24 April - 14 August 1921 - Lower Light and Charltonville

Fanny is 44. These entries begin with Fanny staying at her cousin Albert George Paterson's home looking after his wife Dorothy (Dorrie) Eva Paterson nee Whiting, and her first child Mary Olive Paterson. Later she goes home to Charltonville at Gawler River.

April 24 ) We did not get up early near 8 o’clock & then I nursed Mary1 while Dorrie2 got her bath then I wiped dishes made bed & am writing letter to Celia3 In afternoon we went to Church Maria Auntie4 & I Mr Jew5 preached suitable for Anzac Day home had tea & Bert6 & Dorrie were at the Beach with others fishing they got over 20 dozen & I helped clean them about 7 dozen.

1 Mary Olive Paterson, born in January. 
2 Dorothy Eva Whiting, aged 20, Mary's mother.
3 Fanny's sister Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo).
4 Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), sister of Fanny's mother, and her eldest daughter Maria Anna Paterson.
5 Mr Jew; don't know any more about him.  
6 Cousin Albert George Paterson, aged 38, hastily married husband of Dorrie (they married in September 1920).

April 25 ) Washing day & they had started when I got up & Maria had fish fried for breakfast I made beds & did my own washing & went to get a basket of tomatoes caught my foot & fell heavily & hurt my arm came in & started folding clothes & felt so shaky almost fell so lied down. Harry Vic & children7 came & spent afternoon & evening too

7 Cousin Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson), her husband Henry Ross, and their 4 sons.

April 26 ) I do not get up till after seven & then I have breakfast & do our room & help with dishes then help with Veg or stew Quinces clear lunch after dinner & rest a while help with dishes they ironed & I did mine I put a pair of Busks in Stays & mended a meat bag for ham

April 27 ) Usual work & washed my stockings then I help in various ways & wrote letter to Charltonville8. Auntie & I got to Mallala at one & had dinner then Mrs Peter Ross8 came & they chatted I knitted sox & we had hot Tea & looked at photographs

7 Charltonville, Wards Belt, is where Fanny usually lives with her parents and her brother Bert. 
8 Jane Ross nee Merry, mother of Henry Ross.

April 28 ) We were late up & help with dishes had lunch & tidied bedroom & started to Lillias9 at Dublin we got lost & went to Long Plains & drove for 2 & ½ hours & did not get here till 1.30 so hot & my head ached fit to split we had dinner & I knitted till I got one sox done Brice10 is away so I stayed till Saturday with Lillias she played the Organ & we sang Nita11 went home with Auntie

9 Cousin Lillias May Porter (nee Paterson)
10 William Brice Porter, husband of Lillias.
11 Cousin Lillias' daughter Nita Irene Porter.

April 29th
) Colds are very bad up here I got an awful bad head. I do not know how to bear it. I just help Lill as various things made bed & read paper we had Mr & Mrs Johnathan Porter12 here for afternoon very hot day

12 Jonathan Porter and Elizabeth Jane Porter nee Carslake, the parents of Lillias' husband

April 30th ) I was late up had breakfast & then I washed up etc Lillias cooked hot meat peas & potatoes & jam Tart Brice & I had a good talk but he went to Football & Lill drove me over here Berts13 & 3 eldest were at Football Flo13 has no help so is busy

12 Cousin Emilie Florence May Webb nee Easton, and her husband Albert John Webb.

May 1st )
Late up & done my room & help washup & prepare & stewed Quinces & made Custard had dinner all but Gwen & Joice14 went to Sunday Sch this morning & now Reg Allan & Thelma15 are gone out to Tea & church I am writing letter to Amy16, Bert, Flo, Gwen, Doris & Eric & Baby17 took me to the beach at Port Parham But the tide was out & I could not bathe
14  Bert and Flo's daughters Gwenda Florence Webb (aged 9) and Joyce Heath Webb (aged 2)
15  Reginald Albert Webb (aged 16), Hurtle Allan Webb (aged 13), and Thelma Blanche Webb (aged 15)
16 Fanny's youngest sister Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo)
17 The other children: Doris Emily Webb (aged 5), Eric Charles Webb (aged 3), and presumaly the baby is Joyce.

May 2 ) Thelmas 15th Birthay & Florrie was up & washing when I came out I had breakfast & made Custard & Stewed Quinces roasted mutton & onions & potatoes then I did some washing & ironing & at 8 o’clock Bert & Flo motored me to Lills she was about to retire so I also went to bed & Lance18 came & Lillias got up & had a chat to him very hot & sultry all day

18 Probably Lance Hugh Porter, Lillias' brother-in-law.

May 3 )
I did not wake till after 8 o’clock as I was not well & could not rest at night we did a little work & then drove to see Mrs. West19 & on to “Tineburee”20 for dinner then we had a chat & I was taken so ill so at Sundown I retired & was very poorly all night & I got disheartened Maria had finished all her ironing except Colars Mr Bob Wylie21 & Miss Thelma22 & Nita are also here for holiday

19 Mrs West has been mentioned before. Not sure how she fits in.
20 Tineburee, Lower Light is where Aunt Harriet Paterson lives, with Maria.
21 Robert Wylie, and his daughter Thelma Deaken Wylie.

