January 1 - May 3, 1919

Fanny is 43, and living with her father (Dad, Henry Atyeo, aged 70), her mother (Ma, Mary Ann Heath, aged 65) and her brother Bert (Albert Joseph Atyeo, aged 33), and her nephew
Clement Garfield Parham, aged 17 at Charltonville, Wards Belt, South Australia. 

Major events:

Jan 1st New Years Day 1919

How shall I start another record of events of the untried year before us how I tremble on the new & sealed future & the words of that grand old Hymn echo in my ears Oh God our help in ages past our strength for years to come. A shelter from the worlds cold blast And our eternal home. I feel as if I can only live from Day to day after my past life

I awoke early & found a chapter in Acts 12 chap for reading I dressed at 5/40 & lit fire took in Tea & washed out a Towel & scrubbed Table & cupboard swept Kitchen & we had breakfast I made bed did some mending & then had a bath & drove to Celia’s to dinner Bernice1 very poorly indeed we had hot roast fowl potatoes & stewed apricots custard we had a good yarn & Tea & I drove home by 8 o’clock Charl & family2 Wilf & his Family3 were out driving in the evening it has been a very hot day indeed & so close tonight

1 Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo), a sister of Fanny’s, and her daughter Mary Ann Bernice Dawe (Birdie), (aged 6).
2 Charles William Henry Atyeo, the eldest brother. His wife is Eva Alice McLeod. Their daughters are Coral Eva Atyeo aged 7, and Gwendoline (Gwen) Ettie Atyeo, aged 9. They live nearby at Bragglesome farm; it is on the corner of Parker & Leak Roads in Wards Belt.
3 Fanny's youngest brother Wilfred George Heath Atyeo, his wife Myrtle Hilda Atyeo (nee Cork), and their children, Effie Verina Atyeo, aged 3,  and Henry (Harry) Thorold Atyeo, 2, and Mavis Hilda Atyeo, infant. They live on a third property owned by the family, on the corner of Hatcher Road and Whiteman Road. 

Jan 2nd //Another hot day I lit fire & took in Tea boys did milking but first of all I got up at four o’ck & Clem4 at 5 o’clock I lit & filled Copper & made a start at Tubs then lit stove when Clem got up he had milked several when Wilfred came down I got first lot on line & second lot in copper before I had breakfast but being weak I could not hurry as I wished after dinner I ironed but my ankles were dreadful I helped milk lit up fire & then bathed my feet & rubbed in Oil & went to bed but not to sleep so painful

4 Clement Garfield Parham, a nephew, one of Ada's sons, aged 17, he also lives at the farm.

Jan 3rd / I did not dress as early but got cup of Tea & breakfast Mother5  churned Butter Bert6 came home yesterday from Wallaroo he had a good time I did all my usual work & then Dad7 & I went to Gawler I did some shopping & then got a ride to Amy’s8 where dear little Olive9 was so ill Dr came & we kept her in bed I sat by her & sewed Dad came for me at five home had afternoon Tea & milked got Tea washed up & retired still hot but cooler today

5 Mary Ann Heath, Fanny's mother.
6 Albert Joseph Atyeo, the middle brother, who also lives at Charltonville.
7 Henry Atyeo.
8 Fanny's youngest sister Amy Florence Hobart nee Atyeo
9 Amy's eldest daughter Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (aged 5).

Jan 4 / A hot day promised & increased to terrible heat in afternoon I gave my room a good clean & shifted it round & being very weak it took longer so I had only finished at eleven then we had our dinner & I swept Kitchen & washed floor baked some cakes & pies Tart so dreadful hot I cleaned cutlery & washed round dining room Mum swept it & did lamps & her own duties had tea & a bath Mother read paper I retired to rest so hot stifling

Jan 5 / Terrible hot winds & sun scorching dressed ¼ to 7 got us all a cup of Tea boys did milking I had several extra duties as ants is so bad then I got breakfast & we had hot dinner I prepared cabbage & Ma potatoes & I put on leg of mutton & apricot pie (cold) we expected all of Frances Family10 out but they did not come till Tea Eva & Hettie11 came from Sunday School we got tea & as Frances goes for holiday I got basket ready for her she is to go to Moonta Saturday

10 Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), one of Fanny's sisters, her husband Harry Gilbert Folland, and their children George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland (aged 14), Charles French (French) Folland (aged 12), Lorna Frances Folland (aged 11), Phyllis May Folland (aged 10), Gwenda Evelyn Folland (aged 2) and Ada Lilian Folland (infant).
11 Henrietta (Hettie) McLeod, sister of Eva.

Jan 6. Cooler as we got a change yesterday evening lovely this morning & all duties same then I prepared & made Apricot Jam by dinner time & it came up real cold Dad went in with cream to Factory & got wet boys were out in other place & came home wet through so they had to change clothes I got a cup of Tea for all & Wilfred came & sent Chip for cows & we Dad Mum & I miked cows & then I got Tea I was mending this afternoon

Jan 7) Up at ¼ to 5 & Bert & Clem also & went & called Wilf & they went to load Hay & I fried leg chops & Eggs & sent out Berts meal then Charl came & in moving the load ran over poor Chip & killed her the trolley passed over her loins Mum sealed Jam I baked meat & potatoes did other duties tidied out Jam Cupboard & stored Jam & pickles quite hot & washed Clems Blueys & sox for Bert too

Jan 8 / Up at 4 o’clock & called Bert who rode up & called Wilf then I lit fire & got their breakfast & cut lunches for them Wilfred also had breakfast home I took in Tea & they both dressed early & with me did all milking & washed the Separator while I fried breakfast. No Clem helped milk & I went on working but was very crook & could not get on well I went up with milk to Myrtles came home & finished by dinner time Mum helped wring out & finished rinsing all the last colored clothes we had our meal & then I help washup & rested till 4 ock did folding of clothes & then some sewing rough Towel etc nice day

Jan 9th / I did not need to get up as early I was dressed by half past five & got our tea & fried breakfast put up Tea Mum cut dinners Wilfred went to Gawler with Hay today as he had to take his Family in yesterday Effie to Dr I made beds & washed Berts blueys & my black apron & got a cup of Tea & Dad & Mum drove to Celia’s for the day as her children have Bronchitis & Neumonia the weather is perfectly delightful I was in terrible pain with my ankles & other limbs I could scarcely bear myself so rested a while then I made up fire & did all the ironing Berts Fashion shirts so nicely got done at one oclock had lunch & a rest for an hour & half Mr Stan Davis12 collided with a Bicycle yesterday in Gawler hurting a Mr G Nottle13 badly

12 Stan Davis.
13 G Nottle. Possibly George Nottle.

Jan 10 / Same hour & work in early morning then Mum got all ready for Gawler & yesterday Celia had to take Laurel14 into Gawler & stay in there with her so Marion15 came home here I swept Kitchen & boys room washed floor with milk then cleaned dining room & washed floor Mother did her front rooms I felt so ill did not know how to keep going & rested in afternoon for a while Maisie went to sleep then I dusted & washed window mirror etc Dad came home we had cup Tea milked & got Tea over Bert camps in Verandah now

