January 1st 1920 to March 31st 1921

Fanny is 44, and living with her father (Dad, Henry Atyeo, aged 72), her mother (Ma, Mary Ann Heath, aged 68) and her brother Bert (Albert Joseph Atyeo, aged 35). They live at Charltonville, Lot 871 Woods Road, Wards Belt. The family also owns a farm nearby called Bragglesome.

Major events: Fanny goes to the Hospital on March 30th; she has two operations, the second was removal of her appendix; she is there until April 24th, then recuperates at the home of her sister Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo) until June 1st, but she becomes ill again later in June, and stays various with Amy or her sister Frances. 

New Years Day January 1st 1920
It is with very mingled feeling of joy & sadness that I start a record of another year & with a prayer for faith that will not murmur or complain beneath the chastening rod. But in the hr of grief & pain will lean up its God. Mizpah.

I got up in fair time & dressed lit the fire & made a cup of Tea for Frances1 & I then the children got up Clif2 & French3 had breakfast at Amys4 & Clif went to Adelaide with Wesley, Dorrie, Leslie & Clarice5 for the day I helped in various ways then I started ironing & kept at it till about five Frances was seeing to other duties but helped to finish a few things I tidied & went to Amy where I dressed a doll for Olive6 & Amy got Celia7 to sleep then all retired to bed George8 had been on the Bus all day cool weather

1 Frances Folland (nee Atyeo), the eldest of Fanny's sisters.
2 George Henry Clifton (Clif) Folland, eldest son of Frances, aged 15.
3 Charles French (French) Folland, second son of Frances, aged 13.
4 Amy Florence Hobart (nee Atyeo), the youngest of Fanny's sisters.
5 Henry Wesley James Parham, another nephew, son of sister Ada, aged 17, Dorothy May Preiss, daughter of cousin Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon), aged 16, her brother Albert Leslie Preiss, aged 14 and sister Clarice Louisa Ellen Preiss, aged 11.
6 Olive Fanny Heath Hobart, Amy's eldest daughter, aged 6.
7 Celia Florence Hobart, Amy's second daughter, infant.
8 George Edmund Hobart, Amy's husband.

Jan 2nd I dressed & dressed Olive & Amy bathed baby then had breakfast George went for wood I took baby for a walk to the Store with Olive & did her washing Amy fried Potatoes & Onions for dinner I washed up & George was putting up new gate post Olive & I went to Frances & she went with the girls to Cemetry & broke her doll & cried very much I mended Cliffs coat & darned sox Harry9 was at work today came home to Tea & back to work home at 10 & got Sugar Beer & Cake for Supper & retired.

8 Harry Gilbert Folland, Frances' husband.

Jan 3rd Harry lit fire Frances bathed little Hazel9 & after breakfast he went to Shop I made beds & then did sewing helped wash up Dad came at about 2/30 & I came home to Charltonville & Cousin Eva & Daphne9 was at Frances for a while & got letter from Aunt Celia10. There is such a lot of illness about Mr Kopp & his little child are both in Hospital Gawler & this Soldiers Meningitis & Ptomain poison is awful.

9 Hazel Jane Folland, Frances' youngest child.
9 Eva Emily May Ratcliff (nee Heath), Fanny’s cousin, and her daughter Daphne Lillian Louisa Ratcliff.
10 Aunt Celia Phelps (nee Atyeo), who lives in Sydney.
11 Mr Kopp and his child.
Jan 4th I felt so unwell so I did not dress till 8 o'clock Bert & Wilfred12 milked I helped get breakfast made Blanc Mange & Stewed apricots washed the Separator Buckets & Cream Cans & then feeling ill I laid down till 4 o'clock & then wrote in my books French & Leslie came out little Hazel is not well & Celia's Laurel13 has been ill all the week & now Vivienne14 is not well Jim, Ada & Family15with G & Amy & Family are at the Beach went yesterday it is a lovely day.

12Two of Fanny's brothers -
Albert Joseph Atyeo, who lives at Charltonville and Wilfred George Heath Atyeo, Fanny's youngest brother, married to Myrtle, who lives close by.
13Celia May Dawe (nee Atyeo), a sister of Fanny’s. Her daughter Celia Laurel Ivy Dawe.
14 Vivienne Bartlett Joy Dawe, Celia's youngest child.
15 Ada Emily Parham (nee Atyeo), sister of Fanny, and her husband James Parham, and their children.

Jan 5 I did not intend washing as I had several things to do I thought of going to Gawler but Dad did not go so I did ordinary work & then I made a Silk dress for Olive out of a Skirt help milk & generally assisted but I was very unwell indeed all day long had to rest.

Jan 6 Same duties in early morning & then Dad & I went to Gawler It was a roasting hot day & both felt very far from well I called at Amy & had a cup of Tea then went to Street & did shopping I felt so ill Dad & I drove to Station where Wilfred was with a load of Hay we called at Celia's & had a cup of Tea very hot day Death of Mr Howgarth16 of Smithfield yesterday also Mrs Brodie's brother in law Mr Barker of Adelaide17 & two dear little children since Lillian at Gawler died with Ptomain poison one Haydon & the other Congdon18

16 John Hogarth, of Smithfield, aged 75.
17Thomas Barker, of Prospect, aged 79 husband of Emma Brodie (nee Pointon)'s sister Christina. Mrs Brodie is a dear friend of Fanny's parents.
18 Kenneth Frederick Haydon, 1 year 10 months old son of William Walter Burnett Haydon and Lucy Alice Ayling. Rege Congdon, 2 years old, son of John Congdon and Ethel Montie Causby.

Jan 7 I gt up at 1/4 to 5 lit stove & filled the Copper intending to wash but hte wind bew & clouds of dust so I never lit up but went & had breakfast & washed to Sepr & Buckets Cream Cans made beds & in afternoon I set to & finished the Silk dress of Olive's & soaked in clothes in evening.

Jan 8 I got up at 5 & hurried & lit Copper & Stove had cup of Tea & started at Tubs while others milked & had their breakfast I never stopped till nine oclock then was so ill I really could eat so laid down for a while & then got up & had my meal. Mum19 was washing Towels & her blue print skirt & first the trousers &c then I went out & we finished eleven altogether I scrubbed Table & other articles Tubs & stand nice day.

19 Mary Ann Atyeo (nee Heath), Fanny's mother. 

Jan 9 Friday is always a busy day & Dad was bad could not go to Gawler I swept & dusted rooms made beds but I was not well enough to wash floors or do extra work I did my ironing in the afternoon right up till teatime & felt very unwell indeed Myrtle20 went to Gawler left Harry with us all day Dads sow has 10 little pigs but she is bad & pigs are dying.

20 Myrtle Hilda Atyeo (nee Cork), married to Fanny's youngest brother Wilf, and their son Henry Thorold Atyeo, aged 2.

Jan 10 Dad intended going to Gawler & I reported wrong as I cleaned rooms today & baked cake & made pudding in the afternoon Lorna21 came down & when Dad came home Olive came with him I clenaed all cutlery Knobs & I got up early to day & thoroughly cleaned my stove & chimneys out & gave it a good coat of blacklead as I could not do so before.

21 Lorna Frances Folland (aged 11), Frances' eldest daughter.

Jan 11 I could not go to Church Mohter is so far from well & I am well enough to hurry around so stayed home lit fire & had a cup of Tea & got the breakfast washed Sepr &c Celia & Family came home to dinner & stayed till about nine at night children had a good time Ethel, Murray, Albert & Eric were also here Murray stays till Wensday with us nice day.

22 Jim and Ada's children also visiting with Celia's. Mentioned are their daughter Ethel Gwendolyne Heath Parham (aged 14), their sons Murray Charles Parham (aged 8), Albert Bruce Parham, (aged 11). and Eric Clarence Parham (aged 3).

Jan 12 Lorna went home with Ethel yesterday I could not wash I felt so ill but I did my work & made Blanc Mange & stewed Apricots & I set to work at a crash coat & made Olive a Tunic with it I had to make Apricot Jam Mother help prepare them I got all done by dinner time but felt awfully ill myself.

Jan 13 I had thought of going with Dad to city but Mum had all men home to dinner & I helped her made Custard rice pudding Mum boiled mutton cabbage potatoes Myrtle came down to go to Gawler but the weatehr was dreadful & she never went but stayed here will all the children till five o'clock also Coral23 & Murray was here then Ada & her 2 little boys24 came & he went home with his Mother she had afternoon Tea we got our first seasons Apples today & large peaches very hot indeed & winds like fire Dad home at three Mr Joe Andrew died at Mrs J Kirkwoods, Yatala on Jan 5 1920 aged 65 years25. Mrs Norman Pope has a daughter I think last month26. So hot & baths are all the go now.

23 Coral Eva Atyeo aged 5, niece, daughter of Charles and Eva Atyeo (nee McLeod).
24 Ada's two little boys are Eric Clarence (above) and Wilfred George Parham (aged 8).
25 Joseph Andrew, an old friend of Dad's, died at the home of his sister Emma Kirkwood (nee Andrew).
26 Dorothy Vera Richards (wife of Norman Henry Pope); their daughter Melva Marjorie Pope was born on December 3rd, 1919.

Jan 14 I intended going to Willaston for Amy & Baby but was defeated I dressed at 5/30 & helped Olive dress then I lit fire & took in Tea made all the beds in house washed Sepr Buckets & Cream Can swept kitchen & then prepared apples for pie & apricot jam Tarts Rice pudding been sewing Amy & baby arrived dinner time with Dad & baby feels the heat Amy not too strong either. terrible hot day.

Jan 15 Washing to be done so I lit the Copper & started but felt so unable for my task it was quite windy & cooler so I kept on Amy lent me a heand but Baby takes up her time Olive went up to Eva's27 for Bread I finished up before dinner Amy & girlies with Myrtle & children drove to Parramatta where & other girls with their families met & had Tea the others had been there all day for a Picnic & it came on to rain at about five & rained at intervals all night Amy & her children stayed at Ada's Wesley drove the others home & remained here all night so wet for Jan.

27 Eva Alice McLeod wife of brother Charlie, who lives nearby. I think Ada and family are living at Parramatta.

Jan 16th I got up lit fire & Dad & Wesley went home to Gawler River & Amy Olive & Baby came home here with Dad at nine I hurried & made beds swept & washed dining room then we had cup Tea & I swept both front rooms passage &c Amy washed the floor for me & help beat the Carpet I dusted everything put on clean coveres cleaned every window outside & in myself & Blacked the door sill swept the Verandah Eva, Hazel, Beryl & Daphne28 came for evening rainy all day.

28 Eva Ratcliff (nee Heath) with her daughters Daphne and Beryl (Beriel Jean Heath Ratcliff). Hazel is the daughter of Eva's deceased brother (Fanny's cousin), Hazel Jean Heath, aged 10.

Jan 17 As I had been up & down all night with Summer complaint I did not dress till 7 had breakfast & washed Sepr laid down again Dad went to Gawelr & Amy & girlies home so I had to clean boys room & make beds & then I got a cup of Tea Hary stayed with us as they went to Gawler I lit up after dinner & baked apple pies & Cake Mum so bad pain in back & she laid down I baked meat when Dad got home cleaned Cutlery & mended shirt for Bert & washed trousers & Sox for him had Tea & retired Bert to City.

Jan 18 Sunday & I made up my mind to go to Church Mr Broadbent29 preached I got early & went to Mrs Parham's for a while Jean30 been ill with Summer Complaint but is better now & got up today I had all my morning duties to do before I went lit & brushed up Stove had our morning Tea & they went to milk I made all beds when I got home Mum had dinner ready beans pots & cold meat & pies lovely day so cool & shinshiny too.

29 Rev Roland Broadbent, Methodist minister.
30 Mary Elizabeth Parham (nee Riggs) and her daughter Dorothy Jean Parham, agd 15.

Jan 19th My Birthday but I was so unwell I could hardly keep going Bert also poisoned Stomach according to others symptoms I could not eat I washed Sep & made beds then lay down for 2 hours had a sleep I mended Stockings in the afternoon & had some Tea washed up went ot bed Mum is not well either

Jan 20 I felt better so got up at six Dad lit the fire & I made beds washed Sepr got breakfast poahced Eggs for Bert he is so poorly can't eat I made Plum Jam & tried to cut off bottles but I had not the right iron so after dinner I got Bert to go over in Blacksmith shop & he & I cut of a lot I filed them & cleaned them Mum pasted down the jam I pasted some pictures we had early Tea Mum help milk Wilfred & Myrtle & girls went to Dr got poisoned stomach Clem is gone home tonight very cold now.

31 Clement Garfield Parham, Ada's son, who usually lives at Charltonville, but perhaps he has gone to Ada's?

Jan 21st Same morning duties & at about 10/30 Dad & I went to Gawler I did some shopping Dad had to get the horse shod so I walked to Willaston & got a ride to Waltham to see Frances had dinner there & walked to Amys & Dad called for me it has been a hot day Olive & Gwenda31 started school.

31 Gwenda Evelyn Folland, Frances' daughter.

Jan 22 As I had not washed I decided on doing so today I awoke at 5 it was very windy so I did not dress till 20 more minutes lit stove & Copper & washed as fast as I could I had a big wash today & got so sone up Mother had to do her work indoors & rubbed seom for me I got all dry & folded & ironed some but I could not do all as I had some starch clothes as well Mum helped milk at night I got in wood I had a bath & retired to rest so done out too.

Jan 23rd French leaves school today he is fourten same morning work in every way & I sept & tideied rooms & made a Plum Pudding for the beach then I finished ironing & Mother cleaned the front room I also did some sewing but had to rest as usual.

Jan 24 Saturday Dad went to Gawler
I did all ordinary work & baked cakes pie &c & got things ready expecting to go to the Beach George, Harry & their families went at 3 o'clock today I also did all my customary work cleaned Cutlery Tinware Spoons & Knobs Bert went to Gawler both last night & tonight. 

Jan 25 Bert agreed to go to the Beach so we were not going wearly I did not get up till nearly 8 oclock got a cup of Tea & swept Kitchen made beds had breakfast washed Ser & Cans then packed all my food & things & had dinner we got ready & left here at 2/30 & was only an hour 40 minutes going down beautiful driving found all well & had a chat Frances fried fish for their Tea men were out with the net fishing again.

Jan 26 As I was so fearfully cold I could not sleep atall all night had Rhumatics very bad too we soon got up all at 5/30 were astir had breakfast & talked & we single ones all had a bathe last evening but felt too cold this morn we had 12 ock dinner & then packed up to come home left at 2 got home before 4 o'ck very cold I was shivering all the time Lorna & I had a bathe in the Creek at 6 oclock before leaving the Beach bad eyes very prevalent

Jan 27 All usual work in every way my neck & arms very stiff I intended goin got Gawler but Wilf & Myrtle went & took Cream so in afternoon I unripped my navy serge skirt & turned & partly made it up on other side I felt so knocked out but would not give in kept going.

Jan 28 Up in good time lit stove got a cup Tea lit copper & did the washing finished dinner time & ironed some in afternoon pressed my Skirt & help milk washing seems to get me down terribly & Rheumatism.

Jan 29th I always dress about sunrise & light fire & get Tea make beds sweep kitchen get breakfast sometimes Mother gets breakfast & I go & wash the Sepr then i came in made up fire & did all my ironing & we were at dinner & Celia & girlies came for afternoon we had a chat I was at my skirt then tidied bedroom & Celia went home nice pleasant day.

Jan 30th As I had not been to Gawler I decided on going today & got up early lit stove took in Tea & took up Matting & swept & washed both mine & dining room floors & the Sepr I fairly done myself but got ready & went to Gawler got a new Toilet Cover Frances gave me for my birthday I walked out to Amys who was busy washing I nursed Baby & had a cup of Tea Dad came & we drove to Frances & stayed a while lovely day.

Jan 31st Saturday same morning work & then I swept Kitchen washed Sepr felt so ill Mum done boys room I baked apple pies & cakes & a leg mutton cleaned cutlery & did some washing I wanted to go to Gawler & stay for weekend but could not go I dusted the mantelpiece in kitchen Clem had a bath & Bert

Feb 1st I got all done to go to Church but Mum was ill in bed & I stayed home all day first Charl32 & girls came then Alf & Ethel, they were here to dinner & then Harry Franc & Family came to Tea I worked all day just a rest at 4 o'clock Mum never even dressed all day so I kept up.

32 Charles William Henry Atyeo, the eldest brother.

Feb 2nd All same & then as we expected company I cleaned my bedroom window & got all the bed linen on I started washing at 12 o'clock sheet & night attire & all the rest I finished at 4/30 scrubbed & got a cup of Tea swept Kitchen folded clothes & milked 3 cows Clem other 3 let other 6 off to once a day Dad & Myrtle went to Gawler & heard the sad news of poor Clifs accident he collided with a Motor Car & narrowly escaped being killed as it is he is in Hospital waiting further developments can't tell yet how serious it is.

Feb 3rd Up & lit fire & got usual Tea & then partly breakfast made bed washed Sepr & other pots saucepans Mum & Dad went to Gawler I made Shepherds pie & Stew peaches & Custard after I had cleared dinner I washed up & ironed all help boys chaffcut & then Bert filled the Sofa Mattress for me & I swept Kitchen planted Coleus they came home to Tea Clif just the same today.

Feb 4 Up in good time & swept Kitchen after getting our Tea & then breakfast Mother had Groats for her meal & then I put on a leg Mutton & washed Sepr swept the Sep house made pie & pasty & we prepared Beans potatoes just about to have dinner & Auntie Lilias & Madge32 came after I had cleared dinner away I finished my navy skirt & got in wood.

32 Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), sister of Ma; lives at Tineburee, Lower Light. With her is her daughter Lillias May Porter (nee Paterson), and her daughter Madge Mercia Porter, aged 5.

Feb 5 Up early as I slept in the Kitchen swept up & lit stove took in Tea's got breakfast & washed Sepr came in & did housework baked leg Mutton & Veg baked apples I wrote a letter to Cooke's THE33 After cleaning away dinner Dad Auntie Lilias & Madge went to Gawler & Parramatta Gardens for Fruit I was busy sewing my blouse & mending Mothers they came home Teatime boys have been chaffcutting & today went to Schanbergs Sale34 Wilf & Bert Clem with Charl at Bragglesome helping.

33 Cooke's Plains (now Cooke Plains); she is writing to cousin Thomas Henry Easton? Not sure why he is Cooke's Plains now. It becomes clear in March that the person in Cooke's Plains is Tom.
34  Probably Scharmberg.

Feb 6 It was Madges Birthday yesterday 6 years old I got up with the Sun & did same work as usual then Mother & Auntie & others got up about 7/30 I had swept up & had table partley set I went ot Sepr house & had to wash Patty pans separately on account of dust Auntie & them went home at 10/30 & Dad went Gawler at midday I did dining room my & boys & help dust front room Mum her room & I unripped a skirt Black Lustre to alter Clif is improving nicely now Mother so unwell & got to lay up I am not too good

Feb 7th Saturday with its busy time Auntie & Lilias went home yesterday morning so this morning was all as usual work in every way Mother so unwell & ordered to lie in bed I made her gruel & got our meal over & washed Separator made Cake & stewed peaches roasted Meat & after break fast Ma did lamps I cleaned cutlery washed my head & at evening time had a bath Clem also I felt so unwell.

