1942 - January 1 to June 30



Got letter from L.E.M. Jan 2nd 1942 / Wrote Siss Jan 2 1942 / Got letter from Ivy Norwood Jan 6 1942 / Got letter from Dorrie Jan 10 1942 / answered Dorries & posted 13 Jan / also answed Ivys & Mary & Avis to post Jan 18th 1942 / Received letter from Olive Dry Creek 16th Jan 1942 / Received my birthday parcel Stationary from Whyalla 20/1/42 / received letters from Lou Pt Broughton Eva Baker Glenelg & card from Celia Whyalla for my Birthday on Friday 23rd Jan 1942 / I wrote to Lillian & Mary & Lou posted then on Feb 2nd 1942 / I wrote to Tom Mt Gambier 18 Jan 1942 also to Olive. To Eva Baker Feb 13th & Celia Dawe also on 25 to Olive Dry Creek / wrote to Prospect

I got letter from Tom Mt Gambier Feb 24 / I posted letters to Ivy Norwood & Celia Whyalla 24th Feb / I wrote to Louie March 1st / Mrs Ted Kreig & Mr W. George both this week early / I started a letter to Lillian Mar 3rd but will post later on like a diary / Posted letter to Tom M. Gam on Monday 16 March/ I sent a letter to alb Kybylolite S East by Flo today to be posted to him  (24/3/42) / to Lillian & Maria on Friday to be posted at Gawler March 27 1942 wrote to Mary & Ivy Sunday 29th got Baggy last week to Cousin Celia England posted Sat 4 April 1942 by Gawler River Mail / I wrote to Tom & Flo posted Friday 17 April 1942 Gawler I posted letter today Gawler to Con & Lillian whyalla South 21 April 1942 / I sent a letter per Celia to Olive on Sunday & she wrote back Monday 20th april / To Alb May 13th posted at Stone Hill 14 May / To Sarah & Mary on May 17 & 18 to Tom Mt Gambier May 17 / To Dorrie Veitch on May 27. posted May 28 myself. Diary to Post / Olive Dry Creek May 28 posted


New years Day 1942

Jan 1st I am always up before sunrise & that is in ordinary time is before five o’clock but now our time is put on an hour makes all the difference to my morning Tea & go for milk but the children bring it up at nine then Ive had breakfast as I usually have it first thing instead of just cup of Tea it came out very hot I did not go to the River Picnic my head was awful & my ankle Flo Nancy & children went & me Ethel & Celia & Family & at evening Clem & Family Join them for a Moonlight Picnic not Berts Family

Jan 2nd As its so fearfully hot I do my living room after breakfast wash the Floor & get all bags hung at windows & door to keep out the Sun I roasted my Mutton & Potatoes yesterday so I had cold Dinner & a Strawberry Jelly made last night & Blanc Mange very hot so I did not go to Gawler Flo got my things I mended a lot. Got latter from Whyalla l..E.M today & I wrote to Siss Paterson Cobera P.O.

Jan 3rd/ Its been a most dreadful hot windy day like fire I could not hold a tub at 7 p. m. too hot & my glasses I had dip in cold water articles were burning hot & I can’t find bag needle been hunting out Boxes i& drawers all day Head bad too & mended my Cane stool had cold Dinner stewed apricots cold sago & tomatoes Meat & onions

Jan 4th A nicer morning cool west wind but fearful indoor like an oven I went for milk & lend of papers Bert & Ron came up & yarded sheep & took a jack out of its toe very deep. I gave kerosene to heal it we had a cup of tea & read letters he was to paint the Sulky today lovely cool Breeze but I cant get it I had salmon & onion stewed Plums and custard been writing to Whyalla L.E.M. other kitten was dead this morning

Jan 5th a nice Day cool west wind so I rose before the sun & did my rooms cleaned & filled lamp went to Berts back lit up & washed & did extras & finished dinner time scrubbed up fried Potatoes & Onions had my meal washed up & washed both floors & ironed very knocked up had a bath & retired too tired to rest well I did Duster Bag & one other

Jan 6th / I got up & arranged to go with Flo to Gawler & Frances we got early start & she also called at Frances who is not well Bronchitis I spent afternoon there, call on Eva & Charl bad luck Dolly the lovely little Pony broke her leg (or rather the mare Kicked her & did it) had to have her Shot they all cried she was a favourite to all Lorna & 3 children are over so we sewed & talked & Hazel & I went to Frenches home & to Frances they were dressmaking H & I slept out Audrey is with Olive at Dry Creek for her Holidays

Jan 7. I dressed & had breakfast & came by Mail to Celia’s a most terrific Dusty Day not too hot West to Nor west wind to uprooted trees in Stone Hill church yard split Pines two or three we had to leave the lamp lit to have our Dinner & till then we had a Job to see in long room sewing all afternoon I retired about 9/30 rest letter writing I slept indoors so did P. & C Yvonne Laurel & Baby Viv & Harry slept out

Jan 8th / Cel got up & got her Butter we had breakfast I did spare bed & came out home with Perc & Yvonne & never did see such a Mess the Straw blown like a hedge up to top wire & indoor as well I cleaned everything till 8 o’clock chopped wood some blown Down Ive cleaned Mirrors windows picture swept Walls washed floor had a bath & now writing Bert Killing sheep tonight nice cool night

Jan 9th ) I felt terribly stiff on waking but must rise & put the Australian sun blinds up (Bags) as being in the East the sun pours right in I had my meal & went for milk Flo not going to Gawler Bert took Nancy Wellington to Train for City & I am going to Gawler tomorrow if spared as my Sulky is not in order now I washed today did not get done till Dinner time fried chops & Tomatoes potatoes & Silver Beet folded & had a rest then I ironed had my Bath washed my hair & Kath & Ron brought me letter from Pirie Winnie has a Son (Peter John) born 3rd Jan 1942 9 lbs

Jan 10 ) Saturday I hurried & had breakfast & went to get chester got him here but got to Gawler about 10 am new time ) did a lot of shopping got a new umbrella & Veil found fruit & Veg very dear & scarce got home before 1 o’ck saw lot of trees uprooted & wood everywhere had to fry sausages & do my work in afternoon felt tired I called on Coral & see Baby who is named Leo Errol Frederick he was born Dec 11th 1941

11 Jan Sunday but I got up same time as I had to cook Blanc Mange Stew apricots also had Soup roast Mutton Swedes Potatoes I made a Jelly last night I was writing letters all day 500 lines I did Winnie Matters has a son (Peter John) born Jan 3rd Avis wrote me the news its been a beautiful day but like more heat coming I only read Chronicle

Jan 12th ) Up before the Sun had breakfast went to Berts came home swept & dusted room Ron brought up my bucket I took slops down in Kathie the milk Laurel & Viv came & thoroughly cleaned out the back room & found an opossum alive had fun caught it & let it go Cel sent a Note (K.I.) I cleaned my cabinet & shifted it & let in some air from door too I been making a brick door way its awful loose sand & stones gravel place gets so dirty very close like thunder or a change Im  tired I hemmed a Gosamer & sent it to Celia today Monday 12th by Girls