May 4th )
I do not get up very early & just do anything to help washup peel vegetables Nurse Baby Make beds & tidy I altered my Navy skirt

May 5 )
All same & someone is always going to either the Light22 or Two Wells we Maria & I were sewing in Morning she covered a trap rug & ironed collars then we went to the Wylies & remained there & Alex23 came from Alawoona & ing

22 The Light is Lower Light
23 Cousin Charles Alexander (Alex) Paterson, aged 42

May 6 )
my head was very bad indeed & I was busy knitting & talking Nancy24 was cooking dinner Lillias doing rooms & cleaning boots etc Dorrie came for me at night & Auntie & Alex went to Vic’s all day a cool change came up

24 Nancy. Perhaps she is hired help?

May 7th /
A beautiful day & we were all very busy I made our bed & Aunties & then I cleaned all cutlery dozens of them & washed up lunch a big lot I helped all day Maria scrubbed all the bath room forms & Dorrie cleaned all knobs with Brasso I had a bath Also Nita & Maria & such a Joke about it

May 8th
// I helped in any way I could Maria was busy preparing Choice dishes & then at noon Mr Kelly & Norman Koster & their Mother brought Elvie home25 also Alex & Bert came from Adelaide they were at the Races yesterday Nita went to Two Wells yesterday & took Thelma to Train & Dorrie also went to Two Wells after today I wrote to Mum Vic & Harry came down & there was all life & plenty

25 Mr Kelly, Norman Charles Koster, their Mother, and Elvera Maud Paterson, another Paterson cousin, aged 24; I think she is  unwell. Not sure whose mother is being spoken about here. Or is it Mr Kelly Koster? If so, then Norman Koster's mother is Alice Koster nee Bond.  

May 9 / The Kosters & Alex went home last night they went fishing but only got a few so Maria had them ready for our breakfast & Auntie & Dorrie did washing Maria & I were indoors I made beds & washed up & prepared Veg & took baby Ta Ta

May 10th /
Same work each day make beds & tidy then then help washup & prepare Vegetables & nurse baby Maria & Dorrie busy ironing & I ironed all mine then dinner & Auntie & I went to the Beach see Kit & May had afternoon tea & drove home the others had Eucre evening as I retired not feeling strong.

My 11th /
Same as usual & then Auntie & I drove Two Wells & did shopping & did not get home till late 2/30 had dinner & I Knitted & they had Friends to Eucre evening I got 4 letters & I read them & retired

May 12)
Most alike all morning Elvie is always shewing me her Photos & glory box most beautiful things she has. Norman Koster & Mr Wylie & Bert are busy at making an outdoor house for Elvie & Wylie & Maria went to Two Wells for Timber lovely day.

May 13th)
Wesleys Nineteenth Birthday25 & I did same swept & dusted the room I occupy Maria washed floor Auntie cooking dinner Dorrie housework Elvie resting most of time & shewing me trinkets

25 Henry Wesley James Parham, a nephew, son of sister Ada.

May 14) One day is much the same as another Bert & Norm got home before dinner & went on making her house I just helped in various ways cleaned cutlery such a lot to do too I finished a sock & help milk & dressed Elvie’s hair for her did mending

May 15)
Up in good time & I always make beds & tidy washstands nurse baby & any little job to help Bert & Clif26 came for me at dinner time & we arrived home at Charltonville at ¼ to 10 then Clif went home to his home

26 Fanny's brother Albert Joseph Atyeo, who lives at Charltonville and her nephew George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland, eldest son of Frances, aged 17, who helps at Charltonville a lot, and often lives there.

May 16th )
I got up & had breakfast & washed sepr etc then unpacked my holiday things & put away & did a bit mending Mother27 so unwell Dad not well

27 Mary Ann Atyeo (nee Heath), Fanny's mother, and Henry Atyeo, Fanny's father.

May 17)
Dad Bert & Wilfred28 went to Town I washed sepr then did weekly wash & my own I did not finish all the scrubbing till 5 o’clock & felt so done rested & then folded clothes & helped milk & I did some planting yesterday of Flowers Auntie gave me We are having nice weather Percy29 is carting manure home here

28 Wilfred George Heath Atyeo, Fanny's youngest brother.
29 Percy Thomas Dawe, husband of Celia.

May 18) I felt so aching from exertion of work & I did my morning duties & started ironing & got done at 3 o’clock & drove to Charlies30 who has Quincy dreadfully bad had throat lanced & looks so ill I had afternoon tea & drove home W.R.31 spent even

30 Fanny's brother Charles William Henry Atyeo, the eldest brother. 
31 William Ratcliff, family friend, and husband of cousin Eva.

May 19) Same work Dad & Boys bought Ponies so they were breaking them in Drove to Gawler & all about here French32 was riding them also he came with Bakers Cart today I was mending Mum made Pickles I help milk Clem33 went to Band of Hope

32 Charles French (French) Folland, second son of Fanny's sister Frances, aged 14.
33 Clement Garfield Parham, Ada's son, who often lives at Charltonville. Band of Hope was a temperance society.

May 20) After morning duties I swept Boys room & front rooms cleaned step dusted them all thoroughly Mum cooking a roast fowl yesterday so had cold today Dad went to Gawler as is the custom Charlie drove down to see Mum I fried sausages for Tea lovely day cooler

May 21 ) I felt so ill this morning as I washed the floors & that hurts my side always I did the same work Mum put on Meat & I stuffed a Loin (Mock Goose) cleaned all Cutlery & helped milk & I had a bath & also washed my hair & my clothes I rode as far as Amys with Bert & stayed the night helped her by pasting down her Jam Olive34 & I then we had Supper & retired.

