1935 (April 1st - April 29, May 9 - May 30, June 19 - July 5, November 30 - December 11)

Fanny turns 60 this year. She seems to be living near Bert, who is recently widowed, and has Laurel and Marion staying with him to care for the two children. I'm thinking that Fanny must be doing the cooking, as she's still doing a lot of cooking, but she often goes to visit her sisters in Gawler and her niece Olive. 

April 1st 1935
I intended keeping a proper diary this year & started same but lost my Book & not its 4 months old. I came to Gawler on Friday March 20 Did shopping and stayed at Frances1 the night ready for Adelaide on Saturday very hot & muggy but Saturday a change for it was raining I got the 20 to 8 train Audrey2 helped me to the Station. On reaching the City it was raining I went first to Barlows for Shoes3 then to South Terrace & got my Car to Glenelg Jetty had a Sea breeze went to Eva where Mrs Jim Tancock & her son George4 came to dinner We went down the Sea Wall & to the Spoils at night. Sunday Sunday March 31st Charlie5 motored to Magill leaving me at Norwood Ivy was in bed Uncle & I got dinner & afterwards we got a Bus to Toms6 stayed to Tea & home at nine. Slept at Norwood.
1 Mary Ann Frances Folland nee Atyeo, one of Fanny’s sisters.
2 Audrey Frances Hobart, a niece, aged 10, the youngest daughter of Fanny's recently deceased sister Amy. When Amy died, her children were sent to different Aunts to live, apart from the eldest, Olive, who married. Audrey is living with Frances. 
3 Barlow's shoe store is still in Adelaide! 
5 Charles Baker, husband of Eva (or it could be her son Charles?)
6 Probably cousin Ivy Elizabeth Sandercock (nee Easton), her father Thomas Easton, and brother Cousin Thomas Easton,
Monday April 1st I helped Uncle & at 1/4 to 12 went to City did shopping very heavy luggage & home by 4/45 no one to meet me so I walked to Gawler leaving heavy luggage at Lorna Whenmans7 (Station) got a lift with the man from Crosbys8 to Willaston stayed at Frances again 
7 Lorna Whenman. I think this is Lorna Florence Whinnen, aged 22, who lived in Gawler at the time.
8 Crosby's is a department store in Gawler. Still there on the main street!

April 2nd Bert9 called for me dinner time & I came out here with a very heavy cold I had previously been down Street & over for my luggage with Cord finer day but water in Cellar & up to door everywhere
9 Albert Joseph Atyeo, Fanny’s brother, aged 46, he runs the old family farm Charltonville in Ward's Belt; recently widowed. It seems Fanny has come to help. 
April 3rd I cannot write each day separately so will just quote notes on Wensday I felt so ill my chest & throat & feverish cold so Dr myself & just did all needful work & mending

Thursday 4th April As I had a lot of articles dirty I lit up Copper (feeling better in myself) & did a big wash as well as cook meat & Vegetables pudding for Dinner then I washed floors & was real done washed my head folded all & went to bed at 8 30

Friday April 5th Not near as well but had to do my work & ironed & went with Bert to Gawler home late & Lillian10 had 8 cows milked & animals all fed
10 Nieces Lillian Edna Hobart, aged 14.

Saturday 6 April Same round work baked Biscuits & cakes & Quinces went to Dance at night at Loos but felt any how late home to bed

Sunday April 7 Very unwell but cooked dinner & Beryl11 came after I had a rest & I went with her to Cemetery as it was Dad's Birthday12 & Bert gave me flower & I placed them on graves.
11 Beriel (Beryl) Jean Heath Ratcliff, Eva's daughter, aged 17.
12 Henry Atyeo, died in 1927.

Monday 8 I did work work but did not wash & Effie13 came for morning lunch & slept at Berts I washed out a few things & fixed bed in back bedroom but did not have a mattress to sleep on.
13 Effie Verina Atyeo (19), a niece. Daughter of Fanny's brother Wilf.

