drove home had tea & cleared away & Amy was at the piano then George came & Amy & he had a talk I was mending. We saw Mr Aunger159 in Gawler & his son Bert is very ill a trained nurse has been waiting on him for weeks also the baby ill & his horse dropped down with paralisis & had had to shoot it today when driving to Gawler near Willaston Hill bad luck for them.

158 Albert's father Thomas James Aunger.

May 23rd Same hour about five & get a cup of tea then breakfast & I blackleaded stove fireplace fountain & kettle etc Amy thoroughly cleaned the two back rooms & I the front room’s. Ma is far from well back to her old work cooking dinners Eva & Coral spent afternoon her Amy & I mending weather still very dry & cold

May 24 / Saturday but I did not bake bread today so I did ordinary work Amy milked etc for me then I baked scones cake & custard & Mr T Aunger came & had dinner he has got Harrigan he may buy him Amy did housework & then the dining room & I did all lamps & scrubbing & general work Ma did cutlery & assisted cleaned window Dad put new panes of glass in the bedroom (girls room) yesterday Amy had a bath & then her & Dad went to Gawler. She stays at Celias for a few days & George will be home tonight till Monday morning still dry I had a bath & bathed Wesley washed his shirt & hose

May 25 / Sunday I awoke at an early hour & could not sleep till late so I did not again awake till after seven then had cramp & did not dress till eight fried sausages got a cup of tea all round &  breakfast lit stove & put on mutton to roast then Ma prepared turnips & potatoes & I made banana custard & did all housework & made beds. Celia & Percy got home at 12/30 & baby she can walk alone dinner over I washed up & tidied kitchen then Uncle Eva & Kit & Hazel came all stayed till evening Celia helped me set tea Kit & Celia helped me wash up & I fed lamb boys gone to Gawler

May 26th I had to bake bread this morning & yeast cake & do all usual work get breakfast & do housework then I put Hector in the Sulky & drove to Gawler met Celia & Amy did shopping & came home alone as Amy had to do some business in Gawler & decided to wait till tomorrow & come home with Dad. I called at Ada’s & stayed ¾ of an hour. Then drove home it rained almost all the way to Charls I also called there the rain is very light & we badly want more George & Amy have decided to go to Gawler River to live.

May 27. I was so busy as there are so many things to do breakfast to get & lunch to prepare & pack & put up tea I then lit copper & did the washing & I got quite tired of it & did not finish till 4/20 & then did an hours work scrubbing & cleaning Ma was at her work in doors all day I did get knocked up then milked & fed lamb & cows got in wood & folded clothes Amy & Dad home to tea I felt tired out as I had so many new articles

May 28th We are having some of the coldest weather I ever remember feeling the air is so keen & wind so cutting I did all the usual work same as ever then baked biscuits & Jam & Acid Tarts. Amy did ironing & then we were each sewing in afternoon & in the evening we drove to Gawler R. where George met us & he got a nice fire & then set to work & whitewashed both rooms & ceilings we had to drive home at one o’clock p.m. & it was bitterly cold but dry & Amys side is bad too

May 29th I got up & got breakfast & put up lunch milked etc swept our room Amy varnished her table then we did housework & Amy papered a box I mended st I did a bit of washing & made a G.P. apron also bag towel & apron & odd work chopped thick wood & made nice fires in both rooms as it is so very cold but dry

May 30th I got up when Wilf called me at 10 past 4 & got his breakfast ready put up tea lunch & dinner & Dad went up at five & saw him off to Gawler with Hay as he is carting from Twelftrees Dad helps load. I sewed till after six then started usual work milked etc Dad forgot to take Wilfs dinner & Amy drove in the sulky & caught him at Willaston Bridge & then to Ada’s to breakfast & on to Charl’s & home to dinner I cleaned front rooms & boys room & in the afternoon after doing work Amy & I went to G.R. & whitewashed the rooms a second time they look very nice indeed George came over but we were just about to start for home at 7 o’clock very cold & we got home at 7.35 Dad had milked & fed cows so I made a cup of tea & we partook same

