2 June 1910 - 31 May 1911 - both Charlie and Celia get married

Fanny R Atyeo, 
Charlton Ville, Gawler P. O. 
June 1st 1910

In 1910, Fanny Rosina is 35, living with her parents Henry Atyeo (aged 62) & Mary Ann (Ma, aged 58), in Charlton Ville, Wards Belt, South Australia. Her parents have been married for 36 years, both living in Gawler River at the time of their marriage. This is Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt. Also at home are Charles William Henry (Charlie, aged 28), Albert Joseph (Bert, aged 25), Amy Florence (aged 23) & Wilfred George (Wilfie, aged 17). From time to time Celia (30) also lives there, between periods in service. According to Google Maps, the house was at the back of the property, far from Woods Road, there is a number 879 on the gate. Fanny’s other sisters Ada (34) & Frances (32) have married & left home. Frances lives with her family in Moonta. Ada with her family in the Gawler area.

Henry Atyeo (Dad) owns two properties, the family home, purchased by his father, on Woods Road, & another larger block on the corner of Parker & Leak Roads in Wards Belt. In 1910, the boys sometimes stay at this other farm (Bragglesome Farm), until a new home is built there for Charl and his new wife Eva (nee McLeod).

Significant events in 1910 and 1911: Celia goes to work at Mr Rice’s (a widower recently moved to the area), until he marries (then Fanny helps with their washing); Building a house for Charl (at the corner of Parker & Leak Roads – still standing!); Marriage of Charl to Eva McLeod (September 17), Marriage of Celia to Percy Dawe (May 17). 

[First two pages are torn from the book, but resting inside it]

June 2, 1910 Up at ¼ to five & got breakfast over baked bread. Amy packed dinners & after helping do housework she drove poor old Charlie to Mrs Bugg’s1. He was very ill poor boy. I did all remaining work. Ma helped me. I baked slide buns, & roasted beef cooked dinner. In the afternoon Aunt Harriet2 brought Clara3 up & Miss Anderson who goes on to Gawler tomorrow to friends. I did a little mending & as I have everything to do it keeps me going. Wood to chop & cows to milk. Only three after tea. I had to mix bread & the rest had a sing.

1 Mrs Bugg’s Nursing Home, Gawler.
2 Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), sister of Ma; she lives at Lower Light with her family.
3 Clara Pearl Easton, a cousin, and her future sister-in-law Miss Anderson, daughter of Robert Anderson. 

June 3 Same hour. I got breakfast took in Tea to Ma & Auntie. Amy packed dinners. I milked & separated, blackleaded stove. Amy & Miss Anderson went to Gawler. I cleaned both front rooms Clara assisted me & then I baked bread & all usual work. Amy was in all day as she stayed with Charlie through the operation & I went in as soon as the doctor left. He was very ill indeed from ether & struggled terribly while under its influence. I had all evening work & to do & hung curtain pole in dining room. Weather very frosty.

June 4 Up & dressed at five & got breakfast & milked, separated. Amy same work then the I lit stove baked Madeira & coffee cake & got breakfast on. Ma & I went to Gawler & went to see Charlie. He is improving now. Uncle Will4 also went & Alf5, Kit6 & Eva7. Wallie8 went last night with Amy, Clara, Wilfie & Bert who drove in last night & were home later. I wrote Frances9 & retired at Ten. It was a very cold day. Mrs George Argent10 has a bad throat & Ma went to Dr with her also went to Mrs Hobart’s12 & had tea.

4 William Atyeo, Henry’s older brother who came to South Australia in 1868 (aged 22!) & who sold Henry the farm. He now lives at Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens).
5 Alfred Samuel Heath, aged 40, of Ward’s Belt, Fanny’s cousin (son of Uncle Charl, Ma’s brother)
6 Christiana (Kit) Heath (nee Hill), wife of Alfred Heath.
7 Eva Emily May Heath, Fanny’s cousin (daughter of Uncle Charl & Alf’s sister).
8 Probably Walter Hill, brother of Christiana. Lives in Williamstown.
9 Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Hill), Fanny’s sister, married to Harry Gilbert Folland, living in Moonta.
10 Mrs George Argent. This is confusing. It could be Annie Lenora Andrews, the wife of Mr Herbert George Argent, who lives locally, but it could also be the wife of George Spencer Argent (who is not part of the local Argent family). 
11 Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett), wife of Dale Hobart, father of George Edmund Hobart.

June 5 up at 7:30 & got breakfast & swept both dining room & kitchen. After the meal dad & I dressed for Church. Was a glorious morning for driving & I enjoyed myself very much but could not hear Mr Neild12 very well we came home the reserve way & met Clara & Bert & Wilf out for a drive ride on horseback. Jim13 was home to dinner & for evening or afternoon too. I read in the afternoon after doing all washing up then milked & had tea & all us single ones went to Buchsfelde14. Mr Bailey15 preached came home & supper & talk retired to rest very cold night indeed

12 Rev John Henry Nield, Methodist preacher.
13 James Parham, husband of Fanny’s younger sister Ada?
14 Buchsfelde (Buchfelde) is a location nearby. It was the site of a Lutheran church & cemetery, which had no Lutheran priest so was used by many denominations until 1947; it was eventually transferred to the Methodist Church.
15 Likely Mr W J Bailey, later to become an assistant in the Kooringa Methodist Circuit. 

June 6 Up rather later so hurried & had breakfast cooked & away in 1/2 an hour then Amy got up & milked. I lit copper & got washing ready & started & Amy helped me after she had done all outside. Clara went with dad to drive for sewing. He hurt his arm & had to put Carbolic on & bind it up. Had dinner & finished hanging out last clothes. Mrs Nottle16 & Mrs Wake17 came for afternoon looked at Photographs had afternoon tea & saw melons18 & took two home.

16 The Nottles were landowners in Ward’s Belt; they lived on Nottle Road; Mrs Nottle is Mrs Richard Nottle (Martha Ann Wake), aged 55.
17 The Wake family also lived in Ward’s Belt, on Main North Road. Probably Sarah Stringer, the wife of William Wake, who is the brother of Martha Ann Wake (Mrs Richard Nottle)
18 Paddy melons; used for making pies & jams.

June 7 The boys at the other farm so Dad called me soon after five & I dressed & got his breakfast & bathed his arm & made him some finger stalls for chapped hands then milked & lit stove & baked. Clara is at Uncle Charlie's19 & Amy had to go down with the dinner then on to Gawler. In the morning they cut chaff & had lunch before they went down to the other place. Clara went to Gawler with Amy. GEH20 started work again yesterday. The weather is very cold. Dad comes home at night & I been ironing all day starch clothes for Clara too as well.

19 Charles Heath, Ma’s brother, who also lived at Ward’s Belt, aged 63.
20 George Edmund Hobart, later to marry Amy.

June 8 Same hour & work. Poor Amy got such a cough had to rest her throat & attend to Dad's arm put up tea & lunch for men. Lit stove & baked Raisin Biscuits pies bread & helped in various ways then I had to go down to the other farm with dinner. When I reached there I lit fire & washed dishes & set table gave them their dinners, tidied round & came home at 2:30 & all the afternoon & evening was mending up my everyday clothes. Very quiet now no one home but Amy & I, Dad & Ma. Amy finished her slip bodice.

June 9 same hour & work for me as yesterday. Amy’s cough very bad. I did cows & separating, swept & dusted dining room & lit stove & Amy housework. I mended a coat & went down with dinner. Clara also there we drove into see Charlie. He's improving we did shopping & called at Ada’s21 where Clara stayed for night. I came on & did the work at the farm, so much to see to. I got some things for Kit so had to stop there for a while. Amy had evening work done so had tea & Dad & I pickled. Cold day & like rain. Letter from Aunt Emily & Martha22

21 Ada Emily Atyeo, Fan’s younger sister, married to James Parham & living in Gawler.
22 One of Ma’s younger sisters, Emily Heath, now Mrs Easton, Clara’s mother. Haven't worked out who Martha is, but she is always associated with Aunt Emily.

June 10 Up at 5:30 & got breakfast & help put up wheat with Dad. Milked & separated & came in blackleaded stove & Ma picked & roasted a fowl & also made pudding & cooked Veg for Dinner at 11/30 as Amy had to go down with it. She thoroughly cleaned all rooms before going as it is her custom on Fridays. I cleaned our room & the lamps & safe & washed my head & mended my jacket, milked, got some wood chopped ready for morning. Clara met Amy down there & they two went picking up stumps & burning for Wilfred. Cold day.

June 11 Same hour & fried breakfast, milked & separated. Then I put out bread to rise & lit stove & commence cake baking for a start then bread. Amy did dining room blackleaded the fireplace & fountain Kettle & had lunch & Amy & Clara went to Gawler with Toff & Clyde in the trap. I finish sweeping kitchen & Percy24 came so he had to go to the other place for Hector & came back & had refreshments & went to Lower Light. Ma cleaned the cutlery & I cleaned boots, milked & got in wood. Charl came home.

24 Percival Thomas Dawe, sweetheart of Celia May (one of Fan’s younger sisters).

June 12 Late up Dad made fire & had a cup of tea & attended to horses. I fried sausages. Clara swept up. Amy milked & separated. After our meal I did our room, Amy the front rooms, Clara, boys. I picked & sorted flowers for indoors. None of us went to chapel. Made a pie & baked it. Peeled potatoes. Amy set table for dinner & Clara & Wilf went up with horses (or Bert). Had dinner & cleaned & washed up boys are cleaning themselves. A cold windy day. I had a bath & went to bed for a while as I had an attack of rheumatism. I read a good deal. Celia & Percy got home at 7 o'clock A.H.N25 also spent evening here. Amy & Clara & Bert went to Stone Hill26. Wilf to Buchsfelde. I retired early as I felt crook. Will27 came for Celia but she did not go.

25 Alfred Henry Nottle, he is sweet on Amy. I think this is the person whose picture Amy wore on a locket around her neck.
26 Stonehill Methodist Church, Gawler River; now Gawler River Uniting Church, Gawler River Road.
27 Probably William Nottle – he keeps visiting Celia, and comes again in a couple of days.

June 13 I could not wash as the men were going chaffcutting & Clara & Amy were helping them. Celia washed her clothes & I baked biscuits & helped in all ordinary work. Wilfie went down. Bert & Dad cleaned & pickled wheat28. I had dinner home then Celia & I went to Gawler & did shopping. I called at Mrs Hobart’s & Celia at Mrs Maclean’s29 & both at Ada’s & at our Farm. Dad rode home with us. Amy making underclothes after we got home Celia finished ironing & I mixed bread after tea & mended

28 Wheat pickling was practiced to help the wheat germinate for the next season.
29 Mrs James Sparshott McLean (Joyce Ethel Bright). Celia sometimes works at the McLean household. Resident of Wards Belt.

June 14 We were so late up it was ¼ to six when I started work so consequently had to hurry to make up. I got the fire in both dining room & kitchen. Amy gave Dad his breakfast & I put out bread & got in some more wood. Ma baked it & scones as well. Then I lit copper & I started washing. Amy milked. We did not finish till 2 o'clock & scrubbing at 3 o'clock. Will Nottle came for Celia so off she went again at 8 o'clock. Clara & Charles took dinner down & Kit & Aubrey30 came down for the afternoon. Amy & Clara went part way home with her. I milked & got some thick wood chopped.

30 Aubrey George Heath is the son of Kit and Alfred Heath (nee Hill). 

June 15 Earlier just after five & fried breakfast & help Dad load his Spring dray & he went off early, then I milked & separated & swept & dusted dining room, washed up & set to work to make Clara a blouse but had bad luck. Clara & Amy went down with dinner & brought home the young cattle & horses. I finished all machine work of blouse & it looks very nice. Amy drove cart home Clara on Snapper driving animals.

June 16 I got breakfast & cut dinners, baked biscuits & bread, washed up & did the dining room & kitchen our room & all duties. Amy & Clara went to Gawler & got Hector shod & they had to wait so went to Mrs Hobart’s for a while. I finished her blouse also a pretty insertion collar. It started to rain & we halted between two opinions about the Band of Hope31. Bert drove us girls it was not a good program as so many disappointments occurred

31 Gawler River Band of Hope, a Temperance society.

June 17 All came home last night finished seeding today & Marjorie has a heifer calf. I lit fire & cooked hot breakfast that blackleaded stove &c thoroughly cleaned our room & searched every place for my tickets & after a long while I found them in quite a different place. Ma roasted a fowl for dinner & vegetables pies &c. Amy & I weeded the garden & I scrubbed safe & Amy cleaned front rooms Dad & lads have been busy carting arrange damaged hay from Mr Davis32 I did not feel too grand so at an early hour retired.

32 Alexander Joel Davis, a neighbour.

June 18 I got up early this morning as I had to lots of bread to bake. Amy gave boys their breakfast & then I did our rooms & lamps windows & baked bread Dad & boys & Amy were chaffcutting & we had dinner. Dad Amy Clara & Charlie went to Gawler. Bert & Wilfie to the other place. I was very busy baked current buns, sponge, meat scrubbed up & Ma cleaned cutlery. We milked. I fed calf. Ma fed pigs & I the dogs, cat & kittens. We have four of them one died myself had tea & washed up very frosty tonight.

June 19 Sunday, so was not up till late. 8 o'clock by time I got the fire & fried sausages & bacon & then our meal. I lit a fire in the stove &c & got Hector & helped Bert put him in the dog cart & drove to the other farm & met Ada & children33. Wesley came home from Gawler last night with our people. We called at Uncles34. He is at Salisbury as Ern35 was not expected to recover from his illness, he is very ill indeed. Eva has been there a fortnight we spent our Sunday at home & at night all singles went to Buchsfelde.

33 Ada’s children are Wesley (Henry Wesley), aged 8, Clem (Clement Garfield) aged 7 & Ethel Gwendolyne, age 5. 
34 Uncle Charles Heath, since Eva is also there.
35 Ernest Francis Jeffries, aged 30, he is a nephew of Uncle Charley (son of his wife’s sister), and lives in Wards Belt. Not sure why he is ill in Salisbury – perhaps at a hospital there?

June 20 A windy morning & like rain so did not wash & Dad & Wilfred swept the chimney I assisted indoors, such a lot to clean up after. At midday rained & kept on till five at intervals. I did not feel well got rheumatics so Amy did outdoor work & after tea the younger ones have music & singing I retired early

June 21st I intended to go to Gawler so I only did morning duties & at 10 o'clock I started for Ada’s with Toff & Hector & I fortunately escaped an accident as the clamp that holds the swing broke & got lost so I had to wait till dinner time to get Jim to fix it up & Ada, Albert36 & I started off got in the city at 1 o'clock had a cup of tea & did shopping went up to the Drs for liniment for Dad’s back. Late home passed the five train at Whelans37 & I had to drive Ada home & call at Eva’s. Her & Uncle are home but Ern is no better. Amy & Wesley have gone up the Garden this afternoon it looks nice.

36 Albert Bruce Parham, Ada's 2 year old son.  
37 Whelans owned land nearby.

June 22 up before six & I did hurry. Lit fire & made tea put out bread & lit stove & had to fry bacon & Fluffs for breakfast then lit copper & started washing it was a late start & a lot to do. Clara hemmed five tea towels then had lunch & went to Uncles. Amy came & helped me the men were chaff cutting so Ma was so busy. Baked bread & pies fried bacon & cooked vegetables Amy had to go & help her. We had a lot today & were not done till 4 o'clock then I scrubbed up while Ma & Amy milked we had tea & cut up Melon for jam

June 23 I got breakfast & did usual morning work Wesley is home for a holiday this week Charl & Dad went to Gawler. Charl got off the lodge & Dad went on he has an abscess on his gum & lumbago in his back. The boys are fallowing other side of Hill. I cleaned the dining room & started ironing. Mr Furness38 came & tuned our Piano. Here to dinner. Amy baked cake & biscuits & in the afternoon we both ironed & I fried sausages for tea. Clara is at Uncles. Finished ironing after tea I felt tired limbs ached Ma & I wrote to Frances at night. Ern still very ill worse today like rain.

38 Mr Herbert Stott Furness the piano tuner was also a piano manufacturer

June 24 up just at 5:30 & got boys breakfast as they go to Gawler for Triumph Plow & other implements for a field trial in our paddock. I blackleaded stove & cleaned our room. Clara came back then I swept front rooms & dining room. Amy & Clara dusted & I do so much odd work in the afternoon I cut out garments (Grey) & did some sewing mixed bread after tea & did some more sewing then retired.

June 25 I got up early as I had bread to see to, but it had not risen enough so I made the porridge & gave boys their breakfast had mine. Lit stove & put out bread & cleaned & filled lamps scrubbed safe baked bread & did odd work. Amy did housework after dinner. Clara, Charlie, Amy & Dad went to Gawler & C & C went on to Adelaide. I baked cake & washed up dinner dishes swept kitchen. Alf H brought back the trolley had a cup of tea with us. Ma cleaned cutlery & we milked & I got in plenty of wood. I chopped some large sticks fed calf & had tea

June 26 Wilfie’s birthday & he is not at all well we were very late up as the watch had stopped & I did not think it was 8 o'clock. I lit fire & took in tea to parents cleaned dining room fried sausages & got breakfast that over at 10:30. I lit stove & roasted leg of mutton & boiled cauliflower potatoes had dinner & Amy & Bert went to Ada’s. Wilf layed down Here has a bad cold. Kit & Aubrey left & Vida Wilson39 spent afternoon & evening here I milked & separated & fed calf Ma got tea Wilf is at Church I been writing to Martha cold tonight we had a lovely rain Friday night will do the crops good & feed

39 Vida Adelaide Wilson, daughter of Harry Norman Wilson & Harriet Hill, aged 12.

June 27 Monday but I did not intend to wash as Amy had to go to Gawler to meet Charlie, so I got up at 5:30 & I got breakfast. Amy milked I separated then she had to start so I washed up & cleaned out our room had a shift round then swept other rooms & cut out & made two German Print40 Aprons for Celia. Amy had to put away all boys best clothes & various duties. Ma roasted a pair of rabbits for tea as the lads were in Gawler with Implements which they had for the trial last week. About noon it started to pour with rain & continues almost all the afternoon & tonight is still raining.

40 German Print was cotton fabric printed with indigo dye.

June 28th Up rather later & hurried to get breakfast over & get copper lit & washing started as Amy got so much outdoor work milking feeding animals &c, we got on well as we did not have so much this week, no Moles. We finished in time all except a few coloureds & scrubbed all necessary articles. Amy went in & did house work & started ironing finished all but those on line. We had to leave them till next day. The boys went down to the other Farm there is always a lot to do. I chopped would & got in a good stock as rain threatens & it is very windy with thunder & lightning & rain tonight. I been sewing with the machine (Grey flannelette). Mrs William Nottle has a son41 born June 25 last Saturday

41 Elwyn Hedley William Nottle, son of William Nottle & Elsie Kippin.

June 29 Up at 20 to 6 bread all up over the pan so after I made fire in both dining room & kitchen cycled Amy & she got the boys breakfast as they were going chaffcutting, did not go down yesterday. I hurried & made a yeast cake & baked bread cake & Amy made an apple pie & baked it Ma roasted mutton in Camp Oven & Amy took down Lunch to men I helped in all duties then we had early dinner & the Lads went away & I finished Garments, milked had to go for Cow all through water for the flat is all pools of water now we are only milking Chris & Marjory.

June 30 Up in good time & got breakfast over swept dining room & wrote a letter to Tom. Dad & I went to Gawler had to take food to boys & I had a lot of shopping to do. Got Wilfred a new coat & Moles, Charlie singlet, new plain sheets & many other things got some tickets as Charlie got a Hard Hitter last Saturday. I spent my spare time with Mrs Hobart. Mrs Jacobs42 came to see her mother also her baby Norman was two years old so brought his birthday cake. George has started work once more. Florrie43 has gone to Hamley Bridge we were having afternoon tea & Dad called for me. Mr Rice44 rode home with us I fried sausages for tea & mixed bread afterward so cold but today was finest day of the week for the last two nights it poured Wednesday was very wet.

42 Sarah Jane Hobart, married to Arthur Jacobs in 1899, eldest sister of George Edmund Hobart; her son is Norman William Jacobs.
43 Florence Emma Hobart, George’s sister, aged 18.
44 William Rice has recently moved into the area with his 4 children. His wife died in 1906.

July 1 same hour & fried sausages for breakfast Dad & Wilf went down to other Farm I put out two lots of bread & baked it made a pie also Ma roasted a fowl in Camp Oven & veg for early dinner. I cleaned our room & dusted sitting-room. Amy swept all rooms & dusted Ma’s & boys. Got Amy off at 12 o'clock with hot dinner then had ours & I finished the rooms & cleaned all the boots & other duties got in a stock of wood as it thundered & lightninged & rained heavily in places as the sky was as black as night. Amy & Wilf home at 5. Just mixed bread.

July 2nd Amy blackleaded stove &c I baked bread & biscuits Amy made Raisin cake & currant Dad & I went to Gawler. I had a lot of shopping to do. Celia & Will N were also in Gawler & Celia bought herself a new Green Dress I had a talk to George & called on his mother she has a bad finger. We did not leave the street till late & it simply poured with rain all the way & so bitterly cold they were at tea when we got home also the lads were home.

Sunday Fair time & let fire & got a cup of Tea then made a pudding & fried Sausages. Vida Wilson came to spend the day. Celia also came home so had a good yarn. P.T.D. came for afternoon. Lads went to chapel but not us girls. Charles took Celia home I read & retired I wanted to go to church but could not go. July 3rd

July 4 I awoke to find a terribly windy morning so I decided not to wash & swept & tidied the dining room & cut out Amy’s skirt the weather cleared & Amy came & said she thought it best to wash so I started & it was just about 11 o'clock when I commenced. Then I kept on & after they got the men off Amy helped me. It was very windy & I had a pair new sheets, so had to keep running to & fro to the line then folded clothes & after tea did all the ironing so counted a good day's work.

July 5 I got up & got breakfast, swept dining room & assisted generally I went down with hot dinner to boys & from there to Gawler. It was something awful windy & cold. I took Rocket into get him shod from the road & change him for Hector coming home again. Amy has been very busy sewing all day. After I got home I had to bake bread as it did not rise before so it was near 10 when it got cooked we washed up & I recond [reckoned] things change tickets today for quilt

July 6 I was up before six & got fire & breakfast ready & was just having mine when Reginald Rice44 came for me so I went to wash for them. Oh it was that windy could scarcely keep them on the line got nearly all dry & ironed. Collars & tablecloths &c Mr Rice took his brother & wife45 to station & little Renie46 went also a dreadful cold day & at 30 past 3 it poured & I just got all dry but denim overalls so I came home at six Reg drove me home & going to darn stockings

44 Reginald Arnold Rice, 14 year old son of William Rice and Hannah Elizabeth Rice (nee Scott, who died in 1906 in Kapunda).
45 The brother of William Rice can't be identified. According to his marriage certificate, William's father's name is Edwin. This means he has 6 brothers (James, George, Joseph, Thomas, Levy, Walter); all of them married and all their wives were alive in 1910. My money is on Walter Rice because he married the sister of William's wife, but who knows?
46 Adelaide Irene Rice, aged 6. Daughter of William Rice and Hannah Elizabeth Rice.

July 7 About the same time got breakfast over Amy milked & afterwards went to Uncle Charlie's to do their work milk &c as they are all at L. Light I hurried & did house work & cut out & partly made Celia a skirt not so windy today Amy also had to go to the Rice’s, Davis for meat so when she got home Ma cooked meat & scones for men & I made biscuits & bake them Dad & Wilf went off to the contract work47.

47 Henry Atyeo had contracts to fix roads in the Mudla Wirra South Council Area. Here's an example.
July 8 I got up in good time as I awoke very early & could not rest after. Amy mixed bread last night while I cut up melon for jam. Ma helped me. Hugh48 spent the evening here Then I lit stove & baked bread & cleaned our room Amy swept all the rest & I helped dust all had our dinner & I cut out remainder of Amy’s skirt & she helped me make it could not finish it as I did not have the webbing for band so I went & chopped a good box of wood & carried it in ready for morning Amy all outside work Wilf has to come home earlier as he has to feed & look after Royal Enfield Dad was late home as he fed Uncles pigs & did other work there.

48 Probably Hugh Ratcliff. Also note that Royal Enfield is a horse...

July 9 I got up at 5.40 & lit fire & took in Tea. Got breakfast & put out bread to rise Amy kindly cleaned stove dining room fireplace & all other utensils. I milked, separated &c then baked bread & did our room & baked Cake had dinner. Amy & Wilfred went to Gawler & Charl went to Adelaide. Ma washed up & cleaned cutlery I did some washing new Moles for C & skirt for Wilf & other aprons & Towels. Scrubbed Safe & all other articles boiled oats got in wood milked sep fed calf cats & dogs had Tea & washed up & sewed. Wallie came home with them from Gawler tonight cold & rainy.

July 10 Sunday. Dad was up early & called us girls. I swept the dining room & fried eggs & Bacon. Amy milked &c. Boys & Wallie were late up so we had our breakfast first & I did our room roasted a leg of mutton Veg & a Melon Pie. Wallie was playing the Piano Bert & I singing. We had dinner soon after twelve. I washed up Amy helping. I wrote to Frances, also Ma wrote with me. Amy & W. went for a stroll. I got Tea & milked & separated. The boys went to Chapel at Buchsfelde. I retired early as I felt lonely it had been fine today but I never went out.