Tuesday After duties done Bert Effie & I went to Gawler I bought flocks & other Shopping did not go any where to stop called at Frances & home late as usual

Wensday April 10 I just felt very unwell but set to & took my double mattress out & then unripped it washed & ironed it made a new one picked & filled it & made double bed when Celia came with bad news which greatly distressed me14 however I got lunch & then I picked pink flocks & made single flock bed for myself & slept in it at night
14 Celia May Dawe nee Atyeo (Fanny’s sister). I wonder what the bad news was? 

Thursday Pension Day & I went to Gawler after duties were through in house & called at Olive's who was also very cut up15 I spent a while there came home & did my work & retired early. 
15 Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (Sims) (Eldest child of Fanny's youngest sister Amy, Olive is 22, married and has a daughter)

April 12 Bert's Birthday & after all duties I went for milk & milked a cow & helped Marion nursed Baby16 too we went to Gawler & I went to Olives for night I nursed baby17 & helped her
16 Marion is neice Amy Marion Dawe, daughter of Celia, aged 23; the baby is her daughter Claire Dawe, born June 13th last year.
17 This baby is Olive's first daughter Jocelyn Florence Sims (my aunt!).

April 13th I dressed Baby made bed washed a big wash for Baby Olive went to Dr & then I roasted meat made Broth Lillian came at 11 ock I came home here cooked Soup for my meal Bitter cold & all like rain & its Berts evening at Loos

April 14th Usual duties till Dinner time & then Bert & Lillian came & we all went to Celia's till about 10 p.m. Bert took Ronnie to Mrs Greens18 & Rose & Ethel19 came for Tea so had a long talk I was so stirred could not enjoy myself New Minister at Gawler River20 cold rainy day & I could not go Cemetery with flowers
18 Ronnie would be Bert's son Ronald Albert Atyeo, a toddler. Mrs Greens is a nursing home in Gawler, so I guess he is sick.
19 Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Worden nee Parham, daughter of Ada; she is variously called Ethel and Gwen. Not sure who Rose is.
20 The new minister at Gawler River was Reverend Daniel Thomas Reddin.

Monday 15 April As I did not do usual wash last week cold too bad I lit up stove & had brk & then the Copper & did quite a big wash which kept me running as it was so showery & that cold however got all dry ironed & on beds & cooked dinner at & washed bedroom floor & passage beat carpet &c

Tuesday April 16 I went to Gawler after morning work was done & to Olives who is so poorly I got new Sheets for both single beds quite busy I got home about 5 & hurried round to do work get wood feed fowls & put away my things

Wensday April 17th My clock went mad & gained an hour so I was up a few minutes after four & made all 4 sheets before sunrise & had brkft then lit up & washed all put up new lines cooked hot dinner & made beds ironed all & was tired

Saturday 13 April Much same work & in the evening the Loos Dance gave Bert a Birthday Evening & presented him with a shaving set about 80 or more there & all had a good time but I felt very miserable indeed

Thursday April 18th Gawler day I aired off sheets had brk &c drove to Gawler & to Olives came home early met Bert Lillian & Mais & baby going in so I was late up & I felt any how but did work

Good Friday April 19th 1935 I worked all day cleaned rooms washed pictures windows floors & besides usual work & cooking my food & I was looking for a Frilled pillow Sham & turned out everything.
April 20th I was expecting Cousin Louie & May22 but neither came I had all prepared & cooked scones cakes pie & Tart roast Mutton & Vegetables busy all day
22  Cousin Louisa Emily Waters (nee Arbon) and an unknown May.
April 21st Bert still in bed Celia out to attend to him & stays tonight also I did usual work & went to Cemetery & met Mary & Clarice & husbands & children23. I expected them to call but they never came so I read a book & went to see Bert while all the rest went for Celia again in evening 

April 22nd As it was Easter Monday I did not wash & damp rainy day but Celia washed for Mais I went down & lent a hand in afternoon & she came back with me I cleaned all Knobs & cutlery got all done now nicely & Celia & I chatted.

