1926 (January 1 - December 31)

Fanny is now 51. Living at Charltonville with her father Henry Atyeo, her brother Albert Joseph Atyeo, her nephew Clement Garfield Parham (aged 22), Florence M V (from Williamstown), and niece Mary Ann Bernice (Birdie) Dawe (agd 12). The other siblings still live close by and there is a constant flux of visits from nieces and nephews as well as the siblings. Amy and Charlie run farms nearby. Celia, Ada and Frances are in town.

Major events of this volume: The death of Uncle Charlie Heath, and Auntie Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock). Dad (Henry Atyeo, William’s brother) gets married again (at the age of 78!), and leaves; Florence leaves shortly after Dad’s marriage, and Birdie also seems to leave shortly after too. Niece Marion (Amy Marion Dawe, age 14) comes to stay and help when Fanny is left to run the house and cows on her own. Bert is mostly around. Ward’s Belt chapel is pulled down, the time capsule (bottle) opened and the foundation stone moved to the house. The death of Uncle William Atyeo in October.  Dad sails to Sydney in December.

Gwenda Folland1a of Willaston’s Exercise Book – given to her Auntie for a Diary book

New Year January 1st, 1926 Yes another year is born I watched the old one Depart but could not hear the Guns or the Whistle1b. Uncle & Aunt Atyeo2 both say they heard it I am at Amy’s3 today & I spent last evening here. Little Olive4 & I kept Dear little Audrey5 home while Amy Olive Lillian6 & Marion7 went to Gawler. She cried so for her Mama. Today George8 went to work & we spent a quiet time save for the children Dad came for me after tea & Celia9 came home with me to stay

1a The book was given to her by Gwenda Evelyn Folland, a niece, daughter of Frances, aged 9. 
1b She has been hard of hearing since at least 1907. She is probably more deaf now.
2 Uncle William Atyeo (Dad's older brother, aged 83) & his wife Aunt Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock)
3 Amy Florence Atyeo (youngest of Fanny’s sisters, married to George Hobart, 38 years old)
4 Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (Amy’s eldest child, 12 years old)
5 Audrey Frances Hobart (Amy’s youngest daughter, born September 28 1925)
6 Lillian Edna Hobart (Amy’s 3rd daughter, 4 years old)
7 Probably Amy Marion Dawe, Fanny's niece, aged 14, sometimes called Mair, Mais
8 George Edmund Hobart (Amy’s husband, 32 years old)
9 Celia Florence Hobart (Amy’s second daughter, 6 years old)

Jan 2nd Being Saturday there was usual work Florrie10 had rooms done so after morning work I baked Block cake & the Slice Buns & I have to send Dinners & the lunches out in back for boys who are stacking Hay. Little Celia spent a few hours with Myrtle’s11 children I had bath & bathe Celia washed clothes & retire.

10 Not sure who this is. Florence M.V. She is living and helping with the family.
11 Myrtle Atyeo (nee Cork), Fanny’s sister-in-law; Wilfred’s wife. Their children are (so far) Effie Verina Atyeo (10), Henry Thorold (9), Mavis Hilda (8), Wilfred Lance (Lance, aged 5).

Jan 3rd Sunday I was up first & called Flo to clean stove & they milked I did bed & we had cold lunch I made Custard & Stewed Apricots then rested mostly & read Did not go out at all but Xmas Sunday Amy had Dear little Audrey christened & Mrs Arthur Hewitt also had Sylvia Maureen12 Done We all went to Celias to tea where Bert13 & I also spent Xmas Day & George Amy & Family too & Jim & Ada14 the evening Frances15 & Ethel16 & the rest were at Beach for over a week

12 Mrs Arthur Hewitt's daughter Sylvia Maureen Hewitt. I cannot find a birth record in the South Australian registers.
13 Celia May Dawe nee Atyeo (Fanny’s sister), Albert Joseph Atyeo (Fanny’s brother, aged 41)
14 James Parham & Ada Emily Parham nee Atyeo (Fanny’s sister, aged 49)
15 Mary Ann Frances Folland nee Atyeo (aged 48, Fanny’s sister)
16 Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham (aged 20, Fanny’s niece)

Jan 4th Always my washing Day & I got up about at 5 & got to tubs while Flo milked & fed animals I always pack boys Dinners & take up for them I got most done by 9/30 then Flo helped to finish off & we each scrubbed up I did Tables & Dresser & washed up & then she ironed till milking time & finished all up

Jan 5th I am not atall well Dad went to Gawler I did usual & Flo her usual work & we both did sewing & I was so ill but Dragged up & fried chops boiled Swedes potatoes then retired could not eat the weather is so changeable quite hot today with cool freeze I churned this morning some to carry on with

Jan 6th I had a bad night & felt awfully poorly but I got up lit fire & had a cup tea & churned & made my butter for week lovely morning so cool & since a few drops rain fell I was surprised to have Clara17 & boys for a visit this afternoon quite cold am cooking hot tea roast leg & potatoes & ca

17 Clara Pearl Anderson (nee Easton), Fan’s cousin, daughter of her Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath). Her children: Ronald Oliver Anderson (aged 2), Allan Easton Anderson (aged 11) and Maxwell Thomas Anderson (aged 12), Laurence Robert Anderson (aged 14).

Jan 7th Still very unwell but trying to be busy took up my carpet & put it on line & Florrie did the Dining & boys room was resting & Dick & Lucy18 came for a while then I got the eggs Dad went to bed he has Gastritis & is so unwell I cooked cakes last evening Flo milked

18 Dick and Lucy. Don't know who they are yet.

Jan 8th Dad too ill to go to Gawler so he stayed in bed all day I went to Myrtles & sent for Goods & I plucked & Dressed a fowl for Dad I have to cut boys Dinners always & then cook hot tea Shepherd pie &c

Jan 9th As Dad was ill he thought he would go to Dr & Florrie drove him to Gawler & I stayed home & roasted leg Mutton & Potatoes & boys would not come in for hot Dinner atall I got letters from Tom & Ray & Frances from England19 & Photo’s so I was looking at them I did some washing

19 Cousin Thomas Easton, Ray?, Frances from England? Don't know who the latter two are.

Jan 10th I got up & called Florrie & I did my room & made Custard & rice for Dad & sorted Roses in Vases & other Sunday work Celia Percy & Family of three came others went to Sunday School18 & Church they were here to both Dinner & Tea lovely day

20 Percy Thomas Dawe, husband of Celia. They have 5 daughters: Amy Marion (aged 14), Mary Ann Bernice (Birdie) (aged 12), Celia Laurel Ivy (aged 10), Vivienne Bartlett Joy (aged 7), Kathleen Joyce (aged 5) and Ethel Beatrice Atyeo Dawe (aged 3).

Jan 11) Monday washing Day up at 4/30 & after the usual cup that cheers I cleaned copper & went at Tubs but was not strong so could not hurry & I had to cut Bert’s dinner but my persevering got done at 11o’ck Florence helped after she had done her Dairy work milking nine cows now & calves & pig to feed. I scrubbed indoors she out side & after Dinner she ironed & I mended lovely Day but got so windy after noon

Jan 12) I rose at 4/30 & churned but it was a nasty morning & I could not make it up so salted & left it in water in Dairy I did usual work & then I baked pies tarts scones cakes & a Shepherd pie & did some mending & Dad was at Gawler so I was preparing evening meal & Aunt Charlotte21 & Ronnie came home with him to see Uncle Charley I made butter & got tea

21 Charlotte Humphrys (formery Arbon, nee Heath), aged 66. Ronnie? Uncle Charlie Heath (Ma's brother).

Jan 13) I was early & cut Berts dinner had may breakfast of a cup tea & a cake sit to I called Olive & she helped me prepare Apricots for Jam I fried Sausages for their breakfast & then Florence shined Copper & I made Jam had lunch & a chat & then Auntie went to Eva’s22 I cooked vegetables for tea F. did her room out

22 Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath), Fanny’s cousin, who is also a niece of Aunt Charlotte, of course.

Jan 14) Same hour & worked & I sealed down all the jam & I made paste (Ham) Thursday I helped F. do all Dining room Glass & china looks lovely then we had a cup tea & I was resting & Harry Frances came & Hazel23 is out of Danger now poor little Dear so they had cup Tea & chat & then went I fried sausages & boiled potatoes mended Sox.

23 Harry Gilbert Folland, husband of Frances (Fan’s sister), their daughter Hazel Jane Folland (aged 7).

Jan 15) Up at an early hour before five & churned Butter & I did usual work Dad did not go to Gawler today as Flo has to go Saturday for Williamstown we turned out boxes in the boys room & finished our other cleaning & I mending & Bert came & said that we were going to Beach next week fairly warm weather.

Jan 16) All hurry & bustle up same early hour & I did all indoor work while Florrie & Dad did the outdoor & they left to catch train at 8/45 Olive came home from Ada’s & helped me splendidly I have all morning Work done & Aunt Emily & Uncle Tom24 came to morning lunch & then I baked for beach boys home late Dinner finished & had our bath got Tea & washed a lot of clothes ready for Sunday & retired late to bed

24 Emily (Emmy) Easton (nee Heath) & Thomas Easton.

Sunday Jan 17) We did not intend going out I cooked Soup for Dinner Albert25 stayed all day Olive went home with Clem25 Ethel came to see me also Lorna & Phyllis26 but did not stop to Dinner I had all to do myself & at evening Bert & I went to Ada’s also Wilfred27 & Family stayed till midnight lovely evening

25 Albert (Alb) Bruce Parham, and Clement Garfield Parham, nephews (Ada’s sons)
26 Lorna Frances Folland, daughter of Frances and Harry (aged 19) and Phyllis May Folland, daughter of Frances and Harry (aged 17)
27 Wilfred Atyeo, brother of Fanny. Family is listed with Myrtle Cork, see note 2.

Jan 18) I was up 4/35 & I lit fire & got breakfast Cleaned & filled Copper & was well on at Tubs when Florrie got home Dad went to Frances yesterday & stayed the night so was in to bring F. home she got lunch & then we finished at ¼ to 11 & scrubbed up & Florrie picked a fowl & I got a lot ready for Beach

Jan 19 My Birthday & I was up early & churned for Beach & packed & cooked fowl & got a start at 3 o’clock met Jim & Ann & at Thompsons28 met Geo & Amy & Family & went to Two Wells & filled Tanks & on to Beach at about 7 ock & had Tea fixed Tents & turned in

28 Jim and Ann? Is this Jim and Ada? Thompsons must be neighbours. 

Jan 20) On waking I heard the rest of the other camp was up Amy brought me a cup of Tea & cake we cleared breakfast & went in for a bathe so cold so dull & cloudy could not take Snaps had a bathe in afternoon also but too cold for enjoyment

Jan 21 We all stirred early & same programme but we were surprised to see so many people Arrive but learned it was Lower Light Picnic hundreds down at Beach we had a bathe & after Dinner the Van left & we left at 6 o’clock & got home at ¼ to 8

Jan 22) I got up about six lit fire & had Tea & tidied up & did my usual work & went to Frances & stayed Dad to Gawler & Bert with Pigs I stayed the night we talked the girls & boys went to the Street Harry to work & I washed my head & we had late supper & to bed midnight

Jan 23) Frenches28 Birthday I did not dress till 6/30 had a slice of toast & tea & Lorna & I drove home & then I did my work Florrie helped with dinner roast leg Mutton & potatoes French Beans & hot jam Tarts which I made & a sponge roll too I helped wash up & several other things & mended

28 Charles French Folland, nephew, son of Frances, aged 20.

Jan 24th) I’ve not been able to sleep so at 5/30 I dressed & lit fire & had cup tea made custard & prepared Vegetables got breakfast made beds in both mine & Dads room by ¼ to nine Dad & Florrie had as usual went to Gawler & Bert also went after Dinner R.S.29 came for tea & he & F.M.V. went away at 6 so I got washing ready & Wilf & family came for evening Dad home 10/30PM

29 Ray S (name given later); beau of F.M.V?

Up at 4/30 on Monday January 25 & lit copper & was hanging clothes on line when sun rose I washed 4 Blankets Quilt & a big wash was quite done at 11 ock I folded clothes F.V. started ironing I also did some & cooked Tea Clem & Bert loading Hay (no Wilf) Bert to Gawler after chaff cutting nice Day

Jan 26) F.V. & Boys up before 4 o’clock & they went to load Hay from H. Grity30. Clem took it in to Gawler I did Dad room & finished all starched ironing & sew in Afternoon Dad to Gawler Bert & Wilf chaff cutting Shepherd pie F. Beans & pancakes for dinner I saw Myrtle for a while in evening very close & muggy

29 H. Grity

Jan 27) A hot sultry morning I did usual & then I swept walls cooked corn Beef Swedes carrots & potatoes & Rice for Dinner then it came up so hot & windy I did not expect Effie who came for me to Arrive with her to Ada’s for our farewell visit I suppose as they shift to near Gawler Station next Monday we had a chat & then we had afternoon Tea & we drove home a cool change blew up & its nice & pleasant now Frances & Hazel are at Sea Cliff for a holiday

Jan 28) I was up & had fire when Florrie got up after a cup Tea & did usual work & cleaned out my room & baked Scones Acid Tart & had corn Beef Potatoes Carrots Rice Pudding Amy, Lillian, Audrey & Celia Kathleen & Beatrice came for Dinner & Tea & Bert Killed a pig Celia helped him Wilfred had 2 teeth drawn today one last week poor boy got toothache badly

Jan 29) I got up & watered my pot plants & churned Butter & cleaned Dairy & did usual work Florence went with Dad to Gawler George came down for a while is gone back with Clem & Bert Effie & Mavis are with me I wrote to Sydney & Victoria last night lovely weather today my arms have obscured

Jan 30) Saturday with its many duties & today I have been exceptionally busy I was first up & then lit fire Percy & Laurel came with Plums so I set to & did them & put on Jam baked a small ham & Loin Mutton Tss Pies & potatoes & cabbage & Boiled Sausages besides other duties Dinner over I made Rock Buns & Cakes & washed up Dished up my Jam before Dinner scrubbed table & I had a bath & cleaned Knives forks I was so busy all day & Florrie also washed boys & this floor

Jan 31st As both Clem & Bert went to the Sports yesterday they would not get up I was up called Flo & she cleaned stove I got brkft & made Apple pie made beds weed went to Cels very hot maeea terrible in afternoon I read

February 1st) I’ve not slept much atall I dressed at 4 & started washing got some out before sunrise but could not hurry I had ruin water still so washed Quilt down rug & my traveling Rug I was tired but cooked Mashed Pots F. Beans Tart for dinner Flo ironing this afternoon Fran Lorn Hazel & Celia & Laurel Williams30 came for a while

30 Edith Laurel Williams, aged 13, a cousin of the Folland children, aged 13.

Feb 2) I always wake so early & got up as Dad is so unwell & I make him nourishment Wilf went to Gawler as he could not go I went to Eva’s & saw Uncle for a while stayed to Tea Aunt Charlotte still with him usual duties.