Jan 13th Usual in every way then I did washing Stewed Plums & Sago & Custard lovely day but my back, arms, legs, were very stiff & painful so rested a wee while then washed both Floors as I got lino on both now ironed washed a silk blouse had bath & retired

Jan 14 ) Its such a lovely cool change so after the usual routine I Decided on going to Celias Ron & I put the pony in & he had a wrong harness on so changed it & got there at 10/30. had lunch & we did mending all the afternoon I helped last week also as Laurel & Baby are at Wilcox we slept outdoors lovely too the breeze Harry set Rabbit Traps & is doing odd work for Mr Aldridge etc

Jan 15th / I got up sunrise Perc had fire so soon had cup of Tea after breakfast I washed up Vivienne Did beds & housework & I left for Ethels arrived & she helped me take Chester out & got lunch we chatted & then we had dinner I mended my shoe & other Ethel did some washing we washed up & she swept rooms I also stayed to tea Rex was home then Cel. Perc. Viv & girlies went to Gawler we yarned till 10 o’ck they listened in also

Jan 16, ) Murrays Birthday & Lances 21st but hes in Camp I had my breakfast & came home went for Milk & chaff drove to Gawler or Willaston rather, Flo to Gawler Ward’s Belt Road I went back Road to Charls & Eva’s had a chat went to Ward’s for Veg Fruit very Dear Franc was in Adelaide with Audrey I took Sulky Home had my Dinner after I got back tidied round Stewed Plums made Blanc Mange had my tea & a bathe & did writing Im tired War seems very bad indeed makes one nervous Perc Bert & Vern are stacking Hay now

Jan 17th Our Dear Auntie Died at Loxton Hospital at 9pm Altho we did not hear till Monday Jan 19th Celia got word

Jan 17. I did all usual & then lit up a good fire for my Camp oven & I baked Scones rock Buns, Apricot pie roasted Mutton Potatoes boiled Swedes. I was very busy swept & washed floor Dusted & 100 more little jobs getting wood chips etc & going to Berts for anything I want & mending Stocking cleaned all shoes

Sunday 18th Jan. I intended going to Frances but Bert wanted the Sulky so I did my work always on the go & I wrote long letters to Olive & Tom Mt Gambier terrible hot windy day Dreadful at night for sleeping I did not have any nice books only Magazines & Chronicle no Sunday School for 3 Sunday

My Birthday & I felt very tired & limbs were painful but I got up & had cup Tea & then went to Berts & met Harry with the News of Dear Auntie’s passing so I had to hurry to get my pony in & go to Celia’s It simply poured with rain from about 10 am till 6 P.M I got one Coat wet through going Down & Bert rode horseback & Wilf walked over & we all 4 went in Cels big Buggy met at Methodist Church were a service was held & then we went to Cemetery we were standing in water & mud my feet wet & I wet through. Bert & Dorrie Will & Maria all of Whylies, all of us bur Charl Harry Ross Norman Koster & other Friends were there it was awful slippery they all called at Celia’s had tea & left at 9/30. Frank Shorrock Motored then right through & back in a day

I drove home early today Jan 20th Bert went to Gawler I altered & pressed my best dress (Blk) that I got wet yesterday & it shrunk up too Small We stewed Pears custard cold dinner lovely cool day very tired indeed

21st Jan I did not rest too well last night & ankle & limbs very painful but I was up & dressed before sunrise & got my first boil in had breakfast went to Berts for my Silk Petticoat out after a lot of bother Black Dye from my Dress yesterday I finished at 11 o’clock Did ironing rug & sulky rug also then I baked Mutton, Pots, Jam Tarts Milk pudding & a Cake before dinner at 1 o’clock then such a big wash up & Saucepans in Galore I rest at 3 o’clock after bringing in all clothes got up had a Cup Tea swept & washed (Phelyol) Floor tidied garden a bit got some wood from scrub & bark for camp oven takes longer to cook now wrote to Celia went down to Vernon with it had a sponge bath now bed

22 Jan) Same hour & work Flo Birthday Ron came up with Milk I sorted out drawers & unpack things & did a lot of mending cooke Green Vegetable shoots Cel sent me & fried with my pots & swedes for dinner ironed all my ironing first thing in a.m. nice weather hotter in day

23rd / Frenchs Birthday up & dress lit Spirits & sun just peeped over hill went to Berts to send to Gawler & had to wait so cleaned Shoes for Ron & wiped dishes I made a hasty Stew fro dinner Flo & children are home 1 o’clock Men doing our Road by the Dam Sun hot nice breeze very hot after Dinner & at night I got 4 Birthday Greetings & letter from Lou & Eva Baker & card also Celia Whyalla

24th Jan / I was awake at ¼ to 4 then I Dress & got some wood before sun rose had cup of Tea went to Flo’s had to wait came up very dusty all the morning wind awful I just tidied & cooked fried Chips cabbage Potatoes Milk pudding Jam Tart but I could not eat my dinner then I made Scone Biscuits lot to wash up & I been making a Bag apron I cut out at Pirie mended Blk Dress & various other work.

Sunday 25 Jan. Such a beautiful morning after the Rain & all wheat Oats etc are sprouting looks so lovely & flocks of Green & Golf Budgeons 100s of them like a Green carpet feeding I thoroughly cleaned up my rooms & cooked my dinner Stewed Plums & Blanc & fried up Veg Dinner I read the Paper & wrote to Olive but feel very depressed alone

Monday 26th Jan. Ive had a very busy Day indeed washed & ironed altered Grey print Frock did some mending went to Berts rather a nice day for washing & as usual I did extra’s & pressed best Blk dress & coat I was sewing till nine o’clock then a bath & to bed How well I remember 17 years ago the flood at Pirie

Tuesday 27th ) Harrys 14th Birthday I intended going to Willaston to stay so packed a Case & hurried & did my necessary household duties & Flo & I got there at Gawler Did her shopping & I walked from Trotts corner to Frances felt real done Harry home to Dinner & after that Alex Mortimer came for an hour he is looking after Evacuees at Jamestown & Hallett & Districts Audrey started Collegse today at Miss Mann’s Pirie St City

28 Jan I did not get up so soon Cup tea in bed Just helped in usual ways Olive came to Dinner & in the afternoon Cousin Eva & Gwenda came stayed to Tea so chatted all time & then I went as far as Phyls & stayed the night children got Whooping Cough so bad especially Janet poor little dear

29th Jan I got back to Frances about 10 o’ck & went with her to Dulcie’s & I stayed all day back to Miss Harris had a chat in then Audrey & Harry came from work & we had tea & I crocheted a while lovely cool weather Just What I like not heat

Jan 30th/ I got up & made the bed & cleared breakfast washed up & got ready for Street where I met Flo at 11 oclock later today & I was real done as I walked down to P. O. & at our street looking for her we got home at one oclock they had dinner & Bert went to Gawler in the Trolley for Salt I did not as any extra work went to Flo’s for Bread.

