July 1936 - June 1937

These pages include Fanny staying with her Aunt Harriet Heath (Paterson) then staying with Harriet's son Bert and his wife Dorrie and their family, at a station called Nurnoo in Warrendale; this should not be confused with the town of Nurnoo, which is on York Peninsula. Then Fanny returns home to normal life at Gawler River.

July 4 Saurday 

August 31st Monday 1936 Expecting to go to Cobera for a holiday so was very busy indeed I hurried to get fire & cup of Tea fed animals & then I put on boiler to wash all sheets pillow cases etc went for things at Berts took my pot plants down for Flo1 to look after ironed & finished packng had refreshments then made a Bag for trinkets till midnight could not sleep well too excited. 
1 Albert Joseph Atyeo (Fanny’s brother), his wife Florence Beatrice Pomeroy

Sep 1st All haste to get a cup tea & do any work I felt necessary had Dinner at Berts & got ready & came to Gawler did a lot of Shopping got new Shoes (Blk) went to Phyllis2 who is home with her Dad while her Mum is at Coobowie with Auntie Eva & Charles & Harry go over by car for a week & bring them home. 

2 Phyllis May Folland, niece, aged 26. Her father is Harry Gilbert Folland, and mother is Mary Ann Frances Folland nee Atyeo. Auntie Eva is Eva Alica Atyeo (nee McLeod), wife of Fanny's brother Charles William Henry Atyeo.

Sept 2nd Dav Haydon3 killed at Cummons Crossing by East West Express yesterday 5/30 P.M. very sad indeed. I got up at 5 o'clock & started at 6 for Clif4 to get luggage took train at 6/30 on arrival at Adelaide Carl5 helped me with luggage had pleasant journey but cold till I got to Borrika then warmer got out at Cobera no one there so Post Master rang Bert6 Alawoona & he came for me arrived safely received at hearty welcome lunch & tea & retired tired but happy all got cold & itch complaint

3 David Lloyd Haydon, aged 45, of Kangaroo Flat. Newspaper article
4 George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland, nephew, son of Frances. 
5 Carl. Could be anyone really, but clearly someone she knows.  
6 Albert (Bert) George Paterson (son of Auntie Harriet, and husband of Dorrie). 

Sep 3rd A cup of tea in bed at 6/30 dressed had breakfast & just helped in any way so tired today but chatting. Charlie & Alex Ross Tom & John Pearson7 came for evening but I retired & rested well all night

7 Grandsons of Aunt Harriet, Charles David Ross, aged 26 and Alexander James Ross, aged 16, with Tom and John Pearson (no information on them or their family is available) 

Sept 4 I shall only make a note of doings as one day is like another to me here. Siss has a cold & all the rest have  a terrible irritation just awful Alex8 has a lot to do to carry out his treatment but is improving steadilly all are busy getting ready for their trip tomorrow to City. I help generally

8 Siss is cousin Maria Anna Paterson, Aunt Harriet Paterson's eldest daughter, aged 62. Alex is cousin Charles Alexander (Alex) Paterson, Aunt Harriet Paterson's eldest surviving son, aged 56. 

Sept 4 continued All buzy Jean9 brought us in a cup of Tea & we all got up & helped them to get the 10/50 train Billie motored them there &  Siss went to Alawoona I stayed home I got mixed Siss did go to Alawoona on Sept 4 & I stayed home & helped & talked to Auntie9

9 Jessie Jean Paterson May, granddaughter of Aunt Harriet, aged 15. Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), sister of Fanny's mother, aged 80. 

Sept Sunday 6 Same as weekday only lot here Mrs & Mr Hughes Mr Gordon Koster & Shirley10 came from Hays for holidays I helped & then read & rested  

10 Mrs & Mr Hughes, William Gordon Koster and his daughter Shirley Elizabeth Koster, aged 12, born in College Park. 

Sept 7 Memory Oh Memory how oft I dwell on happier days gone bye, With the recollections oft call forth a tear or sigh. Siss not able to wash so we each do a portion Auntie her chicks & cooking made a large Coffee Cake Melon pie cooked roast leg mutton roast potatoes & Vegetables I prepared them for her change from Spring weather to Winter today & showery not much rain only light 4 points Bert comes out to Kill I wrote to Bert & Flo last Thursday potted Friday very cold today I shiver. Wind so keen. 

8 Sept Almost the same in every way the weather included Siss washed & ironed Alex shirt as he goes to the City tomorrow he & she rested afternoon cold very troublesome

9 Sept Siss felt better so she washed & I did our room which I share with her prepare all Veg & a lot at that 2 extra men to dinner which Auntie prepared roast dinner I hung out help rinse & did my own

10 Sept Celias 56 Birthday11 this Shirley Koster did not get up till after nine then I made bed & tidied the dining room her & Vera12 gone horseback riding again Siss & Auntie busy me working at the pen

11 Celia May Dawe nee Atyeo (one of Fanny’s sisters).
12 Elvera Joyce Paterson, niece of Aunt Harriet, aged 14. 

11 Sept) Up early & helped in the usual way & Maria & Charlie Ross took Shirley Koster to 10/40 Train I had a sponge bath dressed for Alawoona we had dinner & cleared away & Started at 2/30 when about 4 miles from the Town the Tyre went Flat & then the man fixed it & it went Bung so someone came & helped & we reached the Station at sundown I stopped here at Warrendale Siss & driver went home late I talked to Dorrie13 till 11 o’clock & then I retired cold weather here now

13 Dorothy Eva Paterson, nee Whiting.

12 Sept / a most perfect Spring Day for the last of the Adelaide Show I got letter from Olive14 I tried to assist in various way but both big girls are home & help I felt very crook all day

14 Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (Sims), Eldest child of Fanny's youngest sister Amy.