Feb 3rd) I intended going to Gawler also Florrie & Dad I gave Dad a bath & had one myself & as I was up very early I did all housework & F did cows I did a lot shopping they went to Gawler West I stayed at Celia’s we chatted & had tea I slept out of doors very hot weather & so Dry always

Feb 4) Not as early I went with Birdie to feed cows all the children went to school Celia did bread baking I mended stockings sox & trimmed a Hat we chatted all day & after early Tea she drove me home also Marion & Beatrice

Feb 5) Up very early & churned Butter & made it up nice & cool in early morning but hot after I took up my carpet Tuesday & F scrubbed floor before we went to Gawler so today Dad went to Gawler I made apple Pie Acid Tart Boiled Beef Swedes F Beans potatoes & F done her rooms & I mended & cut out Flannel Florrie’s sister came (Ivy)31 for night I was upset

31 Ivy V, Florrie's sister.

Feb 6) I was up very early & called F & Ivy also got up & helped milk & Dad drove to Station I baked leg Mutton F Beans potatoes Biscuits & cake swept kitchen & did Sat work very hot indeed with only a breeze midday

Feb 7) Early up & got all duties done & went up to Wilfred got stew pan & made lamb so fearful hot Dad went to Amy’s for day & night. I got Dinner for Bert Clem & self & Bert & I went to Ada’s to tea & even late home & slept out lovely cool outside

Feb 8) Awoke between 4 & 5 to find it raining & so awfully windy I hastened to close windows & doors & dressed & got most morning duties over F & Dad got home at 8/30 windy so I never washed & mended & helped with work all day lovely & cool & showery

Feb 9) Up to wash & so terrible windy tore sheet & after I had done all Whites & Flannels I left off & got breakfast & did Kitchen work & fried potatoes onions for dinner & beans I cleaned window Wilfred went to Dentist to get all teeth out & Myrtle & Rose32 came home I looked after Harry lovely & cool

32 Probably Myrtle's sister Rosina Madeline May Cork.

Feb 10) Wilfred stayed at Frances last night & Bert had to do the Horse. I helped in morning duties & then as I had washed Dad’s coat & Vest I pressed & mended it quite a days work But I also made the pastry for Dinner & ironed starch clothes cool breeze warm syn

Feb 11) I felt so very unwell I could not keep up so lay down till nine & then did my room & went to Amys arrived Dinner time & spent afternoon Baby is lovely we called at Celia’s nice Day Amy busy Clarice33 doing room & Olive & Celia came from school Olive has to learn cooking at school of mines now

33 Clarice Louisa Ellen Preiss, daughter of cousin Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon) is staying with Amy, aged 18. School of Mines in Gawler East is now Gawler and District College.

Feb 12) I felt better & after morning duties I went with Dad to Gawler but had the ill luck to mislay my handbag & walked from Frances to Amy’s looking & back in Gawler I rode with Eva & Dad had found it so it ended happily. Cousin Louie34 was in Gawler & came home with us F. had hot Tea so I fried some Mutton chop for self & had my Tea & felt unwell

34 Louisa Emily Waters (nee Arbon), daughter of Aunt Charlotte.

Feb 13) So ill all day I done lumps & my room a bit & then I was up & down all day with Colic Louisa went home with Bert at night she went to Uncle Charleys for afternoon I retire early to bed. So very poorly

Sunday 14) As I had to churn Butter I got up early so terribly hot but it got it & put it in cellar to cool off I was ill all day terrible pain & could hardly get myself a drink I slept out at night the dust was awful all day Clem went home Bert to Amys at evening time cooler at 6 ock

Feb 15) Better today up long before sunrise & patted up Butter & started washing & got all white clothes done before F came on & we got done about 11 & I cooked some dinner F scrubbed & I done the table &c & she ironed till milking time I finished We all went to Gawler with cream such lovely cool days

Feb 16) I over done myself yesterday & had to retire early to bed & don’t feel too well now I had my window cleaned & sunrise & doing my room swept all walls in Dining room & Dads & my room & took up carpet & F washed Dads floor & I baked Shepherd pie & Pumpkin & cakes by 12/30 I now must mend a little

Feb 17) Bert had been to Charlie’s35 last evening & found him very ill had had his throat lanced yesterday so I went down after doing my room & stayed all day I washed Charl & made bed & assisted in any way I could he looks so ill Coral showed me her Pony & the pigs & animals Gwen went to school35

34 Charles William Henry Atyeo, Fanny's brother
35 His daughters Coral Eva Atyeo (15) and Gwendoline Ettie Atyeo (12).

Feb 18) I did not get up so early this day but I helped as all I could before we Dad & I went to the Sale at Angle Vale Bert & Wilfred went horseback & Percy & Celia George Amy & Children Clarice Olive went to school. We saw such a crowd of people there & we had Dinner & Tea at Mrs Harveys36 Celia helped wait at table It was a beautiful day H & C were home she cooked leg Mutton & I boiled trombone & Potatoes & we had tea

36 Mrs Harvey. H & C.

Feb 19) F was going to Gawler with Dad so after she had got breakfast over & milked put in Ponies & they went off Clem was dragging down big logs & I got Dinner cooked & lunch for all & mended clothes &c Harry stayed with me also as W & Myrtle went to Gawler the weather is hotter today I was up early & made Butter this morning got it done nicely too

Feb 20) Saturday & all usual duties I cleaned Dairy always & then helped in general work I baked Acid Tart apple pie Dora Biscuits & went to Amys’ for night with Bert & they were in the bath & had washing on line we had a [illegible]

Feb 21) Very hot & I helped Amy & did anything I could & Olive took Baby over to Frances & they all went to Sunday School in afternoon G was making nets for Ferrets all day & he served Olive very cruel indeed & upset us so much

Feb 22) Amy brought me a cup of tea & I dressed & have been sewing for her today Clarice & her washed & did housework I nursed baby & Dad called for me at 5 o’clock so I came on home lovely & cool

Feb 23) Washing Day I awoke early & lit copper & Florence got breakfast & milked &c I went on at Tubs a glorious day F. helped after & we got done at 11 o’ck I help pea & F. ironed till milking time & then I went on & done Berts Best Shirt up & Dad came from Gawler hall Tea

Feb 24) A windy morning & Wilf drove Dad & Ch to Two Wells & they went to Collins Field & Mundoora the Gales increased & dust was awful till sundown Bert away at night & Clem also at 7 ock it poured to rain & F & I were home alone & did fancywork till 11 o’ck we got some nice rain water again now

Feb 25) I always get up early & call Flo & I attend to fowls She milks 6 cows & feeds them & pigs. I went with Flo all through the rooms & shifted the Side board out here in Dining room & I was so tired & pains in legs however I kept up & Bert had to go to Uncles he is very ill 2 Drs out to him

Feb 26th) A nice morning & I cleaned Dairy & pack Eggs & made bed washed up Flo did her outdoor work put in ponies & we went to Gawler & had a lunch at Frances & to see Auntie & Uncle till 3 ock back Did shopping & got home at 6/30 milked &c

Feb 27) Up at 5/20 & made Butter & did a portion of work & then I rode with Clem who was going to Angaston Show as far as Uncles & I found him very ill I helped Eva & washed Uncle & gave him breakfast home & made Broth which Effie took to him I baked sponge Tart pie & generally assisted Flo weary & fell asleep for a time Bert went to Trotting in afternoon & Gawler evening Flo & I slept outdoors

Feb 28th) I called Bert but he lay in & Flo did the cows & I got fire & breakfast had a bath Bert went to Uncles Clem home so I am alone I was surprised to see Bert Clarice Olive & Lillian come to Dinner we expected Amy but Uncle was so ill she stopped to help them so children went to Sunday School Bert sat up with Uncle & I stayed till 11 o’clock

March 1st) I got up early & took down all the curtains & starched & ironed them & did all the washing besides & got done at one oclock washed up after dinner & in afternoon I hung all but the Dining room I felt real done but cooked vegetables

March 2nd) I got up hung curtains & made beds & out on Bert Quilts & baked sponge cakes & went to stay at Uncles all relations came Dad & Charl also & Uncle rallied round

March 3rd) Cannot write very correctly as I’m back forward to Eva’s twice a day Herd37 came down here from Charlie’s Dad went to Gawler Herd & Charlie went by motor Uncle Tom went with Dad all Day to Gawler

37 Thomas Allan Herd Tancock, son of Thomas Henry Tancock and Mary Ann Tancock, aged 37. A nephew of Uncle William and Aunt Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock).

March 4) Bert & Herd went out horseback to see the Country Clem dragging Poles for Shell’s I got all ready & did all beds & then I went to help with nursing Uncle Celia had been there all night I help Kit38 she was washing Aunt Emily & Uncle Tom were here last night & to Breakfast today

38 Christiana Heath nee Hill, widow of Alfred Heath, Fan’s cousin.

March 5) I sat with Uncle till 12 then Dad sat till morning we had a thunderstorm last night opening of Band of Hope39 Herd Dad Bert & Flo went to Charlies for evening Flo & I sleep out now Herd stayed here & went home this morning early I went to Evas Flo & Dad to Gawler

39 Temperance Society.

March 6th) Our usual work baked leg Mutton & Vegetables Soup & Apple pie also Tart Sponge & did all Knobs & Spoons Flo knives forks lamps I was in a bath & had to hurry as uncle was worse Bert Wilfred & I went & stayed till about nine Uncle Tom came home with us & Dad Ada Celia Aunt Emily watched till the last breath at 11 o’clock Mr McLean40 was there also

40 Probably James Sparshott McLean.

March 7th) F & I slept out Dad came & said Uncle was Dead Auntie came home41 & slept this morning F. fried breakfast & I took in Tea & then I baked mutton leg potatoes cabbage apple pie peeled Peaches & custard After Dinner we went to see Uncle in his last sleep Celia was here to Dinner also & Harry Frances Amy & Celia, Hazel, Audrey were here to Tea Uncle & Dad went to the other place for a drive late back so we had meals all hours & F was late out with R.S. Jim busy sinking the grave & Bert also up there.

41 Uncle Charles Heath has died. Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath) stays with the family.

March 8) After Dinner we all but Clem went to the funeral mostly relatives there his & Aunties Lillian Bert & Flo were there & Clara Bert & Auntie Uncle & Dad home to tea

March 9th) I lit fire took in Tea & then I went in doors Flo got breakfast I wrote letters & Dad & Uncle Auntie & George Tancock42 went to Gawler in his Car he Motored Aunt Charlotte Louie & Mary43 down at Midday it was very hot indeed all our family were there with husbands & Uncle & Auntie home to tea

42 George Tancock, a distant cousin.
43 Mary Ann Priess, nee Arbon (Louie's sister, and a cousin of Fanny's).

March 9th continued Florrie & I been busy I made soup for Dinner boys are putting up Implement Sheds I cleaned front window & mine Flo washed front room floor & I swept mine & dusted it lovely day so cool & fresh from West I feel so stiff limbs so painful I must go & mend now

March 10th) As we have been so upset we could not wash till today George Tancock & Louie spent last night here & this morning Flo fried sausages & they had breakfast & went home I had started & we got done by Dinner & Flo ironed by Teatime

March 11) Dad went to Gawler & we had our usual work to do as Flo goes home Saturday we did part of work today & I mended & usual duties

March 12) Dad did not go to Gawler today so Flo & I did all our Saturday work I also baked pie cakes &c F did cutlery floors &c

March 13) Wilfred & Myrtle went to Town to get Harry Dad went to Gawler & took F to station I did my work & made a [obscured] I called on Eva for a while in evening

March 14) George & Amy & Family came to Dinner Dad in Gawler Franc & Harry out in afternoon I was so busy all day I made Butter & Stewed peaches Custard George & Amy stayed till after nine o’clock

March 15) Glad to get back once more to usual work I got up & started washing up till 10/30 then we had lunch & I did work picked & dressed a fowl & boiled it & two Vegetables & an apple pudding & had Dinner at one o’clock I felt done & went to sleep in afternoon while Flo iron & I finished before Tea while she milked

March 16) Dad went to Gawler & I rode along & spent day with Celia we chatted & I churned & made Butter for her I came home with Dad in evening very tired & hot

March 17) St Patrick Day after morn Duties Flo & I went to Gawler to get her 2 teeth out I did shopping & saw Aunt & Uncle for a while I called at Amys & had cup Tea Olive had to go to the Doctor

March 18th) After Flo & I came home last evening at 4 o’clock we had a cup of Tea & I roast leg Mutton cabbage potatoes apple pie & a large cake which I took out at 8/30 so today I cut out & made myself a French Folland Dress blk & white Ethel spent afternoon with us warm

March 19) I was up at 6 & churned my Butter but it so soft Dad lit fire I been looking for my belt & elastic & cleaned my room pressed my dress our boys went to H Days44 Sale on Wensday & bought an Express Buggy & old Reaper which they are pulling to pieces Dad is gone to Gawler also Wilf.

44Mr H Day.

March 20) Saturday morning & I got up at same time & as I have help our duties are shared Florrie milks Spr & washed same feeds pigs &c after getting breakfast I do my room & I made soup & roasted Shoulder Mutton Stewed peaches & custard made Sponge roll & Alford cake & helped generally & had a bath washed a few things out & mended somethings made an apple pie also tart

March 21st) I was up early & got a cup of Tea & Flo got breakfast I did my Dads room he went to Gawler & I got ready at eleven & Bert & I went to Clara’s at Smithfield & Spent the Day Claude45 & Lorna, Ethel, Phyllis & little Vera Paterson46 came to Wilfreds & we went in & stopped till midnight

45 Pretty sure this is Cyril Claude Tape, who Lorna will marry in 1931. 
46 Little Vera Dorothea Paterson, a distant cousin, aged 26 (how is she little?).