May 31st Up at 4/15 got breakfast for Wilf & a cup of tea for parents put up lunch & tea then filled the vessels & layed down for an hour but could not sleep so dressed & got porrige & breakfast for the rest Amy very unwell indeed so I gave her medicine rubbed her side Dad Clem & I swept the chimney & that always makes work then I baked pie & rock buns we had dinner & Amy & I drove to vote & Dad & Ma in the buggy Amy & Dad went on to Gawler ma & I come home Larry in the sulky Wilf to Gawler at night Bert went from Brysome. We did work after we came home I did K & g fork Ma spoons I lamps safe etc & made good fires in both rooms

Jun 1st Up at 730 & got a cup of tea for all then fried breakfast made a fire in the stove & put on beef to roast Ma did all washing up & then prepared vegetables turnips & potatoes I made all beds & swept rooms & did all work needful Will Ratcliff spent the morning here I got new glasses on Monday last they are very expensive hope I have good luck with them Ada & Jim & children just come for afternoon we have lovely fires in both rooms so warm & cosy

June 2nd I intended washing so got breakfast over first of all I got a cup of tea at a few minutes past five & gave Bert one & parents as he had to go to Bragglesome & then I swept both rooms & cleaned stove out lit copper & started washing after I getting all clothes sorted I worked hard at tubs but di not finish till 4 o’clock as had new moles for Bert & new ones for Wilf Two weeks previously then I had our lime clothes form whitewashing last week then I scrubbed articles & milked etc Eva & Coral spent the afternoon with Ma indoors I folded clothes & mixed bread Wesley stayed home last night & helped the men chaffcut this morning Ma prepared lunch & dinner very cold dry weather but rain is wanted very badly Dad & Wilfred went out in Twelftrees to load hay Howard Richter158 helps them load also. Mrs Ted Gerdick159 has a daughter a week old & her son is only 11 months old Amy is at Celias till Wensday as she is going to Rowe’s sale tomorrow so we are not going to Town & I am glad as I feel none too grand

158 Howard William Richter, neighbour.
159 No idea who Mrs Ted Gerdick is. It is probably Mrs Gerlach, but I cannot work out the appropriate birthdates of a daughter born in May 1913 and a son in 1912.

June 3rd Wilfred called me at 4/30 & I got breakfast & packed lunch tea & dinner for him took in tea to parents bread was ready so put in tins & lit stove & baked it also milked & fed lamb & sepr etc did all housework beds etc baked biscuits& we had dinner Dad went to load Wilfred & they missed each other Wilf was waiting out there & Dad up here at the Corner such a a bother & it made them very late tonight home I been ironing all afternoon Fashion shirts & other things Ma mending as usual.

Jun 4/ Wilfred always gets up at four & then calls me I get his meal pack lunch & dinner & put up his tea I some-times rest for a while but cannot sleep I hurried & did all housework in the morning besides outdoor work & then Dad came in to dinner & we drew out all water & I got in & cleaned out tank thoroughly Mrs Ratcliff came & Mrs Parker also Lena Kreig collecting for Minda Home160 I worked hard & finished about four had a cup of tea & chopped wood did evening work & Wilf & them came & we had tea expected Celia & Percy to bring home Amy never came I felt disappointed too

160 Mrs Parker is likely to be Esther Parker (nee Whitbread) an older woman who lives in Willaston, Lena Krieg, a neighbour. Minda Home (now Minda Inc) is a residential and educational facility for children and young adults with intellectual disabilities.