13 Sept / A most awful windy & quite a hot day dust in Doors never went out all day too windy Bert15 & boys went to Slaughter house at Nurnoo & home to hot Tea I read a book not a nice one atall went with Dorrie for cow

15Albert (Bert) George Paterson (son of Auntie Harriet, and husband of Dorrie). It seems unlikely that Nurnoo is the station near Bute on the York Peninsula. This is a bit of a mystery.

14 Sept ) A much better day & Dorrie & Vera washing I been hanging out & assisting Mary16 in housework coming out Midday nice & fine now & clothes are drying well I posted to Olive we did a lot of ironing & I retired early to bed

16 Mary Olive Paterson, Dorrie and Bert's eldest daughter, aged 15.

Sp 15 ) A very cold day blusterous & some nice rain I did more ironing & mended coat & finished my apron

Sp 16 / A lovely morning but cold went for a stroll round Alawoona took Snaps & I alway do room I occupy very cold wind indeed children back at school yesterday

17 Sept / One day much the same as another here I help & alter dresses for Auntie & silk Blouse I always do spare room I share with Siss help wash & in any way Bert & I came home to afternoon tea at Nurnoo yesterday

18 Sept
Same duties then off to Alawoona stayed at Dorrie’s Siss to Street shopping. Mr Huxley17 Motored us to Alawoona & we got home to Tea had a cup at Dorrie’s in Afty

17 Mr Huxley; don't know any more about him.

19 Sept /
Same work & helped do all cutlery altered a Blk Moracain Dress for Auntie & wrote to Gawler also windy but Sunny too

20 Sept/
Siss Birthday & she went to Church alone I did not want to go too must go to cup Tea 10/30 I wrote letters Siss went to a friend for a chat did not get home till 2/30 also Alex Ross Charlie & Herbert18 had late Dinner I had a sleep in afternoon as I felt tired & weary.

18 Herbert is probably Herbert William May, aged 15, a cousin of Alex and Charlie.

Mon Sept 21st A lovely day Siss & Jean washed Alex & I also Auntie went to Alawoona & spent a while with Dorrie came home to Dinner & Maria ironed afterwards. I altered frock for Auntie on Saturday Jean pressed it. 

Tues Sep 22nd Could not go to Loxton today so I packed most of my things for home & generally assisted Girls ironing Auntie & I mended stockings Alex at Harness making each day throat improved

Wen Sept 23rd
Jean brought in our usual Tea at 6 a.m. & ask me if I would go to Loxton so I said Yes & helped in various ways & we had Car trouble did not leave till 12 o’clock & only in there 2 ½ hours home by sundown finished packing & got all ready for tomorrow

Th Sept 24th Good bye to Nurnoo after breakfast & I made bed & swept room where Siss & I slept & I took Photos of Shearers etc got train at 10/40 for Tailem Bend reached there at 1/30 Win19 met me & then Charlie & I went by Car to their home had Dinner & Eva & Ken & Joy also Ruby & Shirley20 came for afternoon Tea then we had tea & looked at Photos & Win & friends went to Dance extremely cold, coldest for 20 years

19 Win; married to Charlie? No idea who this is. Could be a Winifred? Too young to be Marjorie Winifred Atyeo (daughter of Charlie - she would only have been 10 which is too young to be going to a dance?)
20 Eva, Ken, Joy, Ruby, Shirley. I cannot work out who these people are either. 

Sept 25 / Up had breakfast & got 6/10 train to City got there 10 o’clock had lunch on Kiosk at Elder park & got Midday to Nt. Gawler went to Olives for night after being at Mrs Jenkins21 to cup of Tea & look at Rockeries, birds, fish etc & fancy work

21 Mrs Jenkins.

Sept 26/ Olive woke me with Billie & Joy21 both up so early I helped her all morning but felt very done out I really did not know how to clear away & wash dinner dishes but persevered & let Olive Lillian & Jim & babies22 go to Show I strolled down at 3 o’clock & look in building & sat & watched Ring events. Met Wilf22 who offered me a ride to Eva’s23 & to Daphne’s24 Wedding in Cong Manse & after at Eva’s to reception about 60 there Daph in pure white, Veil Orange blossom Syl25 in Blue nice spread & Charlie26 motored me home to Olives also Harry Frances, Clif Iris, French Dulcie & Wilf27 & family were there Harry & Lance Drove home from Show, other at 12p.m.