Jan31. quite cold & I did not secure panel & all the Sheep got out & up to corner I had to go after them I felt very unwell so stiff & painful Neuritis or Rheumatism terrible was going to bake but felt too ill so rested & in afternoon I cleaned rooms had bath & retired but was awfully restless all night Aunt Celia Phelps died last Sunday 24th Jan 1942 at Botany N.S.W. Franc got word

Feb 1st Same hour had Cup tea went for milk & got chester & drove to Celia’s to Dinner found her unusually worried Harry getting his Kit ready for school in City on Tuesday In late afternoon Cel & children & myself went to Wilfs & had a chat saw Lance & Vernon trying on his new Suit we came back & Bert came horseback had supper & we drove home here

Feb 2nd ) I got a cup of Tea & hurried to get to Gawler but first had to change Harness & alter it I got in there at eleven oclock took horse out & fed him went to Mabels & left Harness for repairs did shopping went to Eva’s after a cup of tea at Mary & pies had afternoon Tea at Eva’s & back to Street put my horse in & got all my things together & drove to Franc & to Mrs Windows about my wood got home at 7 o’clock daylight time. Mrs Billie Whermen has a Son Celia went to Uncle Toms Thursday & he was very well & pleased to see her Ivy may shift nest month to Maesberry St Kensington.

Feb 3rd ) I still felt stiff & aching all in limbs so I did not wash I did usual work & went to Bert with can & then I went at nine & stayed till 10/30 had lunch & came alone with Flo as she went to Gawler & turned out & sorted things roasted Meat Pots jam Tart Plum Pie & Swedes for dinner I had a rest & sleep but felt crook & do now so cant sew

Feb 4th ) I have had  very busy day I got up very early & had my cup of tea put on Tin for washing & had all done before 8 o’clock all but extra’s went for Milk lit up again for ironing had starch clothes but finished at 1 o’clock was real done had to rest & then went down for Horse & Sulky & drove to Celias did mending Rona was fitting Claires dress & they went to practice for S.S. Anniversary I left again at 5 oclock daylight watered all my Flowers got tea. I had to take down Sulky to Berts.

Feb 5th  / I have been very busy cleaning up I started at sunrise got both rooms thoroughly swept & washed before I went to Berts & could hardly get down there but Flo gave me lunch & we talked an hour I came back & got my other Lino & put it between doors & put wet bags on it had dinner & rested a while Harry & Vernon came for a Sheep to Kill sun very hot again I had a bath washed Frock & Stockings & mended till tea time.

Feb 6 / Gawler Day. So windy & dusty Flo went to Gawler I went for Milk & did sewing as I did all cleaning yesterday I put Organtie collar on my blk dress did lot out door shifted wood Did watering I had to clean & oil Machine tighten Belt. Cooked cab Pots swedes Bacon & scones went Berts for my Goods. I got a letters from Lillian today one from Ivy last week have not answered yet been hot but cooler tonight if I could only feel it but am shut in here & its hot too

Feb 7th / As I intended going to Hazels wedding I rose very early as there is a lot of odd Job to do & stitches to be put in I made a White organdie Butterfly & wore with my costume I had to go to Berts & get Chester Ron & I put him in Berts Sulky also put up chaff & got ready for Willaston arrived there Hazel & Franc & Olive were having Sandwiches & Cup tea so I had some too & went to Eva’s & Charles’ & dressed & rode in car with her & Marj & Joyleen Fairly long Service Hazel looked nice in Effies Dress & Tulle Veil Frangipannis in her hair & lovely crème & touched pink & Fern Bouquet Audrey looked lovely in Helitrope Frock Hat Gloves Veil & her hair in rolls all of the Family were there except Lorna & Jim Olive & children 2 of Johns Brotheres Myself Cousin Eva Charl & Eva & waiters I remained the night we had supper I spent evening with Auntie Eva went to Bowls late to bed at Frances I slept in Charles rest outdoors

Sunday 8th Feb ) I was awake but did not hear Frances get up before seven then Jocelyn brought me in Tea I dressed had breakfast made bed put horse in Drove to Celias had Dinner helped wash up Drove home here changed & went to Berts for the Photos of Mrs Harry Matters little Boys years ago to send Lillian wrote letters to Lillian & was tired so went to bed fairly hot.

9th Feb) I am thinking one year yesterday we took Douglas to the Port Pirie Hospital Diptheria suspect I was terribly cut up I remember I have not felt well so hot today I could not work till 3P.M  then I cleaned Shoes, Bag, mended Dress & Blouse packed case did necessary work & got tea & its late now nearly 10 o’clock I want to go to Adelaide tomorrow if possible on Wensday not sure yet which day Ill go if I feel better tomorrow

10 Feb ) Up & got my usual Tea then I went for milk & Flo & I went to Gawler I went for letters & then back to Eva’s where I stayed all night I had plenty company little Collen Barry & the Baby were all home at Daphnes & she bathed them fed them poor little Dear the Mother went to Adelaide I chatted & helped do vegetables etc nice day

11th Feb. I got up early & caught 20 to 8 train really 20 to 7 met Audrey & came on to Adelaide got a Car for Norwood & arrived before 10 am Did Vegetables for Ivy & chatted to dear Uncle but he was not well at all I rested a while & retired at nine washerwomen in all day

12 Feb. I did not get up early & had break fast at 8 ock Just Did my room & then helped a bit & afternoon as Jack & Lily Easton were there I went down Street & while back & had tea & we went to Maesberry St last night to see new house very pretty indeed a small creek running through

February 13th Our Dear Mums 90th Birthday Anniversary today I did not rest well at all & got up about 7 & dressed & I helped ivy a bit & got 10 ‘ock Car for City where I did a bit of Shopping & came to Nellie’s had lunch & Gertie & Lindsey came & we chatted. Mary is down for Munition worker

Feb 14th / St Valentines Day. I got up early & Eageth was just going to rest after his breakfast so I had mine & did bedroom & then walked to Dudley Park & got ½ hour too early came by 8 o’ck Train full I had to get in smoking carriage 8 men in it & we went very fast only Stopping at Salisbury I walked to Eva’s & we went Street I stopped the night got hotter cool in morning I had dinner with Daphne Sylvia & I looked at her Troussoue & retired had Water Melon Supper

Feb 15th We did not rise early but hurried and attended Church of Christ Eva & Charl were there nice lot of people home & had dinner Sylvia went to Sunday School. I read Eva went to sleep we went to Church again at p.m. then I came on with Eva & Charl & slept there after supper.

Feb 16 / After helping do what I could I walked Street & to Eva’s to Dinner I took my food helped wash up but before I left Willaston I washed up for Frances she was washing dreadful windy & Dusty I spent afternoon at Effies called at Phyllis & they washed Hazels cough is awful & I walked out to Frances to Tea & then went to Eva’s & Charl slept

Feb 17. I was awfully tired but walked to Cousin Eva’s to get my clothes & on to Street saw Perc & Celia & Flo got in at ¼ to 12 stopped an hour Shop & got home here at ¼ to 2 I could not even  get my cup Tea till 4 o’clock real dead beat unpacked & got Sugar bags ready for Mattress

Feb 18th I was awake usual time & dressed had breakfast made bed etc went to Flo’s had morning lunch & chat came back lit up & cooked my dinner roast Mutton Pots turnips & tops also scones Biscuits lot to wash up & I had to sort cases with clothes I had away I was terribly tired & had a rest but Was being so bad I cant rest.