Jun 5/ Same hour & work & milked & sep & all other work did all housework baked biscuits & then we cooked dinner as I have to help Ma now it is too much for her Celia & Amy came home to dinner & Celia spent afternoon & at evening Amy & I went to G.R. & George met us & we went in to the house & I scrubbed doors & windows George put up rollers & we drove home Larry & Toff went their hardest I had to make bread at 12 o/clock when we got home so cold & tired too

June 6/ I got up same hour got breakfast & then cut lunch & dinner & then we had ours & I did all outdoor work then washed Amys curtains etc backed acid tart pies etc, Amy did boys & our room & got some more of her things ready I did front rooms Ma cleaned windows Eva & Coral came for afternoon I did evening work & then we unpacked presents Amy has a large box full Clem came home & he helped us Amy seems so unwell again & I can’t seem to take interest in anything but Amys work. George will finish work at Dawkins tomorrow & then he goes on piece work at Stone rising Dear little coral has chilblains something terrible Amy bought a lot of furniture at Rowes Sale Tuesday & she going to Martins tomorrow also Dad is going we are having extremely cold frosty weather & very dry indeed

And he shall give his angels charge over thee & they shall bear up lest as any time thou dash thy foot against a stone

June 7th Saturday is always a very busy day with us as there is so much to be done morning duties are the same, but I was fearfully tired as I had to stay up till two o’clock baking bread this morning never did such work before I layed down on Kitchen Sofa & slept between times I mixed bread Thursday when Amy & I got home from G. River Ma & I did all our housework same as other Saturdays I did the stove etc scrubbing & helped Clem & Wilf cut chaff I cut the bands W. fed & Clem drove we were only amatuers but did well Dad so late 9 oclock before he got home from Gawler Ma worrying

June 8. We do not get up till about 7/40 I got fire & cup of tea fried sausages & swept floors lit stove put on beef to roast I then did housework Len Gorman came out last night & goes back tonight Celia Amy & Percy came to dinner George after Herman Weise & Stan Lucas also came out & all were enjoying themselves together I made fires Celia helped get tea little Marion broke a glass jam dish or sugar pot Celia & Amy stayed home tonight G & P. went to Evanston Charl & Eva went to K.F Church & back to tea very cold Boys to Gawler

June 9 / As Celia & Amy were home I did not intend washing as there was such a lot of other things to get ready for Amys new home I got the breakfast & Celia milked for me. Poor Amy was so ill another turn of collapse’s of nerves it was nine o’clock before she came round then had her meal & we each helped pack up the spring dray it was loaded too. After they left we had our dinner Uncle Charlie Heath was here they were chaff cutting then I had to shift my room the wardrobe & all it was a bother. But I had to hurry round & felt quite broken up over parting with my darling sister Oh how I miss her dear presence Ma was so strengthless & we had our work just the same

June 10th I had to get up very early Wilf always gets up at four & calls me Oh it is so extremely cold a hard frost ice on the bucket although I had a coat on I was shivering I made a new cover for our Cosy instead of lying down then hurried & made beds did housework & all outdoor I was expecting Amy home & she came at eleven & we went to Gawler where George met us & they had their Photographs taken I got her ready & put on the bridal Veil & orange blossom we hurried & did shopping & drove home they stayed to tea then drove to their home in their spring dray & I retired to rest. On May 28 to Mr & Mrs T.H. Easton a son161. The weather is bitterly cold & so dry not a bit of feed for stock only milk Love & Gwen. no butter to sell now or cream either

161 Myrtle Emily Badenoch (Mrs T.H. Easton)'s son is Maurice Hartley Easton.

For these light afflictions which are but for a time shall work out for us a far more exceeding & eternal weight of glory

June 11 / Washing day so after I had given Wilf his breakfast cut dinner & lunch I lit copper & at about 8 30 started & did not finish till four o’clock or more & then had to scrub such a lot as I have not done much of that lately being busy at other work I felt quite done up when I had finished but folded & got in wood mixed bread etc after tea I always retire early as I rise same

June 12th/ As my bread was not ready I did all other work & baked pastry first then bread & yeast cake I was very busy as I had all the ironing to do & the cows & all housework I miss Amy very much as Ive no one to help me but Ma works very hard at her work Amy & George came home for evening & got some more things