March 22) Washing Day & I always get up early & start while Flo milks &c & in afternoon Flo ironed I mended Sox & generally assisted I scrubbed table thoroughly & other things Dad went to Gawler I got the eggs & fed fowls

March 23) After usual Duties I went to Amys with Dad I had previously cooked Dinner at home Ethel & Amy was washing Did not get done till 7 oclock & then Ethel took photos & Olive Celia & I drove her home

March 24) I was lady & Amy brought me a cup of Tea in bed & I helped her & then I went on sewing she cooked hot Tea Olive not well

March 24) Same I just assist & then sew I always help with Baby she is a darling I made Olive a check Dress & altered Amys petticoat & also babys frock fairly warm

March 25) Olive been ill all night & I helped Amy & then made Lily a Dress Olive Did knitting I took baby for a walk Amy so unwell Georges Birthday

March 26) Friday Amy not well enough to go to Gawler Dad called but I did not go Olive did all rooms thoroughly & Amy cooked hot Tea I was sewing & helping too

March 27) After morning Duties Amy Olive & Audrey went to Gawler Celia & I & Lillian stayed home & picked off 16 lbs Grapes & I made Jam & washed Verandah got lunch & Amy fried Tea I did babies washing also

March 28) Sunday I just did Top bedrooms & helped Amy & Sealed Jam down & then I came home after Supper with Dad F. was alone as Bert was at Celia’s & Clem was home at Ada’s

March 29) I got up & washed F had copper cleaned & I lit up & did 2 white Quilts & other Frilled pillow slips petticoats Dress for Audrey &c besides our own I helped all time & in afternoon F & I went to Brays47 & home at 5/30PM I folded all clothes myself

47Brays are neighbours.

March 30) I had a bad night & felt so weary that I did not get up till 6/30 & had cup of Tea & hurried & wrote to Amy & packed things for her Dad went to Gawler & I made melon pie F cooked Dinner & I ironed all starch clothes F did Dads room

March 31) Same round duties & I had to cook Dinner & in afternoon I walked over to Evas & Celia was there also I mended Sox Flo baked Slide Buns I baked Melon pie & roast shoulder Mutton potatoes & marrow Percys arm is improving now. Marion is going to Semaphore for Easter Holidays Bernice in with Amy Olive out with me

April 1st April Fool was Berts pass time I was baking sponge scones cakes pies & other work besides Florrie housework boys painting Dad home for a wander today I had to churn Butter & make beds & do a bit mending as well I am kept busy all time

April 2) Good Friday & I roasted a fowl potatoes Beans & apple pies Amy & George & Family home to Dinner Celia & Percy & girls to tea & we chatted & looked at different things they did not go home till nine o’clock lovely weather altogether Florrie getting ready for holiday tomorrow morning

April 3) Dad helped Flo milk & then drove her to station & he Did shopping I was busy all day doing Saturday work & at 6 oclock started Baking meat & sausages rolls packed for Beach got our bathers ready washed Olives dress washed Separator & other work too numerous to recount

April 4) Up at 5 ock & finished packing & got breakfast over washed up did bedroom & Drove to Beach Bert Olive Mavis & I met Frances & Family had a lovely bathe & Bert helped Fish & we left at eleven got home in Two hours very sleepy & tired Mavis & Olive slept all the way home lovely driving too.

April 5 O Dear I was aching & stiff in every limb but had to persevere & get breakfast over & wash Bathers & clean up house & get Dinner & I helped Olive make a Bungalow with Boughs Effie & Harry James came & played I stewed peaches custard & worked all day long Florrie is away on holiday.

April 6 Clem went straight in for Florrie after I had given them breakfast & washed up & was just started to do Peaches for Jam Flo got a cup Tea I made jam peeled apples which she made into a pie & Jam tart Olive home helping mother wash Dad in Gawler his trap broke last Sunday night at Hutchins48 & he stopped at Amys I had a lot to do putting away things from Beach & I felt so tired & Stiff too Olive came home with Dad again.

48 Hutchins are a local family.

April 7 Dads 79th Birthday I lit fire & took him in a cup of Tea & I churned Butter but first of all I started washing up to all whites & then was so ill I had to rest Olive ground meat for pie & I cooked Dinner & folded afterwards but I was so upset by Dad & cried I went to bed at 6 oclock Flo ironed plain clothes

April 8) I was so busy as the Drawer broke in chest & let contents out making work I made apple pies stuffed fowl & roasted it also slide cakes & in afternoon I went to Eva’s she is so lonely & Beryl48 is in bed Bert came for me & we stayed till 11 o’clock a light shower of rain but close

49 Beriel (Beryl) Jean Heath Ratcliff, Eva's daughter, aged 9.

April 9) Friday I dressed early & took off Flues off stove & thoroughly cleaned them Flo lit fire & I attended to my flowers & did bedroom work & took up carpet Olive helped me had break fast & then Dad & Olive went to Gawler taking a lovely bunch flowers for Mothers Grave boys just finished painting all Vehicles & Flo is doing rooms & I did my room very hot sun now

April 10th) Saturday with its usual work first I churned Butter in Dazy churn then I had brkft put on leg Mutton to roast made a cabinet Pudding & then a sponge & cakes & a lot of sausages Rolls Flo cleaned Stove fried sausages milked Sep &c. Did boys room cutlery lamps &c boys chaff cutting we all had a bath I did some mending also

April 11th) Sunday I got up & had cup Tea & made a pudding had breakfast made bed we had 12/20 Dinner I got Olive off to S. School & then I helped wash up & cleaned Dairy Eva & Will50 children spent the afternoon had tea & I wrote to Nurnoon Dad away in Gawler as ean

50 Eva's husband William Ratcliff. Their other children are Daphne Lilian Louisa (aged 7), and Sylvia Phyllis (aged 6).

April 12) Monday I woke extra early only 5 & called Flo at 5/30 She lit lantern & cleaned Copper & I went on washing then I was ill at 12 o’ck & had to stop after washing up & getting Dinner I had a rest & then I folded Flo ironed I fried Sausages & peeled Potatoes & cook then Flo milked we had tea I retired very tired lovely day I had quite a lot of starched petticoats & Flo’s table covers from her room

April 13) I intended going to Celias so I got up & made all beds washed up & mended them Dad drove me to rocky Stones I walked over & Celia was baking we talked & I altered skirt Amy & girls came at 5 o’clock & had a cup of Tea then they went home & I mended & Celia hemmed skirt Girls homework so bed at 12/30 it rained during the night & cold

April 14) I did not get up till seven & had cup of Tea in bed & I dressed & had porridge children off to school Celia drove me home & I put on meat Flo cooked dinner I been mending all day quite a cold change & our first fire is lit in the dining room tonight.

April 15) We were later up & Flo got breakfast & I helped her milk & churned Butter & made it up Dad had bf in bed & he & Bert & Wilf went to Charls & on to Gawler to Rudalls51 I help scrub the safes & brought up my cedar one from Dairy Flo did dining & her room & some sewing Clem went to Sale at Priors52 I went up to my bed in evening

51 Rudalls?
52 Priors are nearby.

April 19) I got up & got breakfast porrige &c Florence went to the milking &c then we each did our usual work Dad went to Gawler & F & B went for a ride I went to Eva’s & took Flowers for Cemetry home got Dinner & Bert drove us to Loos Anniversary53 & we rode home with Eva & Bert went to Tea R.S. was here to tea I wrote to Aunt Emily Dad come home at 8 ock

53 Loos is the post-war name for Buchsfelde.

April 16) By mistake Friday missed out F & Dad went to Gawler & I had all to do myself which kept me busy & they got home good time I fried sausages & boiled potatoes for Tea Thursday night But Friday I rode along to Amy & made her a Dress & stayed the night

April 17) Up & help get ready for them to go to Picnic at Williamstown Dad came at 8 ock I came home baked & did all Knives, forks, spoons & lids & other work besides baked meat pies & cakes had a nice bath & retired very tired indeed.

Monday April 19th) Up real early called F & she cleaned Copper I got fire lit then started washing & went my hardest till one o’clock I washed up & got Dinner & Dad drove me to Frances I mended stockings & helped wash up

April 20) I just helped in any way I could wash up prepare Beans, potatoes & in afternoon went to Mrs Chenoweth54 & then to Cemetery & home French & girls went to Lantern Lecture I help Frances mend & we had Gramaphone Clif stayed home55.

54 Mrs Chenoweth, probably Elizabeth Ann Nottle
55 Lantern Lecture, probably a Magic Lantern lecture - surprised they are still going in 1926. George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland, Frances' eldest son, aged 22.

April 21st) Same work made beds washed & then went to Amy’s who has shifted back home & I nursed Audrey & help make bed then Frances & Lorna drove me home & had cup Tea & look at Photos & on to Eva’s I did sewing & made Melon pies & fried Saus vegetables for Tea

April 22) I got up & did bedroom work & help generally cut boys dinner & roasted leg Mutton Melon pies Larp & small cakes then Ayed coat & skirt & blouse & others things did my bedroom F cleaned windows I swept boys in to morning lunch

April 23) Friday was a blusterous day so Dad did not go to Gawler Bert went & got things both Florrie & I did usual work & I seated a pair pants for Dad the weather seems as if it is breaking up Olive came home midnight with Bert they went to Celia’s for evening I did not know she was coming I was in bed.

April 24) Bert brought home some sauce tomatoes so after morning duties I prepared them & Olive went to Myrtles & to Cousin Eva’s for Garlic I was taken so ill I lay down for a rest then got up & persevered & also cleaned Cutlery &c & of course baked pies tart & (cakes bad luck)

April 25) Anzac Day I stayed up till late to bottle off sauce & also to bath & wash Olive but I had a lot to do & got up early so did the rest & found a cold rainy morning I made a lovely pudding hot meat & vegetable children did not go to school or we to church

April 26th) As I had several things I wanted to do I did not wash I did some mending & cooking Frances & Harry & two little girls Gwen & Hazel came out in afternoon they had been for a Drive to Gartrells old place where we once lived56 I started washing & got in first boil.

56 Gartrells old place where we once lived. It would be interesting to work out where this was.

April 27) Up very early before Daylight & got a good start & finished all at 10 o’clock then Florrie did scrubbing & I scrubbed indoors & made a brown stew in afternoon after usual work I took Olive to Eva’s & Bert went up for her at night a lovely day indeed for washing so cool & bright

April 28) Clem goes every day to Gawler with Hay so they have early breakfast I intended going to Adelaide with Wilf but it was an awful day so we did not go atall I baked Farmers Biscuits & did a lot of mending made two coarse aprons

April 29) I went to see Myrtle early today about Harrys ear he is about the same I came home made Melon pie & scones Celia & Amy came to dinner & for afternoon Lorna came for night Dad went to Gawler as usual very cold & windy

April 30) Very cold & showery Wilf went to Gawler Olive also went with Cousin Eva I was so busy too when she came from Eva’s at Midday I made a lovely Beef pudding for dinner Lorna was here doing my spray on nighty F was busy as she goes home tomorrow so cold Amy & Dear baby same with Wilf Teatime for night & did all I could for to get ready for Town on Saturday raining heavily

May 1st I was up at 6 & Amy got baby all bathed & it was so cold & been wet night too so she went home instead with Dad who took Flo to North Gawler & did shopping & home again Olive came from Eva’s to help me & did so well she Did the Dining room so nicely a credit to her I was so busy doing housework & did not bake till after Dinner Frances came home for night Terrible Train accident at Cheltenham last night at nine o’clock Caire family of five all killed at once57

57 Their car was hit by a train and jammed against the platform, according to reports in the newspaper. The Caire family (parents in the 50s, two children, and the wife of the son) were from Yatala and Woodville. 

May 2) I got up at seven & got breakfast & Frances helped Bert make Embrocation for horse then I did my usual work & Frances the house work I cooked Corn Beef Trombone potatoes & Melon pie Olive iced my cake for me Celia Beatrice & Marion came to Dinner I had a very big wash up & cleaned Knives it was 3/30 when I got done & Ada & Family came 22 altogether as Harry Clif & Hazel came too they brought basket & set table & went home by 10 o’clock all of them

May 3rd Up at five got fire & breakfast & Olive Marion & Beatrice went home Dad went to meet Florrie who was not at station I had everything to do & Olive went home with Harry in afternoon I help milk got lunches I cleaned up as well as I could & cook Dinner Clem goes each day with Hay to Gawler so had to cut his [???]

May 4) As I was quite alone I got up at five & lit fire & got breakfast ready cut Clems Dinner & did housework & Sepd Dad & boys went to Gawler after a hot Dinner Soup Brawn & pie then at one cleared Table & set to & cleaned Copper & washed till 5 as fast as I could go got a cup of Tea & was milking when they came home with Flo who missed the train yesterday so we had tea & as I was dead beat I retired after a sponge bath so tired

May 5) I left clothes out all night so they were nearly all Dry before Dinner I did the usual work & had to go to Myrtle’s on business home & was sewing all the afternoon & tried a new way to make Jug covers till 10 o’clock night Florrie ironed & washed her clothes also milked got lunch

May 6) I got our breakfasts as Flo had got the boys at 5/320 & Bert was out in field combineering I did several things washed up & rode to Cemetery with lovely Flowers had lunch with Eva Rate came home at eleven made Quince Jelly Melon pie, Tart, scones, Biscuits & have been so busy clean Bucket stew pan & cook Veg for Tea Flo been doing rooms & windows then cows & lunches

May 7) All men & Dad went to Gawler on 6th May
Dad was going to Gawler Flo & Boys up early I later & Flo had dining room to do after all morning duties quite a wet morning but broke at 10/30 & he started for Gawler I had to mend a pair of trousers for Bert so after my usual work I set to & did them I was sewing a good part of day & made pie &c tart & boiled Corn Beef read papers at night Alb was here also

May 8) I did not feel atall well but I got up & did usual work & washed up & made Quince & Melon pie Cake & cleaned K fork Florrie her usual Saturday work I had a bath by Dining room Fire & Flo in her room very cold Bert combining in (Uncle Wills) paddock finished it

May 9th) Dad & Flo up early then boys & I got up 7/30 & dressed & made beds wash up & at 9/30 Flo Dad & I went to Gawler or I only went as far as Celia’s & French was there putting Cords in the windows We had a chat children went to Sunday school & I came home at five with them I got tea Flo helped milk & Amy & George were out & I’m sorry I was not home.