Feb 19th I was up extra early as I was so wakeful & got a Cup tea churned Butter lit up for washing went to Berts for milk I had a a big wash being away 4 Blouses 2 Silk & a silk Petticoat 2 singlets & 1 flannel & 5 prs Bloomers. 2 skirts. 2 Coats. 1Doz handkerchiefs. 4 pr stockings cardigan 1 sheet 1 Quilt nighty. 4 towels & many other articles Knocked up rested & ironed.

continued also cleaned & pressed Dress coat blk dress Hat Costume was late when I got finished had cold Meal fried Vegetables Stewed Plums & sunshine Custard also scalded Milk

Feb 20th Myrtles Birthday. I slept at Berts last night as he never got home till ¼ to 10 & Flo was looking for him & came up to me he finished at Whitmans today (no yesterday) I been very busy as I thoroughly cleaned both rooms & washed floors also finished washing as I could not do so before scrubbed broom Handles I scraped lamp Bert stuck it for me I filled Mattress but can’t find bag needle to sew it I had bath Flo went to Gawler & got my things with hers beautiful weather since I got Home

Feb 21st Saturday I was very busy all day & I baked scones & Biscuits roast Mutton, Potatoes, Stewed Plums, & Custard, I also did my brown Skirt stitched pleats etc I had previously washed it I had a bath & washed my Flannel, Dress & other clothes so as not to have to do washing Monday beautiful day lovely cool nights my limbs are bad Phyllis has a daughter born Feb I have not been to see her yet

Sunday 22nd I felt so very unwell but was going to Gawler South to Gwen Martins so I got Dressed got usual Tea & Break went to Bert & got Chester put up chaff brought him up fed him here Dress for Gawler & left at 5 to 10 & arrive at 5 to 11. took horse out fed him & we had an early Dinner & looked at Snaps of years ago & nursed Baby

Feb 23rd a Rainy morning but Flo washed I was working all day as I loose my Rings & have to hunt for them I did rooms again today & cleaned out safe etc got my lamp fixed up as the blue one broke also got some pine from scrub Kath & Ron got wet & came home at 10 o’clock again also did some mending & alter my

Feb 24th ) Usual work went to Berts for milk came back put on Oven & baked Biscuits & discovered I had put no Sugar in so baked more & a tart Bert went to Gawler & Flo stayed home & made Tomato Sauce I mended my Grey coat & when Bert got home I fried Sausages & had tea cleaned my Shoes had a bath Got letter from Mt Gambier today I want to get over to Ethel tomorrow if possible & fine I been hunting for worked Doylies tumbled Boxed to find things

Feb 25th I was up very early also Bert & Family were up here yarding lambs for Market I went down put up Chaff & got Chester in Sulky came up fed him & dressed myself & the children came & I drove them to school & on to Angle Vale at nine helped Ethel & we drove to Brosters & spent the afternoon till 5 o’clock with Gladys saw her furniture etc we got back to Ethels & I stopped all night Rex & George had had Tea so we had ours & retired

Feb 26 / Not as early they had their breakfast I had mine washed up Ethel milked her cows Separated & washed it up I shook up bed then Drove to Celia’s found her & Perc gone to Gawler so Viv & I took horse out & had lunch Cel got home to dinner we chatted I stopped the night there very hot again

Feb 27 / I did not leave till 7 & it was hot coming home but I had to go to Berts to send my order to Gawler by Flo then I got Chaff & fed horse & had breakfast & went to the Cemetery with lovely Flowers for Graves very hot indeed I had to go down with Chester & sulky so had a chat to Bert an hour & then home had Dinner & did mending quite a lot watered my Flowers etc very hot night had a bath

28 Feb ) Ive had a restless night & felt anyhow but dressed & had usual Tea then I washed all my clothes finished at 8 o’clock sun very hot Ron brought up Milk I had to lie down then I cooked an apple pie & Turnips Pots & Chops & had eleven oclock dinner washed up & rested again Harry (Hobart) came & he took Chester & Sulky & went to set Rabbit Traps at Whitmans he & Ron went I ironed & mended Gray Dress had tea Harry also had some I got letter & Snaps from Whyalla yesterday very nice of them

March 1st It has been an awful hot day sun like fire I was up early & swept & dusted my rooms had breakfast & went to Berts Ron brought up my milk yesterday but he went with Harry to see what luck they had with Traps got 3 Bunnies I stewed Plums made Blanc Mange & feeling very queer I rested till after 12 o’clock then I had my dinner cold Meat fried Veg apple pie & for tea my fruit & B.M. Tomato etc I went to Bert again with scraps for pigs Bert & Flo went to S. School in all the heat so were late milking tonight

March 2nd  As I had done my wash I thought of going to Gawler but it was so awful hot I really could not do so I had to go for Milk & I came back & did household work then cleaned lamp my cabinet & windows fried Pots & Onions for Dinner & mended my blk & white dress & stockings etc very hot

March 3rd  Another fearful day in Gawler River school sun terrific children home from school too hot Flo went to Gawler home Dinner time I could not keep up so lay down & went to sleep till 1/30 daylight time then had my lunch & sorted boxes & found Photos I wanted did mending & went down for my food but it was dreadful same reading at school I did not know how to keep food or sleep in this oven of a place

March 4th Another hot day but also very windy & dusty I decided on Driving to Celia’s so got Chester & some chaff & got there about 10 o’clock Vern was to meet Mail & Perc & Celia just going to Gawler so I had lunch & went to Myrtle’s to Dinner had lovely cold roast Fowl & Plum pie I did crochet Myrtle Machine work I came back to Celia’s stayed the night slept out lovely 7 cool had a chat

March 5th I did not intend going to Gawler & did not get home till nine then I had some breakfast got chaff & fed Chester washed my head & went to Gawler got there about 10/30 had a lot shopping & went to Station for my Tea from Griffiths called at Frances for lunch saw new Baby Glenyce Noelene got home nice cool change today & light rain the Munition have taken from Whelans crossing & Blocked Humphrys Road so I could not go that way I came home school road (Buchfelde) terrible heavy Sand called at Mrs Walter Windows & paid for Wood they were packing up & shifting to Preiss old place I felt all at War

March 6th / As I had been away I decided on Washing so got first lot on top line went to Bert Jolly cow licked my clean clothes had to shift all & wash some again I thoroughly washed all my tin Ware to put groceries in too Knocked out to iron so I swept & washed this floor Kath & Ron came & stayed while they were in Gawler after School I packed all wood back by Wall

Sat March 7th / I got up feeling very unwell & I did not improve so I could not bake cake or cook dinner & I felt too ill to go to Flo I rested a lot got up at 4 o’clock (or 3) & did my ironing starched aprons I made soup which was a nice change for me beautiful weather