Jun 13th/ A busy day usual work for both then I had to do the front rooms no dear old girl now to do them for me I turned Ma’s room round & shifted all back in their places & we put a new sofa in the front room had a bother with it too I washed floors Ma cleaned windows I then cleaned stove etc & did our room & Ma boys room same evening work still keeps very dry & extremely cold & frosty it killed the flowers I also did housework

June 14/ I did not have to bake bread so I did usual work did not get up till after six I got stove lit & then I washed floors with milk & made cakes & was sitting at dinner & was taken so dreadfully sick I really thought I would have choked it was awful but I had to clean my safe, lamps & finish other jobs milked & then I layed down & at 9 oclock I went to bed feeling very unwell indeed still very cold

Jun 15/ I had promised to spend the day with my dear sister Amy so although feeling far from well I got up & lit fire & took in a cup of tea to parents & both brothers had one myself then swept dining room & kitchen bathed Clem & cleaned his boots made a fire in stove & put on mutton fried sausages had breakfast & made beds in mine & boys room got ready & Bert & Clem drove me to George’s & Amys home & I was more than pleased to see how both have worked in their new place & got everything so nice & comfortable. Bert & Clem stayed to dinner Amy cooked swedes parsnips potatoes cold mutton they went home & I spent the remainder of the Sunday with them, talking & reading & had tea & George put Jess in the Masher dray & drove me home Amy also we had a cup of coffee & looked at photos & they left for G.R. at 10 o’clock & I retired but I feel so lost without Amy I cannot seem to realise it all. But glad she is so nicely settled. Her health is not too good. The weather is very cold & rain threatens but does not fall, all the stock want feed as we have to feed every animal. Mr. E. Ames & Mrs. W. Towning are selling out next week. Tom Martin sold out a fortnight ago goes to Broken Hill161

161 Farmers leaving? Mr E Ames, Mrs W Towning. Tom Martin.

Trust in the Lord & lean not unto thine own understanding

June 16. I decided to wash earlier so after getting all my usual work done I lit copper & started & I finished all at 2 o’clock then scrubbed all & the form & tidied myself & ironed & finished that my tea time the men went up & looked hay got stuck they had it loaded from Saturday was stuck two hours Ma had to cook dinner & brush boys clothes make beds & housework & feed her lamb. I got all dry but moles & tonight it is raining a little but we want a downpour I wish it would rain

June 17/ Wilf intended to go to Gawler but had to go to Twelftrees first & load so I got up & got their breakfast early & at six o/clock Charlie came down & it was raining & nice shower fell so Wilf did not go to Gawler out & loaded for same & also a load for home & last of the stack all four went & after dinner I lit the copper & put on boiler & Dad & boys killed a pig & then Bert & Wilf unloaded hay. I had to bake bread today & all housework & then firing up till four did a little sewing & mended stockings but I felt so tired & stiff.

Jun 18th Wilf called me at about 20 past four & I got the fire & their breakfast took in tea & been looking for pattern for Eva I am kept pretty busy now & Ma is always working. Ma had her pig to salt Charl came down chaffcutting & brought little Coral down all day with us she was as good as gold I swept all rooms & cooked jam tarts spare rib & vegetables Amy & George came at night for her fowls & Dad went to Mr. Towning Sale & bought sofa & such a lot of trinkets knives & forks spoons crock & flour sifter cupboard boxed steps etc weather very dry indeed

Jun 19th/ As I intended spending the afternoon at Gawler River with Amy I hurried up & did morning duties as usual Dad went to Gawler he & Charl to bring home the Sale goods Bert & Wilf started putting in the paddock (Gap) & they were home to dinner I baked farmers biscuits Melon pie & tart I arrive at Amys at about ¼ to 3. We took Hector out & fed him then Amy hemmed her curtains & I hung cupboard curtain & put up shelving we we quite busy & did not go to the Band of Hope as I did not care to come home alone Amy drove the sulky & I rode in the dray with George had a look at the goods & Dad gave Amy a sofa so George strapped it in the dray & took it home washing stool as well very cold dry weather Bert & Wilf at dance tonight

