1932 (June to August)

Fanny is now 57. She starts this diary written in an old almanac. She is staying at her sister Celia’s, and since her brother Bert was married in 1931, she is leaving the family farm, After visiting all her sisters, she moves to Herd & Vi Tancock’s dairy farm near Mundoora. Fan seems to move between houses a lot this year. Sometimes at her cousin Louie’s (Louisa Waters nee Arbon), sometimes at her cousin Mary Ann's (Mary Ann Tancock nee Arbon - previously Mary Ann Preiss).

Thursday June 9th. I have been packing all the week & sleeping at Celia’s1 home. Went to Gawler.

1 Celia Dawe (nee Atyeo), one of Fan’s sisters.

Friday 10th. Amy2 came out with me and little Harry3 & helped me finish packing. Slept at Willaston House. Amy & I went to Celia’s & I washed but not dry. Amy ironed.

2 Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo), Fan’s youngest sister.
3 Henry George William (Harry) Hobart, Amy’s youngest child.

Saturday 11th. Very wet & I felt almost beside myself however Les4 came at 11 o’ck & loaded all & went to Willaston. I went to Wards4. Terrible wet & cold.

4 Leslie William Waters, son of Fanny's cousin where I presume Fanny is going to stay. Ward’s Belt. The family farm. Not sure who is living there at this point.

Sunday 12th. I got up early & went Stone Hill5 & finished bringing all away. I drove to Amy’s & stayed all night had a bath very wet indeed. So cold.

5 Stone Hill Methodist Church, now Gawler River Uniting Church

Monday 13th. Not much finer but I washed a few things then ironed them. I went to Ada’s6 for night. Ethel7 was home. Still wet & cold. I had a long chat to her.

6 Ada Emily Parham nee Atyeo, another sister of Fan’s
7 Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham, daughter of Ada; she is variously called Ethel and Gwen.

Tuesday 14th. Ada did not wash & I went to Frances8 midday & Polly9 came in evening & stayed. Gwen got all ironed & put away.

8 Mary Ann Frances Folland nee Atyeo, another sister of Fan’s.  
9 Could be Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon) a cousin who was called Pollie when she was younger.

Wensday 15th. Polly & I went to Gawler I went to Amy for a while then to Frances I done my hat & dress.

Thursday 16th. I went to Street & to see Ivy & Eileen’s Babies10 called at Amy’s. Little Harry better again.

10 Ivy & Eileen’s Babies? Not sure who these are. 

Friday 17th. At Frances since last Tuesday. Gwen & I went to Wards Belt and home with my big case.

Saturday 18th 1932. I got train at Gawler Station change Balac & Bowmans11 H.T.12 met me calling field lovely day sunshine. Motored to H.T. had dinner there & I am to sleep here also beautiful views through hills.

11 Balaclava & Bowmans train stations.
12 Thomas Allan Herd Tancock, aged 43, son of Thomas Henry Tancock and Mary Ann Tancock (Fanny's cousin). Married to Violet May Verran in 1931. They have no children. Milk farm somewhere near Mundoora.

Sunday 19th. Sunday. Very wet & cold again. I assist & do my room a lovely home here & plenty I read & wrote letters. Bitterly cold & I feel tired & aching.

Monday 20th. A bright morning cloudy afternoon did our washing & Ironed after. I do dining room, & my room passage raining heavily & they milk 8 cows.

Tuesday 21st. Another wet cold day. Herd went to Mundoora to post letters &c I finished ironing & mended a bit. Awfully cold. I shiver.

Wensday 22nd. A frost. I dress early & at 8 o’ck Herd & I motored to Mundoora with Cream & the Expert & Tractor arrived 1 extra to dinner. Good table.

Thursday 23rd
. Bright morning. Rain after dinner. Tom13 walked to Mundoora saw J.E.14 I did bedroom mended stockings & help prepare dinner always.

13 Thomas Henry Tancock, Herd's father.
14 J.E. Don't know who this is yet.

Friday 24th. Rainy Expert J W E Stone15 here always now. I did room mopped floors dusted all had a spunge bath & read a book helped with dinner.