34 Olive Fanny Heath Hobart, Amy's eldest daughter, aged 7.

May 22nd) Olive came in my bed with me early I got dressed & then we had breakfast & talked & I spent the day there & went to Frances at evening in the rain it rained heavily all night Frances & Harry35 & all the family were out home but Clif he was at Ada’s36 & home having Tea or preparing same we talked till after midnight & then I could not sleep well

35 Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), the eldest of Fanny's sisters, and her husband Harry Gilbert Folland, Frances' husband.

May 23) Up & they had breakfast & girls went to school I help washup & make bed & at 11o’clock I came to Amys her & Dorothy37 were washing & it was so wet under foot Dad came to Gawler & I rode down St with George38 & got my Dust coat Settled for & some new cups & saucers I felt so ill but came home & help as what I could the country look better for rain Mr Fred Argent died on Friday last May 20th in Victoria39. Mrs Frank Andrews40 been very ill & is now in T. B. I think

37 I think this is Dorothy Ena Vowles, aged 14 or so, who was staying at Amy's in the last diary entry.
38 George Edmund Hobart, Amy's husband.
39 Frederick Thomas Argent, local man, aged 65.
40 Mary Ann Andrews (nee Argent).

May 24th ) Dad get up at five o’clock & gets the boys their breakfast I do not get up till 6 & after them I felt so ill I washed Sepr Cream can & Bucket made beds & mended & went to Myrtles41 in the afternoon to help fit her coat home milked 6 cows Dad 3 boys late home & all done when they got home weather fine but cold after rain Tiny has a calf May 24th

41 Myrtle Hilda Atyeo (nee Cork), married to Fanny's youngest brother Wilf,

May 25 ) Same hour & work only I put on Melon Jam to boil & after I had finished housework I made a Currant Cake Dished up the Jam Uncle Charlie Heath42 came to Dinner Myrtle came down with Lance43 in the pram to bring some Quinces Clem is gone home tonight Dad milked 4 cows tonight I cleaned out the Flues & blackleaded the Stove & fireplace

42 Uncle Charles Heath, brother of Ma. 
43 Wilfred Lance Atyeo, Myrtle and Charl's youngest son so far.

May 26 ) I cut up Quinces & made Jam after my usual work I felt so ill I could not cut off Bottles so put it in a Jar washed up & cleaned Stew pan & did various items of work Mum not well

May 27 ) As I was going to Gawler with Dad I just did usual morning work & we called at Frances & also Amy but both were at Empire Day so we went to the Street & I got Groceries at Rusbys44 & we came home early & had a cup of Tea & milked

44 Rusby and George was a grocer shop in Gawler

May 28th ) Lorna45 came home last night with Myrtle & I got up & got our breakfast & washed Sep & cans then swept dinning room & Uncle Charlie Heath came out & I could not wash floor so sent up for Lorna & she washed it & passage I cleaned fireplace & steps & all cutlery L & Uncle went home & it rained heavily Bert went to Gawler in the rain at night

45 Lorna Frances Folland (aged 15), Frances' eldest daughter.

May 29 ) A wet Sunday & I got up lit fire & made Mum Groats & put on Beef to roast & got our meal & help cook dinner & in the afternoon I layed down & read & got up had tea & read aloud to Dad & Bert Clem was gone home to Ada’s all had Sunday at home today Charlie went to Church of Christ Gawler

May 30th ) A rough looking morning & I could not attempt washing so just did any & all useful duties & in the afternoon I covered a Quilted rug for my bed Mum very poorly indeed I help milk

May 31st ) Same work each day Dad tried to get Miss Hancock46 to wash but could come she said so I rubbed our socks overall coat & did housework made apple pies & after dinner I drove to Celia’s who was ready for Gawler so I stayed home with Bernice & Laurel & Marion47 came home from school with Mushrooms & I cleaned & fried them ready for tea when Celia & Percy & Vivienne48 got home we chatted & retired

46 Miss Hancock. Don't know any more about her yet.
47 Fanny's sister Celia's daughters: Mary Ann Bernice Dawe (aged 6), Celia Laurel Ivy Dawe (aged 4) and Amy Marion (Maisie) Dawe, niece, aged 8.
48 and baby Vivienne Bartlett Joy Dawe, Celia's youngest child.

June 1st / Celia & Percy were up at breakfast when I came out I made bed & washed up & put Toff in Sulky & she & girls came home & helped me wash I washed both White Quilts & Celia did all hard rubbing we got done & had a cup of Tea & Dad drove her home.

June 2nd ) All morning duties cleaned out separator room stewed Quinces & made a Custard & did all ironing I felt quite done up & could hardly finish as I had Fashion Shirt & Collar I retired early after writing a letter

June 3rd ) I was so unwell & had to keep on lying down all day I persevered & swept my room & dining room & dusted them Mum did her rooms & I blackleaded fireplace & steps help milk Percy was home digging ground for Dad who planted a lot of Potatoes weather is fine now Myrtle went to Gawler took Effie & Lance left Mavis & Harry49 here all day they were very good

49 Myrtle and Wilf's children: Effie Verena Atyeo (aged 6), Lance (mentioned previously), Mavis Hilda Atyeo, aged 4, and Henry Thorold Atyeo, aged 3.

