July 1913 to September 1914

In 1913, Fanny Rosina is 37, living with her parents Henry Atyeo & Mary Ann (Ma), in Charlton Ville, Wards Belt, South Australia. This is Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt. Also at home are Albert Joseph (Bert, aged 28), Amy Florence (aged 26) & Wilfred George (Wilfie, aged 20). According to Google Maps, the house was at the back of the property, far from Woods Road, there is a number 879 on the gate. 

Henry Atyeo (Dad) owns two properties, the family home, purchased by his father, on Woods Road, & another larger block on the corner of Parker & Leak Roads in Wards Belt. The boys sometimes stay at this other farm (Bragglesome Farm)

Eldest brother Charles William Henry (Charlie, aged 31) lives at Bragglesome farm nearby with his wife Eva (nee McLeod). Fanny's other sisters Ada (37), Frances (35), and Celia (33) have married & left home. Frances lives with her family in Moonta. Ada with her family in the Gawler area. Celia  lives at Evanston.

Significant events in 1913-14: Amy is terribly unwell for the longest time, her first child Olive is born in December 1913 (baptised in February); she continues to be very unwell - it appears to be post-partum depression, she suffers depression and frequent collapses for the rest of the volume. Fanny lives most of the time with Amy, George and Olive, coming back to Charltonville on Sundays and when needed. Mrs Ida Standley, a dear friend, movies to Alice Springs to open a school there. Amy and George's house is rebuilt.

It is with mingled feeling of sorrow & sadness, yet with a measure of thankfulness I once more start a new book for I well remember the last one I started & how many changes have taken place since then yet Gods goodness remains unchanged for.

As thy days so shall thy strength be

July 13 Sunday I was up early for Sunday & got our usual cup of tea & biscuits for all swept & dusted the dining room & our room Wilf Bert & Wesley1 went to Bragglesome with Larry & Harrigan tandem in the sulky In the afternoon Dad Ma & I drove to Gawler to see Amy spent two hours there & Dad went to see Mr Ames2 who is ill then we called at Ada’s & home & had tea the boys stayed home with Wesley cold & cloudy but dry

1 Wilfred George Heath Atyeo and Albert Joseph Atyeo, two of Fanny's brothers,  and Wesley (Henry Wesley Parham), aged 13, sister Ada's son.
2Dad is Henry Atyeo, Ma is Mary Ann Atyeo (nee Heath). Mr E Ames is a neighbour who is selling his property.

July 14 / I got up in fair time as I intended washing the weather was rather unpromising but I fried brkfast & then lit the copper & swept the dining room & commenced at my tubs got two boils of whites out on the line & then it started to blow terrible with clouds of dust I got some dry & some I had to rerinse then left off dinner time & the wind grew a little calmer so afterward I filled copper; & started once more Kit & Mrs Goodger also Hazel & Elliot3 came for afternoon I did not finish all till five Dad & Bert killed a pig. Kit helped boil water I ironed the plain clothes at night but was rather tired.

3 Kit (Christiana (Kit) Heath (nee Hill) is the widow of Fanny's cousin Alfred Hill, their daughter Hazel Jean Heath is almost 3 years old. Mrs Goodger is Susannah Adams Goodger (nee Pederick) and her son Elliot Goodger, aged 15.

July 15 / I did usual work & then housework & cooked a melon pie, roast pork, & vegetables for dinner Charl came down & brought Coral4 for the day Eva Heath came in the afternoon while Will Ratcliff & Uncle5 went to field trial in Rice’s paddock6 our boys also went back to afternoon tea I did the other ironing Fashion shirts etc Ma not well atall rains threatens but does not come Dad went to Gawler

4 Eldest brother Charles William Henry and his daughter daughter Coral Eva Atyeo.
5 Cousin Eva Emily May Heath (She is often called "cousin Eva", while Eva Heath nee McLeod is sometimes called "Auntie Eva"). Her father Uncle Charles Heath, Ma's brother. Used to live very close by, but after his son and grandson died, he moved, with his daughter (Eva Emily May Heath) to Evanston. William Ratcliff, a neighbour. who may be Eva's beau by now (they marry in 1916).
6 William Rice is a neighbour. 

July 16/ Up at ¼ past 5 & lit fire & then put out the bread & swept the rooms got the usual tea then breakfast over & baked bread & a raisin cake & made a Mt Lofty pudding & did housework  It started to rain about six & cousin Eva came for us to go to the Band of Hope which we Wilf & I did Eva stayed the night the meeting was rather disappointing but dialogue was good & some item good came home had supper & Eva & boys had a good talk & laugh. Amy is a little better George went in to see her today & cousin Eva as well7.

7 Fan's youngest sister Amy Florence Atyeo, who has been unwell for some time and must now be in hospital. George Edmund Hobart is her husband, they married in May last year.

I am the true vine my Father is the husbandman

July 17 / I did not get up as early but did usual work. That is light stove or fire take in tea sweep the dining room & make porrige & get breakfast then I did boys room & front rooms Eva & Coral came for the afternoon & cut out & partly made my coat I made Wesley a pair of pants & we had afternoon tea usual evening work Charlie Skidmore’s marriage is in the paper & Nell has another boarder8

8 Charles Skidmore married Eva Florence Arthur in Prospect. Fanny met him at her cousin Ellen Ann Dunn nee Hand (Nell)'s home in Prospect in 1911; he is friends with her husband.

July 18 / I dressed at 6/30 & did just the same work as usual made beds & at nine oclock I started for Gawler calling at Ada’s9 I drove all the way in the rain it never stopped until I got to Mrs Hobarts10 where Amy was & she got her coat on & I wrapped her in a blanket & drove to Celia’s11 then back & did shopping & called at Mrs Hobarts again & at Ada’s & had dinner & called at Charls & home here at ¼ past 3ock Eva12 sewing & Coral running about I did my stove & Ma busy sewing & not at all well Amy is much better but looks very ill indeed & so white

9 Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo), Fan's sister who lives in Gawler.
10 Amy's mother-in-law Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett), wife of Dale William Hobart, mother of George Edmund Hobart.
11 Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo), one of Fanny's sisters.
12 Eva Alice Atyeo (nee McLeod), wife of brother Charl.

July 19 / Up at an early hour soon after five & made fire in dining room & got a cup of tea then put out bread to rise lit stove got our breakfast & baked bread pie & cake cleaned dining room & kitchen our room did lamps safe etc Dad went to Gawler Ma so unwell but packed eggs churned got dinner cleaned cutlery boys both drove to football at S.L.Dawkins13 to play Reeve’s Plains home had tea & went to Gawler Clem14 came home I gave him his wash & read paper & then retired a nice rain fell last night & showers today

13 Probably the property of Mr Samuel Letts Dawkins, patriarch of the Dawkins family.
14 Fanny's nephew, Ada’s second son, Clem (Clement Garfield) aged 10.

July 20 / I awoke several times but did not look at the time went to sleep & slept till 8/30 then all was hurry I fried eggs & bacon for breakfast & then made beds swept rooms & dusted them we had cold dinner Ma very unwell & cough bad I don’t feel too grand so did not go to Chapel am writing I expected the girls home so hurried & washup & changed my dress & no one came so I wrote a letter to Pt Broughton Glenelg & Sydney15 also went to see Mr Ratcliff16 who has been laid aside with Rhumatics was talking to Will came home had tea read Book

15 Fanny is most likely writing to her cousin Louisa Waters (nee Arbon) in Port Broughton, her cousin Eva May Tancock (Gosden) who lives in Glenelg, and her cousin Millicent Phelps who lives in Sydney.
16 Will Ratcliff's father, William Ratcliff.

July 21st I did not intend to wash so got up earlir as we get up soon after 5. as the boys are putting in some more seed Eva & Coral came & between us we finished my coat & skirt Ma cooked dinner all home but Charl & we were busy I sorted & soaked in clothes I did all housework George & Amy called on their way to Gawler River & had lunch very cold we have frosty weather now & dry

Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain Mercy

July 22. Up at same hour & got breakfast porriage & took in tea then lit copper & started at 7 & got Evas Marcella17 & Mothers Honeycomb Quilt out at nine I had a dozen calico to wash for Ada & Ma everyday dress & a big was besides Ma cooked a nice hot dinner mutton & vegetables plain pudding I finished at three & did such a lot of scrubbing & then I did other work & ironed after tea finished at 10 oclock so tired & I had such pains in my limbs & side Ma so very unwell frost.

17 Marcella is a type of fabric

July 23rd Same hour & got fried eggs & bacon for breakfast put up Wilfs lunch & then different things for Amy & went down to her place Hector in the Sulky & washed her Quilt sheets & ordinary finished at 3 & did all ironing & we Amy & I drove home tonight she is to stay & go to Gawler with us tomorrow boys are gone to St Josephs18 tonight I feel so tired Mrs Dan Selleck19 has twins born last week & Mrs Jack Bubner20 has a son born last Saturday Mrs Arthur Jacobs21 Mile End has a daughter born Sunday July 18 & 19th

18 St Josephs was a Catholic church in Gawler
19 Mrs Dan Selleck (Rachel Fleming)'s twins are Leo Daniel Selleck and Sylvia Rachel Selleck
20 Mrs Jack Bubner (Alice Mahala Selleck)'s son is Murray Emmanuel Bubner.
21 Mrs Arthur Jacobs (Sarah Jane Hobart, eldest sister of George Edmund Hobart)' daughter Doris Rachel Irene Jacobs

July 24 / I got up in good time fried breakfast & Amy did not get up till 8 ock as she is not strong I did housework & we started for Gawler about 11 oclock George came out for Amy & Celia Percy & Marion22 came for evening all home to tea & much chatter, very cold day I simply shivered & Amy was so cold too G & A left for home soon after nine & the others at 10 o’ck awfully cold

22 Percy Thomas Dawe, Celia's husband, and Amy Marion Dawe, Celia's infant daughter.

July 25 / Same hour & work made a melon pie did boys room & front rooms scrubbed a Cedar Chest of Drawers which Dad gave me Ma drove to Buchsfelde for Clem & he was not at school so he went home & got him but Clem has a bad croupy cough men chaffcutting this afternoon Bert is rolling Wilf ploughing but is getting hard

July 26. Same work Dad always milks & feeds his cows I had to get breakfast for both boys & Dad & Ma baked bread ‘Doras’ & other Biscuits cleaned dining room fireplace & made nice fire Clem not well croupy & dull I cleaned lamps Ma cutlery & help dust I milked tonight as Dad was in Gawler & got in wood also had to do any other work & fixed up the chest of Drawers & rubbed Clems chest & put him to bed Bert gone to City Wilf reading paper Norman Jacobs23 met with an accident today & lost the sight of his eye

23 Norman William Jacobs, nephew of Amy, aged 5.

He shall give his angels charge over thee & they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone 

Sunday July 27th I fried eggs & bacon for breakfast did our room& dining room & got ready for a visit to Mrs Standley24 Bert drove me down Larry & Harrigan in the Sulky Mrs Stan had a very nicely prepared dinner Clarence25 was home & I had a nice chat with Mrs in the sitting room & Mrs James Bray26 came for tea but I had to leave as I had to walk home it rained most of the way home & my coat was very heavy Charlie Eva & Coral & Miss Jessie Poulson27 was here Bert & her went to Church

24 Ida Standley (nee Woodcock), local schoolmistress.
25 Clarence Reginald Standley, her son, aged 21.
26 Mrs James Bray is Ellen Bray (nee Goss) wife of James Bray.
27 Miss Jessie Poulson; do not have any other information about her.

July 28 / I intended washing so did morning duties & lit copper & almost finished by dinner time the did the dark clothes & scrubbed up & ironed all by tea time also did milking I felt terribly tired but as I had to go to Gawler Tuesday it was no use leaving the ironing for tomorrow. Wilf was ploughing the other side of the Hill Bert mended my chest of drawers Dad went to Gawler to get Cannon shod

July 29 / Up & fried breakfast & as is the custom took in tea to parents did all housework & got ready for Gawler Toff in the Sulky called at Ada’s & had a cup of tea drove to the Bank & then did shopping & got home soon after four Uncle Charlie & Eva were here had afternoon tea & got in wood & did odd work very cold & windy George & Amy home tonight

July 30 / Same duties & the all housework & made Madeira & currant cake as I expected Eva & Jessie Poulson down they came & Eva altered my coat & I sewed hooks on my skirt I had afternoon tea it was very cold day Coral is such a girl for Grandpa & Grandma & sits her doll in the rocking chair I feel awfully upset as I heard news which worries me

July 31st / I had a very busy time as the bread was up over so I hurried & fried breakfast for the boys & then I put bread to rise & lit stove & baked rolls & then made beds Amy came home George drove to the line of fence & she walked from there had the day home & Pollie & Mrs Smith came & four children also28 Mr & Mrs Stidston29 came & Amy got a machine a secondhand one & the agent did up mine for me George came at evening to tea & took Amy home poor little girl her health is not at all good. Wilf Uncle Charlie & Eva went to the play (the man they could not hang) & enjoyed themselves on Wensday night last. I hear Mrs N. Winckel & Harry30 have babies. Also Mrs Hurtle Argent a daughter31 the weather is cold & windy but dry

28 Pollie is Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), a cousin, daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath, and a widow. Mrs Smith could really be anyone. The four children would be Pollie's three children, plus one of Mrs Smith's.
29Mr & Mrs Stidston. No other information on them.
30 Mrs Norman Alfred Winckel (Thurza Myrtle Gane Selway) had a daughter Mavis Muriel Winckel. And Mrs Henry Laurence Winckel (Inez Effie Chapman) had a son Gilbert Lincoln Winckel.
31 Mrs Hurtle Stanley Argent (Florence Maud Norris) had a daughter Hazel May Argent.

Let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the Authur & finisher of our faith.

August 1st I felt so very unwell through the worry that I did not know how to get up but I dressed & got breakfast over & did housework & made a currant raisin pudding then started to clean front room & washed floors my limbs & head ache badly Bert was in Gawler nearly all day for fittings for chaffcutter & they been fixing her up Wilf goes out in Joes32 every day on the land I just washed my head & put Clem to bed very windy today

32 Probably Joseph Twelftree's property where the men do a lot of work.

Aug 2nd I did all ordinary work got breakfast over Lovely has a calf today & Mona last Monday week. I blackleaded the dining room fireplace & did the room made beds baked a currant cake & biscuits cleaned my lamps & thoroughly cleaned safe form etc Ma cutlery & tins got dinner I took down lunch to men chaffcutting I seemed busy all day Dad went to city & Celia came home with him tonight & Marion we were late Wilf & Celia stayed till 12 o’clock talking I went to bed after a bath also Clem had one his cough is much better now I had to milk tonight Dad was away

Aug 3rd Sunday I was not dressed till 8 o’clock lit fire took in tea to all & fried sausages got our meal Celia milked Dad went for Lovey & milked her had breakfast & then I swept the dining room made beds & a Mt Lofty pudding Ma prepared veg & meat which I roasted we have been talking all day & Celia been barricking the boys who are now gone off to Gawler Celia gone home Percy came out this morning George & Amy went to Ada’s it has rained nicely today & looks like more Ma is writing letters & I will read a little.

Aug 4/ I intended washing so morning duties over I lit copper & kept on till about 3 o’clock then scrubbed all articles Ma cooked dinner & did her usual work indoors I started to iron after having lit good fires in both rooms etc Ma got tea I finished most of plain ironing & mixed bread I did not feel well so shaky I was clad to retire Clem still home Bert is making a Blacksmiths Shop he has a bad cold Wilf is working the land in Twelftrees & Bert has been doing the rolling it was not a very good day for drying clothes but at even I got most of them in & ironed as well

Call upon me in the day of trouble & I will deliver thee.

Aug5 / A very busy day I had to hurry to give the boys their breakfast & then put out bread & bake it & Biscuits besides other housework only Ma & I home Bert rolling in Humphrys33 & the others in Twelftrees I starched Dads white shirt & boys Fashion shirts & did them & the rest of ironing got in wood & milked, But Dads does the cows as a rule when home Lovely has a calf Saturday & Queenie today I felt rather tired. A rather nice day

32 Humphrys are neighbours.

Aug 6 / I got up with Wilfred at a little after five got breakfast & cut dinners & put up tea I had the misfortune to break 2 screw top bottles I felt so vexed then I put Toff in the sulky & drove Clem to the lane he walked to school from there I proceeded to Amys to wash & never in my life have I washed such a dusty windy day It was dreadful to keep them on the line then Amy started ironing I was talking to George who is making a shed for Jess At five I got ready for home George put Toff in the sulky & then it poured with rain so I stay till next day George was carting manure on his paddock

Aug 7 / I dressed first at 5/30 George next & he fed fowls Amy got breakfast I made bed & very early we left for home & George had to go to Kreigs to help Clem Dawkins33 load hay I dressed for Gawler took Clem all the way to school then I went to Gawler & took back appro’s called at Ada’s & wrote letter card to Celia called at Bragglesome & then home had dinner & cut out u b twill garments for Mother & pillowcases such a nice day I saw Eva & Jessie Poulson in Gawler

33 Kriegs are neighbours. Clement Allan Dawkins, also a neighbour.

Aug 8 / Amy was taken ill at six o’clock last evening & collapsed so we sat up till nearly midnight before she came round sufficiently to undress & go to bed George went home Amy has had a bad night & I felt quite done so I did not fry liver Dad cut up the pig & Ma salted it down Amy went off again at 7/30 & George came out at 10/30 she was only partially conscious all afternoon It rained & hailed heavily Bert has to go to work now Wilf is laid up he has been mending his Sulky Wilf is pretty bad in bed Amy in one room & he in another I am so terribly worried over Amys illness. Mrs Alf Whyatt has a son born yesterday34 Wensday

34 Mrs Alfred John Wyatt (Frances Ann Argent)'s son Frank Elliot Wyatt was born in One Tree Hill.

The Lord is King for ever & ever Psalms x.16

Aug 9 Clems Birthday I baked bread yesterday so this morning all duties over I blackleaded stove & all other things requiring dining room fireplace baked madiera cake & currant & roasted sparerib Amy able to be up & help dust dining room & then cleaned the cutlery & the lamps scrubbed safe and all the other articles Dad sent to Gawler & George also called this way wet & cold at intervals & very cold all this week Aunt Harriet & Uncle35 were up at the Races & Auntie stayed at Celia’s while he went on the field

35 Aunt Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock) wife of Dad's brother William Atyeo, who came to South Australia in 1868 (aged 22!) & who sold Henry the farm. They now live at Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens).

Aug 10. Dad got up very early indeed & got up before seven milked all cows & Beauty & Maisie both calved today so thats 5 of ours & Amys in now all ordinary work Ma cooked turnips & potatoes cold meat Uncle Kit & Hazel came as they went to the Light36 had a cup of tea Celia Percy & baby also Ada Albert & Murray37 came to dinner & they with Wes & Ethel38 & George were here for tea so had a sing & Amy played & then they all went home leaving me sad & lonely got a very bad cold.

36 The Light is Lower Light, Kit's parents live there.
37Ada's sons Albert Bruce Parham and Murray Charles Parham,
38 Ada's daughter Ethel Gwendoline Heath Parham,

Aug 11th I decided not to wash today as Eva was coming to alter my coat & skirt so I did morning work & made all beds swept & dusted then wrote to Dr Rogers39 we had dinner Eva came we, Ma & I washed up & then I finished my skirt & Eva the coat & we also made the belt. Dad milked all six cows including Maisie who I helped get in I chopped wood & Clem & I got it in Wilf has an ulcerated mouth but is better than he was Cousin Eva came over from Ratcliff where she stayed al night as Uncle is at the Light cold weather

39 Dr Rogers

Aug 12 / Washing day & as we get up early I lit fire & got breakfast over then lit copper & started but I felt awfully unfit for my work & did not finish till 4/30 then scrubbed up Ma did indoor work & dinner George & Amy came home for her cow (Maisie) George tied a rope on her & led her Amy drove the little pony in the dray I could not have a talk as I was too busy I did not iron Clem is home till Thursday We all got Influenza George & Amy too Charl & Coral Percy & Celia Eva has a gathered finger I washed both red quilts & 3 pairs pants had a large wash & felt terribly tired.

I shall be satisfied , when I awake, with thy likeness Psalms xvii 15

Aug 13th I got all my morning work done then baked scones Cousin Eva came over from Mrs Ratcliffe’s40 for a while Ma cooked pork for dinner & vegetables I did housework then I started ironing I was so unwell & tired but persevered & finished all I did not have much starch clothes only Ma white petticoat tablecloth I had to mix bread & retired early feeling done up & very depressed

40 Jane Ratcliff nee Donald, mother of Will Ratcliff

Aug 14th Well I had made up my mind to go through my room all boxes etc I after baking bread I thoroughly swept & washed my room floor turned out all boxes & tins & sorted out the good & useful & burnt the rest I also baked a Cabinet pudding Charl was down chaffcutting Bert out in Twelftrees Wilfred is improving but not strong yet sore lips

Aug 15th When called I felt almost unable to dress but I knew I must so got breakfast & then swept front rooms then prepared carrots & potatoes for dinner as Ma was churning Bert out in Twelftrees Wilfred went up to Mr Whites for Mr Hoopers41 plough & started in Uncle Wills Flat to plough boys went catching pigeons after tea Wesley came home from school last night & this morning it was raining but he went to school & came home tonight as we were milking I washed both floors with milk yesterday & today being wet it was rather unpleasant we have had terrible rough winds

41 Mr White and Mr William Hooper, neighbours.

Aug 16 / I had Neuralgia all day yesterday & last ngt so I could not rest well atall I really could not go to sleep & at 5/30 when Bert called me I felt as if I could not get up however I got breakfast toast & poached eggs for boys I did not feel so bad Influenza & Neuralgia & awfully depressed in spirits I blackleaded all fireplaces stove etc baked scones, Dora’s, & cake. Made my bed & other bedroom work Dad went to Gawler took Pigeons & fowls Wesley also went but tonight he came back again with G.pa I boiled Sago for dinner the cleaned & filled all lamps did a lot of scrubbing & dusted swept dining room washed pictures. Ma all cutlery cleaned Windows, & swept the kitchen we did all odd work & I helped Dad milk & got in wood Dad saw the others in Gawler today we had heavy shower today Bert gone to Rifle Practice Wilf out in Twelftrees

All nations shall come before & worship before thee Rev 25:4 

Sunday Aug 17 / I fried sausages for breakfast then did the housework I was not atall well but did the ordinary work & tidied myself before dinner (cold) Charlie came down & said that Coral was ill so after dinner Dad & Ma went down & George & Amy came home & after tea George & I milked & he Sepr & fed calves Amy gave Bert & Wesley their Tea Wilf was at Lucas42 Gawler Blocks she also fed fowls & gathered Eggs I went home with George & Amy & we read & talked till supper then retired

42 Lucas family, neighbours.

Monday Aug 18th I was dressed first George lit fire & I got breakfast Amy was ill again her head she collapsed again so I cleared the table & got ready for washing then Amy dressed & I kept at tubs till one oclock I finished Amy cooked stew & rice pudding George was busy at fencing & in the afternoon he built in the oven in the kitchen I did some ironing then Amy drove me part way home Ma was by herself preparing veg for tea 4/30 I made a colar for Amys Blouse I felt very tired but mixed bread

Aug 19th I was so very unwell at waking but got boys their breakfast & put up dinner for Wilfred helped milk then put out bread & baked it Charl came down chaff has a bad throat Bert out in Twftrees I was too ill to wash & just did housework & assisted with ordinary work cut out & partly made a German print apron had to put it away & go to bed at six ock was so cold & shivering piled clothes on but could not get warm in such pain my limbs ached too

Aug 20 / I got up first & lit fire & too in cup of tea it has been raining all night beautifully so the men were late up Dad is very unwell in himself but always milks feeds calves & Separates Ma helps with cream Charl & Eva took little Coral to Gawler this morning as she is so bad a croupy cough & can’t eat & her eyes are terrible Wilfred could not plough so he & Charlie came home & as Bert had finished they went chaffcutting Charl went to Dr with bad throat & Influenza Eva has had a gathered finger but it broke very cold weather & nice showers of rain the feed is growing now all five cows are in milk

Be ye holy; I am the Lord your God, Leviticus XX.7

Aug 21st I really do not know when I had to wash on a Thursday, and it was not as nice a day as I like but I was too ill to do it before I got breakfast cut Wesleys dinner & cleaned his boots also. Wilfred & Wes went off as far as Charls then he went to school & Wilf went to work at Bragglesome Coral is getting better & Eva washed & ironed today I persevered with washing but really all the morning I was afraid I would have to give in I trembled so & I finished scrubbing & all at 4/30 had a cup of tea. Uncle Charlie Heath came out with Dads pig he bought on Saturday Eva & little Albert went up to do up the graves & I suppose to Mrs Ratcliffs as she never came here I did some ironing but I could not stand any longer

Aug 22 / Another year with its many changes have gone since poor dear Alfred was called from us to a better home on high43. I dressed in good time lit fire & got breakfast then cleaned our stove & swept both rooms then did front rooms & baked scones rice pudding & sponge sandwich I did feel ill my head was terrible & no strength to work Dad is very unwell Ma not too grand either Charl is so bad he & Wilfred came home with the ploughs & Wilf went on working in Uncle Wills paddock the weather is very cold indeed Coral has bad cough & Marion has the croup none are too well

43 Cousin Alfred Heath, died 1911.

Aug 23rd I was up soon after 5/30 & got a cup of Tea & fried breakfast eggs & bacon then lit stove & put out bread & swept & dusted both dining room & kitchen baked bread & biscuits & melon pie made beds scrubbed & cleaned lamps & filled them did ordinary Saturdays work & after dinner Dad & I went to Gawler calling for Eva who left Coral home with Charl as both are so unwell I had a talk to Mrs Hobart & then was busy shopping all the time got Overcoats & Ticking for my bed sheets etc.