Feb 8 I got up & did all usual work stewed peaches Uncle Charlie came I then cooked potatoes Celia & her 3 girls came help prepare bean & we had late dinner Bernice stayed at Ada's Percy34 went to his father's Celia helped me & she remained for the night we had a look at Photo's & they had Fruit super & retried to rest.

34 Percy Thomas Dawe, husband of Celia, and his father Walter John Dawe. Mary Ann Bernice Dawe, niece (aged 5), is a daughter of Celia and Percy

Feb 9th As I have not slept well I dressed & came out & 5/30 lit Stove & got a cup of Tea then the Copper & Celia went on at Tubs I got breakfast Fried Eggs & gave the children their meal & made Mother her gruel I hep Celia for hour & half & then just went as hard as I could I washed up & peeled potatoes & prepared beans for dinner Cel finished at 11 o'clock Marion had a bad Boil

Feb 10 Same in every direction then cut Clems dinner Dad's horse got away & he could not come to Gawler I stewed peaches & did all my ironing & rested at 3 o'ck Ada Ethel & little boys came I made Shepherd pie for Tea got afternoon Tea & unripped a skirt for self fairly hot day dust & wind yesterday a lovely day mother mending a shirt.

Feb 11th A day whose Anniversary I never forget35 I get up much earlier as I can work better in the early morning always up before or at Sunrise got our cup Tea swept Kitchen make beds get breakfast & mostly wash Sepr before I have mine & often I do not have breakfast atall I prepared pears & stewed them prepared peaches & made Jam baked scones by dinner boys home Dad in Gawler  I baked leg Mutton & boiled beans potatoes hot Tea & such a big wash.  

35 Not sure what this is is the Anniversary of.

Feb 12th A lovely morning such a fresh cool breeze after yesterdays heat it was 105 in shade terrible hot I felt quite done but must do all I can as even I did everything as is my custom then made apple pies & cooked potatoes for 12 sharp boys covering stacks & carting Straw now from Twelftrees36 & tonight they are gone to Paramatta Gardens to spend the evening.

36 Henry Joseph Twelftree, a neighbouring farm that the family often works at.

Feb 13 Mothers Birthday & the weather is warming up same morning duties & then I prepared peaches for Jam & stewed some as well I set to & shifted in the boys room put the large box out in Verandah for my plants It took me a good while as I am not strong at lifting I got it done by dinner time Mother did front rooms & I passage we had our meal Dad did not go to Gawler I washed up & then pasted down the Jam & labelled it put it away I was so done up made stew for tea.

Feb 14 I always rise before the Sun & made a cup of Tea & set breakfast then swept my room & dining room washed floors had breakfast but felt too done to eat I washed up Sepr & swept the house came in & lit up stove made beds & dusted my room made cake stewed peaches bert had his dinner to go to Sandy Creek Races Dad went to Gawler early Clem to Bragglesome working Mr W Goodger has sold his farm to Mr Ridley & they go to Gawler where Clif & Elliot have a Chaff & Grain business37 Mother had a letter form Aunt Emily Clara is removing near Naracoorte38.

37 Mr William Goodger, neighbour, and father of Elliot Goodger, sold the farm to Mr Ridley.
38 Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), sister of Ma. Clara Pearl Anderson (nee Easton), is her daughter.

Feb 15 Sunday but as Mother is ill I cannot go to Church so I dressed at 6/30 & thoroughly cleaned Stove & got breakfast Mother put on leg Mutton which I roasted for dinner with Potatoes & Cabbage & we had peaches. After washing up all I rested & Murray & Albert came to Tea just gone a very hot day indeed & so close tonight.

Feb 16 Such a windy dusty hot day dust in clouds so I did my usual work washed Separator & Bucket the boys brought home young cattle from Masters39 & put new yokes on & took them to Bragglesome I stewed fruit & cooked potatoes & beans & baked apples did some sewing in the afternoon it was very hot indeed.

39 Probably Mr Masters.

Feb 17 All duties the same & the washed Sepr &c made bes & generally assisted then Dad & I had lunch & went to Gawler over to Smiths with bottles & did not get in the street till 2/30 then I did shopping at Harris sheets & calico came back to Amy's & had cup Tea & to Frances saw Mrs Williams of Moonta40 I also went to Hospital to see Clif he goes home tonight home & got tea & wood in.

40 Elizabeth Jane Williams (nee Kitto) was someone that Fanny visited when she stayed with Frances in Moonta in 1910.

Feb 18 Up at 15/ to 5 & lit stove & Copper & got cup Tea then went on at Tubs & Ma set breakfast & put up boys lunch I did not feel atall equal to my work but kept on a big wash & finished at 1 oclock & scrubbed up quite done & had to lie down then had dinner & I folded clothes. I help milk & cleared Tea & retired very bad my ankles & knees were that awfully painful I had to get up & bath them in hot water before I could sleep.

Feb 19 All same very hot day indeed Mum cut boys dinners & I washed Sepr & did housework & then I ironed & had dinner & finished ironing & did sewing Kit & Uncle came for Tea41 & evening I was sewing they stayed the evening talking & looking at bargains Kit is at Eva she is not well. Amy intended coming home but I misunderstood her & Dad never went to Gawler for her.

41 Christiana (Kit) Heath (nee Hill), widow of cousin Alfred Heath, and her father-in-law Uncle Charles Heath, brother of Ma. Eva Ratcliff (nee Heath) is her sister-in-law.

Feb 20 Terrible fires been raging in the Hills at Mt Lofty & Ambelside42 so its so awfully smoky & hot Wilf went to Gawler with team Myrtle in Buggy to get the Folks Freemans43 for the beach Harry stayed with us Wilf was here to Tea. I did all the rooms most thoroughly washed all pictures & floors every thing looks lovely & clean & I feel so wrung out got a bad throat since Wensday Dad did not go to Gawler.

42 News about the fires. Ambleside was the name for Hahndorf after German town names were changed in 1917.
43 This is the family of Myrtle's sister Verena Florence Daisy Freeman (nee Cork).

Feb 21 Saturday all morning duties same but I cleaned Stove extra I cleaned boys room I felt so ill but baked pies (apple) & cakes currant and madiera cleaned all cutlery Tin lids Knobs on doors & bd meat lover my hands were stiff with rubbing everything done Dad went to Gawler at nine o'clock & did not get home till about four I roasted leg of mutton then Bert went to Gawler at night Mother milking while Wilf & Clem are at the Beach.

Feb 22 I did want to go to the Harvest Thank at Stone Hill44 but was not well enough to Hurray but I got all Tidy & Mum & Bert milked & Sepr I was washing the Sepr & Aunt Harriet & Jess & her baby45 came so we had company all day then I did potatoes & Mother prpeared beans which I cooked we talked & rested all afternoon very hot they went home after Tea & then Celia Percy & family came for evening talked till bedtime.

44 Stone Hill Methodist church, now Gawler River Uniting Church.
45 Jessie Violet May (nee Paterson), daughter of Aunt Harriet Paterson (nee Heath), Ma's sister. Her baby is Elvera (Elvie) Evelyn May (aged 7 months).

Feb 23 All early duties done & at breakfast Ethel drove Clem home had a talk then did housework but throat so bad. Charl Eva & Family for evening I been sewing mending dungarees I cooked beans & potatoes for Tea Eva help wash up I feel so very sleepy & tired & the day is so hot.

Feb 24 I thought of going to Gawler so I got up at 5/30 & lit fire got our cup of Tea then swept Kitchen & went out in Garden & picked Figs for Jam came in & cut them up & got it on & done by 10/30 bottled it & then did housework had a rest dinner over i pasted & Labelled all Jam & hemmed a pair Sheets & washed & mended stockings made fir & got Tea we did not go to Gawler Bert went with pigs & W with Hay

Feb 25 I started work at six lit fire & put on Boiler & Kettle had cup Tea Mum got breakfast over & I went on at Tubs & finished all at 12 o'clock then had a little dinner & cleared it away & rested & the da is very hot indeed but afternoon a west breeze blew up Bert is gone to Gawler to help Charlie bring home a Windmill & fix it up at Bragglesome Farm

Feb 26 Up at usual hour I did everything as is the custom each day a lovely cool change blew up about 11 oclock very hot in morning Dad wanted to go to Sellecks Sale46 but Wilfred did not so Bert went to Will Higgins47 & after dinner I had Toff in Sulky & drove to Ada's she was busy at Tubs I came home at five & did all my ironing before Tea pressed Berts Coat which I washed yesterday Mum often helps milk at night it rained a little & quite cold as I drove from Parramatta.

46 Probably a sale at the farm of John Emanuel Selleck.
47 William Thomas Higgins; a widowed neighbour.

Feb 27 As I had not been able to go to Gawler all the week I decided on going today with Dad we did not go till midday I did my own duties then made scones & pie & Tart for Mother got ready we called at Frances & Amys & on to Gawler I got Shirts for Bert & calico & apron cloth for self also changed Tickets for serviettes & Towel got oilcloth for Table everything is so expensive.

Feb 28 I remained at Amys last night & this morning did not rise till seven & then I helped Amy in all duties & went to see Frances they could not bring me home so I walked to Uncles & had a talk to Eva she is not well Uncle drove me home & stayed to Tea with us then he went home & I looked at my bargains beautiful weather at present.

Feb 29 I dressed at a fair time lit fire & got our cup of Tea swept Kitchen then I got breakfast over & baked cakes as I was not home yesterday had dinner & Mother & I went to Buchsfeld H. Thanks Church was very prettily decorated with fruit & flowers Ethel & 3 others sang we went to Celia's to Tea where we saw Harry Frances the boys Gwen & Hazel Clif has to go to Adelaide tomorrow to a Specialist or Tuesday we came home just at Teatime here. 

March 1st Up at good time & did my work Dad went to Gawler & Mum helped me pick Grapes & I prepared Figs for Jam which I made we had dinner & I sealed down Jam Mum helped me. I melted down Soap & soaked in ready for washing Mum helped milk I got in wood.

March 2 I got up at five & lit both stove & copper swept Kitchen got in Two boils & then I had breakfast Bert had his at six & went to the Station drove Harry Frances & Clif to catch the Train & Mr Stuart48 came home & fixed up the engine for Bert & he went home by 6 o'clock train I washed till nine got all white done & then I washed pair Blankets by 10 o'clcok I had them on the line lovely day but I was quite done up & had to stop & rest then made pie for dinner & finished all the washing also Clems folded in afternoon Ethel Murray & George & Eric came for a while had Cup Tea.

48 Mr Stuart, he has been before to help.

March 3 Very done up & dressed at 6/30 got Tea & swept Kitchen had breakfast washed Sep did ironing had dinner. Stan Preiss49 is fencing here Dad went to Bert Dawkins50 today & Bert & Wilf to load Hay Myrtle to Gawler, Harry here I made Olive's Bloomers & hemmed Serviettes & Sheets & mended sheets.

49 August William Stanley Preiss, a neighbour.
50 Albert Maynard Dawkins, probably.

March 4 Same morning duties a windy dusty day & my limbs were very bad indeed Wilf sent to Gawler with Hay I took up milk & stayed an hour with Myrtle. Mother picked & dressed a Fowl I did all my morning work before I went to Wilfs when I came back I set to work on a cosy cover & Kitchen window blind Dad went to Gawler to see how Clif was who is in the Fularton Private Hospital51 doing as well as we can expect I helped milk at night etc.

51 I doubt that the Fullarton Private Hospital was in Gawler. It could be the Walwa Private Hospital, which was on Fullarton Road in Myrtle Bank.

March 5 A hot morning & I did early duties & got usual Tea & Breakfast washed Sepr & Buckets then I shifted all round in the dining room & laid new Oilcloth & took up part of old & then I scrubbed Safe & table & Bert & I tacked on a fresh piece Oilcloth on small kitchen table in afternoon Mother did front rooms I dusted & sorted dining room & cleaned my room washed floors got all nice & clean Bert went to Gawler with his Sulky to be renovated I was dead beat cooler now.

March 6 I dressed early & started to clean y stove & got hurried to fry fish for parents which Frances sent had breakfast & washed Sepr a wet morning a cold change at midnight raining quite fast all morning & it was the Catholic Picnic but Bert never went Dad was going to Gawler but could not go till after dinner then Shops were closed but Amy Olive & Baby Celia came home for weekend very cold I had finished baking pies Cake &c & was about to clean Cutlery Mother did lamps & Butter &c.

March 7  Such a cold day & I was not going out I lit fire & got cup Tea & Amy bathed both girlies I swept kitchen & we had breakfast & I washed Sepr Mother stuffed a Fowl & prepared Trombone & Potatoes which we cooked fro dinner we had a Sing Song at Piano then I got dinner Mother had to lie down so poorly George came & had tea & they all went home I got in wood milked cow Bert the others Wilf & Family out for drive.

March 8 I awoke very early & dressed at 5/30 lit fire & Copper got breakfast cleaned up fireplace in dining room we had a nice fire there all day yesterday so cold & wet Baby was so good I took down all the Curtains except Parlour & washed them but it got me down I could scarcely move so I had to rest 1/4 of an hour had dinner & then I did all the general wash got done at 4 o'clcok also scrubbing ironed plain clothes & made Kitchen curtain &c.

March 9 I really felt as if I could not bear to move around the work but kept on at all morning duties washed Sepr then fried Mutton for our breakfast & made beds & ironed all the lot of Curtains & did not know however to stand Uncle Charley Heath came to dinner roast loin Mut Trom & Pots Apple Pie I made also this afternoon after clearing all dishes Ma & I cleaned all windows & Hung all curtains Ma helping & got cup Tea Dad & Uncle went for a drive.

March 10 Wilfred decided on getting up at five so came down & called the others I dressed at 5/35 & Dad had the fire & Kettle boiling I set Table & then washed Sepr at 6/30 had my breakfast & made beds picked Figs & then I did sewing till dinner time got dinner ready mashed Potatoes Tombone Mum made bread pudding I washed up & then got ready & Mum & I went to Celia's Nellie Parham52 washed for her as she has a very bad throat & cannot stand Steam we came home & took Toff out lit fire & in 20 minutes sat at Table to Tea very hot close day & evening.

51 Nellie Parham. Not quite sure who this is.

March 11 A very hot day indeed & I felt so unwell since 4 o'clock a.m. Dad got fire lit & cup Tea I got brk & washed Sepr &c then I did housework & cut out & made 2 blk aprons & in the afternoon I mended but was so ill I had to lie down then I got up got in wood set the Tea & went to bed early they only milk 7 cows now Mum helps night & sometimes Dad too.

March 12 Another hot day I did morning work & then I had to lie down Mother got all things ready for Gawler Dad went & Wilf & Family went Harry stayed here I did the boys room Mum front rooms Wilf bought a washstand for us & I did some mending Dad got home early he had Stan P dray

March 13 Hotter winds same in morning I feel so ill but dragged about lit up stove & baked Meat apple pies & Cakes also help do dining room I washed passage & dinign room round we had our dinner & then I washed up swept & washed Kitchen fl cooled out stove had a rest & then I blackleaded all very hot indeed dreadful weather cleaned all the cutlery got Tea had a bath Bert went ot Gawler he has his Sulky & the Buggy both in getting painted.

March 14th A great altercation Dad & Wilfred up at 6/30 & then others at seven also self they did cows & animals I did housework Mum got breakfast ready I washed Sepr Mum prepared Pots & Trom I wrote to Cookes to Tom. Harry Frances & 4 children came for the day we had a talk & cool sea breeze early this morning which developed into strong cold winds with showers & tonight its real cold Frances & them just gone home.

March 15 It is almost impossible to report correctly as I have not written for two weeks. This morning Dad up lit fire & then I got up & got boys breakfast & did the washing up Sepr &c & housework then Dad & I went to Gawler I did shopping got new Hat for Dad & Underwear Flannels & Pants I walked out to Amys as Dad had to get Toff Shod (no it was a week later he was shod) Dad went to Mill Inn Sale52 Frances came to Amys & after a cup of Tea Dad & I drove her home very cold indeed we went to Celia's who was whit washing her Kitchen we were a bit late home & Tea was ready so I washed up & then I reckoned up bills & sorted all things & put them away.

52 The sale at the old Mill Inn Hotel on Murray Street; lots of cheap grog and furniture. Apparently their licence was refused and it no longer operated as a hotel after this.

March 16 Same work generally all round & I wash Sepr & did housework & got all clothes ready for wash tomorrow. An early dinner & then all the men went to Koops Sale53 & bought 4 horses I made black aprons in the afternoon & got the cup of Tea & did some mending too.

53 Mr E L Koop, probably Edmund Ludwig Koop,  recently sold his farm, 7 miles west of Gawler. Here are the details of the sale.

March 17 St Patricks Day I got up at 5/30 & dressed & lit Copper at 6 & filled & started at Tubs did not feel well & did not get done till after dinner then I scrubbed the things & also my Washstand which was recently bought at Sale folded clothes & milked a cow & got wood Mum cooked dinner & did all her usual work.

March 18th After all my morning work was done I ironed & then I went up to Myrtle's & then came home with me & started varnishing the wash stand &c cupboard clock 2 pictures had cup Tea & went home boys went to Twelftrees to Load Hay Mavis54 is two years old today.

54 Mavis Hilda Atyeo, daughter of Wilfred & Myrtle.

March 19th Wilfred went to Giles55 with a load Hay Bert went to Hilliers & met him & got a load of Sand they had a new horse in too I did all my work & then I varnished the rest of the pictures the safe & Mantelpiece & did other work as well but got very done up at it.

55 Giles family? Not sure who this is. Could be Gilles?

March 20 All same work & I had to put the things right in dining room did baking meal & cake washed out some things & most fearful dusty windy day till 5 ock I had a bath & then I washed floor in my room & dining in got ready & went to Frances for Sat night Harry & George & Arthur56 went to Beach.

56 Arthur Samuel Hobart, George's youngest brother. 

March 21st Sunday Lorna & Phyllis57 got up & dressed I slept with Frances so did not rise early Frances & I dressed at 7/30 Lorna brought us in a cup of Tea then I went to see Clifs Pigeons & came in made bed had our meal & the three girls & myself went to Church Franc & Clif & Hazel went to Cemetery & to Amys Celia & her family came to Frances after dinner & went with I & girls to Cemetery home & had fried fish for Tea then Percy drove me to Amys where I remain till Mon.

57 Frances daughters Lorna (above) & Phyllis May Folland (aged 11).

March 22nd I was so very unwell but dressed & came out at 1/4 to 7 Amy milked & Separated & I helped Olive dress Amy bathed baby & we had our meal I made beds washed up & helped generally Olive went to School I cut her lunch I went Street with George at 2 o'clock & back at 3 o'ck with Ethel who was in Gawler Dad called for me Charl took our Buggy home newly painted we got home Teatime.

March 23 I did not intend washing as I was so very poorly could scarcely move about did usual work & tried to varnish Sideboard but was too ill so I got Bert to help me a while & he Ezyworked it at night Clem went in with Pigs to sent to Market Bert & Wilfred are now putting Cement Floors in their front rooms.

March 24th I felt so very unfit to wash but Mum cannot do everything so I lit Copper & did my best but was so very shaky & ill. We had decided having dinner Dad & Amy & Ethel & baby were in Adelaide & Frances Olive & Gwen Hazel & Cliff & French came to dinner & for afternoon I folded clothes & made bed.

March 25 Same work in morning & then I ironed Myrtle came & varnished Top of side board & couch I was ill Dad Bert & Wilfred went to Winckels Sale58 Mum roasted Leg Mutton Marrow & potatoes lovely weather I hung Mum's bedroom curtains to bed & all clean covers in Parlor. 