April 23rd Still very unpromising but washed & folded & ironed & cooked dinner too Cel came to Berts but I never saw her as she went home dinner time Bert got up very shaky still but galling round

April 24th I was up early & did work & went to Bert to get Shaft mended he & I managed it alright. I went to Gawler got new Blinds for windows took my Thermos & dinner & went to Olives

April 25 Anzac Day & I hurried round & did all usual duties fried Sausages & cooked potatoes Turnips & slide Farmers Biscuits Celia & Ethel came & we went to Cemetery & done up graves called at Eva's24 had cup Tea & home
24 Probably Eva Alica Atyeo (nee McLeod), wife of Fanny's brother Charl.

April 26 Friday Gawler Day I made Butter did usual Duties & went with Mais & Bert to Gawler I went to Olives & she was so poorly had 2 teeth out Babys cough bad I walked to Street went to Dr for nerve Tonic & to cousin Ollies25 rather late home & I read after tea could not sleep

April 27th Little Jocelyns Birthday cooler today hot & muggy all night a few light Showers I been cooking Saus rolls & pastry stew Quinces Braised Steak & Vegetables swept & made beds limbs aching.

April 28th Sunday all morning duties & got my horse & put him in & went to Celias taking lunch with me very showery & cold Loos Anniversary but none of us went Laurel26 was home I left at 4 ock after a cup Tea as Percy27 had been out minding Cows & had late dinner came home did evening work had bad head so retired early to rest.
27 Percy Thomas Dawe, Celia's husband.

April 29 A Squally morning & at 10/30 I left for Gawler it rained & I got my coat wet but it dried on me again went to Olives & Street & to Frances where I had to sop an hour out of rain it poured Mr Evan Gwynne27 died yesterday buried at Willaston today at 3/30pm. I saw Gwen's28 beautiful box of Cutlery just lovely
28 Evan Gwynne, Willaston local. Obituary here.
29 Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Wordern nee Parham, daughter of Ada; she is variously called Ethel and Gwen, and was married a month ago. 

[pages missing]

May 9th I felt awful with a cold in my head nose runing all day I did baking roast leg Mutton pots Parsnips boil Cab & swedes ironed in afternoon & washed dining room floor I also baked cake & pastry but felt very poorly

May 10th All usual duties over I mended & then went to Gawler with Bert & Mais she went to Olives did not get done St till 3 o'clock I was fair sick of it too as it was sundown when we got home Lillian had all milked.

May 11th I was greatly upset & could not rest well & got up early blked stove & fireplace went for milk & stewed Quinces & all lot of wood in looks like rain now

May 12th As I was very lonely I decided after usual work to drive to France for Mothers Day just got there & she was at Presbyterian Church the Girl Guides & Brownies were all there in uniform I called at Olives & back to dinner at Frances & stayed the night & chatted to her. 

Monday May 13 Had to go Street first then home & did usual duties but did not wash left Franc & Harry30 at Tubs I did some work for her also in a.m.
30 Harry Gilbert Folland, Frances' Husband.*

Tues 14 May I felt poorly so only did necessary work then I took mending after dinner & spent afternoon with Mais she was baking cakes & ironing came home had Tea nothing particular doing. 

May 15 Such a cold day but nothing daunted I hurried round & got Bob in Trap & went to Celia's she & Perc were making a fowl house all day so I remained all night up till late talking looked like rain & so cold & windy too.

I awoke early May 16 & got ready for home arrived about 8 o'clock lit up & washed not too good a day but I persevered & got all dry & ironed & aired. 

May 17th Gawler Day usual duties & went with the Charltonville contingent & got sick of the waiting too but they won't hurry home sundown Lillian had all cows milked herself so up earlier

May 18th Saturday is always cooking day after Gawler & I blackleaded stove in early morn & did usual work all day & went to Loos Dance at night quite a lot there Cel & Family also rainy.

May 19th I did usual work & rode along to Celia's with Bert & Lillian & he took Ronnie to Gwen's with them Mais & Claire were also home we got home here before 10 o'clock for a wander at night

May 20 Did not wash as I intended going to Gawler so got up at five & had breakfast went for Bob & put him in & got to Frances at 8/30 Audrey & her were at Bfast so I washed up & helped them & we got home here before dinner Frances & Audrey for a break till tomorrow we had lunch & I cooked dinner at 5 ock Eva came & went home late all alone. 