July 11 Up early & got breakfast for Wallie as he was going to Gawler he started on Snapper to meet Charlie at Station but by some means missed him & being anxious went to Ovingham arrived there he found Charl had come by first train. Charl in the meantime had walked out & Dad met Wallie bringing back Snapper at 3 o’clock so it was a relief to see him safe. I started washing Amy had to help chaff cut but joined me as soon as it was done. Ma cooked early dinner then we both went round & I scrubbed everything needing Amy cleaned copper then ironed all & I went on sewing finished her skirt by bed time nice day.

July 12 Not as early I got breakfast & put up Tea for Dad. Amy dairy work then I swept all rooms requiring same & did all ordinary housework. Amy & Clem went down to other place for the Day & I finished Celia’s Skirt & my apron it was a most delightful day so Sunny & pleasant but I was too busy sewing to go out & enjoy it. I milked & sep & washed the things mixed bread & helped Amy cut out a garment & an apron mended stockings Ma had her flannel to make so was also sewing & cooked Tea.

July 13th I awoke at 4 oclock but did not dress to 5/30 got hot breakfast & put out bread. Dad & I drove to Davis for meat & I went to Mr Rice’s washing I got on well with that & helped Reg cook dinner & washed up & ironed all the afternoon & brought some home just finished all now a nice day. Eva been down was here when I got home. I feel so awfully tired & my hand is blistered with ironing. White Shirts, fashion & colored collars, pillow shams & finery. Reg drove me to the Gap. I walked from there.

July 14 I felt very tired so did not get up till six got breakfast over & hurried & swept our room kitchen dining room Kitchen, dining room & various duties then I started making Celia a German linen apron. Amy was very busy out of doors & she & Ma picked & dressed a pair of fowls & did their other work after dinner. After dinner I drove Toff in dog cart to see Mrs W Nottle & Celia had a chat with her & afternoon tea & started for home at 4:30 Called at Mr Rice’s & left the ironing I did for them it was rather cold pleasant driving & the wattles are all in bloom I had to mix bread tonight after tea

July 15 A very busy day the bread was ready for the tins so I got the usual cup of tea & then put it out lit stove Ma set table I made porridge & then baked biscuits two lots bread & a Melon Pie. Ma roasted the fowls in the camp oven. Amy cleaned front rooms & boys I did our room & helped to get the dinner ready for Amy to take to the boys at the Farm she & Clem went I started baking again after dinner Dora biscuits & cake. Amy called at Eva's uncle got rheumatism. I milked separated & washed up

July 16 I woke at 3 o'clock with a splitting headache which will although I went to sleep till after six did not improve it has been almost unbearable all day I got breakfast & black leaded stove front room fireplace & dining room fountain Kettle &c. Amy made all beds & swept & dusted dining room I also scrubbed the articles requiring same Bert & Amy went to city after dinner then we washed up & I cleaned all cutlery got a cup of tea & milked & separated & washed up. Both Heifers are in one last night Charlie came home tonight all home for tomorrow cold but fine tonight this morning & one

July 17 Sunday is the day of rest of all the week it is the best I got the dining room swept & the breakfast fried & over it was a lovely morning after we had finished our housework. I baked some rice pudding & prepared & cooked vegetables after Dinner I washed & Amy & I went for a walk over to Black Flat it was delightful out in the sunshine showers also fell causing the air to be very fresh we came home & Dad helped Amy with the cows while I hurried & got wood in & got to you got the tea ready & then we all went to Church at Buchsfelde a good congregation & service Mr Fricker49 preached & after meeting George was out on his bike tonight

49 Mr Fricker, preacher

July 18 The Lads have decided to stay home now so I have to get breakfast at six & a lot of odd jobs also then started to gather up the clothes for washing was late starting as it was a record frost & so terribly cold & the Copper took so long to heat we had a big wash & finished & scrubbed up by 3 o'clock then I folded & put sheets &c to air & we had a cup of tea & Amy & I milked as we have to bail to heifers. The men were chaff cutting this morning & after dinner went to contract another beautiful day. Had tea & Amy ironed & I undone Celia’s skirt as it was too short mix bread & retired to rest

July 19 up to get an early breakfast & for the boys my throat & mouth something terrible I hurried washed-up could up bread & made a cake Amy had to go all down the Gawler River Road after Hector & Toff they galloped away she rode Clyde for them I got ready for Gawler called at Ada’s for Celia & we took Ethel50 to go with us were busy shopping till five & poor Celia had to go to the Dr with sprained ankle & I to chemist for my mouth it is painful the roads are awfully cut up in places & we were late home teatime but Dad & Bert were later still

50 Ethel Gwendolynne Parham, niece, daughter of Ada & Jim, aged 5.

July 20) Up at 5:30 & got all the boys their breakfast & Dad has been up through the night Topsy has a filly foal. After breakfast Amy milked & Ma & her separated I turned things around in our bedroom & did housework also different things Ma & Amy were busy cooking all the morning made Pasties & Biscuits had dinner & Eva came for afternoon I altered Celia's dress such a bother with it too as I took off band & all finished by milking time & Amy & I milked & I separated Amy assisting & she fed animals

July 21 I got up early & got breakfast over & road as far as Mr Rice’s where I had to wash I set too & got finished at 1 o'clock Miss Scott their Auntie51 cooked dinner, also a Mrs Rice & little Lorna52 was there I ironed after dinner & came home at 4:30 & helped Amy milk & we all went to Band of Hope except Celia & Charl It was the half yearly meeting & Gawler talent & two recitations by Mr Harry Bray53 & nicely filled church but not crowded as at other meetings. George was there & he & Amy came home in the hooded trap as far as the lane. Brenda54 rode with us that far cold night

51 Sarah Irene Scott, sister of Mr William Rice’s deceased wife (and sister of his brother’s wife).
52 Alice Mary Rice (nee Scott) and her daughter Lorna Scott Rice (aged 1).
53 Mr Harry Bray.
54 Brenda Minchion Mortimer, neighbour, aged 26. Daughter of George Augustus Mortimer and Emily Baker.

July 22 I have to get early breakfast now but I overslept this morning & it was 630 before I woke dressed hurriedly & got Charl his first then the others cleaned my stove & I cooked dinner while Ma did the butter Amy the rooms & Celia cut out & partly made a nightdress, I baked shoulder Mutton Cauliflower Potatoes & after dinner I baked Dora & Cocoanut biscuits & jam tarts there is such a lot to do Clem went over the other side of hill with Berts dinner. Amy & I milked at night & I split up wood for the morrow it is hard work we are having rainy cold weather Mr & Mrs R J Nottle of Western Australia have a daughter a fortnight old.

55 Richard James Nottle, eldest son of Richard James Nottle and Martha Wake, married Amy Burrows in 1909 in Western Australia (York district). Their daughter is Violet H Nottle.

July 23 Saturday. up at five & got Charlie's breakfast at once he was down at the other place long before sunrise I also cooked eggs for the others breakfast & helped Amy milk put out bread to rise & lit stove swept dining room Amy made & baked sponge then I did the bread dinner over Amy & Celia drove to Gawler I made and baked cake & Melon Pie did all the scrubbing & cleaned the dining room fireplace fountain kettle spoons swept round the room & kitchen. boiled oats & made nice fires in both rooms went for cows & milked the heifers Ma the cows & I fed calves & pigs & cleaned boots had tea washed up had to fry sausages & then I bathed Clem & had a bath myself & retired

Sunday. July 24th Dad got up at 7/30 & called us I made fire swept dining room fried Sausages we had breakfast Dad & Amy had milked & done outside work in the mean time. I lit stove & roasted a loin Mutton Potatoes & Cabbage Apple Pie for Dinner Amy all housework ma washing up & prepared Veg & Meat. had dinner & Amy washed up I helped then read & went to sleep Ma & Dad milked I got in wood & got out boys clothes for church Amy & them went I got Rhumatics so stayed home it is a very cold night Uncle & Eva are here brought Celia home been showery all day

July 25 up early & got breakfast over & went round & lit copper & started washing Amy had to help chaffcut as Charlie was in the city home by first train. Dad went road making & met Charl & he drove Toff home in the dogcart Ma got dinner we finished about 3 o'clock & scrubbed up & I folded while Ma & Amy milked & separated & fed animals Celia is busy sewing ready for her situation I ironed dark clothes after Tea cold & dull like rain tonight.

July 26) Up soon after five & got Charlie his breakfast & also the others I fried eggs I was busy as Celia & Amy went to Gawler & I had to blacklead stove as I capsized some water all over it. then I lit it & bake scones biscuits apple pie besides all usual work then I did some more ironing & milked &c Ma helped me the girls did not get home till six we were busy at evening work then had to roast mutton & potatoes cabbage for tea so then I mixed bread

July 27 I woke at 4 o'clock & the rain was coming down on my bed so had to shift bed & had another sleep then did usual duties baked bread & mutton potatoes for dinner. It simply poured all day till about four then held up the men split up logs for wood I mended & tonight have made an apron & Amy has made a blouse for Celia today & she altered her camisole H.R.52 spent evening here Mr Wise Tea agent came & amused us to see a monkey perched on the horses back in the Sulkey it is raining now I'm tired as it is late after ten thirty

56 Hugh Ratcliffe
57 Mr Wise, Tea agent!

July 28th As it has been so very wet yesterday & during the night we did not get up till late & I got breakfast over & put up Tea Ma packed dinners & Amy all outside work Dad & Wilfie drove off tandem in the spring dray took Celia up to Mr Rice’s where she starts work today her ankle is rather bad still we each did our portion of housework & Ma got dinner I finished my apron & altered my blouse & Amy finished both blouses did real well it has been a nice day but the roads are simply awful men contracting today. Bert been ploughing other side of hill

July 29th I felt so tired I did not wait till six & I ought to have breakfast ready but I hurried & gave all the lads theirs & Dad also, I helped Amy milk & separate I blackleaded stove & front room fireplace then did our room thoroughly & Ma washed up & fried Potatoes & Onions for dinner Bert was ploughing so he was home & Dad & Wilfe & Charl went to finish contract I scrubbed safe & dusted the dining room ready for tomorrow as it makes too much to clean all I made a kettle holder then we milked & did all evening work it has been a wet cold day Dad & Wilf both had to change to their skin tonight Wilf been working in slush up to his knees all day but they finished all up now

July 30th Saturday but I have had such a poor nights rest coughing all the time so dear old Amy got up first & lit fire & got the boys breakfasts I got up at 6/30 & dressed & lit stove & put out bread & fried some Fluffs then baked scones bread cakes did our room, then we had dinner & Bert Dad Amy & Clem went to Gawler & Wilfred went in with Royal Enfield such a pleasant day warm sunshine Ma washed up & I scrubbed all utensils requiring same washed out some clothes & got afternoon tea & got the cows & Ma helped me milk & sep I fed calves pigs & got in wood Charl been ploughing this afternoon Ma cleaned all cutlery.

July 31st Sunday it was raining steadily when we woke at seven & continued all the morning & at intervals all the day I got a pudding all ready which Ma mixed for me I fried sausages then our meal over, I roasted a shoulder of mutton & vegetables & Amy did housework. Dinner over I & Amy & Ma cleared all the way & I made nice fires & got in wood we were just getting tidied when George & Percy came out & spent afternoon Amy had to go & milk Uncle Charley's cows & I got Tea Ma & Dad milked our. Alf N came to Tea then the boys went to Buchsfelde & George Amy & I had a sing song & at nine he went home the boys came from Chapel we had supper & retired to rest

August 1st Another wet morning so we did not wash my cough is so bad Amy got breakfast for me & Dad went to Gawler early & I rode as far as Ada’s where I made a skirt, she was busy cooking meat &c we had a good chat Jim came home to dinner I did not get on as well as I should have liked Wesley57 did not go to school so they were playing all day

57 Henry Wesley James Parham, nephew, son of Jim & Ada.

August 2nd I did not get up till near seven Jim was at breakfast then I cut out a German print skirt & made it & nearly finished the other one Charl came for me at 6/30 & told us of the death of Mrs Hooper last night very suddenly & Miss Hooper was absent from home no one but Mr there when she died58. Our cow (Carmen) had a heifer calf last night it has been a fine day but roads are something terrible for bumps. My cough is troublesome & throat sore

58Mr William Hooper, aged 69, of Wards Belt. His wife Grizel Hooper (nee Anderson), died aged 69. Their daughter is Helena Margaret Anderson Hooper (aged 32).

Aug 3rd) I had a terrible restless night. I coughed for hours & poor old Amy could not get her proper rest either I felt quite weary on waking Amy got breakfast ready & prepared the Liver &c which I fried for them then I lit copper & started washing but felt anything but equal to the task Amy had to help inside as Ma was salting down a pig as Dad cut it up so Amy brought me a cup of cocoa for lunch & then she washed & I rinsed & hung out she also scrubbed up all for me I don’t know how I could do without her ready help I ironed some clothes & all the others went to Guild Meeting at Buchsfelde I felt so tired & unwell. Charl went to Gawler for bricks & could not get one rather a cold day.

Aug 4th Amy got up & got breakfast set I fried meat &c for same & Dad helped milk & separate We did our housework & Amy ironed I cut out a underskirt for Ma & finished it by bedtime. Amy had to go up to Uncle Charleys & milk & do all their outdoor work so Bert & I helped milk & he & Ma separated I got in wood & made nice fires in both rooms as is my custom Wilf went to Gawler with straw & got a watch Charlie also went for lime & Dad went in the trap Yesterday at 2 o’clock Dad Eva & Uncle drove to Mrs Hoopers funeral at Gawler River Cemetery.

Aug 5) I rested till ¼ to seven then dressed & all the men were at breakfast I swept both dining room & Kitchen & made porridge for Ma & helped her washup & swept & dusted both front rooms Amy washed the floor & she cleaned the boys room & baked scones & rice pudding Ma had to rub all the meat again & do her usual work I swept our room we had dinner Dad Charlie went to Mr Davis for bricks (our old home) Clem also went Bert is busy ploughing. Wilf went over to Uncle Will’s with Royal Enfield today. Eliza is very ill in bed55 Mrs Quirk56 is with her also Alice Quirk57 Mrs Will Tancock has her baby boy58. Nice day.

55 Eliza Grace Quirk (nee Tancock), niece of Uncle William Atyeo and his wife Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock), adopted by William and Harriet after her parents died.
56 Eliza’s mother-in-law, Rebecca Quirk (nee Baker).
57 Eliza’s sister-in-law, Alice Maud Quirk, aged 21.
58 Mrs William Tancock (Elizabeth Ann Matters) is looking after Eliza's 4 month old baby, Howard Spencer Quirk.

Aug 6th) Same time & the men were at their meal I got the bread out in the tins I felt very weary from coughing as my cough got worse Amy & I both worked very hard to get everything done to go to Gawler I swept the dining room & did all lamps emptied the Kerosene today & got another tin I cleaned all cutlery & tidied our room Amy baked bread scones Tarts Sponge Ma the Cake & Meat Charl drove us to Gawler & he went on to Adelaide also Eva went to Salisbury E.F.J. is worse cup of Tea Amy & I went to the Dr & then to Mrs Hobarts where I had a rest & a cup of Tea Amy did shopping & called for me she stayed at Uncles for the night & milked the cows & did Eva’s work I got home teatime Bert & Wilfie went in for evening to Gawler came back to Jims & stayed a while I helped washup & then I went to bed & not to sleep for my cough was terrible to bear.

58  E.F.J. Is Ernest Francis Jeffries (see above).

Sunday August 7) I came out just as Dad was lighting the fire got a cup of Tea & fried sausages for breakfast & washed Clem I felt so ill swept dining room Kitchen & did our rooms & did housework Ma & Dad all the outside work & Ma cooked Veg & pies I lit stove & also Ma had all washing up to do from Separator I had to lie down as I felt so faint. Ada & children came home Bert drove in for them & Amy came home to dinner Jim & Percy came for a while Jim drove the others of his family home tonight. P.T.D. & Celia Amy & Wilfred went to Church at Buchsfelde a nice day also Bert went horseback.

Aug 8th Amy got up & got breakfast & did not get up till near seven & then felt Jolly queer & I did all the ironing Amy did all the washing herself & I managed to do housework made ours & boys beds & brush all the best clothes Ma & Dad milked & Separated & she washed up all the things & salted the meat again. I ironed everything finished after Tea. Bert & Bruce M went to Gawler to Bruce’s pictures59 each got a Chinese Cup & Saucer with their Ticket they have started renovating home.

59 Movies! Possibly even Robbery Under Arms (the first Australian movie!). Bruce M, I think is Bruce William Mortimer, aged 19, the brother of Brenda Mortimer (above). Their parents are George Augustus Mortimer and Emily Baker. 

Aug 9th Same Time & Amy did the same work for me & I put out bread to rise & after breakfast swept the dining room & had a terrible trouble to find lining for Amy’s bodice I cut it out & got on very well so far I cooked cabbage & potatoes for Tea & got in some wood & been letter writing tonight a very windy day & cold men at the Farm Wesley is home with a bad cough taking Sheldons for it showery looking.

Aug 10th Amy always get up & gets breakfast for me & don’t get up till ¼ to 7 I did a portion of work & then went to Gawler to the Dr I had some shopping to do & had to hurry I called at Ada’s & took in her butter for her, & also called there coming home & had late dinner came on to Eva’s & had a cup of Tea with her & Celia who was there then home & cooked hot Tea as the men are at the other farm one of them ploughing & Dad & the other at the house Wilfie has been away since Monday with Royal Enfield weather fine.

Aug 11) Amy & Eva got up & got breakfast over & she also helped her milk & separate then she had to go home & do her own work I cut out the sleeves for Amy’s bodice & made them Amy & Ma got plenty to do, the masons started building up the house for Charlie today I always cook the Vegetables for Tea while they milk & separate.

Aug 12) I had a good nights rest & woke feeling better I put out bread & Amy & Eva did same as yesterday, then Amy swept bedrooms & font room & I help dust all & swept dining room & Kitchen & in the afternoon I went up to see Celia & did hand sewing to Amy’s blouse. Then I came home at 4/15 & Ma & Amy had the fowl in oven I cooked it & got Tea & cooked Vegetables & got in wood & made fires in both rooms such a lovely day. Wilf came home Wendsay from Light.

Aug 13. I have had another bad attack & got a fresh cold I felt so unwell my cough is terrible, Amy is not well had such a bad head she blackleaded all fireplaces & stove & utensils did the baking sponge cake scones &c I swept dining room & Kitchen made our bed & then I finished Amys blouse for Gawler her & Dad went after dine in the morning the men were chaffcutting. I cleaned all cutlery & lamps & did a little washing & helped milk & Sep & fed calves Wilf went to Gawler & Bert & Charl to the other farm. Mrs Hurtle Argent has twins boy & girl60 & Mrs Harveys last week61 another nice day.

60  Hurtle Stanley Argent's wife Florence Maud Norris. Their twins are Florence Jean and Elliot Victor Argent.
61 Having checked the birth records, this must be Robert James Harvey, the son of Ellen Mabel Cull and Herbert William Harvey, born in Port Lincoln on August 11. There are no other Harvey babies born "last week" in SA... 

Aug 14) Amy got up was getting breakfast when I came out so I assisted & also did housework & Amy cooked dinner In the afternoon Dad & Ma went to visit Uncle Charlie & went over to take Celia her new dress also we called at Eva’s I came home & got Tea & got out the boys clothes ready for church Amy & Bert milked & Sep & we fed calves & pigs then had our tea & I washed everything up Ma & Dad got home at 7. The boys & Amy went to Buchsfeld.

Aug 15) Amy got up & got breakfast & lit copper & I got all ready & stared washing & Amy came on & did all rubbing & I rinsed & we washed white Quilt Top &c it was an awful windy day Amy scrubbed up Ma folded the men are at the other farm. Wilf over to the Blocks Eliza worse in Port Pirie hospital mended stockings at night Ma cooked hot Tea I helped Amy with work.

Aug 16) Amy got up before six & I at about six as the bread was over the pan so I lit stove & put it out to rise & afterwards baked it swept both dining room & Kitchen & afterwards I got ready for Gawler & drove to Mr Rices but Celia could not come so I drove back for Amy & we took in Cream & also some poultry I went to Dr & did shopping we called at Mrs Hobarts. George is ill again in bed poor boy & pleased to see us for company my cough is terribly bad now. Topsys foal died today.

Aug 17: I had a nasty turn & felt so ill Amy got up & got breakfast I swept dining room & made a fire & put on Jam. Ma & I had breakfast I altered Wilfies pants as he had to go away dinner time the I did some ironing & cut out a skirt & run the widths Amy made some Biscuits & forgot to put in cream Tartar & spoilt them then Ma made some Celia & children62 come for afternoon Amy & I milked & separated Ma cooked Tea. Bert is at Guild meeting at Buchsfelde tonight. Lovely night.

62  This is probably the children of the widower Mr Rice, at whose house Celia is working.

Aug 18) It was raining quite heavily on waking so Amy did not get up till after seven & it was half an hour later when I got up they milked & it kept on raining I tidied the dining room & went on making Amy skirt I had to alter it after Amy had finished her work she cut out & partly made her blouse I made an insertion Colar for her purple dress Ma been feather picking all day making Charlie a pillow they went down to work late today it kept raining at intervals Wilfie got wet coming home. Bert & Wilf went to B of Hope

Aug 19) Amy dressed at 6 & then called me as my bread was up top of pan & I lit the stove & put it out to rise washed up & baked Dora Biscuits then bread currant & raisin Cake & cleaned our bedroom & scrubbed all safe form & other similar articles & made a plum pudding Wilfie came home tonight again the others are at the other farm it is a finer day only showers Amy usual Friday work & helped chaffcut Uncle Charlie been down helping them they went to the Farm Amy & I milked & separated &c.

Aug 20) I have been coughing & felt so unwell I blackleaded stove Amy got breakfast I did most of my work yesterday had to clean & filled all lamps clean Knives & forks & generally assist in all housework. Amy went to Gawler in the dogcart calling for Charlie on her way at the other Farm he proceeded to Adelaide. Dad went in the spring dray & bought some pigs Amy did not get home till seven o’clock Bert & Wilfred went to Gawler in the evening Ma & I milked & separated & fed calves & other animals retired early.

Aug 21) Sunday Amy & I dressed at the same time I fried sausages & Amy & Dad milked &c Percy stayed here last night we had breakfast & I made & cooked a pie & shoulder of Mutton & Vegetables. Percy & Celia Amy & I drove to Kangaroo Flat Anniversary the church was prettily decorated with White & green & violets we took little Renie Rice with us came home & I got Tea Amy go tin wood & she with Bert & Wilfie went to Buchsfelde at night. I wrote letters I felt so unwell & went to mix bread.

Aug 22) I had a very bad time last night cough was something terrible however I lit stove & put out bread & lit copper & started washing white Quilt & all curtains 6 pairs in all I felt awfully weak & cold to half rub Amy did most of the other & scrubbed up I folded clothes & Amy & I milked & separated &c Charlie got a bad cough he came from Adelaide this morning & they are still at the house & one of them ploughing at the other place. After Tea I ironed the curtains till late Amy mended stockings. Fine weather.

Aug 23rd) I got up same time as Amy fried some liver & Bacon Amy & Dad went to milk. I made our bed & did other odd work I went to Gawler got fitted for my dress & went to Drs for Charlie & self Clara Ranake63 was married at St. George’s church today reception at the Foresters Hall I called at Mrs Hobarts nice day.

63 Clara May Reinke married Richard Charles Anderson, both aged 26; St. George's is the Anglican Church in Gawler.

Aug 24th We intended whitewashing today but on waking we found it raining & it kept on for hours so after helping with the housework I cut out & partly made a dress for little Irene Rice Amy baked Biscuits & she & Ma were busy all day Ma picked feathers for Pillows & had now made the pair for Charlies Gift the men were late in getting to work as it rain so much. Bert Wilf & Amy went to practice.

Aug 25) Too wet to do our rooms so Amy & I thoroughly cleaned both front rooms & hung clean Curtains beside housework I spent the afternoon with Celia at W. Rice’s she was busy sewing with the Machine Verta’s. Ma & Amy were milking & Spr when I got home so I attended to hot Tea as we always cook Vegetables for evening meal now after tea I altered the long coat for Bert to wear every day then mixed bread.

Aug 26th) I expected to find the bread uptop of the pan but it was cold last night & it did not rise so after doing usual work & getting breakfast I thoroughly cleaned our room & hung Curtains in both bedrooms Amy did boys room & had such a run after the cows they got out then she worked very hard in the garden & by 5 o’clock had finished it looks very nice. Ma hoed peas.

Aug 27th We both dressed same time well this week I have got up as my cough is much better. Dad & Amy did all milking Ma & her the Sepr & feeding of animals. I fried the breakfast & then we both went our hardest & got everything ready in the Kitchen for whitwashing Amy did the brushwork I scrubbed & got things back in their place & hung curtains in dining room & Kitchen cleaned the lamps & Amy did other work then she & Wilfie went to Gawler. Charlie & Dad went in early & met Eva & C. has gone to City tonight I had a burning accident last night burnt the Towel & roller & it was a mercy my clothes did not catch fire as I put the fire out. It is colder as the mornings are frosty now since the rain.

Aug 28: Sunday & at half past three this morning dear Eliza passed away after five months suffering from consumtion [sic] of the bowels leaving four dear children to mourn their sad loss64. In the midst of life we are in death.
Bert & I drove to Lower Light & arrived just in time for dinner Maria65 was home also Gwenda was there & Mr Les Ferris Mr Will Ross & Miss Violet Verner we had a good talk & went to New Chapel at night so very dark & raining heavily.

