June 1911 to May 1912

Fanny R Atyeo, 
Charlton Ville, Gawler P. O. 
1 / 6 / 11

In 1911, Fanny Rosina is 36, living with her parents Henry Atyeo (aged 63) & Mary Ann (Ma, aged 59), in Charlton Ville, Wards Belt, South Australia. Her parents have been married for 37 years, both living in Gawler River at the time of their marriage. This is Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt. Also at home are Albert Joseph (Bert, aged 26), Amy Florence (aged 24) & Wilfred George (Wilfie, aged 18). According to Google Maps, the house was at the back of the property, far from Woods Road, there is a number 879 on the gate. 

Henry Atyeo (Dad) owns two properties, the family home, purchased by his father, on Woods Road, & another larger block on the corner of Parker & Leak Roads in Wards Belt. The boys sometimes stay at this other farm (Bragglesome Farm)

Eldest brother Charles William Henry (Charlie, aged 29) lives at Bragglesome farm nearby with his wife Eva (nee McLeod). Fanny refers to her as "our Eva" or "Auntie Eva" to distinguish her from Cousin Eva (Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath) who also lives nearby. Fanny's other sisters Ada (35) & Frances (33) have married & left home. Frances lives with her family in Moonta. Ada with her family in the Gawler area. Late last year, her sister Celia (31) married, and now lives at Evanston.

Significant events in 1911-12: Influenza is about - affecting much of the family; Death of cousin Alfred Heath (August 22) and his funeral on August 23rd; Death of Alfred and Kit's 2 year old son Aubrey (Jan 2nd 1912); Amy is quite unwell for some time, even after being hospitalised for more than a week, and goes away to Lower Light to visit cousins which leaves Fanny feeling quite lonely. Brewing beer, which used to happen only for Christmas and New Year becomes a regular occurence after January 1st 1912.

June 1st 1911

We were up at 5 & I fried breakfast & lit stove & put bread out to rise & made a cake & afterwards I baked both Amy planted the Cabbages I did housework & cooking Ma's cough is very bad & it is cold damp weather. have not written for 6 days & can't remember correctly, but since then & on June 1st poor Charlie had to undergo an operation that is two in less than a week & he suffers terribly Eva1 is in Gawler at Celia's as well helping her P.T.D.2 goes to Town twice a week.

1 Eva Alice Atyeo (nee McLeod), wife of brother Charles William Henry Atyeo. To distinguish her from cousin Eva, she is called "Our Eva" or sometimes "Auntie Eva" in Fanny's diaries.
2 Percival (Percy) Thomas Dawe, husband of sister Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo). Town is probably Adelaide.

June 2nd Same hour & work & the meal over I blackleaded my stove &c & did our room Amy3 the front rooms & Also went down to Bragglesome & fed the horses & did my necessary work in the afternoon I made good tires & then altered my violet dress put a velvet front in the bodice a cold day also stormy Amy always milks if she is home.

3Amy Florence Atyeo, youngest sister.

June 3rd Our usual time & got breakfast over & put up lunch for men then made beds & lit stove & baked some lovely scones & large Currant Cake Amy all outdoor work & at 12 o'clock we Amy cousin Eva4 & myself went to Gawler & met Mrs Folland5 & got French6 he did enjoy himself so much We found Charlie very unwell also Celia the operation was rather bad for her to see but there was no one else to do it did some shopping & came home had to call at Mr Davis7 for Meat I felt a wee bit nervous driving I got such a scare was splitting a log & found a Bobby Lizard8 & Eva caught it by the neck & put it on Wilf's9 coat tail she helped chaffcut & then went to Gawler with us.

4 Eva Emily May Heath, Fanny’s cousin (daughter of Uncle Charl & Alf’s sister). Often called "cousin Eva".
5 Probably Mrs Jane Rowse Folland (nee Wright), mother in-law of sister Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo)
6 Charles French Folland (nephew), aged 5.
7 Alexander Joel Davis is a neighbour.
8 Sleepy Lizard / Bob-tailed lizard, Stumpy-tailed lizard, Blue tongue.
9 Wilfred George Heath Atyeo, youngest brother.

June 4 Sunday & Amy remained at Celia's so I had to get up & make fire & fry sausages Eva came home with me & cousin Eva stayed with Uncle10 as he came home yesterday to go to Gawler but Eva rode in with us to sell her cabbage plants. Breakfast over I lit the stove & made seasoning for a fowl. Ma prepared it & Vegetables I did all housework & set dinner Eva went down to her own home with Bert11 & after dinner Dad & her & Uncle Charley went to Gawler to see Charlie I read for a while & then as it was so extremely cold & stormy I went for cows & milked & fed calf pigs & cows Cousin Eva came down Boys went to Buchsfelde12 I read to French & retired the rest had supper Amy came home with Dad & lost her brooch.

10 Uncle Charles Heath, Ma’s brother, who also lived at Ward’s Belt, aged 64.
11 Albert Joseph Atyeo, brother.
12 Buchsfelde (Buchfelde) is a location nearby. It was the site of a Lutheran church & cemetery, which had no Lutheran priest so was used by many denominations until 1947; it was eventually transferred to the Methodist Church. 

June 5 A holiday but we never keep them13 so I got the breakfast over & lit Copper & started washing Amy outdoor work & then helped me but it was a terrible Day cold & heavy showers I had to bring all sheets & large things in & just dry the rough & coloured clothes Ma cooked dinner & we never got finished all till 3 o'ck I turned my hat (purple) We were both tired as it kept us running with clothes on line I mangled through the wringer the towels &c & ironed also Dad helped Uncle kill his pig & they were busy boys same work.

13 The King's birthday!

June 6 Very cold but not so wet We each did our usual work in the morning & Amy started for Gawler I walked over to Mr Ratcliffs14 with French as he was going as well with Amy & she had to ride the pony as far as Uncle Charlie's for the Dogcart I called at Mr Ratcliff & Will15 was putting up a separate room I came home & made pies Tarts & helped generally also put Sheets out & got all ironing done & aired & put away so busy had to milk feed cows calf & pigs Amy & French came home W.R. spent evening.

14 William Ratcliff, (senior) and his son...
15 William Ratcliff, (junior) neighbour, and husband of cousin Eva.

June 7 Awoke to hear the rain pattering down just pouring & I got dressed early as I had to bake bread & all the wood outside very wet I split some & lit stove & fire in dining room & got breakfast also made a large yeast Cake & Amy helped men Chaffcut till dinner. In the afternoon I cut out & made a new Petticoat (Grey) Amy made or finished French a pair of pants. It was very stormy & cold all Day Amy wore her new everyday boots for first time today.

June 8 Not as early & a very cold showery morning we each did a share of houseowrk & as Ma is far from well I help with cooking light the stove always chop wood & make hugh fires in both rooms Amy & Cousin Eva went down to Bragglesome to feed young horses 7 also do anthing about hte place I cut our & made Ma Flannelette under garment but did not get on too well at it but finished it & made a Bag apron still wet & cold it is almost too wet for the men to work as it is a flat to put in.

June 9 Awfully cold & showery so the men went manure carting & planting peas French went with them all the morning Amy did her front room & boys I did ours & turned out boxes & did the wardrobe down sorted somethings for Celia I was busy all day Amy cleaned best boots & leaned lamps Will got his Domo Separator15 & Eva gave him some hints on Sepr she always stays with us nights we are only milking two cows as the others are coming in soon. Percy coming out for Queenie [illegible}

15  Domo cream separators were imported from Sweden.

June 10 Sat but I did not get up till six as it was wet & extremely cold I got breakfast & Amy set table I put out bread & lit stove baked bread & then I cut up 2 rabbits & prepared them for dinner with onions & herbs also swept dining room dinner over I made a nice fire Blackleaded fireplace &c Ma did all Cautery I the lamps scrubbed safe & other articles & this evening I milked fed all animals Amy & Eva went to Gawler & to Celia's Charley is getting better now I baked Cake yseterday Mr Preiss16 is ill.

16 Henry August Frederick Preiss, a neighbour. 

June 11 Being Sunday we did not rise very early I swept the rooms Dad lit fire & got a cup of Tea I fried breakfast & Eva set table Amy outdoor work it was a very cold morning P.T.D. came out for Celia's Cows stayed to dinner & I did housework while Amy cooked Dinner roast mutton Cauliflower potatoes. After we cleared dinner I washed up & we had hugh fires I wrote to Coonalpyn17 Amy to Emma18 Bert went down to Bragglesome & found poor old Daisy dead Wilf went home with Percy Bert came home went to Chapel George19 came out had supper & music I read a little George think of leaving this part for a time French is still with us so good. Louie has a son today20.

17 Not sure who is living in Coonalpyn
18 Probably Lucy Emma Lockyer, who visited in January.
19 George Edmund Hobart, later to marry Amy.
20 Cousin Louisa Emily Waters nee Arbon's son Leslie William Waters, born in Port Broughton.

June 12 I was up in fair time & started work before six got breakfast & lit Copper & started washing Amy outdoor work & then helped me we finished all but a few rough things before dinner & afterwards I scrubbed form stools Box & Knife box regular scrub up Amy did blocks & Copper I mangled a few things but it was a very dull cold day & nothing would dry properly Ma & Cousin Eva went to Bragglesome & also to see poor Mrs Ratcliff21 she is so unwell but home Amy did outdoor work I split stumps & got in wood & made large fires.

21Jane Ratcliff nee Donald, wife of William Ratcliff (senior)

June 13 Twenty minutes to six I got up & lit fire & took in Tea & got breakfast & then swept all the usual rooms & tried to carry in a hugh log but had to get Eva to help me I had to put bread in tins to rise make beds & put clothes to air such a lot to air & kept me running all day long & I feel very tired & my arms ache chopping wood. Amy went to Gawler this morning & over to Celia's also to Mrs Hobart's22 Florry23 has been home for a while bad face & then she is going to her place again tomorrow Eva came home tonight with Amy & is playing the Piano now. Been very cold indeed keen east wind Eva cousin has been weeding her garden & hoeing her vegetables Ma is not well atall. Amy got me a new bread pan.

22 Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett), wife of Dale William Hobart, mother of George Edmund Hobart.
23 Florence Emma Hobart, George’s sister, aged 19.

June 14 Up in good time & got breakfast & did housework I was very unwell but still kept pegging away got dinner & Amy & cousin Eva helped chaffcut & then she went home & got ready for a drive with Ma they went down to Mrs Preiss24 to see Cousin Pollie25 Leslie is going to school at Buchsfelde also Dorrie is going26 as they are going to live near Preiss. I was very busy all the afternoon Baking scones cakes. Amy started doing up the garden such hard work. Our Eva made me a Creme Gold Blouse today & also played Piano.

24 Mrs Preiss is a neighbour and the mother-in-law of cousin Pollie: Ellen Preiss (nee Baker).
25 Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), a cousin, daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath, recently widowed.
26 Albert Leslie Preiss (aged 7) and Dorothy (Dorrie) May Preiss (aged 8), cousin Pollie's children.

June 15 Amy got up got breakfast & put out bread to rise lit stove she was up at 5 o'clock & I did not get up till even I felt the benefit of a good rest as I felt so ill I got a bit better & Eva & I went down to Bragglesome I drove over to the Tap & watered the horses & came back & fed them Eva prepared dinner which we had & then cleaned the rooms made good fires in both rooms blackleaded stove & had a cup of Tea then came home Cousin Eva was at Mrs Ratcliff poor old soul is so bad & Will is also very unwell are afraid it will mean an operation.

June 16th Amy also got breakfast over for me but I got up at 6/15 & cut out a Garment for Ma before breakfast & then cut boys lunch & we had our breakfast. I blackleaded stove &c then did housework Amy did back rooms I swept front rooms & Amy & I dusted them in the afternoon. I was sewing finished Ma's Garment & mended clothes Eva trimmed Amy's hat & then Bert & her went o Bragglesom took French with them. I always cut wood & make good fires in rooms Beaut is very bad Men up with her & Bert is now going for Mr McLean27 11 o'clock pm.

27 James Sparshott McLean, veterinarian.

June 17th I got up & got breakfast put out bread to rise & baked it then baked raisin Cake & fried Mutton & onions for dinner swept dining room & after our meal I scrubbed safe &c dusted Cupboards & other things Amy swept again Ma stuffed a fowl Amy baked it also Scones Cakes Ma cleaned cutlery we were busy all day Eva went to Gawler & brought Charl home Celia came home for tonight a nice day Thursday wet & cold yesterday fine & sunshiney today Mr McL stayed till 3 o'clock this morning Mare a little better am tired.

June 18 Sunday so we did not get up till late I got the fire fried Sausages Celia came home so she set table I made a pudding & we had cold roast fowl & Ham we did our house work & had a chat Percy came out to Tea & they took home glory box & overmantle & slips of Flowers quite a load Bert & Wilfie started off to Church but Hector fell with Wilfie & hurt his back so he came back from first sandhill covered in dirt Eva is here she is staying as Uncle is gone to Lower Light. Mrs Alex Davis28 has a son this morning Frost a heifer calf.

28 Alec Alfred Davis, son of Alexander Joel Davis and Agnes Jane Davis nee Dunn (his second wife).

June 19th I was up very early as our clock was fast & it could not have been more than five I dress & got the fire swept room & had a copy of Tea & got porrige for breakfast then lit Copper & chopped wood & started washing although it looked a rather unpromising morning Amy as usual had to help chaffcut & I washed Ma best Quilt had to keep running in & out to line it poured in the afternoon I aired some & ironed come all I could get dry did not do too bad but a lot of work Amy scrubbed up so awfully wet under foot. Wilf is none the worse for his fall last night.

June 20 I did not get up so early & called the others swept the dining room & got breakfast then made beds & lit stove & got the other fireplace ready for Dad & Bert to sweep Chimney they swept both I Eva & I cleared up while Amy did the sitting room. In the afternoon Eva & French drove Amy to Charlie's where they caught fowls ready for market & brought one a game Rooster for Ma it came up so very stormy & bitterly cold I finished ironing & started a Cosy milked fed calf & pigs & made a lovely fires as is always my custom each day. 

June 21 earlier & did same work after breakfast I made beds & swept all rooms requiring to be done cleaned up the fireplaces & lit stove made apple pie & pastry & fried Rabbit & onions for dinner Ma prepared Swedes & potatoes & at 11 oclock she had to cut Bert & Dad their dinner for Bragglesome. Wilf was home to dinner I finished cosy today Eva has washed & ironed & tonight has skinned 3 Rabbits & is at patchwork now. Dad been up in the paddock looking for Mona could not find her I made hugh fires in both rooms & milked Frosty kicked milk over tonight. Finished seeding today. Mona had a calf today.

June 22nd I felt awfully unwell but got up & lit fire & swept dining room & Kitchen & got breakfast & managed to put out bread Eva lit the stove I was so ill I really could not keep up for my head nearly drove me silly I layed down till about Ten then I got up & made beds but had to give in a gain & lie on the couch till dinner time after which I helped Ma with dishes & then trimmed my purple Hat & cleaned best Boots but felt so ill Eva helped chaffcut & roasted rabbits & onions for Dinner I mended after tea Eva patchwork & talking & jokes.

June 23rd I did not get up early Dad lit fire & I fried Liver & Onions as the men killed a pig yesterday Ma & Dad cut up salted down pork Amy came from Ada's I made Risoles for dinner & baked meat & cakes & did our bed room Amy all other usual Fridays work I helped with lard Ma churned Butter I had to make bread tonight dry but very cold weather.

June 24 Late up as I feel very unwell got the fire & swept the room & had breakfast porrige &c then I blackleaded stove & put out bread & made Yeast Cake for lunch Eva & Charl came home with letters which they got yesterday for us we got a Budget one from Emma Tom & Myrtle29 Clara30 Franc & P.C. from Maria31 & Clif32. Amy & Dad went to Gawler & I baked bread Madeira Cake scrubbed all necessary articles Ma did Cutlery I milked Beauty & Frosty Dad & Amy got home early & he milked Mona I & Eva fed calves & pigs Amy bathed French Wilfie went to Gawler at night I read paper so cold.

29 Emma? Possibly Lucy Emma Lockyer (mentioned earlier in the year) Tom Easton (cousin) and Myrtle Easton (nee Badenoch), living in Murray Bridge.
30 Clara Pearl Easton, another cousin, Aunt Emily Heath's daughter.

31 Maria Anna Paterson, cousin (daughter of Aunt Harriet Heath).
32 George Henry Clifton Folland (Frances' eldest son, aged 7). 

June 25 7.30 so we got up & Dad lit fire & I got breakfast swept rooms Eva made our beds I did all washing up Sepr & all others. Amy prepared Vegetables for dinner which I cooked & I washed my head & had a bath Amy is spending afternoon at Mrs Ratcliffs Wilf lying down I on my own as Dad & Ma are at Uncle Wills at The Blocks33 French is with Eva today Wilfie went to Buchsfelde Bert has spent the day at Ada's.

33William Atyeo, Henry’s older brother who came to South Australia in 1868 (aged 22!) & who sold Henry the farm. He now lives at Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens)..

June 26 Up & hurried to get breakfast over lit copper & we washed I was not too well neither was Amy however we got on very well Ma cooked Dinner I helped till all was done & folded after scrubbing all up & after Tea we both ironed & finished all too Wesley34 came home & helped the men chaffcut also Charl drove home Eva did her washing at Home

34 Nephew, Ada’s eldest, Wesley (Henry Wesley Parham), aged 9.

June 27 We were up & busy as we intended going to Gawler we were up early & got breakfast over & did all the work we could the men went poisoning rabbits & Wilfie went rolling. We started about 11 oclock for Gawler calling at Ada's children very unwell. We saw George off in the bus (midday) for Mount Mary & also spent a while at Mrs Hobarts did shopping & went to Celia's we had tea after Amy went Home & Gwennie was so unwell that we had to take her home to her Mother & we spent the evening there looking at Photo's etc came home very cold we retired on our own as Percy was in Town. Mrs Herbert Argent35 has a Son very delicate infant. Am not sure of the date it was born.

35 Samuel Argent, son of Annie Lenora Argent (nee Andrews). He only survives 4 days.

June 28 A perfect day broke & Celia & I dressed I did housework Celia milked & fed her cow I cut out & partly made Clem36 a singlet & started for Aunties37 at Midday got there at about 1 o'clock Auntie & Uncle were about to have dinner so I had some & then I did some sewing for her an undervest of white Flannelette & had a chat & made my bed & retired a most beautiful day & cold night frosty

36 Ada’s second son, Clem (Clement Garfield) aged 8.
37 Most likely this is Auntie Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock), wife of Uncle Will Atyeo.

June 29 Uncle got up at 1/2 past 6 & lit fire I got breakfast & took Auntie in hers then I finished Aunties body which I was making & had lunch & drove to Celia's had our dinner & we dressed for Mrs McLarens38 had a chat & afternoon coffee looked at Photo's & Garden came home had tea after milking Queenie I finished Clems Sweater.

38 Mrs McLaren could be Elizabeth Anne McLaren (nee Adams), mother of Clarence Roy McLaren who is mentioned in 1917, but I am not sure. 

June 30 Celia & Percy had to get up at 4 o'clock & I did not get up till after seven I wassewing & also stirring Jam Melon & orange & after dinner we went down the street & did shopping called at Mrs Wainwright39 for a palm got home I milked Celia got Tea & we went to Alice's40 for the evening & Supper & came home late & retired to rest tired.

39 Strongly suspect Mrs Wainwright is Florence Jane Wainwright (nee Bright), as her son Jim was mentioned in 1909, but I am not 100% sure.
40Probably Percy's sister Alice Ethelinda Warnken (nee Dawe).

July 1st We got up late & Celia fed fowls & cow & milked I got breakfast & did odd work yesterday we hung her overmantel I stirred the Jam & also churned butter & made it up Celia cooked dinner & I got ready for the street but met Dad & drove back then Celia came over with us & it was four oclock did shopping & came home called at Davis for meat so cold driving.

July 2nd Sunday about our usual time & I fried sausages & served breakfast then did housework & Amy & Dad & French went down to Charlie's where she remains for the night. Clem & Albert41 came back with Dad Ada & all children stayed there at Charlie's also I did not cook dinner had cold lunch then went for stroll up to Eva's she was not home so I came back to Mrs Ratcliffe's where I met her & went to the cemetery & a walk along the sandhill arrived home got Tea & the boys went to Buchsfelde we stayed home & looked at cards Books &c we are having delightful weather the past week. Clarance Standley42 has gone to Pt Augusta a week ago.

41 Albert Bruce Parham, nephew Ada's 3 year old son, sometimes called Alb.
42 Clarence Reginald Standley, neighbour, aged 19.

July 3rd As Amy was away I hurried to get the breakfast over had to give all three children theirs & lit the Copper & started washing Amy was home early & helped me with the work we had a lot of new Calico garments Towels Moles did not finish till 3/30 then scrubbed all things as usual & baked scones Amy & Ma did cows & outdoor work Eva came home with Wilfie he has been rolling at Bragglesome others loading hay in Joe's43.

43Joe is probably Henry Joseph Twelftree, a neighbour on whose property the boys do a lot of work. 

July 4th Had to bake bread & get breakfast Majorie has a Calf this morning Amy always does the outdoor work Dad helps milk & feeds cows we each do a portion of household duties I had to bake rolls today. Amy made French a pair Pyjamas & I did all starch ironing shirts & 3 Embroidery Colars for Children & 4 linen ones I was all the afternoon at the iron Amy helped Chaff cut I washed Alb's pants & was busy all day long extremely cold.

July 5 About 6 o'clock started toil & each did ordinary work & I cut out two UB. Night dresses & was sewing all the afternoon Ma went to Mrs Ratcliffs for the afternoon it was very cold but Dry weather. The men are poisoning Rabbits Wilfie rolling we heard a man was killed today by the roller going over him44 near Wasleys Albert is still home with us also Clem & French holiday Ada & Wesley Ethel45 & Murray46 went to Celia's on Monday walked.

44Roy Albany Zweck, aged 20, from She-Oak Log, was the man thrown from roller - article in the newspaper.
45Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham, Ada's daughter (aged 6)
46Murray Charles Parham, another of Ada's sons (aged 1).

July 6th Bread to bake again & a yeast cake Men & Cousin Eva chaffcutting I got breakfast fried Eggs & Bacon I put out the mattress to air & generally assist each other Dad went to Gawler & got a letter from Aunt Amelia47 Uncle Ted48 is still in the Hospital since the first of May. Dad took Alb home Jim is ill49 he was thrown out of the dray Saturday night & hurt can't work I stayed up till after 11 oclock & finished my garments Amy was busy Ma has been down to Bragglesome all the afternoon so I had to help milk & make hugh fires in both rooms very dry & cold again. Wilfie been in to Gawler to get Enfield shod & over to Celia's to get Wesley today July 7 Love has a calf today.

47Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath), one of Ma's sisters.
48Uncle Ted is Amelia's husband Edmund Hand.
49James Parham (Ada's husband); sometimes called Jim P.

July 7 I was up before 6 made the fire & got a cup of tea for parents then fried E. & B. for them swept dining room & after the meal was over I washed the garments & put out to bleach also been planting pot plants & made Clem another old sweater & altered his other French is very bad but brighter tonight Clem & Dad been poisoning the rabbits French asleep a long time this afternoon.

July 8 Saturday & its usual work I got breakfast & then as I had already put the bread to reise I baked it & a yeast cake for lunch & did our room Amy did hte boys room & dining room & other housework it rained all the morning & drizzling cold rain & Dad & Amy did not start for Gawler till 2 o'clcok I did scrubbing & baked a Cake filled lamps Ma did cutlery & we finished all & milked 5 cows fed 4 calves & pigs then washed children & got Tea Celia came home with them at 8/30 & they had their tea George is home very ill indeed came home last Tuesday it is Rhumatic Fever.

July 9 Sunday & as we were late to bed we all were late up & got the dining room swept & fried sausages got & served breakfast & the help prepare the dinner & cooked it also made rice puddings & Amy helped also Celia assisted with making beds &c & set table I mashed Potatoes & Turnips & this afternoon has been very wet but Lucy & two children50 & Percy came out & stayed to Tea Charl & Eva Clem is gone home with Percy & Celia as far as Ada's as Jim met with an accident a week ago it has been a very miserable Sunday altogether.

50Lucy & two children. Not sure who. It is not Lucy Leske (nee Roediger) as she only had one child by this stage, and not Lucy Emma Lockyer, because she has not yet married.