May 10) As I intended washing I dressed at about six & after a cup of Tea I started at the Tubs & Flo all outdoor work & then she did her outer & some towels I did all rest. Dad’s new Trousers & Berts Moles Flannels Pyjamas Shet Pillow Ticks & Night & I got Dad his breakfast washed up put on Meat Flo peeled Potatoes Cabb & we had Dinner ready 12/30 I scrubbed table & folded clothes made all our beds & ironed Bert at Barley Some sewing & Flo some finished all.

May 11th) Up & did our usual work Dad went to Gawler & I got Flo to help shift chest of drawers in both rooms & as I had a lot to settle I was very tired Flo also cleaned front room & passage busy all Day and cook for Tea.

May 12) All morning duties over Florrie got early breakfast cuts dinner or I cut dinner sometimes Bert killed a pig at Charlie’s came home and forgot his Dinner so had to mount ruby & take ours in back I mended Berts Moles & sox & cooked hot Tea as usual cut out new night & Flo finished working one for me also I made Farmers Biscuits scones & pies.

May 13) One day same as another. I went to Eva’s for a while home at 4 ock & Amy & George came I cooked Melon Pie & roast Pork vegetables Amy & them had afternoon tea I was so ill heart turn & went to bed early. Done out.

May 14) Flo & Dad went to Gawler after morning work & I am along. I stewed Quinces & custard put up cream made beds washed up Wilf been to Roedigers58 for seed Wheat Gitty had pups yesterday very fine day Clem carting Hay every day for last fortnight.

58 Roediger family are neighbours.

May 15) Is always busy day. I did usual work & then I baked scones Farmers Biscuits cakes & cooked Braised leg Mutton Potatoes Swedes, Melon Pie, cleaned lamps window & Cutlery also other bedroom work nice day.

May 16) I went to Amy for the day & Ada & Family came afternoon children went to S School & I called at Frances. I did not enjoy myself at all only with the dear children & Amy Baby is lovely.

Monday May 17) I did not get up as early as usual but made haste & at 8 oclock started at Tubs & by 10 had Blanket & all whites out Flo helped after her duties were done & then did her big coat & finished all at 12 o’cokc & washed up got lunch & Dad went to Gawler in afternoon & to Mr Driesener59 funeral. They say he was 98 years old buried Loos old Cemetery.

59 Carl Gottlieb Driesener. He was 89. 

Tuesday May 18) We stayed up till after 10 & then we cut up Melon & Lemon for Jam & today I made it also boiled Mutton made Cakes & emptied bed washed Tick & cleared all away & cooked hot Tea gathered eggs. Dad been to Gawler. Beautiful day.

May 19th) After morning duties I cooked hot Dinner Corn Mutton Cabbage & Potatoes Melon Pie then Flo & I drove to Celia’s and she went to Gawler for her teeth I stayed with Celia mended Bert’s Coat stayed up till 10 ‘oclock finished it so worried Bert at Papers.

May 20th) Morning duties over I filled & sewed up the Flock Mattress then I cooked hot Tea a lovely fowl Potatoes Cabbage Plum pudding & cold lunch So wet boys could not go out in Back.

21 May) Dad went to Gawler & got our [unknown] Wilfred also went with pigs & fowls. Such wet weather beautiful rains boys out in Back Birdie came home I got letter from Aunt Emily, Flo did all her Saturday work I was extra busy in my room and I cleaned pictures I don’t know where to put my things atall. Made lovely Farmers Biscuits Melon Pie So busy.

22 May) This is a sad day for us. Our dear Dad is to marry again60. Flo went to the anniversary at Williamstown or to her home for it tomorrow. I packed all Dad’s clothes for his journey and with a sad heart baked shoulder mutton potatoes & swedes, carrots suet pudding. He went midday & I got dinner over washed up & did cutlery & any other work Bert & I had bath at night.

60At the age of 78, Henry Atyeo marries Elizabeth Sarah Trapmann (nee Simons), who has been a widow for 2 years, and is 44 years old. They marry on this day.

May 23rd) Up lit fire got breakfast over & then I washed up & made bed cooked potatoes & Mt Lofty Pudding. Bert & Bernice milked cows. France & Harry came for dinner & afternoon. We talked had cup of Tea, went home & they milked. I got Tea.

May 24th) Washing Day & as Flo was home I only had Birdie so I called boys at five & got up myself lit fire got breakfast cut dinners cleaned copper & then I went at Tubs & was all most through whites & Blanket Flannels when Flo arrived home. We finished & ironed cooked hot Tea scrubbed Sofa.

May 25 Same early Auntie Bernice is with me for holidays. I put away all ironing clothes & baked pie, Tart & Biscuits, cold corn Mutton, potatoes. I mended Dad’s coat & did some scrubbing. Birdie scrubbed the Cedar safe & I churned butter (& scrubbed the deal safe on May 26). I started a Jug cover with Beads & Florrie was doing my nightdress & her overall Birdie Doylie.

May 26) Celia & girls to Dinner Hot roast leg of mutton potatoes trombone & jam tart. I made a Jug cover Flo doing nightdress Birdie Doylie. Celia & I talked most of day. I was busy doing the furniture. Beauty a calf.

27 May) Amy & Frances to Dinner Frances so unwell Beaut stable combine in home Flat today Doll has a foal. I been cleaning Furniture & washing pillow Tick Flo & Bertie gone to B of Hope with Ethel & Mavis & Effie. Showery.

May 28) Betty has a calf. I have to go to Gawler with Ethel with Topsy in the dray. She is slow and it was near 1 when we got there. Took cream in and I walked to see Myrtle & Amy & Olive in bed with influenza. Baby just lovely & always knows one so well. Little Celia at school half holiday. Empire Day.

May 29) I felt so weary but helped in all the work. I baked pie & biscuits & roasted leg of mutton parsnip swedes & potatoes. Cleaned cutlery & washed out a few things. Very cold & cloudy like dust & rained at night. I helped milk.

May 30) A quiet Sunday I got up first & got my cup Tea as soon as I got Kettle Boiled then made Rissoles for Breakfast & ginger pudding. Bert & Clem had a bathe & Bert went to Celia’s & stayed til after 12 o’clock. I was nervous.

May 31) I always help milk now. Betty, Beauty are in and I do my room & wash up. Got pie made & help all the time with Dinner & I been managing Clem & C Krieg61 died last Saturday buried today at Willaston cemetery. I got letter from Shepton Mallet62. Wilfred went to Gawler with cream today & got my pony.

61 Clement Clarence Krieg, aged 16.
62 Town in Somerset, England. Perhaps this is Frances from England?

June 1st) Washing Day too wet to wash so I kept on at Tubs while Florrie milked. I only milked Betty & got all the important things done, and then feeling poorly I went in & got dinner washed up &c Bert is doing the Flat after dinner. I drove my pony to Celia’s & heard Auntie Eva63 had a daughter last evening. Myrtle came home today64.

63Auntie Eva is Eva Atyeo (nee McLeod), Charl’s wife, who had a daughter Marjorie Winnifred Atyeo
64 Myrtle has come home after the birth of Vernon Murray Atyeo.

June 2nd) Same duties. I call them at five & then I dress late Flo goes for cows & I wash up then I help her milk & I sat a hen on ducks eggs & Flo & I went gardening & sorting tomatoes (Green) in evening I made fire & cooked hot tea Stew & Melon pies helped milk got eggs & other I am not well atall.

June 3rd) King’s Birthday I did some work helped milk wash up & thoroughly scrubbed dresser Florrie did rooms washed Pictures & floors also Kitchen floor I baked Biscuits & cooked corn Beef Tombone potato. Wesley is here at engine65. Will Ratcliff been cleaning Wheat here. Beaut & Clem out in Back Wilf is flat harrowing beautiful days frost at night.

65 Henry Wesley James Parham, nephew, aged 24.

June 4th) I intended going to Gawler & it was Florrie’s day off so I helped milk & made beds & we got all necessary work done I put up cream & we went to see Auntie & Uncle & then to Amys & Frances & got home & Flo went outside & I fried Sausages & got Tea & I went to see Eva’s baby while in Gawler & walked to Amys.

June 5th) Saturday & it poured rain nearly all day. I roasted a leg Mutton potatoes Cauliflower plain pudding baked cake & biscuits Men cleaning barley in shed I took out lunch & Coffee & I mended Berts pants & cleaned lamps cutlery & help milk.

June 6) Usual work & at 11/30 Flo & I drove to Gawler & to Frances to Dinner & on to Amy’s & to see Eva. I took Amy & baby with me & we were late home. Bert had the cows milked & animals fed.

June 7) Not so bright but I decided washing & Flo went on milking while I kept at Tubs & I took down all 3 pairs Curtains & washed & ironed them we had a big day & felt so done out at night I could not sleep much atall.

June 8) We had to go to Gawler with cream & get Tiny shod so did all morning work. Boys in back. Flo cuts dinners & get breakfast over I made beds washed up put up cream & off we went Gawler River way & walked to Aunty’s but was done up so got back & did shopping & called at Amy’s and home very cold. I made a fire fried Sausages peeled & cooked Pots & got tea & got the eggs fed fowls & worked hard to get done.

June 9) After helping milk & washed up I drove to Celia’s she was just done washing & it was bitterly cold & I got home at 3/30 or rather near four. We got Tiny in & it poured so had to stop till came home made Melon Pies Ethel called. Very wet.

June 10) Ordinary work & I took up carpet & Flo did windows & I baked biscuits & made scones without rising & they were a failure like rain. I must go & finish my room Flo cleaned a fowl I cooked corn Beef potatoes carrots plain Pudding.

June 11) As I was not going to Gawler I helped in all morning duties & then I took up carpet & did my room. Florence the dining room cleaned all windows but it was wet so she did not wash the floor & it was yesterday I took carpet up. I baked scones & I always milk 3 cows at morn & evening.

June 12) Saturday is always a busy & I helped milk washed up swept kitchen thoroughly & stuffed fowl & shoulder mutton & baked it boiled cauliflower & potatoes had Melon Pie I cleaned curtain pole & cutlery & Flo washed the dining & her room passage floors & did stove & fireplace doorstop. I made cakes & went to Eva to get Flour same evening work I help milk always get eggs.

June 13) As I expected Celia & family I got up and made pudding & then I fried Sausages & Flo & Bert milked. Had breakfast & cooked cauliflower potatoes white sauce Cel Perce & 3 little ones came to Dinner washed up & Frances & Harry came for Tea & we chatted & they went home about 6 o’clock.

June 14th) Same duties in early morning. Flo milked 6 I milked 2 then I went on at Tub & worked white blanket grey blanket quilt 4 sheets & pillow slips flannel pyjamas Moles Flo washed Sepr scrubbed up & had a bad turn & had to rest had dinner Flo ironed I attended to fire & also mended sox fed fowls got eggs & generally assisted.

June 15) Has been a red letter day for after I had cleared breakfast and helped milk Dad & Murray66 came for the furniture & broke up our Dear happy home. Oh it was hard. I with difficulty made Melon Pie, tarts & marrow & potatoes. They were here to dinner then went for Marion. Florrie went with Ray & home for good.

66 Probably Murray Charles Parham, Frances’ son, aged 15.

June 16) Bert lit fire & started to fry Liver I made gravy & after breakfast he cut & weighed pigs & I roasted Spare rib potatoes cauliflower & I shifted table in Dining room. Marion went to her Mum’s with Wilf’s boys doing carting. I found eggs in fresh nest hemmed tablecloth & I been busy cooked corn mutton cleaned flues of stove helped milk & got eggs fed fowls & got the tea.

June 17) I got up early & drove in to Celia to help me & we came home & I roasted pork & cauliflower potatoes & plum pudding. Dad was out & got another load of things & we shifted in the front room put best things there & carpet & sorted up my room a bit. Oh I was tired & done out help milk & did evening work the weather is beautiful now so sunny Good washing days Bert & Clem caught fowls tonight & shut them up.

June 18) Wilfred went to Gawler & got our things we were busy cooking hot dinner & sorting things. Dad came & took Ducks & Linoleum & other things I washed stockings boys chaffcutting got lunch finished catching fowl at night Oh in tonight they unknown

June 19) Such a busy day baked leg mutton & pork cakes biscuits Marion tidied my & dining room I cooked hot Dinner boiled mutton & soup Melon pie Tart cleaned cutlery boys killed a fowl & Marion picked & I cleaned it & we had a bath near miany y

June 20) Sunday I expected Amy so made Ginger pudding roast leg Mutton & Sparrib cauliflower & pots besides all other work I felt real done & was writing & then Franc & Eva came for Bert & I to go to Eva’s for Birthday Tea so we went & stayed till nine o’clock.

June 21) Mr Dawe67 died yesterday so Marion had to go home & stays till next Wensday so I’m all on my own & everything to do & then I wrote letters. Aunt Celia, Amelia, Ray & Marie68 helped milk & Sep by hand Engine wrong very lonely at night to sleep so I’ll go for Mais tomorrow.

67 Walter John Dawe, father-in-law of Celia.
68 Aunt Celia, Amelia, Ray & Marie? Cannot quite work this out.

June 22) Marions Birthday we dressed & had some Breakfast & came home here & I had to get lunch & clean up & then I lit copper & washed from 11 till 4 o’ck then help scrub up fried sausages potatoes milked & separated.

June 23) Bert usually lights fire & fried eggs & bacon then I got up & swept kitchen washed up made beds washed separated stuffed & roasted a fowl cauliflower potatoes Dad & the little boy69 came for fowls had dinner here. I washed up & went to Celia’s via Eva’s as they were late & I stayed all night.

69 Not sure who the little boy is. Does Henry's new wife have a son? I can find no record.
June 24) After all morning duties Marion & I drove to Gawler & did a bit of shopping saw Dad & we went to Amy’s at Two for dinner & home by five calling at Eva’s & Bert went to Celia’s with wood road bad & went Gawler River road. I took out pony, got tea & ironed.