What will you do with Jesus which is called Christ

June 20 / Friday is always a busy day after usual work that is getting breakfast over etc I cleaned boys room my room & both front rooms blackleaded stove there is also kitchen & dining room to sweep & dust Ma is always going her hardest she has dinner to cook butter to churn & mending also made Dad a new flannel shirt today Uncle Charl & Wesley home to dinner men chaffcutting Eva & Coral came for the afternoon I had a bath washed my head & also I washed my blouse very cold & I got a cold we are asked to Eva’s & Polls birthday at Gawler River tomorrow night

June 21st Saturday up & got breakfast over put out bread & lit stove & baked same & a large cake & pie made beds blackleaded fireplaces did lamp safe etc Dad went to Gawler early we had dinner & Charl took Wesley home with him last night to help him they are going to Pollies birthday tonight Ma had all the cutlery Dad got at Mr Townings Sale to clean & our own such a lot & all her work besides & her pig meat half to look after. Bert went drilling (Military) today all day Wilf is gone in tonight Wally Congdon162 got a prize for Accordeon playing a (china teaset) got in in Gawler Wilf heard him & thought it very good

162 Walter Harold James Congdon and his accordion.

June 22 /  I did not stir till about ½ past 7 ock lit fire & got tea for all hands & also fried sausg swept rooms made beds & got an early cold lunch & at about ½ past one eve Dad Ma & I drove to Evanston George McLeod rode with us. Amy & George had arrived first then us Charl & Eva & Coral Alice Gwen & Vera Warnken162 were there. Gerard & Alice & Irene163 Jim Ada & family also there 24 to tea had birthday cake & Crème sponge Madeira Currant & other cake oranges apples & lollies. Marion got a Bangle from Coral a Toy from her cousins Cup & Saucer from both George & Amy & also Ada’s Family G.K. McLeod a pretty enamel Mug the table looked very nice. We arrived home at 9/20 & I washed up & got in wood & retired Boys home all day alone a sad burning accident happened to Muriel Pope164 on Wensday last she is seriously ill poor child & her mother is very broken up Celia went to see her I wrote to Franc last night & this morning 8 or 9 pages my limbs are bad weather cold frosty & very dry. An old friend Fred Smith is married again in Adelaide165.

162 Marion's first birthday party. Attending are lots of cousins: Vera Elsie Gladys Warnken, aged 4, and Gwendoline Thelma Lucy Warnken.
163 Gerhard Bernard William Warnken, his wife Alice Ethelinda Warnken (nee Dawe) & their daughter Irene Thelma Warnken.
164 Muriel Matilda Pope, aged 11, daughter of Emma Matilda Pope (nee Glenn).
165 Fred Smith married again; I have not been able to work this out.

What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world & lose his own soul

June 23; It is really Marions Birthday (23rd June  but we could not go today too busy. I fried Sausages & we had our breakfast then I lit copper & I had enough rainwater today so washed white quilt & all toilet mats Ma had best clothes to brush all the housework & cook roast beef cab pot & swedes Melon pie I finished washing at 3 o’clock then did over an hour scrubbing & cleaning copper & tubs just got fire made up kettle boiling & Miss McLean166 came had lunch I folded clothes & milked all 3 cows Ma & Dad are in the sitting room we have colds & my limbs ache still very dry

166 Miss McLean could be Annie Joyce McLean or Jessie McLean.

June 24 / As mother got to go to Charls she only washed up & I had such a lot to do I did all ordinary work & then I made a Shepherds pie & Melon Pie parsnips & potatoes made all beds & did housework. Dad & boys were home to dinner. George McLeod drove Dad home who was at Charl cutting up the pig which Ma salted George brought Coral home with him. he goes home to Prospect tonight I did all ironing this afternoon & was so depressed I cried most of the time I miss my dear little helper the weather is very cold & dry snow & ice at Cookes Plns