Aug 24th I was up & dressed at 7/30 & then lit fire & got a cup of Tea & swept dining room fried sausages as Wilfred had to go to Charles he has Influenza very bad & little Coral is very unwell they I did housework & cooked shoulder mutton & potatoes & Turnips & Melon Pie. George & Amy came home to dinner & stayed to Tea & they she had a tune on the piano & they left at 7/30 their Mare had a go at kicking & broke the front board of the dray it looks like rain boys are gone to Gawler I feel lonely so will read a little Charl & Eva & Coral had company Celia & Percy & little Marion were out It is very mild tonight Ma & Dad & I are all alone I do miss dear Amy.

Enter into his Gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise P8/C

Aug 25 / As I was so late last week washing I decided so to be one of the first today so after getting breakfast over I lit copper & started washed all mats & covers it was a nice morning but the wind blew up awfully rough & dusty I finished almost dinner time & had our meal Bert has gone to “Bragglesome” till Thursday after I had finished dinner I made three new U B Herringbone Sheets & filled the Copper with Clean water & washed all of them It cleared off a nice afternoon & the wind turned to the West I did a lot of scrubbing & all the ironing by nine oclock very tired

Aug 26th I hurried & gave Wilf his breakfast to go on plowing made beds etc then dressed for Gawler & did shopping & drove to Celias & had lunch & her & Marion came home with me calling at Ada’s & had dinner her & Murray then home called at Charls he is not at all strong. The Mare Duchess very bad got kicked & lost her foal Mr Kreig43 attended her Wilf plowing in Uncle wills out by the Dam we were late retiring Marion very restless.

43 Looked like Grieg, but I think it's Mr Krieg.

Aug 27 / Called Wilf at a little after 5/30 then I dressed & got breakfast fried cleaned stove out & made a fire & baked biscuits & brd & butter pudding & also did housework had dinner & I put any Flocks out & made a new mattress & Bolster filled it & made bed & swept & dusted my room Celia helped with all ordinary duties & her Baby is very troublsome into all mischief Clem is home at night Uncle & Eva came for afternoon & brought Murray.

Aug 28 / Celia & Marion were home for the night so I did my usual work & Celia helped Dad I dressed her baby it was a very blustery day so windy & dusty Ma intended going with me to Amys but the weather was so unpromising Dad went into Gawler with Calf & I put Toff in the Sulky & drove to Amys where I found George with a bad foot he cut his big toe badly with the axe while chopping a tree also skinned his nose I had afternoon tea & did some mending to Clems blouse then at five oclock I drove home milked 4 cows Bert was hurrying to get away to the Military Camp at Gawler where they stay till next Monday

Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him CIII

Aug 29th A very busy day I got breakfast fried eggs & bacon then Dad & Ma after finishing their Sepr have their meal I thoroughly swept & dusted front rooms & cleaned pictures & windows washed floors also my room & boys & blackleaded fireplace & stove I was kept going all day long Ma churned got dinner cooked & served cleaned her dairy she works very hard now as we always have one or two children to do for as well but they are company home & I am dull without them Wilf is plowing home

Aug 30 / I had to bake bread this morning so I hurried & took in tea & got breakfast lit stove baked bread sponge, Tarts, & Cakes before dinner & made beds swept dining room then Dad went to Gawler Charl came down chaffcutting & brought Coral in the morning first thing she was so good with us & Dad brought Alb home & the Welcome news that Ada has a son born yesterday morn44 Aug 30 at 10 a.m.so Alb & Clem are here for a fortnight now little Alb fell against the table & cut his eye I had all scrubbing & lamps dining room fireplace & cows to milk Ma cutlery & kitchen & Sep besides other numerous duties & all boots to clean & children to bath

44 Ada's new son, Wilfred George Parham.

Aug 31st I dressed at 7/30 & fried sausages for breakfast made beds & swept & dusted all & went for a long walk with Alb & Clem & gathered wild flowers I love a talk with nature & look through nature upwards unto natures God it is Wattle Day & they are out lovely we had cold dinner Wilf is gone to Gawler to see the Military Camp45 I must finish this Wilfred brought Len Gorman46 home to tea then went back to Gawler. Amy & George came home for evening & supper

45 Gawler Military Camp was established shortly after the start of the first World War on the Gawler Oval.
46 Leonard James Gorman, local lad, aged 20.

Sept 1st I could not wash as Edgeth & Nellie & Ray47 were coming I got the room ready & cooked roast mutton, & Vegetab Ma prepared & cooked also I made Melon pie & Jam Tart they got here from Lower Light at dinner time & in the afternoon I made an apron & chemise for Mother Nellie was out with the cows & poultry Edgeth with the boys up in the paddock & took Ray we had tea & looked at Photographs Clem & Alb are with us so I have to look after them I am busy mixed bread tonight

47 Ellen Ann Dunn nee Hand (Nellie), cousin, daughter of Aunt Amelia Heath, Edgeth William George Dunn (Nellie's husband), Raymond Edgeth Dunn, Nellie's son, almost 1 year old.

If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things that are above where Christ sitteth on the right of God

Sept 2nd / As we had company & I intended going out in the afternoon I did not wash fried breakfast eggs & bacon did all ordinary housework & assisted with dinner then our company left at eleven & we got ready as soon as dinner was cleared away at 2 o’clock Ma Alb & I drove to see Amy I did mending & Ma had a look round & we got home at 7. then had to hurry as there was no fire at all Dad was Sepring

Sep 3rd / I did not feel at all well & a most unpromising morning for a big day at the Tubs the wind blew a hurricane all day I don’t remember a worse day dust was awful I had to run & bring them in as soon as they were dry I kept on till four got all done Berts Military clothes as well Eva & Murray came out had afternoon tea & as soon as Clem came home he & I drove to Amys & took her calf down stayed to tea & helped wash up then drove home & Wilf & Bert went to the Dance at St Josephs Hall Gawler I folded all clothes & was thoroughly tired & knocked out when I retired at 10/30

Sept 4th / I got all morning duties done & started the ironing & kept at it until dinner time Charl was busy at Bragglesome & we kept Clem home to help at the chaffcutting it was a rainy cold day & Ma could go to Gawler so after dinner I almost finished ironing & at 3/30 we went to Gawler Dad Alb & I to see Ada & her Baby (Wilfred George) also did shopping & we came home it rained heavily from Willaston to Johnstones right in our face had to milk & Sepr & feed the calves Ma had a hugh fire we had tea I finished any work there was to do

48 Johnstons, neighbours. 

Sept 5 / Friday is always a busy day I did morning work & swept dining room & kitchen & cooked scones, sponge, Tarts then swept front rooms & dusted them after dinner Eva & Coral came down & Eva did up my Grey hat for me I blackleaded stove also & altered tunic for Alb I am getting his clothes ready for Sunday it is the Anniversary at Buchsfelde & we are going to the Childrens Service in the afternoon. We are glad to Know Frances has a daughter born this morning on Lorna’s 6th birthday49. I had to mix bread & alter Albs vest & do different stitches on their clothes it is nice weather today with showers

49 Fanny's sister Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo) who lives in Moonta. Her daughter is Gwenda Evelyn Folland. And Lorna Frances Folland is her eldest daughter.

Blessed are they which do hunger & thirst after righousness, for they shall be filled. Matt 4.6 verses

Sept/ 6 Saturday & I dressed at 25 to six &found the bread ready so hurried & lit fire in both stove & fire place fried Fluffs & baked rolls & put bread to rise & then I gave boys their breakfast & Dad chopped me some wood & I milked two cows for him then baked bread & biscuits cleaned lamps swept dining room & did any general work made beds & swept boys room & did any general work made beds & swept boys rms dinner over Dad & I drove to Gawler & to see Ada & registered baby & did shopping bough Clem a navy serge suit & Alb a tunic myself some flower Silk Delaine for Blouse & then I saw Amy, George, & Celia Percy Marion came home & helped Dad milk got tea Boys went to Gawler & Wilf got his new suit from Tembys showery & cold

Sep 7th I got up early at 7 o’clock & then I lit fire & got a cup of tea for all & fried sausages swept rooms and got all clothes ready for the children & cleaned all Boots we had cold dinner & then Bert drove Ma Alb Clem & I to the Anniversary we got several invitations to tea but came home Jim Wes & Murray came to tea I washed up & did writing. Mrs Thomas Higgins died Friday & Mrs Will Higgins Saturday night at nine oclock Mr George Higgins has just been out to say she (Mrs Will) is to be buried tomorrow at Stone Hill She leaves 3 children50 

50 Mrs Thomas Higgins is George Herbert James Higgins' mother,  Fanny Wingate, died aged 72. Mrs Will Higgins is her daughter-in-law (his sister-in-law), Lily Burt, aged 41.  Her three surviving children are Lily Georgianna (aged 11) and twins Arthur Burt and Percy Claude (aged 7).

Sep 8/ As I was so unfortunate in washing late last night I decided to wash today so after frying breakfast & taking in Tea to parents I lit copper & started Ma did indoor work & dinner time she & Dad & Mrs Ratcliff drove to Mrs Will Higgins funeral & did not get home till after five I persevered & wash dark clothes but could not do Dads waistcoat as I intended my arms & wrists were stiff I cleared away & came in & washed up the dinner dishes & then & made a large fire & boiled Oats for horses I felt regular tired but kept on & after tea folded all helped cut up Melon & mixed bread Charl Eva & Coral spent the evening here both boys have a relapse of Influenza & cannot work much It was rather windy but I got almost all dry I retired at 10 ock.

Cast thy burden upon the Lord & he shall sustain thee

Sep 9th I got up early as I had bread to attend to same morning work & then housework & baked bread & pastry roasted leg mutton potatoes & boiled swedes dinner over washed (Ma did) then drove to Charls with Albert Clem was at school yesterday home today Chaffcutting both boys layed down & could not eat dinner very bad but look after the horses Wilf does George & Amy spent evening here I ironed this afternoon Fashion Shirts as well & mended tonight a funny day

Sep 10 / Mother not able to get up at all today so that meant double work I hurried & did house work & all washing up till dinner time Dad went to Gawler & I had to send back appros & Berts overcoat was a failure so sent it back I churned & made Butter & helped milk & Sepr Wilf chopped a nice lot of wood Bert cleaning sulky harness & lamps they are not atall well I feel unwell myself & can’t eat any tea Clem is at Bragglesome tonight Eva & Coral went with Dad to Gawler & took train to Adelaide

Sep 11 Everyone ill with Influenza I got up & got breakfast but it is only a pretence to what they eat in health I never had any whatever I took Ma in her bread & milk & did housework & washed up everything & got dinner minced meat resoles etc but no one has a good appetite I mended in the afternoon Ma is up today mending Dad is almost crippled with Rhumatics but does the cows & all outdoor dairy work I help milk usually at night the boys are working but very unwell & lay down as soon as they are indoors Bert can’t go to Adelaide Show

Sep 12 / I do not get up till late now 6/30 or 40 then get boys & Dad breakfast & washed up Sepr & did boys room I went up to Mrs Ratcliffs for sitting of eggs & Alb went too, home & made brd & But pudding & cooked pots & Bacon cleaned stove & did all rooms thoroughly & lamps washed floor in my room helped milk I was very busy but felt anything but equal to task but Ma is so unwell Bert went to Dr his cough is very bad I had shivers for about 2 hours after getting in bed & felt so ill my head chest & limbs terrible I have fought a good fight I have kept the faith

Sep 13th As Charl & Clem came from Bragglesome & stayed home the night so he got up at six & I also got up & got breakfast fried & took in tea & milk to Ma swept dining room did both back bedrooms & washed Sepr & all also prepared vegetables & lit the Stove dinner over I baked Dora’s Sponge & currant cakes washed the things & scrubbed articles Dad went to Gawler & got home at 4/30 very unwell but did cows & outdoor work I got wood & kept a nice fire & fried sausages for Tea washed Clem Ma Alb did not bath them on account of colds I been working with big coat on all the afternoon & shivering at that got a L.C. from Moonta Frances ill Baby well & is called Gwenda Evelyn Amy & George went to City late today Gawler

Sep 14th Sunday I did usual work fried sausages for breakfast I did feel ill I just did necessary work Ma made some soup I prepared vegetables & cut them up & put them in then I rested & at 2 o’ck we had our dinner the boys are better & can eat Bert & Clem drove into Ada’s for afternoon no one came all day & I retired at 7/30 Alb & I Wilfred did not go out atall all day

Sep15 / I was not able to wash so I gave up the idea I fried breakfast & then swept all rooms & dusted all made all beds & general work. I cut out a pair of brown malange pants for Alb & partly made them It was a rough day Dad very unwell so I have to help milk tonight my cough is bad so is Albs. I made pancakes

Sep 16th Such a lovely morning I did usual work & was about to set to work when our dear girl drove home for the day to do some sewing I made beds & after doing the other household duties I cut out the tiny Garments for Amy as she worked the machine the time went all too Quickly & at 4/30 Amy had to leave us once more for Gawler River Dad & Alb went to Gawler & when he came home he went with Amy I hope he will stay with her for company. We Dad & I went to milk & Maria51  drove up & remained all night she helped set tea & clear away & had a long chat till after tea the day has been perfect so different from yesterday Jessie the Mare has a Filly Foal tonight after tea she has been to work all day

51 Maria Anna Paterson, cousin (daughter of Aunt Harriet Heath).

Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness

Sep 17 / Show Day52 & the promise of a lovely day have been fulfilled I fried breakfast & did my ordinary work all morning at about 10 ock they started to get ready for the Show Bert Clem & Maria drove in their trap Dad & Wilf in the Sulky at one oclock I started washing did all pillowcases & mens shirts socks Handkerchiefs & childrens our aprons & all towels I kept on till near five then milked & took cows to drink came back & took all horses up & back & shut them away in the paddock & it knocked me up completely Dad Maria Lillias Jessie & Nita53 came to tea & stayed till nine then left for home a nice night

52 Gawler show was a big thing in 1913.
53 Cousins Lillias May Porter (nee Paterson), Jessie Violet Paterson, and Lillias' seven-year-old daughter Nita Irene Porter.

Sep 18th / Such a wet day the wettest for the season I did morning work & made a Mt Lofty pudding & generally assisted in every work did all ironing in the afternoon & it poured with rain all the time we were milking & got in wood & did mending very cold indeed all so bad & most of us had to change our clothes as we got wet

Sep 19 : Very wet under feet but finer over head, I did morning duties & cleaned the stove & boys room also both front rooms & did some more washing as a lot of things got wet Ma churned Butter & got dinner I finished a pair of pants for Albert & did mending & mixed bread Dad went to Gawler with calf & cream also to the Doctor

Sep 20 / Saturday with all its busy work I got breakfast over & baked bread yeast Cake & sponge but both were failures but nice bread very disheartened after our dinner was over I baked cake & another Sponge alright Dad went to Gawler we were both that busy we did not know which way to turn Bert went to Rifle practise & there is always a lot to get ready to send away to city I did scrubbing, lamps, rooms, Ma cutlery windows & our general work had tea & I & Clem bathed I sewed Bert shot Paddy today

Sep 21st / I milked all last night & Dad this morning I fried breakfast did housework Celia & Percy came out & Wilfred Clem & them with me drove to K.F. Anniversary home to tea P.T.D gone home left Celia & Marion with us to night Bert is gone to Gawler. Mrs Beet Buckby54 was at Church today with her baby (Harold Joseph) we had word from Moonta Frances very ill indeed. Rather a cold showery day & I am disappointed.

54 Mrs Beeton Buckby (Sabina Haydon)'s son Harold Joseph Buckby.

Which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give one at that day & not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing

Sep 22nd As we retired late last evening I did not wake till 6/30 dressed & lit fire fried sausages & bacon Celia dressed her baby & assisted Dad milking cows & outdoor work I got breakfast over & cut Clems dinner & got him off to schl lit copper & started washing white Quilt also I kept on Celia lent me a hand then she went with Dad up to the Chapel for wheat & to Mrs Ratcliffs home to dinner Ma cooked hot dinner roast mutton & Celia helped again with work clothes I scrubbed all & then at 4/30 Percy came & we had a cup of tea I folded but was too tired to iron at night a fair day for washing

Sep 23rd It was a lovely morning & so it has been all day I hurried around & made are beds & did all housework besides ordinary duties then I started ironing did Fashion shirt colars etc till dinner time Ma went for a drive with Dad to Twelftrees Dinner over I drove to Amys & spent a quietly pleasant afternoon only she was nearly mad with toothache I had to get in wood after I got home & mix bread after tea Mr & Mrs Brodie & Eddie Morrell55 come out to see Mother & spent the afternoon I did not see them

55 James George Brodie and Emma Brodie (nee Pointon), old friends of Ma and Dad, and Mrs Brodie's nephew Edgar Charles Morrell.

Sep 24th A rough morning & cold I hurried to get brfast over & put out bread to rise & lit stove & got rolls baked Amy came home with toothache terrible so I got ready & drove into Gawler with her & she had it drawn at Smiths poor girl had an abscess also lanced we called at Ada then home had afternoon dinner Uncle Charley came out Will Ratcliff killed a beast & we had some meat & Ma salted some & cooked some Amy drove home at five very cold. George has been unwell but is better again now Amy has a bad side as well I ironed the rest of clothes tonight feel tired & weary

Sep 25 / A wet day promised on waking & continued at intervals all day I did housework fried risoles for breakfast it was late breakfast. I altered my navy serge skirt & hemmed it up for working Ma also at mending Clem could not go to school it was too wet

Sep 26 / A nice day so I got breakfast & then did boys room & front rooms & ground meat & Ma made pudding I also did the vegetables for dinner & prepared lunch & took it to boys chaffcutting Coral came home with Charl in the waggon we were at dinner & Amy came in George went to Ratcliffs for chaff & she stayed here they went home at four o’clock I blackleaded stove & did some washing besides washing dishes Clem went to school Wilf is gone to Lyndoch to a dance tonight I mixed bread tonight.

Holding the mystery of faith with a pure conscience

Sept 27th Saturday with its toil ordinary work & I had to bake bread & a shepherds pie then while they were cooking I did scrubbing form, stools, & all usual housework made beds, did lamps, Dad went to Gawler also Eva & Coral & coming home through Cowan St the bolt came out of the buggy & threw Dad out & four wheels passed over him bruising his ribs & frightened Eva & tore her dress. In the afternoon at home Ma did dining room & cutlery I washed the pictures & baked cake, biscuits, Sponge, Meat scalded milk milked all five cows & did any other work bathed & ironed some things

Sept 28 / Sunday I intended making a pudding so got up & got the cup of tea & breakfast & made a lovely pudding did housework & got dinner. Will & Hugh Ratcliff56 came over to help stitch Badgers eye that he tore open we had dinner & I helped Ma dress for her drive to Willaston Anniversary & to Mrs Brodies to tea. I stayed home George & Amy spent the remainder of the day with the boys & also Vida Wilson57 came over we were not at all glad to see her she went home at five & Amy & I milked & Sepr & got tea while the boys & George went to Bragglesome & Jim Clem & Wesley came home & gave a pony a run with one of ours in the Buggy down to B. Amy & Geo were ready for home when Ma & Dad got home at nine then I retired they had a pleasant time at Willaston

56 Hugh Ratcliff, brother of Will Ratcliff.
57 Vida Adelaide Wilson (distant relation); not sure why Fanny wasn't glad to see her!

Sep 29 / Washing day I dressed at 25/5 got breakfast over & lit copper & washed all two blankets (mine & ironing one) would have finished at 12 ock but Wilf only change his clothes dinner time so I had them to wash sofa cover from kitchen Tweed Cap etc I finished at about 2/30 & ironed plain clothes capsized kettle & put out fire just as I was going to make tea I finished ironing at 10ock at night Bert & Wilfred were at Jack Hilliers58 to a surprize party I felt so tired

58 Neighbour John Hillier, father of Beeton Frank Fletcher Hillier.

Sep 30th A lovely day & all usual work then I swept both rooms & washed floors with milk also scrubbed etc the (outhouse) got all housework done & mother got the dinner cooked corn beef & Veg & pudding steamed In the afternoon I mended Dads coat which got tore in the accident. Celia & Percy home to tea & spent evening she stays at Ada’s to wash tomorrow I mixed bread & washed up such perfect weather for spring

For there is one God & one mediator between God & men the man Christ Jesus

Oct 1st Kapunda Show today I got up at six & got breakfast put out bread to rise lit stove baked rolls & bread & Tarts pastie did bedrooms & swept & dusted rooms & had dinner at 11/30 I drove to Gawler River to see Amy who is so far from well had a nasty turn Monday collapse & I was sewing a robe did not get on well atall Dad went to Gawler & Ma went to Ada’s they got home at six & me & 10 to 7. Dad milked & outdoor work Ma got fire & tea I got in morning wood & have cleared tea & washed up it has been an ideal day

Oct 2nd / As the boys are working at Humphrys we have made up our minds to get up at about five so I called them at five dressed myself & then I fried breakfast & packed their dinner & put up tea & made beds & started front rooms then I saw Amy coming in the dray as George had gone to Two Wells Show so she helped me do the rooms or rather she cleaned windows & pictures I did rooms thoroughly & washed floors then Amy & I were sewing at a best robe Dad & Ma went to Mrs Parkers to see Lily Andrew59 Amy went home at six Coral stayed all day with us as her Dad & Ma went to the Show also Mrs McLeod60 they called for her at 7/30 I did not do much work after tea as I was tired an ideal day

59 Mrs Parker is likely to be Esther Parker (nee Whitbread) an older woman who lives in Willaston. I am not sure who Lily Andrew is, but she was with Mrs Parker in 1908 as well. There is a Lily Andrew, daughter of Abraham Andrew and Ellen Burton in 1890 in Moonta. Could be her.
60 Mrs McLeod is probably Eva's mother Elizabeth McLeod (nee Webber).

Oct 3rd / I called the boys at five & we rested a little then dressed & got fried breakfast packed dinners & then George sent for me Amy ill again I got down here at 8/30 & found her very ill & Mrs Will Dawkins61 here I did a little housework & churned 3 lots butter over six lbs but our dear Amy has been semiconscious all day I went home & got Dad to come & see her now he is gone home & Amy recovered enough to drink a cup of milk another lovely day sun quite hot I feel rather shaky

61 Mrs Will Dawkins is Gwendoline Elizabeth Dawkins nee Keipert.

Oct 4 / I have not rested well all night & dressed a little after five got breakfast for George & I at six our Bert drove down in the Sulky so he had his with us also Amy was unconscious & never came round for a good while then I gave her some breakfast & we all hurried & got ready for Adelaide via home Amy & Bert in the Sulky George & I in the dray changed horses & drove to Gawler & took the Broken Hill Express to Town went to the Drs But he was at Kangaroo Island so we went to Mile End & stay till 4 o’clock then came in to the Station & I came home & had tea at Celia’s called at Ada’s Wes came home with me got home at nine oclock very tired & weary & worried

Holding faith & a good conscience which some having put away concerning Faith have made shipwreck

Oct 5th I dressed at six & had a cup of tea & gave all round one as well Clem & I went to Stone Hill to Amys & milked her cow fed the calf, fowls, & skimmed milk tidied house had our breakfast, went to Mrs Dawkins & Mr Howard62 promised to milk mornings for me. It was a dreadful windy morning with clouds of dust could not see far from one got home & found the Sepr house blown to pieces & Wesley narrowly escaped being caught by sheets of iron Vida Wilson came over in the afternoon & I helped milk & then I drove her to Gawler River, church Clem & I went. Mr Watson63 preached Charl Eva & Coral came.

62 Mr Howard must be a neighbour.
63 Mr Watson, a new preacher at the Gawler River church (is this Buchsfelde or Stone Hill?)

Oct 6 / I dressed at five o’clock & got fire then lit copper & soaked in clothes & got two boils ready but as I had all the washing from Amys home I did not finish till four oclock Boys put new rafters on the Sepr House & nailed on the roof so I had to wash in the kitchen Eva & Uncle came out & Eva went with me to Amys & she milked (Maisie) I skimmed & churned Butter & we got home at 7 ock had Tea we had a talk Dad went to the Tea meeting at Stone Hill & boiled the copper for them, but he did not stay to the meeting lovely day

Oct 7 / I did not dress till six got fire breakfast & the usual cup of Tea felt very unwell & did all washing up & housework then I went with Clem & got Jess) & he led her up to drink. I did all ironing Dad went in with cream & met George & Amy & they got home at six & had a cup of Tea & drove home to Gawler River I feel so weary & nerves are bad another beautiful day & evening I must retire to rest Amys birthday

Oct 8th I have not baked bread this week so in the morning I have the same work fry breakfast & then cut Wilfreds dinner & put up Tea for him he is working the fallow in Twelftrees Bert not well Celia & baby home for the Day Percy getting wood I baked Pastry & Biscuits did all washing up & housework. I cut out a plain morning blouse for myself Uncle Eva & Will Ratcliff here for evening fairly warm Ma ran a rusty nail in her right hand & that makes more work for me Celia prepared vegetables for us & helped up with odd work. Eva & Coral went to Adelaide eight hours Day today found Mrs McLeod very unwell so she stayed home with her all day Mrs Walter Hill of Mallala has an Infant born Oct 3rd 191364

64 Kathleen Emily Hill, daughter of Euphemia Ellen Hill (nee Nicholson).

Thy word is very pure therefore thy servant loveth it

Oct 9th I did same early morning work & after breakfast I thoroughly swept both dining room & Kitchen & washed floors with milk made beds & washed up & cooked dinner In the afternoon I made my blouse & it was a record day for heat so early in the Summer 96 degrees in the shade Wilf had it very hot out at his work & his cask of water got capsized so he was home earlier than usual Dad was in Gawler last Tuesday to get pipes for to bring water down here to the house so Bert is digging a trench & he is not well

Oct 10th same hour 5/30 or so & same work & also I churned butter yesterday & could not make it up so I made it up & weighed it so soft. I swept & dusted both back bedrooms & washed floor & also the front rooms & after dinner washed up & drove to Amys & found her in a state of collapse so I got her a cup of tea & she & I gathered eggs & then I milked & fed calf & Amy prepared veg & I fried bacon & then she eat a little & was taken ill again so I stayed all night with them I am not atall well myself.