64 Eliza Quirk (nee Tancock)’s four children: Dorothy Amanda (aged 10), Violet May (aged 7), William James Atyeo (aged 5) and Howard Spencer (infant).
65 Maria Anna Paterson, cousin (daughter of Aunt Harriet Heath), Gwenda (unknown surname, but is always with the Patersons), Mr Les Ferris (not sure who this is), William Ross is the older brother of Henry Ross (Maria's sister's husband),  & Rosetta Violet Estelle Verner

Aug 29th We did not get up early had breakfast & I cleared table & made beds in spare & front rooms Auntie was washing we left for home at 10 o’ck & got home to dinner Beaut has a Filly Foal born this morn after dinner I washed up & did some sewing to Irene Rice’s dress Cook hot tea roasted a shoulder of Mutton potatoes & cabbage Amy was making white bloomers for wedding it looks like rain this afternoon.

Aug 30) Up in good time & got breakfast & lit Copper started washing Amy had to help chaffcut & also assist Ma in the house we had a large wash all shirts & costume for the wedding we did not finish till 3 o’clock Wilfie went to Gawler & brought home the letter from Pt Pirie containing the sad news of Eliza’s death I folded clothes & cooked Tea. Ma & Amy milked & did outdoor work. I got all clothes dry & in.

Aug 31) I only got breakfast over & then went to Gawler to get my dress fitted also did shopping Charlie went with me from the other place we had a load timber & stone for Charl’s home they are still busy down there & everything looks very nice new cement floors & walls all smooth when I got home it was dinner time so afterwards I helped Amy iron she stood from 11 o’clock till six & I did shirts & other things poor old girl she was tired too & her legs was bad. She retired.

Sep 1st I got breakfast Amy & Ma milked & separated & other outdoor work the I did the two front rooms & other work & after dinner I drove Amy to Gawler to go by train to Town I called to see both Ada & Celia I took Irene’s dress up & Kit & Eva were washing Aubrey has a nasty cut on his face since the operation, Addie Penfold64 is dead leaving four children in New Zealand I helped sep but Ma had finished milking got in wood & got tea fried cold weather now frosty.

64 Adeline Penfold (nee Parham), aged 29 (see NZ historical registry). Her husband was Arthur Herbert Penfold, and their children Herbert Edward (born Australia, aged 10), Leonard Gordon (born Australia, aged 9), Florrie May (aged 6, born NZ), Stanley Wilfred (aged 2, born NZ), and Thomas Edwin (infant, born NZ). She also had a son Harold Roy (born 1907, who died at 10 weeks). I am not sure which 4 children survived her. I can find no record of their marriage in SA or NZ.

Sep 2nd I was first up & got a cup of Tea for parents as it is our custom then fried Eggs & bacon & cleared table swept rooms & blackleaded stove Dad & Ma milked &c & then a & I with Wilfie took lunch & then drove to Uncle Wills at Gawler Blocks Eva Baker65 was there had a talk to her also Mrs Butler came over We stayed till four & hurried home got home at 5 to 6 & Dad Ma & I milked I got in wood I fried Veg tor tea Bert & Wilf are at practice tonight Charl has Whooping cough Ruby Bosisto was married at Gawler yesterday to Mr Frank Kimber66 it has been a perfect day.

65 Eva Baker, nee Tancock, sister of the recently-deceased Eliza, and niece of Uncle Will. I do not know who Mrs Butler is.
66 Ruby Glyncorra Bosisto married Francis Charles Kimber, at the residence of the Bride’s parents in Gawler.

Sep 3rd) Up very early& baked hot rolls for breakfast then two more lots & a Cake it rained heavily all the morning Dad started for Gawler in it & it just poured I scrubbed safe & cleaned lamps & other work Ma did cutlery & got dinner we were busy all day Dad got home at 3 o’clock & had his dinner & at night helped with outside work I cooked sausages cabbage potatoes &c for Tea Boys at the farm.

Sep 4) Fair time & fired Sauce for breakfast then lit stove & baked Loin Mutton pie tarts & also vegetables did dining room Charlie went for Ada & children who got home at midday we had dinner it was a perfect day & we cleared table had a talk & rest in the evening Ada children & myself walked to the Peach Tree & got home benighted & no good peaches Charl drove to Nottles & took Celia with him for evening Bert & Wilfred went to Buchsfeld Jessie & Eva67 came down.

67 Eva Alice McLeod, Charl’s fiancé and Jessie McLean, daughter of Alexander McLean and Aunt Sarah Heath (deceased).

Sep 5) Ada & family remained for night so they were all here for breakfast & I got the meal ready & served then lit copper & started washing but it poured rain & I only got the fashion shirts dry I kept on till dinner time then gave up as my cough & throat are so bad I starched & ironed the shirts & collars & hemmed my black veil helped milk & cooked Tea then Dad & Jessie came home & told us poor Ern68 had passed away this morning, also the sad news of poor Laura Footers69 death leaving 2 children one only 4 days old.

68 Ernest Francis Jeffries; he was ill earlier.
69 Laura May Footer (nee Pope) aged 20, wife of Cecil James Footer, aged 22. They married in March last year at the home of Henry Pope (her father) in Gawler. Their first child was born in April last year (Eric Cecil Glen), and their second only 4 days ago (Edna Laura May).

Sep 6th I was up in good time & got breakfast over Dad & Ma did all outside work & I lit copper & went on washing but I felt so downhearted & could not forget the sad news I’d heard. I did not finish till dinner time & scrubbed all necessary articles & had our dinner Jessie McLean helped. Dad planted Onions in the afternoon I folded clothes & did other work I felt dreadfully tired & my limbs were terrible & my cough as it was so damp I got a fresh cold water everywhere a lovely day so warm.

Sep 7th I hurried my hardest had to put out bread & get breakfast & then Jessie went home to Uncle Charlie’s & I set too & cleaned out our room thoroughly put up bed Top & swept dining room & Kitchen Celia got home at 10/30 & I put new bones in Blouse Colar & also altered it for & she cleaned her shoes had dinner & Bert Charl & Celia drove to Adelaide & I ironed 2 white Shirts & all the bedroom things thoroughly stripped all this week had to help milk but the separator broke & we had a bother only Wilf & I with parents home & we were quiet I mended stocking also Ma mending a rainy night & it is Nell’s wedding69 too.

69 Ellen Ann Hand (Nellie), cousin, daughter of Aunt Amelia, married Edgeth William Dunn, brother of her sister Melvina’s husband, at Prospect Church of Christ. Celia was bridesmaid, and Bert was a groomsman.

Sep 8th) I was up by six & got our meal & they milked & Dad hurried to go to Gawler to get a new Separator & waited for Celia by midday I just hurried as fast as I could go & thoroughly cleaned front rooms & put all cleaned things out cleaned covers & Quilts & cleaned Stove so nicely put pictures up in Kitchen & had everything in order when Cel & Dad got home Ma was taken ill blood spitting had to go to bed & Celia help me milk I got tea & her & Dad did all outside work I mixed bread & then the others got home from Town at nine very late retiring so tired.

Sep 9th) I was up in fair time & had to hurry & light both stove & dining room fire & put out a double batch of bread Amy gave boys their breakfast I baked bread & then Amy finished as I went to Gawler with Eva & Bert & Charlie went with the Trolly & brought out the furniture Eva & I were very busy buying oilcloth & blinds &c & it rained we stopped a while at the Farm & had a look round & Bert & I came home & E & C stayed down to arrange things in house.

Sep 10th) I did not rise so early got breakfast over & scrubbed big table for Charl to take away & it was a most blusterous day the wind simply terrible in the back door too Dad had to take our small table to pieces to get it up out of dairy & put back in the Kitchen I cleaned lamps & baked Biscuits Cake & Amy made sponge I cleaned Knives & Forks Ma the spoons the I baked meat & between us we did all housework Bert put the new Separator together & fixed it ready for use I turned it & Dad & I milked Amy & Bert drove to Gawler & Wilf rode horseback he came from Blocks very cold day today.

Sept 11 The morning was showery & we were afraid we would have a wet day however it cleared beautifully & after doing all usual work I cooked rice puddings & Beg for dinner had our meal & the Charlie Bert Eva & I drove to Buchsfelde a nice congregation I accepted of Mrs Frank Bray’s70 kind invitation to Tea after we got home we had a friendly chat & Tea & I was greatly taken up with their little boy & baby we also went to Church at night a crowded house Dr Dawkins preached Celia came down with the others Uncle & Eva spent their evening here Bert went to Mortimers.

70 Janie Bray (nee Morrow) and her two sons James Harold (18 months) and Colin Edward (6 months). Dr Dawkins is Sydney Letts Dawkins, later to become a Knight of St John and to receive an OBE.  

Sep 12 I awoke in good time & got breakfast then lit the copper & Amy & I washed we were hindered so much as we had to look up things for the wedding whoever we finished & I scrubbed up Amy cleaned copper & swept the house Dad mended rocking chair Eva & Charlie wen tot Gawler & down to their home they are very busy sorting things folded clothes we had a cup of Tea & Ma did all indoor work Amy & Dad the cows I got Tea & afterwards mended & mixed bread we are having lovely days & frosty night this week Eva has another bad finger he ran a pin in it. Lucy Roediger has a daughter 3 week old I forget her name at present71.

71 Muriel Effie Leske, daughter of Carl Leske and Lucy Wilhelmina Roediger, born August 18 in Gawler.

Sep 13) I dressed in good time & lit fire & swept both rooms Amy cooked the breakfast then I put out bread & Eva cut out underskirts & I made part of one Amy did some also I baked one lot & then Amy did the tarts & the other lot Dad & I went to Gawler after dinner & I did shopping & also spent a while with my friends the Hobarts Florrie is home now we were late home tonight I called at Eva’s I got our hats today lovely day melon jam also.

Sep 14th) Adelaide show commences today. We all did our usual work & then I finished the ironing while Amy made a crème underskirt for Celia & I finished one for myself in the evening. Eva & Charl went to Gawler & she went on to Adelaide Amy & Charlie went to Buchsfelde at night to a Public Meeting & Wilf & Bert went to the Tea in the afternoon they had a good time there & were late home.

Sep 15) After our morning work Amy went on at the front room & I thoroughly cleaned our room & fixed up our Cot for the Children & then I helped Amy do the rooms & in the afternoon I baked Cakes pattypan buns & sultana plain & currant & helped in various ways with all work at Amy & I spent the evening with Celia & the Rices boys came home & Amy had a bath & I was not too grand Bert & Wilf went to Band of Hope Mr Rice & Renie are at Adelaide Show till Monday.

Sep 16) Amy did all bedrooms & packed her basket for Town & Dad drove in to the Station with her she went to see Mrs Pope72 who is quite broken hearted over Laura’s death also called at Mrs Hobarts Dad came home I filled the lamps & cleaned them & Knives & forks spoons & made a pudding & got dinner expecting Franc & Harry73 & family but they could not come so afterwards I helped milk & did evening work & we had supper H.R. spent evening here I had a bath & retired early to rest as I have been busy.

72 Mrs Henry Pope (Emma Matilda Glenn), mother of Laura who died aged 20, with two babies, a few weeks ago.
73  Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), Fanny's sister,  & Harry Folland (her husband) and their children.

Sep 17) We awoke to none too bright a day for Charlie’s wedding however he & Wilfie got ready early & drove to Gawler to get an early train & then we Dad Ma Celia & I in the Buggy & Bert in the Spring Dray went to meet the midday train also Uncle Eva Alf & Kitty. We met Florrie & George also Elsie Parham at Gawler & we went down Elsie also went to McLeods with me & she rode with us to Church74 in the Cab where Lill & Nita75 & Jessie76 Tom & Ivy77 & Myrtle78 & all Adelaide Cousins met us besides about 60 guests The Ceremony was very short then they drove in a Cab to Adelaide to get their Photographs taken & back to the Hall where the guests were assembled & tables laid very tastefully also the Church looked very nice we had singing Dancing & games till 9/30 then broke up & caught the train for Gawler & drove home had supper & retired at 4 o’clock for a short rest the day was fine after all.

74 Elsie Lydia Ruth Parham, Prospect Church of Christ, went with them to Eva McLeod family's place in Prospect. 
75 Lillias Porter (nee Paterson), cousin, and her four-year-old daughter Nita Irene Porter.
76 Jessie Violet Paterson, cousin?
77 Tom Easton and Ivy Elizabeth Easton, cousins.
78 Myrtle Emily Badenoch, who will marry Tom Easton later in the year.

Sunday Sep 18 We were thoroughly tired but as Dad & Ma were in Adelaide we had all work to do I dressed at 7/30 lit the fire & had a cup of Tea then Amy & I wen to milk the cows were all following us to be milked then I came in & while the others separated I got the breakfast Harry & Frances got up & dressed the children afterwards we cleaned up & did necessary work had lunch & Bert Harry & Frances & Amy went to Church the others came home Harry goes to Moonta tomorrow.

Sep 19 Amy & I had to hurry as we had all the cows to do & separating & outside work besides indoor work I cooked hot dinner roasted mutton & Potatoes steamed pudding charlie came home to work & went to the station to meet Ma & Dad who called at Eva's & Charles for a cup of Tea & then on home I made Lorna a pinafore in the evening. nicer weather

Sep 20 Up in fair time before the sun & got breakfast & lit copper & prepared washing but I had a painful arm & although I kept at the Tubs till the finish at 3 oclock I felt very much inclined to stop Aunt Harriet came up in the Sulky just as I was scrubbing up as we always do & they had a cup of tea & we were all busy as Frances & children are here with us.

Sep 21st Gawler Show & an exquisitive morning which lasted all day for our outing we hurried & did our work & I pressed Amys white dress. Ma & Auntie went in Aunties Sulky Dad in the Spring Day Frances & children Lorna & Phyllis78 Amy & I in the Buggy Wilfie drove us Bert horseback we called at Charlie's & took Mrs McLeod79 & George with us we were very late & a lot of the Show was over before we got there Frances & children Dad & Clem & I went on the Stand for along time I did not particularly notice much of the show but there was a crowd of people. Amy & I & the two boys stayed for the evening & went the Pictures we enjoyed ourselves very much got home midnight.

78 Lorna Frances Folland (aged 3) & Phyllis May Folland (infant) neices (Frances' youngest daughters)
79 Eva's mother, Mrs McLeod (Elizabeth Grace Webber) and Eva's younger brother George Kimberley McLeod.

Sep 22 Aunt Harriet Mabel & Elvera80 stayed here all night so were here for breakfast I got up & got breakfast swept both rooms & washed floors with milk they went home before dinner Amy brushed all boys clothes & put them away & we were all busy all day Frances & children with Dad went to Ada's & Dad also to Gawler. Clif81 stayed at Ada's yesterday came home tonight. Although I felt tired I did not retire any earlier Dad is almost blind with Eczema poor fellow its so bad to look at & terribly irritating to himself Celia had to go to the Dr yesterday got such bad hands cracked & burning also influenza also Eva Heath went to the Dr & our Eva burnt her fingers badly.

80 Elvera Maud Paterson (cousin, daughter of Aunt Harriet), aged about 13, and Mabel Beatrice Porter (Aunt Harriet's grand-daughter, whose mother Laurina died in 1902, aged about 12).
81 George Henry Clifton Folland (Frances' eldest son, aged 6). 

Sep 23 Same hour & same work I had to bake bread & Amy got breakfast I lit both fire & stove then when all the outdoor work was done Amy did front rooms cleaned windows I scrubbed safe & made a pie & baked bread & general work Frances did a bit of washing Phyllis is a dear baby & so good with all of us I cleaned all the boots such a dose too we always find plenty of work to do each day I sept in the Kitchen on the stretcher Wilfie is away tonight nice day.

Sep 24 Ada's Birthday. I was up same time before the sun about 6 o'clock got breakfast over & did general work & made scones with water instead of milk in fact all my cooking was a failure as far as good cakes go Ma has retired knocked out with work & worry Dads face is awful to look at Frances & children except Lorna are at Follands tonight she went to Gawler also Wilfie & Amy are not home at nine o'clock I bathed Lorna & she was almost asleep the darling is in the cot now asleep.

Sep 25 Sunday we did not get up very early we have Lorna home with us we each did our usual work & took Lorna for a walk & got some oats & Grass for vases & I arranged 3 lovely bunches the flowers are beautiful now Had dinner & Amy & Wilfie went to Reeves Plains for Doris81 I cleared all & washed up pots &c got in wood as it looked like rain Charl & Eva came home also Percy we had Tea & all us singles went to Church at Buchsfelde I took Lorna who was so good Celia came home for evening her & Percy also called at Mrs Standleys.

81 Not sure who Doris is. Mrs Standley is Ida Woodcock.

Sep 26 We could not wash as Amy & Dad went to the Station to take Doris who went on the Town I was very busy all the morning sorting things & getting all put in order changing beds &c they got home dinner time & in the afternoon I remade my black underskirt & Amy made meat bags & a chemise for Lorna, it was finer but cloudy I washed a pinafore out & handkerchiefs the men went  chaffcutting I took down lunch Charl & Eva came home for stewpan as she is making jam tomorrow my throat is very bad Mrs Standley was telling me Wilfred Roberts & Kate Hayman was married a fortnight ago82. Sad death of George Argent's little girl 3 years old from drowning in a waterhole83.

82Wilfred Pederick Roberts & Katie Irene Hayman married at Gawler River Methodist Church on September 22.
81 I cannot find a record of this. Perhaps George Argent is not in South Australia? 

Sep 27 We both got up & I lit fire & then the Copper & started washing had a very heavy wash two blankets quilt & as Eva burnt her fingers I did their washing & a good bit for Frances besides our own we did not finish till five & my cough was very bad Eva & Jessie came for the night Eva helped fold clothes I mixed bread I felt ill.

Sep 28 I have not had scarcely any rest all night with my cough & throat it is awful however I got breakfast ready fried eggs & bacon & put my bread on but had to lie down I can't eat & feel so weak Amy was so busy she did all the ironing except shirts tablecloth & some few others which I did but felt so ill I laid the Tea & got the Kettle to boiling then at six I went to bed feeling thoroughly done up Amy & Bert & Charl & Eva went to the Guild at Buchsfelde

Sep 29 A most superb day broke & has continued it is Emily Modra & Chris Harders82 wedding today at 11 oclock & reception at 2 oclock at her parents residence a lovely day too for weddings. I did not dress till nine & did our room & swept up both rooms then rested Amy Lorna & Dad are gone to Gawler & to Uncle Williams the Block Ma is making marmalade & sewing I feel very crook Amy & Dad got home about 7 o'clock they visited Ada Eva & went to Gawler I had to retire early as I was so unwell the Marmalade is lovely. Mr Hayman died on Monday last in Adelaide aged 84 years83.

82 Emilia Anna Modra & Johann Nikolaus Christian Harders married at the Wesleyan Church in Willaston.
83 William Hayman, grandfather of Katie Irene who was married a few weeks ago, died in Hindmarsh. 

Sep 30 I was so unwell Amy got up & got breakfast over I did not dress till after 8 o'clock & then could only do very light work just assist poor Amy has done all rooms & washed the new Separator such a bother & required much careful washing Bert fixed it up & they tried it tonight Ma has been in to Eva's Butter making Ada's little Albert is very ill Clem & Ethel were at Charlies, Wesley is at home now for a holiday came light night Ma & Lads are shelling Peas & Dad is nearly mad with Eczema Victoria Ross85 is in Gawler Amy went to see her yesterday.

85Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson), cousin. 

Oct 1st I was really ill but did what I could between rests I blacklead Kettle & Fountain & fireplace & cleaned all cutlery but I really never worked feeling worse my head teeth & eyes are very painful. Amy did baking & she & Wilf went to Gawler for night Frances & children came home with  them I retired early to rest as I felt so very ill Ma has had to help Bert do the cows as Dad is something awful with eczema just about blind with it swollen all over his eyes ears & all a pitiful sight & so very painful to bear, it looks like rain tonight.

Oct 2nd Sunday & Stone Hill Anniversary but a cold stormy & raining day all day I felt so ill I got up & lit fire & had a cup of hot water & a little to eat but no breakfast I made beds & did housework & then as dinner was over I rested but my head was so painful, I could not sleep Charlie & Eva came home at night the other four went to Chapel very cold.

Oct 3rd Another very rainy day but Frances & Amy persevered at the washing & between showers managed to get the whites dry I did all the beds & brushed clothes & folded the other clothes Bert & Hettie86 went to spend the evening with (Eva) Celia at Mr Rice's got home at 12 o'clock Amy got a bad Knee & retired after a hard days toil Frances ironed a few things for Phyllis Dad is laid up altogether.

86 Henrietta (Hettie) McLeod, sister of Eva.

Oct 4 Still rainy & cold I put out bread & made porrige [sic] got breakfast for all then did housework Amy & Ma all outside & dairy work I ironed nearly everything & mended the tablecloth & cut out pinafores & mended for Frances She & Lorna & Phyllis are at Uncle Charleys for the night Bert Wilfie Hettie & Amy are at Stonehill Ma mending Dad in bed & I washed the boys & put them to bed it is raining heavily again now. I must retire.

Oct 5 A rather finer day & I tried to help Amy all I could but my head was terrible so after I had finished housework I made two blue Pinafores for Lorna it took me all the afternoon as I could not hurry all the young people went Pea picking in the evening it was bitterly cold & Frances came home also Hetty came back from Gawler with Lorna Wilf took in the cream today, We girls had the boys room & they slept in the dining room Frances spent the afternoon with Celia at Mr Rice's place. Mrs Alfred Modra has a son87.

86 Bernard Alfred Modra, son of Johann Alfred Modra and Anna Sophia Mathilda Wedding was born in Reeves Plains on July 20th.

Oct 6 A lovely day for Two Well Show Wilf drove Frances & Amy & Hetty also went  & Baby Phyllis. We were so busy in the morning Amy & Ma milked Bert & Dad cut down the pig I fried Liver & Onions had breakfast & I did housework & in the afternoon I took Clif & Lorna up to see Celia they had a tea party with Irene. Dad & Ma milked. I got tea.

Oct 7th I got up with Amy & swept Dining room & got meal over & did housework & put out bread to rise in time Amy lit the stove. Ma washed up & then Dad & her drove Frances & family to Ada's Hetty to Eva's Frances went to Gawler & had Babys Photo taken. I swept both front rooms & dusted them Amy both back bedrooms & others & washed all floors I made Amys birthday cakes she helped me we were both busy as could be and spent a quietly happy time we milked & separated I had not milked for a fortnight almost Charl & Eva were home last night the others were late from the Show.

Oct 8th Saturday a busy day but I was not at all well & Amy did the baking I did all other odd work Cutlery scrubbing Bert & Amy wen tot Gawler in the afternoon & did not get home till midnight, as they waited for Wilfie & he had gone to Town Eva's Sister also went home by same train I helped milked & Sep & we did all evening work & had tea & cleared away and retired.

Oct 9th Sunday We had arranged for a family gathering today & it was an extremely cold & rainy blusterous day Bert drove in for Ada & Frances & families as she has been staying with Ada for a few days Celia got home early & after Dinner Charlie & Eva came home also Uncle & Eva after Tea so we numbered 21 altogether Percy included. None of us went to Chapel as it was so cold & wet & snow fell in the Hills.

Monday Oct 10 I got up in fair time & got fire & lit Copper & started washing & never have I know so cold a day or I never felt so cold at work & I see by the paper that Snow fell in all parts of our colony but I did not notice the Hills myself Amy helped me wash Frances folded a lot of the clothes but it was a nasty day so bleak but toward evening a drying wind sprang up & we got all dry.

Oct 11 After breakfast Frances & Wilfie & Phyllis went to Gawler & she visited Mrs Seaman87, Mrs Pope, & then spent the rest of her time at Eva's & Charl's. Wilfie came home & Charl drove Frances home after Tea we had all the other children home Amy & I were ironing all the afternoon as we are going to Adelaide tomorrow. We are milking 7 cows & are always gusty I did some sewing at night & we were yarning & late to bed. Mr Sydney Bews88 was married on Sep 14th at Church of Christ, Butler.

87 Mrs Seaman. I am not sure who she is.
88 Mr Sydney Bews; Butler is on the Eyre Peninsula, but I can find no record of this marriage.

Oct 12th We were busy I made the fire & got breakfast or rather Amy got the meal & I put out the bread to rise & lit the stove & we got ready for Adelaide went by the Broken Hill Express & got out at Nth Adelaide & walked to the Car Terminus & found the horse Car gone so walked to Godfreys Corner89 & took Car to Nailsworth & walked from there to Mr Folland Snr90 residence at Enfield a long way & I was very tired indeed we found the old gentleman confined to his room he is a great old age in his 97 year & still busy writing volume after volume a wonderful intelligence We came to the Northern Hotel & took the Tram to the terminus then the Electric Car to Adelaide & walked to Victoria Square & took the train to Glenelg & Black Forest I to the former & Frances to the latter. Arrived there Eva was off to a wedding & Charlie to the Pictures so I was in lucks way & spent a dull evening Eva came home at 8 o'clock & we had supper & a talk & late to bed.

89 Godfrees Corner was the site of a large bakery and grocery store on the corner of Main North Road and Pulsford Road.
90 The old man they visit is Charles French Folland Senior, born 1814 in Devon England, and migrated to Australia in 1839. He bought land and built at "Pine Forest" now Enfield, where Folland Park is. His writings are at least about his agnostic beliefs, on which he apparently wrote a lot as he got older, although he was Methodist earlier in life. It seems Eva and Charlie live in Glenelg? 