Sunday March 8th I got up early had my cup of tea watching the Sunrise lovely & cool as I was afraid my Beef would not keep I put it on to roast with Potatoes & did Beans & had a very early Dinner or lunch tidied up & went to Bets he & Herb Whitman were gone to Wilfreds for a Bull I helped Auntie Flo & had cup of tea with them helped put horse in Buggy for S School & read & wrote letters & camped at Berts

9th March I was up at 5 o’ck 4 really & came home real dark so I rested a few minutes then lit fire & soon had toast & tea for my breakfast lovely morning but Im so unwell my head awful & ears & eyes & no energy I can’t half work I got some wood & did both floors as I had done washing Sofa cover & all pillows & extra’s Viv came with new of Hugh Ratcliffs Death & then at night I cleaned all Cutlery spoons & Knobs etc I

March 10. As I had practically nothing to eat I got up early & had a cup of tea & toast. then put on camp Oven & baked Farmers Biscuits Scones Jam tart had lunch & did mending then cooked Beans Pots & Turnips had 6 ock dinner Flo & went had Chester & went to Gawler Bert to Funeral I had lovely bath & wash my clothes by nine o’clock & took rubber soles off shoes

Mar 11th / I had breakfast & did necessary work then Viv & Yvonne came & we went home to Stone Hill as I was crook I helped do vegetables & Celia roasted lamb we all did some mending & crocheting

Mar 12th / Celia brought me a cup of tea & I dressed had breakfast a Granose Perc took Viv & Kath to Station for City then he came back & went to Berts Cel & I home just did general work to help Viv remained at Beatrices the night we had a long talk on our own nice too

13 March ) Friday I help wash up & made all the beds & washed & got Yvonne ready for Gawler got a cup of Tea & Perc, Cel, Yvonne & myself went & met Viv there I did a bit of shopping & stayed at Eva’s & they came for Cel & I had a cup of tea I had my Cake & Cel a Roll lovely cool day

14 March ) Vera’s 20 Birthday I hurried & almost finished washing up rode out with Perc & set to & packed Papers for War the childrens Bars that kept me busy all day had a lovely Tub bath wrote to Olive & retired washed out things

15 March ) I had usual Cup tea & went for milk & to get Chester got a terrible Disappointment as Flo had a Hen sitting in the Sulky & I could not have it I had to cook some Pots & Beans & fry Bacon wash up & put on Quinces to Stew make Custard wash the Sauspans & wrote to Tom Mt Gambier lovely & cool & like Rain tonight too

16 March ) I hurried & had my usual light Breakfast went for chester & fed him got a lot of things ready for Gawler arrived at 11 oclock first to Effies then the Post up & took Whinkers to Habels Did shopping & went to Phyllis & to Gwen Gwynne to North Gawler to Charls Frances & Dulcies where I had a cup of tea & she gave me some Butter & eggs & I bought some cake from her quite cold coming home but hot going in little Beverly is in Hospital Pneumonia

17 March / St Patricks Day I slept home at Berts as he & Flo went to School committee I Kept children home with me & I filled in my Paper to day I was busy cooked corn Beef Turnip carrots Potatoes Bean & pie for dinner went to Cel at night calling at School for Rons school Bag Vic Sands is home from abroad but in Camp in Pt Adelaide I did not see him the Exeter is lost & are afraid Jim Johnstone is on it & drown War is terrifying now

18 March ) I was up & put my horse in & drove home to Bert before Sunrise Just rose as I got on our sandhill called there & brought the Sulky up here & got my breakfast & put on tin to wash went back for milk & could not get any did washing cleaned part of harness washed both floors ironed & washed up everything host of Sauspans etc had some soup & my tea now a bath as Ive washed my head Ive done a lot of extras today

19 March ) Mavis Piggotts Birthday today nee Parham I awoke very early & dressed had breakfast my lamp light also cut sandwiches for lunch & went for chester put up Chaff & brought him up here fed him & dressed for Gawler arriving at 9 oclock time 8 proper called at Phyls having breakfast I had cup of Tea left Chester to get shod went to Mrs Ames to get my hair done & came out at 12/30 lunch at Phyls over to Eva’s back street & got my Whinkers & Sulky Whip holder mended called at Charls & Frances & no one home home back way very rough so very tired & back & legs bad arms aching so after tea I retired

20 March / Janets Birthday) I did not get up till 6/30 daylight time got a cup of tea & did bedroom went to Bert scalded milk & had an early dinner soaked my harness & then thoroughly cleaned it Whinkers & reins hand too bad to do more, swept & mop Oiled floor had such a terrible run after cows & a Bull he Jumped the fence & broke it down I had a sponge bath sent away my Photos of Soldier we had 28 years some of un

21st / Emma’s White )nee Parhams) Birthday as it was Sylvia’s Wedding I was very busy getting work done & I had to pack a case of clothes & food & it came out so hot I did not need Costume after all I had to go for milk etc I tidied bedroom & mopped over this room cleaned Shoes had Dinner & rested a wee while then we went for horse & put up chaff & got to Frances at 5 o’clock & took out my horse & fed him had tea & Eric Folland who was up he & Marj Motored us to the Church on their way to City. The Bride looked very pretty & dainty & so did Joan Krahe as Bridesmaid in Blue Georgette over Satin & Bride White over Satin lovely embroidered Veil very pretty seed Pearls across the forehead & Orange Buds Jance was flower girl in blue but spoilt it by being too young to do her part brother Charles gave her away Garth was best man. A very nice spread for 50 & enjoyed by us all in the Church Vestry we chatted to old Friends & I went to Frances to sleep Wilfred Motored us over we slept in Verandah lovely & cool Sylvia got a lot of nice presents all useful & a lot of Kitchen utensils. 3 lucky horseshoes one by Barry one by Joyleen  & one by little Hurst

March 22nd ) I was first up & fed & watered Chester went over to Charles & had a cup of Tea they were at Breakfast then I went over to Frances & had breakfast & helped clear & wash up & read the Bunyip Harry went to Church after Dinner I drove Frances & Lionel to Gwens & went back there & stayed all night & we slept out lovely & breezy

March 23rd ) As Gwen & I had fixed Chester in the big barn or Cow shed I got up & went to see if he was alright & set table Gwen made fire I fed Chester the jolly tap bursted & Gwen had to go for Lloyd Dawkins we left at 10/30 & went to Frances left Gw there to do her washing as she is out of Rain Water I went to Eva’s for 4 hours had lunch looked at Dress & presents & Daphne came with  me to Street & brought the crockery & Glass back to Crosbys I called at Frances for my Cases they were ironing & mangling

March 24th / I did not feel like washing so just did necessary work & after Dinner I thoroughly cleaned my set of Harness very hard work indeed but I persevered & finished at 6/30 looks nice I had a sponge bath & wrote in Diary I wrote to Abb this morn at 6 oclock