Oct 11th George & I dressed a little after 5/30 & I got fire & fried breakfast & George milked & also went to Mr Dawkins & milked their cows & back to breakfast then Amy came round & I helped her dress & we had our meal & then hurried to get things together & drove home arrived here I churned & made up butter also scrub safe & other articles & Dad & I drove to Gawler & I sent the order to Adelaide for Amys machine which we received safely yesterday we went to Celias to dinner & did shopping & got home at six.

Oct 12th/ Just after we got home last evening Aunt Harriet65 & Jessie drove up so Jess went to Gawler with Wilfred Bert was in all day at military sports I did all beds except ours & made Rhubarb pies for dinner Celia & Percy was home to dinner also George & Eva Coral & Charl as well to tea 16 altogether it is a lovely cool change with rain they are all gone home but Amy who stays with us as its to lonely for her home at Gawler River while George is away at work & she is far from well. Ed Modra & Adeline Day are to be married Oct 1566 also Louis Ey & Elsie Dawkins same day at Todd St Methodist Church67, Gawler reception at Forester hall for Modras

65 Auntie Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), Jessie's mother (Ma's sister)
66 Edward August Modra will marry Adelina Hulda Day at Gawler Methodist Church, with the reception at Foresters Hall.
67 Adolph Louis Ferdinand Ey and Elsie Parnel Dawkins will marry at Todd St Methodist Church.

Search me Oh, God & know my heart. try me & know my thoughts

Oct 13/ I intended washing so I dressed before six I felt awfully unwell I really did not know how to start but persevered & my old mate helped all she could after she got up we had a lot of extra washing (Layette) but I got on better but it was a very bad drying day & I only got the finest dry & all the others had to stop on the line all night Amy was so very unwell at dinner she was soon unconscious I scrubbed up & folded & it was tea time before she came round it is very hard to see her Mothers hand is still bad

Oct 14/ Very tired but usual duties to do so got breakfast & was busy all the morning drying & folding & airing clothes Will Ratcliff & Uncle Charlie came Uncle came for milk for his pig the men were chaffcutting I took down lunch & baked bread cake & pastry I was very busy all the morning Amy housework & in the afternoon we had a thunder storm & it was very hot & sultry then a cold change came & we were ironing all the afternoon such a lot to do

Oct 15/ As I had been away for two saturdays & did not do any blackleading I decided after all usual work to thoroughly clean fireplace stove fountain kettle & utensils Amy housework I made a plum pudding & we expected Mr. Jones68 to come out blacksmithing but he did not come although Dad went to City for him we been sewing all the afternoon Wesley is home for a few nights Clem home at Willaston Eva & Will are gone to Hamley Bridge Show it has been a cold rainy day Wesley got wet through coming from school Wilf in Twelftrees working

68 Mr G Jones, probably George.

Oct 16/ Morning duties are always the same & now Amy is with us she does her share as she did in the old days that are gone I thoroughly swept both rooms & washed floors with milk & helped in the other duties. Eva & Coral drove down to dinner & in the afternoon she fitted & made my crème silk flowered Blouse I mended stockings etc the men chaffcutting.

Oct 17/ Friday Amy & I cleaned all rooms between she assisted me in dusting & any light work I also had to bake bread & a yeast cake I hurried & finished the front room while the rest were at dinner & helped washup then Amy & I drove to her home & I made fire & Amy cooked tea I milked swept bedroom dining room & she made Butter & packed it for home to take to Gawler we had our tea & drove home cool change & it was pleasant driving Howard brought the new tank home to Georges. Checked Bif I

If I take the wings of the morning & dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

Oct 18th Amy very ill again in a Collapse not herself till 11 o’clock so I got breakfast over & then cleaned stove etc ordinary work & baked biscuits two sponges, cakes, etc Amy helped bravely but was far from well all day Dad went to Gawler & got all things for both houses Percy drove out in afternoon for posts & he had a cup of tea Ma cleaned cutlery Amy dusting & cleaning pictures windows etc me, lamps, scrubbing, & we cooked meat after Dad got home Ma & I milked & Sept George came tonight & took Amy home for Sunday

Oct 19th I got up swept dining room Kitchen & fried mutton chops for breakfast then baked scones & pastry did housework & beds had dinner & Ada & Jim & family came home to Tea & George brought Amy home at night I did not go to Chapel today very painful limbs I read Mr James Common died at his daughters home at Bute he was 92 years & an old Gawlerite69 he died today Oct 19th Ada & family went home at nine

69 Mr James Commons.

Oct 20 / I decided to wash so hurried to give boys their breakfast & lit copper & Amy helped me at about 10 or so till dinner time it was so windy but the wind changed to the West & it was a beautiful day after all I did not finish till 3.o’ck Amy did housework after dinner & folded clothes while I scrubbed all & got a cup of tea & mixed bread after tea Charl & Eva & Coral came down Amy washed up I did bread & very tired retired

Oct 21st On overcast morning Clem went to school Dad went to Gawler I had to bake rolls & bread & cake besides getting breakfast Amy got up to late breakfast & helped housework I swept both rooms & Amy went on ironing I joined her at 11 o’ck & we finished at dinner time & this afternoon I made a white Calico garment for myself, Amy a fancy petticoat (babys) she is at the piano now & Oh how nice it is to hear it Ma is reading & nice rain is falling & men got wet tonight

Even there shall thy hand lead me & thy right hand shall hold me

Oct 22nd As one morning is much the same as another (or the work is) I did usual work & made beds Dad went to Gawler so Amy got ready & rode as far as Adas & spent the day with her. Ma & I got dinner cooked & Eva drove Ivy & Clara & baby out to spend the day Mr G Jones came home with Dad at three oclock & did blacksmithing all the afternoon I altered my Delaine Blouse sleeves we had afternoon tea & our visitors went home George came at night & I stayed up till 11/30 for Amy to come home with Wilfred who took Mr Jones back to Gawler nice day Ma had to go to bed before Tea

Oct 23rd I hurried around & got housework & ordinary work all done early & Amy & I dressed ready for Gawler & then Celia Marion & Percy drove out & that stopped us going in I got dinner & in the afternoon Amy & Celia & I were sewing & had afternoon tea & also stayed to supper & I washed up & mixed bread Amy not well atall another collapse tonight

Oct 24th I got up in good time & lit fire & as the Custom took in tea & got breakfast fried eggs & bacon put out bread to rise & baked rolls for breakfast then did boys & our room & Amy front rooms & I helped dust Ma’s room baked bread In the afternoon Amy & I did sewing & at four we drove home to her place & she churned made butter & I made a Shepherd pie & custard for Georges Tea & we cleaned bedroom lamp etc shinned & washed pans

Oct 25th Saturday with its work as usual after ordinary work I set to baking. Dora’s Biscuits Sponge Raisin Madeira Cakes bad luck as I burnt my sponge & Amy made another one I thoroughly cleaned safe & all scrubbing lamps etc Bert & Percy shifted trough down here & got all the pipes layed right to the stable very hot indeed & thundery Amy had a long sleep & rest also Mother then she did all cutlery Amy had a bath I made lunch & milked all cows had a bath & gave Clem one as well Mr James Cummins died last Sunday Oct 19th 1913 Mrs Peter Judd has a daughter born Oct 19th 1913

70 Helen Oliver (Mrs Peter Judd)'s daughter Jessie Margaret Judd.

Man is like to vanity … his days are as a shadow that Passeth away 

Sunday Oct 26th Up at 8 o’clock & got breakfast swept kitchen & did housework made beds & got the custard made stewed Rhubarb washed up Ma helping & doing sepr things. Mr. & Mrs Punke71 went to the Wind Mill Farm to German Service & on the way home called here as a thunder Storm threatened I got cold lunch & they went home the the storm raged in violence it simply poured with rain & hail as large as almonds & marbles thunder lightning the most severe I have seen for a very long time & water everywhere in all rooms & we had to sweep it out of the doors.

71 Probably Herman Heinrich Punke and his wife Anna Paulina Bertha Punke (nee Matz).

Oct 27th I did not know what to make of the wet cloudy morning so I got breakfast & helped Dad milk came in & made all beds etc by nine oclock then it cleared up & a nice wind blew so I went my hardest & got all ready for washing (by) in the kitchen copper also outside the door Amy helped splendidly all through & we got all moles as well done at a little after three Amy & I folded some & at five another storm raged I almost knocked up hurrying to bring in clothes & put copper back & tubs & scrambled in a lot of wood & Ma Dad & Amy milked it simply poured & the lightning & thunder & Lily Parham72 drove by in the terrible storm it kept on raining most of night. Mixed brd

72 Lillie Melior Parham, daughter of Samuel James Parham & Mary Elizabeth Riggs, aged 16.

Oct 28/ Water everywhere we have had a lot of rain usual work & hurried to put out bread & bake rolls & bread & did portion housework Amy very bad I starched & ironed shirts colars etc & we had dinner & Dad & I went to City where I did shopping & we came to Ada’s & had a cup cocoa got as far as Hutchins73 & forgot Amy medicine & had to drive right back to chemist & we did not get home till seven o’clock Ma & Amy had evening work done but Amy was not atall well her head was dreadful so she retired early to bed

73 Hutchins family.

Oct 29th/ We had to cook hot dinner so I did all my usual duties then housework Amy helped Ma cousin Bert drove Clara & Ivy up to dinner & they remain tonight I was all day altering Georges mole pants they was too big he did not come over tonight he went to Gawler instead weather finer today Musical evening late to bed.

I have loved thee with everlasting love; Jer XXXX1 3.

Oct 30th All duties the same as ever & after Ma had washed up she dressed for a visit to Bragglesome Dad drove Clara & Ivy to Celia’s Amy helped all housework & I fried Ham & cooked potatoes & rice pudding in afternoon I started a white night dress but had ill luck & had to unrip it & sew it over again Percy is laying on water in the Garden at the front of house I got lunch Amy & I milked etc

Oct 31 / I usually get up in good time 5/20 or so get a cup of Tea then breakfast & I did a portion housework then baked scones acid tarts Raisin Biscuit Celia & Marion came out with Percy we had hot dinner Celia helped Amy dust & wash floor in front rooms we were sewing for a while in the afternoon I had to mix bread Amy very unwell Collapsed for hours. & I had to undress her for bed

Nov 1st Early up got usual duties put out the bread baked it & cake sponge etc did lamps scrubbing etc Amy so bad could not go to Gawler as she was going to do if better Dad went & Amy helped us with dusting & she is a treasure when home both Ma & I were able to sit down at four & sew I tucked a white nightdress & Ma & I milked 6 cows Sepr & got in wood & did any other work Wilf to City

Nov 2nd Sunday Bert stays at Bragglesome nights but came home last night & this morn- he got up at seven Dad also & called me I got Berts breakfast & he drove in the Sulky to Lower Light I fried our breakfast swept & dusted dining room made beds & dressed for a visit to Eva & Uncle Charley Will Ratcliffs Mare (Fan) cut her leg very badly last night. I also went to Eva’s & Charles for a while & got the Dogcart from there had dinner at Cousin Eva’s & a talk looked at garden then went to Ada’s nursed Baby & had a talk. I drove home after tea at Eva’s she rode as far as Ratcliffs & Uncle in the Sulky Wes came home with me for night cloudy & cold not much rain tonight George home here Charl & Eva & Coral to Tea

Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn thee

Nov 3rd / As I felt very unwell I did not start the washing & did all duties as any other morning Bert stays at Charlie’s nights & Wilfred goes to & fro to Bragglesome as he is working the fallow in Humphrys I was sewing in the afternoon a while & as Dad is usually away at nights I have to help Mother with the cows & she cooks Vegetr

Nov 4th I hurried & got the usual cup of Tea & Breakfast & lit copper & started washing it did not seem a bad day but at about nine o’clock it blew & rained & dust as well I was so vexed as it keeps one running to the line however after persevering with the good help from Amy I finished at 2/30 Cousin Eva came for afternoon helped fold & I started ironing then had to milk so Amy took it & we did all & were so tired Amys side is very bad it is late when we have tea & mixed the bread

Nov 5 / Charlie broke his Binder & Dad had to go to Gawler to get a new one yesterday (a Mac Cormack) I got breakfast & hurried through household work & baked Biscuits Bread rolls & Yeast Cake Amy helps so much & is such company to me at night in the afternoon I wrote to Dr & then at 4 o’clock Amy & I dressed for Gawler River on arrival me each did a portion of work Amy cooked Tea I thoroughly cleaned rooms & window lamps scrubbed Table had our tea & a talk & drove home at 10 ock arrived Charltonville

Nov 6th / As Amy & I intended going to Gawler I did all ususal work & housework & put Toff in Sulky & she & I drove in I did shopping she stayed at Mrs Buggs74 & at ¼ to 3 we drove to Evanston Celia was not home she had gone to Gawler River to Marys then we came to Ada’s & from there to Mrs Standleys where we stayed to tea & got home at 8/30 Ma was worried at us being so late Dad came home early & helped with the cows

74 Mrs Bugg (Alice Bugg nee McHugh) looks after everyone when they have their babies - in Gawler

Nov 7th Ma cut up her Melon for Jam so I lit the stove & got that on got breakfast Amy is so unwell in a Collapse till late then she did front rooms & I did boys & ours & baked pastry had to clean my stove in the afternoon Uncle Charley came out for milk for his pig I altered a gown for Amy. Ma & I milked & seprated Amy in a Collapse till teatime. Death of Mr Ames Senr75 of Bridge Street Gawler Eva & Coral gone to Prospect today

75 William John Ames, aged 68.

For the shadows of evening are stretched out Jer VI.4

Nov 8 / Saturday with its toil I lit fire & fried eggs & bacon also put out bread & lit stove & baked it & yeast Buns Madeira Cakes sponge Amy baked I cleaned lamps safe & scrubbing Amy dusting I blackleaded fireplace & all utensils requiring same cleaned boots Amy & I had a bath & Clem Dad has been to Gawler & then they put on meat which I baked Bert had a bath & Wilfred went to Gawler George came & Amy went home

Nov 9th / I did not dress till 8 oclock & lit stove & had a cup of tea & gave boys one fried sausages & gathered up things then breakfast over I made the custard for dessert & also swept the floors & made beds in back rooms & got dinner cold lunch today washed up & read paper tidied myself Charley home for tea Wilfred gone to Williamstown a very rainy night & morning & looks like rain now & thundery

Nov 10th A nice morning & as I intended washing I got up soon after five fried breakfast then having done all first duties I lit copper & started washing had a white Quilt & several fine white garments & starch clothes Amy joined me & helped all the time so nicely till dinner then I only stopped for a few minutes but Amy again joined me & washed all stockings sox etc 10 pairs I had Georges navy serges & blueys two pair pants (Clem) & German prints & working day blouses for us both. We folded afterwards 4 o’clock & I scrubbed thing requiring & did necessary work outdoors

Nov 11th / Our men came home to cut the Top paddock two Binders & they got it all bound in today yesterday I called Bert at 5/25 & fried breakfast then I was busy doing extra work & looking for a file for Dad general household work it came up a terrible thunderstorm & struck George Higgins straw & burnt it the lightning was very vivid our boys were in the Top paddock & came home wet through Charl went home & they could not do any more today I ironed till nearly four then Amy helped me she ironed one shirt & I one (Fashion) we got done at six Bert planted Tomatoes we have water in our gardens now but I am too busy to make a garden look nice another thunderstorm this evening.

“Until the day break & the shadows flee away.”

Nov 12 / I had to bake bread & it was over the pan when I got up I hurried & got breakfast then lit stove cooked Rolls & bread rice pudding Amy very unwell we were busy sewing in the afternoon we had dreadful night last night the Lightning was terrible we were all awake the thunder roared & the rain & hail came down Mr Jim Hobart76 was struck by lightning yesterday & went Black for a time Jim & her were both in the Office together he felt the shock in his shoulder also Dad & Ma dairy work.

76 James Thomas Hobart, George's brother. Not sure what the Office is, and who "her" is; probably his wife? 

Nov 13th Usual work & baked pastry Biscuits housework had to fry sausages for breakfast Dad went to Gawler Eva & Coral also the men including Percy are all working home in the Top Paddock so theres lunches to put up & Tea After sewing till four oclock Amy & I drove to her home at Gawler River I did housework & Amy baked scones I fried sausages & cooked vegetables George & us had tea & Amy mended coat I cleared the table & we drove home arrived at 10/30 cloudy& cool

Nov 14th Friday & its busy work usual work & then blackleaded stove & cleaned Front rooms washed floors Amy dusted them & did boys room & I our room I did hurry as I wanted to sew in the afternoon Ma roasted a fowl & Veget I got in plenty of wood to help her & assisted & helped dish up dinner Men all home. we were sewing in the afternoon & got all garments done

Nov 15 / Saturday I had to hurry as I had to bake rolls & bread & fry breakfast then bake sponge. Queen Buns & housework Amy not at all well Dad went to Gawler I did lamps scrubbing etc & alter a slip Bodice baked birthday cake for Amy & Ma her cutlery & tins & I baked leg mutton & round beef after Dad got home Amy drove up to top paddock with Twine to boys Mrs Chas E. Hobart has a son born77 Arnold Harris & Myrtle Hill78 were married on Nov 11/1913 & reside at Kilkenny via Adelaide

77 Charles Elliott Hobart (George's brother) & Nellie Magdalene Roche, their son is Morris James Vincent Hobart.
78 Guinderlin Myrtle Hill (Kit's niece) and Arnold Henry Harris were married in Queenstown (near Semaphore)

Let us hold fast our profession without wavering for he is faithful that promised

Nov 16th Sunday Dad up at seven & made fire & got a cup of tea I dressed at 7/30 & took in tea to boys & Amy & myself got breakfast swept & dusted dining room made custard Amy & Ma washed up & Amy & made beds & she stewed Rhubarb & is at the piano Ma reading a very windy dusty day & warm Jim Ada & children came home at 4/30 also George to tea I made Amy a birthday Cake & Queen Buns Sponge Scalded Cream Jam Marmalade we had 2 vases of Flowers & a nice Tea I was not well & retired early

Nov 17 / I was up before the stroke of five & got the cup of tea & breakfast & lit copper & was just going to start washing & it blew up a terrible dusty & blusterous day so I came in after putting out the fire in copper & did some housework then I went up to Mrs Ratcliffs on a message & came home & shortly after Mr Ratcliff came over with some soup vegetables & gave then to us we had soup for Dinner. Oh it was windy & dusty all the morning stopped its worse at dinner time & I lit copper & hurried & washed Amy did all she was able to & hung out for me so got all done at six except rough articles & moles for Bert then had to mix Bread

Nov 18 / I have been so unwell & sleep so sound Bert called me just before six my bread was ready for the oven & I hurried & got breakfast put out Bread made a Yeast Cake had breakfast lit copper & finished moles G.P. aprons Shirt Blouse etc also starched white clothes & Celia & Marion came out at 9/30 she helped indoors this afternoon I ironed from 2/30 till after 7. Amy also helped me we had such a lot to do new White underclothing & starchery Amy is very unwell Bert is staying at Charls as they are Binding down there now Wilf & Percy stooking and Wilfred is now going cultivating while the others finish the Hay it is a most delightful day Celia & Cousin Eva drove to Lower Light last Wensday to visit the Hill’s Kit & Hazel were well Mr Hill79  has been very ill indeed Kit is going to Mrs Johnstones80  to work

79 John Hill, Kit's father.
80 Mrs Johnstone, a neighbour.

Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of Faith. Heb 10/22

Nov 19. I got the usual cup of tea & breakfast & did a portion of housework Dad & I drove to Gawler calling at Eva’s & she & Coral also went with us on arrival I had a lot of shopping to do & it kept me busy all the time I hurried too. Dad went to the Dr he is terribly stiff. we had a cup of tea at Eva’s & drove home at four Cousin Eva was here I put Hector in the Sulky & Amy & I drove to G.R. her home I lit the oven & cooked a shoulder mutton potato Turnips & cleaned lamp & swept rooms Amy helping & doing her housework we stayed for the evening & came home 10/30.

Nov 20th / Usual work first of all Cup of tea then prepare the breakfast & cut Wilfeds dinner & put up his lunch & bottles Tea he is working the fallow mostly & has been helping Stook Hay Percy is working for them this Harvest the weather is cold & changeable & they are hindered but today was a regular dusty & strong gales of wind blowing no use to clean up much so after dinner Amy & I set to sewing pinafores & Mr & Mrs Brodie came out for afternoon I got afternoon tea Dad & Ma milk now I had to mix bread after tea & its nine when we have Tea.

Nov 21st I had to hurry as the bread was up top of pan + I put it in tins & lit fire & stove got breakfast as usual baked bread & pastry & did our room & front rooms amy helping all the time washed floors & it was so windy Dad is terribly crippled with Rhumatics Ma not well we did a little sewing & many lines of odd work too numerous to mention Dad & Ma do the cows now usually

Nov 22 Saturday & I did not have bread to bake I cleaned stove & baked Dora Biscuits, Queen Buns, Cake, Sponge & did some other housework & Dad & I went to Gawler where I did shopping & saw several aquaintances had a chat came home & Amy & Ma were just going to milk I got tea. George came home & stayed the night Sunday Nov 23rd I got up & got a cup of tea & fried sausages for the morning meal did housework & Amy made Custard & stewed Rhubarb & I roasted a joint mutton for dinner Cabbage & Potatoes Wesley, Clem, Ethel & Alb walked home to dinner Jim Ada & the rest drove afterwards home to tea Ada’s baby is very fretful does not seem well. I was not too well & did not go to Church as I intended to at first they all stayed for evening Amy brightens the home with music.

Let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me

Nov 24th A windy cold rainy morning & I thought I could not wash so did all usual duties & housework Amy so unwell at 10 o’clock the wind dropped a little & as I expect Celia to help me this week with white washing I decided to wash & hurried & got first boil out before dinner & tablecloth ironed & on table Amy did that for me & also helped me wash & finished at about six & scrubbed up & was very tired indeed I don’t know however I’ll get on without Amy the dear helpmate in all & I am not atall strong.

Nov 25th / Usual morning work & put out bread & got Bert breakfast & Wilfreds before six Bert went to help Charl load Hay for Gawler a load for Mr Ey81 Dad & I drove to Gawler after dinner & I did shopping Harris Sale Eva Charl & Coral went & she also went to Celia we got home at six & Dad & Ma milked I got to the ironing & as Amy had made a start I finished 7/30

81 Mr Ey, probably Carl Louis Theodor Ey (father of Adolph Louis Ferdinand).

Nov 26th I did not dress as early as I felt so ill but did all my work & packed dinners for boys & baked Scones Biscuits & Cabinet pudding I had to rest I was in such pain but got up & at work again dinner over I minced the meat etc for Shepherd pie & Ma I washed up & did sewing Eva & Coral for afternoon I made pie & rice pudding for tea tonight George came home for his stores I feel so unwell been a lovely & with hot sun B &W. in Twelftrees Percy & Charl Stacking Hay home Amy not strong must retire

Nov 27th Up at a little after five & got breakfast then we did morning duties & Celia & Percy drove out Celia had breakfast with Ma & Dad & we started to get all cleared for whitwashing at eleven Celia started walls & Amy although so unwell helped splendidly with sorting & cleaning things Ma got lunches & dinner for us & the men Percy & Charlie are stacking Hay home & Bert & Wilfred working fallow in Twelftrees dinner over we cleared kitchen & did that we were very busy & Mrs & Miss Masters82 came over to see us collecting cream for a strawberry Fete at Willaston on Wensday next we could not ask them in as we were in such a muddle. Annie McLean is home from Adelaide Rau Rau Hospital83 & is in irons for a year on crutches poor girl

82 Miss Masters
83 Annie Joyce McLean, not sure what is meant by Rau Rau Hospital.

Call upon me in the day of trouble & I will deliver thee

Nov 28 / I did all my usual work Celia went & helped milk & Separate we were all busy putting the finishing touches to our rooms & doing the cleaning in front rooms I baked pastry & scones & also blackleaded my stove etc it was a tiring day & we could not seem to make a finish of our work Celia & Percy drove to Evanston at 7/30 & Aunt Harriet & Victoria Ross were there on arrival had got in & got tea ready the weather is warming up now hot sun

84 Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson), cousin, and daughter of Aunt Harriet.

Nov 29th / Saturday& I did not wake till 20 past five then the bread was ready for baking so I put it in Tins & got breakfast & then I baked it also Dora’s Biscuits & Cakes & did some housework Dad went to Gawler after dinner Amy scrubbed safe etc & then she & I had a bath & did a bit of washing we expected Auntie & Vic but they went straight home boys came home & had a bath & went to Gawler Celia & Percy were in the street also Charl & Eva Amy trimmed her hat (Brown) & I helped Ma milk sun very hot indeed & Amy quite fagged Alice Warnken has a son born Wensday 26th85 there are three cases in new Hospital a baby of Mrs Bert Turner was badly injured by a Kick from Horse86 & Mrs Fred Secomb also by Horse a broken shin bone87

85 Alice Ethelinda Warnken (nee Dawe)'s son Ronald Victor Warnken. The new hospital is the Hutchinson Hospital, opened on November 19th.
86 Mrs Albert Turner's baby; there are too many possibilities; many babies with a father called Albert Turner, but none born in Gawler.
87 Mrs Fred Secomb is Florence Matilda Pederick.

Nov 30 / I was so restless early this morning & then fell asleep at seven so did not dress till eight oclock & swept floor & help prepare Cherries for stewing I then got breakfast & George came home at nine to breakfast & he had milked 4 cows & separated at Dawkins88 then & never had a bit of food I did housework got custard made after dinner I washed up & George went home at 4/30 Eva Coral & Charl came to tea from Kangaroo Flat Amy is watering garden I intend to retire early.