Oct 13th I was very restless & I slept very late & only had time to go to my breakfast & catch my train & unfortunately I got off at Plympton instead of Black Forest & had to walk about 1 mile & 1/2 or so & I hurried for my life as I was afraid the train would go again without me from there Frances came over & I went to Mrs Allan Follands91 & had a rest & we came up by the 20 to Eleven & even got in Adelaide at 11'ock & just flew round our shopping & caught the Midday to Gawler got in the wrong carriage & had to shift we got safe to Gawler intending to go to Aunties92 on Blocks but they were at Gawler so saw them there & came on to Ada's & had a loaf Bread & Cakes & had lunch Ada was washing but had a cup with us as well.

91 Mrs Allan Folland is Sophia Woolard, wife of Joseph Allan Folland, a brother of Harry's.
92 Auntie Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock), wife of Uncle Will Atyeo.

Oct 14 I was so dreadfully stiff from yesterday i would not hardly move but fried breakfast & did housework Frances was getting all things ready for tomorrow. Ma made some Melon Jam for her to take home with her I cleaned Amys Hat & trimmed it with black ribbon Eva helped me her & Charl were home to say good bye to Frances Amy helped her bath all the children I mixed bread & we were so late to bed I marked the tickets.

Oct 15 Up & dressed at 1/2 past five Frances was up first me just as she came out I got the fire & breakfast & then Amy helped Frances in every way got all the little ones ready had our meal & Wilfie drove them to the Station I baked bread Amy Sponge I the Cake & meat & dusted & did all lamps & scrubbing Amy swept & washed floors did the Cutlery &c she & Bert went to Gawler tonight I helped milk & Sep &c & planted some flowers Ma retired early now it is 10 o'clock Wilfie has had a bath so I'll retire too A lovely night so moonlight & clear. Victoria has a son born this morning92 at Gawler.

92 Charles David Ross, son of Victoria Ross (nee Paterson), a cousin.

Sunday Oct 16 We did not get up very early as there are only ourselves home at present I got the breakfast & swept up Amy and Ma did outside work & we each did a portion of housework & had cold lunch & an early tea & Bert drove Amy & I to Blocks Anniversary Also Florrie & a Friend went George & Wilf were there also a good congregation Mr Ford93 preached I called at Mrs H. & spent an hour or so had supper & then we came home to long drive.

93 Mr James A Ford, A notice about the service in the newspaper.

Mon Oct 17 A very boisterous morning but as it is the wedding I decided to wash but it was a terrible windy day & dust I washed my Navy Coat & it blew down in the dirt & i had to wash it again & it shrank we were rather late finishing as I washed the white Quilt & other extras I folded the clothes & at five oclock it blew an hurrican [sic] & rained almost without a stop till midnight Amy & Bert went to Blocks Concert in it all & got very we although they had an enjoyable time & good programme & Supper I retired at 1 oclock.

Oct 18 Up at six & got breakfast over & we were busy doing housework then Amy did ironing I washed & pressed my creme dress also ironed white short & Colar & other ironing Eva & Charl stayed till 10/30 Burt cut Charl Hair Dad & Ma picked the rest of the Peas today Amy & I went to see Celia & came home at nine she has such bad hands & is on her won with the children this week. Kit & Alf are home from the Light. We were busy on arrival Amy did her hair up I mixed bread Amy is none too well or am I my cough is very bad again can't rest for it much worse than it was a fresh col & it is chilly tonight & fire is welcome in the dining room.

Oct 19 I awoke very unwell & so was Amy & afraid she would not be able to go to the wedding94 however at 11 ock Wilfie took them to Station Dad went in with Uncle Charl Uncle went by 11/20 also Eva & Charl I have been very busy all rooms to tidy beds to make washing up to do dinner to cook. Dad helped me milk & separate tonight but his eczema is dreadful to bear we are quiet tonight got a P.C. from Moonta.

93This is probably the wedding of cousin Tom Easton to Myrtle Badenoch at Pirie St, Adelaide.

Oct 20 I have had a very poor nights rest my cough is awful Wilf & I got up at 1/4 to 6 & I got breakfast over & them milked five cows Dad one & then Separated I felt so knocked out but did all work & made a brown stew & also some turnip wine which eased my cough. I did some mending then we milked & separated & Wilfie brought the folks home also Uncle Tom & Aunt Emily & Ernest94 a very nice day.

94Uncle Thomas Easton and Emily Easton (nee Heath), and Ernest Allan Easton (cousin).

Oct 21st Up & got breakfast over & cleaned our room Amy the front rooms & I blackleaded stove & each did our usual work I assisted Amy & fried bacon for dinner mended my dress in the afternoon Celia & Renie came over & Uncle & Auntie & Ernie came down same work for each & mixed bread after tea & we we talking & Amy was playing & had a sing song.

Oct 22nd I was so busy lit a fire & got breakfast also lit the stove & put out bread & gave all their meal Alf came down for Uncle & Auntie & Ern to go to the Light so off they went & I baked bread & Cake & stuffed & roasted a Hare cleaned Lamps & we each did our work & us & boys went to Gawler also Eva & Charl it was a lovely night & I went to see Mrs Pope the baby is much better we had a good look in the street & got a present for Tom at Crosbys.

Oct 23rd Ma was up at 6/30 & milked all the cows I & Amy did not get up till 1/4 to 8 I just lit the fire & Ma came in so I gave them their Tea & got breakfast & then I did a lot of cooking roasted a leg mutton a hare pie (dried apple) cabbage potatoes & we had a lovely dinner & I washed up & Amy & I rested a while Eva & Charl came Celia Renie & Melville95 came & stayed to tea Amy & I milked & Wilf & us went to Buchsfelde a nice lot there so dark coming home & we ran in to the lane fence it lightning very much also a shower of rain.

95 Thomas Melville Rice, Irene (Renie's brother). Another child of Reginald Rice, who Celia is caring for.

Oct 24th It was a nice morning & we decided to wash as we were expecting Auntie home & I got up at 5/30 & had to get breakfast over & it was eight o'clock before we got a start after they had done milking &c Auntie & Ern came home about 10 o'clock & Uncle went to Uncle Charleys we hurried 7 after dinner Ma Auntie & Ern drove to Ada calling for Uncle Tom & Kit went also Amy went in to do housework &c & I washed a pair blankets & Wilfies serge pants & did all clearing up we folded clothes & did all the outdoor work & got Tea over & it just poured with rain & they all came home in it drenched to the skin.

Oct 25th Usual hour & each did a portion of work Ma & Amy usually do all outdoor work but I helped Amy this morning & after all was finished both of us ironed I had 3 fashion shirts as well & did not finish till about 3 o'ck I felt very unwell & had a rest Amy had Neuralgia & had a sleep then got up & went to Celia's & stopped till evening & C came home with her & spent the evening & Eva & Charl I had to go to bed at 10/15 the other later on.

Oct 26 I got up early & made fire & fried breakfast lit the stove & put out breakfast Uncle came down & they all had their breakfast & I baked bread Amy took Uncle & Auntie & Ern to the Station where the proceeded to Adelaide I was so busy I cooked for a social at Buchsfelde & Cream Buns Madeira Cake Britannia Coffee Cake Albert & Amy made a lovely sponge sandwiches Kit Eva & Aubrey came & at night Bert drove us & Eva to the Social and we had a real good time & got home at 11 o'clock they had a concert & coffee supper a very nice spread.

Oct 27 I was late up Bert called me at 6/30 made fire & got breakfast over & done our room Amy the others & I was busy doing extra odd work & I cooked dinner then Ma & Dad went to Gawler & Eva & Charl took afternoon Tea with us Charl fixed up the binder & started Amy is sewing making Garments for Renie Rice Celia & Renie went to Gawler with our folks today saw Vickie & Maria &Baby she has called him Charley Amy & I did all outdoor work & Eva & Charl went home.

Oct 28th Same hour & same work for each I blackleaded stove & cleaned our room & helped Amy dust the front rooms scrubbed safe & cleaned Lamps & dusted the dining room as I intended to got to Gawler tomorrow In the afternoon I went up to see Celia & had a cup of Tea with her & I was to go to Eva's but a sharp shower came & I hurried home went to see Will R house & consequently got caught in a shower they were busy milking on arriving home. Charlies Calf died today. I got Tea & after clearing same mixed bread & did some sewing to bonnet.

Oct 29th I got up early & lit fire & got a cup of Tea & fried breakfast & put out bread & lit stove & cleaned dining room fireplace & all the other articles which blacklead baked bread & Amy did her Saturdays work we were seated at dinner when Nellie Dunn came she came out in Churches Motor Car to Charls then Eva drove her home she stayed till time to catch the 6/20 to Adelaide Amy Eva & I drove her in & we did our shopping them came home as far as Charlies had a chat also at Uncles & got home at twenty to ten had supper then Wilfie came who with Bert also went to Gawler.

Oct 30 We were up at 7/30 I got the fire lit & a cup of Tea Ma & Amy all outdoor work breakfast over I cooked mutton Potatoes & peas & dried apple pie & tart & after clearing Table & washing up we Amy Ma & I dressed for K.T. drove to Mr Rices & Celia & Irene went us Dad stayed at their place Uncle Charlie Alf & Kit & Eva & Aubrey also went & Aubrey was Christened a fair congregation. Mr Piper95 preached. Ma & Dad to Uncles to Tea.

95 Rev E.J Piper.

Oct 31st I got up at 5/30 & got breakfast & lit copper & started washing I have washed two pairs blankets & Quilts half last week & half today beside our usual work Amy did most of the rubbing & I hung out in general wash after the whites & sheets I did blankets & Quilts Eva drove home this afternoon Charl & Bert are busy Hay making it has been a nice day today I finished Celia's bonnet Wilfie went to Ada's to Tea yeterdsay & Mr N Parham came out & told them the sad news of poor Dossies death96 she died yesterday afternoon from heart failure following diptheria Wilfie Amy & I went to Buchsfelde last night. 

96 Mr Nicholas Parham, Ada's brother-in-law shares the news of his daughter Dorothea Gladys Parham's death. She was only 10 years old.

November 1st Same work as usual for each & after breakfast Amy went to Gawler Eva went with her as Charlie is home binding, she never got home till evening as she could get the horse shod I did all housework & then ironed till six oclock I felt awfully tired but persevered with it till I finished just as Amy got home it was a nice day.

Nov 2nd Decided to get up earlier so dressed at five & got breakfast & lit stove & put out bread & then baked it & biscuits pies meat & vegetables for dinner I mended in the afternoon as did the others.

Nov 2nd continued & I helped milk after getting afternoon Tea & Bert went ot Gawler & brought the young lady out to Buchsfelde Concert Amy & I drove as far as Uncle Charlie's & picked up Celia & Eva then on to the Farm & Charl & Eva went with us we were tonly just in time to get a seat as the School was packed there were 3 Tableaus "Jack & Jill" "Grandmothers Pet" & "The Fairy of Spring" they were very pretty indeed & songs recitations &c We did not get home till 11/30. Eva H stayed with me.

Nov 3rd I had to get up early & get breakfast over Eva went home Dad & Ma milked then I baked rock cakes & washed up while they went up picking peas then I did bedrooms & housework dinner over I rested a while read the paper then patched skirts Ma felt none too grand so rested till four then I got afternoon tea & we each partook same We retired at nine as we were all tired & sleepy & miss Amy terribly at night so lonely for me.

Nov 4 As it has been raining I did not get up till after 5/30 made fire & got the "cup that cheers" swept dining room & got breakfast over then cleaned both back bedrooms & scrubbed Safe dinner over I did both front room & cleaned all best boots got afternoon tea Bert came home quite wet as it was a very heavy shower we milked & separated Bert wen to Gawler & Amy hgot home in good time & we read our letters had tea & looked at the paper quite a cold night.

Sunday Nov 6 Up in fair time & I lit fire & took in tea got breakfast swept dining room & afterwards did our room Bert drove down for Mrs Standley who came to spend the day with us I made dried apple pies & we had peas & potatoes & cold Ham & Leg Mutton after dinner I & Amy washed up & Amy & Bert drove to Gawler to Florence Hobart's birthday just a few friends there to Tea Only Wilfie & I Mrs Standley went to Chapel at Buchsfelde & back to Charlie's to supper Wilfie & I Uncle & Eva & Celia too got home at 10/30 & went to bed quite a cold night driving.

Nov 5. I have ommited to report Saturday so must say that Amy came from Charlies early about nine Eva drove her home Clyde in Dogcart she set too & cleanred dining room & windows I baked bread cleaned lamps cutlery Ma the Tinware & I also baked sponge currant & madeira cake meat & finished all scrubbing & all work Ma helping.

Nov 7 Monday We did not get up early so after usual duties I lit copper & Amy I washed did not finish till afternoon folded & I scrubbed up all & Amy did all beds Ma went pea picking We all felt tired the weather is so changeable & my cough is terrible again also Ma is so unwell her cough I washed Ma white Quilt today so have finished all Quilts & Blankets for a while. So damp boys can't bind Hay so are working the land our tanks are all running over such heavy showers falling.

Nov 8 Up earlier & got breakfast fried & served the otehrs Dad & Amy milking & outside work afterwards I washed up & seasoned some Mutton for dinner & cooked Cauliflower potatoes rice pudding in the afternoon I helped Amy iron Eva drove home & had a long play & sing at the Piano I had to rest Bert Ma & Dad went for a long drive round Twelftrees97 & had a look at Crop yesterday Charlie is binding again today.

97 Henry Joseph Twelftree is a neighbour

Nov 9 Up at 5/30 & called Bert wo dressed & I got stove lit & put out bread to rise breakfast over we washed up & I made beds &c the bound my prune dress with velvet Amy made pies dinner over I dressed & walked to Celias & Eva Heath had a good chat to both Eva had been washing a lovely day Eva & I had a cup of Tea & I walked home at 7/30 coming home I walked through Will Ratcliffs98 crop of Oats they are above my head & look just lovely it was quite a change working up they were at Tea on my arrival.

98 William Ratcliff, neighbour, and husband of cousin Eva. 

Nov 10th We were up in boot time just after five & I made fire & gave lads their breakfast & made beds & soon afer breakfast Dad & I went to Gawler I did shoppping & went & spent an hour or so with Mrs Pope the Baby is growing & has almost recovered from the operation they had colds as most people have my cough is awful troublesome Ma is so unwell Dad & I called at Charls & had a cup of Tea we did not get home till five and Amy & Ma were both sewing Amy has started shadow work I had help milk &c hot & pretty.

Nov 11 Same hour & usual work then blackleaded stove done our room & dusted front room & helped with Ma's. My old Cough is very bad. Amy swept all other rooms & we help each other till finished. I started Phyllis' petticoat but as I made a mistake I had to alter it & did not get much done I helped with any housework to be done mixed bread after Tea & Charl & Eva came home for evening very cold.

Nov 12 Five oclock when I awoke I dressed & made fire & took in Tea put out bread to rise lit stove & after wards baked bread Cake & Meat & made a brown stew fried a leg chop for Ma who did not dress till nine as she was so unwell. Amy did all usual work & swept dining room then she & Dad went to Gawler I scrubbed all Ma did all Cutlery & Silverware also did Lamps & boots Dad & Uncle came home 1/4 to 4 with Pigs Eva & Amy 5/30 we had finished all work So Amy & I milked & Separated got Tea over Bert & Wilfie went to Gawler tonight a nice evening but cold. I heard Maria & others were up to Races in a Motor Car today. G.H. went to Kriegs98 to work last Tuesday on the river I mean.

98 Kriegs were neighbours.

Nov 13. Sunday Dad & Amy got up six & milked & Separated I did not dress till 1/4 to seven got breakfast over & made Rhubarb pie & helped with housework I had previoulsy swept both tooms Ma & Dad drove to Charls place & skimmed & attended to fowls I did not feel too well so I had a rest we cooked peas & Potatoes Bert & Archie went down to Mr Mortimers. Archie Shepard99 came here for him so he was away from Dinner in the afternoon Celia Melville & Irene came Amy & I went for Shiver Grass but could not get any I got Tea then she & boys went to Chapel horseback I helped Dad milk & Sep then I gathered Grasses for vases Charl came home at 8 o'clock from Prospect & brought lovely flowers.

99 There are a few guys called Archie Shepherd born in South Australia. Not sure of the identity of this one. Mr Mortimer would be George Augustus Mortimer, neighbour, and father of Brenda and Bruce.

Nov 14th We did not intend washing as Amy was going to take Ada to Gawler I was very unwell could not go I did housework & fried bacon for dinner & cooked Begetables Ma brushed all best suits & put away In afternoon I partly made a Petticoat for Phyllis Amy got home at 5/30 & she helped milk &c it is warmer weatehr & boys are busy with Hay harvest now.

Nov 15 I dressed at 1/4 to 5 & made fire & gave parents Tea then lit Copper & started washing Amy fried Eggs & B for boys & Paddy stole Dad & Ma's breakfast Amy joined me at Tubs as soon as she could we finished at 11 oclock & did all scrubbing up before dinner & this afternoon I did the ironing Amy busy making the lads Vests for school boys haymaking Wilfie on the Blocks. Snakes are plentiful Amy saw one killed yesterday.

Nov 16th It was a few minutes after five when I woke then I called the boys & got breakfast washed up & made beds & did the usual housework Amy had to go to Gawler for bread as I had a misfortune (The yeast bottle flew out of my hand & smashed in a hundred pieces I believe & spilt every drop consequently I had to put away the flour I was vexed too Amy went way at 8/30 & got home at 11 o'clock I was so busy cooking dinner Stew peas Potatoes & Plum Pudding & just got the table laid & Wilfie came home for a cold dinner Dad was down at Charlie's & got a tank of water for horses came back to Uncles to dinner & Ma was worried & sent Amy to look for him  & he was quietly walking home his face is much better.

Nov 17th A lovely cool morning after yesterdays heat & Dust & terrific wint it was simply dreadful Amy had a fair treat at Gawler & was very dusty on her return. Bert Coombe & Elsie Baldwin100 were married last night at 8 o'clcock, also the Methodist Church Neptune Fair101 so it was a miserable day for it.

100 Herbert Stanley Coombe & Elsie Ada Baldwin were married at the Methodist Church in Willaston.
101 Father Neptune Fair is described in the local paper.

I cut out a skirt for Celia & partly made it Eva Heath came down for a while in the afternoon Amy & Ma & Dad did evening work & we retuired early to bed after Tea Charl has had such a bother with the Oats they were lying flat on the ground & he could only bind them one way so that hindered all Ma & Dad been over to Blocks & see Uncle & Auntie went at ine or ten o'clock Amy went up & got some yeast from Celia came back & baked scones Biscuits made Blanc Mange & I steamed pudding fried Bacon boiled potatoes & Cabbage & Sweet Sauce & this afternoon Amy & Gladys Higgins102 went to Charls place to see after things & also a good ride round for miles & tonight Amy & Wilfie are at Standleys she came home & helped Ma milk & sep then went away again.

102 Gladys Mary Higgins, aged about 15, daughter of George Herbert James Higgins and Annie Jane Addis. I cannot find her birth record.

Nov 18th Up at five & got a fire in the stove & put bread in Tins fired Eggs & bacon for breakfast Dad & Amy milked & Separated Ma is so unwell so could not get up till later. Then I baked bread & pastry cleaned front windows & swept & dusted our room Amy did boys & front rooms then I cooked pea's & potatoes & fried bacon for dinner Dad went down to ohter place Bert Wilf & Charl went Stooking till dinner time & this afternoon they went out in Twelftrees Charlie Binding Wilfie went out to Dahrlitzs103 I helped Amy wash up & then I ironed fashion Shirt for Wilfie finished Celia's skirt & washed it helped wiht dairywork hot sun cool wind today.

103  Dahlitz were a local family.

Nov 19th Saturday & such a teirrible windy morning I was up same time & as it was cool I lit a fire in the dining room & got breakfast for boys Charlie is home with us this week as Eva is in Adelaide at her peoples. Our meal over I cut lunches & put up Tea & they went out in Twelftrees but had hardly got to work when it started raining heavily & continued till after dinner boys came home wet, Charl & Dad went down to his home & put up a pigsty Wilf came home to late Dinner from K.F. but was only slightly wet as he borrowed an Oilskin Amy was home all day none of us went ot Gawler so each did our usual work.

No 20 Sunday I awoke at six & dressed at 1/2 past lit fire & got tea for parents & swept dining room fried breakfast & Ma was so ill could not get up & I had to wash up all things & Amy housework I made dried apple pie & we had peas & potatoes cold meat Charl went in for Ada & children all home to dinner & Celia for afternoon. Wilfie Amy Cousin Eva went to Buchsfelde a nice congregation. Ada & family remained for night Jim & Percy were here for evening a very pleasant day I had to mix bread after I got home from Church. We hear Mr James Pederick104  is very ill with Cancer. Mrs Sheriff 105 died last Thursday in Garden.

104 James Pederick, is the head of a local family. Brother of John Pederick. See November 24th.
105 Mary Ann Sheriff (nee Knight, widow of George Sheriff), aged 64, in Gawler.

Monday Nov 21st I got up early five oclock called Charlie Bert went to Prospect last Saturday & Wilfie has a bad throat so after I had fried Eggs & bacon & served it Amy & Ada & family drove to Gawler or rather Ada &c as far as her home & Amy on to meet Albert & Eva from Adelaide also did shopping in there & got home good time Wilfie went to Rowe with his throat I been cooking all day slide buns, bread, pastry, & all Kitchen work & have sorted & soaked clothes for tomorrow washing day Mr Goldney Junr106 has started working for us today a lovely day.

106 Mr Goldney Junr. I think this is Cecil Goldney (see Nov 29), so Cecil Percy Goldney, son of George Goldney and Margret McQuillan

Nov 22nd I was astir very early lit fire & got a cup of tea then lit the Copper & started washing I had previously soaked in last evening Amy got brekfast fried & served Eva H helped Dad milk she stays here at night as Uncle is at Lower Light since Sunday Amy helped me & we got all done & Amy cleaned copper & scrubbed blocks before dinner I finished scrubbing afterwards also some extra boxes Amy folded clothes & did housework Ma very unwell & resting in afternoon we are late to tea now & ready for repose.

November 23rd Up at 1/4 to five 7 called Bert I fried breakfast & put up Tea for men who are out at Twelftrees working I done our room & dining romo & several odd jobs but I felt so ill I had to give in & rest I mended my stockings then rested again Amy did all ironing but Shirts & tablecloth I ironed them & got lunch we have a complete change in the weather & at about 6 ock it simply poured with rain Charl got wet ghrough toing to his home Cousin Eva also coming down here & Bert from work wet clothes verywhere Amy & Dad were milking & I got Tea Mr Sam Parham107 came getting names for a Post Office at either Buchsfelde or Gawler River so we signed got a good lot too.

107Samuel James Parham, uncle of brother-in-law James Parham.

Nov 24th 1/2 an hour later as it was a damp morning & the men went Haycarting today from Top field stacking in the home stackyard Wilfie was over on the Blocks I called Amy at 1/4 to six she served Breakfast while I baked Rolls & put other to rise did dining room & our room made apple pies fried Bacon boiled Cab & Pots Amy made Phyllis such a pretty pale blue dress got it finished at five oclock looks so nice too now she is at fancywork on a cusion Huck a buck108 I helped her milk tonight Dad & our Eva been to Gawler today & Tuesday he & Cousin Eva went Mr James Pederick died of cancer was buried yesterday at S. Hill.

108 Huckaback is a type of embroidery. Also known as Swedish weaving.

Nov 25 1/4 to five is my hour at present & I lit fire in the dining room got brekfast over then thoroughly blackleaded stove & all utensils I cleaned our room Amy all the others while I was in the kitchen cooking Ma Butter making Mr Wise Griffiths agent109 came & I was making Biscuits got dinner over & washed up & went up to Rices Eva A came home to do some sewing on the machine Ma resting not well I came home early after a sociable time with Celia & afternoon Tea Amy & I milked & Sep had tea Amy at fancy work Eva & Charl went home.

109 Mr Wise is selling Griffiths tea!

Nov 26 Sat & I had bread to bake but did ordinary work first as it had not rose. I scrubbed all necessary articles Amy did dining room & after dinner went to Gawler & called at Eva's who went with her I had bread cakes meat to bake also usual work for Saturday Cutlery &c also help with all outside work in evening pleasant weather cool breeze.

Nov 27 Sunday & I intended to go to Mrs Standleys for day so I got up & swept both dining room & kitchen & got breakfast fried & served not forgetting the usual cup that cheers first of all for parents then I made my bed & got ready for my visit Wilfred drove me as far as George Higgins'110 & I walked the rest it was dreadfully windy & a nasty day hot & dry wind & dusty. On arrival Clarence111 was home so we had a very nicely prepared dinner Lamb new Potatoes date pudding sago & peeled peaches then Mrs Standley & I had all the time to ourselves & a most enjoyable time it was just an exchange of mutual confidences as we are such friends We went to Chapel & Wilfie met me with bad news Charlie was taken away ill. So as Wilf came home & George & I drove to Charlie's Amy was there I remained the night & we came home.

110 George Herbert James Higgins, neighbour.
111 Clarence Reginald Standley, Mrs Standley's son, aged 18.

Nov 28th I could not wash as I had to do other work Amy is nursing Charlie & painting his throat as he has ulcerated Tonsilitus [sic] & is very ill Amy drove him in to the Dr & he could hardly sit up to go so in the evening the Dr came out. I felt very unwell my limbs ached terribly & my head I did all the housework & baked cakes & cooked hot Tea Amy drove home in the afternoon for her clothes the boys finished binding altogether today & Dad went to Gawler & back to Charles to get a tank of water Eva sleeps here every night as Uncle is at the Light again now.