58 Winckel are a local family.

March 26 Up & got boys breakfast & then washed the Sepr came in & made beds & then I varnished the pictures in parlor that required it also Sewing Machine that Bert started Kitchen sofa I swept & Dusted Parlor & Mum washed passage & her room but I quite knock up Harry stayed with us while Myrtle went to Gawler & got a new Copper & stand Wilfred & Bert went for posts that they bought at Winckels sale warmer

March 27 Same work then breakfast Mum got Dad ready for Gawler i made beds & did boys room & finished off the dining room & made Melon pies & a Alford Cake Bert & Wilfred at his place mixing mortar for floor on Monday I cleaned K & Forks Mum Spoons & Lamps I swept Floors & did some washing Bert is gone to Gawler tonight.

March 28th Sunday I got up in good time & the boys milked & we had breakfast & I did all the necessary work & Bert went out in back we had an early dinner Jim & Murray came with Clems clothes dinner over Dad Mum & I drove to Loos59 & found that it was the Anniversary & the Church was full all of our girls with their husbands & families were present & Ada Celia & Amy had their babies baptised we went home & had Tea & Dad & I went at night.

59 Loos is the new name for Buchsfeld given when German towns were renamed during the second world war. The church is no longer standing. The babies baptised were Eric Clarence Folland, Vivienne Bartlett Joy Dawe, and Celia Florence Hobart.

March 29th I felt so awfully unwell but did all I could washed Sepr then rested a while & we had lunch & Dad & I came to Gawler I went to Dr & decided to go to Hospital so I went to Amys for Monday night I felt so ill but went to Frances to Tea then home to Amy & retired but rest was out of question my side was bad & worry Amy I know also worried.

March 30th As I was due at Hospital at 10 o'clock we were up in good tim & I heped Amy do all I could Frances came down & stayed with Baby & her Baby while Amy & Mr Brodie60 drove me to Hospital where they prepared me for an operation at 4 o'clock I felt pretty ill when I came round & very drowsy as well & sick. Wensday was a hot day but as the routine of Hospital is the same each day I will not enumerate on it. Thursday was a dreadful day I did not know how to bear it they varnished the Ward & chairs & the smell of the spirits & heat were awful Good Friday Amy George & children visited me Saturday Mrs Scharnberg died at 8 o'clock61 the Sister put me in the Verandah & Dad & Ettie McLeod Charlie Eva & Gwen62 came to see me I was the only one in the Ward & they put me in Private Ward & Amy Olive & Baby came Easter Sunday to see me Cousin Eva came on Easter Monday. Dad & Mum on the Tuesday.  6th April I cannot report every day but on Friday they shifted me back in the Public Ward with one other & on Saturday April 10 my big operation for appenditic was performed at 9 o'clock & for 5 days I suffered agony & they injected morphia every few hours I was in Hospital until April 24th then Dad & Olive came up to get me Toff in the Sulky & brought me out to George & Amy's where Mother was I could not walk in myself I was very weak & side so painfl they went home in afternoon.

60 James George Brodie, a family friend of Fanny's parents, husband of Emma Brodie (nee Pointon), mendionted in January.
61 Mattilda Emilie Scharmberg (nee Oehm), aged 78, widow of Heinrich Wilhelm Scharmberg.
62 Henrietta (Hettie / Ettie) McLeod, sister of Eva and Gwendoline Ettie Atyeo, aged 8, daughter of Charlie and Eva

April 25 George goes to work at 8 o'clock I do not get up early Amy always brings me a cup of Tea I sit in the rocking chair & in the afternoon rest on the camp bed in front Verandah in teh lovely hot sun I started to knit Olive a sock & do a stitch of mending but I can't nurse baby.

April 26 Same as every day Mrs Brodie came to see me also Dad & Frances usually runs round of an evening to see me also some of the children George has a bad finger he put up a door to stable.

April 27 I am happy as can be here George went to work as usual home to dinner finger painful I cannot help with work & Amy got a lot to see to I feel very unwell George came home at night with a very bad hand.

April 28 As the finger was worse Olive went up to Frances & Lorna went to the Dr & got him to come out to both George & I & he pronounced it a poisoned finger Amy had to poultice it constantly it keep her on the go all the time & I can't half help.

April 29 Both got up & I did little things for Amy & at about 11 o'clock Dr came & with Amy assisting him gave George Ether & lanced it then it had to have hot foments & Boracic. Both Olive & have colds in chest & throat also Amy & Baby I am making Olive a sock & mending besides amusing baby & doing trifles.

April 30 As George is home from work & Amy is very busy I just help in a small way not much that I can do as I am so weak & side very painful.

May 1st I tried to help Olive by helping wash up & wash ornaments Amy busy cooking & cleaning George went to Dr at night & to pictures Amy & I stayed up late waiting for them then I had to rest I was done up completely Amy was busy all day.

May 2nd Sunday we had dinner & Amy George & Olive & baby went to Cemetery I stayed home & read & rested & I wrote letters to cousins I was not able to go out not strong atall.

May 3rd Monday Amy was not going to wash so after doing a few things to help I cut out & partly made two Flannels for Olive also stitched round neck of one at night

May 4th Same work George gardening & cut out two nightdresses for baby finished one & in afternoon George took his pig away & I went with Olive to see Mrs Brodie a while & stitched the Flannel there

May 5 George off to work again Olive not able to go to school cough too bad & a very bad cold Amy set too & washed & I made a stew & Amy made an apple pie I tried to do a little of ironing but I cannot stand

May 6 George to work I finished both nights & Flannels & I started to alter a creme Tunic for Olive then I always look after baby if I can Amy ironed the clothes I had to retire early

May 7 Amy always gets up & gets breakfast & brings me a cup of Tea then I dress & Olive Dad came to Gawler & had dinner with us George had to work at night so Amy & I had a talk supper & retired late I was knitting too as well

May 8 Same work George went for wood out in back Amy busy I finished Olives Tunic & Bloomers three pairs
May 9th A cold rainy day & Olive & I intended going to Grandma's63 but it was so wet Bert did not come till 4 o'clock it was fine then & I got ready & we drove hoe to Tea & stay till Tuesday had a talk to parents & Boys milked & separated. 

63 Possibly intending to go to see George's mother, Sarah Ann Hobart (nee Barnett) but also could have just been referring to go home to Charltonville.

May 10 Dad brought m in a cup of Tea then I dressed & did a little work for Mother washed up made my bed then I was busy hunting up different things & made an apron.

May 11 I had only time to wash up & straighten bedroom then Dad came for me & Olive to dress so we got home here at dinner time & then Dad came back & Olive & Iwent street & he drove us home at 3/30 & I did a bit of sewing & knitting.

May 12 Amys washing day so I did a few little things to help her got dinner & help iron some things Amy finished at night altogether I did some knitting & also made a pinafore.

May 13 I got up & did any little thing I could to help Amy & she did her work made a Melon pie & fried potatoes & onions for dinner I got ready for street & Amy got baby & self ready but it was so windy we got there at 2/30 & did shopping I got Flannel for Mother & Self & I also got a dress for myself we drove to school for Olive & Gwen & up to Frances when Lorna & Phyllis came & told us that the cow was in pound so Amy went for her & was very much upset by the Keeper I felt so sorry for her as she is far from strong.

May 14 As one day is much the same as another to me I get dressed & try to do little odd jobs & talk & amuse Baby who crawls & walks around things Amy busy cooking & cleaning rooms I cut out & made a pinafore Dinner time I was that crippled with Rheumatism I could scarcely sit at Table & all the afternoon my back with Lumbago I did some Knitting George had to work at night so I stayed up till 9/30.

May 15 I had a bad night so both George & Amy advised me to remain in bed which I did it was an awful cold stormy day raining & blowing Olive was such a dear child & waited on me all day & helped Mum Amy cooked a leg Mutton roast potatoes Marrow & Melon pie. George went coursing with Harry & did not get home till late in afternoon Amy & Olive got a scare a large Centipede in babys crib

May 16 Amy got up & brought me in a cup of Tea & rubbed my back then I dressed at nine & we had breakfast & it being Sunday did different little things Amy cooked Vegetables we had dinner Olive went to Sunday School Lorna & Phyllis came & had a chat we had tea & George put his new Military Certificate in Frame Olive & I looked at Post Cards & she recited & sang to me so nicely.

May 17 As I intended going to Frances midday & it was fine in the morning I got Amy to wash I got Olive ready for school & helped do a few things Myrtle Harry & Mavis came & had a cup Tea & I came on here with Harry Frances did not wash today I helped her do the dishes Lorna & the rest were at school Clif is with Harry at the Shop French is on Tapes Bakers Cart64 since Clifs accident I did some more Knitting the weather is very cold.

64 Mr Walter John Tape had a Bakers cart, on which both Clif and French worked.  Photos here!

May 18 Frances washing day today Lorna stayed home in the morning & I helped her cook the dinner she went to school in afternoon & I washed up Frances did not finish till late French brought home mushrooms from Gawler River round the weather is very cold indeed by dry.

May 19th Lorna brings me in my Tea now & I do not dress as early here as  they are busy getting off to school & business. Frances did some ironing with the Electric iron I was busy mending but cant sit long it hurts my side too much

May 20 Same duties & I have no particular place in them I usually wash up while Franc baths Baby make my bed & I made Lorna's just lend a hand where I can the sewing machine went wrong & I had such a job with it I made two aprons fro Frances Harry got it to go better for me.

May 21st I had a very bad cold indeed so has baby & it makes one so misererable & limbs very bad indeed Amy called as she was at the Store we hear Uncle Will65 is ill Dr been out to him Mrs & Mr Arthur Hobart & our French & Clarry Jacobs66 spent evening at George & Amy's last evening & Harry & Clif went to Parramatta Gardens Eric is very ill.

65 William Atyeo, Dad’s older brother
66 George's brother, his wife Emeline Florence Ratcliffe, and Clarence Charles Jacobs, nephew of George.

May 22 Sat the children had Empire Day yesterday & spent a happy time & had half Holiday Amy Olive & Baby spent evening here Men at work Children had a concert to themselves & we chatted & I did some mending Mr P.W. Wainwright67 died suddenly at his residence on ____ morning after much suffering. Frances is very busy baking girls busy dusting & sorting rooms washing floors &c I washed my head & help washup then Black dyed my hat ironed ribbon & other things got aftenoon Tea Harry & Cliff are gone coursing today.

66 Peter William Wainwright, died aged 59 on May 18th.

May 23 Such a nice day & it was the S.S. Anniversary at Cong Church Gawler67 so Lorna & Phyllis got up & brought me in a cup of Tea then I dressed & we had breakfast & the boys & girls all went ot Church Harry & I washed up Frances bathed baby & after dinner Bert came & drove Frances & I to children Service we rode home with Mrs Rice68 & boys & then Bert came to Tea & Lilian Rice & Gladys Williams69 then they the girls & French went to Church again & I went to bed early I was tired.

67 The Follands attended the Congregational Church in Gawler.
68 Amy Edith Caroline Rice (nee Crouch), a neighbour.
69 Lilian Ethel May Rice, aged 7, daughter of Amy Crouch. Gladys Williams could be any of a number of people, but I suspect it is Gladys Pearl Williams, aged 10, daughter of Thomas Henry Williams and Elizabeth Jane Kitto; she was born in Moonta.

May 24 Phyllis woke ill & we all dressed & had breakfast & her throat was so very bad that Frances had Dr dinner time & he injected a Diptheria Antidine & I was ordered away at once we fumigated teh clothes & disinfected the house & then I walked down here Hazel is ill also teething Bronchitis all is worry

May 25 Usual work at Amys then I tried to wash two or three things & hung all out in air then I did a bit ironing Amy washed yesterday & some of my clothes today & I did a bit sewing Amy roasted a fowl & vegetables also boiled melon & finished ironing as well.

May 26 I dressed earlier & got Olive ready for school & Amy cut her dinner I went to Mrs Brodies & met Mrs Barker70 had a chat & wrote to Mum Amy busy making Melon pie & cooking hot Dinner. In the afternoon I did a little sewing & in the evening George went to Gawler River to Jim's & Amy & Olive & I went to Mrs Brodies for evening Amy played the Organ & we had a Sing Song & talk Mrs Barker goes to Angaston for a holiday
Victoria Ross has a Son71 born May 26th 1920
Mrs Len Pederick has a Son72 May 1920.

70 Mrs Barker, could be anyone really.
71 Cousin Victoria Jane Ross (nee Paterson); her fourth son Alexander James Ross.
72 Dorothy Pederick (nee Patterson); her son Robert Alwyn Pederick.

May 27 Same duties for Amy Olive was not going to school so helped me washup & she tidied round &  we got ready for a Visit to Celia arrived there at eleven & she stuffed a fowl & I prepared vegetables she was baking bread as well we had a chat & I mended Olives coat & hemmed up sleeves, we got home at 5/30 & had Tea ready for G.E.H. & he went to Jims for pigs Amy & I talked & I knitted.

May 28 I felt so unwell a bad head & limbs but did little odd's & ends to help Amy who was busy cooking dinner then she put the horse in & we drove to Gawler calling at school for Olive then the Belly band broke & we got a fright we got it fixed up  did some shopping & came home had tea & I had to rest I felt so ill G.E.H. was at Shop till nine so we had a talk.

May 29th As one day is so much like another I will not report minutely Amy roasted Beef potatoes & marrow Melon pies Olive did her Sat work & went to Treloars73 I prepared a pudding Olive heped me I also put new sleeves in Babys dress & Amy did her housework I lad down George busy in the garden weeding & planting.

72 Treloar family.

May 30 We do not get up till later Sunday & we had cup of Tea & then Amy bathed Baby & did any necessary work also I help in small way then we had dinner & I rested & wrote a lot of letters Amy was so unwell had to go to bed George & I got supper & then had a Talk & I retired.

May 31 A wet morning but Amy washed & never got them dry I helped her do housework & peeled Veg for dinner & we had our pudding it just poured with rain & Baby was so wakeful George had to walk to work too wet for bike Olive came home drenched to the skin & French was out in it all day & drenched to the skin.

June 1st All as usual Olive went to school & I tried to help Amy I folded clothes when they got dry & ironed my clothes Dad came for me & had a cup of Tea then we came home to Charton Ville & the boys milked & separated & feed animals we had tea & I retired to bed.

June 2nd Dad makes the fire & takes Mum in a cup of Tea then she gets up & gets the breakfast I dressed & washed up made my bed & then I went ot the machine all day.

June 2nd continued Same work & I cut out a skirt & partly made it for Olive & altered a wool petticoat for Mother I miss the dear baby & Olive so much we are having glorious rains now our men finished seeding May 31st 1920.

June 3 No difference in duties as I am not strong enough to take on my work at present I cut out a Skirt for Amy & partly made it Myrtle taken ill Wilf took her to Dr & he sent her to Mrs Greens nursing home73 Gawler so he left Mavis with Celia & Harry & Effie were here & went home to sleep with Wilf. Thursday

73 According to newspaper records it seems Mrs Green started her nursing home in Moonta sometime before 1908, then by 1912, there was another Mrs Green's Nursing Home in Brighton. One opened in Gawler, on King Street in 1914 and was a place where many children were born until the 2nd World War. Later I find her name is Mrs H Green.

June 4 Wilf went to Gawler took Effie to Celia's also Harry is here & Wilf is here also I swept the dining room after 10 weeks rest & I dusted it & cleaned the lamps & felt as if I would fall over so rested 3/4 of hour very cold

June 5 I helped all I could but cannot do ordinary work. I have Harry to dress & get washed for breakfast & I made my bed & Mums but my side is so bad. Mum always cooks hot dinner & made Biscuits I tidied dining room made nice fire George Amy & Children came for afternoon & even went out to back paddock home to Tea Amy bathed Harry for me I was very pleased to see my dear little girls again & Celia knew me a very cold night I head a wash & retired at 10pm

June 6 As I am not able to go to church alone I helped in various ways Clif came to day & Albert & Murray to dinner & then Charl Eva & the children & Hettie & Cousin Eva & Beryl came & spent afternoon we then had tea cold day I felt tired.

June 7 Such a cold windy morning & it rained too & the men got wet Wilf went down to Charls I just assisted generally I made a good fire & set too & made Mother two new U.B. Garments it was the Willaston Coursing & a very cold day Clif came out my side pains me a lot Mother busy cooking.  

74 Here is the newspaper article about the Willaston Coursing. It seems to be something about dogs chasing hares. Here's Wikipedia's explanation.

June 8 Dad went to Gawler I intended going but there's so much to be done so I dressed Harry & we had breakfast & I wash up while Mum does the Separator & Buckets then I finished the Chemises & yesterday I made Amy's skirt or finished it rather I got pants on Harry now.

June 9 Such a cold wet kind of morning but Auntie Eva came to wash Mum cooked leg Mutton Veg & Suet pudding the wind was awful & I put a line in Verandah & dried them off there & I ironed the white clothes & cut out my Flannels last night & today made one I felt done up.

June 10 Same work & after duties done I ironed all the other clothes finished dinner time & then Dad & Bert went to Carslakes Sale at Kangaroo Flat I made my other Flanel & mended Berts Coat cold & rough weather but rains are glorious Celia has both Effie & Mavis with her Maisy75 at school I had a bath.

75 Amy Marion (Maisie) Dawe, niece, aged 5.

June 11 Same as usual & then I made beds in boys & my room & cleaned the dining room thoroughly blackleaded fireplace & washed floor round & I have to look after Harry as well I cut out & made a Raglan Blouse in about 2 1/2 hours for every day wear Mum busy baked Scones Biscuits Churned Butter & done her front rooms Sad Death of Mr Len Barkla76 at Gawler on Sunday June 6 Also a Scoth [sic] Bride Mrs Owen on 10 June leaving an infant son & husband77.

76 Leonard William Barkla, only 32 years old.
77 Catherine Scott Owens nee Burnett, aged 34, wife of Aloysius Alfred Owens, and mother of William Henry Owens, only 4 days old.

June 12th Saturday I was up an hour earlier & dressed Harry & self had breakfast & then Mum got Dad ready for Gawler & I washed up Mum did Separator then I made beds filled & cleaned lamps Ma got dinner I swept & washed my bedroom floor & dusted it cleaned fireplace & made nice fire in dining room cleaned all cutlery spoons &c then made a colar for Blouse had Tea bathed Harry scrubbed breadboard S Cellar

Jun 13 Sunday I did not feel able to go to church alone so I got up dressed Harry & made porrige cleaned 3 pairs boots we had breakfast I made beds pulled Turnip Tops & then I swept Kitchen Mother cooked Loin Mutton potatoes & Veg had & I helped washup & made up fire & rested & read Bert went up to see Uncle Charly & Mary was there78 Eva Beryl & Daphne are out now.

78 Cousin Mary Ann Preiss (nee Arbon).

June 14 Same duties & I unripped Clems waistcoat & started to put new back in but I never finished it On Tuesday June 15 Dad & I went to Gawler it was very cold & looked stormy & after I had done some shopping it just poured with rain we waited till after the Shower then drove to Amys & it rained all the time so I stayed with her she had not been well at all so I helped her in light duties & remained till the following Thursday I had a very bad leg & on Friday June 18th I went to the get about & could scarcely move then on Saturday I went to Dr with Dad & he ordered me to bed George offered me to come & stay with them so I stayed & remained in bed till June 23rd then got up & just layed about then on June 26th Amy assisted me to empty a mattress & she washed it & we put Flocks out in Sun & picked them & I sewed it up & Amy made a new pillow also which made a real nice bed On June 27 George drove me to Frances where I stayed till Tuesday the 29 it was coursing Day on Monday the 28 & Harry & French went Clif went out Rabbiting  & lost a Ferret. George & Amy went out to Charlton Ville Frances washed & I bound all the Mats Cocoanut Matting On Thursday July 1st 1920 I went to Frances for night & Olive was taken ill at Midnight.