88 Dawkins, neighbours.

Dec 1st. It was a hot morning & I was up at 4/30 & got breakfast & Amy very kindly dressed at five & cut dinners & lunches for Bert & Wilfred Bert goes to the other place Harvesting & Wilfred & Charl are Carting Hay to Gawler some days go twice I lit copper & after morning duties were over my dear little helper of old came & Although a very hot dusty windy day we both kept on & got all done & I scrubbed while Amy had a rest & sleep also Ma I also cleaned a lot of bottles ready for beer Oh it has been an awful hot day 110 degrees in Shade Poor Amy feels the heat terribly I rested & looked at Bunyip89 then we folded clothes & I mixed bread

89 The Bunyip is still the local Gawler newspaper.

Create in me a clean heart Oh Lord & renew a right spirit within me

Dec 2nd Another terrible hot day promised I have to rise early now & get Berts breakfast the days are long & wearying while one is not well I cleaned the other bottles & scoured the copper it looks so nice but I felt done afterwards as it was so terribly hot where I stood Amy was busy housework then packed a basket & after I did usual duties I ironed till dinner time Dad then went to Gawler with cream & at ¼ to five Amy & I drove in with Hector in the Sulky called at Ada’s her dear little baby was almost done with the heat we then went to Celia’s to tea & home at 9/30 & lovely drive home as a beautiful cool change blew up Uncle & Eva were also at Celia’s Wesley is home for the night & today

Dec 3rd Up at five & got the meal then a cup of tea for us Ma churned butter Dad dairy & Sepr work I baked biscuits & Sponge & Sago pudding did housework. Ma & I got on roasting & I felt awfully trembly but kept up & finished ironing & had a cup of tea then started to mend Georges Moles I had a nasty turn & have felt giddy every since & my heart palpitates so & nerves shake Wesley came from school for tonight cool breeze hot sun I feel done so will retire to rest & got to get up early so want rest

Dec 4 / Up at same hour & got Berts breakfast & had a cup of tea also Parents had their morning tea, I did housework & as Dad had to go to Bragglesome with chaff I helped him load it. it has been a most peculiar day & exceptionally heavy thunder then dust & wind then thunder again. Mr Ratcliff came over for a yarn I put a new back in Berts Waistcoat & helped milk still thundery & a little cooler Bert is Harvesting now Charl & Wilfred carting hay to Gawler Dad a little better.

Dec 5 / Before five did morning duties then cleaned stove & things in kitchen & did our room washed floor also Ma did her room & I the front room I had to bake Farmers biscuits & Dora’s sponge cake & then Ma & I mad Xmas Cakes Ma stirred it & I prepared ingrediences I baked one 3 hours & one 4 hours I also put lining in Wilfreds new blue shirt to strengthen it & helped milk & cooked Tea. George came home last night for clothes & stayed till near ten the long days make one weary & tired am better myself

Dec 6 / I had to hurry as the bread was ready so lit stove & put it to rise baked rolls & 7 loaves bread cabinet pudding swept floors & washed then did safe lamps & dusted dining room Men chaffcutting. Done all usual work & got the boiler on for beer Dad & I went to Gawler & over to Celias, Amy very unwell & it was awful hot indoors but a cool breeze out Wilfred came home with the Trolly & he rode Larry to Gawler. Charl & Eva were just off too as we came home Ma did all work & packed the bottles beer away in dairy

As thy Days so shall thy strength be. My Grace is sufficent for thee 

Dec 7th / I awoke early and as I could not sleep I dressed at 7 made fire & took in tea then got breakfast & made custards & stewed apricots & put on a leg Mutton to roast also roasted Potatoes & boiled cabbage Wesley was home I rested a while & it was a very hot dusty & windy day not as bad as it has been Bert spent the day at Uncles & Eva also Will Ratcliff as usual Amy & George who were at Celia’s went over to Bridge St & spent the day & called at Charls & saw their baby Maurice90 & George went back to Gawler River 7/30 very tired am sore

90 Maurice. This is not a baby of Charl's. I am not sure about this - it could be Tom Easton's son Maurice, but they live in Murray Bridge?

Dec 8/ We had a cool change lovely cool breeze from the West, but round in the Sepr House it was something awful I did all morning duties & packed lunches & started washing I felt awfully done all day but persevered & finished at about 4 also scrubbing I washed our white Quilt Bedtop etc, then I tied down 5 gallons of Beer & had a cup of Tea & did any odd work Ma folded my legs very painful

Dec 9 / All is hurry Mornings Mother got up to make her butter at ¼ to six & came & called me I was fast asleep as I can’t sleep at night at times I worry over Amy so much I did ordinary housework & started to help with dinner Shepherds Pie & B & Butter pudding & then home came Charl & Percy & Uncle Charley came out so there was as usual a full table to serve I ironed after dinner & cut out & partly made a bomet for Mother also helped Ma milk Dad is always driving about after the men Bert harvesting oats Charl stripping at his home

Dec 10th I got up ¼ to five & expected to find bread ready for oven but is was not so I baked Rolls & did housework swept rooms & dusted after cooking bread after dinner two breakfasts all men home to dinner & Eva & Coral too corn beef carrots, turnips, potatoes. Eva cut & made my dress partly (Green Cambric) I got a letter from Amy saying she wanted several things so I spent a long time at doing up parcels & also her machine & sent in she is a little better this cool weather but sun is very hot even now

Dec 11 / Up at 4 o’clock & hurried to get Boys breakfast Ham & Eggs cut lunch & dinner for Wilfred who is carting Hay to Gawler Charl & Bert same work Dad went to Gawler I baked biscuits currant roll pudding Shepherd pie Am so tired Ma is resting I must go & sew now. Celia got a very bad head under Dr Henrys91 treatment. Mr James Bray92 had a stroke a fortnight ago & is seriously ill also Archie Shepherd93 was thrown from a horse & hurt himself very badly unconscious for over a week.

91 Dr A Henry C Dawes
92 James Bray
93 There are a few guys called Archie Shepherd born in South Australia. Not sure of the identity of this one.

For if God spares not the natural branches., take heed lest he spare not thee also Romans x 1.21

Dec 12 / Up at an early hour & got the usual meal & cut Wilfs dinner for Gawler & blackleaded stove & did all rooms as is our custom & in the afternoon Eva came down & Coral & did my green dress I helped her & then went for cows & Ma & I did the milking Dad was down with Bert so we have done the cows at night several times my limbs are very bad

Dec 13th Up very early Wilfred going to Brodie’s today with Hay at Willaston Percy arrived at 7 o’clock with Raspberries & as I had a good fire baking the bread I put them on at once & got jam done at 10 o’ck dished it up & then cooked dinner & did bedrooms & swept other rooms washed floors with milk & water as they are so dusty baked a Cake after dinner & finished scrubbing & other odd work Ma her usual cutlery & other wrk Dad to Gawler Ma & I milked & got tea & had a bathe & retired

Dec 14 / Up at 4 o’clock & got refreshment for boys & then lit copper & took down curtains from front rooms & all covers I had a lovely cool day south wind it was lovely Ma hurried & packed breakfast for Bert & Wilf who are carting for Bruce Mortimer94 up in farm (Tompsons)95 Clem drove down with it & did not go to school today Dad got ready for Gawler after dinner Ma had to lie down was very ill indeed & he could not go I finished washing & folding also came in washed up & did any odd work made bed Ma had to go to bed I was so done up but had to give boys their tea & clear away then retired my nerves are bad & limbs

94 Bruce William Mortimer, neighbour
95 Tompsons, neighbours

Dec 15 Four o’clock & got a cup of tea for boys & packed their breakfast & got meal for us at home cut Clems dinner & got him off to school then cut Wilfs dinner & lunch & I went up to the corner & waited till they came along with the load came back & made Shepherds pie & custard & stewed fruit did housework & in afternoon I ironed every thing & generally assisted Dad went to Gawler also Eva & Coral Percy is still with us he & Charl are hay carting home

Dec 16 / Wilf has finished for a time so did not rise till after five got breakfast over & morning duties done & then I set to & cleaned front rooms out thoroughly washed every thing cleaned windows hung curtains etc was so tired after we French96 & I went to Mrs Standleys school Concert at Buchsfelde. Little Ethel as a daisy in a recitation looked lovely in pure white white flowers & green creepers twining round her the concert was splendid supper handed round I called for Charl & Eva & drove back that way also Ada & all were there a crowd of people

96 Charles French Folland, Frances' second son.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, & for ever

Dec 17. Same hour Ma got up at five & made her butter up I got a cup of tea fried breakfast & then I gave the dairy a good clean out scrubbed shelves & safe came in & nearly went off in a nasty turn but I did some baking then made apricots pies, tart scones & a Cake dinner over general work & mixed bread at night made covers for lamps & filled & cleaned them

Dec 18. We have had very hot sun for several days but cool breeze same hour & work & baked bread well earlier than yesterday pies Apricot & apple Ma is stoning raisin have cleaned my room Ma the boys room & had to have a rest as my nerves are overstrung I also did the Xmas Cake. Thursday I scrubbed safe etc also

Dec 19th Friday but as I have been cleaning all the week I altered my work today & after all morning duties & I baked bread I have got mixed somehow as it was Friday I baked & have not reported correctly made apr pie & brewed sugar Beer had corned beef hots & vegetables for dinner Dad Clem & French went to Ragless96 for apricots Ma & I milked cows & bottled off Beer Percy Charlie Albert & Wilfred are Stacking Hay home & I had to go up with Tea to them

96 Ragless, fruiterers.

Dec 20th I hurried round as I had to make apricot Jam so after morning duties Percy drove out at 8 oclock with the welcome news that our Dear Amy had a Daughter born last night at 9 o’clock97 I was not well & K persevered & got all done very nicely I made jam & washed floors & cleaned all the ornaments washed all such a dreadful hot day the boys think it is one of the record days this Summer Dad went to Gawler I helped milk & bathed boys Clem & French or assisted them had a bath myself & washed out Berts Denams & several other things Dad late home very oppresive night.

97 This is my Nana! Olive Fanny Heath Hobart.

Dec 21st A very hot day the winds were like fire & I had to tie all beer bottles & roast Beef Ma & Dad did French Beans & Potatoes I made custard & stewed apricot for late dinner 1/30 cleared all away & at 4 o’clock I started to dress for a drive to Evanston to see Amy & baby Bert & I went after we had Tea which I got at five & help clear away I found them nearly fagged with heat it was awful & quite hot driving home at eleven I also had a talk George Jim Ada & family also.

Where is he that is born King of the Jews for we have seen his star in the East & are come to worship him

Dec 22. I got up & lit stove & got a cup of Tea & breakfast then prepared apricots for Jam It was a terrible hot close day or morning & I was unwell I did not know how to stand trembling & in such pain as well I managed to help all the morning & bottled off all Jam & then I felt like collapse so lied down while the rest had dinner & had a few minutes sleep got up & had my dinner & feeling much better & having to bake I started & made scones, Biscuits & sponge kept me busy all afternoon & then it was cooler as it it rained heavily from midday till 3 o’ck

Dec 23rd I felt awfully unfit to wash but I knew I must do my best & God gave me the strength to do it I got up very early & started at six to wash & finished all but Wilfreds two pairs of pants before dinner then did them scrubbed all & came in & helped Mother make the Xmas pudding & did all plain ironing I could hardly stand my legs were so bad & my nerves are so shaken & weak

Dec 24th Not quite as early & hurried as fast as my miserable self can go & lit stove & did all usual work & put out bread then baked it made apple pie & Tart Ma a Shepherds pie & I did usual house work after dinner Ma cleared away & I starched & ironed boys Fashion Shirts etc & gave both Clem & French a bathe & got them ready for Gawler also Dad Ma & I we also had a cup of tea before we went at five oclock I did a little shopping & felt so ill I was afraid I would fall however I walked to Celia’s it was cool & I felt a little better I spent 2 ½ hours with dear Amy & baby she is a darling child. We heard bad news Aunt Atyeo was in Dr Dawes Hospital98 so Ma & Dad went there also sad death of Mrs Tom Worden at the same Hospital99 on Monday last & Buried Yesterday Dec 24 Xmas Eve

98 Dr A Henry C Dawes. This is the newly opened Hutchinson Hospital.
99 Mary Ann Worden (nee Rowland) aged 49.

Dec 25 Christmas Day once more & memory flies bad to the happy old day & loved ones gone before who used to join us Bert is gone to St Kilda with the Punkes boys100 so only Wilfred & I are home to dinner of our own Clem & French & Ma & Dad. I rose at 5/15 & gave my stv a thorough Blackleading also my other Kitchen thing swept floors & got a cup of Tea & we had breakfast helped Ma stuff & roast a fowl & Dad prepared Veg Beans & Potato then feeling so ill had ½ hour rest. Ma resting now. Jim Ada & family came home to tea & evening a much cooler Xmas than usual Celia, Percy, & Marion stayed home all day George went to his mother to dinner & then to see his wife & little daughter (Olive Fanny Heath) I feel rather proud her being named after me. Mrs Bugg went home for a time today.

100 There are quite a few sons of Herman and Bertha Punke (nee Matz). Probably a couple of them.

For here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come Heb XIII

Dec 26. Friday but I had previously cleaned all things it was not so much cleaning today as it was general work but I have been very unwell my head is dreadful & so very giddy I swept & dusted all rooms & after dinner Mrs Masters101 came for the afternoon Dad went to Gawler & brought Lorna home & took her & Clem with me to Gawler River where I tidied the house then packed the bottles for to make jam & arrived home a little before nine oclock had tea & mixed bread & retired

101 Mrs Masters. Now we have all three members of the Masters family, but I don't know who they are yet.

Dec 27th Saturday & I had to bake bread & get breakfast & do my usual household duties I baked bread cake & sponge Jim came after dinner with apricots for jam so I set too & made it also cut off bottles I feel pretty crook but kept up & finished it & bathed Lorna & was in the Tub when Dad Frances & children drove home then I bathed French & got Tea it was late when I retired Frances’ baby is very unwell a nice day they had for travelling in the train

Dec 28th I did not get up till 8 oclock then swept both rooms & got breakfast over & got the beef & rounded it up & roasted it for dinner Ma prepared Cabbage & potatoes I made custard & stewed apricots Celia & Percy came home to dinner & stayed to Tea also Uncle & Olive Antwis102 & Albert for Tea & evening Ben103 drove Ollie home in the Sulky we talked & enjoyed each others society nice to see poor old Franc & children again it has been a hot windy day & I felt rather unwell

102 Olive Antwis, Eva's niece.
103 Not sure which Ben this is.  

Dec 29. A much hotter day a terrible day French & Clif104 went with the boys to Bragglesome all the afternoon & came home done up & Wilf very bad had to go to bed I cut off a lot of Bottles & soaked in clothes for washing dear little Gwenda is so ill

104 George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland, Frances' eldest son, aged 9.

Dec 30th I dressed at 5 & lit copper & stove took in tea Ma got cold breakfast. She & Lorna went to Mrs Ratcliffs last evening she is very unwell Frances hung out & assisted with washing Dad went to Gawler Wilf ill did not get up till late Eva came down riding on Silvia Gwenda is a lot better today but far from well I scrubbed all things requiring Frances & I folded & we also looked at new articles we had since she was down last time very nice cool air tonight Percy is out on the Farm with G.E.H. for a few days as the mill is closed for holidays

We spend our years as a tale that is told.

Dec 31st As we are not so busy I do not dress as early as usual 5/30 or 6 ock, get a cup of Tea & breakfast fried eggs & Bacon then housework & prepared Apricots for Jam which I made & it is very nice Dad drove to Mrs J. G Follands105 with Lorna Clif & French the boys stayed & Dad & Lorna had dinner & then came home Ma brewed Beer & bottled it I put it in the Cellar & Phyllis106 helped me I did all ironing Frances baked scones Sponge Sandwich dear little Gwenda is very ill again I packed all Amys Jam away tonight & must go & mix bread Percy called here tonight

105 Frances' mother-in-law, Jane Rowse Folland (nee Wright).
106 Phyllis May Folland, another daughter of Frances

New Years record 
January 1st 1914 Yes, the sad year of 1913. has passed yet one trembles to enter on the new Year for it only may be sadder we have still got each other a mercy indeed after the past that the tender thread remains unbroken & it is with all sincerity I pen the words, Thanks be to God for this unspeakable gift to us & though I fain would peep into the unknown future I feel one step enough for me
Frances & her 3 little girls are home here Clif & French at Mrs Follands. I hurried & got breakfast rolls for the children & a twist for Celia & Amy I baked bread & Madeira Cake did housework Frances did some babys washing & we got ready for Evanston Phyllis Gwen Frances & myself got there just as they were finishing dinner we had some & then chatted all the afternoon had tea & George & I put the ponies in the Trap & drove home nice cool drive & they were at Tea Charl Eva & Coral George McLeod107 were here also Coral gave me a Photo Frame & Mrs McLeod a tiny hairpin box

107 George Kimberly McLeod, Eva's brother.

Jan 2nd I got up & blackleaded stove Ma Churned I got breakfast & then did our room & Front rooms washed the floors & did general housework & Frances washed bays clothes etc & Ma roasted a Fowl & vegetables for Dinner Apple Pie. little Gwenda is much better but needs nursing she misses her Pram. The first death at the Hutchinson Hospital occurred on Wensday last Dec 31st

Every good gift & every perfect gift is from above, & cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neith shadow of turning. James 1

Jan 3rd \ So very unwell I lit fire & got a cup of tea & breakfast then I helped in various ways did my lamps & then had to lie down I did feel ill so very trembly & weak I then baked Dora biscuits & sponge had late dinner & I bathed Phyllis & got her ready for Gawler Frances got Lorna & herself I got baby partly ready Dad very unwell indeed but went to Gawler & French came home with him boys to City for evening I scrubbed safe form etc & helped milk & any remaining work felt awfully done

Jan 4 / not well so did not rise till 8 oclock then swept rooms & got cups of tea & breakfast Ma & Dad dairy work & at 12 ock left for Uncle Wills “Blocks” I washed all brkf dishes & Separator roasted leg Mutton had dinner boys had a bath I thoroughly swept boys room made beds & swept other rooms & did some writing a lovely cool west wind I milked all cows & Dad & Ma came home & Sepr. Boys went to Gawler & French gathered the eggs & fed animals

Jan 5 I got up before five & washed till near 6 then lit stove & Copper & had breakfast then persevered till 3 oclock I washed a lot of things for Frances & both sofa covers Dads & Wilfs Denams then I scrubbed & folded Eva (Heath) came down she washed for Mrs Ratcliff we had a cup of tea I felt thoroughly done as I am not well

Jan 6 I felt awfully stiff & so giddy but got up got breakfast & also did housework & baked scones Sponge roll Biscuits apple pie had dinner & a rest then ironed all clothes I got rather done but kept on Just the same it is very hot summer weather I have such a bad head ache little French is home with us & he had a Sleep I had to mix bread boys home late finished stacking Hay to day at Bragglesome

There is therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus

Jan 7. I had a wakeful time last night & did not wake till 5/30 dressed & found bread ready so lit stove & baked a plait of Bread for Eva & Coral then put other is tins & got breakfast over swept rooms washed floors with milk put up boughs made beds Ma brewed beer & bottled it off I put it in the cellar & we cleared dinner & I wrote to Sydney Dad mending form Ma sewing such a hot Dusty day fearful Stifling French gone with Bert & Wilf gone cultivating home

Jan 8 / Clif came home last night so I washed & mended both his & Frenches sox & then I went to bed I was not well this morning I fried breakfast & afterwards did all housework & wanted to go to Gawler River but I could not have the Sulky so I had to stay home Ive had a very bad week all plans have been frustrated nothing I expected has happened & I feel very sick at heart & not well my throat is very sore I lined both boys Straw Hats today Aunt H Paterson came up at 6 ock & remains the night

Jan 9 / I got dressed & blackleaded stove & got breakfast also fried second meal swept rooms & washed floors dusted all room cleaned 8 pair boots washed all Dinner Dishes & pots Dad went for Franc & Children at Bragglesome Auntie leaves here at 6 ock I wanted to go to Gawler River but parents once more Detained me so I set to & cleaned all boots 8 pairs ready for tomorrow I also did the evening work indoors & mixed bread.

Jan 10 / A very unexpecied change in usual plans as Dad & Ma consented to have the family Group Photo taken at Marchants in Gawler107 so I got breakfast over & baked bread then ironed Dads White Shirt & he & Ma started for Gawler at 11 o’clock Frances made beds & we tidied round & got ourselves ready & the boys came home had bath etc We had Dinner & Drove to Ada’s who was also ready. So Bert, Wilf, Franc, Ada myself & Phyllis Drove in met the others & went to the Photographers Dad & Ma also had theirs & 3 generations Atyeo’s & our darling little Olive was also taken Ma, France & Bert came home in Sulky & the spring broke & Bert had to walk more than half way Dad, Amy & Baby & myself Clif & French & Lorna came in Buggy had a long talk till 12 oclock & retired Eva Baker108 was in Gawler.

107 I have not seen this photo! I wonder if anyone has a copy. We have copies of the photos of darling little Olive. 
108 Mrs Charlie Baker (cousin Eva Susannah Tancock) 

Jan 11. Sunday but as we were away all day yesterday I dressed at six & got a cup of tea & breakfast Wilf went away somewhere & I started baking sponge roll. Dora Biscuits Cocoanut currant & Lemon Cake cleaned & filled lamps & did all cutlery also Amy bathed baby & swept rooms & Frances did odd work & made bed. Celia & Percy came out & Marion George to dinner Ada Jim & family Charl & Eva Coral for evening Amy had to go home to a house unprepared as I really found it impossible to get Mother to let me go I took little Olive & wept unrestrained they all went home & Lorna went with Amy too I took Gwenda for a stroll all on my own / so sad & dejected

Jan 12th A cool morning so I got up & lit copper & also stove got a cup of tea & breakfast then kept on at the Tubs after a while it blew terribly & clouds of dust continue all day Frances rinsed some & put them out but some I left till tomorrow Frances ironed several things I left off washing altogether till 3 or 4 ock then finished but felt done out so much to do I left copper I had to mix bread tonight & felt so very tired & weary as well.

Jan 13th Up & got breakfast & baked rolls & twist & bread also Dora Biscuits & Sponge roll Ma & Frances went to see Amy at 11’oclock I swept & tidied rooms made a Shepherds pie for Dad Clif & I & in the afternoon I ironed all clothes I felt so unwell I really did not know what to do with myself Ma & Franc & Phyllis late home

Jan 14 / I was so tired but got up at 20/5 & also Frances was up & I got breakfast fried & got the little girls hair done & all ready we we up very late last night strapping down her baskets packing etc Eva & Ada & little George came for the last evening home with Frances. After Bert took Frances & Family to the Station I lit copper & washed all sheets pillow cases & Dads best tweed trousers such a lot then I scrubbed form stool box etc had everything done nicely cleaned our room put clean sheets etc on washed floor & at five we had lunch & Dad saw Amy coming down line of fence I hurried to meet & took baby & she almost collapsed in my arms got her indoors & off she went & knew nothing more it is awful George came out & stayed the night poor old boy

Wilf went to Mallala tonight Ask for the old paths & walk there in Jer. VI .. 16

Jan 15 / Thursday as I had no sleep whatever to speak of I felt thoroughly done I called George at 5/15 & then rested a while he went home & did his home duties came back & brought clothes for me to wash so I set & did them but really could hardly do them I bathed baby at 9/30 & she had a drink & then she went to sleep & slept till I finished washing 1/30 had dinner I ironed had to rest a while Eva & Will came for evening George stayed the night & looked after Amy & baby it is windy & cool day

Jan 16 / I got up at 5/40 & George went home to work Amy a lit conscious for a while I bathed baby & cleaned front rooms & our room washed floors & put stretcher in the front room & Amy in there as it was hot out there cooler now Ma cooked dinner I felt so ill had to rest half an hour am not strong

Jan 17 Saturday I baked 8 loaves of lovely bread Ma & I did usual morning duties I cleaned lamps & scrubbed safe etc Amy was conscious much sooner & also washed & dressed baby I baked a cake Ma did cutlery Hugh Ratcliff went to Gawler & came home the worse for drink he came over here the boys went in for evening & he wanted to go but they drove on & he went a capsize on the road Amy kept up very well all day but she went off at evening & we put her to bed

Jan 18 / Sunday I got a cup of Tea & breakfast then bathed baby did housework & baked apple pies Celia & Percy came out to dinner also George I got Amy up & dressed but she has been very ill all day indeed & Bert went for Dr Tobin109 he came out in his Motor Car they went home GE Also Celia remained all night to help me I slept with Amy & baby but did not sleep much

109 Doctor Tobin  

Jan 19 / My birthday I got fire & cup of Tea bathed baby & Celia & I washed we did not hurry & finished at 3 oclock & folded Mr Ratcliff spent a hour or so with us Mrs Ratcliff is ill in at Anns110 in Gawler Percy came out at night for Celia & Marion I made the wash light only Wilfs moles as I washed all of Dads last week cool Amy a little better

110 Ann Wilson (nee Ratcliff), Mrs Ratcliff's eldest daughter.

They which receive abundance of Grace & of the gift of rightousness shall reign in life by … Jesus Christ Rom V 17

Jan 20 / I did all morning duties & had a wee rest baked an apple pie & in the afternoon Amy ironed some & I ironed the rest & I also took Dear baby for a walk Bert went to Gawler Amy only middling George came out at night & she could not talk to him I felt very unwell indeed

Jan 21 / My bread was all over the pan so I hurried & made fire & got stove ready & baked two lots swept dining room Amy so ill she bathed baby Charlie came down chaff cutting & I must go & sew now Amy is mending I cut out two little pale Blue dresses for Olive & run up skirts but on account of Amys ill health I could not do much

Jan 22. I do not rise very early now as I have so much broken rest about ¼ to six I get Amy a cup of Tea also parents then Ma is generally up she churned Butter this morning I cannot seem to do much sewing & my head is dreadful Baby not well I wrote to Frances Amy had a giddy feeling & fell heavily on the floor I do wish she would not worry as it makes her ill

Jan 23rd / I did morning duties got up early & blackleaded stove etc then cleaned front rooms & Amy helped me dust I washed floors yesterday I had a washing day did Georges washing & our own ironed & Amy mended Eva & Uncle spent evening here George came this evening & we had a talk he took Amy out for a walk I helped make Shepherd pie & an apple pie & tart for tea the weather is hotter now in daytime Olive rather wakeful

Jan 24th Amy got up at six with me I put out bread & made yeast Cake lit stove baked same & sponge Amy did all dining room work washed pictures & then scrubbed safe & she washed floors with water & broom then had a turn & fell again & was off for hours I cleaned knives forks & lamps & then I looked after baby Celia & Percy & Olive came & camped for night on their way to Pt Gawler beach I felt regular done up & rested at nine oclock been a dreadful hot dusty day thundering