Nov 29. Such a lovely morning & I did usual work & cut out a skirt for Ma & partly made it & Ma went down to Charls in the afternoon I styaed home Dad went Stripping wheat & Cecil & Wilfred went up with the winnower Bert has been trying to fix up the harvester all day down at charls but had to bring it home tongith Ma got home in time to help me milk & we had a misfortune our cream basin tipped over & wasted our cream a nice day all together.

Nov 30 I got up at 4/30 & went to my washing which I had previously soaked in last evening I did an hours work then lit stove & made a cup of Tea & Eva got up & helped me with the breakfast then Amy came home & Eva helped Dad milk & Separate it commenced to blow & continued all day it soon increased to terrific glaes I had to bring in the first three boils & rinse again most of them so did not put them out till 30 past 3 ock it tore all the sheets at corners & other things. Oh it was a dreadful day but with much perseverance & running to & fro got all dry & Amy ironed a lot of things & finished Ma's skirt Eva camping with us Amy has finished her Centre cloth of Holly for happiness. very nice too.

Dec 1st Awoke to hear it pouring with rain has been raining at intervals ever since yesterday morning the tank is running over & water laying everywhere I am afraid it will knock the wheat down as it is so awful windy the men can't work so are making swings & doing odd work Wilfie went to Gawler to get horses shod Charlie is steadily improving but has to still paint his throat & keep in the front room by a nice fire he looks so ill Cecil Goldney went home last evening & came back & asked for a few days off as his father112 is laid up he hurt his back so Cecil has to stay home he brought Ma a Hamburg chick so wet tonight Eva had to change her dress so muddy for December.

112 Cecil's dad is George Goldney.

Dec 2nd Another rainy morning so did not dress as early as usual had to put bread out to rise & bake rolls fry for breakfast Fluffs &c Eva was with us after breakfast I thoroughly cleaned our room & cooked Cauliflower Potatoes & fried bacon fro dinner besides odd work Amy did front rooms & in the afternoon went up to see Celia Charlie is improving Eva & Chalie drove home for a while but it just poured with rain so they went home. Amy went to Celia's yesterday (I forgot) I have been mending this afternon & helped outside.

Dec 3rd Saturday 6 oclock this morning & I got breakfast & then blackleaded all things requiring same also dining room frieplace & dusted the dining room cleaned lamps & did all odd work Amy wen tot Gawelr after dinner. Dad & Wilfred went stooking in Twelftrees Bert Cultivating home afternoon I had to bake meat seed, current, & Madeira cakes & slide Buns scrub safe form &c & helped the men they were chaff cutting I sewed bags 21 it was very cold & Amy brought Clem home with her from Gawler Ma set Tea she & I milked & Separated. Berts leg is ratehr bad he hurt it jumping skinned it from knee to top of bone also such sore hands festerings.

Sunday Dec 4th I awoke at five & could not sleep till after 6/30 & did not wake till 7/30 dressed & lit fire in stove & boilded Eggs &c for breakfast & swept the dining room afterwards did our room & baked rice pudding for dinner & helped washup & made a fie in dining room & had a good read till 4/30 tidied myself & Amy & Ma got Tea Eva & Charl were home to tea. I milked 4 cows Dad 2 then us girls & boys went to Buchsfelde Uncle & Eva Celia & Percy spent evenin ghere now I got to mix bread G.E.H. came home with us as well.

Dec 5  Up at 20 to 5 & I had to light fire & put out bread ot rise Amy lit copper & sorted clothes for washing I got breakfast over & put in the bread then went to tubs we did not finish till after dinner & both scrubbed up & folded clothes & did housework Ma made meat pie for Dinner & rice puddings it was a most delighful day the best we have had for along time did the white curtains.

Dec 6th Just about same hour & got breakfast over & usual work done Amy did a portion of housework the she & Clem drove to Gawler Via Ada's who with Ethel & Albert went too they had a lot of driving about & were late getting in the street Amy called for Cousin Eva who rode home with her as she always sleeps here I baked Raisin Cake & Scones also did all the ironing & Ma cooked hot tea & chopped wood & we both milked as Amy was away  also seaprated not such a nice day mixed bread tonight windy.

Dec 7th Up at 1/4 to 5 & the bread was ready for baking so I hurried & heated stove & got the bread out & baked early as well & breakfast over Amy is very unwell at present she did her ordinary work & swept dining room & kitchen I cut out & Amy made a blouse for Celia finished it this evening Eva is at fancy work Huck a buck Berts leg is improving now. very hot sun today & windy in east lovely tonight & Weste breeze Dad & Wilf stacking Hay home Bert on Harvester down at Bragglesome Farm Stripping Celia & Irene spent the afternoon with Cousin Eva Sad death of a ten year old son of Mr & Mrs Max Kalka113 at Gawler a bathing accident & he was an only child too. Ted Heath of Bugle Ranges was married to Miss Amy Motts113 on Nov 17 at Macclesfield.

113 The son who died is Baden-Powell Pretoria Mafeking Kalka; parents are Max Robert Ernst Kalka and Florence Reynolds. The story was reported in the local papers.
114  Edward John Heath, son of Edward Heath, married Amy Ruth Mott, daugher of William Mott. I cannot find a relationship between Edward Heath and Fanny's family. I think Edward Heath (senior) is a son of Henry Heath.

Dec 8  I always rise early now usually before five so I got breakfast over & did usual work Eva went home & as Amy was so unwell she did a portion of work & then went & spent the day with her & also called on Celia I was very busy made scones & a large raisin Cake Bert is Harvesting down at Bragglesome Farm Charl came home today & soled his boot he starts work again today It came up a thunderstorm & was heavy in places but light here.

Dec 9th Same hour & work Amy very unwell also Eva has indigestion so they did not get up early I gave men theirs & then blackleaded stove & helped Dad put sticks on the cows cleaned our room & hung Crutains in Ma's room In the afternoon I took cream to Gawler calling for Eva & she took in her produce too & got her groceries & a hat for Charl a lovely day I got home & set Tea & cooked Veg for same I did not do much shopping.

Dec 10th Saturday & I was up before five & found bread ready for baking so I hastily got it in tins & prepared breakfast & baked bread, Cake & slide cakes & Amy a Sponge Sandwich Scrubbed safe & did lamps & other ordinary work Amy the bedrooms after dinner at which only Wilfie was home to of the boys. Amy went ot Gawler & Eva also from Bragglesome Farm then I cleaned windows & hung curtains scrubbed all chairs form &c Ma cutlery I also baked meat Percy came down at five & helped boys load a large load of Hay they had Lemon Syrup & Cake for lunch & Ma & I milked & Separated Amy got home Tea time I had a lovely bath & did some washing & finished all up.

Dec 11 Sunday I got up at 25 past 7 & got breakfast & afterwards made Blanc Mange & swept dining room & our bedroom &c I baked a leg of Mutton Potatoes beans Amy made Lemon & orange Jelly afer dinner I had a rest & Bert went for drive Amy wrote letters Ma rested & Dad went to visit Mr Davis. I got tea Amy lit fire & she & I milked & I washed up & then Bert Wilf Amy & I went to Church such a lot there we drove Charl & Eva home as Celia & Percy had their cart Celia met us at their place & we drove her home such al ovely day & evening Eva & Kit went ot Salisbury to see the Jeffries & called here coming home.

Dec 12 I was up at 20 to five 7 lit fire in the Stove called Amy & I went to Tubs lit Copper & got a start had my breakfast and Amy joined me at washing ubt immediatly got calle dot help chaffcut so I got a good start my fininshed by dinner time all but scrubbing we did that after & I cleaned a cask & filled it & folded clothes & got lunch Amy is not well atall a nice day.

Dec 13 Before five I was astir fried breakfast Eggs & Bacon swept dining room & dusted it & made bed then as Amy had also finished her outdoor work & housework she & I ironed I had five pairs of curtains to iron & got tired of them but got done all ironing by dinner time except Colar &c I didhtem afterward. I also hemmed some more curtains. And Eva & I drove up to her place & as Uncle was away Amy came up & helped us lift up theCalf we took it to station to be sent on to Adelaide to market. Eva gave me an ornament for Xmas we got back to Charls & I drove Clyde in the dogcart hoe for Charl to dirve back home with late home such lovely weather.

Dec 14 Same hour & found bread ready so hastened to heat the stove & put out bread to rise fried breakfast & Amy set talbe then then went to outside work & I did housework Amy so unwell she cut out & has finished a dress for Ethel such a pretty blue zephra Tunic dress poor old girl had to unrip it several times as she had no pattern I was hanging curtains Eva is with us every night the weather is simply delightfully cool & pleasant I helped milk & separated. Boys busy stacking Dad harvesting

Dec 15 Same time & both Amy & worked away to get as much as possible done before going to Gawler which we started for at evelen and went to Ada & got Ethel ready in her new blue dress that Amy made for her we drove to lime Kiln & got lime then ot the street where we got Ethel a new pair of shoes Ada a drapery parcel & Ma gave me a handbag & I gave her a Glass for sugar or Jam & Amy a comb (fancy) we are busy sending out P.C. to relatives we called at Ada's & had a cup of Tea Eva was there & came home & milked her cows & down here to sleep Amy & I miked after we got home nice day.

Dec 16.  up early & I had to bake bread & buns & all usual work then we started in earnest to clean dining room & Kitchen & Amy whitwashed & I washed all pictures & Glassware & had such a bother to fix cupboards in we worked very hard indeed & it looks very nice indeed ther are so many things to move & clean & put back in places I helped Ma milk atnight while amy put back things in Kitchen were both tired & ready for rest but it is alway ten ock.

Dec 17 Same hour 1/4 to five at most times such a lot to do morning work over I did all scrubbing Amy all the doors & the stove & I the dining room & utensils lamps to clean & cakes I had to bake Amy & cousin Eva went to Gawler but Charlies wife went with Amy & Uncle & Eva together. The Strike in town is dreadful & sugar is scare we could only get a limited supply in Gawler & the Eva's could only get 3 lbs sugar it is a terrible time so cool & pleasant

115 A drivers' strike? A wharfie strike? There are a lot of strikes during this period - some small, and some large. Many groceries are in short supply, with consumers rushing to ensure they have what they need. 

Dec 18 I had a good rest did not dress till 7/30 got a cup of Tea & old breakfast swept dining room & kitchen Amy & Dad outside work after our meal I made Blanc Mange & stewed Cherry Plums & had cold muttone Pots & Beans. After clearing the dinner I tidied myself & Celia & Irene came we chatted for an hour or so I gave Irene a tea party. Got Tea & Amy & I milked & I washed up Wilfei drove up to Buchsfelde & George as is our custom drove us home. We still have such cold weather & wear thick dresses & Coats. Carmen Standley116 is home for the holidays.

116 Carmen Myrtle Standley, daughter of Ida Standley (nee Woodcock) and George Standley.

Dec 19 Up at a little before five & lit stove & Copper & started washing amy gave boys their breakfast & I kept on at tubs then after Amy had finished her outdoor work she joined me we finished by dinner time all but a few to hang out. I did a lot of scrubbing & Amy cleaned all her medicine bottles & I cleaned all S beer bottles it was five when I finished & Amy folded clothes & Ma & I milked & Separated & Amy had beds to make Eva came down at eight & it is a cold change with rain very cold for reaping or harvesting cant' get on at all well.

Dec 20 I unfortunately overslept myself till 20 to 6  hurried & fried breakfast & helped Amy milk & did somce housework Amy made all beds then she & cousin Eva went to Gawler I baked Biscuites & large raisin Cake fried Ham for dinner Mr Twelftree came with boys men at Hay work in Twelftress today too cold to reap Melville came over with Beans from Celia as a present to Ma very windy & cold in the afternoon I did most of the ironing although I felt very tired indeed then I had to go for cows up in Top paddock  milk & Sep Ma helped me Then Eva & Amy were late so came home here & neglected her cows too late to milk.

Dec 21 Up at our early hour & I had to bake bread & then I starched shirts & ironed them also Amy ironed my white costume Eva (Atyeo) came home & partly made a blouse for herself it was a most terrible dusty strong wind & the men could not get on with the Hay too windy something dreadful I made a black silk Belt for myself towards evening it was much colder & Eva went home in good time to milk & do her evening work Cousin Eva came down again for night we did not do any work only mix after tea.

Dec 22 Up at same hour & bread was ready for oven so I got breakfast over & baked & then st to work & made Xmas Cakes & pudding they take a long time Ma dropped in all ingreadients for me & helped me generally Amy whitwashed the dairy & it came up so dreadful windy & poured with rain poor old girl she had a treat for it just kept on all the afternoon & at sundown it stopped but was bitterly cold however we went to Mrs Standleys School breakup & all the children had a gift from the tree & were thoroughly delighted wiht father Xmas who gave them to all the children after wards we had supper & a dance & got home at 12 oclock tired and cold.

Dec 23 Up at 6 oclock as it was damp & the men could not work yesterday so after breakfast they went to hop sandhill & got a load of wood & then out in Twelftrees to the Hay but its so damp & cold I blackleaded stove & cleaned our room & had to hurry & cook a dinner Amy did boys room & front rooms I cleaned all windows Amy polished piano & brass railing of bed & all pictures & we washed Glassware ornaments &c we worked very hard all day it was showery at intervals & windy Ma not well.

Dec 24 Bread to bake this morning & we were astir in good time & did all ordinary work & Dad went to Gawler I cleaned dining room & baked bread & Selamere cake & Amy made sponge sandwich Madeira Cake wahsed floors & Ma had such a bad back. Dad did not get home till five & Amy & I were having a Bath the boys came home & all 4 of us got ready for Gawler Charlie went home to Eva's parents at Prospect by six o'clock we got to Gawler at 7 ock met Celia & Percy in there Eva H. went with us and there was a large number in the street. George was home as he hurt his wrist badly & has been off since Thursday Jim Ethel & Clem & Wesley were in there he bought such a lot of Toys & a new 8 day clock & Gold Brooch for Ada & Toys in abundance for children Ethel went to sleep in the street so I went down to the trap & waited we did not get home till midnight & then Wilf went carol singing & got home at 2 ock a.m. such cool pleasant weather.

Dec 25th Christmas Day & Sunday so being very dired we did not get up till 7/30 got sausages fried for breakfast Amy swept rooms & afterwards I got pot on for pudding & I stuffed pair fowls & roasted them Ma did Vegetables Beans & Potatoes Ada & family drove home to dinner & Celia & Irene & also Percy to tea & Uncle & Eva. We had two Xmas Cakes Ada trimmed hers up very nicely Amy did ours & Madeira Ginger Cake & nuts, tarts & we also had cherries & lollies, chocklates apricots & lovely sugar Beer. We all got a present Ma a glass sugar basin myself a handbag & donkey ornament. Amy a back hair comb & a lovely E.P. Jewel case from G.E.H. Celia a Photo frame & all got cash besides I was awfully disappointed at not being able to go to church Amy & Wilf went in dogcart Bert horseback Eva & Uncle stayed till ten & Ada & Jim & C & pleasant Clem stays with us for a holiday. George was at Gawler Xmas Eve I got 8 P.C. Uncle Will & Auntie could not come down this year.

Dec 26th Up at usual hour but did not intend to wash Amy had to go down to Charls to milk their cow & feed animals & did all usual work & Amy came home & dressed for Gawler called at Ada's for dinner & met Eva & Charl & Miss Lockyer117 at six oclock & drove home calling for cousin Eva the  men were out at Twelftrees a very windy dusty day I spent the afternoon with cousin Eva & came home & did all evening work with Ma.

117 Lucy Emma Lockyer; I believe this is the correct person, aged 26.

Dec 27 Ma has been so far from well & she laid in bed I got stove lit & Copper & we had breakfast 7 Amy put up dinners for the men then Dad came & said he wanted his dinner so I had to put that up as well & also bake bread late starting to wash & finished before we had dinner at 1/30 then folded starch clothes & ironed all plain ironing & Amy all housework such a beautiful day so cool they broke the Harvester so Dad is stripping & boys stacking Hay.

Dec 28 Early & did usual work both of us but Amy was so unwell she had to give in & lie down. She & Mother brewed beer I did housework & in the afternoon I wetn up to Celias & helped her mend & sewed Hooks on belt I came hometo milke &c & had to mix bread after tea a very hot wind today boys finished stacking Hay this morning & this afternoon they are bag sewing & Dad on the Stripper.

Dec 29 Very early & lit stove & prepared breakfast & helped with odd work & did a portion housework & at 10 ock I dressed for Gawler & Eva went with me & we went to see Beatrice Bosisto118 married in Todd St she looked very sweet in white Silk with silk all over lace bridal veil & pretty bouquet the church was so pretty decorated then we had a lot of shopping to do & got home at about 6 Eva & Emma119 spent afternoon here with Amy & Ma saw Joe Andrew120 in Gawler.

118 Beatrice May Bosisto, aged 21, married Harry Stanley May, aged 25.
119 Lucy Emma Lockyer, see above.
120 Joe Andrew; there are a number of Joseph Andrews. I haven't worked out this connection yet.

Dec 30 I lit fire in the dining room & got breakfast & Amy assisted me then I did our room & blackleaded stove & tied down all the beer lunch over I made two puddings Amy did her usual work in front room & boys room I scrubbed safe & cut out & helped Amy with pair pants for Clem milked & separated & the men broke the harvester do Dad is on the Stripper & boys & Charlie winnowing & bag sewing we are having very cool weather quite a record for December Clem is home still for holidays.

Dec 31st Same hour & work then put out bread to rise & baked it also Did our room & baked currant and cocoanut cake & Ginger cake & washed up my cooking utensils then we had dinner & I did lamps & Amy baked sponge & I small cakes & scones Amy did dining room this morning Eva came down on Wilvia & she & Amy started for Gawler but Silvia would not go & I got Toff for them this hindered them & they did not get to Gawler till five & home at 9/30 Jessie McLean also came home with them.

New Years record Jan 1st 1911;
As it was Sunday & we were late to rest last night as both boys went to Gawler I did not get dressed till 7/30 & Eva & Jessie went home Amy & Ma to milke Dad to Mr Davis' I swept both rooms & fried Ham & Eggs breakfast over I thoroughly cleaned cask for the beach tomorrow. Ma & Amy stuffed fowls & roasted mutton I made Apricot pie & we had Cabbage & potatotes. Yesterday Mr Hobart Senr121 met with an accident got thrown from his bus & broke his ribs. Mrs Albert M Dawkins of a daughter122 & Mrs Dick Humphrys a son123 both born last week sometime.  

121 Dale William Hobart, father of George. 
122 Mary Yeoman, wife of Albert Maynard Dawkins (daughter of Richard Carylon Yeoman). Her daughter is Annie Myrtle Dawkins born December 22, 1910 in Gawler.
123 Martha Lillian Dean, wife of Richard Humphrys (uncle's brother). Her son is Arthur Richard Humphrys, born December 27 in Gawler. 

Jan 2 New Years holiday spent at our favourite spot the Middle Beach Jessie McLean & Eva slept here they came last night after Amy Emma & boys went to Chapel I stayed home & packed verything ready for the outing except the food & cleaned all boots &c I was busy till near ten. This morning Eva & Jessie dressed at 4/30 & went home to milk & get Mr Davis' Masher dray Amy & I dressed at a little before five Amy got breakfast I packed food & all got dressed for our Journey Ma & Dad got up & went ot milk. George came out in a covered trap at six the others later & Celia & Percy went in the dogcart Bert & Clem & Wilf in the spring dray Charl & Eva were so late 8 oclcok when they came I rode with them & at Two Wells I took Clem in with us in the Buggy Emma Lockyer went with us after fixing our tent & getting a fire to boil our Kettle We prepared dinner there were 14 of us sat round & had a most enjoyable meal. Fowls Polony white pudding sauce pickles Pine Apples. pudding. quite a reich spread & talking joking & laughing were freely indulged in. Sports in the afternoon Bert ran & jumped but never got a prize We had a very happy day indeed & reached home at 12/30 tired & sleepy George had to go home also Percy had to go to Wasleys Celia to Mr Rices Jessie & Eva stayed here. Dad been stripping all day Aunt Harriet & family were at the seaside Vic & family & a large crowd of people a lovely cool day. cold at night coming home.

Jan 3rd We could not wash today so I did not get dressed till six got fire made & got breakfast also unpacked all our trap afterwareds I did housework & brushed clothes such a lot to clean & put away after dinner I did a lot of plain hemming & soaked in clothes for washing tomorrow we each had our portion to do of work & also had to put a few stiches in clothes Amy unripped her friling of her white silke muslin & got it ready for the tub boys all down at Bragglesome.

Jan 4 Washing day so I got up at 4/30 & lit stove & put out bread & put in rolls then went to Tubs Amy has so much to do that it is late when she came to the washtub & we did finish till dinner time then Dad & Jessie went to Gawler & we washed extra pants & all other clothing so it was 3 30 before all was done I scrubbed all articles as usual Amy did the separator House we folded clothes such a big basket full warmer weather.

Jan 5th Up at ordinary hour & did all work as ever & after we had inished Amy made Ginger Beer & we started ironing she had two white dressed her Bridesmaids dress she did them up beautifully also Camilsoles & I had shirts colars & two table clothes & all ordinary ironing I did not finish till seven olcokc it was so terribly hot about the hottest for the summer & our work was so tiring the men all at Bragglesome Winnowing Dad finished stripping yesterday Ma & Amy did evening work hot in bed tonight

Jan 6th Up at five & got breakfast & blackleaded stove Amy & Ma di dcows & separating & outside work then Clem & I went to Mrs Johnstones124 for Apricots went up in the Garden & helped pick them all & had as many to eat as we wished came home & got our lunch at eleven & did mending Amy was busy doing cleaning in the front rooms & baked scones cakes on slide & cleaned boys room all best boots I did our room & did our Ward robe & boxed Ma & Clem went to Adas & Emma came here for a while & Eva & Charl drove down for here at night they had a sing song such a delightful change in weather so cool. Sad death of Mr Charlie Warnken125 he was taken ill a week ago going to town & drove his team home & was so very ill that Dr gave not hopes he died at 1/4 to 8 last night.

124 Mrs Johnstone. I have no information about her at this stage.   
125 Charles John Christian Warnken, aged 32. I think this is the husband of Lucy Dawe, but there are some inconsistencies. I think he was born Johann Carl Christian, and then Anglicised his name.

Jan 7th Same hour & did some work as usual & put out bread & baked it early got breakfast fried Ham & Eggs then I did our room & baked Cakes & did lamps & roasted meat scrubbed safe &c then Ma & I stoned Apricots for Jam which she made the men were late home today Amy went to Gawler Eva & Emma went also & Emma went to Town cousin Eva also went & took her cream to the factory with ours. Mr C Warnkin was buried today they saw the funeral go through the street Ma & I had to milk as Amy did not get home till teatime she & Clem & I had a bath Clems toe is getting better I took the nail off today.

Jan 8th We were thoroughly tired so did not get up til near 8 oclock had cold breakfast & I did our room swept dining room then I got the stewpan & made our Rasberry Jam as they would not keep Amy did all the rest of work Ma all her usual work & helped me also with Jam. Dinner over Celia came home then Percy & Mr & Mrs A.H. Folland126 & Mrs Will Folland & her two girls127 Reggie Kelvin & Clarence128 drove over & asked me to go & help her for a week or so next Tuesday. We got tea as soon as they left & then Wilf drove us to Church & George drove us home as he always does.

126 Arthur Harvey Folland and Ann Folland (nee Richardson); Arthur is Frances' brother-in-law.
127 Sarah Elizabeth Folland (nee King), wife of William Vickery Folland (another brother-in-law). Her two girls are Vera Rosalind Folland (aged 10) and Elma Mavis Folland (aged 8)
128 Kelvin Harvey Folland and Clarence Richardson Folland; infant sons of Mr and Mrs A H Folland. Reggie is a Reginald, I believe, as later Fanny makes some pants for him. 

Jan 9 I did not feel too grand so did not get up till after five lit stove & copper Amy fried breakfast & I started washing Amy helped me & we did not finish till three it was very hot in the Sep House & we could not work very hard Eva drove down & made my Blue Blouse for me I was mending my clothes for to go away tomorrow to Reeve's Plains I also lit fire & got tea Ma & Amy milked & Sept & tonight Amy Wilfred & Clem are singing at the Piano it is a lovely evening Amy folded clothes Ma helped her. Men all out in Twelftrees today.

Jan 10th  I was up very early & got the fire in the stove & put out bread & got breakfast then I altered a skirt & trimmed a hat for myself so terribly hot Amy not well her head is so bad & she is worried too I got my basked packed for my journey tomorrow & after dinner we Amy & I went to Gawler met Mr & Mrs A. H. Folland & I came out here we did not get home till sundown then had tea I helped washup & nursed Baby129 did not feel to well & retired at 9/30.

129 This must be their infant son Clarence Richardson Folland.

Jan 11 I dressed & came out at six Miss Robinson130 had the breakfast ready & after helping me washup & she milked Mr Folland drove her & Eric131 to Wasleys to catch train to Moonta where they spend a holiday I swept the dining room & kitchen sewing room got potatoes ready for dinner then altered a pari of pants for Mr Folland had dinner & cleared away & tidied round cut out 3 shirts & made one was so unwell had to lie down & had a sleep nursed baby for an hour Mrs Folland milked & separated & we had tea I washed up & now we are off to bed. Mr Folland goes to town tomorrow.
130  I suppose Miss Robinson is usually the person who provides help to the family, and her holiday is the reason why Fanny is helping out.
131  Eric Joseph Folland, the eldest son, aged 8.

