January 1 1924 - January 14 1924 (a single sheet of paper only, so far)

It’s 1924, Fanny Rosina is 48, and is living at the family farm at "Charltonville” Woods Road, Wards Belt, South Australia (Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt), with her father Henry Atyeo (Dad, age 75), brother Bert (48), and nephew Clem Parham (21). This is from scraps of paper, matched by dates. 


New Years Day
A picnic very busy packing up got there dinner time & men loading finished & had dinner & G. A, & family1 joined us C. P. & family2 Uncle3 Evas family home Bernice help milk & washed up cleared all & swept kitchen ready for morrow had roast fowl

1 Amy Florence Hobart nee Atyeo, Fanny’s youngest sister, her husband George Edmund Hobart and children: Olive Fanny Heath Hobart (aged 10), Celia Florence Hobart (aged 4), and Lillian Edna Hobart (aged 2).
2 Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo), another sister of Fanny’s, her husband Percy Thomas Dawe, and their daughters Amy Marion - known as Marion (aged 12), Mary Ann Bernice - known as Bernice and sometimes as Birdie (aged 9), Celia Laurel Ivy Dawe (aged 6) Vivienne Bartlett Joy Dawe (aged 4), Kathleen Joyce Dawe (aged 3), and Ethel Beatrice Atyeo Dawe (aged 2).
3 Uncle Charlie is Charles Heath, brother of Ma.
4 Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath), Fanny’s cousin, her husband William Ratcliffe, and their daughters Beriel Jean Heath Ratcliff (aged 7), Daphne Lillian Louisa Ratcliff (aged 5), and Sylvia Phyllis Ratcliff (aged 4).

Jan 2 )
Hurried & went to Gawler helped Amy mend & went street had a ride Mr Oliver5 down dinner at Frances6 & Mrs Schaefer7 to Amys home help milk etc 

5 Mr Oliver (no further information yet).
6 Mary Ann Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), a sister.
7 Mrs Schaefer (don't know who this is)

Jan 3rd
Same work made plum jam did all work Bird at Ada’s8 Dad9 to Gawler Boys10 both went to Gawler at night Daisy a calf

8 Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo), Fanny’s sister. 

9 Henry Atyeo, Fanny's Dad.

10 Likely to be Albert Joseph Atyeo, Fanny’s brother, aged 38 this year, and Clement Garfield Parham, Ada’s eldest son, aged 21.

Jan 4
decided to stay home roast mutton Potatoes Cabbage for dinner had to fry fish for Tea not much rest & Myrtle11 sent me the fish

11 Myrtle Hilda Atyeo (nee Cork), married to Fanny's youngest brother Wilf.

Jan 5
All work no help now men home stacking lunch twice a day & dinner apricot pie Sago Pudding pie next day Coral spent day here Effie Harry & Mavis12 also Myrtle went to Gawler as they with Ethel Wesley Alfred13 went Beach since N. G. French14 also came home last night at seven

12 Effie Verena Atyeo, aged 8, Henry Thorold Atyeo, aged 7, Mavis Hilda Atyeo, aged 5, children of Wilfred Atyeo and Myrtle Atyeo (nee Cork).

13 Ethel Gwendolynne Heath Parham, 20, Henry Wesley James Parham, aged 24, children of Ada & Jim Parham, and an unknown Alfred. Could be their brother Albert Parham?

14 N. G. French. Not sure who this is. Could be referring to nephew Charles French Folland.

Tuesday 6
Dad went to Gawler I had to get boys lunch & dinner I was ill all day but baked cakes pie & Marion came home help milk & fed calves

Jan 7
Ethel to help wash I got up at 5.15 cleaned copper lit it & fire wash 3 boils & got breakfa corn Beef carrots potatoes & pie help iron & washed my floor & got disheartened

Jan 8
all duties Marion all outdoor work with men cold Beef mashed potatoes & pudding & sauce up to Evas for 2 hours home & milked got Tea

Jan 9
Dad to Gawler I swept door ways Marion raked back door all outdoor fish Salmon mashed Potatoes bread & butter pudding & I baked cake washed Berts trousers & must mind Marion Dads room & boys I fried Liver & onions for Tea

Jan 10
Saturday Always so busy & had to roast Mutton Boil Ham & Beans such a big washup Marion very crusty Dad made her help me she did dining room I put down the mats I also made Rasp & Goosbery Jam so was very busy help milk cleared Tea had bath & retired very weary

Jan 11
I got breakfast & done all the bedrooms sealed down Jam washed up swept Kitchen had cold dinner leg Mutton Ham pineapple & custard washed up & rested & wrote to Aunt & Siss15 at Alawoona

15 This would be Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), since her son Charles Alexander lives at Alawoona in 1921 and Siss is Maria Anna Paterson, Harriet's eldest daughter, Fanny's cousin (her birthday in 1936 is on September 20th!), also unmarried, who helps the family.

Monday 12 )
Had Rheumatism awfully but had to do all the rooms & bake pie & tart & potatoes get lunches twice a day Hugh here to dinner Dad to Gawler I had to write notes to Ada & Amy

Tuesday Jan 13
Lorna16 came out with Dad last night so I got up at five & lit fire in Copper & Stove had a cup of Tea & then I went at Tubs & finished everything by up at ¼ to ten then came in & sent lunch out to men & prepared vegetables for Stew & made Tapioca Pudding Lorna was at housework all the time ironed in evening & all clothes

16 Lorna Frances Folland, daughter of sister Frances.

Jan 14
As I had decided on going to Willaston I did all customary work & got boys lunch & got ready for same & spent the afternoon at Amys

[end of sheet]


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