June 24) Band of Hope last night & Clem went & said it was a good meeting & made a lovely Brown Stew for Dinner Cauliflower potatoes besides usual work Marion tidied dining room I made Rissoles for tea & we had to milk & separate by hand. All the boys went to Gawler & to Rudalls. Bert stayed for evening so we were alone.

June 26th) From first thing in morning till last at night I worked like a nigger & cannot enumerate fried sausages for Breakfast made beds then as Amy was expected I got Marion to scrub table in Kitchen for Dining room & shift it into Dining room & hers back in Berts room & small table & washstand in my room this meant a lot of work & I had to Boil Corn Beef & Ham fried sausage & Bacon & cauliflower & potatoes for Dinner & such a lot to wash up then I baked Biscuits, Scones, Tarts washed up & help milk got bed was all beat & it was wet.

June 27th) Amy could not come home on account of wet day so I got up lit fire Bert fried breakfast usually not today I made Plum pudding & cauliflower pots at about 11 o’clock Just as I got all nicely forward Amy Clarice Tennant70 & Amy children & George came I cooked Dinner & Amy helped me & in afternoon all went for a ride. George went hunting it was bitter cold & so wet so Amy & little ones stayed. Olive & Clarice went home with George. We talked till 12 pm.

70 Clarice Victoria Tennant, aged 16. 

June 28) All hurry bustle & got morning duties over & then I made Melon Pie vegetables Dad was out to morning lunch & I baked Scones was real done & had to lie down then got up & Amy over. Helped Amy get ready for home & did some washing for baby. Milked & did my work. Was glad to retire early.

June 29) Up at 6/20 & Bert fried breakfast & I made boys bed & got washing ready & cut Clem’s dinner. Started at Tubs Marion outdoor work & helped me finish & scrubbed my box we each scrubbed up & got all done at 1 o’clock had dinner & I ironed all Bert Marions clothes She is ironing now fed pigs Marion & I milked & Bert got tea 7 made bed.

June 30th) A heavy frost & lovely sunny day I had to put away clothes this morning & Bert carting sand yesterday in cow yard & today he been making pig styes at Wilf’s. He has another cow in. 5 cows in now. Baby not well. Marion & I want to see cousin Eva on the first of July for an hour and ½ up at Gawler

July 1) Such a hard white frost & so very cold. I cooked Boiled mutton & vegetables & pudding sauce Marion did rooms & indoor. I was so busy I can mention all I churned butter lovely sunny days Percy came home. I wrote to Celia & sorted some things. Clem got Roller ready.

July 2) Usual work Marion helps milk & washed Sepr.. I do indoor. Swept my room kitchen & Bert & Wilf went to Gawler in afternoon. After Tea we had a bath. I have to get lunches for boys. Clem is manure carting. Wrote to Flo.

July 3) Saturday is busy day & was so cold frosty this week a record. All morning duties I made shp pie & Melon pie, Biscuits, Date & Farmers sausage rolls & cleaned window & cutlery Marion cleaned doorway & she for cows on Tiny. The ducks are nuisance to look after.

July 4) As it was Marion’s Sunday home Celia sent for me to come in also. We got there at 11 o’clock after doing our morning work here. The children went to Sunday School. I lit the fire & got cup tea then I did bedrooms & Bert got breakfast fried. Marion set table & help wash up put Tiny in Sulky. We had hot Dinner at Celia’s & a cup tea at 5 and home.

July 5) As I intended going to Gawler on the morrow I got up & after morning duties I started at Tubs. I also did the lamp & Glass & several items Marion helps with cows & washes Sepr & today I had to boil corn Beef so I let Mair cook carrots potatoes & get the dinner & serve Vegetables. I was so busy washing & bitterly cold. I kept my wool coat on all day. Marion scrubbed my large box I the rest. So tired.

July 6) I have such a bad side neuritis & hip wash mess it’s a battle to keep going but we were going to Gawler but it looked like rain & I finished ironing then it broke & we got there midday called on Aunt & Uncle & Amy & Frances & did shopping Got new black dress, gloves & flannel & underwear. Rather late home. 6 o’clock so busy. Made fire. Got tea & reckoned up.

July 7) Up & hurried to get work done & a lot to do being out yesterday & also baked Scones Biscuits Hot dinner. Celia & Percy & Charles came to kill a pig. Bert slaughtered it for them & they cleaned it & took it home. I did not feel atall well. I do miss my Dad so much.

July 8) Thursday. Our morning work is most alike & today Marion cleaned bedrooms & Ezyworked baby’s chair & her settee Bert made. Had to roast pork & salt the rest that Bert had from Celia & I put things in my box today. Am always so busy. Side so painful. Clem at rolling.

July 10) Hurried round & boys were chaffcutting. I baked Pork cakes scones & biscuits, did cutlery lamps breadboard washing cleaned stove got all nice expecting Lorna & Claude. Cleaned windows mirror & usual work. Helped milk. Boys gassing rabbits in back.

July 11) Up early & got cup tea made pudding brk over Bert & Marion milked before Clem had a bath so did Bert. We had one last night & Lorna & Claude came to Dinner. Cold pork, potatoes, cauliflower. In afternoon Beauty & I went with them & by our old place home. Saw Eva & Will both got bad hands. Boils on right hand L&C stayed til 9 o’clock & then we had cocoa & retired.

July 12) All duties over in morning. Cold meat & same vegetables for dinner & Murray & Clem & Bert killed Big pig & I took off fat Marion help scrape it. I washed stockings socks & towels. Apron, pinafore shirt, Mais ironed them & I got tea Boys helped milk Fowls started lay 7 eggs today.

July 13) An extra busy day after pig killing but I had cleaned jars &Oven for lard melting & I called boys early & did all housework before Celia got here about 11 oclock Bert was busy cutting up pig which we salted & I did lard. So cold showery & Celia & girls went home early I cooked sparrib for dinner cauliflower potatoes & pudding

July 14) I did not intend washing a big wash this week so I did morning duties & cooked Dinner & cut out & partly made 2 flannels for self Marion always helps Bert milk mornings & feed pigs & calf & wash separator while I do bedroom & wash up prep dinner & attend to meat salting I had intended going to Eva’s but was busy & Wilf came over & let me know their hands were with carbuncle or Boils very bad indeed. Very cold.

July 15) I hurried round & almost made up mind to go to Gawler but after roasting Meat cauliflower & potatoes I rubbed meat & boiled Brine over again & just at Dinner time a Phone message came to say Clem on K. Flat road with a Broken axle so Boys who were pulling down the Church77 had to got out & also on to Gawler to get Waggon repaired. Frances & Hazel came to dinner and stayed till 4 o’clock.

77 Wards Belt Chapel pulled down. The Foundation Stone was held at Charltonville after the chapel was pulled down.

July 16) Bert & Wilfred both going to Gawler so after usual work I had to pack eggs & put up cream & I could not get on at work I cleaned my room & we did dining room yesterday & Mais got Tiny in sulky. We arrived to Eva’s but she was not home. Then to Myrtle’s and Marion got cows & I got tea & we had Grafonia selections at night. Very enjoyable unknown No it was last night we had it on.

July 17) Marion’s day home so morning work over I set to work at large table Bert bought and I really could not do it to Marion. Got at it and made a good job of it. I cooked Sparribs & Veg also Scones Biscuits Tarts. Boys at Chapel & home to Dinner. Percy came at 4ock for Marion & Viv78 stays with me.

78 Vivienne Bartlett Joy Dawe, niece, daughter of Celia, age 7.

July 18th) I expected Amy so after usual duties & we were up at breakfast at sunrise. I roast a lovely corn Beef Cauliflower Potatoes. Rubbed meat washed up did bedroom & clean up fireplace & made fire Vivie is so lonely without children & not interested in Books. Bert gone away. Like rain.

July 19) Monday. We could not wash so I got duties done & at 9/30 I was ready for Gawler & Marion went to put the cows in the paddock & down came the rain & kept on till midday so could not go & went as far as Celia’s to get Mais Book home at 5 Clem tea. Bert helped milk & sep. Cold day & wet roads.

July 20) A beautiful morning & I decided to go to Gawler so hurried & got all done & Marion put Tiny in sulky & we got there midday. Awful road & I went to see poor Auntie who is so ill & also I called at Amy’s & home at 6 & hurried lit fire got tea & sorted things.

July 21) As I only did a light wash last week I had to set to today & got up & cleaned copper & started but at 9/30 it got very windy & continued. I did not get done till after dinner. I washed up & scrubbed table & made bed. Eva came late in afternoon & then I made Shepherd’s Pie, Jam tart for tea. I hurried all I knew & Marion ironed at night.

July 22) I called boys dressed & had cup tea & washed up rubbed meat & boiled pork made brawn pressed sheets filled & cleaned lamps made custard stewed rhubarb & cauliflower potatoes swept dining room Mais boys room kitchen & sorted boys room washed up all pots & cooking & dinner dishes helped milk put away clothes & mended stockings & sox.

July 23) Friday a very rough morning. Wilfred went to Gawler at 11 o’clock I did my room & all my usual work cook Veg for Dinner boys home late I hemmed & pressed my black skirt & frock ironed shirt help milk lit fire got tea & other duties very cold west wind or south W & rain at intervals Bert fencing in morning & Clem out with Stone chaffcutting a.m.

July 24) As Auntie was so ill I made up my mind to go to Gawler & see her so I hurried & made beds cleaned fireplace up washed up swept kitchen packed eggs & Mais milked at Sept. Bert helped her & we drove off at 10/30 or so on reaching Beet Hilliers79 a man ran into us & broke our sulky & threw me out & shook us both up terribly much. Went onto Gawler after he mended it with wire & saw Auntie & George also in bed Amy tired with waiting on him poor girl. Ethel still with her & baby walking a step alone such a darling she is Olive & Mais went to Drs we had a cup of Tea & home got lunch & churned Butter & had T.

79 Beeton Frank Fletcher Hillier, a neighbour.

Sunday July 25th) I did feel ill but had to rise & get breakfast & do housework & cook dinner as we were away yesterday my limbs were so stiff & painful & I was worried too so after dinner Marion went to Eva’s for afternoon expecting to go to Sunday School. Bert & I were ready to go to see the scene of accident when Charl & Eva & baby drove down so we hopped up & went altogether & found my Glasses I was glad cousin Eva came to Tea & her little child80 it rained so she went home with Clem in his sulky.

80 This must by Sylvia Phyllis Ratcliff, age 6.

Monday July 26) I could not wash as Bert was to go to Penfield to Rob Argents81 & on to Town tomorrow & had to do several items of stitching & cook dinner it was cold & windy so I did not soak in clothes did our cows & fowls & all evening work.

81 Robert Edwin Argent, in his 70s. 

Tuesday July 27th) I got up called Clem & got breakfast over & started at Tubs after helping milk I could not get on well but got all dry it was so windy so dryed off in Verandah & did our evening work I went to Eva’s in afternoon & mended stockings sox Mais ironed clothes got cows.

Wensday July 28) All morning duties & such Clem’s dinner. Wilfred & Celia took Harry to town to Dr Glynne82 Marion & I got to Gawler Midday & got Sulky mended & got home at 6 o’clock I fried Sausages for tea & Mais took Tiny out Clem milked all Wilfreds & our own cows & we had tea & I reckoned up.

82 Dr Glynne.

Thursday July 29th) I felt awfully ill or I walked a lot yesterday up to Drs & over to see poor Auntie who is very ill83 & I got new Oil Baize for Berts table & I got new Boots last Saturday for Wilfred & self all duties same & at night we expected Bert & he never came & Clem went away so Marion & I were there till after Midnight so terribly nervous I cut up Melon & Lemons for Jam & will not ever forget how stirred I was had a cup Cocoa at Midnight & retired to bed.

83 Auntie Harriet Tancock (Atyeo), widow of Uncle William Atyeo

Friday July 30th) After a rough night I got up early & got breakfast & got Jam on after going to Myrtles for Stew pan & I boiled it nearly all day made a nice Cake & also cooked Vegetables Bert could not travel the horse he knocked up so he camped at Celia’s all night & got home before 1 o’clock & very pleased I was to see him tho he made light of it.

Saturday July 31st) & work everywhere first it was a stormy day but I set too & did my room & dining room sweeping mostly & sealed jam all down then I & Marion washed floor & did outdoor work & Kitchen mantle piece then after Dinner we washed everything in dining room glass & china & at 4 ock I Baked Scones Biscuits Cleaned all Knives forks trays Mais the Spoons Tinware & all had lovely bath & real tired went to bed at 11ock I was real down & out with work all day.

Sunday Aug 1st) Up early & at work again I got a cup Tea & cleaned the Stove Bert fryed breakfast I washed up made bed cleaned Safe & tidied & dusted & cooked potatoes & Turnips had Dinner of Sparrib which I had roasted & had cold. Amy, Olive & Audrey were here to Dinner also & at 3 o’clock Celia & Family Franc & Harry & two youngest girls Wilfred & family, Eva & family were here to Basket Tea & opening of Bottle from Ward’s Belt Church. They went home at 7 o’clock, had a nice Tea & 7 of us enjoyed ourselves. Bert milked 3 cows.

Monday Aug 2nd) Not too good but had to rise & clean copper & get to washing but I did not finish till 3 o’clock as it was a nice drying wind & I washed our wool coats & military shirt for Bert Mais did her outdoor work, cooked Veg cauliflower & potatoes col meat & Melon Pie. No yesterday we ate pie which I made Saturday. Mais ironed & we both got in wood for it was like a storm & we milked & cleaned boots & aired all clothed &c.

Tuesday Aug 3rd) A fairly fine morning so I did all usual & ground meat for Shepherd pie & sorted vases from Sunday. Bert gone out with the horse & Wilfred & I & Myrtle were just off to Gawler & down came rain & its all like rain & pouring now I got a nice fire boiling shin beef Mais gone to Eva’s for afternoon Clem ploughing so wet & cold.

Wensday Aug 4th) I made brawn last evening & this morning it was just wet windy & cold I was so busy & Marion was not in til 10/30. I had washed up & Bert & I hung the meat (pork) up made fire & put on Cheek to make brawn cut up Melon Pie & made it for dinner & then I cut up for jam also Mais outdoor but got behind today. Wilf & Myrtle went to Gawler all the 4 children came here & had lunch & brawn. It poured rain. Mais tidied dining room & I cut up lemons & got all done.