March 25./ Shirleys Birthday I got letters yesterday 23rd March from Olive by Harry weekend & Hazel from Meadows & Lillians whose was Delayed from Saturdsy in G.P.O. Up early & got fire & my tin on to wash got two boils done went for milk came back & finished at one o’clock got my dinner of cold, sandwich from crab Paste then Rice & Stewed apple washed up had a rest Ironed & Bert came to take Sulky Wheels off for repair & helped me put my harness together which I took to pieces yesterday to clean I fried Egg & Bacon for Tea

March 26th / I awoke with Lumbago & Sciatica in back & hip I could wi th difficulty dress & get a cup of tea it was awful but I persevered to Bert for Milk & back & tried to tidy round but found it very difficult I managed to cook some Vegetables & fry Bacon for my Dinner I wrote to Maria, Lillian, & Olive & washed & ironed some articles & put up some Flannel for Billie I did all I could but in great pain mended stockings lovely weather

27 March ) Up at 5/30 & did some writing I wrote 4 letters in all two per favour 5 P.O to Lillian & Maria, & to Frances & Olive Flo took them to Frances & Flannel & Books for Olive. Flo is taking the children to City tomorrow & Hazel is meeting her in afternoon I swept & washed this floor mopped Bedroom fried chops Onions & Tomatoes mended some stocking got some Kindling boughs from Scrub my hip much better but Im stiff & other limbs painful hot sunny day

28th March / I felt sick & had been restless all night so I took Dr Tobins remedy & afterwards was so ill I could not even go for milk till midday & then I was done & laid down & had a sleep till ¼ to 3 then I had a cup of Tea the first for Day I did my Grapes I dried & a lot of mending swept & washed floor by mop Flo went to City & took the children before sunrise quite Dark Bert went grading at Herbs

Sunday 29th / Clocks back an hour today I was rather weak on waking but after tidying I had to cook my dinner roast lamb & potatoes Turnips & Green I been writing Bert & Ron out horseback riding looking for Rams who strayed very windy & dusty today The children had a good time at Zoo yesterday came up to see me this morning

31 March Tuesday ) So different now the clocks are put back an hour I got up before sunrise but its a lot later now Bert been doing up fences all day I had a cup of Tea & made up my butter I got cream from Berts now off to Gawler with Flo home saw Myrt & Eva R. Charl I did not feel well so laid down & read paper went to Berts swept & tidied rooms nice cool weather we are rationed a lot now

30th March Monday I wrote wrong but I hurried & got my horse brought him up harnessed & took him back for Sulky hindered me a lot went to Charles for collar call at Frances & Gwen for a Rooster for Bert home helped Mrs Humphrys with her cows by Mitchells came on had lunch at Bert home made cakes etc

Wensday 1st April Quite a showery morning but only very light I got up ¼ to 6 & wrote to Celia G.R. sent it by Kathleen to school per Clair had a cup of coffee & toast felt anyhow went for Milk & started washing did extras & finished one o’clock but felt so unwell I could only go slow I ironed & cut out some garments to send away lovely night full Moon

April 2nd Still not feeling up to the Mark but persevered & had a cup of tea then went for Milk came back & I had previously put on Meat Did the Beans & Potatoe had my hot meal at 10/30 washed up swept & tidied Flo went to Gawler Military came by in two transport Lorrys & two on Motor Bikes I dont Know how they got over Sandhill I went to Berts at 4 for my Goods Very Dusty windy & showery only light rain

Good Friday April 3rd Dear Uncles Birthday 86 yrs usual in all ways at 10/30 am went to Celia’s Perc went to Berts Laurel to Gawler & Viv we stayed home Baby played up all afternoon Celia had a treat Babys teeth trouble her a cold change with showers Perc & Claire away were Perc chaffcutting  at Berts

April 4th Celia asked  me to stay for the day as Laurel went to Hospital & all except Yvonne went to Carnival I kept Baby home & have another treat all day Celia cooking I was mending they had a very blusterous day & rain at intervals 3 Persons got hurt in steer riding I heard one seriously they were late home but they had to do different things Celia milked or helped I helped with Ivy

April 5th / All up at 7 oclock I was up before & put chester in and had cup of tea & drove home Sandhill way took him out & came here washed floors & the tapped bursted so had to go for Bert he was not successful still leaking but they are gone to Celia’s Vic come from Hospital today 8 hours  had to go back at 4 & then Siss came back with her Bert stopped the Tap alright can’t use it

April 6 Easter Monday but not a holiday I got up early & did washing & ironing today went ot Berts twice capsized my tin of water made more work Celia & Siss came just as I finished ironing & housework & Cel went to Berts I had a chat to Siss got afternoon Tea & they stayed till six o’clock nice cool weather

April 7th Our Dear Dads Birthday born 1847 also little Pamela’s 1 year old after all usual Duties Flo & myself went to Gawler arriving at 11 ock I called on Eva who’s terribly worried. I saw Myrtle & Vernon Perc Cel & Maria also Harry going to Dry Creek looks ill I felt so ill I could not walk as out I was cold all the time never took my Coat & its a bit rainy tonight not so cold Bert went into the Sale & Art Judd was there in Jinker cart Petrol restrictions now

April 8th / Had a restless night & felt very unwell but dressed at 20 to 6 & had breakfast churned a small lot Butter went for milk Flo Jam making Melon & Pineapple beautiful Day frosty morning I washed white Linen for Gwen & had lovely water so did my big Blanket & Rug but could not wring it however I got it on line with difficulty got it dry shelter in my washstand swept mopped it & this room ironed mended & started the Cellar but could not keep on very unsatisfactory day to me

April 9th ) H. G. Follands Birthday he is at Crosbys this year. I did my usual duties & drove to Celias found Perc ill in bed & Celia making Soap & then she did a big wash I had a cup of tea with them & we had dinner at 3 o’clock Ethel & Ron came Celia did not finish all till five o’clock I stayed the night was mending etc hotter weather

April 10th I am still far from strong I came home early before Sunrise I left & I did my rooms & got my meal & mptied a pillow & could not find the Case so put in Bolster found some things Id lost

went to Gawler in Buggy No Bert went as Ron was unwell

April 11th / I tidied both rooms then I set to & did out Cellar Kathleen helped me a few hours I was dead beat took me all day & now Im not finished had a lovely hot bath & went to bed but was restless all night very hot sun & sultry

April 12 // Berts Birthday I got up with the Sun lit fire churned my Butter was very soft had cup of tea & did some washing (Altho its Sunday) till dinner time I fried leg chops & boiled Turnips & top and Potatoes I had previously stewed Quinces so made Blanc Mange had dinner big washup & it was 3 oclock fairly hot again

April 13th / I intended going to Gwenda’s so I did my necessary work & went to get Flo witness Tea Ration Card got chaff fed Chester harness him & arrived at Gwends’s at 11 o’clock I peeled & prepared Peaches Potatoes Beans I put through cutter washed Breakfast Dishes Eric Lucas was there to Dinner goes back to Warradale tonight I washed all Dinner things & Sauspans Gwenda has her right hand & up to elbow in plaster Paris but is wonderful & wiped all things served dinner very energetic indeed I called on Frances helped her fold Sheets & started at 5/15 for home I was only 40 minutes coming home & been busy ever since I got here