June 4th ) Usual work & made beds got our meal & washed Sepr & put up Cream got ready for Gawler & called at Celias Frances & Amy but did not stay we were in a hurry I got out at Huttons50 & got our Cake & Bread & then went to Rusby’s & got groceries & new Basin’s & Cups & Saucers met Cousin Eva51 & had a talk & then had dinner & went to Uncle Wills52 he is very unwell indeed also called at Mrs McLeods53 & home & had Tea

50 Huttons Bakery? 
51 Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath), Fanny’s cousin.
52 William Atyeo, Dad’s older brother. He lives at Gawler Blocks (Evanston). 
53 Sister-in-law Eva's mother, Mrs McLeod (Elizabeth Grace Webber). Eva is the wife of brother Charlie Atyeo.

June 5 ) A Dull gloomy Sunday I got up made a fire in both Stove & dining room took in Tea to Parents & made Porrige had breakfast done rooms washed up & then got Mother to go with me to Uncle Charleys we had dinner & a talk & left at 4 o’clock & just got home when it started to rain Bert was at Mr Gormans54 for afternoon & he was late home got some Mushrooms 

54  Probably Leonard (Len) James Gorman, a friend that Bert often visits. 

June 6 ) Freeling Coursing & a very wet day it has rained all day long with scarcely an interval so I could not go to Gawler as expected but had to stay home it was a Public Holiday & I wanted to see Hettie55 about a new dress I did all ordinary work & made an apple Pudding & in the evening a Pinny for Laurel

55 Henrietta (Hettie / Ettie) McLeod, the sister of Fanny's sister in law Eva.

June 7 ) Uncle Will Atyeo’s 79th Birthday I did my morning work put up cream for Dad & Bert to take to Factory & I swept all rooms & Mum dusted dining room I Chained crocheted Blanket for Mum fried Bacon & we had dinner & they went to Gawler & I did all our washing & then went & scrubbed a lot up had a cup cocoa & went in all the Mud for them cows & milked 6 cows had tea & am about done now

June 8th ) All morning duties same as usual made gruel for Mother washed Sepr Cream Cans Buckets did all the ironing & we had dinner I baked Biscuits & cleaned the boys room & by 4 oclock I got ready for Willaston where I drove & went to Amys to Tea & George & I went to McLeods to get my dress measured home to Amys & stayed the night Wesley spent evening

June 9th ) George got up & did his work & went to work before I dressed then Amy and I got up & had our meal & made beds & I put Toff in sulky Amy got ready I wiped dishes & we drove home here had lunch & I made pies had dinner & cleared away & cut out & made a petticoat for Amy & milked then had tea & Bert drove us in & I got my dress measured & had a cup Cocoa at Amys & we drove home & retired boys are working in the flat now a very cold frost

June 10 / Cloudy & I felt so unwell I could hardly get about but did Sepr & got Eggs & Bacon fried then I swept & dusted dining & tidied my room & had to rest Myrtle & Girls & Baby went to Gawler Harry home Percy cleaning the cow Shed it rained after dinner & Clem was harrowing in iy all in the boggy Flat near the Dam always milk

June 11th ) Still awfully crook but cleaned dining room fireplace & washed passage & round dining room cleaned Silver & did all my customary work in morn dinner over I baked a Melon pie & apple also our meal over I washed up & cleaned cutlery Knobs etc & finished any odd work & then had a cup Tea & Bert & I milked cows & drove to Gawler & I stayed at Amys she was ill in bed the children had had their bath & we soon retired as well

June 12th ) I was up & dressed & had a cup of Tea & went to Frances & had a sausage roll & a look round & then Harry took the dog & walked home & French drove us home here I got dinner & washed up & rested then help milk & washed up & they went home & Beauty & Gentle both have calved today fine day Harry got Mushrooms also

June 13th ) I was not able to wash so got up at 6/15 & had breakfast which I set over night for boys then I made beds & tidied & washed Sepr Cream Cans etc made a slide Biscuits & Custard had dinner & cut out a Flannelette Blouse had a bother over it too Percy still cleaning yards & carting out manure he milked 4 cows I 5 Dad Tiny I washed Buckets & strained milk Dad Sepr Boys out in Masters now working Mother made soup for Tea I am writing Ma reading.

June 14th ) Dad lit fire then boys had their breakfast I always set it over night. I cut dinner Percy working here I did not wash I felt very unwell after usual duties I set to & made my blouse Mother helped by hand sewing it the buttons & overcasting etc I always have to milk

June 15 ) I did all the morning work washed Sepr etc then tried to do a bit of washing but felt dreadful however I kept on & got quite a lot done by 3 o’clock & then scrubbed up & Uncle Charley was here to spend afternoon I had to rest then helped milk etc as is my custom.

June 16th ) Dad first up & lit fire & the boy had their meal then I cut dinner & got our breakfast all morning duties & I cleaned out my room & washed floor & household duties & ironed the clothes

June 17 ) I went to Mrs McLeods to get my dress fitted on Wensday night June 15 & we had supper at Frances Bert & I home at midnight this morning being Friday I had to do usual work then take up Matting & sweep dining room also Ma’s room washed passage dining room round & dusted my room Mums & Ma helped with dining room Harry & Mavis both stayed with us & they went to Gawler & brought us home the news of the arrival of a Son to Charlie & Eva at Mrs Greens Home Gawler56

55 Errold Charles Atyeo, son of brother Charles and his wife Eva Alice McLeod. According to newspaper records it seems Mrs H Green started her nursing home in Moonta sometime before 1908, then by 1912, there was another Mrs Green's Nursing Home in Brighton. One opened in Gawler, on King Street in 1914 and was a place where many children were born until the 2nd World War.