Thursday Aug 5) Same morning duties & Bert & Wilf went for straw & Bragglesome & was there to dinner I made jam & apple pie cauliflower greens & potatoes made belt & altered dress Clem ploughing & its been a nice day but cold. I hoed peas & Marion the flower garden I milked 2 cows made lovely soup. Our poor Auntie is so ill still.

Friday Aug 6th) Bert pruned roses on Aug 5th. I was not at all well. Bert wanted one to go to Gawler but I stayed home & we did our rooms. Myrtle & Wilf went & left Lance & baby with Frances till they came home. The girls & Harry were here. Harry all day & girls after school. I finished my Blk dress today altered it & put pleats in it too narrow for me.

Saturday Aug 7) As we had such a thorough clean last week I did lights as possible today. Made apple pie tarts Coconut rough buns & did lamp & at 4 o’clock Percy came for Marion & brought Ber84 to stay with me. I finished up work & milked & got tea over & we Clem & myself had a bath & retired to bed. Bert was away in Gawler tonight.

84 Bernice, Mary Ann Bernice Dawe, aged 12.

Sunday Aug 8) blank

Monday Aug 9) blank

Tuesday Aug 10) As I was away yesterday I could not wash so this morning I cleaned Copper & did usual work, then got to and washed & cooked dinner as well. Could not finish all together till 3 o’clock & did not iron only plain I did my big coat & knocked me right out. I had to go to bed at 8 o’clock felt so bad & I had to help milk & get tea & really felt too unable to stand. I wish I was stronger to toil.

Wensday Aug 11) We were very busy all the morning Bert is mostly away daytime & Clem had early dinner & we drove to Celia’s & she was not home so went to Charls’ to afternoon tea & home milked fed animals as is our custom made fire got tea for men instep very painful. Bert been away all day & we got all work to do.

Thursday Aug 12) It was a fine day so after our morning work Marion & I swept & she washed floors & I cook a small ham & vegetables. There is a lot to do which I can’t think of to write I’m very lame in my right foot we went to Eva’s for a few hours in the afternoon sewing for Band of Hope.

Friday Aug 13) We are always busy on Friday. I call boys then dress & breakfast over I packed eggs & pin down orar Bert went to Gawler & Wilf also. Marion & I did the room & I cooked vegetables for dinner & Wilf came home & was rolling Clem ploughing Bert came home after tea & said Auntie passed away in the afternoon very peacefully. I hoed my Garden this day.

Saturday Aug 14th) As I was going to see the last of poor Auntie I did not bake cake fried saus for brk & baked leg mutton potatoes & cabbage Mt Lofty pudding had just finished & Dad came from cemetery & had his dinner We drove to Amy’s & on to Uncle Will’s & back to Frances & home lit fire got tea & Herd Tancock & Charl came for evening had supper & went home near midnight.

Sunday 15) I called Bert at 6 but he was not well so I got dressed & we had Breakfast he went to help Jim sink the grave it was very cold & rough & showery but they had to do that work. Wilfred was hindered & could not go early so at one o’clock Percy came for Marion & Wilf & I went in Berts Buggy a nice funeral & lovely flowers & the Church Bell rang as well Passed the English Church at Gawler West. Rev Dorman was at the grave side85.

85 Aunt Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock)'s burial at Wards Belt Cemetery (where the church was). Rev S H Dorman officiated at the burial.

Monday Aug 16) Bert ill in bed Clem had to help me milk after I had got Fire made & Breakfast over Percy brought Mais home so she fed Calf & washed Separator & chopped wood swept kitchen I’m boiling beef & broth & did my ordinary work. Mais gone to Eva for eggs. Been raining all day. Either heavy or light Clem gone to Gawler, Wilf gone with the horse as Bert is ill so awful cold & yesterday was a record cold day.

Tuesday Aug 17) Bert so ill & my foot terrible but I have to keep going all the time however to keep I don’t know & I only do the housework necessary & cooking which can’t be neglected. Could not wash & only put a stitch in clothes in between.

Wensday Aug 18) Celia came home at dinnertime. Bert felt better & dressed & I went into dining room but I had to prepare food for him & it takes all my time. Celia had afternoon tea before she went & Mais & I milked Bert had milk food & went to bed early.

Thursday Aug 19) As Bert been so ill I decided on calling in Dr Gillen86 phoned him at 6 o’clock & hurried & did all work & got Bert ready to be examined then Wilf went to Gawler cousin Eva came & helped me & Celia came dinner time & stayed the night as he was so ill last night.

86 Dr Gillen. There are three Drs who are probably all the same person in this volume - Dr Gillen, Dr Gilles and Dr Glynne.

Friday Aug 20) I got up & managed to get breakfast & then I looked after Bert Wilf went to Gawler I worked all day as well late nights he is not well atall & I feel done out.

Saturday) I’m glad Bert is better than yesterday & got him milk food every 3 hours I swept & tidied room Dawn has a calf so Marion is busy. We got most work done & cleaned cutlery at night I scrubbed safe very weary had bath

Sunday 22) I expected so after ordinary duties made pudding & cooked scones & potatoes had dinner & Lorna Claude Franc & Harry & girls Celia Percy Dad & Charl came. I was done out.

Monday 23) I was very busy I had got Bert his diet & worked all day chopped wood cooked veg & poached eggs all time on the go very unknown rainy day Clem went to Gawler. Bert better.

[end of this book][start of next volume]

Aug 24th A record of events as a diary
Tuesday did not intend washing so after my morning duties were over I made knuckle broth a Shepherd pie & prepared Turnip Tops swedes & potatoes baked creamy Rice & roast apple for Bert in afternoon we tidied dining room & at night I had to answer some correspondence’s so wrote Mildura, England, Port B, Bert & Marion having a good time at concert. Clem is fallowing in Uncle Wills paddock a nice day but was stormy & cold last evening.

87 Not sure who lives in Mildura. Fanny is still in contact with Cousins in England. Port Broughton is Louisa Arbon.

Wensday Aug 25 )
I was busy as I had to cook 12ock dinner roast shoulder Mutton potatoes Turnips swedes & tops cocoanut custard & baked apples & washed up & drove to Celia’s for afternoon home early & got something in memory of dear Auntie Clem at same work also Bert is better & had dinner today with us first since illness

Thursday 26 )
I got up fried Egg & Ham or shoulder always take Bert in a cup Tea & his cup is first wash up & lit copper & washed 4 sheets & pillow cases Quilt & 2 blankets pair big curtains & hung them & a lot of other things dinner at 1 ock I finished bey that & thoroughly scrubbed table etc folded & aired bed clothes Churned Butter & made fires & boiled Kettle made beds Bert is at Wilfs tonigh he is away very cold & frosty but most beautiful day today

Friday Aug 27 /
Always a busy day Bert off to Gawler & packed Eggs & got other things ready for him & as we were late washing I had to iron in afternoon I cooked dinner & help do the rooms fill lamps & Clem went out rolling & finished altogether. I got letter from Sydney88 tonight very windy

88 Fanny's Aunt Celia Atyeo (Phelps) lives in Sydney.

Saturday Aug 28 )
Up early as Bert had to leave here at seven it rained practically all day & he was out in it but did not get wet. I did usual work roasted meat & veg made Cakes & Marion outdoor & she & myself milked at night Bert came home I had a bad head we cleaned cutlery got in wood made nice fire Alf89 come for evening

89 Could be Alf Nottle.

Sunday Aug 29’)
I got up & lit fire & got breakfast but cows got away & it was 10 oclock when he got them in I did indoor work & cooked Vegetables & got dinner then I had a rest Marion could not go home raining all the time Alf & Clem went to Reeves Plains & got his pony & I read a while Eva & Beryl came to tea finer in evening

Monday Aug 30 ) Did not wash Bert went to Judds90 & I have to see to things Did usual work & then had early dinner & we did needle work & milked Sepr & had tea. pig died

90 Local Judd family. Could be Peter Judd.

Tuesday 31 / I did ordinary work & then I went to get copper ready & Dad & George Parham91 came so I got soup & made Veg for dinner & then I tried to wash again Wilf went in & got Sykes’ drench & I had to make gruel for pig & they were giving it a dose & it died I did not finish washing till five oclock Bert came home I had finished 4 cows & Marion fed animals

91 Wilfred George Parham (aged 14), son of Ada.

Wensday Sept 1st ) I lit fire & got breakfast fried & swept made bed cooked dinner caul potatoes & pudding in afternoon I ironed & helped milk got eggs Bert home Clem to Dr Bert & Wilf killed a pig today finer day

Thursday morning
duties over I made up my mind to go to Gawler & get Glass repaired also shopping & saw Frances not Amy she was in Town & Olive & Audrey too so I did not see her warmer day & windy like rain again & limbs are bad Clem toe easier Wilf & Charl brought home Station Colts & have been breaking them in all day Bert came home tonight & goes away tomorrow This was Sept 2nd Charl & Wilf & Bert tackled the colts this afternoon

Friday Sept 3rd ) Same early duties Bert went away & Charl came & they were Breaking in Colts & putting up another Stall for colts a very stormy day But Marion went with Wilfred to Gawler in afternoon I cooked Veg in morning salted Pork last night & cooked Sparrib for dinner very cold hail & rain I helped milk chopped wood & got it in & did trinken work

Saturday Sept 4 )
I got up & made fire fried sausages Marion made Clems bed fed fowls & I washed up & cleaned all 3 rooms & lamps & windows got dinner Wilfred Myrtle & Bert & myself went to Vote92 at 5 oclock & coming home we met Jim with load wood & he had misfortune to have a break down so came home & got our dray & loaded & went home Clem also went to Vote a better day rather cold

92 The 1926 Australian Referendum on Industry and Commerce, and on Essential Services.

Sunday Sept 5th Lorna & Gwenda’s Birthday today but I am not going in I got up & did my morning duties fried breakfast Celia & children came for Marion & stayed & had a cup of Tea then Clem & I went to his home for dinner & home here afterwards & I got eggs fed fowls & Dad came home & had Tea with us then he went home & I made a nice fire & wrote letter

Sep 6th ) As Marion was away I had to feed poultry & then wash up sweep Kitchen make beds got lunch men wash Separator & Dad came for pigs had lunch with us I cooked Vegetables & Jam Tart had dinner washed up & went to Gawler with Wilf & did Shopping saw Ethel & E.R. but could not go to Amys as we had to call at Celia’s for Marion & did not get home till seven ock made fire & got tea unpacked Groceries & washed up etc

93 No idea who E.R. is.

Sep 9 )
as I was not home yesterday I had to wash today after usual duties I lit copper & washed was late starting & did not finish till late ducks were hatching got 10 & they take looking after I washed my curtains & kitchen & folded & cooked Tea Milked & did all I could but feel so unwell & Rheumatics very bad indeed

Sept 8 /
Usual & I cooked dinner & was taken so ill I could hardly bear myself however Bert was away & I had to keep at work I drove to see Eva & went to Cemetery with Flowers also. came home& had to help milk & get Clem Tea who went away & then we were alone I mended & we retired to rest

Sept 9th /
As it was a nice day I decided on having a housework day so I swept & help do the rooms & did my bedroom I cleaned pole & Knobs on bed & door Knobs & I had to do the ironing too as I was away yesterday I cooked dinner & slide Farmers Biscuits Sago pudding etc had peas

Sept 10 /
Wilfred went to Gawler after dinner & Marion went with him to see her mother I scrubbed Safe churned & did my usual work I cooked a leg Mutton Cabbage & Mt Lofty pud & then I have put this for Friday & it was Saturday I did baking not Friday only Vegetables & Ham for dinner

Sep 11 )
Bert went away today back at night I was just getting work started & Perc came for Marion to go to the dentist so off she went I did all usual also Seps & Buckets & then I lit up & baked cakes scones tarts & Bert came home last night I did lamps windows & cleaned Knives & did Mantel at night

Sept 12 )
I got up in good time & then churned & got fried Ham & Eggs also cooked dinner of Veg Mt L. Pudding Franc & Harry & family of 3 came & spent a short time here we milked & had tea Bert had a bath & went to bed

Sept 13 )
Bert away & boys at Stonework As I had to go to Gawler on business I did what I could before our breakfast then we both did sepr after all milking made beds at 11ock we started for Gawler & did shopping & went to Uncle Wills to dinner & called on Amy & Celia for an hour came home & milked 4 cows got fire fed poultry gathered Eggs & got wood

Sep 14 )
As I was in Gawler yesterday I had to do my washing today so after usual morning duties & I have to fry brft as Bert is at Howard Richter94 last night I did not finish until after dinner then scrubbed & folded But did not iron as I have to milk as well Marion outdoor work ducks are dying lovely day

94 Howard William Richter, local lad, aged 30, now married with two sons and living in Gawler.

Sept 15 ) I particularly wanted to see Amy & as they left the Bread in Gawler yesterday I had to go for it today did all morning work & then we went off Marion stayed with her mother I went to Street & then to Amy’s for 3 hours then called for Marion & home & did work cooked Tea & mended at night after coming home

Sept 16 )
Being away yesterday left more for today I cooked hot Dinner Bert away & I always help wilt all work & I did the ironing I was not well atall but persevered Clem went for Clipper to W. Nottles95 Kangaroo Flat either the 16 or 17th I am not sure which I seen to Hams put a new cloth on table in Sepr house

95 William Nottle, neighbour.

Sept 17 ) Bert goes away today & night I lit fire & got brft then I had cup of Tea made bed & swept all rooms inside & washed my floor a bit Marion helped outside as usual & then washed dining room & passage & also we dusted some & I cooked vegetables for dinner & fried Liver in afternoon we both went gardening & hurt our hands with Stinging Nettles had to milk Wilf went to Gawler 

Sept 18 // Saturday with its many jobs to do Marion & Clem milked & did outdoor work I washed up & swept Kitchen roasted shoulder mutton Cakes Biscuits Farmers & Doras Cooked a Sea pie potatoes & Turnips & Tops help clean Cutlery Marion had a bath at 4 & went home I help milk got eggs fed poultry & did remaining work Bert came home

Sunday Sept 19th
Loos Anniversary I got up & lit fire & did poultry & chicks duck etc & then came in made beds & swept rooms & got dinner & went with Wilfred Myrtle & family to Loos Celia & Family Amy & family Franc & Harry Lorn & Claude & Hazel & such a crowd there prettily decorated & lovely flowers

Sept 20 // Monday I intended washing so after lighting fire & swept kitchen & fried breakfast I cleaned copper & Marion came back & helped boys do cows calves & pigs then I washed but it was so windy however kept on & got almost done dinner time Marion did Separator & boiled potatoes & set dinner cold meat then both she & I scrubbed up had cup tea I folded & we milked after Tea I ironed & Murray came to get a hair cut

Sep 21st ) I had to go shopping so I hurried & packed Eggs did all morning work & drove to Creamery & to Uncles to dinner he is so unwell then I got Tiny shod & went to Amy & Frances & home & got fire & milked etc limbs so bad Clem broke his Clipper today & Mr Judd came in Sulky & his horse bolted & broke it & galloped miles

Sept 22 )
As Bert was going Reeves Plains & he Separator would not work properly I had to go to Gawler again & very hot & dusty & windy it was I called for Amy & we went to Uncle Wills also for a while & back home to dinner at her place & then at 3 down street I had to go again & the order had not come from City so I drove home & just rushed to make fire & cooked resoles after making them Turnips Potatoes milked 4 cows fed fowls got Tea & at 7 oclock went to Loos with Wilf & Family.