14 Celia Laurel Ivy Dawe (aged 3) daughter of Celia.
15 Amy Marion Dawe (Maisie), (aged 7) also a daughter of Celia.

Jan 11 / Much hotter again & I did ordinary work & I baked Shoulder Mutton Mum boiled Ham & I made Apricot pies Tarts & Cake swept my room & made a pie (meat) for boys & our Tea scrubbed Table cleaned Knives forks Mum spoons me Knobs & taps I bathed Maisie & self also our heads & I washed her clothes milked cows got in wood set Tea Bert went to Gawler we expect L. Light Folks16 up tomorrow so we have been extra busy & I am so unwell & Mum too

16 Lower Light.

Jan 12 / Sunday but I could not go to Church very well Mother was so unwell & we expected our relatives from LL Marion was here I dressed & did my usual work & wrote some letters Percy17 drove out & took Maisie home & I got dinner Ma mashed Potatoes we had just started when Auntie & Maria drove up & Jessie’s little girl18 they stayed till 8 o’clock nearly chatting etc Celia has another baby girl born 11 o’ck p.m. Jan 12 1919 & Mrs Will Nottle’s daughter19 was born last Sunday Jan 5th Lovely weather now I was tired

17 Celia's husband Percy Thomas Dawe.
18 Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), sister of Ma; lives at Tineburee, Lower Light, her daughter cousin Maria Anna Paterson and Maria's sister Jessie's daughter Elvera Evelyn May.
19 Elsie Nottle (nee Kippin)'s daughter Joyce Muriel Nottle.

Jan 13 / I felt so very unwell & could not wash so I did all morning duties & had to rest a wee had dinner boys all home stacking Hay in the afternoon Dad & Mum drove to see Eva & Mr McLeod20 I cut out & made a raglan Blouse out green print skirt then gathered Eggs & started milking Also made Tea & took up lunch to boys to stack

20 Eva's father Daniel McLeod.

Jan 14 / Dad & I intended going to Gawler so I got up & got fire & a cup of tea then fried Breakfast & did usual housework & got ready Mr Wise Tea agent21 came just as we were about to start we did our shopping & then we drove to Amy to afternoon Tea & to Celia’s to see the Baby22 I gave it a new crème dress Marion & Laurel were with Amy & Phyllis is with Bernice at Celia’s home & also Mrs Seaman23

21 Mr Wise is a tea agent who comes every year. 
22 Celia's new baby, Vivienne Bartlett Joy Dawe, born in December last year.
23 Mrs Seaman.

Jan 15 / I felt very weary when I woke at 4/30 so rested for ¼ of hour then dress lit copper & stove started at Tubs but I have to work very slowly & did not finish till dinner time after which we washed up & rested a while & then I washed my navy serge skirt & pressed it & we milk ourselves at night boys in morning my limbs were terribly bad & I rubbed them with Olive Oil rather windy today for washing & kept one going to keep them on the line. Mr Harry Jarmyn24 of Mallala was injured by train accident & died at Adelaide Hospital on Sat Jan 11th 1919

24 Henry Jarmyn, aged 70, of Prospect at the time he died. 

Jan 16th Murrays Birthday25 another nice day so I did all ordinary work then baked scones & cake before dinner we expected Amy & children & Eva Mrs McLeod26 but no one came so in afternoon I did ironing & Mum made Onion Pickles her head was very bad indeed (Neuralgia) we had afternoon Tea & then milked Dad Separated & I got in wood & got Tea ready

25 Murray Charles Parham, a nephew, son of sister Ada.
26  Elizabeth Grace McLeod (nee Webber), Eva's mother.

Jan 17 / Same work before breakfast & then I did some letter writing & Mother plucked & dressed a duck & I washed Dad & got him ready for Gawler his arm is so bad he can’t raise it so we have to assist him then I swept boys room dining room & washed floor round we had lunch & I dusted room & cut out & made a Flannel for self (crème) Dad came home at 5/30 Wilf & Myrtle went to Gawler & we kept Harry home he cried for a while not like he was at home

Jan 18 / Same hour & got a cup of Tea & the breakfast I made all beds & Mum washed Sepr & dishes & she stuffed a duck & put on to roast also leg Mutton I made fire & cooked then & Mum peeled potatoes & prepared Beans & we had a lovely hot dinner the weather is quite cold & rainy with cold wind I cleaned spoons & washed all dinner thing pots etc had a rest also Mother & Dad are resting now 4 p.m.

Jan 19 / As I have not been to church for so long I thought it a good thing to start on my birthday so I dressed in good time & got a cup of Tea then breakfast made beds etc & Phyllis who is home here for a week & I got ready & drove to Stone Hill & from there to Ada’s27 to dinner & spent the afternoon just got home in time to see Amy & George & Mr Hobart28 who spent the afternoon here. Mother got George to leave our darling with us for a few days rest & change so after they went home I gave her some Mulberries & then I put her to bed with me in her old place so happy Phyllis slept on the couch it has been a lovely day Ada was not atall well Ethel & Phyllis went to Sunday School not the boys except Wesley29 he went to both school & Church as is his custom. I ought to write letters as I owe one to each Clara Ivy & Aunt30 Mrs West Mrs McGrath31 but I can’t write so many letters Frances stays at Moonta till Jan 28. 1919

27 Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo), sister of Fanny.
28 George Edmund Hobart, Amy's husband, and Dale William Hobart, Amy's father-in-law, whose wife died late last year.
29 Henry Wesley James Parham, aged 15, Ada's eldest son, and Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham aged 14, his sister.
30 Clara Pearl Anderson (nee Easton), Ivy Sandercock (nee Easton). and Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), sister of Ma.
31 Mrs West, Mrs McGrath; they have not been mentioned before. Don't know who they are.

Jan 20 // I did not intend washing as I had to straighten up things for Olive same morning duties in every way then did housework & in the afternoon I made Phyllis a dark print overall pinafore & got afternoon Tea helped milk & then thoroughly cleaned copper & filled it ready for the morrow got in wood & helped get Tea too we are having lovely weather so cool morning & even

Jan 21 // I dressed before 5 o’clock lit copper & stove started at Tubs got our cup of Tea & kept on washing my white Quilt I am not strong enough to hurry its dinner time by the time I get finished we had our meal & I did some scrubbing tables box etc then I rested a while & got & got our tea cup & then folded & milked Ma also helps always at night as many as 6 or 7 cows we milk 10 cows still I do not iron nights now

Jan 22 // I really did not feel as if I could get up but with no thought of self I dressed & got our Cup of Tea & breakfast over did housework baked a cake Mum boiled Beef & got dinner I cleared away & did the ironing Olive & Phyllis are playing in the Cow Sheds lovely & cool for them my limbs are terrible to bear