July 2nd Clif came home to breakfast & told me Olive was ill & Amy wanted me so off I went she was in bed Whooping Cough & weak heart Baby also got Whooping Cough & its terrible to see & hear them I sleep in the back room now alone & every morning George lights fire & then goes to work at seven back at 8 ock I have breakfast ready while Amy rests on July 5th Roma had a heifer calf & on July 6 George & Clif went out at night & got her & brought her home next morning George milked her at 8 o'clock. Amy got up & washed the Separator I just assist as much as I can each day & On July 4 I was at Frances to Tea & Lorna went to Chapel with me at Willaston I walked home alone & on Monday we washed & usual duties all the week & I also made two Creme Flannels for Baby & two pinafore for Olive & pressed Georges Military Uniform On Sunday July 11th I did Amys morning work & she took both children for a walk I fried sausages for dinner G was cracking almonds I wen to Chapel at night Bert came to dinner & Lorna & Phyllis to Tea with him we had cold roast Duck in afternoon Amy & I took children for a drive in Berts Sulky & home to Tea to Church on July 12th Gawler was favored by a visit from H.R.H. The Prince of Wales79 we got to the Station at 9/30 & George had to get in his line & march with the returned Soldiers the Prince arrived at 10 & we had a good view of Him then we went to the Park where 1700 School children were treated to food sweets &c George helped wait on them & we came home at one o'clock & George went to the country & got wood we were both busy & I went & Frances for the night Harry & boys were in Adelaide to see the Illuminations & we sat up till after 12 o'clock for them.

78 Later to be Edward VIII. Here is an article about the Illuminations.

July 14 Frances & others went to Adelaide to see the Illuminations there are Thousands of people going by the Six train & back midnight

July 15 Little Hazel very ill Harry & others went to Town at night & Mrs Chenoweth79 stayed with Frances' Harry & Lou did not get home till after one o'clock & they did not go to bed till after 2 o'ck then baby was worse Friday & Dr pronounced it Bronical Pneumonia Amy & I went street & came home & I looked after the children while she went to see little Hazel Baby cryed for 3/4 of an hour & Olive went sleep in the clothes basket George got home first & then Amy we had our Cocoa & retired to rest Saturday July 17 I went to Frances first thing & helped her all I could I churned the Butter which took 3 1/2 hours to come Mrs Chenoweth came & washed all Floors I dusted & I went back to Amys at night & on Sunday July 18 we assisted each other & in the afternoon my legs were so bad I could not walk so I remained home & Amy went for a walk to Cemetery I got Tea ready & George milked & Separated we had Tea Amy & I went to Church at Willaston we have had delightful weather all the week & July 19 lovely day Amy & I washed & at 2/30 Dad came for me & we drove home here to Charltonville called at Celia's & Eva's who were both washing & I help get Tea after I got home.

79 Mrs Chenoweth helps out quite a bit. I believe this is Elizabeth Ann Nottle, wife of Charles Chenoweth.

July 20 Damsel has a Foal this morning I did not dress till 20 to seven made porrige & set table Dad always lights fire & has a cup Tea & then I dress & Mother I lit Copper & washed the breakfast dishes then washed all the sheets pillow cases & other bed linen & my own clothes & I ironed but night was quite done up & retired at 8 oclock to rest Mother & Eva Gwen & Coral went for a drive to Twelftrees.

July 21st Its just 3 months since I came out of Hospital & this morning I was not well & dressed late had breakfsat & washed up made a Ashworth Pudding pudding & Farmers Biscuits Amy & children & Phyllis came to dinner & went home at 4/30 rained last night nice day cold

July 22nd I dressed earlier & made porrige for breakfast & did usual housework & then I made Mother two aprons & other sewing Dad went to Gawler & home dinner time Charl came down & killed a pig which Dad sold to Tom Standley80 whole. I got afternoon Tea & then I went up to Myrtles to see about Dressmaking as I want to make a dress.

80 Not sure who Tom Standley is. Could be John Thomas Standley, who lived in Rosewater around this time.

July 23 Busy mornign & Mother had to get the cream ready I ehlp Dad get ready for Gawler after getting breakfast then I was busy at rooms Mother cooking roast. Pork cauliflower potatoes &c & Neva Humphrys & Clarrissa & her two boys Reo & Joffe81 came to dinner & afternoon I finished my room Clarissa played Piano they went home at 3/30 & I did other rooms Dad bought nine pigs at Sale Yards.

80 Neva Lucy Humphrys, local girl aged 19, and Clarissa Eleanor Humphrys (nee Barr), wife of Neva's cousin (who is also Fanny's cousin!). Clarissa's sons are Reo Wallace Humphrys (aged 7) and Joffre Barr Humphrys (aged 4).

July 24 I always get up & get breakfast now Dad lights fire boys do the cows then I washed Sepr & all things cleaned boys room I made & baked a cake cleaned lamps & all cutlery & my limbs were so bad I had to rest a good while mother finished her Flannel Bert went to Gawler Prince dired of strangles today

July 25 Sunday I got up late & at once made puddings for dinner Mum got the breakfast over & we made beds Harry & Franc French Gwen & Hazel came to dinner & then Franc & I washe dup & she & baby stayed with Mum & Harry & children & I went to Boundary line getting mushrooms home to Tea Uncle Charley walked over for afternoon the first time since his illness rather shaky

July 26 I awoke to find a nice morning & after getting the breakfast over & washign Separator I put on the boiler & washed I did the boys Quilt & Moles & all the other did not finish till four o'clock clearing up included then rested & after Tea I did the ironing but felt very done

July 27 I had intended going to Gawler but Bert Wilf & Family went to Adelaide at nine o'clock they drove down & Dad went to Gawler & to Mrs Hand Senr81 Sale Harry stayed home with Mum & I was so so crook We had to milk & Separate feed all animals at night.

81 Probably the mother of Aunt Amelia's husband Edmund Hand (i.e. wife of John Hand). Probably Prudence Ellen Holmes, but I am not sure, so just listing her as Mrs Hand. There are multiple John Hands!

July 28 Dad called me & I dressed & dressed Haryy had a cup of Tea & we were busy milking before Sunrise & then did all ordinary work I cut out & partly made a nightdress for Mum last night & this morning I did some more to it & we had dinner & I went to Ada's & Eva & girls were there also had a chat & came home & finished the Garment. 

July 29 Same duties & dressed Harry they came home from City yesterday evening came Gawler way with a new rubber tire covered Buggy & a new horse too I baked Farmers Biscuits & in the afternoon after doing my work I went to visit Eva she is not strong Beryl & Daphne are well Davis Window died today Walt came to tell us tonight while I was writing82 weather is very cold. 

82 David Herbert Window, aged 32. Walter Joseph Window is his brother. They are a local family.

July 30 Same work made porrige & got Breakfast over washed Sepr & Cream Can then swept & dusted my room Mum front rooms I also cut off a Kerosene Tin we had roast fowl & cauliflower potatoes I got dinner & dished it up & then swept & help Dust dining room & Dad & I went to David's funeral Bert & Hugh83 dug his grave he had quite a nice lot of wreathes.

83 Probably Hugh Ratcliff.

July 31st Same duties I alwasy get breakfast over & then I wash the Separator Buckets & Cream Cans also about every other day then I lit up stove & baked Dora Biscuits & Alford Cake & made large Plum Pudding then swept & dusted the boys room & Kitchen & cleaned Knives & forks & any other work Dad went ot Gawler weather fine & frosty & very cold. Flora has a Calf Bull.

Aug 1st As I was not going ot Church I did not get up very early got breakfast made beds & tidied rooms washed Separator & put on pudding & I also go on leg Mutton & Mum cooked cauliflower & potatoes I made sweet sauce Jim Ada George & Eric ame to dinner Wesley & Murray came after & they stayed will late Wesleystay will 10 o'clock & Bert & her were at Piano

Aug 2nd I intended going ot Gawler with Dad today so I hurried & did all morning duties & then I washed sox aprons towels got all dry & we had our dinner & drove to Amys, But never stopped on to St & did shopping back to Frances & to Charlie's also called at charlie's both ways & at Celia's going in Coral ill.

Aug 3rd Same duties cream cans today & I hurried as quickly as possible as I intended going to Myrtles for a time to get my dress fitted I did indoor work & got up there by dinner time all the afternoon we were looking at different styles & got it cut out & fitted then I came home & had cup of Tea & help milk. Wilf was out in the back working so was not home to dinner after tea I was busy looking for buttons & others.

Aug 4 Same work & then I put a new back in Clems waistcoat & after dinner I went up again & made Buttons got it almost done it rained heavily I came home in a shower & got damp & got a cold but I changed clothes Charl came down & killed a pig so a let Myrtle finish dress.

Aug 5 Same early duties then Dad & Mum salted down the pig & I roasted Sparrib & fried dinner & potatoes cauliflower Mum melted down lard only a little as the pig was small I washed a few things in afternoon as I did not do the usual wash this week.

Aug 6 Friday is Gawler Dad I did all usual work I always get up now make fire get breakfast over wash Sepr & all Buckets & cream cans Mum got Dad ready for Gawler & I swept dining room mine & boys room Kitchen Mum front room & passage dinner over i washe dup & then made a nice fire & bathed in by dining room fire washe dmy head too & then washed some lcothes Mum so unwell & she dusted dining room & her rm Myrtle brought down my frock & it fits me nicely.

Aug 7 I got up as usual & made a cup of Tea & then not knowing that Mother was having th eDr out I set to & blackleaded both fireplace & Stove fountain Kettle &c got breakfast made beds washed Sepr & the Dr came I got Sparrib roasted & dinner over then I made a plum pudding & churned Butter besides waiting on Mum my poor legs ached & pained awfully but I got to work now I cleaned all Cutlery after Tea Bert went to Gawler Clem had a bath.

Aug 8 Up & took in Tea fried Eggs & Bacon done all housework put on pudding washed up & was very busy I changed Mothers bed & put in clean linen Celia Marion & Vivienne came & I peeled Marrow potatoes Celia filled lamps for me we were just going to have dinner & George Amy & children came such a dreadful cold stormy day they all had dinner & at 4/30 prepared for home giving Celia & girls a ride too & it poured & blew terribly George so very poorly

Aug 9 I could not wash as it keeps me on the run all the time & I feel that down out I don't no how to keep going I washed the Spr & all cans & steamed pudding potatoes & Turnips & greens & Uncle & Eva & Beryl came for afternoon had Tea & went home I put colar on Skirt for Dad & there are the sick dishes & glasses to wash keep me going all the day.

Aug 10 Same early duties I made Mothers breakfast & got the men theirs as Dad is so unwell I always dress first & light fire get a cup of Tea & take out one to boys in cow yard wash the Separator & cook dinner I mended my skirt my poor legs are so painful & side & the continual going backwards & forwards quite cripple me & it is difficult to keep going & bear it.

Aug 11 Well I cannot write all I did today as I had one of the busiest same early duties & made breakfast for Mum fried Eggs & Bacon washed Separator & boiled Mutton & made Soup Turnips potatoes Mt Lofty pudding & also got dinner & made a currant cake then got Mum out in chair & made her bed & gave her lucnh my legs are fearful Will Ratcliff came over for Sugar & to see Ma I had to wash & iron a collar for Bert then ehlp milk.

84 William Ratcliffe, husband of cousin Eva.

Aug 12 This morning was a finer day & calmer too all the rest have been something fearful windy I fried Vegetable & made bed swept Kitchen last evening before I retired so it was ready at about ten o'clock Cel came to wash so she lit Copper & then had cup of Tea & start I washed Separator & then made up a round of Beef & roasted it with Turnips & Tops & potatoes & steamed pudding & Marrow Bernice & Laurel & Vivienne played away she got done washing at 4 oclock & Ada & Eric drove out & I was sweeping Kitchen got a cup of Tea & help do all I had a bad head Percy came to Cel & Ada went home I help milk but was terrible bad I made boys bed & my got Tea then I had to go to bed & the pain was fearful could not rest felt as if it would burst & limbs awful bad.

Aug 13th Dad got up this morning & made fire & I got up & took castor Oil my head felt splitting could not think correctly I made Mum corn flour & did what morning work I could I took up Mats & swept the dining room floor & cleaned fireplace made fire Mum got up after dinner & I swept her room & mine & boys room my head so bad I fell down in dining room terrible I ironed this afternoon as Celia washed yesterday & I had all the Sheets &c to put out & air & I left all rooms till Saturday this week I felt so ill in myself & lims so awful its curel to work but duty must be done.

Aug 14 Dad lit stove & I got up & got breakfast over Dad went to Gawler today I swept Kitchen & did all washing up Bert was rolling Wilf ploughing th Flat paddock Olive came home with Dad to Tea then had to go back with Bert at night in covered Trap & I roasted a leg Mutton & cleaned knives forks spoons & Mum cleaned lamps today for me I had a bath & so did Clem

Aug 15 Same early morning work fried Eggs & Bacon Bert had to go to CHarlie's as his heifer was bad & I had to help milk & wash Sepr & Buckets I did not cook dinenr as I cooked Rice pudding syesterday & Clif came to dinner & Harry Frances & children all to tea I washed up & then rested then help get Tea & it came up very stormy in late afternoon Phyllis stayed with us so we looked at Photo's & then we retired very cold & stormy & not like Sunday

Aug 16 It was not atall a nice day for washing so cold, stormy Dad went to Gawler to get Mr Driesener85 but it was too cold & stormy Phyllis stayed the day & night I did all morning work & then I made a Ashworth pudding. Turnips potatos also for dinner in the afternoon I cut out & partly made a Raglan Blouse fo self & then milked six cows had Tea & finished Blouse legs so bad.

85 Probably Carl Johann Gottlieb Driesener, a neighbour of Fanny's father's generation, who cam out this time last year to prune the fruit trees.

Aug 17 As it was a nice morning I decided on doing the washing & so lit Copper after cleaning it also I fried Eggs & bacon Phyllis went to CHarls fo rher to get a ride home at 7 20 so we were up at 6 o'clock & I cut Clems dinner as well washed Sepr & then started at Tubs & got all boiled before dinner & ready for line but it rained & hindered me however I got all whites bed linen &c out dinner over I went on at Tubs & finish at about 3 then scrubbed Buckets Cream cans & all things requiring Table &c folded clothes & milked 4 cows & did a little ironing.

Aug 18 Same duties & washed Sepr & Cream cns got it ready for Gawler Dad went & Mr Driesener came & cut back trees & pruned all I hurried & put on shank for broth roasted Mutton & onions potatoes Turnips & Greens did housework cleaned up fireplace & made fires Ethel came for afternoon I milked 5 cows & did some ironing Mum finished it Dad took Mr D homw I baked Biscuits & am so tired nice days now.

Aug 19 Up & did all usual work Mum gets up about 10 or so & Dad was going ot Gawler so Mum got him ready & I went & washed Separator came in & was doing the B F dishes & was surprised to see Celia & Vivienne come home & she set to & plucked a fowl then she went up & done front rooms & then the dining rom & my bedroom washed all floors & black leaded stove then it came on to rain we had a cup of Tea & they went home & we milked very windy not much rain showers.

Aug 20th Dad is up this week first & lights stove & gets the Kettle boiling for cup Tea Boys also have one & go to milk I make beds & get breakfast fried the wash the separator then in  pulled Turnips & I had previously boild a Ham so then got Vegetables cooked for dinner & frie dBacon then cleared away & dusted my room & gave boys room a good clean & Kitchen I ehlp milk Harry stayed with us while they went to Gawler Betty has a calf

Aug 21 All same only Bert washed Sepr while I help prepare a stuff Fowl & put on leg Mutton Mum prepared potatoes & cauliflower I roasted the Fowl & Mutton & steamed pudding & made sauce Auntie & Elvie got here to 12 oclock dinner then Bert & her went to meet Mabel86 by midday & will go to the dance tonight I cleaned all cutlery & washed up all the dinenr dishes & pots Auntie, Clem & I milk Wilf help finish off Flora & Betty I made a new Blind for boys room & we had tea I wased up again.

86 Probably Mabel Beatrice Porter, grand-daughter of Aunt Harriet Paterson, aged 22.

Aug 22 Aunt Atyeo's Birthday87 & a most beautiful day Mothe rdid not get up till after 10 o'clock I was up in good time also Dad we had a cup of Tea I swept & tidied Kitchen & fireplace & fried Eggs & bacon quite a large meal after that Elvie & Mabel washed the dishes Bert the separator Auntie & Mother drove to Uncle Charleys (or Wills) I prepared a cauliflower & potatoes foiled pudding again made Sauce cleared the Parlor as I slept there last night they had some music & also went for a stroll out doors I got dinner & dished all up then Aunt & Mother came & she carved cold fowl & Ham then I washed up everything bert & Mabel went to Barossa & I was busy Auntie & Elvie went home at 5 ock Wilf Dad & I milked.

87 Harriet Atyeo (nee Tancock), wife of William Atyeo.

Aug 23 Such a wet morning & Mother remained in bed all day & I was so worried with work & management I washed up all after getting the breakfast over & Dad went to Gawler Mabel thought it too wet to go home so I fried pudding for dinner & mahsed potatoes washed up Mabe had a long sleep I altered my blouse sleeves & help boys milk gathered Eggs very wet indeed yard so wet got our feet wet milking boys & Mabel up late

Aug 24th Another wet morning & cold wind I had to get breakfast & sweep rooms I made porrige then I cleared all away Bert drove Mabel to Station & I made a Bread & Butter Custard & mashed pots in afternoon Istarted to renovate a coat for Clem & I alwasy help milk either 5 or  cows & they give such a lot of milk now.

Aug 25 Clifs Birthday & a nice morning so I got up & got breakfast over swept the dining room took up Matting & washed up Mr McLeod88 & Gwen came down Bert was going to Stan Lucas' Wedding89 at 12 so Gwen stayed & rode home with him Dad went to Gawler I lit up a fire in fireplace & put on Boiler & washed started near Midday & worked hard to get done by milking time washed ironing blanket & coate I folded & helpe dmilk gathered Eggs very tired & Rheumatic.

88 Daniel McLeod, the father of Eva Alice Atyeo (nee McLeod).
89 Oswald Stanley Lucas married Kathleen Frances Burnett at St George's Church in Gawler.

Aug 26 Dad often lights the fire for me then I sweep & tidy make beds & fry breakfast washup & cut Clems dinner it was a beautiful morning & Mother was out in sunshine Bert cleaning pig styes I cooked a leg Mutton Turnips potatoes Mother helped prepare all I ironed all clothesa t night Dad went to Bragglesome.

Aug 27 I got up at 5/40 & dressed & then I lit both fires & fill Kettle & fountian took in Tea thoroughly swept dining room & Kitchen took up Matting made beds fried breakfast I was quite done up I cut Clems dinner washed up & baked Tarts Scones Biscuits. Dusted part dining room wash floor in passage & round other rooms washed dinner things up had a bath trimmed a Hat for self we milked I 5 of them Bert & Clem are at Parramatta tonight.