Sept 23
ordinary work cooked Ham & eggs for Brk boiled mutton Turnips potatoes cabbage cocoanut custard a beautiful cool change Marion is gone to pick everlastings for wreathes B of H tonight

Sept 24 )
Ada’s Jubilee Birthday 1896 to 1926 Marion & I both went to Band of Hope she with Eva I with Wilf & Family & it rained all the way home we got wet Myrtle came home with Eva to keep baby dry I lit up & had Supper after I got home near midnight retired now its Friday & Wilf went to Gawler Bert stayed home cleaned pig stys out etc I cooked ham & Veg for dinner Marion & I had a bath at night

Sept 25 Saturday such a wet Day rained all day long steady soaking rain & tanks all running over Bert was at Gawler Belt Marion went to a Party at “Glen Hope” Willaston so I had all to do myself & Clem & I milked also Marion stayed at Eva’s all night

Sept 26 ) I was first up lit fire & got fried breakfast then boys & Marion. Milked & fed animals & I did bedroom swept Kitchen washed up & dress for Gawler we went to Clifs to dinner they were all at Barossa to see Uncle Will Amys to Tea Home & had some more & Mais had milked cows so fed up

Sept 27 ) A lovely day for washing only so wet under foot I lit copper & got all done it came up windy we both scrubbed up & I did all our ironing Mais did hers after Tea Myrtle took Harry to Town it poured rain & they got wet coming home Monday

Sept 28 I did not intend going to Picnic It rained & they had it in the Church Marion Effie & Mavis went to it Amy Clarice & all Amys’ children were there I did all home work & mend Berts Coat Clem & I almost done milking when Marion came home she fed calves Queenie got a calf & also pt Mare has a foal today

Sept 29th) As we intended going to Show I got up lit fire & swept my room & help with dining room & baked cakes & scones I almost always help milk both times a day now & cook Veg & pigs chop pudding for dinner the Stallion hurt shoulder last night so the boys been attending him all day

Sept 30 Show Day early morning duties done at nine I help milk washed up washed Sepr swept Kitchen made beds & Marion fed animals & put Tiny in & we went to Amys to dinner Marion went to the Show early with Olive & I drove with Amy Celia & Audrey Lillian walked with Clarice we came home at just six arrived home I lit fire fed fowl help milk got Tea Clem went back & we were alone till after midnight

Oct 1st )
Bert gone Reeves Plains bound & I did my room put away clothes & washed up help milk wash Sepr cooked dinner I was very poorly Marion went for a walk & got Flowers we milked all but Dawn Clem did her got tea & read paper Wilf went to Gawler

Oct 2nd )
Up & lit fire fried Sausages help milk swept Kitchen cleaned stove fireplace etc cooked corn Beef Potatoes carrots & Turnips Jam Tart & caked Clem been clipping bit of hay now raking it up Murray took Clarice the Heifer away today Wilf took the calves out in back Marion went home after a bath this afternoon

Oct 3 )
Marion was home so I got up & got breakfast & did all the ordinary work cooked Veg & cold meat I had after dinner Bert & I drove to see poor old Uncle & we stayed with him until after Mabel96 had gone to Dr then we came to Amys to Tea I reported wrong we were home all Day today & only went to Amy at 8 oclock for evening & drove home to bed could not sleep

96 Could be Mabel Beatrice Porter, but I doubt is, as she is not related to Uncle Will Atyeo.

Oct 4 Bert had to go to Gawler to get horses shod do I went with him after doing all morning work & Marion outdoor & washed Separator then stayed with Eva until I came back poor dear Uncle very low but knew us both he is so ill

Oct 5 As I was away yesterday I had to do my washing today & it was very windy indeed but I kept on though I felt real ill no strength & I ironed also & cooked dinner as well a milk Bert at Twartzs today home tonight & Bethseda tomorrow

97 Twartz, a local family

Oct 6th ) Bert went away this morning & will not be home tonight after morning duties & dinner over I cleaned out the wardrobe & sorted Box Cold wet weather all day & river down highest for season they say I always help milk

Oct 7 ) Our dear Amys birthday once more I got up soon after 5 o’clock & got breakfast fried called Clem & Mais & after doing morning duties we Marion & myself drove to Gawler & to pay our last visit in life to poor old Uncle he knew me. We went to Lorna as Frances was in Town & had cup of Tea I broke my tooth off eating lunch home & milked cows fed animals & fried sausages

Oct 8 / Wilf went to Gawler raining & so cold & windy he got my things for me. I set to & cleaned rooms Marion assisting also roasted leg Mutton Potatoes cabbage & milk pudding very cold wintry

Oct 9th ) I just felt I really could not work & I could not hear how uncle was but since know that he died at 9/20 at night All day I looked for news Bert was on the Gawler River round I baked currant Tarts & slide Buns cooked Veg cleaned lamps cutlery & Eva & Mary walked across to see me today I cleaned window & Tidied safe & all sorts work

Oct 10 ) I could not sleep so dressed & came out lit fire & did all necessary work & at 11 Jim came & said Uncle had gone then Frances French Hazel Lowe came to cold lunch & Bert & myself drove into to see our poor uncle in the last sleep to Amys to Tea & Myrtles for evening so lovely & sunny all day & we enjoy it.

Monday Oct 11)
All hurry Bert had to go to Reeves Plains so would not be home & it was so stormy I made a Floral cross & also got flowers for Cemetry & Marion went home horse back till tomorrow to mind children we left Gawler at 3 o’clock for Ward’s Belt Cemetry & was caught in a terrible heavy thunderstorm & so terribly cold at Graveside came home & help milk made fire & Clem & I had Tea & went to bed I felt so nervous

Oct 12 )
Wet day in morning so I had to cook Ham & make a stew for dinner & cook Vegetables then in afternoon we drove to Celia’s she was washing so left off & came with me to Amys to see George bad again with old trouble & mended for her & then we came home & milked got Tea Bert came home & helped us milk rainy & dull

Oct 13 ) A beautiful morning & I wanted to go so Bert said he drive me Ethel came also for a ride with us & after work done I cut Ham sandwiches she helped me on arrival at 12/40 we went to the ground & saw relations & friends had Tea on grounds at 4/30 & started for home & at Pederick paddock a storm got us it rained in torrents & Hail lightning we all three got wet through & got home about 7 oclock changed & milked Oh the storm was terrible & so awful cold just half past 8 went we sat down to Tea

Oct 14 )
A cold showery windy day & I did not feel well enough to wash so I cooked dinner & Celia & Percy came for wardrobe at 1 o’clock Wilf & Clem breaking in Colts & Bert at Twartzs Wilf pig killing afternoon Marion just gone for bread to Eva’s Aunty Eva & Celia got hit by the foot Ball yesterday & hurt at the Picnic Eva hurt pretty badly I think Celia better & out

Oct 15 /
I have been so ill all night so this day I took Oil & consequently felt very ill indeed all day I dragged through work & lay down between & at night after getting Tea was real done after helping milk I went to bed early my throat very sore indeed & severe cold in head

Oct 16 ) Wilfred went to Gawler yesterday & got our things I felt too ill to bake its influenza got but I roasted a ham fresh for dinner potatoes & cabbage no Turnip Top hearts & milk pudding I did lamps cleaned windows & helped cutlery & my room & washed a few things that was wanted then I lay down & up & did work help milk had hot bath & to bed Mais gone home

Oct 17 ) Bert & I on our own mostly Clem went home to dinner I cooked Pea potatoes & after I had done my room washed up swept Kitchen & all needing same I was going to Frances but not well enough Oh I do feel weary & ill myself

Oct 18 ) Bert went to K.F. to Mr Georges98 & bought a Harvester home late to a dinner I had cooked but felt so ill Late in afternoon Marion & him went to Gawler & Phyllis came out Clem & I were at milking but I felt real done & got tea & retired to bed

98 Mr George, of Kangaroo Flat.

Oct 19 ) As Phyllis has not been here so long I had to get up early & show her things she lit copper & washed quickly till after 10 when she got done & although an awful windy & showery day she got all dry as a drying wind sprang up at 10 then dust I help iron & practically did it all Phyllis did dining room & passage & it looks nice now I did not milk tonight

Oct 20 ) Phyllis brought me in Tea & I lay in for an hour or two got up & cooked dinner Phil scrubbed my room out & dusted it & help me with dinner Marion is always outdoor & got two hens from Eva & sat them for Bert Clem drove Phyllis home last night & only us home so I mended & went to bed at 10

Oct 21st ) Up earlier Marion got Breakfast for Clem & herself & I got a cup cocoa for self & help with Sepr made beds & washed up did some necessary washing Also Wilf helped Clem Milk this morning

Oct 22 ) Same duties & Bert & Wilfred both went to Gawler in the afternoon & Wilfred brought home our things Marion & I did our work as well as possible & as Phyllis had helped it was lighter today I cooked dinner but felt very crook

Oct 23 ) Same duties & as I bought cake I did not bake today I did my room & lamps & window roasted leg Mutton potatoes & peas I picked some peas my head but so bad I could not work much we all had a bath I cleaned Stove as well as I could boys started their Binder yesterday or to do it up

Oct 24 ) As I expected Celia & children home I got up in good time for Sunday & we did out usual I made Rice puddings cold meat potatoes & peas. After dinner we went out to poor old Uncles old home & at Twelftrees99 home as to to tea & hurried off home very cold

99 Henry Joseph Twelftree, a neighbouring farm that the family often works at.

Oct 25 ) I had decided on going to Gawler & as Bert had to go at 8 oclock I did all I could & went with him & had 4 teeth out & suffered awfully afterwards Dad came out & had a cup of tea I had to lie down

Oct 26 ) I felt terrible stiff & sore in mouth & got up& did all I could & had to lie down often. I went picking peas with Effie & Wilfred started Binding Hay today my face & head very bad Bert at Judds

Oct 27 ) I got up at 5/30 & after cup of tea I drove to Celias & brought her home to wash & I made Shepherd pie peas potatoes rolly polly pudding I felt awfully bad did not know what to do Marion went to Gawler with Myrtle

Oct 28 ) Same early duties cooked corn Beef carrots peas potatoes. Marion ironed in the afternoon & I mended Berts coat for him & I made rock buns for lunch I mostly give boys lunch every day beautiful day yesterday nasty wind today & dust

29 Oct ) Up early & churned Butter Wilf went to Gawler early Bert to Reeves Plains I swept dining room passage & made apple pie potatoes cold meat & I helped dust cleaned lamps & salted meat & put away things very hot wind

Oct 30 It was Carnival Day but none of us went Bert was away I swept & washed my room & roasted. Mutton potatoes. peas. I had an accident my dish leaked the Fat all over the oven so I had to set to & clean it it was a real trouble I mended all sox & stockings & I baked a sponge scones & Biscuits lovely day Clem went to Tanunda Bert came home & helped us milk cows

Oct 31st. I got up early & churned & washed up wrote three long letters & made beds washed Sepr & dishes & had a bath & a cup of Tea Bert is gone for Amy & Clem came home to milk I must go & get Tea ready now

Nov 1st Amy & Bert came home to tea & afterwards we chatted till 12 o’clock & very weary I retired to rest after cocoa supper 

Monday the first I could not wash so our meal over I washed up & Amy dressed her dear Baby & then went to Evas for a calf & was gone till Marion got home 11/30 I had given boys lunch & washed Separator & was shelling Pea’s & I made rice pudding men home to dinner & lunches I washed a few things & so did Marion but one is kept so busy on a Farm & I’m so very poorly the dear children are such company & so lovely Marion very fond of Baby Audrey

Nov 2nd ) I got up & cleaned the Copper & filled it & started & Amy came in & did my All the washing while I did cooking Shepherd pie peas potatoes & Rice pudding today not Mon both children & Marion scrubbed up & I folded & made beds & felt so unwell & it came cool

Nov 3) Same morning duties Bert went to Judds after Dinner we wanted to go out in the back but it was so windy & cold lance & Harry came as Myrtle took Vernon in to Dr the little played together & Amy & I cooked at different articles & I ironed some clothes & always cook dinner

Nov 4th Bert being away I had to fry breakf & Amy help milk & we could not go out to see the crop as it rained & was bitterly cold & stormy & Lillian not well atall. I cooked corn mutton pea’s potatoes Acid Tarts cakes but could hardly stand to do so We did no extra work & Bert got home to Tea & help milk Amy & he & I did not go to bed till midnight cocaa supper for Amy

Nov 5 All bustle & Amy packed up for home I got lunch at 10/30 & at 11 they left to attend the Sale of Uncles property etc but swring broke & they could not attend after all Marion & I did out the rooms & were busy & had to milk Bert got home to Tea & I read paper

Nov 6th) I was really ill could hardly get about & I had to roast Shoulder Mutton potatoes peas & apple pie cleaned lamps cutlery picked pea’s for Effie & generally assisted milked 4 cows Marion late gone to get Nelly99 Bert came at 4 oclock & Harvested 7 bags of Barley after nine when we had tea & I had a bath & retired to rest Marion & boys also had bath & retire later 10 oc

99 Probably cousin Nellie (Ellen Ann Dunn (nee Hand)

Sunday Nov 7th ) I been ill Gastritis so got up & took Medicine & went to bed till nine then I got up & did room had cocoa & bread & Butter & went to Myrtles Cousin Eva’s & on to Celias to dinner Claude Lorna & Frances were at the Cemetry & Frances rode with me back to Celias & they called for her I got home at 4/30 & Marion was home from School I got tea helped milk so hot all day extra hot

Nov 8th ) I could not wash a I was too ill Bert went to Reeves Plains & I cut dinner for Clem & been mending an awful day wind dust & cold change we had to put logs on roof of cow shed or it would have blown off its been awful all day Mais washed her clothes

Nov 8 Boys out in back Binding Hay

Nov 9th ) Bert came home & said the fearful day yesterday has done millions of £s worth of damage100. This morning was beautiful & I got up & got breakfast at 5/20 churned Butter & cleaned Copper Mais & Clem milked & I went on at Tubs but my poor Back & shoulders were dreadful I never got Whites out till 11 oclock & I should have been finished I had to let Marion do the Towels & Bag Aprons I Did Flannel Pyjamas blouses etc & I help get dinner Bread & butter pudding & peas potatoes I folded & made beds & milked 5 cows

100 Gale force winds were reported in Finnis, Oakbank, and Murray Bridge in newspapers that week, so there must also have been some on the Gawler plain as well. 