July 10th I was rather late up & lit fire & got breakfast then the Cooper started washing & Amy joined me after helping with outdoor work. Charl & Eva came home & the men went chaffcutting & Eva made a Vest for French it has been a lovely day but so calm that we could not get all clothes dry but ironed all we could Dad is spending evening at Mrs Ratcliffs I am very tired Bert & Wilfie are reading we wrote to Coonalpyn. Ma had to roast beef for dinner & turnips cauliflower & potatoes.

July 11 I got up & got breakfast Porrige &c swept dining room & kitchen & our room made beds Amy with Dad did all outside work then I cleaned our boots & we drove to Gawler where we each gt a new Coat also a new Lamp (pale blue) & I got new natural Merino Garments. We spent a while with George he was much better & so pleased to see us but he is still looking very ill. It was a bitter cold day & raining at intervals I was so cold I could not stop shivering till I got in the warm Shops we were home in good time & milked & separated got in wood fed calves & pigs.

July 12 Up earlier & lit fire in both dining room & Kitchen & put out bread & Amy fried Eggs & bacon & then Ma & her milked &c I swept rooms & shifted in our room baked bread I felt so ill I had to lie down & I helped washup dinner time & hemmed Berts coat sleeves Amy been so busy making new sheets pillow cases & Auntie Eva made French a new Waistcoat so Amy finished it a lovely sunshiney day.

July 13 I felt so very unwell I asked Amy to get up & get breakfast so she did so then I dressed & swept back rooms made beds & did necessary work then I cut open two Kerosene tins & made buckets of them got lunch fried Ham &c In the afternoon I mended Dad's old overcoat Wilfie & Amy went to Gawler in the evening to see Celia & George as well Dorrie was at Celia's & so they were late home Ma & I milked Sep & Dad helped fed calves & pigs a severe frost at night all working in Twelftrees except Charlie he & Eva came home for evening. 

July 14 I dressed at 6 oclock & got breakfast ready & cleaned my stove & sitting room fireplace swept dining room & kitchen also did our room got lunch & Ma picked & dressed a Duck Amy cleaned front rooms thoroughly washed floors & got all in good order. This afternoon I went to see Mrs Rice51 & also Cousin Eva & called at Mrs Ratcliffs. Will is now building as he feels a bit better. ounce caught a lovely Hare today Amy is sewing I just mixed bread it is frosty again French is well again now.

51Amy Edith Caroline Rice (nee Crouch); a neighbour. Celia used to care for her step-children before she married the widower Mr Rice.

July 15 Saturday I was up early & put out two lots of Bread & got breakfast ready I was quite busy our meal over i lit stove & baked all & also a raisin Cake, gave my safe a very thorough scrubbing also other articles as usual Amy always has all outdoor work & swept & dusted cupboards in dining room Midday Dad & her went to Gawler where she remained. So Ma & I were very busy all the day.

Sunday July 16 As Amy was away I did not get up till 8 o'clock Ma & Dad milked Separated & fed all four calved & pigs I dressed French after making a cup of Tea & then fried sausages for breakfast & made boys & our bed & swept all back & dining rooms. We were only 4 in family as Bert & little French went to Celia's so we had Ham & cold roast duck & hare which we cooked yseterday I washed up Ma helped me then I went up to Mrs Ratcliffs with books & flowers stayed till five came home got tea & cleared it away & washed up Buckets & Tea things Ma & Dad outdoor work Wilf went to see Stan52 to Buchsfelde tonight.

52 August William Stanley Preiss, a neighbour.

July 17 I was up early before six as I thought of washing but when I went outside I was surprised to see a very cold wet morning so did not attempt it Amy had to help with all outdoor work I swept rooms & got breakfast over & after we had done all the housework I cut out a brown bodice for Ma & was sewing at that for the afternoon. It was cold & stormy all day the men are fallowing in Twelftrees & Charlie down at Bragglesome Amy came home last night.

July 18 Although it had been raining at intervals all night the morning was not goo bad & a nice drying wind so I lit the fire & got a cup of Tea then went round & sorted clothes & set the copper going& started at Tubs Dad & Ma milked & Amy helped me after the separating was done & animals then men were all Chaffcutting & Amy made their lunch & took down to them & we had ours & then started washing & were doing well. When Wesley came to get Amy to go to the Dr & take Ethel so she had to leave off & get ready we had dinner & I returned to washing & as I had Berts new Shirt & Moles &c I did not finished till 4 o'clock had ot clean my wringer the grease came through on the rollers so I only had time to scrub then help milk &c Bert took 2 calves to Gawler to send to Town Amy came home tea time brought French & Clem to home again we did the ironing after tea tonight.

July 19. Had to bake so Amy gave boys their meal I put bread in Tins chopped some wood lit stove & after ward made beds & did housework & finished Ma's bodice Amy finished ironing & faced her black shirt with velvet binding Bert went to Twelftrees Wilfred home Dad at Bragglesome till dinner time he & Wilfie put in peas very cold indeed Amy heard the sad news of Little Stella Lee53 which occurred on Monday from Diphtheria & Paralisis died in the Adelaide Hospital & was buried this afternoon at 3/30 at Willaston Cemetry my deepest sympathy is with the parents in their sorrow also Mrs Carter54  of Roseworthy was killed last Sunday by an electric Car in Adelaide. & G Warnken55  was hurt by Hay Frame falling on him.

53 Stella May Lee, daughter of Norman Thomas Shutter Lee and Ethel Fanny Smith
54 Charlotte Ann Carter (nee Nash) wife of Thomas Carter
55 Probably Gerhard Bernard William Warnken.

July 20 Wilfie called me soon after 5 ock & I hurried & lit fire & got breakfast while he cleaned his boots & dressed for his Journey to Town he & Bruce Mortimer56 went by first train Amy & I did housework & then I altered Ma black bodice & Amy cut out a blouse (Green Flannellette) I have helped her with it & she has nearly got it finished It has been an extremely cold showery day Bert got wet out at Twelftrees today we kept Clem & French in all day & Amy & I milk & did outdoor work we have hugh fires in both rooms Dad split some logs & has put up a fence round dairy.

56 Bruce William Mortimer, neighbour

July 21st I have been up early all the week about 5/30 ro so I got breakfast & the swept rooms & blackleaded stove & sitting room fireplace. Amy did her outdoor work & she then did boys room & front room I did our room & in the afternoon I started baking scones then I went & milked Majorie & made Maderia Currant &c Cake & cooked Cauliflower Potatoes & fried Bacon for tea as our men were away also Amy did some more selving to her blouse I helped her & finished it after Tea while she played new Songs also mixed bread.

July 22nd I was up at usual hour & got breakfast over & put out bread lit stove & baked made beds &c Amy was busy & bathed French & got ready for Gawler & went before dinner Dad also. I fried mutton chops for our dinner Clem has a bad cough is home this week with us. Our meal over I did scrubbing first it was a nice Day I dusted cupboards &c finished at 3 o'clock & cleaned all boots & Ma & I milked & Sep Ma fed animals while I cooked potatoes for Tea Amy did not come home she stayed with Eva while Charl went for Mrs McLeod57 at Gawler Station Celia came home with Dad.

57 Eva's mother Elizabeth McLeod (nee Webber).

July 23rd A most beautiful day promised as I first looked out so I dressed at seven & got fire & a cup of Tea also I swept all back rooms & dining room made beds & cooked potatoes Swedes for dinner. Len Wiesmore58 came out for the day with Wilfie they went for a ride on horseback & back to Tea & to Stone Hill Church tonight. Bert went to Buchsfelde I read & sang a little Ma & Dad Uncle Charlie & Eva Alf & Kit & Aubrey59 & Clem went to Charlies to Tea Eva's Birthday her mother was also there such a beautiful day I wished i could go to Church We heard the sad news of Lena Day60 at Mallala she leaves two babies one 15 months & one an infant of a few weeks. Mr Stephen Freack61was buried yesterday Little Stella Lee was 10 years & 7 months at time of her death & a very bright child she was I milked sep & all myself tonight

58 Len Wiesmore; don't know who this is. Cannot find any Wiesmores in South Australia!
59 Cousin and neighbour Alfred Samuel Heath, aged 41, of Ward’s Belt (son of Uncle Charl, Ma’s brother), his wife  Christiana (Kit) Heath (nee Hill), & their infant son Aubrey George Heath.
60 Selina Day (nee Richardson), wife of Robert Oliver Day. Her children are Linda Margaret Day and Gwenda Mary Day.
61 Stephen Freak, died July 20, aged 78

July 24 I got up & got breakfast over lit Copper & started washing Amy all outdoor work & lit stove on then helped me I washed a pair of blue blankets so lovely & sunny today but no wind but got most dry I scrubbed up & cleaned Copper Amy the blocks then housework indoors Mrs McLeod & Eva drove down for the afternoon Amy played new songs I folded clothes Ma cooked leg Mutton Cab Pots for dinner & got afternoon tea such a frost Amy & I milked & we ironed after Tea finished all also we washed our wool shawls.

July 25 Not as early got breakfast ready fried Eggs & Bacon Amy went out to do outdoor work then I swept & dusted dining room & mended my skirt & blouse Dad & boys chaffcutting then greased Trolley & loaded Hay for Gawler Amy cooked Scones biscuits & pies & we put Smiler in teh sptrin dray & Amy took up dinner to men came back & I helped her get a load of wood from big stack & hemmed her new coat up had tea mixed bread Jim P is here & Amy & Wilfie are writing letters.

July 26th I had to bak bread so I lit the fire in the Dining room & Amy set breakfast & gave the boys theirs I lit stove & got bread ready baked two lots as I wanted to sent Mr McLeod62 one loaf I chopped some wood & put up tea for boys Charlie is cargint hay from the Top stack so he went to Gawler & Amy & French took Mrs McLeod in to Celia's to go on to Town by train p.m. Dad went down to Bragglesome & Amy came back that way & stayed till evening as Eva was very unwell I had such a lot of different things to do as Amy did outdoor work & Ma I milked & I fed calves a rough windy day.

62 Daniel McLeod, "Auntie" Eva's father.

July 27th We were up in fiar time & I got breakfast frie dEggs & bacon. Bert went to Twelftrees other up to stack but as Charl di dnot come they came back & Wilfie went down horseback also Amy went to keep house for Charl as Eva is Gawler she has a daughter born63 at 5.15 this morning so Charl went over to Celia's to breakfast then came home & told us they then went to load Dad & Charl Wilfie went to Gawler with Pansy to the sale Mr Gosden64 bought her French & I took dinner up to Dat & Charl & I brought home some Sheaves of Hay for the hroses then I mended Wilf's coat & made big fires in rooms & had to cook hot Tea Cab, Pots, & Fried bacon fold day Mrs David Houston is dead65.

63Coral Eva Atyeo, Charl and Eva's daughter
64Mr Gosden could be James Gordon Gosden. Pansy is a cow (she is going to have a calf tomorrow!)
65Mrs David Houston is Fanny Houston (nee Hailston)

July 28 Just six & hurried to get a nice fire for to fry liver & onions for breakfast & put up tea for Bert Smiler has a Foal today (Colt) I did our room boys & two front rooms blackleaded stove front room fireplace &c I been mending Wilfs Coat Amy drove home for chaff & told us she saw Pansy with a calf near Johnstons66 they got a load of hay for tomorrow as they are going Chaffcutting a very cold dry day.

66 Johnstons, neighbours.

July 29th It was rather later & such a lot to do the bread was running over the pan so I made all haste got a fire & the breakfast ready lit the stove & put bread in tins to rise made a German Cake baked Rolls dressed Rench had our meal Amy Charlie & Wesley came home the men went Chaffcutting & Amy helped with work indoors I baked bread & a Raisin Cake scrubbed safe & made a flannel for Wesley Amy did all Cutlery & between us finished all & went with Bert & Wilf to Gawler & to see the baby she is a pretty little darling we called on Mr & Mrs Hobart 67 & the boys came for us at ten & we had supper when we got home & retired at midnight been a showery day & cold.

67Dale William Hobart, George's father (and my great-great-grandfather!).

July 30 So late up & Dad got up very early & milked all five cows so Amy went straight to her outdoor work I hurried swept dining room fried Eggs & Bacon got breakfast boys came in at ten for their breakfast then I all the washing up to do as Ma is ill & obliged to keep her bed we cooked potatoes & teamed a plum pudding Charl home to dinner & this afternoon he & Amy went home & are to go to Gawler to see Celia who is ill French & I went for a hours walk & got Flowers Stan P came out & boys went with him to Alf Nottles68 & now are at Buchsfelde I am lonely & think I'll retire early (cold)

68Alfred Henry Nottle, a neighbour.

July 31st I could not wash today as Amy was down at Bragglesome & Dad & French went down with Amys calf to put it in with the other young cattle it was laughable to see the antics of them setting off in spring dray I had all the housework to do after getting breakfast & helping with cows Amy got home at eleven after dinner I cut out & made a dressing jacket for Eva as Charl was going in tomorrow I did not finish till after ten oclock it has been a rough cold day & dry weather continues

Aug 1st I got up at 5 oclock & hurried to get Charlie his breakfast & then the other two boys & my own Amy & French & Ma Toast & Eggs as she is so unwell in bed all day Sunday such a heavy cold & her cough is very bad Amy has rhumatics & is far from well i sorted all clothes & got Copper ready but as it looked so terribly like rain I came in did our room & other work however at 9/30 I commenced & got all white clothes & bed clothes on line before dinner & afterwards Amy helped me & we got done at 4 o'ck I scrubbed form stool & all Tubs wringer stand blocks & many more the day turned out very good for drying a rainy blow.

Aug 2nd I lovely morning Foggy then cleared to sunshine a beautiful day I got fire & fried sausages put out bread & got stove ready Amy lit it then I had to cook Ma & us girls & Dads breakfast & baked our bread did a portion of housework then some ironing & Amy hleped Mother in Kitchen & this afternoon I went with Ma to Bragglesome & I had to drive all about looking for heifers had a real bother so many slip panels to and & I got rhumatism so bad we called at Charls & got reins for the men & fed fowls & gathered Eggs Ma skimmed milk we went to Alfs & Kits but met them going to Gawler Eva & Aubrey were there & rode home with us we came home & I got in wood made fires Ma let a hand to Amy Sepr Ma & I washed up I finished ironing Wilf went to Foresters Hall69 Bert to Dr as he is not well.

69 Foresters Hall, a friendly society and building.

Aug 3rd It was a cloudy windy unpleasant morning so Ma could not go to Gawler as she intended I lit fire & got breakfast while Amy did outdoor work then I did our room & swept both Kitchen & dining room & did other necessary work Amy went up to the Top with cows & horses met George Hill70 who had been to Gawler to see the Dr as he had a bad cold he came from the Light yesterday he told Amy that his sister Kit has a daughter this morning71 at 1 o'clock both she & Eva are at Mrs Buggs72 now. Amy came home & told the news I was preparing a Melon Pie Cab & Pots so she went & made Ma's bed & tidied the rooms & put clothes away I hurried & got the meal Dad went to Perrys Sale73 & bought 5 pigs (suckers) French & I took Wilfs dinner over the other side the hill as he has been rolling Charl & Bert out in Twelftrees & now Charl & Amy are in Gawler tonight to see Eva & Kit she & I hoed the Garden today it looks nice rainy blow tonight.

70George Archibald Hill, Kit's brother.
71Kit and Alf's daughter is Hazel Jean Heath. "The Light" is a term Fanny uses to mean Lower Light. 
72Mrs Bugg (Alice Bugg nee McHugh) looks after everyone when they have their babies - in Gawler
73Perry's Sale; probably for the farm of Frederick James Perry.

Aug 4th I dressed at 6 ock & lit fire but was so very unwell I had to ask Amy to prepare breakfast for boys & then I got up & managed to blacklead Stove & front room fireplace but again had to give in till dinner time then I did our room &c Amy did front rooms & washed floors & cleaned windows she was so busy I did some mending Ma churned Charls butter & made it up such a long time coming too.

Aug 5th Earlier & got a fire in Stove & put out bread to rise & afterwards baked it & a cake cleaned lamps & I was doing safe & ran a splinter under my nail & it caused me much pain & I could not finish my work although I tried hard I went for cows walked all over the paddocks & could not see them as they had put them in Twelftrees & did not tell us Dad & Amy wen to Gawler today & Wilf tonight Bert & Charl in Twelftrees such hot dry weather I never remember the like before Frank Aunger74 died yesterday at 11 oclock.

74Leonard William Frank Aunger, aged 9, died in Adelaide - eldest son of William Aunger and Louisa Aunger nee O'Hara, from Two Wells.

Aug 6 Sunday We dressed in good time I hurried & friend breakfast saus Bacon & Eggs swept dining room afterwards helped housework made dried Apple pies & between us roasted Beef & boiled Cabbage & Potatoes Ada & family came home Dad & French went & got them in the dray it has been like a summers day so hot I had a white blouse on & was quite comfortable in it I went for a long walk & got Flowers took Albert Ethel & French called at Mrs Ratcliffs & had a chat with her came home had tea & then boys went to Buchsfelde George came & Amy went off with him Dad took Ada home French is having a tea party Ma reading such a beautiful night so still & bright & warm.

Aug 7 Usual hour & I lit fire & got breakfast the morning was not too bad early but during the wind was something awful I was kept going pegging things on the line & we had about seven climates during the day however we both persevered & got finished at 4 oclock & Amy scrubbed while I did the indoor work we generally cook at night for Charl & Bert who are working in Twelftrees & carry their dinner Amy mixed the bread for me I folded clothes we had Charl's & Eva's also & her marcella Quilt I felt very tired at night & retired early to rest.

Aug 8 I hurried round as bread was ready to bake so I lit fire in dining & stove Amy gave boys their breakfast while I put out bread & then baked it. Amy always helps with all outdoor work then we both did the ironing as I had shirts & colars & starchery after Tea Charl & I went to Mr Ratcliffs to spend the evening stayed till 10/30 Jim P came home here Mrs Ratcliff washed herself yesterday as cousin Alf is very bad & Eva could not go Bert is still not well & is going to the Dr Eva is coming to do it for her home tomorrow if all goes well rough weather but dry.

Aug 9 I was up earlier & got breakfast over & made our beds while Amy was out doing the dairy work feeding calves then Amy dressed for Gawler I bathed French & dressed him & rode down as far as Bragglesome where I thoroughly cleaned all rooms washed floors blackleaded stove fireplaces aired beds & at 2 oclock they came home I cooked potatoes we had dinner I scrubbed safe & nursed baby had nice fires in both rooms Baby is such a dear we had Tea Amy & French went home. I stayed.

Aug 10th Charl got up first & lit fire & took Eva in a cup of Tea I fried breakfast & then milked Carmen & came in & swept up & did washing lit stove & put in meat Eva bathed baby & cooked dinner Swedes Potatoes & Bread & Butter pudding In the afternoon I washed everything off the dresser & done all cupboards &c everything in a 1 order & came home with Dad & French at five Alf is worse very ill can't get rest a night but he drove down here for Eva & Aubrey who were here visiting he looks so ill Bert went to the Hall last night in Gawler to a dance & Wilf is at a Party tonight Bert Amy French & I been to Band of Hope75 tonight.

75Band of Hope temperance society

Aug 11th A much nicer day promised on waking & it has really been lovely as we had a nice rain last night for over an hour but not near heavy enough Ma & French went to visit Ada & Eva started directly after breakfast poor Alf worse & Ma went & saw him for a while first Amy washed up I helped & lit stove after blackleading same & fireplace roasted leg Mutton & Amy cooked inner Swedes Potatoes rice pudding Dad & Bert mending fences Wilf in Gawler with Stallion I did front rooms & our room Amy boys & all best boots I washed Frenches clothes ready for home then I washed my head we have had such hot dry winds all the week but cooler now & like rain.

Aug 12 Hurried & bkaed bread & raisin Coffee cake Amy made a Sponge Sandwiche Dad went to Gawler Clem rode home with hima s he stayed here last night poor Cousin Eva came down to say the poor Alf was sent on to Adelaide hospital from Gawler seriously ill it did upset us & we were so busy Amy went to Gawler after dinner with Eva & Aubrey Uncle went to town with Alf Bert & Wilf are also gone to Gawler to get Dorrie from Celia's place.

Sunday August 13th I dressed at same hour as usual on Sunday or rather later lit fire & fried Sausages for breakfast & Amy swept dining room lit stove & put on round of Beef Dorrie dressed French we each did our portion housework I made dried apple pies & was dishing up dinner when Jessie & Gertie Hand76 drove from Gawler where they had attended Races yesterday they stayed till after Tea. I rode as far as Uncle's with Wilf who was taking Dorrie & French to Celia's & they go to Moonta tomorrow I stay with Eva & Uncle Mr I.J. Fatchen77 was there to Tea & Will R. spent the evening with us

76 Jessie Violet Paterson (cousin) & Gertrude Elizabeth Maud Hand, a distant relation.
77 Isaac John Fatchen.

Aug 14 I dressed at 6/30 & wrote a letter to Cookes Plains for Eva then I walked home & Amy & I & Boys had our meal I we sent on washing & had a light wash so I washed 4 pair curtains as we were late at beginning we did not finish till late I scrubbed up Amy filled the Copper for pig killing & I folded Clothes got in wood & set Tea Eva & Aubrey are here tonight as Uncle Charlie is in Town it has been a nice calm day but we got all things dry I have Rhumatics & am tired Eva was late down as her two cows came in last Thursday & Friday.

Aug 15th Late up & got fire & fried Liver & Onions Eva & Aubrey stayed to breakfast & as it was raining steadily Bert drove her home afterwards Uncle stayed in Adelaide last night Queenie is in milk now since Sunday so we have 6 in. Dad & Amy milked & separated & then Ma & Dad cut up & salted the pig meat I did the dining room & washed up then ironed & hung Curtains & Amy cooked dinner & I finished ironing afterwards Amy & Ma did outdoor work tonight I got Tea & Bert & Wilf went to Gawler to Dance at Foresters Hall Dad took two calves to Gawler & sent on to Market went to Celias & got letter from Frances French got home safely. Uncle is home Alf no better Mrs Bright78 very ill indeed Amy & I been writing letters.

78Joyce Bright nee Cox, mother of Mrs McLean (Joyce Ethel Bright)

Aug 16 Amy & I both dressed at the same time I lit fire & Amy Amy & Dad went to their usual work outdoor I put out bread & lit stove & it was such a showery morning however at 10 o'clock Dad started for Gawler & I rode down with him as far as Bragglesome where I set too & washed for Eva Coral is growing such a dear Eva & I had a cup of Cocoa before I commenced work a nice drying wind sprang up so I got most clothes dry Uncle Charley went to Gawler with Dad. Zoe Bugg79 drove Kit & Baby home & I walked home called at Uncle Charleys saw Kit & Hazel Jean she is so upset as Alf is very ill indeed very little hope of his recovery still in the hospital waiting operation.

79 Zoe Alice Bugg, aged 19, daughter of Mrs Bugg, who cares for women in childbirth.

Aug 17 We do not get up till 6/30 slack time I got fire & breakfast we both hurried round & got our housework done & at 11 o'clock Pollie & children came out to spend the morning had lunch & then got dinner Amy made a new nightdress for herself dinner over Ma & Pollie drove in Sulky to Uncle Charleys Dad & Leslie went too, as he helped chaffcut I altered my prune dress put new braid on we were late milking & Ma came & helped finish cold weather.

Aug 18 Dad stared off very early as Uncle & he were going to Town to see poor Alf before his operation he came out of it but is very ill indeed Amy did the boys room & front rooms I helped her dust & did our room then I blackleaded stove & & also baked scones & pork & this afternoon I scrubbed safe form &c & did some work ready for tomorrow also made Coffee & Currant Cake & Ma & I milked & Separated had tea & then mixed bread Dad just came from Town with bad news Clara very ill & Aunt Harriet80 has almost lost sight of one of her eyes poor Alf our hearts ache for him.

80This is likely Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), sister of Ma; she lives at Lower Light with her family. 

Aug 19 Amy was not home so I had to hurry round & get breakfast for boys & then lit stove put out bread & baked pastry & bread & meat swept dining room kitchen & washed Floors with milk blackleaded fireplace & did all other remaining odd work Ma cleaned Cutlery I did lamps Amy & Dad went to Gawler early & Wilf wen tin the spring dray & got 6 pigs Dad bought in sale yard Eva & little Coral went to Gawler yesterday a nice day Bert & Wilf went in for evening after Wilf got home Ma & I had dairy work to do in evening set tea &c.

Aug 20 We did not rise till 7/30 I made the fire & Amy Ma & Dad outdoor work I made a Ginger pudding & Amy did housework I swept rooms & dinner time I was making the sauce & Charl & Eva & Coral drove home spent afternoon Dad went up to Uncle Charlies Mrs Hill & Walter81 are up there now to see poor Kit it is so hard to see her boys are at Church Amy out with George I wrote to Franc & Glenelg I  beautiful day for church but I could not go again.