For your Father knoweth what things you need

Jan 25 / Celia & Percy got up at four & had breakfast & then went to the beach Eva & Will met them at five here & Jim Ada & family Charl & Eva went last night they intend staying for the holiday tomorrow alls well Ern Punke spent today with Bert & Wilf & Charl & Eva came home from the beach teatime as it came up a terrible thunder storm dinner time & rained quite heavily they said at Pt Gawler Charl & Coral got such bad eyes also Ada & Wesley had yesterday It was far too rough to go to Gawler River or for G.E.H. to come home

Jan 26th I felt awfully tired as I did not rest very well but dressed in good time & at 6/30 Amy was also dressed I lit stove & copper & started washing but felt really unfit however God gave me the needed strength & with Amys help which I very much valued I finished at 3’ock & we folded clothes & ironed a lot Celia & Percy & Marion came home at five from Pt Gawler beach & had tea then went home George just came so I must go & clear table as I feel tired Amy very unwell again cool day

Jan 27th dressed & got breakfast & we each did a portion of housework I ironed all by eleven oclock Amy bathed baby & we had dinner & did all usual work at 3 oclock we got ready for Gawler River Dad drove us down we found everything in sad disorder with dust & long standing with out a thorough clean Amy did her bedroom I tidied round out her & the fruiter came so we got cold vegetables for tea baby good

Jan 28 / George lit fire & I got breakfast Amy cut Georges dinner I made peach Jam swept the walls & Amy churned butter & we dusted all shelves & cupboards & I beat mats & we got all done had potatoes& onions for dinner Mrs Roediger111 came over for a while & Ina Dawkins112 we had tea & George went to Gawler at 7 o’ck I was tired so both of us went to bed after a hard days work lovely day Len Pederick & Dossie Paterson were Married today at Stone Hill Church113 the Bride was dressed beautifully

111 Emma Sophia Roediger (nee Dennis).
112 Ina Maria Dawkins.
113 Leonard James Pederick and Dorothy Patterson.  

Jan 29 I made fire & got a cup of Tea then fried Eggs for Georges breakfast. I tried to churn Butter but could not get it to break so I started washing & then I left off & salted meat & between us we roasted leg of mutton & potatoes cabbage I did not finish washing till 5 oclock scrubbing & all included as I did extra & a blanket top a lovely day Amy not atall well went off for 2 ½ hours her head is so bad must retire I folded all had a very dirty wash today

Jan 30 I got the fire & a cup of tea for Amy we intended cleaning the bedroom but first of all I had to unseal & boil all apricot jam, had to wash & dry all bottles this took me a long time then Amy & I thoroughly cleaned bedroom & she sealed down Jam Mrs P. Rudd114 came for a while in afternoon & had a cup of tea Amy very bad her head

114 Mrs P Rudd. Don't know who this is.

Jan 31. Same duties & also milk the cow & take her up to the paddock sometimes George takes her we intended going to Gawler so I cleaned lamp & cutlery Amy boots then in afternoon we both had a bath & there is always babys washing to do & Amy did mending we drove to Gawler at 6/30 and baby cried terribly we did a little shopping & went to Bridge Street to supper & got home at 12 oclock very tired

Feb 1st Sunday & as it was so late when we got home & we were tired so I did not wake till 8/20 dressed & got us each a cup of Tea then breakfast George milked I cooked corned mutton potatoes & Marrow & was taken so ill with Colic had to lie down I felt terribly ill they had dinner & I had a sleep we drove home at six & Ada & family Charl & Eva Uncle Charlie were there for evening late home again

Feb 2nd Amy so ill so it was nine 30 before she came round ready to dress then it was ten before I could start washing so I hurried & got all whites done by dinner, but I was so terribly shaky myself my nerves were unstrung I had to rest after the meal was over with baby then I finished washing & scrubbing & the Perambulator as well we went for the cow took baby Amy got tea & I milked & George caught his chicks & started the Pram cover very hot weather now

Feb 3rd I got up at 5/30 also George got Amy a cup of Tea & I milked & fried breakfast & swept & tidied then ironed till dinner time Amy cooked veg and is mending now we cleared dinner & I must go & iron again I kept on in spite of the heat & it was hot so cramped for room we got all ready done up to go home tomorrow to wash for Mother. So hot at night now

Feb 4th A terrible windy dusty & very hot morning & the heat increased as the day wore on to dreadful heat so trying for baby & Amy we cooked dinner & tried to sew but could not get the belt to go properly & the needle also broke so I could not as half I wished to do Amy is on with a pale blue dress & I a bonnet for baby but too hot to sew

Feb 5/ I awoke in good time & dress milked & got things to do. But the Day though hot then was a nice breeze we got home at 10 o’clock & I immediately set to work & got all things ready Amy helped me & we had a very big [????] Denhams for Bert Moles for Wilf & both sofa covers Dads waistcoat besides all ordinary & bed linen finished at 3’ scrubbed all blocks & everything requiring same & then we had cup of Tea got home sundown George was milking very tired I was

Feb 6/ A fearful dusty day could not see across paddocks continue all day with a slight breeze from west 2 or 3 times but the heat was intense & baby nearly done out with it we finished her dress & bonnet & ironed some clothes washed bonnet & starched & ironed & dresses got all ready for Town tomorrow & a cool change came lovely sea breeze quite cold we all bathed & retired very tired indeed but glad of the cool change to rest.

Feb 7th I awoke at 5/30 & dresses & called George & Amy we had to have a hurried breakfast & dress & got in good time for the 9/10 train I went to Celia’s & got a bib for baby & her ring for Amy as she left hers home at Charltonville on Thursday we only did a little shopping & went to Dr & G. & A. & baby went to Mile End I went to Prospect to see Nellie & had a nice chat & some Grapes & we came to Gawler by to 5/10 train went to Celia’s to Tea & called at Ada’s & then home by a little after 11 o’clock very tired too

Feb 8 such a sight of dust I dressed at 5/30 & got 3 lots of butter took them in a cup of Tea & had a cup myself got breakfast & we each set to & cleaned the house up I washed floors & such a lot of greasy dishes on account of the butter but we got tidied by Dinner had cold lunch & then cleared away had a rest & I did writing George reading. Amy resting baby so good slept 4 hours a lovely day & cool breeze hot sun.

Feb 9th Amy not able to get up early so I got breakfast cut lunch & milked & skimmed then got ready for washing & Amy got up her head was very painful so she did all housework & bathed & cared for baby folded clothes nice Day

Feb 10 / Same work & salted meat & got dinner over we shifted things around & that took time Amy did the ironing & I scrubbed the milk safe & all other necessary work we were both busy all day cleaned out cupboards & shifted boxes & did mending & so tired tonight & got to walk for cow & milk & get Tea George is breaking in a pony evening

Feb 11/ We all got up a little after five & I got breakfast & milked etc then I tidied round made bed & Amy bathed baby & we started for Charltonville found the boys loading Hay & Wilf went to Gawler we did all washing & part of ironing fashion Shirts etc very tired at bedtime & Amy caught a fowl Ma picked & dressed & roasted it for evening dinner we enjoyed it very much

Feb 12 / Amy & I remained home last night & Bert called me at four o’clock to get breakfast for him & Wilf so I got it & rested for a while with Amy afterwards then dressed & finished ironing & we helped & then got ready for Gawler where we did a lot of shopping & got very fagged after it & called at Mrs Hobarts & had a cup of Tea then at Ada‘s & home to Charltonville changed Horses & trap & came home here I bathed baby & we had Tea & very knocked out retired to rest after a heavy day

Feb 13 / I just felt as if I could not get up also Amy poor girl but as we had plenty to do I got cow milked & I cooked dinner & baked pie tart Dora Bisc & cake Amy scrubbed safe & swept & dusted all cupboards & did all cleaning in the afternoon I reckoned all up & got the account made for Mother both of us felt so awfully knocked out did not know what to do I never felt more tired & pain in both of our limbs & headache Maggie Hill115  died at Lower Light a week ago today Feb 6 it was fits she had.

115 Margaret (Maggie) Hill (aged 36), Kit's sister. 

Feb 14 / We got a good start Amy got table set while I milked & took Maisie up in paddock at six o’clock George away all day loading Hay & Amy packed his dinner & lunches & I did washing & ironing & Amy made a nightdress for baby & lined a shirt for George & we tried on blouses very hot indeed & such a bother with butter & cream I took baby for cow & we partly made pillow for her pram

Feb 15 / George went to Gawler last night by himself we stayed home & this morning we all got up early. Amy churned butter & we did our usual work & stewed pears & custard & also did our housework George went home to Charltonville & we had dinner & rested & chatted Amys head bad we did not go out

Feb 16 / We got up & I hurried & milked cow got breakfast & then washed & finished by dinner time as I worked hard at it Amy prepared dinner & in the afternoon we ironed between us & Amy mended a nice day for washing but sun hot.

Feb 17th Very hot indeed & we had intended going home but it was not convenient as Amy wanted to go to Gawler with Dad & he does not go till tomorrow so we did sewing & housework made baby a bed & pillow today Amy mending it has been intensely hot poor little Olive feels it too I usually take her for the cow at night a long way

Feb 18/ A very hot day indeed the wind like fire from a furness. We hurried & did our work & drove home & I at once got washing ready it was simply awful hot winds & Dad & Amy went to Gawler leaving Olive home with me & Mother I had my tubs in the dining room & the tin on the stove I did not finish till 4 oclock the scrubbed form boxes etc we drove home very hot the sun like a ball of fire when it set. the boys at home are busy contracting Wilf cultivating Dads arm very stiff we had a hot close Drive home. Cousin Lillias Porter has another daughter that is four girls116 Mrs Spencer Day has a daughter117 Thomas Window died of Fever (Typhoid) in Adelaide Hospital today leaving a widow & five children118

116 Cousin Lillias Porter (nee Paterson)'s fourth daughter is Madge Mercia Porter.
117 Mary Jane Day (nee Richardson)'s daughter is Mavis Mary Day.
118 Thomas Henry Window, aged 38. His widow is Edith Eleanor Window (nee Turner). Their children are Norman William (aged 9), Mildred May (aged 7), Laurence Allan (aged 6), Averial Jean (aged 3) and Ronald Gordon (aged <1 month).

Feb 19th Another very hot day & our work same as usual. At about 3/30 the wind changed & a cool breeze blew up which developed in a thorough change which is most refreshing after the heat Mr Dawkins killed sheep tonight & we get our meat fresh I altered Amys white blouse we let baby rest in her singlet.

Feb 20 / A lovely cool morning & we have such a bother with our Butter through the heat did ordinary work got breakfast & went up in the paddock & milked the cow I also did the washing & Amy & I work together she has a lot of mending to do. George generally goes for a ride on Jack Burfords119 Pony he is breaking it in for him I feel tired

119 Jack Burford.

Feb 21 / Same morning work & then Amy did baking scones: Dora Biscuits Cakes & a lovely meat pie I had to get up at four 30 & get George his breakfast & milk etc lovely early in the morn we waited dinner for George till 1/30 as they were loading Hay in the Scrub & he had to help the other load theirs & did not get home till 2 o’clock. Then he put new sides in his dray he has been busy at night for several nights getting them made none of us went to Gawler today & between us we finished all our work Baby is such a darling.

Feb 22 / Sunday I awoke early & at 5/30 went out & churned Butter as it would not come before then I had a rest & got breakfast & at 10 o’clock got ready for Gawler River Harvest Thanks got a ride with Mr S. L. Dawkins & family & home from Church with Mrs A. J. Bray120 Amy & George stayed home & she had dinner ready which we partook of & drove to Kangaroo Flat (via Charltonville) had baby baptised by Mr Piper121 Home to Mothers to tea & evening had a chat & left home at nine 30. I felt rather unwell

120 Mrs A.J.Bray is Annie Elizabeth Bray (nee Dawkins).
121 Probably Rev T Piper.

Feb 23 / A beautiful morning I hurried & got the washing ready & got most done by dinner Amy cooked dinner & Baby takes up our time I ironed some of the Clothes Amy has mending to do the weather is very enjoyable after the heat & the clothes are harder to wash & take longer Amy got George a new pair of working boots last Wensday new blue shirts moles & Denams Celia & Percy are staying on at Evanston I think they intended leaving & living at Gawler River

So teach us to number our days that we may see how frail we are

Feb 24th Same duties & then I cut out & partly made Amy a blouse George came over with the meat & I salted the Loin Mutton Amy did not cook dinner as George was not home & we had a leg of Mutton Cabbage potatoes for late tea George at his Dray. Olive so good at night fretful afternoons

Feb 25 / We were tired & did not wake very early got dressed & lit fire & went & milked the Cow & came in & made bed & washed up & Amy & I went home to Charltonville to wash Amy had to help Dad & did not join me till after 11o’ck I had such a dirty lot of clothes after the heat & dust every where I did not finish till after four scrubbed up & ironed Fashion Shirts for Ma Ma & Amy drove home I bathed Olive & got her to bed had tea I have Rhumatics very bad my Knee & wrist & I felt awfully done up but got to persevere

Feb 26. Although I felt so tired Amy & I had decided to go to Gawler so did our work & got ready at 11o’ck went to Mrs Hobarts & had dinner then had an afternoons Shopping left Olive at her Grandma’s for 2 hours then I walked down & got her. Mary had all her teeth out today at Smiths suffered very much Ada & Eva went with her. we called at Ada’s & then drove home George had cow milked I bathed baby & got her to bed

Feb 27 / Amy milked as my Rhumatics are bad so I got breakfast & then we did housework & I did a bit of washing & a terrible thunderstorm came up at 12 George got drenched to the skin the Hailstones were as large as small almonds & the Lightning very vivid it rain for a while & at Gawler they had 2 inches after dinner I washed up & did some washing & Mrs Howard122 & Will Dawkins & children came over for a while I did ironing & mended sox so lovely & fresh & yesterday quite hot & hot winds the weather is so changable.

Behold I am with you always even unto the end of the world.

122 Mrs Howard, wife of Mr Howard!

Feb 28 / I felt so tired & was asleep when George called me at six, so I dressed & got breakfast Amy churned Butter. Afterwards I gave the bedroom a good clean & Amy did the cooking baked sponge roll raisin Cake & Madiera, Dora Biscuits Apple pies Tarts etc I cooked corn Mutton potatoes Marrow. George & Amy went to Gawler at five & I stayed home & hurried & washed up cleaned Cutlery & dining room & went up & milked did all Babys washing & had a bath they did not get home till 10 o’ck I felt nervous by myself

March 1st / We were up in good time as it was George Sunday to work. He went over to Mr Dawkins & I got the breakfast milked etc Amy helping then she did her bedrooms I the dining room & roasted shoulder mutton potatoes & T bone apple pie cold) Charl & Eva & Coral Drove down at 11/30 stayed till nine had a long chat & look at different new articles did not go to Church as I had Rhumatics so bad could not walk

March 2nd I intended going to the wash tub so both of us got up early & did our work & I did washing Amy cooking & I also scrubbed the Cupboard & folded clothes was very busy & so stiff with Rhumatics in my Knee baby was so restless I walked a long way looking for my cow.

March 3rd both up in good time & same morning duties I was so unwell I had to rest. Amy roasted Shoulder Mutton veg & Pastry. after dinner was cleared Ma & Celia came I did ironing & baby washing Amy shewing her purchases to them & she got afternoon Tea Ma told us of the awful storm on Feb 27 at “Charltonville” they never witnessed anything like it in the 40 years resident in the district the water lay like a vast Sea all round the Flat & the Dams were all over flowed it simply poured for an hour & half & hail lay like snow it was mild here at Gawler River

March 4th Same hour 5/30 I milked & we had meal I finished ironing & finished Amys crème blouse Amy made a Sea pie & Veg for Dinner & I did the usual washing etc Amy took baby in the Pram to see Charl & Wilf who are carting stone down on the Boundry line they got stuck for hours yesterday & it hindered them so. Mrs Frank Bray of Gawler River has a son born Sunday Feb 22nd 1914123

123 Graham Robert Bray, son of Frank Harold Bray and Janie Morrow (Mrs Frank Bray).

The eternal God is thy refuge & underneath are the everlasting arms

Mar 5. It was a nasty morning hot winds & dusty we intended going to Gawler but the day was so bad till late we decided to wait did usual work & I set to & made a Tick for the stretcher & altered the pinafore of Olive’s & did the usual washing Amy cooked dinner George is now cultivating as he started work for Mr Howard Dawkins this week & that makes a difference to the work. He brings the cow home nights looks like a change

Mar 6. We hurried round & did necessary work & left things ready for George to have his dinner we left here at eleven & got in Gawler at 12 had dinner at Mrs Hobarts & then did our shopping & it looked very much like a thunderstorm we hurried home & called at Ada’s Albert came home with us for a while it came a cool change but not a thorough one but beautiful while it lasted a sea breeze so refreshing after heat

Mar 7th Saturday & work everywhere being out yesterday our morning duties over I washed up & did a lot of washing Amy thoroughly cleaned both front rooms I scrubbed safe & dinner over I cleaned oven & made fire clean lamp Amy baked scones, pies, cakes we were very busy indeed & I was so unwell felt so faint Amy has a bad side

Mar 8. Sunday I got up & Dressed at 5/30 lit fire milked we had breakfast & then we. Or Amy did her room I cooked loin Mutton potatoes Cabbage Jim Ada & children came out Wes & Clem stayed home we had dinner & then we had a long talk & look at new articles Ethel & I went for a walk I took Olive & then we got tea & they went home Amy so done up she had to go to bed so we all retired early none of us went to Chapel Amys side was bad

Mar 9. Up in good time & I milked & lit fire & between us we did morning work & then left with Jess in the dray for Charltonville I did not get a start till after ten & finished about 3/30 & then scrubbed all stools form etc Amy hemmed lunch cloths & washed front room floor for mother & assisted me with colored clothes &hung out for me we drove home & George took dray to Morris’ at Angle Vale a cool breeze & lightning & very muggy

Who crowneth our days with loving kindness & tender mercies

[transcribers note: these two pages between Jan 11 to March 9]

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

March 10th I ommited to fill in these two pages so read on next leaf for rotation report & then turn to March 9th over in the diary Tuesday but as we were home busy yesterday I decided not to wash & tried to get some butter but no use so after Amy & I had finished our work I picked over flocks & made a new bed for the stretcher it was a dreadful hot day & in the evening I went off in a faint George carried me out of doors & put stretcher out he & Amy slept till 10 oclock outside my head was bad

March 11, Although I felt rather shaky I decided to wash & also salted meat Amy cooked dinner I did not finish till late it was a thundery overcast day the dust blew in clouds dinner time the Buschfelde S school & Stone Hill S S. went to St Kilda Beach Picnic today an unpleasant day they have had

Mar 12th We had just started work & George had gone to his work when Mr Hobart Senr drove out with the sad news of Mr & Mrs Charlie Hobarts baby death124 yesterday at 5/30 p.m. of Colic & Convulsions buried today at 3’o’clock A my & I stayed home George went in Stan Wordens125 Sulky it rained heavily from 11 o’clock till about 6 or 7 at night all the rugs & overcoat etc were wet

124 Mr Dale William Hobart, is George's father. George's brother, Charles Elliot Hobart, and his wife Nellie Magdalene Roche lost their son Morris James Vincent Hobart, at 4 months old.
125 Howard Stanley Worden.

March 13 / I churned Butter & we each help in all work I altered babys Silk Dress. Amy mending I boiled the clothes today & washed all that was dirty also ironed some of the clothes Amy brushed best clothes & pressed Georges Suit so lovely & cool & fresh Amy & I are always busy & can’t seem to get all done then. I cleaned lamps etc

March 14th Saturday & Amy & I intended going to Gawler so Amy set to & did all baking I did housework were just ready at 2 o’clock & the mare broke her winkers so Amy mended them we did shopping & then Eva & Amy & I had a look & saw Dad & we hurried home but it was eight o’clock & George was very cross & worried but we did our best took in fowls also

March 15 / It was Gawler River Anniversary so we got up & I churned Butter Amy set table I milked & afterwards George & Amy & Olive went to Church I washed up made beds swept & dusted rooms & put all tidy then they came home & we drove to Charltonville to dinner & home to tea & church at night so had a busy day & Sunday well spent I was not well

March 16th / Up & hurried round I milked cow & made beds Amy got breakfast & bathed Olive & put Jess in dray & we drove to Charltonville & did a big wash & I scrubbed up Amy baked Dora’s Biscuits & we got home at seven o’clock very tired I felt awfully unwell all day I skimmed milked & we had tea & retired at nine

March 17th St Patricks Day I dressed & lit fire milked & Amy set table then she did her room I dining room & we between us prepared a fowl Amy picked & dressed it & I made seasoning & got wood for fire we had dinner & then Amy being very unwell rested for an hour & half & I wrote in diary lovely cool weather & Bert goes into Camp at Kapunda126 today I hope he will be spared to return again safely, Len Gorman127 was in the late train last saturday & it collided with another several persons hurt & he got a shock & hurt his knee.

126 Some information on the military camp at Kapunda.
127 Some information on the train accident.

The love of Christ which passeth Knowledge Ep 111 v 6

March 18 / I felt better & hurried & got breakfast & then started to wash Amy so very unwell poor girl she had to go back to bed & I cooked the fowl & Vegets & finished washing at 1/30 then George came home to Dinner & I cleaned the Kitchen & ironed Amy had to go to bed she got up to dinner & tried to help but had to give in & I undressed Olive & put her to bed we had our tea George washed up & I made groats for Amy

March 19 / Amy very bad so I would not let her dress I hurried & got Georges breakfast & Amy some Toast & Tea milked & then cleared table cut Georges Dinner & bathed baby & then I baked scones Biscuits & Apple pies leg mutton also made broth & boiled milk for Amy cooked hot supper Amy got up for an hour but so ill she has to lie down it is a rainy cool day & George is away loading Hay Olive is asleep now

March 20th /Amy very ill indeed so George stayed home all Day I did all usual duties & bathed dear little Olive &took her for a walk up to see Charl & Wilf who were passing with stone on Gawler River Road then I got a cup of Tea & both boys came in to see Amy & we helped Amy dress for a few hours but she could not keep up her head was so bad we retired early

March 21st I got up early & got breakfast milked & skimmed & it being Saturday I scrubbed Safe & milk Safe made a shepherd pie & early I bathed Baby & washed her clothes Amy was conscious & she dressed & dusted cupboards mantel piece etc made her bed George came in for lunch & then went chaffcutting till 3 o’clock & dressed & went to Gawler leaving me with Amy & Olive her head was very bad, she mended Georges pants & looked after Olive while I ironed the clothes I had left from Wensday I felt awfully unwell myself but for Dear Amys sake kept up & did all I could G got home at 8 o’ock

March 22nd Sunday I dressed at 7 oclock & got breakfast bathed Baby Amy dressed & milked cow although so ill I skimmed & we had breakfast & I shall never forget it Amy so ill & collapsed & was only Semiconscious all day we drove home after dinner Charl & Eva & Coral came for evening I assisted a little & looked after Olive I felt very upset & ill

March 23rd Although I was feeling far from well I set too & washed Amy was able to be about I bathed little Olive & did my best at the Tubs but could not half work Cousin Eva came for afternoon & I kept at washing till near five then cleared away had a Cup of Tea & I always look after baby I cannot rest well as Amy is so unwell

March 24 / Amy no better I just help Mother when I can & look after baby I bathed her & did her washing & Ironed all clothes. Wilf went to a Veterinary meeting yesterday horses killed & an exhibition of treatment shown on them by a Vet. Sergeon the boys are working the land at Bragglesome ready for Seeding Clem went to school from hear today

March 25. George came home last night but Amy was too ill to talk much I roasted a Shoulder of Mutton for him to take home I just pottered round all day & looked after Amy & Olive & had a bit of mending at 5 o’clock I with Clem drove to Gawler & got some clothes for baby & me saw George then drove home had tea & went to bed

March 26th Amy very much worse indeed so ill that we will never forget it I helped Mother all I could but was so far rom well myself that I could hardly stand with Colic at five I drove in the Sulky for George. He came home with me & remained all night we all felt done up & I had Dear little Olive to look after feed & put to bed she is a Darling Amy bathed baby a.m.