19 William George Sims, infant (my Dad!) and Jocelyn Florence Sims, toddler, Olive's two children (so far). 
20 Olive's sister Lillian Edna Hobart, and Olive's husband James Sims
21 Fanny's brother Wilfred George Heath Atyeo.
22 Cousin Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath), cousin. 
23 Daphne Lilian Louisa Ratcliff (aged 17), cousin Eva's daughter.
24 Daphne's sister Sylvia Phyllis Ratcliffe (aged 16).
25 Fanny's brother Charles William Henry Atyeo.
26 Fanny's sister Mary Ann Frances Folland nee Atyeo, her husband Harry Gilbert Folland, her son George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland, his wife Iris Adelaide Folland nee Thompson, his brother Charles French Folland, French's wife Dulcie Pearl Barker. Wilf's family is Myrtle Hilda Atyeo nee Cork, Effie Verina Atyeo, Henry Thorold Atyeo, Mavis Hilda Atyeo, Wilfred Lance Atyeo, Vernon Murray Atyeo.

Sept 27 / Oh dear I was tired & we all slept till 8 o’clock had breakfast & dinner a rest & Jim & Olive & children went to Eva’s I went to Folandia only Gwen27 home as I helped her & then went back to Olives to bed they came home much later tired.

27 Follandia! Ha! That's where the Follands live! Gwenda Evelyn Folland is one of Frances' (Franc's) daughters.

Sep 28 / Olive did not wash so Jim went to wrk & we did work & chatted I mended a bit & in afternoon I went to Frances I could not go to old Colonish gathering too Knocked out had a talk to Franc helped iron & went to bed 12/30

Sep 29 / Flo & Bert came & left K & R28 with us back to afternoon Tea & home here & soon went to bed in a very dusty house but I could not Keep up longer

28 Albert Joseph Atyeo (Fanny’s brother), his wife Florence Beatrice Pomeroy, and their children Kathleen Dawn Atyeo and Ronald Albert Atyeo.

Sep 30) I just did what I could & rested I felt so ill during the night over done my self I Know We went to Centenary Celebrations in Murray street all very nice Kath Dawe29 went too & Bert Motored her home & home here at 11 30 oclock & to bed but bad all night & very shaky in morning. The young Danced & skate in Street

29 Kathleen Joyce Dawe, one of Celia's girls, aged 15.

Oct 1st Showery morning for Two Wells Show & it Kept on all day but very light indeed I tried to do a bit gardening but I can’t do it so I had a rest in afternoon cooked Dinner for self Lillian & I chatted & retired before nine to rest

Oct 2nd Bert ask me to go to Gawler but I was too tired so I set to & washed for 2 or 3 hours & went for milk & now must go & iron I wrote to both Sarah30 & Maria while in Willaston so they know Im home

30 Sarah?

Oct 3. Great Centenary Carnival today at Gawler Bert & Flo did not intend going so Lillian & I drove Mick to Frances & I got a ride with Charl & Eva & girls & watched the procession which was good Taylors first Prize Boat fully rigged & employees all sailors in uniform flags flying Browns as Spring 2nd all Green& Heliotrope Coopps Gipsies & many others & Decorated Bikes & Cars very pretty indeed I liked the old time Coach & Barossa Gold Diggers very well indeed I saw a lot I knew & we left at 6 ock for home Audrey31 also I had to walk from the Oval to Olives & felt very tired & wanted a cup of Tea so soon got one on arrival at home

31 Olive's youngest sister, Audrey Frances Hobart.

Oct 4th / Ronnies 3rd Birthday & I got an invitation to High tea I tried to do what work I could but felt awfully done out so rested & went to Tea & Mr & Mrs Green Eric & Nell & Sylvia32 were there also. Flo made a nice Birthday Cake & others. They are went to Gawler to take Audrey home

32 Ron Atyeo (Bert's son's) birthday. Mr & Mrs Green would be Bert's late wife Freda's parents (Edwin Henry Green, Martha Northcote Susan Alice Green nee Matters), their son Eric Edwin Green, his wife Ellen Oriole Green nee Goss, and their daughter Sylvia Janet Green (aged 4).

Oct 5 / I felt better so hurried & put on Tin to wash had cup of Tea & Cake then finished all & had cold dinner I washed both Princess Slips both black & Navy dresses both cardigans & usual at about 2/30 I took ill Colic & for 16 hours I got no ease I lay down got up & took all I knew for it went to bed but was in terrible pain & at 4 o’clock I felt worse but went to sleep & woke better but weak

Oct 6th Very flat indeed I could not do much till evening when I ironed & tidied round But felt very crook indeed Flo & Con33 went to Gawler Bert to Haydons Sale I rested a lot & tried to sit a hen

33 Con seems to be working on the property and living with the family. Possibly a Conrad?

Oct 7th / Our Dear Amys Birthday but she has passed on34. I felt better & did morning duties made Beef Steak Pudding & King Pudding Just had dinner & Cel Kath & Claire35 came so hurried & got them some & had dessert with them & a talk she went to Flo’s & I chopped a lot of wood & got it in cleaned Kitchen did any other work & went to Bert to shift Tamarisk for Flo I watered other flowers which she has looked after for me

34 Fan's beloved youngest sister Amy Florence Atyeo (my great-grandmother) died in 1933. 

35 Claire Dawe, Celia's granddaughter. 

Oct 8 / I felt very poorly indeed I did usual work & sat the hen went for milk & had lunch home & made beds cooked Marrow Swedes potatoes fried Bacon Bread & Butter Custard. Bert & Con are working at the River & Flo Lillian & children also down there picking pea’s a lovely cool change & nice shower but want more rain