Jan 23 // Same hour & work in early morning Mum mostly cuts dinners & I put up Tea in bottles for boys Amy Clif & Laurel came to dinner we had fried Ham & potatoes apricot pie’s Wilfred & Myrtle went to Town by 9 o’ck train & left Harry & Mavis here they took Effie with them, men home to dinner & all the children so Dad & Mum had theirs in dining room & us lot in Kitchen Wilf & them did not get home till 9 o’ck Amy went home at 6/30 calling at Bragglesome for Mattress etc

Jan 24 // early breakfast Our busy cleaning day morning same work & I swept & dusted boys room & my room & dining room washed floors & Phyllis help dust a few things Mother did front rooms & passage & got dinner & I washed up & then did some mending also Phyllis sewed on a button & Hook on her clothes Dad went to Gawler in morning & did not get home till about 6 o’ck then I got afternoon Tea & we milked & I got in wood & got Tea cooked potatoes Wilf went to Gawler with a load of Barley

Jan 25 // I got up lit fire & got our cup Tea then our breakfast fried Ham & eggs then we had our meal Mum churned Butter I set to & minced up some Beef & Mutton & Onions & made a lovely pudding then I made beds & stove being hot I made pies (Apricot) & cake washed up dinner things & swept & washed floor with milk then Wilfred came for me to come & see little Mavis & Effie down here Dr thinks it is Scarletina.

Jan 26 // I was dressed at 7 & lit fire got a cup Tea made all beds had breakfast & dressed for Church on arrival Lily Parham32 asked me to come in for a while as service was not till eleven on account of Mr Kessell33 preaching at Roseworthy at 9 o’clock a nice lot there & a good sermon I drove home & we had dinner I rested till 4 o’ck then went to see Harry he looks ill & the rash is very thick & red poor child

32 Lillie Melior Parham, lives near the church.
33 Rev Stephen Kessell ministered in Gawler at the time in both the Methodist and Congregational Churches. 

Jan 27th // I decided on washing as I did not know how little Harry would be I got up at sunrise lit Copper Stove got a cup of T then I got in a boil & we had breakfast kept on at Tubs Mother indoor & always wash the Separator had a big wash did extra both pillow cases off sofa etc also scrubbed chairs in kitchen I got afternoon Tea & help milk got in wood & set table but was so thoroughly done I was crippled with Rheumatism made me cry out with pain so I bathed my ankles & rubbed them with Oil & went to bed

Jan 28 / I could hardly crawl about & decided not to fold or iron today I just did housework after usual work in early morn & in the afternoon I mended etc Dad went to Gawler with cream. Wilfred & Myrtle went to Gawler with Harry & we had Effie & Mavis here so they take up one’s time then there is the milking to do

Jan 29th / They brought us home word that Aunt & Uncle Easton were coming to see us today so I got up & blackleaded stove swept dining room & did fireplace but they did not come & it was today Wensday that Dad went to Gawler I folded the clothes & after dinner I ironed all of them & then did some more sewing till tea time prepared Veg & cooked for Clems Tea after clearing away & washing up its always bed time there are terrible fires about & it makes it very hot day time cool nights & morning

Jan 30 / I dress at sunrise & get a cup of Tea first then prepare breakfast fried Sausages & make beds & scrubbed out Mothers bedroom oilcloth & passage then I dusted everything & put all clean covers on & mats had dinner & then Dad & I drove to Celia’s I remained there while Dad went to Gawler & got Amy & Olive for the night Tom Waters34 was at Cels so we had a chat & then he left & we had a cup of Tea & Dad & Amy came & we came on home & chatted milked & had tea I put Sunbeam to bed & us others talked till near eleven o’clock hot weather now

34 Thomas Henry Waters, husband of cousin Louisa Waters (nee Arbon).

Jan 31st // Amy Olive & I were all awake early & Olive came in our bed I felt awfully unwell but it is always my custom to rise early so I dressed & got our Tea & Amy helped milk I got breakfast & cleaned dining room my room boys room had to lie down I felt so done up Wilf & Myrtle went to Gawler with Harry & we had the girls then there’s no work done as baby was teasy & I fed her & got her to sleep milked Mother always helps nights read paper 20 min & retired to rest

Feb 1st / Same hour & the same early work then I cleaned lamps & lit up stove & I made bed came out to bake scones & cakes got dinner then cleared away & washed my new Flannel, Blouse, Stockings Dad came home from Gawler & I lit up & put on the meat Bert & Wilfred went to Gawler with cattle to Tom Standley35 its been very hot indeed today & fires are burning somewhere its all smoky round here

35 Not sure who Tom Standley is. Could be John Thomas Standley, who lived in Rosewater around this time.
Feb 2 / I did not feel atall well such a pain in the heart so I dressed in fair time got our usual Cup of Tea & did morning duties & we had cold dinner I wrote letters Charl Ettie & Gwen & Coral spent afternoon here & I went up to see little Harry he is improving & it was chiefly his high teeth made him ill he is still in bed. Franc & Harry & Family except Lorna & Phyllis spent evening had tea here & told us of Moonta holiday she returned last Thursday after over a fortnight away with the 3 girls not Phyllis she stayed here at Celia’s

Feb 3rd / I did not intend washing my heart was too bad so I did all my usual work & then I partly made Olive a pinafore overall crème Radianti & Insertion I also had Clem very poorly indeed lying down all day long I kept giving him Medicine & food I also mended

Feb 4 // I was going to Gawler but altered my mind as I felt so unwell I always get fire lit & make a cup Tea first prepare breakfast make beds & do housework Dad went in with Cream I covered my sewing basket & roasted meat after Dad got home boiled French beans & Pots hot day

Feb 5 / Up at my early hour 4/30 so I lit copper & stove & had my Tea & went on at Tubs then gave the rest their Tea & kept on washing done Mothers & Myrtle’s White Quilts so windy it kept me running to & fro & completely Knocked me up I could not eat my dinner until I rested a while then I had to finish off colored clothes & scrubbing folding then made my bed helped milk & got in wood so tired very hot

Feb 6 / I hurried round & got all morning duties done then I baked plum pie & Cake & did some extra work & at 11o’clock Celia & her Family of little girls & dear baby Vivienne came for the rest of the Day we had a good talk & dinner & lunches I did my ironing also some sewing very very hot day & in afternoon hotter still & two such hot nights one cannot rest properly for the heat I did not milk as I was so busy indoors ironing & Tea

Feb 7 // I got up earlier & got our Tea swept Kitchen got breakfast over & then swept boys room mine & dining room Mum done front rooms I washed all the floors & after dinner I dusted Wilfred & Myrtle & Mavis went to Gawler its Effie’s Birthday 3 years her & Harry are home with us & so good he can’t get about much can’t even walk after his illness the dear Bert & Clem are at Parramatta Gardens to get some wire Dad bought an awful hot day Wilfred & Myrtle did not get home till about tea time & Mum helped milk Olive came home with them to stay till tomorrow night she was delighted to be with us again a very hot night indeed I could not sleep well for heat Amy slept at Celia’s. Geo is away

Feb 8 / Have to get up early & get rooms done before the heat my ordinary morning work over I baked Madeira & Currant Cake Olive cleaned the spoons I all other cutlery & lamps had to roast a leg mutton I also made peach Jam in the afternoon I gave Olive a bath & had one myself it came up like thunder Bert & I had our Tea & he drove Olive home I also went & it was that dreadful hot I had to fan little Olive to sleep she was not well hives

Feb 9th / Amy dressed at 6/30 then Olive & I also had a cup of Tea & I milked Maisie & Amy Mrs Mattfields36 Cow as they are away in a holiday we had breakfast I did not go to church Lorna came to dinner & then they went to S.S. & I rested & then went to Frances to Tea we chatted & Harry came home with a Hare, Fox, & rabbit Phyllis & French also we had Sweet & Watermelon & Fruit Supper & returned my head was awful

36 Mrs Mattfield, must be a neighbour. She has been difficult to track down. It could be Elizabeth Matfield, wife of Alex, who is buried in Payneham cemetery. She would have been 40 at the time, so possible.