Jan 12 I was up & out before six Mr had the fire lit also Spirit lamp so I got breakfast & swept Kitchen had our meal& I swept the breakfast room then the front bedroom & passage & did both floors separated & washed up all the things & also the breakfast things & swept & dusted sewing room then went on at the shirts & besides helping in various ways I finished them this afternoon & after each meal I have to washup & clear tabble searpate &c Mrs always milks feeds calves &c.

Jan 13 Same hour & got breakfast & swept dining room & Kitchen washed breakfast room floor & did same work as yesterday then cut out & partly made Freda132 a dress besides nursing baby & doing odd work Mrs busy cleaning room & cooking dinner, vegetables & stewed apricots also making Apricot Jam.

132  Freda Jane Anne Folland, their daughter, aged 6.

Jan 14 Up at 5/25 & dressed & thoroughly blackleaded stove (Unicorn) & fountain two Kettle. Did breakfast room Kitchen & washed floor & same as every day cleaned Knives & by persevering I finished both dresses all machine work Mr Folland got home at nine oclock & loaded another load we are having such delightful weather cool evenings hot at midday Mrs bathed all children Majorie133 is very unwell got ulcerated through & like Scarletaria.

133 Marjorie? There is no Marjorie Folland, so I am not sure who this is.

Jan 15 I awoke early but did not dress till after seven lit fire & swept kitchen breakfast room & sewing room. Separated both last nights & this mornings cream did all washing up & bedroom & tiedied round after breakfast Mr Folland went to Adelaide took Reggie & Freda & Majorie she went home ill. Mrs Folland & I went to Mr Martin Richters134 & spent the afternoon had tea there. Allan & Harold135 went to L Light they are home from Town Mr & Mrs Folland & Dolly136 were also at Mr Richters to Tea & W Richters too137.

134 Martin Richter; the son of Martin Richter, I think.
135 Alan Kintore Richter, and Harold Herbert Richter, sons of Martin Richter and Johanne Palm.
136 Could be "Dolly" Day, see January 18.
137 Wilhelm Friedrich Johannes Richter, son of Martin Richter. 

Jan 16 We were up early Mr & Mrs Folland at five & they had the Copper lit & kettle boiling when I came out so we had breakfast & Mr went to Town Mrs went on washing with the machine & I took them up & rinsed & hung out all & down came the line & I had to wash them all over again she finished washing at 10 o'ck & then scrubbed up & I milked & separated & nursed baby it came up a change in the afternoon Thunderdrops & windy & cool. I slept with Mrs Folland late to bed as we wrote letters to Moonta.

Jan 17 Not as early & cleaned the stove & got the fire & breakfast ready Mrs dressed all children & they had their meal then I cleaned down the passage & front bedroom thoroughly, also swept dining sewing room & Kitchen milked separated & washed up everything t& then I went on sewing had a botehr Mr came home from Town.

Jan 18 I overslept till after the clock struck seven then Mrs called me I was rather confused to had my breakfast & cleaned the breakfast room washed floor also Separated milked & after milking cows various housework as usual hung out all the clothes to air after mangling & also did some sewing made Reggie some pants. Mr J G Folland138 Dolly & Ethel Day139 came Ethel stays here for company for Mrs Folland Mr loaded & goes to Adelaide tomorrow morning a very cold change with rain yesterday & today so pleasant.

138 John George Folland, the father of Mr Folland (and the father of Fanny's brother-in-law)
139 Suggest this is Ethel May Day and her sister Gertrude Florence Day (Dolly seems to a a name that is not always associated with a particular first name).

Jan 19 My birthday & I awoke early Ethel & I dressed at 5/30 & came out & had our breakfast & I milked & Separated & cleaned breakfast room & washed up & did front room & the sewing room & lit stove & swept Kitchen and had a lovely bath & got ready for Gawler Mrs Folland & children rode up to Mr Spencer Days140 with us Ethel drove us & she on to City with me & I got a suprise on arrival as Ada has another Son born Jan 16th141 in at Mrs Buggs142 so I went & saw her & did some Shopping Dad Ethel & Clem came in I was at Mr Hobarts where I spent an hour or two a beautiful day quite a record. G.E.H. went to Lameroo today. 

140 Spencer Folland Day; distant relation of Fanny's brother-in-law
141 Ada's new son is Murray Charles Parham.
142 Mrs Buggs was a birthing centre in Gawler, run by Mrs Alice Bugg (nee McHugh).

Jan 20th I have an ulcerated throat very painful have felt it more or less for a week but it is much worse & I have to paint it & rub Eucalyptus in. I lit stove after cleaning it & Amy helped with breakfast as we have all four children home & it is so different i made our beds & helped wash up then i started washing as we brought home all of Ada's I had mine also a large wash I did not finish till 4/30 & then Ma helped me rinse & hang out also second the towels & shirts then I scrubbe all Saturdays usual articles & helped milk & Weparate & then Amy & Dad & Wesley came home from Gawler as we are not going tomorrow. it has been a hotter day boys fallowing or working on the fallow Charl has had a poisoned hand for a week but it is a little better Mr McLeod143 & George are spending a week at Charls George may stay longer.  

143 Daniel McLeod, Eva's father.

Jan 21st Up at 5/30 & lit stove put out bread to rise & made a cake my throat very bad & neck so stiff I did not know how to keep going so Amy very kindly relieved me by doing all baking bread cake sponge meat Dad went down to Charls also Bert Wilfie working in home fallow in Uncle Wills paddock. I dusted dining room & did our room scrubbed safe Amy washed floors I the lamps, cuterly & Ethel the spoons & I the boots Amy the ironing hot in th day time I got afternoon tea & help milk & seaprate while Amy bathed children I have to keep painting my throat my head aches badly.

Jan 22 Our usual time for Sunday & I lit fire & swept both rooms Amy got breakfast & then we each did our share of housework & Ma & dad did the outside work then I put my P.C. in my Album & Amy put George's Photo in her Pendant144 Jim came down before dinner & we only cooked Potatoes as Amy made the pies yesterday Celia came Just as we were washing up & all was talk then till teatime also Charl & Eva & George McLeod came we had tea C & I washed up & Amy & boys Charl & Eva went to Chapel.

144 This is a pendant that Amy always wore around her neck.

Jan 23rd I awoke early & dressed before five & went straight ot the wash tubs Amy got breakfast & children dressed & then after finishing outdoor work helped me & we finished by dinner time & cleared up Ma got dinner then Amy & I washed up while Ma rested & Amy did house work I folded clothes got afternoon tea very hot in Sep house today got quite knocked out & my throat was so bad too men all down working on land at Bragglesome Dad & Wilf home to dinner asWilf was home I forgot working.

Jan 24  Not as early as I felt tired I fried jumbled Eggs & made a brown stew for breakfast then we did all ordinary work & I altered Alberts Tunic Amy so unwell had to rest I split some small stumps & started ironing then helped Ma milk & Sept while Amy finished starch blouses & pinafores Men all at Bragglesome Dad helping get firewood for Charl boy working land. Hotter again today & it makes us feel so knocked out.

Jan 25 We all shifted camp boys & Wesley slept outside me in dining room Sofa Amy & the little ones on the floor so hot tonight. So there were bed to clear up & I got breakft & swept both rooms Ma & Dad milked Amy attended to all the children then she Clem & Albert went to Gawler I cleaned the dairy safe & put all in water to keep from ants made Clancmange & cleaned our room & helped generally made Yeaste got early dinner rested an hour & now at 2130 Ma is resting so I must go & sew Ethel & Wesley are resting too.

Jan 26 We each did all our usual work in the morning & had an early dinner & Dad & Charlie who was home went to Mr Hoopers sale also Jim I cut out & made a dress for Ethel & Eva & George McLeod came down & she worked the button hole & sewed on the buttons Amy helped milk & Sep I got Tea ready Wilfie & Bert were at Bragglesome working the fallow it was very hot but a cooler wind.

Jan 27 I got up first we girls & children slept on the dining room floor so there was beds to clear up & the boys slept outside George Mc stayed the night with us & has been riding horseback & out with the men I cleaned stove & got breakfast fried Amy has all the children to dress & attend to the our portion of morning duties over I cleaned our romo & Amy went chaff cutting I baked cakes & after clearing dinner & helping dust front rooms I dressed Ethel & she & I spent the afternoon with Celia Mr Rice & Irene sailed for the Peninsula today on a holiday it has been dusty & hot like a change but it does not come so thundery came home & got tea ready & mixed bread as well & we slept in our bedrooms.  

Jan 28 I had to rise & make fire & put out bread to rise & get breakfast over & cleaned dining room & baked bread & Ma baked meat & cooked Potatoes for dinner & Amy & Dad went ot Gawler I baked cake cleaned the lamps & all the boots & all the ordinary work went for cows Clem & I such a long walk too as we went the wrong way then Ma & I milked & then I bathed all the children & had tea Dad & Amy came home letter from Franc Mr Alf Millar145 is dead. Y.P.

145 Alfred Charles Miller, aged 36, of Maitland; son of George Miller and Mary Elizabeth Josephs, born in Yorke Valley.

Jan 29 Sunday Amy was first up then I dressed & lit fire & we had breakfast Amy dressed & got children ready for table & afterwards did housework I made pies for dinner & did other work dinner over Amy & I packed all clothes for home & Dad drove us home here146 Ada & baby were home at Eleven we gave Amy a ride as far as Celia's where she intends spending evening & the boys are going to Chapel at Buchsfelde. H.T.S. at Kangaroo Flat but only Charlie & Eva are gone this afternoon as we came down here so hot & sultry.

146  Fanny is now staying with Ada and Jim and their family.

Jan 30 Another very hot day so I di dnot wash we always get up about 1/4 to 6 & as the fire was lit & set breakfast & Jim had his & Ada cut his dinner then he went to work at Will Nottle's we had our meal & I milked & baked scones cakes pie & pasties. Then a cup of Tea & in the afternoon I swept & washed floor scrubbed 2 safe washed all trinkets off of cupboards & mantlepiece & cleaned lamp had tea made up beds & retired so dreadfullly hot in doors.

Jan 31 Terribly hot again I did the ordinary work & it was too hot to wash however it came up thundery & one can see there has been heavy rain & thunderstorms I places but not here I did some sewing cut out & made Ethel a dress of green crash (old) cut up soap & soaked in for washing tomorrow Wesley went down to Auntie Eva's with note he cant go to school no boots as the new ones do not fit him.

Feb 1st I got up lit fire & got on boiler Jim had his breakfast & went to work at 1/4 to 7. Then I did different little things such as dressing the children & washing them for breakfast I did not finis till late 4/30 felt so knocked out folded clothes Alf Nottle called & I had a chat to him got tea baby is good.

Feb 2. Same morning duties Ada not well I washed up then started ironing & kept on till I finished Ada bathed & dressed her baby then later on she slept for 2 & 1/2 hours We had late dinner & Auntie Eva came walked down so I cut out & made two aprons for Ada cooler but so sultry & heavy thunder & storms all round I slept under the window as it was too hot to sleep in bed with Ada only one shower fell here & not heavy at that.

Feb 3rd Not nearly so hot but sultry & oppressive I did usual work & made all beds & have made Albert a Tunic & did some washing & cleaned Pram in morning I dressed the children & cleaned boys boots for school & milked Flora she is going off now Charlie came with milk & Butter & he took Eva to the station ot go on to Town he called here & took Wesley home with hime for the night We just had a sharp Tunder Shower here got a drop water.

Feb 4th A beautiful fresh morning greeted us on waking & a delightfully cool west breeze was blowing such a change from the triping east wind of the past fortnight I lit fire & got breakfast dressed children & got them ready for breakfast Jim had his meal & went for Carmen as Ada is looking after her till Charl & Eva return from Adealide. I swept & dusted the room cleaned lamp windows pictures knives Ethel the spoons & Prongs I did all the childrens washing Ada bathed & dressed Murray & then baked cakes, pastry, got dinner I bathed Wesley & got him ready for his Journey with Charl to Town Dad came at five & I came home brought Albert with me & called at Celia's & at Davis for the meat lovely driving Kit & Alf are home from L Light.

Feb 5 Sunday but we got up early only 25 past 6 & Amy got a cup of Tea & washed her head & I dressed Alb & washed mine & took a bath in to the boys we all had ours last night I swept dining room got breakfast & cooked dinner Mutton Cab & Pots Amy & Ma writing letters Clia has just come home the weather is again hot & sultry. Amy boys & I went to Buchsfelde took Albert but he cried & I had to take him out went to Mrs Standleys & had a talk to Emma Argent147 after.

147 Emma Argent.

Feb 6 I got up early at 5/20 & lit the copper & started the washing it started a drizzling rain Amy got breakfast over & I did not know weather to keep on wasthing or not but we persevered & finished before dinner but the rain never ceased all the time Wilfie was over on the blocks & it rained more over there I ironed all as we had a few hours in the afternoon dry & windy I finished all before tea except starched clothes It is cooler tonight I had to mix bread & help washup.

Feb 7 A morning similar to yesterday & showers fell at intervals all day we all did usual work I starched clothes & ironed them after dinner Ma & Amy went to Ada's & got caught in a heavy storm Amy got wet through I had to washup & tidy roung then got a cup of coffee for men who were putting up a new set of pigstys also did all evening work gathered Eggs milked & separated & washed same Ma & Amy hot home teatime cooler again. Albert is good & content with us.

Feb 8 Raining again quite a nice rain & we have got some rain water now in the tanks as our daily duties are much the same I wil  not write accounts after I had assisted as usual I set to work repairing a vest for Dad & putting in a new back Ma was also mending not much work for men.

Feb 9 Another showery morning we intended going to Gawler but thought it too wet & did all our usual work I baked bread & yeast Buns & did some sewing We had dinner & then we went to Gawler very windy day we drove to Factory with cream & then did shopping changed Tickets got a meat chopping machine & curtains we called at Ada's & Eva's coming home Ma had ilked & separated as it was late.

Feb 10 A Finer day & I lit fire in the dining room & cleaned stove had our breakfast & I cleaned our room Ma got dinner the men are at Bragglesome covering stables & Sheds for the winter Amy did boys room & the two front roms & I helped her by cleaning windows pictures &c, Eva drove down Clyde in the dogcart I made new Tea Towels & a GL apron for Ma altered Alberts Tunic had afternoon tea & cleared & swept round & got Tea & mixed bread Amy mad Albert a new pari fo stay Wednseday he is happy & good with us.

Feb 11 I got up early 5/25 & lit stove & got bread ready to rise & got breakfast over. The men went down to Bragglesome & Wilfred went over the other side Hill working hte Fallow. I did our room baked bread & Cake scrubbed safe & all other articles requiring same Amy did dinign room & bathed Alb we had dinner & went to Gawler taking Albert Celia & Irene were in too & rode home with us we called at Ada's going in & coming home at Charls, Uncles, Mr Rices & Mr Davis but got home just as Ma was milking last cow I separated we had tea & retired.

Feb 12 I had a bad headache & dressed at 15 past 7 & got a cup of tea made porrige had breakfast & did our room & dining room & Kitchen & helped with the dinner roast Mutton & Pots Cab apple pie. Washed up & read so dusyt & cloudy & cold like more rain Amy lit fire for tea which we both set to & got then we four went to Buchsfelde H.T. Service Celia & Percy Irene & Melville drove down & spent evening home.

Feb 13 I got up early washign day then I lit fire in both stove & copper & sorted clothes & got some in Ma & Dad milked 7 Amy gave boys their breakfast then she joined me at Tubs we had a larger wash & did not finish till 2 p.m. we scrubbed & I folded clothes while Amy brushed best clothes & did housework Ma made Egg Plum Jam today a nice day for our work till afternoon then it was showery I mixed bread at night Will Ratcliff spent evening here.

Feb 14 Up & got bread out to rise lit stove & got breakast & baked bread by Mutton Pots & other Veg & also made a Seive for straiing Sauce Ma made Tomato Sauce today Amy did all iroinign I did the plain clolored clothes last evening then Eva drove down in dogcart I cut out & partly made a G.P. Skirt for myself. Amy not well a pain in her side Mrs Albert Dawkins lost her baby148 died Feb 6. about 2 months old. amy was doing fancy work tonight Albert is still home with us It is very cold cloudly weather just like April Days & so cold at night & in the morning & raining every day showers we got 3/4 of a tank of water in the 1000 gallon tank so we are right for rain water.

148Annie Myrtle Dawkins, daughter of Mary Yeomans and Albert Maynard Dawkins (see note 122).

Feb 15 I was up early & called the boys & rubbed Amys side for her got breakfast over swept & dusted dining room Amy did all beds & I was busy at odd work at 10/30 Ma & Amy started for Gawler & I cooked Potatoes for dinner Blanc Mange & Frosted Peaches altered Albs Tunic & finishe dmy skirt gather eggs & lit fire & got Kettle boiling set tea & gave boys theirs as they are gone to Band of Hope Ma came home at a little after five & she & Dad milked I gave boys their Tea & have had ours & washe dup & ixed bread raining.

Feb 16 Amy was absent from home so I dressed at 5/20 I was not well so I lit fire & got a cup of tea & breakfast for the boys. Dad & Ma milked &c I did all necessary housework & then I made an under skirt for myself such a lovely cool day Amy I swashing for Ada today Ma prepared the Peaches & made 1/2 a case or more in Jam I got afernoon Tea. & did evening work & got our meal over Albert has been home with Grandpa in the Spring day Wilfed working fallow.

Feb 17 I did not dress till 1/4 hours later got breakast for boys & I had mine Ma & Dad same work then I set to & thorouhgly swept the large back yard & burnt up rubbish spetn about 2 hours outside then came in & made all beds & swept front rooms & washed front & dining room floor & dusted all & tidied myself & went up to Celia's & spent the rest of the afternoon had a talk to her. Mr Rice has a nice veg garden Eva & Ollie Antwis148 & Aubrey came down for the afternoon here Amy came home at 11 oclcok dotday on Toff a nice day.

148Olive Antwis, Eva's niece.

Feb 18 Saturday but as I did not have to bake bread & as Amy cleaned the stove yesterday I had an easy morning breakfast over I did our room & clenaed thelamps baked cakes scrubbed safe had dinner & finished the scrubbing & washed several pinafores dress & sockes stockings &c as Albert is to go home tomorrow cleaned all the cutlery &c & had a lovely bath & washed my head had a cup of Tea Amy & Albert went to Gawler this morning Dad & Bert were working covery stack in Twelftrees Wilf home near Top working Fallow. A lovely day Ma & I milked & separated we have new neighbours at the Windmill Farm Mr Stevens of Snowtown (newly married)149 been here a fortnight.

149Mr Stevens, new neighbour.

Feb 19th Sunday & I dressed at 7/30 Ma earlier I fried Sausages for breakfast Dad & Amy milked & Separated our meal over I prepared apples for pie Amy made it & also a sponge Sandwich Bert drove in for Ada Jim & family who arrived for dinner a lot too Clem came home last night with Amy Celia Irene & Melville came for the afternoon we talked & spent an enjoyable time got Tea at five then Kit & Alf & Aubrey came All went home at Ten Boys went to Buchsfelde Mr Bailey preached.

Feb 20 I dressed at 20 past five & lit stove as it was so windy I did not know weather to light copper but I did & Amy & I finished & cleared up before dinner then I did all the ironing shirts & all Amy the housework it is quite hot again but a nice breeze Wilf went down to Charls where he remains for the week working Bert goes to & fro Dad went to Gawler away nearly all day.

Feb 21st I felt so terribly tired but was dressed at six & called Bert lit fire & fried breakfast for Bert lit fire & fried breakfast for Bert & made a stew or partly did so the meal over Amy helped with all bedrooms I swept & dusted dining rooms & kitchen Amy went to Gawler & Cousin Eva took in cream I picked fowl & dressed it Ma baked it & cooked Vegetables Dad up for water I had a bother looking for my pattern I cut out & partly made a slip bodice Amy got home at six Ma & I milked & it has been excessively hot after the cold days of last week.

Feb 22nd Anotehr hot day so I got up early & lit fier & baked Rolls & put bread to rise afterwards baked same & did our usual work & I cut out & made a pinafore for Phyllis & also assisted Amy with Murrays pinafores & a nice cool sea breeze blew up at seven but not a change so we three all camped out Amy slept out last evening also Bert I made a small quantity of Grape Jam turned out very nice.

Feb 23 Hot again but in the early morning lovely & cool & damp air I hurried with houseowrk & then finished the pinafores & after dinner I went to Celia's Mr Rice was away at Brinkworth but so many others came that I did not have a good yarn to her Eva & Kit were there Amy went to the Blocks but Auntie & Uncle were not home so she came back to Mrs Standleys & had a good talk with her. Eva spent the afteernoon with mother altering Celia's blouse.

Feb 24 We slept in the dining room last night it was so cool in there & hot in our room so there was beds to clear away this morning & I got breakfast while Ma & Amy milked Separated the men are all at Charls today rising stone & carting to the road they were home yesterday to dinner I been busy cleaned stove & Amy did both back rooms & I the front rooms Amy helped dust I washed the floors & I been mending basket put leather corners on it & after Tea I mixed Bread Amy at fancy work her hucaback work.

Feb 25  Sat I had to bake bread so Amy got boys breakfast I aslo made Raisin Cake & it turned out wvery nice cleaned lamps & scrubbed charis Safe form &c Ma did the Cutlery Amy & Dad wnt to Gawler Vic Ada's & Charls Wilfie has bene down at Charls all the weeek. After I had finished my work I tidied myself & took Celia's blouse up & altered it for her & ha afternoon Tea came home & got Tea for Boys who were going to Gawler did our milking & Separating great fun about Hugh R. who was drunk.

Feb 26th Sunday & Harvest Thanks service at Stone Hill so Amy & I made up our minds to go so I got up & lit fire Amy got breakfast for us I made ours & Ma's bed Amy the boys & swept both dining room & Kitchen Ma & Dad milked & did all oustide work boys have the horses to look after so I set their breakfast & then we got ready & drove in the Buggy Mr Piper preached we came home had dinner & Dad & Ma went to Alf & Kits we read till teatime Bert went to Tea at Mr G. Mortimers & Wilf went down at night & to the Gawler Blocks Church at night. H.R. came here at night I was afraid & glad to see Uncle & Eva who spent the evening here.

Feb 27 I was awfullly surprised to find a wet morning I had soaked in clothes previously & I made several attempts to wash & it just poured so I went to Sewing as also did Amy but at 11/30 it broke & we both got to our tubs & finished all at about 4 oclock & got most dry & then it teemed down Eva came home to Dinner & Charl was home chaffcutting &cEva making a white Blouse for herself we had a cup of Tea & as it loked like more rain Eva went home also Charl with a Trolly load of chaff. Mr Will Worden is married to Miss Magor151 at Angle Vale. I folded lcothes & mixed bread & helped washup.

151John William Robert Worden (son of John Worden) married Elizabeth Martha Annie Magor (daughter of John Magor)

Feb 28A much finer morining I lit stove & put out bread & baked Rolls the washed up everything Separateor & all helped with dinner brown Stew & stewed pears & Sago & baked slde cakes Men all away contracting so Ma Amy & I had our dinner amy busy making a Knight dress (Fancy) for C.M.A.152 I starched & ironed all clothes this afternoon Amy finished some for me while I went for cows Ma & I milked & Sep Bert is gone out this evening Amy sewing Ma & Dad retired cold tonight

152  C.M.A. is Celia May Atyeo!

March 1st As Dad & Ma were going ot Lower Light we all got up & hurried round our usual duties & they started at 9.30 Uncle Charlie went with them & our work done at 10 oclock Amy & I went to Uncle's & Eva & Amy drove on to Gawler I stayed with Kit & we were sewing & talking till 3 ock they got home from Gawler and had their dinner Amy went to Celia's & then came to Eva'e & She & I milked I separated & we all four with Aubrey drove home here & Eva helped Amy milk & Sep. I cooked meat & got Tea Bert & Eva drove to Uncles for Aubreys Bottle & night clothes & they stayed all night with us & then at 11/15 Dad & Ma came home nice day.

Mar 2nd Same time & I got breakfast Kit & Eva went home we each did our portion of work & Eva drove back with some fish & Aubrey came too I finished all housework & frie dthem & we had early dinner & Amy set to wrok sewing the garment for C.M.A. Celia & Irene spent the afternoon with us Irene amusing herself with Doll & playhouse Celia mending & talking I walked for cows such a long sunday trudge I felt to tired another nice day.

Mar 3 I did not wake till after six & was cross as I had two lots of bread & wanting to be baked at that so I hurried & as soon as possible baked it & helped with work washed floors with milk dusted or helped with front rooms & we had early lunch at 12 o'ck Amy & I drove to Ragless' for fruit Grapes figs & peaches & apples Amy stopped with Celia for afternoon I drove home & made fire & got peach Jam ready & made it Eva cut out a fashion shirt for Charlie. Men are contracting Wilfie on the land working fallow he stayes with Charl & Eva all the week I have indigestion very bad.