Oct 9 / I went for milk & did morning work had dinner I also packed 12 dozen Eggs I was busy & Bert did not come till 2 ock we got to Gawler I got presents for the Brides & Birthday gift for little Celia I went over to Eva’s they were baking for Wedding & she ask if I would stay in for tomorrow & cut sandwiches so Frances ask me to go there which I did we talked till late at night

Oct 10th/
Not as early Frances brought me in a cup Tea then I dressed & washed up & made bed had early dinner & got a ride with Charl to Eva’s & Daphne & I cut sandwiches I did a bit sewing I did not have my Costume so wore Black & silver Eva Blk & Red. Beryl looked nice36 also Effie they were married at Pastor Lawrie’s house 50 guests nice spread Charl gave her away Con came & I came home

36 This is the wedding of cousin Eva's daughter Beriel (Beryl) Jean Heath Ratcliff to Geoffrey Robert Davy, at the Church of Christ Manse (Mervyn Thomas Lawrie was the pastor). Charlie gave her away, as her father William Ratcliff died 10 years ago. 

Oct 11 /
Same Morning Duties & had to cook dinner had a rest wrote to Mrs Oliver & Eva Baker37 & we all went to Stone Hill Anniversary38 & to Celia’s to supper

37 Mrs Oliver, Eva Linda May Baker, the daughter of one of Fanny's cousins.

38 Stone Hill Chapel, now Gawler River Uniting Church.

Oct 12
/ I did not wash not well Neuritis & I did work & went to the Cemetery with Flowers in afternoon & did what I could to garden got my Coleus’ home now but the rest are over run with weeds as I can’t work at it now

Oct 13/ Gawler Day so I did all usual & we went at 2/30 & I lost my stick (found since went street met Wilf & Myrt & had a chat went to Carters saw Celia / Gordon Carter 4 years today39 I saw Mrs & George McLean40 in his invalid chair called at Olives & got my things fairly warm today

39 Not sure who Gordon Carter is.

40 George Albert William McLean, a distant relation, and his wife Hilda Sophie McLean (nee Rogers).*

Oct 14/ Eight Hours day Con went early to Picnic at Quindoo Park41 drove a trolly I was awfully crippled up could not half work baked a cake I did all front room & put down carpet after 8 o’clock so tired a most beautiful day perfect sunshine & cool breeze

41 Quindoo Park is a station near Roseworthy.

Oct 15/
Very wintry North wind so I had to shift my line & do some washing also my travelling rug I did not iron but I had to make nests for hens & I caught all 4 Roosters but Mr. Collins42 did not come for them I watered garden looks like a change.

42 Mr Collins.

Oct 16/ Gawler day but I did not go Bert & Lillian Cal43 & Con in Trolly got a letter from “Nurnoo” today I had to iron & do usual work tidy round but cant do half a nice day & there was a nice pony sold but Bert did not get it for me.

43 Cal, not sure who this is.

Oct 17/ Saturday but I was crook all day only did necessary work cooked Dinner went for milk could not bake too crook so rested Rheumatism very bad

Oct 18/
Up very early before the Alarm horses in wheat & we could not get them out. K did my work today cook dinner scrubbed safe C & Perc44 came for me in afternoon & had a cup of tea it rained I went home with them to Stone Hill

44 Percy Thomas Dawe, Celia's husband.

19 Oct ) As Celia & Perc were going to the City we all got up early & then they missed the train I did my bed Celia’s & Harry cooked potatoes pea’s & I did my Nighty altered it on Cels machine also made fires & cooked Tea for them at 8 o’clock we chatted till late
Marion has another daughter born Oct 11th (Joyce)45

45 Joyce Dawe, born October 11, 1936. She and her sister Claire were raised as sisters to Marion.   

20 Oct / Not as early Beatrice46 brought me in Tea & Celia fried breakfast I made mine & Harrys he & Perc drove me home here where I found plenty to do I went to Gawler with Flo & Bert 4 o’ck when I got in the Street & home here at Sundown I saw Olive & babies

46 Ethel Beatrice Atyeo Dawe (aged 13), Celia's youngest daughter.

Oct 21st Bad all day Rheumatism couldn’t work & got disheartened I cooked veg for dinner & I made a pinny for Jocelyn but no other real work nice day

Oct 22nd / I always rise in good time & got my fowls fed & sitting hens fed & watered a lot of steps for one I washed & baked cake scones Biscuits fried pots & onion for dinner watered plants scrubbed up & washed bedroom floor am real tired as its 8 o’clock & only just finished up fairly windy & like a change now Bert & G. Maggs47 put in Melons up here & hoed potatoes

47 George Arthur Maggs, William Ratcliff's nephew.

Oct 23rd Gawler Day But I am not going I got up 5/30 fed fowls & hen had forsaken her nest & was to come out Sunday I took up carpet washed dining room floor swept & dusted it got all done before 10 o’clock went for milk G. Maggs came to catch a rooster but we lost one & got another to send Frances. they are off to Gawler now lovely cool day

Oct 24 / Saturday I baked so did not have to bake Cake today however I lit stove & baked Melon Pie Raspberry Jam Tart scones etc cooked hot Dinner & did ordinary work Flo made Meat pies so I brought one home for my dinner

Oct 25 / Same work all the morning & wrote to Olive Lillian went in there for Sunday & I wrote to Maria & Jean & to Kapunda & read paper lovely day but I was lonely

Oct 26 / a Dreadful windy Dusty Day Flo & Lillian washed & ironed & put in new Furniture (Grey) they did it over & it looks nice I was busy all day repotted Coleus & did a bit to Garden but the wind was awful cut vinal

Oct 27 / All morning duties had lunch & went to Gawler with Bert went to Eva’s & saw Beryl’s home met Effie who told me Harry’s ear is very bad Marlene48 still in Hospital Merle Hatcher (Mrs Haydon) has a son born Oct 20th Hutchinson Hospital Gawler49

48 Marlene, not sure who this is yet, but Harry is Effie's brother Henry Thorold Atyeo.  
49 Merle Evelyn Hatcher, married to Ronald Leonard Haydon. I do not know the name of their son.