14 April ) I did not got to Gawler Flo got my things & I washed ironed & did some extras I also burnt a lot of the Garden & as I can’ t get fire to burn put on copper outside & boiled a lot of Bag to stuff up the Ceiling I was awfully busy & my wrist gave out I could scarcely move it & I had to rake up all the Grass very heavy work for the aged then I had a hot bath & went to bed after I had tea very tired indeed lovely day cooler now

15th / April ) My clock was Daylight time & I was up had breakfast & went for chester & the Sun rose as I cot chaff for him then I fed him & put went to Gawler arrived at 9 o’clock did shopping & call at Charls & Frances but she was at Dulcie’s so called there & on home had dinner fed Chester put him in again & went to Cels & than after seeing Perc who is very ill I went to Wilfs walked over River for night Effie & little Darrel was there & Lance home on last leave and he took Effie home nice weather

April 16th ) Our dear Parents Wedding Day Anniversary a.d.1874 I was up at Sunrise & got dress & did spare room & had fried chops for Breakfast on to Celia’s & got my pony & Sulky & home here swept & tided also burnt some more Grass stewed some Peaches got my meals been putting away things which I got in Gawler

April 17th ) Friday Gawler Day Flo went I stayed home Did washing for self I also went for milk tidied rooms & extra work burnt some garden grass & Bert came & burnt Straw left by that awful windy Wensday I lit up & baked Scones Biscuit 3 ovens full & jam tart washed up all & ironed

Sat 18 / I got letter from Con yesterday today Harry came for meat &  brought one from Lily Olive & Celia also that Celia was at Stone Hill waiting me to come for her, how I tried to do everything rooms lamp & to get food ready & I met her at 3/30 we drove here Cel was in Adelaide to see Kath. Laurel ironing Viv expecting Tom home any hour lovely weather

Sunday 19th April 1942 I got up & got a cup of Tea Ce in bed then went to Bert & milked a little can new Milk for our Cereal Breakfast after that Ce went for a few hours to Uncle Berts & I swept rooms & washed up made bed went for Chester fed him & got our Lunch Lettice Olive sent me something lovely cleared away & at 3 I harness Pony & drove her to Stone Hill to see Celia & Perc is a bit better today I drove home arrived near five got some wood had tea watered Plants got a cold myself now

Chronicle  Easy Plum Pudding 22 Jan 1942

Take one cup each of Raisins & one of Sultanas (or currants & 1½ Cups Plain Flour, 2 oz Lemon Peel. One teaspoon 1 Teaspoon mixed Spice ¾ cup Sugar. 1 Teaspoon Carb Soda 1 Teaspoon Butter. Mix all Dry together but the Soda & Butter & this put Soda in a cup of Boiling Water & the Butter also in another Cup Boiling Water. Mix together & Stir into dry ingredients. Tie in a wet cloth & let hang all night then boil 4 hours having plenty Boiling water & plenty room in Sauspan or boiler add more as it boils away Serve with Creme or Sweet Sauce or Custard to suit taste.

A Good tip when boiling Kitchen tea towels is to add a dessert spoon Vinegar. Tea from Wheat wash the Wheat & dry it. Then Sprinkle with Sugar sparingly also pinch Salt, Bake in Oven till Brown Wheat after making the tea can be used for Fowls or other poultry

Rice Water 3 oz Rice wash 3 times (preferably in running water) put in clean Sauspan & Quart Water little salt 1oz Raisins Boil ½ hour gently Strain Drink when cold For Invalids instead of Raisins add tablespoon Raspberry or other essence & sugar to taste

A useful mixture that will clean & remove most stains from clothes, carpets, & leather etc is made by dissolving 1 lump of Ammonia 1/4oz Salt Petre 1 1/8 oz shredded Soap in one pint Boiling Water Let mixture get cold Garunteed to keep stored

White Spots of Polished table can be removed by heating a Flat Iron  & holding it above the Mark a two minutes take care that it does not touch Table then polish with equal parts Linseed Oil & Vinegar rub vigorously with a soft Flannel or an old silk duster is good) a clean one & Polish it

Vinegar Cake

½ lb Butter

1& ½ cups sugar

3 cups Flour

1 lb Dates

1 cup Raisins

2 Eggs

 2 tablespoons Vinegar

1 teaspoon C.B. Soda

1 cup milk

essence & Peel to taste

Mix in the ordinary way

Beat soda in the milk

Bake one hour


Sago Fruit Pudding

2 cups Bread Crumbs

1 cup Sugar

2 cups Fruits

4 tablespoon melted Butter

½ cup Sago soaked overnight

in sufficient milk to cover

2 teaspoon C.B.Soda dissolved in Boiling Water

Mix all ingredients together

& then add Butter & lastly Soda in Boiling Water

Steam 3 ½ hours

24/1 42 F. R. A.

April 21st I was up early & got breakfast churned my Butter & went for milk then scalded it on  arrived home & tidied & got ready for Gawler per Flo1 at 10/20. I did some shopping got Books changed & we left again at about 12/30 got home here 1/30 & I got lunch & felt awfully weary so rested on hour & Laurel & Baby Yvonne2 came for chaff & called to me so had a chat been busy sorting Groceries

1 Flo
2 Celia Laurel Ivy Dawe & Baby Yvonne. This suggests the diary is after 1939, when Celia married.

April 22nd Had thunder & lightning last night cool day no rain I went to Bert3 & he was going to Gawler so I had to come back & get lash for my Wheels which are being tired I tidied up dressed myself after getting chaff & putting Chester in I arrived at Stone Hill at 12 & helped Cel4 get dinner Perc5 up & about both Laurel & Viv & Tom6 in Adelaide Baby home with Cel & Claire7 home to help her the Girls came home Viv at 6 ock Laurel at 7/30 we read Paper & chatted I mended stockings

Brother Bert. Then Sister Celia and her husband Percy. Their daughter Laurel is out with her sister Vivienne Bartlett Joy Dawe, and someone called Tom. The baby would be Yvonne. Claire is the daughter of Laurel's sister Amy Marion, who was born in 1934.  Since she is coming to help, she must be at least 8.

April 23rd Percy's Birthday yesterday. I got up about 1/4 to 7 & fed & watered Chester Laurel & Cel milk Separated fed their fowls pigs etc I made my bed & helped with dishes & waited for Mail but got a disappointment as no letter for me so I suppose I'll stay home I was going to Olives tomorrow. I drove home at 11 ock & at once took Sulky back & came here fried leg chops boiled Beans Pots had dinner & been tidying up & getting & chopping wood looks like rain tonight

April 24 Gawler Day usual work in every way & I did extra boiled a Dr Bay Feather to disinfect them for a pillow Stewed Quinces & made Blanc Mange fried a chop no cold today I always go to Berts & today I went twice & rode up with Flo did housework I cleaned all my silver after tea Wensday night & did also cabinet I wrote to Olive I put Bags in the holes over fireplace today. 