Aug 28 Usual work Mother does not get up till late I swept Kitchen fried breakfast then washed Sepr & roasted leg Mutton Cabbage potatoes swept & dutes boys room had Rhumatism so bad cleared dinner away & then I cleaned all cutlery spoons Mum dusted & cleaned lamps then I also did beds &c helped milk & got ready for Willaston for weekend I went with Bert in his new trap on arrival found Jim Ada & Eric there for evening so we were very late to bed

Aug 29 George got up & did cows Amy bathed baby I bathed Olive & washed up & took children for a walk up to Frances she & Hazel were gone to Adelaide with Norman & Clarice90 so I only had a rest & returned home had dinner & a rest George so very unwell Olive & I went to Chapel with Brodies & came Wesley Lorna & French were there to supper & Wesley till 12 o'clcok I waso so tired & went to bed.

90 Clarice Jane Alexander (nee Folland) and her husband Charles Norman Alexander.

Aug 30 George was first up & milked Separated & then we had breakfast at 8 George went to work at 7 & back at 8 I washed up & did babys washing made beds Amy washed Separator &c George came home at 12 & I took Olive wieth me to street we rode with G.E.H. & I did shopping & came out with Mrs E.J. Leak91 to Willaston & then I walked to Amys & had a cup of Tea & home here with Dad.

91 Lydia Christie, wife of Rev Edwin John Leak.

Aug 31 A wet cold morning steady rain all night then the wind sprang up & the day was fair Bert went ot Gawler for the Tank Wilf with Calves. I did all usual work put clean Linen on bed ready for washing day tomorrow & help milk every night always Clem is away ploughing Eva came out of Hospital last Sunday & is doing well Celia washed at her home today.

Sept 1st I got up before 6 & lit fire & copper & got cup of Tea & sorted clothes & boiled 3 lots by time Celia got here she did the rest & I cooked dinner & pancakes & help Cel finish & washed dinner things day fine but dull.

Sep 2nd Dad went to Gawler yesterday & brought home the bad news of Georges illness Dr out & him in bed very ill I did most of ironing last night I milked nine cows last night & my hands & arms ache Myrtle & children spent afternoon I altered my frock & got a cup of Tea & milked six cows Wilf went to Gawler with Hay Bert to Charls

Sep 3rd Up & lit the Stove got a cup of Tea for all took up Matting & swept dining room & Kitchen fried Eggs & bacon then cut Clems dinner washed dishes & Sepr & Buckets Cream Cans swept Mothers room & washed hers, mine & round dining room floors dusted my & dining room got afternoon Tea milked 8 cows & dusted Kitchen Mantelpiece cleared away Tea & washed up Dad been to Gawler lovely day Mrs Walton92 is dead & Mr Green Senr of High St Gawler93 also am so tired.

92 Mrs Walton. I cannot find her death record.
93 Mr William Gale Green, aged 92.

Sep 4 Tom's birthday (T.H.E.) I dressed before six & got our cup of Tea then blackleaded stove & Kitchen fireplace swept & dusted Kitchen was very much upset & found it hard to collect my thoughts I washed up all Sep & Buckets & cans after frying breakfast I swept & dusted boys room & cupboard Mother cooked boiled Mutton & white Sauce swedes & potatoes after clearing dinner I scrubbed board & table & cleaned cutlery got a cup of Tea & milked 7 cows had Tea Bert has been at Football all afternoon I had a bath

Sep 5 I was up & Dressed at 7 & lit fire took in Tea & swept Kitchen made beds fried Eggs & Bacon & tidied round cleared breakfast & help Bert in Sepr house I wished I could have gone to Church but could not I wrote letter to Sydney & we had cold lunch & after dinner Hettie came & Cousin Eva & Beryl to Tea. I helped boys milk I milked six & they separated raining

Sep 6 I had made up my mind to go to Gawler but as usual could not go a steady rain fell till afternoon I cooked dinner Mt L Pudding Turnip potatoes cold Mutton & Soup in the afternoon I made a bay apron & early in morning I put a band on petticoat & mended up a Denham Coat as well.

Sep 7 A beautiful day sunshiny & quite warm I got breakfast over after usual early duties I also took up Matting & swept dining room Floor washed all Sepr the Cream Cans & Buckets put up Cream for Gawler & Myrtle calle dfor me at Midday I had housework done & beds made then I went to Gawler Charley was down here pig killing & took his calf to Market afterwards I called at Amys & she was just ready to go to Hospital so rode with us & then her & me walked up Lyndoch road & to see G.E.H. who is doing well I came back to street & got a Bucket Strainer & new fibre Broom met Amy & she rode back to her home again with us I help milk when I got home

Sep 8 I could not sleep well nervesa re bad I got up made fire in stove & got Liver & Onions frie dfor meal washed Spe made beds & Dad Wilf & Mum salted down the pig Wilf had half of it & I cooked swedes & potatoes & roasted Sparrib for dinner & Mum got a letter from Uncle Charley saying Bert was married to Dorrie Whiting & are to live at Wakerie94 it is colder & windy & raining now Bert could not go Lillie's Brown95 was married today also Miss Whitlaw of Loos96.

94 Uncle Charles Alexander Paterson, writing about Cousin Albert George Paterson, aged 38, and Dorothy Eva Whiting, aged 20. They move to Waikerie, and ummm... their first child will be born in January.
95 Lillian Stella Brown, aged 25, married Alfred Augustus Long, aged 32 at the Catholic Church in Gawler.
96 Emma Maria Whitlaw, aged 32, married Emmanuel Harry Ellis Roberts at St George's Church in Gawler.

Sept 9 Another windy drizzling day after morning duties I washed out a few Towels & aprons & Sox then I have to get dinner I cooked cabbage & potatoes as Hettie was coming down I tidied my room &c I am so unwell myself & limbs so bad Rhuematics

Sep 10 Same early duties Ada was going to Gawler & I did dining room & Mum managed to do her room & I aslo did boys room blackleaded fireplace Mum cleaned windows i dining room & Kitchen & I made fires Mum had a bad turn Bert working in the blacksmith shop I alwasy help milk the cows p.m.

Sep 11 Same in morning & after dinner I was doing the Cutlery & Franc & Harry came & brought a Telegram to say Dear Uncle Charley Paterson died last night it is a dreadful blow so sudden & we all feel it.

Sep 12 Sunday a lovely day we got up early & the boys did the cows I got breakfast fried & then Bert & Dad dressed for their Journey to Lower Light to pay the last Tribute of Respect to dear Uncle's Memory. Celia & Familycame to dinner & Charl Eva & girls to Tea Dad & Bert got home at 4 o'clock & boys milked I got Tea such a lovely day.

Sep 13 A rainy morning Wilfred & Myrtle & girls went to Adelaide Harry stayed with us I cooked cabbage Potatoes & Biscuits & never put any Sugar in them I also cooked Pasty for dinner & in afternoon I cut out & began a new Blouse for Mum help milk they got home Teatime from City.

Sep 14 I expected Celia but it was very cold & stormy I cleaned Copper & lit it got breakfast cut dinner & washed up made beds & cooked Swedes Potatoes & fried bacon Bert cut while Bush Eva & children came over to see Mum I did a bit more sewing.

Sep 15 Leslie Preiss left home & they do not know his address97. I awoke at 5 & dressed by half past lit fire in dining room & then took up all the Matting & cleaned the dining room by 6/30 lit stove & copper got in first boil fried breakfast & Celia & children came 8/30 & she went on at Tubs then I cooked Swedes & potatoes fried Bacon & Ashworth Pudding cleared away & ade beds & Celia ironed a few things & then I tidied my room, as I expected Amy & children but they never came Uncle Tom98 came & we had tea I boiled a Ham today I milked 4 Cel milked 2 cows & then went home fair day but stormy

97 Albert Leslie Preiss (aged 15), cousin Mary Ann's son.
98 Uncle Thomas Easton, husband of Aunt Emily Easton (nee Heath), sister of Ma.

Sep 16th Little Celia's first birthday but we could not see her I got up & got a cup of Tea for all & took Mum in her breakfast cleared it away & washed all Separator & Buckets &c then made beds & got dinner & ironed I was so awfully crippled with Rhuemtaics the pain was awful & my head dreadful however I persevered & got all done & milked 6 cows but was so crook it simply poured with rain & we were late as Myrtle & children came down & boys were in to lunch longer.

Sep 17 Dad went to Gawler & I did the same work & washed up everything & put up cream then I took the Table out of Sepr house & scrubbed it & put tidy Oilcloth on it I was fair done had a cup Tea Frank White99 came for Trolly I milked 5 cows cleaned the dining room Mum her room & boys stormy day boys are fencing.

99 Frank White - could this be the same Mr White who often visits to borrow or lend equipment?

Sep 18 I got up & cleaned stove got breakfast & then I washed Spr & cans & made beds Mum did boys room I roasted leg Mutton & cabbage potatoes made a nice plum pudding Bert went to Foot Ball I milked 8 or 9 cows Clem & I both had a bath after Tea & I mended clothes

Sep 19 I got up early & lit fire & all had a cup of Tea boys milked i made all beds & tidied fireplace & swept dining room & Kitchen & got ready for my day off I arrived at Amys at 20 to 11 Phyllis & Olive were getting ready so we went to Willaston Anniversary they had the Band & the school children singing it was very nice we had dinner & Amy & girls went to church & I kept Baby home with George & I got Tea & then came home helped milk & Uncle Tom was here so we had a chat all the evening.

Sep 20 Same morning duties & Bert drove Uncle Tom to the Light I cooked dinner made a bread & Butter Custard Vegetables & frie dBacon I finished Mums Blouse & milked 8 or 9 cows but I felt so ill I forgot to say I washed in the aftenoon & felt very tired.

Sep 21 I made fires & got parents & Uncle cup Tea also boys & self fried breakfast & cooked dinner & in the afternoon I did all the ironing & always milk at night boys in the morning Dad goes to Gawler with Cream Mondays & Wensdays & Fridays Frances is ill in bed & they sent for Doll

Sep 22 I was not going ot the Gawler Show as Mother is ill & Dad Clem & Uncle Tom went Bert washed Sepr & I cooked dinner Uncle Charley came for day and Alex & Will & Leo100 came to dinner Alex goes on to Lameroo or Waikerie & Jessie to Lameroo they stayed till 3 ock then they went tot he Show I milked 9 cows & Percy helped me he done 6 he dug garden.

100 Cousins Charles Alexander (Alex) Paterson, aged 41, William Walter Paterson, aged 31, and an unknown Leo.

Sep 23 As we expected the Dr Mother did not get up today & I did all usual work Uncle Tom went up to Eva's to dinner after Dr came midday I had Toff & drove Uncle Tom to see Ada & home to milk Clem went to the Band of Hope the last for the year we are having lovely weather

Sep 24 Not as bright a day same morning duties & at 9 ock Celia & Vivienne came & she at once set to work & cleaned Mums room & Passage & I swept my room she washed it & swept dining room & she washed it Dorrie Preiss also Bernice came in afternoon & Cel & I dusted rooms & I help milk too.

Sep 25 Dad went to Gawler yesterday so this morning I did usual work I was up before Bert at 5 & left at 6.30 for Willunga with the Willaston Footballers they intend coming back Sunday we were about to have a cup of Tea & out drove George & Amy & children I had just finished the big washup & was cooking a leg Mutton Cabbage Pots I washed up & Olive & I went for a walk & got wild flowers they had a cup Tea went home I help milk 7.

Sep 26 Boys were milking at 7/95 I dressed & got our Tea & breakfast made beds & tidied & washed Sepr & put up Cream in Cans Uncle Charley came for day Clem drove me to Loo's Anniv he went home & I had to go to Ada to get Clem to come home Eva & Will Ratclif & children came to tea.

Sep 27 I was up in good time but did usual work before I lit Copper & then stripped beds & had all linen quite a big wash but I got done & scrubbed up & Ada came home for afternoon Murray, George, & Eric I helped milk my hands were awful painful. Bert & Mum & I cut up & prepared Melon & Lemon for jam it was ratehr a dull day till late but got all dry.

Sep 28 I got up early & hurried as fast as possible lit fire took in Tea lit fire in Stove & got the Jam on also a pigs face to boil washed up after breakfast all Cream Cans & Sepr &c I made a nice Cake & always cook dinner was very tired & unwell too lovely day. I folded clothes for ironing.

Sep 29 All usual work in every way & I wanted to go to Gawler but Dad & Bert were oth away & I would not leave Mum alone so after cooking brkf & doing all the usual housework I did the ironing but was so unwell I could hardly keep up lovely day.

Sep 30th All same in early hours & then wash Sepr & Buckets & Cans & Set too & cleaned boys room shifted things around it took at long time & I felt so sick of it we expected company but did not come.

Oct 1 Friday same duties Mum got Dad ready for Gawler & I washed all utensils. I always sweep the Kitchen first thing & mostly make Mum Milk food while Men Separate then I took up matting & done dining room & Mums room Dusted them also Mum helped but is so unwell  I had to cook Vegetables & I always help milk often 8 cows & nine at times

Oct 2 As I had most of cleaning done i lit fire & took in Tea & also a Can to boys always I roasted a leg mutton & boiled a ham made a nice plum pudding & then cleaned Cutlery made soup for dinner too Mum cleaned windows & did lamps & we both did general work expected Auntie & Maria101 

101 Aunt Harriet and her eldest daughter Maria Anna Paterson.

Oct 3 I hurried till i felt ready to drop from fatigue did everythign possible & then I went to Stone Hill Anniversary & Celia came for afternoon I walked to Cemetry & rode home with Celia from there.

Oct 4 Could not go to Gawler so after doing all the general work at 11 oclock I started washing & Mum got dinner for herself & I Clif spent yesterday with us & Auntie & Maria never came up I ironed all clothes at night was so tired to for it

Oct 5 It was a beautiful day & I thought I would go to Gawler 7 asked Myrtle to go but she was busy washing & purposed tomorrow instead I had all my indoor work done & washing up by 10 o'clock Bert & Jim Parham went to Market with Pigs at about (reported wrong about the market it was Wensday they went.

Oct 6 Dad called me at 5 o'clock I dressed & came out at 5/30 Bert & Wilf were loading pigs then & we Dad Wilf & I milked finished at 7.15 had brk & I washed sepr by nine did housework & Clem has influenza so bad he has to go to bed. We Myrtle & I started for Gawelr got there just as it blew 12 o'clock did shopping & went to Dr & we came out early a heavy thunder shower fell we went in Amy's shed & stayed till over then to Frances home changed helped milk Dad got in wood early.

Oct 7 Usual duties & Mother is so very unwell I mostly make her groats & take in to her sweep Kitchen & we all have a cup of Tea & I make beds & they milk I help when Clem is ill & afterbreakfast I wash Sepr 3/4 hour work then in & made Shepherds pie & finished housework we were about to have our dinner & George & Amy & Baby came for afternoon I washed up Amy helped me they had afternoon Tea & went home

Oct 8 I did all usual work & then I took up all matting in dining room swept it & got the breakfast over washed Sepr came in & sept & washed Mums room & passage & peeled Swedes & Mum Potatoes I blackleaded fireplace & mum dusted dining room & her room I had mattress out in sun I made beds & help milk & wahsed cream can washed round dining room I got in wood as well.

Oct 9 As we heard Uncle was ill Dad & I decided on going to see them so I got dressed & made fire took in Tea & swept Kitchen made beds & after breakfast washed Sepr & Buckets & we left here for Blocks & arrived there dinner time I got the dinenr & then we chatted till 4 oc & drove home had a cup of Tea & then boys milke & Sep Bert went to Gawelr I read a while & retired.

Oct 10 We expected Hettie McLeod to see us I got up & got all housework done & Dad & Mum went for her as far as Bragglesome I roasted a leg Mutton & potatoes with cabbage & made a rice pudding I washed up & rested Hettie played the piano & Dad drove her home at 5 oclock I milk 5 & gathered Eggs got in wood we had Tea I got Rheumatism awful.

Oct 11 Monday I could not wash I had Rhuematics so bad I did all usual work & Mu shelled pea's I cooks potatoes swededs & Pea's for dinner Dad went to Gawelr I could not go I medned Sheet &c & help milk

Oct 12 I gt up early & got a cup of Tea lit the copper & started washign I had a lot of it to do & got on very well till 11 o'clock then I felt so done up I had to steady down Mum got our dinner I washed mine & Berts dust coats & starch cloehs I did not finish till 4 o'clcok then did such a lot scrubbing & then I helped milk as well.

Oct 13 All early duties includes first get cup of Tea then sweep Kitchen make beds prepare breakfast & some morning s empty Cream Cans then wash all Separator & milk Buckets & Cream Cans & then I baked scones Biscuits & cooked dinner & cleared away & Mother & I drove to see Mr Gray & Miss Bennett102 married at Loo's church was prettily decorated Bride in Whie Silk & Veil Mrs F Bray103 played the wedding march & Oh Perfect Love. reception in the Kindergarten Hall Loos we went to Ada's & Celias.

102 Wilfred Stanley Gray and Dorothy Harriet Bennett, a local.
103 Janie Morrow (Mrs Frank Bray).

Oct 14 As i had not folded clothes I hurried & got on Tea & done all the usual duties & folded before breakfast then washed Sep &c Bert went to Gawler to get his pole on covered Trap Motehr went to Frances for the day I started ironing & also cooked Cabbage potatoes & Rice for dinner Dad Clem & I were home then I kept on till after 4 o'clock ironing help milk & got Tea & Mum & Bert got home then.

Oct 15 I hurried 7 did all ordinary work took up matting in Dining room & swept it & Kitchen after meal washed up everything Mum packed Eggs& then got Dad ready for Gawler his face is awful with Eczema I had to cook dinner & swept Mums room & washed passage dusted dining room washed up all dinner dishes swept boys room has afternoon Tea helped milk Beauty got a very bad udder & teat

Oct 16 Same work & thoroughly blackleaded Stove & fireplace & hurried to get a cup of Tea & breakfast pu on leg Mutton to roast washed up cooked Cabbage potatoes & fried Beef steak Auntie & Bert Paerson drove up I set table dishes & served dinner Mum helped me wait on table Bert went to the Races met Alex & they came home to Tea & went to Lower Light from here I did cutlery & my room & milked .

Oct 17 I did not intend going to Church as my ankles & hands were so painful so I did not get to work till 10 to 8 then made cup Tea & tidied rooms Boys milking had brk & I washed up cooked pea's & potatoes Celia Percy & girlies came up to see us & went straight home we milked & had Tea Bert to Gawler

Oct 18 I could not wash I felt very poorly so did my early morning work got breakfast over washed Separator & then made a fire & went up pea picking till late Aim [?] Wilf got all Sheep in ready for shearing but shearers never come so Myrtle & I had a chat & then I came home had dinner & mended helped milk got in wood as is my custom had cleared away & retired to rest lovely day.

Oct 19 I got up at 5 & got the fire in both Stove & fireplace put on Boiler ready for washing help milk & Bert & Dad started to go to Adelaide to Dr Harrold104 as Dad's face is so bad. I washed Separator & got on at Tubs but was so awfully unwell could scarcely keep going however I finished all at 4 o'clock scrubbed up Buckets & everything & then Bert came home George was home & went with Dad to Adelaide Amy & he & the children had just returned from Henley Beach.