Oct 28 / Oh I have been busy after the drift sand cleaned rooms & did ordinary work prepared Greens & cooked potatoes Marrow fried chops & started to do garden tried to make a break to keep wind back very windy & lovely shower of rain I did not wash atall

Oct 29 / I went for milk & saw Kathie who has a swelled throat again came bake & made a steak sea pie & Vegetables washed up & rested a while then determined to finish my garden the wood fearful to chop up I grub them but it knocks me out properly & I hurt my leg my hen got 7 chicks home here & 6 at Berts the other hen

30 Oct ) Friday but I was not going to Gawler as Kathie was very poorly swelled throat & Glands so after all my morning work & lunch over I went to Bert’s stayed till Lillian had finished all her cows & evening work crocheted round my silk Petticoat came here fed animals got eggs etc

Oct 31st / I was exceptionally busy swept & dusted both rooms went in Kitchen & baked Scones, Biscuits, pie & tarts washed up tidied & went to a working Bee in the Cemetery & Ward’s Belt Charlie, Frances & Eva Ratcliffe came out Celia & Perc & family Bernice & Ethel & little Don also50.

50 Mary Ann Bernice Dawe, Celia's 2nd daughter, aged 24, Ethel Beatrice Atyeo Dawe (the youngest daughter, aged 13); not sure who little Don is. Does Bernice also have a child?

Nov 1st / A most beautiful Day & I went for Milk & did morning Duties & then went to Berts to get some snaps of the dear children & Bert & Flo also came back had dinner read & rested had tea got eggs fed fowls

Nov 2nd / Washing Day I had quite a lot too so did morning work lit up & washed Sheets & all linen & got them out before I had a meal except usual early cup Tea I cooked Dinner & folded did not iron too tired made beds etc & altered a dress to go away for a holiday in Adelaide

Nov 3rd / After all usual Duties I did ironing & packed ready for my trip but I did not go to Gawler sent by Flo I was very busy getting everything in order had my bath washed my head & got all packed & ready

Nov 4th I went to Bert to get Con to Motor me in to Gawler at 8 o’ck we got to Olives at 9 o’clock I got lunch & got the ¼ to 4 train did some shopping & went to Ivys51 also got eyes tested for new Glasses got to Norwood tea time (Uncle not well)52

51 Ivy Elizabeth Sandercock (nee Easton), a cousin. Uncle would be Uncle Thomas Easton, who is 81.

Nov 5th / As Will52 has to rest daytime Ivy suggested I go to Clara’s53 at Parkside early so I got there at nine o’clock helped Clara had lunch & rested & talked then had tea & sat out watching (Fireworks Guy Fawks) I read a little & then retired dreadful hot & heavy heat I felt it terribly

52 Ivy's husband William John Sandercock.  

53 Clara Pearl Anderson (nee Easton), Ivy's sister.

Nov 6 ) I was up early as watch stopped I was first nearly 2 hours before breakfast & I missed my cup of Tea had breakfast with them all Bob, Laurie, Max, & the school boys Ron & Bernie54 also Clara helped her till 10/30 then went to Adelaide & got Glasses & went to Prospect to Nellie’s55 got a very cordial welcome & stay till Sunday

54 Bob is Ivy's husband Robert Alfred Anderson. Their children, Laurence Robert Anderson (aged 24), Maxwell Thomas Anderson (aged 22), Ronald Oliver Anderson (aged 12), and Bernard Glen Anderson (aged 9). Their other son Allan Easton Anderson (aged 21 is not present; he was in military service, after having moved to Victoria).
55 Nellie is cousin Ellen Ann Dunn (nee Hand).

Nov 7 /
This is a real Holiday so quiet & peaceful & I just help where possible & read my Book Nellie up at five & baked Jam tarts, pies, Queen Buns, etc all very nice Ray & Edgeth56 making Cement Blocks for a drive nice flower Garden & Onions, peas, Beans. Mrs Cynthia Martin Aves (Rays betrothed) & Horace46 for evening making a hanging Blind in bedroom.

56 Nellie (Ellen Ann)'s husband Edgeth William George Dunn & son Raymond Edgeth Dunn.
57 Cynthia Martin Aves (I am not sure of her birthname), and I do not know who Horace is. Perhaps Mrs Aves' child from her previous marriage?

Nov 8th / Billie & Jean Mays Birthday I remember58. 15 years old. Ray was going to church & also Motoring me to Norwood so I got up & had a lovely bath Dressed had breakfast & went to Ivys. I went to McBrides59 Yesterday & saw Marion & Joyce Ray Motored me. After Dinner we went to Toms at Islington60 & back to Tea & listened to Pirie St Church* Service & at 9.30 retired to bed after an enjoyable time.