May 21st We did not get up early & Audrey & I had to go to SandHill for Bob Marion drove her home & I lit copper & did a big wash & fell & hurt my Knee badly but kept on till done

I have missed out Monday's work Franc was at the Tubs when I got there & could not come till Tuesday which was the 21 May & she went home Wens May 22

Thursday May 23 As Lillian went to Olives on Tuesday I got to sleep at Berts till she comes home I brought home her dirty clothes & washed them ironed some also Knee so bad went to Cels for evening & I could hardly walk real done. So late home 1 o'ck & I was so tired too & cold.

Friday 24 Gawler & I had to go Pension Day so went in Car & did my bit shopping Daphne31 came home we were crushed too terribly Beatrice32 also came I cooked my tea & ironed & went down to sleep at Berts could hardly walk
31 Daphne Lilian Louisa Ratcliff (aged 15), cousin Eva's daughter.
32 Ethel Beatrice Atyeo Dawe (aged 12), Celia's youngest daughter.*

25 Saturday As they were all going away I decided on going to Frances did my work & had my bath went for Bob & got my chaff & got in Willaston Sundown went to Olives & see Jocelyn who got Whooping Cough is so fretful stayed at Frances the night Hazel came home & we chatted away the evening Harry & Frances took Ron home to Clifs33 & were very late home. 
33 Ron Atyeo now staying at the home of nephew George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland, Frances' eldest son, aged 30.

May 26 Late up & had the luxury of a cup of Tea in bed we each did a portion of home duties saw Charl & Eva & Family34 in new winter attire. In afternoon Frances & I went to Cemetery & met Eva there came home & I went with Eva to Nt Gawler where we had tea & went to Scotch Church & Mrs Woodheads Memorial Service35 & it was very nice

34 Fanny's brother Charles William Henry Atyeo, his wife Eva Alice, and their daughters, Coral Eva Atyeo (24), Gwendoline Ettie Atyeo (21), and Marjorie Winnifred Atyeo (10). 

35  Mrs Margaret Woodhead. Her obituary is here.

May 27 I had breakfast at Eva's & then went & got my Glasses mended & on to Olives to lunch & cooked chops &c for dinner while she made a Coat for Lillian then folded clothes came home here & did my own work Lillian came for night cold & like rain

May 28th I did not get up early my Knee very bad & we cooked inner & tidied but not much work other than making beds &c going for milk they are at a Dance.

May 29th Same work each day cold & like rain I decided to start covering my eider down but had very poor success at it too worried to set my mind on anything I kept on & did other work in between Bert & Con36 are busy in Ratcliffs37 paddock seeding Ollie Lodge & Bert King38 fencing & carting wood have put down all wood near Dam
36 Con? Don't know who this is. Could be Conrad Roediger? But I am guessing.
37 Ratcliff's paddock would be the land belonging to William Ratcliff, who is married to Fanny's cousin Eva.

May 30th After going for milk & doing usual work I finished the eider down not satisfactory however will do it has been a rainy blow & showers today I cooked dinner as is my custom always Claire is trying to say anything & everything one tells her. Mr & Mrs Laurie Belton have another baby girl38 also Mrs Clive Hogben nee Vonda Lucas39.
38 Richard Lawrence Hartley Belton, his wife Ethel Hutchinson, their baby girl.
39 Vonda Mavis Eileen Lucas (Hogben) had a son Brian Clive Hogben.
19 June Oh dear I did have a treat to get my fowls I got up at 5/30 & tidied round & had breakfast wen tof Bob & put him in Buggy Lillian came up & tried to catch the Roosters but couldn't so I drove over for Ollie Lodge who helped & I left at 10 o'clock & took Celia & Ronnie with me to Ethel's via Clariges we had dinner & looked at Garden & Photos & left for Celia's place at 4 o'clock had tea & mended & talked till 11/30.  

June 20 I did not rise early I stayed to Brkf came home & took Bob out & fed animals swept room made Soup stewed Quinces & been sewing chopped wood & it rained beautifully must retire Lillian been in bed a long time very cold indeed.