June 18th ) Saturday all same morning duties & then thoroughly cleaned boys room blackleaded steps & fireplace. & then I did Kitchen & roasted beef & Mother prepare Vegetables we had hot dinner & I washed up Harry, French, Gwenda, & Laurel Williams56 came for Cow (Beauty) & calf got mushrooms I cleaned cutlery & Knobs help milk had a bath & then we had tea Bert went to Gawler at night Dad had to go to Gawler yesterday for drill fittings from Adelaide. It was Band of Hope last Thursday Clem went wet evening

56 Gwenda Evelyn Folland, Frances' daughter and her cousin Edith Laurel Williams.

June 19 ) Up lit fire took in Tea to parents & made beds tidied fireplace & made fire got all housework done & washed Separator & then Hettie & Mr McLeod57 came & stayed till 3/30 a lovely day & we milked the cows & Clem went home Bert got a Kick but not serious he was tackling a light pony Sparkle 

57 Daniel McLeod, the father of Eva Alice Atyeo (nee McLeod).

June 20th ) All morning duties & I put up all the cream & then washed up everything & baked Biscuits did all housework had early dinner & Dad & I went to Gawler we were exactly 4 hours from the time I walked out till I walked in again I went to see the baby he is a dear I did a bit of shopping & after coming home I had Cup Tea & milked 6 cows Dad 3 got tea & wrote in diary 

June 21 ) Usually I do not get up till after boy have had their meal but this morning I got up at five & called the boys then lit fire took in Tea & fried Sausages got breakfast over then was so ill with a bilious attack that I rested an hour & mother got up cut dinners then I washed Sepr & did all my ordinary work but felt ill all day milked 6 cows at night as usually do each night. 

June (22) I still felt very unwell so Dad lit stove & I gave boys their meal same work for me & I expected Ada58 but she did not come I made two bags aprons yesterday & today I cut out & made a flannelette under bodice made 2 apple pie’s & did all housework & did usual work work in every way

58 Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo), sister of Fanny, 

June 23rd ) I got up earlier & cut dinners & filled & lit Copper sorted all clothes & got all ready for Mary59 who came to wash at nine & Ada & Gladys60 came & spent the Day Ada helped me do the front room she shook the Carpet & I swept & dusted & I help her in dining room she swept it & washed floor Mary washed & ironed all & Mother got dinner ready Bert went to Gawler in afternoon & at Dance at night

59 Mary is probably cousin Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon).
60 Ada's 6 month old daughter Gladys Ada Parham.

June 24 ) Dad got up first & then I put up dinners & washed both Separators as Charlie is to have our old one I am not atall strong I washed Mums room & passage dusted dining room cleaned my room & put on clean Covers Dad went to Gawler late home & I milked 7 cows & got in wood Charl & Albert spent Thursday evening here their baby is called Errold Charles he was a week old today born June 17th 1921 Mrs Sissman61 met with an accident was taken to Hospital but do not know how serious

61 Mrs Sissman, possibly Elsie Merna Hillier. 

June 25 ) My work on Saturday is mostly the same Dad lit fire & gave boys their meal previously set over-night I made Mum Groats & then washed Sepr & all cans & Buckets an hours work then swept boys rooms & Kitchen Mum did the lamps I help with dinner roasted Mutton & afterwards baked Pie’s & two slides of cocoanut Biscuits & cleaned all cutlery Knobs etc help milk & got in wood

June 26 ) Wilfred’s Birthday I got up & got the Tea as is our custom then made beds & swept Kitchen had breakfast & Dad & Mum drove to Willaston I washed all Sepr etc & the dishes it was then Midday we had our dinner & I cleared away & Clem was home to Parramatta it was a perfect day so I rested in a chair outdoors at 3/40 George & Amy came & little Celia62 I got a cup of Tea Bert was cleaning harness then he & I milked Dad & Ma came home & brought Olive home holidays

62 Amy's youngest daughter (so far) Celia Florence Hobart.

June 27 ) Same hour & work & I did not wash I felt so ill I did the washing & household work in every way & was mending in the afternoon Olive was playing Shop my chest & head was so bad but I kept going help milk got in wood & usual very cold

June 28 ) A very cold frosty morning with wind I hurried & did my morning work then dressed for Gawler called at Celia’s & got her we got to Gawler at 11/30 did shopping & both went to Dr which hindered us a long time at 4 o’clock we called on Amy & had a cup of Cocoa then home I bought a Colander from Arthur63 Nelson Greaves64 was hurt by accident don’t no the real cause of it as yet

63 Probably Arthur Samuel Hobart, George's youngest brother. 
64 Thomas Wilson Nelson Greaves.

June 29 / An awful cold wind showery day Just same work in morning & I cut out & made black Italian cloth aprons for self Olive goes up to Church with boys to get wheat she is very happy I am not atall well & Mum very poorly I generally make her milk food for breakfast Mr McLeod has a very bad eye may have to see a specialist about it