58 Aunty Fan is remembering twins Herbert William May and Jessie Jean Paterson May.
59 I do not know who the McBrides are.
60 Cousin Thomas Henry Easton.

Monday November 9th Up & had breakfast & helped Ivy do dishes & made bed in spare room & came to Adelaide early did shopping & got in wrong train a lady came & told & I got the Midday to Nth Gawler got Pension had Dinner went to Olives & at Frances to sleep at night Dear little Billie so unwell the dear

Nov 10th / Audrey brought me in Tea first thing I was up so dressed & did Audrey’s room & ironed after helping with dishes & went street with Eva & Gwennie heard important news saw Celia yesterday who got a White & Sulphur crested Cockatoo from Fred Higgins61 at Charls’ lovely birds

61 Probably Arthur Frederick Higgins, but could have belonged to his father Frederick Walter Higgins who died in April.

Nov 11th /
I was just about to have tea & Charl had to go to look for Doll the Pony last night so I rode home with him & Lillian came up this morning I took up carpet & swept both rms cooked Dinner so busy all day & felt fine & I did work

Nov 12th / Very bad in limbs as I was gardening yesterday but I did my own washing & swept both rooms & verandah at Back chop wood was real done could hardly get my tea for pain

Nov 13th / I really could not go to Gawler so Flo took eggs for me & will get things I did beds cooked rice pudding & scalded milk & potatoes & greens to fry cool change Perc came for me at 7/30 also Beat & Claire to stay while they go away I was real done but packed up & rode back to Celias

14 Nov ) Cel & Perc left early & went to Adelaide I got up & we had breakfast & washed up quite showery I made bed & Kath did hers Harry61 minding cows Bert & Cl doing poultry etc I boiled meat & potatoes Marrow Soup they were late home after nine I washed Harrys head had a bath myself Claire slept 3 hrs others had a bath C & P had tea & we talked till 8ock

61 This must be Wilf's son Henry Thorold Atyeo, given that Fanny is washing his head. He was also mentioned on the 19th, 20th, and 26th October.

15 Nov / Beatrice brought me a cup of Tea & also her mothers we dressed had breakfast still cold showery the girls & Harry went to Church Perc brought me home here I had to cook being away yesterday & felt tired & a cold made braun

16 Nov / Dear little Billies’s first Birthday I got him a enammeled Plate for it. I did not wash I baked cake Biscuits & cooked Dinner made a Plum Pudding & did housework

17 Nov / I intended going to Gawler so did ordinary work & car went wrong Con & myself went called at Eva’s & Olives but not to stop got home at 1/30 pm & as I had done nothing I had to hurry round best I could

18 Nov ) I posted letters yesterday to Ivy & Nellie, Prospect I decided on altering Green Tweed Skirt & bright Mauve frock it took all day as I was crook terrible cold & feverish I had to retire early & Lillian does not get here till so late

19 Nov / As I had Dirty clothes everywhere I washed & cooked Dinner made beds scrubbed up & did all I could I ironed all & pressed my white cold starch Hat & all dresses a coat etc fed & watered chicks got eggs chopped wood wrote a note to Celia & was late getting ready for bed

20 Nov / I did not go to Gawler I just went my hardest I swept all rooms well washed bedroom & Kitchen floors dusted made beds beat Carpet went to Berts also water my flowers each day I felt that knocked out I could hardly get around so I had a wee rest then blackleaded both stove & fireplace Kettle etc

Nov 21st / Coral & Fred62 are to be married tonight no spree whatever I hear. Are to live at Gawler West for the present. I did usual then I made a lovely Steak Pudding & a large King Pudding in case anyone comes in on me I baked Rock Buns bread & butter Custard swedes pots Greens went to Berts to sleep as Lillian is at Olives tonight boys away too

62 Coral Eva Atyeo, daughter of Fanny's brother Charles, is marrying Arthur Frederick Higgins. They were married at Coral's father's home; she is 25.

Nov 22 / Sunday but I got up at 6/30 came home & did my animals had a cup of Tea then I went to Berts for milk & made bed down there & watered fowls came back steamed pudding & made a sago pudding had Dinner must write to Dorrie Alawoona Well I did write to both Alawoona & Kapunda but not till Monday

Nov 23rd As I did not do any bed linen Thursday I lit up & did another wash today also started to do everyday frock & all other items of work I have to carry water for the fowls & packed Eggs ready for Gawler tomorrow made beds etc

Nov 24. I wrote to Gwen after going for milk had brkf & washed up churned a pat of Butter got Eggs & dressed for Gawler been ready an hour Bert, Flo, & I went & after shopping I walked to Olives & waited for them an hour had lunch there Olive & a young Girl Violet Brookes63 were washing Billie not well Jocelyn asleep home early & did my work in afternoon

63 Violet Brookes. Not sure who she is.

Nov 25 / Same morning work & cooked chops pork Sago pudding did housework & baked cakes fairly hot today & I water all in Garden & Coleus, I been sorting out Drawers cupboards Bert up here Harvesting & carting Hay Geo & Con Fowls laying well

Nov 26 / I spent along time Doing out Boxes today & sorting Rags cut up for cushions cooked puff Rice fried chops & onions & I have to churn a pat of Butter swept front rooms & dusted them busy all day