81 Walter Hill, Kit's brother.

Aug 21st We both hurried with our usual work & then I lit the Copper & started washing a big wash a pair Blankets (blue) Quilt & most of bed linen Ma went up to stay with poor Eva as Uncle drove Mrs Hill82 Walter & poor Kit into station to go & see poor Alf for the last time & he knew them it is dreadfully hard for him all Uncle came home again he did not go to Town today Amy & I had all of the work to do I was so tired Celia came out to Uncles tonight.

82 Mrs Hill, Kit's mother is Emily Montgomery Hill nee Simpson

Aug 22 We hurried round & Dad & Ma Celia Eva & Aubrey went to Adelaide & Uncle went by early train but on arrival he received the sad news of poor Alfreds death at about 9 o'clock so the others were too late Kit & her mother were at Mrs John Hills83 Amy & I were so busy did all the ironing & as Bert is so unwell we had to cook him all milk food since Monday he cannot work atall I milked all six cows & Separated fed calf & they came from Adelaide after Tea Amy & Bert went up & did Uncles cows & the outdoor work for him we are having fine frosty weather we are all very sad.

83 Mrs John Hill is Kit's sister-in-law, Emily Fanny Hill (nee Burls).

Aug 23rd A sad day for us all I had to bake bread & iron a white shirt for Dad & each did housework. Then we all dressed for our sad journey to pay the last tribute of love to our dear departed Cousin We met the Midday train Mrs & Mr J Hill84 Kit & her mother came up by same train we all followed from the station I think in all there were 26 vehicles at the funeral & most relations the scene as the grave side was a very touching one & scarcely one who did not shed tears showing how dearly he was loved by all Auntie, Bert & Maria came home with us & stayed the night also Cel.

84 John Hill, Kit's brother.

Aug 24 We did not get up till 6/30 got a fire & fried Bacon & Eggs swept dining room & did other duties then she went home to the Light & we did our housework Dad & Bert went to Gawler. Wilfred to Bragglesome Celia to Uncles. I cut out & made a white Fl nightdress for Ma Amy cooked dinner & & made Bert Sago pudding & brushed all the clothes we all feel so weary & sad Celia is home for the night with us going home tomorrow frosty night & grey weather.

Aug 25 I did not get up earlier as there was no baking to do I got breakfast & then I blackleaded both the stove & sitting room fireplace & baked custard for Bert Celia went to Uncles with Walter Hill who drove down for her & from here they drove to the place where Kit has been living & packed her things & brought her furniture down & packed it in the Church poor girl our hearts ache for her in her sad bereavement & poor old Eva & Uncle. Amy swept front rooms & I did our room & Kitchen & dining room then I helped her dust front rooms Ma made Custard after tea Dad & I spent evening at Uncles & brought Celia home I had to help milk or I intended to go up to the Cemetry We are having very cold Frosty weather but dry want rain.
Topsy had a filly foal last Tuesday night & Eva's cows Cherry had a calf Thursday Gordon Wiltshire85 was married a few months ago do not know the date.

85 William Cyril Gordon Wiltshire married Florence Hilda Finke in Norwood on July 27.

Aug 26 Same time & got breakfast over & usual morning work then did our room & started baking custard, scones, cakes, also Celia swept dining room & Kitchen & then she & Dad & Amy went to Gawler. I gave Wilfie his dinner & had mine did scrubbing & dusting & cleaned boots & helped milk & Sep & I fed Calf Ma the pigs & she cleaned all Cutlery Mr Ratcliff came over for a while Wilfred went to Gawler at night.

Aug 27 Sunday but we got up at seven & I swept dining room & got breakfast Dad & Amy outdoor work then I lit stove & baked pies & custard as Bert cannot eat any solid food atall only milk food. Uncle Charlie & Eva went to Penfield in our Trap & Kit Aubrey & little Hazel are with us Amy & Wilfred had to go up & milk Uncle's 3 cows & do all their work tonight. George is here out talking to Amy none of us went to Church.

Aug 28th Washing morning but as kit was here I got our breakfast & was nursing baby so it was late when I got a start, Uncle & Eva did not get back here from Penfield till about 9/30 then Kit & them went home & Amy hurt her arm lifting Aubrey up ricked it I think we finished at about 3 o'clock & scrubbed up I ironed several things then Amy & Ma & Dad milked both heifers came in today so we have eight in now. Weather is windy cold & light shower

Aug 29 I dressed earlier & got breakfast swept dining room then our meal over I swept the otehr rooms & cleared table made our bed then we got ready for Gawler took Bert in to Celia's & had our dinner there then went shopping got Amy a new black dress saw Mrs Hobart as we came home but did not stop Amy never got out of trap atall I went to the door & she came out for a minute or two Uncle Charley went to Adelaide home by midday he is not well Beaut had a foal this morning a (colt) Cecil Footer86 has to go under an operation today in Adelaide.

86 Cecil James Footer, widower of Laura May Pope.

Aug 29 Ma stayed home & Eva & little Coral stayed with her also Mrs Ratcliff came for the afternoon Charlie Wilfie & Dad loaded a load of Hay for Gawler Amy & I were rather late home came down all cows milked & separating.

Aug 30 We got Amys black dress material yesterday so I hurried & did usual morning work Amy Dad & often Ma help with the milking Sep & feeding cows calves pigs chickens & fowl it is late when they come i to breakfast. I cut out & run the skirts widths & fitted the body lining I could not get the skirt just as I wanted it a nasty hot windy day no rain Uncle Charlie is not at all well since Alfs death (shock).

Aug 31st  Same hour & work Charl came home & Amy went for Eva at about 10 oclock Dad & Ma went to Uncle Wills Celias & Gawler they took two pigs to Uncle & one to Celia I had to bake scones & tarts & I was cooking till dinner time & finished housework Amy & Eva did not get down here till 2/30 & then she partly made Amy a bodice Amy & I had to milk & Charl & Eva went home Coral was very good, then we had our evening work & Tea to clear away.

Sep 1st Friday I felt so unwell but I did usual work & then tried to get Amys bodice finished but as I could not get on Amy tidied herself & went down to Evas & between them they made a finish & she stayed all night I was so busy as I had to clean the stove & do our room then dusted the front rooms & finished making Amy a Roman Satin undershirt & then I helped milk & Sept i missed Amy very much indeed we have lovely showers during the night & colder

Sep 2nd Saturday & I had to get breakfast & bake bread & Cakes & also cleaned lamps & Ma all cutlery & was so busy making marmalade I did what work I could & then I finished off Amys dress & trimmed my Hat & Dad & Amy came home in time to help finish the outdoor work I helped milk we had tea & I went on Sewing & Amy & I went to bed late as we wanted to get things ready for tomorrow.

Sep 3rd We got up early for Sunday & I swept dining room Kitchen & got breakfast & made beds fried Sausages & after we had finished our housework I picked a nice bunch of Flowers for poor Alfs grave87 & went & placed them on it it was a lovely damp morning. In the afternoon Ma Amy Bert & Wilf went to the Anniversary Bert home to tea & Ma was also & Clem I went at night Ettie Ratcliff88 was there

87 Alf is buried in the family cemetery at Wards Belt, which is at 611 Parkers Road, Wards Belt; in between Uncle Charley's farm and Charltonville.
88 Ettie May Ratcliffe, a distant relation.

Sep 4th Up & so busy so many odd jobs to do & as Bert is ill Amy had to help milk Sepr & all outdoor work & then pick & dress a fowl for him I went on washing after we had breakfast we did not finish before dinner & after dinner Ma went up to Uncle's he is very unwell since his sorrow it seems such a shock to him Amy & I cleared & scrubbed up round in wash house & also did work indoors & I folded clothes & aired the sheets &c Amy & I had to milk &c as the rest were away.

Sep 5 I intended going to Gawler so I got breakfast & put out bread & lit the stove but left the bread for Amy to bake I called for Eva & Coral we did our shopping & then we went to Celia's to dinner at 2 o'clock then I came bake & did my shopping & went to see Mrs Pope89 poor woman is so troubled Cecil F is improving Eric is not well Edna & is growing fast & so lively then I called at Mrs Hobarts & Celia & Eva came for me & we drove to Buchsfelde & left Celia there & Charl also went to the Tea meeting & Wilfred, Amy & Bert to evening. Eva & Baby & I stayed home Charl got home at ten had supper & retired.

89 Mrs Henry Pope (Emma Matilda Glenn), mother-in-law of Cecil Footer. Her daughter Laura May Footer nee Pope was married to Cecil and died in September 1910 (see 1910&11) only a few days after her youngest child was born; Eric & Edna are her grandchildren, aged only 2 (Eric Cecil Glen Footer) and 1 (Edna Laura May Footer)

Sep 6th We got up early Charl soon after 5 ock & we at 6 ock had our breakfast & I milked Carmen & Eva & I got the chickens & fed them a brood of 6, then Eva bathed Coral & I did some baby clothes washing tidied up & then Eva went on sewing but baby was so very unwell & Eva cooked Tea & I ran up my skirt but had to undo some & she fixed it up for me baby did not go to sleep till late we retired at 11 o'clock very tired.

Sep 7th Up at 5 & us at 5/30 had our breakfast & then we tidied up & did the housework & I milked & Eva bathed baby then I started washing & did not finish till one oclock got a cup of Tea then swept up & scrubbed form &c & we were both busy I folded & Eva finished my bodice I went down to Adas at 6 o'clock & she was washing & I folded for her we had a talk & retired at 9.30 so tired & had rhumatics Jim took the foal out to Alf Nottle's to paddock.

Sep 8 Ada & Jim started off at 6 o'clock she to get her cow & he to work I dressed the children & had a cup of Tea & then I walked to Charls & put Hector in the dog cart & came home & did my stove swept dining room & got dinner & then as Amy had finished the bedrooms & sitting room she worked button holes & put on buttons & I put my skirt into the band & then helped Ma & Amy milk & do evening work mixed bread we are having dry weather again quite hot in the middle of the day then men are at work near Bragglesome at Humphrys90.

90 Not sure who these are; must be a Humphrys family that live near Bragglesome. Possibly related to Aunt Charlotte's husband?

Sep 9th We got up in fair time or I did & got breakfast & Wilfred started just after seven for his work the others were milking so I helped them & then got our breakfast baked the bread & cakes & a sponge Amy & Dad went to Gawler Midday & I scrubbed safe & all other articles to be done & washed floors with milk & then I got some dinner for Ma & I she cleaned cutlery & we finished our work & milked early finished Sep at 6 o'clock Dad came home Bert & Amy stayed at Celia's also Wesley Clem came home with Wilf & I bathed him cleaned our boots & I had a bath Wilf went to Gawler.

Sep 10 I dressed at 7/30 & got a cup of Tea & then Dad Ma & I milked & I came in fried sausages & we all had breakfast I made beds & then lit stove & baked pies & Tart & custard & Ma cooked potatoes & Ada drove herself home with Ethel Alb & Murray we had dinner & Ada helped me washup Jessie McLean91 & Dorrie Preiss came for afternoon Wilf is at Church I am lonely Ma is reading a holiday day

91 Jessie McLean, daughter of Alexander McLean, and Aunt Sarah Heath (deceased).

Sept 11th I was up early & got the fire & a cup of Tea then lit the Copper & got in first before breakfast we got on well then Amy had to assist indoors so I washed both Quilts from the boys room & Ma tweed Skirt & Dads tweed pants a good wind for drying them today we finished washing by dinner time but had to rinse & hang out coloured cloths afterwards & scrub up then I went on sewing while Amy ironed all but starched clothes I have a lot to do sewing.

Sep 12 Not quite so early but good time about 6 ock & got breakfast over & did our room & swept dining room then I went to the machine & remained all day we are have hot dry winds again Amy starched the shirts & colars & ironed them I had bad luck could not do the skirt so went on at the bodice of Ma's & put a new front in also started to alter Ada's Amy is making dotted twill pinafores for Murray Uncle is not so well & they are all gone to the Dr today as little Aubrey has to be operated on for his face Jessie McLean went in to Celia's today to stay for a few days.

Sep 13 Same hour & I had to bake bread so put it to rise & made porrige for Bert he does not improve & has to have different diet I did our room chopped wood & got the stove hot & bake the bread then persevered with the skirt unripped it and got it nearly finished again. Tucked the Satin for Ada's & put a new front in Dad went to Gawler also Uncle Charlie.

Sep 14 I hurried to fry Eggs & Bacon & made porridge & got breakfast over & swept & dusted dining room & made our bed then at 9 30 started sewing Uncle Charlie spent the day here as Kit & Eva had to take Aubrey to the Dr again he has his face stitched I cut out my underskirt last night & today I partly made it & finished Amys skirt & other work Amy drove Bert to Gawler where he proceeds to Adelaide with Celia tomorrow cooler wind showers.

Sep 15 A cold blusterous morning with nice showers I got breakfast & cleaned the stove made our bed & swept dining & tidied round then I started sewing & as I kept at it I finished at 5 o'clock Amy had all rooms to clean being Friday & then she sewed hooks on her skirt & at night we made a German apron for Amy had it has been bitterly cold to & large hailstones fell as large as a pea very windy but Celia & Bert went to Adelaide just the same in it.

Sep 16 Up before six & fried Eggs & Bacon for Wilf as he wanted an early start to Twelftrees so as he could finish the plowing then I put out bread to rise & Amy baked sponge sandwich & scones & I made a Cake then Dad & Amy went to Gawler Via Bragglesome where Amy had to milk skim & feed poultry pig &c. Ma & I had lunch & then I swept the dining room & blackleaded fireplace scrubbed Safe &c dusted the cupboards &c cleaned lamps & pictures in the morning I emptied the Kerosene drum made a bucket I then mounted Toff & rode up in the Top paddock for cows & also went for all the horses who galloped away & Toff after them I was afraid I would fall as I have not rode for over a year I got home safe & did evening work.

Sep 17  I feel terribly stiff after my ride can scarcely lift my arm I am thoroughly shaken up & retired early to bed last night we got up early I at 7 o'clock got breakfast fried & a pudding made & Amy went to Bragglesome to do work there Wilf did not rise till ten he has a cold. Celia & Percy came home to dinner & remained till nine Bert spent evening at Mr G Mortimers92 we others stayed home G.E.H. came out. Ma & Celia went down to Bragglesome to milk Carmen &c Amy & I milked & P.T.D. helped Sep very cold evenings & hot at midday. Mr & Mrs G Argent93 were at Uncles today Ma also called there.

92 George Augustus Mortimer, neighbour.
93 I think this is John George Argent (Uncle's generation) and his wife Mary Ann Argent (nee Chivell). Although his name is John George, his father was John, so he was probably known as George.

Monday Sep 18th I was up early & after getting a cup of Tea & lit Copper & started washing Amy & Dad do the dairy work as Ma's Arm is so painful in the muscle We persevered & finished dinner time it was terribly windy & kept one running to the line but we got everything dry & ironed in the afternoon also starched & ironed Shirts Colors & I made a silk Bonnet for Murray we were very busy Uncle Charlie came down for a few hours in afternoon.

Sep 19  I had to bake this morning so got breakfast & put out bread & Amy baked it I altered her bodice & made our folded belts (Silk) ready for tomorrow I was busy all day as they were troublesome to make Bert went to Gawler & got off sick list P.T.D. has Measles Men are busy plowing for fallow up in the Top paddock Dad is nearly blind with Eczema & Ma not well either.

Sep 20 Gawler Show Day I hurried & got the cup that cheers swept rooms & got all tidied & Bert went to the show horseback Wilf drove Amy & I in the Buggy On arrival George & us walked down to the Show & then the first we met was Jessie Paterson & Miss Hughes93 & then Eva & May Hill94 Wesley & Clem. They two walked to the show I had them in my charge till 4/30 took them on the Stand with me there was a large number of people but the competition was not so good as one expected in the building. We went to Mrs Hobarts after the Show where Maggie Wylie95 played the organ & we all sang Hymns George & Amy Bert & Ettie Ratcliff & myself went to Wests Pictures96 Wilf to the Catholic Dance so it was late when we got home Ada & Jim drove in for the children late in the afternoon.

93 Miss Hughes. Don't know who this is.
94 Eva Elvera May Hill, aged 8, and Ellen May Hill (Kit's sister, aged 19)
95 Maggie Isobel Wylie, a distant cousin from Lower Light.
96 Details of the films shown are here.

Sep 21st I was up before six & got usual tea & breakfast & then I helped in various ways & unripped my bodice sleeves & remade them Eva & Pollie & children spent the afternoon with us as Uncle & Kit Aubrey & Hazel are at the Light & so Pollie is keeping Eva company Amy had all the clothes to brush & put away & altered her belt we had Tea & They went home we milked & Spr & after tea I mixed bread Amy played the Piano boys singing we are having showery weather & lovely dewy nights quite cold Dad & Ma stayed home & milked as Dad had Eczema so bad. Charles & Eva & Coral came down & stayed all day home Eva has a terrible sty on her eye Coral is teasy also.

Sep 22nd I got up in good time & got boys meal & the others milk & do all outdoor work first. Then at about 1/4 to 9 they come in to breakfast. So its a nuisance getting two meals as I usually fry too I swept the dining room & Kitchen our room also baked bread rolls & 6 loaves & slide cakes after dinner I took pattern & went up to Eva's & cut out a skirt for Pollie & partly made it I then went & had a cup of Tea & rode hoe with Dad who came from Bragglesome Trimmed my hat after tea & Amy & I had a bath & retired late & tired & sleepy.

Sep 23rd I felt awfully tired & did not get up till 1/3 past 6 got breakfast & then I went to clean stove but the Chimney was burnt through so Dad & I took it to pieces & I thoroughly cleaned the flues & fave it a good blackleading also all utensils then lit it & got lunch as Dad & Amy were off to Gawler after lunch I scrubbed safe &c did lamps opened new Kerosene I started baking Albert & Madeira cake & sponge sandwich also other work & we had a cup of Tea & milked Sep & fed animals finished Sundown we read paper & letter from Moonta Bert & Wilf went to Gawler.

Sunday Sep 24 We got up in fair time & Dad & Amy did outdoor work & I fried Sausages got breakfast over & lit stove this morning as had to bake a shoulder Mutton Cauliflower potatoes just dishing up & Ada & Family came home for her birthday. Ma & I drove to K.F. Anniversary called for Cousin Eva & we came home to Tea Jim came for Ada & to Tea Dad Ma & I milked & Sep & I fed calves boys went to Chapel Amy & Sang Hymns Ma wrote letters.

Sep 25 I got up early 5/30 dressed & lit fire the the Copper & got ready the washing it was not by any means a very promising day for it but I started & a good wind blew up so I got all dry but the wind increased to Gales & a dust-storm Eva & Mrs McLeod walked over after dinner from Uncle Amy went in to do housework I scrubbed form Knife box & usual things we had a cup of tea & Dad drove them to the Station Mr & Mrs It was something terrible wind & dust & his face is so bad with Eczema I started ironing & finished after Tea altogether & we got Berts clothes ready for Moonta put on the Tickest &c Mr Ned Causby97 died last Tuesday Sep 19 & was buried at St Georges Church Cemetery Thursday 21st having a wife & two boys he was 44 years of age Mrs Bright still very ill.

97Edricke Stephen Warner Causby. His widow is Beatrice Helena Causby (nee Bright), daughter of James Bright. His two sons are Alec James Causby (aged 11) and Edricke Phillips (aged 4).

Sep 26  I called boys early & I dressed & lit fire got the Ham & Eggs fried & Amy got ready & I cleaned Clems boots & she took him with her to the Station where Bert went on to Moonta & they spent ht eday at Celia's the P.T.D. & Celia drove down to Street with Amy as far as Mrs Hobarts I did all housework & made Ma a German print apron & other mending & scoured Copper as bright as a penny we milked &c been showery today one very heavy one Wilf got wet through & had to change his clothes.

Sep 27th Not as early got breakfast the others milked & I swept all rooms & got housework done & baked pastry & scones it started to rain & heavy showers fell at intervals all day a lovely change from hot dry winds & everything looks refreshed Amy dyed my Hat & Ma's bonnet & another Gem Hat I trimmed the bonnet & mended we all helped milk Wilf went down to Mrs Standleys98 Dad been down at Bragglesome Wilf over to Uncle Wills Kit went to the Light yesterday with Walter & May who came from Williamstown Aubrey is with Uncle & Eva.

98 Mrs Standley is Ida Standley (nee Woodcock) and she is the teacher at Buchsfelde School

Sep 28th I had to bake bread this morning & we each did our usual work & in the afternoon Amy drove to Gawler & I baked Surprise buns Sponge & Amy got some Polony & made sandwiches as we were going to a Surprise party at Mr B Hilliers99 we started from Buchsfelde School at 7/30 arrived there we all went to the large barn & had a thorough good time dancing & games till 12 ock Supper & a few more hops then at 1 oclock started for home & it rained all the way our party consisted of the Standleys Preiss Mortimer & Allan Richter100 Mrs J Bray Senr101 ourselves & G.E.H. & the Hilliers.

99Beeton Frank Fletcher Hillier a neighbour
100 Probably Alan Kintore Richter. He is perhaps a distant cousin of the Richter family. Father is Martin Richter, but a different one.
101 Mrs James Bray Senior is Ellen Bray (nee Goss).

Sep 29 I hurried & got breakfast & cleaned stove & did our room Amy front rooms & after dinner I tried to cut out mothers skirt But had no pattern so left it I felt dead tired too we have had such lovely showers Charlie is home working he & Wilf are plowing the home flat. Clem is home with us still I mixed bread & yest buns tonight I altered the pictures in the dining room & shifted the others round I been mending this week nothing special.

Sep 30 I got breakfast ready & put out the bread & made buns baked bread Amy did dining room & bedrooms & I the lamps & also after Amy & Dad went to Gawler I baked Madeira & currant cake & two slides buns & finished any other work Clem & I took the cows up to water & Ma & I milked & Sepr & fed animals Celia was ill & Amy remained with her Dad went to the Station & got Uncle & Auntie from Cookes Plain & Eva & Coral went in with Dad & Amy to Gawler today.

Sunday October 1st Gawler River Anniversary Dad got up at 6/30 & I before seven Wilfred was up & I fried his breakfast as he with a party of others went to the Blue Rocks Ma & Dad milked I made beds swept Kitchen & fried breakfast & then washed up & helped Ma dress for Church Oh we did have to hurry but was in good time Just started first Hymn such a large congregation & singing was very nice indeed. Charlie Coral & Eva came home in the afternoon Uncle Charlie Eva Aubrey Uncle Tom & Auntie Emily102 Jim Ada & children all here to Tea & for evening singing & Eva playing the Piano.

102 One of Ma’s younger sisters, Emily Easton (nee Heath) and her husband Uncle Thomas Easton.

Oct 2  I did not get up as early as I intended I felt so tired I got a cup of Tea & swept & dusted dining room & then lit Copper & started to wash rather late & I could not get on well Dad & Ma did all outdoor work I persevered & finished all at 4 ock Carmen & Gladys Higgins103 came out about a surprise party so that hindered me I folded tonight Ma wrote for Amy to come home tomorrow Wilf has retired & I must to so too as it is 10 oclock.

103 Carmen Myrtle Standley, daughter of Ida Standley (nee Woodcock) and George Standley,  and Gladys Mary Higgins, aged about 16, daughter of George Herbert James Higgins and Annie Jane Addis.

Oct 3rd We had a very busy day before us as the Party was at night I got breakfast &we milked & Dad & Ma did Sepr &c I made beds & tidied round then I ironed finished dinner time Ma had previously swept & dusted the front rooms so after dinner I got the floors ready for dancing washed both Wilf helped me shift the heaviest furniture & I did the others myself Dad went ot Gawler for Amy & she got home & Dad helped us milk had Tea cut sandwiches & dressed for evening Mrs Standley & girls104 Mrs & Miss Higgins105, Joyce, Stan106 Brenda107 Miss Beckwith108 Allan R & Bob Winckell109 & Elsie Parham110 & also Aunt E. & Uncle Tom Eva Uncle Aubrey Charl & Family & ourselves spent a most enjoyable evening dancing games till midnight supper & some more dancing then they left

104 Mrs Standleys girls are Carmen (see note 103) and Vivian Rose Standley (her eldest daughter is married and not at home).  
104 Miss Higgins is Gladys (see note 103) and her mother Anne Jane Higgins (nee Addis).
104 Muriel Joyce Preiss, sister of August William Stanley Preiss (note 52).
107 Brenda Minchion Mortimer, sister of Bruce Mortimer (note 56)
108 Miss Beckwith is Elizabeth May Beckwith (her sisters are married at this stage).
109 Bob Winckell. I can find very little information about this family. Possibly a son of Friedrick Ernst Winckell and Augusta Maria Reinke.
110 Elsie Lydia Ruth Parham, distant relation.