Feb 10 // As my head was so bad I did not dress till 8 ock children went to school Lorna brought me a cup of Tea in bed I helped Franc clear table & then we looked at different things & went to Amys & was about to sew when Dad drove up for me I had to do Shopping & Celia & girls came for Amy & all went Gawler

Feb 11th // As I got plums & Mum got Peaches I had to get general work done & prepare the Fruit I got plums ready last evening I had Amys Stewpan & made two lots together I felt so very unwell I really could scarcely stand to do it all & I rested a while then made two Aprons for Mum we sealed down Jam & then did even work rather a nice Day if only I was strong all Jam was successful Clif has left school

Feb 12 / Soon after 4/30 I dressed & lit copper then stove had cup Tea started at Tubs & kept on till 11/30 when I finished & had dinner folded clothes & made beds mended Sheets then ironed all fashion Shirt Collar & felt so thoroughly done up for it is hard work Mother had the Butter to churn Sep to wash & cow to milk dinner to prepare Soup & stew Fruit custard

Feb 13 / Mothers Birthday & Bert intended Kalsomining rooms so he stared as soon as I could prepare them for him Dad & Wilf went to Davis Sale Kingsford Clem helped shift the things we had to bake leg Mutton cook Beans Potatoes. Frances Gwenda & Lillian Amy & Olive came to dinner & Amy brought a Birthday cake very prettily decorated for her Olive a Jam dish Gwen a Butter plate Frances Cinnamon Sponge we had tea & I put a piece in Georges Waist Coat Amy & Clem Tarred all fireplaces & copper too

Feb 14 / Up in fair time & hurried to get things straight in Kitchen I washed Mantel piece & all doors Mum scrubbed Safe washed Dresser outside & dining room door each put things in place & gave floor a good wash with milk & in the afternoon I made a pair Sleeves for Olive’s Creme Dress a most terrible hot Day Dad did not go to Gawler Wilf & Myrt went Harry left here with us

Feb 15 / Same early work Mum got Dad ready for Gawler it started to blow hot winds which continued all day something fearful hot & windy I hurried & washed up scalded milk made beds then swept my room dining room washed floors also passage & dusted them all Mum nearly knocked out with heat Clem went to Bragglesome & helped Charl cut chaff Wilf carted Manure & cleaned Harness Bert went to Gawler at five o’clock I mended Clems Shirt cleaned all Knobs Cutlery spoons filled lamps Mum cleaned glasses change in weather

Feb 16 / We have indeed had a change for it rained very heavily most of the night & our tanks have a lot of water in them now is running over water everywhere Clem & I had bath last night & retired Bert has to come indoors it rained on his bed the day is very hot & steamy after the rain I did all of my work made tart & apple pie boys gone out in back with cattle now Wilf & family were here to Tea I helped milk & washup

Feb 17 / As I intended going to Gawler with Dad I did not dress as early got a cup of Tea & breakfast & did usual work we got to Gawler Midday & I had a lot shopping to do got Bert new denham trousers Dad new Shirt from Harry at Sheards Amy was washing & my pet went to Treloars with us on a message we called at Celia’s & had a cup of Tea it poured with rain at Gawler & I had no coat only dust coat so I got mine from Celia’s quite cold coming home

Feb 18 // I could not wash it was rainy windy & water lying bout over 2 inches were registered I did morning duties & lit up stove for to bake leg mutton & beg Stewed peaches had such a job with stove I had to split some pine to make it burn in afternoon I took in Berts pants all in seams & did other sewing as well mended Clems shirt & pants as I washed them yesterday also all sox & then I milked 6 cows boys busy Bert in Gawler getting Darky shod

Feb 19 / I felt awfully unfit to wash but started before breakfast washed Berts Overcoat & it was was awful stiff like glued canvas I felt as if I would fall over with over doing my strength however after dinner I persevered till four & got all done & was quite done myself I cryed with pain in Knee & hip hands arm & side I felt something terrible done up

Feb 20 / I felt so ill & Mothers cough is very bad indeed she feels so exhausted & my side pained dreadful I felt half mad with pain I could not keep going I cleaned doorway & back windows & my room & ironed after dinner but felt more fit to be in bed but Mother being ill I must do my best for her

Feb 21st // I did not dress till 6/30 got our Tea & fried Egg flip for breakfast cut Clems dinner fried leg chop & onion for Mums meal Mum washed Separator I cleaned Dining & mine boys room could not wash floors Mother washed passage & did front rooms I clean lamps Mum cooked cabbage potatoes & roasted mutton in Saucepan I washed Mum helped Bert carting Manure out Clem & Wilf in other place

Feb 22nd // I do not dress till sunrise now as I am not strong I got our cup of Tea & breakfast over then made my bed & swept Kitchen I baked apple pies & acid Tart carraway Seed & Currant Cake leg Mutton Wilf & Myr & children went to Gawler I had to wash a few things out cleared dinner away & cleaned cutlery & Knobs off bed & it hurt the Muscles of my hands dreadfully I cleaned copper & got afternoon Tea wet up to Myrtles for a while Harry clings to me he is still very weak

Feb 23 / I felt awfully unwell but I had made up my mind to go to Church so lit fire & got a cup Tea set breakfast swept kitchen made my bed filled Kettle then I dressed for Church the Rev E. A. Pederick & his wife & children37 were there & a nice lot of people it was very hot indeed Mr Eyers38 Motored Rev Kessell to preach we expected Celia but she did not come & since I wrote this I called at Celia’s & she had to take Marion to Dr & he says she had Yellow Jaundice & that she must be kept in bed.

37 Rev Edwin Albert Pederick, who grew up locally; he left about 10 years ago. His wife is Viola Ivy Pederick (nee Tonkin), and their children (at this point) are Ronald Tonkin Pederick and Douglas John Pederick.
38 Mr Eyers.