104 Dr Rowland Edward Harrold, a dermatologist. 

Oct 20 I did not feel any better but got up & did all my work the same as ever only Mother is helping at dinners now to Day bert brought home some Wild Peaches & we stewed them & I made pastry & Tart for dinner also a Currant Cake & folded clothes & after dinenr I ironed Uncle Charley came for afternoon Bert gave Dad a clean shave

Oct 21st Ive had a terrible rough night so sick & bad no rest much since midnight I felt awfully ill Bert lit fire I got a cup of Tea swept Kitchen they had breakfast & I washed Separator but never felt more unable to do it so made boys bed & tided my room & then I rested George Amy & Baby came I got up & helped with dinner then rested once more & had a short nap got up & hep washup & then I had a talk to Amy & got Afternoon Tea & they went home Geo made a gate for Dad & hung near stable.

Oct 22 I was up in good time got a cup of Tea swept Kitchen & took up Matting & swept dining room washed Sepr & then cleaned Mums room mine passage & dusted dining room I cleaned dining room window Myrtle was ready for Gawler but was afraid of thunderstorm so stayed home they were all here to dinner I been mending Dads boat & Vest this afternoon & pressed it & ironed Dad shirt no one went to Gawler to day I always help milk every night Lovely weather

Oct 23rd As no one went to Gawler yesterday Dad had to go today it was a very wet morning been raining ever since 2 o'clock so none of us went only Wilfred & he was in & home early I did all my usual work & it kept on raining till 5 o'clock Miss Gladys White & Mr M Christopherson were married at Congregational Church Gawler by Mr Broadbent Methodist Minister105.

105 Elizabeth Gladys White, aged 28 and Martin Christopherson, aged 35. Not sure why Rev Roland Broadbent married them, rather than the Congregational Minister.

Oct 24th Up in good Sunday time & got all my duties done washed Separator & then I cooked roast let Mutton Cabbage potatoes Mr Cork106 came out to see about Shearing in afternoon Bert & Frances went to Uncle Wills also Perc & Celia went I visited cousin Eva for an hour or two then came home & we milked.

106 Presumably Mr Martin Cork, Myrtle's widowed father.

Oct 25 Up every early 5 o'clock got a cup of Tea & soon got ready for Adelaide Dad & I drove to Gawler over with Cream & got back to Globe Hotel yard107 & took horses out then the tram had gone & we had to put them in & drive at full speed to station to get our train I felt so ill at ease & not atall well Rheumatism so bad could not get around got Mum a new hat & a new Saucepan home midday called at Amys but did not stop came on home helpd milk etc. 

107 Now the Kingsford Hotel.

Oct 26 Felt so done up & my ankles were so bad I was thoroughly beat last night could not eat any tea Jim Morris108 stayed here ready for shearing & Alex Stacey109 at Wilfreds last night I did my work & went up to see them shear it was so cold & rained & stopped the Shearers for today I then helpd milk &c Dads face very bad.

108 James Morris. Could be anyone.
109 Alexander Archibald Jonathan Stacey, Myrtle's brother-in-law.

Oct 27 I got up & preapred for washing lit fire in both stove & Copper I felt so very unwell I could hardly keep up but kept going & finished at 4 ock Mum is much better & helping with Dinners &c Bert & Charley are doing up Binders & Wilf helping Shearers.

Oct 28 All morning duties over & breakfast then I washed Sepr & Buckets & came in made Scones & cakes & help cook dinner made beds &c in afternoon I ironed finished & helped milk & then got in wood am always so tired then I usually go to bed after I clear & wash up Mum reading paper usually.

Oct 29th Busy day Fridays all morning work the same till all Sepr & other washup are done then I went in & cleaned Mums room & dining & passage Mum got Dad ready for Gawler his face is very bad I had to have a rest then I got up & scrubbed out Safe & help milk & then had Tea & cleared away & I thoroughly blackleaded stove & fireplace & washed out my apron felt so very tired out.

Oct 30 Usual work had to hurry as quick as possible got brk over out Clems dinner & washed everything up & roasted leg Mutton & also made broth & cooked Veg did boys room & after dinner George & Arthur & Olive came out she stayed with us while they went for wood out in back paddock I did all work cleaned Cutlery went up & picked Pea's home had a bath washed Garments & washed out my room & Bert & I milked & I took Olive & we drove to Amys where I spend weekend with them. 

Oct 31 George was up first & milked Amy got cup of Tea & then I tidied up had breakfast & Geo went out to Charltonville with Trolly Amy & I did the work & I went to Frances to Dinner they went to Mothers in afternoon I went to Amys & we rested never went out all day nasty winds George spent evening with Mr Draper110 I got so tired.

110 Mr Draper. Not sure who that is yet.

Nov 1st George was up & milked & Sepr when I came out then I made the Tea & took Amy in a cup & G & I had one also & he went to work Amy got up & got breakfast & dressed Olive for school George came home & back to business I helped Amy & also pressed suit for George & Olives dresses I went up to Frances after dinenr & rode down Street with Clif & Harry did shopping & met Dad who came from Adelaide we called at Amy & on to Eva's who was shitwashing & Halsomining very busy Dad went up to the boys in field

Nov 2nd I did not feel like washing today & theres always different things to do all ordinary work everywhere & I was not too good I went up to Eva & got Tomato plants & put them in & heped cook dinner & in afternoon I mended & pasted my picture.

Nov 3 Up & got the cup Tea & breakfast put up C dinner & lit Copper & started washing & Celia & girls cam eso they had breakfast & she helped me wash I did front rom or dining room rather & mine curtains Celia Mum sdust coat & pressed it but no satisfaction & it came up like thunderstorm I help milk as is my custom & they went home Mum wne to bed illl again like she was before.

Nov 4 All morning duties over & Dad went to pick pea's I started ironing & pasted pictures & shifted them & in different places busy all day I baked Biscuits Cake & cooked dinner help milk boays busy binding but today is too damp so they are breaking in two young things Smart & Fly

Nov 5 I did all usual work & last evening I cleaned Curtain poles & hung my Curtains & this morning by seven oclock I had swept dining room but other duties called & I had to do them before I clean top bedroom washed floors & nailed down Oilcloth cleaning all day Harry stayed with us Dad went to Gawler & Myrtle went also I help milk as well.

Nov 6 All same & put on a Shoulder Mutton to roast also prepared meat for a nice pie & cab pea's & potatoes for dinenr & stewe Rhubarb & Custard Dinner over Amy & her two children came for night so I did boys room & cleaned Knives & forks Amy spoons & then we cleaned Mums bed rals & nobs & piano candlesticks & Mum was bad & went to bed Amy help milk I got Tea Bert went to Gawler I washed up & made up beds & was quiet done up with work & worry.

[see below for Nov 7, after Nov 12]

Nov 8 I was up very early I lit fire got a cup Tea Dads breakfast Mum dressed & got him ready for City he drove into Station & took Express & back midday & home at 4 o'clock I did not wash nasty day so windy I just did all my ordinary work made mlk pussing & cooked Vegetables Mother very unwell indeed I mended

Nov 9 Usual duties not well so did not wash Dad went ot Gawler today boys Binding out in back paddock Clem at Bragglesom working the land I went up to Myrtles & dad came along so I rode back with him & got a cup of Tea & then helped milk & got in wood got a sore throat.

Nov 10 Felt so unwell but wanted to wash so lit fire in Copper & stove & after a Cup of Tea I start at Tubs & got on very well till it came to hard then I felt as if I would give in bu persevered & got done by dinner time almost. Dad went to Block Uncle Charley came over & I felt so ill could scarcely keep up did not fold clothes went to bed

Nov 11 My throat so bad I could not go to Gawler so did my usual work Dad went to Gawler I cooked a shoulder Mutton Mum prepared Vegetables peas cabbage potatoes. I folded & ironed clothes & in afternoon I cleaned out my room & got Tea & boys milked I got in wood gathered Eggs after Tea I made a canvas peg bag coler & looks rainy

Nov 12 I awoke to see it raining & it has kept on all day lightly same early work & cut Clems dinner & he went off Wilf went in with Wool & broke the Trolly pole. I cleaned boys room & dining room washed all Sepr Cream Cans & Buckets & Saucepans & other things made beds & a Sago pud I cut down my (Angel Wings) & planted it in a pot still raining & thundery I got a bad cold.

Sunday Nov 7 I reported wrong so will report here I got usual Cup Tea & breakfast fried Eggs & Bacon also made large plum pudding & cooked peas postatoes Amy dressed her dear baby & Olive & did our room I cooked the dinner George & Bert shod old horse (Barney) & Wilf & Clem drove young Smart on trolly Ethel Eric & Albert came for day I was so awfully worried & so unwell too winds & change coming.

[the next two entries have "written twice" written across them]

Nov 8 up at before 5 & hurried to get fire & usual Tea & Dads breakfast as he goes to Adelaide by Exress I got the Cream ready & he took that to Gawler I did not wash it was not a nice day usual work & cooked dinner I felt unwell a sore throat & cold Moterh up & assisting Dad got home early by midday

Nov 9 I was no better so did not go to Gawler it was damp day in morning I did all early duties & always wash Sepr & cans & Buckets first after breakfast then cook dinner Mother prepares Veg if well enough Dad went to Gawler to see about different business Clem is at Braggles working the land so I always pack his dinner for him Bert & Wil Binding or trying to get on at it

Nov 13 As I have reported two days twice I must now go back to Saturday I hurried & did my work & Mother got Dad ready for Gawler I washed Separator & all belonging & made beds & got ready & went with Dad & went to Bank & did a bit shopping got a new watch Gaurd met Charlie & Coral went with them to Amys & styaed till Dad came had lunch there & a talk to George is ill in bed again Baby is such a love Olive busy at work

Nov 14 As Lorna came home yesterday with us we got home at 3 o'clock & I got a cup of Tea & we had a heavy thunder shower it poured with rain boy got drenched to the skin Sunday morning same duties Lorna with Bert out milking I cooked corn mutton potatoes Cabbage stewed Rhubarb & custard Lorn & Bert went for drive Harry & Frances & Family all home to Tea so had a busy time Franc helped me set it

Nov 15 Up at five & dressed & got fire in both stove & Copper got cup Tea & Dad went to Adelaide I filled Copper had breakfast & washed Sepr & then went on at Tubs but felt so poorly all day & did not finish till 3 then scrubbed up & washed all Buckets lit fire & we had lunch I folded clothes & got in wood all 3 boys home to milk tonight so I did not go out

Nov 16 Awoke at five & soon dressed & got out breakfast Clem not well I washed Sepr & Buckets came in made beds stewed Rhub & custard Mother cooked Beetroot potatoes Parsnips I baked Biscuits & have done all ironign & feel so tired milked 6 cows Clem help me he milked 6 also Boys Binding in Top Dad ben to Gawler today & Myrle, Harry here with us.

Nov 17th I did not feel well but got up & got a cup of & breakfast cut dinenr & washed Separator & Buckets made beds & Mum roasted Mutton Potatoes & Cabbage & made a bread Pudding & celia & girlies came just as we finished dinner so I fried bacon for them Celia washed & ironed Mums Silk dust coat I cut out Blouse for her then the cows were in ready for Clem & I to milk me 7 Clem 5

Nov 18 I did not feel any better so got a cup Tea & called Mum to give boys their meal I went & layed down then washed Sepr &c & dad went to Gawler & was home at 1 o'clock we had dinner & George Amy & Baby & Mr & Mrs Brodie came so we we chatting & Amy played the Piano we got cup Tea & they went Clem & I milked & I felt so ill early retired to rest

Nov 19 Friday but I felt worse so could not get breakfast Mum got it & cut dinners I wash Sep &c made beds & tidied dining room & boys but could not keep up I wrote a letter to Hetite & one to Amy & Celia just got up & down all day helped milk 6 each got in wood & I went to bed 8 o'clock cant eat got Indigestion very bad Mum is better Harry is here Myrt in Gawler

Nov 20 Saturday boys milked & sepr & Bert went ot Humphrys Binding where Charlie also I did not get up till 6/35 & washed all milk things & helped with Dishes Mum boiled beef & put on meat for pie I made beds & cleaned the cutlery it is an exquisitive day for Todd St Fair Wilfred & Clem are gone with two Trollies to shift Uncle Will & Aunt to Duck Flat Gawler West111. I milked 9 cows.

111 Uncle Will and Aunt Harriet were living in Gawler Blocks (Evanston Gardens) and now move to Duck Flat which is land bordered by Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streets, the South Para River and beyond the railway line at Gawler West.

Nov 21 Mother & Bert were going to Lower Light so got up & had their breakfast & then went & got ready Bert drove his ponies in th covered Trap they left at 10 ock about I had all the washup & it took me till near 12 oclcock to get done such a lot indoors & dairy utensils then I made bed in our rooms & swept up Mum made hers before bkf I got our dinner & then I went with Myrtle after putting Sepr together & leaving all tidy we left at 3 ock I went to Mrs Brodies & Myrtle to Mrs Jones112 then I came in to AMys also Myrtle came back & we got home at 8 Ada Jim Wesley & children were here with Graphaphone & Wilfred & his family to Tea & Supper lovely day for Sunday.

112 Likely Mrs George Jones.

Nov 22 I was not able to wash I did usual work in every way & generally assisted Mother I always do all the milk utensils & Separator too Boys milk in the morning & I get breakfast & since I have been so crook Mum has cut dinners for Bert in Humphrys binding & also Charlie is Binding Cleam has been Cultivating I started to mend my doll for Olive to play with at home

Nov 23 Same work & early dinner & I went to Celias & she had just finished washing when I got there I stayed till five & then we had lunch & I came to Eva's for a while & home Bert came home early they finished Binding today so Clem & Bert had cows milked & Separated when I got home

Nov 24 Usual only I got up at 5/30 & got fire & breakfast & did a small wash by dinner time Frances & French & Hazel came for afternoon I scrubbed out my bedroom & got afternoon Tea I scrubbed out my bedroom & got afternoon Tea then Clem & I milked & I got in wood Mum watered cucumbers & the Garden Tomato plant

Nov 25 I got dressed & lit fire & got breakfast over & washed all the dairy utensils sum very hot Bert Harvesting in Top Paddock Dad & Clem went to Gawler the Sale of their Sheep was cheap at abbatoir I did rhubarb & Custart & housework & ironed & partly made Vivienne 2 pinafores my nerves are very upset & I am worried Bert is going to a Social at Roseworthy I hear Violet Wilson has a Son born Nov 14 at Greens Home113.

113 Violet Florence Wilson had a son and got married at Mrs H Greens Nursing Home on the same day! The son's name is Raymond Walter Rzeszkowski and the husband John Raymond Rzeszkowski.

Nov 26 Work everywhere I dressed at usual time made fire got breakfast & took in Tea then washed Sepr & Buckets Dad did not go to Gawler it was rainy & look like thunder so I cleaned Mothers room washed floor & passage also dusted my room Wilfred & Myrtle & children went to Gawler at night & got our bread & papers very windy

Nov 27 Same early work only I blackleaded Stove got breakfast washed up everything then it rained & I cleaned dining room Dad went to Gawler I washed floor & done boys room also all cutlery &c Mum lapms & dinner Dad got drenched so did boys rained all day so I did not help milk tonight yard so wet I roasted Shoulder Mutton & had a bath also Clem had one

Nov 28 Up in good time for Sunday & swept Kitchen lit fire took in Tea got breakfast fried Mutton & made bes & then I got ready for Gawler River Church seemed so nice to go once more Clif was here to dinner I had a rest then got Tea helped milk & went to Myrtles for evening came home Charl & Family & Albert were here to supper late to bed.

Nov 29 As I expected Celia home to help wash I got up at five & lit Copper & Stove swept Kichen & then I started & got two boils in Perc came & said she could not come & I had a hard battle to get done I kept on till midday then almost dropped so rested till 2 & then started again & got done at 4 oclock but felt done myself I folded clothes & made bed got in wood & helped with Tea & washed up so tired.

Nov 30 I felt so stiff & aching in limbs so I rested till six dressed & got breakfast fried washedu up everything & then made beds &c & ironed till 4 oclock then mended Blouse & help milk Mum cooked dinenr dad went to gawler, Wilf went to Standleys with young steers Bert tried to Harvest but it was too wet & cold warmer later & Charl was here to dinner & they carted Hay home.

Dec 1st Usual work & washup everything in Sepr swept yard & cleaned the Copper & I did some mending I was going to do extra work but was not equal to it just mended & got the lunch & help with dinner &c

Dec 2 Same early duties & washed Sepr & then did housework & set to & started to scrub out the Dresser Mum got dinner Charlie was here too I got done up & had to lie down could not eat my dinenr & then after a rest I did the cupboards & cleaned the Kitchen & Mrs McLean came for afternoon I got the usual cup Tea & Mr McLean114 called in Motor for her I helped milk etc.

114 Joyce Ethel McLean (nee Bright), and her husband James Sparshott McLean, a veterinarian.

Dec 3rd A nice morning I hurried & got the usual morning duties over & at 8/30 Celia & children drove home for the day & helped me clean dining room & the frot room & I scrubbed out my Sideboard washed pictures Mirros &c we shook Carpet also it was rather windy & hot Mum rested in afternoon I help milk

Dec 4 Dad went to Gawler yesterday & this morning I did ordinary work in every way & roasted a Shoulder of mutton cleaned Cutlery & swept & dusted my bedroom & scrubbed my Cedar Safe in the afternoon I had a bath & washed some clothes & finished up all work & milk.

Dec 5 I dressed in fair time lit fie & got cup of Tea then I swept Kitchen made beds & got ready for church Mr H Henderson preached115 I had a talk to Ella Pederick & Ruby Stacey116 home at one o'clock & George Amy & children were here so had dinner & washed up & chatted then we had tea & they went home Myrtle & children came for evening I had to go to bed I was not well I been so upset in nerves & worried over happenings today Ada has a daughter117.

115 Mr H Henderson. No other details yet.
116 Ella Olive Pederick, aged 37, and Ruby Stacey (I am not sure on her details yet).
117 Ada's new daughter is Gladys Ada Parham.

Dec 6 I intended washing so I got up early & lit both stove & Copper & got Breakfast & washed Separator then emptied a flock Mattress & washed it it was so windy & stormy but by running to line I got all dry dinner time & in & ironed the Mattress & filled it I finished the ironing.

Dec 7 I go tup at 5/30 & got breakfast over & washed up made beds backed Biscuits & pie's Tart I did some sewing made washstand Cover & centre help milk & got in wood I also mended stockings

Dec 8 I did my morning work & dressed for Gawler Dad & I we got there at 12 o'clock & I did shopping & went to see Ada & Baby & then we came to Frances to lunch & home I got a new Fish Slice & Pepper & Salt Castors for Xmas I was so done I can't stand about my ankles terrible.

Dec 9 Same hour & work & Mum & I cleaned all the windows & she scrubbed teh sills & Verandah I came in & was sewing. Wilf ran the Trolly over a Duck so I had to pick & clean it Eva & Gwen came for afternoon I help milk & Mum got Tea & she always waters her Garden of Vegetables I'm tired

Dec 10 Eva Ratcliff has a daughter today118. I did all usual work & Dad was going to Gawler so I helped Mum & him catch Ducks for market & then I stuffed & Baked our Duck & cleaned dining room & washed floor & the passage Mum swept and dusted her room.