June 30 ) finer this morning & calm I did work I made nice fire & washed Sepr then made & baked some Farmers Biscuits & an apple pie & Melon pie besides my other work dinner over I put on pan & washed a line of clothes & thoroughly scrubbed the Kitchen table & turned cloth & also cleaned boiler & brought it from Cellar I felt fit to drop & got in wood & we had tea & I ironed all the clothes after

July 1st ) As I intended going to Gawler I got up & had breakfast then I came in & swept dining room & beat Matting & dear Olive dusted it very nicely for me while I washed up all got ready & started for Gawler arrived at Willaston at ¼ to 12 I went to Amys & rode down street with George & went with Dad to visit Uncle Will & Auntie65 is still in bed from the effects of accident she fell on floor & bruised herself then we came back & I bought a Ducher pair & some dress stuff Dad did his shopping & we drove Olive to stay & home here

65Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock), Aunt, wife of William Atyeo.

July 2nd ) As I fried sausages for Tea last even I did not get up till 7 then lit fire in dining room & boiled Kettle for cups Tea Dad lit stove I made bed & fried Eggs & bacon washed up cups & after wards Sepr & all cram cans etc it was ¼ past 7 when boys left their bedroom & then they milked first it made breakfast very late I roasted a shoulder Mutton & Mum got up at 9.35 & she prepared Vegetables & I swept boys room My room Kitchen Sepr room Clem harrowing Bert & Dad crushing wheat & Barley cleared dinner & clean cutlery & all milked the cows Wilf milked 2 cows Bert went to Gawler at 3 o’clock Charl came down here Eva & Errold came home yesterday for good all are pleased

July 3rd As I had not been to Church for a very long time I decided to go today so I got up & did all my work first lit fire & took in Tea made all beds swept Kitchen & then made porrige & set table I got ready & left them at breakfast Mr Rooney66 preached a good congregation present came home got the first Wattle today we had dinner & Bert went to Ada’s for afternoon I helped milk & we had tea Clem went home for evening & I wrote two long letters Mum one a very cold day indeed arriving to Church

66 Rev Rooney

July 11th ) I had intended going to Gawler this week but I did not go Percy grubbing the Sandhill & Bert went for a drive with (Sparkle) in the buggy & Rose to break her in I always hurry round as fast as my Rheumatics will allow usually make beds before I wash the sepr & all cans then I made a Bread & Butter pudding I then washed up & tried to cut out Mums skirt & succeeded at last in it I wrote to Celia & went up to Myrtles to give it to Percy & helped milked such a beautiful day but I was not well

July 12 ) Percy digging the garden I uprooted the lot of geraniums I fairly knocked myself out & Dad went to Gawler Clem went in with Gentles Calf to market I hurried & did all housework & washed up every thing & made Mums skirt all but band which I sent for by Dad at night I made a fancy runner for my dressing table Im always busy. Poor Lena Kreig died at Hospital today I hear67 

67 Lena Dorothea Krieg, aged only 21.

July 13 ) Very windy all morning duties Dad lights fire mostly I set table over night & then I fry or make something for Dad & Mums breakfast & also have my own I started washing & had a fair Tableau it blew it rained & put it away twice then we had dinner & Charlie came to kill a pig all boys helping I washed clothes & put them on the line got dry enough to iron I got a cup of tea & milked 6 cows came in & fried sausages had tea & ironed & pressed the skirt.

July 14 ) A wet cold morning light rain I got up at 6/30 made a nice fire in dining room washed sepr made groats for Mum her & Dad & Wilf salted & cut up pig I cleaned inside rooms washed passage then help get dinner made gravy & washed up everything dusted rooms I had to do a bit more washing & ironing shirt & collar & put a pocket in Mums skirt which finished & pressed it over help milk Bert went to Urlwin Days68 to a field trial & Tractor Engines about 60 or more people there Clem is gone home Charl was here today

68 Urlwin Henry Day, a neighbour.

July 15th / Dad did not got to Gawler today Wilfred went alone & I did usual morning duties then I felt so very unwell I did not know how to get through my work I swept & dusted boys room & Kitchen tidied dining room & made beds in afternoon I washed up & blackleaded stove & door steps I was busy all day long milk etc

July 16 ) I do not get up till daylight I like to start work at seven Dad gives boys their meal I set table over night & usually fry or make gruel for Mum this morning I fried leg chops for Dad Mum & I washed Sepr etc which is an hours work or about that as I always put up cream etc packed Eggs for Gawler I assisted in cooking Meat & I made Rice puddings & a nice large Currant Cake & washed up everything & cleaned all Cutlery Knobs & etc swept Kitchen & washed round dining room & my room I felt so unwell & then I had to help milk had tea & a lovely bath & retired in good time

July 17 ) Last evening I prepared the ingredients for a Plum pudding so this morning I got up at 7/30 & got a cup of Tea went & milked Mona & then I came in mixed pudding made a lovely fire in stove did the bedrooms & swept & Mum dusted Dining room we expected Auntie from Lower Light but she never came Harry Franc & Family came for dinner & afternoon went home to Tea Harry Phyllis69 Bert & Wilfred went for a drive with Sparkle & Rose in the Buggy & Clem Clif & French hunting with Bess in their dray Charl Eva & Errol came for afternoon lovely day