June 25 / I got up & did my usual work & I got a pie ready as I always have to assist Ma now with dinner then I set to work to mend Wilfred’s Coat it took me all day as I had to press it as well Ma busy at Dads Flannel still very cold & so frosty & dry we have been on tap water for a long time but I had enough rain water to wash this week as we had a shower we have no feed for cattle

June 26. Wilfreds birthday & as I intended going to Gawler I got up five & made fire the bread was ready so I lit stove & put bread to rise & swept rooms & did housework got breakfast over & baked bread before nine the Biscuits & got ready Ma also. we drove as far as Mrs Whites & met Vic & Auntie from Mallala so Ma had to come back with them & I proceeded on my way Met Amy at Ada’s & we had a cup of tea & went to Gawler met Celia & we saw Gertie Lucas’ wedding166 she was dressed in white Embroidery Brides maid “Lizzie’ Treloar was dressed in Tussore Silk & all over lace they were married at the Presperterian Church We 3 girls did our shopping & I drove to Ada’s & Clem came home with me Auntie & Vic went home same night. I felt so downhearted. Mr Bob Williams is dead at Buckland Park.

166 Gertrude Sophia Lucas married Joseph Henry Treloar (widower), Elizabeth Mary Treloar (Joseph's sister) was bridesmaid.
167 Mr Robert Hall Williams died; he died in Mt Gambier, but is from Two Wells.

If I go not away the comforter will not comforter will not come

June 27/ Friday is always a very busy day I did same morning work & then prepared meat for soup & helped Ma as I always do, cleaned both front rooms & boys there is such a lot of work to do I really do not know which to do first Eva & Coral came for afternoon the men are fencing the yards & home paddock round stack of straw Bert is taking the old harvester to pieces I made Clem two flannels Ma helping with hand I also mended sox & stocking mixed bread.

June 28/ I did feel very well but got breakfast lit stove & put out bread & baked it & made coconut biscuits I was so very ill I had to lie down & cried with pains in my legs I made currant & Madeira cake & did lamps & other Saturday work Ma all tinware & cutlery & did all her work although she is not strong she did a lot but I could not help more Celia & Baby home with Dad from Gawler for the night so we talked till very late near 12 oclock I was very bad but kept up.

Jun 29/ As Celia was home I did not dress until 7/30 usual work fried sausages for breakfast did all housework we had cold meat (braund) then Percy came out & Jim Ada & children to tea Amy & George came soon after dinner we were all talking & then two sittings at table for tea then music by Amy & we all sang hymns Wilfred & Bert got ready for Gawler but their ponies got away so all were home & we had supper & all left us Clem went to Gawler river for his holidays with Amy & Geo. Charl & Eva & Coral went to Uncle Wills on the Blocks.

June 30/ I made up my mind to wash Dad dipped out some rain water enough to wash all I got breakfast over & then I lit copper & tried hard to finish by dinner time but is was four when I had finished all scrubbing Ma drove to Bragglesome at about 2 ock as she wanted to see to the pig meat she salted for Eva it was a dull cold day & I only got all white clothes dry which I ironed after tea.

My arms & legs ached so badly & pained I had to rub them by the fire as they were so stiff I get terribly done at the washing. I then I had to make nice fires in rooms & evening work.

Wilf report poor little Jean Fairlies death which took place at Edwins Leaks residence on July 2nd she went to bed in her usual health & on going to call her this morning found her dead in bed it is very sad indeed as she was the only girl.168

168 Jean Frampton Fairlie (from Second Valley, Yankalilla), aged 9, daughter of Samuel Gibson Fairlie and Annie Maria Leak.