15 J W E Stone. Farming expert?

Saturday 25th. Very rainy & wet. Vi11 just had a bath must set table now Herd gone in car I did some washing M.A.T.16 very poorly. Vi going to bathe after dinner.

15 Violet May Tancock (nee Verran), aged 38, wife of Herd Tancock.
16 Mary Ann Tancock (nee Arbon), wife of George Tancock, and a cousin of Fanny's; sometimes referred to as M.A..

Sunday 26th. A finer day shower a.m. Dinner over E & V took the expert to Collins Field and no-one to meet him so came back. My friend17 came to tea also 7 others for evening nice afternoon but showers very cold weather frosty nights also.

17 Who is Fanny's friend? J.E.?

Monday 27th. Dull morning then very cold N.E. wind same duties Vi washed & I went Port Broughton with Tom & Herd home to dinner bad head so lied down & it was awful. I milked 2 cows.

Tuesday 28th. Head awful but I did morning duties & then I ironed all always midday hot dinner. Beef pots cuff or turnips melon pie twice no other dessert.

Wensday 29th not well but helped in various way & altered my underskirt. Mr Will Tancock & wife18 for afternoon & evening. Cornish pasties today heavy frost a.m. sunshine.

18 William Henry Tancock & Elizabeth Ann Matters (Tancock)

Thursday 30th. Lovely after frost cleared away. I washed passage & front bedroom dusted all helped with Veg for dinner also wash up Herd using Tractor each day fallowing.

pages missing

Friday, July 15 I have the dining room to mop Friday Vi her room & Perce18 had to solder his engine. Vi helping him I went to PO & got his appointment

18 Percy someone. Not sure who this is.
Saturday 16th usual journey to the Port & back saw Clarice & children & Les19. extremely cold wind blowing I have a bath set table made fire in dining room. Got all dry nice wind.

19 Clarice Louisa Ellen Morse (nee Preiss), her children Alwyn Roy Morse and Gordon Henry James Morse, and her brother Albert Leslie Preiss. They are children of Fanny's cousin Mary Ann Arbon.

17th Sunday up at about 7/45 & had breakfast & helped in every way as V was baking Company to lunch (mans chill) I did rooms & prep vegetables dinner over. Allan Burl & Andrew Baker20 came I went for a stroll with my Pal. I came home to tea They retired at 7:30 I at nine. Wet day in ??

20 Allan Burl & Andrew Baker

18th Monday a boisterous morning but we washed. I hung out & did my own help prepare dinner & went to Mundoora in afternoon so tired I folded clothes got tea made fire in the dining room.

Thursday 19th Usual all duties & then did Veg & ironed finished at about 2 o’clock same work & I go over a while with M.A. & help V. She is busy. M.A. had afternoon Tea with torn page Ferret my with friends.

Wensday 20th same work each day V baking so I assist her all I can. She made a petticoat I was sew mostly torn out

Friday 22nd I did not get up till sunrise had cup tea washed up did rooms mopped floor, Vegs, cleaned boots & wash stockings, took snaps of tractor I got parcel yesterday letter from Franc Yorke Peninsula, Mount Gambier last week Olive21 Celia Dot22 Viv23 & England & Ivy24 it's a nice day lovely Sunday

21 Olive Fanny Heath Hobart, eldest daughter of Fanny's sister Amy. 
22 Dot? Not sure who that is. 
23 Probably Vivienne Bartlett Joy Dawe, a niece, aged 13?
24 Probably cousin Ivy Elizabeth Sandercock (nee Easton), now aged 43.

Saturday 23rd did not intend going to the port today so did all the usual work cold wind & wet Vi did not bake I have a bad neck & shoulder cannot milk now

Sunday 24th Our usual work & then Vi baked scones tarts pies baked hot dinner then I had a visitor but he went home early & I wrote to Olive & Gawler & read a book very tired

Monday 25th did not wash so wet & windy Vi did sewing I did rooms & mending & always prepare Vegetables lovely turnips growing so cold

Tuesday 26th A most glorious day & we hurried & did washing & I did all the ironing by tea time & then tried fancy work a bit.