Feb 24th // I was quite unable to wash but I only wished I could I did not start work till 6/30 lit fire & took in Tea got breakfast over washed up Mother Sepr & got dinner cold Dad did not go to City so I trimmed my purple Hat & lined my white one in afternoon I unripped my white Embroidery skirt & Blouse & made a vest got Tea & got wood in.

Feb 25 // Morning duties over I drove to Gawler Dad & I went called at Amy she was so unwell so I hurried & did shopping& walked down to her place called at Toms, Baby is very poorly & does not grow I lit fire & Amy got a Cup of Tea Dad came & had one too we called at Celia’s & I saw Marion when we got home I cut out & made an apron for Mum dark Blue cooked beans for Tea

Feb 26 / Same duties I got up at 6 oclock I made beds & after washing up I cut out & made a raglan Blouse (Dark Blue) for mornings (self then I made a pillow case & Towel & did several other items Mother made apple dumplings & roasted shoulder Mutton & cooked potatoes onion I got in wood Set tea swept dining room after sewing

Feb 27 // As I had not been able to wash I decided on doing a little today so I put on Tin with Trick Soap & did some changes & mens shirts Bert & Clems pants & sox I ironed in afternoon & mended them all but I was so done up I am awfully unwell indeed

Feb 28 / Harry is two years old today I felt so ill on waking & Mother & Dad were up had fire & breakfast set so I made bed & breakfast over I washed Sepr & dishes I got lunch Mum & Dad went to Uncle at Block39 I cooked irish Stew Rice pudding thoroughly swept & washed Mums room passage dining & my room dusted all cleaned knobs & brass beautiful weather Wilf & Family gone to Gawler

39 William Atyeo, Henry’s older brother who came to South Australia in 1868 (aged 22!) & who sold Henry the farm. He lives at Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens)

March 1st / As I felt very unwell I did not dress till after six Dad lit fire & I got cup Tea & breakfast did all morning duties & then I baked pies & pasties & Cake cleaned lamps Cutlery Knobs Dad went to Gawler & when he came home we baked leg mutton had Afternoon Tea washed my Flannel etc Clif came for night & Bert went to Gawler & said we would go to the beach so I got things ready had a bath & retire

March 2nd // I have been so unwell all night I did not feel fit to go to the beach but took some medicine & felt easier so at 5 I dressed & packed up & we left here at 7/30 beautiful drive met Frances & family there & Amy & family also they went fishing & got 33 dozen fish very hot sun all day nice breeze we got home at 10 o’clock Amy left Olive here with me all night the others did not get home till 2 o’clock

March 3 // I felt so very ill I could not make Jam my arms were terrible to bear so I just did what I could after dinner I drove to Gawler took Olive home Amy drove to Creamery for me I did shopping & called at Mary40 I changed Tickets & got a Tub a new hat Marion is better now Celia is not too good

40 Probably cousin Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon).

March 4 // As I have arranged for Mary to come tomorrow I got up & did all usual morning work got clothes all ready for wash & Mother also did her usual duties & sealed Jam which she made yesterday (Muscatel) I did sewing could not milk as my arms were terribly painful

March 5 / I got up at five & lit fire & copper got our Tea I then started washing did all the fancy things & soaked in ready for Mary who arrived at 8 oclock there was a row & I felt awfully upset but I never neglect my duty I washed up & also did Separator then I tidied round Mother plucked a fowl & dressed it stuffed & baked it with veg & apple dumplings I was kept busy running in & out to line the wind was terrific blew & tore the clothes to pieces at the ends so I put sheets to dry in Verandah after dinner Bert helped me shake carpet I washed pictures in Parlour & M & I cleaned all in there then we two ironed all & she had Tea at five & went home I mended clothes

March 6 / Same morning duties & put clothes out to air made beds washed Spr & started mending a lot Clems blueys Shirt Berts Shirt etc also put a new back in a waist coat for Clem was up till after Ten o’clock busy at it as I made it too small & had to alter it for him very windy day

March 7 / As I intended going to Gawler tomorrow I got the fire & cup tea put the Cocoanut matting on line & swept dining room Mother churning then I got breakfast & washed floor also done my room Mother her room & I washed passage had dinner & washed up & washed all glass & china in dining room it rook me two hours & very tired I was also washed all pictures very busy indeed & also made an Alford cake

March 8 / We Dad & I were going to Gawler so I made haste to do all beds & usual morning duties I also swept Kitchen, we got to Gawler at 11/30 & as shops close at one we had to hurry I did a lot of buying & apples I got Damsons for jam we had Dinner with Frances & family & drove to Ragless41 for Black Prince Grapes & as they were so slow we did not get home till 10 to 5 p.m & I had a bad head & retired after a wash at 9 o’ck

41 Ragless, fruiterers.

March 9 / As the Anniversary was planned for today I got up & got all beds made Kitchen swept & morning duties done & dressed for Church & on arrival found it postponed there was a large congregation & such a lovely day home & got dinner Mother made an apple pie & baked meat & potatoes Marrow. Then as we were clearing away George Olive & Amy came & Harry Frances & Family to tea & Uncle Charlie42 & our Charl & Mr Cork43 came G & Amy Olive went home early, Frances & Family at 8/30. A Mr Bennet was blown from Electric Light pole & hurt badly last Tuesday also another man it was something awful the wind here44

42 Uncle Charles Heath, brother of Ma. He lives nearby.
43 Martin Cork, Myrtle's father.
44 Mr Bennett. Don't know more about him.
Mar 10 / Same routine of duties then housework & I picked off Grapes for Jam which I made Black Prince took a lot of time & then I washed up & mended Berts Denhams rested then help milk & cooked potatoes for tea Wilfred’s team bolted today no one hurt at Argents old place George is out today getting a load of wood it has been a perfect day so cool & sunshiny.

March 11 / usual hour & all ordinary morning duties then I labeled the Jam which Mother & I had sealed down did my housework & Dad & I went to Gawler called at the girls & got Dress Basket from Frances went to Celia’s she was washing so we did not stop came home had afternoon Tea Cousin Eva45 was at Frances who was making pickles & relish
45 Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath), Fanny’s cousin

March 12 / I got up early & lit fires in both stove & Copper & got some clothes in before breakfast Mother fried Sausages & we had our meal & then I kept at Tubs till dinner time scrubbed up & cleared all away had dinner & washed up rested a while folded clothes & did ironing by teatime my Knee was something awful I bandaged it in Flannel nice pleasant weather but dry & scorching up all feed

March 13 / As we expected Myrtle (Easton) & Frances out I hurried & did usual work & put all tidy ready for company. Mum cooked dinner & they arrived at 3 o’ck I was planting Flowers Colias etc I tidied myself & did some sewing & trimmed my Hat white one got afternoon Tea Dad & Bert went to a Sale at Roseworthy they went home at Sundown & I did evening work (Clem off

March 14 / My usual hour 6 o’ck & lit fire got cup Tea & Breakfast then I cleaned rooms washed floors done boys room fried pancakes for dinner then I set too & dusted dining room & packed away my glass etc too many to dust Wilfred Myrtle went to Gawler & left Harry here. Mrs. Harold Freeman46 came out to stay with Myrtle. Mr. R. A Pederick was down the Street & had only just got home & was sitting in his chair & fell back & died without speaking very sudden & sad for all he was 73 years old47

46 Verena Florence Daisy Freeman (nee Cork), Myrtle's sister.
47 Robert Adams Pederick, his funeral is described tomorrow.