118 Eva and Will's daughter is Sylvia Phyllis Ratcliff.

Dec 11 All same household & cleaned the cutlery roasted leg Mutton made beds & tidied in afternoon & started to Gild frames & had to go to Myrtle to show me how to mix it I did not meet with best results but got 4 done & cleared away & hung them all evening work & watered Flowers Wilf went to Jim Parhams with Hay

Dec 12 A beautiful morning I got Rheumatism very bad & I got up Tea for all did usual work had brakfast washe dup & also did Berts Coat he help washed Sepr & I wiped things Dad & Mum went to Willaston for day at 11 o'clock only Bert & self home Clem gone down to Paramatta I had a rest & then gathered eggs & we milked & they came home & we had Tea

Dec 13th I intended washing so got up at 4/30 & lit fire in the Copper & stove took in Tea & got two boils had a line out before breakfast & all in at 9 I did the Boys Quilt & trousers finished by dinner & scrubbed up & washed Buckets &c in afternoon I did all ironing & pasted back of pictures I put in a busy day & was so tired & Rheumatism awfully

Dec 14 Up & did early duties as is custom washed all the dairy things made beds & got ready for Gawler I got new Oilcloth for table came back to Amys at 3 o'clock I got a cup of Tea with Amys help Dad had a rest & then we called at Frances & Celia's who was busy getting her bedroom ready for Kalsomine pulling off paper home & helped milk etc

Dec 15 All usual work over I did housework & then made Gooseberry & Cheery Jam large meat pie 2 apricots a large Alford cake then dished up Jam Mum cooked the Vege Parsnips Pots dinner over I made two Birthday cake, Mum assisted me I also helped prepare chocolate Box & scent for Olive's Birthday I worked hard all day & Mum also as all six men home to dinner & lunches Stacking Hay then I sealed Jam & went & milked with Wilf at nine I also baked scones & cake Monday

Dec 16 All ordinary morning work then Mary came & I help get ready for Kalsomine she did Kithen Walls & scrubbed doors I did all the sorting & putting things bakc in places & got lunchI feel so tired & pain in limbs very windy day boys all up in Masters Hay stacking too windy to Top home stack today I am thinking of Olive as she is so unwell.

Dec 17 Dad went to Gawler & I had a very busy day mornign work as always then swept & wahsed both my dining room & boys room washed some clothes had bath & washed my head & milked 5 cows Bert had a bath & then he drove me to Amys I found her & the dear girlies in bed Ill Geo & I had supper & retired.

Dec 18 I have reportd inaccurate I went to Amy on Saturday the 18th & this morning I did usual work & then I baked a large Alford Cake & Dad went to Gawler today so I roasted a leg mutton Mum helped cleaned cutlery Knives forks spoons Knobs &c Mum lamps I got my things ready yesterday after morning work I iced Olives Birthday Cake

Dec 19th Olive came in bed with me early & I gave her her presents I gave her a bottle scent & Mum box Chocolate Amy Tussore Silk Dress & hand bag. Amy has Influenza & Baby teething Bronchitis & Stomach trouble so ill the dear I tried to get Amy something to eat but she has no appetite at all I went to Frances for a while in afternoon home & we got Tea Gwen was here also Lorna came for her Baby so very ill & I could not rest.

Dec 20 Baby no better & Amy so very weak & ill I got up & got breakfast for us all & George milked & Separated & went to work I made beds & feeling unwell we rested & had cold lunch & Olive & I got ready for street & Dad did not call so I mended & at 5 Dad came & we drove to Sandfords119 for our Apricots & home & helped milk cows dreadful with flies aches

119 Sandford? A family or a shop?

Dec 21 I filled my copper ready for washing but was so crook Stomach I could not keep up just up & down all day & help milk & went to bed at 8 o'ck.

Dec 22 Up at 4 oclock & started washign lit sove & got our tea I finished washing at dinner time & then I had rest & scrubbed chairs form wood Box dairy bench & all thing in there that needed same boys milked cows awful with flies folded clothes & did the washup I cut out a nightdress Tuesday & partly made it.

Dec 23 I could not rest well so I got up early dressed before sunrise made our cup of Tea & prepared Apricots washed Separator fried eggs we had breakfast I made Jam done at nine & then I made pudding & two Cakes rested & then pasted down Jam & wrote in dairy very hot the last 3 day the heat is intense & Mum  is flat boy wheat carting

Dec 24 Such a hot day again I hear it is 110 degrees same early duties & Dad & Clem went to Gawler with ducks & got groceries bread &c Bert & Wilfred were stacking wheat in old Church120 till dinner time then Clem came home & helped them & they milked early & went in for Xmas Eve Mother swept & dusted roos I picked & dressed the duck it was too hot to sew I ironed at 5 o'clock pm.

120 This is the old Wards' Belt Primitive Methodist Chapel, which will be demolished in 1926.

Dec 25 Christmas Day & the quietest we ever spent as with the exception of our own household we saw no one Myrtle & children came down after Tea & chatted & in morning we helped stuff the duck & roasted it with Pots & Beans in afternoon rested & had cool drinks & cakes I was going to Celias but was so crippled with Rheumatism

Dec 26th A cooler day & raining steadily all the time Mothers up at 5 o'clock & got her Butter made a cup of Tea & we got up at seven & helped Bosy milk & Bert washed up Sepr I got on pudding on for Dinner we were quite alone all day & I did not go to Church it rained all day & boys were going round in Oilskins

Dec 27 I could not wash I was so crippled with Rhu I could hardley move Mums eyes were bad indeed & I had to lie down between duties I mended my clothes & helped Mother in all work as I always do now.

Dec 28 Such a beautiful day for the Holiday & hundreds go to Glenelg121 after all usual duties I baked scones cake & in the afternoon I helped Mother wash all the Glass & Fancyware in dining room & made Peach Jam I gilded pictures yesterday & shifted some of them

121 Celebration of Proclamation Day.
Dec 29 I had had a very busy day indeed I got up early & got a cup of Tea & fried breakfast Egg & bacon cut all three mens dinners & washed the Sepr then Mum & Dad went to Gawler & I went on at Tubs & I worked as far as strength would allow all day & it was five o'clock when I finished & a very hot day Harry was home with me I swept up & got lunch & did a lot of scrubbing they came home & we had Tea & I helped milk very done up

Dec 30 Same early hour & work & then washed Sepr & cans came in made beds & baked scones pies tarts & leg Mutt Mother Vegetables very hot day dinner cleared away & was resting & FRnaces, French & Hazel & Phyllis came for afternoon I folded clothes & got fire & Mum hleped me set Tea then I ironed & milked beauty & we had Tea I got in wood & cleared

Dec 31st Friday is a busy day same early duties & then Mum got Dad ready for Gawler I made beds & then I swept & dusted my room & swept dining room & washed floor & also had to rest Olive came home for holiday with Dad we had a cup of Tea & milked & then Tea & cleared th eTable & washed up finished ironing.

Ada has a daughter (Gladys Ada) born Dec 5th 1920
Eva Ratcliff a daughter Sylvia Phyllis Dec 10 1920
Mrs W Roediger has a daughter born Dec 26th 1920122
Mrs G R Hatcher has a Son born Dec 23rd 1920123
Wilfred's wife has a son (Wilfred Lance) born Jan 16th 1921.124

122 Ethel Laura Roediger (nee Bennett), her daughter Ruth Ethelwyne Roediger.
123 Florence Myrtle Hatcher (nee Badcock), her son Maurice Roy Hatcher.
124 Wilfred Lance Atyeo.

New Years Day Jan 1st 1921

I got up early & as we were not going to keep holiday I got mens breakfast as usual & then cut dinners Mum got up & boiled Corn Beef I washed Sepr &c swept boys room Kitchen it started to rain & all our three men came home drenched to skin. I cleaned Knives forks Olive spoons I bathed children & had one myself & then I washed clothes it dimply poured & blew awfully & I feeling very tired & stiff retired

Jan 2 Sunday so I did not dress till near seven then lit fire & did all my work & we had breakfast & Olive & I drove to Stone Hill Church Mr Gunter125 preached lovely & cool driving in fact we wore our coats came home had dinner & I rested Olive went for a walk with Grandpa & Granma & little Harry boys all went out in back paddocs Wilfed & Bert both went to Gawler for afternoon & Evening Clem & I milked then he went home & I got in wood & cool night

125 Rev H A Gunter, Methodist preacher.

Jan 3rd I could not wash it was a lovely day I did all the usual morning duties Harry was very croupy so I assisted Mum with him & I was so very unwell I had to rest then I lit up & baked scones & tarts before breakfast & a large cake after washed Sepr & we had dinner boys chaffcutting I finished a nightdress & did all necessary work

Jan 4 Each day the same toil & cut dinners as Wilfred & Clem both work on the Fallow land Bert with Charl Dad went to Gawler took Olive home we had a cup of Tea & who should come but Celia & Louie & their children126 Leslie Laurel, Vivie, Bernice stayed with Coral & Gwen we had dinenr & a chat & Dad came home & we had a cup of Tea they went home & I help milk got in wood weather is warming up again.

126 Louie is Cousin Louisa Emily Waters (nee Arbon), daughter of Aunt Charlotte Heath, the only one of her children listed is Leslie William Waters (aged 6).

Jan 5th Still unable to wash so got up & did all work as is my custom Harry so poorly & I help with him then I stewed apricots & made custard sis housework & mended sox aprons & made pillow case at 6 o'clock I melted Soap & Borax & soakedin washing help milk & filled copper washe dup & retired to rest very hot sun Wilf went to gawler to get Tax papers filled in.

Jan 6th I awoke at 4 o'clock & dressed lit up Copper & started washinat at five I lit stove & made cup Tea for all then got all 3 first boils in before breakfast & on line then I washed Mothers Blankets before I had mine & finished the other after also my big Coat ran a splinter in my finger & hindered me considerably had dinner Mum fried Potatoes & Onions they are now resting hot again

Jan 7th A very hot day promised so I got up & got all morning duties done early & Mother got Dad ready for Gawler it was dreadful hot I cleaned both my room & dining room washed floors & we had dinner & I made a pillow case Dad came home with Lorna & Gwenda I made fire & put on Kettle then did the remainder of ironing & help milk. 

Jan 8 Another awful day & I got up before 5 o'clock & theoroughly cleaned the Stove & fireplace then Lorna & Gwenda got up I roasted leg Mutton & made bed done boys room cleaned Knives Lorna the spoons & forks then she helped me cover the table with new Oilcloth & I scrubbed it also very hot I just about collapsed so lay still a while then had a bath & bathed Harry & girls had one also & boys came home & had bath we got tea & all had our meal & boys went to Gawelr & fearful hot night & sleeping was almost impossible & I got Rheumatism

Jan 9th Sunday but I could not go to Church as Lorna did not bring her best dress & I was wanted at home Mother almost done up from the heat this morning was lovely & cool & I did all necessary work & rested in afternoon Bert Lorna & Gwenda went to the back field for a drive & I got Tea & Myrtle & Wilfred & Mavis were home to Tea then went back & we retired very knocked out.

Jan 10th I intended going with Dad to Gawler & take the girls home so I just did all morning duties & then we had lunch & started called at Eva's & took cream to Factory then to Uncle Wills & had a chat he got Rhuematism back to street & got some sugar bags &c over to Amy & had afternoon Tea home & help milk.

Jan 11th I got up before the Sun & lit both the fire & stove put on Boiler as I had no sheets & did all washing after helping with early duties my hands wer so bad & I did not get done till late & scrubbed up & ironed not many this week so got all done & help milk got in wood & assist with Tea washed up &c

Jan 12 Up in good time many times before the sun is up & light fire & take in tea give boys hteir meal & put up Tea for them & either cut dinner or help tidied rooms & done mine Amy Olive & Bernice & Celia baby came for day we had dinner & I mended & talked had cup Tea & she went home & I did usual work Louie & Leslie Waters came home with Bert for night Dad killed a sheep today I was out milking cows when Louie came

Jan 13 I was so crippled up with Rheumatism I got up at five lit fire & made Tea Louie dressed & took it in to Parents & I cut Liver & Onions & fried for boys & put up dinenrs Mum assisted then I washed Sep & Louie fried chops & Onions for our breakfast I unripped boys bed & joined a piece on to make it longer by hand took a good while I swept the dining room Mum her room & Louise washed the floors Dad then drove them to Marys & he went to Sandfords for Peaches I help milk got in wood & cleared Tea I was very tired indeed

Jan 14 As we had all 4 front rooms done I decided on making a pan of Peaches into Jam & it was not too good a color they were so green Mum done boys room I the Kitchen & sealed the Jam Dad went ot Gawler & brought home 1/2 case Apricots so I set too cut all up & put Sugar on tonight ready for Morning.

January 15 Up real early lit fire & got Jam on & got a cup Tea & breakfast washed Sep & then attended to Jam baked Meat leg Mutton & a nice Cake made two apple pies & tart & stewed Apricots besides teh usual work & bottled the Jam cleaned all cutlery & wahsed Berts trousers milked 5 cows & it was after 8 o'clock when I got finished up & was so done also Mum was working all day long & tired too

Jan 16 Was up & clenaed my stove so nice & then got a cup of Tea for all boys milked & we had breakfast Bert did Sepr & Harry & Frances & all except Lorna who is in Town came for the day we prepared dinner & 13 sat down & in afternoon Berts dog died I got awfully upset & layed down a while Ada Albert & Gladys came had tea boys quarrelled & hurt French George Amy & girleis came till nine then I retired

Jan 17 I got up & got breakfast over lit the Copper & washed Dad went to Gawler I got very done as it came out hot & I had to get indoors rested a while & folded clothes & then I help Clem milk came in cut up 18 lbs of peaches for Jam mum lent a hand we had late Tea as Dad killed a sheep after 8 o'clock we were so very tired no it was Tuesday he killed a sheep not Monday as reported here. Myrtle has a baby boy born yesterday morning127 Jan 16th on Murrays 10th Birthday a lovely day I washed Mums Bonnet & several starch clothes

127 Wilfred Lance Atyeo

Jan 18 Up very early & lit fire & got on the Jam got breakfast & did usual housework & cut off some Jam pots & finished & dished up Jam by dinner time rested & then made paste & sealed it all down Mum assited me & then I ironed till I had to help milk then Dad killed the sheep Wilfred went to Gawler was so late to Tea & I was done as I filed all bottle & washed them ready for the next lot of Jam my legs & back were awful

Jan 19 My birthday & I wished to go for a drive so we all got up early first lot before the Dun I mended stockings before sunrise made fire & Dad & Mum cut up & salted meat I fried Liver & Onions & washed up boys breakfast things & got ours help with dinners then drove to Celia's took Bernice with me to Willaston for Bread & Vegetables & to Amys to dinner back to Celia for the afternoon talked & mended ome & help with evening work washed Cream Can & put out cream to cool.

Jan 20 Not up till 35 past 5 lit fire & got the meal cut dinner & put up Tea Mum in the dairy & then lent a hand I washed up Sep & all & did beds rested a wee & then I made large Alford cake & then made apple dumplings & fried potatoes & onions a lovely breeze but very hot sun Mum writing

Jan 21st Up darly & did all morning duties same as usual boys intended being home to dinner so I only put up lunch for them then swept & dusted dining room & mohters room & put all clean covers on & clean curtains up to Small window Dad went ot Gawler hot day he got Plums & I did my room & at night stoned & prepared plums till 10'ock.

Jan 22 Up before the sun also Mother got up & churned I put on Jam & had it done & up at 8/30 also got breakfast & wahsed Sepr by then Mum did boys room & I bottled Jam & made apple & plum pie & Tarts all home to dinner cleaned it away & did Cutlery cleaned Stove & washed trousers help mum bathed Harry & late to bed 11 o'ck.

Jan 23 An awful hot day so I never went to Church I got breakfast Wilfred lit fire as he wanted a cup of Tea we all had one & then we did housework & boys milked I made a brown stew for dinner & rested in afternoon very hot winds

Jan 24 I did not intend washing so I got dressed at sunrise made a cup of Tea got breakfast & then I washed Sepr & did housework & made a nightdress for Mother in the afternoon & there is always the boys dinners to cut & pack it was like a change & cooler than yesterday but still very hot indeed.

Jan 25 Same round of duties & cooler Dad went ot Gawler & I did all ordinary work & in the afternoon I made a nightdress for myself & cut up Soap & Borax for washing I soaked in & help milk very windy & dusty & change has come now

Jan 26 Up very early & lit copper & stove & boys had their breakfast & milked I got in some clothes & I tried to hurry but was very crippled with Rheumatics I had a lot of starch clothes all mats from Ma's rooms & covers from both Mums Spencer & dark fern Blouse my check & Helitrope & crepe blouse Kitchen cupboard cutrain 4 sheets 3 nightdresses &c &c

Jan 27 As the boys were all home to dinner yesterday they finished the stack home & today they went to Charlies I did all my usual work & done all the ironign nice cool day I also  made pie & a nice large Cake I did not feel well

Jan 28 Friday all morning duties over & I took up matting & swept & washed inign room passage & round mine & Mum's also did boys room & washed all Glass in dining room mum china cups & saucers &c from cupboard Dad never went to Gawler & I had a rest & then I made fire & got cup of Tea & help milk Bert went to Gawler Mrs E Modra's little boy got scalded in a pan of Jam he died aged 2 & 5 months128 it was a pan of boiling water from preserves it was scalded last Monday & died Wensday

128 Douglas Raymond Modra, son of Edward August Modra and Hulda Adeline Day.

Jan 29 Dad went to Gawler I did all my usual duties & baked a leg mutton Plum pie & large cake we had dinner & I washed up such a lot scrubbed table & then I rested then I got up cleaned all cutlery & meantel piece in kitchen then I bath Harry & self & washed out a lot of things Bert went to Gawler & Wilfred brought his family home saw baby final time Lorna came too to help her

Jan 30 I felt very bad last night & this day felt I could scarcely move but blackleaded stove & got a cup of Tea & breakfast & did my room expected Celia home & she never came I feel disappointed too I never went to church today either like a change quite hot Bert & King Turner129 are driving to Kapunda to day Bert is at Amys to dinner & Coral & Albert were here to see uas. 

128 King Turner is probably either Howard Kingsley Clarence Turner, or Clifford Thomas Kingsley Turner.

Jan 31st Holiday129 & we expected Celia & Family also Amy & Family for teh day so Mother & I both got on with our work early I had all morning duties over & Mother was preparing apples for pie at 8 o'clock boys milking & feeding animals. We were just started breakfast & George & Amy & girlies came & when we had finished Percy & Family came. Amy ill all day made pie & Tarts & a brown Stew cooked vegetables also we just did all ordinary work & at 3 o'clock George finished out in back paddock & came hoe then Percy so we had early Tea & they went home very hot day.

129 Celebration of Australia Foundation Day on January 26th. This is the first mention in Aunty Fan's diaries of what we currently celebrate as Australia Day.

February 1st I did not intend washing as I felt so ill Indigestion I did all early duties & got breakfast over washed separator Dad went ot Gawler & I did usual work he got home dinner time & it was a thunderstorm I melted the Soap & Borax & soaked in clothes ready for washign also did some flannels & Pyjamas as Bert was at Kapunda sports yesterday A cool change sea breeze & Thunder & lightening & it blew both roofs off sheds partly & torn down the bays from buggy shed Harry was frightened of it.