Wens 27th A nice morning & I dusted & mop floor got all housework done & then I cided & we had visitors 3 ladies 3 kids 1 gent all to afternoon tea torn page

Friday 29th I felt so unwell but persevered & did usual dining room thoroughly & in afternoon went to Post Office. & felt dreadfully done coming home

Saturday 30th still so crook but did what I could & wrote to Ivy, Frances & to Wilf & Myrtle25. Vi had a cow come in, Wednesday. Just got mine now to milk.

24 Brother Wilfred George Heath Atyeo and his wife Myrtle Hilda Atyeo nee Cork.

Sunday 31st up usual & did usual company E to tea & evening excitement with cow I felt a bit better & wrote a bit more & read book Vi baked.

Monday 1st Washing day got all dry & ironed some & folded starch clothes after doing bedroom for C & E Baker. I assisted M at wash up too.

25 Charles Baker and his wife Eva Susanna Baker (nee Tancock), Fanny's cousin.

Tuesday 2nd I got up & hurried & did all rooms well also veg lamp lantern etc C & E came to dinner very cold indeed & so rainy looking

Wednesday 3rd T & M.A.T26 Golden Wedding a very rough day but finer at midday & about 40 came to celebrate occasion a nice spread at 3 o'clock kept up till 10 o'clock I was tired we sang Auld Lang Syne violin by J & H very enjoyable
26 It's the Golden Wedding of Thomas Henry Tancock and Mary Ann Tancock (nee Matters) (Herd's parents).

Thursday 4th, Same as ordinary & went to M.A. for a while, lunch & then came on to Clarice’s with Charlie Baker & on to Louies at evening time. They are very busy milk round 11 cows.

Friday 5th. Just helped in various way & did some sewing sorted flowers wrote a letter to Celia. The sea looks lovely but very cold & stormy. Leslie is home on milk round now.

Saturday 6th. A most dreadful cold windy day fearful wind I helped Louie in house & mended dress for her. It rained heavily. Louie went out for card evening.

Sunday 7th. They have got to work past the same at 5/30 in morning & milk & send away milk. Dinner over at 3 milk again & Louie & I went to Charlie. Les had a few hours off. Boys went church.

Monday 8th. A very dull day. Louie a very big wash I did bedroom washed up got meals &c I hung out turned & got most dry. Folded all. Help with poultry & got in wood fed candries &c.

Tuesday 9th. Mary visited no not today. The minister came today and his wife. I helped Louie as I always do. Louie’s cow very bad indeed. Vet attending. Terrible bad it is too.

Wensday 10th. Cow died & Louie & I went to Mary’s for afternoon. Geo26 went to Louies & helped Tom bury cow. Louie got some chickens out also. Wattle in Blossom & Almond now.

26 George Tancock, second husband of Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon).

Thursday 11th. Just assisted in work & mending all day & talk & listen to Wireless. Leslie is home so he delivers milk now instead of Tom.

Friday 12tth. I was busy making coarse bag aprons & generally assisting. L.E.W. We have the Wireless & I enjoy it very much. I can hear it.

Saturday 13th. I helped Lou with all work & in evening we went to Port Bittern. Cold. We went to Clarice’s for a while. I shivered with cold.

Sunday 14th. Same duties & in the afternoon I picked flowers & we walked to Cemetery to see Auntie’s grave27 and Mary Sep & Eva came & we came here to Tea & to Clarice’s & home to Louies.

27 This would be Aunt Charlotte Heath (Arbon and Humphrys), the mother of both Louie and Mary; she died in 1929. 

Monday 15th. Washing day & I did all indoor work beds housework folding & some ironing Louie cooking. A nice day for washing.

Tuesday 16th. I came over to Mary’s today to stay after washing & ironing was done at Louie’s yesterday. Nice weather now again.