69 Frances daughter Phyllis May Folland (aged 12).

July 18 / I got up & got all morning work done & at eleven o’clock I got ready & with Dad drove to Gawler Visited Uncle Will & Aunt they are better now I did shopping & went to Dr & had Violet Rays on me & we went to Amys to afternoon Tea Roma has a heifer calf born yesterday we got home at 5/5 & I milked 4 cows Bert 8 & then we had tea & he went to a Social at Gawler

July 19 ) As Mary is at Port Broughton I had to do some washing so I dressed earlier & cleaned up the dining room fireplace & made a fire made boys bed fried Eggs & Bacon & then washed Sepr & Buckets lit up & put on water to boil the clothes & got most done by dinner time nice warm day I wanted to go to Celia’s but instead I stayed home & ironed the clothes was so done I had to rest half an hour Myrtle & Lorna came down for a while then I help milk etc. Buttercup has a heifer calf tonight Wilfs (Violet) had a heifer Calf July 5th Smut & Prim had calves July 8th all 1921) frost tonight Bert is at Social F Hall 

July 20) I felt so unwell & did not start work till 7/5 same in every way in early morning then I swept the dining room & kitchen & altered Berts shirt Aunt Paterson & Dorrie Nita & Mary came up to dinner we had soup & I fried bacon steamed pudding & waited on table as Mum took little Mary I washed up all myself & tidied myself & got afternoon tea then at four o’clock they went home.

July 21/ Usual work in morning then I do the sepr & make beds after that Mum & I got ready for a visit to Celia arrived there dinner time Celias making cakes & scones I had previously made some we had our meal Mum was so unwell & she had to lie down & we came home early & I help milk & we had tea.

July 22nd) I got up & I took up all the cocoanut mats & swept dining room & my room then washed sepr & dusted them Dad went to Gawler I counted eggs for market & dusted Mums room harry stayed with us & Wilf & Family went to Gawler I help milk got rheumatics Aunt Paterson & Maria & Will took Elvie to Broken Hill for health Frances saw them go through Gawler

July 23) I got up at 5/10 & got the fire & then I fried eggs & bacon & washed up & did all dairy th8ngs then swept boys room & kitchen baked loin mutton & biscuits & large cake made beds Mum so poorly but did lamps & her room I also cooked cabbage & potatoes dinner over I washed up cleaned all cutlery & knobs & any Saturday work requiting to be cone washed & ironed some lace & sewed it on my vest packed my things got afternoon tea help milk & washed up & went to Willaston for week end had chat & retired

July 24) Dorothy brought us in a cup of tea & then I dressed little Celia & Olive we had breakfast & I made beds & then I went to church with Mrs Brodie to Todd St70 very cold & I shivered home had dinner & dressed the children for a walk with their Dad & then Charl came & then Uncle Charley & Eva to tea nice day.

66 Emma Brodie (nee Pointon) is a family friend who lives in Willaston. They go to Todd St Methodist Church (now Todd St Uniting Church)

July 25 / George was up first & Dorothy got breakfast while he milked & fed animals I got up & has a cup of Tea & went to Frances & had breakfast with Clif & a talk to her then I washed up & made her bed & came to Amys at 11/30 they & Frances were both washing or she had a woman in to do it. I rode back with George & met Bert & Dad & then I had to wait till after 3 o’clock & then we drove to Tapes67 for horses & they were not done so went to Amy to afternoon Tea & did not get home here till about 5/30 & helped milk & had Tea & soon cleared & retired

67 Tapes are a local family who run the bakery

July 26th )
Mother not able to help with work & I felt that ill I did not know how to keep up & my throat was so bad however there was a leg Mutton to roast & vegetables cabb & Potatoes & a Melon pie besides making beds sweeping & washing Separator & other things Mum bound Matting I got yesterday I felt awfully bad all day legs pained & head terrible & I had to paint my throat Oh how I wished for a helping hand

July 27th )
I had a better nights rest so head was clearer throat & ears bad so I painted it & then did my usual work in every way & at times felt I must give in rough bluster weather & looks like rain Dad planted peas

July 28 )
I got up early dressed & started work at 5/30 lit both fires & took in Tea lit Copper & gave boys hot breakfast washed up sorted all clothes & Mary came & washed I did Sepr & baked bread & Butter Custard & Mum got dinner while I thoroughly swept walls & floors in dining room & Mums room & passage I quite knocked my self out & Mary had almost done dinner time finished & washed floors I started the ironing Mary finished & I milked with Wilf.

July 29 )
Bert brought home a new Tank yesterday & this morning I woke to find a wet cold & very windy day Bert & Wilf took the Tank out of Trolly & put it by the dairy & then shifted our North Tank up to Myrtles & got very late milking it poured with rain & was 8 oclock when we had Tea & it was blowing awfully & I could not rest properly nervous Mrs Alwyn Chenoweth had a baby at Mrs Greens68 & it died

68 Ruby Veronica O'Donnell is the wife of Alywin George Chenoweth. They married in December of last year.

July 30th )
A most extraordinary Gale blew & took the large 1,400 gallon Tank through our front garden over the fence & out to the road & it struck the Mallee tree & rested against the fence such a dreadful cold stormy day & Dad & Wilf had to go to Gawler on business so they started early I had fires to keep up & Mum made a Stew & I prepared Turnip Tops & cooked them & Jam Tarts for dinner & did all beds & washing up cleaned cutlery & knobs & boys room Bert & Clem fencing

July 31 )
Sunday but Mother ill so I had to get up & light fires & take in Tea & get breakfast swept both dining room & Kitchen thoroughly took up Matting as its been so wet & muddy all the week except thurs day it was lovely drying weather & got all ironed aired & put away fine Wilf been to Gawler for men who are mending the Tank as we want to get it fixed so cold

August 1st
All usual morning duties over I had to cook a hot dinner besides doing all housework Mum so unwell after dinner it poured with rain & Dad & I got ready as soon as the shower was over & drove to Gawler Via King St when we found Amy very unwell & Dorothy washing on to Gawler & I got my Coat & Shirt & am very disheartened over it I did other shopping & then we drove home & I helped milk & got Tea over I was not feeling well myself.