Nov 10 ) Bert home today harvested Barley & mended Binder it keeps them on the go going to Gawler to get repairs I cooked corn Mutton peas potatoes Melted butter apple pie & Slide Buns in morning Mend 2 Quilts & in afternoon mended clothes & milked 5 cows also in morning as Boys too busy now to help milk

Nov 11 Usual I help milk 5 cows both times & did indoor had plum pudding & went to Evas for afternoon & home milked 5 cows got tea was too tired to do more

Nov 12th ) Bert got fire & Breakfast I did dairy other morning this morning I washed up & then swept & dusted my bedroom & wrote our orders for Gawler & packed Eggs got lunches & done my ham with Smoke Essence Marion gone with Myrtle & Murray to Gawler today so I got the Eggs and now must go and milk cows

Nov 13 ) Bert is away at Judds & I have to help Marion milk & Queenie has such bad teats it takes her half an hour to milk her or more & then I had baking to do leg mutton cabbage potatoes a Sponge cakes etc & I swept all rooms & tidied lamp & cutlery & help Marion all through all the other work I was thoroughly done too & could not let her go home as I intended Percy came for her

Nov 14th ) Bert let Marion have ruby so off she went with Murray home early & I did all work beds & washing up & steamed a pudding for dinner Celia came for me to go to see our Father who has a Carbuncle we drove Tiny & I came back to cousin Evas’ & Aunt Emmy rode home with me I got tea & fed fowls & chicks Marion came home & Uncle Tom came over for night

Nov 15 ) Bert & I intended going to Gawler & I just did morning duties & we drove in I had a tooth out & went to Amys to dinner & to see Dad Celia was there looking after him then we came home & to work again Boys cant get on their Binders keep breaking & the Harvester wont work either & Bert goes away so often

Nov 16 )
A glorious morning so I lit up after I cleaned the Copper & got on much better I did one Blankets & one Rug & Marion washed Sepr & then helped me at Tubs & got done by dinner time except extras & I made apple pie Shepherd pie & cabbage I milked 5 cows got Tea ready & retired

Nov 17 ) Helped milk Bert went to Reeves Plains & I had extra to do such a terrible nasty day with dust boys chaffcutting & crushing Barley I folded & did all the ironing Marion outdoor & we got chicks hatching so are kept busy with so much to do in & out of doors

Thursday Nov 18 ) As we had our cows to do & I went to Evas for Tea & I made beds & cut Clems dinner as they are in Twelftrees I washed up & Marion & I drove to Wilhelms & Greaty101 for vegetables home at one oclock had dinner & I wrote letters to England, Sydney, & Prospect102 & milked again at night & did any other duties are so busy

101 Mr Wilhelm. Not sure what Greaty means. No idea? A vegetable shop? 

102  Cousins in England, Sydney (children of Aunt Celia Phelps). Prospect is likely to be the McLeods.

Friday Nov 19 ) We did our dining room & bedroom yesterday & after getting breakfast & cutting Clems dinner I packed Eggs & wrote orders so hot! Marion had to go to Gawler with Myrtle & I finished off usual work & took Bert & Will out lunch got the fowls fed & watered & helped milk salted meat & attended to other goods & it was 10 o’clock when we got done

Nov 20 ) I felt terrible crippled up & did usual work milked washed up made beds baked sponge scones cakes scrubbed safe & all Knives forks had bath & started for Waltham but the weather changed a thunder storm & vivid Lightning & it rained so I stayed home

Nov 21st ) I got up early & fried Ham & Eggs & done my room & attended to various duties & then I drove to Frances & had dinner & a talk then Claude came & we went for a motor spin & to College & Roseworthy I had not been there for over 30 years so enjoyed it very much had Tea drove myself home got my several duties over & retired to rest very tired indeed

Nov 22nd ) I cleaned copper & lit up & had a good start & feeling better I got done by dinner time also gave men lunch Bert went to Judds & I did the ironing & helped scrub & clean & in evening Marion & I did all milking & outdoor as men are busy & Bert away we also cooked Vegetables & Rice

Nov 23rd ) I got & fried Ham & eggs but Clem was so ill he could not eat so lie down & we milked & did indoor work swept & dusted rooms & at 4 oclock I drove to Celias & Frances & her & Hazel came home with me for a holiday we had Tea & Bert & us were talking till near Midnight & then we retired to rest

Nov 24th ) As Frances was here I decided not to work as usual & did all ordinary duties & cooked cabbage & potatoes Corn Mutton for dinner rice pudding Clem tried to work but felt ill. Frances Hazel & myself went out to see the crop & to Mr Wilhelms for Veg drove in to see Wilf on Harvester & home & milked Bert was at Swartzs for dinner so I only had light dinner Jam tarts & rice custard we looked at Snaps etc

Nov 25 ) Clem not able to get to work atall so he lay up & Frances waited on him chiefly while I did my work but she would help all the time & went home with Percy at night about 8 oclock

Nov 26 ) Up & Marion & I had to milk & do all work as Bert goes to Reeves Plains today & Clem was so ill he went to Dr & he says its appendicitis so Wilf is very busy Harvesting finished in back & home this afternoon with Machine & Myrtle & Effie went to Gawler & Effie stays there till Sunday & Lorna came home here we were milking & Murray stayed the night here.

Nov 27 ) A hot day promised so after I got up & got cup of Tea I went out & milked 5 & Marion 2 & then I came in & did Dairy work & Lorna & I baked scones Slide Buns cakes Tarts etc got all done by 1 o’clock & in afternoon they the girls rested 2 hours & I also rested did my lamps had a bath & a cup of Tea & we were late as its the hottest day for the season Percy came for Marion so I milked 5 & Bert 2 & had Tea

Nov 28 I could not rest so I got up at 6 ock although it was Sunday I got our cup Tea & then Bert & Lorna milked & I fried Ham & Egg had Breakfast cleaned dairy & cooked Corn Beef Cabbage Potatoes Lorna helped me do all housework & this afternoon had a rest & Harry Frances & Gwen & Hazel & Claude came for Lorna so they are gone home & I am getting Tea now

Nov 29th )
I did not wash same morning duties & Bert & I went to Gawler & did shopping & walked to Amys & had cup Tea she was washing Bert went to Balcksmiths & I had to wait came home & milked got Tea etc

Nov 30 ) As I was in Gawler yesterday I had to wash today so I cleaned copper & lit up Marion did outdoor work & then she joined me at Tubs & I cooked hot Tea & was real done & had to go to bed early for me

Dec 1st I got up & Damped clothes down got breakfast Clem is still away ill I did housework & men went out in back Bert expected home to dinner Dad came & had dinner with us & then he went out to Back paddock to the boys Bert went to Judds for last trip this season so we had cows to do etc Marion & I drove to see her mother

Dec 2nd I had to get the fire & breakfast & do usual duties also all milking as Bert is away they broke Harvester so Wilf went to Gawler early & Bert got home & went in the afternoon a bit cooler today but Im not too well & too much to do

Dec 3rd ) I was going to alter my dress & got up early to do so but always find plenty to do after helping milked I saw Wilf who spoke so terribly unkind & wrong that I was thoroughly upset & Marion had to go to Gawler with Myrtle After all so I altered the dresses & got them done

Dec 4th ) Ethels 21st Birthday we each did our work & I made scones tarts boiled a pigs chop & generally assisted & then I pressed our frocks & we got cows milked & had bath & drove to the Hall at Willaston & had a nice time & she got lovely presents we got home in am 1/30 & to bed too tired to rest & worried

Dec 5 I did not feel well so I got up early & made a cup tea got brkfast did housework churned Butter & quite a cool change lovely for Butter after dinner we went to Adas & Jims & Harry Franc & children were there Claude & Lorna also they had a sing song of Hymns till 11 o’clock we got home too tired to rest once more

Dec 6 )
As I had to go to Gawler with my pony I did all necessary work & packed Eggs & got to City about dinner time did shopping Meat & Bread & Groceries saw Amy & came to her place for cup tea home milked etc got Tea but it was late when we got to bed again as boys come in so late & they cant get on Machine Breaks ..

Dec 7 )
Washing Day Marion cleaned copper I got fire & breakfast over & started at Tubs but Oh Dear I was ill I could not finish & Marion did hers & Berts & towels I felt dreadful & could not eat I roasted shoulder Mutton potatoes & Rhubarb pie Sago pudding & did not know how to move however I had to help milk & get Tea & then I retired real done out too

Dec 8th /
Usual work Bert helped milk I felt so ill but made some cakes tart & Rhubarb pie. Dad came but did not stop to dinner I ironed in afternoon & help milk early & cleaned dairy & did other work

Dec 9th )
Dad sails for Sydney today I had to milk this morning & to see to all my duties then I set too & mended the floor in boys room Marion cleared it up & is resting now got a cold

Dec 10th ) I did not go to Gawler Myrtle Effie went & Men Are all Beat after the Fire at Wards Belt cooler today I got Rheumatism very bad & also bad headache

Dec 11 )
Marion & I went to Gawler after doing morning duties called on girls home & cooked leg Mutton & Veg for tea & milked Sepr & got all done

Dec 12 )
Bert & I had day on our own till evening Wilf & Myrtle went to Judds children stayed with us to tea Bert to Evas at night

Dec 13 )
I was so very unwell I could not go to Gawler I had to lie down & in afternoon washed & in afternoon washed & ironed milked cooked tea for men who are out in (Back) Harvesting

Dec 14 )
Marion & myself went to Gawler Amy not well we got Olive & Marion a purse Bert a Wallet for Xmas me new Stockings

Dec 15 )
Celia spent day home & we just did necessary work & put oil cloth in front room again I had to make a frypan stew Bread pudding

Dec 16 )
Same in morning as always & in daytime cleaned all rooms I scrubbed my board floor Marion went to Xmas Tree at night

Dec 17 )
Wilfred went to Gawler with pigs & cream & got Bread meat I did all bed linen washing scrubbed table etc made beds & got lunch & dinner for men who were Chaffcutting on Saturday cut chaff

Dec 18 )
We had some rain & cold today Boys home damp cool change so haycarting made Stew cooked cake & patty cakes bread & butter pudding did our usual work all

Dec 19 ) Olive got nice presents I always wake early & dressed & made up Butter & got Brk cooked dinner & then went to Amy Olive 13 today also Eva Charl & Family & Celia’s family were tired & late home nice weather

Dec 20 )
I was up before sunrise 5 ock & got usual Brk & cut dinners made Beds & washed up & then Mais & I went to Gawler calling on the girls Did shopping home milked, cook potatoes, & sausages

Dec 21 ) I awake very early & dressed at 5 lit fire &I fried H. & E. Bert chopped wood I cut din & lit up for washing so windy & as I had lots to see to it was 2 when I got all done & scrubbed Marion worked well still windy got to cook tea for Boys out in Back

Dec 22 As Marion & myself were going to Gawler we only did morning duties & went early did our shopping & called at all sister who were Xmas work came home & milked & I fried sausages & Potatoes I got letters from aunt Amelia & Nellie103 

103 Ellen (Nellie) Dunn (nee Hand) and her mother Aunt Amelia Hand (nee Heath)

Dec 23 So busy & had to iron & did all my cakes baking & boiled Ham had to give men lunches as they are home stacking now also made it was Monday we went to Gawler Mr Tanner103 came

103 Mr Tanner, not sure who this is.

Dec 24 Wensday & I was doing Ham & sponge I had to go off to Gawler so hot & I did not get home till 2 o’clock did all work up 6 went to Amy for Xmas Eve also Mrs Brodies104 for a Chat my head awful bad & Rheumatism

104 Emma Brodie (nee Pointon) is a family friend, of Fanny's parents generation, who lives in Willaston.

Dec 25
Breakfast at Amys dinner at Frances Tea at Celis Cel & I went for a drive to Amys Bert at Celias to both meals I stayed all night we talked

Dec 26
Up early 6/30 Celia churned I helped Girls & the wind was fearful blew the roof off both Barns timber & all so I did not come home till 3 o’clock very crook

Dec 27 Been ill all night so got cup Tea & rested a while did necessary work & made Shepherd pie custard etc & sewed in aftey

Dec 28 very wintry cool Wilf & Clem carting from Back Still very poorly & did not Dress till six then made fire & fried patties in Batter & pancakes men home so have to get lunch I made cabinet pudding & salmon & pots

Dec 29
As I been so ill I had to wash today & felt very unfit for it however I got done at late hour 4 ock & I have men home to Dinner & all 4 to lunches & that means work

Dec 30
Marion & I went to Gawler after morning duties called at Frances & had lunch Amy not home from Beach met Eva & Charl returning home cooked Tea – scones

31 Dec /
Wilf went to Gawler at night & his family So Bert went daytime took cream & got out things I have to milk 5 cows nights & get Tea & Im tired forgot to order Bread

Jan 1st Up early & Baked Scones & slide Buns yesterday & large cakes usual Saturday Duties & Celia came & her lot & had Dinner of their own

[end of book]


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