Oct 5th Two Well Show I have ommited to report Wensday but will proceed with Show Day. I got breakfast & made beds & did housework lit fire & baked Scones Sponge & got ready for the Show Dad Aunt Emily Charl Eva & Coral & I went but I lost my hand bag & contents & felt disheartened all day. We had our lunch on arrival then we looked around same old scenes & met several I knew we got home about 7/30 had Tea & retired very tired indeed Ma was obliged to keep her bed Influenza & Amy not well.

Oct 4 Wensday We felt awfully tired but had to get everything back in dining room beside usual work also starch & iron shirts &c brush clothes & press them & I made a new G.L. apron for myself nothing special today only odd work Ma not well. A most lovely day Jubilee Show Kapunda & the Baptist Picnic Lyndoch Wesley is up at Eva's for holidays.

Oct 6 We have our same work each morning Dad & Amy the cows & Sepr fed animals I get breakfast fried & put out bread lit stove put up Wilfs dinner & then go Dad & Amy their breakfast also arrowroot for Ma made our bed done dining room & altered my black Skirt Amy cooked dinenr & cleaned front rooms & bedrooms I churned Butter could not make it up so soft Thundery weather with showers Ma got up for a few hour but had to go to bed Dad is spending the evening at Mr Alex Davis's.

Oct 7th I dressed in fair time & got a cup of Tea & breakfast did all blackleading & salted mutton & made broth for Ma who is ill Influenza Amy did all housework & her & Dad went ot Gawler I baked Cake & Sponge cleaned Knives &c scrubbed & then got a cup of Tea & Dad hlepd me milk It has been a nice day Kit had Hazel vaccinated today Amy got a lovely Glove box from George for her birthday Ma got up for a while & wrote to Bert & Wilf went to Gawler after Tea he is working out in Twelftrees but been down at Charlie's wood cutting today Uncle Charlie has sold his farm111 & they are to leave Ward's Belt Eva has Influenza Charl was home today.

111 This is the sale of 531 Parker's Road, Wards Belt. He cannot run the farm now his son has died. It was sold to Allan Edward Crush of Manoora. The sale didn't actually go through until March 1912.

Oct 8 I did not get up till after seven swept the dining room got breakfast fried E & B. then roast shoulder of Mutton potatoes & also Turnips Green Peas after dinner Amy & I cleared away & she was off to the Cemetry but George came then Uncle Eva Fred Fatchen112 & Kit children to Tea then Wilf went to Buchsfelde I read got Supper & George & Amy Wilf & I had ours Ma not well another nice day but I could not go to church.

112 Frederick Samuel Fatchen.

Oct 9th I got up at 6 oclock made fire & lit copper had my breakfast went on washing & we finished at dinner time & this afternoon after srubbing all up I cleaned 3 Gallon Bottles & Amy & did all ironing Amy planted her Lilac & milked with Dad Wilfie & Amy are at the Piano another lovely day to be out I intended going to Ada's but cannot as Amy is going to Celia's tomorrow.

Oct 10 About same time had to bake bread as there is only Wilfie & us home I got breakfast Amy & Dad milked &c then did our usual work & Dad & Amy drove to Gawler found Celia ill in bed relapse of Influenza so Amy stopped there & George & her go to Town tomorrow for the holiday. The horses got in the wheat I mounted Toff & got them out then went for cows & took them up to drink home & Ma although very unwell helped me milk nice pleasant weather now.

Oct 11 I felt so unwell but had to get up & get brf & cut Wilfie his dinner. Ma & Dad milked &c I just did all necessary work & some mending but could not sew I felt so dreadfully depressed in spirits in the afternoon Dad Charl Ma & I went picking peas in Mr Ratcliffs they have a lovely lot Wilfie went to a Moonlight Picnic last night & this afternoon he went to Blocks Picnic in G. Longs113 paddock so I was all alone with parents & felt so dull read a book in bed to get to sleep.

113 George Long, I suspect. I don't have information about this landownder yet; I guess it's in Evanston Gardens. I love the idea of a Moonlight Picnic!

Oct 12 Same work fo rus then Dad went up to the Tap to water the young stock came back & found poor Topsy in the Water hole & she could not get out so I ran over for Will Ratcliff & Mr & we got the hay rope & fastened round her & hooked Smiler & Beaut on to her & dragged her out but in attempting to stand she by some means put leg out of joint & ricked it as well so cannot walk or get up when she lies down Uncle Tom Aunt Emily & Flo & Thelma114 came up & Charl & Eva came for the evening with us nice day.

114 Cousin Emilie Florence May Webb (nee Easton), daughter of Uncle Tom and Aunt Emily, and her daughter Thelma Blanche Webb, aged 5.

Oct 13 I did not rise early as did not have to bake I fried Eggs & bacon got breakfast over Flo & Thelma got up & Auntie & Uncle had theirs & then Flo & Thelma went up to Uncle Charleys & spent the day rode up with Dad who went to Gawler also Uncle Tom I tidied back bedrooms I cleaned them yesterday & then I did the front rooms & washed the floors & we milked &c Flo & the rest came home.

Oct 14 I got breakfast fried Sausages Dad & Ma milked & did all outdoor work Flo & Auntie went up picking peas I had previously blackleaded stove & dining room fireplace so I lit stove & cooked dinner & Dad went to Gawler Uncle so bad with asthma Flo & Thelma went home at 10/30 we had a heavy shower & hailstones Thunder & Lightning I baked scones Albert Madeira & Sponge Cakes the housework Topsy is very bad on her leg they always have to lift her up when she lies down Celia still ill & Percy hurt his foot Wensday had to layup so Amy is in there now Ma not well.

Oct 15 Sunday got up at 7/30 got a cup of Tea & fried breakfast Sausages & roasted Beef & Pots & Green peas custard & stewed apples. Ada & all children home to dinner Aunt went up picking peas in Ratcliff & Ada & I & children went as well after dinner Stan Preiss came out for afternoon & Charl & Eva so we had a large gathering to Tea Jim came for his family Wilf went to Chapel we were cooking all day.

Oct 16 I did not intend to wash as Auntie & Uncle had to go home so I fried breakfast & did housework as is our ordinary custom. They packed their case of Green peas they left here early in order to go to Celia's I thoroughly swept & dusted the rooms & wahsed the floors got everything tidy & did some mending & Ma & I milked Dad Amy Bert & Lorna115 came home brought home some fish which I fried for Tea Pea shelling is the evening work now it has been lovely day.

115 Lorna Frances Folland, niece (daughter of Frances), aged 4, comes from Moonta to stay.

Oct 17 I was up early & got breakfast lit Copper & started washing after chopping wood Amy joined me after she had finished indoors we almost finished dinner time I & Amy scurbbed all necessary articles folded clothes & had a cup of Tea. Dad went to City with calf to send to Adelaide, Bert was mowing Wilf in Twelftrees Charl home to Bragglesome. Lorna is gone to bed. Amy sorting her clohtes W. writing a nice day but windy. I don't feel any too well nor is mother or Amy. I had to bake bread & Cake today.

Oct 18 I always get up in fair time from 5/30 to 6 oclock light the fire & get breakfast while Amy & Dad do all the outdoor work & Ma feeds her chickens 70 or them. After breakfast I always help with housework this morning I did not feel well as I had such pains in my limbs Amy is very unwell & also Ma not so well again her cough. Amy & I ironed all afternoon had a cup of Tea then we milked W & B went to Dance Gawler.

Oct 19 Much the same work in every way then Amy dressed for Gawler calling for both Eva & Ada who took their babies to be vaccinated I had to do all houseowkr & cook late dinner in evening both Ma & Lorna shelled peas I mended sheets Ma felt so ill but helped me with all dairy work Dad went ot Gawler W & Bert working Bragglesome Ma & Lorna had a sleep I a rest very windy & dusty all day Celia & Percy rather better but not atall well Eva came home with Amy tonight & slept here as Uncle was at Lower Light Howard Dawkins116 was married yesterday I heard to his cousin Miss Close Ella Bray & Constance Dawkins were maids of honour. Mrs Dawkins Senr has been very ill indeed.

116 John Howard Dawkins married to Frances Hannah Close; and yes, they are cousins (their mothers are sisters). Ella Rebecca Bray (aged 10, John Howard Dawkins niece) & Eva Constance Dawkins (aged 12). Mrs Dawkins Senior is Rebecca Dawkins (nee Wilkinson).

Oct 20 Much the same work for both in the morning breakfast over I cut boys dinner & blackleaded stove & washed up Amy did all the cleaning in the rooms, Dad went to Mr J.G. Folland117 Sale Eva went home Lorna went with her I baked Scones Cakes & tarts cooked hot Tea as boys were in Bragglesome & came home & went to a dance in Hillers Barn Eva & Uncle brought Lorna home.

117  John George Folland, the father of Frances' husband Hayyr. 

Oct 21 Saturday I got up 5/30 lit stove & put out bread & baked it fried breakfast then Amy did housework & I cooked Cabbage Pots & fried Bacon for dinner after doing washing up Amy & Lorna went to Gawler after dinner both had a bath & I was left alone I cleared away dinner washed up & cleaned cutlery lamps scrubbing got a cup of Coffee for Ma & Dad & I we milked separated & had Tea before Amy got home as Mrs McLeod came up & they had to meet then at the Station hot dry winds then bed  

Oct 22 Fair time for Sunday & I got fire & a cup of Tea then fried breakfast swept dining room washed p & pot on meat for dinner Amy cooked dinner & did bedroom I shelled Pea’s & got vegetables ready Amy made Blanc Mange & Jellies Sponge I cleaned boots George came out at 3 o’clock I had all evening work to do got nearly 8 dozen eggs tonight Dad & I milked & Separated Jim & Ada came home & children took home our dray to shift tomorrow to Willaston.  

Oct 23rd Could not wash today as Ma is ill in bed Influ so Amy & I have a lot to do so many chickens to look after &c got about 80 out. Celia came home this morning with Charl she stayed at their place last night I baked Cakes today & Amy & I did all housework between us Ma got up in the afternoon so weak Celia started dressing Lorna’s dolls I melted soap & soaked in washing ready for tomorrow Mrs Will Rusby118 has twin sons born Oct 16th 1911. 

118 Mrs Will Rusby (Fannie Elizabeth McLaren)'s twin sons Maxwell James and Reginald Graham Rusby.

Oct 24th I dressed at ¼ to six & got a cup of Tea then I lit copper & started washing Dad & Amy outdoor work & she also made Melon Jam & did all the other work I washed till dinner time then Amy joined me & we never finished till four scrubbed all things & I folded some & after tea mixed bread & Amy folded the rest Celia finished dressing dolls & Lorna is delighted with them Wilfie has a sore throat he is down at Bragglesome others chaffcutting today as it is damp but awful windy.

Oct 25 Same hour lit fire & stove & baked rolls for breakfast & afterwards bread & swept dining room & kitchen & Lorna Amy & I went up pea picking till after 12 oclock Percy came out on his bike Celia spent the day at Eva’s & Uncles Men all at Bragglesome Hay making Amy & I ironed all the afternoon starched skirts colars &c Celia came home tonight & has been sewing tonight Amy trimming Celia’s Hat Wilf & I writing wrote to Frances with Ma Uncle Charlie is not well again.

Oct 26 Got up at 5/30 & got breakfast over & did all usual work Amy had to go to Gawler to take Celia home also Eva & Ada took their babies to Dr after Vaccination I was busy cooking Scones sponge, Cakes, pies &c In the afternoon Pollie & Louie came out & spent the afternoon had cup of tea & they drove to Uncle Charley. Eva was all alone as her Dad was gone to Lower Light so Louie remains till Saturday with her Dad came home with the cows & Amy & I milked & sep also cooked hot tea & got in wood Wilfie & Bert are out Twelftrees fallowing Dad down at Charl.  

Oct 27th Same hour & work also Amy thoroughly cleaned front rooms put clean covers on & washed all picture & did boys room I did our room cooked dinner Ma is trying to assist but is far from well & weak Eva & Mrs McLeod came down for afternoon Coral is not well her arm very bad. I been mending sheets this afternoon & cooked hot Tea & helped milk men at work in Twelftrees Dad & Charl haymaking at Bragglesome. The weather is warming up now & windy.
Mrs Charlie Baker Glenelg has a daughter born Nov 6 1911119, Mrs Dick Humphrys has son born Feb 13 1912

119 Mrs Charlie Baker (cousin Eva Susannah Tancock)'s daughter is Laurel Mavis Baker.
120 Mrs Dick Humphry (Martha Lillian Dean)'s son is Howard Edward Humphrys

Oct 28 I got up early lit stove & put out bread to rise got breafast baked bread have to cut boys dinner & Dads & then I baked currrant & Madeira Cake Sponge Sandwich had dinner & Amy & I put the horses in the Buggy for her to go to Gawler I cleaned all lamps scurbbed safe & others articles cleaned stove washed Floors did all Saturdays work Ma cutlery Lorna stayed home I bathed her & myself Louie & the children121
came home with Amy to stay Wilf in for Gawler evening.

121 Cousin Louisa Waters (nee Arbon)'s children are Arundel Charles Waters and (aged 3) and Leslie William Waters (infant).

Oct 29 Sunday Dad & Ma got up at six & went picking peas I got the fire & a cup ofl Tea & breakfast did Ma's room swept dining room & Kitchen Amy cooked dinner Rice puddings I heped shell pea's & assisted Amy my limbs are terrible today it has been a awful windy hot dusty day George came out & took Amy to Chapel tonight Will Ratcliffe is here for the evening Louie & I just put children to bed & I am now writing it is very close indoors.

Oct 30 I got up at 5/15 & lit fire & got a cup of Tea & then got the washing all ready Amy had all indoor work As Ma is not strong so I did all washing myself excepting socks & Stockings & a pair dark Trousers those Amy did & helped me scrub & cleaned Copper they we had dinner & Dad & Charl were home Bert & Wilfie out at Twelftrees in the afternoon I drove Louie & Children down to Pollie's at Gawler River. She was not home as she was at Mrs Dawkins122 Golden Wedding she helped at the Tables &c Mrs Daly123 was looking after her children while she was away. We had a very severe change in the weather bitter cold showery.

122 Samuel Letts Dawkins and Rebekah Wilkinson married on October 20, 1861 in a "House" in Gawler.
123 Mrs Daly. Not sure who this is. 

Oct 31st I did not get up so early but hurried & made scones in the camp oven for breakfast & had the usual cup of tea prepared afterwards I gave our room a good sweep & tidy all helped in various ways with the work baked scones pastry in the stove Amy finished the ironing also her best white dress she did all the rioning I did a bit of sewing & washed up & made a fire in dining room as its just like winter. Lorna went with me yesterday & shivered with cold coming home & today she been up peaking pea's with Gpa & for a load of Hay in the dray Eva is here Uncle at Lower Light so she will camp.

Nov 1st Same hour & lit the fire & got our usual cup of Tea & fried Eggs & Bacon the bread was not up ready to bake so I had to leave it till five oclock P.M. whih was a bother I did housework & Ma shelled the last of our peas Amy had to take the cows up to drink I finished work & cut out a German Blouse for Ada & nearly made it today Amy went up to Eva's for the afternoon Charl is gone to Meet Eva & Coral who come from Town to Celia's today Bert has a sore throat Wilfie a bad eye I also have a sore chest a cold I think colder weather not good harvest weather a nice shower.

Nov 2nd I get up earlier now 5 o'clock or 1/4 past as we are having Summer weather now we hurried & did all houseowkr also I made a plum pudding & at midday Amy Lorna & I started for Gawler Lorna stayed at Ada's while we did a little Shopping & Amy & I took cream over & called at Mrs Hobarts but did not go in as it was late had a cup of Tea at Ada's came home & I helped milk Amy other work Eva stays here nights. 

Nov 3 Same hour lit fire & got breakfast & I cleaned our room & swept dining room & kitchen & baked Cake I also blackleaded stove I went up to Eva at 5 oclock & stayed till seven did her evening wok as she was not able to do it herself I came home got Tea & afterwards mixed bread & Amy has been so busy scrubbed the dairy & did front rooms cleaned doorway I cut out & partly made a petticoat for Lorna.

Nov 4 Sat so I lit stove & fried breakfast & we washed up then I assisted general work & as bread was not ready to bake I started on sponge but it was too hasty a fire & I burnt it then I baked bread & Sponge & assisted cooking dinner afterwards I baked cakes & scrubbed Safe form &c cleaned lamps finished my work took out lunch to Dad & Charl Lorna took it out to Bert & Wilfie I bathed Lorna had tea & Amy came home from Gawler where she met Clara & Bob124
from Cookes Plains Eva & Coral went with Amy to Gawler.

124 Clara Pearl Easton (Cousin) & her husband Robert Alfred Anderson

Sunday Nov 5 Dad was up before 6 & Amy at 6 I at 6/30 I fried breakfast & cooked dinner roast Mutton Potatoes & Cabbage & made dried apple pies we had started dinner & Jim Ada & children drove home & after the meal was finished we cleaned away George came & regaled all teh children with Lollies also Clara & Mr Anderson came to Tea we had music & singing Bert & Wilf went to chapel Bert is breaking in Fairy she is rather awkward at present. It has been a hot day cool evening. 

Nov 6th I got up early lit the fire & got a cup of Tea then lit fht eCopper & started washing white Quilts bed top & ordinary weekly wash Amy did outdoor work & then she joined me we did not finish till 3 o''clock but it was a terrible windy dusty day & it kept me running to & fro from the line I folded all clothes Amy beds & housework such a wearying day Men hay making Bert in Twelftrees.

Nov 7th A much nicer day I was busy baking bread Dora Biscuits & Raisin Cake In the afternoon Amy & I did all the ironing & I felt very tired my limbs pained me dreadfully & Amy had a bad side we finished before Tea Bert is working in Twelftrees cultivating the others are at Bragglesome Lorna also went down with Dad.

Nov 8 Up before five & got breakfast Amy all outdoor work Lorna cried to go with Dad to Charls but as Ma was to be home alone she could not go Amy & I started for Gawler & the swing broke so had to twist it up with wire & go as far as Charls & get his dogcart & put Smiler in & drive her in to be shod & get some things both for cousin & our Eva & just had to rush as it was half holiday I remained at Ada's Amy came home.  

Nov 9th I awoke at five but did not dress till after six Ada got up & fried breakfast I milked Flora & assisted Ada did washing Boys to school Celia came at Eleven & stayed the day I was sewing Celia mended Ethels doll Jim drove Celia partly the way home I did some ironing in evening.

Nov 10th A terrible dusty hot day promised but at 11 ock the wind got round to the sea & it was cooler at 2/30 Ada children & I walked down the street did shopping & came home at 1/4 to five I made her bed tick & nailed on an oilcloth cover on the table cupboard & safe Jim drove me home & Clem stayed the night with us also quite cold.  Our men finished binding today they tell me.

Nov 11 Up at our usual early hour before five & lit the stove & prepared breakfast then put out bread & baked it also Cakes, buns, sponge. Cleaned lamps scrubbed safe &c & did all other usual work washed cloors I bathed Lorna & Amy took her to Gawler dressed in her brown Velvet then I finished my work & Ma & I did all outdoor work & I had a bath they then came home Wilfie went out for evening.

Nov 12 Sunday we were very tired so had a good rest till I dressed at 7/30 the others much later I did a lot of different odds & ends before I fried sausages for the meal & then I dressed for a Sunday at Pollie's Dad & Lorna Uncle Charley & Clara drove me down to the main gate I found Pollie writing a letter she was pleased to see me also went over to Mr Preiss place & saw the beautiful wreath the drivers association sent to our cousin125 in the evening George & amy came for me in his trap Bert & Clara went to the Blocks Anniversary in our Buggy Uncle Charlie & Eva spent their Sunday evening here.

125 This would be a memorial wreath for Pollie's husband (Henry Charles Stephen Preiss) who died in May

Nov 13th Up & lit the stove & Copper & got washing ready had breakfast & started washing Amy did all usual work & then she helped me I hurt my arm we were very late finishing & I scrubbed up & Amy Ma & Lorna went to the Chapel126 & got the Chairs that was poor Alfs & brought them home then L & Amy went for stumps up to the pipe track I had to mix bread I felt rather unwell so tired i folded all clothes such a lot too Amy is not well her side troubles her a good deal.

126 The old Ward Belt Primitive Methodist Chapel is very close by. The family used it to store the chairs.

Nov 14th I was up at 1/4 to five & called the boys then I got breakfast & put out bread to rise & made yeast buns did our room & baked bread & Amy usual work then she started to iron I felt so ill had to lie down & got up & did a little ironing then had to give in again. I felt a little better at 4 ock & baked buns & did up fashion shirts & some more ironing we got finished by six although it has been a hot windy day so tiring & neither of us well got tea & retired very tired. 

Nov 15 Five to five got breakfast done both back bedroom & swept & dusted dining room swept our room was busy all the morning Amy & Lorna started at a little after nine for Gawler also cousin Eva went & they spent the remainder of the day after shopping with Celia Ma & I had a cooked dinner boiled Mutton Potatoes & Cabbage Clara came & spent the afternoon with us & Eva & Amy came home tonight it has been thundery & is quite cold now & has been cool all day Clara & Eva went home to Uncles. Amy & Ma cleared teathings Mr Bob Freemans daughter127 died yesterday & Miss Broadstock128 last Sunday.

127 Annie Amelia Freeman, aged 31, daughter of Robert Freeman and Sarah Bond, died in Gawler South.
128 May Broadstock, aged 18, daughter of James Hurtle Broadstock and Rebecca Ann Willett, died in Gawler South.

Nov 16th I was up at our early hour about 20 or 1/4 to 5 every morn & each do our ordinary work Amy outdoor & I breakfast & then housework & Amy did baking biscuits tarts pie &c I cut out & partly made Ma a black Skirt & I did feel ill too Amy was also Sewing & Ma & Lorna trying to sew She is always with her Grandpa in the spring dray up in the paddock Dad is fencing the stack & Lorna is helping in her way & loves the Lunch in the field as well. 

Nov 17th Friday & always a busy day I dressed same hour & Amy is far from well so did not get up till six her side is bad again she has all her rooms to do & I bake bread & did our room & altered pinafore for Lorna I was so unwell all day in effort to do anything Amy also had to rest & in the afternoon she had a bath & bahed Lorna & packed her basket for Town George came out at night for her in a dogcart so they left here at 8 ock.

Nov 18th Same hour Ma & Dad outdoor work I got breakfast blackleaded stove &c dining room fireplace scrubbed safe &c swept both rooms & washed the floors dusted & washed the pictures ornaments &c made beds & got all done by dinner time Eva Coral & Clem came home & had dinner I went up & got swedes carrots for soup it was terrible hot the sun like fire Lorna & Clem went out with boys all the afternoon I had to bake cake Sponge Dora biscuits did not put rising in my sponge & had to make another then cleaned lamps helped milk & Sep then bathed both Clem Lorna & had one myself washed the childrens clothes & socks Celia came home with Dad from Gawler as Dad & Eva Coral went to Gawler today retired late & tired.

Nov 19th Sunday & Dad & Ma got up early & went & milked came in & I was still in bed at 7/30 so I dressed & Celia also then got a cup of Tea & frie dsausages had breakfast & Celia did Rhubarb Ma made a custard I baked it & partly roasted beef did all housework Celia helped me & Ma we all had Lemon Frizz. After dinner we washed up & then Celia & I went for a walk & Clem & Lorna also got a lot of Gum Percy came out & then Dad & I milked I separated Dad went up with cows & the others had tea then P.T.D. & Celia & Lorna went home & Bert to Chapel Wilf & the boys went int he buggy tonight & drove Celia partway. 

Nov 20 Monday but I could not wash & was expecting Amy home in the evening I got up at same time as usual & did the work Dad & Ma outdoor work then I swept dining room & made beds Charl came home & said Eva was very bad so I went down there Hector in the dogcart found her better & made her bed washed babys clothes & did different work & in the afternoon we went for a drive to see if Cattle were alright Cousin Eva went to meet Amy but on arrival found her too ill to come home, well she was in bed & Dr Henry128 was attending her it was a terrible shock to me when Eva told me Clara stayed with Ma Eva drove me home also Lorna.