Feb 2nd Up in good time before sunrise & lit a fire in Kitchen & put on boiler & did the washing finished about 2 o'clock & had late dinner Oh dear I felt ill I could hardly move but I had a rest & then did all ironing also Berts Shirt & collars very bad & retired to bed after Tea

Feb 3rd Still awfully unwell but decided if possible to do my work & go to Gawler tomorrow so I did all morning work then swept & washed all the rooms & passage & dusted was all day & only finished by tea time lovely weather.

Feb 4 Up in good time & got all morning duties over swept kitchen washed all Sepr & milk things & also put up cream & washed cream cans then made beds & got ready for Gawler Dad & I got in there at 12/30 & did shopping I got new bolster & pillow Tick new Hat for self & Olive called at Amys & had a cup cocoa & chat & got home about 5/40 had tea & reckoned up articles

Feb 5 All morning duties the same & then I got breakfast did Clems dinner washe dup all milk utensils swept Sepr house came in & did some scrubbing made beds & swept dusted Mum & I cooked leg Mutton & Mum cooked Trom & pots I stewed plums & made custard dinner over & I washed all pots & dishes & the table cleaned all cutlery Mum Spoons me knobs I made my pillow & bolster Ticks milked 3 cows cleaned up the stove &c lovely day

Feb 6th Up at about 6/30 & swept the Kitchen got cup of Tea & breakfast called Boys I made beds & our meal over we Bert & I drove to Lower Light only Auntie & Maria home & Nita130 & little Elvie we had beautiful drive there & had stuffed Teal for dinner then a chat & Tea & they milked we arrived here at midnight & soon retired we had quite a nice time only saddened by the gloom that hangs over the home by the deaht of dear Uncle & everything seems different now.

130 Cousin Lillias' daughter Nita Irene Porter

Feb 7th I was so unwell on waking so I got the usual Tea & then breakfast & then I washed all dairy utensils put up Clems dinner usual housework & dinner over I started to pick Feathers for a Bolster & pillow Mohter helped me & we got done in time for afternoon Tea I thoroughly swept Kitchen after the fluff of Feathers I felt so tired & unwell

Feb 8 I could not wash or go to Gawler too ill for that so just did all necessary work & then some mending & rested got afternoon Tea Dad went to Gawler with Cream Boys odd work & killed a sheep at evening time Clem is always on the land

Feb 9 Still unable to wash so did all usual duties & some sewing & wrote letters I had to fry Liver 7 Onions for breakfast & bake meat for dinner I was mending with Machien as Mum can't see to.

Feb 10 I got up lit stove & made Tea then lit up the copper & did all washing by 11 o'clock then I did an extra suit unripped Coat of Bert & washed it & folded clothes fearfully hot I coudl not scrub till 5 o'clock then got all done up nicely.

Feb 11 Another terrible hot day promised so I hurried & got all breakfast over & washed Separator early then got to the ironing & pressing finished by Dinner time had a rest & then I swept & washed my room Mum cooked Leg Mutton Potatoes & Trombone Custard & frosted Peaches awful hot nights

Feb 12 A little cooler as it was overcast Dad went to Gawler & I got cream ready & had a big washing of cream Cans & Sep & Buckets had breakfast & did dining room washed floor & passage thoroughly had dinner & washe dup & rested an hour got up & cleaned all Cutlery Knobs boots brushed up stove bathed Harry in big bath Bert had a bath & I got his tea we all had aftenroon Tea & then I help Clem & Wilf milk & he with his family went to Ada's Murray was here for night & went home with Wilf Bert to Gawler Clem is bathing I washing Berts Denhams &c

Feb 13th Mothers Birthday but she was so unwell that she just laid about all day or sat outside it was certainly cooler though very hot midday I was kept going all the morning & besides my ordinary duties I made a Brown Stew for dinner I rested after clearing dinner away bert went away directly after dinner & was at Frances to Tea Clem went to Wilf for afternoon.

Feb 14th I intended going to Gawler but as Mum was unwell I stayed home as usual Dad went & was home to dinner I did all ordinary work but felt so very unwell had to rest a while then I did some mending

Feb 15 I could not wash but Jim & Ada came out last night & stayed till 10/30 brought out Peaches & apples so I got up & got our cup Tea swept Kitchen & cut up the fruit & weighed both it & sugar & got it on then washed up & filed down the bottles & cleaned them & cut up apples Mum helped me prepare them bottled off Peach & got it in my legs pained so terribly standing but I got all done help milk while bert killed a sheep I cleaned the stew pan & labled all the Jam I was dead beat

Feb 16 Up very early & although feeling very unfit to work plenty stared me in the face first as I had previously cleaned out flues of stove the night before I lit fire in fiarplace & got cup of Tea cleaned Stove & fried Liver & Onions & felt fit to drop washed Sepr & Celia & girlies came I was so glad to see her & she cleaned sheeps Head & generally asisted I had 1/2 hour rest dinner time after making th epie & getting all dinner ready Frances came for afternoon & little Laurel Williams131 & Gwen French & Hazel Cel got a cup of Tea set I made fire & brewed the Tea then sewed a cushion.

131 Edith Laurel Williams, a cousin of the Folland children.

Feb 17 Well I got up & did all my duties & cut up figs for Jam prepared pots for same & washed sepr & Buckets made beds & then I made a large Cake rested a while then sealed down the jam etc

Feb 18 As I had not washed I got up 5/30 & lit sopper & did it by dinner time but had a heavy job to get through we had dinenr & I cleared & wahse dup & scrubbed the dresser mantel piece chairs table I rested an hour & then I did all the ironing Fashion Shirt Collar Hat &c I was so so tired & wrung out Mother washed Sep me the Buckets & pots.

Feb 19 Very back with work so I got our Tea & washed cups & filled the Kettle swept the Kitchen thorough also dining room had breakfast & washed dining room floor & passage round Ma's room washed Sep cream can & all swept Sep House & doorway gathered Figs & grapes & then made bed dusted & washed things of side board had dinner & lit up stove & made & baked a apple pie & jam tart Mum stuffed fowl & I sewed it up & we cooked it I swept & washed my floor dusted the furtniture in dining room washed my head bathed Harry washed clothes Bert had a bath & went to Gawler I washed up & bathed self.

Feb 20th We expected Amy & George home so I did not go to Church I got up got our usual Tea & swept Kitchen & got beds all made & then I got breakfast over & washed up I had a rest & then we got dinner & home they came so had some with us & Amy helped me washup & then we chatted George & I Mum & Amy Olive tried to play a tune of Piano we got Tea Franc & Harry &c came I help Bert milk & Frances help wash up.

Feb 21st I had decide don going to Gawler with Dad so hurried & did my usual morning work washed up Sepr & did the housework that I always do we drove first to the Factory then to North Gawler & back to Street I got shirts for Bert & Dad changed my Tickets & got an Aluminium saucepan got new Boots for Harry for his Birthday home & there came a storm dust & Thunder in Gawler there was never such a dreadful storm known Hailstones large as eggs smashed over 100 windows & did hundreds of pounds worth of damage.

132 Newspaper report on the storm.

Feb 22nd As I had been away I decided to leave my washing till tomorrow & made another new pillow Tick & filled it als two new cushions for chairs I worked very hard Bert & Clem went to Ada's at night for peaches & apples I also did all ordinary duties & picking Fathers takes a lot of time the weather is still very thundery & hot Parents feel the heat very much indeed & I am not atall well myself either my side.

Feb 23rd I got up early & very soon Mother came out & started churning I got the breakfast & cut Clems dinner & started washing got 3 boils by nine then had my breakfast & went back to Tubs I felt awfully done up ould not cut my dinner for a while then I washe dup everything Mum plucked a Fowl I folded clothes & help milk mum churned again while I dished up & served the fowl she got her Butter Oh dear I felt done.

Feb 24th Fair time & same morning work then I cleaned kitchen window I had previously gathered Figs for Jam so I cu thtem up Mum helped then I made the Jam cut off a lot of Bottles & filed them I felt real done i also ironed my clohtes I cut off a lot of Bottles sealed & marked all Jam & put away.

Feb 25 Same time about sunrise now its slack time I got our usual Tea & breakfast & swept the dining room then I washed Sepr &c & came in made beds & dust the dining room cut out a dark blue stripe Blouse for self & kept at it till 3 o'clock when Ihad to leave off & Fry Mutton chops & onions for our dinner Dad had just come from Gawler & wash done out with heat & he was in a Thunder Storm in Gawler I help milk

Feb 26 I did try to hurry after getting our cup Tea I damped & swept Boys room & dusted it & had brf washed all Sep Cream Can &c then swept my room & went on at Blouse till 3 sewed on Buttons & at 4 ock & bathed Harry & mended his clothes then I washed Berts Denham trousers & coat Huarrys pants shirt & all other things ironed my Blouse then other things washed passage dining room had Tea & I altered a singlet cleaned cutlery at 10 o'clock had bath.

Feb 27 All usual & after dinner I went to Loos H.T.S.132 & to Celia's to Tea there was a full church & all Sisters but Amy the air very oppressive Bernice came home with me at seven oclock & we had a chat the church looked lovely.

132 Harvest Thanksgiving service.

Feb 28 A wet morning & it rained all steadily not so much after dinner Bernice & Harry played in the Verandah hostly both of our cows Blue Bell & Rose have calves today Blue Bells is a heifer but not Wilfs cows I did not do any special work all ordinary daily toil & did some sewing & got in wood helped milk at night. I put the Coleus out to get a drink & the wind broke it down.

March 1st Up in fair time but not atall strong so took Dr Tobins133 remedy I did all work as usual & packed up Bernice things & then I took up some flowers & repotted some gathered a box Figs for Amy which Bert took to her on Spring Trolly Bernice rode along with him too Mother help me pick off Black Prince Grapes for Jam tomorrow & I cleaned some bottles ready & got afternoon tea for us all nice day.  

133 Dr Tobin is a local doctor that the family sees regularly

March 2nd Up early swept Kitchen & got cup Tea & Bert cut down Sheep so I had to fry Liver & Onions & got on Jam washed up everythign in the dairy line cut off & filed a lot of Bottles had a bother with Jam not as pretty in color as I like it Mum had to cook dinner I made a apple pie & currant cake washed up all Jam utensils pasted down Jam & then soaked in clothes ready for washing tomorrow

March 3rd Bert brought home a new corn Grinder yesterday so is going to fix it up today & also he & Eilfred are loading a load of Hay I got up & got all whites boiled early & then I took down Parlour curtain & wahsed & starched them they look lovely but I got so awfully done out really could not rub at last I scrubbed table & all milk Buckets & things Mum did Sepr I ironed & then at 7/30 almost collapsed & retired

March 4 Was so ill thought of going to Dr but Dad did not go to Gawler so I cleaned Mums room & passage washed floors made a Flannel for self & mended Quilt dinner over help wash up clenaed dining room my room & cleaned all Silver ware trinket Box got tea went to see Grinder work help milk Wilfred & all are gone to Gawler I feel so crook a beautiful day so bright.

March 5 Saturday with its usual duties I thought of going to Dr but did not care to drive alone & Wilfred & Myrtle & children went & got our things I gave boys room a thorough clean scrubbed the dining room safe washed my floor cleaned cutlery bathed Harry & self & wahsed some things out Bert went to Gawler at night & I help milk got in wood

March 6 Harvest thanks at Stone Hill so I got up & got our morning cup of Tea & then I swept Kitchen made beds dressed Harry & got ready for Church & then went ot Ada's to dinner & to Charls to Tea home & helped milk a lovely day today.

March 7 I did not intend washing as I had different things to do same early duties always I was so unwell but did what I could Dad & I went to Gawler coalled at Amys & had a chat on to street & did a bit of Shopping got a ride as far as Amy with a lady from Sheoak Log Dad called for me I ws at my dinner stuffed Hare.

March 8 As I expected Celia for tomorrow I decided on washing I was jolly bad & could scarcely keep up at all however I battled through by dinner time then scrubbed Buckets cream cans & rested a while then ironed all clothes by teatime then got awfully hurt through injustice to me.

March 9 Same work & then all housework & I picked a Bucket of Figs & went to Myrtles for Stewpan then I cut up & made a dozen of Figs into Jam for Frances cut off a lot of Bottles & washed up everything helped milk Celia & her children got home at 2/30 & she helped Dad with killing a sheep Myrtle was also down & her children Wilfred & Mr George Mortimer134 were at Sale at Abbatoirs & bought sheep Mum got afternoon Tea & I got all cleared up & went home also Myrtle Cel I had to help milk

134 George Augustus Mortimer, a neighbour.

March 10 Same early duties & labelled the Jam & put it away prepared breakfast & swept Kitchen made beds washed Separator & all other things filed & cleaned bottles mended my black aprons & cut out a black R.S. petticoat got rather puzzled over it & was worried got my feelings hurt

March 11 Up & did usual work swept & dusted boys room Harry went home yesterday then I did my & dining romo &washed passage & dining room Wilf & family went to Gawler Effie & Harry stayed with us I made my petticoat & an apron help milk hotter day I watered pot platns they were late home I was in a bath when they got here & retired to rest

March 12 My early duties the same & then I swept & duted Kitchen made beds & washed Buckets cream cans Sepr roasted a leg mutton & made a Melon pie early dinner & then I washe dup cleaned all Cutlery & finished my sewing packed a basket & rode as far as Amys with Bert had Tea & Dorothy Vowels135 went to Pictures we chatted & Amy had an awful cough so I rubbed her chest & back & we never got any sleep for it.

135 Dorothy Ena Vowles, aged 14 or so, who is staying at Amy's presumably to help with the house?

March 13 We did not dress till 8 o'clock Dorothy brought us in a cup of Tea & Olive & I had a real good talk it was a hot muggy day so I had a good rest & in afternoon took children for a walk had Tea & read & rested never went to Church I went ot see Mrs McLeod & Hettie136 busy unpacking

136 Eva's mother, Mrs McLeod (Elizabeth Grace Webber). Hettie McLeod is Eva's sister).

March 14 Dorothy brought us in a cup of Tea & George was up at breakfast I help washup made bed then went to see Gwenda & Frances was washing also Amy lovely day only too hot I remained at Amys till 4 o'clock then Dad came for me & I went to Dr & did a bit shopping & we came straight home had Tea & cleared it away a little cooler tonight Thundery I think

March 15 I felt so ill but got up & dressed at six & made fire took in Tea & then got breakfast washed up & had to rest a while then made a frill for my underskirt & the sewing keep milk got in wood & cleared away Tea cooler again & raining

March 16 All morning duties are the same & wash up everythign cut up Melon & then went on sewing then I made Melon pie & we had dinner boys all worknig the land at present Wilf & Effie went out & got a sheep he & dad Killed it I made pillow case help milk (4) got in wood nice & cool raining a bit Bert & Wilf are gone to Ada's tonight for fruit.

March 17 St Pathericks Day & usual work in all morning & as I had not been ablet o do any work I had to try & wash a few things but fared very badly at it & then rested & was mending Berts Denhmas in the afternoon & Aunt Paterson came I put it away & got up & swept washed & dusted my room cleaned window & we had Tea boys milked I cleaned Kitchen window.

March 18 I got up & got a cup of Tea for us all swept Kitchen & dining room had braekast & then I washed Sepr & came in & cleaned Ma's room & passage washed all & dusted got done dinner time & afterwards I drove Auntie to Ada's for Fruit called at Celia's & she was not home so went on to Charls & saw them home to Tea.

March 19 All early duties same & Mum & Auntie intended gonig to Gawler to see Frances & Uncle Charlie Heath Auntie picked a fowl for me before she went & Mum washed up & they had lunch I did hurry & stuff the fowl & roasted it with a leg of Mutton made apple pies & tart & Geroge & Olive came she to stay he to go out in back paddock for wood I then swept Kitchen had a bath cleaned all cutlery & got Gea for Dad & boys we milked & Bert went to Gawler they came home & we had tea I was so done out.

March 20 All Sunday work to do & I preapred Vegetables & got early dinner George & Amy home to that. Celia & Percy & family spent the morning here came to see Auntie. Amy & I went to church at Loo's & saw Gladys Baptised137 home to Tea & had music George went home early lovely day.

137 This would be Ada's daughter Gladys Parham.

March 21st Auntie went home yesterday so I got up at six also Amy & I lit Copper & stove & she & I did a big wash & all 4 new shirts & all bed linen we got done at 1 oclock had dinner I washed Sepr & all cans & Buckets & scrubbed table folded all clothes little Celia is a darling & full of tricks we both helpd milk & made beds &c

March 22 Same early duties then I washed Sepr Amy picked a fowl I did housework & Amy & children went to Myrles till Dad came home from Gawler Mrs George Argent138 came & Clarence I started ironing at 4 o'clock & ironed till 10 with the exception of milking I was dead beat Amy had a job to get Baby to sleep we had Water melon.

138 This is Mary Ann Argent (nee Chivell), wife of John George Argent, and her son Sydney Clarence Argent

March 23 We did not rise quite as early this morn I always do just the same work then make all beds & also an Apple Pie & Jam Tart & a nice cake Mum roasted a fowl & cooked Veg Marrow & Pots we all enjoyed a lovely dinner & in afternoon after all wasy cleared we rested & Amy played Piano I mended stockings Bert drove her home at night

March 24 I did everything as usual & then I swept & washed my room & dining room dusted both had a rest washe dout a few articles besides assit in various ways I had to wash glass ware &c we expected Eva but she never came after all so I milked 5 cows cleaned windwo watered flowers sorted different boxes & drawers.

Good Friday March 25 1921 Same duties & washed up all dairy things swept Mums room Front room washed passage & then Olive dusted the front rom me Mums Dinner over I had to fry liver & onions for breakfast Eva & girls came George brought home with wire door then Mary & her family came we were speaking a few moments & Mr McLean & Annie & Mrs Bright Senr came in the car & Mr Reynolds139 I got afternoon Tea McLeans went home before I help milk & I am not well all the children been here this aftenroon Wilf's Charl's Mary's & Olive.  

139 Annie Joyce McLean, daughter of Mr McLean, and his mother-in-law, Joyce Bright nee Cox. Not sure who Mr Reynolds is yet.

March 26 I got up early & did usual work then I put cream in Cans ready for Gawler & washed the dairy things I did hurry & got Olive & self ready for Gawler with Dad went shopping got new dress length & sacepan with Tickets I went to Amys to dinner Dad to Frances & Phyllis came home with us I went ot Dr nice day & Olive stayed home with Baby

March 27 I got up & Blackleaded stove as I was away yesterday got all work done & got ready with Phyllis for Stone Hill large congregation there & we came home school road I rested after dinne r& got Tea Myrtle & all children were home here for a while Bert went to city

March 28 A lovely day for Easter Monday & all early duties aover then Wilf had an accident with forehead & Myrtle drove him to Dr all children stayed here & I got Lance his Bottle & fed him they got home midday George & Family & his father140 came & put up wire door then went to Olives Picnic I was busy at work all day baking cake

140 Dale William Hobart, father of George.

March 29 Nice day but I thought of going to Gawler so did not wash I did not go though I did everythign necessary & then started a Quilted rug besides helping milk 6 cows

March 30 I had to wash as I had been so unwell I lit fire by lamp & got all washign done dinner time Cel came & we had a terrible dust storm broke our new door rained so much Cel Marion & Vivie stayed al lnight boys got wet so had clothes to dry

March 31 Cel went home today I been doing my Quilt & all duties helped milk boys killed a sheep Bert gone to dance G South Phyllis still here Murray at Wilf's lovely cool change

[end of book]


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