Nov 27./ A very busy day indeed I always go for milk & do usual work then swept all rooms cleaned out Kitchen & Cellar which was awful a very hot day indeed Blow Flys abominable like bees indoor had to keep door shut

Nov 28./ Saturday but I did not intend to Cake baking today I made Beef Steak Pudding (Basin) & Bread & Butter Custard pots, & swedes for dinner did usual work & this afternoon I altered petticoat & Navy serge dress into a Skirt Did evening work chopped wood watered garden Fowls I wrote to Dorrie Alawoona, Myrtle Kapunda, Monday Nov 23rd / Got letter from Nellie, Prospect. Eva Glenelg. On Friday Nov 27th / 1936 Wrote to Frances by Flo

Nov 29th / I wrote to Alex & Dorrie I could not go to Celia’s as she was away to Ethel with Eva Ratcliff who is on holiday there. I went for milk & came back did all my work put down carpet & cooked some prunes & other things had 11/30 Dinner cleared away locked up & lay down I read a good while & then I went to sleep when I got up at 3 o’ck I found cabbage & Onions left & at 7 when Con came he told Wilf & Myrt had been I felt like a good howl but couldn’t so disappointed

Nov 30 / Cooler & like thunder I hurried after morning duties Baked Scone Slide, Buns, Celia & Eva Ratcliff came & Claire & Kathleen But it was so Stormy they went home at 4 o’clock had dinner with me Eva is on holiday with Cel since Friday till Tuesday no. rain fell tho

Dec 1st / I was up very early & churned butter & did work Lilian came & told me to be ready at 8 oclock so I flew round & then they never came till ¼ to nine I stayed at Olives to breakfast which I took with me & on to Frances to dinner to Dulcie’s for afternoon & back to Frances to Tea quite cold & I had a bad head but chatted till late

Dec 2nd / I did Audreys room cleared table & I help Frances wash up & we did all work I & went to Phyllis* to dinner called to see Nellie Vinecombe (nee Window)64 from W A & on visit to her sister Emily (Mrs Wilcocks)65 we had afternoon Tea & got to Train to Nth Gawler called at Iris & walked to F.F. So awfully tired so retired early 10 o’ck Gwen for evening

64 Ellen Sarah Vinicombe nee Window (she is Fanny's age).

65 Mary Emily Willcocks nee Window. She had been married to Cornelius Keynes, who died in 1933. She remarried in 1935 to George Willcocks, twice widowed. His first wife was a cousin of Emily's. 

Dec 3rd / I just helped as usual Dulcies & Gwen went to Adelaide Frances kept Beth66 home. I went Street & on to Coral’s to Dinner & it was freezing even hailed so cold she made a fire & we sat by it & chatted till five ock I called at Eliza Ratcliffs that was (Mrs Freak)67 now she is ill & on to Cousin Eva’s for Night had hot Tea & I retired early fairly done out with cold & walking.

66 Beth. Don't know who this is. Gwen is one of Frances' daughters, which makes it seem like Beth is too, but that doesn't work. 

67 Eliza Jane Freak nee Ratcliff. She had been married to Richard James Panter who died in 1908, and remarried in 1912 to Job Freak, widowed.

Dec 4th / Never had any work to do so I chatted & looked at Beryls house & also at Daph & her presents Birdie came to dinner & we walked down street & I went to Gwen’s for an hour at St Neots Mrs Kamis was in the City so Gwen was looking after Micheal68

68 St Neots? Mrs Kamis? I think Michael must be a child of Mrs Kamis. There is no surname like this that I can find in the records. Could be Kalms? 

Dec 5 / Came home & today washed lovely day Ironed some too & had to see to things very busy till 8 o’clock fried chops new potatoes chopped wood got eggs & 100 other jobs watered poultry working hard all day ironing

Dec 6 / A Sunday at Home I wrote to Kapunda today & worked all day till near 3 oclock. Flo & Bert went to Celia’s afternoon Lillian went to spend Sunday at Arthur Hobarts with Celia69 I was home till 9/40 all alone read I & then went to bed. Cool

69 Arthur Samuel Hobart, Lillian and Celia Florence Hobart's Uncle.

Dec 7. Warming up & I felt awful so I took longer to do my work All morning Duties & then I finished Skirt all but band & did ironing packed 14 dozen Eggs as I was away Friday & Tuesday also fed chicks watered fowls got wood

Dec 8.
Churned Butter & had to do Con room swarms of Blow Flys, we Con & my self left for Gawler only in there about ½ an hour home before 11 o’ck & I got dinner for self Terribly hot stifling heat looked like a change but passed off. I got a letter from Mary today George70 in Hospital very Ill

70 This would be cousin Mary Ann Tancock (nee Arbon), and her husband George Henry Tancock,

Dec 9th / Flo had a fall or the gate fell on her I mean hurting her ankle & leg. I did usual then I stock took my jam cupboard & made some Gooseberry & Raspberry Jam & boiled milk the other over stewed cherries as a Custard & milk baked cakes & bread cleaned rooms chopped a lot of wood thoroughly done out