March 27. I dressed early & made fire & got Amys breakfast & helped her wash & dress for their Journey to Adelaide Amy George Dad & Celia I kept little Olive home with Mother & I & bathed her fed her on Biscuits & milk. She did cry & sob but would smile between the dear They got home about 8 o’clock I was Just undressing Olive so her mother was glad to give her a drink after so many hours over 12 hours without her mother

March 28 / Poor Amy seems tired & worn out after her long Journey yesterday but has helped me she scrubbed safe dusted dining room & cleaned pictures I cleaned window & stove & swept kitchen Mother made Cake & did cutlery also got dinner Wilfred working in Uncle Wills flat Bert very bad with bowel complaint since he came from Camp but better now. The horse kicked Corals pup (Paddy) & killed it & she cried bitterly poor little girl she used to love him & play with him

March 29th Sunday I hurried & lit fire & got cup of Tea for us all & bathed baby & did her clothes out made beds Amy assisted with washing up I tried to feed baby by bottle but could not get it a success Mother roasted shoulder Mutton Cab & pots Apple Pie I did other necessary work it is warm today George called on his way to Gawler today. Wilfred & Amy are gone for a drive. All the members of out family were home on Thurs Day night

March 30 / I decided to wash so Amy bathed Baby I lit fire & got Tea for parents then the copper started had breakfast & Celia came home rode with Eva as far as Ratcliffs she walked I kept on myself until after lunch the she helped me till 4 o’k & scrubbed up while I cleaned copper & benches etc. Mrs McLeod & Eva Coral spent the afternoon here so we had a cup of Tea & then I always help with baby Eva came for Celia & men chaffcutting today Amy far from well yet

March 31st I felt so done up so I rested till near seven then set Breakfast & fried eggs for boys We expected Auntie & Uncle from the Blocks so I Cleaned dining room & lamp made beds Mother picked & dressed & roasted Fowl Marrow potatoes Apples pies & The arrived just at 12 o’clock & Auntie carried the Fowl then cleared away & Amy helped me iron all clothes they left for home at four o’clock after afternoon Tea George is here tonight Olive not well nor am I myself It was a nice breezy day. sunny

April 1st I still rest mornings as I am not strong & Mother always cuts boys dinner or Berts Wilf is working land home Amy still very worried & ill I did morning duties & then I baked Biscuits & Amy & I got ready with Olive Dad drove us to Celia’s she was just finishing the washing we had dinner & a look round the house as she has shifted in Greaves house a fortnight ago I made her bed & washed up Amy had a cup of cocoa & we with Dad drove home at five it rained a nice heavy shower

April 2nd Dad lit stove & I got breakfast & then I set too & thoroughly cleaned all bedrooms & front room Dusted walls washed floors cleaned pictures windows etc Dad went to Gawler & Amy I Olive stayed with Ada I mended & so did Mother cold & showery Dad & Ma milked I got Tea Amy bathed & put Olive to bed. Mrs John Aunger has a daughter born on Monday last March 31st weighs 13 lbs at birth128

128 Blanche Olive Marjorie Aunger, daughter of Louisa O'Hara (Mrs John William Aunger)

April 3rd The same round of duties each Day & Amy no better but she always baths baby & does her washing dear little Olive is growing & is such a Darling I swept our room & dining room & dusted it Dad & Amy went for a drive two days running so she stayed home today Dad went down with chaff to “Bragglesome” & I thoroughly cleaned stove Amy helped Ma wash up etc fine weather

April 4th/ usual work then I help milk & bake Dora Bis & Cake & pie cleaned lamps & thoroughly cleaned dining room fireplace & put new Greenery in & I drove to G. River alone & got my things came home at 8 ock very much hurt & upset It is a very dreary time of suspense

Cast thy burden upon the Lord & he will sustain thee

April 5 / got breakfast & shook up beds swept & dusted the dining room then I went with Amy & Dad to Gawler River & got Amys & babys clothes as she stay with us till stronger I pray she will soon be herself again Dad & came home to dinner George drove Amy home later on Stan Preiss129 is with the boys Celia & Percy & Marion also Charl Eva & Coral came for evening they were singing & Amy playing the Piano but still ill

129 August William Stanley Preiss, a neighbour.

April 6 / I decided not to wash as my shoulder was so awful & it was a windy morning & rainy so I sorted all the drawers in my chest & put away Amys clothes & Babys Aunt Harriet brought George Hand130 Up for a holiday I sorted & soaked in clothes ready for washing tomorrow Amy sewing though ill I feel very unwell myself but got to persevere but mother takes all leading work cooking housekeeping etc I do not bake now & it is easier

130 George Hand, son of Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath), sister of Ma.

April 7th I got up at 5 oclock & got breakfast for Wilf & I & a cup of Tea for parents then I started my copper & kept on at Tubs Amy helped me very much this week or I could not have finished it I get so trembling & done Auntie went home at 4/30 I folded clothes & we had Tea & George came home he is boarding at Howards for a time weather dry but lovely for washing I washed all bedroom finery & white Quilt

April 8. Same hour & fried sausages for our meal & put up lunch for Wilf Bert is at Charlie’s this week. then I fried sausages for all the others & then made beds & did all housework & ironed Amy helped me Cousin Eva came till 3 oclock then George Hand drove her to Ratcliffs & we finished the ironing Fashion Shirt Colars etc Amy made baby a everyday bonnet she is such a darling Amy just same.

April 9. Same hour & work then prepared boil Quinces for Jam which I am making Amy is at sewing Wilfred has been in to Gawler for Supper today Bert & Dad at the other place this morning but home now Mr Mrs Brodie just come I must go now Eva (Cousin) & Ethel go to Prospect for Easter holidays on Saturday for a week For the former things have passed away behold all things are made new

April 10 / Good Friday but as I am not baking at present I did not have any hot cross buns this year so did ordinary work & helped Mother cook dinner as is our custom we had roast fowl. In the afternoon I drove George Hand to Willaston & I stayed for a time with Ada & did Ethels Dress sewed on the spring Fasteners Cousin Eva was making a Colar for her George came home last night & remained & took Amy & little Olive into his Mothers for the day Celia & Percy & Marion came home in the evening to Tea nice day

April 11 / I got up & lit fire & did usual duties then baked Biscuits Cake Scones. Cleaned lamps & stove & did other work in the afternoon Dad went to Gawler & Mother cleaned cutlery & tidied front rooms Amy did dining room we had just finished then Dad came home & Mr Andrew131 an old Friend of theirs with him for Easter we had Tea & I was very unwell & retired early to rest also Amy with me

131 Mr Joseph Andrew.

April 12th I did not get up till near eight & then I made fire & porrige for breakfast did housework & took Olive for a stroll Dinner over Wilf went to Priess for the Day In the afternoon Dad took us Amy baby & I & Mr Joe Andrew for a long drive out where they used to live & round Uncle Wills old place back to Tea George came home & they had a sing Amy though very unwell played Piano for them My heart was too sad to sing I got Amys supper for her

April 13th As it was Easter Monday I did not wash just did all usual work & then made & changed beds to get clothes ready for washing tomorrow. In the afternoon Dad Ma took Joe up to Mrs Parker & from there to Gawler & he went back to Brighton where he works & board’s I stayed home & mended skirt soaked in clothes & milked all five cows Amy gathered eggs fed poultry & did Separating they came home we had Tea. The boys have been seeding in Top paddock got in 20 acres Clem is home for Easter holidays Ethel & Cousin Eva in Adelaide Harold McLeod & lady132 were up to Charls for Easter holidays

132 Harold Webber McLeod, another of Eva's brothers. The lady is likely to be Ruby May Salter, who will marry Harold in June of this year.

A friend loveth at all times & a brother is born for adversity

April 14th I got up & lit fire & made cup of Tea & put on copper & started at Tubs Amy helped me & I finished at ¼ to 2. Mr Joe Twelftree & boys came out with Supper & stayed to dinner & we have folded & made beds the boys are at Gawler South Dance in the New Hall in aid of T Windows Widow & Family Amy & Ma stocking mending am tired so will retire been lovely weather for the holidays

April 15 / I did not feel at all well but got up & got the fire & fried sausages for all our meal over we did housework & also ironed some clothes & after dinner I took Amy & Baby to visit Eva & Coral at Braggles she had finished washing & we helped her fold the clothes had afternoon tea came home at Sundown it rained but not as much as we could wish. Amy ironed & I mended after tea. Dad put in Cab Plants

April 16th / I got up at same hour & got breakfast & did usual work Mother & Amy made Quince Jelly but I had to rest as I have rhumatics in my knee & not well. I took Olive for a walk up to the Melons & I have been mending this afternoon Joe Twelftree has been out again with Manure & took home Wood George is here for evening talking to Amy Ma writing to F.A. the men been chaffcutting today Wilf in Twelftrees preparing for seeding. Bert is drilling in the seed out there

April 17th All the rooms to clean on Friday & I did them thoroughly Amy is just the same worrying all the time she always bathes little Olive & does her washing & helps so many ways in housework & is generally mending Mother has to churn Butter today & do her dairy out & cook dinner I took Olive & nursed her at times she is a lovely child & so good can sit up now proped with pillows.

April 18 / I lit fire in dining room as I had to clean stove fried sausages for breakfast did stove & all things needing blacklead & cooked meat & thoroughly cleaned the safe Amy scrubbed other things after dinner I baked Albert cake, Brilliania, & Drop buns washed pictures Ma her usual work cutlery etc so different not to go to Gawler as Friday is shop day now nice pleasant weather but not much rain so far

I will never leave thee, not forsake thee. Fear not I will help thee.

April 19th I did not dress till 8 oclock then swept dining room after wards got breakfast George was home to breakfast & Amy bathed baby & got herself ready for a visit to Celia so I did housework we had cold dinner or rather meat Wesley & Albert walked out in morning & Jim Ada & the others in afternoon I wrote letters got Tea milked all five cows myself & Dad Separated I did not go to Church as I intended to, Eva & Charl & Coral went & here for evening & the others home

April 20th / I did not intend washing as it was not a nice day & I wanted to mend Wilfreds old Coat in the morning all usual work & baked Scones & Biscuits I did not finish the coat as it needed so much Men in Twelftrees have to get up before five now & its rather tiring I had boys bed made before 6 o’clock swept rooms put up Tea & then Mother put up dinner colder weather

April 21st / It was a very windy day so I did not wash but after I had finished all housework I prepared & boiled Quinces for Jam Amy helped me prepare them then I did nothing but attend jam & washup & keep both fires replenished & a little mending Amy sewing at Machine Mother by hand been terribly rough all Day so did not get the washing ready I dished up Jam & washed all stewpans etc.

April 22nd / I was surprised to water lying everywhere & it raining I got breakfast & swept dining room etc & by persevering finished his coat Mother made an apple pudding Charl home to dinner Amy been Cleaning Pram I mended stockings also Amy at same work Wilfred been to Gawler to buy new everyday boots Clem rides Harrigan to school the weather is cooler now.

April 23 / A very unpromising morning but I had to wash so Dad helped me in with Tubs & Stand I put the boiler on & washed in the kitchen I had four pairs Trousers but no bed linen as it blew gales of wind & cut the clothes & rained as well I finished in good time & did all the ironing before I went to bed I do not bake now (bread) & that makes it much easier Amy very troubled all day & worrying terribly Olive is doing well & such a darling boys out in Joe’s seeding. We have had a lovely seasonable rain now

Fear not little flock it is your fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom

April 24th As it is early closing Saturday Dad goes Fridays. So I have to get up at five always & beg boys breakfast & Dad does the cows Mother cuts boys Dinner then I did housework Dad & Clem went to Gawler I did front rooms Amy back bedrooms & then I help Ma mend shirts such a lovely Day

April 25 / Saturday I got up & fried Sausages & gave boys their meal & felt so ill I lied down till 8/30 & slept all all ordinary work in every way to do I scrubbed safe etc cleaned lamps pictures etc baked meat & Cake but was so very unwell all day Amy & Dad & Olive went for several hours drive to Twelftrees & then to the Church for wheat home & milked it seems so different to see boys home Saturdays night

April 26 / A Sabbath well spent brings a week of content, I hope this will be true as Clem & I went to Gawler River Church. I got up & got breakfast swept dining room had our meal & then we went. Home to dinner also Celia Percy & Marion & Ethel came to Dinner very windy & like rain Charl & Eva & Coral to tea I had such a dreadful head pains I could not keep up so I went to bed at 6 oclock they were something awful I could not bear to speak to anyone atall. very windy indeed I had the best time in the morning at Church

April 27 / I did not intend washing as I felt very far from well & the day was not too good so windy so I stripped all the beds & put clean linen in did house work & was mending one day is much like another when one does not bake their own bread Amy always baths baby & does her washing & give her her biscuit she is so good.

April 28 / Washing morning & I got breakfast & then I lit copper & soaked in clothes & kept on till about 2 o’clock I finished & scrubbed up I also had all Sheets today ½ dozen It was terribly windy & tore one Sheet badly Amy helped me Mother housework & cook the dinner we folded & Amy ironed some I felt worried she could not sleep so I never either Mrs Standley133 goes away next Friday to Alice Springs 1009 miles I feel so sorry Amy & I went & saw her yesterday afternoon after I had altered my black dress Carmen was home also Clarence very cold showers

133 Mrs Ida Standley (nee Woodcock) opened the first school in Alice Springs (in a prison cell!) and remained in Alice Springs until 1929. Quite a remarkable story, and more information here too. This website has a different perspective with a photo of Mrs Standley with her students. Ida Standley Pre-School in Alice Springs is named after her, and the European name for Angkerle Atwatye (Standley Chasm) is also in her honour. Carmen Myrtle Standley and Clarence Reginald Standley are two of her adult children.

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want, he maketh me to lie Down in green pastures. he leadeth me beside the still waters

April 29 / It was a delightful morning & I decided to go to Gawler taking Amy & Olive with me but I made beds & did usual morning duties before I started at 11’oclock & got in there at a little after 12 o’ck did shopping & then we drove to Ada’s for a while then to Celia’s for afternoon Tea & while there missed my parcels & drove back for them & got them Celia & Marion went with us too. We got home at seven it has been a beautiful day out

April 30 / Up & cleaned our stove out & lit fire & baked Biscuits, pies, Meat made beds & all ordinary work & Amy & I ironed Eva & Coral went to Gawler & came back for the afternoon had afternoon Tea & went with Grandma to gather Eggs & milk Amy & I tacked new Linoleum on Kitchen table George came over to night & Olive is very wakful it is quite showery & cold Men are pickling wheat tonight

May 1st As we intended going to Mrs Standleys to say farewell to her we only did our morning duties & then we drove there at 9/30 had a chat & brought home some Flowers & the bottles she gave Clem. I feel it hard to loose my dear old friend, but the best of friends must part. When we (Amy, Olive, & I) got home it was dinner time so set the table & afterwards Amy helped me do the rooms I swept & washed floors she dusted the I planted flowers & Wesley came home to get Amy to play a song but as the B of Hope is Thursday we thought it too much rush & he is not to sing

May 2nd Same work & then Dad & Amy milked cows I blacked stove etc & baked scones, Cake pie beside making beds & swept dining room floor & washed it filled lamps & then scrubbed safe & cleaned front room & other fireplaces & cooked shoulder Mutton Ma cleaned Cutlery & did her usual work Men chaffcutting in the afternoon. Tea over I nursed Olive then I bathed Clem & Amy & I had one as well I have a nasty headache. I hear Mr Joe Smith has lost his second wife134 through death.

134 Cannot work out who Mrs Joseph Smith was, or Mr Joseph Smith.

There remaineth , therefore a rest unto the people of God.

May 3rd Dad got up & lit the fire & made a cup of Tea & I dresses at 8oclock George was out then so I fried sausages & got breakfast over then George & Amy & Olive drove to Gawler & I made beds & swept floors & Mother & I finished housework & dressed for a visit to Uncle Charley on his birthday also Clem & Dad had dinner & went to Ada’s & had a talk back to tea & home got boys tea & wrote a while Mr Hutchinson Senr135 is very ill indeed.

135  Mr Hutchinson; I have no detail about which Mr Hutchinson Senior this is.

May 4th I decided to wash so after I had given the boys their meal at six oclock I went & lit copper & started the washing Amy had baby to attend to so did not join till late we did most of it before dinner & then I washed a lot of bottles & Amy did blocks & wringer & stand we folded clothes but did not iron Amy so bad again Eva washed for Mrs Ratcliff & came here for afternoon Tea

May 5th Up at same time five oclock got breakfast & then I mended Clems Coat & ironed some clothes took up lunch to boys made bed. & made a Mt Lofty pudding & a currant Cake Mother made a Beef Steak Pie for dinner & this afternoon I cleaned bottles such a lot which Mrs Standley gave us & scoured copper bright. Poor Mr Ratcliff is very ill indeed so Ma went to see him & Dad also then I rode up with Eva & Coral who spent the afternoon here & I also went to see him poor man he was so pleased Dad sits up with him tonight also Annie his daughter it is cold east wind now

May 6th / It rained all morning the boys are very busy seeding I have to get up early & get their breakfast & one day is much the same as another to me now I dont bake bread Amy is still far from well & grieves continually. Mother went up to see Mr Ratcliff again today he is no better & Annie is up there Dad sits up part of each night with him. Mrs Will J. Dawkins has another daughter born at Mt Lofty on April 26th136 / Clem always rides to school on Harrigan he likes his new teacher Mrs Grant she has two girls one 8 years & the other 10 years137 she comes from Murray Town & has been at Alice Springs.

136 Mrs William Joseph Dawkins (Junior) is Gwendoline Elizabeth Keipert; her daughter is Winsome Louise Dawkins.
137 Mrs Grant and her two daughters.

May 7 / Same hour & work in every way then there is porrige to make for the second breakfast it is frosty & today has been such a lovely day I wished to go to Gawler but could not go I had some odd pieces so cut out a rough blouse for working in I do not feel well my nerves are very bad. Must retire

May 8. All ordinary work I did not do front rooms today but baked scones & drop cakes besides the housework & roasted a Fowl which Mother prepared the boys are working in Humphrys & come home nights this week Bert stays at Charls Wilfred is at a Dance G.S.Hall

May 9. Saturday & work everywhere I got breakfast over then blackleaded stove & articles lit it & made beds & swept front rooms & boys washed floors & also washed dining room with milk scrubbed safe & other articles washed pictures made cakes Maderia & Ginger & iced them Dad went to Gawler alone Ma & I milked cows Amy no better whatever

May 10th As I woke early & was not well I lit the fire at six & put on the kettle & at seven Dad got up & made their tea I slept on till 8/30 then Ma called me & I got breakfast & made porrige did all housework & Dad & Ma prepared French beans & potatoes which I lit stove & cooked also fried sausages & in the afternoon Amy & I drove to Gawler River & took a basket of food & got our tea had a talk to G. he had to go over & milk & feed horses, Celia & Perc were home here, also Uncle, Kit & Hazel to tea I got a fire in the dining room & put on the Kettle & got Supper & they left

May 11th As it was a good drying wind I decided to wash so after getting the usual cup of tea & fried sausages & veg had our breakfast & I lit copper & went on at Tubs & got all washed up to dark ones & shirts Amy gave me a hand with them & then I went to dinner back & finished & scrubbed up & Amy & I did some ironing but I was not well & retired very early in bed at 8/20 so done up Mother very unwell indeed but packed up food & clothes for men to take to Bragglesome then I intended to finish all ironing but could not do so too done out a lovely wind washed Dads tweed trousers & tweed pants Bert moles

May 12 / I did not get up early as the boys were away got breakfast Amy so worried & grieving all day but she finished the ironing as it is so long since I wrote I have quite forgotten the duties of Tuesday Clem went to school as it was a holiday yesterday Cousin Eva out at Ratcliffs he is not so well but has rallied enough to get up & dress

May 13. I do not dress till after six & get a cup of Tea & breakfast at once make porrige now Dad & Ma does all dairy work I usually sweep rooms & make beds Amy busy at sewing dear little Olive a pale blue dress Dad went to Gawler I wished to go to Ada’s but could not go. I mended my prune dress & finished the every day blouse also mended a shirt for Bert & took dear little Olive for a walk

May 14 / I got up at ¼ to six & got all usual work done & breakfast over then housework & cut out a white Flannellette Nightdress for Mother & partly made it Amy has made a dear little pink dress with crème pineapple stitch it looks so pretty Dad drives to & fro each day with food to boys. We are having lovely rains this week & wind

May 15 / I got up & got breakfast then I swept rooms & made beds also got ready for Gawler Dad & I went called at Eva’s, Celia’s, & Ada’s. I was rather busy shopping & felt so tired Mother had the cows milked when we got home. Dad had to go back from Ada’s to get the Medicine as he forgot it. I had a cup of Tea there. Mr & Mrs Clarence Porter138 have lost the daughter (Rita) is to be buried tomorrow at Willaston

138 Reata Irene Melville Porter, 12 year old daughter of Clarence Porter and Bertha Louisa Porter (nee Day).

May 16th / Late up felt so tired got breakfast & then cleaned stove lit it & baked Dora’s, Sausage Rolls & Currant cake fried sausages for dinner Mother Did the Cutlery & lamps Amy the dining room & babys washing. I scrubbed safe & bread bourd form, stool blacked the dining room fireplace & all others that wanted cleaning got Tea ready George came over & stays the night with Amy very cold weather I shivered in Gawler with my coat on Friday Dad been down at Bragglesome the boys are home tonight I feel so worried so will retire to rest in the front room I made up beds for boys & myself Mother is reading the Paper. We have Friday now usually as the shops close at 1 o’ck on Saturday not as convenient

May 17th / Sunday I got porrige made for breakfast put on saucepan for Beef steak pudding which Ma made then I bathed Clem & as I was going away I washed out his Clothes & Olive’s swept & dusted & all ordinary work Ada & family home to dinner George & Clem came down Gawler River with some things & the Cow. we packed our clothes etc & after a cup of Tea George, Amy, Olive & I came back here to Gawler River had supper & put clean bed linen in & made beds then retired

May 18 / George called me at about 5/40 & I dressed & fried breakfast for him & then Amy dressed & bathed Olive & thoroughly swept rooms& Dusted I washed up & cooked a Melon pie for Dinner Turnips & Potatoes Olive cried very much but persevered & this afternoon I did all the washing & Amy all other work milked etc I got in wood now is bed time

May 19th It was a very calm day not a breath of wind but by turning the clothes on the line I got all dry & Ironed & put to air this morning I got the breakfast & milked the cow & swept dining & Kitchen made a brown stew Melon pie also boiled meat for George to have for tomorrow. Amy helped me the Dr. came & thoroughly examined Amy & orders a change of air to Aldgate for her next week so George is getting his holidays & taking them on Tuesday from here I am going home then for a time

May 20. Both Amy & I got up early & I fried George’s breakfast & milked cow Amy bathed baby & we drove to Charltonville arrived there at 8/20 & I at once went to the copper & Amy gave baby her biscuit & then she helped me but was very worried & cried bitterly we had the usual lunch & dinner Dad went to Gawler Mr & Mrs Brodie & Miss Myrtle Parham139 came to see us she is going to Mt Lofty for a holiday we went up to the Melons & got one to bring home & left at five for home milked & got in wood, Amy set tea & we were mending afterwards very cold indeed & frosty now lovely feed everywhere if the season only continues like it is now.

138 Miss Myrtle Parham. I think she may be the daughter of William James Parham and Mary Pointon.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish.

May 21 / Another lovely day & I did usual morning duties & lit oven stove & baked a pie & boiled corn mutton Turnips & potatoes for dinner & in the afternoon ironed all the clothes milked the cow got in wood & got tea George went home for Amys dress & he brought home news of a motor accident to Walter Hill Wife & the baby139 was seriously injured & died 2 hours after the accident

139 Kit's brother Walter Hill, his wife Euphemia Ellen Nicholson; their baby Kathleen Emily Hill died.

May 22. George got up at five & called me & I got his breakfast & cut his dinner swept rooms & cooked Turnips Pot Mount Lofty pudding & after dinner I started to alter Amys tweed dress all the afternoon George came home at six & went to Gawler & did not get home till 10/30. fed the horses & had his supper & went to bed.

May 23 / It was Saturday morning George got up at five & called me to get his breakfast & cut his dinner as he intended going to work early but was hindered & at 9/30 brought us home a lovely hind Quarter Mutton which I cut some from & fried for breakfast & roasted the other loin baked scones cakes & Lemon Cake Melon Pies had a fair treat with the stove & then cleaned cutlery & Amy did sweeping & dusting I made her bed she help me

May 24 / George got up at 7/20 I ¼ hour later got breakfast milked & then as it was his Sunday on he had to milk his masters cows & feed all horses I cooked roast Mutton for Dinner Cauliflower Potatoes Celia & Percy came to Dinner & Tea we chatted & nursed baby George had to go to milk & feed up again Celia & Percy went home at six o’clock G. read

May 25 / Up early & got breakfast ready at 6/30 also cut dinner & put up Tea then Amy got up & bathed Olive & I milked & then lit fire in Stove & boiled clothes on there I hurried as fast as possible & Amy lent me a hand I finished every thing at 12 o’clock had two pairs navy serge pants Olives Overall & Shawl then I did all the washing up & scrubbed all & finished Amys dress for her she is no better & it is pitious to hear her grief & see her suffering dear little Olive is so good. at 2/30 I made a Meat pudding & boiled it Amy cooked Turnips & Potatoes it was a fearful windy day from the North I had to shift the line & then midday it turned to the West & it poured with rain George was harrowing in the Scrub paddock & got wet & had to stay in his clothes till 6 o’clock came home changed & we had tea & I & Amy were sewing till bed time so very cold Amy ironed clothes

But have everlasting life. He came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.

May 26. Work in every direction & I got breakfast & milked such a cold morning I then swept & tidied rooms & made bed Amy bathed Olive & did her washing then as I had skimmed all milk up she churned for three hours could not get it I cut up Melon & Made a pie & hotted up pudding & also made a stew Turnips & potatoes. Then I churned & made up butter scrubbed all up & Amy & I packed everything & finished sewing then Tea over Amy & George had a bath & put Tickets on dress case etc & we retired but I could not sleep well atall

May 27 / We all three got up before six & just went our hardest I got a cup of Cocoa & then washed up all things & skimmed milk & brought it home to separate George put Jess in & we packed all in & started for home at 8 oclock George walked most of the way & we drove Dear little Olive looked about till too sleepy then went to sleep George & Amy had breakfast & went off to catch the train for Adelaide & late to Aldgate. My prayers follow our dear Amy on her journey & may she return restored in health & nerves I then set too & washed all clothes both ours & home washing Mother hung some out for me & did a bit of washing as well I felt awfully done up but scrubbed all & the cream Tin etc & wrote four long pages but could hardly bear it my nerves are bad

May 28./ I did not get up till 6/30 lit fire & took in Tea fried sausages & we had breakfast then I swept & dusted dining room & made Sausage Rolls & did a little gardening & started ironing & did not finish till 4/30 this afternoon got Tea & made our first seasons fire in Sitting room tonight Wilf came home for Berts clothes & got himself ready for a dance at Gawler I cleaned their boots & help Mother a while been writing all the evening & am cold it is a frost.

May 29th I got breakfast then swept both rooms& made beds & went with Dad to milk after breakfast I did housework & Mother picked & dressed a fowl I made the seasoning & stuffed it & took it to bragglesome Farm the boys were at work so I baked it & cooked potatoes & Trombone Eva went on cutting out & making a dress for me I cleared table & cleaned all Knives & Prongs & spoons Coral helping me Dad came home & I rode home with him & helped milk very chilly evenings Dr R. St. Mark Dawes died on his journey to England Dr Henry & his mother are over there now

139 Dr Richard St. Mark Dawes, the father of Dr A Henry C Dawes. Notice of his death is here. Dr Henry's mother is Arabella Rose Edmands.