128  Dr A Henry C Dawes, founder of Hutchinson hospital.

Nov 21st I have spent an almost sleepless night & dressed early & gave boys their meal & did their room. Dad & Ma milked &c then went ot Gawler to see Amy & Lorna went with the boys I had everything to do & felt so awfully cut up did not know how to work. I took lunch out twice to boys Charl & Wilfie went stacking hay Bert Harvesting other side of Hill it was a windy day & cooler in evening with light shower I soaked my clothes got cows & Dad & Ma came home & helped me.

Nov 22 I awoke at 4/30 but felt so awfully unwell my limbs were so painful I rested till 10 to 5 then lit stove got a cup of Tea but I have no appetite whatever I started washing as soon as I could but it was a terrible hot day I never remember feeling hotter at the tubs having no help I did not finish till near four altogether scrubbed up & thoroughly cleaned copper with Salt & Vinegar Ma did housework & dinner lunches &c & folded clothes I felt so knocked out but had to help with work & mix bread & wash Lorna it has been a trying hot day.

Nov 23rd So tired but dressed early as the bread was all over the pan I made fire got boys breakfast put out bread made Yeast Buns baked all by lunch & the Lads had hot Buns then I started ironing di not finish till six such a lot & I felt to unfit to do it am very unwell in myself & cant' eat atall scarecly Ma busy at dinner Lunches they are working at the big stack Lorna is everywhere with them on the trolley dray or spring dray allways with Gpa or the boys I went up to Tap for cows & we milked & Sep got in wood washed Lorna as is my custom & put her to bed so tired our neighbour Mr Stevens129 has his sister very ill in Gawler hospital pataisus was operated on last Sunday.  

129 Mr Stevens sister.

Nov 24th As I did not have to bake I did not dress till 5/25 got breakfst fire in dining room but as it was so hot I hurried & cleaned stove & put fire out there I made a pudding but it was not atall nice cannot make out why I did boys & our room swept dining room Kitchen after dinner I ghoroughly cleaned front rooms & washed floors took lunch to boys altered Lorna new blue bloomers Lorna and I went for cows & Ma & I milked Sep I washed Lorna & put her to bed & cleared table I feel so awfully sad.

Nov 25 Up at 4/30 & called Wilfred as he was to go to Charlie's to load Hay but I rested another 1/2 hour before dressing then got breakfast over & made bed & baked Dora Bic Cakes & Sponge gave my safe a thorough scrubbing & we had dinner my currant cake was such a lovely one but as the currants were just like carbolic so I had to throw it all away also a plum pudding I felt like a good cry as it means baking again When I expected to have plenty Lorna & I washed all ornaments Glasses &c & I finihsed all work washed floors bathed Wesley & Lorna washed their clothes Dad wen tot Gawler but our dear Amy could not come home. 

Nov 26th Sunday so I did not dress till 20 past seven also dressed Lorna & got us all a cup of Tea & breakfast Dad & Ma outdoor work & Ma put meat on to bake & cooked Cab & pots for dinner I made Blancmange I made our beds & swept up & cleared dinner & washed up Ma helping me & I also washed all pots &c & this afternoon rested but it has been so terribly hot & I feel so downhearted Clara came to tea & is spending evening with us.

Nov 27th I did not wash owing to the terrible heat I could not stand in the place where we wash so I got dressed at usual hour Ma & Dad outdoor work after breakfast I did  the boys room & our rom & other housework In the evening I got all soaked in for washing Ma & Lorna went up in the Tap paddock for cows I always help Ma with milking & feeling very unwell I retired at 9/30 after washing Lorna she is everywhere with Gpa for water & hay in the spring dray boys are at the big stack Bert on Harvester but crop is very light Wilf & Charl go to Gawler with a load of Hay today & back & load another for tomorrow.

Nov 28 I awoke at 4/30 & got out had to call Wilf but he was dressed & having a cup of water & cake then he went to Bragglesome & I made a cup of Tea for us was sitting out in the cool morning air at 5 o'clock so pleasant at that hour I did not feel strong so could not hurry but I finished at about 10 o'clcok except hanging out & colours got all scrubbed up before dinner & put all dirty bottles soaking & dear little Lorna help to clean them all afterwards Bert harvesting Dad Stripping both in (Uncle Wills paddock) I have to walk over with lunch Lorna usually goes with me the wind is cooler today but sun very hot indeed regular summer weather.

Nov 29 Up at our usual hour got breakfast & did boys room & then we went to Gawler Dad & I we did business & drove to Celia's & saw dear Amy who was much the same but looks so delicate the heat so trying we left Gawler at 12/30 called at Mrs Hobarts Arthur130 jammed his fingernail at the works he was at dinner Roy Swann131 was hurt very badly in a Bicycle Race last Saturday had to go under an operation with his knee as the metal cut in the flesh & remained there & Dr had to take it out was a little better yesterday Eva & Coral came down & Boys brought home two loads hay & topped the big stack Bert same work & I took over lunch he lost the tin off the machine & ran from the hill to the belt & back without stopping I looked after the horses for him.

130Arthur Samuel Hobart, aged 15.
131Roy Swann; I suspect this is Thomas Roy Swann, since he was born in Gawler Plains, but it could be Victor Roy Swann who is of a similar age. All the race information in the local papers just say R. Swann.

Nov 30 Such a hot morning something terrible hot sun enough to roast one Dad stripping Bert up to Eva's reaping barley also going on to G. Johnstone's to Harvest his Charl is gone to Gawler sale with poor old Bentley, Rocket, Wallce & others to see if he can sell any of them Lorna has just been to sleepp Ma is not well today a cooler breeze now I been making Ginger Beer this morning must go & iron now this weather is so trying makes you so weary too Eva & Coral came down yesterday & I folded clothes & today ironed & Eva started to hem Ma's skirt but did not have enough to finish it Ma was completely knocked out had to like down & I had to gt tea E & C stayed for evening then I washed Lorna & put her to bed mixed bread & I felt so thoroughly done up but a nice cool breeze sprang up so that was refreshing. Mrs T Clonan has a son born Nov 29th (nee Eva Webber)132.

132 Thomas Daniel Clonan, son of Thomas Vincent Clonan and Eva Mary Clonan nee Webber, born in Marryatville. This is their first child, and Eva is 40.

Dec 1st A nice cool morning after a heavy thunder & lightning woke me up it was the most severe we've had for a very long time I had to get breakfast bake bread yest Buns clean boys room & both front rooms Ma cleaned all windows I did all work then I finished ironing its so lovely to have a cool day puts new life in one but I got a very bad headache & so stiff. 

Dec 2nd Cool so I hurried & dressed & cleaned stove & Ma churned Butter then I got breakfast & made bed I then insectbaned the dining room & started baking currant & madeira Cake Sponge Sandwhich Dora Biscuits Ma got dinner I cleaned & filed all lamps Lorna & I washed Glass & fancy ornaments & I the pictures Ma cleaned all cutlery we had a cup of Tea milked & Sep then Dad came home bringing our dear old girl home also Cousin Pollie & her children for the weekend I bathed Lorna & Clem clean her Boots washed socks & mended them also other things we were late going to bed & so tired Roy Swann went home from Hosptial today getting well now. 

Dec 3rd A windy dusty morning & it turned of Sultry & warm it being Sunday I did not dress till after seven Lorna was not well I got Eggs & Bacon fried for breakfast & we boiled Beef (Corn) potatoes & cabbage carrots &c I made Cherry plum pies & did odd work made beds In the afternoon I rested & read in the evening while Dad Amy & I were milking Jim Ada & Family came to Tea also Charl & Eva & Coral for evening all left early & I read George & Amy went for a Stroll I was on my own Bert & Wilf to Buchsfelde Dad Ma & Lorna drove Pollie Bert & Wilf to Buchsfelde. Dad Ma & Lorna drove Pollie home this evening.

Dec 4 I called Boys at a little after five dressed & hurried with Breakfast then as I was pressing trousers it started to rain & has kept on all day but lovely & cool got to put on extra clothes Eva had to drive Mr Chappel133 to the Light so took Wesley with her Clara came down & is to stay all night I soaked in all washing ready & tried to alter Lorna's drss but had no stuff however I could not do it Amy looks so thin & white so listless she is busy sewing making Lorna's petticoats it has stopped the Harvest work altogether Charl is home at Brag.

133 Mr Chappel - don't know who he is.

Dec 5 I got up early & started washing after a cup of Tea it was terribly windy I had a cool day so did not mind I finished all by dinner but as the boys put on other pants I set to & washed their Denim pants after & scrubbed up all Ma folded Amy helped Ma & brushed clothes I ironed plain clothes so lovely & cool Clara went home this morning at about nine.

Dec 6 Another cool morning & showers we got about 3 parts of our Tank of water we each did our usual work & I finished ironing my limbs were very bad Amy sewing dad went to Gawler boys working the fallow Charlie & Eva ceiled their Kitchen this week.

Dec 7 I had to get breakfast & bake bread so windy & the stove would not keep the heat I also made a sponge sandwich Amy went to Eva's & Charl spent the day I also baked yeast Buns & then I made new white sleeves for Lorna's dress & washed her dress &several other things Mr Richter134 came over & was yarning Lorna is home with Ma & I playing with her doll so cool.

134 Wilhelm Friedrich Johannias Richter, a neighbour. 

Dec 8 Eva & Clara stayed all night so I got up & got breakfast & blackleaded stove & utensils cleaned our room swept kitchen & dining room Amy swept the front rooms I helped dust & I washed the floors Ma made for me to go to Ragless's135 with her the weather was ideal & I liked the ride came back to Evas she mliked & done her other work & drove down for Clara I [torn] so tired but had to mix bread after tea & then retires [torn].

135 Ragless, another local family.

Dec 9 Saturday I lit stove & got breakfast & [torn] out bread then baked same & Cakes I also helped [torn] sweep make beds scrubbed safe &c Lorna her salt [torn] had dining & Amy & Dad went to Gawler I was [torn] & clean fireplace put Lorna & I got boughs [torn] Ma cleaned all cutlery &c I bathed Lorna & W[torn] to Gawler I had a bath Celia came home tonight [torn] taked till after 11 o'clock I felt tired & Ma was [torn] but we did all our Sat work Lovely cool [torn] hot in the middle of the day. 

Dec 10th Bert intended going to Lower Light so he got up at 6/20 & Celia got his breakfast & helped milk I fried sausages then I swept rooms & did necessary work & rested & read & wrote in Clara's Album We got dinner & I washed up Amy helped me I rested G.E.H. came out it has been fairly hot today but cooler now Wilfie drove Celia home & I took Lorna & spent evening with Mrs Ratcliff Will came home with us Bert & Eva & Clara are down at the Light. I was disapppointed could not go to Church.

Dec 11 I did not feel well enought to wash I got Rhuamtic so Wilf came & called me it was past five & he ought to have been up at 4 so I hurried & got his breakfast cut his lunch & dinner & put up his tea then got breakfast for the others Amy cut out & made a new blouse for Ma Black with white pin spot I did some mending but had ot rest a good deal.
Lill Porter had a daughter born Dec 10th 1911136

136 Cousin Lillias May Porter (nee Paterson)'s daughter is Constance Audrey Porter.  

Dec 12 Up at about 4 oclock & hurried to get Wilfie his breafast & cut dinner lunch for him then I went to my tubs & got on very well Amy hung out & help me this week so thankful to have her better I washed two pairs tweed pants & pressed them & did some ironing it was a cold change with strong wind Wilf & Charl are haycarting to Gawler for T.L. Martin137

137T.L. Martin, a neighbour, I presume.

Dec 13 Same hour & work & then Amy got up & we did usual work then cleared the dining room ready for white washing Clara & Eva came down & Eva did the wals & scrubbed all cupboards & cleaned everythning thoroughly Ma & Clara washed all Glass & ornaments In the afternoon Eva did the Kitchen we all assisted in various ways as is our custom on whitewashing [torn] en had a cup of Tea & lunch & they went [torn] Ma & I milked we were rather tired but [torn] is done Dad & Bert are harvesting at [torn] some We heard news from Victoria which [torn] surprised us. It has been rather windy each day [torn] fully cool for December.

Dec 14 Amy & I made up our minds to finish whitwashing so I got up at four & did my mission then I cleared boys room & did the walls washed floor Amy got our room ready & then as the lifting was too heavy for her she did hte other walls then the dairy & got all thoroughly cleaned up for Xmas it was rather rainy but not heavy just showers so I got everything back in its place. I & Amy did our ironing early this morning.

Dec 15th Our usual early hour 4 ock & did same work & took in Tea to parents as is our custom then after doing housework we dressed for Gawler Amy Lorna & I & we did a good bit of shopping could not get satisfaction got curtains for our room & boys or Kitchen called at our friends Mrs Hobarts & had afternoon Tea Clara went with us & I called for her coming home Lorna went to sleep it was so awfully cold I shivered & had to borrow Adas capes Lorna was asleep. Ma & Dad milked I got Tea had a terrible bad head.

Dec 16 Saturday I did not get up as early as Charl & Wilf were not going with hay but were chaffcutting so I got Dad to help me with stove we put new piping on & cleaned all the flues thoroughly & blackleaded it Ma gave boys their breakfast then Ma & I both did all our usual Saturday work I baked Dora Biscuits Cake & Sponges & gave Lorna a bath & had one myself. We made our raspberry Jam today turned out well I did not feel too gay a bad head & so tired Celia Amy & George went to Town by the first train & back by 8 oclock today to do some shopping.

Dec 17 Sunday we got up in good time & Dad & Ma milked I got breakfast & made bed in our room swept & dusted then I dressed Lorna & Myself for church Dad drove us to Gawler Congregational136 Mr Warner136 preahced he is leaving this month for Melbourne. We went to Celia's to dinner & then to Auntie to Tea at the Blocks. Auntie & I chatted & I wrote to Glenelg for her. We came home over Windgates Crossing137. Two men were fishing there. We got home at 1/4 to 8. Clara & Rob spent the evening with us. George & Amy got home at 10 o'clock the weather is fairly cold in the evenings & mornings.

136 Gawler Congregational Church (Now Gawler Uniting Church), have not yet found record of Mr Warner.
137 Wingate's Crossing was a crossing over the Gawler River on the property of William Wingate.

Dec 18 I did not intend washing so we each did our ordinary work & then Amy & Ma made the Sugar Beer & Xmas Cakes & puddings Ma & Amy did the Beer & pudding & I the Cakes & as the stove cooks much faster now I caught them a little on top it kept us busy all day then I soaked in washing Charl & Eva & Coral came home from Town brought me some Shelving & Coral a rattle cold tonight & I retired early nine oclock

Dec 19 Dad called me at 1/4 to 4 also Wilf I dressed & got his breakfast put up his lunch & dinner & bottle of Tea then took in Tea to parents filled the kettle for Bert & went on washing Amy gave him his breakfast & did outdoor work & I kept on she helped me then & we finished before dinner & afterwards I scrubbed up all things Amy did Copper & Blocks I folded & ironed some Amy did all bedrooms I must go & mix bread they finished Harvesting crop very light weather cold.

Dec 20 I awoke myself at the same early hour only 14/ to four I got Wilfie his brekfast & although it was so early my bread was ready to bake so I baked rolls for breakfast & afterwards the rest a record to bake at five oclock we each did our usual work & then I started ironing & did not finish till after six Amy made new blinds & hung in all rooms Ma & Lorna went up to see Aubrey the dear little child is ill a cold follow measles on his lung we had retired to rest at at 12/30 Eva & Kit drove down & stayed all night they got alarmed at Aubrey he seemed worse but was easier when they got here.

Dec 21st At four & got Wilf his brekfast cut his lunch & dinner then i rested for a while before dressing & then got Bert his meal the others later on then I went to Gawler with Kit & little Aubrey she drove them in our trap went to Celia's & Ada's Celia is busy preparing for Xmas I put new Mantel drape up in both rooms Lorna helped me & Ma & I cut up Apricots for Jam I went up in the Top paddock for Cows did our evening work Dad stripping in Uncle Will field. Charl & Wilf finished Carting hay for T.L.Martin today.

Dec 22 I was up early & got breakfast over we decided to do all cleaning so I did our room hung all curtains in the three rooms put up new ones & bed Top also got the cot in & Amy did the front rooms I cleaned all windows Amy brunswicked the fireplace I scrubbed safe & we wahsed all Glass & china also cleaned the brass nobs we were busy all day long men at Bragglesome Dad stripping in Uncle Will's we were so busy & so very tired & Amy so unwell & me none too good.

Dec 23rd Up early & bread was ready to bake so I lit stove & baked two lots yesterday we made two lots of apricot jam I had a misfortune & let it boil over on the clean stove but it is very nice I then helped in various wasy & started cooking cakes Sultana Coffee Madeira & Sponge roll Biscuits &c we both hurried & Amy did the Cutlery I the scrubbing & we bathed & drove to Gawler withcousin Eva in her Sulky & Bert & Wilf in theirs saw a number of people & came home just after ten Ma has been so busy picking her Goose & fowl. 

Dec 24 I awoke so early & dressed at 6/30 & fried saus for the meal & bathed Lorna made all beds washed up swept rooms & Ma stuffed poultry & baked it also round beef turnips potatoes stewed apricots & Blanc Mange we worked all the morning washed our heads & we had just about finished our dinner when home came Dad with Harry & Frances & children138 he & Lorna went in for them, it has been a most terrific Gale with dust & so hot G.E.H. came just after dinner we were chatting & Amy & I got the tea we went for a walk the children & myself Aubrey very ill at Buggs.

138 Harry Gilbert Folland (Frances' husband), Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo) and their children are George Henry Clifton (Clif), Charles French (French), Lorna Frances (already at Charltonville) and Phyllis May Folland.

Dec 25 Xmay Day we were up in good time & got the breakfast over Ma got the puddings on we each did a portion of housework got all done & I prepared Beans Ma the potatoes we had cold Goose Fowl roast Beef Ox Tongue & Ham with Xmas pudding & Sauce Charl & Eva were also home to dinner Harry Frances & Family Celia & Percy Dad drove in for Cel in the morning & she & Amy made a Xmas Tree a nice Toy & Chocolate for each. It was a dreadfully windy day but cool G.E.H. rode out at about three o'clock we had just finished washing up had some music & singing & fruit & Beer (Sugar & Ginger) Peaches Apricots Cherries & lollies Ada Jim & family home to tea Uncle & Eva came after dinner. For Tea we had Xmas cakes Ginger cake & G. Nuts, Coffee, Madiera, Sultana, Chocolate Cake Tarts Bread & Butter &c then more Music & singing & we retired to rest. 

Dec 26 We have all been ill all night many Colisions. feel rather done out. I lit the fire at 6 oclock & got all a cup of Tea who cared to have one but felt terribly ill & rested a while then Amy dressed & gave boys their meal & swept rooms I did boys & Ma's afterwards Ma made Apricot Jam I trimmed Lorna's new hat & Frances was telling us some news I took out the Lunch & sorted & soaked in all clothes for tomorrow a nice cool pleasant day but no one felt real well.

Dec 27 I have been up & down all night & felt so ill at four I really could not dress till 7 o'clock then went to my Tubs but felt awfully ill Amy joined me I washed all whites then Amy did all the other through once I took up & rinsed all & at 12 ock I ws so ill I could not stand any longer so layed down till near two then got up & helped finish & scrubbed all thing Amy the Blocks I helped milk &c Amy very unwell indeed had to go to bed at 8/30 I got Tea & cleared away a lovely day altogether.

Dec 28 We do not get up so early now Amy was very unwell not able to be up so she did not dress all day I had all housework to do Ma & I were very busy. After dinner Ma went up to Eva's to go with her to Gawler to see dear little Aubrey who is not expected to live & is suffering dreadfully I had all the ironing to do & take our lunch to boys who were finishing wheat cleaning today I felt so tired as the work falls heavy on me & I do miss my dear old helper. Amy was so much worse at five I got her to bed & put hot salt on her for hours without giving her relief it was an attack of Cholorea & she was in terrible pain her fingers were all numbed on top Ma brought home some Chamberlains cure & that relieved her poor girl I was so worried about her & she is not strong. 

Dec 29 Amy obliged to keep her bed I gave her some breakfast & did all housework tidied front rooms & cleaned stove &c lamps & did a portion of Saturdays work in the afternoon Eva Emma138 & Coral came down & we had afternoon Tea I planted Colias Bert drove Emma home I mixed bread we are having lovely weather.

138 Probably Lucy Emma Lockyer. 

also Dec 29 Mr Folland139 brought Harry & Franc home early we were at breakfast & they had refreshments & then dressed for Adelaide took Clif & French left Lorna & Phyllis with us Phyllis cried as we were all strange to her except Bert. 

John George Folland, Harry's father.

Dec 30 I had to hurry round as I had breakfast to get & bread to bake Dad went p to Mr Davis & got some meat I bake Queen Buns Madiera Cakes & four sponges also Meat & Ma made Amy some broth I fried her some leg steak & after that she seemed better & helped dust the dining room & bathed Phyllis I bathed Lorna & had a wash myself Dad went to Gawler & they did not get home till after nine I was so awfully tired I did not know how to keep up & it was so late after they had supper & we washed up & cleared all up lovely day.

Dec 31 Sunday & should be rest day but it was all go besides ordinary work I fried Amy her breakfast & then I set too & made a new Years pudding & we had dinner late & George got out here before I finished washing up I kept going all the afternoon & got Tea & then Packed all ready for the beach & did not get to rest till midnight no one went to Church all day we were all tired & so busy Wilfie & Harry went out to Mr J.G. Follands & got the spring trolly Bert into Gawler he & Emma to get Celia we had beds in all rooms dear little Aubrey very ill.

Mrs Will Nottle has a daughter born last Friday Dec 29th140 Mrs Dr Covernton a Son Born Dec 31st.
Mrs S.H.May (nee Bosisto) of Cowell a daughter born Dec 14 (Beatrice Winifred Kate)142

140 Winnifred Irene Nottle, daughter of Mrs Will Nottle (Elsie Kippin)
141 Anthony Hugh Covernton, son of Mrs Dr Covernton (Beatrice Alice Poole)

142 Winifred Beatrice May, daughter of Beatrice Maud Bosisto (Mrs Harry Stanley May)

1912 New Years Record 1912

I was first to wake at 3/30 dressed 10 minutes later called Frances & Harry & others we were all running round I lit fire & boiled fountain Celia got cup of Tea then at about 6 oclcock Charl Emma Eva & Coral came & George a& all started for the beach arrived at nine & the boys fixed th Tent we got breakfast boys went for a swim the children to build & dig in the sane amy was well enough to go in Berts Sulky with George but looked very ill the day was lovely & we returned at 9/10 arrived at 12/10 a merry ride home singing & chatting as we all rode togehter & kept awake Auntie & all the family were there & her eye is better but blind Ma & Dad stayed home Uncle & Auntie came over & from Blocks & cousin Eva came down & they had Tea. 
Jan 2nd Terribly tired but up at 5/30 or a bit later Idressed fried Harrys & Dads breakfast & he went in to Station & by train home to Moonta Dad stayed in till afternoon & dear little Aubrey passed away at 8 oclock this morning & Dad & Mr Forgie143 brought him out to Uncle's then Franc & Ma & Dad went up for the rest of the afternoon I soaked in all the clothes & Clara did her washing she went up with them also have been so busy all day Walter Hill came home & stayed with Bert.

143 Mr Forgie. Forgie are a Gawler family.

Jan 3rd Up at 5/30 & went to washing Franc lit fire & got breakfast & she & I went on washing Clara ironing her clothes then Amy Phyllis & I rode with Dad up to Uncle & saw poor dear little Aubrey for the last time then I came home & helped finish washing Frances & I we had roast Hare & Onions Harry shot it going to the beach. I felt so unwell so I stayed home with the three little ones & Franc to Clif with her to the Funeral all of the others were there but Celia & I. Charl & Eva Emma & Coral cmame back to Tea Frances & I folded clothes & I did some ironing & she took P. & is spending the night at Uncle charlies for Company for them a beautiful day I am so tired & will retire.

Jan 4th All usual work & Frances was up with Eva so after all the work was done Amy has been helping work I started ironing but it was a most terrific day strong wind & clouds of dust Lorna is down with Auntie Eva Amy helped me finish ironing but it was awful dusty had a cup of Tea Frances & children came home with Dad & Clif they took Clara to the station & she stayes in Town will Saturday.

Jan 5th Jim came down last evening & took Frances & all the children home with him til Saturday I got up before six & had to bake bread it was light so I hurried & got the fire baked rolls & sent by men down to Bragglesome then baked the other & cleaned our room got dinner & afterwards finished facing Ma's skirt & she was mending Amy did all front room & washed Floors it was a lovely cool day & so pleasatnt to clean up rooms. Eva slept here.