Dec 10 / Beautiful cool weather with come shavers so Pleasant I am going to Willaston to get my things today with Bert & Flo is going to the Dr its worse Im waiting I had to walk from Trots corner & carry the two heavy pictures for Coral & Olive I was real done called at Frances for my blk dress went to Olive’s & they came before I had my things packed I did hurry & had my work to do after I got home my word I did feel stiff & a bad head at that dreadful pain & all limb as well but I have to chop some wood & water fowls & feed them

11 Dec ) I did not go to Gawler Flo got my things lovely day so I did my washing late starting & did not get done till late & all other work besides & my wrists were terribly swollen I could with difficulty finish & cook my dinner Sea pie & Vegetables folded did not iron made beds etc

12 Dec / I did ordinary work in every way wrote to Celia, also Myrtle for George Maggs who is going up to take with him he & the Clarkes71 go tomorrow morning I braised Steak etc ironed & pressed Skirt & did any other work Perc came out for chaff

71 The Clarkes.

13 Dec ) Celia sent for me to come along with Bert & Flo so I did my work was up early 5/30 churned Butter got all done & at Celia’s to dinner. Bernice & Ethel & little Don came & Albert also he cut my Hair & stayed the night

14 Dec / Marion was up bathed Baby & busy washing at 7/30 also Celia, Kath hanging them on the line Holiday from School as King has left the Throne Perc drove out to Berts & I with him got my eggs & a cup of Tea did usual duties went for milk.

15 Dec Charls Birthday he & Fred came & got Corals for fowls I was washing & a lot at that as its so long since I wrote I cant report correctly so will have to conclude Flo went to Gawler with Con & got my things & on either Tuesday or Wensday I made my Xmas Pudding boiled it hours & quite knocked up my legs & ankles awful could hardly get my Tea A sad drowning accident to Kenneth & Stanley Hall late of Gawler River they were at Kangaroo Island their (Birth place) went with another man in a boat & it turned over & both were drowned their brother & sisters Father & Mother flew over to Funeral on Tuesday Dec 15th very sad indeed72

72 Kenneth and Stanley Hall* Here is the newspaper story.

I have been busy all the week till the 19th Dec I went to Gawler Pension day & went to Eva Ratcliff’s & only Beryl & Daphne were home E. R. down Street fairly hot I could not get hair Permed only just saw Olive a few minutes home & got evening work done

Dec 19 an awful humid heat all day Dreadful for horses to work & I could hardy breathe I washed all I had dirty & packed all I could

Sunday 20th Dec. I milked a cow Daph in the paddock & made a Blanc Mange stewed Prunes made fruit salad I worked all day churned up Butter & got all done ready to start tomorrow

Mon 21st Dec. Sad news poor cousin Lillias Porter73 died today but we did not Know till I heard it Xmas Eve Kapunda* am writing back its Xmas Day now Bert Motored to Gawler I went to Phyllis & on to Gwen Gwynne74 for Hair Wave back Street way to Evas to Corals to afternoon Tea & back to sleep at Eva’s chatted & it was nice cool day lovely after the heat

Dec 22nd Up had breakfast & Eva & Daph went to Phyls with me & got nine o’clock train to Kapunda & Lance met me after waiting about Street for a long time we arrive home here at ¼ to 12 agents here so had to wait dinner had a long talk & retired late

23rd Dec ) Late up at breakfast I did the room I occupy & helped in various ways & went to Kapunda after Dinner shopping & got Beryl Jones’ present an Eastern Biscuit Barrel very nice gift home had tea & talked again till late glorious weather here

24th Dec/ Same in every way & Myrtle cooked cakes etc pies & fried Liver etc for Dinner we went in Motor Xmas Eve but I had bad legs sat in car a lot & we heard of dear old Lillias death last Monday Dec 21st aged 51 years home & sat up to Supper & talk till ¼ past 12 head bad too.

Dec 25 Xmas Day only Wilfred Myrtle & 3 youngest boys myself & in afternoon Alex Mortimer came & stayed till 9/30 when we all retired & Alex went to his place & is to go to Gawler tomorrow morning 4 o’ck We had duck, beans, pots, cabbage & my usual Pudding I brought & Myrtle did all the Cakes herself

Dec 26 / Up earlier & we had breakfast & Myrtle put on Duck to roast I made bed etc helped wash up got wood & wrote to Frances & then they went by Motor to Beryls Wedding at 10 a.m. They left all three boys Went bag sewing with Lance so I got to cook the Duck & get meals beautiful day & head better but I have been sleepy.

Dec 27th Sunday I was first up lit fire they were tired after wedding I just assisted generally beautiful day after dinner had rest retired early could not sleep should have written letters too weak

Dec 28th / Myrtle did big wash I did a few & prepared vegetables & cooked them with apricot pie Wilf harvesting very hot sun got all dry folded & ironed retired at 10 pm. I wrote two long letters sister Celia & Marie Wilf finishing Harvesting

Dec 29 / Made bed & assisted then Lance & I went to Kapunda sent a Memorial Card to Brice came home had dinner & read paper had lunch & did a bit writing but it looks like thunder storm very sultry

Dec 30th Just same routine & dreadful hot muggy day & night I got letters & cards from relations on Tuesday Alex & Nellie Dunn, Lorna, Sarah & Charley. Very quiet I did my ironing & Myrt here

Dec 31st after morning duties Wilf & myself went to Kapunda Myrtle did all front rooms & cooked dinner I got camera fixed up I have only written to Celia Dawe & Lillian & Maria since I came


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