May 30th I decided to get up earlier so dressed at six got breakfast cleaned stove & lit it made beds & then I baked scones Biscuits & Cake & Mother made a meat pie I cleaned lamps after dinner I thoroughly cleaned front rooms & put new pictures up cleaned the fireplace washed oilcloth after tea bathed both boys Wesley bathed himself I got every thing ready I cleaned all boots & had a good bath myself boys home tonight

May 31st / I dressed at seven thirty swept dinimg room & fried sausages for breakfast swept bedroom & made all beds Mother stuffed a fowl & baked a shoulder Mutton we had dinner & Clem went to S.S. Buchsfelde I helped clear away then I read got Tea helped milk. Dad has a bother with Elsie a young heifer she lies down & performs terribly been in milk a week now Wilf went to Gawler Wesley gone with him cold & showery

June 1st I decided to wash so got up earlier than usual & got a fair start but I had a heavy wash of new blue shirts & the boys moles all bed linen I did not finish till afternoon & scrubbed cream Can & all other articles requiring after tea I did all the ironing as I wanted to go to Bragglesome tomorrow I felt very tired indeed Mother did all indoor work as usual & we always help Dad milk as the heifer is very troublsome Dad went to Gawler with cream

June 2nd / I did not wake till late & then got the breakfast over & did housework & then drove Toff in the Sulky to the other place up to the Stack with Forks for Wilf & Bert loading Hay & Wilf went in with it to Gawler Bert on the land & I made soup for Dinner & baked two Melon pies & some pasties Eva went on making my dress I also milked at night & Percy Dawe who is working for Dad helped me put Toff in the Sulky & I drove home they had finished milking when I reached home I did some sewing New backed a waistcoat for Dad.

June 3rd / Up & got breakfast & swept rooms & made bed & then drove to Celias to dinner She had stuffed rabbit & Vegetables soup then I dressed Marion & (Amy) Celia & I drove to Gawler Did some shopping & I got my boots mended came back to Celia’s & also called at Eva’s Coral went with her Dad for a tank of Water I was late home I got a new blue apron & Bert a blue shirt. Singlet for Eva & Flannel for Mother. I sewed on fastens at night on my dress. Clem is still home with Grandma he reads to Grandpa nights he is good company for us Bert & Wilf are going to Long night tomorrow night at the New Hall Gawler South.

June 4 / I hurried & got breakfast & helped then I washed floor with milk & carried Machine out in the Kitchen & cut out & made Mother a blouse or partly made it Mother baked Scones pie. a fowl & was very busy Clem & I drove in the new Buggy to Gawler River Band of Hope a crowded house & splendid programme Celia & Percy were there also we had a cup of Cocoa after we got home a very cold day & evening also

June 5th I did all usual work & washed the Kitchen floor & then went on sewing George & Amy & Dear little Olive came home at Midday had their dinner at home & then drove home with the cow & then came back for me we drove home in a sharp shower had tea & talked for a time

June 6 / Work everywhere I got breakfast & Amy made porrige then I washed up milked cow & made a Mutton Pudding for dinner & Jam tart, Cakes & scones & prepared Swedes, Potatoes. George was chaffcutting home to dinner at one oclock. Cleared swept kitchen did baby washing cleaned knives Amy all housework got tea George went to a Football match Gawler Rivers & Smith field the visiting team beat them very cold I chopped wood & made a nice fire Baby is not well at all now.

June 7 George Had to go & get the Horses & cows & milk as it was his Sunday on then I got up with Amy at seven /30 I made fire milked Amy bathed baby Then I made a Melon pie cooked Turnips & potatoes George & Amy took Olive for a walk & he fed the Horses we had Dinner & drove home for an hour then for a long drive to get Mr Dawkins Cows George milked & I drove home Amy & I took Jess out got Tea I milked Maisie had tea & a talk now its bedtime as we rise early Dad went with Mr Bugg to Mrs Baileys funeral140 & to day he & Bert went to Mr Hutchens Senr at Willaston141. Mrs Williamson of Lower Light Store died on May 26. buried at Walkervill Cemetery142. Mrs Ted Gertig has another Son that is three in less than 2 years143 Harold McLeod & Ruby Salter were married on Saturday June 6th & are to live at Nailsworth144

140 Mrs Alice Bailey nee Batchelor, wife of John Joseph Bailey, aged 64
141 Mr Thomas Henry Hutchins, died aged 94. His obituary.
142 Mrs Clara Maria Williamson (nee Leathart).
143 Mrs Christoph Emil Gertig (Beatrice Phillips); her son is Edmond Morris Gertig
144 Harold Webber McLeod (Eva's brother) & Ruby Salter, they visited Charl and Eva last month. 

June 8th I intended washing so got George’s breakfast etc milked & then lit the fire I did not feel well atall but persevered Amy baked Rice & cooked vegetables I had such a lot of Creme things for baby after the holiday 2 overalls I almost finished by dinner time & folded clothes & Amy did some ironing I could not eat any Tea & we retired early to bed.

June 9th Up at 4/30 & I got up & got the breakfast & put up Georges Dinner & bottles of Tea he went to work at ¼ to 6 then I swept Kitchen & milked very early got Amys meal & cooked dinner Amy baked Scones pie etc & I the afternoon we went to visit Mrs W. J. Dawkins also Mrs P. Judd. We saw the new baby girl at Mrs Dawkins (Winsome Louise) came home & got hot Tea for George Dear little Olive has such a cough but is a little better than she was. But thin

145 Mrs W. J. Dawkins is Gwendoline Elizabeth Keipert, and visited Helen Oliver (Mrs Peter Judd); Winsome Louise Dawkins' bith was recorded earlier in this volume. 

June 10 / We are having such frosts & the mornings are bitter cold however as we were going home to Mothers Amy bathed Olive early & I skimmed & milked & washed up then as George had put Jess in we drove over & Amy helped me wash & I starched & ironed the fashion shirts I hurried as fast as I could & we got home at six & I milked Amy got Tea I was very tired indeed & glad to go to bed.

Jun11th / Same early hour as Tuesday as George has to help Stan Load Hay he was in to breakfast at ¼ past five I rested ½ an hour after he went to work then milked & got Amys breakfast & she picked & dressed & stuffed a fowl & Cabbage & potatoes & plain pudding. In the afternoon we went to see Mrs S. L. Dawkins had a chat & cup of Tea with them Amy Pederick146 was there sewing we came home & went to a Lecture on Norway & Sweden with Lantern Views tired & went to bed at 10/40

146 Mrs S. L. Dawkins is Rebekah Wilkinson; visiting is Amy Louisa Pederick, eldest of the Pederick family; she is of Fanny's generation. 

June 12th A most unusual thing for us it was after seven when I dressed & called George who has never been late to work before. he finished drilling in a piece came home at 1/30 & Amy & Olive & he went to Gawler he had two teeth drawn I was very busy indeed I blackleaded all the fireplaces & Stove chopped & got in wood milked & set Tea I was so nervous after dark by myself they got home at half past seven George has a very bad face & could not eat solid food The dentist broke both teeth off our men at home are still busy not finished seeding Charl Stone carting Wilf Hay Carting to Gawler.

June 13 / I dressed at six & got breakfast ready George has a very bad face indeed he went to work & Amy gave her bedroom a thorough cleaning I washed up & washed the floor & we were taking up the Cocoanut matting & George came home too ill to work he had to lie down all day he had no rest last night Amy & I shifted Safe into the Kitchen for the milk & I shifted the Cupboards all done up nicely & hung Curtains cleaned boots milked etc had a bath

June 14 / I awoke early but did not dress till 7/30 got breakfast & milked washed pans & fed fowls & got all done dressed & walked to Chapel R. Mr Arthur147 preached a very nice Sermon good Congregations had dinner which Amy cooked for us I got a ride home with Howard & family & Ina148 In the afternoon wrote to Tom & Myrtle149 & Amy I went for a walk She worried very much & I pray that God may take it all away

147 Rev G T Arthur. Don't know anything else about him.
148 John Howard Dawkins, his family, and his sister Ina Maria Dawkins.
149 Cousin Tom (Thomas Henry) Easton, his wife Myrtle Easton (nee Badenoch), living in Murray Bridge.

June 15 / It was a very cold morning but seemed to fine up & I washed & by running to & fro I got all dry & ironed but it was so bitterly cold all day G.E.H. went up loading Hay his face was very bad indeed I did not want him to go but he worked all day & brought home beef for me to salt & we decided to go home tomorrow & wash & take some home to Ma

June 16 / We were up early before six & I milked the cow in the dark & got breakfast Amy bathed baby by lamplight the darling is so good & we drove home got there at 8/30 & I started washing & finished most by dinner time & scrubbed up & washed Dads Coat (by) afternoon we had a cup of Tea & came home brought home some melons for Jam it was a cold day & rather cloudy light showers & this morning I nearly cried with pain in my hands they were so cold & dear little Olive was too Our men finished seeding last Saturday & Wilf will finish Hay carting next week & Charlie the Stone work Eva is not too well Coral is a regular trick

For the love of Christ constraineth us

June 17 / When we got home last evening George had gone to the Dr with his face & has to rest so this morning I did not have to get up till 6/40 got breakfast milked feed fowls & afterward I made beef pudding Melon pie, also had Swedes & potatos for dinner then Amy Olive & George drove to Rices at Wards Belt called at Ratcliffs & home for afternoon Tea I washed up swept made a lovely fire & did mending had all so nice when they came home & my Knee is terrible with Rhumatics

June 18 / Same hour or later & same work & cooked dinner & we all partook I did babys washing & drove with George Amy & Baby to Mr John Haymans Sale150 & I never saw so many traps & motors & people before only at a Show there were hundreds of people there & the afternoon was perfect but the wind was so cold & Olives Cough was so bad Dad & Charl were there we went for a stroll & saw where we used to live near Carclew151 the River is so pretty with grasses & Greenery at this time of yr

150 John Hayman, a neighbour.
151 Carclew is an area in Penfield Gardens. The church and cemetery are still there, but the church is private home now. I had not known that the Atyeo's lived there before Charltonville.

June 19 / As George is not working I do not have to get up till 6/30 or 7. lit the fire & milked got porrige for meal & did babys washing & between us the housework & dressed for Gawler arrived there at 12 o’clock did shopping & then looked at Bargains saw several we knew left Gawler & called at Ada’s at four she had a bad throat & was at her tubs poor girl & work everywhere came home & did evening work & a little mending etc & retired

June 20th / Same in every way & cleaned both fire place & stove & cooked sago & corn, beef & carrots & potatoes George went over chaffcutting I baked scones cleaned Knives lamps Amy both front rooms & I did some washing as well cleaned my boots & made a pair sleeves for Mothers blouse & we worked together George went to Reeves Plains Football Match152 rode a young filly for Jack Burford of Angle Vale his face is better he is reading the Chronicle153 in evenings

152 Here's an article on the history of Australian Rules Football in the Gawler area.
153 The Chronicle was a weekly South Australian newspaper.

When we were without hope, in Due time Christ died for the ungodly

June 21st usual work & then I dressed for Church but have a very bad Knee & it pained awfully but I persevered & walked to Stone Hill Mr Haslam154 preached a good sermon to a full House I got a ride home with Mrs Erl Day155 Amy did my odd work home did not cook anything I set table cleared it & washed up & Amy & Olive & I drove to Charltonville only Bert & Wilf home Dad & Ma at Celia’s I gave Wilfred a prettily engraved Sovereign case for his 21st Birthday next Friday. George’s Sunday home so he milked Maisie & had a nice fire when we got home at six had tea & wrote letter

154 Rev George Keysell Haslam, Methodist preacher.
155 I suspect this is Doris Kuhndt (nee Day), married to Frank Edward Earl Kundt.

June 22nd George got up 4/30 I at 20 to five & got his breakfast Also put up lunch & tea & churned & made Butter & washed all the morning such a lot. Dinner prepared by Amy Corn Beef Cab & Pots Melon Pie I ironed everything this afternoon after washing up & scrubbing Amy helped me Olive is not well such a cough & nasty rash on her George had to load Hay a.m

June 23 / I felt rather tired & my Knee & hip both are very painful I can scarcely move but we got up in good time & did morning work bathed baby & drove to Charltonville & washed a big wash too & I ironed Fashion Shirts Colar etc I did our own ironing yesterday but the pain in my Knee was terrible have bandaged it in wadding & Flannel came home milked got Tea

June 24 / We always have early breakfast & George goes to work before sunrise he had to take his dinner as he is rolling out in the back paddock & Amy & I did our work Amy cooked Turnips & Greens & Pots for dinner we had dinner & drove to Mrs S.J. Parhams Mrs Wilson was there & Clara Punke156 we looked at Fancywork such a variety & Photoes had afternoon Tea & Drove home did all evening work & milked

156 Mrs Samuel James Parham is Mary Elizabeth Riggs, Mrs Wilson could be Ann Ratcliff, Clara Bertha Ernestina Punke.

June 25/ Up at 4/30 & prepared breakfast & cut the Dinner at once & at 5. o’clock I rested again with Amy& Geo went to work loading Hay I cleared away things & we had our meal at 7 ock & then I did Amys bedroom & Dining room & In the afternoon I made a brown belt for my brown dress & almost finished it put on Fastens Amy also sewing & butter making as well

I know in whom I have believed / It is Jesus only

June 26 / Our Dear baby brother reaches his majority today157. I got up & prepared breakfast & skimmed milked washed up & did baby washing & bot Amy I drove to Gawler & went to Stidstons158 & got Amys money I was so thankful we did shopping & I changed Tickets & got an eiderdown for Mother Dad was in Gawler & cousin Eva & Friends called at Celia’s & had a cup of Tea & it was 6.15 when we got home

157 It's Wilf's 21st birthday!
158 Not sure why Mr and Mrs Stidston would have Amy's money. 

June 27th / Up at our usual hour & George is always at work long before sunrise I got breakfast over & cleared away & made bed & then I started to make a pudding & we had no flour so Amy took Olive & went to Mrs Judds & got some then she baked Napoleon Sandwich & Sponge Roll & Biscuits I took up matting up & swept dining room we both worked all day & were very tired then I finished my brown dress & we each had a bath & retired the Day has been very windy & unpleasant

June 28 / As it was Sunday I did not dress till near seven 30 got breakfast & did our housework & then we drove home & arrived at 11 ock & we each helped Amy ice Wilfreds birthday Cake I washed Clem & Cleaned his boots for Sunday School we got Dinner & then Celia & Percy Came & in the afternoon Charl & Eva & Cora Uncle & Eva came & stayed to tea we had quite an assortment of Cakes Queen Napoleon & Sponge Tarts & Cream Jams Jellies Honey Sausage Rolls Oranges etc we washed up & I stayed home the night Clem went home with Amy they all left early we had a long talk. Dad & Ma & I

June 29th / As it was raining I did not dress till after 6/30 then lit fire took in tea & got breakfast & lit copper Wilfred put Fairy & Larry in the Buggy & drove to Gawler were he takes Friends for a picnic keeping the Holiday I did not finish till 3 oclock I washed Curtains & extras Amy & Clem came home & I came back with her went to Mrs Judd with Flour & milked got in wood & washed up Lowrie Good159 is to be married this week also Mr Arthur Virgin & Miss Melliot & Mr Bert Virgin was married on June the 27 Sat last160. Mr Ratcliff Senr went under an operation last Sat & is very ill now the Dr took ½ gallon on Fluid off the lung.

159 I cannot work out who Lowrie Good is.
160 This is super-confusing. Arthur Joseph Henry Virgin and Minnie Marchant Mary Mellett do not marry until 1915. Perhaps they were planning to marry, but it took a while? George Albert Benjamin  Virgin married Alice Elizabeth Price in Port Gawler on June 27th.

Mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people Isaiah 16 v 7

June 30 Our own washing day I got breakfast over & then I got washing ready it was thick fog all the morning till 11’ock then drizzling rain but in the afternoon it cleared & a good wind dried all the clothes & Amy ironed them all we got some beef & returned it to W.J. Dawkins161 for a smaller lot to roast my knee was very bad indeed.

161 William Joseph Dawkins, neighbour.

July 1st We intended going home for the evening as Harry is down from Moonta & Mr Lucas162 I got breakfast & washed up Amy always bath Olive then she baked scones patty Cakes & roasted beef & vegetable Melon Pie I thoroughly cleaned Amys bedroom washed floor & did dining room in the afternoon we mended & got ready for our evening home on arrival Harry was not there had a sing Song & at nine they come we looked at Photos & came home We expected Eva & Ada they never came

162 Harry Gilbert Folland, husband of sister Frances. Mr Friedrich Wilhelm Lucas, a neighbour.

July 2nd I was up at 4 & got brkf We did our usual work & had vegetables & cold meat & pie I did housework & then unripped my blouse but did not get it finished baby very teasy today we got tea ready & dressed for the Band of Hope. Ada & Eva Ethel & baby were there we came home & had supper the church was crowded & Amy & I had to sit in the front

July 3rd Same work (Well not morning I was very unwell & George had to call Amy at 6.30 to get breakfast I got up at ¼ past 7 & had toast &Tea then I did usual work & made a Mt Lofty pudding Amy roasted beef & Onions & Veg & packed the butter & Eggs for Gawler & we got ready & arrived in Gawler at ¼ to 3 did shopping & Amy Olive & George went to Hobarts & I went to Ada for evening very cold coming home & showery Mr Millar died suddenly today dropped dead in the Stable163

162 Henry William Turner Miller, aged 56, in Gawler.

July 4th / We had a busy day same morning duties & then I made bed took up matting & thoroughly swept the dining room & set dinner Amy baked Scones Cakes & Biscuits & cabinet Pudding after dinner I washed up all & scrubbed both safes washed babys clothes cleaned lamps swept kitchen Amy helping it was five before I got cleaned for Tea I have a sore throat & cold so has Amy & Olive George reading the paper weather is very dry & cold & frosty air Mother is very bad again Amy did all blackleading today George brought a load of firewood last Wensday.

July 5th George got up first as he had to work today I went in with Amy & Olive for ¼ of an hour then I dressed lit fire & fried eggs had breakfast & both I & Amy helped prepare a good dinner I made a plum pudding & boiled corn Mutton & made white Sauce & Melted butter Amy prepared Cauliflower Cabbage I peeled potatoes we got dinner at 1 ock expecting Jim Ada & family who gave us a disappointment George is now milking Mr Howard Dawkins cows & feeding horses I must go & get Tea ready. Mr & Mrs P Judd spent the evening here163

163 Peter Judd and Helen Judd (nee Oliver).

July 6th As I was so unwell I did not go home today to wash but I shifted the line & washed home here Amy & I did all usual work & I finished & did all scrubbing by dinner time it was a very strong north wind & I took every thing in before dinner as it cuts clothes if left too long on the line Amy ironed I washed up & then I Churned butter it was two hours & ¼ coming & my limbs ached terribly it was so soft I had to leave it till six before I could make it up then had tea & washed & being very unwell retired early

July 7 / As I wanted to mend my working blouse I did not go home & very glad I was as it came on rain yesterday & today is cold & showery Amy cooked Dinner I finished my bodice after getting very tired of trying to do so Amy mended a few things but worried awfully & I got so Disheartened at her George home to dinner & tonight I chopped a bit of wood very cold

July 8th I got up lit fire got breakfast packed dinner & lunch & Amy bathed baby & made her bed I shim milk & do the cow we intended going home & it started to rain lovely showers lasted till ½ past 10. then broke but rained again at Intervals all day so Amy set to & made Olive a nightdress & bonnet of prune Venetian cloth fancy braid & nearly another nightdress I mended & looked after Olive also cooked vegetables & Bread & butter pudding did all washing up must retire & hope for a fine day tomorrow

July 9th We intended going home so I got as much done as possible milked skimmed Amy bathed Olive & we got home at nine & I set to & washed but it was showery & very cold & we did not get all dry so had a cup of Tea & got ready for home Amy kept worrying & we were all so sorry she will not take an interest in life Olive went to sleep she is such a darling Amy milked I got tea & churned Amy washed up & made beds.

The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom 

July 10 / Gawler Day so I got breakfast over & just did what housework was compulsory & set Georges dinner & at 10/40 we started for Gawler did our shopping met Dad & had cup of Tea, called at Ada’s & then on reaching Buchfelde it rained & we gave Jean Parham164 a ride home it rained all the way home Amy milked took Jess out I got in wood & got Tea & washed up very cold & rainy

163 Dorothy Jean Parham, agd 13

July 11 ) George called me at six & I got breakfast milked skimmed & then cleared away the things we had to cook dinner so I did the cooking roast Pork Turnips Tops Cabbage & potatoes & Bread & butter pudding Amy had all sweeping up in dining room & bedroom& I did babys washing after dinner I cleared all away & thoroughly swept Kitchen & cleaned boots skimmed milk & George came home at 5/30 I milked got Tea & at ¼ to 7 we drove home I walked from the corner on arrival I bathed Clem & washed up & talked till 11 o’ck Mother father & myself

July 12 / I did not dress till late Dad made fire & got a cup of Tea & I swept dining room & Kitchen & my room washed floor & dusted it Mother washed up & I dried dishes for her she I very unwell indeed Dad milked & separated also Clem & Grandpa went to look for Mona’s Calf & found it & milked her Bert & Wilf went to Gawler River for a drive & other chaps are here with them now the girls did not come Clem is at Sunday School now.

July 13 / Up at a fair time & Bert had the fire so we had breakfast & then I put on the boiler as it was so damp & cold I washed the white Quilt & the bed linen & fashion Shirts all ordinary work I did not finish till 3’oclock then scrubbed articles & ironed fashion Shirts & others & had a very bad knee & was so tired as I had Berts new Moles George & Amy came for me at 8’ock Amy had a tune on the Piano & then we came home here

July 14 / I was thinking of washing but as we had to go to Angle Vale I did usual housework & cooking & after dinner we Drove to A.V. to see Mrs Maslin164 but as she was out we went to see the Morris’ only Bertie home165 who got afternoon Tea for us & then we went to Mr Geo. Harveys she was ill in bed166 & we could not see her Alice Roberts was there also Grace167 we got home early it was fearfully cold did all ordinary work We are having such cold weather Did all ordinary work We are having such cold weather

164 Mrs Maslin in Angle Vale. I have no other information.
165 Margaret Albertha Morris.
166 George Harvey and his wife; no further information.
167 Alice Roberts and Grace. Grace Harvey? Grace Roberts?

Be ye not therefore unequally yoked together with unbelievers

July 15. Elsie Hayman & Chris Popes wedding Day168 so I got up early & hurried & got breakfast over & swept dining room got water on to wash & started at 9/30 finished at 12/30 I hurried as fast as I could go dinner over Amy helped me wash up & we got ready for Stone Hill there was not many there only the neighbours she was dressed in some soft white Material with long train & flowers on the end a nice veil & spray of Orange blossoms & pearls in her hair we came home as soon as it was over June Pederick169 was the only bridesmaid in crème with a dull Blue Hat & white feather almond blossom bouquet & pink streamers they motored from Church mid much rice

168 Elsie Jane Hayman and Christopher Temby Pope married at the Methodist church in Gawler River (Stone Hill).
169 June Pederick. Cannot find a record for her.

July 16 / I ironed all clothes last night & this morning did ordinary work made a fresh meat stew & salted some meat & baked a Melon pie & two nice cakes in the afternoon I churned Butter which took me most of time till evening then milked got in wood etc

July 17th/ Gawler Day Amy got up & cut dinner & I got breakfast usual dish fried Eggs & did necessary work & dressed for Gawler arrived at 12 oclock did shopping saw Dad & got things for home Ma & he both in to the Dr last Tuesday She is very unwell indeed. I had a lot of shopping to do & we left at 3/30 & called at Ada’s but did not stop very cold indeed such a hard white frost this morning looked like snow got home at a few minutes after five & did work

July 18th I got breakfast first then cut lunch & cleaned stove washed up took up matting & gave dining room a good sweep also made a lovely meat pudding & sago pudding & two Cakes Amy had baby to look after & dust & make her bed Dinner over I baked Dora’s scones & made Melon fool washed up all things churned Butter & Geo was at football over on Dawkins Oval with the Reeves Plains Amy scrubbed safe & ornaments got Tea it is very cold & Olive is very teasy her teeth Mrs Selleck Senr died last week170 & Mrs Will Pratt171 also & Mrs Thomas (Nee Nellie Freak died at Alberton buried at Willaston172 Mr. Charles Cooper died June 9173 Mrs Williamson also in June both of Lower Light for years174.

170 Margaret Selleck (nee Mullen), aged 76, Near Wasleys.
171 Elizabeth, Mrs Will Pratt, aged 41, Near Wasleys; there are a few possible options as to her birth surname.
172 Eleanor Sophie Thomas (nee Freak), aged 31, in Prospect.
173 Charles Jacomb Cooper, aged 78, at Lower Light.
174 Mrs Williamson at Lower Light; see note 142.