Jan 6th Sat I got up & thoroughly cleaned stove &c then I got breakfast & Amy did dining room I baked sponge Dora's biscuits cake &c Amy & Dad went to Gawler & I did lamps & all other work Ma cutlery then Ma mended pants & I finished off her skirt Boys went to Gawler for evening French & Lorna came home I bathed Lorna & Amy French & we had a wash Ma reading paper a nice day boy covering stackes & Charl cultivating Emma went home with Dad & Eva & CoralEva H & Amy went in Sulky.  

Jan 7 Sunday & I got a got a cup of Tea & breakfast then I made all beds Amy swept dining room & others I wanted to go to church but the Sulky wheel locked & I could not go. We had lamb cabbage & potatoes & stewed apricots & Amy made Blanc Mange & Mr Sam Hall brought Jim Quirk & Dorrie May & Willie144 over to spend the day George came out at 2/30 Boys went to Chapel tonight Eva & Charl went to Kangaroo Flat & back here to tea. Grandpa Grandma & Lorna went to the Blocks with Jim & children to leave them at Uncle Wills & they go to Pt Pirie on Tuesday next. Bert & Wilf & French went for a drive to Preiss found poor ol Bounce poisoned on the road & got his collar we are all sorry. Wilf buried him in George Higgins145 paddock on Monday.

144 Sam Hall (don't know who this is), James Quirk (widow of cousin Eliza Tancock) and their children Dorothy Amanda Quirk (aged 10), Violet May Quirk (aged 8) & William James Atyeo Quirk (aged 6), from Port Pirie.

145 George Herbert James Higgins (neighbour)

Monday January 8 I did not intend washing as Amy is far from well I do not get up till about six now usually & always get a cup of Tea & then breakfast & we do housework between us I cooked Potatoes & a Custard for dinner Dad & Ma had lunch & drove to Celia's & got Frances & Clif & Phyllis & went to Uncle Wills for the day did not get home till 9/30. Amy & Bert droe to Gawler to a play & I did have to work milked all 7 cows & Separated myself & got Tea lovely weather sun rather hot but cool Breeze. 

Jan 9 I got up at 1/4 past five & then our time is fast went to my washing & got a good lot done came & called Amy but she was not well so I lit fire in stove she helped me after breakfast & Frances helped Ma we finished by dinner time & afterwards scrubbed & ironed most plain clothes I have a nasty pain in my side it has been very windy & showery a bad day for washing altogether got all dry & folded away Bert & Amy liked the play very much.

Jan 10. About 6 & usual work then baked bread rolls & 6 other loaves helped housework starched shirts & ironed 4 of them Dads white one Celia came home from Eva's to dinner & then Eva came in the Sulky at 3 o'clock to get her & take her home they went out to Mrs Will Notlles to seee her & called at Ragless for Eva's dress we did mending Ma & I milked & separated boy wood cutting at Bragglesome nice cool weather musical evening.

Jan 11th Same hour & work & swept dining room & Kitchen & got breakfast we all had ours & then Frances & children had theirs & Dad drove them to J.G. Follands the boys were carting home some wheat & had lunch & took their dinner & went to Bragglesome wood cutting Charl is cultivating Wilf is knocking down stubble Amy gone to spend the day at Eva's Ma lying down I been trimming my black hat & also binding my leghorn one made it tidy for home minding now Ma & I milked I had to go down to the belt for the cows & Paddy brought them home in a gallop. Amy came home with the men.

Jan 12 I dressed & lit the fire in the dining romo & got breakfast over thoroughly cleaned stove & belonging & did our room helped Amy dust front room she did both of them & washed floors lcleaned windows I washed pictures in the dining room cleaned safe & scrubbed all needing same & Ma brewed beer then I cut out & made Lorna a helitrope pinafore boys at Bragglesome I also dusted cupboards & mantel rady for tomorrow.

Jan 13 Both Amy & I intended to go to Gawler so both hurried ot do as much work as we could I got breakfast & did some housework & then baked scones Dora's, Sponge Cake Amy all other work & the spoons & Tins, After dinner We drove to Gawler & Dad went in the Spring dray for 2 bags Flower & the Cream Cans &c we saw Celia down the street & Frances & the two girls had their Photos taken we did not get home till after eight oclock & were very tired G.E.H. went to Town today with other boys

Jan 14th Sunday Ma & Dad got up early intending to go to the Light they did all dairy work I got breakfast over & then Amy made BlancMange & stewed plums I did housework. After all it was such a dreadful hot windy day that they could not possibly go to Auntie's so they rested & George came out the boys went to Church but none of us went Frances & I & children went for a walk. also Amy & George it came up a cool change at 7 ock Charl & Eva drove to Adelaide in the evening & he comes back tomorrow.

Jan 15 Such a beautiful morning so I got the meal & started washing Dad Ma Phyllis & Frnaces went to the Light at 10/30 & then Amy did housework & helped me throughall we had a lot & did not get finished scrubbing included till 5 oclock then had a cup of Tea made beds milked & Spr I cooked Potatoes for Tea we we neither of us very well & felt dead tired so nice & cool boys at Bragglesome George McLeod146 is up with Charl Percy came out to Millars147& called here had a chat with us girls French is not too well stiff neck.

146 Eva's younger brother George Kimberley McLeod.
147 Millers are a local family.
Jan 16 Only Amy & I do to all work & such a busy morning I lit the fire & baked scones for breakf also put out the other to rise (bread) then Amy cut dinner for boys who are at Bragglesome cutting wood We each did a portion of housework  Amy churned Butter after dinner we both ironed such a lot then got Tea for boys to go to Liberal union meeting148 & then we milked & Sep had tea put children to bed Clem is home also Clif French & Lorna so we were busy  

147 The Liberal Union was a political party in South Australia. 

Jan 17 I was sound asleep when Dad called me at six thirty hurried & fried breakfast Did housework & Amy & I did starched ironing Frances washed all ready for home & we mended this afternoon Jessie came down & spent the afternoon Eva came for her in the Sulky G.E.H. came out for the evening such a lovely night we had roast hare & onions Cabb & Potatoes I been cutting patterns for F.F.

Jan 18 I was up in good time & got breakfast over then Frances & all her little ones had theirs & Bert & Franc went to Gawler to get his Sulky blocked. Amy went in with the Buggy took the Cream in & I had to bake for a family evening I made scones Madeira Coffee & sponge roll cocoanut biscuits all turned out lovely in the afternoon Ada & family came home & Frances & her family the boys spent the morning at Eva's she & Uncle Charlie & Jessie Mc came down to Tea also Jim came home Charl & Eva & Coral 25 in all had two tables the length of dining room they stayed till near midnight by time we retired it was quite that. It was called my birthday evening I got some nice gifts.

Jan 19th I awoke before six Ma was churning so I lit fire in dining room & got her a cup of Tea & breakfast over Celia was home for the day & she assisted Amy with front rooms Frances & Phyllis went with Dad to Charls & Eva's for the morning & in the afternoon she was very busy packing boxes & in the evening Amy & I drove her to Celia's in order to be near the train tomorrow morning we did not get there till 9/30 & then had to wait for the train coming back & were not home till 11/30 mixed bread & retired at midnight.

Sat Jan 20 About the usual hour & got a cup of Tea & put out bread got the stove ready & baked it & sponges such ill luck never had worse also Dora's & swept & washed the dining room floor I then assisted generally Amy did other housework & in the afternoon she & Dad went to Gawler & she came home with Eva & stayed the night Bert & Wilfred went to Gawler in the Sulky Ma & I did all other work Ma cutlery I scrubbing & cleaned fireplace & lamp I had a bath got Tea & washed some clothes Ma bottled off beer & I carried it into the dairy Dad was home late Ma salted meat & we had our tea at 10 ock but I could not sleep much atall all night. So miserable.
Mrs Will Matters has a son148 

148 Clarance William Matters, son of Alice Maud Quirk and William Robert Matters.

Jan 21st Sunday I got up at seven Dad milked I got a cup of tea & breakfast then made beds swept & dusted a hot morning & it has increased to Gales of wind & dust & tonight a cool change boys are resting so is parents I am so lonely We cooked leg Mutton roast potatoes Trombone & cold apple pie have been reading a book but can't get any interest in anything have a pain in my side.

Jan 22nd I was up in good time & went straight to tubs & lit Copper & got a boil out before breakfast which Amy prepared & gave boys then after all dairy work was done I & Amy did all the washing finished all ordinary before Dinner then I washed my navy & Amys black skirt it was a lovely day for washing then I tied all the beer down & Amy made beds & folded all clothes it seems so very lonely without the children & Frances to talk to had to mix bread.

Jan 23rd A busy morning & bread to bake so I hurried & got breakfast over & baked bread & biscuits made apple scuffle & bread & butter putting the men were chaff cutting Georgie McLeod was down with Charl too Amy had to iron her Best White Silk Muslin Dress & a lot of other ironing & did all te plain after dinner pressed the skirts & tried to hem up my skirt but the binding was too narrow so could not do so I started & undid it & got it ready Amy was busy sewing in Collar supports Ma spent the afternoon with Eva & Coral Dad went to Gawler I had to go for the cows & Amy & I milked & Separated & then Dad & Ma came home another delightful day today.

Jan 24th Usual work in every way I fried Eggs & bacon the others did dairy work Dad & Bert go to Bragglesome every day wood cutting Wilfie is in the home flat working the fallow it is hotter again but lovely mornings & evenings. I then sat down to sew hemmed my German Print skirt Amy started fancy work pillow Shams. Cousin Eva came down to afternoon Tea.

Jan 25 As I mixed bread last night I was up at 5 oclock to bake it & then it was over the pan I lit stove & got it on as soon as I could we did all morning duties & then I sorted out the boxes in the cupboards also baked yeast Buns & fried pancakes for dinner Ma roasted a fowl that Amy cleaned & picked. Dinner over Ma & I went to Cousin Eva's at 4 o'clock & Amy to Bragglesome came home at 6/30 had to light a fire & get Marrow ready & boil it & potatoes also put in the fowl & made it hot got in the cows helpe dmilk & sparate set Tea & dished it up & Ma helped me washup a cool evening Bert been over on the Blocks with Uncle Charley today.

Jan 26th As Amy remained at Cousin Eva's all night I was very busy indeed this morning I was astir very early blackleaded stove &c then got hot breakfast & Amy & Eva drove down I made beds & cleaned our room & dining room then as Amy had started the two front rooms I dusted sitting room scrubbed safe & did other work as I thought of going to Town tomorrow.

Jan 27th Saturday & I got up at five lit first & then I got dressed for Adelaide had my breakfast & Dad was ready with the Sulky but I did not feel well enough to go I stayed home & did usual work Amy did baking but had bad luck I dusted & swept rooms Amy washed floors & Dad & her went to Gawler had to call for Eva & Coral they met Harold149 coming out on his bike & Emma came up from Town & Amy stayed in for the evening Bert & Wilf drove in at night & all came home they had a good time together. Wesley & Ethel came to stay till Monday School holiday their Dad drove them part of the way I had to rest at intervals. 

149  Harold. Could be anyone really, though likely he is family as he seems to stay for a few days. 

Jan 28th Sunday but I did not feel well enough to go to Chapel so did not get up very early got a cup of Tea & then breakfast & did housework & Amy & I between us did all necessary work dinner over I wrote to Frances & read a little Ma wrote letters in the even I went over to Mrs Ratcliffs with books & came back & wrote to Tom I felt very lonely Amy & George went for a stroll Bert & Wilf went to Harvest Thanks at Buchsfelde & Charl & Eva also Emma

Jan 29 Monday could not wash as Amy Wesley & Ethel were going to Ragless for peaches & pears so I did ordinary work & baked bread as I mixed last night hotter today I did mending & late in the evening I got clothes soaked in for washing had afternoon Tea Jim Ada & Children came home Eva Charl Emma & Harold all came down poor Eva was so bad & had to go home (Cholera) very warm night they had music & singing till late.

Jan 30 Up at 5 oclock & went straight on washing got 3 boils ready by brkfst & then Amy helped finished all washing & scurbbing got all dry & off line by dinner had a rest Dad to Gawler. Mr Ratcliff came & had a chat then we ironed got all done Eva spent evening here been terribly hot could hardly stand in the Separator house to wash.

Jan 31st I lit fire & got a cup of Tea then I got breakfast made bed & housework put up Tea for men then i got ready to come down to Bragglesome as Eva is not well I did some washing but really it is awful hot the wind is like from a furnace I think its the hottest for the year Eva cooked dinner & I assisted Coral is so good & looks so well Harold is resting Charl gone to work Coral in her cart outside.

Feb 1st Another scorching hot morning & we hurried round to get work done this heat is terrible Ma not well & its too hot to do much sewing just a little mending. I then got a box mended it & Amy & packed away a lot of our presents & I tied down all the Sugar beer Dad went to a Sale at Kangaroo Flat Uncle & Will Ratcliff went also in Eva's Sulky a little cooler now I made scones for Tea. Camping out all the go now.

Feb 2nd I was up at 5 o'clock baked bread for breakfast & then the large loaves & Yeast Buns a fearful hot day Bert helping uncle Charlie took a load of Hay over on the Blocks Dad & Wilf went to Bragglesome till Dinner time then we had dinner Eva & Coral came home with Grandpa for afternoon I did mending Charl to Gawler with wood in the evening I went for the cows & I bathed Coral & it was ten o'clcok when we finished tea Amy helped the men Damp Down hay for Chaffing tomorrow so hot camping out Boys & we two girls but can't get rest.

Feb 3rd But as the weather is so terrible hot we did not cook any cake Amy helped chaffcut I cleaned dining room scrubbed safe &c cleaned lamps in the early morning I cleaned stove & all others Kitchen utensils And Dad went to Gawler home by dinner time with fruit & vegetables & a Photo from Sydney for me I set to & made plum Jam nearly knocked me up Amy & boys went in for the evening nice cool change but not a thorough one & sultry I washed up all Jam thing & had a bath & rested till they came home Ma had a good read of paper all the afternoon.

Feb 4 Too hot to go to Church Amy said so as is always the way I stayed home CousinEva is here are boiling our N.Y. Pudding for Dinner cool breeze my side is bad & a headache. In the afternoon Amy & I went to see Mrs Standley & cousin Pollie we had quite a nice time & got home at six o'lcock then the boys went to Gawler to a Band Concert. Eva Charlie & her brother George & Coral came down for the evening It was cool outside but too hot to sleep in our room so Amy & I slept in the dining rooms boys indoors as well have been camping out lately

Monday Feb 5 I got up at 4/30 & hurried to get a cup of Tea & lit my copper & started washign Amy did her usual work & then helped me we got all done scrubbing included at midday then folded & Amy ironed then I did starched clothes 4 shirts & it was very hot terrible in the Spr house I did not finish ironing till 8 o'clock then I washed up & mixed bread Amy & boys went to Uncles where they cleaned all the Chapel forms & seats for sale.

Feb 6th Another hot day I had to bake bread & Biscuit Ginger Nuts & do usual work Amy housework & at 11 oclock all got ready for the Sale at Uncles it was a most terribly hot day & I heard Mr Frank Woods149 got Sunstruck. There was such a lot of people at Sale all their relations from Penfield & Salisbury the horses sold well but the cows cheap Eva Coral & I came home here at three & I got a cup of Tea milked & Sep Ma helped me it was a little cooler in evening Celia came from Sale with our people also Clem for night.

149 Frank Woods. I have no other information about him. Family must have been relations of Uncle Charlie's deceased wife Louisa Laxton. 
Feb 7th Up usual hour & had breakfast & swept dining room then I drove to Bragglesome with the boys & did Eva's washing she rinsed & hung out at about 11 oclock a Thunder Storm started & contined till 1/30 the Lightning was awful & the Thunder the loudest we heard for years & it rained for a little while then the sun shone out & we finished washing I scrubbed tables & nailed on oilcloth Eva cut out lining for waistcoat & I mended Socks came as far as Cousin Eva's & had Tea Cousin Bert150 & Cousin Sam from Victoria151 came here from the Light & went home to Gawler & was out in some of the storm the Lightning struck several trees in Mr Rice's152  pigsty & set fir to the sty & injured a pig Oh it was terrible to see & here one of the pigs was killed. We got a letter from Frances poor Mrs Williams153 is very ill indeed Mr Edwin Gartrell154 died Sunday or Monday is to be buried Tuesday.

150 Cousin Bert is Albert George Paterson, son of Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath). 
151 Cousin Sam from Victoria is Samuel Hand, son of Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath).
152 William Rice is a neighbour
153 I am pretty sure this is Elizabeth Jane Williams (nee Kitto), a neighbour of Frances in Moonta.
154 Edwin Gartrell, aged 70 died on February 5.  

Feb 8 I generally get up about 1/2 past 5 & get a cup of Tea & breakfast Bert & Sam stayed the night with us Uncle & Eva spent the evening here last night. We did all house work as usual then Eva & Coral came down she made Amy a new hat cream Straw or Silk hosehair I altered Ma'& Grey dress for everyday wear they stayed till evening a lovely day so cool the breeze Amy not atall well. I mixed bread & helped clear table & retired to rest.

Feb 9th Up at same time put out bread to rise & did the same as is custom then cleaned our room & swept dining room Amy front rooms I washed floors & helped her dust them Ma cleaned & stuffed & baked a fowl & ham also brewed Beer Dad is home pottering round carting water & taking up stock to drink Boys woodcutting at Bragglesome.

Feb 10 I was up same time & hurried to clean the stove & utensils & got breakfast then baked Biscuits & meat cleaned lamps scrubbed safe Amy did dining room & after dinner she & Dad went to Gawler & Ma & I washed up I lcenaed the cutlery &c Ma rested then I put Toff in the Sulky & we drove to Buchsfelde to vote155 came back & got boys Tea & then we milked & Separated 7 I did a lot of odd work scrubbed form stool &c & at Ten Ma & I unable to bear the worry of waiting for Dad to come from Gaweler we then dorve to Uncle Charlie's but all were in Gawler also Will Ratcliff so we had to come home & take Wallace out of dray & feed him & Toff then home Dad & Amy came. A lovely night driving it has been the Election & the Liberals have got in a great day for farmers.

155 A state election - the Liberals achieved a majority with 24 seats.

Feb 11th Sunday so we got up & did our work & Amy & Dad milked & separated I got the breakfast made beds then Amy & I went to Gawler I drove to Celia's to dinner & to Uncle Wills to Tea came back to Congregational Church to evening service & got home early & fed our ponies. Celia & Percy dorve to Charltonville for the afternoon Charl & Eva & Baby were in Town. The Rev S. Lenton156 preached at both services at Cong. We were too late for the Gawler West H.F. in the evening.

156 Rev Samuel Lenton, Congregational Minister.

Feb 12th Monday but as we were out all day yesterday we did wash as there was clothes to brush & press & put away we were busy all day doing usual work & I washed part of my clothes in the afternoon & soaked in the rest it was an overcast day but nice & cool men at Brgglesome wood cutting & in the evening damping down hay for Chaffcutting.

Feb 13th Up before five & got a cup of Tea lit Copper & got on very well at washing till about 10 o'clock then my side hurt & I could not hurry Amy had a very busy day indoors as I had previously put bread out in Tins to rise so at nine I put it on to bake & Amy looked after it & took lunch to men Charl was home to help them Chaffcut Eva H. came down to dinner & stayed all day Uncle came to afternoon Tea Dad went to Gawler & came home same time as Uncle.

Feb 14th Will fill this space now [written under Feb 10] I did not get up till after six got breakfast & swept dining room & all other rooms put tidy Amy ordinary work Uncle Ch & Eva & our Charl Eva & Baby Will R spent evening here Amy went on ironing dit up her white dress it looks so nice too after dinner Eva came Silve in Sulky for Amy to go to Blocks with her for drive. So Ma & I are on our own so cool & pleasant Men at Bragglesome Uncle has our dray & Wallace to cart over on the Block a start for them.

Feb 15 As I did not have extra work I rested till after six then got the fire & cup of tea Ma was doing her butter Amy & Dad outdoor work Amy & I did all housework this afternoon I started altering my green Pinafore blouse but had a bother with it Amy rode Lady for cows & she & Ma did milking & Sep Amy fed pigs Dad went over on the blocks today to Uncle Wills & Boys were at Bragglseome wood cutting a lovely evening now.

Feb 16th Bread to bake so I got up at 5/30 about got usual cup of Ta & breakfast then backed bread & Biscuits & tarts custard also cleaned our room & Amy front rooms & then she went with Dad down to Braggleseome to get a hat made Ma & I were home along the cos got away & I had a terrible chase over Clem Dawkins156 paddock on fallow grown Pollie & Children & Eva came fro evening & stayed till eleven

156 Clement Allan Dawkins, a neighbour.

Feb 17 Saturday I hurried to clean stove& all other things blackleaded got breakfast over & cleaned lamps & safe & baked cakes & Dad & I went to Gawler also Eva & Coral went with us had to wait for horses to get shod. I did not enjoy myself atall I got flowers for Amy's hat uncle Charley came from Town today cool

Feb 18th Sunday & as I promised I would go to Church at Stone Hill I got up & got Tea & breakfast then made my bed & swept dining room & kitchen got ready for Chapel Eva & I went in her Sulky it was Harvest Thanks Services at both S.H. & K.F. so we had dinner & then Amy & I went with Eva to K.F. were invited to tea but did not go as we had to come home Eva Coral Charl & I in Berts Sulky drove home to Tea & they went to Stone Hill I kept Coral home she did cry Wilfie & Eric Oates157 were out riding to see if they could find Rocket the horse we sold & Dobbin but could not.

157 Eric Edwin Oates, son of Albert Oates and Amy Frost, aged 18.

Feb 19th Up early but was not well so could not wash & as we were out yesterday there was clothes to brush & press Amy did all them I did housework & then cut velvet & stitched on my navy skirt & Amy faced it up she was also mending Ma brewed beer & washed bottles I did any odd work & sorted & soaked in clothes ready for washing tomorrow a lovely day Dad been to City Charl in with wood boys to Bragglesome. Mrs Will Dawkins has a daughter born Feb 12th 1912158

158 Rebecca Joyce Dawkins, daughter of Gwendoline Elizabeth Dawkins nee Keipert.

Feb 20 I was up early & lit fire in the stove & Copper & started washing Amy is very unwell in health & spirits however after helping with all indoor work she helped me & we both worked hard I washed six blankets got all done scrubbing also by dinner time folded after & Amy ironed some.

Feb 21 I had to get up early as the bread was over the pan so I baked bread & Yeast Buns & Amy did all ironing Ma went down to Pollies for afternoon it was so hot all day I was mending the men at Bragglesome wood cutting & carting home a lot for winter I tied down beer bottles & Amy went for cows horseback we milked & separated & Eva H came for the night as Uncle has gone to Auburn.

Feb 22 Not quite as early 5/30 & got a cup of Tea & breakfast & did housework then we went down to Mr Jones159 for fruit & when we got there it rained heavily so we were invited to sit in the verandah then we went on to Brays & ordered grapes for Jam came home had dinner & Eva H & I went to Gawler to Celia's it just rained all the way in & out nearly did some shopping & were late home on account of going to Bray for the Grapes & had to wait till they got there.  

159 Mr Jones is perhaps a neighbour at Bragglesome?

Feb 23rd I had to clean the stove so I hurried & did same lit fire & got breakfast did our room & prepared Grapes for Jam also Apple it was terrible hot work over th fire too I felt quite knocked out Amy put new sleeves in Wilfies shirt & did all front room & boys such close Thundery weather Percy is going on working at the new Bridge over at the Station160 so will be home & it will not be so lonely for her.

160 This is the overway bridge at North Gawler railway station, recently approved by the state government. It is quite close to Percy and Celia's home.

Feb 24th Saturday so I had to bake bread & cakes & meat & cleaned lamps washed pictures did a portion of housework & we had dinner & Dad & I went to Gawler saw Mr Ben Hobart & his wife
161 over from West Australia & George Parkes162 from New Zealand Kit & little Hazel were up in Gawler & went home with Eva & Uncle it was Race Day & crowds were coming over from Evanston when we left at 6 oclock hot day.

161 Benjamin William Hobart and Sarah Hobart (nee Martin) - married in 1906 in Western Australia. 
162 George Parkes, from New Zealand!