Aug 2nd /
My duties in morning are always the same first I make fire in dining room & get he breakfast over cut Clems dinner make beds wash Separator & then prepare dinner & cook it as Mum can’t now in the afternoon I wash up dinner things & this afternoon I mended all the time till milking time I have to help with milking in morn as well Bert has 2 gathered fingers then there are many odd jobs that do not count but take up time & my hands are stiff & painful with Rheu & the weather is so rough & stormy I cannot wash Mother is ill

Mrs Twartz (Nee Kreig) died in private Hospital Gawler Aug 3rd 1921 aged 27 years Mr Krieg died Aug 9th69

69 Hulda Ernestina Twartz (nee Krieg), wife of Johann Bernhard Twartz; they were only married in February.  Adolf Gustav Krieg died aged 69 at Wards Belt.

Aug 3rd
All the same Dad mostly lights the stove & then I come out & do all my usual work often make Mother milk food for breakf I help milk & washed Separator & all cans Buckets nearly 1 hour work Bert & I went to Gawler after dinner I fried a lot of pancakes for din I did some shopping at Co-op & got a new Slip Bodice we went to Amy she is still about but not strong we got home at five

Aug 4th )
All morning work the same & I made a lovely Brown Stew & then Mum did not get up till Dinner time when I had cleared all away I set too & finished a blouse which had puzzled me so got all done nicely & sewed till after 10 o’clock at night making vests very cold weather indeed Myrtle washed today

Aug 5 )
Same duties Mum got Dad ready for Gawler & she then tidied her room I did all morning work & then I Tricked Soaped some clothes had dinner & swept & dusted boys room & Kitchen Dad came home & I had to carry in things Harry stayed with us while the rest went to Gawler I helped milk Bert & I did it all the finger is better now I got a photo from Sydney & letter from there & Mum got one from Maria Broken Hill is suiting Elvie they say weather fine boys have fixed the Tank up yesterday Clem is out in back fallowing

Aug 6 )
I got up at 5/40 & fried Sausages & took in Tea cut dinner washed up made beds washed Sepr & all things Swept Kitchen thoroughly blackleaded fireplace in dining room took up & beat Matting & felt real done up had a cup of Tea roasted a leg Mutton boiled Cabbage & Potatoes Dinner over Bert painted the Tank inside & I baked Biscuits & large Cake & cleaned Cutlery & we had cup Tea & milked cleared Tea had bath Clem & I Mum reading

Aug 7th )
Clems Sunday home I dressed & got fire & a cup of Tea Swept Kitchen made beds & made porrig & took in to Mum we had breakfast I could not go to Church so I stayed home Bert washed Separator I washed up & made other beds such a beautiful day yesterday was the most severe frost for a long time & cut the potatoes down to ground everything was like snow

Aug 8th )
I just did all ordinary duties & then I made a Ginger pudding & Vegetables for dinner & afterwards I went o visit Celia she had finished washing & the children were all improving except Laurel we had a chat & I set her sox & then I had a cup Tea & drove home Mother was a little better today.

Aug 9th
Another cow to milk Trixy had a calf yesterday I did morning duties & went with Dad to Gawler to see Uncle Will who been ill again Did not do much shopping as I spent most of my time at Uncle’s. Frances is ill again back in bed & Gwen Mr Adolph Kreig died this morning at his home Wards Belt

Aug 10 )
all same duties & it was a cold wet day I cooked dinner & in afternoon I altered & mended my skirt & Clems coat Mum helping me I help milk my nose was pretty bad but I kept going Clems cold is very bad so he did not go to plow

Aug 11 )
While milking last night Bert got word from Gawler that Celia had a daughter yesterday Aug 10th & I attempted to get up as usual & could not stand so lit a fire in dining room & then went to bed & Poor Mum cooked roast Beef & did all work all day I could not stop shivers

Aug 12 )
Poor Mum bad but got up & Churned Butter & kept about I got up made my bed & tidied & went back again so ill my poor head & legs

Aug 13
/ Mother seriously ill Dad went for the Dr I got out made my bed & tidied & then crawled in Mary came unexpectedly & cleans up & Dr came & saw us both he is very anxious over Mother Uncle Charley brought Mrs Milton70 out to look after us Dad brought Amy & Olive home to see us & also to see Celia

70 Mrs Milton. Not sure who this is, but she is in the diaries from time to time.

Aug 14
Still in bed Mrs McLeod & Hettie & Charl & all the children came Dad & Albert71 & Gladys I was talking & my head is very bad indeed Clem went to Dr today for Mum they say its a lovely day my head & face are awful & Mother very ill indeed Mrs Milton is very good to us but tired

71 Albert Bruce Parham, nephew.

[end of book]


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