Remember the sabbath day to keep it Holy Six days shalt thou labour & do all thy work

July 19 / Darling Olive is 7 months old today. the weather is very frosty & extremely cold with snow in the eastern states, I could not go to church as Amy was expecting Charlie & Eva & decided to cook hot dinner I dressed at ¼ to 8 & fried Georges breakfast milked skimmed etc his Sunday on today I had to scrub my kitchen table & board & cook a shoulder mutton Cauliflower potatoes & rice puddings Amy did bed & housework & bathed Olive I took her for a ride in her Pram Eva Charl & Mrs McLeod & Coral got here at 12/30 & we chatted in the afternoon had tea & they went home I nursed Olive & read a little of the paper very cold & did all evening work

July 20 / I got dressed at six 20 & fried breakfast while Amy dressed then I milked & skimmed & got washing ready it was one of the whitest frosts Ive seen & so cold I had a good bit & did not finish till 12/30 cleared up Amy cooked corned Mutton potatoes swedes sago pud. In the afternoon I ironed & Amy made two unbleached pillow cases I cut out other garments we got all dry & ironed it is extremely cold a record frost the ploughed ground like a snow scene

July 21st Another cold morning but not so severe a frost we did our morning duties & then drove home to Charltonville where Amy assisted me with the washing & afterwards she made new blinds for windows I ironed some & cut out white Flanel Garments for Mother she is not well & neither is Dad they both went to Dr Wells175 last week Clem is still home with them. We drove home & did evening work as is custom

175 Dr Wells. I have no further information on him yet.

July 22 / Same hour & work & cooked midday Dinner & then we went to Mrs G. Judds176 for the afternoon we went to get some goods from Mr Stone Miss Oliver & Mr. were there177 we only had ordinary work as I cooked roast Mutton Turnips Tops potatoes & boiled sago so when we came home we did our cow skimmed fed fowls got Tea the weather is very cold & Dry no rain to speak of & feed & crops are yellow with frosts I am making new Un Calico garments

176 Mrs G Judd. Could be George Rudd's wife Bridget Agnes Riordan, but I am not sure.
177 Mr Stone, a hawker. Miss Oliver, Mr Oliver (no further information yet),

July 23rd Thursday is a busy Day I got breakfast skimmed & milked & then started churning kept on till 10 & then I helped with work tidied dining room & Amy thoroughly cleaned her room & made a Melon pie & scones fresh meat Sea pie after dinner I washed up such a lot of dishes I churned two lots of Butter & made it up scrubbed my milk safe & thoroughly cleaned Kitchen & cleaned all windows I was very tired & my knee is very bad got all done for tomorrow very cold Olive is teasy with her teeth George fenced in the well & Monday he put up a new line for clothes

In all thy ways acknowlege God & he shall direct thy path

July 24 / Gawler Day so we were busy to tidy round & I did the usual work outdoor packed Eggs milked etc set table for George dinner & Amy bathed Olive we left soon after ten & went to Ada’s with a parcel (Blankets) she bought them from us & at one oclock we drove to Gawler & did shopping I have a new pair of Tan High lace boots new G.P. Aprons & u.b. calico wear we got home at 6 30 Arthur Hobart & Bruce are home from the West178 we saw Arthur & was talking to him & his mother

178 George's brother, Arthur Samuel Hobart, and his cousin Bruce Henry Hobart, back from Western Australia, where they were working. 

July 25th Saturday & both of us feel tired as Olive is heavy to carry about now I got breakfast & cut lunch & milked & did outdoor work then I roasted a Shoulder Mutton & Melon pie Amy made I took up matting & swept dining room did lamp & Amy also did a portion of work then made Olive a pretty little Pinafore & hemmed some Flannelettes for baby & some we gave to Celia we were both busy till bedtime George retired early to bed / very dry

July 26th George got up lit fire & fed Jess & milked Maisie I dressed & skimmed & fried breakfast & cleared away & then we all got ready for a Sunday off I rode as far as the line & then went to Celia’s for the Day Amy & George going on to North Gawler to see Bruce Celia & I had a Cup of Cocoa & then prepared dinner Corn Mutton Turnips & Cauliflower & potatoes Melon pie then cleared away & had a look round & a real good talk till tea time then had tea & washed up & they called for me & I milked & skimmed after we got home at 8 oclock Amy got a cup of Tea a very dry wind today

July 27 / Corals Birthday & very drying wind again & we decided to go to Charltonville & arrived there at 9 ock after doing all usual work here milking & set table for Georges dinner Mother very bad in herself & Dad not well either Amy & I did all the washing & also our bed linen & babys clothes Mr Wise179 came in afternoon we had to hurry I scrubbed form stool etc & Amy Blocks & sweeping home got tea & I churned Amy cut up 12 lbs Melon for Jam & spent a very busy evening & very tired retired to rest later G E H went earlier

179 Mr Wise is a tea agent who comes once a year. 

July 28. I got breakfast at 6/30 as usual cut lunch & milked & carried in a lot of wood as it looks like rain lit stove & made Melon Jam & Mt Lofty pudding & brn stew. Amy did housework & assisted me George ploughing it started to rain & blew in gales Maisie got away & G.E.H. had to go for her at evening got drenched I milked her & skimmed I been sewing u. b garments this afternoon & & put them out to bleach this evening it is raining splendidly tonight & we want it badly enough180

180 This is the day World War I was declared. No mention of it, although we know Bert has been going to Military Camp. 

July 29 / Same work & then Amy bathed Olive & she made the rice pudding & we picked the Turnip Tops & got cab & pots ready & roasted a Loin of Mutton I did housework & babys washing & Amy is painting a birds cage I got Olive in my arms writing it is stormy & cold Amy not well

Be not deceived God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap

July 30 / As it has been so stormy I could not wash so this morning after getting breakfast & doing ordinary work & got the washing ready & by persevering finished by dinner time & in the afternoon I had to do the butter which took me 3 hours & then did evening work & after tea ironed George & Amy played games and she ironed a few things as well

July 31st As it was our Gawler Day I hurried & did all the necessary work & set dinner for George then I got ready & dressed baby Amy put Jess in the dray & we went to City & did our shopping & drove to Celia’s where we had dinner at 3/30 & I hemmed a tablecloth for her Eva & Coral came to stay while Charl went to Gawler we got home had tea & cut up our Melon for jam George read paper Dad is not atall well neither is Mother.

August first) Saturday & a very busy day I got breakfast over & lit stove & cleaned it then I put on Jam & made a Melon pie & Soup Amy did the housework swept & dusted rooms & took up matting in the afternoon I baked Scones Cakes & made butter Amy & I washed up & she took out lunch to George fed fowls etc She was so downhearted I wish she could feel happy as she should.

Aug 2nd / Sunday but I could not sleep so at seven I dressed & made fire skimmed & milked had breakfast I hang Curtains then I dressed for Church got a ride there called at Mrs Parhams till chapel time walked home Amy cooked dinner & we had ours & Mr & Mrs & Bruce Hobart came out & I got Tea at 4/40 G. had to go & milk etc at Dawkins his Sunday on they are gone home now 6/30

Aug 3rd / I got up early as I could not rest well atall I got breakfast & milked skimmed & then I washed up & made bed & set G. dinner & we left for home where Amy & I washed & I did the Fashion Shirts up & then had a cup of Tea Uncle Charlie Paterson181 came up & Cousin Eva came over from Ratcliffs the men were chaffcutting. Amy made pillow cases for sofa. Dad has Dry Pleurisy & Ma’s cough is very bad. We heard of the sad death of Miss Hilda C Richards of Melbourn who was packing to go home to see her father who was ill & got a wire to say her Sister was dead the severe shock killed her or she died within 9 hours her mother was too late to see her alive182 & It is very sad for her people

If I take the wings of the morning & dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there shall thy Hand lead me & thy right hand shall hold me.

181 Uncle Charles Paterson, husband of Ma's sister Harriet.
182 Hilda C Richards; a very sad story.

Aug 4th We were all astir early as we were to have a day off so I got breakfast & Amy packed for a Family Picnic at Barossa (the Hobarts) they all went in a dray four in hand I went as far as the line & went to Ada’s she was driving the children to school so I made a fire & washed up scrubbed table & swept floor then I had a talk to Uncle Charlie & Ada & children came home & cut out & made a Green Skirt for Ada Jim was home to dinner also Uncle I slept at Eva’s Tuesday night

Aug 5th I got up first then Eva Uncle was up & out I went to Adas to breakfast & then I made beds & did housework I also did some sewing Ada drove me home arrived dinner time I was sewing in the afternoon & went to bid Mrs P. Judd good bye & to get some goods off Mr Stone the Hawker Ada stayed till 5/30 I milked skimmed & got Tea & salted meat fine weather

Aug 6 / Washing Day so I got breakfast over & it was a thick fog & drizzling rain so I got most on the line only a few got dry & Amy ironed them I did the butter which took me 3 hours or more Olive is so teasy her teeth coming Amy cooked roast mutton Pots & cabbage for dinner I was sewing at night. Will Higgins183 came over Monday night for me to go Housekeeper as Mrs Wilson is leaving the weather is damp now

183 Mr William Thomas Higgins; a neighbour. His wife (Lily Burt) died almost a year ago, see note 40 on this page.  Mrs Wilson. Not sure who this is - too many possibilities.

Aug 7 / Only all morning duties & made bed & got ready for Gawler arrived there at 11/30 & did shopping got a Quilt for Ada & also called there coming home & took her & all the children over to Celia’s & we had a cup of Tea & talk I forgot to report we went to see Eva (Atyeo) who had a darling little daughter born Aug 4184 & both are doing well Celia sent her maid off as she told lies & was light fingered as well

184 This is Gwendoline Ettie Atyeo.

Aug 8 / Breakfast over Amy got up & she had hers & bathed Olive & then started packing for the house left by Mr P Judd we are going there Monday got most of things ready to load the Masons are to repair this house so it is handy to Georges work over there I cooked Cabbage Turnips Tops Potatoes fried Bacon & I been helping pack & had a cup of Tea & ironed I am tired now & must retire I made butter today & did all work

Behold I am with you always even unto the end of the world

Aug 9th Clems birthday we did not get up early as it was Georges Sunday off I got breakfast & milked & skimmed etc Amy bathed Olive & we got ready for “Charltonville” arrived there in time to set dinner & make sauce for Cauliflower Ma was preparing same when we got home Charl & Coral are home now till Eva’s return they went to Gawler to see the baby & name her also (“Gwendaline Ettie”) we were talking & had tea & drove home & George started packing till nine oclock then we all retired to rest

Aug 10th I got up about six & got breakfast & George & I had ours Amy collapsed for several hours & I really did not know which way to turn I packed all remaining crocery & other things & George took several loads over to the other house Stan Worden & Howard Dawkins helped with the heavy dray got all gone but bed & other heavy things then Amy got up & helped I bathed Olive & fed her I carried the milk over in buckets Amy pushed the Pram with Olive in Did not know what to do on arrival I made a cup of Tea Amy was so ill I had to fry hot salt all the afternoon & put on her

Aug 11 / I got up same time got breakfast & then I went & milked the cow before Sunrise came back washed up & Amy Olive & I drove home & we washed Mr Paterson185 came in a Motor to get Bert to sign to go to war if needed the news put a gloom on everything & Amy fell through the shock to her nerves. The boys were in Humphrys plowing Clem at school we got home here I got tea & Amy took Jess out Olive not well at all her teeth & cold

185 Probably Corporal Paterson (James Knox or William Verco), son of Mr William Darling Paterson; Corporal Paterson was in the first group of men from Gawler to volunteer.

Aug 12 / Same time & work then called Amy but she could not get up till after ten I hurried & did the work the stove got a good clean it was full of soot I cooked Loin Mutton two Apple Pies a Cake Cauliflower cut Marrow pots & got dinner Amy set table. this afternoon I did all remainder of washing & Amy skirt & Blouse Amy went over to the other place & took lunch she had Olive in Pram I washed all things up Olive is so unwell today

Aug 13 One Day is much like another & same work Amy bathed Olive & took her in the Pram to milk & also took over lunch & then on return helped me do Turnip Tops I fried leg Chops & we had apple pie I had to churn two lots cream & make butter which took most of afternoon Amy took Olive & the lunch over to the other house & I got in wood & did all other work was sewing at night the weather is very dry indeed Olive is very far from well & I have a cold

In my fathers house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you

Aug 14 ) Gawler Day George was going too so I did morning work & cooked vegetables & packed the eggs for market & dressed myself & Olive set table Amy went over to the other place & did the wrk Dinner over we started & after a silent journey got there & went to the Bank did shopping & talked to Eva then went to Mrs Buggs to afternoon Tea & on our road home called at Celia’s she has a daughter born Aug 13th185 Ada was with her Mrs McEwan’s Father186 was buried today so she could not come & Mrs Green nursed her & her child187 was ill & she could not stop

185 Celia's new daughter is Mary Ann Bernice Dawe, known as Bernice, or Birdie.
186 Mrs McEwin and her Father;  I can't work this out! Could be McEwan.
187 Mrs Green, and her child. Also impossible to work out.

Aug 15 / I got breakfast & Amy bathed Olive & went to the other place I cooked leg of mutton Turnips potato & apple pie & did all babys washing she is so unwell got like measles on her Dinner over I bake biscuits & cake did lamp & went to the other place churned butter & milk cleared away Tea washed up am so tired Olive crying very she has a rash like measles on her & seems very bad indeed

Aug 16 / We got up in fair time George went to the stables to do his work & milk the cows I got breakfast skimmed & went over & fed fowls & milked came back & prepared vegs for Dinner & then I went & had a bath also both George & Amy had one I did not go to Church I got Dinner & have read a little & went & milked again Amy has retired & I am reading a bit more G is reading a lovely day so sunny

Aug 17th We were up early & I had breakfast over & my cow milked before the sun rose then came back & set dinner for George & did washing up Amy bathed Olive & put Jess in dray to go to Charltonville it was rather windy & after I got home I made fire filled copper & got two boils washed then it blew a hurricane & clouds of dust made it impossible to proceed so I went indoor & made pies for Dinner & afterwards put sleeves in mothers blouse Amy lent Ma a hand also & we drove home here at five & I hurried & peeled potatoes & onions & fried mutton for Tea I felt disheartened for it means an extra journey

Aug 18 / Just the same work in every way only on arrival at Home a nice day promised & Amy & I had a big wash today 4 sheets 7 pillowslips a pair of moles for each besides Corals & Charls washing Flannels etc we got most dry & folded & I washed ironed & hung dining room Curtains. Drove home here & I made a brown Stew for Tea I hurried all I could my Knee is very bad indeed cannot move without pain Amy & I both wrote to Frances at night. George Hayman188 went down to Adelaide to Light horse Camp today & many others

188 George Hayman is a neighbour.

I have fought a good fight I have kept the faith Henceforth there is layed up for me a crown of righteousness

Aug 19 / George called me at ¼ past 5 & I at once got his meal - He went to Stables then back to breakfast & to Gawler for Bricks I did not feel too good so went in Amys bed & had a sleep till after seven then I got breakfast & Amy went over & milked I lit stove & cooked corn Shoulder Mutton pots carrots Swedes & two Melon pies & Apricot Jam tart Swept kitchen Amy bathed Olive & tidied her room & front room & this afternoon I churned for four hours & made butter & cleared away

Aug 20th As my knee is so bad I usually get breakfast & Amy baths Olive & puts her in her Pram & goes over & milks while I got the washing ready I also washed Georges coat & vest & then babys overall etc it was a nice drying wind & I got all dry & ironed Amy also milked at night My knee awfully painful we mended at night.

Aug 21/ I decided to go to a Doctor so I got the fire & Amy went & milked & I did necessary housework & made beds & got ready for Gawler both Amy & I Olive is very fretful indeed crys terribly but is a darling child & I Just Dote on her she knows me got to the City at 12 o’clock & did a bit shopping the bank We called at Bridge St & Ada’s & then on to Celia’s & had a cup of Tea got home good time & George also went to Dr poisoned arm we read after tea a little & retired very dry warm weather

Aug 22nd We were a little later up & I went & milked George laid up I skimmed & salted meat also put on Shoulder to roast with Potatoes & Cauliflower Amy did babys washing & we both hurried as we expected to go away but Geo arm was easier & we stayed home George had a bath & I washed his clothes & churned & Amy made pancake for tea then we read & nursed baby

Aug 23rd / Up early & lit fire & went & milked then had breakfast & tidied round & we drove home here & G & A went to Bridge St I washed up & then Dad Ma & I drove to Charlies I remained & they went to Celia’s Wilf to Gawler Bert home alone we got home early & I got tea the parents milked & Sepr & we chatted Bert also went to Gawler tonight

Come ye children Hearken unto me I will teach you the fear of the Lord

Aug 24 / I got up at 6/30 Dad lit fire & I got the washing ready & then had breakfast & commenced & my working hard finished by one oclock had dinner & scrubbed up & starched Dads white shirts & Colar for Clem boys Fashion Shirts & ironed them & pants Ma folded other clothes & tonight we cut up the Melon & Lemons for Jam tomorrow late to bed

Aug 25 / Clifs Birthday Dad got the fire made & a cup of Tea & I lit the Stove & put on the Jam which I helped make but as my knee was so painful I could not keep on it I assisted in various ways & lengthened Clems best Pants & pressed them & made ham bag & mended, Mother ironed all the plain clothes & at about five Amy came home with little Olive in the Pram Mother cooked hot Tea Wilf went to Gawler

Aug 26 / Amy stayed home all night & I did not get up till nearly seven fried breakfast & swept dining room Amy the other rooms & washed floors I washed my head & dusted & washed & ironed piano cover George was home to dinner he rode home horseback I went up to see Mr. Ratcliff & Mr. & Mrs Freak189 was there the weather is very dry indeed & rain is badly wanted Mother cooked hot Tea Amy helped Dad milk the cows & I mended stockings.

189 This is probably George Freak and his wife Georgina (nee Dyer), the parents of Bertie George Freak.

Aug 27th / I lit the fire & help get breakfast ready then I did usual work helping in various ways Dad drove us back to Gawler River & I hurried & cooked some corn Mutton & Vegetables for Dinner & in the afternoon I churned Butter. The Masons are busy rebuilding the house we used to live in & George is carting Stone & Sand the weather is hot windy & dry like summer & one feels so anxious about War

Aug 28th / After breakfast Amy bathed Olive & went over to Milk the cow while I was busy washing. Ina Dawkins & Constance Roediger came to see how baby was I had a good lot to do Amy cooked Dinner & I help iron & we made little Flannels for Olive still very dry George same work good drying wind I washed blankets Uncle Charley Heath met with an accident he fell off the electric car & broke a bone in his hand Aug 29th
Enter ye in at the straight gate for broad is the road that leads to destruction

Aug 29th As we are unsettled in this place we do not have usual work & always get breakfast & skim then I scrubbed safe & swept dining room & Amy baked Scones Cakes & Sponge & leg Mutton in the afternoon I washed up & cut out & made Olive a Bonnet for every day Amy did odd work

Aug 30 / We awoke to a most blusterous day wind so strong & I wanted to go to Church but as my knee was so bad & stayed home & did necessary work & Dinner over George drove us to Buchsfelde & Mother Wilfred & Clem were there a good congregations we drove home to Tea & back to evening service which was largely attended & it rained coming home & during the night some nice showers fell but not enough

Aug 31st / A lovely Damp Morning & nice showers but after breakfast it cleared & we dorve home to Charltonville” & I lit the Copper & did the washing Amy helped me all day we finished & scrubbed up Charl was home chaffcutting he has a new Domo Separator Carman has a calf Dad has five in now Ma helps Milk we got back here at six & had tea G & A cleared the big room for the shearers who come tomorrow Mr Fairlie & E. J. Leak or Mr Kope190 it is bitterly cold tonight but no rain is falling

189 Mr Fairlie is a neighbour, Edwin John Leak? Mr Kope

Sept 1st / I decided to wash home here today so after usual duties I got on the boiler & by persevering I got all done by dinner time but I had a lot this week it was a most perfect day we folded in afternoon Buchsfelde Tea but we did not go as George is busy cutting pines & was tired Amy Olive & I went over to the other place & got eggs Amy goes over & milks Maisie

Sep 2nd / Same hour Just six & got fire & breakfast Amy always bathes Olive & takes her over to milk with her cooked Corn Mutton Veg, pots, & Melon pies, scones, Tart. I was sewing & Amy ironed Wilfred & Clem drove down for the evening we chatted away & I was also sewing Bert went to a Military Smoke Social191. Gawler bid Farewell to the Military boys going to war192. Clem went to sleep on my stretcher as he was out late last night at Buchsfelde he enjoyed himself & it was a success & well attended it being such a lovely day but too dry.

191 A Smoke Social was a male-only social event, where they would, well, smoke.
192 Here's the report of the Farewell.

For these light afflictions which are but for a time shall work out for a far more exceeding & eternal weight of Glory

Sep 3rd / Same work & then I went over to milk & Amy bathed Olive I came back & washed up set Geo dinner & did necessary work & Amy & I cleaned ourselves for Gawler calling at Cousins Eva’s for lunch also Ada’s did shopping & came home & went to Band of Hope Eva Ethel & Wesley drove out & Clem came on Toff A crowded house & good Programme Mr Driesener is ill193.

193 Probably Carl Johann Gottlieb Driesener, a neighbour of Fanny's father's generation.

Sep 4 / We did not rise as early but hurried & did all work & George went to Gawler for Mr. Dawkins I cooked Dinner Cabbage & swedes, fried bacon M Pie I been altering Moles for George Amy went to other place George & Jack Burford are putting the wood work on the house still dry & we all want rain badly

Sep 5th / I felt awfully tired & my limbs ached badly so painful I got breakfast & Amy went & milked I cooked swedes Turnips Tops potatoes & bacon Melon pie for Dinner & I did some washing for baby & towels George went to City for timber & did not get home till 2 o’ck I cleared all away & had to rest for a while then I put straps on Geo’s Moles I have written this report twice so Amy did washing today I started baking after breakfast patty buns & slide buns & Apple pie Shoulder Mutton Amy made 4 sponge sandwiches I made brown stew it had been a most terrible windy & dust so dark could hardly see we went & voted at Buchsfelde & to see Mary for an hour then drove home George had to ride Jess to look for Edie Greig194 as she went away for cows & could not find them but she was safe & the cows were in the home fields

194 Edie Krieg? Edie Grieg? Must be Krieg I think.[]

Sep 6th / Sunday both Amy & did a portion of work & got up early & lit fire & made Butter up got ready for home at about 10/30 Wilfie rode down & we were dressing so at 11/30 we drove home & Celia & Percy with their little ones & Charl & Eva & Coral & Gwennie were there during the Day so it was a family gathering. Mr & Mrs Brodie & Mrs Pointon195 drove out for a while after tea Amy & George & Clem & Olive drove home here I stayed home & the rest all went to their home at 7/30 I was talking to Bert & read a little late to bed lovely day so sunny.

195 Mrs Pointon. There are a few possibilities - since it seems like someone of Fanny's parents' generation, I suspect it is Elizabeth Gash, the second wife of Jeremiah Pointon.

In my Fathers house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you

Sep 7 / Dad & I were up same time & after a cup of tea I lit the copper & breakfast over started washing Amy & Clem got home soon after nine he went to School & she helped me I had such pains in my Knee I & limbs I could not hurry & after I had scrubbed up & done Copper & blocks I started Wilfs Shirt & ironed it also Clem Color we drove home here the day was fine but changing winds

Sep 8th I decided to wash home here Amy got up & I got breakfast & she went over to do the cow with baby in the Pram I went on washing it was so windy & I soon got all dry& did some sewing folded all down did not iron it came up like rain but the weather is very dry indeed

Sep 9th Our life here is very monotonous one day is like another & we dont here much news we always cook dinner we had Shepherds Pie & rice pudding today & dinner over I ironed & Amy made a cake & sponge then here is always babys washing to do I am busy making aprons one for Celia one for Ada & two for myself

Sep 10 / We had lovely showers last night & today is perfect Amy & I were finishing our sewing & Clem rode down with letters from Sydney, Cookes Plains, Moonta we had afternoon tea & Clem had a play with Olive & went home at 5 Amy had a brood of chicks come out 12 but 7 got smothered then George had 5 prize eggs & got 4 out during the week we have had 2 terrible windy dusty days

Sep 11. Amy & I both got up I lit fire got breakfast over Then Amy bathed Olive & went over to milk while I washed up & did housework & got ready for Gawler when Amy got back I got Olive ready & she put Jess in & got ready herself & we got in there at 11/30 had to wait till 3/30 for harness to be mended so did shopping for Dad Celia & children came in with him & Ethel also had a talk to Cousin Eva & others very nice day & a lot of people in Gawler Adelaide Show closes its fourth & last Day today ideal weather

Sep 12/ Breakfast over I lit stove Amy over to other place back & baked Scones, Biscuits, Sponge tarts. I cleaned lamps did washing for baby & boiled them prepared vegetables & washed all up & boiled mutton cabb & potatoes & Amy made Jam tart for dessert this afternoon cleared table & scrubbed safe swept & dusted bedroom Kitchen & back room got wood in. Amy went over & fed chicks very cold wind washed up every day

Thinkest Thou that I cannot now pray to my Father & he shall give me more than twelve legions of Angels

Sep 13th / Up at 7/30 & got breakfast then I washed up while Amy went to the other place with Olive in the Pram & she came back & cooked some potatoes for dinner I had made up my mind to go home but as I felt so unwell I did not even go to Church then Amy did not want me to go so I stayed home here but it is a miserable time no company a most beautiful day & all the folk going to Church

Sep 14 / We were both up in good time & Amy cut dinner & put up tea & bathed Olive I good breakfast & cleared table & did all necessary things we drove to Charltonville & I hurried & got the Copper lit & Amy had to go up to Mrs Ratcliffs for blue then she helped me but we were late finishing 4 o’clock had a Cup of tea & Drove home & got tea here nice day.

Sep 15. As I intended going to Mrs Mortimer for Brenda196 to fit my dress I just did housework after ordinary work & we drove home & got the Stuff then to Mortimers & to Gawler & back had a cup of tea there & then we came home it was a perfect day we called at Ada’s Albert has Tonsilitis but a little better his mouth is very bad Dad has Eczema very bad indeed my knee is so painful

196 Brenda Minchion Mortimer, and her mother Emily Mortimer (nee Baker).

Sep 16th As we have been away both Days I had to wash home here had a large one too & did not get done till late folded all. Amy always takes Olive in the pram & goes over to water & feed the chicks gather Eggs She roasted a round beef potatoes & cabbage for us while I washed a very nice day indeed Olive teasy Miss Weeding197 spent the evening with us Sunday night

197 Miss Weeding. No further information yet.

Sep17 / George always calls me at about six & I get breakfast over Amy cuts dinner for him & I made a fire & ironed & also washed & pressed my crème blouse & Amys Silk & Olive’s best petticoats I took her bonnet all to pieces & made it larger & we went to a Magic Lantern at Stone Hill

Sep 18 / Same hour & work & then while Amy was at the other place I cleaned this room & put new linings on Olives sleeves & did a lot of Stitching for the Show Day Amy been very depressed & fretted all day I fried our dinner & she roasted a part of leg of Mutton Swedes & potatoes I made a currant pie & tried to get my butter but couldn’t Olive been so good today & is asleep now tired out 9 o’ck


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