March 4 I made up my mind to rise at 5/30 & rose accordingly called Bert got breakfast & clenaed Stove made our bed swept dining room lit stove & made Cake got a cup of Tea & then prepared figs & grapes for Jam & cleaned fountain Kettle & was washing up different bottles & Jars &c & ground meat for risoles, which I cooked for tea dished up the jam very nice Ma did scrubbing Cutlery & housework & had a rest Amy went to Gawler & got Jars &c Men chaffcutting Amy helpgin then Dad went down on the G.R. Road153  had such a bother with foal to follw him we had to go & help Wilf is home tonight Thunder & lightning tonight.

152 Gawler River Road.

March 5 Sunday & a hot morning so I got up at 7/30 & got a cup of Tea & breakfast & swept dining room we only cooked potatoes for dinner Bruce Mortimer was here to dinner & for the afternoon We got all cleared away & as it was a terrible hot day got a book & read a while & all rested I most trying day so oppressive I felt quite knocked out & did not go out all day my side was bad so I wrote to Moonta Celia Percy Irene & Eva came for evening Emy Bert & Wilfie went to Buchsfelde at night.

March 6 Could not wash today as I had Jam to make I lit stove & swept dining room got breakfast over made my bed & then chopped some wood & prepared the plums & made Jam also Ma & Amy helped prepare Grapes for same & Apples so I done nothing else till 4 o'clcok with the exception of washint up & clenaed all bottles & pots ready for Jam & cut off the Flagon it was successful too Eva cousin came down we had a cup of Tea & I soaked in clothes for washing & had Tea & Mixed bread Amy finished fancy Garment & did mending Ma writing letters Dad been Gawler Boys same work Wilfie to Charlie's a lovely cool breeze & tonight it is quite a cool change quite a treat.

March 7th Got up in good time but had to light the fire & put out bread & get that on to bake then went on washing Amy hleped as soon as the outdoor work was done, but we did not finish early as we had a big wash I scrubbed all & Amy folded & did housework I cleaned the Copper thoroughly & did other work not a very nice day so windy.

March 8. As our work is much the same each day will not report minutely Men are contracting Wilfie working the land & stays with Charl & Eva nights Amy started ironing & I finished it I also repotted flowers had dinner & Ma & I went to Mrs Ratcliffs153 & Amy went to Blocks horseback & back to Guild Bert went down & met her I came home early & milked all cows & got tea nice day today.

153Jane Ratcliff nee Donald, mother of Hugh and William (and others!)

March 9 We were very busy as we were all going out Ma & Amy caught a pair of Fowls & Amy picked & dressed them I washed up everythign Ma churned & I made seasoning & stuffed fowls & baked them & made Gravy & then we got ready & Ma stayed at cousins as it was Alfs birthday & they had a duck fo dinner We went to Gawler & called back to Ada's & had a cup of Tea then home & they milked & I cooked cabbage potatoes & Fowl after Tea & mixed bread lovey cool weather at present.

March 10 Busy Friday & I lit stove Amy set breakfast & after our mornin gduties over I cut up quinces & made Jam Amy all rooms I assisted in odd work & I also had to hunt for Jars to put Jam in & labeled at lot of Tins. In the evening I & Amy washed up Celia Irene & Eva came over & spent the time talking and arranging for coming event at 10 they went home Amy has a Pleurisy stitch in her side & is not too well.

March 11 About the same time & I got breakfast & blackeded my stove & utensils thoroughly scrubbed safe &c & helped & baked shoulder of mutton & after dinner Dad & I went to the city & also Eva & we saw Kit & Eva & Aubrey late home 8 ock I had a talk to my friends at Bridge Street saw their new Organ been a very nice day & a lot of people out Dad went to a Meeting in the Institute at Gawler today.

March 12 We were late up this morning & Amy was so far from feeling well that she would no nothing, so rested & took medicine I got the fire made & a cup of Tea, & breakfast over having first swept dining room & kitchen & dusted she made bed & Ma & I washed up & she prepared vegetables I lit fire & cooked them for dinner got the meal over & cleared away Amy assisting I had a rest & got Tea helped milk & got in wood have not been out Boy are at Buchsfelde Dad been up to Mr Ratcliffs154 for the afternoon. a nice day so cool.

154William Ratcliff senior, father of Hugh and William (and others!)

Mar 13 Monday & rather a windy morning but I intended washing so got breakfast & lit Copper & Amy helped me after the outdoor work was done we finished before dinner & I washed Dad's Tweed suit all three garments & scrubbed all then dinner over helped washup & pressed suit & went up to Celia's calling at Mrs Ratcliff, but Celia was so busy as Mr Finch155 was hanging new doors & frames I styaed to Tea & Celia came a little way with me & we met Will Ratcliff Hugh was laying in the Trolly drunk, had smashed their own waggon & left it in Gawler to be repaired I hurried home & mxied bread & Eva & Charl stayed all night as the men were at Political meeting Buchsfelde Amy very unwell.

155  Mr Finch.

March 14 Amy not as well so she did not get up I lit fire & put out bread & gave boys their meal then baked it & did housework Amy assiting then I cut out a blouse for Ma & partly made it Kit & Eva came for afternoon so I did a bit more sewing & helped mlik & separate had tea & mended Eva (our) went down to Ada's sewing & took Albert home but he would not stop & they had to take him home again. Mumps are very prevalent in the district beautiful weather.

March 15 I was late getting up & had to fry sausages for our breakfast so I hurried as fast as I could to get ready at 7 ock as it was the Picnic at Buchsfelde & Wilfie went to Mr Richters for Dick the pony Ma hurried & cooked corn beef & Vegetables for 11 ock dinner I mended my skirt & did housework Dad & Boys chaffcutting Amy mending then she went home with Charl & drove to Ada who with her family had dinner at Ada's & then they drove to Picnic & Charl & Amy Wesley & Clement walked Dad Ma & I drove to Mrs Ratcliffs & she rode with us & I got out at uncles & Celia & I drove with Silvia in the cart to Kits then Alf Kit & Aubrey & we two girls went to the Picnic a most beautiful day Amy went in for tilting & ought to have got a prize but favour was shown also Bert & Wilf went in same but did not get anything we all came home at sundown & had Tea & feel tired so will retire all of them have enjoyed themselves

Mar 16 I did not get up till six & got breakfast over & did all housework between us and at about 11 oclock Eva came down & I was making Ma a Zephra Blouse so she helped me & in the afternoon she made Charl a fashion Shirt boys were all ome to dinner Dad was away on the road not as nice a day as yesterday Celia is till at Mr Rice's Reginald & Percy are gone to Adelaide for a holiday & Mr is painting the house or doors Wilfie hurt his finger at Picnic & had to rub linament in as it was so swelled & painful.

Mar 17 St Patricks Day I got up at 5/30 & the bread was over the pan so I dressed at once & lit fire & put the bread out to rise & Amy set table I gave boys their meal & afterwards baked bread yeast buns & helped Ma pluck a pair fowls & preapare seasoning & baked them also did our romo & helped amy dust front rooms made the gravy & we had dinner all lads home then Ma & I washed up & as I have Rhumatics very bad I had a good rest for more than an hour & felt the benefit of same also Ma & Amy rested a while then I cleaned all best boots & shoes & got Tea boys are at Buchsfelde Concert in Aid Tennis Club Amy not well so we stayed home. She is writing to Clara it has been very dusty & hot terrible windy boys been stubble burning.

March 18 Saturday so I lit fire in the dining romo & blackleaded my stove & got breakfast over & made beds & did housework scrubbed safe & made & baked raisin cake & as the boys were at a Concert & Dance last evening I had to wash & iron their fashion cshirts Amy & Dad went to Gawler after dinner it was raining at intervals all the time Ma cleaned all Cutlery &c & she & I milked & Sep & I got Tea then they came from Gawler very cold I lit a fire in dining room.

March 19 Sunday school anniversary at Stone Hill & Ma intended going they milked &Separated & I fried sausages for breakfast Amy assisted with housework I prepared Veg & cooked it for dinner & set same Amy ill a very cold & rainy day or monrin gso no one went to chruch dinner over Wilfie kindly drove Amy & I to Anniversary a large congregation Mr Clarkson156  preached came home to Tea & Eva & Charlie were home Bert & Wilfie went at night we sang & talked.

156 Probably Mr A. E. Clarkson, who is mentioned a lot in the newspapers at the time in association with the Methodist church.

Mar 20th I awoked at four but it was too early to get up but I could not go to sleep till it was time to dress at six then I got up & lit fire & Copper had breakfast & started washign Amy also it was a proper wet morning & we persevered till nearly eleven before I put clothes out to dry it then cleared & a good breeze sprang up & we finished & Amy scrubbed blocks & we had dinner & I did a lot of extra cleaning & scrubbing Amy helped clear table & washup then went to Mr Rice's I hurried & ironed all but starched clothes besides getting stumps & general work at a quarter to six I went to cows & milked am very unwell fine afternoon.

March 21st Had to bake bread so I hurried & fried Fluffs & got breakfast Amy & Ma did all outdoor work according to the rule the men are busy on the road have taken another contract Celia sent word for me to go to Adelaide on Wensday so I altered colar on my dress & starched all the remaining clothes & ironed them & we all did ordinary work & mending.

March 22 We were up early & I got breakfast & Amy & I did all housework & started early for Gawler calling for Celia & Eva on our way arrived at Gawelr Celia went to the Band & I to the post office Eva purchased a few things Amy drove us to the Station calling at the Factory with Cream we had a comfortable carriage & on arrival at Adelaide went straight shopping Eva went home to Prospect to dinner & we went to a strangely mixed place to dinner & did not enjoy it then shopping again & out to Vines157 to Tea & Celia & Vine out for evening I stayed with Ivy & Jessie Mc.

157 Melvina Dunn (nee Hand), cousin on the Heath side (daughter of Aunt Amelia).

March 23 Celia & I slept at Vines & got up & had breakfast & went to dressmakers or rather to Nellies first & met Eva & all of us came to Miss Langleys158 & picked the fashion for the dress & Celia got fitted for same then in to Town & shopping again we went to see the Harem skirts159 which I consider disgusting we finished shopping at four & soon after I hurried down to Victoria Station & caught the 40/30 train for Glenelg had a talk to Eva160 & went round the Garden & had some figs Tea & I read the paper & Eva's little boy was very unwell nice weather.

158  Miss Langley is making Celia's wedding dress!
159 Harem skirts! Such controversial fashion in 1911; made it to Adelaide very quickly!  Women in (almost) trousers! Goodness!
160  Eva May Gosden (nee Tancock), a distant relative. Her little boy is James Gosden, born in January.

March 24 I dressed at seven & came out to find the folks at their breakfast so I had mine & at 8/20 went down to the beach & out on the Jetty & caught the nine oclock train to North Terrace & from there I walked to Edward St Kensington & took a car & went to Pollies161 & stayed till three o'clock took the car to the Scotch Thistle Hotel162 & walked from there to Vines & she was out so I went to Nellies & had a rest a good wash & change of clothes & cup of Tea then Eva & her cousin Miss Hardy163 came & stayed all the evening

161 Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), a cousin.  
162 Scotch Thistle Hotel, is now the Cathedral Hotel in North Adelaide.
163 Hilda Maud Hardy, a cousin of Eva McLeod. 

March 25 Same hour & had a good wash brushed my clothes & cleaned my boots made bed & tidied room I occupied came in to Town & did some more shopping & back to Vines to dinner & stayed till four & took a Car for Station Ivy also came in with me & saw friends off to Cookes Plains I waited fro Eva & she got in the express & came on to Gawelr I came on in the Kapunda train Amy met me I went to my friends & spent evening till amy came had a good time a hot day & sultry.

March 26 Sunday & I awoke so early I could not rest so at 6/30 I dressed & also Wesley got up I got a cup of Tea & fried Sausages for breakfast Ma was so very unwell she had to keep her bed all day I swept both rooms & Amy helped milk &c then we talked a while & only cooked Potatoes for dinner. It was a record day for dust clouds of it blowing all day something dreadful & Ada & children were to have come home but it was not fit to be out with children Celia came home in the afternoon & stayed till ten Percy came out we had a real good talk & looked at purchases from Town. We saw Myrtle Sampson that was & her mother in Adelaide Myrtle has a daughter (Rita Mary)164 Percy is to be married next month165 Bert & Wilf went to Chapel we girls stayed home.

164Myrtle Muriel Polglase (nee Sampson), her mother Mary Jane Sampson (nee Jones), Reta Mary Polglase.
165Percival John Sampson, brother of Myrtle Muriel!

March 27 I got up in good time lit fire & we had breakfast lit Copper & started washing but was hindered & made Wesley a pair of Braces & he went to school with Dad & Bert as they are on the Gawler River road working at the Stone Contract. The out door finished Amy helped me we did not finish till three I scrubbed up all Amy did Sep house I folded clothes Amy housework fair day.

March 28 Same hour & got fire lit & put out bread Amy set table. Each of us did a portion of housework & Amy plucked & dressed a fowl then I did all ironing several starched blouses shirts & colars. Mr Wise came (Griffiths agent) men same work we roasted our fowl & potatoes in Camp overn for Tea nice day & Amy made a nightdress for herself & did fancy work Huckabuck.

March 29 Quarter to six I was up & lit fire & got breakfast & swept & dusted dining room cleaned our room Ma cooking meat Amy went to Gawelr early called at Ada's & took her & Ethel Albert & Baby with her to Gawler to get her teeth out but as it was early closing the Dentists were not home & poor girl had to come home with it aching again Clem & Albert came home with Amy they are here Eva has spent th eday with us started a shirt for Bert Celia let a four bob weight fall on her head too.

March 30 Same time & work for both excepting I had to bake bread. After dinner I washed up everything & swept Kitchen Eva H Celia & Irene Rice came for afternoon we were looking at our Adelaide purchases & had afeternoon tea. Celia's cow went back so they drove her home Eva & Celia walked over but the cow came home quietly I did some knitting at night.

March 31st Usual hour & after morning duties were over Amy did front rooms & I did our bedroom & cleaned stove & generally assisted in various work & in the afternoon I walked up to Glen Hope to see Celia had afternoon tea with her & Reginald Mr Rice is away on his honeymoon he was married yesterday to Miss Amy Crouch166 in Adelaide & are now at Strathalbyn I got home early & set tea we are having delightful weather Dad & boys are at same work contracting on Gawler River Celia had to Celsamine the Kitchen as her Yeast flew all over the wall also sealed all her jams down & is very busy. They have a nice Garden up at Rices now.

166 Glen Hope is the name of Mr Rice's farm. Mr William Rice married Amy Edith Caroline Crouch, at the residence of Mr Phillips in Norwood.

April 1st So all the talk is April fool & laughter with the young folk I had two batches of bread to bake so I had to hurry & light fire & put same (bread) out to rise & then I baked a large rasin Cake scrubbed safe took out tin today as the ants are not so troublesome now. Amy went to Gawler after dinner taking Eva with her George H came home from Lameroo today. After Amy went I cleaned all Cutlery & washed the childrens clothes gave both of them Clem & Albert a bath cleaned boots helped milk & finished all work Amy late home 8/30 & so dark a pleasant day cool breeze & sunshine.

April 2nd Up in good time for Sunday & Amy lit fire & took in tea I made a plum pudding & got it on before breakfast our meal over I made our bed & did other work then Clem & I drove to Bragglesome to meet Ada & children came home & had dinner & cleared all away & had a rest my back is awfully painful so was glad to lie down till tea time I helped with that & the boys & Amy & I went to Buchsfelde G.E.H. was there quite cold coming home Celia & Irene & Melville also spent the afternoon with us.

April 3 Up & set to work to prepare for white-washing as it is very hard work first Amy did Ma's room & I got everythign ready in our room then the boys room it all looks very nice & clean we worked hard all day & filled in our papers at night for the Statistician167 such delightful weather sun very hot in daytime. We got all cleared & Amy & Ma milked Wilf brought home Celia's Cows with Calf today so we got 7 in now I forgot to say Kit & Alf were here Sunday evening Uncle Charlie & Eva with Aubrey are gone to L.Light. Ned Nottle is to be married today168.

167 This was the first Australian National Census.
168 Edward Charles Nottle married Florrie Bessie Fowler in Sedan.

April 4 I lit fire & put out bread & made our bed & after every thing was done Amy did part of dining room & Kitchen thoroughly it looks very nice but is hard work. I washed Curtains & starched them & helped all round Men chaffing Wilf had to take Dutch in to Gawler her foal followed another team. I blackleaded stove & fire irons cleaned cutlery & tins got all done & Amy rode for cows & is now hanging pictures We are both tired after so much work & lifting.

April 5th I had previously soaked in clothes last night for washign so after lighting stove I went & started washing lit copper had breakfast which Amy prepared then she did outdoor work & came on at tubs & we kept on till one o'clock it was a nasty windy showery day also dusty Eva dorve home & made Berts Shirt (Fashion) I did a lot of Curtains & extras also scrubbed different boxes & articles from whitewashing did not finish till five got Tea always cook hot Veg folded & mixed bread I was completely knocked out pains in my limbs & Amy not well.

April 6th Up & baked bread & we each did remaining housework & I started ironing Curtains & at 11 oclock Celia came home from Mr Rices for godd. Dad brought her boxes home last night Dinner over we both Amy & I ironed all the afternoon & I also hung Curtains & bed drapery & after Tea Amy & I & boys went to the Band of Hope it was very showery George was there & we had a pleasant time & a splendid meeting a full house Celia stayed home with Dad & Ma we got home at 10/30 Eva & Charl were there.

April 7th I got up at usual hour six & lit fire & got breakfast Amy & Celia milked Celia's Cow is home but Calf she gave to Cousin Eva I swept both front rooms & duted them Amy helped finish Celia busy sewing & I also cut out & made a garmetn for Ma as they go to Moonta next week Amy did back rooms & boots Celia packed several boxes ready for her new home. Will Dawkins was married last Tuesday at Laura169. We are having such pleasat weather warm sunshine midday cold evenings.

169William Joseph Dawkins married Gwendoline Elizabeth Keipert at the Methodist Church in Laura.

April 8th Same time & hurried to get the fire & put out the bread as I had six loaves today Amy fried breakfast Celia & Amy milked & after breakfast Celia did our room Amy the boys & Mas. I baked bread Ma baked pies & leg Mutton at 10 o'clock Celia & Amy went to Gawler to take Celia & Cousin Eva to Station as they go to Adelaide today I swept & dusted Dining room did Safe lamps had dinner & a rest then I made & baked Cake cleaned boots & now must get afternoon Tea & milk as Amy is not home yet 5 o'clock my tooth has ahced for several days & have an ulcerated mouth so its not to nice & I can scarcely eat my food.
(There is a sentence scribbled out here, it says...) G.E.H. was thrown from his pony near We went to [illegible] but not seriously hurt.

April 10 Usual hour & after getting breakfast went to wash Tubs Amy rode to Buchsfelde to see if she find her comb & afterward found it home in her hat we di dnot finish washing till after dinner then I scrubbed form Knife box & all thats necessary. Left Copper to soak help fold clothes Amy did housework Dad went to Gawler & met Celia & Cousin Eva from Adelaide P.T.D. came out for evening Celia & he have a lot to arrange yet Amy & I mended stockings & were talking Celia brought home a frame for me & one for her Bromide also mugs & beads for Moonta children as they go up next Thursday.

April 9th I have omitted to put in Sunday report. We got up about 7/30 I got fire & took in Tea also breakfast then I swept dining room & Kitchen & we each did our work Ma & Dad went down to Charlies to dinner Will Ratcliff came over & had a Yarn to us Amy prepared vegetables & I roasted shoulder Mutton Potatoes boiled & sweeds we had our dinner & washed up & had a read then I got Tea & Amy milked & Sepr & Dad & Ma got home so us girls & boys went to Chapel at Buchsfelde George was riding a young pony & got thrown near the school but happily was not seriously hurt but it gave us a scare he mounted again & we rode in our trap a nice night.

April 11th We got up very early just after five & I had breakfast ready before six by lamplihgt all boys down contracting & Dad also this afternoon but after breakfast I washed up & then scoured the Copper & Dad & I went to Gawler, I got new Boots for every day & slippers for Ma called at Mrs Hobarts & got home soon after one o'clock helped Amy do all ironing & got in wood had Tea Dad Bert Celia & Amy are at the Liberal Social at Buchsfelde170 tonight Ma writing Wilfie reading my hip is very bad so painful Mrs Joe Freak171 was buried today. Celia went up to Rices washing all day from half past six till 3/30.

170There are quite a few Liberal Union meetings at the Buchsfelde Church in 1911-1912 reported in newspapers at the time. Like this.
171Sophia Mary Ann Freak (nee Weaver), wife of Job Freak, aged 49 in Willaston.

April 12 Not as early as yesterday but I had to put out bread & lit fire we had breakfast then I prepared apples for Jam & made same. Eva came home after Dinner in the dogcart & finished berts Shirt Amy made a new cover for chair cushion Celia & Ma packed Baskets for Moonta I stuffed fowl & roasted it with Trombone & potatoes for 7 o'clock dinner also made scones.

April 13th Same time & hurried to get breakfast ready & hot water for the folks they started off at about 8 o'clock Wilfred drove them in. Amy & I had to milk & Separate & cook dinner Melon pie & Vegetables Charl was home to dinner & this afternoon I have been mending. Amy had to help chaffcut & the boys took Daisy & Majorie down to the other place We milked & Separated Amy fed calf & pigs I hopped wood & got Tea then made Hot Cross Buns & bread Amy at fancy work.

April 14 Good Friday & Amy & I intended to do a lot of our work ready for tomorrow. But everything went contrary in the first place the Buns had not rose so I put out bread & lit stove we had breakfast & then I baked bread Amy picked a fowl which I stuffed & baked & also Veg & Apple & Pastry just got ordinary work done & Auntie & Uncle drove over from the blocks to dinner she carved the fowl for me & Charl was home to dinner also Eva came home We had a lot to wash up then adjourned to Sitting room had music & singing & at four afternoon tea & they went home the buns did not rise all day so I left them another night & did all the other work I cleaned dairy & our room Amy the boys room & both did other work

April 15 Good time & blackleaded my stove by lamp light also the other fire irons & utensils lit stove & baked buns for breakfast then I with the rest had our meal amy did the cows & outdoor work Charl & Wesley came home & they cut chaff also he brought home the meat. I washed the Separator & the dishes such a lot to do neither of us knew which to do first I prepared a brown stew & baked meat & cake & pastry Amy all three front rooms we got most done before dinner I did scrubbing after dinner washe dup cleaned all cutlery &c Amy lamps we got all finished & dressed for Gawler after a cup of Tea On arrival there did shopping changed my boots got a pair of sheets for Tickets at Folletts. We spent the rest of evening with our frinds the boys rode in horseback we got a letter with bad news of Moonta it gave us a shock172.

172 This must be a sudden health problem for Ma - see April 18th for an update.

April 17 I awoke at four & dressed at 1/4 to five lit a fire in dining room & also Copper chopped wood & started washing before it was light so I had Lantern on the go & got three boils ready & first out at breakfast time Amy did washing up & sweeping then helped me we went our hardest & finished all at 11 o'clock cleaned copper & did all scrubbing & cleaned ourselves before dinner. George came out & he & Amy went to the Picnic at Alf Glens173 (Willaston Picnic) Wilfie went at 6/30 this morning with Stan Preiss174 in the Trolly & tonight he is at the Blocks Tea meeting I been ironing all afternoon & got the Eggs milked & Separated & am very tired Bert been carting manure.

173Alfred Edward Glen, a neighbour.
174August William Stanley Preiss, a neighbour.

April 16 I wrote wrong date so this is Easter Sunday Amy & I dressed at 7 & I lit fire then we milked & Sep had breakfast & Amy did housework I baked scones & apple pie potatoes. Percy Rice175 came over on his bike with a message. George & Amy went to Uncles at Blocks & to their home & had Tea Auntie was delighted & she & Uncle went to the Anniversary Wilfie went for a ride to Preiss Bert read a book I wrote to Celia & had everything ready for Mr & Mrs McLeod176 but they did not come. Bert & Wilfie fed & watered the horses & Bert fed pics & turned the Separator for me. I spent the evening with the Ratcliffs Mr & Mrs Maggs177 were there I had a long talk with her on paper they are both deaf & dumb have 3 children Howard Mortimer178 preached his first sermon last night all of ours went Amy & George came back to the Buchsfelde church at night.

175 Percy Mayo Rice, 13 year old son of William Rice (who Celia was working for). Perhaps some of those earlier mentions of Celia & Percy might include this Percy, not just her fiance! 
176 Eva's parents: Daniel McLeod and Elizabeth McLeod (nee Webber).
177 Arthur Edward Maggs and Fanny Catherine Ratcliff (the daughter of William and Jane Ratcliff). They were married at the Deaf & Dumb Church in Adelaide in 1908. Here is a newspaper report!
178 Howard Mortimer, brother of Bruce and Brenda, son of George Augustus Mortimer and Emily Baker.

April 18th We always get up about 1/4 to six & I get breakfast Amy usually milks & feeds animals then both help in the housework the boys went to Gawler for the manure & Wilfie went to the other place breaking down straw. I finished the ironing & baked leg mutton in the camp oven & roast potatoes & cabbage Amy had to feed & water the horses & after dinner was cleared I washed up & Amy put in the ponies & we went to Gawelr got a P.C. from Moonta to say Mother improving nicely came home Amy milked & separated while I swept dining room & got a fire & set table Eva & her mother came for evening had singing & music looked at Photos I mended stockings. nice day.