In my fathers house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for

July 1st I got up early & went my hardest to get all morning work over & then I swept & dusted made beds & cut our flannette underwear for Ma while she got hot roast button pots & swedes & melon pie I had some dinner & drove to Gawler & did shopping got the material for coat & skirt & other things went to find the agent for sewing machine (Singer) came home called at Adas for Ethel & she came home with me very cold indeed

July 2nd/ I intended going to see Amy so I dressed very early & got fire & swept & dusted rooms then breakfast over I made beds & finished housework then I washed the sulky & Ma churn butter the she & Dad started for Gawler Blocks to visit Aunt & Uncle Atyeo. I finished the work & ironed some things & had our lunch & drove to Amys little Ethel went with me & we arrived just as George & Clem drove off to work. I helped Amy finish washing & did folding & ironing George broke his pick & had to leave work so he set to & whitwashed the kitchen. Amy’s side is very bad indeed. I drove home hurried made fire & got tea Ma & Dad home later it is extremely cold & severe frost every morning

July 3rd I expected Amy home as George & Clem went to Gawler so I hurried round & did what I could & put the bread out to rise & made a yeast cake got breakfast baked both & a bread roll for Amy she was so unwell & helped me with beds & dried the dishes Eva came down & cut out my coat also Cousin Eva & Dorothy I made Ma some undergarments George & Clem came back her to their dinner & then they & all our family of boys went to Mr. Locks Sale at Windmill Farm169. Eva & Coral rode down with Charl we had afternoon tea & all the visitors went home I was sewing we have had terrible cold frosty mornings lately.

169 Mr Locks Sale at Windmill Farm*

Mrs Polden died last Sunday buried Tuesday & Mr Polden is having a Sale next week & is leaving the Town Mrs Button of Kangaroo Flat has a Son170 Dad & Ma heard at K. F./ They went to little Jean Fairlie’s funeral today Friday July 4th bitterly cold & very dry indeed

170 Mrs Janet Polden (nee Turnbull), aged 82 has died. Her husband is Mr Thomas Polden. Mrs Button of Kangaroo Flat and son; the only two boys born in 1913 to a Mrs Button were born in Myponga and Aldinga.

He that believeth & is baptised shall be saved but he that believeth not, shall be lost.

July 4 / I do not get up till after six and only on special days I got breakfast over & then lit the stove which I also blackleaded & did my room & boys & swept & tidied the front rms I also had to get wood & cut up melon & stewed it & various other work as it is too much for Ma I also swept & dusted dining room & kitchen & got dinner then Ma & Dad went to Jean Fairlie’s funeral poor little girl it is so sad they went to Charlies to see little Coral she is very poorly her teeth are troubling her & she is sick & ill the boys were away & came home at 2/30 for dinner I worked all the afternoon & after tea cleaned out the cupboard I cannot get on very well the work seems too much

July 5 / Saturday with its usual work I got breakfast porrige & fried bacon then I lit stove & cleaned all fireplaces swept dining room made biscuits & melon pie fixed up the sofa mattress in the kitchen & mended it cleaned lamps &  thoroughly scrubbed safe etc & shifted the wardrobe in the boys room & the small table washstand in our room as theres only me to use it now & my heart aches for my dear little girl & she is so ill too & had to go to the Dr today again Dad has been to Gawler & Bert & Wilf are in there tonight I have lovely fires in both rooms it is bitterly cold & such hard white frosts ice on all articles & the straw & ground white I have such bad limbs so did not bath Clem went home today from Aunt Amys

July 6 / I did not dress till ½ past 7 & got a cup of T & fried sausages & swept rooms made beds & did any other work Dad had to go to Twelftrees for cows as we put them out there for feed & milk them once a day when they are out there. At 12 oclock we Dad Ma & I drove to Willaston to spend the day at Uncle Charlie & Eva also called at Ada’s Will Ratcliff was there we got home at 7 o’clock rather cold I feel very tired & depressed Mr Tom Broster171 died & was buried yesterday very suddenly while driving from a meeting home I heard.