March 15 / Such a rush & all go today same morning duties Mother got Dad off to Gawler & I did housework & baked Dora Biscuits & Cake & packed my Dress Basket had dinner Dad came home & then I cleared table & Dad & I dressed & drove to Mr Pedericks Funeral there were 40 Vehicles & Motors beside a large number at the church an impressive service both Ministers were there Mr Kessell & Richmond48 I invited Uncle Charley to Tea & then Olive & I rode to Gawler with him Olive came home with Dad today it was bitterly cold we called for Marion who went to Frances with me I walked from Amys It was also the Rechabite Picnic in Mr Rice’s paddock49 & we passed the Trolleys going into Gawler at evening

48 Rev James C Richmond.
49 William Rice is a neighbour.

March 16 / The Jubilee of the Todd St Church50 so I stayed at Frances last night we talked almost all night I never slept & dressed at 7/30 & had a cup of Tea then cleaned Marions boots & had breakfast & made bed & Lorna & I got ready for Church I took Olive & we came back to Amys & left her there I went to Frances to Dinner & came back to Amys to Tea they had finished & I had a cup of Tea & we went to Church at night very nice indeed a large Congregations were there had supper & retired

50 Now Gawler Uniting Church.

March 17 / I was up a little after six & George was off to work so I had a cup of Tea & Olive got up we had breakfast & I took her with me to get my basket from Frances packed clothes & Amy cooked dinner & Celia & girls came & went to see Frances after dinner Dad came & I went to Street & did shopping got new Shirt for Dad & G.E.H. took back appro’s for Celia we called at Frances & got Figs for Myrtle & myself to make Jam Frances was washing & Celia assisting her Laurel not well we called at Amys Dad bought a pig from Mr Mattfield51

51 Mr Mattfield. This family is a bit of a mystery to me.

March 18 / I did not intend washing so got dressed at usual time lit fire & took in Tea got breakfast over made bed’s etc then prepared Figs & weighed Myrtles & sent them to her then I made our jam got the Pots ready & filled cleaned Stewpan washed up had dinner & cleared it away brushed clothes & put them away & packed others in my drawers did mending

March 19 / I awoke at 5 min past 3 & never slept any more so dressed at 4/30 & lit stove & Copper & started & got one boil done by lamplight then I took in Tea & got more in Copper I got on very well as I felt better than usual today so I finished every thing at one o’clock had dinner & did all ironing Fashion Shirt included & pressed some lovely day too.

March 20th / Same hour & all morning work the same as ever I did all housework & had to mend a pair of Blueys for Clem & dinner over I drove to Ada’s had a yarn to her home by sundown picked over the fruit & made a new cover for Mums chair cushion Ada’s Baby (Eric)52 can sit alone & is very bright & such a dear little fellow I returned early to bed at nine

52 Eric Clarence Parham, son of Ada.

March 21st / Same work in early morn then I made all beds swept Top room & washed floors in both Ma’s room & passage then the dining room boys & own rooms washed round them & made pie & Tart had dinner dusted dining room Mother made red Tomato Relish today & got dinner churned early in morning I felt rather done up & washing floors hurts my side

March 22nd // I did not dress as early did usual duties washed Separator & baked Mutton & a cake cleaned lamps & filled them dinner over Charl came with pigs he bought for Dad Gwen came & stayed with us for a while I cleaned cutlery etc nice day

March 23 / I got up & did housework & cleared table & washed up then I went to Cousin Eva. Myrtle & Tom53 & Clara & Bob54 & Families were there also & Ollie Antwis55 drove to Amys to Tea & was at Celia’s to dinner while Harry & Frances & Family were our here all day I felt disappointed at not seeing Eva alone to have a good talk it was a lovely day & got home at six & they were at Tea

53 Cousin Thomas Henry Easton and his wife Myrtle Easton (nee Badenoch), and children.
54 Cousin Clara Pearl Anderson (nee Easton) and her husband Robert Alfred Anderson, and children
55 Olive Lydia Antwis, Eva's niece.

March 24 / I had to get up tho I felt dreadfully tired & such pains in all my limbs I got our Tea & then breakfast swept Kitchen made beds & a pie for dinner mended Clems Shirt & I did a fair wash before dinner Berts Green Trousers & a coat their sox & shirts I pressed pants & ironed shirts made two aprons Wilfred & Myrtle went to Couches Sale Gawler Blocks & he bought a Cot Stew pan & Saucepan lovely weather

March 25 / McDonalds Sale Roseworthy today a very hot dusty day so none of us went to the Sale after all morning duties were over Dad & I went to Gawler I did shopping got Clem some Moles 12/6 pair the others were 17/6 & some Shirts are 8/11 clothing so expensive calico 18s & 19s dozen we had afternoon Tea at Celia’s & drove home to milk

March 26th // I got up soon after five quite dark & I had the lamp burning got fire in stove & Copper & started washing I got 3 boils done George McLeod 56 came to see us stayed to dinner I finished at 11/30 general & then I did Dads Suit & was so unfit that I almost collapsed & could not eat my dinner had to rest I felt so ill however I washed up my Tubs etc nice day

56 George Kimberly McLeod, Eva's brother.

March 27 / Morning duties just the same every day & I usually help Mother with dessert make pastry & today I made pie & tart & a cake after dinner I did all the ironing & pressed Dads Suit I was so unwell & could scarcely stand to press them got a cup of Tea Amy & Olive home helped milk & got in wood etc

March 28 // As Amy & Olive were home last night I did not retire early & felt so tired & unwell so at six Amy dressed & lit the fire for me & I went out & made Tea & got breakfast boys chaffcutting I was ill but I swept both my room & dining rm & then I got Amy to wash floors for me I made the pies for Dinner & assisted generally I had to Dust Amy went home early Mum did her room I did the boys room & got all done made a cup Tea Dad came home from Gawler

March 29 / It was the Repatriation Carnival57 today We all Did our usual work Clem went out to the Back Blocks for a load of wood I cleared the table & washed up after breakfast then I cleaned all lamps washed some clothes & my head swept Kitchen & did housework dinner over I had bath so did Bert dressed for the Carnival arrived there I went with Wilf & Myrtle & family saw Procession not atall good had a talk to all my sisters & left the grounds at 5 but had to wait till 6/30 & I was dead tired & I had tea when I reached home & mended Clems pants

57 A carnival at Gawler Oval to celebrate and thank the returned soliders. The local paper was also disappointed, but at least there was an elephant.