April 19th Same time & I lit fire & the got ready for Mrs Rices arrived there at 7/30 & commenced washing did not finish till 2 o'clock the cleared up & Mangled & helped iron stayed till 5 o'clcok come home helped milk & separate Amy stayed home all day made Risoles for dinner & scones Stewed Quinces the boys came home with such anice load of straw. It was a quiet dull day but better in afternoon I felt so tired could hardly walk home but persevered my hip was so bad & I had a lot to do we milked & all other work.

April 20th We got dressed at about the same time & each did our morning work. Amy & boys got a fowl which she picked & got ready for dinner I prepared the seasoning & Amy cooked dinenr I mended Wilfie's pants & Dads. Charl was home to dinner & we had a real good dinner Melon pie for dessert. After clearing al away Amy & I were sewing mending I hemmed up my German print skirt & we each help with milking Separating the boys are covering the stables & sheds with straw ready for winter we are having lovely weather so warm at midday Nellie Dean was married at 6/30am on Easter Monday at R.C. Church179. A cool night

179 Nellie Dean marries John Henry Hoare

April 21st I felt tired & did not dress at five when I woke & consequently went ot sleep till 6/15 & then I had to go my hardest to get boys breakfast as they wanted to go to Braggleseom early to load another load of straw I washed up then blackleaded stove 7c made a potatoe pie & pancakes for dinner then Amy went to Gawler to see if there was a letter for us from Moonta I washed up scrubbed safe & dusted cupboards was busy but got coffee & cakes for lunch I had previously made scones & cakes this morning Wesley & Clem came down to help the boys chaffcut this afternoon Amy home at 5/30.

April 22 I dressed earlier but not early enought as the bread was all over when I went out I lit fire & got all out in Tins to rise Amy milked Separated & fed all the animals herself, I fried breakfast then baked two lots of bread cake & made a stew with dumplings & stewed quinces Bert had to go to Gawler with *Cannon) Amy went in at 11 o'clock to meet Moonta folk but they did not come I washed up all after dinner & swept & washed both floors clenaed all Cutlery & Tinware & washe dout some clothes I was more than busy I aslso had to dust our room Amy got home at the same time & we milked & she did all outdoor work I got Tea Bert came home I made a nice fire in dining room.

Sunday April 23rd We did not dress till 8 o'clock as our time stopped however I hurried & got the fire & fried sausaged Amy did all the outdoor work boys fed & watered 23 head horses after our meal washed up everything & Amy did bedrooms & housework then I made a meat pie & cooked Vegetables & stewed Quinces & had midday Dinner & Amy & I dressed for Gawler we called at Mr Hobarts & left the ponies there & Mr & Mrs & I walked down to the Park to the Sacred Concert in Aid of Chinese Famine178 Florrie & Amy came later as Flo was not ready. I was a very rough afternoon & the rain came down just as the address began so we all sent in the building Mr Rebbeck Mayor of Gawler presided & Rev E.J. Piper & Best gave addresses the Band discoursed music it was lovely the Sunday School marched. We came back to our friends to Tea & stormy & showery we left for home & arrived home between 8 & 9 oclock & soon after retired the boys were at Church so we were all on our own for a time but they came home in good time. We had quite a nice Sunday only spolit by the weather as we wished to visit Ada for part of the evening however we got home dry & no rain to speak of fell during the night.

178There is a lengthy newspaper article about the event here. Speakers were Mr C G Rebbeck (Mayor), Rev. Sydney Best and Rev. E.J. Piper.

Monday April 24th Awake early & I dressed at 5/30 about lit the stove & helped Amy milk & had my breakfast & at 7/10 walked up to Mrs Rices & found all ready for the washign I started & almost finished at dinner time emptied Copper which Reginald filled as they were going pig killing I scrubbed all pans & buckets & the Safe which is to be in the pantry then mangled & helped iron. Bert went to Gawler to meet Dad, Ma & Celia who came home from Moonta I got home at 6 o'clock so tired had a chat & Tea & retired at nine oclock it was so windy for washing today.

April 25 I did not dress as early as I had a spare morn no baking I lit fire & took in tea & fried some snapper & had breakfast & then we each did various household duties & Amy cooked dinner. Ma helping her Celia & I turned down hems of new sheets I did the sewing hemmed all four had dinner boys & Dad preparing for seeding this afternoon Ive been mending & got afternoon tea Eva & Charl are home today & spending evening here music going I soaked in clothes & had tea & washe dup with Amy mixed bread cool tonight.

April 26th I was up early & lit Copper & had to come in & put out the bread then I went on at the Tubs & got the finest boil read also sheets & bed linen Tablecloth &c then Celia & Amy took it on as I was awfully unwell had been all night. I came in & baked bread did all housework & beds Ma cooked dinner after we cleared away & I folded all clothes & the girls having finished all cam ein & we all got ready for Buchsfelde Dad Ma & we 3 girls to Vote but our names were not on the roll so had to return disappointed179 I lit fire & got Tea C & A milked quite cold now.

179Voting is for a referendum about extending legislative powers for trade, monopolies etc. It wasn't passed.

April 27 I felt so tired & unwell Amy lit the fire & prepared the porrige & got breakfast Celia dressed then I followed Ma made Melon Jam I did a portion of housework Celia started ironing I took boys up lunch & came back & helped iron did shirts & Colars Eva came down & started Amys dress or rather Amy drove down for her Dad spent Morning at Mr Davis. Kit & Eva & Aubrey & Ellie Antwis180 came down & Mr & Mrs Bray Senr & Mrs Albert Bray181 came getting names for Temperance for Legislative Council &c. We had a lot of ironing did not finish till afternoon tea time boys ploughing Sandhill with Single ploughs very dry Nell Dean was married Easter Monday at 6/30am to Mr Hoar182 he is a Roman Catholic & she has also turned for him I hear On Tuesday April 18 at Gawler South to Mr & Mrs Jim Hobart of Reid St Gawler. A son183.

Mrs Stevens at Windmill Farm has a Son born May the 3rd at Mrs Buggs184.

180Ellen Antwis, neice of Kit.
181Annie Elizabeth Bray (nee Dawkins), which means Mr & Mrs Bray Senior are James Bray and Ellen Bray (nee Goss).
182John Henry Hoare. Catholic! She turned for him! This was actually shocking at the time.
183Frederick Lawrence Hobart, son of James Thomas Hobart and Edith Daisy Hobart (nee Templer).
184Reginald James Stevens, son of Edith Victoria Stevens (nee Fisher)

April 28 Up & lit stove & put out bread Amy got breakfast Girls milked & Separated & Amy fed animals. Celia also picked a fowl Amy did all bedrooms & sitting room. I did odd work & then started a white petticoat for Celia which took me all day & then not finished Amy blackleaded dining room fireplace & did all she could to forward Saturday work. Celia started to walk to Kittys after dinner & stays with Charl & Eva tonight Amy doing Huckabuck I sewing Ma mending & got in wood.

April 29th I dressed at 6 oclcok & got breakfast & porrige ready Amy later up I took in Tea. Meal over i blackleaded stove then started backing Biscuits Scones & Raisin Cake & washing up Amy cleaned dining room Cealia cleaned window Ma packed Eggs & salted meat & also cooked meat for dinner. I cleaned the lamps & helped washup & did Cutlery then I finished Celias petticoat. Bert been away fixing up Drill. Celia & Amy are in Gawler Wilfie is gone in for them Dad been in all afternoon came home & changed horses & Wilf went back all have retired so will follow tired.

April 30th Sunday we did not get up till late as Celia & Amy & Wilfie were late home last night from Gawler & I was tired too I neglected the wood & consequently could not get the fire to burn however i got the cup that cheers then fried usual breakfast (S) Cel & Amy milked &c & Celia found my brooch that I lost 10 months ago. I cooked dinner. had cold meat Celia & Amy wrote out invitations Boys went down to the other place also Dad Eva & Charlie went to Adelaide in the dogcart Amy, the boys & I went to Buchsfelde at night. George was out we waled over the sandhills and we had Lady in the trap Hector was bad. Uncle Charlie & Eva spent evening here I came in & got supper Percy & Celia were here also. The weather keeps dry & warm.

May 1st I dressed early & lit fire took in Tea got breakfast & started for Mrs Rice's & arrived at 7.30 & started washing but had a lot to do & got very knocked out. I did not finish washing till 2 then mangled & ironed some Mrs Rice got lunch twice rather windy I left their place at 5/30 & went ot Eva's Kit & Alf were there to be ready for the Light. I stayed all night at Eva's as I had rhumatics standing on my feet so long also Uncle had them so bad he could not sit at teatime had to stand at the tale Alf was late home from Mr Kreigs Mr Parker185 is very ill a growth in his eye afraid its a Cancer under an Adelaide Dr & suffering very much I was terribly tired & glad to rest.

185  Likely Thomas Philip Parker, an older man in Gawler.

May 2nd I got up at 5/30 Alf at 10 to five Eva got meal of which we partook at 6 oclock & then I walked home Amy was puttin gout bread to rise I baked it & they milked After we finished housework Celia & Amy ironed also Celia drove to Rices for Marrows & Melons we roasted a fowl for dinner & I started to mend Dads Coat very shaky & I pached it in all directions for him Eva & Charl came home from Town with purhcases & Bridal Veil.

May 3rd It was a lovely day I was up in good time & fried boys breakfast Liver & onions as we killed apig last evening Celia went into Ada's for the day Ma & Dad cut up & salted the pig also melted the lard I cooked roasted Spare Rib potatoes Trombone & Tapioca pudding in the afternoon I made new Sofa cover & pillow case Ma made a feather pillow for Celia Amy also sewing & fancywork C did not get home till teatime brought Ethel & Albert home with her boys & Dad busy preparing seed for sowing.

May 4th I got up & got breakfast but I felt so tired my limbs are bad ordinary work for all Celia & Ada. Ethel & Murray went to Gawler for the day to get the outfit for children for the wedding Eva came home to do Amys silk dress I was mending & helping generally Celia late home it has been a very windy & dusty day Bert started drilling in Boats the rest on the land also. Dad is at J.S. Buchsfelde.

May 5 Same hour & lit stove & called Amy who gave boys their breakfast while I put out bread afterward I did our room & dining room Amy thoroughly did front rooms & boys Celia went ot the Light with Eva & Kit & Aubrey this has been a very hot day & windy so tiring Eva came down to do Amys dress but had not enough to finish it The (Glace) Amy set to & tared all the dining room & Kitchen fireplaces I mixed mortar & built in stove it had given away men same work Amy is now having a bath has bathed Alb & I must follow.

May 6th Saturday & nasty dusty morning which turned out to be a record day for dust & wind AMy did all housework I was busy at baking bread cake also usual Saturday work & I did some washing too Celia Uncle Charlie & Eva drove home from the Light in the terrible weather & after she had had her dinner she walked up & went to Gawler & Amy & Dad also went to Gawler the girls went & spent a while with our friends at Bridge St & came home in the dogcart Dad met Vine & her husband who spent the holiday here I was not too well & could not sleep at all.

May 7th We did get up atall early I got a cup of Tea & also breakfast while Celia & Amy went to milk & do outdoor work we had cold dinner only Veg hot Dad spent morning with Mr Ratcliffe he is ill with Rhumatics & Mrs is at Gawler for medical attention & for the daughter to look after her Vine & Harold185 came down in the afternoon from Charl's the boys rode to Church at Buchsfelde Amy & I could not go so G.E.H. came out & Amy & he went off on their own Celia & Percy went out for a talk & we were left indoors looking at Photographs.

185  Harold Thomas Headland Dunn, husband of cousin Melvina (Vine).

May 8th I got up at five & hastened to get breakfast then started for Glen Hope arrived at 7 o'clock & at once began & as it was a lovely day I got on well & finished by one oclock all but patns which I finished afterwards & scrubbed the stand & tub buckets & mangled & ironed all but colars came home at Sundown & Ma & Dad were milking & I was quite done up but got tea & mended Celia & Amy were in Gawler as they took V & Harold home to Station & did not get home till late at night.

May 9th I felt awfully tired but was up in good time & got the fire & also the copper lit & clothes sorted but as I could not stand washing so Celia & Amy washed I baked some slide Buns & did housework & got lunch at midday it started to rain & continued all the afternoon & we could not get the clothes dry the girls ironed all that was dry I had previously folded them & the men all got wet through & there ws wet clothes all round the fire Eva Heath rode home with Dad she is staying with us I had to mix bread we are all very busy preparing for 17th a dreadful cold day & so damp.

May 10th Such a wet mornign & I had to go my hardest & lit fire put out bread & also fried Fluffs & baked rolls & put in bread then breakfast over, we decided I should go to Gawler so I started off & got down at Eva's & Charl's & took an order for her I got at the City at 10/30 & hurried to get new oil-cloth & cashmere to alter Ada's dress I got back at Ada's at 12/30 & had hot Biscuit & got a dress to make Murrays one by; came on to Eva's & had hot dinner hten we came home & Eva finished Amy's dress I altered Ada's Black one & did some ironing Eva & Charl stayed at Tea.

May 11 I was up very early & got breakfast also did a portion of housework then finished putting a width in Ada's dress & cut out Murrays. Celia & Amy laid new oilcloth & put the other in Mothers room also hung new curtains & were very busy cleaning everything ready for next week it all looks nice now I did not get  Babys dress done Eva Bert & Amy & Wilf went to B of Hope. Celia & I stayed home also Dad & Ma. not so cold as yesterday

May 12 I got up at 20 minutes past five started work lit fire & got breakfast all ready lit stove & put out bread Amy waited on boys while I did my work afterwards I baked bread & lunch Biscuits also did housework swept dining room & helped washup then I finished Murrays dress & Amy pineapple stitched it, it looks very pretty Amy & Celia & Ma are sewing Men went down to Bragglesome & Bert remains there Wilfie working home plowing got to mix bread

May 13 Early up & lit the fire in the dining room as my bread was not ready to bake so after breakfast was over I made Cakes & baked bread & meat Celia & cousin Eva & Dad went to Gawler & over to Evanston to help sort her house Amy & Ma & I did all the Glasses got them ready for the Wedding also I did hte getting of dinner fried mutton & potatoes Wilfie was home to other boys were at Bragglesome Amy & our Eva went in to Gawler in the afternoon I cleared dinner scrubbed the safe & cleaned lamps Ma all cutlery & spoons ready for the occasion I made Celia a Belt but my eyes were so bad I could not see & could not finish.

May 14 Dad was up about six & milked we were all tired so did not get up till 1/4 past seven I swept dining room & dusted got breakfast & afterwards I made pie &c the girls preparing things Celia sorting boxes ready Eva went home & did her work & came back to dinner Celia Amy & I had a bath & I got clothes ready for washing as if spared we will be busy tomorrow Amy & Wilfie gone to Chapel Bert to Bragglesome very cold Mr Ratcliff is ill in bed & also Mrs is at her daughters ill in Gawler.

May 15 I was up very early & got breakfast & Eva & I rode up as far as Mr Davis with Wilfie then I went on to Mrs Rices & washed & mangled & helped iron & mended stockings came home at 5/30 Cousin Eva & Celia did washing also Eva's with ours it was a very busy time in the evening Celia hemmed her curtains & I mixed bread it was a nice day for washing.

May 16th I got up & got breakfast the boys are at Bragglesome the girls ironed yesterday as well as the washing, I baked bread Percy came out & Dad & he cleaned all harness & Celia went to Gawler & got the food her & Eva & the flowers for her wedding such beauties & lovely Fern I put up new shelving on cupboards & cleared most of the things out of the dining room Percy & Dad put up the Marque & after Tea Charl & Eva came & she & Celia made all Jellies while Bert Cousin Eva & I made 13 dozen each sandwiches Polony & Ham then the young ones all decorated the Marque with pines & flowers & an Arch of White & Green & white true lovers knots it was a vey nice place indeed & a table in the Sep house to pour the tea on we had a coffee supper & sandwiches & plaited our haire & retired late to bed.

May 17th Celia's Wedding Day 1911

We all awoke at 4/30 & heard it raining & were afraid it was going to be wet, we did not dress till 6 oclock got breakfast cleared everything out of the dining room & Amy washed the floor we carried the Tables out & fixed all in the Marque & Celia set Decorations & crinkled paper on the table clothes. We had Green on one Pale blue on the other & pure white on the bridal table. I sorted Vases of flowers Charl & Eva came down & Eva made the Bridle Bouquet it looked lovely. Bert was first to go away as he had to call for Percy & George & drive to the church Charlie went for Ada Jim & family & drove them to Church Our Eva & Kit stayed home & got all the food set out & boiled the water. Dad Ma Celia Amy & myself with Wilfie as driver left at 2 o'clock Ma & I got out & walked to church from Wilkinsons & they went for Annie186 such a lot at Church to see them married. The Bride looked very nice indeed as she entered the church on her fathers arm dressed in Ivory Silk over pure white Glaze with silk all over lace & Insertion & very pretty Veil & orange blossom spray & also in her hair her veil was drawn through her ingagment Ring. Amy as first Brides was dressed in Creme Silk with Silk insertions & pale blue Ribbon arranged in her hair. Annie McLean as Second was also in Creme Silk & Val insertion hair down & tied with blue. We got home at five the Bridal party had their Photographs taken after the Ceremony we had about 50 guests here. Breakfast served in Marque & Mr McLean187 proposed Toasts also Bert & George and Mr Mc also gave a speech We waiters were kept very busy indeed and after all was cleared away we came in & changed our dresses & the young Folk freely indulged in dancing till the small hours of morning also Singing & Recitations were given & at 12 o'clock we prepared Tea & Coffee for Supper at which all guests partook it was a most decided success throughout & everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It rained a good deal during the night & it was four oclock before we got to bed. Aunt H.P. Maria Jessie & Elvera stayed with us & Dorrie Folland186 stayes till next Monday. The Bride received many useful & lovely presents. dinner set, lovely vase, Lamp, Spoons, Prongs, desserts s. stand, bed linen table linen pillows cups & saucers oven mantle, bedroom set, salad bowls & many others.

186 Annie Joyce McLean, daughter of James Sparshott McLean, 2nd bridesmaid.
187James Sparshott McLean.
188 Doris Rose Folland, sister of Fanny's brother-in-law, stays with the family as well as Aunt Harriet and all the Paterson cousins.

May 18 As the wedding did not break up till about 3 o'clock & I had to make up beds for visitors it was four before I could go to bed myself & when called at 6 ock I felt very tired, but there was work in every direction & I got breakfast for boys & Amy for visitors while I went round in the Marque & set to work to washup & stood from then till eleven doing nothing else then Amy packed Gawler crockery & I packed other Glass to go to others also we got all the things back in the rooms tables sofa safe &c I never felt more thoroughly done up but Eva was taken in & Charl came home for Ma who remained all day there waiting on her also her sister was there & stays till Saturday Aunt H. Maria Jessie & Elvie went home today at 11 oclock.

May 19 Same morning work as others day & I packed all Celia's wedding presents such a lot too & we each did some extra Friday work as otehr weeks there seemed so much extra work as all things were Topsy Turvy Eva is better Dorrie Folland stays with us for a while & helps us she helped me with glasses yesterday Eva stays here altogether just goes home & milks & does work we all having such cold wet weather since the wedding boys are at Bragglesome. We have another cow in Beauty had a calf last Sunday.

May 20th I did not have to bake so did all usual other work but was so unwell I had to lie down Amy & Dorrie cleaned best boots & Amy cutlery &c I cleaned lamps & safe & scrubbed it was so cold & raining Dad & cousin Eva went to Gawler in the morning & Amy Dorrie & boys went in for the evening I milked & Sepr & cleaned mine & Ma's boots & finished otehr odd work.

May 21st Sunday but I dressed in good time & fried brkf swept room & after our meal was over I lit up stove & baked pastry pies & tarts also leg mutton & Ma did vegetables cabbage potatoes the otehr were singing Amy at Piano then in the afternoon after an hours rest I did Amys hair & she did mine & Eva's & We girls with wilfie as driver went to Buchsfelde Church & heard that poor Pollie's husband was not expected to live Joyce189 told us & we drove home very sorry for her. George was there & rode out here afterwards Bert went to Bragglesome as well after chapel.

189 Muriel Joyce Preiss, a neighbour, and the sister of Polly's husband Harry.

May 22nd Usual work for both & after breakfast & mroning work was done I with Amy & Dorrie drove to Gawler where Stan Preiss told us of Harrys death190 & we tried to wire to Uncle but was unable to do so we spent a while with Celia at Evanston then came back & did shopping & called at our friends but Mrs Hobart was at Jims as their baby was ill191 Eva Heath stayed with Ma while we were away & helped her I bought a new blouse & Gossamer Celia came down the street with us it was cold coming home I soaked in clothes ready for washing.

190Henry Charles Stephen Preiss, husband of cousin Pollie (Mary Ann Preiss nee Arbon), leaving three children.
191James Thomas Hobart, and his son Frederick Lawrence, a month old (see April 18)

May 23rd Up in good time lit fire & also Copper Amy dairy work then we both washed till dinenr time such a lot of Tablecloths & sheets &c after wdding then we had dinner & Dad Ma cousin Eva Amy & I went to the Funeral we met it at Willaston & the Funeral was at the old Cemetery at Buchsfelde it was very sad indeed to see poor Pollie, there were many lovely wreaths from Adelaide, we got home at 5 oclock & I changed my dress & folded clothes & we had tea Amy milked & as we had been through a sorrowful afternoon we retired early Amy has a bad cold & cough. a nice day.

May 24 Up at about 5/30 now as all the boys are at Bragglesome & at times it is 6 oclcok but we have had such a lot of work & worry lately & feel tired in the morning both Amy & I ironed as fast as we could go but did not finish as we had to finish washing & scrubbing & by then it was dinner time so we only had the afternoon I mangled all plain clothes through the wringer. It was a day of unclouded sunshine & all that could be desired, but towards evening it looked like a change. Ma went to see Eva & Charl he is not at all well we had to milk &c.

May 25th About the same time & same work we have let off the cows & are only milking the heifer Beauty & Celia's Queenie Amy had to help chaffcut & I had to bake Cakes, bread did not rise so I starched clothes & ironed again Amy went to see Ada & poor old Charl is ill again & had to go to the Dr today Eva drove him & he is going in to Celia's on Saturday to be near Dr & he will have to go under an operation I finished ironing after tea Joyce drove Aunt Charlotte out to our place to stay till Monday she is a dear old soul but so tired after journey.

May 26th Up at 6 & called me I dressed & got breakfast & also got Ma's & Aunty's later blackleaded stove &c & then I cleaned our room & Amy the front room & hung the pictures I helped her Auntie & Ma went down to see poor old Charl he is so ill Eva H stays always with us now it is like rain & is raining now Dad has to help  to do the seeding now & it is hard work for him Ma & Amy planted Cabbage plants & Lettice & Beat yesterday & Dad & Eva planted Cabbage Monday.

May 27 Up earlier & put out bread to rise after getting the breakfast Amy milked & then she & Aunt Charlotte started for Gawler & drove to Charlie's & he & Eva went with them & straight to Celia's where an operation was performed by Dr Covernton192 on Charl & he suffered terribly Uncle Will & Auntie called to see him Amy remained there all the afternoon & helped Celia poor Charl has had a very painful time this week. Ma & I did all our Saturday work Clem & I went for cows had a bother with them as they were so scattered & I felt so tired but milked & fed pigs calf & chopped wood we are having very cold weather Auntie & Amy got home teatime & I trimmed her hat

192Dr Hugh Selby Covernton.

[end of book]

[the following from a single sheet of paper]

Sunday May 28th We got up & dressed at 7/30 & I got the room swept & fried sausages for breakfast Auntie made beds in our room Uncle charley came home so Eva stayed home last night then I made an applie pie for dinner & roasted a leg mutton potatoes Cabbage ma drove Auntie to Uncles & Bert came home from the other place & brought Ada & children home for dinner. Only Wilfred went to Chapel & George came out & came in to supper Jim came out for Ada & Children Albert stayed with us the night a very cold night Bert went back to Bragglesome & stayed & Auntie stayed at Eva & Uncles

May 29th We did not intend washing as Ma & Amy were going to Gawler & Autie went in too & stayed at Celias I rode as far as Bragglesome & then I got out & got dinner for hte men & washed up & swept up & left things clean I came back to Eva's & had a cup of Tea then she came home with me & I cooked Cabbage & potatoes for tea miked & did all out door work got tea & Eva helped me a most cold & light showers fell during the afternoon I forgot to record that the Artist brought the enlargement of Grandfather & G.M. Atyeo193 last Tuesday also the children taken at school it is good of them & Eva also had her Mother & Erns taken off by same.

193I believe we have this painted photograph.

May 30th The men all came home to work & now they get up at five I got the breakfst & lit copper & started washing Amy did outdoor work then had to help chaffcut so was late joining me we did not finish till after Dinner washed both white Quilts & after Amy scrubbed up & made our bed & tidied round Amy ironed I took men out lunch Amy made an undergarment for herself they are working in Uncle Will near the big Dam Bert is drilling. Wilf cultivating Dad Harrowing. I copped wood split stumps have a fire in the sitting room now so cold & one is glad to sit near the fire. Eva is with us.

May 31st Bert & Wilf got up at fieve & took the horses up to drink & Stan Davis was off to work. I got bacon fried for their breakfast & helped Amy milk & she separated & then got the ponies in & her & Cousin Eva went to Gawler & did not get home till 6/30 tonight Charlie is getting a little better I shifted round in our oom & did the housework & took out lunch to men twice I mended my apron Ma mending trousers still very cold I must go & make bread & have not felt well today Eva got Uncle Charlie's photo taken at Cookes PLains by C.P.E.

[end of sheet]


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