171 Mr Thomas Broster died in Penfield, aged 62.

July / Another week with its unknown joy or sorrow has began I got up early & intended washing but the wind & dust was blowing a hurricane when I went out with every sign of rain so black & cloudy I fried breakfast bacon & sausages & did all housework & altered a pair of pants for Wilf sewed on buttons etc he started for Adelaide with Cannon at 12 o’clock taking him to the Sale he goes as far as Salisbury tonight I had just started sewing again in the afternoon & George came for me as he could not go to work & leave Amy she was so ill when I reached here & so dreadfully sick all the afternoon poor girl it is dreadful to see her suffer she can’t take any food I stayed up till late & George & I waited on her he went to work & home at 5/30 she cannot sleep atall & the nerves are very bad indeed my heart aches for her & its such a worry & care for George too.

Go ye into all the world & preach the Gospel to every creature

July 8 / Amy very ill on waking & hurried & made her bed washed her & did her hair & waited on her Oh she has been very ill indeed today I cooked a cauliflour potatoes & roast mutton, melon pie, beside housework & my patient to look after George only eat a little & then he went to the Doctor for Amy he left at one & got home at 3/30 then went for chaff & our home to Mothers & back to tea Amy is resting a little I put a mustard plaster on her the rain did not come & Will Dawkins172 came for the tank to cart water so the people are right out of drinking water & today was very fine blue skies & sunshine

172 William Joseph Dawkins, neighbour.

July 9th/ We have had almost a sleepless night at one o’clock George also got up & relieved me I dressed before six & got a cup of cocoa for Amy & she could not even keep that down so after doing necessary work George & I went to Gawler taking Amy to his home where we put her to bed & Drs came, she is very ill I went & spent a few hours with Mrs Brodie in the afternoon & G. brought me as far as Jim’s then he brought me home Celia was out with Mother & did washing & ironong I finished ironing & Percy drove Dad home who came from Town & Wilf is staying at Mrs McLeods & comes back again tomorrow with Cannon who they did not sell very cold & dry

July 10 / I felt terribly miserable on waking & got up & got parents a cup of tea & then fried breakfast eggs & bacon I then did housework & sat at the machine sewing white flannelette George & little Albert came out to lunch & said Amy was a little better & I sewed all I could got in plenty of wood as it looked like rain & cold

July 11th/ Friday is a very busy day I did usual work & then I blackleaded stove fountain etc & thoroughly cleaned both front rooms washed floors & did some sewing made a new petticoat grey for myself Ma dairy & churned etc Wes home tonight

July 12 / I dressed earlier & got breakfast over & put out bread to bake some to send to Town as George McLeod is very ill Eva & Charl gone down I baked biscuits & bread cleaned dining & other work & after dinner went to Gawler with Dad & went & saw Amy who seems very ill I did shopping & saw Kit & Hazel Eva & Frances Leak173 It was a cold dry wind rain threatens but does not come & everything is parched & dry Ma unwell Wes home Wilf at G. R. Football Bert at Rifle practice I saw Beat Laffer with her baby174 also Mrs Alf Worden175

173 Frances Mary Leak.
174 Beatrice Laffer with baby; I have not been able to work this one out.
175 Amy Winifred Victoria Baker (Mrs Alfred Worden).

‘” Only a word”’

Only a word as you hurry along
Who knows of the good it may do
Spoken in love, God will make it a song
Of Blessing, and peace to you.

Oh brother the Harvest is ready,
The grain standeth white in the field,
Go, work while the sun shineth o’er us
Abundant & glorious the yield

I am pushed for space so will report Sunday July 13/1913/ I got up soon after seven & thoroughly swept dusted dining room then took in tea & biscuits to all & cleaned my room as I did not have time yesterday Bert Wilf & Wesley are gone to Bragglesome to water horses with Harrigan & Larry in Tandem in the sulky it blows liked rain but does not come Ma’s cough is very bad & she is not well Dad Ma & I drove to Gawler in the afternoon

[end of book]


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