Feb 25 I dressed at 20/7 & did usual work made beds & swept the dining room & Kitchen then Amy & I dressed for Stone Hill church drove in Berts Sulky & there was a nice lot there got home soon after twelve & got dinner Ma had Veg ready. Jim Ada & family drove home to dinner & are spending the rest of the day home. Bert went to Blocks Anniversary Wilfie to Buchsfelde Amy played Piano while Wesley & Jim & I sang Amy has not touched her piano for a long time till tonight she is far from well I had a bad head tonight.

Feb 26 I got up early & went round & soaked in clothes for washing with Sunlight Soap then lit Copper & after Amy had finished her ordinary work she helped me I washed both Quilts from Boys room we did not finish scrubbing included till 3/30 then had a cup of Tea & folded & did any odd work a fairly hot day I had to mix bread we were both very tired so retired.

Feb 27th I had to bake this morning rolls for breakfast & then bread I got breakfast over & did baking & tidied round then ironed & finished about 1/30 had lunch & folded away our new Coats as I broke the arm of Wardrobe then I have been mending this afternoon. Amy & Alb went to Gawler Amy stays at Ada's the week also calls at Celia's Eva & Coral went to Celia's to make her wrapper been a changeable day & is real cold & showery today Dad Bert & Wilfie are at the Liberal Social at Buchsfelde tonight Ma & I are all alone & I am not too grand.

Feb 28 Up at usual hour & I am alone so have to first get a cup of Tea & then breakfast & did all housework the men are all down at Bragglesome so Ma had dinners to cut I then set to work & baked Dora Biscuits & Cake & then clipped Feathers for a pillow & made a new bed tick for Ma's bed it took me all afternoon & evening & we had a roast fowl for tea & vegetables stewed pears.

Feb 29th Same morning work & I do not feel atall strong my side is bad & headache after all the housework was done i filled Ma new bed & I had previously had the flocks in the sun Ma sat a hen in the coop. In the afternoon Ma & I went up to Eva's & Kit & little Hazel are here they were busy packing Glassware for removal to Blocks Mrs Ratcliff was there also came home at five & milked & separated it was the reopening of the Stone Hill Band of Hope none of us went as I am not too Gay & boys did not care to go I mixed bread

March 1st Another month commenced of lifes page I got up earlier as I had to fry sausage risoles & bake bread & usual duties & household cleaned both back bedrooms & front rooms washed floors baked bread scones & leg Mutton stewed pears & hot dinner our Eva & Kit & Eva with the babies have just come for afternoon so I must go 3 o'clock. I did sewing altered my skirt bands as they were all too large for me I got afternoon Tea & cousin Eva helped me milk as Ma has such a cold on her chest cool weather in evening Uncle came for Eva & Kit Hazel.

March 2nd Up in good time & lit fire in dining room as it was cool & got breakfast then I blackleaded stove made beds baked cakes Biscuits & meat Dad went to Gawler where Amy & Celia met him or rather he went over there & they both came home. I was so busy I washed both floors cleaned lamps & all Cutlery & did all other Sat work as Ma was so ill she had to lie down all the afternoon my side is bad Wilfie came home & had early tea & went to City Celia & Ma were yarning till late & Amy & I were talking & Oh how different everything seem now to what life has been in refering to the old diarys been quite hot today cool evenin gnow.

March 3rd Amy & Bert were going to the Light so they dressed then me & I got breakfast& they started about 9/30 I did not go to Chapel as Celia & I were going to Roseworthy College with Charl Eva & Coral so I did all housework got dinner & then we two drove down & changed horse & all went to College very hot indeed we walked round the building saw some lovely flowers & everything so green rushes & Willows on the waters edge very pretty Mrs Day163 asked us in her house & we were glad to go as the sun was so terrible & Coral was teasy we took tea with Charl & Eva & spent the evening at Uncle Charleys they were packing up & catching fowls. 

163 Probably Mrs William Rowland Day (Emily Edith Lodge).

March 4th A hot morning & as Celia was home I did not wash but I did all usual work & cut out patterns for Celia & mde new cuffs for my blouse & put them in after dinner Dad drove to Gawler Celia went with Eva in the Sulky & Dad & Uncle in Buggy. Charlie & Wilfie went up & partly loaded their Trolly with furniture when Mr Earlwin164 came out & said the Blocks were sold so they had to unload all again & Uncle went to Manoora by six train such a bother for him soaked in all clothes for washing so hot tonight and so unhappy

164 More likely to be Mr Urlwin (since there were families by that name in SA, and there is an Urlwin Road in Evanston Gardens).

March 5 A cool change I dressed at 1/4 to 5 & got copper ready but it was too dark to wash so I rested for a while then went at it I got two boils in before breakfast & kept on & finished all scrubbing included by 4. The men were chaffcutting all the morning Eva came down & helped them had dinner & then went home to go to Gawler to meet Uncle Bert came home this evening from the Light Amy is staying on there Ma & I folded all clothes & made beds I am so tired

March 6th I felt very unwell on waking my side is very trying so I rested till 6/30 & then dressed & lit fire got the breakfast Ma made butter Dad milked our meal over I sepr & then put out the flocks & made a stretcher mattress. I had to press Wilfies pants ready for him to wear to picnic we had roast S Mutton pots & marrow applie pie & tarts Both Bert & Wilfie wen to the Picnic & I did ironing Ma did mending I milked all cows (6) tonight Ma was looking up accounts Dad been out in Twelftrees Joe Causby165 came to look at cattle a beautiful day I washed Berts Fashion Shirt & my head as I had headache got to mix bread

165 This could either be Joseph John Causby or John Joseph Causby (both from Gawler), so I am going to list as Joe Causby for now.

March 7th I felt so unwell that I did not get up till 6/30 I had to hurry as the bread was ready to bake I baked it as soon as possible & swept dining room & Kitchen got breakfast & washup everything sper included made beds & starched & ironed Fashion Shirts & had dinner then cleared away Ma brewed Beer & bottled it off Eva & Coral came at five Ma & I were both busy patching Shirts so many holes to mend they tear them among the wood all men at Bragglesome finishing this week Mr Goldney came inquiring for Mr Masters166 a lovely day am downhearted nice breeze

166Mr Goldney is probably Mr George Goldney, father of Cecil Percy Goldney who was mentioned as working for the family in 1910&11. I am not sure who Mr Masters is.

March 8th I lit the fire in the dining room at 5/30 as the lads wanted to get to work early Wilfie went to Evanston to Celia's with a load of wood Charl to N.H. Brights167 Dad & Bert at Bragglesome I blackleaded the stove &c & swept all rooms cleaned bedrooms & both front rooms Ma was buttermaking & usual work we had early lunch Uncle Charley also had a cup Tea with us & then I put Hector & Toff in the Trap & Ma & I called for Eva & Coral & went to Pollies. I went to Priess to buy figs had afetrnoon Tea with them we were late home & benighted milking I had to mix bread

167 Probably Horatio Nelson Bright.

March 9th I did not dress as early & bread was Tip Top so hurried & put it in Tins & lit fire & baked it also Currant Cake scrubbed safe made beds had dinner Dad went to Gawler I baked meat & Ma & I did housework Ma cutlery I helped with lids I did lamps swept & dusted dining room washed all pictures cleaned all best & every day boots & I milked all 6 cows Ma got boys Tea & their clothes for Gawler. Celia's cow has a calf so she will have milk & Butter now with out buying any letter from Franc Baby better am so lonely

March 10 We had had 48 hours terrible rough wind & some rain it has blowed our old Sepr house all to pieces a bit calmer now Sunday noon We been expecting Lower Light folks up but have not arrived yet Amy was coming home with them but I suppose it's the rough weather I am so awfully lonely & miserable.

Sunday March 10 Continued I fried sausages for our breakfast & did bedrooms made apple pie Ma all washing up & Vegetables had dinner & I wrote 4 letters or 3 cards & one letter Wilfred Bert are gone to Church & down to see Charl who is not well am so lonely & unhappy no Amy to speak too

March 11 The same monotony awaited me as on any other morning I did not intend washing as I was too busy I lit fire got breakfast over then did some morning duties & prepared Figs & Lemons for Jam & did all the other housework Ma had usual work & churned butter had lunch took up the Jam & put all in pots which Ma sealed down & then I washed up all & also washed a pair Denams for Wilf & made a cover for Sepr & soaked in washing & milked 5 cows got in wood Dad been to gawler helping Uncle shift his things

March 12th Soon after five Dad got up called me & then I dressed & got boys breakfast over & lit my Copper before Sunrise then had my breakfast & went on washing I had two whie Quilts 6 sheets & Pillow slips all runners & mats from bedroom besides our usual I got on very well till about 10/30 & then I got so shaky I could scarcely stand so I got a cup cocoa & lunch I then went on at my tubs but my side was so bad however I persevered & finished all & had dinner by 3 o'clock then thoroughly scrubbed all requiring same. Mr Wise168 came about Tea Dad & Ma went to Charls he is ill again abcess I folded all & made beds & got fire milk all cows & mixed after Tea

168  Mr Wise is a tea agent who comes once a year.

March 13th Not as early got fire in stove & put out the bread to rise got breakfast over did all rooms & ordinary work baked bread & starched & ironed & shirts & then did all other ironing. Ma her usual work this means cutting dinners separating & after finishing ironing I mended & so did Ma & Dad came home with the bad news of Charlie has to undergo an operation tomorrow poor boy Bert & Wilf been at Bragglesome I got a ltter from my dear little sister at Lower Light she is not well W.R. is here for evening Catholic Picnic today & a most beautiful day indeed for it.

March 14 I got up at 6 oclock & lit fire & got breakfast over swept both dining room & kithen & dust helped with washing up Ma baked a leg mutton & vegetables for dinner only us home Dad & boys at same work. Poor Charl gone to Gawler to go under another operation Eva & Coral also gone in to Celia's we are so anxious I could not rest so I set to & thoroughly cleaned both front room washed floors & all pictures & windows Ma not well & resting I am going to sew now 3 ock they came home with the news Cahrlie got safely through the operation but was terribly nervous in going off & very hard to bring round Eva & Coral stay with us tonight.

March 15 I got up & lit fire in dingn room & got breakfast then blackleaded al lin kitchen Eva got up & bathed Coral & helped me with housework & then we dressed for Gawler had to go to Bragglesome to milk & feed fowls then on to Gawler & over to see Charl I left Eva & Coral in there & came home on my own saw G. on hoseback also Flo169 at the door as I drove by. I called at Ada's & Uncle Charlie's Eva & Kit were busy cleaning room & settling things I came on to Bragglesome & fe fowl gathered eggs & got clothes for baby which I washed brought Carmens milk home & Ma separated it had tea & mixed bread & retired to rest but I can't sleep well.

169  This would be George Hobart, and his sister Florence Hobart.

March 16 Sat & I was so very unwell however I got breakfast over & baked bread & cakes & Biscuits & did bedrooms lamps scrubbing washed babys clothes to send in to Eva Ma was going ot Gawler but Wilfred was so unwell & his hadn was so swollen that he went in to the Dr his hand is poisoned & his blood is very bad Dad & Bert & Clem went down to the other place for straw & covered the stacks Ma & I were so busy & I felt so crook but persevered & after I sinifhed Bert had a bath & I bahted Clem had tea & I retired but could not rest I felt too ill.

March 17 I go tup in fair Sunday time & as Harry sent us some fish I fried them for breakfast the cows got away & Dad went for them & we could not milk till nearly 10/30 then Sep &c I made an applie pie & we had Trombone potatoes & fried sausages expected the Light people but they never came so Wilfred & I went to S.H. Anniversary & he & Bert went at night Dad Ma Clem & I went down to Bragg & did necessary housework & fed Horses & fowls & got eggs A nice cool day

March 18 Could not wash as Ma & I intended to go to Gawler so we did all ordinary work Ma always has to pack dinners Wilf stayed home all alone, we called at Bridge St170 only saw Mrs there & G. at Browns as I passed. We had late dinner at Celia's & a talk & look round then we had a cup of Tea at four & came on to Street did shopping & called at Ada's late home Ma did all milking.

170 The Hobart family must live at Bridge Street, Gawler.  Not sure who the Brown family are.

March 19th I was up in good time & hurried to get fire & breakfast light Copper & start my washing as soon as I had given them their meal I had Clem's & little Coral's Clothes this week & a rug of Charl's cart I persevered but did not finish till after dinner & then scrubbed all & Ma was folding I assisted nice day had to mix bread after tea & we have seven cows to milk & Sep Ma got meals & did housework Mrs Badman171 came to Bragglesome for a load of Pines.

171 Mrs Badman.

March 20 I got fire & a cup of Tea & breakfast put out bread to rise & afterwards baked it & did all houseowrk & then started ironing I felt so very unwell that dinenr time I had to lie down got up at 2/30 & starched Fashion shirts & finished ironing got afternoon Tea & did some mending Wilfred went to the Dr again he has a bad throat & poisoned hand he got a letter from Auntie & Clara saying Clara & Bob were married on March 11th 1912; by Rev Vivian Roberts at North Adelaide172 Charl is not so well in himself Bert & Dad are carting Manure from stable yard hotter weather now Clem goes to school.

172 Cousin Clara Pearl Easton and Robert Alfred Anderson married at the Methodist Parsonage on LeFevre Terrace. Reverend Vivian Roberts was quite a famous minister.

March 21 Same work Ma churned Dad milked &c & Clem goes from here to school they usually drive him to Bragglesome & then he walks I did housework picked & dressed a fowl Ma brewed beer & this after we both been sewing & mending Mr Ratcliff came over for a while Wilf very unwell throat very sore Dad & Bert same work I helped Ma put all beer in bottles & carried them down in the cellar Wilf got new heavy boots last Sat Bert the week before very hot day indeed I'm so lonely & sad.

March 22nd I lit the fire in the dining room as I was going to blacklead Stove &c got breakfast over & clean stove & did our room & boys then both front rooms & had dinner men carting stable manure so home to dinner & lunch after dinner I dusted rooms & Ma & I finished both Flannels for Celia went for cows milked &Sep mixed bread after tea I cannot sleep & my nerves are bad

March 23rd Sat lit the stove & put out bread then baked it & also a Cake did lamps swept dinign room & Kitchen did bedrooms Wilfie went to the other place with Carmen & Majorie Bert same work Dad went to Gawler early After dinner I washed floors & did all other work scrubbed everything thoroughly I had a bath & gave Clem one also Bert had one I washed some clothes for Clem helped milk got Tea Dad came home brought Eva's bread & Wilfie had to ride back with it to Bragglesome letter from Moonta Pt Brough173

173 Pt Brough must be Port Broughton (where cousin Louie lives). Carmen and Majorie are cows, by the way.

March 24 Sunday & I did not get up till 7/30 then I got fire & made pudding fried Sausages made beds Ma swept rooms set table Dad milked I had Lady in Sulky & went to Church Mr Crosby was preacher drove down in a Motor also Mrs & children174 came home set dinner made sauce then Will & Amy came from the Light & Bert, Wilf & Will are gone to Barossa Amy talking to parents. We did not go to Chapel, Charles & Eva & Coral came home for evening he is a little better

174 Probably Mr and Mrs H.R. Crosby and children; he was a preacher in the Congregational and Methodist Churches at the time. Will is probably William Ratcliffe.

March 25 Did not wash as Wilfie & Willie were going to Town &Amy had her clothes, so we did housework & in the afternoon I soaked in clothes for washing the boys went by the Midday train & back by 6 oclock to Celia to Tea I was very unwell Amy helped chaffcut & Clem was home from school as well to help them both Dad & Bert went to Bragglesome to work

March 26 I got up lit stove & copper & started the washing Amy had to help indoor so did not help much till eleven we finished at 1/30 had dinner & did all scrubbing & folded. Willie & Wilfie went down to Charles & when they got home Will went for horses & one got away & he was so long gone that they got a scare & Wilf went after him he came home safe a lovely day.

March 27th As it is slack time we do not get up as early as we did I got fire & porrige made & breakfast then did housework Amy helping me then she ironed all & I baked Dora Biscuits & Cakes & after dinner & cleared away wasehd up & went ot Mrs S.J. Parhams175 for afternoon I did sewing for her & had afternoon tea. We heard of the sad death of Mr George Causby176 in Gawler from heart failure died while on his round fell from his Butchers Cart. My symphathy is with them all.

175 Mrs Samuel James Parham, Mary Elizabeth Riggs
176 Thomas George Causby

March 28 It was raining when I awoke so I did not dres still 6/30 got breakfast & helped with housework Amy & I filled the boys mattress with clean chaff had lunch & then I cooked leg mutton potatoes & got dinner Ma & Amy went to Charl's & Eva's for afternoon Dad & Bert are at Bragglesome working I milked & Sep just as Amy & Ma got home Pleasant weather

March 29 Same time about six or soon after I lit the fire in the dining room & blackleaded stove & utensils baked scones & washed all dairy articles & breakfast dishes. Ma got ready for Gawler calling for Charlie Amy did back bedrooms & I helped her dust front rooms & she did the floors In theafternoon I mended Denham pants & Amy shirt & did evening work mixed bread. nice day.

March 30 Saturday but my bread did not rise so I got breakfast over & then did houseowrk & baked pastry cakes & bread cleaned Lamps safe & aother things Amy dining room, bedrooms, Dad went to Gawler & Bert Wilf & Clem went out to Twelftree's & both boys went to City at night seem so differnt to be home with Amy on a Saturday I bathed Clem & had one myself also Amy Ada was to come home but Jim went with Browns lot to the beach & she had to stay home poor old girl & look after things weather keeps fine now.

March 31st We were up late & I hurried to get both rooms swept and fried Saus. Got breakfast but did not go to Church so late. Jessie kicked Larry & cut his knee badly Bert stitched it up. Uncle Charley Eva & our Charlie & family came home to Tea & evening a very nice day Melville177 came down with a note for me Boys went out last night not us girls all day

177 Thomas Melville Rice, neighbour's boy.

April 1st I have had a restless night and awoke at six & dressed got a cup of Tea & then Percy drove down for me in their Sulky & I went ot wash & found a very big one awaiting me Mrs Wallin178 helped me by hanging out clothes Miss Wallin housework they have a new Machine (Unicorn) so Percy turned for me some of the time I had 4 camasoles 4 Quilts 8 sheets 3 Tables about 12 pillow cases 15 Shirts 4 Un pants 4 Denhams 4 large pants 3 blouses 1 full dress 3 childs dress 6 changes underware 6 singlets 4 aprons over 30 Towels meats bags dusters & large lace curtain & about 2 dozen HandKerchief 27 socks & stocking serviettes runner d'oyles trayclothes frilled pillow sham &c I helped fold & mangle also 4 Pajamas Suits & 1/2 dozen nightdresses Percy drove me home

178 Mrs and Miss Wallin. Not sure who they are.

April 2nd Amy & I had our own washing to do so I lit fire then the Cooper but as it was so windy I had to bring the Copper round to the back door & the stand in the Kitchen where we persevered i felt awfully stiff & tremby I did all rinsing & amy all heavy rubbing my side is terribly bad I can scarcely bear it at times, we had just finished after dinner & were scrubbing when Mrs Ratcliff came for the afternoon I folded Amy did housework we had a cup of Tea & then I did the mangling through the winger mixed bread at night

April 3rd Not as early but I hurried to get the fire & put out bread to rise made the stove hot & baked my bread is lighter today I made beds & finished ironing shirt &c Ma drove Clem to school & ame back to Eva's & Charls they went to Gawler got their Invitation card to Flo Hobarts Wedding179 but as they start for Moonta tomorrow they will not be able to go. C.E. & Coral spent the evening home last night Bert Wilf & Dad put a new brick floor in the Chaff house a lovely day Amy picked fowl for dinner Ma stuffed it & boiled it am tired.

179 Florence Emma Hobart will marry George Frederick Loller on April 10.

April 4th I got up at 5/30 did not feel too well but at 1/4 to six I started to clean stove &c by lamp light I got it finished & fire lit made porridge made Amy set table & milked & Spr then breakfast over she drove Clem to school & had a talk to Mrs Standley Marion180 is in the Hospital she went to Jones for fruit pears & Quinces I cleaned our room & swept dining room & kitchen did all housework Ma cooked roast Beef potatoes Trombone apple pie & pasty I picked some more feathers. We unripped & sewed bags together for the Sepr house in the afternoon.

180 Marion Bethia Pointon (nee Standley), Mrs Stanley's elder daughter, aged 22.

April 5th I was disappointed again this year in my H Cross Buns it being Good Friday I made some last evening but they were not ready to bake so I lit the stove & put out bread & also baked it & did housework, cleaned both front rooms Amy picked & dressed a fowl & she with Ma cooked dinner Veg & Apple Pie in the afternoon I mended & baked Buns & took men down some for lunch they were chaffcutting the lads & Dad put a new brick floor in the chaffhouse yesterday so it is less work now no bagging to do We expected Celia home for the day but she did not come

April 6th I had to bake bread again today so did usual work  were at breakfast & Celia & Percy drove home at 7/30 we were surprised to see them. Percy went getting wood C. stayed home I did bread & Cake scrubbing & lamps & after dinner I went with Dad to Gawler did shopping. So different from our happy Easter Sat last year. Dad met a Shipmate T Perkins181 & another man in Gawler & drove them to Arthur Mortimers & we did not get home till 8 o'clock I shivered with cold driving home the K.F. road so bleak & the men were Top heavy too was thankful to get home to Ward's Belt I hate drink

181 Thomas Perkins came, as a 12 year old, with his family on the "Prince of Wales" in 1866, the same ship as Henry Atyeo (listed as Henry Attyes). Arthur Mortimer is a local landowner.

April 7 I got up & fried sausages for breakfast Amy swept rooms & milked & Sep Ma helped Sept then I got dressed for Church but they took all the horses to drink, I could not go I felt so down hearted but nothing seems to matter after all C & Ma & Amy did other work I made ours & Ma bed & Amy & I took up dinner roast Beef Pots Trom Stewed Quines Percy drove back to Gawler C stayed home they are talking I feel awfully depressed must go & get Tea at 5 ock

We hear Allan Good & Miss Olive Jones are married182
Also Elsie Greaves to a Mr Curtis183
and Eva Tape is also married to Fred Tucker184
Mrs Tom Aunger has a ______ born Thurdsay185
Lizzie Clode is married April 25 at the Church of Christ Prospect by Patenoster186
Ruby Greaves married to Robert Fraezea in April or May187 

182 Allan Good and Olive Jones. I can find a record of Harold Allen John Good and Winifred Jones being married in 1912, but not this couple!
183 Elsie May Greaves married George William Courtis on April 3.
184 Eva Matilda Ann Tape married Fred Tucker on April 4 in Willaston.
185 Doreen Mavis Aunger, daughter of Mrs Tom Aunger (Charlotte Rowley) born May 5.
186 Elizabeth Ann Mary Clode married Armand Louis Charles by Rev T.A. Paternoster.
187 Ruby Ida Kightley Greaves married Rupert Maynard Faehse, 27 April. 

April 8 Up in good time our early rising has started about five & lit fire & also Copper & I did the washing as Ma went to spend the day with Eva & uncle also Ada, it being Easter Monday. Amy had housework & dinner to get so only helped a short time I got all done scrubbing included soon after dinner then I did the ironing Amy all other work & got cows, Ethel came home with Ma till Wensday I had to mix bread

April 9 Usual hour & lit stove put out bread got brk & baked bread & did a portion of housework then cut out a blouse for Ma & made it all but hand finishing Amy did the work Ma her usual duties & they made the Quince Jam the men put in both house paddocks barley & one for feed for Mares & foals the weather is very dry but pleasant.

April 10 Our morning work done Amy Ethel & I started off to Gawler did shopping & drove to Ada's to dinner & Amy spent afternoon there I went with Eva & Ellie Antwis187 to see the Weddings at Gawler West. Fred Loller & Flo Hobart, Len Hillier & Elsie Wade. Flo was dressed in pure white Silk Maggie Wylie & Ethel Weston Creme dresses George Hobart was best man & Harold Parham. The other bride was in Ivory Silk with silk Insertion. Bridesmaids in Bright creme & pink ribbon striped hinion & silk, sister of Bride & Bridsgroom & W.Wade & Reg Hillier stood for them it was an exquisitive afternoon for such occasions I walked back to Ada's & saw Amy before she went home & I slept at Uncles at night first time I saw their new home it looks quite nice too.

187 Ellie (Ellen) Antwis, niece of Kit; the weddings are at Gawler West Methodist Church. Fred and Flo are mentioned at note 179. The other couple are Frederick Leonard Hillier and Elsie Clarice Wade. Attendants are Maggie Isobel Wylie, Ethel Florence Alice May Weston, George Edmund Hobart, Harold James Parham, Witnesses are William Wade and Reginald Hillier.