Wensday17th. I do not find much to do at Mary’s. She is always cooking Eva, Vera & Barbara & Una often come round as they are at the Port & round.

28 Vera Irene Matthews (nee Baker) and her daughter Barbara Matthews (aged 2), Eva Linda May Baker, and Una Floris Baker, daughters of Eva Baker (nee Tancock).

Thursday 18th. Just do my room & help Mary in small ways rainy & cold have nice fire in dining & I clean up in mornings.

Friday 19th. Hazel & Lillian’s Birthdays29. I can’t think of what I did only that I cut out a dress for Louie & had a real bother for nearly a week with it too & then I could not get it right.

29 Nieces Hazel Jane Folland and Lillian Edna Hobart.

Saturday 20th. Just assist & then we went into Port & to Clarice’s saw Melva30 & got lovely Violets she goes home next Saturday for 2 weeks. I went on the beach for a time.

30 Probably Melva Jean Humphrys, daughter of cousin Benjamin Humphrys.

Sunday 21st. All home & same duties & I read book. Mr & Mrs Bob31 came for tea & evening then I went to Lizzie’s32 & looked at Photos in evening so different here Sunday.

31 Robert Albert Tancock, and his wife Edith Ada Sawtell.  
32 Most likely this is cousin Elizabeth Matilda Ann Humphrys, cousin. Daughter of Aunt Charlotte and Benjamin Humphrys.

Monday 22nd. Washing day. I was sewing & on Tuesday we had the Football Social & I stayed at Lou’s & Wensday she had her company instead of Thursday when we went to Mrs Skelton’s33.

33 Mrs Skelton. I don 't know who this is.

Tuesday 23rd. Same work I been sewing & Eva & Vera & Barbara came & stayed the night so I went to Louie’s on Wendsay & Mrs Betcher & Mrs Farlane34 spent Thursday with Louie & I came to Mary’s Thursday night.

34  Mrs Betcher & Mrs Farlane. I cannot find these surnames in the BDM index for South Australia, so suspect this is not the correct spelling. Could be Boettcher? 

Wensday 24th. Just ordinary work & bit of sewing apron at night we went to Football Social & Dance & it was good but I did not feel interested in it. Crowded house I took £17/0/0 for it.

Thursday 25th. A hot sunny day. I swept & dusted all in my room but I was not well. Went over to Lizzies & missed baby. Both children are ill35, also Ducks 3 hem ill most children are up here delirious & feverish colds.

35 Lizzie's two children and baby. Perhaps this Lizzie not cousin Lizzie Humphrys?

Friday 26th. I always do the room & occupy & wash up & I washed me head a hot sultry thundery day sun quite hot grass & wheat are in seed & ear now we went to Port & home to tea back to S.S. concert very nice party supper.

Saturday 27th. A beautiful cool & wet morning after dry spell. Mary baking Geo reading I did bedrooms washing up & we are going to Port if fine. I have not reported so can’t think but one day is like the rest now.

Sunday 28th. There is no variation here I just help in light work sort flowers & dust or tidy. Charlie & Eva, Herb & Vera & Una went home at 3/30. Bob & Family came to tea & evening also Will & Clarice & children36 and he took them home in Thunderstorm.
36 Still not sure who Bob is, but Will is William Samuel Morse, husband of Clarice. Children listed above.

Monday 29th. Very wet a light drizzle all the morning till about 2 o’ck & then it fined up & as Mary had washed & I did mine we got all dry & ironed. I went to see Mrs Skelton who goes to [Port] Pirie Hospital for an operation.

Tuesday 30th. Much colder & wet all the morning & in afternoon we went to Louie & to Jim Tancocks37 & Street came back & Mary Milked I got tea & retired early to bed. Feeling very like influenza.
37 James Tancock, the eldest Tancock brother, aged 73, lives in Port Broughton.

Wensday 31st. A nice morning & it was Crystal Brook Show, but I felt too ill to go to it. I did my room & a bit fancy work & lay down feeling shivery all the time. Lizzie came for visit. Had cup coffee & now rest.

[end of book]


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