March 30 / Sunday & Kangaroo Flat Anniversary so I decided to go there & did not go to Gawler River I dressed made the fire took in Tea & tidied round breakfast over I washed up got early dinner & started at 1/30 for the drive all alone it rained all the way there & back not heavy but so cold & windy but good congregation & Mr Kessell preached very nice & gave children their prizes I drove home had Tea & such a bad head so retired

March 31 / As I am not able to do all the washing in a day I deceded on doing the dark heavy clothes so after all early morning duties were over I started & got done at 11 ock had dinner & Dad & I drove to Gawler did shopping got Bert shirts & Moles from J. Hamilton, Tailor58. I hurried & we were only in there 1 hour came to Amys & had a cup Tea then called at Celia’s & home by milking time

58 Joseph Hamilton, Tailor of Gawler.

April 1st / As Celia was coming home Wensday I got up & lit both copper & Stove gave Clem his meal & Wilfred went to Gawler from Bragglesome with Hay I started at Tubs & got on very well finished by dinner & then I scrubbed our produce boxes & Kitchen Chairs swept doorway & started ironing & kept at it till near 7 oclock done up collars & Fashion Shirts etc had Tea & cleared away. We were all so sorry to hear of the death at Adelaide Hospital March 28th 1919 of Elsie Winckel (nee Parham) leaving two little boys aged was 30 years59

59 Elsie Lydia Winckel (nee Parham), a distant relation.

April 2nd I was up & dressed & in the dining room when clock struck 5/30 got Clem breakfast & Berts & I milked then I went up to Myrtles with milk came home made beds & apple pies & Tarts Mum set to & cleaned a fowl & at 11/30 Celia & girls drove home had dinner & washed up nursed Baby & then I mended got afternoon tea & Percy called for Celia & they went home & G & Amy & Olive & Wesley were there for evening

April 3rd / Same round of duties & then brkf & clear away do housework & then Mother cooked a stuff fowl Beans Potatoes I made a Plum pudding yesterday & sweet sauce instead of pie. I cut out & made a blouse for Mum did not finish it did not have success as I like with it Bert is doing up the heavy dray Clem at Bragglesome

April 4th / Wilf brought home the manure yesterday some work & I was so unwell I took up cocoanut matting in dining room & washed round floor & my room & swept & dusted boys room Mum front rooms & after dinner I washed up everything & then cleaned out the Stove Chimneys & gave Stove a thorough blackleading Also did some sewing to Blouse Dad went to Gawler got letters from the girls a very hot sultry day & now hot windy

April 5 / Same morning work & then breakfast then I filled & cleaned lamps & Kitchen windows then did all housework &baked leg mutton Ma prepared Swedes & potatoes & I made an apple pie & Alford Cake Mum cleaned Cutlery & spoons I altered a pair bloomers & put band on in afternoon Wilf & Clem went to Twelftrees60 Bert & Dad went to Bragglesome cooler now with light showers of rain Beauty let off milk yesterday

 60 Henry Joseph Twelftree, a neighbouring farm that the family often works at. 

Sunday April 6 / I was so ill could not go out all day just did morning work & housework & rested then got some refreshment for Ma & I & rested again Ma got dinner I been writing letters of Sympathy to Mrs. Pederick & Parham61 this afternoon & Clem is gone home Bert is home here lovely cool day Dolly had a calf yesterday at midday

61 Robert Adams Pederick's widow Eliza Pederick nee Wingate, and Else Parham's mother Caroline Parham (nee Clarke).

April 7 / Dads Birthday I could not wash as I was so unwell, so I just washed some & sox stockings & did housework I have a cold as well but got some mending done & ironed the clothes I washed this morning am always busy though ill & downhearted

April 8th / Dad & I intended going to Blocks62 so I got up & got our cup of Tea & breakfast & did all the housework washed up & at about 11 ock I got ready & we went to Gawler did shopping & over at Uncle one oclock or so, I fried beef steak & we had dinner & washed up had a chat then I got a cup of Tea & we came home Angle Vale road got in wood & got Tea Mum so ill I rubbed her chest & back I was so unwell could not sleep.

62 Gawler Blocks (now Evanston Gardens); this is where Dad's brother William lives.

April 9 / As Mother was so unwell I got up & got a cup Tea & breakfast & washed Sepr the boys milk Separate & feed pigs & calves I then went over in the Blacksmiths Shop & cut down a Kerosene Tin & just washed what we really needed most I felt very poorly indeed & such a bad cold as well. I ironed what I could & did any other work as usual.

April 10th / I could scarcely move my arms on waking they were terrible bad, & cold worse so I did not feel like work, but mother was so ill with Bronchitus but she got up & churned Butter & we did what we could. In the afternoon I Quilted down a rub for boys Clif came & I wrote a note to Frances Percy came for Moles that I bought him. Dad & Mum went out Twelftrees to see the cattle

April 11 / Dad never went to Gawler today my duties are the same almost always now Bert & Clem caught a lot of Pigeons to sell I did all Friday work but made it as light as possible & in afternoon I did some mending such a lovely day Mother very unwell indeed & had to go to bed early so ill.

April 12 / Berts Birthday I got up got our Tea then breakfast & I felt so ill I could scarcely keep up but I persevered & got usual work done had dinner Dad went to Gawler also Wilfred took in Pigeons Dad home early I baked Dora Biscuits & Currant Cake & Madeira made Chocolate Icing on it also baked Loin Mutton apple pie I did work all the afternoon to make up for the morning when I did not feel well enough to it I nice day Gawler Sth carnival today for Soldiers memorial Fund63. Wilf & myself saw procession Bert went also

63 A much more successful Carnival

April 13 / I particularly wanted to go to church so got up & got our Tea swept Kitchen made beds fried sausages then I had to hurry & get ready Mr Kessell preached a nice sermon when I got home G. A. & Olive were here we got dinner & had a chat & a sing song Tea & went with Dad to a Gospel Meeting at Mr Heansch64 a lovely day & night our dear Olive been playing with my big doll

64 Mr Haensch, a neighbour. 

April 14 ) I could not wash today Dad went to Gawler with Cream I did ordinary work in every way & set too & took the Belt off my coat & put two new pockets in it got in wood & got Tea Mother so poorly she did stocking mending & sox I washed them

April 15 / I got up at 5/30 lit both fires & fried sausages for Breakfast started washing & got 3 boils in & out before Celia got here at about 10/30 & she lent a hand at colored clothes I made an apple pie & Tart Wilf & Harry are both here Harry stays till Wensday Myrtle is in Gawler bad eyes poor girl

April 16 / I felt awfully crook after washing day but got up & got porrige for breakfast & brought in the clothes Wilfred went to Gawler I was awfully broken hearted & could hardly keep up I did housework & then all my ironing had dinner cleared away & resting when Uncle & Aunt Atyeo64 came to stay the night my poor brain seemed as if it must give way & head ached most cruelly but I helped milk & got Tea

64 Uncle Will Atyeo and his wife Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock), his wife.

April 17 / We hear that Cousin Eva Ratcliff has another daughter born yesterday at (Navarina Home)65 I took in Tea to Dad & Mum & Aunt & Uncle made porrige got breakfast & helped Mother who stuffed a fowl & helped & also made bread pudding & did some sewing. I washed up all dinner things sau’spns & other utensils Auntie & Uncle went home at 3 o’clock & I did mending & helped milk got in wood