April 11th I did not dress till 1/4 to 7 then I went down to Ada's to breakfast made her bed & helped her washup then I cut out & made under garment for Ada & other sewing I felt awfully down hearted from yesterday as it only brought back old memories to me of Celia's Wedding Jim Ethel & Clem drove me over to Evanston at night to stay with Celia Cousin Eva drove out to Ward's Belt Uncle Charlie was carting prickly pears another lovely day, but I was too miserable to enjoy the beautiful weather Murray was not well his teeth.

April 12th I dressed at 6/30 & Celia had breakfast ready so both partook fo same I then started sewing making under Flannels with my hand Celia was very unwell & in the afternoon we went todnw the street & she went to Dr Henry came home & had a rest & Mrs McKensie & Baby187 came for Cream then we had tea I did some sewing a colder day & showers.

187 Likely to be Elsie Mary McKenzie (nee Jolley) and her daughter Mary Elizabeth McKenzie

April 13th Same time & Percy & I took breakfast together Celia was milking & made bed & tidied front rooms & finished sewing helped Celia clear the dinner & I dressed for the street & drove Hector down & Dad went over & Percy came back & took Hector back also Bert went in with the Sulky & stayed the night Dad & I called at Ada's & Clem came hoe with us Amy & I had a talk together & retired late to bed cold nights.

April 14th I looked at the watch & it was 7/30 so I dressed & also Amy & I got breakfast Amy oall outdoor work Dad went to Bragglesome Wilf Wesley & Clem did the horses Wes has been home since Wensday we had cold meat & Veg & stewed pears I did houseworkd with Amy & cleared dinner & now Jim Ada & children are home We received the Enlargement of Grandmother's Photo from Queensland on Thursday last. Wilf went to Church Bert is at Celia's for day Wes stays home

April 15th I was not atall well so did not dress at five as I ought lit fire & also Copper & started washing Amy gave the boys their breakfast & afterwards having done her work she helped me. Neither of us was well & could not hurry so did not finish till after dinner then ironed all but shirts Ma got dinner & mended I was tired I mixed bread

April 16th I got up bread was up & I got fire & breakfast over & baked then Amy baked cakes & AM pasties & pies I cut out & made blue aprons for Ma & Self Amy was busy sewing the weatehr is cooler & Wesley is home going to school Wilf other side of hill Dad & Bert at Bragglesome today yesterday at Twelftrees I felt very unwell indeed my side & depressed feeling anniversary of Dads & Ma's Wedding day 38 years ago today.

April 17 I called Amy as I was not well atall she dressed got breakfast & put up tea for men I had a sleep till 6/30 dressed & had breakfast then Amy having finished her work outdoor got ready for Gawler taking Wesley to school I had all housework then started altering my dress could not find the material so was hindered Amy was so late home stayed at Celia's all day after shopping Ma milked cows got Vegetable for tea is reading Wilf is playing piano

April 18th I dressed at 1/4 to 6 & got breakfast we were late up & had to hurry our ordinary work over Amy caught a fowl Ma plucked it & roasted it for dinner, Amy was helping Ma. Just before dinner Celia & Albert drove home in the dogcart & in the afternon I finished altering my dress Celia mended her socks & stokings Ma bought a piece of coconut matting from Celia as she measured her piece wrong we had a cup of Tea & then she went home taking her dressing table with her a nice day & am not atall well

April 19th I called the boys at 20 to five & dressed myself & got breakfast over then did all blackleading & cleaned our room shifting the talbe of Amys in our room Amy did bosy room & front rooms Ma baked scones & got dinner Mona has a Calf a day or two old at Bragglesome. Noel Parham188 brought out the Cultivator yesterday that Dad bought we have only Beauty & Mab in milk now so Mona will be a help I had to mix bread tonight.

188Oswald Noel Parham, brother in-law of Ada

April 20 Same hour & I lit fire in teh dining room & stove put out bread to rise & Amy set & waited on table then I made bed & baked bread Amy baked scones cakes tarts I swept the dining room & Kitchen & we had early lunch & Amy went to Gawler taking Wesley home I was dusting & a knock came at the door & Jess & Maria came up, Amy only went about 3/4 of an hour before so we finished our work Ma & I & chatted all the aftenroon Wilf drove the three girls to Gawler tonight Bert reading paper. We got letter from Moonta saying they will be home Monday.

April 21st The usual hour for Sunday Dad had to go to Bragglesome as Mona went back after her half I swept up & fried sausages washed up supper thing & did usual work Jessie & Wilfie went for a ride horse back then they drove me to Mrs Standleys where I spent the day Amy & Bert drove to church at night & called at Mrs Standleys stayed till 1/4 to 10 then we came home Maria & Jessie went home at five oclock very cold day

April 22nd Up at a little before five lit fire & copper & got breakfast over Amy & I washed finished Dinner time then I scrubbed & ironed plain clothes Amy did bedrooms Charl Eva & Coral came from Moonta Charl drove home with fish then out to J.G. Folland Amy spent the night with Eva & Charl, old & dry. Bert went to Adelaide for drill fittings & came back by evening train & home. bought some new music for Amy Wilf cultivating

April 23 I sept a very restless night I felt so ill & sick & troubled nerves are weak. Ma gave boys their breakfast Dad lit fire &c I did a bit of houseowrk but had to lie down for 2 hours & had a sleep Amy came home at nine & baked bread Pollie came out to dinner like rain & so cold Amy done diary work Mr Twelftree came out with wheat & had a cup of Tea here. Started seeding

April 24th Amy got up & got hte boys breakfast I did not get up till seven o'clcok I was very unwell & did what I could to help & then I cut out a Garment & Mr & Mrs Brodie189 came friend of Dad & Ma's years ago when a girl lately left Wandearah & reside now at Willaston. I did sewing they had afternoon Tea & a chat but I felt so bad I mixed bread & then retired early to bed weather keeps very dry & cold Charlie & Dad doing up implements to start work.

189 James George Brodie and Emma Brodie (nee Pointon)

April 25th I got up early & lit the fire Amy also & she got breakfast for men I was taken so crook again did housework & baked bread Ma was busy Amy Eva & Coral went to Gawler early I had just started pouring tea for dinner but was taken so ill had to go & lie down till 3/30 cousin Eva & Ethel were here when I work I felt awfully crook & only did a little sewing Eva & Coral came home with Amy from Gawler had afternoon Tea Dad & Charlie killed a pig so were busy Bert & Wilfred seeding.

April 26 I got up & set breakfast Amy also helped & afterwards I fried Ma & I a leg chop for our breakfast Ma very busy indeed salting meat & getting pork ready the girls I made a large mince meat & potato pie & did some housework Amy had to drive for Chaffcutting so I dusted both front rooms & generally assisted the men were very late to dinner I finished garment Bert & Charlie went to Bragglesome where Bert stays for night he is going drilling down there Amy mixed bread for me Wilf is writing a letter

April 27th Saturday Amy & I both got up & Amy set & waited on breakfast I made both fires & put out the bread & afterwards baked it I feel so weak & altogheter out of sorts I baked Dora biscuits & Madeira Albert cake Amy cleaned dining room washed floors I did lamps then we had dinner & Amy went to Gawler also Eva & Coral who had their Photographs taken. Ma & I cleared dinner & washed up baked meat & I did knives & forks Ma all spoons prongs & tinware then I mended Wilfreds dungaree pants & Ma Berts & Dads Dad & Bert were sedding at Bragglesome Wilf over other side of the hill Dad & Amy came home in the buggy at about 8 oclock also Bert as he is sleeping down there now. Amy saw F. M. Leak190 in Gawler a week ago she is on holiday the weather is very dry & cold.

190Frances Mary Leak   

April 28th Sunday & we dressed at 7/30 but Dad much earlier I got the porrige made & breakfast ready swept rooms & dusted after our meal I made beds & generaly assisted Amy the cat broke the Colias in sitting room Bert & Wilfie went with Bruce Mortimer for a ride Jim Ada & children came home to dinner Charlie & Eva & Coral afterwards they are just gone home Wes is staying the night Amy playing piano & reading to Wesley the Sunday has been a most beautiful day but so different & memory like the Ivy clings to past

April 29th Monday I washed Amy as usual assisting I felt really too weak but persevered & we finished at midday then I did all scrubbing & cleaning up & Amy housework then I started ironing & finished at six glad to get all done Amy has a terrible cold & cough & I also have a cold which I have been so free from for a long time Ma is not well her cough All men at Bragglesome as it is so awfully dry.

April 30 As I had to bake bread &c & help in various ways we have to get up early now but as I have been so unwell lately Amy has done a lot of early rising this year. I picked a little coat to peices & made Coral an overall I was not well & no energy & there is always a certain amount of work to be done by all Bert & Wilfred stay at Bragglesome nights now so it is quiet home so dry

May 1st We do not get up till six as the bosy are away I put a beaver colar on Overall & we had dinner Amy did cake baking & an Acid Tart, we then went up to Tap & washed the Sulky & Buggy did not finish till six then Dad came home with Tom & Myrtle & Baby190 to stay for a holiday we had tea & chatted till 10 oclock then retired Amy also played piano they are good company

190 Cousin Tom Easton's baby is Valerie Hazel Easton.

May 2nd We dressed & I got breakfast over Ma & Tom & Myrtle did not have theirs till nine oclock. I did not feel well Amy & Myrtle went to Gawler to have Valerie's Photo taken Tom went as far as Charl's & stayed there I had to lie down Eva & Coral came down in the afternoon had a cup of Tea I was mending Ma cleaned dairy dry still.

May 3rd Amy got up & fried Sausages for the meal I did not get up till 6/30 I made a pudding & cooked dinner took lunch to men chaffcutting Clem home helping Amy cleaned all bedrooms & sitting room was busy all the morning I cleared dinner & helped Ma washup she churned butter then I cleaned stove fireplace & Utensils & baked scones cakes had a cup of Tea as our company came back musical evening I mixed bread darned stockings.

May 4th We both dressed at 1/4 to six Dad made fire & took in Tea I got the stove ready & put out bread to rise & baked Rolls for breakfast then bread Dora Biscuits & Cake Ma, Eva, Coral, Tom, Myrtle & Baby went to Lower Light & we had lunch Dad went to Twelfrees & Amy went to Gawler Clem cleaned Cutlery I helped with best Knives &c then did lamps dusting sweeping scrubbing cooked potatoes for tea milked &c Amy came home at six we had tea Charl home as well Amy bathed Clem & Wilf had one I have Neuralgia since Wensday

Sunday May 5th We did not rise early Dad had had his cup of Tea so I got breakfast swept both roms lit sove & afterwards baked Beef & cooked Parsnips Tom & potatoes Steamed pudding Amy all bedrooms after she had finished all out door work Charl is spending day at Ada's Celia's Wilf gone to Blocks Dad to Ratcliff Bert & Amy & I with Clem are home very dull & lonely as we could not go to Church too late looks like rain & we hope for a down pour turn to April 20 & read

[this next part is after April 20, but I have placed it here to keep it chronological]

I turned two leaves instead of one so will continue by reporting May news

May 6th We could not wash as Ma & the otehrs were at Lower Light so we both got up early & Amy cut & packed 5 dinners Clem was home for the holiday so he went to Twelftrees with theothers I got breakfast & Amy & I did housework had lunch & then I set to work cleaning out the Tank it took me hourse to run out the water & I got in & thoroughly cleaned & scrubbed it. Eva brought Vine & Harold191 out from Willaston to bid us Good bye as they start for N.S.W. on the 8th I cleaned myself & we had a cup of Tea I got Veg cooked for mens tea then Ma & Eva Tom & Myrtle & Babies came home had musical evening & talking & writing Autographs & retired late.

191Melvina Dunn (nee Hand), cousin on the Heath side (daughter of Aunt Amelia) and her husband Harold Thomas Headland Dunn.

May 7th All up early I got breakfast & then all company got up & had theirs & Dad drove them to the Station first Train Tom & Myrtle wnet ot Uncles for the day I then lit the copper & we did hte washing i had neuralgia & such stiff limbs I could hardly move Amy not well so we did not finish till after dinenr Eva & Coral came back with Dad from Gawler & spent afternoon & stayed to Tea Ma has a gathered thumb dry weather

May 8th I got up at 20 past 4 & got the meal as the boys wanted to knock off early notight I fried Sausages for breakfast & milked & Spr then I fried our breakfast & Ma packed dinner Dad took it out to boys & forgot to take any cups so I had Toff in dogcart & went out & brought home some stumps Amy did all ironing I did some mending & prepared tea for boys they both went to a Catholic Dance at night

May 9th I got up 1/4 past five Dad lit fire I lit stove & baked bread Amy got meal & outdoor work I baked yeast buns Amy Eva & Coral went to Gawler I did housework Ma's thumb very bad Amy burshed clothes &c I cut dinner for boys they are at Twelftrees Dad burning at Bragglesome so dry & windy blew the roof partly off Sep house

May 10th Our usual work done i packed my box & basket for a holiday in Adelaide with Eva & Coral I did our room Amy did front rooms & hre usual work Dad went with boys to Twelftree's & came home & drove us to the Station. Mrs McLeod met us at the Station & we had a heavy luggage to carry we had a cup of Tea & a chat then Mrs cooked Veg for boys & Eva & I went to Nt Adelaide to see Mr & Mrs Jack McLeod191 & spent an enjoyable time home & retired Coral stayed at her Grandma's a cold night

191 Mrs McLeod is Eva's mother, and Coral's grandmother. Jack (John William) McLeod is Eva's brother, and his wife is Ella Grace McLeod (nee Driscoll).

May 11th Saturday I got up 6 o'clcok but as it ws early had another rest then I dressed & had breakfast & started for Town calling at Nellie's192 & Eva & Coral called for me we rode from Fitzroy Terrace in did shopping & then went to Victoria Square & took Train for Glenelg193 & had a cup of Tea on arrival & talk to Eva & look round & another cup of Tea & Eva & Baby194 came to station just in time to see the train go out & had to wait for 20 minutes & it made me very late it was quite dark & I hurried to get a car only rode on Section & then walked to Nellie's could not see anyone about so concluded was not home & went to McLeod & back again & remained at Nellies the night.

192 Ellen Ann Hand (Nellie), cousin, daughter of Aunt Amelia.
193 The Glenelg tram line used to be a train line.
194 Eva May Gosden (nee Tancock), a distant relative and her baby James Gosden

May 12th Sunday Nellie told me not to get up till 8 o'clock so then we had breakfast & I went round to McLeods & got my glasses then back & Edgeth195 & Nellie & I went to Church home 1 o'clock dinner & had a rest then went for a long drive out to Kent Town East Adelaide by Prince Alfred College round to Medindie & home had tea & retired Nellie had a bad head & I was tired & sleepy.

195 Nellie (Ellen Ann)'s husband Edgeth William Dunn.

May 13th I had to go to Town so get up & did my room & started early & did shopping went to McLeods & back to Nellies for evening they were out so I had a talk to Mr Skidmore196 & Nellie & Edgeth came home we had a cup of Cocoa & cake Mr Skidmore & Edgeth played Billatelle I read a book Nell washed today I saw many beautiful things in Adelaide & much style.

196 Charles Skidmore. Billatelle is like a small billiards game.

[this is the end of the part that was inserted earlier in the book]

Continued from April 20 report as I turned 2 leaves

May 14 I got up about seven & did my room & had breakfast then Nellie & I went out in the garden & got slips for Flowers Eva & Mrs McLeod came round & called for me & we went to City but I was so tired I did a little shopping & came to Nellies to dinner & then went to McLeods & Nellie & Edgeth drove us to Station Amy met us at Gawler also saw Celia & called at Ada's & then at Bragglesome & Wilfie drove us home. Dry weather

May 15 I got up lit stove & put out bread then Amy dressed & assisted in breakfast I baked bread Amy houseowkr I milked my head is aching terribly all day I had to rest Amy made a Flaked rice pudding baked apples & potatoes for dinner we had our meal & ironed Amy made two aprons for Ada I hemmed table clothe Eva & Pollie came for afternoon had afternoon tea & a talk only Dad & Ma Amy & I are home as boys are at Bragglesome

May 16 I have reported wrong as we washed yesterday but I baked today as reported in last Ma was not well & Amy was so busy in getting the boys off to Bragglesome packing different things for them then helped me at tubs & she folded afterwards I planted flowers & Thyme it looks like rain tonight & also last night but no rain fell its dreadfully dry now how our minds dwell on last year this time.

May 17 The anniversary of Celia's wedding today & memories make me very sad indeed to dwell on but duty presents itself & must be faced however sad our lot. I got up & prepared breakfast then Cleaned our room & blackleaded stove Amy front rooms Ma dairy & butter making then I cooked vegetables & fried bacon for our dinner As Dad & Boys are at the other farm working boys stay there nights so we are quiet now. I read a little from the book by M.J.F. (Vermont Vale)196 at night I cut out Calico Garment for Amy & I also mended Berts blue overall th eday has been worse than ever for dust & wind something terrible had to shut all doors but though rain threatens none has fallen as yet & we want it so badly Amy evening work & helped Dad too wth foal.

196 Vermont Vale by Maud Jean Franc, one of Australia's first female novellists.

May 18 Sat so I dressed befoe six & came out expecting to see bread all up but it was 8 oclock before it rose, so I got breakfast over & baked bread & yeast cake scrubbed safe & other articles Amy housework & at dinner time Amy went to Gawelr while Ma & I finished work then I did sewing the rest of Day Dad & boy home tonight letter from Cantaberrie197 & Moonta Frances children been very bad French has to have Dr also Clif

197 Not sure who lives at Cantaberrie. Must be the name of someone's home.

May 19th Sunday We did not get up early I fried breakfast fried & swept & dusted rooms Dad & Ma went to the Blocks to see Uncle & Auntie I roasted muttong & cooked Vegetables & Amy & I did work between us. Dinner over Amy & Bert went ot Gawler & Wilfie to Buchsfelde to Priess' I was all alone & at about 3 o'clock I was suprised to see Annie & George McLean198 drive out to see us also Mrs Ratcliff came over after they went I took Paddy the dog & went for the cows but could not find them they came from the other paddock I did all evening work & then they came from Blocks had my tea & retired after doing a little reading.

198 Annie Joyce McLean and her brother George Albert William McLean

May 20. I intended washing so got breakfast & then started Amy joining me later on we washed till dinner time & cleared all away I made 2 buckets & we both ironed & finished before tea also housework Dad & boys went to Bragglesome to work Dad comes hoe nights boys stay down there the weatehr is very dry indeed & stock are getting thin & Hay is getting scarce.

May 21st Late & up got porrige made & the meal very quickly set, Dad went off to work Amy & I cut ouff some bottels Ma made Melon Jam, I went to Gawler calling at Eva's for her & Coral I washed up for her we did shopping & then we went to Celia's to afternoon Tea & also called at Ada's Jim is off work. Uncle Eva Bob & Clara came to spend the afternoon & evening here they were singing & Amy at the Piano. Cold dry weather.

May 22nd I dressed early & got sausaged fried for our breakfast also did a portion of other work Amy out door work Dad Clem & I went ot Bragglseome Clem to school I washed such a lot Eva cut her finger badly & coud not help me but did all other work Coral is such a darling & all for the boys & Dad as they take her for rides in the dray I did not finish till 4 o'clock & then scrubbed table & had a cup of tea & came ome have just mixed bread Wilfred & Amy drove to Lower Light ot a party at six o'clock I do not feel well but it is worry I am weary & sad.

May 23rd I do not get up early Dad got up at six then I dressed but as I enver had a watch I was later than I inteded to be got our breakfast & put out bread to rise tidied round swept dining rom &c Ma ws busy as Amy & Wilf did not return till midday. I took lunch & then I picked the Sheaves off the Stack onto the waggon for Dad it made my arms ache dreadfully but I persevered Clem helped Dampt it down the sun was real hot but it was a frost this morning  bitterly cold Eva & Coral came home after dinenr & she cut out my skirt I did not start it till about four & I finsiehd it at 9/30 also Eva partly made me body Green Flannelette Amy & Wilf & Clem helped Dad Chaffcut.

May 24 I did not dress till 6/30 & then made porrige & got breakfast & blackleaded stove fountain &c swept & dusted our room Amy front rooms & boys then I cooked Veg & fried bacon for dinner & afterwars washed up & put hooks on my skirt washed & ironed that & Amy Apron (blue) Ma mending trousers Amy brush their clothes & pressed her silk skirt & did odd work I got afternoon tea Amy has to water the young stock now as the others are at Bragglesome Clem goes to school from here & home with Dad at night. Tea over cleared away & mixed bread Amy mended Clems pants & I put a yoke in my blouse & got it ready for to put together the weather is a serious consideration so dry & frosts at night we have had to use Tap water two washing days & always for the house I don't feel too well.

May 25 Saturday I dressed & got fire & also lit the stove & put bread out to rise & made a Cake then I blackleaded fireplace & put on a large stump as it was very chilly & it rain for about 10 minutes Oh how we wished it would pour & keep on all day but it cleared off to sunshine Dad & Amy went to Gawler at 11 oclock I did all baking bread Yeast cake & slide Buns did lamps Ma cutlery after I had dusted all & finished work I had a bath & milked made fire.

May 26 Up at 1/4 past & got tea for them I swpet room & dusted & fried sausages got all done Amy milked & set table I lit stove & baked pie Tart for dinner we had cold dinner amy did bedrooms Ma washing up boys shaving & tideied up Ma is reading 3 o'clock Amy at Piano are expecting company today cloudy cold by dry. Alf Nottle came for afternoon & evening Amy was playing & Wilf singing also charl & Eva & Coral came from K.F. Chapel to Tea Bert went out for evening we looked at Photo's & sang a number of Hymns very cold & dry. Got Charlie's enlargement last night.

May 27th Up at 1/4 past five & called boys but as they did not get up till laster I rested & dressed 1/2 an hour later got breakfast Fried Eggs & Bacon then I lit Copper & started washign Amy helping till 10 oclock then she had to help chaffcut Clem was home from school aslo Wilf was home to dinner Ma roasted leg mutton potatoes in the camp oven & Marrow also took lunch to men I ironed a few clothes this afternoon after we folded Amy had to water all young horses Ma busy mending Wilfreds Coat. I mixed bread & help washup Amy & Clem drove to Bragglesome at 7/30 to deliver a message to the boys about exchanging wheat with Ratcliff Will Ratcliff is not well had to go to bed the rain which threatened has all gone once more cold east wind.

May 28th As it was a busy morning I rose in good time & lit fire in the dining room & put out bread to reise & made yeast Buns lit stove & had all done & breakfast ready at 1/4 to 7 then assisted in housework & baked bread, buns, Amy scones & Ma did her Butter & cooked vegetables for dinner Amy did plain ironing I starched shirts & colars & ironed them &c In the afternoon Amy went ot Bragglesome with food for boys I lined a new shirt with Calico & got Tank & Cask ready for rain but only a very light shower fell it was cold & I made a good fire.

May 29 I have Rhumatics in my hip so I did not dress till 6/30 fried bacon & got breakfast Amy assisting as I mended Clems pants for school Dad Clem & I rode down to Brg. together & Clem went to school, I went to wash for Eva as all our men & Uncle Charlie Heath were there working I also did part of the ironing & cut of two Kerosene Tins for Eva she did scrubbing & housework Coral is such alovely child & so knowing & good Ma & Amy went to spend th eday at Celias & all got home tonight at 6/30 I milked Sep & Amy other work.

May 30 Amy heard of Ada Mortimers199 marriage in the beginning of this month to a Dr in Adelaide much older than her.

199Ada Jane Mortimer and William Frederick Hammer, she was 21 and he was 38.

Up at usual hour 1/4 to 6 & lit fire & got breakfast it looked like rain & some fell but not enough as we want a real good downpour Amy has to do outdoor work which takes up time taking up the young horses to water after assisting I cut out & made a blouse partly for myself G. Print. but had a bother with pattern Amy went to mind Coral while Eva & Charl went to Foresters Lodge for Eva to join tonight so I milked &c it was very cold Amy stayed with Wilf & Bert at Bragglesome Coral was so good.

May 31st I got up early & got my bread out to rise & lit stove & fired & aslo made a yeast Cake & mlilked Sep &c baked bread & cake & Amy came home & she was very busy ineed thoroughly cleaned front rooms & back bedrooms I went on with blouse but did not do too well at it Ma had to do her Butter & clean dairy. Dad & boys finished at Bragglesome & came home tonight to do the sedding here only very light showers Amy went to get a Cask of water her & Clem he always goes to school from here cold weather now

The past is written
Close the book
On scenes once bright & gay
Within the future
Do not look
But live today today.

[end of book]


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