April 25th Anzac Day & I awoke early & had my Dawn Service all alone & watched the sun rise I always see it rise usual duties went to Flo's & cooked leg chop Turnips Pots Beans Custard & Stewed Quinces Laurel Ivy & Claire came out Vern was at Berts also Harry Chaffcutting very hot & sultry all day I tidied & I cleaned Mirrors yesterday but I'm not well cough Tom & Vivienne went to Renmark today he has leave now. 

April 26 The Anniversary of the Opening of our old Ward's Belt Church a.d.1874 but now it s all gone only Cemetery left I felt very weary but got up before Sunrise & got breakfast & churned Butter I was ill yesterday so I did not do amy floors so washed both this morning & several odd jobs did my lamp & helped my brother put Wheels on my Sulky which I had repaired got new collar for Chester or a second hand one repaired I had cold dinner Bert Flo & children had Chester & went visiting it is very rainy & sultry

April 27 Jocelyns Birthday & Elvie Kents Mt Gambier Well I was not up till seven as its been very wet all Night with thunder & lightning I would not rest all night but have had a busy day I went for milk & cream scrubbed my Sulky Box had it out all night in rain lit up camp oven baked Scones & Biscuits pasty cakes Jam Tart had to get my wood chopped then I did washing Sheets pillow cases (3) nighty Flannel 2 aprons 3 towels 2 Bags its 4 oclock I emptied a large Flock Pillow & got Feathers dry for pillow Im very tired I got a lot wash up now ironed all my clothes & washed a lot more things & very big wash up dust etc

28 April Up early was terribly frightened last night so was glad to get up lit fires had breakfast & scrubbed a big box hung out Tea towels & Bags & washed my grey coat went for milk & scalded it now ready for Gawler we got in there at 11 & home 1/4 to 2 I got my lunch put things away went for Chester drove to Celia's arrived at 5 ock

29th April As Harry & Laurel had to go to Gawler I decided to stay the day with Celia she kept Baby home & she was very tiresome I thought of coming after they got home but it was like a storm which developed into a real Thunder Storm it poured rain & Lightning very bad Band of Hope only Harry went I knitted & looked at snaps & read paper & retired 10 o'clock

April 30th I felt rather off color but I persevered & did necessary work at 10 o'clock Flo & I drove to Gawler I went to Phyls on to P.O. & fixed up things at Station back to Dinner & down here by 2 o'clock Train very hot & steamy & I was real tired Olive & Celia both home Olive did her cooking & we had a cup of tea & chatted Celia expects to return to Whyalla next week. 

May 2nd As Olive was going with Jim to Adelaide I got up & had my breakfast & they went nine o'clock Train I helped with dishes Celia did all the other work I washed quite a lot of articles for Olive but felt so bad I could scarcely stand up & my throat is very painful I really don't know what to do but suppose I'll go back to Gawler tomorrow if Audrey comes It has rained heavily today Olive & Friend [?] came home in it

May 3rd Uncle Charlie Heaths Birthday if living & Walters Sunday but all got up in good time & had

[still transcribing]***



June 19th I was up early as I intended gong to Berts & F.B.A was going to Moonta Ron & Kath stayed with me till after dinner I cleaned my Cabinet very thoroughly Kath helping me & packed my bedclothes to sleep home in Ks room I went down & got tea & washed up & helped all I could as he has cows Kath helps milk Ron gets his wood in & Bert & I talked all evening

June 20th /
I got up & fried Sausages for Breakfast then they milked & I did all beds & washed up then I went home & the children came dinner time & we did some gardening moved pot Plants came back & got tea for Bert

June 21st /
I lit fire & boiled milk for Rice Bubbles Sausages for Bert then I did beds & Kath & Bert cows & animals then she swept floors for me I cooked leg chops Cauliflower, Pumpkin, Potatoes hoted Apple Pie washed up went home back got lunch for Bert & made up Butter got tea washed up K wiped nice weather rather cloudy light showers wet under foot & high grass

June 22
Bert lit fire & I got breakfast children did not go to school & Vernon came chaffcutting Kath milked 2 cows Ron 1 Bert 3 & they did outdoor I baked lovely Scones Buttermilk also slide drop cakes have lunch & I cooked Pumpkin Pots, & we had dinner I went up to Cottage & my knee is agony I have lot washing up & made beds bathed Ron Had one myself & Kathleen before Tea Bert & I chatted he listened in to Wireless I retired

June 23 /
Up by lamp light I had previously cleaned School shoes last night I got Bacon & Eggs fried & did Kathleens hair & Bert packed dinner I made beds swept Kathleens room washed up filled Kettles & I came home here & washed by dinner time Bert went in for Flo who could not get a train till ¼ to 4 from Salisbury & she got in at 1/30 so they were late home last evening & my Horse ate my Bread from Basket on fence I was annoyed too

June 24 ) I only had a cup of tea & got my pony & went for children & drove them to school & then went to Ethels had a pleasant time & dinner & lunch then called for Kiddies again tonight had my tea made bed & had chopped wood fed Chester before acraf Sunny but cold wind Jim Oldridge Drown in Queensland

25 June Thursday As the weather was fine I decided on Gawler so got a good start & got there safely did Grocery Shopping & then I got Chesters removed Shoes at Cullens then I went to Frances Hazel was home had cup Tea & got home good time with letter & trinkets for Kathie from Great G. M. Matters I got in wood had tea soon retired Wilfreds Birthday

26 June Friday ) I took children to Stone Hill & they went to school I went to Celia’s & saw little Ian* he is a dear wee mite home at 11/30 cooked cauliflower potatoes fried Steak by 12/30 had dinner chopped wood made Soup did all necessary swept room etc mended all evening very cold indeed lot rain too

*This is Ian Dawe, son of Kathleen Joy Dawe, who was raised by Celia (his grandmother).

28th June Sunday Wrong Sunday As I felt very tired out I rested till 8 ock then got a cup of tea & went to Berts for milk & cream came home & cooked a lovely dinner toast leg Mutton Pots & Pumpkin & boiled cauliflower swedes made Plain Suet Pudding & had it ready at 12 o’ck washed up & swept room & read Split Stumps lovely fire but lonely

June 27 Saturday I’ve missed but Saturday usual in every way cold wind Viv & Tom & Perc came to Berts V & G came here & I was busy cleaning up & cooked soup for Dinner they went to Flo he pruned Vines I was not too well hip & Knee back all very bad I have to split the stumps & make a nice fire like rain

Mon 29 June
The weather is very windy up early & washed but terribly windy squally rain all day till 2 o’clock then Drying Flo had heaps of wash Tom & Rose out & went home and the bitter cold & Rain I got a nice fire & made a pair Benbow Curtains hang in close for Blinds up real late sewing also mended as I always do

30 June I did not intend going to Gawler as I wanted to shift my big Safe & make a dresser of it on my Kitchen table so after I had been to Berts with order for Flo to Gawler I set to & got my dinner Fried Bacon Potatoes Cauliflower Swede Suet Pudding by 11 oclock very nice then I was all the afternoon doing safe & felt done had a bath & read a while Im very tired & cough very bad its rained a lot last night









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