June 21 I had to go to Gawler so got morning work done & left at 11 o'clock Bob in the Buggy went straight to the P.O. yesterday coldest day for 4 years also butter cold today & fairly windy too I did shopping & got back to Olives at 2/30 stayed an hour on to my sisters & got my Boots which Mr Keith40 soled & heeled for me while I waited at Olives had to hurry round when I got here as it was dusk Bert go this Wireless today. 

June 22 I just worked all day went for milk cooked soup potatoes Swedes, Turnips, & marrow. Swept all rooms scrubbed cupboard got wood fowls started laying Wensday 3 of them so I let Oliver Lodge have them today he had Bob to Willaston It just poured Rain last night so wet today. 

June 23rd Prince of Wales Birthday & Marions today so we are to go to Celia's to tea tonight cold but sunny also Claires Birthday last Wensday & Alberts June 1st41 all having tea together Ive been dying & sorting things not too well.

June 24 We have had a record rain for the season so wet coming home & Rex & Ethel42 who had to go to Angle Vale got very wet Alb drove them also Laurel & Bernice went home Monday morning also got wet (am reporting later been away) Lillian drove me to Frances where I stayed till Saturday roads very wet indeed we had Dulcie's43 place to go to first & had dinner there then on Hazel44 came home to sleep & Gwen came home at night & we had a good talk to 1 o'ck I cooked roast Shoulder pots Turnips Carrots milk pudding. 
42  Lancelot Rex Worden, Ethel's husband. 
43 Dulcie Beryl Payne (nee Cork), sister of Fanny's sister-in-law Myrtle. 
44 Hazel Jane Folland, one of Frances daughters, aged 24.

June 25 I did not wash I had Rheumatism bad Audrey not well so home with me in the afternoon we went to Olives she was washing & I help fold very cold we came back & did our evening work Phyl43 came home a while & I visted Eva a lot
43 Phyllis May Folland, another of Frances' daughters, aged 25.

June 26 Wensday Phyllis coming home so hurried very cold & got all tidied & Phyl done indoors rooms wash Kitchen & cooked pie & pasties Veg & Vermacella pudding I go in to Eva several times for a chat & the girls come home at intervals Coral came for evening wrote to Moonta

June 27 cold As Phyl stayed home I got Brk & got letter Audrey off to school & put new fur Collar on Hazels coat & mended underpants & did all necessary duties. 

June 28 Usual got Audrey to school & fed fowls go tin wood did Audrey's room breakfast room Kitchen made beds etc cooked veg & pie from left over went Street & could not come to Pine Crest to Loaded so I had tea with Hazel & she went Street to bring Audrey from Dr Kains44 where she went from Brownies practice I retired

June 29 All usual work & started to roast round Beef potatoes & got Veg Cauliflower & Turnips etc ready made beds cleaned proper & Ollie & Bert King came for me I came home & made Audrey pyjamas & did my work.

June 30 A solitary Sunday I had Brk & went for milk then I did bedroom & sitting room boiled mutton Turnip Swedes Carrots & Quince pudding gathered Eggs & fed animals. 

Went to Loos Dance last night saw Ethel & Glad44 & Celia's girls a good lot there & it Kept fine
44 Probably Gladys Eva Parham, aged 15.

July 1st As I left several things at Frances on Saturday I decided to drive in & get them but first I finished off a pair of Pyjamas for little Audrey at 12 ock I started for Willaston she was washing & I had lunch there on to Gawler & got groceries home & hurried round & did my work cold

July 2nd We had a very heavy day & so windy but drying I used my Tins as the wood is damp & I can cook in Stove at same time I boiled mutton pota's

Continued July 2nd Also other root vegetables & a Quince Pudding scrubbed my table & Br Board & cleared things copped wood & got a fire & ironed thoroughly knocked out had a good wash & warm & retired 9/30.

July 3 I intended going to Celia's so did morning duties & went for Bob & the Buggy which was at Bert as they Lillian & Mais went to Gawler yesterday I brought up Chaff & fed Dolly & Foals for Charlie they paddock here now. It was a bitter cold morning & when I got to Earls it was so Black & before I got to Celia it Hailed & I got so wet but only my wraps I cut out & partly made Harrys pants but left parcel there in my haste to get home being late I cut wood & made fire. 