65 Her daughter is Daphne Lillian Louisa Ratcliff.

April 18th / Good Friday & Oh how very different from the years ago it is no Hot Cross Buns to bake as I used to I got up & gave my stove a good clean & got out Tea & breakfast washed Sepr & at 10 oclock I started rooms boys mine & dining room I washed all thoroughly & dusted all cleaned windows & Mum made dumplings (apple) & cooked Potatoes & in afternoon she did her room & cleaned other windows I went up to see Myrtle her eve is bad now Boys have cleaned out Tanks & spouts & Ceilings today so all is ready for rain now which is wanted

April 19th / Mother very unwell indeed my usual work Mum got Dad ready for Gawler at nine o’clock Dad got up at five oclock & got Bert breakfast I at ¼ to 6 made porrige & after brk I washed Sepr etc then I made beds & baked Dora Biscuits Alford cake Apple pie & we had Ethel & Effie & Harry here while Myrtle went to Gawler with her eye Wilfred to dinner also. Then I washed some Garments & baked Scones Cleaned all Cutlery spoon Knobs etc Baked leg mutton by 10 o’clock

April 20th / As it was Easter Sunday & Anniversary at Stone Hill I hurried after I got up Dad lit fire & & took in Tea while I got breakfast porrige made bed & swept Kitchen I took Ethel & Lorna with me to church very nice service indeed home lit fire & got dinner cleared away then rested & read lit fire got Tea Dad Charlie & Eva went to Haensch to hear Miss Shepherd66 & I could not go any more to Church Uncle been out today Eva has a daughter born Wensday April 16 / 1919

66 Miss Shepherd; I presume she was bringing a gospel message. 

April 21 // I could not wash today as we expected Frances & Family out & Lorna was here so I just did my ordinary work in every way we have porrige now then I washed the Separator & made beds Lorna helped Ma prepare Vegetables I made apple pies & Lorna went to Wilfs place for a while he is fencing in his house now Dinner over I cleared away & rested a while I felt so unwell

April 22 / Dad has taken up early rising so he lit fire several times lately but I lit this morning & copper started washing about nine o’clock Mr Harry Wasley came he is agent for Liberal Union67 he had a chat to us I got most done by dinner time then scrubbed up & ironed all by tea time Lorna went home today with Dad & I had a job to keep going I felt so unwell

67 Harry Wasley; the Liberal Union was a political party (preceded the Australian Liberal Party).

April 23rd / A very busy morning as we had to cook leg mutton & Vegetables bake a pie we were at dinner & Miss Shepherd & Kitchen Master came so I went up & then Dad came up & entertained them & I went down Kitchen & washed up then I made myself a new Flannel Dad Wilf & Myrtle & Ethel went to Haensch to Gospel Service I stayed home & we had Harry with us he went to sleep after a romp with Clem & Bert I was busy sewing till 10/30 pm

April 24th ) Dad up at 5/30 & went to Gawler & to Town by Midday train he had fire when I came out so we had brk & did all usual work. In afternoon Mr & Mrs Kessell68 came & then Ada & her children & Mr Wise Tea agent also I went with Dad & Haensch at night We opened New Chest of Tea on April 22nd 1919 Budd hung today

68 Rev Kessell, and his wife is Annie Jane Kessell (nee Lackey).

April 25 / I intended going to Gawler with ….. lit fire I got Tea & then made porrige ….. kfast & thoroughly scrubbed out Mothers room ….. made beds & had a cup of cocoa & went …. got Glasses adjusted & then I went to Frances to … Amys for 2 hrs I help her iron & mend stockings we had Tea & was very tired so went to bed about nine

April 26 / Dad lit fire & I got breakfast did ordinary work then housework & swept boys room roasted leg mutton made plum pudding for Sunday cleaned all knives & forks Ma the spoons & lamps I did some washing & any other duties as is our custom of a Saturday Dad was helping the boys Wilf is fencing & starting his yard Clem on land Bert to Military drill Gawler

April 27 / Mother is always so unwell & I got up & after our cup of Tea I swept Kitchen made beds got the porrige & breakfast ready help wash up & went to Church at Stone Hill home Mum had dinner ready cooked so we set it & partook of same George, Amy, Phyllis Bernice & Olive came we had tea & Geo went to Haensch with Dad we looked at Photos & Olive went to bed for night

April 28 / I did not feel well enough to wash today .. expected Celia home but she never came I did all morning work Dressed Olive & then I washed Separator cooked apple pie & Trombone & Potatoes Dad & Mum & Olive went to Gawler Mum to Dr Bert home to dinner he is helping Wilfred fence we are having such hot sultry days

April 29th I could not wash today as Dad & I were going to a Basket Social at Stone Hill Welcome Home to Clif Goodger & Jac Pederick69 & I had to bake but had a complete failure & was so awfully unwell I could hardly get around my work but I made some more cake & Bis just did necessary work & had tea & drove there it was rather showery all day but cleared away at eventide there was quite a nice gathering present & speeches & songs were given then supper & we got home at 10/30 very dark driving & could scarcely see the road I could not hear well enough to enjoy the evening well

69 Clifford Roy Goodger, and Irvin Joseph Pederick, who are both returning from World War I. Joe Pederick was seriously wounded with gunshot to the nose.

April 30th / I had to wash today so … up at five I at ½ past & lit copper … but a nasty twirling wind kept me … to & fro & I washed Mothers white Quilt … & covers this week got all whites done & fe … up & had to leave off for hour & half had … help washup then persevered again & finished at 4 ock but was quite dine myself & bathed my ankles & rubbed them went to bed at six & Dad went to the meeting at Hench

May 1 // Dad gets up a little after 5 & me at 5/40 I start & get breakfast at once make porrige usually & then boys have their meal & milk & feed animals I wash Sepr & get own breakfast over did a portion housework & then I ironed But was so ill I could hardly keep going did some sewing & Dad went to Haenches

May 2nd Bert started drilling in wheat for Hay feed for cattle yesterday I intended going to Gawler so I thoroughly cleaned dining & my room washed floors & put on clean covers & did all other usual work & after dinner we drove to Amys’s & she & Olive went to Gawler with us I went to get up in the Buggy & Dolly rushed on & threw me out on my hip & hurt me. Amy & I went up to Gorrs Sale & also to Mrs P. F. McCann’s70 to get Olives dress fitted Amy got her coat & skirt last Monday

70 Ethel Mary McCann (Greaves)

May 3 Oh how my hip hurt me & my ankle Bert fried sausages for Breakfast Dad lit the fire & took in Tea I mad beds filled lamps cleaned all cutlery & spoons & made Apple pie & shepherd pie I went up to see Myrtle this evening it keeps very dry & hot midday Myrtle went to Gawler yesterday cold night

[end of book]


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