July 4 Have had a restless night of pain in my Knee & all day I can hardly walk fried Sausages & Vegetables & made little Joycelyn a Petticoat & swept rooms split a lot of wood got eggs fed fowls & made fire will have a wash & tidy & got tea now Bert finished seeding yesterday sowing now for feed.

July 5 Gawler Day Friday After morning duties I got ready but Car was out of order so did not get to Gawler till near one o'clock & Bert did not get in Street till nearly 4 I was dead beat went Frances had tea & home read a little very cold but fine. Did not see Olive. Mr Harry Pope45 died last month.
45 Henry Pope, died June 12, aged 78.

Nov 30 Saturday Went to Berts the Stallion very bad I lit up baked slide rocks & Ginger cake. Waterfall pudding Corn Beef Carrots & Swedes Stewed Apricots & B Mange had bath washed clothes did dining room wash floors real done Poultry take time watering & feeding getting eggs etc sold my red Rooster. 

December 1st Sunday but I felt too Knocked out to go to Frances Lillian is gone I got a bad left arm & the day is so windy & hot my limbs are very bad

Tues 2nd I did not intend washing as Celia was coming I did morning duties wen to milk they got here to lunch & Celia & I shifted round in front room & shifted safe in Store room South as its much cooler for summer Kathie46 took Claire to Berts for afternoon. 
46 Kathleen Joyce Dawe, one of Celia's girls.

Dec 3rd Same duties & made Butter did washing & ironing baked milk loaf pastry puffed Rice stewed apricots fried chops & was just going to bed & Albert came & said the stallion was dead so Bert, Alf, Con went up to Hamley Bridge to Mr Sawyers47 & they came for me to go to their place & sleep my back was awful. 

Dec 4 Came home early & got breakfast fed animals packed for Ethels & went to get Bob found him very bad so had to stay home I was awfully upset by Lillian over the dear children Bert Con went away to bury the Horse got home at 3 o'ck wen tot work on Bruces. 

Dec 5 Thurs A very hot day & I had to go to Gawler & get my Teeth wen to Cousin Ollies had lunch did shopping on to Olives & she was not home nor was Frances saw Coral & I got a letter from Uncle Tom48 coming tomorrow so came home I reported wrong Frances & Hazel was home. 

48 Uncle Thomas Easton.
Dec 6 Terribly hot but I Had to go to Gawler & meet Uncle at midday train Nt Gawler. I did not know how to bear the heat going in I arrived at 12 & had to wait till 5 to 1 so went Street back & met him down Street again on to Eva's to Olives & Frances & Charls got Home at 5 o'clock all duties but head dreadful. 

Dec 7 Hot again but more wind I did morning duties & then I baked cake Sea pie & Veg Uncle reading I was so busy Frances made her Xmas Cake on Dec 5th Thursday I got dinner washed up & cleaned Knives etc Knobs filled lamps had bath & we went to bed early as we were both knocked out. 

Dec 8 Another awful hot day wind like fire Uncle very hot so we did not go out till evening went to Kings for a while the house was dreadful hot for sleeping I could not sleep I stewed Fruit Blancmange Bert & Family went to Celia's I did not write any letters. 

Dec 9 Much cooler nice breeze so all people washing I did morning Duties & then Uncle went for Bob & we went to Ethels she had finished washing had lunch & dinner there came on to Celia had afternoon Tea home & had Cocoa Supper very hot indoors dreadful close. 

Dec 10th Sun hotter cool breeze we did usual work Uncle got the horse in & we went to Gawler met Celia & Perc went to Sale 8th Street Gawler South H Rowe Celia bought Trinkets Uncle went to see Mr Power49 I did shopping

Dec 11 Beautiful cool change quite chilly got on coat Uncle is gone to Celias & I'm all alone again 9/30 pm. I braised chops cabbage Potatoes & Bread & Butter Custard.

[end of book]


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